2019年GRE 写作新题解析(一)

2019考研英语⼀新题型答案解析 2019年考研英语⼀新题型考的是排序题,⼩编为⼤家提供2019考研英语⼀新题型答案解析,赶紧和⼩编⼀起来核对⼀下答案吧! 2019考研英语⼀新题型答案解析 Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs C and F have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) A. These tools can help you win every argument-not in the unhelpful sense of beating your opponents but in the better sense of learning about the issues that divide people. learning why they disagree with us and learning to talk and work together with them. If we readjust our view of arguments –from a verbal fight or tennis game to a reasoned exchange through which we all gain mutual respect, and understanding---then we change the very nature of what it means to “win” an argument. B. Of course, many discussions are not so successful. Still, we need to be careful not to accuse opponents of bad arguments too quickly. We need to learn how to evaluate them properly. A large part of evaluation is calling out bad arguments, but we also need to admit good arguments by opponents and to apply the same critical standards to ourselves. Humility requires you to recognize weakness in your own arguments and sometimes also to accept reasons on the opposite side. C. None of these will be easy but you can start even if others refuse to. Next time you state your position, formulate an argument for what you claim and honestly ask yourself whether your argument is any good. Next time you talk with someone who takes a stand, ask them to give you a reason for their view. Spell out their argument fully and charitably. Assess its strength impartially. Raise objections and listen carefully to their replies. D. Carnegie would be right if arguments were fights, which is how we often think of them. Like physical fights, verbal fights can leave both sides bloodied. Even when you win, you end up no better off. Your prospects would be almost as dismal if arguments were even just competitions-like, say, tennis games. Pairs of opponents hit the ball back and forth until one winner emerges from all who entered. Everybody else loses. This kind of thinking is why so many people try to avoid arguments, especially about politics and religion. E. In his 1936 work How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote: "There is only one way...to get the best of an argument-and that is to avoid it. "This aversion to arguments is common, but it depends on a mistaken view of arguments that causes profound problems for our personal and social lives- and in many ways misses the point of arguing in the first place. F. These views of arguments also undermine reason. If you see a conversation as a fight or competition, you can win by cheating as long as you don't get caught. You will be happy to convince people with bad arguments. You can call their views stupid, or joke about how ignorant they are. None of these tricks will help you understand them, their positions or the issues that divide you, but they can help you win-in one way. G. There is a better way to win arguments. Imagine that you favor increasing the minimum wage in our state, and I do not. If you yell, “Yes,”and I yell. “No,” neither of us learns anything. We neither understand nor respect each other, and we have no basis for compromise or cooperation. In contrast, suppose you give a reasonable argument: that full-time workers should not have to live in poverty. Then I counter with another reasonable argument: that a higher minimum wage will force businesses to employ fewer people for less time. Now we can understand each other's positions and recognize our shared values, since we both care about needy workers. 41→42→F→43→44→C→45 答案:EDGBA 41_E 通过读各个选项第⼀句话排除不能做⽂章⾸段的选项。

