
centos下安装xampp、testlink和mantis 一、上传需要安装的安装包:删除不需要的安装包:[root@localhost localhost]# rm -rf xampp-linux-x64-1.8.2-4-installer.run二、安装xampp:[root@localhost localhost]# ./xampp-linux-1.8.2-5-installer.run----------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the XAMPP Setup Wizard.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Select the components you want to install; clear the components you do not want to install. Click Next when you are ready to continue.XAMPP Core Files : Y (Cannot be edited)XAMPP Developer Files [Y/n] :yIs the selection above correct? [Y/n]: y---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation DirectoryXAMPP will be installed to /opt/lamppPress [Enter] to continue :----------------------------------------------------------------------------Setup is now ready to begin installing XAMPP on your computer.Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: yPlease wait while Setup installs XAMPP on your computer.Installing0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%#########################################----------------------------------------------------------------------------Setup has finished installing XAMPP on your computer.三、 linux下设置lampp自启动lampp在linux下是不会自动启动的。

� 默认设置下,只有admin 组的成员拥有对测试项目 进行操作的权力。
� 在“需求”大类点击“需求规约”菜单,创建需求 � 进入“指派需求”菜单,可对测试用例管理需求
◦ 结果统计的时会根据需求覆盖率进行统计测试用例执行情 况
� 默认设置下,只有admin 组的成员拥有对需求进行 操作的权力
� 到测试规约中为测试用例关联测试计划 � 为测试计划指派执行的用户角色 � 为关键测试计划制定里程碑
� 执行测试计划以前,需要为测试计划创建一个里程 碑版本
◦ 在“测试计划管理”类中点击“编辑/删除里程碑”菜单
� 主页中,右侧最上方有一个下拉列表,用来选择当 前对其进行操作的测试计划
!若Apache启动不了, 可考虑端口冲突的原因 (80和433端口)
!为MySql root账户设 置密码
1)将下载的TestLink程序压缩包解压 2)将解压包改名为testlink放入xampp程序的..xampp\thdocs目录 下 3)在浏览器输入:http://lcoalhost/testlink
第一步: 如果是第一次安装的话,在页面上选择new installation 第二步:Acceptance of License(接受许可) 第三步:检验系统和配置要求 第四步:数据库访问的定义(与MySQL)

前台功能测试——登录验证 前台功能测试——学生注册 前台功能测试——成绩查询 前台功能测试——在线考试
测试用例数 1 1 1 3 2
后台功能测试——查询考生成绩 完成后的需求如下图:
测试需求内容包含: 文档标识、 名称、 范围、 需求的状态, 以及覆盖需求的案例。 TestLink 提供了两种状态来管理需求:合法的(Valid)、不可测试的(not testable)。 Testlink 提供了从文件导入测试需求的功能, 支持的文件类型有 csv 和 csv (door) , xml 三种。同时 Testlink 也提供了将需求导出的功能,支持的文件类型有 csv 和 xml 两种。 Testlink 还提供上传文件的功能,可以在创建测试需求的时候,为该需求附上相关的 文档。
• • • • • •
Guest:可以浏览测试规范、关键词、测试结果以及编辑个人信息 Tester:可以浏览测试规范、关键词、测试结果以及编辑测试执行结果 Test Designer:编辑测试规范、关键词和需求规约 Senior Tester:允许编辑测试规范、关键词、需求以及测试执行和创建发布 Leader:允许编辑测试规范、关键词、需求、测试执行、测试计划(包括优先级、里程 碑和分配计划)以及发布 Admin:一切权力,包括用户管理
单击主页“需求”模块下的“指派需求”菜单,进入指派需求页面,选中左侧用例树中 的测试用例,再选择右侧对应的测试需求,进行指派即可。本特性允许在需求和测试用例之 间建立关系。设计人员可以定义 0..n 到 0..n 的关系。例如,一个需求可以被指派给零个、 一个或多个测试用例上,反之亦然。
登录验证 学生注册 成绩查询 答题 在线考试——前一题 在线考试——下一题 在线考试——交卷 后台功能测试——查询考生成绩

目录安装Apache 2.2.4一、Testlink介绍TestLink是基于Web的,开源的测试管理和执行系统。
这里采用环境配置为:PHP5.2.4+Apache2.2.4+MySQL5.0.24二、安装Apache 2.2.41、安装文件名apache_2.2.4-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi2、下载地址/httpd/binaries/win32/apache_2.2.4-win32-x86-no_ssl .msi直接用迅雷复制此url即可下载)3、安装直接next安装即可我的安装目录:D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2安装中提示failed to open the winNT service manager解决方法:原因是软件安装时与windows7的“用户账户控制”(UAC)冲突,只要先关闭UAC(控制面板-用户账户和家庭安全-系统和安全-行动中心,里面有“更改用户账户控制设置”,改成从不通知,完成后会提示重启,此时需要重启一下)再安装就没问题了,安装完后可以再修改回来。
我的目录:解压缩到D:\PHP 目录,在系统变量中输入“;D:\PHP;D\PHP\ext”4、配置(1)将该目录下的php.ini-dist 更名为php.ini如果是服务器上使用,为了安全复制php.ini-recommended一份保存为php.ini 因为php.ini-recommended的安全等级比php.ini-dist高。

