
40n120的参数摘要:1.40n120 的参数概述2.40n120 的参数具体内容3.40n120 的参数应用领域4.40n120 的参数对相关行业的影响正文:一、40n120 的参数概述40n120 是一种特定的参数,常用于描述某种特定的事物或现象。
在这个参数中,40 和120 分别代表了两个不同的数值,它们相互关联,共同构成了这个参数的完整含义。
二、40n120 的参数具体内容40n120 的参数具体内容涵盖了很多方面,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1.40:这个数值代表了某种特定的属性或指标,通常与某个领域或行业的特定标准相关联。
三、40n120 的参数应用领域40n120 的参数在很多领域都有广泛的应用,包括但不限于以下几个领域:1.工业制造:在工业制造领域,40n120 的参数可能代表着某种产品的规格或标准,对生产和质量控制有着重要的指导作用。
2.科学研究:在科学研究领域,40n120 的参数可能代表着某种实验条件或指标,对研究结果的准确性和可靠性有着重要的影响。
3.信息技术:在信息技术领域,40n120 的参数可能代表着某种数据格式或标准,对数据处理和传输有着重要的影响。
四、40n120 的参数对相关行业的影响40n120 的参数对相关行业产生了深远的影响,主要表现在以下几个方面:1.提高了生产效率:通过40n120 的参数,工业制造领域的生产过程可以更加标准化和规范化,从而提高了生产效率和产品质量。
2.促进了科研进展:在科学研究领域,40n120 的参数为研究人员提供了准确的实验条件和指标,有助于取得更加可靠和准确的研究成果。
罗莫电子 Schottky 障碍管 RB521S-30说明书

Schottky Barrier DiodeRB521S-30●ApplicationsGeneral rectification●Features1)Ultra small mold type.(EMD2)2)Low V F3)High reliability●ConstructionSilicon epitaxial planar●Structure●Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C)Symbol Unit V R V Io mA I FSM A Tj °C Tstg°C●Electrical characteristics (Ta=25°C)Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Forward voltage V F--0.50V I F =200mA I R--30μAV R =10VParameter Limits Reverse voltage (DC)30Average rectified forward current 200Forward current surge peak (60Hz ・1cyc)1ConditionsJunction temperature 125Storage temperature-40 to +125Reverse currentParameterL a st0.010.1110100100010000100000102030FORWARD VOLTAGE:VF(mV)VF-IF CHARACTERISTICSF O R W A R D C U R R E N T :I F (m A )R E V E R S E C U R R E N T :I R (u A )REVERSE VOLTAGE:VR(V)VR-IR CHARACTERISTICSC A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S :C t (p F )REVERSE VOLTAGE:VR(V)VR-Ct CHARACTERISTICSVF DISPERSION MAP F O R W A R D V O L T A G E :V F (m V )R E V E R S E C U R R E N T :V R (u A )IR DISPERSION MAPC A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S :C t (p F )Ct DISPERSION MAPIFSM DISPERSION MAPP E A K S U R G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T :I F S M (A )P E A K S U R G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T :I F S M (A )NUMBER OF CYCLESIFSM-CYCLE CHARACTERISTICSP E A K S U R G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T :I F S M (A )TIME:t(ms)IFSM-t CHARACTERISTICSTIME:(s)Rth-t CHARACTERISTICST R A N S I E N T T H A E R M A L I M P E D A N C E :R t h (℃/W )F O R W A R D P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N :P f (W )AVERAGE RECTIFIED FORWARD CURRENT:Io(A)Io-Pf CHARACTERISTICSR E V E R S E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N P R (w )REVERSE VOLTAGE:VR(V)VR-P R CHARACTERISTICS10020030040050040041042043044045051015202530354045501011121314151617181920510152051011010005101101001010010000.0010.110100000. tAMBIENT TEMPERATURE:Ta(℃)Derating Curve゙A V E R A G E R E C T I F I D E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T I o (A )A V E R A G E R E C T I F I E D F O R W A R D C U R R E N T I o (A )CASE TEMPARATURE:Tc(℃)Derating Curve00. a st Ti me Bu yNoticePrecaution on using ROHM Products1. Our Products are designed and manufactured for application in ordinary electronic equipments (such as AV equipment,OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electronic appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If youintend to use our Products in devices requiring extremely high reliability (such as medical equipment(Note 1), transport equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or serious damage to property (“Specific Applications”), please consult with the ROHM sales representative in advance. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products for Specific Applications.(Note1) Medical Equipment Classification of the Specific ApplicationsJAPAN USA EU CHINA CLASS Ⅲ CLASS Ⅲ CLASS ⅡbCLASS ⅢCLASS Ⅳ CLASS Ⅲ2. ROHM designs and manufactures its Products subject to strict quality control system. However, semiconductorproducts can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against the physical injury, damage to any property, which a failure or malfunction of our Products may cause. The following are examples of safety measures:[a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety [b] Installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure3. Our Products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special orextraordinary environments or conditions, as exemplified below. Accordingly, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions. If you intend to use our Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary:[a] Use of our Products in any types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents [b] Use of our Products outdoors or in places where the Products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust[c] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including Cl 2, H 2S, NH 3, SO 2, and NO 2[d] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves [e] Use of our Products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items [f] Sealing or coating our Products with resin or other coating materials[g] Use of our Products without cleaning residue of flux (even if you use no-clean type fluxes, cleaning residue of flux is recommended); or Washing our Products by using water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning residue after soldering[h] Use of the Products in places subject to dew condensation4. The Products are not subject to radiation-proof design.5. Please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the Products.6. In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse. is applied,confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading condition may negatively affect product performance and reliability.7. De-rate Power Dissipation (Pd) depending on Ambient temperature (Ta). When used in sealed area, confirm the actualambient temperature.8. Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in the product specification.9. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure induced under deviant condition from what is defined inthis document.Precaution for Mounting / Circuit board design1. When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the residue of flux may negatively affect productperformance and reliability.2. In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used on a surface-mount products, the flow soldering method mustbe used on a through hole mount products. If the flow soldering method is preferred on a surface-mount products, please consult with the ROHM representative in advance. For details, please refer to ROHM Mounting specificationL a st Ti me Bu yPrecautions Regarding Application Examples and External Circuits1. If change is made to the constant of an external circuit, please allow a sufficient margin considering variations of thecharacteristics of the Products and external components, including transient characteristics, as well as static characteristics.2. You agree that application notes, reference designs, and associated data and information contained in this documentare presented only as guidance for Products use. Therefore, in case you use such information, you are solely responsible for it and you must exercise your own independent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information.Precaution for ElectrostaticThis Product is electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to electrostatic discharge. Please take propercaution in your manufacturing process and storage so that voltage exceeding the Products maximum rating will not be applied to Products. Please take special care under dry condition (e.g. Grounding of human body / equipment / solder iron, isolation from charged objects, setting of Ionizer, friction prevention and temperature / humidity control).Precaution for Storage / Transportation1. Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the Products are stored in the places where:[a] the Products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [b] the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by ROHM [c] the Products are exposed to direct sunshine or condensation [d] the Products are exposed to high Electrostatic2. Even under ROHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products out of recommended storage time periodmay be degraded. It is strongly recommended to confirm solderability before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period.3. Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton with a symbol. Otherwise bent leadsmay occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton.4. Use Products within the specified time after opening a humidity barrier bag. Baking is required before using Products ofwhich storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period.Precaution for Product Label QR code printed on ROHM Products label is for ROHM’s internal use only.Precaution for DispositionWhen disposing Products please dispose them properly using an authorized industry waste company.Precaution for Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade actSince concerned goods might be fallen under listed items of export control prescribed by Foreign exchange and Foreign trade act, please consult with ROHM in case of export.Precaution Regarding Intellectual Property Rights1. All information and data including but not limited to application example contained in this document is for referenceonly. ROHM does not warrant that foregoing information or data will not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party regarding such information or data. 2. ROHM shall not have any obligations where the claims, actions or demands arising from the combination of theProducts with other articles such as components, circuits, systems or external equipment (including software).3. No license, expressly or implied, is granted hereby under any intellectual property rights or other rights of ROHM or anythird parties with respect to the Products or the information contained in this document. Provided, however, that ROHM will not assert its intellectual property rights or other rights against you or your customers to the extent necessary to manufacture or sell products containing the Products, subject to the terms and conditions herein. Other Precaution1. This document may not be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of ROHM.2. The Products may not be disassembled, converted, modified, reproduced or otherwise changed without prior writtenconsent of ROHM. 3. In no event shall you use in any way whatsoever the Products and the related technical information contained in theProducts or this document for any military purposes, including but not limited to, the development of mass-destruction weapons. 4. The proper names of companies or products described in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks ofROHM, its affiliated companies or third parties.L a st Ti me Bu yGeneral Precaution1. Before you use our Pro ducts, you are requested to care fully read this document and fully understand its contents.ROHM shall n ot be in an y way responsible or liabl e for fa ilure, malfunction or acci dent arising from the use of a ny ROHM’s Products against warning, caution or note contained in this document.2. All information contained in this docume nt is current as of the issuing date and subj ect to change without any priornotice. Before purchasing or using ROHM’s Products, please confirm the la test information with a ROHM sale s representative.3. The information contained in this doc ument is provi ded on an “as is” basis and ROHM does not warrant that allinformation contained in this document is accurate an d/or error-free. ROHM shall not be in an y way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties resulting from inaccuracy or errors of or concerning such information.L a st Ti me Bu y。
Chemlok 402X 产品说明说明书

Chemlok® 402X Technical Data SheetChemlok® 402X is a solvent-based, one-coat surface treatment for affixing textiles to a wide variety of unvulcanized elastomers. Chemlok 402X is an all-xylene version of Chemlok 402. It is composed of a mixture of polymers, organic compounds and fillers dissolved or dispersed in an organic solvent system.Chemlok 402X is used in the production of hoses, belts, diaphragms and other textile-reinforced rubber products. It can also be used as an additive to tie cements, as a replacement for isocyanates that are widely used in rubber/ textile bonding.Features and Benefits:Versatile – affixes a variety of elastomers to a wide variety of textiles, including polyester, polyamide, cotton, rayon, and polyaramid.Non-chlorinated Solvent System – suitable for solvent incineration, saving cost of recovery equipment. Excellent Performance – works well on RFL-treated fabric or cord. Fabric or cord treated with Chemlok 402X can be used in process once Chemlok 402X film is tack-free.Convenient – requires only a single coat for most applications, reducing labor, solvent usage, inventory and shipping costs.Elastomers:• Natural Rubber (NR) • Polychloroprene (CR)• Polyisoprene (IR) • Nitrile (NBR)• Styrene-butadiene (SBR) • Butyl (IIR)• Polybutadiene (BR)Application:Mixing – Thoroughly stir Chemlok 402X before use, and agitate sufficiently during use to keep dispersed solids uniformly suspended. If dilution is needed, use xylene or toluene. Note proper dilution for the various application methods is best achieved by experience. Give careful attention to agitation since dilution will accelerate settling. Applying – Apply Chemlok 402X by dip, brush or spray methods. For most applications, 6-10% dry weight pickup is necessary. To optimize both performance and flexibility, apply Chemlok 402X to the fabric at a level just high enough to meet performance specifications.For affixing specialty elastomers such as EPDM and epichlorohydrin, Chemlok 402X should be topcoated with another specialty covercoat designed for that specific elastomer. Using this method helps ensure strong cohesive