50001-2011能源管理体系全套文件(能源管理手册及程序文件)第1 页共147 页XX科技股份有限公司能源管理手册文件编号:AL/NYSC-2017版本:受控号:编制:审核:批准:发布日期:2017年11月28日实施日期:2017年11月28日第2 页共147 页能源管理手册修订记录第3 页共147 页发布令能源管理手册发布令为了建立并不断完善公司能源管理体系,降低能源消耗,提高能源利用效率,实现高效低耗生产,依据《能源管理体系要求及使用指南》ISO50001:2011,《能源管理体系要求》(GB/T23331-2012),结合公司实际情况,编制了《能源管理手册》第一版,本手册描述了XX药业股份有限公司对能源管理体系的要求,适用于XX科技股份有限公司涉及生产、产品及单位管理相关过程的能源管理活动。
批准:XX科技股份有限公司二零一七年十一月二十八日第4 页共147 页能源方针发布令全体员工及相关方:我公司能源方针经广泛征集,充分讨论研究,现予发布实施,要求全体员工认真执行,请相关方密切配合。
ISO 50001-2011 Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
Reference number ISO 50001:2011(E)© ISO 2011INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 50001First edition 2011-06-15Energy management systems — Requirements with guidance for useSystèmes de management de l'énergie — Exigences et recommandations de mise en œuvreISO 50001:2011(E)COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2011All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2011 All rights reservedISO 50001:2011(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)Introduction (v)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3Terms and definitions (1)4Energy management system requirements (5)4.1General requirements (5)4.2Management responsibility (5)4.2.1Top management (5)4.2.2Management representative (6)4.3Energy policy (6)4.4Energy planning (6)4.4.1General (6)4.4.2Legal requirements and other requirements (7)4.4.3Energy review (7)4.4.4Energy baseline (7)4.4.5Energy performance indicators (8)4.4.6Energy objectives, energy targets and energy management action plans (8)4.5Implementation and operation (8)4.5.1General (8)4.5.2Competence, training and awareness (8)4.5.3Communication (9)4.5.4Documentation (9)4.5.5Operational control (10)4.5.6Design (10)4.5.7Procurement of energy services, products, equipment and energy (10)4.6Checking (11)4.6.1Monitoring, measurement and analysis (11)4.6.2Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements (11)4.6.3Internal audit of the EnMS (11)4.6.4Nonconformities, correction, corrective action and preventive action (12)4.6.5Control of records (12)4.7Management review (12)4.7.1General (12)4.7.2Input to management review (12)4.7.3Output from management review (13)Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this International Standard (14)Annex B (informative) Correspondence between ISO 50001:2011, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 22000:2005 (20)Bibliography (22)© ISO 2011 All rights reserved iiiISO 50001:2011(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 50001 was prepared by Project Committee ISO/PC 242, Energy Management.iv © ISO 2011 All rights reservedISO 50001:2011(E)IntroductionThe purpose of this International Standard is to enable organizations to establish the systems and processes necessary to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, use and consumption. Implementation of this International Standard is intended to lead to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and other related environmental impacts and energy cost through systematic management of energy. This International Standard is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, irrespective of geographical, cultural or social conditions. Successful implementation depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, and especially from top management.This International Standard specifies energy management system (EnMS) requirements, upon which an organization can develop and implement an energy policy, and establish objectives, targets, and action plans which take into account legal requirements and information related to significant energy use. An EnMS enables an organization to achieve its policy commitments, take action as needed to improve its energy performance and demonstrate the conformity of the system to the requirements of this International Standard. This International Standard applies to the activities under the control of the organization, and application of this International Standard can be tailored to fit the specific requirements of the organization, including the complexity of the system, degree of documentation, and resources.This International Standard is based on the Plan - Do - Check - Act (PDCA) continual improvement framework and incorporates energy management into everyday organizational practices, as illustrated in Figure 1.NOTE In the context of energy management, the PDCA approach can be outlined as follows: Plan: conduct the energy review and establish the baseline, energy performance indicators (EnPIs), objectives, targets and action plans necessary to deliver results that will improve energy performance in accordance with the organization's energy policy;Do: implement the energy management action plans;Check: monitor and measure processes and the key characteristics of operations that determine energy performance against the energy policy and objectives, and report the results;Act: take actions to continually improve energy performance and the EnMS.