用于 LTE 的 实时信令分析仪 - JDSU




JDSU(安科特纳)MTS5100系列OTDR JDSU(安科特纳)MTS5100系列OTDR是先进的模块化测试仪,可以完成高精度的FTTx测试。

独特的JDSU MTS-5100具备多种可插拔的测试模块,提供完整的解决方案,可以提供OTDR、光功率计、光电话等一体化综合型现场仪表。



MTS-5100平台具有各种可现场更换的模块,这些模块包括多模模块,适用于短距离或FTTx (SRe) 、中等距离(DR)、长距离(HD) 、超长距离(VHD) 及1625nm的OTDR 模块,以及可见光故障定位器(红光光源),光源和光功率计、光话机子模块。


OTDR模块是业内最快的,同时也是市场上任何用于现场使用的OTDR 中能够提供最高性能的解决方案。

OTDR与LTS 模块可以为FTTx光纤网络的安装与维护提供高精度的、高性价比的、高可靠性的测试。






从LAN(1.5 m 事件盲区) 到超长应用(44 dB 动态范围)。

高性能测试( 0.1 秒实时扫描时间,具有高至128,000 个采样点)。

提供最大的便携能力(3.5kg) 以及高至16 小时的电池工作时间。

一套完整的PC 软件可以增强MTSe 上的OTDR 报告能力。

Acterna MTSe OTDR 是当前市场上速度最快的、更可靠的、精确的OTDR MTS-5100具有多种功能的测试模块,组合在一起时,全自动和快速测试的特点,可以为执行FTTx光纤网络的开通与故障定位节约可观的时间。

JDSU--LTE 频谱培训材料

JDSU--LTE 频谱培训材料
▪ JD748A产品操作培训
– TD-LTE基站一致性测试 – TD-LTE高级测试
▪ 总结
▪ 仪表连接
先将仪表通过馈线连接到基站发射 机上。(注意基站的输出功率,必 要是添加衰减器加以保护)。
▪ 进入测试模式
点击Mode -> Signal Analyzer选择LTE-T DD.
Signal Analyzer
▪ 选择外部参考信号类型
点击Trigger -> External,选择外部参 考信号类型。
▪ 外部参考信号
可以接入外部参考信号以获取更可 靠的信号调制测试分析结果。
JD748A 概览
▪ JD748A支持主流的无线通信技术,解调信号进行质量分析,它支持的技术包括:
– cdmaOne, cdma2000 1x RTT, cdma2000 1xEVDO. – GSM, GPRS, EDGE和WCDMA/HSDPA. – Mobile-WiMAX和LTE (FDD/TDD).
– 搜索且显示可能的干扰信号类型
– AM/FM音频解调测试
▪ 内部功率测试无需外部功率传感器。 ▪ 外部的功率测试需要借助功率传感器完成测量 (端接式或通过式)。



对 E-UTRAN 的 SART 优化分析
呼叫管理器历史数据分析可以 快速找出所有故障
SART 自动客户
IMS 的 SART E2E 业务分析 机回归测试
呼叫管理器 (Call Manager) 呼叫管理器使负责业务优化、业
务保障、故障诊断或网络维护的工程 师能够从无线网的数百万呼叫中迅速 发现问题。它以历史数据分析、可扩 展性和灵活性为原则设计而成,使大 量用户可以在一个完全分布式的环境 中对来自网络中不同呼叫管理器数据 库的数据进行分析。所有呼叫管理器 客户机都可以同时共享呼叫管理器数 据库。同时,它们也可以对来自某个 时间段的、在特殊网段上的,或与特 殊用户有关的呼叫进行独立分析。
支持多种技术的解决方案 信令分析仪采用了一个具有通用
特性组合的应用程序框架,是一款可 以支持多种技术的综合解决方案。这 个统一的应用软件框架可以满足工程 部门和运营部门的所有技术需求,使 客户在技术演进过程中可以节省大量
预付成本,同时显著降低未来持续投 入的运营成本。此外,随着新型多频 段、多技术基站的演进,您作为标配 使用的协议分析解决方案必须是一种 单一、综合的应用软件,为迎接演进 的挑战做好准备。
安捷伦科技 (中国) 有限公司 地址: 北京市朝阳区望京北路 3 号 电话: 800-810-0189
(010) 64397888 传真: (010) 64390278 邮编: 100102
上海分公司 地址: 上海张江高科技园区
碧波路 690 号 4 号楼 1-3 层 电话: (021) 38507688 传真: (021) 50273000 邮编: 201203
信令分析仪 LTE KPI 和图形呼叫跟踪



龙源期刊网 无线网络测试解决方案提供商捷迪讯(JDSU)公司作者:来源:《移动通信》2011年第19期捷迪讯(JDSU)公司是全球通信及光学领域的领先企业,总部设在美国加利福尼亚州,在全球30多个国家设有代表处,在我国的北京、苏州、深圳设有分支机构。


201 1中国国际信息通信展期间,本刊记者在展会现场与捷迪讯公司北亚区总经理邓伟安先生等进行了简单座谈。

据邓伟安先生介绍,J DSU公司的测试解决方案能够提供对GSM、GPRS、EDGE、UMTS、HSPA、TD-SCDMA、CDMA2000、EVDO、TD-LTE、FDD-LTE、WiMAX等技术的全面支持,其中包括无线网络覆盖质量测试和优化、接入网和核心网信令测试和故障定位、KPl分析以及7×24的实时监控和保障、基站现场开通及维护测量验证等的测试工具及监测系统。


JDSU的实时信号分析仪(SART)解决方案可用于测试不同场景下的LTE 语音通话性能,包括漫游和网络互连、自组网络、切换及重新定位,能为网络整体过渡到LTE 提供端到端支持的解决方案。





JDSU 多线路同步测试仪用户指南说明书

JDSU 多线路同步测试仪用户指南说明书

test performed. If no failures are detected, the remote(s) will be identified in the PASS area by lighting an LED for each remote found (multiple LEDs with DC passing spliters). If no remote is found, or the cable is shorted, the OPEN or SHORT LEDs will light, respectively. Note: The Coax mapping tester will not test cable runs with AC or DC voltage present. Also it will not test through amplifiers, DC blocking devices or isolation splitters.
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #1 Brown
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #2 Red
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #3 Orange
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #4 Yellow
Open/Short LEDs
Remote I.D. detected LEDs
F Connector
The Coax mapping tester is a small hand held tester designed for CATV and security system installers who test multi-run coax systems terminated with F-connectors or those who wish to map runs to a central bundle. It has the ability to put a tone signal on a coax cable as well as find and identify multiple coax cables connected to a coax splitter. With four unique identifier test terminators, it is ideal for mapping coax installations.