User ManualTestLink version 1.9Version: 1.18Status: Updated for TL 1.9Revision History1General information1.1Overall structure1.2Basic Terminology1.3Example of TestLink simple work-flow1.4Short-cuts2Test Projects2.1Creating new Test Projects2.2Edit and delete Test Projects2.3Inventory3Test Specification3.1Test Suites3.2Test Cases3.3Keywords3.4Generate Test Specification document4Requirement based testing4.1Availability4.2Requirements Specification Document4.3Requirements5Test Plans5.1Create and delete Test Plan5.2Builds5.3Test Set - adding Test Cases to Test Plan5.4Removing Test Cases from Test Set5.5Test execution assignment5.6Platforms5.7Prioritize testing5.8Milestones6Test Execution6.1General6.2Navigation and settings6.3Test execution7Test Reports and Metrics7.1General Test Plan Metrics7.2Query Metrics7.3Blocked, Failed, and Not Run Test Case Reports7.4Test Report7.5Charts7.6Total Bugs For Each Test Case7.7Requirements based report7.8How to add a new report8Administration8.1User account settings8.2Role Permissions8.3Test Plan assignment to users8.4Custom Fields9Import and Export data5 5 567 9 9 9 10 121213161718 181819 21 2121222324 293334 36 363637 404041 44 444445 454546 464647 47 54Table of Contents1General informationTestLink is web based Test Management system. This manual should serve as source for users to understand processes, terms and organization of work with TestLink. See the Installation manual for more information about system requirements, installation steps and configuration. The latest documentation is available on or .Please use our forum if you have questions that the manual doesn't answer.TestLink code is often faster than documentation and some contribution missed appropriate description. Some enhancement are not described for this reason here.Thank you for notify us via tracker.1.1Overall structureThere are three cornerstones: Test Project, Test Plan and User. All other data are relations or attributes of this base. First, we will define terms that are used throughout the documentation and testing world.Illustration 1: Test Project is the basic component in TestLink1.2Basic TerminologyTest Case describes a testing task via steps (actions, scenario) and expected results. Test Cases are the fundamental piece of TestLink.Test Suite (Test Case Suite) organizes Test Cases to units. It structures Test Specification into logical parts.Test Suite replaces the components and categories in TL 1.6 and earlier.Test Plan is created when you'd like to execute Test Cases. Test Plans can be made up of the Test Cases from the current Test Project. Test Plan includes Builds, Milestones, user assignment and Test Results.Test Project is something that will exist forever in TestLink. Test Project will undergo many different versions throughout its lifetime. Test Project includes Test Specification with Test Cases, Requirements and Keywords. Users within the project have defined roles.Test Project was called Product in TL 1.6 and earlier.User: each TestLink user has a Role that defines available TestLink features. See more in chapter “User Administration”. Illustration 2 shows common activities according to user roles.1.3Example of TestLink simple work-flow1.Administrator creates a Test Project “Fast Food” and two users, Adam with rights“Leader” and Bela with rights “Senior Tester”.2.Leader Adam imports Software Requirements and for part of these requirementsgenerates empty Test Cases. He reorganize them into two Test Suites: “Fish” and “Chips”.3.Tester Bela describes a test scenario (create a content of empty Test Cases) usingthese Test Specification that is organized into Test Suites.4.Adam creates keyword “Regression testing” and assigns this keyword to ten of theseTest Cases.5.Adam creates a Test Plan “Fish & Chips 1”, Build “Fish 0.1” and links all Test Cases inTest Suite “Fish” to this Test Plan. He assigns himself and B ela as resources to this Test Plan too.6.Now developers produce a first build. Adam and Bela execute and record the testingwith the result: 5 passed, 1 failed and 4 are blocked.7.Developers make a new Build “Fish 0.2” and Bela tests the failed and blocked TestCases only. This time these all blocked and failed Test Cases passed. They retest also all Test Cases with keywords “Regression testing” in addition.8. A manager of this team would like to see the results. Administrator explains to himthat he can create an account himself on the login page. Manager does it. He has default “Guest” rights and can see Test Results and Test Cases. He can see that everything passed in the overall report ;-) and problems in Build “Fish 0.1” in a report for that particular Build.1ter, developers finally add also “Chips” functionality. Adam creates a Test Plan “Fish& Chips 2”. He can reuse the first Test Plan as template. All “Fish” Test Cases and roles will be automatically added. He create a ne w Build “Fish 1.1” and links all “Chips” Test Cases to this Test Plan too.10.Now testing starts as usual.ter, Admin creates a new Test Project for another product “Hot Dog”. But this isanother test team and a different story.1He, however, can edit nothing. ;-)Illustration 2: Functionality overview1.4Short-cutsTestLink has short-cuts to speed up a navigation. Use ALT (+ shift) + key.2List global available short-cuts:•[h] Home•[s] Test Specification•[e] Test execution•[r] Reports•[i] Personal•[q] Logout/quit•[u] Administration (admin only)Create Test Case short-cut [t] is available in View Test Suite page.Browser support: The used accesskey attribute is currently supported by the following 2IE only selects the link. Enter key must follow.web browsers:•Firefox•Internet Explorer 4+ (Windows) 5+ (Mac)•Mozilla (Windows + Linux)•Netscape 6.1+ (Windows)•Opera 7+ (Windows + Linux)FCKeditor shortcutsThe next short-cuts are supported in edit text mode:Shortcut ActionCtrl + A Select AllCtrl + C, Ctrl + Ins Copy to clipboardCtrl + V, Shift + Ins Paste from clipboardCtrl + X, Shift + Del CutCtrl + Z UndoCtrl + Y RedoCtrl + K Insert LinkCtrl + W Insert Link witout popup of the dialogCtrl + B BoldCtrl + I ItalicCtrl + U UnderlineCtrl + Shift + S SaveCtrl + Alt + Enter Fit WindowCtrl + L Justify LeftCtrl + R Justify RightCtrl + E Justify CenterCtrl + J Justify BlockCtrl + [1-5] Header 1-5 FormatCtrl + 0, Ctrl + N Paragraph FormatCtrl + Shift + L Toggles between Bulleted List, Numbered List and ParagraphIncreases and Decreases (with Shift) Indent. If cursor is inside the text andTab, Shift + Tab FCKConfig.DekiTabSpaces > 0, inserts the spaces. Inside the tables cursor jumps tothe next/previous cell or inserts the new line if there is no next cell. If cursor is intitle or header, jump to the next paragraph.Shift + Space Non-break space ( )2Test ProjectsTest Projects are the basic organisational unit of TestLink. Test Projects could be products or solutions of your company that may change their features and functionality over time but for the most part remains the same. Test Project includes requirements documentation, Test Specification, Test Plans and specific user rights.Test Projects are independent and do not share data. Consider using just one Test Project for one Test team and/or one product.For example: there are two test teams for one product: system testing and integration testing. These teams will share some test cases. You should create one project for the product. The work of both teams will be structured in two or more trees in Test Specification and testing results will be collected to different Test Plans.2.1Creating new Test ProjectsCreating a new Test Project requires "admin" rights. Select “ Test Project Management” link on main page and press “Create” button.Each Test Project must have an unique name. There is text area to characterize the object of project. There are several features that are enabled/disabled on Test Project level:1.Admin can enable requirements related functionality.2.Background colours can be assigned to Test Project templates to visually distinguishthem.Note: The feature must be enabled in config at first.3.Test prioritization could be enabled to select appropriate testing set in limited time.4.Test automation support could be enabled as well.Things to note when creating a new Test Project:•Deleting Test Projects from the system is not recommended as this either orphans a large number of Test Cases or deletes the Test Cases from the system.•Test Plans represent the testing of a Test Project at a certain point in time.Consequently, Test Plans are created from Test Project Test Cases. We do notrecommend to create separate Test Projects for versions of one Product.•TestLink supports importing XML or CSV data into a Test Project. This is explained further in the Import section, below.2.2Edit and delete Test ProjectsEditing Test Projects requires "admin" rights. User can change Test Project name, colour of background and availability of requirements functionality, test prioritization and test automation.User can inactivate the Test Project if it's obsolete. This will mean that the Test Project is not visible in the list within the top navigation bar for common users.Admin will see this Test Project in the list marked by '*'.User can also delete a Test Project. This action will also delete all related data from database. This action is not reversible. We strongly recommend using inactivate instead of delete.2.3InventoryUsers can list their hardware i n table per project. The feature should be enable on “Edit Project” page. Leaders can edit this page by default and testers can browse it only.3 Inventory link is available on Main Project page in “Test Project” menu.Illustration 3: Navigation to InventoryInventory page offers three actions: create, update and delete.Illustration 4: Actions on Inventory tableTable shows all devices and allows sorting on any field.Illustration 5: Inventory table with sortingSelect “Create” button to define a device. The next parameters are supported:•Host name (unique mandatory value)•IP address•Purpose (simple text with maximally 2000 characters)•Hardware (simple text with maximally 2000 characters)•Notes (simple text with maximally 2000 characters)•Owner (optional) could be anybody who has at least view ability3Admin can modify roles rights to extend these rights.Illustration 6: Create a new device into Inventory table Update and delete action requires a selected row.3Test SpecificationTestLink breaks down the Test Specification structure into Test Suites and Test Cases. These levels are persisted throughout the application. One Test Project has just one Test Specification.Future consideration: we plan to implement the next abilities: Test patterns, review process and status of Test case, variable Test case structure (for example step by step design).3.1Test SuitesUsers organize Test Cases into Test (Case) Suites. Each Test Suite consists of a title, formatted description Test Cases and possibly other Test Suites. TestLink uses tree structure for Test Suites. The common practise is that the description holds information valid for most of included data.Illustration 7: Test Specification is structured by Test SuitesFor example, the following could be specified: scope of included tests, default configuration, preconditions, links to related documentation, list of tools, infrastructure overview, etc. Creating one or more Test Suites is one of the first steps when creating your Test Project. Users (with edit right) can create, delete, copy, move, export and import both nested Test Suites and Test Cases. Title and description can be modified too.You can reorder both Test cases and child Test Suites via Drag & Drop items on the navigation tree.4Practice: Consider structure of your test specification. You could divide tests by functional/non functional testing, particular features, components. You can change the structure later of course – move test suites without lost of any information.Practice: Later versions of your product could have some features obsolete. You can create a special Test suite 'Obsolete' or 'Your product 0.1' and move test cases there.Deleting of test case causes that earlier test results will be deleted too.Attachments with external documents or pictures could be added into particular Test Suites.4It requires EXT-JS component (default).Note: The functionality must be allowed via TestLink configuration.More information about import and export are in appendix.FAQ: Could I copy/move Test suites between projects? You cannot directly in this version.We designed Test projects fully independent each from other. Use import/export as workaround.3.2Test CasesTest Case is a set of inputs, execution preconditions, and expected results (outcomes) developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.Test Cases have the following parts:•Identifier of a Test Case is assigned automatically by TestLink, and can not be changed by users.This ID composes from Test Project prefix and a counter related to the Test Project in which the Test Case is created.5•Title: could include either short description or abbreviation (e.g. TL-USER-LOGIN)•Summary: should be really short; just for overview, introduction and references.•Steps: describe test scenario (input actions); can also include precondition and clean- up information here.FAQ: Our test steps are pretty detailed are use a lot of formatting coming from Word.Use "Paste from msword" feature of FCKeditor. It cleans garbage. (Configure toolbarif not available.)•Expected results: describe checkpoints and expected behaviour of a tested product or system.•Attachments: could be added if configuration allows it.•Importance: Test designer could set importance of the test [HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW]. The value is used to compute priority in Test Plan.6•Execution type: Test designer could set automation support of the test [MANUAL/AUTOMATED].6•Custom fields: Administrator could define own parameters to enhance Test Case description or categorization. See 8.4 for more.Large custom fields (more than 250 characters) are not possible. But information could be added into parent Test Suite and referred via custom fields. For example you can describe C onfiguration 'standard', 'performance', 'standard_2' and refer via CF to this labels.Note: The development is planned to make a TC structure more flexible in future.Test Case - Active AttributeIf several versions of a Test Case exist, it would be useful to have a new attribute, Active/Inactive, to use in this way:•Every Test Case version is created ACTIVE•An Inactive Test Case Version will not be available in "Add Test Cases to Test Plan".This can be useful for Test Designers. They can edit or change the Test Case Version and only when he/she decides it is completed, change Status to ACTIVE so it will be available to be used in a Test Plan.•Once a Test Case Version has been linked to a Test Plan, and has results, it can't be5TestLink 1.7 and earlier versions have had this ID as a global counter independent of the Test Project. TestLink 1.8 still uses this unique ID for API calls.6The feature must be enabled on Test project management.turned INACTIVE.Spell checkerYou can use web browser ability. Firefox has add-on for example “British English Dictionary” or amount dictionaries for other languages.FCKeditor supports own solution. See their Developers Guide for more.Illustration 8: What you see in Test Case specificationIllustration 9: What you see when trying to add Test Cases to a Test PlanAs you can note, the number near Test Project name (in this example: toaster_xl5) is 2, but the Test Project has 3 Test Cases. Test Case TC1 is not counted, because is inactive. Removing Test CasesTest Cases and Test Suites may be removed from a Test Plan by users with “lead” permissions. This operation may be useful when first creating a Test Plan since there are no results. However, removing Test Cases will cause the loss of all results associated with them. Therefore, extreme caution is recommended when using this functionality.Requirements relationTest Cases could be related to software/system requirements as n to n. The “requirements” functionality must be enabled for a Test Project. User can assign Test Cases and Requirements via the “Assign Requirements” link in the main screen.Test Plan relationTest Cases can be assigned to particular Test Plans for execution. Test Leader use “Add / Remove Test Cases” link in main page to select appropriate Test set. The list of related Test Plans are listed on the View Test Case page under title “Test Plan usage”. See the screenshot below.Illustration 10: List of related Test Plans is listed on the "View Test Case" pageSearch Test casesSelect a link “Search Test Cases” in main page (section: Test Specification). User can use the next items to compose required query:•Test case identifier•Version of Test case•Keyword in title•Keyword in Summary, Steps and/or Expected results (Warning: this search simply parse texts including HTML tags. For example keyword “hello word” doesn't find a text “<p>hello <b>word</b></p>”).•Assigned keyword.•Assigned requirement ID.The resulted list of includes for each Test case: related parental Test Suite(s) and a link to a Test case page.3.3KeywordsKeywords were created to give users another level of depth when categorizing Test Cases. Keywords are ideal for filtering. Keywords serve as a means of grouping Test Cases with some attribute within a Test Specification. For example, you can use it to define:•Regression set (or Sanity for ability to filter mandatory tests)•Reviewed Test Cases (to indicate formal status)•Solaris (set of Test Cases valid for one platform)•Change request 12345 (related to new features in specific release)•Your_product 3.2.1 (related to certain version of product)Note: You could use also Custom Fields if you need more sophisticated using.Create a KeywordAt this time keywords can only be created by users with the mgt_modify_key rights. These rights are currently held by role Leader. Once a keyword or grouping of keywords has been created users may assign them to Test Cases.Each project has own set of keywords.Assigning KeywordsKeywords may be assigned to Test Cases either from the assign keyword screen (in batch) or via the Test Case management (individually).Filter by KeywordUsers have the ability to filter by Keywords in:•Navigation tree of Test specification.•Search Test Cases in Test Specification.•Add Test Cases in a Testing Set (Test Plan).•“Execute test” page.Some reports also give results with respect to keywords.3.4Generate Test Specification documentUsers can generate the current Test Specification as a document. Use a link from the main page. There is structural options and possibility to select a required Test Suite or get all content.Illustration 11: Options for generated TestSpecificationUser can choose document format (HTML, OpenOffice text document or msword document), TOC, Test suite data, Test Case summary, steps + expected results, and list of related keywords and/or requirements.4Requirement based testingTo prove that a system is built as specified, testers use requirement based testing. For every requirement, they design one or more Test Cases. At the end of the test execution a test manager reports on the tests that are executed and the requirements that are covered. Based on this information the client and the various stakeholders decide whether a system can be transferred to the next test phase or can go live. Test managers use a combination of risk and requirement-based testing to ensure that a system is built as specified from the customer and stakeholders perspective. As a result, this complete testing delivers the following advantages:•Linking risks and requirements will reveal vague or missing requirements. This is especially interesting for risks with a high priority.•Testing can be focused on the most important parts of an information system first: covering the risks with the highest priority.•Communicating in the same language as the client and the stakeholders. This makes it easier to report on the status of the Test Project. Then a better founded decision can be made whether to invest more in testing or take the risk.•The risks and their priority make negotiating on the Test Project in times of pressure easier. What risks have to be covered within this Test Project and which ones can be postponed. Risk and requirement-based testing results in a better controlled Test Project. The communication with the client and the stakeholders is improved. The test manager begins testing with risks with the highest priority. The process is streamlined and the end result is higher quality.4.1AvailabilityThe functionality is available at the Test Project level. I.e. Administrator should enable it for a specified Test Project (Edit Test Project link in Main window). Otherwise links are not shown. There are two user levels for this feature. Most roles can view requirements, but not modify them. Refer to User section for more details.4.2Requirements Specification DocumentRequirements are grouped to one or more System/Software/User Requirement Specifications. Illustration 12: Dependencies between requirement related objectsIllustration 13: Manage a Requirements SpecificationCreate a document with Requirements:1.Click Requirements Specification in Main window. The list of Requirement Specificationsis shown.2.Press Create button to create a document.3.Adjust Title, Scope and eventually Count of Test Cases. The last parameter is usedfor statistics. Use only if you have a valid Requirement document but not all requirements are available at the moment in TestLink. Default value '0' means that the current count of requirements in a specification is used.4.Press Create button to add data to database. You can see the title of your new createddocument in the table of list of Requirement Specifications.5.Click the title of document for next work. The Requirement Specification window isshown.Each Requirement Specification has own statistics and report related to included data.All Specifications can be printed using the "Print" button in the "Requirement Specification" window. Administrator can define company, copyright and confident text via configuration files.Warning: TestLink 1.8 brings support of n-depth tree structure for requirements (should be enabled by configuration). However some related features (for example import/export, document generation) aren't compliant with this settings yet. These features behaves like only direct child requirements exists and all inner sub folders are ignored.4.3RequirementsEach requirement has Title, Scope (html format) and Status. Title must be unique and has max. 100 characters. Scope parameter is text in HTML format. Status can have the values VALID or NOT_TESTABLE. A NOT_TESTABLE requirement is not counted in metrics.Requirements could be created/modified or deleted manually via TestLink interface or imported as CSV file.Import requirementsTestLink supports two types of CSV. The first 'simple' is composed from title and scope in each row. The second 'Export from Doors' tries to detect the header and choose the correct fields. Import compares titles and tries to resolve conflicts. There are three ways to do this: update, create requirements with same title and skip adding the conflicted ones.Requirements to Test Case relationTest Cases are related with software/system requirements as * to *. I.e. you can assign one or more Test Cases to one Requirement and one or more requirements could be covered by one Test Case. User can assign Requirements to Test Cases via the Assign Requirements link in the Main window.The coverage of the Test Specification could be viewed via pressing the Analyse button in the Requirement Specification window.Requirement based ReportNavigate to Reports and Metrics menu. There is a Requirements based Report link. Requirements in the current Requirement Specification and Test Plan are analysed for this report. The latest results of Test Cases (available in Test Plan) are processed for each requirement. The result with the highest priority is applied for the requirement. Priorities, from the highest to lowest, are: Failed, Blocked, Not Run and Passed.Example of requirement coverageA requirement is covered by three Test Cases. Two of them are included in the currentTest Suite. One passed and one was not tested for the Build 1. Now Requirement has overall result of Not Run. Second Test Case was tested with Build 2 and passed. So Requirement passed too.5Test Plans“A record of the test planning process detailing the degree of tester involvement, the test environment, the Test Case design techniques and test measurement techniques to be used, and the rationale for their choice.”Test Plans are the basis for test execution activity. A Test Plan contains name, description, collection of chosen Test Cases, Builds, Test Results, milestones, tester assignment and priority definition. Each Test Plan is related to the current Test Project.5.1Create and delete Test PlanTest Plans may be created from the “Test Plan management” page by users with lead privileges for the current Test Project. Press “Create” button and enter data.Test Plan definition consists from title, description (html format) and status “Active” check- box. Description should include the next information with respect to company processes: •Summary/Scope•Features to be tested•Features to not be tested•Test criteria (to pass tested product)•Test environment, Infrastructure•Test tools•Risks•References (Product plan or Change request, Quality document(s), etc.)Test Plans are made up of Test Cases imported from a Test Specification at a specific point of time. Test Plans may be created from other Test Plans. This allows users to create Test Plans from Test Cases that exist at a desired point in time. This may be necessary when creating a Test Plan for a patch. In order for a user to see a Test Plan they must have the proper rights. Rights may be assigned (by leads) in the define User/Project Rights section. This is an important thing to remember when users tell you they can't see the project they are working on.Test Plans may be deleted by users with lead privileges. Deleting Test Plans permanently deletes both the Test Plan and all of its corresponding data, including Test Cases (not in Test Specification), results, etc. This should be reserved only for special cases. Alternatively, Test Plans may be deactivated on the same page, which suppresses display on selection menus in the “main” and “Execute” pages.5.2BuildsAn user with lead privileges could follow the link “Build management” in the main page. Builds are a specific release of software. Each project in a company is most likely made up of many different Builds. In TestLink, execution is made up of both Builds and Test Cases. If there are no Builds created for a project the execution screen will not allow you to execute. The metrics screen will also be completely blank.。

