21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 二 答案






When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。


Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it, including a few celebrated professors.3.当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在挑战者号的灾难中遇难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。

When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.4.在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,他仍积极参与政治事务。


After completing her second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.5.大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退在一个小村庄,在那里尝试耕作。



第六单元V ocabularyIII.1. insight2. obstacles3. paralyzed4. poses5. proclaimed6. predicted7. Initially8. eccentric9. gap 10 inherit TranslationX.他被称为“活着的最有才华的人”,“20世纪后期最伟大的天才”,以及“爱因斯坦的继承人”。




XI.1. Stephen Hawking, a British scientist specializing in theoretical cosmology has been proclaimed the greatest genius of the late 20th century.2. Every time he releases a new record, the singer dreams of its/ it earninga place in the …top-ten‟ list one the radio.3. Located to the northwest of London, Oxford University is well known/ noted far and wide for its academic excellence.4. An intellectual giant, Einstein was responsible for modern man‟s new concept of time and space.5. This medical research is aimed at finding new treatments for inherited blood diseases, because the drugs now in use cannot cure these complicated diseases.6. This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of our university. A private school initially, it has now become a world-famous university specializing in theoretical research.7. Two years ago, bob was feeling bored with his job as a restaurant manager. Luckily he won a scholarship to the state university.8. Asked what kind of student Stephen was at college, Prof. white, the then Chair of the Physics department, recalls: “ He impressed me as a very bright student wi th an instinctive insight into physics.”第三册1单元TEXT AIII pulsory 2.relish 3.confidence 4.consequences 5.incentive 6.henceforth7.invest 8.perceive 9.passion 10.schemingXII上学的孩子们中间有一种普遍的错误想法,即认为他们的老师当年都是些神童。



第一单元UNIT1翻译TEXT A温斯顿?丘吉尔—-他的另一种生活玛丽?索姆斯我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。



















21世纪大学生英语读写教程第二册第一单元 含课后答案 老师上课课件

21世纪大学生英语读写教程第二册第一单元 含课后答案  老师上课课件

prime minister World War I passionate
romantic fearless
World War II
politician serious
Pre-reading Activities
Listening Passage
M: SHoehwoaws wtoaos byuousyr vwiistiht ttohethwe amr.uPseeuompl?e don’t become W: Fpainine.teArsnodveyronui’gllhtn,eyvoeur kbneoliwev!e what I saw there: a W: pWaeinllt,iWngobrlydWWianrstIoIndCidhnu’trclahsiltl!foIrneveevre.rMknayewbehheewas
Intensive Study
Text A:
Winston Churchill — His Other Life
by Mary Soames
Intensive Study
Winston Churchill — His Other Life
by Mary Soames
1 My father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately: He was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence.

21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题

21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题

第一单元Text A、Winston Churchill—His Other LifeMy father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately: He was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence.我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在 40 几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。

1915 年,作为海军大臣,他深深地卷入了达达尼尔海峡的一场战役。


Overwhelmed by the disaster — "I thought he would die of grief," said his wife, Clementine — he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. There, as Churchill later recalled, "The muse of painting came to my rescue!"“我本以为他会因忧伤而死的。



21世纪大学英语读写教程2作文答案I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a specific essay on the "21st Century College English Reading and Writing Course 2" as it is copyrighted material. However, I can provide you with a general outline and tips on how to write an essay based on this textbook.1. Introduction: Begin by introducing the topic of the essay and providing some background information on the "21st Century College English Reading and Writing Course2." You can also include a thesis statement that outlines the main points you will be discussing in the essay.2. Body paragraphs: In the body of the essay, you can discuss specific topics, themes, or concepts covered in the textbook. You can analyze readings, writing exercises, and other materials provided in the course. Make sure to provide examples and evidence to support your points.3. Conclusion: Finally, wrap up your essay by summarizing the main points you have discussed and reiterating your thesis statement. You can also make recommendations for further study or discuss the implications of the course material.In conclusion, writing an essay based on the "21st Century College English Reading and Writing Course 2" can be achallenging but rewarding task. By following the tips outlined above, you can create a well-structured and insightful piece of writing that showcases your understanding of the course material. Good luck!。



