I. 文献综述(Literature Review)在写作硕士论文时,一篇精彩的文献综述是非常重要的。
以下是一些有关文献综述的英文写作技巧:1. 熟悉相关研究领域的主要文献:通过仔细阅读与研究课题相关的文献,了解该领域的最新研究进展和观点。
2. 确定一个清晰的研究问题:确保文献综述明确描述你的研究问题,并解释为什么这个问题值得研究。
3. 组织文献综述的结构:根据不同的主题将文献分类,逐步深入研究,分析和比较已有文献的观点和结果。
4. 善用引用:在论文中使用适当的引用来支持你的观点,并遵循学术引用规范。
II. 方法(Methodology)在描述研究方法和实验设计时,正确清晰的表达至关重要。
以下是一些有关方法论的英文写作技巧:1. 描述实验步骤和操作程序:用清晰简洁的语言描述你的实验过程以及所使用的材料和设备。
2. 确定参与者和样本:详细描述研究涉及的参与者或样本选择过程,包括参与者的特征和招募方式。
3. 数据收集与分析方法:明确指出你使用的数据收集方法,例如问卷调查或实验观察,并简要描述你选择的数据分析方法。
4. 强调研究方法的可靠性和有效性:讨论你所采用的方法的优点和局限,并解释为什么你认为这些方法能够帮助你回答研究问题。
III. 论文结构与段落连贯一个良好的硕士论文应该有清晰的结构和流畅的段落连接。
以下是一些建议:1. 逻辑结构:确保你的论文有明确的引言、文献综述、方法、结果和讨论等部分,并将它们有机地连接在一起,形成一个完整的逻辑结构。
2. 段落结构:每个段落都应该有一个明确的主题句,并围绕这个主题句展开论述。
3. 语言风格:使用简练、准确的语言来阐述观点,避免冗长和复杂的句子结构。
英文科技论文写作技巧大全英文科技论文的基本格式•Title•Author(s)•Affiliation(s) and address(es) •Abstract•Keywords•Introduction •Experimental •Results and discussion •Conclusion (Summary;Concluding remarks) •Appendix (Abbreviation)•Acknowledgement •References2.基本要求(1)Title长短适中,概括性强,重点突出,一目了然。
(3)Affiliation(s) and address(es)准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息顺利地与作者联系。
(7)Results and discussion是论文的核心部分,要求:–数据及图表的内容及含义交代清楚,有条理;–对数据及现象的归纳、演绎、解释、立论要有逻辑性、自洽性。
(8)Conclusion (Summary, Concluding remarks)简明扼要地归纳出本论文的新发现、新观点、新理论等。
如果该篇英语论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./Prof.C.Prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。
打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。
二、英语论文提纲英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。
英语专业论文写作的一些技巧下面给大家讲讲英语专业论文写作的一些技巧,欢送阅读!1 英语专业的论文的选题很重要,选对了题,接下来的写作就会很顺利,否那么不然。
2 下面以英美文学为例来看一下如何选题,如果你选择这个方向的话那么恭喜你,因为这个方向可以写很多东西,但是正因为好写好多题目都已经被写过了。
3 选好题后,就可以开始搜集相关方面的书籍和资料,搜集的资料主要作的材料。
1 开题报告的写作很讲究,如果你开题报告确定了,那么就可以开始写正文了。
开题报告包括5局部:Title(题目),background(国内外研究现状),influence(选题目的和意义),Thesis statement(主题),Outline(提纲),Bibliography()。
以下是一些常用的句型:1.引言- In recent years, there has been a growing interest in...- It is widely acknowledged that...- With the rapid development of...- The purpose of this study is toinvestigate/examine/analyze...2.文献综述- According to previous research, ...- Several studies have shown/suggested/indicated that...- Smith (2024) pointed out that...- Previous studies have focused on..., however, little attention has been given to...3.问题陈述- One of the major challenges in this field is...- The main issue for consideration is...- This problem can be attributed to...- It is important to address this issue because...4.方法描述- The research was conducted using aquantitative/qualitative approach.- A sample of XX participants was selected for the study.- The data were collected throughsurveys/interviews/observations.- Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS/Excel.5.结果呈现- The findings of the study suggest/indicate/show that...- The data revealed a significant/inverse correlation between...- It was found that there is a strong association between X and Y.- These results support the hypothesis/theory/framework that...6.讨论- The results are consistent with previousstudies/scholarship/theories.- The findings of this study provide important insights into the understanding of...- The limitations of this study should be acknowledged.- Further research is needed to explore/address/clarify the factors/relationships.7.结论- In conclusion, this study has shown/provided evidence that...- The findings of this research contribute to the existing literature.- This study has implications for futurepractice/policy/research.- To sum up, this research provides a foundation for further investigation.8.建议- Future studies should focus on...- It is important to develop/implement strategies/policies to...- The implications of this research suggest the need for...这些句型可以帮助你陈述论文的目的、描绘问题、描述方法、呈现结果和讨论结论。
1. 审题:仔细阅读论文题目,理解论文的主题、方向、范围等,确保自己掌握了题目的要求和意图。
2. 查阅资料:根据论文题目,查阅相关资料,了解国内外研究状况,对各种观点和研究成果进行客观的分析和评价。
3. 制定提纲:在审题和查阅资料的基础上,制定论文的提纲,将策略细致的整合,并根据自己的思路汇总成一个完整的计划。
4. 收集材料:收集关于论文主题的一切有用资料,包括文献、调查问卷、实验数据等。
5. 填充段落:根据提纲,在各个段落中填充相应的内容,注意段落之间的逻辑联系和衔接。
6. 检查修改:检查论文的语言是否准确,是否通顺,修正语法、拼写、标点等方面的错误,并且确保论文表述清晰、具有说服力。
7. 友人校稿:请有经验的朋友为论文进行最后的检查,修正论文中可能的问题、歧义、模糊等存在的问题。
学术论文英文题目和摘要的撰写方法一、英文题名1、题名的结构英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(noun phrase)最常见,即题名基本上由1 个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。
例如,美国医学会规定题名不超过2 行,每行不超过42 个印刷符号和空格;英国数学会要求题名不超过12 个词。
5、题名中的大小写题名字母的大小写有以下3 种格式:全部字母大写;每个词的首字母大写,但3个或4 个字母以下的冠词、连词、介词全部小写;题名第1个词的首字母大写,其余字母均小写。
6 、题名中的缩略词语已得到整个科技界或本行业科技人员公认的缩略词语,才可用于题名中,否则不要轻易使用。
二、作者与作者单位的英译1、作者中国人名按汉语拼音拼写:Cao Chongzhen;CAO Chong-zhen2、单位单位名称要写全(由小到大),并附地址和邮政编码,确保联系方便。
如:School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030,China三、英文摘要1、英文摘要的时态英文摘要时态的运用以简练为佳。
英文科研论文写作简介1. 引言英文论文写作的前提是有创新研究成果,创新研究成果的关键是选题。
“An acceptable primary scientific publication” must be “the first disclosure”.科研论文写作常出现的一个误区是:以为好论文是“写”出来的,只要会写,论文总能被接受发表。