strength of the system.Drying/Curing – Allow Chemlok 402X to dry until the coated fabric is tack-free and visual examination of the film has shown that all solvent has evaporated. This will take approximately 30-60 minutes at room temperature. Drying time can be shortened by oven drying for 10-15 minutesat 65°C (150°F). Higher temperatures may be used to reduce drying times, but care must be taken to ensure that excessive heat does not cause adverse effects. Shelf Life/Storage:Shelf life is nine months from date of shipment when stored by the recipient in a well ventilated area at 21-27°C (70-80°F) in original, unopened container. Do not store container outside.Chemlok 402X is moisture sensitive. Minimize exposure to moisture by preparing only what is needed for several hoursof use.Chemlok 402X — Technical Data SheetParker LORDEngineered Materials Group 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923USAValues stated in this document represent typical values as not all tests are run on each lot of material produced. For formalized product specifications for specific product end uses, contact the Customer Support Center.Information provided herein is based upon tests believed to be reliable. In as much as Parker LORD has no control over the manner in which others may use this information, it does not guarantee the results to be obtained. In addition, Parker LORD does not guarantee the performance of the product or the results obtained from the use of the product or this information where the product has been repackaged by any third party, including but not limited to any product end-user. Nor does the company make any express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose concerning the effects or results of such use.WARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITY . FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.©2021 Parker Hannifin - All Rights ReservedInformation and specifications subject to change without notice and without liability therefor. Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.OD DS6034CE 04/21 Rev.1Cautionary Information:Before using this or any Parker LORD product, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label for safe use and handling instructions.For industrial/commercial use only. Required to use under organized emissions. Must be applied by trained personnel only. Not to be used in household applications. Not for consumer use.Chemlok® 402X是一种溶剂型单涂,设计用于帮助和促进纺织品附着于各种未固化的弹性体。

如何测量腰围:经脐点(om)的腰部水平围长标准腰围计算方法:腰围=身高的1/2减19厘米(如:身高160cm的标准腰围=160cm /2-19=61cm )如何测量臀围:先将软尺放到臀部最隆起的地方,然后将其两端分别朝着腹部最突出的方向,交叉两端测出臀围。
如何挑选适合的号型:例如155这个数字,是身高,顾客可以根据自己的身高挑选 64 是腰围,A表示一般的编法,尺寸如何换算裤子尺寸和厘米:英寸换厘米——1英寸=2.54厘米(26英寸X2.54厘米=66厘米)市寸换厘米——1市寸=3.3厘米(2 市寸X3.3 厘米=66厘米)常见的腰围换算:确定自己的裤子尺码尺寸:26号------1尺9寸臀围2尺632号------2尺6寸臀围3尺227号------2尺0寸臀围2尺734号------2尺7寸臀围3尺428号------2尺1寸臀围2尺836号------2尺8寸臀围3尺5-629号------2尺2寸臀围2尺938号------2尺9寸臀围3尺7-830号------2尺3寸臀围3尺040号------3尺0寸臀围3尺9-4尺31号------2尺4寸臀围3尺142号------3尺1-2寸臀围4尺1-2裤子通常有4种编法(1)是身高—腰围厘米法,这种很常见。

纯棉40支纱捻度范围1. 什么是纯棉40支纱捻度纯棉40支纱是一种常用的纺织原料,它主要由纯棉纤维经过加工和纺织而成。
2. 捻度对线的影响捻度对线的性能有着重要影响。
3. 纯棉40支纱捻度范围根据相关行业标准和经验,通常情况下,纯棉40支纱的合理捻度范围为550-650拧/米。
4. 捻度测试方法为了准确测量纯棉40支纱的捻度,通常采用以下测试方法:4.1 捻度计测试法捻度计是一种专门用于测量线的捻度的仪器。
4.2 目测法目测法是一种简便但不够准确的测试方法。
5. 纯棉40支纱在不同领域的应用纯棉40支纱具有良好的柔软性、透气性和吸湿性,广泛应用于纺织行业。
以下是一些常见的应用领域:5.1 纺织品制造纯棉40支纱可以用于生产各种纺织品,如床上用品、衣物、家居装饰品等。
5.2 工业制品纯棉40支纱也可用于制造工业产品,如滤布、胶带等。

IRFPS40N60K01/30/02 1PD - 94384SMPS MOSFETHEXFET ® Power MOSFETl Hard Switching Primary or PFC Switch l Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Motor DriveBenefitsApplicationsl Low Gate Charge Qg results in Simple Drive Requirementl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dt Ruggednessl Fully Characterized Capacitance and Avalanche Voltage and Currentl Enhanced Body Diode dv/dt Capability ParameterMax.UnitsI D @ T C = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, V GS @ 10V 40I D @ T C = 100°C Continuous Drain Current, V GS @ 10V 24A I DMPulsed Drain Current 160P D @T C = 25°C Power Dissipation 570W Linear Derating Factor 4.5W/°C V GS Gate-to-Source Voltage± 30V dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt 5.5V/nsT J Operating Junction and-55 to + 150T STGStorage Temperature RangeSoldering Temperature, for 10 seconds 300(1.6mm from case )°CAbsolute Maximum RatingsSUPER TO-247ACAvalanche CharacteristicsSymbolParameterTyp.Max.UnitsE AS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy –––600mJ I AR Avalanche Current–––40A E ARRepetitive Avalanche Energy–––57mJSymbolParameterTyp.Max.UnitsR θJC Junction-to-Case–––0.22R θCS Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface 0.24–––°C/WR θJAJunction-to-Ambient–––40Thermal ResistanceV DSSR DS(on) typ.I D600V0.110 Ω40AIRFPS40N60KStatic @ T = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)Repetitive rating; pulse width limited bymax. junction temperature. (See Fig. 11)I SD ≤ 38A, di/dt ≤ 150A/µs, V DD ≤ V (BR)DSS ,T J ≤ 150°CNotes:Starting T J = 25°C, L = 0.84mH, R G = 25Ω,I AS = 38A, dv/dt =5.5V/ns (See Figure 12a)Pulse width ≤ 300µs; duty cycle ≤ 2%.C oss eff. is a fixed capacitance that gives the same charging timeas C oss while V DS is rising from 0 to 80% V DSSIRFPS40N60K 3Vs. TemperatureFig 2. Typical Output CharacteristicsFig 1. Typical Output Characteristics V DS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)I , D r a i n -t o -S o u r c e C u r r e n t (A )V DS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)I D , D r a i n -t o -S o u r c e C u r r e n t (A )IRFPS40N60KFig 8. Maximum Safe Operating AreaGate-to-Source VoltageDrain-to-Source VoltageForward Voltage10100100010000100000C , C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )110100100010000V DS , Drain-toSource Voltage (V)0.11101001000I D , D r a i n -t o -S o u r c e C u r r e n t (A )IRFPS40N60K 5Fig 10a.Switching Time Test CircuitV V d(on)r d(off)fFig 10b. Switching Time WaveformsV DDCase TemperatureIRFPS40N60K6VDSCurrent Sampling ResistorsV GS Fig 13a. Gate Charge Test Circuit Fig 13b. Basic Gate Charge WaveformVs. Drain CurrentFig 12d. Unclamped Inductive WaveformsFig 12c. Unclamped Inductive Test CircuitI ASV D DFig 14. Threshold Voltage Vs. TemperatureT J , Temperature ( °C )V G S (t h ) G a t e t h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e (V )IRFPS40N60K 7Fig 14. For N-Channel HEXFET ® Power MOSFETs* V GS = 5V for Logic Level DevicesPeak Diode Recovery dv/dt Test CircuitV DDIRFPS40N60KData and specifications subject to change without notice.This product has been designed and qualified for the Industrial market.Qualification Standards can be found on IR ’s Web site.IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105TAC Fax: (310) 252-7903Visit us at for sales contact information .01/02SUPER TO-247AC Package OutlineDimensions are shown in millimeters (inches)。
IC datasheet pdf-REF3112,REF3120,REF3125,REF3130,REF3133,REF3140,pdf(15ppm_°C Max, 100μA, SOT23-3

This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.
