



R多媒体产品维修手册LED32K360、LED39K360X3D、LED40K360X3D LED42K360X3D、LED46K360X3D、LED48K360X3D主板方案:MT55053D方案:SG-3D(39、40、42、46、48机型)32无3D功能多媒体研发中心2012.10目录LED32K360、LED39K360X3D、LED40K360X3D、 LED42K360X3D、LED46K360X3D、LED48K360X3D (4)一、产品介绍 (4)(一)、产品外观介绍 (4)(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍 (5)(三)、产品差异介绍 (7)二、产品方案概述 (7)整机内部图 (7)整机信号流程图 (10)电源分配图 (11)三、主板原理说明 (12)主板实物图 (12)主板对应机型对照表 (13)主板电路原理图 (14)1.电源部分---系统3.3Vstb (14)2.电源部分---系统+5V (14)3.电源部分---系统3.3V:33V_Normal (14)4.电源部分--- 核电:VCCK 1.25V (15)5.电源部分---液晶屏TCON供电:VCC-Panel (15)6.电源部分---USB供电: (15)7.电源部分---DDR3供电:+1.5V_DDR3 (16)8.电源部分---PCMCIA大卡供电 (16)9.控制部分---待机控制电路:STANDBY (16)10. 控制部分---背光ON/OFF和调光电路: (16)11.存储部分---EMMC FLASH (17)12.存储部分---EEPROM (18)13.按键电路 (18)14.遥控电路---支持灯效控制、光感 (18)15.DDR电路 (19)16.接口部分---HDMI接口 (20)17.接口部分 (20)18.接口部分---USB接口 (21)19.接口部分---AV2和分量为耳机端口,使用需要加转接线 (22)20.接口部分---VGA接口 (23)21.接口部分---AV输出接口 (23)22.接口部分---AV输出接口—音频输出 (24)23.接口部分---同轴输出电路 (24)24.接口部分---LVDS接口 (24)25.接口部分---耳机输出电路 (25)26. 开关机静音电路 (25)27. 数字供放电路 (26)28. tuner 部分---3.3v (26)29. tuner 部分---tuner (26)30. PCMCIA部分 (27)31. SD卡部分 (28)四、电源板原理说明 (29)LED32K360 (29)产品外观介绍 (30)产品功能规格、特点介绍 (30)主要性能指标 (31)输出规格 (31)产品差异介绍 (31)方案概述 (31)分部原理说明 (31)工作过程 (34)备注 (34)LED39K360 (34)产品性能及规格 (35)5065电源架构简介 (36)5065电源工作原理 (37)易发故障检修 (40)LED40K360X3D (42)产品介绍 (42)主要性能指标 (43)方案概述 (44)原理说明 (44)常见故障现象分析 (46)LED42K360X3D (47)产品外型图 (47)产品性能及规格 (47)4981电源架构简介 (48)4981电源工作原理 (49)易发故障 (52)LED46K360X3D (54)产品外观介绍 (54)产品功能规格、特点介绍 (55)主要性能指标 (55)电源输出规格如下 (55)方案概述 (56)分部原理说明 (56)单板检修流程 (63)LED48K360X3D (63)产品介绍: (63)产品功能、规格: (64)方案概述: (64)分部原理说明: (65)常见故障现象分析: (71)五、产品爆炸图及明细 (72)LED32K360 (72)LED39K360X3D (74)LED40K360X3D (75)LED42K60X3D (76)LED46K60X3D (77)LED48K360X3D (78)六、软件升级方法 (79)MTK5505软件升级方法 (79)MTK5505工厂菜单调试说明 (89)液晶电视服务手册LED32K360、LED39K360X3D、LED40K360X3D、LED42K360X3D、LED46K360X3D、LED48K360X3D一、产品介绍(一)、产品外观介绍外观图:(因拍摄技术有限,图片仅供参考)以LED32K360为例:.. 端子图:(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍技术参数:视频支持格式:各端子电平特性:(三)、产品差异介绍LED39K360X3D采用模组公司HE390GFD-B02液晶屏,LED40K360X3D采用模组公司HE400GFD-B31液晶屏,LED42K360X3D采用模组公司HE420GFD-B01液晶屏, LED46K360X3D采用模组公司HE460GFD-B31液晶屏, LED48K360X3D采用三星公司LTA480HQ01液晶屏。



• 3、L55X11FE3D /L46X11FE3D (主推)
• 4、L65P10FE3D
• 其中TD-42F已经停产,主要用在商用途径 ,比如机场,酒店,卖场等等。是我司最 早的3D电视。
• L55X10FBDE3D是与今年5月上市的型号, 生产数量不多,也是采用,主动快门眼睛 的方法实现3D效果。目前也已经停产。
• 第一步:播放3D片源。一般可以通过电脑 播放3D片源,播放器,U盘,DVD等,将 播放的3D输入到电视中。根据3D的格式的 不同,屏幕出现上下、左右,交错,或者 顺序的视频画面。
• 第二步:插入红外发射器。如果已经插入就不需要再次插入了 。红外发射器是独立包装,不在电视机的包装内。如图
发射 单元
安装电池后,如果将开关打 到ON上面,此处的指示灯 会亮一下,标明眼镜开始工

• 第五步:此时如果没有3D,或者3D效 果不明显,或者感觉画面很晕。按下眼镜 上左右眼切换按键。
3ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ眼镜小知识?
1、眼镜的电池装反后,对眼镜的电路是否有损坏 -->不会 2、眼镜在失去同步信号几分钟后进入待机状态. -->5分钟以内 3、电池能够正常工作多长时间 -->40--50 小时 4、电池电量不够时,有无提醒标志。 -->打开眼镜的电源开关后会连续闪动几下后,然后指示灯关。
• 以上停产的两款3D电视都不做详细介绍。
• L55X11FE3D和L46X11FE3D是国庆上市 的机型,也是以后要大量主推。
• 以后会在更小的尺寸上推出类似功能。 • 所以这个产品是我们重点介绍的对象
此外还有L65P10FE3D,由于3D产生的原理不同,只是一个市场上补充, 操作会更简单一些。






除了具备强大的智能应用功能之外,海信LED50K316X3D液晶电视还加入了精彩引擎、图像分析以及DOT 还原系统等,这些功能的加入对于提升画面的显示效果起到了非常大的帮助。