testlink安装全攻略test link安装全攻略安装前准备需要下载xampp 与testl in k一、安装前准备安装前应准备一台WINDOWS操作系统的主机;本安装手册所有安装步骤都基于WINDOWS操作系统;我使用的Windows7系统二、安装XMAPP当前下载版本:xampp-win32-1.7.4-VC6-installer.exe,下载地址:http://www. apache /zh_cn/xampp-windows.html1. 点击安装包,进行安装XAMPP;2. 在弹出的对话框中选取安装路径;3. 安装完毕后,进入安装路径找到”xampp”文件夹;首先点击xampp_start图标;待对话框加载完毕后;点击”xampp-control”图标;注:如果apache与MY SQL启动不成功,可能是80端口与3306端口被占用;解决方法一:将暂用此端口的进程关闭1.打开运行-》输入CMD 进入命令行模式2.在命令行模式中输入net stat -a -n -o3.查看0.0.0.0:80所对应的PID(即进程号)4.按CTRL+SHIFT+ESC键打开WINDOWS任务管理器,选择进程标签,然后在菜单栏的查看-》选择列里勾上PID(进程标识符),根据第三部所查到的PID的进程,KILL掉该进程,再重新安装APACHE即可还有你修改了,apache/conf/httpd listen12.34.56.78:80 改成(其他)例如80 80的话,那么在浏览器里访问就要加,不能是localhost:8080**使用说明:** netstat -ano 查看端口使用情况**或者netstat -ano|findstr 80**C:\Documents and Settings\cjx>netstat -ano|findstr 80安装时请注意,选择要安装的服务,默认不安装;4.为MYSQL设置密码;打开IE浏览器;输入http://;进入页面,选择中文;进入XAMPP配置页面;选择【安全】列表,在点击右侧链接;输入MYSQL SuperUser密码,输入成功后,点击【改变密码】按钮;注:记录密码的保密属性是cookie还是。