2019年GRE考试写作经典范文赏析(一)题目:Too much time, money, and energy are spent developing new and more elaborate technology. Society should instead focus on maximizing the use of existing technology for the immediate benefit of its citizens.I must say that I reject this statement. While it is true that we need to support society as much as possible with current technology, that does not in any way mean that we should stop proGREssing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought to it. Does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? No, I don’t think so. To do so would be tantamount to adopting a fatalistic approach; I think most people would reject that.Technology has helped, and it has hurt. Without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unshakable belief that our lives can be made even better. But it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capable of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species and as a planet. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.Some might argue that we would be better off without technology. They might say that a return to a less technologically driven approach to life would have the benefits of reducing stress and allowing us to live simpler, happier lives, like those of our forebears. Such an idea is seductive, so much so that much of art and all of nostalgia are devoted to it. But upon closer inspection, one realizes that such a move would only return us to a life of different kinds of stress, one of false simplicity, one fraught with danger. It would be a life without antibiotics where a minor cut could prove deadly. It would be a life where childbirthis the main killer of women, and where an emergency is dealt with in terms of hours and days instead of minutes and hours;a life where there are no phones or cars or planes or central heating, no proven drug therapies to treat mental illness, no computers. Would this world really make people happy?What we already have, we have. And since the only way to move is forward, instead of allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by fear and worry, we need to learn how to clean up the pollution we have caused, and how to deal with a world that feeds on weapons and mass destruction. Doing these things means having to move away from technology into a more difficult realm, that of diplomacy and compromise: to move from the bully stance of “I am bigger and better and I have more toys and so I win” to a place where everyone wins.Technology is the thing that will allow people to do that. But, advanced as it is, it is still in its infancy. We have to allow it to grow up and mature in order to reap the real rewards that it can bring. And there are even greater rewards ahead of us than what the world has alreadyexperienced. When technology is pushed to the outer edge,that is where serendipitous discoveries can occur. This has been seen throughout technological advancement, but the easiest example is probably the space program which made us think, really hard, about how to do things in a different environment. It gave us telecommunications, new fabrics and international cooperation. Paramedical devices, so that people can be treated even as they are being transported to the hosptal, are a direct development of that technology. None of this would have happened in the time frame that it did if we had not pushed for technological advancement. If we had decided to “focus on maximizing the use of existing technology” instead of foolishly reaching for the stars, we would not have made those discoveries which now are the bedrock of the 21st century.分析:字数:651语言:平实的语句完全没有网络流行模板的痕迹,也是很多过了6级的考生通过练习能够达到的水平。

【好词好句】1. 好词集锦:confident 自信的suitable 合适的extremely 非常;极度pleased 高兴的grateful 感激的especially 特别;尤其;格外opportunity 机会position 职位apply for 申请be good at 擅长take...into consideration 考虑2. 说明应聘原因常用语(1) I learned from sb/the newspaper that your company wanted to...(2) I was told that...(3) I have just read in the newspaper that your company needsa...(4) I am writing to inqure the opportunity for ...(5) I am writing to you to inqure if there would be any position available for me to work as a...(6) I am writing to apply for the job.(7) I have learned from your advertisement that a ...is wanted in your company.3. 介绍个人优势常用语(1) Now I would like to introduce myself to you.(2) My name is Tom aged 16/who is a 16-year-old boy.(3) I graduated from...in 2012.(4) I like / am fond of swimming, singing and dancing in my spare time.(5) I work hard and I can get along /on well with others.(6) I am good at English and especially my spoken English is fairly good.(7) I can talk to foreigners in English freely.(8) I am currently studying ...4. 表示感谢及请求常用语(1) Thank you for your consideration of my application.(2) If you agree with me, I'll work hard and try to be a...(3) I am looking forward to hearing from you.(4) If you agree with me, please write to me or phone me. My telephone number is...(5) I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to ....(6) I would like to apply the position that your company offers to me.(7) Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to your early reply.(8) I would be very grateful if you could consider my application.【优秀范文】Dear Sir or Madam,Being a student from China, I'm writing this letter to applyfor the voluntary position in the coming exhibition of Chinese paintings. And I'm really willing to expect you can consider me into this position.Given that I can speak both English and fluent Chinese and I am outgoing, sociable and responsible, I do believe I am competent for this job. In addition, through this, I can not only improve my oral English but also introduce Chinesepainting and calligraphy culture to visitors from all over the world. I would also like to seize this opportunity to deepen visitors' understanding of China and its painting and calligraphy culture. I hope it is possible to be accepted as a volunteer of this exhibition.Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua。