● 超薄机身设计介绍从外观上看,海信LED50K316X3D液晶电视整体以黑色为主调,典雅大方是给人的第一印象。

采用LED 作为背光源,并且在机身厚度上控制得相当到位。



海信牌 彩色液晶电视机 产品使用指南

海信牌 彩色液晶电视机 产品使用指南

>J >J \u \uf m X *]:8Jo+J +2I J +2VI h _z B 9-6jl rvx|{R ,z +_/k J K l J K ]_h o l h o ]_*K_9;;_,j 383g q pg[\]}I Y k[a W ZU V XY QRS T f m Xp B4L gy X*><Ky ]3e O ]t 1W J ]H 1W H ]3}9Yn >n ~T f\{\u B Y*f m X \u B\u A*][u>J A>J Bw 1w\u A3v u 9]b r mux }.a j q fmux <K mux <K /c iy <Od :E ;f 2y L ,.-K :N A Y .iI 5F :?g y ;P Q R f 6-f m X p BB9_B9`z[B9 ;J I h }pj qmurmuxq fws[a}Ib c}.q A\{D J qq fws[a}Iq f}I 4L g Z< bha`9_ `9` Z mws[ay X n9 9y X hK y ~g y p y R A y p 8q AL ;}.y Xs s 40q fd^c^ca c\u m ~p /9D v *>/9D v/sc^a\`cuq +E v Yd D v Yd 9e m 79ews e h 40q fe}ID v Yd_e_\dfuq +\u m ~p /9D v *>/9D v/sc^a\`cuq +E v Yd D v Yd 9e m 79ews e h 40q feY H E v YdaY tfc\`cuq +40~p /9D v xjt znljuv{zl a\cf v{zl b\ba9eq f40ws [a \u m ~p /9D v *>/9D v/sc^a\`cuq +E v Yd D v Yd 9e m 79eq feY H /saY tfc\`cuq +s s 4040\u m ~p /9D v *>/9D v/sc^a\`cuq +E v Yd D v Yd 9e m 79eq fe40ws e h9e m 7Jm /\u U o\u m ~p /9D v *>/9D v/sc^a\`cuq +E v Yd D v Yd 9e m 79ews e h 40q fel H k @r J o [D /2h q f ,*>-Y y 2-,y X -YH 2-^^_^^`^^a ^^b ^^c ^^d ^^e ^^f ^^g ^_^40*>/9D v m]s r k]p u9eq f40ws [a K y~g y p y R A y p 8q AL ;}.y Xs s q fd^c^ca c40:8J}.3o [g 9e I a 9e m 3V D v o g I ^n _9e bq fs s~g yd_40L ;}.J C G L ;y X M @K y ~g y p y R A y p 8q AL ;}.y Xws e h 40q fd^c^ca cp 8+p 6+q A 6>>py X40q fws [a W d]K ~r p`y Xws e h 40q fW d`]1Yy Xq fK ~r p`;<3v `9y Xq f40ws [a ws [a 408<h }.<f m 38<X *a *]S x 198<`*]}.I;}.W {40q fs s *]S x 198<`*]}.I;}.W {40q fs s z r J 5M 8+9n *>g R s s q f40*>;r _z rq f40ws e h*>;r _z rq fs s_^m k^m k .[_^m k_`^q +c^^q +_\csq +csq +_^sq +40*]3J _c i *]x j y^W {40q fs s y X7.S ;@y O y @y D vs s<o s sws e h 40q fbg bg40s s_y X7.S ;@y O y @y D vs s<o s s40q fd`d`s s I;}.J /D I;3g+O y ]O y @y J I;}.=>W {40q fws [a :8J `6D M P<9@e3I 3D vs s J R P<o s s 1g P7J s s xl I h f m g P732J s s xl I h f m g i @y X7.P 732D vs s<o s s40q fd`c_s s y X7.P 732D vs s<o s s40q fd`c_s s D vs sV /u 93J 0[3J t x V X U 9w 1w [\][a y ]3e O ]t 1W J ]H 1W H ]3}9Y \{Y*w 1w }I mux <K f m X 3v \u B \u A u 9]b r mux }.a j q f S xq f y 7u 969y 7u 9Z y *w h=g\f mux }.*]y ]3eQ J f o W =7f s W @A w H ]3}Q J f o W =7f s f @A w [a Q {+2t _y B @w 2/k J ]H 1W Q J O F 0W =P oW y O ]t 1W Q J m O f =P oW y H42r W a Qb c d e f +y=H_/k*9H S2G~WM?G~d y+mux<K_.n j+J=O_/k l N2m s G D i+[a_N b if M?|c4}I_A-M?y O2r LQ A wm J vw vjunn J vw vjunP y n H Q q f v IP O Qe hmux8a h^^h^^h_ar J 9S J r JUK D 1v G 4245R :+|=<B e d C 8.b i f g R >AJ?B B |f k \`m s 9n2\`,N N }7y g f +g t 8w H 4y@23U =7,=a y 8F l f h y@2g R j 2h j H ,+341~b i>ZaX[3S f J k gB |2;9f~b g R =a 2@F i f d u g Rf k AJ?B NTNOBHN EI@JMKJM>OBAg R =a f k \```b_mnl ``c_mnl ``d_mnl ``e_mnl gfhbi`_okjm J``a_mnl [a Q [u 9I J Q [40I mux <K Q [W {D /Y \tsq A Z \47a r J Y \wvxuytr|{z41<b p K K *?X I W e n /G L U 3w i 51\`z U N f {,4-[o ,X|Q 8n \,3K L ohn t V t @G 38L o C N z V u X \,2R 2y@i ,5-g V S~d jR D p K }K3>vr i ,6-835g V S~d jR D p K }K3>vr i ,7->vrg V=p i61f O ;9}=t y J p t C W \`y -/e |q V S~i,4-J s j j 3~~H U v K *2i,5-K *N 3~~U H b H 3~~Z ;o K =_J Z2i,6-TX g R h S 8h 3v J /y i b 1?2i ,7-I J /,x H i b 1?2i,8-T d +[o ,R 2~D t [A S~2i 71T o k A y /0;7339444444m |A 1iP V T U`f _l {T p 08t I [G ]7jX >g2}_l ?D I;c?]Y_l {6y z e J [G ]7m a t JG v G E t J [G ]7{Th f[G ;Y W >Q R S 6:g m o m \6c?\6w q 08m ]G v G k p z m |[G _W G E [G ]7j83K Z5\,g R ,p;_kZ+z +k 4h 484j 4j6f >6~D 7y <Z Y f E y ++s J s r 0w 3\02r q^I i/w B zN A +s 8+i w T J y JC J sz k r q 6y w/C -X m |~D ia^61b U ^J H Gr 41Z Y ;_k l X g f 8W 2X K E y I 8W 2X K l X B ;i 51Z Y w U b U +f ;_+y H *K_i61Z Y <hL D ,G 9D [1i71Z Y J K i<h y ]-l b U ^J 41Z Y J K i5z Z Y l X [1R r J l i ib U <h H Gr 0.41=x Gr [1i51Z YQ S 2i i^J ,Gr t 0d F 41p @r j O o ;o K 2;5y G b 2a C ;o K i51p @-;o K 2;_X E X O R =h X K i<hl 7H U0;y Gr b v 41Z Y w 2<k Q s h U 1,I g i51=x <k Q s H e u [@+1H P =+1i835m s b Q 41k C 835;f i51:i 8352W ?`,K Z p -i61Z Y ;fm 9i7z Z Y h j5Z835}Y l X U H -G ~_i8z Z Y ;f 2y _L *<Q s l X y B i}-2q ~=X H l O r BAZ Y `n l X U d F _y N ;6R ,H ;Al z i ;o K .l LL m J o n V B =U d G K 3;o K .}p H q 2y v I \_^J yu GJ l ;o K _r q iMZ `x 61。



