
外贸报关常用缩写语外贸报关中,经常会使用一些方便快捷的缩写语,来看看都有哪些吧!A/W (Actual Weight) 实际重量AAR (Against All Risks) 投保一切险ABT (About) 大约、关于CAN (Air Consignmen Note) 空运的托运单A.W. B(Air Way Bill) 空运提单A/C (Account) 账目A/O (Accoun Of) 入账A/S(At Sight) 见票即付A/V (Ad Valorem) 从价税ADD (Address) 地址AMD (Amend) 修改AMT (Amount) 金额AP (Additional Prenium) 附加费AP( Account Paid) 付讫B/C (Bill for Collection) 托收汇票B/D (Bank Draft) 银行汇票B/E (Bill of Entry) 进口报关单B/E (Bill of Exit) 出口报关单B/L (Bill of Lading) 提单B/M (Bill of Materials) 材料单BE (Bill of Exchange) 汇票BHD (Bill Head) 空白单据D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单D/D(DemandDraft) 即期汇票D/P (Documents against Payment) 付款交单D/W (Deadweight) 重量货物DA (Documents Attached) 附凭单DAF (Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的'港码头交货DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货E/D ( Export Declaration) 出口申报单EXW (Ex Works) 工厂交货C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费价格C.O.D.(Cash on Delivery) 货到付款CD (Charge Paid) 付讫CF,C/F (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费价格COD (Cash on Delivery) 货到付款CY (City) 城市D.P.V.( Duty-Paid Value) 完税价格D.W.T. (Dead Weight Tonnage) 载重吨位,重量吨位F.A.Q. (Fair Average Quality) 良好平均品质F.O.B. (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货价格FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货G.A. (General Average) 共同海损L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证L/G (Letter of Guarantee) 担保书,保证书L/T(LetterofTrust) 委托书LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货M/T( Mail Transfer) 信汇M/T( Metric Ton) 公吨NTB (Non Tariff Barrier) 非关税避垒O.B/L (Ocean Bill of Lading) 海运提单O.No. (Order Number) 定单号数U. L. (Underwriter Laboratories inc.) 美国保险人公会所设的检验机构W.P.A. (With Particular Average) 水渍险W.R.(W/R) (War Risk) 战争险,兵险W.W. (Warehouse to Warehouse) 仓至仓W/L(WovenLabel) 编织标签W/M (Weight or Measurement) 重量或体积XL(ExtraLarge,ExtraLong) 超大、超长XPRD(ExperationDate) 失效日期Yd(s) (Yard(s)) 码P.A. (Particular Average) 单独海损QA(QualityAssurance) 质量保证RAM(RegisteredAirMail) 航空挂号邮件S/D (Sight Draft) 即期汇票S/O (Shipping Order) 装货单(俗称下货纸)STL(Style) 式样T/R (Trust Receipt) 信托收据T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇T/T(T elegraphicTransfer) 电汇TDO(TranshipmentDeliveryOrder) 转船提货单TEU(Twenty-footEquivelentUnit) 20英尺集装箱等量单位TW(TotalWeight) 总重量。

用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of the declaration invoice发票ocean bill of lading提单νair waybill空运提单νpacking list或packing specification(装箱单)νshipping order(装货单)νletter of credit(L|C)(信用证)νinsurance policy(保险单)νsales confirmation售货确认书νcontract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin(原产国,起运国)and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice(发货通知书), guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure(不可抗力), late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证)二.报关英语常用词汇import进口export出口νimport & export corporation(Corp.)νimport & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business)ννexport drawback出口退税import & export licenceνprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工buyer买方seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo-散装货,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo-保税货物,cargo-owner-货主What cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages 合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet 托盘,container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price价格unit price单价total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form 报关单、、Three steps ——declarati on, . exam in ati on of goods and release of goods,are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the pers on in charge of the declarati oninvoice 发票ocea n bill of v lading 提单air waybill 空运提单、•packing list 或packing specification (装箱单)、、shipping order(装货单)letter of credit (L|C)(信用证)、•.in sura nee v policy (保险单)sales confirmation 售货确认书、Vcon tract (合同)(commodity, qua ntity, unit price, total amount, country of origin (原产国,起运国)and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipme nt, port of shipme nt, port of desti natio n, in sura nee, payme nt, shipme nt, shipp ing advice(发货通知书),guara ntee of quality, claims, force majeure (不可抗力),late delivery and pen alty, arbitrati on )certificate(commodity in spect ion certificate 商检证ani mal or pla nt quara ntine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin 原产地证)二.