捷迪讯JDSU提供卓越的解决方案捷迪讯公司(捷迪讯JDSU)日前在捷迪讯的Different View 上推出了最新视频,讨论在制药行业中日益严重的假冒药品问题,以及捷迪讯JDSU的认证解决方案如何提供帮助制止这种非法活动。




捷迪讯JDSU公司透露其8500系列40G DP-QPSK(双偏振四相相移键控调制)Transponder 相干模块现开始样品出货。


Oclaro的MI 5000XM 40G相干模块也采用了ClariPhy的类似技术。

捷迪讯JDSU 8500系列Transponder集成了捷迪讯JDSU的几个光学器件,包括一个相干接收器(intradyne coherent receiver)、一个可调谐激光器和一个铌酸锂调制器。


捷迪讯JDSU传输模块营销副总裁Tom Fawcett表示:“在ClariPhy的单芯片相干技术及其团队的支持下,我们得以成功推出8500系列Transponder,这是我们的客户一直期待的成本效率和功效都更高的40G相干传输的升级产品。

我们相信该产品的出货将是40G 相干传输大规模部署过程中的一个转折点。

”ClariPhy首席执行官兼总裁Nariman Yousefi表示:“通过推出一款采用了自身研发的关键光学器件且成本效率和功效都更高的Transponder,捷迪讯JDSU正加速40G相干传输的部署。


JDSU MTS-2000 OTDR 中文 产品资料

JDSU MTS-2000 OTDR  中文 产品资料

光话机 光功率计
显微镜 PON 光功率计
智能 OTDR 光功率计
故障定位仪 专业 OTDR 光源
MTS-2000 所采用的应用模块也可用于 MTS-4000。这两款产品可互操作。
通过无缝数据工作流程提高工作效率 MTS-2000 集成了各种通信功能,实现了远程控制、数据和设置上传/下载以及报告发送。本机 有一个高速 1G 以太网端口、三个 USB 端口以及选配的 WiFi 和蓝牙网络连接。
输出,25 瓦
电气安全:符合 EN60950
175×138×80 毫米
寸(高 x 宽 (6.9×5.4×3.2 英寸)
x 深)
0.864 千克(1.89 磅)
带电池和 1.21 千克(2.67 磅)
储பைடு நூலகம்温度:-20~+60℃
(2)在校准波长下(除 1650nm 外) (3)-45dBm,从 800 到 1250nm
激光等级 2 级,依照 EN60825-1 和
FDA21 CFR 1040.10 标

动态范围 连接器类型
32dB(典型) SC、FC 和 UPP (含 3 个适配器)
(3) 开机指示灯
(14) 耳机插孔
(4) 文件菜单
(15) 交流/直流输入
(5) 设置菜单
(16) (从)微型 USB 端口
(6) 启动/停止