高品质LED 背光3D液晶屏 具有绚丽、节能、环保、纤薄四大尖端优势。 全数字显示 整个画面真实完美再现,无边缘模糊和非线性失真等现象;不受地磁的影响。 数字多媒体播放功能 可以读取USB1.1、USB2.0 标准设备,浏览图片、聆听音乐、欣赏视频。 多种画质改善电路 色彩优化功能;运动画面和静态画面的画质改善电路。 多模式宽屏显示 16:9、4:3、缩放1、缩放2、智能全景等多种宽高比可供选择。 高品质数字功放,在更高的动态范围内再现完美音质,高效节能。 节电保护模式 如没有输入信号时,15分钟后,本机会自动进入低功耗睡眠状态或待机状态,可有效延长本机使 用寿命,并节约电能。 多媒体端口 本机具有天线、VGA、HDMI、视频、分量、USB、耳机、网口等多种端口。
√ 平坦、稳定的场所。
× 阳光直射或靠近取暖装置处。 × 通风不良处。 × 靠近炉子或水、油或烟容易进入机内之处。 × 通风口被封闭之处。
× 不平稳处。 × 易受震动处。 × 灰尘多或潮湿处。 × 高温处。
当电视柜表面喷涂油漆或带有机溶剂以及油脂等物质时,底座的橡胶垫可能会与其发生轻 微的化学反应,造成电视柜表面的轻微腐蚀,所以建议用户先在电视柜上放一层保护材料 (如纸板或玻璃板等),然后再放置电视机。 观看节目
产品质量(kg) 含底座
显示屏可视图像 对角线最小尺寸(cm)

Hisense Roku TV R6系列4K Super UHD智能电视说明书

Hisense Roku TV R6系列4K Super UHD智能电视说明书
Works with Google Assistant and Alexa Quickly access entertainment and control your TV with a Google Assistant or Alexa device that you already own. With the touch of your remote or ROKU mobile app, or a simple voice command, you can take control of your smart home, turn on and off the TV, change channels, and much more.
*HDR viewing experience will vary by model, content availability and internet connection.
All product, product specifications, and data are subject to change without notice to improve reliability, function, design or otherwise. ©2020 Hisense USA, All rights reserved
Screen Resolution Local Dimming 4K Upscale Motion Rate Aspect Ratio HDR* Backlight Type Source
4K UHD, 3840x2160p No Yes 120 16:9 Yes (Dolby Vision HDR/HDR10/HLG) Full Array

海信 W5200 3D 投影仪 操作说明书

海信 W5200 3D 投影仪 操作说明书
关闭投影仪.........................................................................................................................................29 调节投影图像.........................................................................................................................................30
如何阅读本手册.................................................................................................. 7 符号........................................................................................................................................................ 7 注意事项................................................................................................................................................7
1. 准备使用投影仪 主要功能.................................................................................................................................................... 9 检查附件................................................................................................................................................. 10 投影仪部件及其功能............................................................................................................................ 11

海信液晶电视服务手册 TLM46V69 TLM40V69 TLM4236P TLM47E29 TLM

海信液晶电视服务手册 TLM46V69 TLM40V69 TLM4236P TLM47E29 TLM

R液晶电视服务手册TLM46V69/TLM40V69/TLM4236PTLM47E29/TLM42E29P/TLM32E29/TLM40V69PMST 6机芯方案(VER 2.0)青岛海信电器股份有限公司多媒体研发中心液晶所2007-12-25目录修订记录 (3)TLM46V69/TLM40V69/TLM4236P (4)一、产品介绍 (4)(一)、产品外观介绍 (4)(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍 (4)1、TLM46V69/40V69 产品功能规格 (4)2、TLM46V69/40V69本机特点 (5)3、TLM4236P 产品功能规格 (6)4、TLM4236P本机特点 (6)(三)、产品差异介绍 (7)二、方案概述 (10)三、原理说明 (10)四、机芯调试 (10)工厂调试 (10)五、升级说明 (10)修订记录液晶电视服务手册TLM46V69/TLM40V69/TLM4236PTLM47E29/TLM42E29P/TLM32E29/TLM40V69P一、产品介绍(一)、产品外观介绍V69系列外观E29系列外观通29系列,只是底部装饰条,有亮银白色更改为咖啡色。

(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍1、TLM46V69/40V69 产品功能规格2、TLM46V69/40V69本机特点3、TLM4236P 产品功能规格4、TLM4236P本机特点TLM47E29/TLM42E29P/TLM32E29/TLM40V69P的产品功能、本机特点,详见产品说明书,这里不再添加赘述。