2019考研英语一新题型真题及答案解析(文字版)2019年考研英语一已经结束,小编为大家提供2019考研英语一新题型真题及答案解析(文字版),一起来看看有关医学杂志的内容吧!2019考研英语一新题型真题及答案解析(文字版)It wasn’t until after my retirement that I had the time to read scientific papers in medical journals with anything like close attention. Until then, I had, like most doctors, read the authors’ conclusions and assumed that they bore some necessary relation to what had gone before. I had also naively assumed that the editors had done their job and checked the intellectual coherence and probity of the contents of their journals.It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals, and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end, that I realized just how bad —inaccurate, misleading, sloppy, illogical —much of the medical literature, even in the best journals, frequently was. My discovery pleased and reassured me in a way: for it showed me that, even in advancing age, I was still capable of being surprised.I came to recognize various signs of a bad paper: the kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia. 46) There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms.Why is so much bad science published?A rece nt paper, titled ‘The Natural Selection of Bad Science’, published on the Royal Society’s open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and importantquestion.According to the authors, the problem is not merely that people do bad science, as they have always done, but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it. They quote ananonymous researcher who said pithily: ‘Poor methods get results.’ What is important is not truth, let alone importance, but publication, which has become almost an end in itself. There has been a kind of inflationary process at work: 47) nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago. Never mind the quality, then, count the number. It is at least an objective measure.In addition to the pressure to publish, there is a preference in journals for positive rather than negative results. To prove that factor a has no effect whatever on outcome b may be important in the sense that it refutes a hypothesis, but it is not half so captivating as that factor a has some marginally positive statistical association with outcome b. It may be an elementary principle of statistics that association is not causation, but in practice everyone forgets it.The easiest way to generate positive associations is to do bad science, for example by trawling through a whole lot of data without a prior hypothesis. For example, if you took 100 dietary factors and tried to associate them with flat feet, you would find some of them that were associated with that condition, associations so strong that at first sight they would appear not to have arisen by chance.Once it has been shown that the consumption of, shall we say, red cabbage is associated with flat feet, one of two things can happen: someone will try to reproduce the result, or no onewill, in which case it will enter scientific mythology. The penalties for having published results which are not reproducible, and prove before long to be misleading, usually do not cancel out the prestige of having published them in the first place: and therefore it is better, from the career point of view, to publish junk than to publish nothing at all. A long list of publications, all of them valueless, is always impressive.48)Attempts have been made to (control this inflation命题人改编为curb this kind tendency),(for example by trying, when it comes to career advancement这部分被出题人删除), to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity into the assessment of an applicant’s published papers. This is the famed citation index, that is to say the number of times a paper has been quoted elsewhere in the scientific literature, the assumption being that an important paper will be cited more often than one of small account. 49) This would be reasonable enough if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favors.Boiling dow n an individual’s output to simple, objective metrics, such as number of publications or journal impacts, entails considerable savings in time, energy and ambiguity. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great.50) If we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reproducible, we must ensure that our institutions incentivize that kind of science.In other words, what we need is more emphasis on personal contact and even nepotism in the way careers are advanced: but tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest thedaughters of the Philistines rejoice…46. There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms.【解析】1. 本句主干为There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals(在医学杂志上有很多这样的无稽之谈)2. which引导定语从句,修饰this kind of nonsense,which指代this kind of nonsense,在定语从句中做主语(1) 则定语从句为“这些无稽之谈引起健康恐慌和短暂的饮食狂热”(2) when引导状语从句,可以理解为条件,从句省略this kind of nonsense is,则为“如果广播公司和非专业媒体报道这些无稽之谈”【参考译文】在医学杂志上有很多这样的无稽之谈,如果广播公司和非专业媒体报道这些无稽之谈,那么就会引起健康恐慌和短暂的饮食狂热。

主要有两种传承方式internal, external。
一段介绍internal 方法的问题,二三段介绍external 的问题。
这两者相同点是research scope 一致,但方法不一样。
Passage3文章大意:A鱼的fishery 经历了一个collaps, 这看似正常,因为随着某种鱼的打渔业发展,都会经历一个从好到不好的周期。
但A 鱼还是不同的,因为原先它是不valuable的鱼,渔夫都懒地打,但他们会在收网时误捞不少。
Passage3文章大意:A鱼的fishery 经历了一个collaps, 这看似正常,因为随着某种鱼的打渔业发展,都会经历一个从好到不好的周期。
但A 鱼还是不同的,因为原先它是不valuable的鱼,渔夫都懒地打,但他们会在收网时误捞不少。
Passage5文章大意:瑞典原先采取centred-collective 政策来给工人发放工资,这可以减少贫富差距,并且还能使减少男女工人的薪资差异。
后来采取了相反的方式decentred-collective, 于是贫富差距大增,但这个inequality positively related to woman’s wage. 一群科学家开始在瑞典研究到底怎么样个情况,还说研究结果应该可以代表大多数发达国家的情况。
(中间部分各种无意义信息)最后一个人说即使decentred-collective带来了很大的贫富差距,之前的centred-collective 还是影响深远的。

