dictation (2)综合英语听写

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Unit one

There are generally two educational methods: / the lecture method and the group learning method. / In a lecture classroom. / the teacher dominates the class / by doing most of the talking. / Students listen and take notes. / This method is best at passing on content to students. / It prepared students for a society / that values discipline and self-control. / The problem is that students forget most of the facts / that they have mechanically memorized. / In contrast, / the teacher of a group learning classroom / appears to have no definite role at all. / wandering about from group to group. / Students do not memorize information, / but they actually generate their own ideas, / each contributing insights for the success of the group. / This method prepares students for a society / that values creative ideas. / The disadvantage is that / student have not memorized enough basic facts.

Unit two

Everyone is under some pressure / in the workplace. / some external pressures / can be a positive factor. / helping us to be more productive. / some people actually thrive / under short-term added pressure, / and our bodies are designed to meet these short-term demands. / hormones are released to prepare us / for a “fight or flight”response / to demanding situations. / however, excessive and prolonged stress / can take its toll, / producing a range of physical and emotional health problems / which have come to be grouped as “work-related stress.” / The experience of stress is different for every person. / Some people are affected more than others, / so what is stressful for one person / may not be stressful for another. / It can depend on your personality type / and on how you have learned to respond to pressure.

Unit three

Recently in the United States, / there has been a debate concerning old drivers. / There have been a series of accidents/ committed by elderly drivers/ and they have given rise to new debates on the old issue: / how old is too old to drive? / Some people point to statistics// showing that older drivers drunk/ than teenagers,/ at least until they reach seventy-five. / Moreover, elderly drivers are less likely to drive drunk/ than other drivers. However, at least twenty-one states/ have special requirements on older drivers: / those over sixty-five and older/ are required to renew their driving license every year/ and undertake vision tests./ Taking away a license can rob older people of their independence/ and force them to rely on others / for trips to the grocery store or doctor’s office./ some people argue / whether someone continues to drive or not/ should be based on performance / not just simply age.

Unit four

The first of April is commonly known as April Fool's day / and it is the custom on this day / to pay a trick on a friend. / You do this by causing your friend to believe something / that it isn't true. / If your friend falls into the trap, / then he or she is an April Fool. / This strange custom has been observed / by both children and adults for centuries. / Its origin is uncertain / and may once have been cruel. / But today the tricks and practical jokes are harmless / and played mostly for fun. /Usually April Fools’ jokes are played on friends and colleagues/ but sometimes they are played on a wilder scale. / One serious national newspaper / reported on a new machine / to transport passengers from London to Australia in ten minutes. /Another published a four-page survey / of a