JDSU T-BERD 6000 光纤测试平台说明书

JDSU T-BERD 6000 光纤测试平台说明书

T-BERD ®6000Compact Optical Test Platform Key Features •Compact,lightweight,and highly integrated platform•More than 40 application modules already supported formultimode and single-mode•Built-in VFL,power meter,LTS,ORL,and video inspectionscope options •Choose from IL/ORL,OTDR,PMD,CD,AP and/or WDMplug-ins•Exceeds Telcordia specifications for ruggedness,droptesting,and extended battery life•Compatible with plug-in modules from the MTS-51001and T-BERD 8000The JDSU T-BERD 6000 is a highly integrated test platform designed for all phases of the fiber network life cycle.It provides field service technicians with the highest levels of performance and upgradeability on the market today.The modular design of the T-BERD 6000 offers an extensive portfolio of test functionality with over 40 different fiber modules supporting a wide range of applications.The versatility of the T-BERD 6000 allows technicians to standardize using one type of test equipment and then introduce new testing capabilities in the field without incurring additional training or device costs.The T-BERD 6000 is compatible with our existing fiber module product line,so technicians can exchange plug-in modules between the T-BERD-8000 Scalable Optical Test Platform and the T-BERD 6000,in the field and without the need for additional tools.To ensure the highest level of return on your capital investment for test equipment,an extension allows you to upgrade existing OTDR modules from the MTS-5100 for use with the T-BERD 6000.To ensure the highest-level return on investment for your test equipment,upgradeexisting optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) modules from the MTS-5100(with an extension) for use with the T-BERD 6000.Compatible with the M T S-5100 line of MM,SR,DR,HD,and VHD OTDR modulesApplications•Performs multimode andsingle-mode OTDR and optical losstest (bidirectional)•Conducts connector inspection andcontinuity testing•Finds faults and identifies traffic•Tests FTTx/PON and CWDMnetworks•Performs fiber dispersion testing(PMD/CD/AP) for 10G/10GE/40G•Allows for use of talk set/data portfor automated end-to-endcommunication and unit control•Generates proof-of-performancereports P r o vided b vided by y : com (800)40404-A -ATE TEC CAd Advanced vanced T Test est E quipment Rentals ®Microphone(4) Molded Bumpers(7) Soft Keys(Context Sensitive)(5) Direct Access Keysand Start/StopNavigation Key PadRemovable High-CapacityLi Ion Battery (8-hour battery life)T-BERD 6000 Front Panel Ideal for Field TestingThe T-BERD 6000 is a highly integrated platform with a single module slot and the option to extend internal memory up to 1 gigabyte.The platform features an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) shown on a large 8.4 inch transreflective color display (with an optional touchscreen) to improve viewing under any condition.The high capacity Lithium ion battery adds extended life.Other features include an optional video inspection scope (via USB port),and optional built-in optical test functions,such as a visual fault locator (VFL),power meter,optical return loss (ORL) and loss test sets (LTS).The T-BERD 6000 also has a built-in optical talk set option for communicating and controlling remote units along the fiber,and it can transfer data fast using the USB or Ethernet port.8.4 in Indoor/Outdoor TFT Color Display,Touchscreen ConfigurablePower Meter Visual Fault Locator AC InputHeadsetOptical Talk Set/Light Source/ORL High-SpeedEthernet Port (2) USB Ports (Video Inspection Scope Option)T-BERD 6000 Top SideOverview of Fiber Optic Applications Compact and Highly IntegratedThe versatility of the T-BERD 6000 allows it to address premises to long-haul network s comprising new technologies,such as various fiber network s (FTTx),remote optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs),and 40 G.–Built-in VFL,laser source power meter,LTS,talk set/data,and video inspection scope options (simultaneously)–Bidirectional insertion loss (IL) and ORL capabilities combined in one module –OTDR and chromatic dispersion (CD) capabilities combined in one module –Polarization mode dispersion (PMD),wave division multiplexing (WDM),and attenuation profile (AP) capabilities combined in one module –PMD,CD,and AP capabilities combined in one module Wide Range of Test Applications–10 GigE local area network (LAN) qualification Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the unique universal SRL 850/1300/1310/1550/1625 nmOTDR Module–End-to-end connectivity on point-to-point network s,including sectionalized testing on a passive optical network (PON) (without a splitter)Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the VSRe,SRe,MR OTDR module at 1310/1550 nm –End-to-end connectivity on PONs,including splitter qualification Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the MR,LR,or VLR at 1310/1490/1550 nm OTDR moduleAdd optional VFL,power meter,and video inspection scope–In-service maintenance and troubleshooting without service disruption Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the filtered LR OTDR module at 1625 nm –End-to-end connectivity and fiber splice qualificationSolution:T-BERD 6000 with the MR,LR,or VLR at 1310/1550/1625 nm OTDR module Add optional VFL,power meter,and video inspection scope LAN/WAN Premises Metro/Core NetworksFTTx/Access Networks4–End-to-end connectivity and fiber splice qualification Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the UHD OTDR module at 1310/1550/1625 nmDynamic range of 50 dB available at 1550 nm–Characterize fiber in high-speed transmission systems for loss/dispersion Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the PMD/CD/AP ,ODTR,and OFI module–Characterize fiber and prove suitability to carry multiple channels (water peak)Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the VLR OTDR module at 1383 nmAdd the combined PMD/WDM/SA or CDWM OTDR module–New technologies developed in the futureSolution:T-BERD 6000 with the new JDSU field-upgradeable application module 10G/40G Fiber Characterization CWDM/DWDM Modular PlatformUltralong-Haul Networks Modular designOTDR and IL/ORL TestingA Wide Range of OTDR ModulesThe JDSU OTDR plug-in module family provides a wide range of high-performance OTDRs.Over 40 field-interchangeable modules are compatible withthe T-BERD 6000 for testing and troubleshooting any multimode or single-mode network.The OTDR family includes six lines of OTDRs featuring:–New wavelengths to cover 1383 nm (CWDM) and 1490 nm (FTTx) –Highest dynamic range up to 50 dB–Shortest dead zones down to 0.5 m in multimode and 0.8 m in singlemode–Fastest scan speed at 0.1 s in real-time modeFrom Simple Fault Locator to Expert OTDR…The fault locator boosts productivity in the field by providing:The expert mode offers high-level trace analysis possibilities,mak ing yourT-BERD 6000 platform a powerful instrument for commissioning and trouble-shooting by offering:-Manual settings (pulse,acquisition time,resolution,distance range)-Manual addition and deletion of events-Manual slopes,splices,and reflectances measurementIndustry leader for dynamicrange with 50 dB Revolutionary 50 cm dead zone automationloss,and ORL measurementsFigure 2 Fault locator modeIdeal for End-to-End CommissioningOTDR bidirectional testing is required to obtain true and accurate splice loss readings.JDSU has developed an innovative automatic bidirectional analysis function that is integrated directly into the T-BERD 6000 platform,saving at least 50 percent of the time required for traditional bidirectional analysis.–Offers communication between two units via the link under test to set up the same optimized acquisition parameters–Displays and saves automatic acquisitions in both directions on both units –Eliminates operator errorUnique to the market:Fully automatic bidirectionalacquisition and analysisLocalT-BERD 6000T-BERD 6000Remote Figure 3Bidirectional OTDR measurement CWDM OTDR ModulesThe CWDM OTDR module allows in-service OTDR measurements at International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) G.694.2 CWDM wavelengths.This solution was developed to help network operators and dark fiber providers characterize,maintain,and troubleshoot CWDM systems from short- to medium-haul fiber networks.Figure 4 Qualification of a CWDM networkFTTx/PON In-Service ModulesTo avoid interrupting customer traffic (in-service testing) of B/G/E-PON networks the filtered OTDR module performs an out-of-band test using 1625 nm wavelength.Insertion Loss and Optical Return Loss Testing–Measures bidirectional IL,ORL,and fiber length –Offers one-button automated testing –Choose three wavelengths from 1310,1490,1550,and 1625 nm –Compatible with the OFI-2000 Multifunction Loss Test SetCD,PMD,AP,and WDM TestingThe T-BERD 6000 enables CD and PMD measurements to identify fiber viability for very high-speed transmission systems.It also enables WDM and AP tests to validate the link compatibility with DWDM system implementation.Polarization Mode Dispersion Testing–Fast and accurately measures PMD delay,PMD coefficient,andsecond-order values–Offers high dynamic range (up to 65 dB) dedicated for metropolitan,long haul, and very long haul fiber optic links–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)–Allows for measurement through multiple amplifiers–Provides statistics and long-term monitoringChromatic Dispersion Testing - OTDR-Based Method–Requires access to only one end of the fiber–Offers dynamic range (up to 120 km) dedicated for any metropolitan fiber optic links–Includes acquisition points around 1310,1480,1550,and 1625 nm for accurate CD from 1260 to 1650 nm–Integrates a four-wavelength OTDR and light source–Provides sectional analysis capability for troubleshooting–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)9T-BERD 6000 COMPACT OPTICAL TEST PLATFORMChromatic Dispersion Testing - Phase-Shift Method–Offers high dynamic range (up to 55 dB) dedicated for metropolitan,long haul, and very long haul fiber optic links–Provides full wavelength range characterization (1260 to 1640 nm)–Allows for measurement through multiple amplifiers–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)Attenuation Profile Testing–Provides total loss and dB/km values for full band testing (1260 to 1640 nm)–Allows CDWM and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) transmission band characterization–Provides water peak (1383 nm area) characterization–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)–Combined with WDM and PMD functions or with CD and PMD functionsDWDM Maintenance Testing–Measures channel level,power,and wavelength in the S,C,and L bands–Provides the most compact DWDM test solution that measures optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR)–Tests wavelengths from 1260 to 1640 nm or 1485 to 1640 nm–Offers high wavelength accuracy–Provides statistics and long-term monitoring–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)10Generate cable acceptance reportsReport single test resultsP rofessional acceptance test reports OTDR trace report Options and AccessoriesGreater Productivity with CommunicationsWith limited telephone line and cell phone coverage during fiber testing,the T-BERD 6000 offers a built-in optical talk set option for permanent communication between test technicians.Near- and far-end technicians can communicate with each other,avoiding many of the testing mistakes that can prove costly if another truck roll is required to fix a problem.For bidirectional testing that requires both the near- and far-end units to acquire data,the Data mode on the optional talk set synchronizes data acquisition for both units during OTDR testing and retrieves test results for pass/fail analysis.–Provides 45 dB optical talk set–Provides file transfer capability through the fiber–Provides remote control of the far-end unit–Provides a talk set compatible with the OFI-2000 and with the OTS-55 Optical Talk Set stand-alone unitEffective Test Report GenerationTransfer data and generate comprehensive reports using JDSU FiberTrace and FiberCable analysis software.–Generate proof-of-performance reports with a high degree of customization –Create dedicated tables for each test result (OTDR,CD,PMD,and ORL)–Provides pass/fail indicators for quick analysis of problem areas –Identifies macro bends and provides fault report summary11Comprehensive Line of AccessoriesA wide range of available accessories provide technicians with everything needed to benefit from the complete testing capabilities of the of the T-BERD 6000.Join the T-BERD Family of Optical Test SolutionsBased on the same graphical user interface (GUI) and file formats,the T-BERD 6000,T-BERD 6000A,and the T-BERD 8000 form a family of solutions for high-performance field testing.In addition,the fiber application plug-in modules are field interchangeable with the T-BERD 6000,T-BERD 6000A,and the T-BERD 8000,ensuring maximum flexibility and investment protection.The T-BERD 6000 can house one fiber application plug-in module.The T-BERD 6000A with the Multi-Services Application Module (MSAM) offers Ethernet and SONET/SDH testing at line rates from 10 Mb/s up to 10 Gb/s,as well as the ability to verify and troubleshoot higher-layer IP video,Layer 4 UDP/PCP ,FTP ,and HTTP .The T-BERD 8000 can house multiple modules simultaneously,enabling the perform-ance of almost any combination of network test functions in a single unit.In addition,the T-BERD 8000 also offers:–DWDM turn-up testing–Dual-port optical spectrum analysis–DWDM channel isolation for BERT analysis –E1/T1 to 10G BERT analysis–10/100/1000/1G/10G Ethernet testingT-BERD 6000 LITE Compact OTDR T-BERD 6000Compact Optical Test Platform T-BERD 6000ACompact Network Test Platform T-BERD 8000Scalable Optical Test PlatformThe T-BERD 6000 with the optional mouse,keyboard,battery,headset,AC/DC adapter charger,and video inspection scopeT-BERD 8000 field-scalable optical test platformView clean and dirty fiber end faces with the connector inspection option.Test & Measurement Regional SalesProduct specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© 2008 JDS Uniphase Corporation November 200830162566 000 1108 TB6000.DS.FOP .TM.AESpecifications for Typical 25°CDisplayTFT color,8.4 in LCD,800 x 600,high-visibility (standard)Touchscreen,TFT color,8.4 in LCD,800 x 600,high-visibility (optional)Storage and I/O Interfaces Internal memory 1000 test results Extended memory (optional)Minimum 1 GB (optional)2x USB V1.1,1x RJ45 Ethernet Power Supply Battery type Standard removable Li-ion batteries AC/DC adapter Input 100–240 V,50–60 Hz,Output 19 V DC/3.1 AOperation time Up to 11 hrs with standard display,Telcordia GR-196-CORESize and WeightMainframe with one plug-in module and battery (L x H x W)285 x 195 x 93 mm(11.2 x 7.7 x 3.7 in)Mainframe only (without battery and module) 2.4 kg (5.3 lb)Mainframe (with one plug-in module and battery) 3.4 kg (7.5 lb)Environmental SpecificationsOperating temperature range on mains (no options)–20 to +50°C (–4 to 122°F)Operating temperature range (all options)0 to +40°C(32 to 104°F)Storage temperature range –20 to +60°C (–4 to 140°F)Humidity,non-condensing 95%Base Unit Optical Interfaces (optional)Power Meter Power level+10 to –60 dBm Calibrated wavelengths 850,1310,and 1550 nm Connector type Universal push/pull (UPP)Talkset Wavelength 1550 nm ±20 nmDynamic range 45 dBFunction With data/file transferLaser safety Class 1M laser Connector typeField interchangeableOptical Return Loss Selectable wavelength 1310 / 1550 nm Measurement range 0 dB to 45 dBMeasurement uncertainty ±1 dB Display resolution0.01 dBVisual Fault Locator Wavelength 635 nm ±15 nm Output power level <1 mW Laser safety Class 2 laser Connector type Universal push/pull (UPP)Continuous Wave Light Source Wavelengths (selection)1310,1550,and 1625 nm Output power level –3.5 dBm Stability in 15 min ±0.02 dB Stability in 8 hrs ±0.2 dB Laser safety Class 1M laser Connector type Field interchangeable Video Inspection Scope (via USB)Magnification 250X and 400X,through the USB portBase InstrumentT-BERD 6000 platform with high-visibilitycolor display and battery packTB6000T-BERD 6000 platform with high-visibility touchscreen color display and battery pack TB6000T Extended memory (1 GB)E60EXTMEM VFL with 2.5 mm UPP E80VFL Optical talk set E80TS Optical power meter with UPP connector (2.5 mm provided as standard)E80PM Optical loss test set 1550/1625 nm with talk set E8029LTSTS Optical loss test set with talk set (1310/1550/1625 nm)E8036LTSTS Combined LTS and ORL with talk set(1310/1550 nm )E8026LTSTSORL Bidirectional OTDR acquisitionoption for single-mode moduleE80bidir Quick capture video microscope,200x/400x with USB converterEFSCOPE400AccessoriesCigarette lighter power adapterE80lighter Additional Li-Ion rechargeable batteryE60LiIon Wrap around carrying case for 6000 platformESCASE5Application SoftwareOptical FiberTrace software (for post-analysis)EOFS100Optical FiberCable software(for acceptance report generation)EOFS200Optical connectors for the loss test set and talk set options (connector must be of the same type)Field replaceable connectors:EUNIPCFC,EUNIPCSC,EUNIPCST,EUNIPCDIN,EUNIPCLC,EUNIAPCFC,EUNIAPCSC,EUNIAPCST,EUNIAPCDIN,EUNIAPCLCPlease refer to the separate module datasheets for detailed specifications.。