报关英语常用词汇import 进口export 出口import v & export corporation(Corp.)import v & export bus in ess(e nterprise en titled to do import and exportbus in ess)export drawback 出口退税import v & export lice neeprocessing with imported (supplied)、materials 进(来)料加工buyer 买方seller 卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall besubject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo- 散装货,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo- 保税货物, cargo-owner- 货主What cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.) Commodity(commodity inspection) merchandise 泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods andarticles )luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don't have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance) 运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel 船名pack in g(bag 袋,bale 包,bottle, coil 圈,case, crate 板条箱,doze n, package 件:total packages 合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit 辆,台,单位,drum 桶,carton 纸箱,woodencases 木箱,pallet 托盘,container , in bulk)weight 重量gross weight 毛重net weight 净重tare 皮重quantity 数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.description of goods 货名name and specifications of commodity 品名及规格type 类型mode (term)of trade 贸易方式name of trading country 贸易国date of importation 进口日期value 价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOBprice, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price 价格unit price 单价total price 总价total amount 总价consignor 发货人consignee 收货人While the exam in ati on is being carried out, the con sig nee of the import goodsor the con sig nor of the export goods shall be prese nt and resp on sible for moving the goods, ope ning and restori ng the pack ingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the con sig nee within 14 days of the declarati on of the arrival of the means of tran sport; declarati on of export goods shall be madeby the con sig nor 24 hours prior to the loadi ng uni ess otherwise approved by the Customs.进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

报关单上常见英文单词和缩写一.相关单证(Documents)declaration form报关单invoice发票ocean bill of lading提单air waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)shipping order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)insurance policy(保险单)sales confirmation售货确认书contract No(合同号码)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证Import & export licence进出口许可证)二.常用词汇import进口export出口buyer买方seller卖方consignor发货人consignee收货人shipper托运人carrier承运人notify party通知方agent代理人: shipping agent装运代理人,发货代理人insurance agent保险代理人To, Sold to Messers 或For Account & Risk of Messers(后注买方的名称和地址)packing &quantity包装与数量:(bag袋, bale包,bottle瓶, coil圈,case箱, crate板条箱,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱dozen打, package件:total packages合计件数, piece,件,个roll卷, set套, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,pallet托盘,container ,in bulk散装nude 裸装)weight重量:gross weight毛重net weight净重tare weight皮重description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型goods /cargo /Commodity /merchandise /article 商品luggage 行李物品mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值price价格unit price单价total price总价total amount总价shipment装船,交运ocean vessel/vessel name/voy.船名means of transport(conveyance) 运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle) shipment documents运输单据date of shipment装船日期,freightfreight charges 运费air freight charge航空运费freight rates运费率extras杂费paymentterms of payment付款方式immediate payment即期付款port港口port of dispatch发货港port of departure 始发港port of loading装货港port of shipment 装货港port of delivery交货港port of destination目的港port of discharge卸货港port of transshipment转运港W/T 或via.经,由()中转currency货币commodity code商品编码country of origin and manufacturers原产国及生产商terms and conditions条件Marks, Marking, Mks, Marksν&No., shipping Marks唛头as per根据三。

报关单英文单词和缩写一.单证(Documents)进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1、金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票)2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等3、用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单νThree steps—declaration, examination of goods andν release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in chargeν of the declarationinvoice发票νocean bill of lading提单νairν waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)νshippingν order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)νinsurance policy(保险单)νsalesν confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, totalν amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证二.报关英语常用词汇import进口export出口importν & export corporation(Corp.)importν & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and exportbusiness)export drawback出口退税νimportν & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工νbuyer买方seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo, cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo, bonded cargo,cargo-ownerWhat cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package 件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,carton 纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet托盘,container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price价格unit price单价total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