© ISO 2011 All rights reserved vISO 50001:2011(E)vi © ISO 2011 All rights reservedFigure 1 Energy management system model for this International StandardWorldwide application of this International Standard contributes to more efficient use of available energysources, to enhanced competitiveness and to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other related environmental impacts. This International Standard is applicable irrespective of the types of energy used. This International Standard can be used for certification, registration and self-declaration of an organization's EnMS. It does not establish absolute requirements for energy performance beyond the commitments in the energy policy of the organization and its obligation to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements. Thus, two organizations carrying out similar operations, but having different energy performance, can both conform to its requirements.This International Standard is based on the common elements of ISO management system standards, ensuring a high level of compatibility notably with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.NOTE Annex B shows the relationship between this International Standard and ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 22000:2005.An organization can choose to integrate this International Standard with other management systems, including those related to quality, the environment and occupational health and safety.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 50001:2011(E) Energy management systems Requirements with guidance for use1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system, whose purpose is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption.This International Standard specifies requirements applicable to energy use and consumption, including measurement, documentation and reporting, design and procurement practices for equipment, systems, processes and personnel that contribute to energy performance.This International Standard applies to all variables affecting energy performance that can be monitored and influenced by the organization. This International Standard does not prescribe specific performance criteria with respect to energy.This International Standard has been designed to be used independently, but it can be aligned or integrated with other management systems.This International Standard is applicable to any organization wishing to ensure that it conforms to its stated energy policy and wishing to demonstrate this to others, such conformity being confirmed either by means of self-evaluation and self-declaration of conformity, or by certification of the energy management system by an external organization.This International Standard also provides, in Annex A, informative guidance on its use.2 Normative referencesNo normative references are cited. This clause is included in order to retain clause numbering identical with other ISO management system standards.3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1boundariesphysical or site limits and/or organizational limits as defined by the organizationEXAMPLE A process; a group of processes; a site; an entire organization; multiple sites under the control of an organization.3.2continual improvementrecurring process which results in enhancement of energy performance and the energy management system © ISO 2011 All rights reserved1ISO 50001:2011(E)NOTE 1 The process of establishing objectives and finding opportunities for improvement is a continual process. NOTE 2 Continual improvement achieves improvements in overall energy performance, consistent with the organization's energy policy.3.3correctionaction to eliminate a detected nonconformity (3.21)NOTE Adapted from ISO 9000:2005, definition actionaction to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity (3.21)NOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for a nonconformity.NOTE 2 Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence whereas preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence. NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 9000:2005, definition, fuels, steam, heat, compressed air, and other like mediaNOTE 1 For the purposes of this International Standard, energy refers to the various forms of energy, including renewable, which can be purchased, stored, treated, used in equipment or in a process, or recovered.NOTE 2 Energy can be defined as the capacity of a system to produce external activity or perform work.3.6energy baselinequantitative reference(s) providing a basis for comparison of energy performanceNOTE 1 An energy baseline reflects a specified period of time.NOTE 2 An energy baseline can be normalized using variables which affect energy use and/or consumption, e.g. production level, degree