The goal of scientific research is publication. Scientists, starting as graduate students, are measured primarily not by their dexterity in laboratory manipulations, not by their innate knowledge of either broad or narrow scientific subjects, and certainly not by their wit or charm; they are measured, and become known (or remain unknown) by their publications.A scientific experiment, no matter how spectacular the results, is not completed until the results are published.Thus, the scientists must not only “do” the science but must “write” science. Bad writing can and often does prevent or delay the publication of good science.2.科研论文的一般格式。
1. 写作结构论文的结构对于阐明观点、组织思路至关重要。
2. 语法和拼写良好的语法和拼写是论文写作的基础。
3. 学术词汇在写作过程中,合适的学术词汇能够提升论文的专业程度,但过度使用学术词汇反而会让读者难以理解。
4. 表达清晰在论文写作中,清晰的表达是非常重要的。
(2)使用逻辑的连接词,如"however"、"therefore"、"in addition"等,帮助读者理解论文的逻辑。
请你以“Film or book, which do you prefer”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:1、看电影:省时、有趣、易懂2、读原著:细节更多、语言优美3、我的看法及理由注意:1、词数:1502、参考词汇:original work或book in the original(原著)One possible VersionFilm or book, which do you preferis that it takes less time to understand the whole story. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow.They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful. home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas. In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.(二)方法建议型假如你在一间书店(该书店卖各种杂志和书籍)里打工,书店的老板是一个英国人。
出现的次数是在摘要、正文 (从前言到讨论)、每个图注以及每个表注中分别计算的。
如果一个词在摘要中出现一次,正文中出现多次,图注中又出现一次,那么摘要中只要用全称,不要用缩写;正文中第一次出现时用全称,后面用缩写; 图注中用全称,不用缩写。
这里所谓第一次,也是摘要、正文 (从前言到讨论)、每个图注以及每个表注中分别计算的。
写全称时一般是全部用小写,除非是人名、地名等专有名词,而缩写一般是全大写,除非是约定俗成的写法,比如用 ChIP 代表 chromatin immunoprecipitation。
确实有不需要定义就可以使用的缩略语,比如DNA,RNA,mRNA 在生物医学领域的文章中就不需要定义,标准单位写在数字之后(2 kg,5 mL)也不需要定义。
但是这种所谓的标准缩略语并不多,如果不能确定还是在第一次出现时给出全称比较好,例如用miR 代替microRNA 还是需要定义的。
一些常见的英文文章语言技巧1如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如:However, little information..little attention...little work...little datalittle researchor few studiesfew investigations...few researchers...few attempts...or nonone of these studieshas (have) been lessdone on ...focused onattempted toconductedinvestigatedstudied(with respect to)Previous research (studies, records) has (have)failed to considerignoredmisinterpretedneglected tooverestimated, underestimatedmisleadedthus, these previus results areinconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial..Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist ...这种引导之后一般会提出一种新方法,或者一种新方向。
如果研究的方法以及方向和前人一样,可以通过下面的方式强调自己工作的作用:However, data is still scarcerareless accuratethere is still dearth ofWe need toaim tohave toprovide more documentsdatarecordsstudiesincrease the datasetFurther studies are still necessary...essential...为了强调自己研究内容的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,另一方面等等。
英语学术写作与论文写作技巧1. 引言1.1 概述英语学术写作和论文写作是大学生和研究人员在学术研究中必备的技能。
1.2 文章结构本文将分为五个部分进行讨论。
1.3 目的本文的目的是帮助读者了解和掌握英语学术写作和论文写作技巧,使他们能够更好地进行学术研究和论文撰写。
2. 英语学术写作技巧:2.1 正确使用语法和拼写:在英语学术写作中,准确使用语法和拼写是非常重要的。
因此,以下是一些建议帮助你提高语法和拼写技巧:- 经常阅读英文书籍、论文和期刊文章,特别是与你研究领域相关的内容。
- 使用拼写检查工具来纠正拼写错误。
- 注意动词时态和主谓一致性。
- 请他人帮忙校对你的文章。
2.2 发展清晰的逻辑和思维能力:在学术写作中,逻辑性和思维能力是至关重要的方面。
很详细很具体的指导英文论文写作技巧!英文论文写作谈技巧论文写作中常出现的语法问题1. 主语和谓语的单数和复数要一致英语中名词有它的单数和复数形式,动词也有它的单数和复数形式, 二者要一致 . 单数主语( subject) 名词要用动词(verb) 的单数(singular) 形式, 复数主语名词要用动词的复数(plural) 形式 . 我们写中文的不太习惯英语的这种写法, 很难做到不假思索地配对, 需要特别留心才能不出错误,特别是当主语名词和动词被分开时 . 试看下面的例句 .A high percentage of peptides that are made of amino acids are present in the sample.A high percentage 才是真正的主语,而不是邻近的amino acids , 所以应该用单数形式 .宜改为: A high percentage of peptides that are made of amino acids is present in the sample.让事情更复杂的是英语名词被分为不同的种类,其中的一类叫集合名词 . 它既可以当单数用词也可以当复数用 . 集合名词当整体来讲时是单数,每个成员作为个体时用复数 .The number of mice in the experiment was increased.A number of mice have died.All of the samples were analyzed.All of the safety procedures was strictly followed.代词none 既可以是单数也可以是复数 . 当none 后面的词是单数时, 用单数动词 . 当none 后面的词是复数时,用复数动词 . None of the information was useful.None of the animals were starved.描写数量,重量,体积,时间等的词用单数,但如果是分次添加或减少时用复数 . 在这个意义上同集合名词类似 .1.5 ml was added.10 g was added .6 hours was the required incubation time.5 g were added stepwise.简写的数量单位,如mg, ml, s 等,单数和复数的写法是一样的, 如1mg, 5 mg.一些词如series, type, portion, class, 要用单数形式 .A series of derivatives of penicillin was prepared.A large portion of the reports is focused on how to deal with the increased cost.Data, criteria, phenomena, media 是复数形式,他们的单数形式分别是datum, criterion, phenomenon, medium.2、修饰语同主语名词关系上要一致当用1 ) 动名词(gerund) ,2) 分词短句(participle) ,3) 不定式短句(infinitive) 作修饰语时,修饰语中的动词要同主句中的主语名词关系上要一致 .科技杂志论文中有这种语法错误的情况较多 . 严格来讲这只是种语法错误,一般不影响对句子的内容的理解,所以很多作者不太注意. 编辑和阅稿人有时也没有严格要求改正. 