(三)、产品差异介绍TLM46V69/TLM40V69/TLM4236P是在原MST9U88机芯基础上升级为MST6U89机芯,具有内置2路HDMI,内置SRS TRUSURROUND XT音效,功放用NXP的TFA9810。


TLM47E29/TLM42E29P/TLM32E29/TLM40V69P差异TLM47E29是在TLM4729P基础上,更换M6机芯,液晶屏采用LC470WX1-SLA1 物理分辨率1366×768,降低成本电源。

Hisense 电视说明书

Hisense 电视说明书

Bar codeBefore using the TV, please read this guide thoroughly andretain it for future reference.55U8HAU65U8HAU75U8HAUEnglish ES-A221007-1Find what you wantThis TV is equipped with a quick setup guide and embedded E-Manual. Before using the TV, please read the following documentation.Class I product: This symbol indicates that it requires a safety connection of protective earthing (ground). (65"/75")Disposal of Used Electrical & Electronic EquipmentPackaging and electrical goods should be recycled appropriately, andnot treated as household waste. Please dispose of this equipment atyour applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical & electronicequipment waste. By ensuring the correct disposal of this product,you will help prevent potentially hazardous to the environment and tohuman health, which could otherwise be caused by unsuitable wastehandling of this product. The recycling of materials will help conservenatural resources. Please do not therefore dispose of your old electricaland electronic equipment with your household waste. For more detailedinformation about recycling of this product, please contact your local cityoffice, your household waste disposal service or the shop where youpurchased the product.tripped over, pulled or grabbed.NEVER place a television set in an unstable location.NEVER place the television set on tall furniture (for example, cupboards or bookcases) without anchoring both the furniture and television set to a suitable support.NEVER place the television set on cloth or other materials that may be located between the television set and supporting furniture.NEVER place items that might tempt children to climb, such as toys and remote controls, on the top of the television or furniture on which the television is placed.If your existing television set is being retained or relocated, the same considerationsas above should be applied.lightly dampened cloth for cleaning.4. Wall Mount BracketWall mount bracket is only available for some models. If wall mount bracket is not supplied with this product, you can buy it at the local market.Please refer to the Installing the Wall Mount Bracket page for dimensions.5. Water and MoistureAvoid dripping or splashing of liquids onto the product. Objects filled with liquids, such as vases, should not be placed on the product.6. SettingDo not place this TV on an unstable cart, stand or table. Placing the TV on an unstable base can cause the TV to fall, resulting in serious personal injuries as well as damage to the TV. Use only a cart, stand, bracket or table recommended by the manufacturer or salesperson.7. VentilationSlots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation, to ensure reliable operation of the TV and to protect it from overheating. Do not cover the ventilation openings in the cabinet and never place the set in a confined space such as built-in cabinet unless proper ventilation is provided. Leave a minimum 10cm gap all around the unit, the rear of the TV should be 6cm away from the wall.8. Power SourceThis TV should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supplied to your home, consult your appliance dealer or local power company.9. Power-Cord ProtectionPower- supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plug, wall outlets, and the point where they exit from the TV. MAIN plug on the power cord is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device and socket-outlet shall be easily accessible.10. LightningFor added protection for this TV during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system. This will prevent damage to the TV due to lightning or power-line surge.11. Power LinesAn outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. Where installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal. 12. OverloadingDo not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.13. Object and Liquid EntryNever push objects of any kind into this TV through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on or into the TV.14. Outdoor Antenna GroundingIf an outside antenna or cable system is connected to the TV, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges.15. ServicingDo not attempt to service this TV yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.16. Damage Requiring ServiceUnplug the TV from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:(a) When the power - supply cord or plug is damaged.(b) If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the TV.(c) If the TV has been exposed to rain or water.(d) If the TV does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjustonly those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the TV to its normal operation.(e) If the TV has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.(f) When the TV exhibits a distinct change in performance - this indicates a need forservice.17. Replacement PartsWhen replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.18. Safety CheckUpon completion of any service or repair to the TV, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the TV is in safe operating condition.19. HeatThe product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.20. FireThe product should be situated away from naked flame sources such as lighted candle.21. Off-gassingThe TV smells of plastic is normal and will dissipate over time.Making Connections (8)Remote Control (12)Turning the TV on for the First Time (16)Specifications ...............................................................................................................17Other Information..........................................................................................................19Accessories ListThe following accessories are included with TV:The accessories may be different from the list above due to different models, countries/regions,please refer to the actual accessory bag.1.Carefully place your TV facedown on a soft, flat surface to prevent damage to theTV or scratching to the screen.2.Take out the 2 stands from the accessory bag and then insert the stands into thebottom slots of the TV.3.Secure the Base Stand to the TV with the 4 screws in the accessory bag tightly. For 55"/65"Wall Mount Bracket9.5 - 11.5 mmThe diameter and length of the screws differ depending on the wall mount bracket model.Wall mount bracket is optional, your device may not have wall mount bracket, please refer to the actual accessories.We do not recommend hanging the TV on a slanted wall, andwhen wall mounting make sure your television remains parallel tothe wall and does not lean forward.The Picture is Only for Reference.Powering on the TV requires several seconds to load programs. Do not rapidly turn the TV off as it may cause the TV work abnormally.·To select the HDMI / AVPress the [INPUT ] button, when the list of input Source appears, press the [ / / < / >] buttons to select the source HDMI / AV , then press the [OK] button to connect.BETTER (HDMI)Video Effect:Video Camera/TV JACKGOOD (AV)Video Effect:HDMI cable (not included)Before connecting a digital audio system to the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT jack, you should decrease the volume of both the TV and the system to avoid that the volume suddenly becomes bigger.eARC Connect an HDMI cable from an external digital audio system.eARC enables the TV to directly output the digital sound through an HDMI cable. Please note that it works only when the TV is connected to the audio receiver that supports the eARC (Audio Return Channel) function.When this port is used as the eARC function, it can't be used as signal input at the same time.TV JACKHDMI (eARC)current for USB 3.0 device is 1A(only for some models). Exceeding the max supported current may result in damage or data loss.Certain digital cameras may not be compatible with the TV.LAN (Wired setup)Connect your TV to your network by connecting the LAN port on the back of your TV to an external modem or router using a LAN (Ethernet/Cat 5) cable. See the illustration below.·We recommend you to use a modem or router that supports Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Modems and routers that support DHCP automatically provide the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS, so you don’t have to enter them manually. Most home networks already have DHCP.You must use the built-in Wireless LAN Adapter to use a wireless network because the set doesn’t support external USB network adapter.If the wireless router supports DHCP, your TV can connect more easily to the wireless network.If you apply a security system which is not listed below, it will not work with the TV. Security system : WPA, WEP, WPA2.In order to guarantee smooth network, the distance between router and TV should be less than 10 meters.*When you do not use hands-free wake-up, please turn off the physical switch to lengthen the battery life.Product image is only for reference, actual product may vary in appearance.Dispose of your batteries in a designated disposal area. Do not throw the batteries into fire.Do not mix battery types or combine used batteries with new ones.Remove depleted batteries immediately to prevent battery acid from leaking into the battery compartment.If you do not intend to use the remote control for a long time, remove the batteries.Batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat, such as sunshine, heat registers, or fire.Battery chemicals can cause a rash. If the batteries leak, clean the battery compartment with a cloth. If chemicals touch your skin, wash immediately.Pairing the Remote Control (only for Bluetooth remote control)Pair the remote to the TV after you power it on. Keep the remote control within 3 metres from the TV. Press any button (except power and mic button) to pair.In special cases, press and hold [ ] button to pair.If an unknown error occurred with the remote, then it could have been caused by interference. Try to remove what's causing the interference and pair it again.If an unknown error occurred in the remote control while the battery power is normal, you can take out the batteries, press any key for 1~2 seconds, and insert them back. Then the remote control will work normally.NOTE: The Guide above is for referencing purpose and may differ depending on models/countries/ regions.For DTS patents, see . Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS, DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS-HD, Virtual:X, and the DTS-HD logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United States and other countries. © 2021 DTS, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Manufactured under license from IMAX Corporation. IMAX® is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. For DTS patents, see http://patents. . Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS and the DTS logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United States and other countries. © 2020 DTS, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD (“AVC VIDEO”) AND/OR (ii) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE What is Freeview Plus?Freeview Plus is a new television service delivered via broadband providing a state of the art Electronic Program Guide (EPG) and seamless access to catch-up TV across the free-to-air networks with the simple press of a button.How does it work?First ensure the TV is connected to internet and an antenna system. Then when you’re watching TV, you’ll briefly see a prompt at the top left of the screen. Press the ‘Green’ button on your remote to launch Freeview Plus. More information about Freeview Plus can be found on .au/Freeview Plus service only available in Australia territories.。