JDSU--LTE 扫频培训材料

JDSU--LTE 扫频培训材料

单击硬件框中的添加按钮,在弹出的对 话框中选择需要添加的W1314A扫频仪。
© 2011 JDS Uniphase Corporation
© 2011 JDS Uniphase Corporation
© 2011 JDS Uniphase Corporation
勾选需要的LTE MIB SIB测试项
© 2011 JDS Uniphase Corporation
© 2011 JDS Uniphase Corporation
实时状态图(List View)
© 2011 JDS Uniphase Corporation
地图视图(Map View)
© 2011 JDS Uniphase Corporation



© 2007 JDSU. All rights reserved.
用于退回到前一屏的菜单 放弃更改当前设置
删除刚才输入的数字或字符 确认输入
按键说明 四 硬功能键 详细解释
包括:中心频率,扫宽,频率步长,信道标准以及 使用的频率单位
可设置:参考电平,量程,自动量程,射频输入衰减 步长及外加电缆衰减值
迹线/显示 设置
© 2007 JDSU. All rights reserved.
可以捕捉多达6条迹线:T1~T6。 Trace view:显示或隐藏踪迹(on/off) Capture:捕捉当前的踪迹并赋予一个 T,(T1~T6)。这些踪迹可用于 Save 和 Load
设置频谱分析的分辨率带宽和视频带宽 Average:设置测量平均值
6 设置浮标
© 2007 JDSU. All rights reserved.
浮标可用来得到当前踪迹上的具体信息。一共可设置6个独立的浮 标。在每个浮标上可读出其相应的横坐标/纵坐标参数
可激活或去激活选定的浮标,当激活时,浮标会在屏幕上显示, 反之,消失
射频频谱分析 天馈线系统测试 干扰分析 发射机性能测试 射频功率测量
© 2007 JDSU. All rights reserved.
测试仪 正面图