比如下面就是Nature 杂志2006 年第439 卷中的一个例子 .Using the enhancer GAL4/UAS expression system, short-term memory traces of aversive and appetitive olfactory conditioning have been assigned to output synapses of subsets of intrinsic neurons of the mushroom bodies.1) 动名词After finishing the purification, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.We or I 是动名词finishing 形式上的主语,同主句的主语activity 不一致 .宜改为: After purification was finished, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.或: After finishing the purification, we studied the activity of the isolated compound.Treated with the new drug, the blood cholesterol levels of participants were lowered by an average of 30%.宜改为: Treated with the new drug, participants showed an average of 30% decrease in their blood cholesterol levels.2) 分词短句The iron concentration was determined using the Fenton reaction method.The iron concentration 同using the Fenton reaction method 关系上不一致 .宜改为: The iron concentration was determined by the Fenton reaction method.或: We determined the iron concentration using the Fenton reaction method.When measuring the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is preferred.宜改为: When the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is measured, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is preferred. 3) 不定式短句To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, an expanded population of biking athletes was surveyed.不定式短语的形式主语是we or I ,同主句主语population 不一致 .宜改为: To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, we surveyed an expanded population of biking athletes.To confirm the diagnosis, blood test was ordered.宜改为: To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor ordered blood test.3.主语和主语的行动(谓语)在逻辑上要一致由于一些中文和英文的表达方式不同,把中文直接翻译成相应的英文会不讲 . 一个经常被引用的语句是“price is cheap ”. 中文可以说价格便宜, 但英文只能说价格高或低. 物品可以说cheap or expensive. 用中文的表达方式来写英文, 会出现主语和主语的行动在逻辑上不一致 . 在写一个句子时要注意行动的真正主语名词是什么 . 下面是一些例子 .The highest antibiotic production was obtained at 48 h.不是production 而是production yield.宜改为: The highest antibiotic production yield was obtained at 48 h.The scavenging activity for hydroxyl radicals was based on Fenton reaction.不是activity 而是assay of activity宜改为: The assay of scavenging activity for hydroxyl radicals was based on Fenton reaction.The pharmacological compounds of ginseng were identified.药物活性化合物应该是pharmacologically active compounds.宜改为: The pharmacologically active compounds of ginseng were identified.4、代名词和其代理的先行词要一致代名词和其代理的先行词要在人称,单数或复数,和性别上一致.一些常见的代词是: he, his ( 阳性单数); she, her ( 阴性单数); it, its ( 单数); they, their, these, those ( 复数); that, this ( 单数). 比如下面的例句中, compounds 和their 一致, protein 和it 一致 .Many related compounds were synthesized and their antivirus activities were studied.Growth hormone is a protein. It promotes human body growth.下面的例句中,the 应该用their 取代 .The potential antioxidant capacity of compound A and compound B could be deduced from the protective effects against oxidative stresses.宜改为: The potential antioxidant capacity of compound A and compound B could be deduced from their protective effects against oxidative stresses.用代名词时除了要保持一致外,还要避免代理不清的情况出现,以免不清楚它们到底指什么而引起误解.The crude sample was dissolved in water and extracted with organic solvent. It was then evaporatedto yield the product.It 指organic layer 还是指water layer? 不明确,最好不用it.宜改为:The crude sample was dissolved in water and extractedwith organic solvent. The organic layer was then evaporated to yield the product.During meal hormones are released after which blood flow increases in the stomach.Which 既可以代表meal 也可以代表hormones, 容易产生误解 . 宜改为:During meal hormones are released. After their release stomach blood flow increases.5、位置的强调作用在英语写作中,若要强调某件事情,就把它放在句子的前面 . 中文写作中, 有关句子的条件, 时间等的修饰句都是放在前面,而主句总是放在后面 . 而英文中即可以把条件或修饰句放在前面,也可以放在后面 . 放在前面就表示你要强调修饰句的条件 . 比如:Before the hurricane arrived, most of the people have moved out. Most of the people have moved out before the hurricane arrived. 在英语中两种位置关系都可以 . 前者强调在hurricane 来之前,后者强调moved out . 而在中文中,只有一种说法,反过来说” 大多数人都离开了在hurricane 来之前” 就不对了 . 按中文的位置关系直译成英文, 往往会不确切 . 同样按英文的位置关系直译成中文也是怪怪的 . 我上小学的孩子回家来喊“ 我要吃冰激凌今天, 我没吃好长时间了”, 就是英文“I want ice cream today. I have not eaten it for a long time.” 的直接翻译 .科技写作中,一般还是把主句先写出来,除非你想强调修饰的是条件.Through scavenging free radicals, antioxidants play an important role in protecting against complex diseases.宜改为:Antioxidants play an important role in protecting against complex diseases through scavenging free radicals.In microbial fermentation, phosphorus is commonly the major growth-limiting nutrient.宜改为:Phosphorus is commonly the major growth-limiting nutrient in microbial fermentation.主动句中事情的执行者( 作者) 放在前面,有强调事情的执行者( 作者) 的意思, 而不是要研究的事物 . 被动句强调要研究的事物, 这也是为什么科技论文中被动句用得比较多的原因之一 . We studied their effects on cell growth. 强调We.Their effects on cell growth were studied. 