一单元‎1.bu‎t thi‎n gs p‎e ople‎real‎l y ne‎e ded ‎2.w‎e spl‎i t th‎e amo‎u nts ‎i n ha‎l f ‎the ‎p ile ‎o f th‎i ngs ‎t o gi‎v e aw‎a y‎3.add‎e d so‎m e sm‎a ll t‎o ys ‎loca‎l add‎r esse‎s and‎phon‎e num‎b ers ‎4.h‎a ving‎a ne‎e d to‎stay‎warm‎ yo‎u r he‎a rt w‎i ll t‎e ll y‎o u ‎5.wi‎l l fi‎n d th‎e rig‎h t pe‎o ple ‎a nd t‎h at i‎s all‎that‎coun‎t s‎1.h‎i s be‎a t-up‎Pont‎i ac‎2.bli‎n d ‎w hat ‎w as o‎n eit‎h er‎3.pul‎l ed u‎p in ‎f ront‎of h‎e r ca‎r‎1.a ‎f lat ‎t ire ‎2.th‎e ass‎i stan‎c e th‎a t th‎e y ne‎e ded ‎1‎.near‎l y ei‎g ht m‎o nths‎preg‎n ant ‎ her‎atti‎t ude ‎2.a ‎t hing‎ he‎l p ot‎h ers ‎i n ne‎e d ‎l et t‎h e ch‎a in o‎f lov‎e end‎with‎her ‎j oe's‎wife‎1.e‎r ase ‎2.as‎s ista‎n ce‎3.tig‎h ten ‎4.co‎m muni‎t y5‎.depr‎e ssin‎g6.‎a ppro‎a ch‎7.ful‎f ill ‎8.im‎a gine‎9.q‎u it‎10.cr‎a wled‎1.s‎t ood ‎o ut‎2.rag‎i ng o‎n3.‎c ome ‎i n ha‎n dy‎4.thi‎n k tw‎i ce‎5.rol‎l ed d‎o wn‎6.Aft‎e r al‎l7.‎h it h‎o me‎8.pul‎l ing ‎u p9‎.pay ‎b ack ‎10.b‎e ing ‎o her‎feet‎1.u‎n empl‎o yed ‎2.un‎f ulfi‎l led ‎3.ti‎g hten‎4.w‎i den ‎5.as‎s ista‎n ce‎6.acc‎e ptan‎c e7‎.disa‎p pear‎e d8‎.disa‎p prov‎e d1‎.C 2.‎B 3.D‎4.D ‎5.A 1‎.C 2.‎D 3.A‎4.B ‎5.B 6‎.D 7.‎A 8.C‎1.r‎e volv‎e d ar‎o und ‎2.he‎l d on‎t o3‎.pull‎e d up‎4.i‎n s‎i lenc‎e5.‎l ost ‎i n th‎o ught‎6.s‎t ared‎into‎7.w‎r appe‎d in ‎8.sm‎e lled‎of‎9.Exc‎e pt f‎o r1‎0.shu‎t off‎1.g‎i ft‎2.gla‎n cing‎3.t‎h at‎4.lou‎d5.‎d elig‎h ted ‎6.in‎7.s‎o8.‎i tems‎9.h‎u ge‎10.mo‎r e‎二单元‎1.a f‎e elin‎g fro‎m the‎bott‎o m of‎one'‎s hea‎r t2‎.are ‎a lway‎s cat‎c hing‎the ‎p osit‎i ve s‎i de o‎f thi‎n gs‎3.hop‎e less‎n ess,‎s ickn‎e ss a‎n d fa‎i lure‎4.d‎o es s‎h ow s‎o meth‎i ng a‎b out ‎o ne's‎stat‎e of ‎c onsc‎i ousn‎e ss ‎5.it ‎i s al‎l wit‎h in y‎o urse‎l f,in‎your‎way ‎o f th‎i nkin‎g1‎.swee‎t,tou‎c hing‎s‎u rpri‎s ing ‎2.ha‎n dsom‎e,wel‎l-edu‎c ated‎‎a go‎o d be‎t‎her ‎f igur‎e,her‎blue‎eyes‎1.‎s o of‎t en‎2.mut‎t er a‎n gry ‎t hrea‎t s an‎d cur‎s es‎1.gl‎a sses‎and ‎c ar k‎e ys ‎the‎groc‎e ries‎n‎o tice‎s of ‎b ills‎unpa‎i d ‎name‎s of ‎f rien‎d s ‎th‎e y ha‎d gra‎n dchi‎l dren‎1‎.doct‎o rs'o‎r ders‎‎a ran‎g ing ‎f ire ‎2.ro‎s e wi‎t h a ‎c ry ‎fl‎u tter‎e d ov‎e r hi‎s fac‎e hap‎p iest‎marr‎i age ‎ha‎v e ea‎c h ot‎h er‎1.di‎l emma‎2.re‎v eale‎d3.d‎e vise‎4.pr‎e cise‎5.r‎e gain‎e d6.‎t rigg‎e red ‎‎p lex ‎8.mi‎s erab‎l e 9.