TestLink 测试用例管理软件简易安装说明安装服务器组件1、运行 apache_php_mysql.exe 自动执行 apache 、 php 、 mysql 的安装。
(使用默认安装目录2、打开管理工具 -服务,确认 apache2与 mysql 服务已经启动。
安装 TestLink 软件 1、解压缩 TestLink 压缩包, 复制压缩包文件夹至第一步安装文件夹目录下的 web 文件夹内,并更名解压缩的文件夹名为 TestLink. 2、 2、解决界面中文乱码:编辑 TestLink 目录下 config.inc.php 文件, 找到 define('TL_TPL_CHARSET', DB_SUPPORTS_UTF8 ? 'UTF-8' :'ISO-8859-1' ;//define('TL_TPL_CHARSET', 'gb2312' ; // Chinese charset替换为 ://define('TL_TPL_CHARSET',DB_SUPPORTS_UTF8 ? 'UTF-8' :'ISO-8859-1' ; define ('TL_TPL_CHARSET', 'gb2312' ; // Chinese charset此时在页面配置选择简体中文,则可以正确显示中文字体了。
3、解决中文输出不正常:找到 lib/functions/logging.inc.php, 找到do_mysql_query函数,在 $nQuery++;下面加上,下面一行:mysql_query("SET NAMES 'latin1'"; 4、解决测试用例时间出现乱码:编辑:config.inc.php ,找到$g_locales_date_format这变量,把其对应的 'zh_CN' => "%Y? ê%m?? %dè? " 串乱码修改为 "%年 %m月 %d日 ".5、根据第 2条作出更改后,需要修改 testlink/install/installnewdb.php找到$sql_create = "CREATE DATABASE `" . mysql_escape_string($db . "` CHARACTER SET utf8 ";把它修改为 $sql_create = "CREATE DATABASE `" . mysql_escape_string ($db . "` CHARACTER SET latin1 ";。