- 时钟输出
以发生器信号频率输出时钟,大约为400 mV
通过触发输出端输出2048 kHz参考时钟。
产生一个符合ITU-T G.707建议的STM-1信号。
- 映射
BN 3060/35
BN 3060/35 BN 3060/41 BN 3060/42
10 Gbps*电接口 对于BN 3060/35 对于BN 3060/41/42
附加SONET 分插/直通模式 复用/去复用64k/140M 复用/去复用M13
BN 3060/91.48 BN 3060/91.54 BN 3060/90.03 BN 3060/90.10 BN 3060/90.11 BN 3060/90.12
V.24/RS232远程控制接口 GPIB(PCMCIA)远程控制接口 TCP/IP远程控制接口 LabWindows驱动程序 校准 远程操作
BN 3035/91.01 BN 3035/92.10 BN 3035/92.11 BN 3038/95.99 BN 3060/94.01 BN 3035/95.30
全面的选件包 除了众多的主机功能,ANT-10G-SDH版是 目前市场上支持最多种配置选项的仪表。这 些选项包括: - STM-64和OC-192光口和电口可配置于
同一块便携式仪表 - 1310 nm、1550 nm或1310/1550 nm可转
换光口 - 10 Gbps的抖动和漂移测试 - 即将发布的OTN 10.7G FEC测试方案 -支路:包括所有标准映射的STM-1和

Agilent LTE路测产品系列新增电话解决方案,支持完整的性能与覆盖测试 而用户设备(UE)器件支持为LTE和

Agilent LTE路测产品系列新增电话解决方案,支持完整的性能与覆盖测试 而用户设备(UE)器件支持为LTE和

网络分 析仪 ( VNA) 以及 全球 功能最 全 的手 持式 仪 器—— ,
N9 1 A ilF x射 频 分 析 仪 。这 两 款 产 品 非 常 适 用 于 无 9 2 F ed o 线 安 装 与 维 护 。F ed o ilF xRF VNA 可 提 供 业 界 最 高 的 测
完 全相 关 的关键 性 能 指标 ( I 进 行性 能分 析 , KP ) 支持 全 部
2 3 和 4 技 术 , 提 供 业 界 独 有 的 可 用 于 进 行 整 个 网 G、G G 并 络 分析 的端 到端功 能 ;
7 安捷伦 便携 式现 场射 频 测试 解 决 方案 : 界精 度 最 ) 世
口( 括 I 包 MS和 VO GA) 呼 叫 追 踪 实 时 图 形 显 示 , 用 L 的 使
W 1 1 I 7 5 M M0 信 道 生 成 器 , 用 于 W I 可 NNE 和 R WI NNE —I 于 几 何 模 型 的 MI R I基 MO 衰 落 , 成 了 集
E 物理 天线 串扰 和传播 ; M

W 1 1 字 预 失 真 生 成 器 , 将 4 功 率 放 大 器 和 收 7 6数 可 G
发 信机 的动态 范围扩 大 2 B; 0d
2 )M I I 域 测 试 解 决 方 案 , 个 用 于 无 线 和 成 像 应 P X 一 用 的完整 MII 试解 决方案 。该 系统 具有 交叉 域 数 字射 P测 频 激 励 与 分 析 ( 合 Agln X、 in lS u i 结 i tRD Sg a tdo软 件 和 e
了 始 终 一 致 的 测 试 引 擎 , 优 化 测 试 过 程 , 加 快 产 品 开 可 以
发速 度 ;



LTE仪表能够提 供实时的交通信 息,帮助驾驶员 规划最佳路线, 缓解交通拥堵。
LTE仪表在智能 交通领域的应用, 可以提高道路运 输的安全性和效 率。
家庭网络覆盖:LTE仪 表可以提供稳定的网络 覆盖,方便家庭成员上 网、观看视频等。
智能设备控制:通过 LTE仪表连接和控制 智能家居设备,如智 能灯泡、智能插座等。
操作方式:通过手 机APP或电脑软件, 用户可以远程控制 LTE仪表的开关机、 参数设置、数据查 看等功能,同时支 持实时视频监控和 远程调试等功能。
安装步骤:按照说 明书逐步进行安装, 确保连接正确
调试方法:根据实 际需求进行参数设 置和调试,以达到 最佳性能
注意事项:确保 设备安全,遵循 相关规定和标准
单击此处添加文本 LTE仪表的功能 LTE仪表的使用 LTE仪表的应用场景
数据采集:实时监测并采集仪表数据 数据存储:支持本地和远程数据存储 数据处理:支持数据清洗、转换、分析等操作 数据输出:支持多种数据格式输出,如CSV、Excel等
可以通过手机 APP或电脑软件 进行远程操作, 方便用户随时随 地监控和管理设
优势:远程控制 功能可以省去现 场操作的麻烦和 时间成本,提高 工作效率,特别 适合需要频繁监 控设备的用户。
应用场景:LTE仪 表的远程控制功 能广泛应用于智 能家居、工业自 动化、安防监控 等领域,方便用 户对设备进行集 中管理和控制。