Hisense R61G Series 75R61G Roku 4K ULTRA HD TV 说明书

Hisense R61G Series 75R61G Roku 4K ULTRA HD TV 说明书

Roku 4K ULTRA HD TVModel:75R61GAll product,product specifications, and data are subject to change without notice to improve reliability,function, design or otherwise. ©2020Hisense Canada Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.FULLY LOADED WITH ENTERTAINMENTStream movies and TV episodes in stunning 4K Ultra-HD picture quality with Dolby Vision™ & HDR10. The Hisense R61G Series TV displays better brightness, colour, and contrast than ever before. Whether your hosting a movie night, or you just want to binge watch tv episodes -your Hisense Roku TV is fully loaded with the most popular apps and streaming channels to fulfil your entertainment desires. Built with simplicity in mind, the easy-to-use Hisense Roku TV remote allows for one-touch access to top streaming apps. Did you know:The Roku TV mobile app for your iOS and Android devices allow you to control and cast media directly to the TV.Dolby Vision™ & HDR10 are cinema-inspiredtechnologies that add ultra vivid imaging,brightness, contrast, colour and detail that brings entertainment to life right before your eyes. The Hisense R61G Roku TV transforms your TV viewing experience by combining these two technologies with impressive 4K picture quality.Start with quick access to nearly endless entertainment. At the touch of a button,you’re in control of a digital library with more than 150,000 free and premiumentertainment options across thousands of channels. Get access to the most popular apps such as Disney+, Apple TV, Netflix and so much more.150,000+ Movies& TV episodes.With the Roku TV mobile app, activate private listening to redirect the sound from your TV directly to your headphones. Great for those who don’t want to wake thewhole household during a late night movie or those who just want a more intimate experience with their entertainment.An immersive surround sound experience —Premium audio enhancement with DTS Studio Sound™DIMENSIONS/WEIGHTCONNECTIVITYTV Dimensions(Without the stand)66”W ×38”H ×3.1”D WiFi Built in 802.11 ac Dual Band (2.4/5 GHz)TV Dimensions (With the stand)66”W ×40.9”H ×14”D Ethernet Yes TV Weight with stand 57.1 lbsBluetooth NoCarton Dimensions 73.2”W ×45.3”H ×7.9”D PORTS Shipping Weight 79.4 lbsHDMI 3 x HDMI 2.0b inputs (1 x ARC/CEC)DISPLAYEthernet (LAN)1Actual screen size (diagonal)74.5”USB 1 (USB 2.0)Screen class 75”RF Antenna 1Screen type FlatDigital Audio Output 1 x Optical TYPE OF TV Headphone/Audio Output 1Smart TV Yes (Roku TV)OTHER FEATURES Built-in Apps Yes Noise Reduction Yes Web BrowserNoParental Control Yes Works with Amazon Alexa Yes, Roku OS v.9.3 and later Closed Caption Yes Works with Google Assistant Yes, Roku OS v.9.3 and later Sleep Timer YesPICTURE QUALITY WALL MOUNT Screen resolution 3840 x 2160VESA 400mm x 300mm Local Dimming No ACCESSORIES 4K UpscalerYesRemoteYesMotion Rate / Response time MR120 / 8ms Battery2Aspect Ratio 16:9Quick Start Guide and/or User Manual Quick Start Guide(User Manual is available online)HDR*Dolby Vision | HDR10Power Cable YesBacklight Type Source Full Array WARRANTY/UPC AUDIOWarranty 1 year (in-home)Audio output power (Watts)10W x 2UPC Code888143007595Audio technologies DTS Studio Sound™LANGUAGES On-Screen Display English/French/SpanishPOWERPower Consumption 250W Standby Consumption <0.5W Power Supply (Voltage/Hz)AC 120V, 60Hz75R61G SPECIFICATION SHisense Canada Co., Ltd 2283 Argentia Rd, Suite 16Mississauga ON L5N 5Z21-855-344-7367*HDR viewing experience will vary bymodel,content availability and Internet connection.Product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.。