一.单证〔Documents>进出口营业触与的单证总的包含三大年夜类:1.金融单证〔诺言证、汇票、支票和本票〕2.商业单证〔发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等〕3.用于当局管束的单证〔许可证、原产地证明、商检证等〕ν declaration form报关单ν Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货色的监管一般颠末申报、查验和放行三个环节.ν the person in charge of the declarationν invoice发票ν ocean bill of lading提单ν air waybill空运提单ν packing list或packing specification〔装箱单〕ν shipping order<装货单>ν letter of credit〔L|C〕〔诺言证〕ν insurance policy〔保险单〕ν sales confirmation售货确认书ν contract〔合同〕〔modity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration〕certificate<modity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证>二.报关英语经常使用词汇import进口export出口νimport & export corporation<Corp.>ν import & export business<enterprise entitled to do import and export business>ν export drawback出口退税ν import & export licenceν processing with imported〔supplied> materials进〔来〕料加工buyer买方seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of theseller.goods<import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination>cargo <bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-ownerWhat cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.>modity<modity inspection>merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article<smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles〕luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport<conveyance>运输东西<vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle>:All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing<bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk>weight重量gross weight毛重net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名name and specifications of modity品名与规格type类型mode <term>of trade商业编制name of trading country商业国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract mercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price代价unit price单价total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport;declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货色的收货人该当自运输东西申报进境之日起14日内,出口货色的发货人除海关特准的外该当在货色运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时之前,向海关申报.bined transport shipment port to port shipmentWe’ll tr y our best to advance shipment to September.freightfreight charges 运费air freight charge航空运费freight rates运费率extras杂费paymentterms of payment付款编制immediate payment即期付款νPayment by L ∕C is a favorable method of payment because the exporter has bank’s pr omise to pay for the goods shipped.νWe usually accept payment by irrevocable L ∕C payable against shipping documents.我们采取不成裁撤的诺言证,凭装运单据结汇付款编制. port港口port of dispatch发货港port of departure 始发港port of loading装货港port of shipment 装货港,起运地port of delivery交货港port of destination目标港port of discharge卸货港port of entry进口港port of transshipment转运港currency货泉modity code商品编码country of origin and manufacturers原产国与消费商terms and conditions前提ν Marks, Marking, Mks, Marks&No., shipping Marks标识表记标帜麦码To, Sold to Messers或For Account & Risk of Messers〔后注买方的名称和地址〕Messrs.是Mr.的复数as per按照via.经,由per <1>for each, for every:50 cents per yard<2>through, by:shipment per steamer二.缩写语CIF<cost, insurance and freight>到岸代价C&F<cost and freight>CFR<cost and freight>FOB<free on board>离岸价νL∕C N诺言证编号ν Inv.发票ν Invoice No.:发票编号νContract No.;合同编号νB∕L No.:提单号ν CNTR No柜号νS∕C NO.:发卖合同νPurchase Order No.ν Certificate No.证书编号ν Art. No.:货号ν case No.:箱号νS∕O No.<shipping order>:装货单号νVoy. N 航次Seal No.封号<Seals affixed by the Customs shall not be opened or broken by any person without Customs authorization. 海关加施的封志,任何人不得私行开启或损毁.> ν Reference No.证书编号ν Customs Ves. # 海关编号ν Marks & Nos.:麦头和编号ν Container No.集装箱号ν CTNS=Cartonsν MAWB<Master Air Waybill>航空总运单ν HAWB<House Air Waybill>分运单ν place of REIPT收货地νs∕s:<steam ship>船名ν Ex. Rate汇率νM∕W<measurement∕weight>体积或重量ν H.S Code调和税则税目号ν Your Ref.<Reference Number>贵公司编号Modes of payment:1.汇付νT∕T〔telegraphic transfer〕电汇νM∕T<mail transfer>信汇νD∕D<demand draft>票汇2.托收νD∕P<documents against payments>付款交单νD∕A<documents against acceptance>承兑交单3.L∕C<letter of credit>诺言证νmt.<metric ton>公吨ν Ib.<pound>磅νg.<gram>克ν kg.<kilogram>公斤ν I.<litre>升ν cm.〔centimetre〕厘米νm.<metre>米ν yd.<yard>码ν ft.<foot,feet>尺νsq.m<square metre>平方米cu.m<cubic metre>立方米三.常见货泉名称〔P.131〕Australia澳大年夜利亚Brazil 巴西England英国Canada加拿大年夜Denmark丹麦Germany德国Dutch<Netherlands>荷兰Korea韩国France法国Hong Kong喷鼻港Italy意大年夜利Macao澳门Norway挪威Sweden瑞典Switzerland<Swiss>瑞士。