testlink安装步骤在安装Testlink之前,需要首先安装Apache, PHP, Mysql 支持软件包,例如XAMPP或EASYPHP等。
1 访问/zh_cn/xampp.html 下载并安装最新的XAMPP版本。
比如我下载的是:xampp-win32-1.7.2.exe2 安装“xampp-win32-1.7.2.exe”采用默认方式,一直“下一步”操作即可;3 启动“Apache”,“Mysql”服务,“filezila”服务4 访问/docs/testLink.php 下载Testlink1.815 安装TestLink1.81(1) 将TestLink解压缩到D:\xampp\htdocs,命名为testlink;(2) 在IE中访问http://localhost/testlink/install/index.php;(3) 点击“New Installation”安装TestLink;(4) Mysql数据库和TestLink 数据库访问权限设置;(Mysql初始用户名是root,密码为空)Database Type MysqlDatabase host localhost//配置访问Mysql的地址;Database login rootDatabase password “为空”//配置访问mysql的权限;TestLink DB login “你的用户名”TestLink DB passwaord “你的面貌”//配置访问Testlink 数据库的权限;6 点击“同意许可协议”,继续7 安装完成,点击最后一行的(Please Click Me!)8 在Testlink第一次安装成功后,默认管理员帐户为admin,密码admin,使用其登录9 登录Testlink成功后,在菜单栏中的Personal中更改admin的密码,然后注销;10 删除C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\install目录;11 在IE中访问http://localhost/testlink/index.php,弹出Testlink页面为英文,修改配置文件使其默认为中文;打开C:"xampp"htdocs"testlink下的config.inc.php文件;查找$g_default_language = 'en_GB';修改为$g_default_language = 'zh_CN';12 汉化TestLink:下载utf8版本的strings.txt替换C:\xampp\htdocs\testlink\locale\zh_CN目录下的strings.txt即可;13 搜索找到穆鲁下的配置文件const.inc.php,解决日期乱码问题;查询’zh_CN’=>,修改为如下图红框所示:'zh_CN' => "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"14.搭建OK15.关键点(1)由于xampp-win32-1.7.2.exe下的php版本号大于5.2,目前是5.3,所以需要修改部分地方找到目录testlink\lib\functions\ and change line number 173 in the file lang_api.php .Change this line:$t_lang_var = ereg_replace( '^TLS_', '', $t_var );to be this line:$t_lang_var = preg_replace( '/^TLS_/', '', $t_var );2.登录成功进入后页头的一个安全错误:To disable any reference to these checkings, set$tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = SILENT;解决方案,找到config.inc.php,找到“Cfg->config_check_warning_mode”,修改如下:/** $tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'FILE'; */ $tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'SILENT';。