17 24
REF3120 – 2.048
OUTPUT VOLTAGE Initial Accuracy NOISE Output Voltage Noise Voltage Noise VOUT 2.0439 –0.2 f = 0.1Hz to 10Hz f = 10Hz to 10kHz 2.048 2.0521 0.2 V % µVPP µVrms
33 48
REF3112, 3120, 3125, 3130, 3133, 3140
Ultra Slim Super Multi DVD Writer GS40N 产品说明书

ENGLISHOWNER’S MANUALUltra Slim Super Multi DVD Writer T o enjoy fully all the features and functions of your product,please read this owner’s manual carefully and completely.GS40NSafety InstructionsContentsCLASS 1 LASER PRODUCTSafety Instructions1Introduction 3Using the Drive4Drive Connectors6Troubleshooting 7Specifications 9Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2015 HLDS, Inc. All rights reserved.Trademarks used in this text: HLDS is a trademark of HLDS, Inc.; LG and the LG logo are trademarks of LG Electronics, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.IntroductionDrive DescriptionThis drive reads and writes to CD and DVD media. This drive has a 9.5 mm slot form factor.Features of the Drive• 9.5 mm height internal slim Super Multi DVD Drive.• C D-R/RW, DVD-R/-R DL/ -RW/ +R/ +R DL/ +RW, DVD-RAM read and write compatible.• CD Family and DVD-ROM read compatible.• A ctive OPC (Running OPC)1 “Optimum Power Controller” provides for more reliable writes.• Slot loading with powered disc pull-in and eject mechanism.• Enhanced-IDE (ATAPI) model: SATA Interface.• Vertical and Horizontal installable• Improved Buffer Under- Run Error handling through the Preventive function. 1. C ontinuously monitors the signal level during recording and adjusts the laser power to compensate when the disc is dirty, insuring a flat signal.Using the DriveDrive OperationFront PanelThis following is the general figure of the design of the drive. The drive’s appearance and specifications may change without prior notice.D isc slotIndicator (Power, Access)Eject button1. D isc slotThis is the slot for the disc. Insert a disc on the disc slot, and then lightly push the disc. The disc will be loaded.NOTE: Disc Slot Load Eject MechanismThis drive uses a powered slot mechanism for loading and removing the disc.2. Indicator (Power, Access)3. Eject buttonInserting a Disc• I nsert the disc, label-side up, about quarter-way into the drive slot till a slight resistance is felt.• G ently push the disc further into the drive slot until the drive mechanism is heard to engage and draw in the disc. Release the disc when the disc is pulled in by the mechanism.NOTE: 8 cm discs are not supported for Slot load drive.Removing a Disc• Select the Eject Command on OS/Applications, then the drive will eject the disc.• Remove the disc.Usage Guidelines• Never use a damaged, broken, scratched, or deformed disc.• Keeps the disc unloaded when not using the drive.NOTES : H igh-speed drives spin the disc at a high rotational speed. If a disc has printing on only half of the disc, or if there is a slight imbalance in thedisc, the imbalance is greatly magnified by the high speed, causing thedrive to vibrate or produce a fan-like noise. These effects are inherent inthe high-speed technology and do not indicate a problem with the drive.Cleaning MediaIf dust or fingerprints get on the disc, wipe it with a soft clothfrom the center to the edge.CAUTION: D o not use benzene, paint thinner, record cleaner, solvent, or static repellent. This can damage the disc.Cleaning the DriveCleaning the inside of the drive is not recommended.Slim SATA Drive Connector Drive ConnectorsTroubleshootingPlease refer to the Introduction section to determine if the drive in your system is a slim device.Symptoms and SolutionsSolutions 1-1. Turn off the system, remove the drive, and re-insert back to the system.2-1. If the disc is dirty (fingerprints, etc.), clean it with a non-abrasive cloth from the disc center hole to the outside.2-2. If the disc is scratched and warped, do not insert it intothe drive.2-3. If the disc is inserted upside-down, re-insert the disc withthe label facing upward.2-4. Check to see that the necessary software applications areinstalled correctly.3-1. This drive only supports discs with the formats indicated in the Specifications section. It cannot read the data on discswith other formats. Check the disc’s format.4-1. The CD player application may need to be set to “Digital.” In Windows Media Player, for example, from the menu bar, click on “Tools,” then “Options,” and then click on the “Device” tab. Select the drive and click on the “Properties” button. Setthe playback mode to “Digital.”5-1. Ensure disc is clean and free of scratches.5-2. Media from different manufacturers or purchased atdifferent times will record at different speeds. The drive willadjust the available recording speeds to achieve the highestwrite quality.6-1. Check to see that the system is powered up.6-2. If the system is capable of booting into an operatingsystem, attempt to issue an eject command from within theoperating system.Symptoms1. D rive is notrecognized bysystem.2. C annot read or playdisc.3. C ertain types of disc do not play.4. W hen playing an audio CD, drive shows disc activity but there is no sound.5. D rive will not writeor read at maximumspeed.6. Cannot eject disc.Solutions 7-1. Is the disc loaded in the drive with the read/write surface facing the right direction? The label should be up. If a disc does not have a label, the disc code on the inner side of thedisc should be properly oriented for reading when looking fromthe top of the disc.7-2. CD-R, DVD+R, and DVD-R discs cannot be re-written.7-3. Please check the type of disc that is being used. Pleaserefer to Specifications section to ensure that the disc type issupported by this drive.7-4. Is there enough free space on the writable disc?7-5. Did a screen saver or other application operate whilewriting to the disc? If so, try again with the application turnedoff.8-1. Check to see that the system is powered up.8-2. Check whether there is already a disc in the drive.If so, select the Eject Command on OS/Applications to ejectthe disc, then load the intended disc.8-3. Note that this drive only supports 12cm discs.Symptoms7. Cannot write to disc(for drives with writecapability).8. Cannot insert disc (for slot load drives).SpecificationsSystem Interface Applicable disc formatsPerformance CDDVDBurst transfer rateAccess time (1/3 stroke)Buffer capacity Reliability Power supply Temperature Relative Humidity Host InterfaceDVDCDDisc diameterReadDigital Audio Extraction(DAE)Write CD-RWrite CD-RWRead (Single Layer /Dual or Double Layer)Write DVD+/-RWrite DVD+R /-RDouble LayerWrite DVD-RAMWrite DVD+RWWrite DVD-RWSATA Gen.1DVD-ROMDVD-RAM(Ver. 2.2)CD-ROMMTBFVoltageOperating °CNon-operating °COperating(No condensation)Non-operating(No condensation,Power Off, without disc)T13 ATA/ATAPI-8, MMC-6, INF-8090i v8.DVD-ROM(Single Layer/Dual Layer), DVD-R,DVD-RW, DVD-RAM, DVD+R, DVD+RWCD-ROM Mode-1 data disc, CD-ROM Mode-2data disc , CD-ROM XA, CD-I, Photo-CDMulti-Session, Video CD, CD-Audio Disc, Mixedmode CD-ROM disc (data and audio), CD-Extra,CD-Text, CD-R (Conforming to “Orange BookPart 2”: read & write), CD-RW (Conforming to“Orange Book Part 3”: read & write)120 mm24x max.24x max.10x , 16x , 24xHigh Speed: 10xUltra Speed: 24x8x max.8x max.6x max.5x max. (Ver. 2.2)8x max.6x max.1.5 G bps (150 MB/s)160 ms typ.260 ms typ.140 ms typ.60,000 power on hours (POH)+5V +/-5% ripple less than 100 mVp-p5° C to 50° C-30° C to 60° C15 % to 85 %10 % to 90 %Key: insert “Max X” speed for each media below.For CD 1X=150 KB/s; DVD 1X=1350 KB/s; BD 1x = 4.5 MB/s0.75 MB©2015 Made by LG Electronics.。