强调Their effects.6、修饰词和被修饰词要邻近科技写作要求严谨,明确.为了严格定义一个事物,往往要加上限制性的修饰词或短句.比如描写实验用的mice 时,一般不会只说mice ,而是用类似“NCI-H23 tumor bearing female athymic nude mice” 的描述 . 前面有5个修饰词来定义研究用的mice 这时一般把最窄的定义写在最前面,最广的定义写在后面.修饰语要靠近同被修饰的对象 . 因修饰语和被修饰的词被隔开,而造成意思混乱的情况很多 . 下面是一些例子 .Inhibition of Acid B on xanthine oxidase was also reported. Inhibition of 后面应紧跟xanthine oxidase , 而不是Acid B, 隔开后句子就很难读 .宜改为:Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by Acid B was also reported. The chelating activities for ferrous ion of the Acid B were assessed. The chelating activities 后面应紧跟Acid B , 而不是ferrous ion. 宜改为:The chelating activities of the Acid B for ferrous ion were assessed.Reducing power represents the electron donating capacity, which may serve as a significant indicator of potential antioxidant activity. 用which 开头的修饰句, 是要修饰reducing power , 而不是修饰electron donating capacity , 所以要紧跟在reducing power 后面 . 宜改为:Reducing power, which may serve as a significant indicator of potential antioxidant activity, represents the electron donating capacity. 或: Reducing power represents the electron donating capacity. It may serve as a significant indicator of potential antioxidant activity.7、主语和谓语在句子中的位置要靠近要使句子的可读性强, 有两个因素特别需要注意 . 一是句子的长短要合适 . 研究表明一个句子中有1 3-20 个字时最合适阅读 . 太短的句子有零碎的感觉,而太长的句子读起来有困难 . 二是主语和谓语动词要靠近 . 如果被隔开太远,就会有被隔离的感觉, 句子读起来就会比较困难,虽然从语法上来讲是可行的 . 这主要同人类大脑处理文字信息的过程和方式有关 . 当人们读到主语时,自然而然地期望知道主语后面的行动, 也就是结果 . 在行动( 谓语) 出现之前, 读者需要记住主语是什么,同时又要阅读和理解下面的文字,读起来很累 . 就像要屏住呼吸等待要发生的事情, 只有当谓语出现,知道了主题的行动后,才能呼出这口气 . 时间长了自然不舒服 .Lincomycin , one of the lincosamide antimicrobial agents which was first isolated more than fifty years ago , is used as a major antibiotic for the treatment of diseases caused by most Gram-positive bacteria.宜改为:Lincomycin is one of the lincosamide antimicrobial agents which were first isolated more than fifty years ago. It is used as a major antibiotic for the treatment of diseases caused by most Gram-positive bacteria.8、名词作形容词科技写作中经常会用名词来作为形容词使用,如room temperature, university researchers. 当用一个名词来修饰另一个名词时,意义一般都很清楚 . 但当三个名词放在一起,或两个名词前再加一个形容词时,就要小心 . 有的情况下, 3 个或3 个以上的名词放在一起,表达的意思很清楚,也是一种很简洁的表达方式 . 如:blood white cell number, prostate cancer patient, Beijing University medical school student. 但有时会有多种讲法. Top university researchers 可以是researchers of (only) top university 也可以是(all) university researchers who are top. 多个名词排在一起,即使表达明确,也给拥挤的感觉 . 应避免使用多个名词的修饰方式 . 最好的办法是用介词或其它方式来把他们分开, 以便清楚表达它们的修饰关系 . 多个名词罗列的情况经常发生,下面多举一些例子 .H e wrote the quality control group reports.宜改为:He wrote the reports of the quality control group.The patient showed chronic liver disease symptoms.宜改为:The patient showed symptoms of chronic liver disease. The human brain oxygen level is quite high.宜改为:The oxygen level in human brain is quite high.Their specific inhibition producing effects on fat containing food intake were assessed.宜改为:Their specific effects of inhibition on the intake of fat containing food were assessed.The present investigation evaluated various specific drug sample combinations.宜改为:The present investigation evaluated various combinations of specific drug samples-------分享,版权属于原作者。
英语议论文写作技巧英语议论文写作技巧「篇一」句:The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that took place in the Middle Ages。
修改后:The three-part novel told a story set in the Middle Ages。
注:把句中的"three parts"改用形容词来表达,节省了四个不必要的单词"which is written in"。
英语议论文写作技巧「篇二」20xx年高考英语作文结尾写作技巧一、对全文进行归纳总结的句型1.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that2.Taking into account all the factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that3.Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arriveat/reach the conclusion that4.All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that5.From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that6.To sum up/draw a conclusion, we find that7.In short/brief/a word/conclusion/sum/, it is8. Therefore/Thus/Then, it can be inferred/concluded/deduced that9. From/Through/According to what has been discussed above, we can come to/reach/arrive at/draw the conclusion that10. It is believed that二、表达个人观点的`句型1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent。