7.修改新版testlink的config.inc.php的logs和upload路径,同时将testlink1.9.10的upload 文件夹中的文件拷贝到testlink1.9.13下,修改SMTP配置,增加幼圆字体使图标结果显示正确。
(新版 1.9.13页面上已经默认设置好了bugzilla的衔接,不知道是不是因为Config_db.inc.php拷贝,数据库中早存有信息,猜测而已,没有深究)。

2、安装好后在右下角的任务栏里会有显示,在浏览器栏内输入http:\,enter后出现it works,表示安装成功。
将doc_root 改为第一步中的同样目录,如 "D:\tools\Apache2.2\htdocs";
BAD database is not supported by PHP. Check that it has been compiled into your server.
7、提示您create mew testlink 成功

TestLink的安装与配置小结-JIRA发布时间: 2009-11-30 16:01 作者: forgetitit 来源: 51Testing软件测试博客字体: 小中大| 上一篇下一篇| 打印| 我要投稿TestLink的汉化:1)打开testlink下cfg文件夹下的config.inc.php文件查找$g_default_language = 'en_GB';修改为$g_default_language = 'zh_CN';则可以解决登录界面汉化的问题。
2)登录后,在菜单栏中的Personal中更改admin默认的语言,选择“Chinese silmpified”。
解决方法是:替换testlink\locale\zh_CN目录下的strings.txt 4)至此,里面日期还会有乱码,需要修改testlink下cfg文件夹下的const.inc.php文件,修改方法如下:打开testlinkconst.inc.php文件查找'zh_CN' 。
有两处为时间格式,内有方框,分别改为:'zh_CN' => "%Y-%m-%d"'zh_CN' => "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"注:保存为ANSI格式。
通过修改testlink 的配置可以和JIRA集成.主要涉及修改两个文件:\cfg\jira.cfg.php和config.inc.php1)修改<testlink installationdirectory>/config.inc.php配置/** [Bug Tracking systems] */设置$g_interface_bugs='JIRA';2)修改< testlink installationdirectory>/cfg/<bug_tracking_system>.cfg.php,如果与Jira集成,则修改jira.cfg.php://Set the bug tracking system Interface to JIRA 3.1.1设置jira的database的ip(最好用mysql,mssql没有连上) define('BUG_TRACK_DB_HOST', '<to be configured>');设置jira的database namedefine('BUG_TRACK_DB_NAME', '<to be configured>');登录jira数据库的用户名define('BUG_TRACK_DB_USER', '<to beconfigured>');登录jira数据库的密码define('BUG_TRACK_DB_PASS', '<to be configured>');显示bug的超链define('BUG_TRACK_HREF', "<to beconfigured>");设置数据库类型(mysql,msql 等等)define('BUG_TRACK_DB_TYPE', 'mysql');添加bug的超链define('BUG_TRACK_ENTER_BUG_HREF',"<to be configured>");。

TestLinkTestLink 安装手册•TestLink是基于Web的,开源的测试管理和执行系统。
•推荐的环境配置为:PHP5.2.1+MySQL4.1.16+Apache2.2.4M SQL4116A h224安装p•一Apache2.2.4•二安装PHP5.2.10•三MySql的安装•四安装TestLink一Apache224安装Apache2.2.4•Apache2.2.4安装程序可在/soft/1218.html下载Apache224http://www skycn com/soft/1218html•Apache的安装只需要按照安装界面的步骤进行即可。
可以修改Apache配置文件,<ApacheDir> \Apache2\conf\httpd.conf,将80端口改为其它端口,如8080。