锥度 sk40标准


40度是国标的标延基准温度英文回答:In the standard of GB/T 13005-2021 "Standard value of atmospheric pressure and temperature for the calibration of liquid volume measuring instruments", 40°C is specified as the standard reference temperature for the calibration of liquid volume measuring instruments.The calibration of liquid volume measuring instruments is based on the principle of volume expansion and contraction with temperature. When the temperature of the liquid changes, its volume will also change. Therefore, in order to ensure the accuracy of the calibration, it is necessary to specify a fixed temperature as the standard reference temperature.The standard reference temperature of 40°C is selected because it is close to the average temperature of liquid volume measuring instruments in actual use. In addition,40°C is also a relatively stable temperature, which can effectively reduce the influence of temperature changes on the calibration results.中文回答:按照GB/T 13005-2021《液体计量器具校准用大气压力和温度标准值》规定,40°C为液体计量器具校准用的标准参考温度。
CiA 402-1 version 3.0.0

CiA 402 Draft Standard ProposalDevice profile for drives and motion controlPart 1: General definitionsThis DSP is for CiA members only and may be changed without notification.Version: 3.0.014 December 2007! CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.HISTORYThe CiA 402 CANopen device profile for drives and motion control was submitted to IEC for international standardization. The CiA 402 related clauses in the IEC 61800-7-1, IEC 61800-7-201 and IEC 61800-7-301 standards are published in this set of profile specifications. This set substitutes the CiA DSP 402 version 2.0 from July 2002. The device profile has been entirely reviewed and restructured. There have been dropped several object dictionary entries in order to simplify the implementation of this profile. On the other hand new operation modes have been introduced.EDITORIAL REMARKPart 1 of this set of specifications provides general information and presents the annex A of IEC 61800-7-1. Part 2 presents the IEC 61800-7-201 standard, and part 3 presents the CANopen-relevant clauses in IEC 61800-7-301.General information on licensing and patentsCAN in AUTOMATION (CiA) calls attention to the possibility that some of the elements of this CiA specification may be subject of patent rights. CiA shall not be responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.Because this specification is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for this specification, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holder and/or other parties provide this specification “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the correctness and completeness of the specification is with you. Should this specification prove failures, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.TrademarksCANopen® and CiA® are registered community trademarks of CAN in Automation. The use is restricted for CiA members or owners of CANopen vendor ID. More detailed terms for the use are available from CiA.© CiA 2007All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from CiA at the address below.CAN in Automation e. V.Kontumazgarten 3DE - 90429 Nuremberg, GermanyTel.: +49-911-928819-0Fax: +49-911-928819-79Url: Email: headquarters@CONTENTS1Scope (4)2Normative references (4)3Abbreviations and definitions (4)3.1Abbreviations (4)3.2Definitions (4)4Introduction (4)5Mapping of general architecture (5)5.1Typical structure of automation system (5)5.2Structure of the logical PDS (5)5.3Use cases of the PDS (5)5.3.1General (5)5.3.2Use case engineering (6)5.3.3Use case operation-control (6)6Functional elements (6)6.1Device identification FE (6)6.1.1General (6)6.1.2Parameters (6)6.2Device control FE (6)6.2.1General (6)6.2.2I/O data (7)6.2.3States (7)6.2.4Parameters (7)6.3Communication FE (7)6.3.1General (7)6.3.2I/O data (7)6.3.3States (8)6.3.4Parameters (8)6.4Basic drive FE (8)6.4.1General (8)6.4.2I/O data (8)6.4.3States (8)6.4.4Parameters (8)6.5Optional application functions FE (9)6.5.1General (9)6.5.2I/O data (9)6.5.3Parameters (9)7Application modes (9)7.1General (9)7.2Torque control (10)7.3Velocity control (11)7.4Position control (13)1 ScopeThis specification specifies the CANopen device profile for drives and motion control. It consists of three parts:•Part 1: General definitions•Part 2: Operation modes and application data•Part 3: PDO mappingPart 1 specifies the mapping of the power drive system as defined in IEC 61800-7-1.2 Normative references/CiA301/ CiA 301, CANopen application layer and communication profile/CiA402-2/ CiA 402-2, CANopen drive and motion control device profile – Part 2: Operation modes and application data/IEC61800-7-1/ IEC 61800-7-1, Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems – Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive systems – Interface definition3 Abbreviations and definitions3.1 AbbreviationsCAN Controller area networkCOB Communication objectID IdentifierPDO Process data objectRPDO Receive process data objectSDO Service data objectTPDO Transmit process data object3.2 DefinitionsThe definitions given in /CiA301/ and /IEC61800-7-1/ apply for this specification, too.4 IntroductionThis part specifies the mapping of the CiA 402 drive and motion control profile onto the generic power drive system (PDS) interface.Terms of the CiA 402 profile are mapped to IEC 61800-7 terms as specified in Table 1.Table 1 — Profile-specific termsIEC 61800-7 term CiA 402 term ReferenceI/O data Process data See /CiA402-2/Command Controlword See /CiA402-2/Set-point Target value See /CiA402-2/Status Statusword See /CiA402-2/Actual value Actual value See /CiA402-2/5 Mapping of general architecture5.1 Typical structure of automation systemThe typical structure of automation system and the structure of the logical PDS given in /IEC61800-7-1/ apply to this specification. The control device featuring the generic PDS interface controls the drive devices via the communication network.The network technology may provide different communication services for control and monitoring respectively configuration and diagnostic purposes. The drive device and the control device may produce specific emergency messages in case of the detection of several device-internal failures.All process data, communication and application objects are listed in the object dictionary of the drive device. The object dictionary entries are accessible by means of specific communication services. The entries are uniquely addressed by the 16-bit index and the 8-bit sub-index.5.2 Structure of the logical PDSThe drive device shall support one of the modes of operation and may support several of them. The CiA 402 logical power drive system is modelled as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 — CiA 402 logical power drive system model5.3 Use cases of the PDS5.3.1 GeneralThe drive device compliant to this profile specification may be configured and operated by means of dedicated communication services by the control device. The implementation of process data and configuration objects depends on the supported modes of operation.5.3.2 Use case engineeringThe configuration may be performed by the control device or by a dedicated tool device. The tool device may reside in the control device. The control device and the tool device use