海信Hisense LED46XT68G3D_LED55XT68G3D Television Manual说明书

海信Hisense LED46XT68G3D_LED55XT68G3D Television Manual说明书

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R多媒体产品维修手册LED32K360、LED39K360X3D、LED40K360X3D LED42K360X3D、LED46K360X3D、LED48K360X3D主板方案:MT55053D方案:SG-3D(39、40、42、46、48机型)32无3D功能多媒体研发中心2012.10目录LED32K360、LED39K360X3D、LED40K360X3D、 LED42K360X3D、LED46K360X3D、LED48K360X3D (4)一、产品介绍 (4)(一)、产品外观介绍 (4)(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍 (5)(三)、产品差异介绍 (7)二、产品方案概述 (7)整机内部图 (7)整机信号流程图 (10)电源分配图 (11)三、主板原理说明 (12)主板实物图 (12)主板对应机型对照表 (13)主板电路原理图 (14)1.电源部分---系统3.3Vstb (14)2.电源部分---系统+5V (14)3.电源部分---系统3.3V:33V_Normal (14)4.电源部分--- 核电:VCCK 1.25V (15)5.电源部分---液晶屏TCON供电:VCC-Panel (15)6.电源部分---USB供电: (15)7.电源部分---DDR3供电:+1.5V_DDR3 (16)8.电源部分---PCMCIA大卡供电 (16)9.控制部分---待机控制电路:STANDBY (16)10. 控制部分---背光ON/OFF和调光电路: (16)11.存储部分---EMMC FLASH (17)12.存储部分---EEPROM (18)13.按键电路 (18)14.遥控电路---支持灯效控制、光感 (18)15.DDR电路 (19)16.接口部分---HDMI接口 (20)17.接口部分 (20)18.接口部分---USB接口 (21)19.接口部分---AV2和分量为耳机端口,使用需要加转接线 (22)20.接口部分---VGA接口 (23)21.接口部分---AV输出接口 (23)22.接口部分---AV输出接口—音频输出 (24)23.接口部分---同轴输出电路 (24)24.接口部分---LVDS接口 (24)25.接口部分---耳机输出电路 (25)26. 开关机静音电路 (25)27. 数字供放电路 (25)28. tuner 部分---3.3v (26)29. tuner 部分---tuner (26)30. PCMCIA部分 (27)31. SD卡部分 (28)四、电源板原理说明 (29)LED32K360 (29)产品外观介绍 (29)产品功能规格、特点介绍 (30)主要性能指标 (30)输出规格 (30)产品差异介绍 (30)方案概述 (30)分部原理说明 (30)工作过程 (33)备注 (33)LED39K360 (34)产品性能及规格 (34)5065电源架构简介 (35)5065电源工作原理 (36)易发故障检修 (38)LED40K360X3D (41)产品介绍 (41)主要性能指标 (42)方案概述 (42)原理说明 (42)常见故障现象分析 (44)LED42K360X3D (45)产品外型图 (45)产品性能及规格 (46)4981电源架构简介 (46)4981电源工作原理 (47)易发故障 (50)LED46K360X3D (52)产品外观介绍 (52)产品功能规格、特点介绍 (52)主要性能指标 (52)电源输出规格如下 (53)方案概述 (53)分部原理说明 (54)单板检修流程 (60)LED48K360X3D (60)产品介绍: (60)产品功能、规格: (61)方案概述: (61)分部原理说明: (62)常见故障现象分析: (68)五、产品爆炸图及明细 (69)LED32K360 (69)LED39K360X3D (71)LED40K360X3D (72)LED42K60X3D (73)LED46K60X3D (74)LED48K360X3D (75)六、软件升级方法 (76)MTK5505软件升级方法 (76)MTK5505工厂菜单调试说明 (86)液晶电视服务手册LED32K360、LED39K360X3D、LED40K360X3D、LED42K360X3D、LED46K360X3D、LED48K360X3D一、产品介绍(一)、产品外观介绍外观图:(因拍摄技术有限,图片仅供参考)以LED32K360为例:端子图:(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍技术参数:视频支持格式:各端子电平特性:(三)、产品差异介绍LED39K360X3D采用模组公司HE390GFD-B02液晶屏,LED40K360X3D采用模组公司HE400GFD-B31液晶屏,LED42K360X3D采用模组公司HE420GFD-B01液晶屏, LED46K360X3D采用模组公司HE460GFD-B31液晶屏, LED48K360X3D采用三星公司LTA480HQ01液晶屏。