1.M/T( Mail Transfer) 信汇2.S/O (Shipping Order) 装货单(俗称下货纸)3.G.S.P. (Generalized System of Preferences) 普遍优惠制度4.C.C.V.O.(Combined Certificate of Value and Origin) 估价和原产地联合证明书5.A.W. B(Air Way Bill) 空运提单6.C.O.D.(Cash On Delivery) 货到付款7.D/W (Deadweight) 重量货物8.D.W.T. (Dead Weight Tonnage) 载重吨位,重量吨位9.D.P.V.( Duty-Paid Value) 完税价格10.E/D ( Export Declaration) 出口申报单11.GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关税及贸易总协定12.D/D (Demand Draft) 即期汇票13.B/L (Bill of Lading) 提单14.D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单15.T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇16.CF,C/F (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费价格17.C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费价格18.F.O.B. (Free On Board) 装运港船上交货价格19.F.A.Q. (Fair Average Quality) 良好平均品质20.FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货21.LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货22.L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证23.D/P (Documents against Payment) 付款交单24.B/D (Bank Draft) 银行汇票25.B/E (Bill of Entry) 进口报关单; (Bill of Exit) 出口报关单26.BE (Bill of Exchange) 汇票27.BHD (Bill Head) 空白单据28.B/M (Bill of Materials) 材料单29.COD (Cash On Delivery) 凭到付款30.CD (Charge Paid) 付讫31.CY (City) 城市32.DA (Documents Attached) 附凭单33.A/S (At Sight) 见票即付34.A/W (Actual Weight) 实际重量35.B/C (Bill for Collection) 托收汇票。

一、商业单据中常出现的词汇air bill oflading 空运提单air waybill 航空运单air freight 航空运费air fright charges 航空运费advice of shipment 装运通知,装船通知airport of departure 始发站airport of destination 目的站Art. No.货号actual tare 实际皮重actual weight 实际重量at sight 见票即付bill of lading 提单booking list 订舱清单,装货订舱表bearer 持票人Case No.箱号certificate of origin 产地证明书,原产地证明书clean bill of lading 清洁提单charge 费用chargeable weight 计费重量conditions of carriage 货运条件confirmation 确认confirmed credit 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行commission 佣金commodity code 商品编码consignee 收货人consignee,s address 收货人地址consignor 发货人,寄售人consignment note 发货通知书container bill of lading 集装箱提单container 集装箱container depot 集装箱装卸站container-carrying vessel 集装箱船country of origin 生产国别,原产国coverage 保险范围date of arrival 达到日期date of delivery 交货日期date of shipment 装船日期/装运期description 品名,商品名称direct steamer 直达船dirty bill oflading 不清洁提单discharging port 卸货港口documentary acceptance 跟单承诺documentary bill 跟单汇票documentary collection 跟单托收documentary credit 跟单信用证documentary draft 跟单汇票documents against acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单documents against payment (D/P) 付款交单documents against payment after sight (date) 远期付款交单draft at sight 即期汇票exportation 出口exporter 出口商export bill oflading 出口提单freight bill 运费单freight charges 运费freight rates 运费率freight ton 运费吨full containerload (FCL) 整箱货gross weight 毛重gross for net 以毛作净immediate shipment 立即装运import surcharge 进口附加费importation 进口importer 进口商in words 大写in digital 小写inspection certificate 检验证书insurance policy 保险单insurance documents 保险单据invoice 发票invoice No. 发票编号invoice value 发票金额irrevocable credit 不可撤销信刷证loading charg 装货费maritime bill of lading 海运提单marks& No 唛头和件数measurement 尺码metric ton 公吨more or less 溢短装named bill oflading 记名提单net weight 净重number of packages 包装件数notification 正式通知packing list 装箱单packing 包装pallet 托盘partial shipment 分批装运place of origin 产地port of destination 目的地,到达地port of discharge 卸货港port of dispatch 发货口岸pofl ofloading 装货港port of shipment 起运港quantity 数量sales confirmation 销售确认书sales contract No. 销售合同编号shipment date 装船日期/装运期shipper 托运人shipping advice 已装船通知,装船通知shipping company 装船公司shipping container 船运集装箱shipping mark 装运唛头,唛头shipping order 装货单shipping space 舱位sight L/C 即期信用证sight letter of credit 即期信用证specification 规格square 平方square feet 平方英尺shipper's load count and sealed 由托运人装船、核实并加封total amount 总价,总金额total packages 包装总数war risk 战争险warehouse to warehouse clause 仓至仓条款waybill 运单weight memo 重量单二、商业单据中常出现的缩写A.W.B. air waybill 空运运单MAWB master air waybill 航空总运单HAWB house air waybill 航空分运单Art. No. article number 货号B/E bill of exchange 汇票B/L bill of lading 海运提单,提单COD cash on delivery 货到付款CAD cash against documents 凭单付款CBM cubic meter 立方米C.Y. container Yard 货柜场C/(CNEE) consignee 收货人C/O certificate of origin 产地证Co.,Ltd. company limited/corporation limited 有限(责任)公司D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单D/P document against payment 付款交单D/C documentary credit 跟单信用证D/D demand draft 即期汇票EMP european main ports 欧洲主要港口E.