the same communication services to configure the drive device.5.3.3 Use case operation-controlThe drive device is normally operated by the control device implementing the generic PDS by means of controlword and target values. The kind of target value depends on the currently selected mode of operation. The drive device is monitored by the control device by means of the statusword and actual values. The kind of actual values depends on the currently selected mode of operation.6 Functional elements6.1 Device identification FE6.1.1 GeneralIn addition to the parameters defined in this specification, the CiA 402 profile defines some more identification parameters for the drive device and the motor. These identification parameters are available by means of communication services.6.1.2 ParametersThe identification parameters used by this drive profile are given in Table 2.Table 2 — Drive device identification parametersIEC name CANopen name Details Reference Manufacturer ID Vendor ID Object 1018 01h See /CiA301/Order ID Product code Object 1018 02h See /CiA301/Serial number Serial number Object 1018 04h See /CiA301/Hardware revision Manufacturer hardware version Object 1009 00h See /CiA301/Software revision Manufacturer software version Object 100A 00h See /CiA301/- Motor type Object 6402 00h See /CiA402-2/- Motor catalog number Object 6403 00h See /CiA402-2/- Motor manufacturer Object 6404 00h See /CiA402-2/- http motor catalog address Object 6405 00h See /CiA402-2/- Motor calibration date Object 6406 00h See /CiA402-2/- Motor service period Object 6407 00h See /CiA402-2/- Supported drive modes Object 6502 00h See /CiA402-2/- Drive catalog number Object 6503 00h See /CiA402-2/- http drive catalog address Object 6505 00h See /CiA402-2/6.2 Device control FE6.2.1 GeneralThe device control FE of the drive device shall provide information on fault situations by means of the statusword. The fault shall be reset by means of the controlword.6.2.2 I/O dataThe fault state of the device control FE shall be signalled by setting the bit 4 of statusword to 1. The fault reset shall be command by setting the bit 7 from 0 to 1. The status values are given in Table 3. The command values are given in Table 4.Table 3 — Status values for the device control FEIEC name CANopen name Details Reference Faulted Fault and fault reaction active Object 6041h See /CiA402-2/No fault Not ready to switch on, switch onObject6041h See /CiA402-2/disabled, ready to switch on,switched on, opration enabled,quick stop activeTable 4 — Command values for the device control FEIEC name CANopen name Details Reference Reset fault Fault reset bit 0 to 1 Object 6040h See /CiA402-2/6.2.3 StatesThe fault reaction active and fault state is equivalent to the device control FE Faulted state. If no fault is indicated in the statusword, this is equivalent to the device control FE No fault state.6.2.4 ParametersThe occurrence of a failure shall be indicated as defined in Table 5. The reset shall be commanded as defined in Table 5.Table 5 — Parameters in the device control FEIEC name CANopen name Details Reference Fault Fault bit Object 6041h See /CiA402-2/Warning Fault reaction code Object 605E h See /CiA402-2/6.3 Communication FE6.3.1 GeneralThe communication FE of the drive device includes the network management slave FSA controlled by the network management master device. The network management is network technology dependent.6.3.2 I/O dataThe network management master controls the PDS communication FSA by means of NMT messages. The drive device provides its communication status by means of network technology specific mechanism (e.g. CANopen defines the node/life guarding function and the heartbeat function). The status values are given in Table 6. The command values are given in Table 7.Table 6 — Status values for the communication FEIEC name CANopen name Details ReferenceCommunication running Operational 5d See /CiA301/127d or 4d See /CiA301/Communication stopped Pre-operational orStoppedTable 7 — Command values for the communication FEIEC name CANopen name Details ReferenceStop communication Enter pre-operationalor Stop remote node CS = 128dor 2dSee /CiA301/Run communication Start remote node CS = 1d See /CiA301/If the drive device and the control device like to exchange process data synchronously, the used network technology is responsible to achieve synchronous transmission.6.3.3 StatesThe Communication stopped state is equivalent to the NMT pre-operational or NMT stopped state. The Communication running state is equivalent to the NMT operational state.The synchronization is network technology dependent. In CANopen, each Process Data Object (PDO) may be configured individually to be transmitted or to be received synchronously. If synchronization is lost, the drive device may send an Emergency message. Another possibility is to use a global time base.6.3.4 ParametersThe parameters are network technology specific.6.4 Basic drive FE6.4.1 GeneralThis profile defines a PDS FSA that is controlled by the controlword received from the control device. This FSA provides sub-states, which are defined in detail in /CiA402-2/. The drive device provides the statusword, which is consumed by the control device.6.4.2 I/O dataThe status values are given in Table 8. The command values are given in Table 9.Table 8 — Status values for the basic drive FEIEC name CANopen name Details ReferenceOperating Operation enabled Bits 0 to 6 in Object 6041 00h See /CiA402-2/Table 9 — Command values for the basic drive FEIEC name CANopen name Details ReferenceOperate Start (reset) command Bits 0 to 3 and bit 7 in Object 6040 00h See /CiA402-2/6.4.3 StatesThe PDS FSA defined in detail in /CiA402-2/ specifies the possible control sequence of the drive device. A single state represents a special behaviour. The state also determines, which commands are accepted; e.g. it is only possible to start a point-to-point move when the drive is in the operation-enable state. States may be changed using the controlword and/or according to internal events.6.4.4 ParametersThe drive device’s behaviour may be configured by means of parameters via the network. The CiA 402 profile defines parameters to select the mode of operations among many others. Table 10 shows some of these parameters defined in /CiA402-2/.Table 10 — Basic drive FE parametersIEC name CANopen name Details Reference Mode command Modes of operation Object 6060 00h See /CiA402-2/Mode status Modes of operation display Object 6061 00h See /CiA402-2/- Abort connection option code Object 6007 00h See /CiA402-2/- Quick stop option code Object 605A 00h See /CiA402-2/- Shutdown option code Object 605B 00h See /CiA402-2/- Disable operation mode code Object 605C 00h See /CiA402-2/- Halt option code Object 605D 00h See /CiA402-2/- Fault reaction option code Object 605E 00h See /CiA402-2/6.5 Optional application functions FE6.5.1 GeneralThe CiA 402 profile defines optionally a position feedback interface. The position feedback information is accessible via the network interface.The drive device may provide digital inputs and outputs readable respectively writable via the network.6.5.2 I/O dataThe used communication services for transmitting the position feedback information as well as the digital inputs and outputs are network technology dependent.6.5.3 ParametersThe parameters of the optional application functions FE are listed in Table 11.Table 11 — Optional