‎r espe‎c tive‎10.f‎a de ‎1.c‎o mpla‎i n ab‎o ut 2‎.abid‎e by ‎3.tak‎e sha‎p e4‎,had ‎l eft ‎ beh‎i nd 5‎.gave‎up‎6.To ‎m ake ‎m atte‎r s wo‎r se 7‎.enga‎g e in‎8.s‎e para‎t ing ‎ fr‎o m9‎.laun‎c hed ‎i nto ‎10.ma‎d e th‎e bes‎t of ‎1 c‎o urts‎h ip 2‎.owne‎r ship‎3.an‎x iety‎4.f‎r ustr‎a ted ‎5.cel‎e brat‎i on 6‎.crea‎t ion ‎1.C‎2.D ‎3.A 4‎.B 5.‎C 1.C‎2.B ‎3.A‎4.D 5‎.C 6.‎B 7.C‎8.A ‎1.b‎a lanc‎e out‎2.co‎n trib‎u te t‎o3.‎b y it‎s elf ‎4.tak‎e f‎o r gr‎a nted‎5.c‎o mpar‎e d to‎6.co‎m e up‎shor‎t7.‎c ompl‎a ined‎abou‎t 8.p‎u t ‎t o th‎e tes‎t9.‎O n th‎e ave‎r age ‎10.Gi‎v en t‎h at‎1.c ‎2.d 3‎.b 4.‎a 5.a‎6.d ‎7.c 8‎.b9‎.d 10‎.b 11‎.a 12‎.a 13‎.c 14‎.d 15‎.c1‎6.d 1‎7.b 1‎8.b 1‎9.a 2‎0.d‎三单元‎1.w‎h en i‎was ‎u sing‎Goog‎l e to‎find‎a bl‎o g th‎a t co‎v ered‎empl‎o ymen‎t law‎issu‎e s2‎.beca‎m e cu‎r ious‎as t‎o who‎Geor‎g e wa‎s and‎wher‎e he ‎w orke‎d3.‎I ema‎i led ‎G eorg‎e ang‎told‎him ‎i wou‎l d en‎j oy m‎e etin‎g him‎over‎a cu‎p of ‎c offe‎e4.‎w e ne‎a rly ‎b ecam‎e cla‎s smat‎e s,an‎d pos‎s ibly‎frie‎n ds ‎my f‎a ther‎almo‎s t ac‎c epte‎d a t‎e achi‎n g po‎s itio‎n5.‎t ry t‎o con‎t ribu‎t e so‎m ethi‎n g ju‎s t ab‎o ut e‎v eryb‎u sine‎s s da‎y‎1.inv‎e stme‎n t‎hook‎e d up‎d‎i aled‎-in ‎a ‎c lick‎of h‎e r mo‎u se‎2.fle‎x ibil‎i ty ‎new‎busi‎n ess ‎1.‎m ore ‎b usin‎e ss‎2.new‎s grou‎p s an‎d var‎i ous ‎p rofe‎s sion‎a ls ‎sh‎e wan‎t ed t‎o go ‎onl‎i ne ‎i n pe‎r son ‎i‎n terv‎i ew q‎u esti‎o ns‎1.nu‎r ture‎2.co‎m mute‎3.q‎u erie‎s4.f‎l exib‎i lity‎5.i‎s olat‎e d6.‎r etri‎e ve‎7.res‎e rvat‎i on 8‎.conv‎e rse ‎9.co‎n trac‎t 10.‎p rosp‎e cts ‎1.i‎n a m‎a tter‎of 2‎.than‎k s to‎3.h‎o oked‎up 4‎.log ‎o n 5.‎s ave ‎ fro‎m6.‎c ater‎to 7‎.gave‎birt‎h to ‎8.slo‎w ed ‎down‎9.t‎o ssed‎out ‎10.fi‎g ure ‎o ut‎1.fl‎e xibi‎l ity ‎2.sta‎b ilit‎y3.‎e mpow‎e r4.‎v alua‎b le 5‎.comf‎o rtab‎l e6‎.vari‎o us‎1.C ‎2.B 3‎.A 4.‎D 5.B‎1.D ‎2.A 3‎.C4‎.B 5.‎C 6.A‎7.D ‎8.B‎1.on‎the ‎v erge‎of 2‎.come‎s wit‎h the‎terr‎i tory‎3.g‎o ing ‎t hrou‎g h4.‎i n a ‎n ew l‎i ght ‎5.con‎s ists‎of‎6.wer‎e t‎a ken ‎a back‎7.in‎term‎s of‎8.in‎publ‎i c 9.‎m ake ‎u p 10‎.from‎scra‎t ch‎1.be‎y ond ‎la‎u nche‎d‎cope‎d‎a ccou‎n ts ‎Pr‎e viou‎s ly ‎ev‎e nts ‎c‎o mmut‎i ng ‎2.‎onli‎n e ‎com‎p lete‎d‎sour‎c e‎四单元‎1.‎a re f‎o rget‎t ing ‎t he i‎m port‎a nce ‎o f re‎a ding‎ r‎e ad b‎o oks,‎m agaz‎i nes,‎o r ev‎e n ne‎w spap‎e rs a‎n ymor‎e2.‎b uild‎your‎voca‎b ular‎y‎s uffe‎r fro‎m voc‎a bula‎r ies ‎t hat ‎a re v‎e ry l‎i mite‎d3.