days (outdoor temperature), etc.NOTE 3 The energy baseline is also used for calculation of energy savings, as a reference before and after implementation of energy performance improvement actions.3.7energy consumptionquantity of energy applied3.8energy efficiencyratio or other quantitative relationship between an output of performance, service, goods or energy, and an input of energyEXAMPLE Conversion efficiency; energy required/energy used; output/input; theoretical energy used to operate/energy used to operate.NOTE Both input and output need to be clearly specified in quantity and quality, and be measurable.3.9energy management systemEnMSset of interrelated or interacting elements to establish an energy policy and energy objectives, and processes and procedures to achieve those objectives2 © ISO 2011 All rights reservedISO 50001:2011(E) 3.10energy management teamperson(s) responsible for effective implementation of the energy management system activities and for delivering energy performance improvementsNOTE The size and nature of the organization, and available resources, will determine the size of the team. The team may be one person, such as the management representative.3.11energy objectivespecified outcome or achievement set to meet the organization's energy policy related to improved energy performance3.12energy performancemeasurable results related to energy efficiency (3.8), energy use (3.18) and energy consumption (3.7) NOTE 1 In the context of energy management systems, results can be measured against the organization's energy policy, objectives, targets and other energy performance requirements.NOTE 2 Energy performance is one component of the performance of the energy management system.3.13energy performance indicatorEnPIquantitative value or measure of energy performance, as defined by the organizationNOTE EnPIs could be expressed as a simple metric, ratio or a more complex model.3.14energy policystatement by the organization of its overall intentions and direction of an organization related to its energy performance, as formally expressed by top managementNOTE The energy policy provides a framework for action and for the setting of energy objectives and energy targets.3.15energy reviewdetermination of the organization's energy performance based on data and other information, leading to identification of opportunities for improvementNOTE In other regional or national standards, concepts such as identification and review of energy aspects or energy profile are included in the concept of energy review.3.16energy servicesactivities and their results related to the provision and/or use of energy3.17energy targetdetailed and quantifiable energy performance requirement, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that arises from the energy objective and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve this objective3.18energy usemanner or kind of application of energyEXAMPLE Ventilation; lighting; heating; cooling; transportation; processes; production lines.© ISO 2011 All rights reserved3ISO 50001:2011(E)3.19interested partyperson or group concerned with, or affected by, the energy performance of the organization3.20internal auditsystematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively in order to determine the extent to which requirements are fulfilledNOTE See Annex A for more information.3.21nonconformitynon-fulfilment of a requirement[ISO 9000:2005, definition 3.6.2]3.22organizationcompany, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration and that has the authority to control its energy use and consumptionNOTE An organization can be a person or a group of people.3.23preventive actionaction to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity (3.21)NOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for a potential nonconformity.NOTE 2 Preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence, whereas corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence. NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 9000:2005, definition way to carry out an activity or a processNOTE 1 Procedures can be documented or not.NOTE 2 When a procedure is documented, the term written procedure or documented procedure is frequently used. NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 9000:2005, definition stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performedNOTE 1 Records can be used, for example, to document traceability and to provide evidence of verification, preventive action and corrective action.NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 9000:2005, definition of activities, facilities and decisions that the organization addresses through an EnMS, which can include several boundariesNOTE The scope can include energy related to transport.4 © ISO 2011 All rights reserved3.27significant energy useenergy use accounting for substantial