2. Contents1). paper writing: title, author/affiliation(从属关系), keywords, abstracts, introduction, main body, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, appendices(附件), [əˈpɛndɪˌsiz] references, etc.2). strategies of paper publication3). other related informationGeneral description of academic paper writing(学术论文的总则)1. Types of academic papers1). Academic report 学术报告Definition(定义):displaying the results of an experiment, investigation or inquiry (may not give personal opinions, evaluations on the issue).structure:IMRAD(论文主体):导言、材料、结果及讨论introduction, methods, results and discussion.2). Research paper 研究论文definition:comparatively narrow subject(相对具体的主题,题目切记宽泛);reporting empirical or theoretical work(实验或理论工作)in an academic field;usually published in academic journals;containing original research results;reviewing existing studies.structure:title, author/affiliation, abstracts, keywords, introduction, theoretical analysis or experimental description, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, references, appendices, etc.3). Course paper 课程论文definition:written by undergraduate or postgraduate students(本科生或研究生).written in line with the course requirements (符合课程要求)structure:decided under the instruction of the course tutor.4). Thesis/ Dissertation 学位论文definition:submitted in support of a candidate for a degree;presenting a proposition to argue against or defend;exercising judgment, argument, logic etc.structure:acknowledgements(鸣谢), abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, data collection and analysis, findings and conclusions, suggestions for future work, etc.3. The style of academic writing 语体formal language(正式用语):concise, concrete(具体), objective(客观), logical(合理), coherent(连贯).1). person: the writer, we, etc2). V oice(语态): passive(被动)3). structure: nominal structure(名词结构)4). specialized vocabulary(专业词汇)4. General structure of an academic papertitleabstractskeywordsIntroductionliterature reviewresearch methodologies and proceduresresults and findingsdiscussionconclusionreferences※I. TitleGeneral functions1. summarizing2. attracting readers3. facilitating retrieval (便于检索)Linguistic features(语言特征)1. phrase instead of sentence用短语代替句子2. nouns and gerunds名词和动名词Writing requirements1. brief and conciseno more than 20 words, 8-12 on average subtitle is advisable if it’s long2. specific具体3. avoid questions不要用疑问句4. unified grammatically symmetrical, nouns and gerunds not mixed名词动名词不要混用5. Standard: abbreviations(缩略语), symbols(符号), terms(术语), capitalization(大写)e.g. 1). LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND TEACHING CULTUREALBACKGROUND.2). Learning Foreign Languages and Teaching Cultural Background3). Learning foreign languages and teaching cultural background※II. Author/AffiliationGeneral functions1. Bearing author’s responsibility2. facilitating retrieval and correspondence便于检索和通信3. heightening academic level for valuing the academic levels of a researcher or anacademic institutionLinguistic featuresZhang Xing Chen Xinwu Ouyang HaiZHANG Xing CHEN Xinwu OUY ANG HaiZHANG, Xing Chen, Xinwu Ouyang, Hai Writing requirements1. format: the requirements of the journal2. number of authors: if more than 5, use “et al.”3. author’s title omitted4. address: from smaller units to larger onesWang ShuhuaSchool of Journalism and transmissionNorthwest UniversityXi’an, Shaanxi 710069P.R. China※III. KeywordsGeneral functions1. highlighting the theme2. retrieval便于检索Linguistic features1. more nouns2. limited numbers: 4-6 words on averageWriting requirements1. using the required section title:e.g. Keywords/Keywords Index/Keywords and Phrases/Indexing Terms, etc.2. placing the section correctly:below the abstract3. spacing the Keywords关键词之间的间隔:Comma(逗号), semicolon(分号), larger space(空格), no full stop at the end(结尾不要句号).4. adopting standard abbreviations采用标准的缩略形式※IV. AbstractI. Definition:An abstract is a succinct (sək’sɪŋkt)简洁summary of a piece of work, usually academic in nature.A self-contained (独立的)entity;tool in searching for information.II. Basic elements:backgroundtopicapproach three core elementsconclusionsignificanceIII. Category1. Descriptive abstract(说明性摘要): tells in an all around way what thepaper contains, including background, topic, approach,conclusion and significance.2. Informational abstract(信息性摘要): highlights the approach andconclusion briefly but quantitatively.3. Informational-descriptive abstract(信息-说明性摘要):A combined form that bears specific information about the approach and conclusion. IV. Structuretopic sentence主题句---“what” is in an abstractsupporting sentence扩展句---further specifying the subjectconcluding sentence总结句--- summarizing the resultsUseful sentence patterns:Topic sentenceThe primary goal of the research is… The chief aim of the present work is to investi gate…Supporting sentenceThe method used in our study is known as…The technique we applied is referred to as…Concluding sentenceIn conclusion, we state that…As a result of our experiment, we concluded that…V. Writing requirementsLength: no more than 200 words for a long paper50-100 words for a short oneapproximately 3-5 percent of the length of the paper. Comprehensiveness详尽: containing essential elementsConciseness简明: avoiding long mathematical expressions数学公式and omitting tables 表格, graphs, pictures, in-text citations加注, etc.Consistency一致性: consistent with the other parts of the paper与文章的其他部分一致. Tense时态: present, past (approach), future (significance)Personal pronouns and voices人称代词和语气: 3rd person第三人称, passive voice被动语态, to limit the use of first-person pronouns and mixed voices.VI. Writing techniques1. 