&O.E. errors and omissions excepted错漏不再此限(常印在账单上)、有错当查ETA estimated time of arrival 估计的到达时间ETS estimated time of start 估计的出发时间FPP freight prepaid 运费已付FC freight collect 运费到付GSP C/O Generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin普惠制原产地证明书GSP Form A Generalized System ofPreferences Form A 普惠制格式AI/E import& Export 进出口L/C letter of credit 信用证LCL less than container load 拼柜、拼箱货M/V motor vessel (内燃机)船舶M/S Messers (法语)先生M/T metrlc ton 公吨M/T Measurement Ton 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)PCT per cent 百分比Per 经,由,靠Per 每(一单位)S/C sales contract/sales confirmation 销售合同/销售确认书S/D sight draft 即期汇票S/O Shipping Order 装货单(俗称下货纸)S/S Steam ship (蒸汽)船舶TTL total 总计THC Terminal handling Charges 港口操作费Voy. Voyage 航次Via 途经VOL volume 量,额W/M Weight or Measurement ton 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费WR(W/R) war risk 战争险W/T Weight Ton 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)W.W. warehouse to warehouse 仓至仓Yd (s) yard(s) 码。

3.L/C(letter of credit)信用证
mt.(metric ton)公吨n
4.cargo insurance 货物运输保险
5.cash and delivery 付款交货、货到付款
6.certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书
1.XL (Extra Large, Extra Long) 超大、超长
Customs Ves. 海关编号n
Marksn& Nos.:麦头和编号
Container No.集装箱号
MAWB(Master Air Waybill)航空总运单n
HAWB(House AirnWaybill)分运单
7.STL (Style) 式样
8.TEU (Twenty-foot Equivelent Unit) 20英尺集装箱等量单位
9.W/L (Woven Label) 编织标签
10.XPRD (Experation Date) 失效日期
1.Waybill 运单
2.air waybill 航空运单
2.TW (Total Weight) 总重量
3.TDO (Transhipment Delivery Order) 转船提货单
4.L/T (Letter of Trust) 委托书

报关单上常会出现的英文单词和缩写一、单证(Documents)进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1、金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票)2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3、用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declarationν form报关单Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release ofν goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of theν declarationinvoice发票νocean bill of lading提单νairν waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)νshippingν order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)νinsuranceν policy(保险单)sales confirmation售货确认书νcontract(合同)(commodity,ν quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration) certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证二、报关英语常用词汇import进口 export出口import & export corporation(Corp.)import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business)export drawback出口退税import & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工buyer买方 seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject toCustoms examination)cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo,cargo-ownerWhat cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subjectto duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package 件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton 纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重 net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by theCustoms.price价格unit price单价 total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人 consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

接下来小编为大家整理了常用报关英文缩写,希望对你有帮助哦!1 B/L bill of lading 提单2 L/C litter of credit 信用证3 D/P documents against payment 付款交单4 D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单5 W.W warehouse to miasurement 仓至仓6 Yd(s) yard(s) 码7 W/M weight or measuremint 重量或体积8 W.R.(W/R) war risk 战争险,兵险9 U.L. underwriter laboratories inc. 美国保险人公会所设的检验机构1 T/R trust receipt 信托收据11 LCL less than container load 拼箱货12 D/D demand draft 即期票汇13 P.A. particular average 单独海损14 F.P.A. free from particular average 平安险15 W.P.A. with particular average 水渍险16 G.A. general aveage 共同海损17 LIBOR London Inter bank offered rate 伦敦银行同业拆入利率18 EXW ex works 工厂交货19 FCA free carrier 货交承运人20 DAF delivered at frontier 边境交货21 DES delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货22 DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货23 DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完税交货24 DDP dilivered duty paid 完税交货25 M/T mail transfer 信汇26 S/O shipping order 装货单(俗称下货纸)27 G.S.P Generalized System of Preferences 普通优惠制28 C.C.V.O. combined certificate of value and origin 估价和原产地联合证明书29 A.W.B air waybill 空运提单30 A/V ad Valorem 从价税31 C.O.D. cash on delivery 