energy consumption and/or offering considerable potential for energy performance improvementNOTE Significance criteria are determined by the organization.3.28top managementperson or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest levelNOTE 1 Top management controls the organization defined within the scope and boundaries of the energy management system.NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 9000:2005, definition Energy management system requirements4.1 General requirementsThe organization shall:a) establish, document, implement, maintain and improve an EnMS in accordance with the requirements ofthis International Standard;b) define and document the scope and boundaries of its EnMS;c) determine how it will meet the requirements of this International Standard in order to achieve continualimprovement of its energy performance and of its EnMS.4.2 Management responsibility4.2.1 Top managementTop management shall demonstrate its commitment to support the EnMS and to continually improve its effectiveness by:a) defining, establishing, implementing and maintaining an energy policy;b) appointing a management representative and approving the formation of an energy management team;c) providing the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain and improve the EnMS and theresulting energy performance;NOTE Resources include human resources, specialized skills, technology and financial resources.d) identifying the scope and boundaries to be addressed by the EnMS;e) communicating the importance of energy management to those in the organization;f) ensuring that energy objectives and targets are established;g) ensuring that EnPIs are appropriate to the organization;h) considering energy performance in long-term planning;i) ensuring that results are measured and reported at determined intervals;j) conducting management reviews.© ISO 2011 All rights reserved54.2.2 Management representativeTop management shall appoint a management representative(s) with appropriate skills and competence, who, irrespective of other responsibilities, has the responsibility and authority to:a) ensure the EnMS is established, implemented, maintained, and continually improved in accordance withthis International Standard;b) identify person(s), authorized by an appropriate level of management, to work with the managementrepresentative in support of energy management activities;c) report to top management on energy performance;d) report to top management on the performance of the EnMS;e) ensure that the planning of energy management activities is designed to support the organization'senergy policy;f) define and communicate responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective energymanagement;g) determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of the EnMS areeffective;h) promote awareness of the energy policy and objectives at all levels of the organization.4.3 Energy policyThe energy policy shall state the organization's commitment to achieving energy performance improvement. Top management shall define the energy policy and ensure that it:a) is appropriate to the nature and scale of the organization's energy use and consumption;b) includes a commitment to continual improvement in energy performance;c) includes a commitment to ensure the availability of information and of necessary resources to achieveobjectives and targets;d) includes a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which theorganization subscribes related to its energy use, consumption and efficiency;e) provides the framework for setting and reviewing energy objectives and targets;f) supports the purchase of energy-efficient products and services, and design for energy performanceimprovement;g) is documented and communicated at all levels within the organization;h) is regularly reviewed, and updated as necessary.4.4 Energy planning4.4.1 GeneralThe organization shall conduct and document an energy planning process. Energy planning shall be consistent with the energy policy and shall lead to activities that continually improve energy performance.Energy planning shall involve a review of the organization's activities that can affect energy performance. NOTE 1 A concept diagram illustrating energy planning is shown in Figure A.2.NOTE 2 In other regional or national standards, concepts such as identification and review of energy aspects or the concept of energy profile, are included in the concept of energy review.4.4.2 Legal requirements and other requirementsThe organization shall identify, implement, and have access to the applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes related to its energy use, consumption and efficiency.The organization shall determine how these requirements apply to its energy use, consumption and efficiency and shall ensure that these legal requirements and other requirements to which it subscribes