5 steps:1). defining the context, topic and purpose 2). outlining the approach and procedures 3). listing results, findings, conclusion and significance 4). drafting the abstract起草摘要5). checking2. 5A strategy:A1 background (one sentence)A2 topic (one topic sentence and one or two supporting sentences if necessary)A3 approach (two or more sentences to give specific information about the approach)A4 conclusion (one sentence or more if necessary)A5 significance (one sentence)3. Likely mistakes and common errors:1). Informal writing style非正式的写作风格written language书面语; avoid colloquial style避免口语2). Incompetent content内容不充分Basic elements included; avoid being too simple3). Monotonous language语言单调lack of variety leading to monotonous language4). Imbalance of informationbackground, topic, approach, conclusion and significance should be balanced.※V. IntroductionI. General functions1. introducing the background(content) what2. showing the research scope where3. stating the general purpose why4. explaining the content arrangement(process) howII. Structural featuresa funnel-shape漏斗形Starting with the research background(what has been done)Narrowing down tothe existing problem(what has notbeen done)Focusing onthe presentresearch(what amI goingto do)Background in the abstract and introduction•Abstract: may not have background;or if there is, it should be very short,just one or two sentences.•Introduction: the background should be much longer and more informative, and to take all these previous studies as the background of the present work.III. Expressions:1. Introducing the backgroundRecent experiments by…have suggested…Several researchers have theoretically investigated…There have been a few studies highlighting…In most studies of…has been emphasized with attention being given to…2. Presenting existing problemsGreat progress has been made in this field, however…3. Focusing on the present researchLimiting the scope of workThe problem I ha ve referred to falls within the field of…Introducing the present workIn this paper, …is investigated/studied/discussed/presentedPresenting research methods and proceduresThe method/approach used in the present study is…Indicating the organization of the paperThis paper is divided into five major sections as follows…Tips for writing an introduction:In contrast to an abstract, in this part, one is not encouraged to provide detailed information on the approach and conclusion of one’s study※VI. Main TextI. The structure of the main bodyIt varies from paper to paper and may depend on whether it is theoretical or experimental. Generally, it covers the 8 items(especially for papers of experimental nature):Materials usedEquipments, devices, or instruments仪器及设备Methods(steps, procedures, operation操作, conditions, etc)Calculations计算Surveys or investigations调查(data collection and analysis数据收集及分析)ResultsDiscussionsRecommendations建议Experimental VS Theoretical•Papers of the experimental nature: experiments,investigations, analysis of the results.•Papers of the theoretical nature: Description描述, logical development逻辑展开,etc. II. Language use at the lexical level词汇层面1.Words with specific meanings2. Words with specific meaningsreplacing verb phrases by a single word of a specific meaning;replacing informal words and phrases by formal onesverb phrases verbs Informal formalspeed up accelerate without in the absence ofput in add do a sum calculatebreathe in inhale do/act behavethink about consider about/more or less approximatelytake away remove upside down invertedincrease in amount accumulate sometimes occasionallyjoin together combine a little slightlypush away repel better(than) superior (to)get together concentrate give providepush into insert in the end eventuallynot natural artificialInformal formalmake less/become less decreaseget bigger expandnot as good (as) inferior (to)before this previouslyall right for/enough for suitable forwithout stopping unceasinglycarry transportstay alive survive句子改写6. Noun clusters and nominalizationNoun cluster are structures in which nouns are modified by other nouns instead of attributive clauses or prepositional phrases.用名词群代替定语从句或介词短语High precision instrument(better)---instrument of high precisionNearby engine noise---noise of the engine that is nearbyNominalization refers to the process or result of forming a noun phrase from a clause.it is first of all required that you accept what we propose here---the acceptance of this proposal is the first requirement.we noticed that the dog was really astonishingly clever---we noticed the dog’s really astonishing cleverness.