
序号①②③④101.照这样接着画下去,第8个图形中和各有多少个?第10个图形呢?解析:100. 361015 13610101.第8个图形中有36个,有45个;第10个图形中有55个,有66个。

2024年辽宁省沈阳市语文小学六年级上学期期末模拟试卷(答案在后面)一、基础知识与积累(本大题有9小题,每小题4分,共36分)1、下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是()A. 崭新(zhǎn)娴熟(xián)目不暇接(jiē)锲而不舍(qì)B. 崭新(zǎn)娴熟(xián)目不暇接(jiē)锲而不舍(qiè)C. 崭新(zhǎn)娴熟(xián)目不暇接(xiē)锲而不舍(qiè)D. 崭新(zhǎn)娴熟(xián)目不暇接(jiē)锲而不舍(qiè)2、下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()A. 肇言头霉瞭望台纷至踏来B. 谪守家俱秽草怒不可遏C. Ted 麦克乱弹琴鞠躬尽粹D. 休憩歼灭捷报水泄不通3、下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是()。
A. 眷恋(juàn)掺和(cān)绰号(chuò)殷红(yīn)4、将下列词语补充完整。
A. 一知半()B. 百折不()C. 不可思()5、下列各组词语中,加点字的读音全部正确的一组是( 3 )。
A. 剔透(tì)模样(mó)禁止(jìn)单薄(bó)B. 花瓣(bàn)停泊(bó)稍息(shào)吭声(kēng)C. 惩罚(chéng)取缔(dì)晕倒(yūn)曝晒(pù)D. 叉腿(chā)蹊跷(qī)松散(sǎn)果实累累(léi)6、根据语境,在括号中填上恰当的成语。
A. 一败涂地B. 萍水相逢C. 一落千丈D. 画龙点睛7、下列句子中,加点词语使用错误的是()A. 他对待工作总是尽心尽责,从不敷衍了事。
B. 教室里安静得掉根针都能听见,大家都在认真复习准备期末考试。
C. ountain溪谷傍晚的风景美不胜收。
2018-六年级上册-辽宁省沈阳市和平区-语文期末检测 语文S版

(5分)jìn zé rèn xún mì cè huì tuí sàng téng xiě()()()()()2.区别字形再组词。

每小题2分,共10分)1.将一些小圆球如图摆放,第六幅图有()个小圆球.A.30 B.36 C.422.如下图,把这张纸的45平均分成3份,每份是这张纸的()。
A.4 B.5 C.64.地球上陆地面积是1.5亿平方千米,占海洋面积的512.地球上的海洋面积是()亿平方千米.A.3.6 B.0.625 C.5.1 D.2.15.把5∶8的前项加上20,要使比值不变,后项应该加上()。
A.28 B.32 C.40 D.20二、填空题。

(选择正确答案的序号填在括号内)1.6÷49=()A.13 12B.313C.153 4D.3142.把25克盐溶解在100克水中,盐占盐水的()。
A.20% B.33% C.60% D.25% 3.在一张图纸上有400:1这样的一个比例.这个比例告诉我们的是( ).A.图上距离是实际距离的1 400B.实际距离是图上距离的400倍C.这张图纸是将实物放大到400倍画出来的4.若a是非零自然数,下列算式中的计算结果最大的是().A.a×58B.a÷58C.a÷32D.32÷a5.“小羊只数比大羊只数多38”,()是单位“1”。
A.360:1B.12:1C.1:1D.无法确定8.一个车间进行改革后,人员减少了20%,产量比原来增加了20%,则工作效率(). A.提高了50%B.提高了40%C.提高了30%D.与原来一样9.如果( ),则a、b两个数互为倒数。
A.a-b=1 B.a+b=1 C.a÷b=1 D.a×b=1二、填空题。
甲队成绩统计如下:队员张红李林刘东赵雪投中个数 6 5 6 7乙队成绩统计如下:队员王力陈晓杜飞投中个数8 7 6你认为(________)队成绩好。