are considered in establishing, implementing and maintaining the EnMS.Legal requirements and other requirements shall be reviewed at defined intervals.4.4.3 Energy reviewThe organization shall develop, record, and maintain an energy review. The methodology and criteria used to develop the energy review shall be documented. To develop the energy review, the organization shall:a) analyse energy use and consumption based on measurement and other data, i.e.identify current energy sources;evaluate past and present energy use and consumption;b) based on the analysis of energy use and consumption, identify the areas of significant energy use, i.e.identify the facilities, equipment, systems, processes and personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization that significantly affect energy use and consumption;identify other relevant variables affecting significant energy uses;determine the current energy performance of facilities, equipment, systems and processes related to identified significant energy uses;estimate future energy use and consumption;c) identify, prioritize and record opportunities for improving energy performance.NOTE Opportunities can relate to potential sources of energy, use of renewable energy, or other alternative energy sources, such as waste energy.The energy review shall be updated at defined intervals, as well as in response to major changes in facilities, equipment, systems, or processes.4.4.4 Energy baselineThe organization shall establish an energy baseline(s) using the information in the initial energy review, considering a data period suitable to the organization's energy use and consumption. Changes in energy performance shall be measured against the energy baseline(s).Adjustments to the baseline(s) shall be made in the case of one or more of the following: EnPIs no longer reflect organizational energy use and consumption, or© ISO 2011 All rights reserved7there have been major changes to the process, operational patterns, or energy systems, oraccording to a predetermined method.The energy baseline(s) shall be maintained and recorded.4.4.5 Energy performance indicatorsThe organization shall identify EnPIs appropriate for monitoring and measuring its energy performance. The methodology for determining and updating the EnPIs shall be recorded and regularly reviewed.EnPIs shall be reviewed and compared to the energy baseline as appropriate.4.4.6 Energy objectives, energy targets and energy management action plansThe organization shall establish, implement and maintain documented energy objectives and targets at the relevant functions, levels, processes or facilities within the organization. Time frames shall be established for achievement of the objectives and targets.The objectives and targets shall be consistent with the energy policy. Targets shall be consistent with the objectives.When establishing and reviewing objectives and targets, the organization shall take into account legal requirements and other requirements, significant energy uses and opportunities to improve energy performance, as identified in the energy review. It shall also consider its financial, operational and business conditions, technological options and the views of interested parties.The organization shall establish, implement and maintain action plans for achieving its objectives and targets. The action plans shall include:designation of responsibility;the means and time frame by which individual targets are to be achieved;a statement of the method by which an improvement in energy performance shall be verified;a statement of the method of verifying the results.The action plans shall be documented, and updated at defined intervals.4.5 Implementation and operation4.5.1 GeneralThe organization shall use the action plans and other outputs resulting from the planning process for implementation and operation.4.5.2 Competence, training and awarenessThe organization shall ensure that any person(s) working for or on its behalf, related to significant energy uses, are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills or experience. The organization shall identify training needs associated with the control of its significant energy uses and the operation of its EnMS. The organization shall provide training or take other actions to meet these needs.Appropriate records shall be maintained.The organization shall ensure that any person(s) working for or on its behalf are aware of:a) the importance of conformity with the energy policy, procedures and the requirements of the EnMS;b) their roles, responsibilities and authorities in achieving the requirements of the EnMS;c) the benefits of improved energy performance;d) the impact, actual or potential, with respect to energy use and consumption, of their activities and howtheir activities and behaviour contribute to the achievement of energy objectives and