Hisense R6 4K Roku 智能电视用户手册说明书

Hisense R6 4K Roku 智能电视用户手册说明书

More than a smart TV —a better TVIf you love movies, shows, sports and gaming, then the R6 4K UHD Smart Hisense Roku TV is perfect for presenting your favoriteentertainment in a whole new way. Featuring 4K Ultra High Definition resolution, the R6 packs incredible detail into an HDR-compatible display that boosts contrast and color. With Motion Rate processing tech, you can enjoy the fastest action without lag or judder. The Hisense Roku TV serves up a massive library of premium content at the touch of a button. Simple to set-up and easy-to-use, connect to the internet, activate, and start streaming.*HDR viewing experience will vary by model, content availability and internet connection.4K ResolutionWith over 8 million pixels, the R6 offers a clearer, moredefined picture when compared to Full HD. Plus, easily make the most of the brilliant picture by accessing 4K Ultra High Definition movies and TV with the 4K Spotlight Channel Motion RateDon’t struggle to keep your eye on the ball—enjoy fast-paced sports, movies and 4K gaming without the lag. Featuring Motion Rate image processing technology, the R6 keeps the thrills coming by making it easy to follow fast-moving action.HDRHigh Dynamic Range (HDR*) boosts the contrast of every image while delivering vivid, deep colors. Withenhancements to the darkest and lightest areas of the picture, HDR* delivers an image that looks closer to life.ROKU TV OSWatch. Stream. Play. Listen. Laugh. Repeat. Kick back and enjoystreaming movies and TV episodes, plus live-streaming news, TV, sports and more, across thousands of free and paid channels. Start streaming your favorite shows. Access your cable box or HDTV antenna. Even fire up your gaming console—all from the simple home screen.WI-FI Dual Band WirelessConnect the R6 to the internet and get everything from performance-enhancing software updates to your favorite shows. With dual band wireless built in, the R6 can make the most of modern routers, giving you blazing-fast connection speeds without a mess of tangled cables.Works with AlexaThe R6E works with Alexa through an Alexa-enabled device that you already own. Speaking commands to power on and off the TV, change channels, and other TV-related tasks is just as fun as it sounds.DTS Studio Sound™DTS Studio Sound™ creates virtual surround sound for a crisp and immersive audio experience.More Options on the TableGreat for cable, satellite, streaming, or watching free TV with an HDTV antenna.Works with Google AssistantUse a Google Assistant device and voice command to quickly access entertainment and control your TV.All product, product specifications, and data are subject to change without notice to improve reliability, function, design or otherwise. ©2018 Hisense USA, All rights reservedHisense USA Corporation7310 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suwanee, GA,30024 1-888-935-8880DIMENSIONS/WEIGHTTV Dimension (Without the stand)44.4” x 25.8” x 3.4”(With the stand)44.4” x 28.3” x 9.6”TV stand Width38.1” x 9.6”TV Weight (Without the stand)19.8 lbs(With the stand)20.5 lbsCarton Dimensions (WxHxD)49.3” x 31.4” x 6.1”Shipping Weight 29.8 lbsDISPLAYActual screen size (diagonal)49.5”Screen class 50”Screen type FlatTYPE OF TV Smart TV Yes, Roku Operating System App storeYes, 5000+ streaming channelsPICTURE QUALITY Screen resolution 3840x2160Local Dimming No 4K Upscaler Yes Motion Rate 120Aspect Ratio 16:9HDR*Yes Backlight Type Source Direct litAUDIOAudio output power (Watts)8W x 2LANGUAGES On-Screen Display English/French/Spanish POWERPower Consumption 120W Standby Consumption <0.5WPower Supply (Voltage/Hz)AC 120V, 60HzCONNECTIVITY WiFi Built in Yes Bluetooth ®No PORTS HDMI3 (2.0b inputs)Ethernet (LAN)1USB 2.01RF Antenna1RCA Composite Video Input 1L/R Audio Input for Composite 1RCA Component Video Input0OTHER FEATURES Noise Reduction Yes Parental Control Yes Closed Caption Yes Sleep Timer Yes WALL MOUNTVESA200x200ACCESSORIES RemoteYesQuick Start Guide and/or UserManual Quick Start Guide is in the box/User Manual is available online Power Cable Yes WARRANTY/UPCWarranty 1 yearUPC Code819130025537 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS*HDR viewing experience will vary by model, content availability and internet connection.L/R Audio Input for Component No Digital Audio Output 1 Optical Earphone/Audio Output 1。



东芝CELL TV CELL TV支持3D和蓝光3D的显示,配合专用的主动式快门眼镜使用,通过左、右眼各 120Hz的连续帧切换来实现3D显示原理。新品支持包括MPEG4-MVC(即蓝光3D)、RealD等 多种3D格式,运用CELL的演算能力,还能够实现从2D到3D的实时转换。
创维E90RD系列3D LED液晶电视 创维E90RD系列3D液晶电视,采用侧射式LED背光源,提供了55、47和42英寸三个型号,配备 主动式快门式3D眼镜,进入左右眼是各120Hz的刷新率画面。此外该系列新品还支持创维独有 的酷开娱乐功能。
电视的开销,以市面上一副100美元的均价来计算,三口之家需要花费300美元来 购买眼镜,同时还必须另外再花50-80美元购买控制同步信号的发射器,这对于大部分消费者而言,又是一笔相当可观的支 出。而且眼镜需要使用电池,电池可能会出问题;又或者眼镜有了其它小毛病,维修费用肯定不低。 再次,虽然3D电视可以呈现更加生动逼真的影像效果,但是如果失去了丰富的片源支持,电视台无法提供精彩的节目内 容,即使通过3D形式,也会觉得索然无味。
2010年6月,南非世界杯成为史上首次进 行3D转播的世界杯比赛。
3D显示技术可以分为眼镜式和裸眼式两大类。裸眼3D目前主要用于公用商务场合,将 来还会应用到手机等便携式设备上,在此不多进行介绍。而在家用消费领域,无论是显示 器、摄影机或者电视,现在都是需要配合3D眼镜使用。