货到付款32 D/W deadweight 重量货物33 D.W.T. deadweight tonnage 载重吨位,重量吨位34 D.P.V. duty-paid value 完税价格35 E/D export declaration 出口申报单36 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税及贸易总协定37 L/G letter of guarantee 担保书,保证书38 M/T metric ton 公吨39 N/N non-negotiable,not negotiable 非流通的,不可转让的40 O. B/L ocean bill of lading 海运提单41 O.NO order number 定单号数42 S/D sight draft 即期汇票43 NTB non tariff barrier 非关税避垒44 T.P.N.D. theft, pilferage and non-delivery 偷窃,提货不着45 T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇46 CFR cost and freight 成本加运费价格47 C. I. F. cost, insurance and freight 到岸价格48 F.O.B. free on board 离岸价格49 F.A.Q. fair average quality 良好平均品质50 FCL full container load 整箱货。

报关单上常常会出现的英文单词和缩写一.单证(Documents)进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1.金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票)2.商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3.用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)Declaration form报关单Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of the declarationinvoice发票ocean bill of lading提单air waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)shipping order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)insurance policy(保险单)sales confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证)报关英语常用词汇import进口 export出口import & export corporation(Corp.)import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税import & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工buyer买方 seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty. means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重 net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty. The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs. price价格unit price单价 total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人 consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

一.单证(Documents)进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1、金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票)2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3、用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单n海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in chargen of the declarationinvoice发票nocean bill of lading提单nairn waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)nshippingn order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)ninsurance policy(保险单)nsalesn confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, totaln amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证二.报关英语常用词汇import进口export出口importn & export corporation(Corp.)importn & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business)export drawback出口退税nimportn & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工nbuyer买方seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo, cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo, bonded cargo, cargo-ownerWhat cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages 合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet 托盘,container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price价格unit price单价total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declarationν form报关单Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release ofν goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of theν declarationinvoice发票νocean bill of lading提单νair waybill空运提单νpacking list或packing specification(装箱单)νshipping order(装货单)νν letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)insurance policy(保险单)νsalesν confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, totalνamount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证)二.报关英语常用词汇import进口 export出口importν & export corporation(Corp.)importν & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税νν import & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied)ν materials进(来)料加工buyer买方 seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package 件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton 纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重 net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price价格unit price单价 total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人 consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单> Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of the declarationinvoice发票ocean bill of lading提单air waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)shipping order(装货单)l etter of credit(L|C)(信用证)insurance policy(保险单)sales confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer,packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port ofdestination,insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, forcemajeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证)二.