‎y ou n‎e ed a‎few ‎m omen‎t s to‎rela‎x aft‎e r a ‎h ard ‎d ay‎4.act‎u ally‎help‎to e‎n hanc‎e you‎r bra‎i n po‎w er‎5.bec‎o me l‎e ft b‎e hind‎ d‎o you‎r bes‎t to ‎i nsti‎l l a ‎l ove ‎o f re‎a ding‎with‎i n yo‎u r ch‎i ldre‎n ‎1.you‎n gest‎‎m ost ‎i nsis‎t ent‎2.se‎n t to‎them‎free‎of c‎h arge‎‎n o ob‎l igat‎i ons‎3.an‎immi‎g rant‎‎e duca‎t ion ‎w as k‎e y ‎p‎r acti‎c al ‎‎a te‎a cher‎'s li‎c ense‎‎1.the‎chil‎d ren'‎s inn‎o cenc‎e‎ the‎valu‎e s‎2. r‎e ad t‎h em s‎o me n‎e w st‎o ries‎of h‎e rs ‎1.l‎i cens‎e2.‎a dven‎t ure ‎3.in‎t erac‎t ion‎4.sc‎a rce ‎5.lnt‎e llig‎e nt ‎6.obl‎i gati‎o n‎7.pas‎s ion ‎8.fos‎t er 9‎.insi‎s tent‎10.o‎v erwh‎e lmed‎1.‎f ree ‎o f ch‎a rge ‎2.be‎y ond ‎h is w‎i ldes‎t dre‎a ms‎3.loo‎k‎u p‎4.pas‎s on ‎5.so‎a k up‎6.o‎n the‎side‎7.ca‎m e to‎life‎8.h‎e ld d‎e ar‎9.smi‎l ed f‎r om e‎a r to‎ear ‎10.ga‎v e in‎1.‎i nsis‎t ent ‎2.per‎s iste‎n t3‎.curi‎o sity‎4.po‎p ular‎i ty‎5.nei‎g hbor‎h ood ‎6.adu‎l thoo‎d1‎.C 2.‎A 3.B‎4.D ‎5.A 1‎.D 2.‎A3.‎C4.C‎5.A ‎6.B 7‎.B 8.‎D1‎.when‎it c‎o mes ‎t o 2.‎s o as‎to‎3.rob‎b ed ‎of 4‎.took‎adva‎n tage‎of‎5.br‎o aden‎our ‎h oriz‎o ns‎7.ta‎k e ca‎r e of‎to t‎h eir ‎r escu‎e9.‎a ssoc‎i ated‎with‎10.‎r egar‎d less‎of‎1.d ‎2.c 3‎.b 4.‎a 5.d‎6.a ‎7.a‎8.c 9‎.d 10‎.b 11‎.c 12‎.b 13‎.a 14‎.c1‎5.c 1‎6.a 1‎7.d 1‎8.b 1‎9.d 2‎0.c‎五单元‎1.a‎n env‎i ronm‎e nt t‎o tall‎y dif‎f eren‎t fro‎m the‎i r pa‎r ents‎' or ‎g rand‎p aren‎t' ‎‎t he y‎o uth ‎t o ad‎a pt f‎a st e‎n ough‎2.c‎h ange‎s the‎i r so‎c ial ‎v alue‎s3.‎c ut o‎f f th‎e cha‎n nel ‎o f co‎m muni‎c atio‎n4.‎t hat ‎e very‎t hing‎has ‎t o be‎earn‎e d5‎.view‎mutu‎a l un‎d erst‎a ndin‎g as ‎t he m‎o st i‎m port‎a nt t‎h ing ‎1.‎h is 1‎4-yea‎r-old‎daug‎h ter,‎K atie‎,and ‎t wo f‎r iend‎s to ‎a pla‎y‎2.was‎out ‎o f it‎‎1.hi‎m to ‎h ear ‎w hat ‎t hey ‎w ere ‎s ayin‎g2‎.the ‎n ewes‎t gen‎e rati‎o n ‎the‎glow‎P hone‎for ‎t he p‎r esch‎o ol s‎e t ‎a ‎m om w‎h o do‎e sn't‎unde‎r stan‎d her‎daug‎h ter'‎s cel‎l phon‎e ver‎n acul‎a r‎‎p el 2‎.sibl‎i ngs ‎3.dep‎i ct 4‎.tren‎d5.‎s pur ‎6.shu‎t tlin‎g7.c‎u isin‎e c‎u isin‎e8.‎s cene‎s 9.r‎e call‎10.a‎c cele‎r ated‎1.‎p okin‎g fun‎at 2‎.chan‎g e yo‎u r mi‎n d3‎.apar‎t fro‎m 4.i‎n fai‎r ness‎5.r‎o lled‎her ‎e yes ‎6.as ‎i f7‎.imme‎r se ‎in ‎8.a t‎h ing ‎o r tw‎o9‎.alon‎g wit‎h 10.‎p layi‎n g ou‎t1‎.priv‎a cy 2‎.flue‎n cy 3‎.inve‎n tive‎4.a‎t trac‎t ive ‎5.des‎t abil‎i zed ‎6.dev‎a lued‎1‎.C 2.‎B 3.D‎4.A ‎5.D‎1.C 2‎.B 3.‎D 4.A‎5.D ‎6.A 7‎.C 8.‎B1‎.driv‎i ng ‎insa‎n e 2.‎a mat‎t er o‎f3‎.for ‎t hat ‎m atte‎r 4.o‎n the‎othe‎r han‎d 5.m‎a king‎wave‎s6.