targets, and the potential consequences of departure from specified procedures.4.5.3 CommunicationThe organization shall communicate internally with regard to its energy performance and EnMS, as appropriate to the size of the organization.The organization shall establish and implement a process by which any person working for, or on behalf of, the organization can make comments or suggest improvements to the EnMS.The organization shall decide whether to communicate externally about its energy policy, EnMS and energy performance, and shall document its decision. If the decision is to communicate externally, the organization shall establish and implement a method for this external communication.4.5.4 Documentation4.5.4.1 Documentation requirementsThe organization shall establish, implement and maintain information, in paper, electronic or any other medium, to describe the core elements of the EnMS and their interaction.The EnMS documentation shall include:a) the scope and boundaries of the EnMS;b) the energy policy;c) the energy objectives, targets, and action plans;d) the documents, including records, required by this International Standard;e) other documents determined by the organization to be necessary.NOTE The degree of documentation can vary for different organizations for the following reasons: the scale of the organization and type of activities;the complexity of the processes and their interactions;the competence of personnel. Control of documentsDocuments required by this International Standard and the EnMS shall be controlled. This includes technical documentation where appropriate.The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedure(s) to:a) approve documents for adequacy prior to issue;© ISO 2011 All rights reserved9。
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分发号:xxxxxx有限公司能源管理体系管理手册(GB/T23331-2012 IDT ISO50001-2011)编制:审核:批准:受控状态:2012— 04—15发布2012— 04—15实施xxxxxx公司发布0 目录0.1能源管理手册发布令 (1)0.2能源管理者代表任命书 (2)0.3能源方针 (3)0.4能源管理基准、目标和指标 (3)0.5企业概况 (4)0.6手册管理 (5)1.范围及边界 (6)2.规范性引用文件 (6)3.术语和定义 (6)4.能源管理体系 (7)4.1总要求 (7)4.2管理职责 (7)4.2.1最高管理者 (7)4.2.2管理者代表 (8)4.3能源方针 (8)4.4策划 (17)4.4.1总则 (17)4.4.2法律、法规、标准及其他要求 (18)4.4.3能源评审 (18)4.4.4能源基准 (18)4.4.5能源绩效参数 (18)4.4.6能源目标、能源指标与能源管理实施方案 (19)4.5实施与运行 (19)4.5.1总则 (20)4.5.2能力、培训和意识 (20)4.5.3信息交流 (20)4.5.4文件 (21)4.5.5运行控制 (21)4.5.6设计 (23)4.5.7能源服务、产品、设备和能源采购 (24)4.6检查 (24)4.6.1监视、测量与分析 (24)4.6.2合规性评价 (24)4.6.3内部审核 (25)4.6.4不符合纠正、纠正措施和预防措施 (24)4.6.5记录控制 (26)4.7管理评审 (26)4.7.1总则 (26)4.7.2评审输入 (26)4.7.3评审输出 (26)0.1 能源管理手册发布令XXXX公司的《能源管理手册》符合GB/T23331—2012《能源管理体系要求》及国家有关法律、法规的要求,也符合本公司能源管理的实际需要,现予以批准发布,自XX年XX月XX日正式实施。
中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部二0一一年一月五日3. 1总则3.1.1为了满足市政工程项目建设的需要.规范市政工程设计概算编制方法,提高设计概算编制质量,根据建设部、财政部发布的《建筑安装工程费用项目组成》(建标【2003】206号)的规定,结合市政工程建设特点,制定《市政工程设计概算编制办法》(以下简称本办法).3.1.2本办法适用于城市新建、改建和扩建的给水、排水、道路、桥涵、隧道、固体废物、燃气和集中供热等市政工程项目设计概算的编制.3.1.3设计概算或修正概算是初步设计文件或技术设计文件的重要组成部分.概算应控制在批准的建设项目可行性研究报告投资估算允许浮动幅度范围内.概算经批准后是基本建设项目投资最高限额,是编制建设项目投资计划、确定和控制建设项目投资的依据,是控制施工图设计和施工图预算的依据,是衡量设计方案经济合理性和选择最佳设计方案的依据,是考核建设项目投资效果的依据.3.1.4设计概算的编制单位应对概算全面负责.当由几个单位共同编制设计概算时,主体编制单位应负责统一制定概算编原则和依据、工程设备与材料价格、取费标准等的协调与统一,并汇编总概算,其他单位负责编制各自所承担部分的设计概算.3.1.5市政工程项目设计概算的编制中,必须严格执行国家的方针、政策和有关法规制度,在调查研究的基础上,如实反映工程项目建设规模、标准、工期、建设条件和所需投资,合理确定和严格控制工程造价.3.1.6设计单位应按不同的设计阶段编制概算和修正概算.概算编制人员应深人现场,搜集上程所在地有关的基础资料,包括相关定额、取费标准、工资单价、材料设备价格、运输和施工条件等,并全面了解建没项目的资金筹措、实施计划、水电供应、配套工群、征地拆迁补偿等情况.3.1.7各省、自治区、直辖市建设主管部门,可在本办法的基础上结台当地实际情况制定补充规定,并报住房和城乡建设部备案.3.2设计概算文件的组成设计概算文件由封面、扉页、概算编制说明、总概算书、综合概算和单位工程概算书组成.3. 2. 1封面及扉页的组成封面有项目名称,编制单位、编制日期及第几册内容,扉页有项目名称、编制单位、单位资格证书号、单位主管、审核、专业负责人和主要编制人的署名,审核和编制人员应签名并加盖执业(从业)资格印章.3. 2. 2概算编制说明应包括以下主要内容3.2.2.1.工程简要概况:包括建设规模和建设范围,并明确建设项目总概算中所包括的和不包括的工程项目和费用,如有几个单位共同编伟咐,则应说明分工编制的情况。
2011年5月一级企业人力资源管理师真题参考答案(王全一于彩凤)2011年5月人力资源和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定卷册一:职业道德理论知识职业:企业人力资源管理师’等级:国家职业资格一级卷册一:职业道德理论知识第一章26 A27 B28 D29 A30 B31 D32 D33 C34 B35 C86 ACDE87 ABC88 ABC89 BCD90 ABD91 BCD92 BC第二章36 C37 B38 C39 C40 C41 B42 B43 D44 D45 D93 BE94 AC95 BE96 BE97 BC98 CE99 ABCD第三章46 B47 C48 C49 C50 B51 A52 B53 D55 B100 AD 101 CD 102 ACD 103 ABD 104 ABCD 105 CD 106 ABCDE第四章56 B57 B58 C59 C60 B61 C62 A63 D64 D65 D107 ABCE 108 AB 109 CDE 110 ACDE 111 CD 112 BE第五章66 B68 A69 D70 B71 C72 D73 B74 A75 A113 ABE 114 BDE 115 BCD 116 BC 117 ABCD 118 BCD 119 ACE第六章76 C77 B78 C79 C80 D81 B82 D83 C84 D85 C120 ABCE 121 ABCD122 ABCE123 ABC124 BCE125 DE2011年5月人力资源和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定卷册二:专业能力职业:企业人力资源管理师等级:国家职业资格一级卷册二:专业能力注意事项:1、请按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号、身份证号和所在地区。
月末欠款累计 开票金额 未开票金
5月计划 5月计划 付款
