高一英语人教版状语从句学案及训练试题 学生版有答案

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1.Do you still remember the days which we spent in Beijing?

2.Tom passed the exam, which made us happy.

3.Who will be the next president of our country is still hard to tell.

4.We know what Tom is doing now.

5.The question is whether we have much time left.

6.We were shocked at the news that dozens of miners were killed in this mine accident.

7.I work in a business where almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

8.While I was wondering at this, our schoolmaster took his place.

9.Put the medicine where you can easily get it.

10.N ow that/Since everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting.

11.I’ll speak slowly so that you can understand me.

12.So clever was he a student that he was able to work out all the difficult problems.

13.As long as you don’t lose heart, you’ll s ucceed.

14.Try as he might, he could not find a job.

15.The old lady treats the boy as if he were his own son.

16.It’s a beautiful dress but it’s much more than I can afford.


(一) 时间状语从句

when; while; as; until/till; since; before; after; once(一旦)

(一…就…)as soon as;


the moment/the minute/the second/ the instant

no sooner had sb. done… than… / hardly had sb. done… when….(倒装句型)

(带有time 的短语) the first/last time; next time; every time/each time(=whenever); any time; by the time

1.when; while; as 区分

while 在…期间/趁着…从句中使用延续性动词

as 随着…/在…的同时主从句动作同时发生

when 在…的时候(最一般用法)

a.正在做某事突然…be doing…when….

when 的句型正要做某事突然…be about to do…/be on the point of doing…when…

刚做完某事突然…had just done … when….

①He was sleeping in class when he heard his name called.(when/while he was sleeping…)

②I was about to go out when an unexpected guest came to visit me.

③She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.

b.while 小结

①在…期间/趁着Strike while the iron is hot. ____ Travel while you are young.___ _

②尽管/虽然(=although/though)While I see what you say, I can't agree with you.

③然而(并列连词)Some people waste food while others are starving.

c.as “一边…一边”“随着”(表示事态或状况的变化或发展过程)

①He hurried home, looking behind as he went.

② As the examination is drawing near, some students are getting more and more nervous. 随着考试临近,学生越来越紧张。(=With the exam drawing near, some…)

注:As time went by… = With time going by,…

As time went by(With time going by), many changes took place in our village .

2.before 小结

①在…之后It won’t be long before we meet again.

The fire lasted 3 hours before it was put out. = It was 3 hours before the fire was put out.

②没等来得及…He walked out before I could open my mouth.

③不知不觉间The time to say goodbye came before we knew/realized it.

④趁着…尚未You’d better set off before it is too hot.

⑤(宁可…而)不愿I’d die before I apologized.

3.since (重点看时态)

He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从来到我校,他一直很努力。

It is/has been a total week since you left our school. 你已经离开我们学校一个礼拜了。

重点句型(参考it 用法)

1.It is/has been+一段时间+since…did sth.译为"自……以来已有多长时间了"

2.It was/ will be + 一段时间+ before…did/do sth. 译为"过了多长时间才……".

3.It was +时间点+when…译为"当做某事的时候是几点钟"

4.It was +时间状语+that +剩余部分…强调句型译为"是在…时间,某人做了某事"

It is quite a long time since he got injured,but it won’t be long before he returned to work.(译)

1.It will be a long time ___ _I go to sleep again.

2.It is just a week ___ we arrived here.

3.It was midnight___ he went to bed last night.

4.It was 2003 SAR broke out and it was 17years later ____ another disaster, NCP, struck China. We have made progress in epidemic prevention ___ _ the outbreak of SARS. So we are sure that it won’t be long____ _ everything returns to normal and we go to school as usual.

4.until till(注:till 不可以置于句首,而until 可以: Until you told me I had no idea of it.)

①He stayed there until she came back. (He didn’t leave until she came back) 他一直留在那里直到她回来。


正常句式:__ _

倒装句式:__ _

强调句式:__ _

③中午12:00----下午1:00 午餐、休息(书面表达:学校生活或活动安排)

__ _


爸爸刚出门, 那男孩就跑向电脑。

__ (as soon as/immediately…) __ (hardly…when)

6.带有time 的短语the first/last time; next time; every time/each time(=whenever); any time; by the time

The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her. 一见钟情。


__ _

②我们到达电影院时,电影已经放映20 分钟了。