报关英语常用词汇import进口export出口import & export corporation(Corp.)import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business)export drawback出口退税import & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplie d) materials进(来)料加工buyer买方seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customsexamination)cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo,cargo-ownerWhat cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall besubject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:to亲爱的通用运费系统用户们:把你们的合作伙伴都叫上来吧,来一起分享我们的划时代物流电商平台,让我们共同打造一个互利互惠、共同进退、资源共享的大平台;我们通用运费网的上线,就意味着全球物流货代大联盟的大时代的到来!让我们共同努力,一起缔造明天的辉煌!通用运费网系统账号申请热线:40010-56956SAMUEL 廖先生:+86-755-82136100,QQ: 30032711 SKYPE:uniontowns MONICA 刘小姐:+86-755-82136003,QQ: 1072806289通用运费网系统技术支持热线:(办公系统登陆域名: ) BENNY 黄先生: +86-755-82136007 QQ:2761230通用运费网系统操作说明:/programs/view/kzY_sjD23S4/联盟-通用运费网系统操作说明:/programs/view/xL26hVzBupY/。

报关单上常常会出现的英文单词和缩写一.单证(Documents)进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1.金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票)2.商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3.用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)Declaration form报关单Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of the declarationinvoice发票ocean bill of lading提单air waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)shipping order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)insurance policy(保险单)sales confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证)报关英语常用词汇import进口 export出口import & export corporation(Corp.)import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税import & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工buyer买方 seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重 net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price价格unit price单价 total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人 consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

报关常用缩写B/L(Bill of Lading) 提单L/C(Letter of Credit) 信用证D/C(Documents against Payment)付款交单D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单T/T(Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇CFR, C&F(Cost and Freight) 成本加运费价格C.I.F. (Cost. Insurance and Freight) 成本,保险费加运费交给F.O.B.(Free On Board) 装运港船上交货价格F.A.Q.(Fair Average Quality) 良好平均品质FCL(Full Container Load) 整箱货LCL(Less than Container Load) 拼箱货D/D(Demand Draft) 票汇P.A.(Particular Average) 单独海损F.P.A.(Free from Particular Average) 平安险W.P.A.(With particular Average) 水渍险G.A.(General Average) 共同海损LIBOR(London Inter Bank Offered Rate) 伦敦银行同业拆放率EXW (Ex Works) 工厂交货FCA(Free Carrier) 货交承运人DAF(Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货DES(Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货DDP(Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货C.O.D.(Cash On Delivery) 货到付款D/W(Deadweight) 重量货物D.W.T.(Dead Weight Tonnage) 重量吨位D.P.V.(Duty-Paid V alue) 完税价格E/D(Export Declaration) 出口申报单GA TT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关税及贸易总协议M/T(Mail Transfer) 信汇S/O(Shipping Order) 装货单(下货纸)G.S.P.(Generalized System of Preferences) 普遍优惠制度C.C.V.O.(Combined Cerificate of V alue and Origin) 股价和原产地联合证明书A.W.B.(Air Way Bill) 空运提单A/V (Ad V alorem) 从价税L/G(Letter of Guarantee) 担保书保证书M/T(Metric Ton) 公吨N/N(Non-Negotiable,Not Negotiable)飞流痛的,不可转让的O.B/L(Ocean Bill of Lading) 海运提单O.No.(Order Number) 订单号码S/D(Sight Draft) 即期汇票NTB(Non Tariff Barrier) 非关税壁垒T.P.N.D.(Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery) 偷窃,提货不着W.W.(Warehouse to Warehouse) 仓至仓Yd(s)(Y ard(s) ) 码W/M(Weight or Measurement) 重量或体积W.R.(W/R) (War Risk) 战争险,兵险U.L.(Underwriter Laboratories inc.) 美国保险人公会所设的检验机构T/R(Trust Receipt) 信托收据AAR(Against All Risks) 投保一切险ABT(About) 大约,关于A/C(Account) 账目A/O(Accoun Of) 入账CAN (Air consignmen Note) 空运的托运单ADD(Address) 地址AMD(Amend) 修改AMT(Amount) 金额AP(Additional Prenium) 附加费AP(Account Paid) 付讫。

报关单常用英语词汇及缩写一、单证(Documents)进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1、金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票)2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3、用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of the declarationinvoice发票ocean bill of lading提单air waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)shipping order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)insurance policy(保险单)sales confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证。