2019年考研英语一大作文真题解析及参考范文Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below。
In your essay, you should:Describe the picture briefly;Interpret the implied meaning, andGive your commentsWrite your answer on the ANSWER SHEET。

2019年GRE考试填空模拟试题及答案解析1GRE填空题及解析:Just because, as a photographer, Friedlander (i)_____ places that most people consider ugly does not mean that he is out to prove they are beautiful. Instead, his work suggests that the photographer simply cannot ignore so much of the built American landscape but is obligated to(ii)______ what we pass through day in and day out, regardless of (iii)______.解析答案:CDI解析:does not mean that he is out to prove they are beautiful说明前面F做的事就是对应out to prove they are beautiful,所以第一空选C选项,第二空not...but...取反,所以第二空选ignore的反义,所以第二空选D选项,第三空的词依然对应out to prove they are beautiful,意思说不管美不美都应该记录,所以第三空选I选项。

2019年GRE写作题库范文:新创意GRE写作题目:Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals.When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone.真正有创意的想法并非来自于群体而是来自于个人。
GRE写作正文:I agree with the speaker on that truly innovative ideas arise from individuals.Nevertheless, it is unfair to claim unilaterally that the groups tend to weaken creative ideas without thinking of their positive effects on the ideas; itis equally important for groups to examine, modify, or even reject the ideas.First of all, truly innovative ideas are destined toarise from individuals in that inter-personal thinkingprocess is so far impossible. This is to say, when we sitstill and have a cluster of phenomena, theories, statistics and so forth of a certain issue in our mind, we are thinkingit over yet with no assistance at all. After all it is impossible for one to intrude into other's mind. Followingthis principle, innovative ideas spark off during the process of meditation, and they are the produced by one's own effort. It is equally possible, however, for people to be inspired byeach other, yet this is by no means assistance in thinking. Clues, hints, inspirations are to remind people of things ignored or taken for granted, but have nothing to do with the process of thinking, that is, to sort out the whole vision and draw conclusion. In one word, innovative ideas arise from meditation, which is solely limited within one body, one brain. Therefore innovative ideas are always the product of individual's work.Nevertheless, it does not suggest that innovative ideas then have nothing to do with group work, and actually it is just the opposite. When a novel thought is brought up, it is of great importance to fully evaluate its validity, feasibility, and consequences if carried out. This point need no further illustration if we think of a father whoresolutely stops his 6-year-old son from playing matches. The kid might have intended to try something new, driven by an innovative idea, yet the whole house might have caught fire also since the boy is incapable of dealing with accidents. This is the same case in academic fields. In a chemistry lab for example, a novel route design of synthesizing a new compound is never carried out without further evaluation. Practical conditions such as equipments, reagents, and economic efficiency, namely yield per cost, are always taken into consideration and sometimes restrict the application of those ideas.This is to say, innovation is usually good but not always practicable. This claim is fully demonstrated in the political field. Governors of all levels must take holistic views of the situation and make balanced decision in order to avoid mistakes; innovative ideas alone cannot justify theirpracticability and goodwill to others. For instance, when we look back, the development of plastic industry has resulted in great loss in the global ecosystem. Thus we see the disastrous consequences of carrying out such innovative yet premature ideas.Hence, it is necessary for the groups to assess, remedy, and conclude the value and use of innovative ideas. All innovative ideas should be brought to discussions. With the clash of skeptical attitude of others to the advocating behavior of the thinker, fallacies made in a haste can be easily found and eliminated, which rectifies, sometimes supplements the idea. I don't agree with the speaker onhis/her judgment of group work as compromising, weakening and conventionalizing innovation. Group work promotes those justified and useful innovative ideas and rejects those invalid, sometimes dangerous ones, as we see the case between father and son, in a chemistry lab, in all nations around the world. Only after the group censorship can the innovative ideas be carried out and benefit people, and this is the time when its innovativeness is fully appreciated.In conclusion, I concede that most original ideas arise from individuals, yet I believe the group effort on these ideas should never be downplayed. It is the group that judge,reject or develop these ideas; this process is equally important with the innovative thinking.。