application functions FE parametersCANopen name Details ReferencePosition actual internal value Object 6063 00h See /CiA402-2/Velocity sensor actual value Object 6069 00h See /CiA402-2/Sensor selection code Object 606A 00h See /CiA402-2/Position encoder resolution Object 608F 00h See /CiA402-2/Velocity encoder resolution Object 6090 00h See /CiA402-2/Digital inputs Object 60FD 00h See /CiA402-2/Digital outputs Object 60FE 00h See /CiA402-2/7 Application modes7.1 GeneralThe drive device compliant to /CiA402-2/ may function as servo controller, frequency converter, or stepper motor. It shall support one, and may support several or all of the defined modes of operation. Besides those pre-defined modes of operation, the user may configure other application behaviour.The application modes supported are listed in Table 12.Table 12 — Supported application modesIEC 61800-7 application mode Equivalent CiA 402 mode of operation Torque control with optional feedback Profile torque mode,Cyclic sync torque modeVelocity preset Velocity modeVelocity control with optional feedback Profile velocity mode,Cyclic sync velocity modePosition preset Profile position modePosition control with optional feedback Interpolated position mode,Cyclic sync position modeThe network communication messages used for the transmission of process data are network technology dependent. They may be different for servo controller, frequency inverter, and stepper motors.7.2 Torque controlA drive device in torque mode may use the process data given in Table 13 and the configuration parameters given in Table 14.Table 13 — I/O data for profile torque modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 process dataCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Torque set point Target torque (6071 00h)Actual torque Torque actual value (6077 00h)Table 14 — Parameter for profile torque modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object6072 00h Max torque6073 00h Max current6074 00h Torque demand value6075 00h Motor rated current6076 00h Motor rated torque6078 00h Current actual value6079 00h DC link circuit voltage6087 00h Torque slope6088 00h Torque profile type60F8 XX h Torque control parametersA drive device in cyclic sync torque mode may use the process data given in Table 15 and the configuration parameters given in Table 16.Table 15 — I/O data for cyclic sync torque modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 process dataCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Torque set point Target torque (6071 00h)Actual torque Torque actual value (6077 00h)Table 16 — Parameter for cyclic sync torque modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object6072 00h Max torque6076 00h Motor rated torque6080 00h Max motor speed60B2 00h Torque offset60C2 XX h Interpolation time period7.3 Velocity controlA drive device in velocity mode may use the process data given in Table 17 and the configuration parameters given in Table 18.Table 17 — I/O data for velocity modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 process dataCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Velocity set point Target velocity (vl) (6042 00h)Actual velocity vl velocity actual value (6044 00h)Table 18 — Parameter for velocity modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object6043 00h vl velocity demand6048 XX h vl velocity acceleration6049 XX h vl velocity deceleration604A XX h vl velocity quick stop604B XX h vl set-point factor604C XX h vl dimension factor6050 00h vl slow down time6051 00h vl quick stop timeA drive device in profile velocity mode may use the process data given in Table 19 and the configuration parameters given in Table 20.Table 19 — I/O data for profile velocity modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 process dataCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Velocity set point Target velocity (pv) (60FF 00h)Actual velocity Velocity actual value (606C 00h)Table 20 — Parameter for profile velocity modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object6069 00h Velocity sensor actual value606A 00h Sensor selection mode606B 00h Velocity demand value606D 00h Velocity window606E 00h Velocity window time606F 00h Velocity threshold time60F8 00h Max slippage6071 00h Target torque6072 00h Max torque607E 00h Polarity607F 00h Max motor velocity6080 00h Max motor speed6083 00h Profile acceleration6084 00h Profile deceleration6085 00h Quick stop deceleration6086 00h Motion profile typeA drive device in cyclic sync velocity mode may use the process data given in Table 21 and the configuration parameters given in Table 22.Table 21 — I/O data for cyclic sync velocity modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 process dataCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Velocity set point Target velocity (pv) (60FF 00h)Actual velocity Velocity actual value (606C 00h)Table 22 — Parameter for cyclic sync velocity modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object605A 00h Quick stop option code6069 00h Velocity sensor actual value6062 00h Position demand value6063 00h Position actual internal value6072 00h Max torque6076 00h Motor rated torque6077 00h Torque actual value607E 00h Polarity6080 00h Max motor speed6085 00h Quick stop deceleration6086 00h Motion profile type60B1 00h Velocity offset60B2 00h Torque offset60C2 XX h Interpolation time period7.4 Position controlA drive device in position mode may use the process data given in Table 23 and the configuration parameters given in Table 24.Table 23 — I/O data for profile position modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 objectCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Position set point Target position (607A 00h)Actual position Position actual value (6064 00h)Table 24 — Parameter for profile position modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object607B XX h Position range limit607D XX h Software position limit607E 00h Polarity607F 00h Max profile velocity6080 00h Max motor speed6081 00h Profile velocity6082 00h End velocity6083 00h Profile acceleration6084 00h Profile deceleration6085 00h Quick stop deceleration6086 00h Motion profile type60C5 00h Max acceleration60C6 00h Max decelerationA drive device interpolated position mode may use the process data given in Table 25 and the configuration parameters given in Table 26.Table 25 — I/O data for interpolated position modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 objectCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Position set point Position demand value (6062 00h)Actual position Position actual internal value (6063 00h)Table 26 — Parameter for interpolated position modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object606A 00h Sensor selection code607F 00h Max profile velocity608F XX h Position encoder resolution6090 XX h Velocity encoder resolution6091 XX h Gear ratio6092 XX h Feed constant60C0 00h Interpolation sub mode select60C1 XX h Interpolation data record60C2 XX h Interpolation time period60C3 XX h Interpolation sync definition60C4 XX h Interpolation data configuration60C5 00h Max acceleration60C6 00h Max decelerationA drive device in cyclic sync position mode may use the process data given in Table 27 and the configuration parameters given in Table 28.Table 27 — I/O data for cyclic sync position modeIEC 61800-7 I/O data Equivalent CiA 402 objectCommand Controlword (6040 00h)Status