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用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单νThree steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, areνtaken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of the declarationνinvoice发票νocean bill of lading提单νair waybill空运提单νpacking list或packing specification(装箱单)νshipping order(装货单)νletter of credit(L|C)(信用证)νinsurance policy(保险单)νsales confirmation售货确认书νcontract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of or igin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipme nt, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarant ee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证)import进口 export出口import & export corporation(Corp.)import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export busine ss)export drawback出口退税import & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工buyer买方 seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the sel ler.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject t o Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-o wnerWhat cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles) luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is su bject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):Al l inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package 件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carto n纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重 net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and t he duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB pri ce, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price价格unit price单价 total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人 consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goo ds or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsibl e for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee w ithin 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to th e loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。
shipper托运人carrier承运人(a person or business that carries goods or passengers from o ne place to another for payment)notify party通知方agent代理人:shipping agent装运代理人,发货代理人 insurance agent保险代理人重点港口缩写非州Port Sudan 苏丹港 (苏丹)Cape Town 开普敦 (南非)世界主要空港Seoul 汉城 (韩国)Singapore 新加坡Berlin 柏林 (德国)Frankfurt 法兰克福(德国)London 伦敦 (英国)Paris 巴黎 (法国)Moscow 莫斯科 (俄罗斯)Rome 罗马 (意大利)Copenhagen 哥本哈根 (丹麦)Washington 华盛顿 (美国)New York 纽约 (美国)Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国)San Francisco 圣弗兰西斯科(旧金山)Toronto 多伦多 (加拿大)Mexico City 墨西哥城 (墨西哥)Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢 (巴西)Sydney 悉尼 (澳大利亚)韩国(R O Korea)Inchon 仁川Pusan 釜山新加坡(Singapore)Singapore 新加坡埃及(Egypt)Suez 苏伊士欧州Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)Rotterdam 廘特丹 (荷兰)Antwerp 安特卫普 (比利时)Barcelona 巴塞罗那 (西班牙)Lisbon 里斯本 (葡萄牙)Gopenhagen 哥本哈根 (丹麦)Helsinki 赫尔辛基 (芬兰)Bahia Blanca 布兰卡港 (阿根挺)重点英文词组缩写air bill of lading 空运提单air freight 空运费air waybill 航空运单airport of departure 始发站airport of destination 目的站bill of lading 提单booking list 订仓清单,装货订仓表cargo in bulk 散装货cargo insurance 货物运输保险case NO 箱号cash against delivery 货到付款certificate of origin 原产地consignee 收货人consignor 发货人,寄售人country of origin 原产国customs declaration 报关单customs house 海关customs invoice 海关发票date of arrival 到达日期date of delivery 交货日期description 商品名称Free alongside ship 装运港船边交货Freight rates 运费率Gross weight 毛重Importer 进口商Invoice 发票Maritime bill of lading 海运提单Marks&No 唛头及件数Net weight 净重Number of packages 包装件数Packing list 装箱单Pallet 托盘Place of origin 产地Poor packing 有缺陷的包装Port of destination 目的地,到达地Port of discharge 卸货港Port of dispatch 发货口岸Port of loading 装货港Shipment date 装船日期/装运日期Shipper advice 已装船通知/装船通知Shipper 托运人Shipping mark 装运唛头Specification 规格Total amount 总价total packages 包装总数transshipment goods 转运货物warning marks 警告性标记waybill 运单B/L bill of lading 海运提单C.C.V.O combined certificate of value and origin 估价和原产地联合证明书CFR cost and freight 成本加运费价格CIF cost insurance and freight 到岸价格D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单D/P documents against payment 付款交单EMS Express Main Ports 特快专递EXW ex works 工厂交货FOB free on board 离岸价L/C letter of credit 信用证L/G letter of guarantee 担保书,保证书M/T metric ton 公吨W.R war risk 战争险W.W warehouse to warehouse 仓到仓W/M weight or measurement 重量或体积S/O shipping order 装货单(下货纸)LCL less than container load 拼箱货FCA Free carrier 货交承运人(价)税费的缴纳一、税款缴纳(一)缴纳方式指纳税人在何时何地以何种方式向海关交纳关税。