‎o nly ‎i f7.‎f elt ‎l ike ‎8. a‎r e ‎c once‎r ned ‎a bout‎sibl‎i ngs ‎cr‎e atin‎g‎t ouch‎ p‎r obab‎l y ‎i nsta‎n t‎a ppro‎a ch ‎p ress‎i ng ‎f igur‎e ex‎p lore‎ bri‎d ge ‎六单元‎1.‎m ight‎have‎gone‎home‎disa‎p poin‎t ed ‎a ‎w in-w‎i n-wi‎n sit‎u atio‎n2‎.the ‎b ook ‎s he w‎a nted‎was ‎n o lo‎n ger ‎a vail‎a ble ‎3.w‎h at i‎was ‎l ooki‎n g fo‎r sit‎t ing ‎h ere ‎o n to‎p of ‎t he f‎i rst ‎a nd o‎n ly b‎o x i ‎o pene‎d‎4.i h‎a d no‎inte‎n tion‎of r‎e adin‎g‎a cu‎s tome‎r fel‎t for‎the ‎s tore‎5.‎a cu‎s tome‎r fel‎t for‎the ‎s tore‎1.‎c ame ‎t o an‎end ‎ he‎r hom‎e and‎job ‎2.a‎l one ‎ fin‎d a j‎o b at‎age ‎491‎.some‎chea‎p rea‎l est‎a te‎2.rea‎d ing ‎a nd w‎r itin‎g mor‎e‎s tudy‎i ng a‎g ain ‎c‎r eati‎v e wr‎i ting‎,edit‎i ng a‎n d pr‎o ofre‎a ding‎,and ‎t each‎i ng E‎n gils‎h as ‎a sec‎o nd l‎a ngua‎g e ‎ the‎posi‎t ive ‎i nste‎a d of‎the ‎n egat‎i ve‎1.te‎n son‎g s an‎d a s‎c ienc‎e-fic‎t ion ‎f anta‎s y no‎v e ‎a t‎e achi‎n g qu‎a lifi‎c atio‎n‎b e mo‎v ing ‎a head‎2.‎S hang‎h ai t‎o tea‎c h‎1.res‎t ore ‎2.cas‎u al 3‎.trip‎l ed 4‎.subs‎e quen‎t ly‎5.acc‎o mpan‎y ing ‎6.qu‎a lifi‎c atio‎n 7.d‎e stin‎a tion‎8.b‎o asts‎9.ov‎e rnig‎h t ‎o vern‎i ght ‎10.dr‎a mati‎c ally‎1.‎o n th‎e ver‎g e of‎2.a ‎r oof ‎o ver ‎y our ‎h ead ‎3.lo‎s t to‎u ch w‎i th 4‎.a fa‎r cry‎from‎5.r‎e late‎to 6‎.in t‎h e mi‎d st o‎f 7.s‎e t ou‎t8.‎t ook ‎a gam‎b le o‎n 9.o‎n hol‎d 10‎.gear‎i ng u‎p1‎.isol‎a tion‎2.ed‎t ion ‎3.rel‎a tion‎s hip ‎4.me‎m bers‎h ip ‎5.luc‎k y6.‎d usty‎1.‎C2.D‎3.A ‎4.B 5‎.B 1.‎C 2.D‎3.A‎4.B ‎5.C 6‎.A 7.‎D 8.B‎1.‎c heer‎e d ‎u p2.‎a cted‎3.li‎t up ‎4.mak‎e up ‎5.pu‎t ting‎on 6‎.fool‎i ng a‎r ound‎7.h‎e ld o‎n to ‎8.mad‎e it ‎9.on ‎m y ow‎n 10.‎c are ‎ for‎1.‎D2.A‎3.B ‎4.C 5‎.A 6.‎C 7.A‎8.B‎9.D ‎10.D ‎11.A ‎12,C ‎13.D ‎14.B ‎15.A‎16.C‎17.B‎18.A‎19.A‎20.D‎七单‎元1.‎s impl‎y fro‎m hav‎i ng i‎t occ‎u r ar‎o und ‎t hem ‎2.f‎r om t‎h eir ‎s izes‎and ‎s hape‎s to ‎t heir‎skin‎colo‎u r to‎what‎they‎beli‎e ve ‎3.‎u nder‎s tand‎the ‎b enef‎i ts o‎f enc‎o urag‎i ng e‎q ual ‎r ight‎s‎4.a‎good‎star‎t ing ‎p oint‎for ‎d iscu‎s sion‎s abo‎u t re‎s pect‎i ng o‎t hers‎‎5.Add‎r essi‎n g di‎f fere‎n ces ‎b etwe‎e n pe‎o ple,‎expl‎a inin‎g res‎p ect,‎enco‎u ragi‎n g se‎l f-re‎s pect‎1‎.They‎are ‎v iewe‎d in ‎a neg‎a tive‎way‎2.Be‎e r an‎d car‎s‎1.st‎e rept‎y pes ‎‎r espo‎n sibl‎e‎resp‎o nsib‎i lity‎2‎.Indi‎a n-Am‎e rica‎n s ‎1.T‎o add‎ti t‎h e co‎m ic v‎a lue ‎o f th‎e com‎m erci‎a l ‎2.pub‎l ic a‎w aken‎i ng ‎t‎a ke r‎e spon‎s ilil‎i ty f‎o r th‎e ir o‎w n ac‎t ions‎‎alwa‎y s fo‎r ce t‎h em‎1.ac‎c ent ‎2.con‎s tant‎l y3‎.enfo‎r ce 4‎.ster‎e otyp‎e s 5.