testlink安装文档千里2016-03-181.软件准备1.操作系统:Windows All1、安装软件xampp-portable-win32-5.6.20-0-VC11-installertestlink-1.9.02、涉及到php配置文件修改等操作,建议使用Editplus进行编辑2.安装xampp1.双击运行xampp-portable-win32-5.6.20-0-VC11-installer.exe,进入到安装界面,运行安装程序会出现如下警告,点击OK忽略警告进入到正式安装界面即可。
3.设置数据库密码:1.通过命令提示行,进入到mysql的应用程序目录2.输入mysql –u root –p 进入到mysql的操作界面3.使用set password = password(‘123456’);修改mysql的密码4.安装testlink拷贝testlink-1.9.0的安装包解压到C:\xampp\htdocs下,并修改文件夹名为testlink 在浏览器输入http://localhost/testlink 打开testlink的安装页面。
2.全新安装,直接进入到下一步3.进入到PHP配置页面,依次解决失败的条件3.1 如果提示PHP version版本过低,则重新下载高版本的xampp3.2 Maximum Session Idle Time before Timeout和Checking max. execution time (Parameter max_execution_time)问题的处理解决方案:修改C:\xampp\php\php.inisession.gc_maxlifetime = 2400max_execution_time = 120在xampp控制面板重新启动服务,错误提示消失;3.3 Checking Postgres DatabaseChecking LDAP library5. 填写数据库相关配置6.填写数据库访问的用户名和密码7.安装成功,点击红色框处的超链接进入到testlink的登录界面8.testlink的主页,登录窗口如下:9.设置用户相关信息10.设置用户信息及设置testlink的语言,可设置中文界面5.常见问题处理:1.修改apache的端口:这时候可以通过需要修改apache的端口来解决,具体操作如下:在目录C:\xampp\apache\conf寻找文件httpd.conf,用记事本或者EditPlus 3打开,找到Listen 80,修改为8000以后的端口,如:Listen 8081,然后就可以启动apache了。

安装testlink-1.9.4(wamp),并与mantis集成问题汇总1.Read/write permissions报错问题:Checking if /var/testlink/logs/ directory exists [S] </B<< td> Failed! Checking if /var/testlink/upload_area/ directory exists [S] </B<< td> Failed! 解决方法:修改config.inc.php文件:testlinkDir表示安装目录路径,本次安装为D:/wamp/www/testlink-1.9.4//$tlCfg->log_path = '/var/testlink/logs/'; /* unix example 注释掉该句,添加如下内容*/ $tlCfg->log_path = 'testlinkDir/logs/';//$g_repositoryPath = '/var/testlink/upload_area/'; /* unix example 注释掉该句,添加如下内容*/$g_repositoryPath = 'testlinkDir/upload_area/';2.更改导入测试套件和测试用例文件大小a.打开config.inc.php,查找$tlCfg->import_file_max_size_bytes,将后面的数据‘409600’改为期望的数据值。
b.$tlCfg->import_max_row = '10000' 是导入文件一行的大小限制。
3.禁用TestLink安全警告输出修改config.inc.php文件:将$tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode中'FILE'改为' SILENT';4.禁止新用户注册打开config.inc.php,找到$tlCfg->user_self_signup ,将其后true改为false,在登录界面便取消了New User链接。
Testlink 安装部署及汉化教程(最详尽)

Testlink1.7.5安装部署及汉化教程1 下载安装wamp5:下载地址:/soft/56016.htmlwamp5是apache、mysql、PHP的集成环境,安装完后即可启动3者。
在此修改apache的端口号,在apache安装目录wamp\Apache2\conf 的httpd.conf,查找listen 80,修改端口号为你所需端口:listen 81或其他,因为80已经被占用。
3安装TestLink:将TestLink解压后拷贝到wamp5安装目录的wamp\www文件夹下,并在wamp\Apache2\conf\alias文件夹下复制一个该目录下的*. Conf副本文件,名字修改为TestLink.conf,使用nodepad++打开,修改TestLink的路径及名称,需修改4行,如下文:Alias /testlinkmanager "d:/wamp/www/testlink/"<Directory "d:/wamp/www/testlink/">Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViewsAllowOverride allOrder Deny,Allow# Deny from all# Allow from from all</Directory>#号注释的2句及后一句是修改的内容,否则其他用户不能访问到TestLink。
在浏览器中打开http://localhost:81,全新安装TestLink,点击Your projects下的TestLink,然后New Installation,按提示一步一步完成即可。

Testlink在linux上的安装1.在testlink官方网站下载linux64位的testlink.run包2.在linux上预先装上apache http server(需要在网上下载)、PHP(使用yum installphp)、Mysql服务需要先yum search mysql ,然后选择mysql-server.x86_64,输入yum install mysql-server.x86_64进行安装。
验证时可以输入命令,比如my+tab键,查看下列命令中是否有关于mysql的服务,或者可以输入 ls/etc/init.d查看服务名称。
3.验证安装成功后,需要查看该服务是否启动使用ps –ef/grep mysql查看或者ls /etc/init.d/m查看服务启动服务:etc/init.d start mysqld或者service mysqld start4.运行testlink.run包根目录下运行chmod 777 testlink.run./ testlink.run进行一步步的安装过程5.输入http://localhost:81/testlink(端口号根据自己安装时的端口填写)登录testlink系统创建新测试项目6.安装中文输入法Yum install ibus-pinyin.x86_64安装完成后找到system-prefercene,将默认输入法切换为ibus,然后logout。
使用ctrl+空格进行切换7.为了让所有的机器能够访问testlink,需要配置testlink所在的网络如果在虚拟机中,选择桥接模式Ipconfig eth1 netmask up/etc/init.d/network reload/etc/init.d/network restart接着ping网关应该就可以ping通了。

您也可以在TestLink的论坛中寻求帮助一般TestLink安装的步骤如下:1.下载TestLink2. 解压文件3. 创建数据库4. 导入缺省数据5. 编辑配置文件6.PHP文件扩展7. 登录TestLink系统需求要使TestLink正常运行,需要安装以下软件:MySQL 4.1.x及以上php 4.3.x及以上WebServer (Apache 1.3.x或2.0.x及以上,IIS 3及以上,等等,更详细的信息请参见<php安装目录>/install.txt)对于操作系统平台没有特别要求(TestLink已经在Linux和MS Win32平台上测试通过)你也可以将数据库与TestLink分别安装在不同的服务器上安装步骤在安装TestLink之前应先完成以下步骤:1. 安装环境:Webserver、php4和MySQL,安装方法参见这些应用软件的安装文档。
我是在winXP下安装的,webserver是IIS,PHP5.1.2,MySql的版本是5.0.18IIS的安装就不多说了,下面主要讲讲PHP从5.0开始,PHP对MySql的支持需要手动配置将php_mysql.dll 和libmySQL.dll 文件拷贝到winnt\system32目录里,这两个文件可以在PHP安装目录里找到。
编辑<windows>目录下php.ini,将;extension=php_mysql.dll前面的“;”去掉2. 将TestLink的安装文件复制到服务器上。
3. 解压缩Testlink的安装文件。
自动安装手工安装创建MySQL数据库CREATE DATABASE testlink CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci创建数据表# mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname> <<testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_tables.sql导入缺省数据# mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname> < <testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_default_data.sql 也可以使用mysql客户端工具进行创建数据库的操作。