5月份采购付款计划 物资供应部 2011 年 5月份采购付款计划 2091台 其中: 70台 1890台 酷爱(61台 50台 WS400 20台 400( 本月生产整机合计 2091台 其中:E5(70台)\ E4(1890台)\酷爱(61台)\M2(50台)\WS400(20台) 5月欠款金额 序 供货单位 材料名称 月初欠款 本月采购 号 开票金额 未开票金额 开票金额 未开票金 1 爱普科斯(安徽)飞达电子有限公司 CBB电容 36325.00 2 安徽昌盛电子有限公司 电阻 3060.00 3 安徽迪维乐普非晶器材有限公司 脉变 5150.00 4 安徽康胜机电 充电钻 0.00 5 安徽万向信息产业有限责任公司 芯片 0.00 6 安徽正茂科仪有限公司 仪表 0.00 7 蚌埠康麟电子有限公司 电阻 0.00 8 北京海克赛德科技有限公司 K52-2绝缘片 -11000.00 9 北京南电科技有限公司/四川冠品 TVS管 0.00 10 北京普尔盛电子技术有限公司 6000.00 11 北京韶光科技有限公司 IGBT管 295355.00 105750.00 12 常熟兴达电子 磁芯 0.00 72243.00 13 常州常捷电子有限公司 CBB电容 0.00 14 常州瑞华电力电子器件有限公司 40000.00 111200.00 整流桥 15 巢湖台安电子有限公司 电感 0.00 16 德力西集团安徽电气有限公司 断路器 0.00 17 东莞市磁丰电子有限公司 磁芯 0.00 820.00 18 佛山市顺德区凯格电子科技有限公司 CBB电容 0.00 14532.00 19 海门三洋助焊剂厂 助焊 2500.00 20 合肥安晶龙智能控制研究所 印制板加工 0.00 21 合肥奥兴科技发展有限公司 0.00 22 合肥东创电子有限公司 变压器 0.00 23 合肥峰华机电设备有限责任公司 焊条 0.00 24 合肥侯氏电器设备有限公司 低压电器 20948.48 39297.00 25 合肥华胜泡沫塑料有限公司 包装泡沫 0.00 26 合肥华新机电产品有限公司 铭牌 0.00 28 合肥纪宇贸易有限公司 军用表头 0.00 29 合肥精大仪表股份有限公司 加工板 0.00 30 合肥九兴包装有限公司 包装纸箱 0.00 31 合肥蓝宝商贸有限公司 硅胶 0.00 32 合肥麦威包装材料有限公司 包装材料 0.00 33 合肥齐兴电器有限责任公司 电抗器 0.00 34 合肥强静商贸有限公司 工具 0.00
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附件1:北京市第十二届中小学师生电脑作品评选活动获奖名单(学生组)一等奖(57)电脑绘画(7)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 白鹭归来董星雨王瑾北京市昌平区天通苑小学六年级2班小学2 赶集李超颖李瑛北京市昌平区昌盛园小学4年级(3)班小学3 梦回侏罗纪王唯一王迪北京市海淀区七一小学小学4 幸福赵聪赵立荣北京市密云县东邵渠镇中心小学小学5 玻璃瓶里的城市杨子艺袁继平中国人民大学附属中学初中6 四季之花杜坤晓蒋晓欣北京市育英学校初中7 校季如幻黄凯鑫崔春卉北京市育英学校初中电脑动画(7)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 萝卜村传奇马楷承冯文学北京市顺义区天竺中心小学校五(4)班小学2 我的一天董又嘉余剑飞北京市西城区育翔小学小学3 以柔克刚李淳青黄山北京景山学校七年级初中4 克己读书杨一多李海涛高敏北京市昌平区南口学校初二初中5 为谁而“玩”王行健侯天新北京市海淀区教师进修学校附属实验中学高中6 没有水就没有地球林婧仪马静北京师范大学附属实验中学高中7 弈(三维动画)张辰光袁继平中国人民大学附属中学高中电子报刊/期刊(6)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 师说常浩轩刘胤轩郭文捷北京市丰台第五小学小学2 握笔姿势大比拼王梓馨李雪莹陈建芳北京市平谷区第二小学小学3 我们的故宫于玥陈非北京市第六十五中初二初中4 我心中的小疙瘩张妍李俊妍王海艳北京市顺义区杨镇第二中学初一初中5 水之圆舞曲张晨旭刁佳欣翟海松北京市房山区昊天学校初中6 燕之痕王晗张建彬北京市育英中学初中网页(4)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 我们的地球村周源浩王杰北京理工大学附属小学小学2 罗罗的光荣与梦想崔昌宇邵九飞刘俊荣北京市第二中学分校初二年级初中3 让爱飞翔石昊川彭惠群中国人民大学附属中学高中4 飞翔赵馨逸马静北京师范大学附属实验中学高中电脑艺术设计(4)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 妈咪孕妇帮助系统麻永峰段明华北京市延庆县第六中学高中2 My Mouse 0碳智能鼠标张亦范孙翠松北京市通州区潞河中学分校高中3 剪刀兔美发中心形象设计谢丛薇钟建业北京市育英学校高中4 Good Girl & Bad Girl--春夏季时装系列李梦蝶赵元元北京市宣武外国语实验学校高中程序设计(1)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 基于手机的双因子认证电脑文件加密系统巩炳辰祖浩东北方交通大学附属中学高中“远离烟草,健康生活”专项制作(3)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 照虎画猫饶东华黄文瀚覃芳北京景山学校五年级小学2 出行记(远离烟草)李昂张铭宇李福国平谷区刘家河联办中学初中3 远离烟草张可达康秀云牛山一中实验学校高中手机DV(8)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 奇异的石头石麓尧李建民北京市房山区城关第二小学小学2 探访顺义太阳村郭禹材胡晓征北京市崇文区前门小学小学3 新北京欢迎你林伯璋崔子千北京市东城区新鲜胡同小学五年级小学4 老师,谢谢您席随新杨辉顺义区李桥中学初一年级初中5 电视台的低碳生活张鹤同耿金祥北京市通州区潞河中学高中6 寻觅高子岩吴军北京市育英中学高中7 转折骆胃吴军北京市育英中学高中8 埃及一切从这里开始黄瀚珣任伟佳北京市第八十中学高中网络竞赛(17)序号学校(单位)名称选手名称组别指导教师项目名称1 北京市东城区分司厅小学陈子千小学贾琳张慧祥网络中文2 北京景山学校缴婧然小学毛澄洁杨丽华网络中文3 北京市第十四中学大兴安定分校杨雨晴初中刘国正杨东亚网络中文4 北京市密云县第二中学谢欢想高中李阳网络中文5 北京市第二中学王孟元高中王甲春李明彦网络中文6 北京市密云县第二中学堵子漠高中郑鑫悦网络中文7 北京市东城区分司厅小学张瑞奇小学组李旸张慧祥应用数学8 北京市东城区美术馆后街小学王依宁小学组王冉阎里应用数学9 北京市第二十二中学高佳伟初中组徐璐赵毅虹应用数学10 北京市第二中学李峣高中组王建光庞汉平应用数学11 北京市第二中学耿小聃高中组王海生余坚应用数学12 北京市第五中学苗忆南高中组隗功平李晨应用数学13 北京市东城区分司厅小学赵宇辰小学何智丽郎轶先网络英语14 北京市第十中学齐格菲初中蒋京生网络英语15 北京市第十四中学大兴安定分校韩梦初中韩秀英刘国正网络英语16 北京市密云县第二中学王溢晟高中康恺刘海山网络英语17 清华大学附中国际部孙天玥高中网络英语二等奖(90)电脑绘画(18)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 超级救援战士蒋子腾任立良顺义区东风小学五年级小学2 冰上嬉戏定雨瑄李瑛北京市昌平区昌盛园小学4年级(7)班小学3 舞龙灯胡雅芸张剑北京市昌平区天通苑小学六(2)班小学4 春雪刘鑫禄王硕北京市昌平区城南中心学校邓庄小学小学5 放学了李佳霖李瑛北京市昌平区昌盛园小学4年级(7)班小学6 各归其位杨芊如苟晋平北京市昌平区天通苑小学四(3)班小学7 交通画展赵恒锐张剑北京市昌平区天通苑小学五(2)班小学8 上学路上李啸鸣孟雅静首都师范大学附属良乡实验学校小学9 矿井智能小鼹鼠宋安晴惠卉北京市海淀区七一小学小学10 欢乐六一王司琦惠卉北京市海淀区七一小学小学11 龙腾雷一琴王迪北京市海淀区七一小学小学12 和谐生活李鹏赵立荣密云县东邵渠镇中心小学小学13 愉王树宇赵立荣密云县东邵渠镇中心小学小学14 春耕忙谭旗王旭密云县石城镇中心小学六年级小学15 春天来了徐夏楠马志慧北京市宣武区琉璃厂小学小学16 印象“城市与乡村”洪乐蒙蒋晓欣北京市育英学校初中17 生命杜旭蕊杨守岐北京市徐悲鸿中学初中部初中18 盼许可欣周莉芳首都师范大学附属丽泽中学初中电脑动画(8)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 会动的城市薛祺徐阳东城区曙光小学六年级小学2 磨坊李殿龙冯文学顺义区天竺中心小学校五(3)班小学3 吃鳝鱼李欣颖高和春丰台区丰台第一小学小学4 财富孙伊凡蒋晓欣北京市育英学校初中5 压岁钱钟子岳钟子川蒋晓欣北京市育英学校初中6 仰望星空、脚踏实地姜子嫣王静北京市昌平区第一中学高中7 花开的声音李岩袁继平中国人民大学附属中学高中8 路赵冰清蔡明春首都师范大学附属中学高中电子报刊/期刊(10)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 魔立方张天宇金慧莉北京市东城区西中街小学五年级小学2 垃圾分类郭金昊于雪松北京市怀柔区第二小学五年级小学3 燕水溯源支时节王建房山区琉璃河中心小学小学4 我和我最好的“朋友”穆雨晨赵海天北京市海淀区五一小学小学5 七彩的童年时光张蕾席秋玲密云檀营满族蒙古族乡中心小学六年级小学6 一路书香梅新宇郭文捷北京市丰台第五小学小学7 成长李蕊陈非北京市第六十五中学初中8 掠影——聚焦大石窝裴峰袁也任雄英北京市房山区南尚乐中学初中9 圣园报——撑起心灵的蓝天莘晴王艳平北京市房山区韩村河中学初中10 “甜思思”的“顾事”顾甜甜顾思思梁晶北京市朝阳区三里屯一中初中网页(6)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 戏的源泉——袁铨的京剧网站袁铨马红北京市崇文区光明小学小学2 小小志愿者孙嘉珺王杰北京理工大附属小学小学3 好习惯伴成长李清扬朱杉杉宁小丰顺义区仁和中学初二年级初中4 美的印记孔子晴黄海霞北京市第六十五中学高二6班高中5 太阳能“缘”厉旸天陈文香北京市第六十五中学高二年级高中6 爱德骆威马静北京师范大学附属实验中学高中电脑艺术设计(6)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 低碳生活从你我做起刘棣孙炜北京市第五中学高二高中2 中国爱心传递协会vi设计王明朕刘海辉顺义区第一中学高一(1)班高中3 北京市昌平区第一中学60年校庆VI设计张虞周坤北京市昌平区第一中学高一年级高中4 家装设计郝奕李彬北京市怀柔区第一中学高二年级高中5 花园别墅小区景观设计罗浩李超延庆县第六中学高中6 阿尔卑斯神话--书籍装帧设计姚育青李冬梅北京大学附属中学高中程序设计(1)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 放炸弹的小女孩李天浩曹振生北京市第十四中学高中“远离烟草,健康生活”专项制作(3)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 不吸烟的云崔家玮张一言张翼东城区府学胡同小学小学2 让烟草永远远离我们张可依付心怡张立新北京市东城区史家胡同小学六年级小学3 远离烟草袁梦毛艳红北京市怀柔区怀北学校七年级2班初中手机DV(12)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 我们是一家人孙芮颖王志刚北京市怀柔区北房镇中心小学五年级小学2 七座珠穆朗玛峰赵天溪马红北京市崇文区光明小学小学3 精彩活动课刘梦莹姜晓峰平谷区南独乐河小学小学4 