Dear xxxx Art Gallery,I’m Li Hua, a Chinese high school senior currently studying in London. Hearing that the local art gallery ishosting a Chinese painting exhibition, I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the event.Tobeginwith,I’mabigfanoftraditionChinesepainting,thereforeI’mcapableofofferin gvisitorsdetailedexplanationsontheanecdotesoffamousChinesepainters.Secondly,wit hagoodcommandofEnglish,Icanovercomethelanguagebarrier,whichallowsmetocomm unicatesmoothlywithBritishpainting lovers. Regarding the tasks I’m capable of, I can be a tour guide, as well as a helpful assistant tothe event organizers.Were I chosen, I would devote myself to being a qualified volunteer. Hope you can take my applicationinto consideration. Looking forward to your early reply.Sincerely,Li Hua本文相比于传统的志愿者申请信写作,新奇之处在于加入了能做的事情。

19级考研英语一大作文标准答案English:In the 2019 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination, the first long essay question of the English test focused on discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on human society and individuals, as well as the accompanying ethical issues. The question required candidates to examine both the positive and negative effects of artificial intelligence on people's lives, and to provide their own opinions on how to cope with the challenges posed by this advancing technology. In my opinion, while artificial intelligence has undoubtedly brought about significant convenience and efficiency to various aspects of society, such as healthcare and transportation, it also raises concerns about job displacement and the potential abuse of power. Therefore, it is important for governments and organizations to establish regulations and ethical standards in order to ensure the responsible and beneficial development of artificial intelligence.Chinese:在2019年研究生入学考试中,英语试卷的第一篇大作文题目集中讨论了人工智能对人类社会和个人的影响,以及伴随的伦理问题。
2019年gre 写作新题解析

2019年GRE 写作新题解析(一)2018年末,GRE写作题库更新了,此次更新共增加1道issue,3道argument,今天我们来看一下第一道新题,并给大家梳理写作思路。
Argument 新题(1)1. The following appeared in a newsletter published by the Appleton school district."In a recent study more than 5,000 adolescents were asked how often they ate meals with their families. Almost 30 percent of the teens said they ate at least seven meals per week with their families. Furthermore, according to the same survey, teens who reported having the most family meals per week were also the ones least likely to have tried illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Family meals were also associated with lower rates of problems such as low grades in school, low self-esteem, and depression. We therefore recommend that families have as many meals together as possible. We predict that doing so will greatly benefit adolescents and turn troubled teens away from bad behaviors."Write a response in which you discuss which questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.参考翻译:在最近的研究中,5000个未成年人被问到他们和家庭成员一起就餐的频率。

2019年新GRE填空练习题详解(1)Human senses are designed to --------- specific stimuli, and after a focus is achieved, other sensory data is ---------.(A) look for ... heightened(B) respond to ... insulated(C) concentrate on ... discounted(D) favor ... added up(E) create ... born〖解答〗先处理空格Ⅰ。
第一句与第二句之间以and连接,第二句的after 一词更表明第二句即是在复述第一句中人类感官是如何对外部刺激“a achieve a focus”的,故可将 focus 以一动词形式(加接一适当的介词on)移入空格Ⅰ,则求得(C)concentrate on为准确。
(B) respond to相对来说有一点儿的关联,但不及(C)来得具体有针对性。
空格Ⅱ:作为动词,它与focus,同时也与concentrate on,构成反义词。
〖词汇〗specific : 1.明确的,具体的,确切的 2.特有的,特定的,独特的stimulus :刺激(物),激励(物),促动(因素) [stimuli为复数]respond(to):1.作答,回答 2.作出反应,响应insulate: 1.隔离,使隔绝 2.使绝缘,隔热,隔音〖中译〗人类的诸般感官旨在聚精会神贯注于明确具体的刺激物;一旦注意力之凝聚得以形成,其余的感官数据悉予忽略不计。
Do not be --------- by that fiery formula which springs from the lips of so many --------- old gentleman: "I shall write to the Times about this outrage!"(A) dissuaded ... indefatigable(B) daunted ... irresolute(C) intimidated ... choleric(D) discredited ... crotchety(E) exasperated ... apathetic〖解答〗先处理空格Ⅱ。