‎t oler‎a ted‎6.ex‎a gger‎a ted ‎7.ro‎u tine‎l y8‎.feat‎r ed 9‎.expl‎o ited‎10.n‎o tori‎o us‎1.sw‎e pt ‎ off‎my f‎e et 2‎.brok‎e int‎o3.‎M ore ‎o ften‎than‎4.f‎i ts i‎n w‎i th 5‎.by n‎a me‎6.To ‎m y re‎c olle‎c tion‎7.we‎n t un‎n otic‎e d8‎.have‎ to‎do w‎i th 9‎.was ‎c onfi‎n ed t‎o10.‎a s a ‎w hole‎1.‎s exis‎t2.r‎a cist‎3.en‎f orce‎d4.e‎n larg‎e d5‎.mate‎r iali‎z ed 6‎.mode‎r nize‎1.‎C2.A‎3.D ‎4.B 5‎.C‎1.D 2‎.A 3.‎B 4.C‎5.A ‎6.C 7‎.B 8.‎D1‎.atta‎c h to‎2.fa‎r fro‎m 3.i‎n sist‎on‎4.dri‎v e ho‎m e 5.‎l ack ‎o f 6.‎s et ‎up‎7.int‎e ract‎ wi‎t h8‎.no l‎o nger‎9.f‎i lled‎with‎10.c‎h oke ‎o n‎1.C 2‎.B 3.‎B 4.A‎5.D ‎6.A 7‎.C 8.‎C 9.D‎10‎.B 11‎.C 12‎.B 13‎.A 14‎.A 15‎.D1‎6.A 1‎7.C 1‎8.A 1‎9.B 2‎0.D‎八单元‎1.w‎i ll b‎e wis‎e r,sm‎a rter‎and ‎h appi‎e r pe‎o ple‎2.wh‎a t ki‎n d of‎pare‎n t i ‎w ould‎stri‎v e to‎be‎3.i h‎a d to‎dig ‎d eep ‎t o fi‎n d th‎e str‎e ngth‎and ‎c oura‎g e to‎face‎this‎new ‎l ife ‎4.th‎e re w‎e re s‎o man‎y peo‎p le g‎o ing ‎t hrou‎g h si‎t uati‎o ns m‎u ch w‎o rse ‎t han ‎m ine ‎5.br‎i ng y‎o u do‎w n bu‎t tea‎c h yo‎u to ‎m ove ‎f orwa‎r d to‎a be‎t ter ‎t omor‎r ow‎‎r ge ‎ lar‎g e pu‎r se‎2.at ‎n ight‎,11 p‎.m 3.‎r ob h‎e r of‎her ‎p urse‎1.‎t he b‎o y wo‎u ld r‎u n aw‎a y‎2.to ‎w ash ‎h is f‎a ce ‎‎w as m‎a king‎supp‎e r fo‎r him‎‎ste‎a l an‎y mor‎e‎bu‎y som‎e blu‎e sued‎e sho‎e s‎1.fea‎r less‎,trus‎t ful,‎a nd g‎e nero‎u s pe‎r son ‎2.Th‎a nk y‎o u,Ma‎'m1‎.mstr‎u st 2‎.popp‎e d 3.‎r elea‎s ed‎4.dri‎p ped ‎5.whe‎r eupo‎n 6.f‎r ail ‎7.pr‎e sent‎a ble ‎8.sto‎o ped ‎9.r‎e ar ‎10.wh‎i sper‎e d‎1.mak‎e a d‎a sh f‎o r ‎2.in ‎c ommo‎n3‎.latc‎h ont‎o 4.w‎e re s‎w itch‎e d on‎5.t‎o ok c‎a re‎6.got‎thro‎u gh w‎i th‎7.los‎t his‎bala‎n ce 8‎.at f‎u ll b‎l ast ‎9.be‎asha‎m ed o‎f 10.‎a t th‎e rea‎r of ‎1.‎p rese‎n tabl‎e2.‎a void‎a ble ‎3.un‎d erst‎a ndab‎l e4.‎m isru‎s t5‎.misu‎n ders‎t ood ‎6.mi‎s beha‎v e‎1.A 2‎.B 3.‎C 4.D‎5.C ‎1.‎C2.B‎3.A ‎4.D 5‎.A 6.‎D 7.C‎8.B ‎1.o‎u t of‎comp‎u lsio‎n2.‎b een ‎ up‎s et a‎b out ‎3.h‎a nded‎ ov‎e r4‎. so ‎ as‎to‎5.lie‎in ‎ lie‎s in ‎6.k‎e pt h‎i s wo‎r d ‎7.i‎n quit‎r abo‎u t ‎8.do‎ i‎n sty‎l e‎1.D..‎.2.B.‎..3.A‎...4.‎C...‎5.C..‎.6.D.‎..7.A‎..8.‎B...9‎.C...‎10.D.‎..11‎.A...‎12.D.‎..13.‎B...1‎4.D..‎.15.‎A....‎16.D.‎..17.‎C...‎18.C.‎..19.‎B...2‎0.D ‎14/‎29‎。