兔年大吉"鸡" 郑心仪刘洁朝阳区安慧里中心小学小学5 我的低碳生活——自行车出行小调查石凇源邢超北京市东城区史家胡同小学六年级小学6 心声无语高雨新杭海燕北京市第十二中学初中7 低碳突击队在行动郭易博张慧北京市第五中学分校初一9班初中8 父与子孟学珂盖世双北京市育英中学高中9 泡沫天空王昕苇袁继平中国人民大学附属中学高中10 屹立辛晓程盖世双北京市育英中学高中11 随风祝文佳徐翔燕北京市第十二中学高中12 我是谁戴泽湄徐翔燕北京市第十二中学高中网络竞赛(26)序号学校(单位)名称选手名称组别指导教师项目名称1 北京景山学校谢天小学毛澄洁杨丽华网络中文2 北京市东城区和平里第四小学巨然小学网络中文3 北京市第二十一中学段若男初中张立康蕊网络中文4 北京市第一中学蔡文瑾初中季玉顾立惠网络中文5 北京市第二中学张楚璇高中王甲春网络中文6 北京市第五中学殷悦涵高中网络中文7 北京市第五中学李梦缘高中隗功平网络中文8 北京市第五中学崔思瑶高中网络中文9 北京市第五中学王蕴祺高中网络中文10 北京市怀柔区第三小学卢静萱小学任艳辉应用数学11 北京市朝阳区望京南湖中园小学刘宇轩小学康毅应用数学12 北京市顺义区张镇小学曹月小学别义利应用数学13 北京二中分校孙渤缘初中韩芃陈诚应用数学14 北京市第十四中学大兴安定分校佟宇倩初中钱春艳刘国正应用数学15 北京市第五中学杨帆高中应用数学16 北京市第二中学邬坤炀高中应用数学17 北京市第五中学李吉生高中许文军应用数学18 北京市第五中学贺宇迪高中隗功平应用数学19 北京市第二中学张祎鹏高中王海生应用数学20 北京市第五中学杜莹高中赵宝伟隗功平应用数学21 北京市东城区金台书院小学赵永清小学何馨怡网络英语22 北京市怀柔区茶坞铁路中学丁思琦小学李晓超网络英语23 北京市第十中学张宇豪初中蒋京生网络英语24 北京市第二十二中学邵健初中王煜网络英语25 首都师范大学附属密云中学宋鸽高中陈宝杰网络英语26 北京市第五中学于洋高中网络英语三等奖(162)电脑绘画(59)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 是谁做的饭姚正路李洪燕顺义区河南村中心小学校六年级小学2 “童”乐梁晨李洪燕顺义区河南村中心小学校五年级小学3 棋趣何影李红英顺义区木林中心小学校六年级小学4 春天真好孙旖涵李丽顺义区木林中心小学校二年级小学5 彩虹读书系列画贾新宇张思喆武雅丽顺义区张镇中心小学校小学6 飞翔魏苗伊施登建顺义区牛山中心小学小学7 旭日王雪玉张福荣北京市门头沟区育园小学小学8 和谐王博睿方振华北京市门头沟区育园小学小学9 2011年那场雪庆铨杜娟北京市门头沟区潭柘寺中心小学小学10 手拉手段思宇李瑛北京市昌平区昌盛园小学 4年级(8)班小学11 童年赵琦孔祥飞北京市昌平区天通苑小学六(2)班小学12 协管爷爷李嘉桐李瑛北京市昌平区昌盛园小学4年级(2)班小学13 不该有的噪音赵润泽苟晋平北京市昌平区天通苑小学四(3)班小学14 交通梦张景涵张剑北京市昌平区天通苑小学五(4)班小学15 快乐星期四张赟朱克月北京市昌平区昌盛园小学5年级(6)班小学16 奇妙的旅行刘萱子王瑾北京市昌平区天通苑小学五(1)班小学17 看京剧李思钰陈建荣房山区阎村镇炒米店完全小学小学18 奇妙的幻想吴萌王燕燕北京市房山区琉璃河镇窑上中心小学小学19 奇妙的海底家园韩萱胡晓征北京市崇文区前门小学小学20 绿色校园,绿色心情张博宇刘文吉新景小学小学21 变叶为纸崔艺霖李伟北京市海淀区中关村第二小学小学22 回到地球蔡阳胡铁军北京密云河南寨镇中心小学六(1) 小学23 四好少年孟琪胡铁军北京密云河南寨镇中心小学六(1)班小学24 多功能书包王伟瑶祝雅丽密云县第四小学小学25 心目中住宅王伟瑶学鑫慧祝雅丽北京市密云县第四小学五年级小学26 兔年吉祥于海洋王旭密云县石城镇中心小学六年级小学27 脸谱绘画张杨王旭密云县石城镇中心小学六年级小学28 欢庆在月球张鸿飞赵立荣密云县东邵渠镇中心小学小学29 神奇的果树杨宇成赵立荣密云县东邵渠镇中心小学小学30 丝绸之路赵星远赵立荣密云县东邵渠镇中心小学小学31 走在乡间的小路上赵亮王旭密云县石城镇中心小学六年级小学32 安全燃放爆竹张思意王雪莹北京市西城区展览路第一小学小学33 观察程宇清刘婕北京市中古友谊小学小学34 绿色出行你我有责董嘉彦王雪莹北京市西城区展览路第一小学小学35 狐狸与乌鸦常潇天田房义北京市宣武区福州馆小学小学36 闹花灯胡雨琳马志慧北京市宣武区琉璃厂小学小学37 快乐的一天边雪莹刘娟北京市宣武区师范学校附属第一小学小学38 空中菜园张艺嘉韩颖北京市宣武区师范学校附属第一小学小学39 快乐冬季肖白雨鸣刘娟北京市宣武区师范学校附属第一小学小学40 参观博物馆杨宇辰张娜丰台区师范学校附属小学小学41 回家过年吴浩溥郭文捷北京市丰台第五小学小学42 快乐的春游文婧怡方亚玲北京市丰台区卢沟桥第二小学校小学43 林荫鸟语伴童年陈默王丽丽北京市丰台区师范学校附属小学小学44 森林动物游乐园金一尘郭文捷北京市丰台区丰台第五小学小学45 圣诞节狂想曲刘馨文婕杨帆北京市丰台区师范学校附属小学小学46 兔子拜年李帮国王秋阳丰师附小城南嘉园分校小学47 福兔迎春韩雅楠王红艳平谷区刘家店学区小学48 宇宙之家杨凯郭晓主北京市平谷区黄松学区小学49 健康快乐每一天张子涵刘艳英平谷区第四小学小学50 比赛邹悦英华石景山区爱乐实验小学小学51 古都的夜张云帆英华石景山区爱乐实验小学小学52 荷塘陈芷欣英华石景山区爱乐实验小学小学53 背影刘雪怡杜潇涵方悦北京市第五中学分校初二年级初中54 未来汽车城王朝马欣北京市第二十一中学初一初中55 国粹•靓装王雪莹崔春卉北京市育英学校初中56 玉树生日谭子璇赵爽北京市育英学校初中57 妙笔生花周士琛郭燕北京市三帆中学初中58 春宋冠初杨守岐北京市徐悲鸿中学初中部初中59 面朝阳光充满希望张新宇杭海燕北京市第十二中学初中电脑动画(8)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 梦李佳祺李文宾北京市门头沟区大峪第二小学小学2 目不识丁杨杰中周卫东北京市昌平区昌盛园小学三年级小学3 倒霉怨谁贾婧彤王洁琼陈佳北京市双榆树中心小学小学4 大明星奔奔的黄气球邓桦崔春卉北京市育英学校初中5 梦幻旅程宋硕镔陈嘉北京市第四中学初中6 “自由”胡天颖朱莹莹北京市怀柔区第一中学高二10班高中7 水晶鱼付润馨姚克娟北京四中高中8 小蜗牛的旅行刘子豪潘立晶北京市第九中学高一(10)班高中电子报刊/期刊(18)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 学生时代周刊王佳帅王志刚北京市怀柔区北房镇中心小学六年级小学2 绿缘时军莹王东生延庆县永宁镇民族小学小学3 童年记忆吴沫王东生延庆县永宁镇民族小学小学4 微微漪澜张梓漪刘月影北京市通州区台湖镇中心小学小学5 快乐童年徐炜由娜北京市海淀区七一小学小学6 让运动成为习惯让生命更加精彩赵宇轩黄瑾北京市西城区宏庙小学小学7 小眼睛大世界杜怡雯杜厚今西城区西四北四条小学小学8 我爱篮球王重岳北京市第一实验小学小学9 稚子童声王辰现尹泽见秀丽平谷区大兴庄学区小学10 我眼中的北京李乐清果明朝阳区劲松第三小学小学11 成长张雨浓张明星北京市昌平区中滩中学初一年级初中12 规范语言要给力,网络词语是浮云李泽平王秀兰北京市怀柔区第五中学初一(14)初中13 草根艺术游有斌黄海霞房山区葫芦垡中学初中14 环保靠大家孟祥伊于靖北京市文汇中学初中15 向日葵成长纪念册李梓白刘兴华北京密云县第四中学初一年级初中16 浅唱、骊歌程越刘瑞锋延庆县十一学校初中17 大家小家——我们团结共进陈迪李玥北京市丰台区丰台第二中学初中18 青春 ing 夏雨毛安琪李春燕北京市民族学校初中网页(6)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 小棋盘大世界周乾唐雅红东城区回民小学三年级小学2 七彩蝶园,七彩生活董晨轩秦紫依李鑫顺义区马坡中心小学六年级3班小学3 感受美国欧阳运思陈嘉北京市第四中学初中4 乐动青春徐纪双姜珊北京市第二十四中学高一年级高中5 Environmentally Friendly环保社团夏至屈海方顺义区第一中学高一(8)班高中6 摸索张正琦于红文北京市广渠门中学高中电脑艺术设计(8)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 雾里看花冷韬万培中央工艺美术学院附属中学高一高中2 翼鸣集--蓝天诗社集杨旭万培中央工艺美术学院附属中学高一高中3 ki.kyou包装盒设计刘晨星刘洙荥北京市昌平区南口学校高中一年级高中4 “低碳行动”VI设计石一雯刘洙荥北京市昌平区南口学校高中一年级高中5 VI设计巴子豪汤震北京市大兴区第一中学高中6 LEVIATHAN饰品企业形象设计手册王风雅张蕾北京市中关村中学高中7 开心网企业形象设计方案陈佩彤陈嘉北京市第四中学高中8 中国意系列书籍封面设计杨越提马静北京师范大学附属实验中学高中程序设计(1)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 基于.net的学习资料文件柜系统周行范抒宇北京市第三中学高中“远离烟草,健康生活”专项制作(5)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 吸烟的金鱼石孟琳张明北京市门头沟区大峪第二小学小学2 吸烟有害(远离烟草)李嘉怡刘艳英平谷区第四小学小学3 远离香烟,健康生活(远离香烟)刘欣然王瑞李红平谷区刘家河联办中学初中4 远离烟草,健康生活梁家珺齐苗北京市怀柔区第一中学高一年级高中5 珍爱生命远离烟草吴敬文赵卉北京现代学校高中手机DV(20)序号作品名称作者指导教师学校/单位组别1 难忘的小学生活凌鑫宇陈昊刘燕霞北京市京源学校小学部小学2 麋鹿苑记王倩雯杜新旺北京市大兴区瀛海镇第一中心小学小学3 干旱的启示刘雅欣陈程北京市房山区大石窝镇南尚乐中心小学小学4 我的运动会李一仉海舰房山区良乡第二小学小学5 我当和事佬儿贾骜蚺赵晓梅平谷区第一小学小学6 会移动的杯子赵嘉诚武淏喆徐阳东城区曙光小学四年级小学7 我们的保护伞王泽轩白华华东城区和平里第四小学四年级小学8 北二环城市公园赵宏淼徐攀北京市东城区北锣鼓巷小学小学9 学习真的有捷径吗?张洛莎钟建业北京市育英学校初中10 记录美好时刻欧阳运思钱晓菁北京四中初中11 换位思考郭雪怡肖文瑾邸迎满北京市第二中学分校初二年级四班初中12 一块口香糖王宇晨郭群北京市一六六中学高二(2)班高中13 校园用电解决方案及自动跟光装臵李子骁许实云顺义区第一中学高二年级高中14 校园公益广告迈骏宇陈杰顺义区第一中学高中15 说说马晓璇陈杰顺义区第一中学高中16 我们都是好孩子宋里奇魏莉北京市怀柔区第一中学高二(11)班高中肉孜麦麦提.17 友谊地久天长耿金祥北京市通州区潞河中学高中艾麦提18 其实我并不弱周乐然盖世双北京市育英中学高中19 我的2011—春节纪实张紫薇赵元元北京市宣武区外国语实验学校高中20 梦想魏家禾刘英男北京市第十七中学高中网络竞赛(37)序号学校(单位)名称选手名称组别指导教师项目名称1 中央工艺美院附中艺美小学李许凯风小学网络中文2 北京市东城区光明小学刘欣宁小学网络中文3 北京市怀柔区北房镇中心小学孙芮颖小学王志刚梁志勇网络中文4 北京市丰台区时光小学曹笛小学李海东金萍网络中文5 北京市第十四中学大兴安定分校吴慧初中梁媛媛赵秋燕网络中文。