JDSU 网络测试设备产品说明书

JDSU 网络测试设备产品说明书

WEBSITE: 22008923r000Capturing and Analyzing PacketsBefore testingBefore capturing packets, consider the following:What is captured? All received traffic (test traffic, control plane traffic, and live traffic) that satisfies the user-specified filter criteria can be captured on all supported interfaces. All transmitted traffic (test traffic, control plane traffic, and life traffic) that satisfies the user-specified capture criteria can be captured for all supported interfaces up to 1 Gigabit Ethernet . When capturing transmitted traffic from a 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface, only control plane traffic is captured . Ethernet frames ranging from 4 to 10000 bytes long can be captured, but the 4 byte Ethernet FCS is not stored in the capture buffer.How much can be stored in the buffer? You can specifying a buffer size ranging from 1 MB to 256 MB. You can also indicate that the instrument should stop capturing packets when the buffer is full, or overwrite the oldest packets in the buffer with new captured packets in 1 MB incre-ments.Why use packet slicing? You can tell the instrument to capture only the first 64 or 128 bytes of each packet, which allows you to analyze the most important data (carried in the packet headers), and to capture and store more packets in the buffer.Configuring the testBefore capturing packets, you specify filter settings (for received packets), and capture settings. When capturing packets in Monitor or Terminate mode, you must use Port 1 for your test. If you are capturing packets in Dual Through mode, both ports can be used.Configuring a capture for a large buffer (for example, 256 MB), with small packets (for example, 46 byte ping packets), will take a long time to fill the buffer. Configuring the capture for a small buffer with large packets will fill the buffer quickly.2Capturing and Analyzing Packets WEBSITE: Step 1On the Main screen, use the Test menu to select the application for the interface you are testing.Step 2Select the Capture tool bar, then enable the capture feature.Step 3Select the Setup soft key, and then do the following:a Select the Filters tab, and then do one of the following:- If you launched a layer 2 application, select Ethernet , andthen specify the settings that capture the received traffic thatyou want to analyze.- If you launched a layer 3 or layer 4 application, and youwant to specify basic filter information, select Basic , andthen specify the Traffic Type and the Address Type carriedin the received traffic you want to capture.- If you launched a layer 3 or layer 4 application, and youwant to specify detailed filter information, select Basic , andthen set the filter mode to Detailed .Use the Ethernet , IP , and TCP/UDP selections in the paneon the left to display the filter settings for your particular test,and t hen s pecify t he s ettings t hat c apture t he r eceived t rafficthat you want to analyze.b Select the Capture tab, then specify the following settings:Setting ParameterCapture buffer size(MB)Specify a size ranging from 1 to 256 MB in a 1 MB increment. The default buffer size is 16 MB.Capture frame slic-ing If you want to capture the first 64 or 128 bytes of each frame (and ignore the rest of the frame), select 64 or128; otherwise, select None.If you select None (the default), the entire frame is cap-tured.When capture buf-fer is filled If you want to overwrite the oldest packets with newpackets when the buffer becomes full, selectWrap Capture ; otherwise, select Stop Capture .Include frames from Traffic tabIf you want to capture transmitted frames (the trafficload which is specified on the Traffic tab), select Yes .Capturing and Analyzing Packets3 Step 4Select the Results soft key to return to the Main screen.Connecting to the circuitStep 1Using a fibre scope, inspect the cables and components that you intend to use to connect your instrument to the circuit. Ifnecessary, clean them.Step 2Verify that your instruments are connected properly for the test. When capturing packets, you can connect to the circuit using an end-to-end configuration or a loopback configuration.Starting the testStep 1Do the following:–If you are testing on an optical circuit, turn the laser on.–If you are capturing transmitted or looped back traffic, select Start Traffic.Step 2Select the Capture toolbar, and then do the following:a Select Start Capture. A message appears in the messagebar indicating that the capture has started, and the actionkey states Capture Started.b If you want to capture packets that shows how the traffic isimpacted by various events, use the buttons on theActions, Errors, and Fault Signaling tool bars to insert theevents into the transmitted traffic stream.Step 3If you want to stop capturing packets before the buffer is full (for example, after the instrument has transmitted and received acertain number of frames), select the Capture Started actionkey. The action key turns grey, and a message appears in themessage bar indicating that the capture is complete.WEBSITE: 4Capturing and Analyzing PacketsSaving or exporting captured packetsYou can safe captured packets in the buffer to the internal USB drive, or export them to an external USB drive. You can save the entire buffer, or just part of the buffer. You can also optionally compress the data. Many factors contribute to the length of time it takes to save a captured file, but the key factors are the packet density and the capture size.Step 1On the Main screen, select Save Capture Buffer, then select a location, and then specify the other save settings (file name,whether to compress the file, and whether to launch Wireshareafter saving.Step 2Select the Save button at the bottom of the dialog box.A dialog box appears above the Main screen showing thepercentage of the buffer that has been saved. When buffer issaved, the box closes. If you indicated that you wanted Wire-shark to launch immediately after saving the buffer, the Wire-shark® application appears.Analyzing packets using Wireshark®After saving the packets in the capture buffer (to a PCAP file), you can analyze them in detail on the instrument using the Wireshark® protocol analyzer. Files exceeding 16 MB should not be analyzed on the instrument; large files should be exported for analysis on another device. If you attempt to analyze a file with more than 50,000 packets, the instrument will alert you that the file should be exported for analysis.IMPORTANT: Wireshark® SupportJDSU is distributing Wireshark® on the instrument under the GNUGeneral Public License, version 2. It is not a JDSU product. Fortechnical support, go to the product website at www.wire-.Step 1On the Capture toolbar, select the Wireshark action key. The Open Capture File dialog box appears.Step 2Navigate to and select the file you want to analyze. The Wire-shark® splash screen appears, then a small dialog box appearswhile the application loads the packets in the file you selected. WEBSITE: Capturing and Analyzing Packets 5 WEBSITE: Step 3After the packets are loaded, a screen similar to the one inFigure 3 appears.Step 4Use the controls at the top of the screen to locate and evaluatethe packets. For technical support and product documentation, go to .Analyzing packets using J-MentorIf you want a summarized analysis of the packets, you can use the J-Mentor utility provided on your instrument. The utility is only available for analysis of packets captured on 10/100/10000 Mbps electrical, 100M optical, and 1G optical circuits. J-Mentor can only be used to analyze PCAP files with 50,000 or less packets.Step 1On the Capture toolbar, select the J-Mentor action key. The Open Capture File dialog box appears.Step 2Specify the link bandwidth in Mbps (this is the line rate at whichyou captured the traffic). Then, navigate to and select the file youwant to analyze.Figure 3Sample Wireshark® screen6 Capturing and Analyzing Packets Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Wireshark is a registered trademark of the Wireshark Foundation. ©2012 JDS Uniphase Corporation Test and Measurement Regional SalesNORTH AMERICATEL: 1 855 ASK JDSUFAX: +1 301 353 9216LATIN AMERICA TEL:+1 954 688 5660FAX:+2 954 354 4668ASIA PACIFIC TEL:+852 2892 0990FAX:+852 2892 0770EMEA TEL:+49 7121 86 2222FAX:+49 7121 86 Step 3If you want to observe key details for the PCAP file, select GetPCAP Info . This is wise if you suspect the file might exceed the 50000 packet limit for analysis on your instrument. If it does exceed the limit, a message appears instructing you to export the file for analysis.Step 4Select Analyze . The utility immediately checks for the possibility of retransmissions of packets, high bandwidth utilization, top talkers, detection of half duplex ports, and ICMP frames.After analyzing the packets, a summary screen appears indi-cating whether issues were found at layers 1 and 2 (the physical and Ethernet layer), layer 3 (the IP layer), or layer 4 (the TCP/UDP layer). Green indicates everything was fine at a particular layer; Red indicates that there were issues identified at thatlayer.Step 5Use the Details buttons to observe detailed results for eachlayer. For example, if you want to observe a graph of the network utilization, or a list of all IP conversations, press the Detailsbutton for Layer 1 / 2.Step 6Select Exit to return to the Main screen.Related informationUse this Quick Card in conjunction with the Getting Started Manual and Testing Manual that shipped with your instrument.Technical assistanceFor the latest TAC information, go to or contact your local sales office for assistance. Contact information for regional sales headquar-ters is listed at the bottom of this Quick Card.。





MTS-6000 具有模块化的设计,它能够提供广泛的测试功能,具有40多个不同的光纤模块用于各种类型的应用。


由于MTS-6000 与我们目前现有的光纤模块产品系列兼容,技术人员可以现场在MTS-8000多网络测试仪平台与MTS-6000之间更换插拔模块,无需其它的工具。

