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mall 购物中心;convenience store 便利店chain store 连锁店;supermarket 超市department store 百货商店;grocery 杂货店

customer 顾客;complaint 投诉;

display 展示counter 柜台;

balance 余额,结余;budget 预算

catalog 商品目录;famous brands 名牌;bargain 讨价还价(v.); 便宜货(n.); stationery文具

electronic products 电子产品;digital camera 数码相机;discount 折扣;shopping list 购物清单;receipt 收据;on sale 出售,上市;

sell out 售完;out of stock 没货,脱销;deliver 送货


trivial affairs 日常琐事;laundry 洗衣店

iron 烫衣服;keep an eye on sb./sth. 照料某人事

in a mess 杂乱;economical 经济的,节俭的open an account 开户;deposit 存款;

withdraw 取钱;interest rate 利率;

property 财产; debt 债务;

pay off 还清;parcel 包裹;

zip/postal code 邮政编码


leisure time 休闲时间;call on sb. 拜访某人

drop by/round 突然造访;take a message 捎信hospitable 好客的;hang up 挂断电话

hold on 别挂电话;operator 接线员


hobby 爱好;keep pets 养宠物;

tame dog 训狗gardening 园艺;

play chess 下象棋TV channels 电视频道;broadcast 广播,播放live broadcast 现场直播;programme 电视节目commercial advertisement 商业广告

tennis court 网球场;performance 表演entertainment industry娱乐业;comedy 喜剧

tragedy 悲剧;horror movie 恐怖片;

plot 情节entertaining 有趣的,愉快的;

enthusiastic 热情的


waiter/waitress 男女服务员;napkin 餐巾

order 点菜;tip 消费;

menu 菜单;snack 快餐

dessert 甜点;appetizer 开胃菜;

yogurt 酸奶toast 烤面包;

junk food 垃圾食品;roast 烤肉

beef steak 牛排;rare 半熟的;

medium 中等熟的sour/sweet/bitter/hot 酸甜苦辣go dutch AA制;treat 款待,宴请

make a reservation 预定;have a picnic 野餐


landlord/landlady 房东;tenant 房客

apartment/flat 公寓;residence 居住,住所

monthly rent 月租;spare rooms 空余房间available 可利用的;accommodate 供给住宿或房间settle 定居;downtown 市中心;

suburb 郊区neighborhood 邻近地区;transportation 交通subway entrance 地铁入口;put up with the noise 容忍噪音


furnished 已装修的;furniture 家具

decoration 装饰;painting 画;

cupboard 衣柜shower 淋浴;

sink 下水槽;pipe 管道;

leak 漏水fix 维修;

install 安装;maintenance man/technician 维修工

air conditioner 空调



register 注册,报到,登记;enrolment 登记入学department 系;student ID card 学生证recommendation letter 推荐信;application form 申请表


semester 学期;register for/sign up for/enroll in/take 选课

quit/drop a course 退课;earn a credit 修学分

major in 主修;required /compulsory course 必修课

optional/elective course 选修课curriculum 课程;

linguistics 语言学;philosophy 哲学;

psychology 心理学;literature class 文学课


professor 教授;supervisor/advisor 导师

lecturer 讲师;tutor 家教;

dean 系主任teaching assistant 教学助理

call the roll 点名;catch/follow 跟上

make a presentation 作陈述或介绍confused/puzzled 迷惑不解的;get lost 不明白attendance 出席人数;presence 出席absence 缺席;

punctual 守时,准时take notes 记笔记;

skip the class 逃课make up…弥补(课)


assignment/homework 作业;experiment 实验

survey 调查;rough draft 草稿;

final draft 终稿have one’s hands full with… 忙于做…

due 到期;deadline 最后期限;

criticism 批评feedback 反馈


journal 定期刊物;magazine 杂志;

periodical 期刊;book review 书评;

editorial 社论;go through this novel 通读小说out of stock 已脱销;out of print 已绝版

up-to-date 最近的,当代的;publisher 出版者

reference book 参考书;publication 出版,出版物;publishing house 出版社


concentrate 集中精神;distraction 使人分心的事

review/revise 复习;fall behind 落后;

think much /highly of…对…评价很高


mid-term exam 期中考试;final exam 期末考试

quiz 小测验;pop quiz 突击测验;standardized tests 标准测试; national test 统考

entrance exam 入学考试;review/go over/go through 复习;