人家说到底也是考“ANALYTICAL writing”,分析还是在第一位的,我们的态度因此不要太偏了(有时候),只是想到作文,这个“作文”是有条件的——分析性写作。
今天晚上写完了issue74之后才想起来,人家说的是most,完全可以交代一下,说most涉及的东西太多了,无法说清楚,但是就within language&image而言,的确是image更好(我的position)。
[Issue74]“The most effective way to communicate anidea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language.”[参考范文]I strongly agree with the author on the claim that image generally serves to be a better means of communication than language, and this is no exception whenthe audience is a large group. Though everyday we speak oneor several languages to express ourselves, theAchilles‘ heel of language makes it incompetent in certain critical case.That Achilles‘heel is “misinterpretation”, a characteristic of language,particularly conspicuous when it comes to multi-language situations. Among countless misunderstandings in this way ever since people begin to speak, one heartbreaking tragedy can effectively supportthis claim. The story begins with one American boy who fellin love with a Japanese girl, but neither expressed their feeling for each other at that moment. One day when the boy was to leave the girl for a period of time,he left her anote with the word “shine” on it. The word “shine”,initially indicating her shining beauty as the boy later said,shocked the Japanese girl when she see it, and so despairedat the note that she committed suicide three days later. The reason, later discovered,is that the girl with poor English interpreted the word as “shi-ne”,which is “go hell” or “die” in Japanese. In the case nobody can deny the crime of language,since the young girl would not have perished wereit not for this grievous misinterpretation. Therefore we see the harmful, in this case fatal, consequence that may be brought about by the Achilles’ heel of language.。

下面我们拿Argument38题来做一个讲解Argument 38The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.“An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly,eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism.”分析:A.调查类错误+因果类错误:论断引用一份在东部地区的研究,说当地人吃鱼多,一年只去医院看一两次感冒。

2019考研英语一大作文解析及范文/ueditor/201812/24/7563fbc3eff32f700d866fb4fa3f9f9d.j pg" title="1.jpg" alt="1.jpg"/>解析:虽然今年大纲对于英语一作文部分要求词汇进行了改变,但是,今年依然按照传统考查的是图画的作文。
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2019年GRE 写作新题解析(一)
Argument 新题(1)
1. The following appeared in a newsletter published by the Appleton school district.
"In a recent study more than 5,000 adolescents were asked how often they ate meals with their families. Almost 30 percent of the teens said they ate at least seven meals per week with their families. Furthermore, according to the same survey, teens who reported having the most family meals per week were also the ones least likely to have tried illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Family meals were also associated with lower rates of problems such as low grades in school, low self-esteem, and depression. We therefore recommend that families have as many meals together as possible. We predict that doing so will greatly benefit adolescents and turn troubled teens away from bad behaviors."
Write a response in which you discuss which questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
最后两句,即: We therefore recommend that families have as many meals together as possible. We predict that doing so will greatly benefit adolescents and turn troubled teens away from bad behaviors.
引用了一个study 的调查结果,前四句话是argument的论据,即:In a recent study more than 5,000 adolescents were asked how often they ate meals with their families. Almost 30 percent of the teens said they ate at least seven meals per week with their families. Furthermore, according to the same survey, teens who reported having the
most family meals per week were also the ones least likely to have tried illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Family meals were also associated with lower rates of problems such as low grades in school, low self-esteem, and depression.
2. 青少年不良行为减少的真实原因是和家人用餐次数增加
这个study调查了5000个青少年,给了一个事实性论据,其中30%的teens和家人吃饭次数最多,其中包含一条假设,即teens said=fact,青少年说的都是真话。
The author need address these questions that :
1.detailed information about the studied adolescents. (数据类问题)
2.the actual fact about adolescents saying. (结论无据)
3.the reason that account for less illegal behaviors does not necessarily lead to eat more meals with fimily.(无关因果)
4.The fact that adolescents have good behaviors is not because they have the most family meals per week to begin with. (因果倒置)
5.Granted that families have as many meals together as possible ,we cannot guarantee that teens will benefit from meals that resulted in less illegal behaviors.(因果关系错)