为了确保您在测试设备上的资金投资获得最高的投资回报率,现有的MTS-5100 的OTDR模块可以(采用扩展)被转化为与MTS-6000 一起使用。

物超所值更高的投资回报率更高的灵活性,能够满足未来的测试需求无可比拟的速度与功能更高的生产率功能特点:结构紧凑,重量轻,高度集成已经可以支持40多个应用模块有IL/ORL、OTDR、PMD、CD 或WDM 插拔模块选择与MTS-5100和MTS-8000的插拔模块兼容带有内置的VFL、功率计、LTS与视频检查显示选件,具有全面的连接检查功能内置的光话机选件用于使用光纤通话话机中的数据模式能够对两个远端单元进行配置、测试与结果采集在严酷度、跌落测试、扩展电池寿命等方面超过Telcordia 的技术指标结构紧凑,高度集成MTS-6000 的多功能性使得它能够解决FTTx/接入网/城域网或者速度为10Gb/s与40Gb/s 的长途/快捷网。

内置VFL、功率计、LTS、话机/数据以及视频检查显微镜选件(同时)在一个模块内具有插入损耗(IL)与光回损(ORL)功能(双向)在一个模块内具有光时域反射计(OTDR)与色散(CD)功能在一个模块内具有极化模式色散(PMD),波分复用(WDM)与光谱衰减(SA)功能宽范围的测试应用对点到点网络执行端到端连接性测试,包括对PON进行分段测试(不带有分束器)解决方案:带有1310/1550 nm 波长的MM、SRe、DR 或HD OTDR 模块的MTS-6000 对PON 的端到端连接性测试,包括分束器性能测试解决方案:带有1310/1490/1550nm波长的VLR OTDR模块的MTS6000及选件VFL功率计与视频检查显微镜在线维护与故障查找而不引起业务中断解决方案:带有1625 nm 波长OTDR 模块的MTS-6000端到端连接性与光纤熔接特性测试解决方案:带有1310/1550/1625 nm 波长的HD 或VLR OTDR 模块的MTS-6000以及选件VFL、功率计与视频检查显微镜端到端连接性与光纤熔接特性测试解决方案:带有1310/1550/1625 nm 波长的UHD OTDR 模块的MTS-60001550 nm 波长的动态范围为50 dB高速传输系统中光纤的损耗/色散特性测试解决方案:带有PMD、CD/ODTR 或OFI 模块的MTS-6000光纤特性测试并验证其承载多个信道的适用性(水峰)解决方案:带有1383nm波长的VLR OTDR模块的MTS-6000采用组合的PMD/WDM/SA 模块未来所开发的新技术解决方案:具有JDSU 新应用模块的MTS-6000应用:JDSU 已经开发出宽范围的现场可替换OTDR 模块,适用于任何网络类型上的任何应用。






1.概述JDSU HST-3000是一款适合于现场使用的结构坚固的模块化测试平台,配备了以太网业务接口模块(SIM)就解决了这一对于7层测试的需求。




2.技术指标3.功能说明面板简图(键位说明与板块合一)(1)告警指示灯(2)显示屏幕(3)功能键(4)方向及确认键(5)测试快捷键(6)数字键123 4 5 687(7)仪表调节键(8)电源键4.使用说明4.1 开机/关机12机。

4.2指示灯Sync:此 LED 灯报告链路是否被激活,绿色表示链路处于激活状态。

如果 Sync LED 灯不亮,表示链路当前没有被激活。

Data:此 LED 灯报告探测到帧或包的状态,绿色表示在信息流中探测到帧包或帧。

如果此 Data LED 灯不亮,表示没有探测到帧。

Error:此 LED 灯报告错误状态,红色表示错误。

观察 Summary结果分类确定错误类型。

如果 Error LED 灯不亮,比如所有 Summary结果都正确。

Alarm:当测试和使用 Ethernet SIM时 Alarm LED 灯没用。

LpBk:此 LED 灯指示 HST设备本地环回状态,绿色表示 HST 被设置为环回模式,在远端手动或设备调制。

Batt:此 LED 灯指示电池状态。



中国移动信令监测系统设备规范LTE信令采集分册引言LTE(Long-Term Evolution)是第四代(4G)移动通信技术的发展,具有高速率、低时延、大容量等特点。




1. 设备概述1.1 设备功能LTE信令采集设备主要用于实时采集LTE网络的信令数据,包括控制面信令和用户面信令。


1.2 设备架构LTE信令采集设备采用分布式架构,包括采集器(Collector)、过滤器(Filter)和存储器(Storage)三个主要模块。




2. 设备规范2.1 信令采集能力设备应具备较高的信令采集能力,能够支持大规模的LTE网络,并满足以下要求:•支持多频段和多制式的LTE信号采集。



2.2 数据过滤和处理设备的过滤器模块应具备灵活、高效的数据过滤和处理功能,满足以下要求:•支持针对信令类型、小区ID、用户ID等条件的数据过滤。


2.3 存储和检索设备的存储器模块应满足以下要求:•存储容量大,能够存储大规模LTE网络的信令数据。





【摘要】用于无线器件制造的Agiient EXT无线通信测试仪包含X系列测量应用软件和Sequence Studio软件以及增强版Signal Studio软件,针对现有肢新兴通信技术(如LTE)进行所需的测试。

1.安捷伦发布用于生产制造的LTE无线通信测试仪 [J],
2.安捷伦发布用于生产制造的LTE无线通信测试仪 [J],
3.安捷伦发布用于生产制造的LTE无线通信测试仪 [J],
4.第一台拥有LTE信令功能的射频测试仪面世——R&S CMW500宽带无线通信综合测试仪 [J],
5.安捷伦发布用于生产制造的LTE无线通信测试仪 [J],

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我们预计 LTE 的数据性能将是现有 3G 网络数据性能的 10 倍以上,而采用分布式探测和硬件智能技术的 SART 完全可以实现这些性能。SART 探头可连接至所要求的任何网络接口上。这种分布式探测技术与 SART 广泛 的技术相结合,使您能够捕捉和关联来自 LTE 网络与其他技术网络多个接口上的信息,为“现实世界”整个网络 的故障排除提供重要功能。此外,探头自身可进行许多数据处理。正是这种硬件辅助分析和处理能力,使该系统 可以应付 LTE 不断增加的性能需求。通过分布式处理,允许 SART 无需使用大量软件即可迅速和有效地进行大规 模分析。工程师通过使用 SART 提供的数据,可以减少他们对数据采取单点解决方案的时间和费用。
用于 LTE 的 JDSU 实时信令分析仪
• 唯一对整体过渡到 LTE提供端到端支持的解决方案 • 针对 LTE 网络进行广泛的射频性能分析和优化 • 用于速度、标度和经济高效分析的分布式探测/硬件智能技术 • 多用户体系结构可极大地加快故障诊断速度并节省开支