练习 1 choose from column B phrases similar in meaning to verbs in column A. Some phrases may be matched with more than one verb.•ColumnA Column B•1) transmit 传播,发送,传达,传递b a. use up用完,耗尽•2) assimilate 同化,吸收f b. pass on传递•3) consume 消耗,耗尽a c. get rid of 摆脱,除去•4) diffuse 扩散,散开,传播e d. put off推迟,延期,阻止,扔掉•5) transfer 转移,转让,传递b e. spread out展开,铺展•6) eliminate 消除,排除c f. take in and use接受和使用Make the following sentences more concise and academic with nominalization.•If we know the forces on the gear齿轮, we can determine its size.-----1) Knowledge of the forces on the gear makes possible the determination of its size.(better)•The rocket has been developed. For this reason, men can enter space.----2) The development of the rocket makes it possible for man to enter space.•If we add or remove heat, the state of matter may change.----3) The addition or removal of heat may change the state of matter.•We can improve its performance when we use super-heated steam.---4) On using super-heated steam, its performance can be improved.•We analysed the experiment and what we found made us realize that the technique was quite complex.---5) The experimental analysis showed the technical complexity.•Non-finites: The research that is now being carried out in this area is extensive and meaningful.----The research now being carried out in this area is extensive and meaningful.•Attributive words: The precision of the experiment was affected by the noise of the engine nearby.---The experimental precision was affected by the nearby engine noise.•Verbs: The analysis of this method will be undertaken in the following sections.----The method will be analysed in the following sections.•Prepositional phrases: Because the weight of the rope and the sand was lost, the balloon rose suddenly into the sky.----Without the weight of the rope and the sand, the balloon rose suddenly into the sky.•Elliptical forms: Some motions appear to be very simple; others appear very complicated.---Some motions appear to be very simple; others very complicated.•Deleting redundant expressions: The best time for learning is the time of youth.---Youth is the best time for learning.•Less Concise Expressions More Concise Expressions•In spite of the fact that although•Provide an opportunity to allow•After this has been done then•In view of the fact that seeing that•Owing to the fact that since•In order to to•For the purpose of for•In a hasty manner hastily•On a regular basis regularly•Take into account consider• A number of several•In all cases always•In most cases usually• A small number of a few•In the foreseeable future soon• A great deal of much•With the exception of except•Less Concise Sentence Patterns More Concise Forms•It may well be that perhaps•It is evident that evidently•It is clear that clearly•There is no doubt that undoubtedly•It would be apparent that apparently•It would thus seem that seemingly•1) The density of water at 4 ℃is the greatest.---Water has its greatest density at 4 ℃•2) What he has investigated in the lab is encouraging.---His investigation in the lab is encouraging.•3) Heat energy can be converted into mechanical energy, and in turn, mechanical energy can be converted into electrical energy.---Heat energy can be converted into mechanical energy, and in turn, mechanical energy into electrical energy.•4) Though he was a successful industrialist, Alfred Nobel was an idealist.---Though a succesful industrialist, Alfred Nobel was an idealist.III. Eight ways of giving definitions1. Dictionary definitions (词典定义法)2. Authoritative definitions (权威定义法)3. Negative definitions (反面定义法)4. Etymological definitions (词源定义法)5. Analogical definitions (类比定义法)6. Exemplar definitions (举例定义法)7. Contextual definitions (语境定义法) 8. Operational definitions (操作性定义法)Write more concretely•1)Using concrete words具体的•The reflected light was( taken in) absorbed by the transducer传感器•2)Using specific expressions.•Among all these Internet nodes节点,(only a few)fewer than one percent of them belong to Mbone network.★Rewrite the following sentences by making them more concrete•1) The cross section is measured.•2) It goes without saying that the most important thing in microeconomics is the market.•3) The bridge has been declared unsafe for trucks with excessive loaded weight.•4) Sales were down quite a bit for December because of a number of days of heavy snow.•5) We plan to present a proposal covering all important aspects of the problem.•6) The result seems to be satisfactory.