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AAR After Action Report

ACAD Abyei Community Action for Development

ACF Action Comre la Faim

ACF-USA Action Comre la Faim (Action against hunger-

United States of America)

ACORD Agency for Cooperation and Research in


ACROSS Association of Christian Resource Organizations

Serving Sudan

ACT Alliance Action be Churches Together

ACTED Agency for Technical Cooperation and


ADM Adventist Development and Relief Agency

AED Academy for Educational Development

AFP Agencies, Funds and Programs

AGL Above Ground Level

AHA African Humanitarian Action

AMO Area of Maritime Operation

AMURT International Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team ANLA Annual Needs and Livelihoods Assessment

AOO Area of Operation

AOR Area of Responsibility

APC Armored Personnel Carrier

ARC American Refugee Committee

ARG Aviation Ready Group

ASG Assistant Secretary General

ASMP Alaska Sudan Medical Project

ATC Air Traffic Control

AU African Union

AUPSC African Union Peace and Security Council

AVR Assisted Voluntary Return

AVSI Association of Volunteers in International Service AWD acute watery diarrhea

AWODA Aweil Window of Opportunities and Development


BANFMU Bangladesh Force Marine Unit

BLOS Beyond Line Of Sight

BOI Board of Inquiry

BoSS Bank of South Sudan

BPIHS Basic Package of Health Service

BPO Best Practice Officer

BPT Be prepared to

BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee BSFP Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program

BZ Buffer Zone

C2 Command and Control

C3 Command, Control and Communication

C-IED Counter Improvised Explosive Devices

CAD Coordinated Assistance and Development

CAD Civil Affairs Director

CAFOD Catholic Agency for Overseas Development CAN Community Alert Network

CAO Chief Administrative Officer

CAP Consolidated Appeal Process

CAR Central African Republic

CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation

CBHA Community-Based Health Care

CBO Chief Budget Officer

CBO Community-Based Organization

CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear CCC Confident Children out of Conflict

CCOSS Care for Children and Old Age in South Sudan CDAS Christian Development Action Sudan

CDF Child Development Foundation

CDT Conduct and Discipline Team

CDU Conduct and Discipline Unit

CEC Construction Engineer Company

CERF Central Emergency Response Fund

CES Central Equatoria State

CEWER Conflict Early Warning Early Response

CFL Ceasefire Line

CFR Case Fatality Rate

CFSAM Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission CHAP Common Humanitarian Action Plan

CHF Common Humanitarian Fund

CHNBATT Chinese Battalion

CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CIMIC Civil-Military Coordination

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States

CISS Chief Integrated Services

CITS Communication and Information Technology