海信 LED55 46 42XT39G3D液晶电视 服务手册

海信 LED55 46 42XT39G3D液晶电视 服务手册

R液晶电视服务手册 LED55XT39G3D、LED46XT39G3D、LED42XT39G3DMST6i78ZX机芯方案青岛海信电器股份有限公司开发中心开发一部2010.09目 录LED55XT39G3D、LED46XT39G3D、LED42XT39G3D (4)一、产品介绍 (4)(一)、产品外观介绍 (4)(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍 (6)(三)、产品差异介绍 (7)二、方案概述 (7)三、电路框图构架 (8)四、电源分配 (9)五、主板原理说明 (9)1、电源部分---系统3.3Vstb (9)2、电源部分---系统+5V (9)3、电源部分---系统3.3V:33V_Normal (10)4、电源部分---系统2.5V:+2.5V_Normal (10)5、电源部分---MST6i78 核电:VCC1.2V (10)6、电源部分---液晶屏TCON供电:VCC-Panel (11)7、电源部分---USB供电:5V_USB2 (11)8、电源部分---USB HUB供电 (12)9、电源部分---DDR3供电 (12)10、控制部分---待机控制电路:STANDBY (12)11、控制部分---背光ON/OFF和调光电路: (12)12、存储部分---Mboot FLASH (13)13、存储部分---NAND FLASH (14)14、存储部分---EEPROM (14)15、按键电路---触摸按键 (14)16、遥控电路---支持灯效控制、光感 (15)17、DDR电路---DDR3_H5TQ1G63BFR-12C (15)18、接口部分---HDMI接口 (18)19、接口部分---网络接口 (19)20、接口部分---USB接口 (19)21、接口部分---VGA接口 (21)22、接口部分---AV输出接口 (22)23、接口部分---AV输出接口—音频输出 (22)24、接口部分---同轴输出电路 (22)25、接口部分---耳机输出电路 (22)26、开关机静音电路 (23)27、数字供放电路 (24)28、数字供放电路—重低音电路 (24)29、tuner 部分---5V-IF (25)30、tuner 部分---tuner (25)31、tuner 部分---tuner预中放电路 (26)32、tuner 部分---声表电路 (27)33、国标地面波部分---电源 (27)34、国标地面波部分---8G85部分 (28)35、国标地面波部分---RF_AGC 控制 (28)36、国标地面波部分---IF_AGC 控制 (29)37、CAM大卡插口 (29)38、USB HUB (30)六、3D转换板原理说明 (32)七、产品爆炸图及明细 (32)LED55XT39G3D (32)LED46XT39G3D (34)LED42XT39G3D (36)八、主板及电源板图 (38)电源板 (38)电源板实物图 (38)电源板电路图 (39)主板 (40)主板实物图 (40)3D转换板 (42)3D转换板实物图 (42)3D转换板原理图 (42)3D同步板原理图 (44)八、软件升级方法 (44)1、USB 升级步骤及说明 (44)2、PC升级步骤及说明 (46)液晶电视服务手册LED55XT39G3D、LED46XT39G3D、LED42XT39G3D 一、产品介绍(一)、产品外观介绍外观实景图(因拍摄技术有限,图片仅供参考) 前壳:后壳:连接图:(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍 技术参数:各端子电平特性:(三)、产品差异介绍LED55XT39G3D采用三星公司LTA550HQ06液晶屏,3D信号格式支持上下、左右、行交错。



1. 打开电视:按下电视遥控器上的电源按钮。

2. 切换信源:使用遥控器上的信源按钮,按下后会弹出信源选择菜单,通过方向键选择需要的信源,再按下OK键确认。

3. 调节音量:使用遥控器上的音量加减键来调节音量大小。

4. 切换频道:使用遥控器上的频道加减键来切换频道。

5. 调节画面亮度、对比度等:使用遥控器上的画面调节键来调节画面的亮度、对比度、色彩等参数。

6. 打开菜单:使用遥控器上的菜单键来打开电视菜单,可以进行各种设置和调节。

7. 调节设置:在电视菜单中,可以找到各种设置选项,例如网络设置、声音设置、画面设置等,根据需要进行调节。

8. 播放电视频道或媒体文件:使用遥控器上的数字键来直接输入频道号码或者文件序号,按下OK键确认即可播放。

9. 使用智能功能:一些海信触屏电视具有智能功能,可以通过遥控器上的智能按键或者网页浏览器等方式进行智能应用的使用。




~ 50Hz 220V
Q/0202RSR 609-2011
广播电视频道 C01 ~ C57 CATV 增补频道 Z01 ~ Z38
工作温度 5℃~ 35℃ 工作湿度 20% ~ 80%RH 大气压力 86kPa ~ 106kPa
请不要尝试自行分解、拆卸本产品任何部分,这样可 能会造成产品损坏及人体伤害,并使您所享有的产品 保修失效。
请勿拆下后盖,电视机内部的调整和检查应由专业人 员进行。 请不要掩盖或阻塞机体背后散热孔,以免妨碍机体散热。 请不要用锐利物、金属触碰信号接头或伸入散热孔内, 以免电路短路造成产品损坏或发生触电危险。
如发现异常的声音或气味或有声音无图像,请立即关 闭电源并从插座上拔出插头,并及时与海信服务联系。
请不要让电源插座超载,确保您使用的插座是经过国 家安全认证的合格产品。
室外天线暴露在外容易发生变化影响图像质量,应定 期检查和更换。
√ 平坦、稳定的场所。 × 阳光直射或靠近取暖装置处。 × 通风不良处。 × 靠近炉子或水、油或烟容易进入机内之处。 × 通风口被封闭之处。 × 不平稳处。 × 易受震动处。 × 灰尘多或潮湿处。 × 高温处。
当电视柜表面喷涂油漆或带有机溶剂以及油脂等物 质时,底座的橡胶垫可能会与其发生轻微的化学反 应,造成电视柜表面的轻微腐蚀,所以建议用户先在 电视柜上放一层保护材料(如纸板或玻璃板等),然 后再放置电视机。



海信LED65XT880G3D基本参数产品定位LED电视,3D电视,网络电视,智能电视,超高清电视纠错屏幕尺寸65英寸纠错屏幕比例16:9 纠错分辨率3840×2160 纠错背光灯类型LED发光二极管纠错最佳观看距离5.0米以上纠错图像参数动态对比度40000:1 纠错水平视角178度纠错∙垂直视角178度纠错∙图像特点至尊蓝光AI变频系统DOT还原系统纠错音效参数∙音效系统SRS/Dobly:Dobly DTS 纠错∙音效特点AVL 声场定位魔方影音音画同步纠错功能参数∙3D显示支持,显示方式:全高清,3D-SOC,2D转3D,3D转2D 纠错数字一体机支持,有线数字(大卡)纠错电视接口∙HDMI接口3*HDMI 纠错网络接口1×网络接口纠错其他接口3×USB接口1×VGA 纠错其它参数∙操作系统Smart TV 纠错∙其它性能智能空间:SMART ZONE 3.2,浏览器,在线视频,体感游戏,多屏互动,应用商店,视频通话,智能特色:人脸识别、手势控制、语音助手、空中鼠标纠错保修信息∙保修政策全国联保,享受三包服务纠错∙质保时间1年纠错∙质保备注整机保修一年,主要零部件3年纠错∙客服电话400-611-1111 纠错∙电话备注24小时电话服务纠错详细内容消费者所购买的电视产品,其“三包”有效期从销售者和消费者约定的送货、安装、调试全部结束之日起计算,不需要送货、安装、调试的从开具发票之日起计算。


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