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How to solve the problem:
Hire a detective.
detective [di‘tektiv] 侦探
Mr.Li hired a detective
to look into the accident.
公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次 事故。
Time: Monday Morning
CBD=Central Business District 中心商业区
Do you like shopping?
Let’s talk about shopping
1.What do you think of shopping? 2.Is it fun? Interesting? Difficult? 3.What do you usually buy when you go
Welcome to today’s story
Lesson 32 Shopping made easy
Read follow the video,and then answer these questions.
1.Are people as honest as they once were? 2.Is stealing often happen in small shops or
large ones? 3.Who watched the well-dressed woman? 4.When and Where did the story happen? 5.Did the woman buy anything? 6.Did the woman pay for the expensive dress? 7.Does she really a thief? If not, why?
People are not so _h_o_n_e_stas they once were. The _te_m__p_ta_t_io_n_to steal is _g_r_e_a_te_r than ever before--especially in large shops. A d_e_t_e_c_tiv_e_ recently watched a _w_e_l_l-_d_re_s_s_e_dwoman who always went into a large store on _M_o_n_d_a_y__mornings. One Monday, there were ___fe_w_e_r_ people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was ______eafosiretrhe detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small_a_rt_ic_le_s_. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and _h_a_n_d_e_d_it to an _a_s_s_is_ta_n_t who wrapped it up for her as quickly as_p_o_s_s_ib_l_e_. Then the woman simply took the p_a_r_c_e_l __ and walked out of the shop without _p_a_y_in_g__. When she was_a_r_re_s_te_d_, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress _o_n_c_e_ a week !
It is one of Mr.Lijiacheng’s shopping mall, but it made Mr. Li worried recently.
Problem in the shopping mall:
Expensive articles lost every week. (article 商品)
Suspected person N可o疑1人: 物1号 a well-dressed woman
Suspected person No. 2:
a poorly-dressed man
Who is the thief?
How does she/he steal the goods?
Words temptation to do sth. ……的诱惑
rwo(enrsaceispsetissttthhev.tt.uep抵ma(p抗dftoav,rt.i反os曾nb抗.t经),o 抗,do把,以s忍…t前…h得.打抵住包抗) 不了…的诱惑
①②③①②名PItaws①②-③OAHelirresIwnpmnn词Oomtaacsuaa..cvnvaljaiwonuliob文物enddp,rtt.slpccpnc单snrd...vvlIeoketgt章品lty’e逮j..efeav独mu.abt逮 吸a一swreke,ps=捕eett东nv的ed“ort捕引Ie次lci./一endaoohog西n,u东ogconpi.,(nane打nienm旦d注T(ge西tyae扣dttt强wed请toih扣/包'odredmvn”,h意ulihihs留nn调oco,独sr.v.替eeai留e(cgIln.m,.等指aev的moit立aaw诱g包s物h.我e,ttriw控e仅是)h为的otlaar(ril惑把裹eee品tueteg商l制e个h.了g仅ewnpiksot他eost,店i)P体t/oly携nibltlod被oe们hfo里oc)很东unaro带oowae控s的k包mrk某久erae西s,ntetr吸一t制m好oo人iiw以tco运mwro个e引lnre.e被ea前?m.输se.一p某a-ea逮Or的个tamt人nhht捕的c方oe.o从e的nmn东ta便c前h注efm西.而oo意r,n是打tmh可包e. .数) aardtgrvhoe.ionsd仅gts 仅nn.s.i货m指p物v任l.y,何商逮=的店捕o东里n西l的y 货(=和物aju的rts总itcl称e不可相互取代)