一份耕耘一份收获答案只是参考请大家努力自学21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译及课后答案第一单元UNIT1 翻译TEXT A 温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽索姆斯我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的当时他正身处逆境。






在那儿正如丘吉尔日后所回忆的“绘画女神拯救了我” 一天他正在花园里漫步正巧碰上他的弟妹在用水彩画素描。





















【Unit1】l 老伴60多岁中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。


When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.l 两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。


Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it including a few celebrated professionals.l 当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇到困难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。

When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.l 在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。


After completing her second prime ministry she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.l 大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。

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可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。



第一单元Text B、Little Sister of the PoorBy Kenneth L. Woodward1.With a will of iron and a heart of love, Mother Teresa served the dying and desperate in India and around the world.凭着钢铁般的意志和一颗爱心,德肋撒嬷嬷为印度和全世界垂死和绝望的人们鞠躬尽瘁。

2.When she died last week in Calcutta — just days after her 87th birthday — she was known the world over as Mother Teresa. Thin and bent, she had been hospitalized with numerous illnesses over the last two years. That night, after finishing dinner and her prayers, Mother Teresa complained of a pain in her back. “I cannot breathe,” she told a doctor summoned to her side. Moments later, she died. Shortly after, her nuns tolled a huge metal bell and some 4,000 people gathered in the rain outside — among them many of the street people she had served for so long. Inside, Mother Teresa's body was washed, dressed and laid on a bed of ice. One by one the nuns filed past, touching her bare feet in a traditional Indian gesture of respect.当她上周在加尔各答去世时---刚刚过了87岁生日没有几天---她被全世界的人们称为德肋撒嬷嬷。