※VII Language Techniques at the Discourse Level•I Develop the text logically• 1 Chronological Sequence 时间顺序• 2 Procedure 步骤顺序• 3 from Abstract to Concrete抽象到具体• 4 from Concrete to Abstract具体到抽象• 5 Comparing or Contrasting 比较,对比• 6 Cause and Effect因果II Achieve coherence in writing1)Organizing arguments logically有逻辑的组织参数2)Transitional words/phrases appropriately适当的过渡词和短语3)Repeating keywords or key phrases4)Synonyms for key words /key ideas关键词或关键理念的同义词III Achieve variety in writing•1) Different sentence structures2)Different sentences openings※VIII Results, Discussion and conclusionI Section of Results结论部分•Functions:•1) The summary of the survey, investigation, calculation, experiments, etc.•2)One of the most important elements•3) the value of a study lies here•Contents:•1) Essential facts•2) summarizing the significant results•3) list the meaningful data.4) corresponding analysis• 2 Writing Requirements•Any data should be meaningful;•Sorting out data and selecting data•The presentation of results should be short and clear.II Section of Discussion• 1 General Functions and Main Components of Discussion•General Functions:•Summarize the important facts observed by the researcher.•1) Expounding详细说明the interrelations among the observed facts.•2) showing the underlying 潜在的,根本的causes, the effects, and the theoretical implications of the facts.•3) Leading to the conclusion•Main Components•1) Analyzing the data•2) Expounding viewpoints详细说明观点:•3) Pointing out doubts指出疑点•4) Stating the significance说明意义•5) Arriving at a conclusion得出结论• 2 Writing Requirements1) Sufficiently analyze the presented data and point out the relationship•2) Admit limitations承认局限性•3) Brief and forceful expressions to state the conclusion•To sum up:the writer is supposed to present:• 1 a contrast or comparison between the most important findings in the present study with the original hypothesis(原始假设)• 2 claims of the limitations and implications of the study阐明本研究的局限性及意义• 3 a suggestion of further study or possible applications of the most important results.对进一步研究的建议或主要结论可能的应用•Things should be avoided写结论是应该注意的事项•1) using general terms rather than the names of variables•2) showing no relationship between the results and the literature review•3) lacking a discussion of the limitations of the research.•P.S Never write more words than necessary.III Section of Conclusion• 1 General Functions and Main Elements•Summing up•Presenting statement of conclusions•Providing statement of recommendations• 2 Writing Requirements:•Conclusion accords with the original research design•According to the results and discussion, conclusion is made•Accords with those of other researchers•Suggestion for further study•Practical application of the results结果的实际应用※X Acknowledgements, Illustrations, Appendices附件, and referencesIllustrations: Tables, Graphs, Diagrams, Pictures, etcWriting Requirements :1.Numbered consecutively 连贯的;连续不断的2.Must have a heading-a concise statement describing its content必须有表头来简要描述其内容3.If it is necessary to include footnotes, they are put below the bottom of the illustration列出参考文献的作用:•Showing respect to the previous works•Facilitating the Literature Research。
1. 引用格式规范在SCI论文中,引用格式应符合特定的规范,比如APA格式或者MLA格式。
2. 引用书籍对于引用书籍,可以按照以下格式进行引用:- 书籍的作者、出版年份和书名应该明确列出。
- 引用书籍时,应该包括章节的名称和页码,以便读者可以找到具体的引用内容。
- 在文中引用书籍时,可以使用作者和出版年份的方式,例如:"根据Johns (2010)的研究结果,..."。
3. 引用期刊文章对于引用期刊文章,可以按照以下格式进行引用:- 引用期刊文章时,应该包括作者、文章标题、期刊名称、发布年份、卷号和页码。
- 在文中引用期刊文章时,可以使用作者和出版年份的方式,例如:"在Smith等人的研究中 (2015),..."。
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- 在文中引用网页资源时,可以使用作者和出版年份的方式,例如:"根据Google的统计数据 (Google, 2020),..."。
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- 在文中引用会议论文时,可以使用作者和出版年份的方式,例如:"在Jones等人的论文中 (2008),..."。
6. 引用他人观点在引用他人观点时,应该明确注明出处,并使用引号或者斜体来标识引用内容。
英文论文写作时的语言表达技巧1. Introduction:A. 如何指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出自己研究的重要性?在叙述前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。
如:However, little information(little attention/little work/little data/little research……)(or few studies/few investigations/few researchers/few attempts……)(or no/none of these studies……)has(have)been done on(focused on/attempted to/conducted/investigated/studied(with respect to))。
如:Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider/ ignored/ misinterpreted/ neglected to/overestimated, underestimated/misleaded. thus, these previus results are inconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist……研究方法和方向与前人一样时,可通过以下方式强调自己工作:However, data is still scarce(rare, less accurate)or there is still dearth of……We need to(aim to, have to) provide more documents(data, records, studies, increase the dataset). Further studies are still necessary(essential)……强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍与自己研究问题相反或相关的问题。
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1. 摘要
(2)方法(methods and materials):包括材料、手段和过程。
(3)结果与简短讨论(results and discussions):包括数据与分析。
8.1 引言的内容与结构布局