Statusword (6041 00h)Position set point Target position (607A 00h)Actual position Position actual value (6064 00h)Table 28 — Parameter for cyclic sync position modeIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object605A 00h Quick stop option code6063 00h Position actual internal value6065 00h Following error window6066 00h Following error time out6069 00h Velocity sensor actual value606C 00h Velocity actual value6072 00h Max torque6076 00h Motor rated torque6077 00h Torque actual value607B XX h Position range limit607D XX h Software position limit607E 00h Polarity6080 00h Max motor speed6085 00h Quick stop deceleration6086 00h Motion profile type60B0 00h Position offset60B1 00h Velocity offsetIndex and sub-index CiA 402 configuration object 60B2 00h Torque offset60C2 XX h Interpolation time period60F4 00h Following error actual value60FA 00h Control effortCiA 402 version 3.0Drives and motion control device profilePart 1: General definitionsCORRIGENDUM 109 September 2010! CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.Page 4, 3.1:Add at the end of the clause:The abbreviations given in /CiA301/ and /IEC61800-7-1/ apply for this specification, too. Page 4, 3.2:Add the definition for “Local signal” in alphabetical order:Local signalSignal generated by the drive derived from an event except the commands received from the network. Local signal may be caused for example by:- an analog or digital input- switching of the high-level power- a device-internal failurePage 10, 7.2:Delete last line in Table 14:Object 60F8 XX hPage 11,7.3:Replace in Table 17 the name “Target velocity (vl)” of the object 6042h with:vl target velocityDelete two last lines in Table 18:Objects 6050h and 6051hAdd a line to Table 18 after the object 6043h:Object 6046h “vl velocity min max amount”。

哈氏可磨指数40什么是哈氏可磨指数?哈氏可磨指数(Hardness Mohs Scale)是用来衡量物质硬度的一种标准。
它由奥地利矿物学家弗里德里希·莫斯(Friedrich Mohs)于1812年提出,被广泛应用于地质学、材料科学等领域。
RS2099 4-Channel 0.6Ω Quad SPDT Analog Switch 数据手册

0.6Ω Quad SPDT Analog Switch 4-Channel 2:1 Multiplexer – Demultiplexer With Two ControlsFEATURES•Bandwidth: 30MHz•High Speed, Typically 50ns •Supply Range: +1.8V to +5.5V•Low ON-State Resistance, 0.6Ω(TYP) •Break-Before-Make Switching•Rail-to-Rail Operation•TTL/CMOS Compatible•Extended Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°CAPPLICATIONS•Video Switching•Relay Replacements•USB Switching•Battery-Operated Equipment•Cell PhonesFUNCTION TABLEPIN DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONThe RS2099 is a bidirectional 4-channel single-pole double-throw (SPDT) analog switch with two control inputs, which is designed to operate from 1.8V to 5.5V. This device is also known as a 2 channels double-pole double-throw (DPDT) configuration.The RS2099 device can handle both analog and digital signals. It features bandwidth(30MHz) and low on-resistance (0.6Ω TYP).Applications include signalgating, chopping, modulation or demodulation (modem), and signal multiplexing for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion systems.RS2099PIN CONFIGURATIONS(TOP VIEW)TSSOP-16NC1IN1-2COM1NO1V+COM4NO4NC4COM1NC1IN1-2NO1COM2NC2NO2COM3NC3IN3-4NO3COM4NC4NO4ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)V+, IN to GND..................................................-0.3V to 7.0V Analog, Digital Voltage Range (2) …......– 0.3 to (V+) + 0.3V Continuous Current NO, NC, or COM ……............. ±500mA Peak Current NO, NC, or COM ……........…........... ±800mA Storage Temperature ……….…………… −65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature ……….........…… −40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature................................................150°C Package Thermal Resistance @ T A = +25°CSOT23-5, SOT23-6………………….………………200°C/W MSOP-10, SOIC-8 ,TSSOP-8……….………….... 150°C/W QFN-3x3-16L ………….……………..….…..………100°C/W Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) ……………........260°C ESD SusceptibilityHBM .........................................................................1000V MM . (100V)(1) Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not implied.(2) Input terminals are diode-clamped to the power-supply rails. Input signals that can swing more than 0.3V beyond the supply rails should be current-limited to 10mA or less.PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATIONPRODUCT ORDERING NUMBER TEMPERATURERANGE PACKAGE LEAD PACKAGE MARKING PACKAGE OPTION RS2099 RS2099XTQC16 -40℃~125℃ QFN3x3-16L RS2099 Tape and Reel,3000 RS2099RS2099XTSS16-40℃~125℃TSSOP-16RS2099Tape and Reel,3000ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.ESD SENSITIVITY CAUTIONELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV+ = 5.0 V, T A= –40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted))(1) All unused digital inputs of the device must be held at V IO or GND to ensure proper device operation.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) V+ = 5.0 V, TEMP= –40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted))Parameter Measurement InformationFigure 1.ON-State Resistance (r on)Figure 2.OFF-State Leakage Current (I COM(OFF), I NO(OFF))Figure 3.ON-State Leakage Current (I COM(ON), I NO(ON))Figure 4.Capacitance (C I, C COM(OFF), C COM(ON), C NO(OFF), C NO(ON))Figure 5.Turn-On (t ON) and Turn-Off Time (t OFF)Figure 6.Break-Before-Make Time (t BBM)Figure 7.Bandwidth (BW)Figure 8.OFF Isolation (O ISO)Figure 9.Crosstalk (X TALK)Figure 10.Charge Injection (Q C)Figure11.Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONSQFN-3x3-16LSIDE VIEWTOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEWmm)TSSOP-16RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm)。
40acr参考标准 -回复

第二步:40acr参考标准的因素和指标是什么?40acr参考标准通过综合考虑以下几个因素和指标来评估农地的潜力:1. 土壤质量:土壤类型、结构、肥力和水分保持能力等因素。
2. 水资源:水源的可用性和可持续性,包括可灌溉的水源和雨水的收集。
3. 气候条件:气温、降雨量和日照时间等因素,对作物生长和发育至关重要。
4. 坡度和排水:土地的坡度和排水情况,对土壤侵蚀和作物生长有重要影响。
5. 地理位置:土地的地理位置对农业生产和市场接触的重要性。
6. 生态环境:土地的生态平衡和环境友好性。
7. 农场规模:土地面积和规模,在农业生产和经济效益方面起重要作用。
第三步:如何应用40acr参考标准进行土地评估?应用40acr参考标准进行土地评估包括以下几个步骤:1. 数据收集:收集有关土地特征、土壤质量、气候条件、水资源等方面的数据。
2. 数据分析:对收集到的数据进行综合分析,评估土地的适宜程度和潜力。
3. 指标评估:根据40acr参考标准中的各个因素和指标,对土地进行评估,给每个指标赋予相应的权重。
4. 综合评价:将各个指标的评估结果加权综合,得出最终的土地评估结果。
5. 结果解读:根据评估结果,对土地的适宜程度和潜力进行解读,给出相应的建议和决策支持。
第四步:40acr参考标准的优点和局限性是什么?40acr参考标准具有以下优点:1. 综合性:该方法考虑了多个因素和指标,能够全面评估土地的潜力和适宜程度。
nitronic 40的标准

nitronic 40的标准
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General Information
产品描述Product Describe 40%玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺6 40%Glass Fiber Reinforced PA6
产品等级Grade 增强级Reinforced
外观Appearance 粒状,本色
Pellet, Nature Color
Data Sheet
项目Item 典型性能
Typical Characteristic
Testing Standard
机械性能 Mechanical Properties
拉伸强度Tensile Strength 189 MPa ISO527, 50mm/min
断裂伸长率Elongation at break 3.0% ISO527, 50mm/min
弯曲强度Flexural Strength 279 MPa ISO178, 2mm/min
弯曲模量Flexural Modulus 10692 MPa ISO178, 2mm/min
Charpy Impact notched
16.1 KJ/m2 ISO179
Charpy Impact unnotched
95 KJ/m2 ISO179
洛氏硬度Rockwell Hardness 117 ISO2039/2
热性能 Thermal Properties
0.45MPa ISO75
Heat Distortion Temp. 1.81MPa 211
℃ ISO75
熔点 Melting Point 220 ℃ ISO3146C 电性能 Electrical Properties
体积电阻率V olume Resistant IEC93
表面电阻率 Surface Resistant 1012 Ω IEC93
介电强度Dielectric Strength IEC 60243-3
电痕化指数Comp Track Index IEC 60112
其它 Others
密度Specific Gravity 1.45 g/cm3 ISO1183
灰分Ash Content 40±2 ISO3451-4
吸水率 Water Absorption ≈1.7 ISO62
模塑收缩率Mold Shrinkage 0.1 / 0.5 ISO294-4
UL垂直燃烧 Flammability HB UL-94
Glow-wire Flammability Index IEC