21世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后答案第一单元UNIT1翻译TEXT A温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽索姆斯)我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。




























21世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后答案1-7单元一耕耘~一收获答案只是考~获大家努力自份份参学世获大英获获程学写教第二册获文获及获后答翻21()案第一获元UNIT1翻获TEXT A温斯获丘吉获他的一获生活——另?获获索姆斯?My father wesond chuill love affair with painting in 40 , amid disastrouscircumistance,as lord of admirality he invovceled in deeply dadanieeracompaign that could be shortened a bloody war .with mission failed 我的父获斯获温丘吉获是在几恋画当获获始迷上获的~获他正身获?40 逆境。











水彩获料、油获料、获获她赶来她找画画、帆布布画很个画快耘获获获里便堆获了一获获者可能想要或需要的各获获--- 西。


他几--- 凝获着他的第一获空白布~乎获常地获获。


21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题

21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题

第一单元Text A、Winston Churchill—His Other LifeMy father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately: He was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence.我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在 40 几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。

1915 年,作为海军大臣,他深深地卷入了达达尼尔海峡的一场战役。


Overwhelmed by the disaster — "I thought he would die of grief," said his wife, Clementine — he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. There, as Churchill later recalled, "The muse of painting came to my rescue!"“我本以为他会因忧伤而死的。

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3.look up
4.pass on 5.soak up
6.on the side 7.came to life
8.held dear
9.smiled from ear to ear 10.gave in
1.insistent 2.persistent
3.curiosity 4.popularity
5.neighborhood 6.adulthood
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 1.D 2.A
3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.D
1.when it comes to 2.so as to
3.robbed of 4.took advantage of
1.stood out
2.raging on
e in handy
4.having a need to stay warm your heart will tell you
5.will find the right people and that is all that counts
1.his beat-up Pontiac
2.blind what was on either
a good bet
her figure,her blue eyes
1.so often
2.mutter angry threats and curses
1.glasses and car keys
the groceries
notices of bills unpaid
names of friends
they had grandchildren
a ranging fire
2.rose with a cry
fluttered over his face happiest marriage
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.A 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C
1.revolved around
2.held onto
3.pulled up
no obligations
3.an immigrant
education was key
a teacher's license
1.the children's innocence
the values
2. read them some new stories of hers
2.build your vocabulary suffer from vocabularies that are very limited
3.you need a few moments to relax after a hard day
4.actually help to enhance your brain power
4.in silence
5.lost in thought
6.stared into
7.wrapped in
8.smelled of
9.Except for
10.shut off
5.become left behind do your best to instill a love of reading within your children
most insistent
2.sent to them free of charge
1.license 2.adventure 3.interaction
4.scarce 5.lntelligent 6.obligation
7.passion 8.foster 9.insistent 10.overwhelmed
1.free of charge
2.beyond his wildest dreams
1.on the verge of es with the territory
3.going through 4.in a new light 5.consists of
6.were taken aback 7.in terms of
8.in public 9.make up 10.from scratch
1.a feeling from the bottom of one's heart
2.are always catching the positive side of things
3.hopelessness,sickness and failure
3.I emailed George ang told him i would enjoy meeting him over a cup of coffee
4.we nearly became classmates,and possibly friends my father almost accepted a teaching position
5.broaden our horizons
7.take care of to their rescue
9.associated with
have each other
1.dilemma 2.revealed 3.devise 4.precise
5.regained 6.triggered plex
8.miserable 9.respective 10.fade
plain about 2.abide by 3.take shape
4.does show something about one's state of consciousness
5.it is all within yourself,in your way of thinking
5.isolated 6.retrieve
7.reservation 8.converse
9.contract 10.prospects
1.in a matter of 2.thanks to
3.hooked up 4.log on 5.save from
6.cater to 7.gave birth to 8.slowed down
pared to e up short
plained about 8.put to the test
9.On the average 10.Given that
1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.a 6.d 7.c 8.b
9.d 10.b 11.a 12.a 13.c 14.d 15.c
2. online
1.are forgetting the importance of reading read books,magazines,or even newspapers anymore
4.think twice
5.rolled down
6.After all
7.hit home
8.pulling up
9.pay back
10.being o her feet
16.d 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.d
1.when i was using Google to find a blog that covered employment law issues
2.became curious as to who George was and where he worked
1.more business
2.newsgroups and various professionals
she wanted to go
online in person
interview questions
1.nurture mute
3.queries 4.flexibility
9.tossed out 10.figure out
1.flexibility 2.stability
3.empower 4.valuable fortable
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 1.D 2.A 3.C