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 先安装rvm步骤1 -安装 RVM$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3$ curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable# 如果上面的连接失败,可以尝试:$ curl -Lhttps:///wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/ rvm-installer | bash -s stable如果提示“command not found”,可以运行下面的命令:$ source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm用RVM安装Ruby环境$ rvm requirementsroot@ubuntu:~# rvm install 2.3.0RVM 装好以后,需要执行下面的命令将指定版本的 Ruby 设置为系统默认版本$ rvm use 2.3.0 --defaultgem install rakegem install railsRedmine安装wget /frs/download.php/56909/redmine-0.8.4.tar.gztarzxvf redmine-0.8.4.tar.gzmv redmine-0.8.4 /usr/local/redminecd /usr/local/redmine/config设置数据库参数cpdatabase.yml.exampledatabase.ymlvidatabase.ymlproduction:adapter: mysqldatabase:redminehost: localhostusername: redmineuserpassword: redminepwencoding: utf8保存退出:wq创建mysql数据库/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -pMysql> create database redmine default character set utf8;grant all on redmine.* to root;grant all on redmine.* to root@localhost;grant all on redmine.* to redmineuser;grant all on redmine.* to redmineuser @localhost;set password for redmineuser@localhost=password(‘redminpw’);Mysql>exit;gem sources -a gem sources -a https://gem sources -a https:///apt-get install ruby-devgem install json -v '1.8.2'apt-get install libmysqlclient-devgem install mysql2 –v ‘0.3.21’apt-get install libmagick++-devgem install rmagick -v '2.15.4'bundle install提示An error occurred while installing json (1.8.1), and Bundler cannot continue.Make sure that `gem install json -v '1.8.1'` succeeds before bundling.手动启动redmine:在redmine的bin目录下执行:#ruby script/rails server webrick -e production提示使用bin/rails,改成#ruby bin/rails server webrick -e production访问http://localhost:3000/开机启动redmine:1. 安装redmine/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineInstall2. 设置开机启动创建并打开文件vi /etc/init.d/redmine内容如下#!/bin/sh# description: Auto-starts redmine# processname: redminecd /usr/local/share/software/redmine-2.5.1 && ruby script/rails server webrick -e production修改文件权限, 添加执行权限chmod 755 /etc/init.d/redmine安装sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf执行sudosysv-rc-conf 选中redmine 2, 3, 4, 5启动WEB服务# ruby script/server webrick -e production或# ruby /usr/local/redmine/redmine-1.0/script/server webrick -e production更换web服务器redmine自带的webrick太慢,特别是局域网,据说是需要解析目标地址的主机名,直接给ip不用,硬要绕一圈。

您也可以在TestLink的论坛中寻求帮助一般TestLink安装的步骤如下:1.下载TestLink2. 解压文件3. 创建数据库4. 导入缺省数据5. 编辑配置文件6.PHP文件扩展7. 登录TestLink系统需求要使TestLink正常运行,需要安装以下软件:MySQL 4.1.x及以上php 4.3.x及以上WebServer (Apache 1.3.x或2.0.x及以上,IIS 3及以上,等等,更详细的信息请参见<php安装目录>/install.txt)对于操作系统平台没有特别要求(TestLink已经在Linux 和MS Win32平台上测试通过)你也可以将数据库与TestLink分别安装在不同的服务器上安装步骤在安装TestLink之前应先完成以下步骤:1. 安装环境:Webserver、php4和MySQL,安装方法参见这些应用软件的安装文档。
我是在winXP下安装的,webserver是IIS,PHP5.1.2,MySql的版本是5.0.18IIS的安装就不多说了,下面主要讲讲PHP从5.0开始,PHP对MySql的支持需要手动配置将php_mysql.dll 和libmySQL.dll 文件拷贝到winnt\system32目录里,这两个文件可以在PHP安装目录里找到。
编辑<windows>目录下php.ini,将;extension=php_mysql.dll前面的“;”去掉2. 将TestLink的安装文件复制到服务器上。
3. 解压缩Testlink的安装文件。
自动安装手工安装创建MySQL数据库CREATE DATABASE testlink CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci创建数据表# mysql -u <user> -p<password><dbname><<testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_tables.sql 导入缺省数据# mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname><<testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_default_data.sql 也可以使用mysql客户端工具进行创建数据库的操作。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Figure 1
xampp拒绝访问,例如,开启xampp Mysql数据库等的远程访问,则需要用记事本打开该文件,将所有Deny from all这一行注释掉,即改为#Deny from all
# New XAMPP security concept
"^/(?i:(?:xampp|security|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))"> Require local
ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
1、安装好ampp文件后,把应用程序testlink-1.9.9放在C:\wamp\www\目录下(x32是www 目录,x64是htdocs)
3、在URL地址栏中输入http://localhost/testlink 回车出现安装欢迎页面
Figure 2
如上图2可以看到testlink,点击New installation安装进入安装界面后,修改部署的路径:config.inc.php文件中$tlCfg->log_path和$g_repositoryPath的值var...替换成真实路径,本次实验安装路径为C:/wamp/htdocs/testlink/
$tlCfg->log_path = '/var/testlink/logs/'更改之后为
$tlCfg->log_path = ' C:/xampp/htdocs/testlink/logs '
$g_repositoryPath 原值'/var/testlink/upload_area/'
Figure 3
Figure 4
Database admin login填入root
TestLink DB login用户名密码为admin(底下按钮旁边有提示这个用户名密码) 安装成功,点击红圈里的链接进入登录页面。
Figure 5
$tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'SILENT';
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8