本文涉及的产品技术指标和描述随时可能更改,恕不另行通知。 © 2010 年捷迪讯光电公司(JDSU) 30168043 500 0410
对 E-UTRAN 的 SART 优化分析
呼叫管理器历史数据分析ຫໍສະໝຸດ 可以快速找出所有故障对 E-UTRAN、EPC 和
SART 自动客户机
IMS 的 SART E2E 业务分析 回归测试
真实的多用户体系结构- 一次探测可完成全部测试。
用于 LTE 数据的 SART 可使多个测试工程师同时进行多种工作。在工程师同时执行各种工作时,总体分析、 故障诊断和排除功能可以从根本上减少时间和费用。JDSU 公司的客户表示,过去需要 5、6 个小时才能完成的任 务现在可以在 15 分钟内完成。该多用户体系结构还可减少资金支出。例如,如果 5 个用户一起工作,SART 只 需一次接入即可完成数据链的探测,而其他解决方案则需要 5 个探头分接点和额外的硬件才能完成。 NEM 和服 务提供商通过一次性购买硬件,然后只需添加所需要的软件客户端程序即可,使他们的投资实现最大的回报。另 外,SART 解决方案具有功能强大的应用编程接口(API),能够实现工作流程自动化并可与其他分析活动同时运 行。通过 SART 强大的分析能力和真实客户机-服务器、多用户体系结构可加快开发和部署,缩短投资回报周期并 降低运营成本。
SART 全面分析
用于 LTE 的 SART 可提供一套完整的智能测量和分析应用软件,能够交付精确结果并提高开发速度,使您专 注于测试目标而不用为使用工具费心。SART 功能强大的解码器可提供比特级的细节,以及其全面多接口性能和 优化分析功能,可使您用 SART 进行全面的开发、试验/部署和优化活动。SART 强大的呼叫追踪功能可关联和跟 踪所有相关接口的流程与功能,以便对问题根由进行至关重要的全面端到端分析。如果您结合呼叫管理服务器使 用呼叫追踪技术,还可以增加收集结果的测试次数,这将非常适于系统回归测试和历史分析。同样地,您还可以 在高效的负载测试和强化测试、网络试验、优化和部署中获得更高水平的性能。
用于 LTE 的 SART 将提供哪些优势,它为何成为行业领先 产品?
JDSU SART 平台经过实践验证,可通过解释、关联和分析多种网络技 术在移动网络接口上产生的协议信令消息,提供测试行业中最完整的实时 监测、网络诊断与故障排除。用于 LTE 的 SART 是该平台的综合性延伸, 几乎可以覆盖所有的移动网络 -- 2G、3G、CDMA2000/CDMA 1xEVDO 以 及 IMS 基础设施。IMS 是用于先进 IP 业务的交付机制。用于 LTE 的 SART 在当前的应用中表现得非常出色,这就是最大和最成功的 NEM 和先期部 署运营商选择 SART 的原因所在。是什么打动了这些行业领导者?尽管我 们的竞争对手的产品可以执行某些任务,但根本无法与用于 LTE 的 SART 所提供功能的整体广度和深度相提并论。
• 实时监测、网络诊断和故障排除
• 关联和分析多种网络技术在移动 网络接口上产生的协议信令消息
• 性能分析仪可对 LTE 标准组织定 义的关键性能指标(KPI)进行 全面和实时的测量。
无线行业在向长期演进(LTE)网络方面发展的脚步越来越快,使得 移动宽带市场不断扩张,竞争日益激烈。到 2015 年,运营商需要满足超过 20 亿用户对语音、视频和先进 IP 业务的需求,且客户期望届时的服务质量 将会高过现在的水平。正确部署的 LTE 网络能够为消费者提供所需的带宽 和速度。LTE 网络是纯 IP 网络,具有更简约、更丰富的体系结构,需要的 网元也更少。虽有上述技术优势,但动辄数千亿的风险投资使 LTE 的市场 化还面临巨大压力。然而,盲目投资可能会引起重大失误,这些失误足以 抵消企业提前进入市场所带来的优势。
LTE Uu 切换分析
针对 LTE 网络进行广泛的射频性能分析和优化
LTE 的一个有趣现象是它的层叠体系结构,即全部无线资源管理功能层叠到 eNodeB 中隐藏起来。结果,网 络信令与空中接口(Uu)的关联比射频性能工程和优化任务更为重要。用于 LTE 的 SART 可接收来自多个 Uu 数 据源(包括 JDSU 业经行业验证的路测平台)的数据。特别是考虑到 LTE 和 2G/3G 网络之间的移动性时,它可以 用来验证关键的射频性能参数,以及网络和 UE 对动态变化的 RF 环境做出何种反应。此外,它还可以确定 LTE 网络中每部手机的工作状态以及不同网络配置对整体性能的影响。无论是着重测试和优化 eNodeB 性能的实验 室,还是需要竭力提高您在新 LTE 基础设施中的投资价值的成熟商业网络,都需要这种测试能力。
SART 最新实时性能分析仪在技术采用链上尤为重要,它可对 LTE 标准组织定义的关键性能指标(KPI)进行 全面和实时的测量。您通过 SART 很快就能发现问题所在,并能够快捷深入地挖掘出问题的根源。SART 仪器测 量可公正和独立地评估网络性能,NEM 可以用它来证明其设备性能达到了预期目标。无线服务提供商可以利用这 些测量确定网络中何时、何地存在什么问题,以及这些问题对业务有何影响。
为何选择 JDSU?
网络技术在推出时,其技术采用生命周期还不成熟,厂商往往使用单点解决方案来应对具体的客户需求,这些 单点解决方案没有很好地整合适用于生命周期其他阶段的工具。相比之下,JDSU 通常自行开发解决方案,以满足 整个技术采用生命周期的需求。我们的“全生命周期”战略依赖于在行业早期积累的经验,以及在与客户和标准组 织的合作中获得的知识。JDSU 公司已针对每一代无线技术开发出相应的解决方案,并与合作伙伴建立了紧密的合 作关系。我们在 LTE 中采用 SART 技术平台时,充分利用了这方面的经验和优势。我们的工程师拥有广博的专业 知识,并通过与领先网络设备制造商和服务提供商紧密合作,建立了一套完整的解决方案,可以满足从实验室开发 到试运营再到商业部署所有阶段的需求。用于 LTE 的 SART 是 JDSU 传统多阶段设计理念的典型代表。
网络设备制造商(NEM)和服务提供商在开发、部署和管理 LTE 技术 时,不仅需要确保高品质的服务,同时还要最大限度地减少资本开支和运 营成本。用于 LTE 的 JDSU 实时信令分析仪(SART)使您能够设计和部署 符合规范和质量标准的设备,验证新的业务,显著加快技术应用速度并更 快产生效益。JDSU SART 是唯一为整体过渡到 LTE 提供端到端支持的解决 方案。
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