A. 8B. 14C. 9D. 122.圆的半径与()不成比例。
A. 直径B. 周长C. 面积3.把一个圆柱的底面半径扩大2倍,高也扩大2倍,这时()A. 体积扩大2倍B. 体积扩大4倍C. 体积扩大6倍D. 体积扩大8倍4.把一个棱长为6分米的正方体削成一个最大的圆柱,这个圆柱的体积是()。
A. 216立方分米B. 169.56立方分米C. 75.36立方分米5.一个圆锥的底面周长是12.56分米,高9厘米,它的体积是()立方分米。
A. 113.04B. 11304C. 37.68D. 3.768 6.已知2:3=6:9,如果将比例中的6改为9,那么9应改为()。
A. 4.5B. 6C. 12D. 13.57.六(3)班有四成的学生是女生,那么男生占全班的()A. B. 40% C. D. 五成8.杨家村今年绿化面积比去年增加了二成五,也就是今年绿化面积是去年的()。
A. 2.5%B. 25%C. 12.5%D. 125% 9.某品牌的饮料促销方式如下:甲店打七五折,乙店“满三送一”,丙店“每满100元减30元”。
A. 甲B. 乙C. 丙D. 无法确定10.在南北走向的公路上,规定向北走为正、向南走为负。
A. 北边B. 南边C. 北边或南边D. 无法确定11.小红和小丽以大树为起点,小红向东走10米记作+10米,小丽向西走8米记作﹣8米,小红和小丽相距()米.A. 20米B. 19米C. 18米12.在-4,-9,-,-0.1这些数中,最大的数是()。
A. -4B. -9C. -D. -0.1二、填空题13.一个比例的两内项之积是34.5,一个外项是23,另一个外项是________。

(共20分,每空1分)1.(2分)把硬纸片分别做成正方形,正六边形,圆形,椭圆形“车轮”,沿直尺滚动,只有 形“车轮”的中心点痕迹是一条直线,所以车轮应该做成 形的。
2.(2分)魏晋时期,杰出的数学家 采用“割圆术”得到圆周率的近似值是3.14;南北朝时期著名的数学家 第一个把圆周率精确到小数点后面的第七位,这一成就在世界上领先了约1000年。
3.(1分)一个圆形纪念币的半径是2.4cm,它的周长是 cm。
4.(2分) 决定圆的位置, 决定圆的大小.5.(2分)六年一班有男生25人,女生20人。
男生相当于女生人数的 %,女生相当于全班人数的。
6.(1分)在500件产品中,有25件不合格,合格率是 .7.(5分)“一件商品打七折出售”在这个条件中把 看作单位“1”。
表示 是 的 ,降低了 。
8.(1分)要反映小明家上个月各项支出与他家总支出的关系,可选用 统计图.9.(2分)甲、乙两个圆的半径之比为3:4,两个圆的面积相差70cm2,甲圆面积为 ,乙圆面积为 。
10.(1分)如图小圆的半径是1.5cm,长方形的宽是 。
11.(1分)新年里5个好朋友互相寄一张新年贺卡,一共寄了 张贺卡。
(共10分,每题2分)12.(2分)同学们在操场上围成一个圈做“套圈游戏”,小旗放在( )比较合适。
A.圆圈的圆心B.圆圈内,除了圆心以外的任意一点C.圆圈上的任意一点D.圆圈外的任意一点13.(2分)圆周率π是一个( )A.有限小数B.无限循环小数C.无限不循环小数14.(2分)某学校田径队中有女学员32人,相当于男运动员的,而男运动员中的被选入区田径代表队,被选入区田径代表队的男运动员有( )A.12人B.56人C.20人D.21人15.(2分)小玲给下面两个物体拍了四张照片。
如图这四张照片分别是小玲在哪个位置拍摄的?把拍摄位置的正确选项填在括号里( )A.③④②①B.②③④①C.③④①②16.(2分)在半径为4cm的圆内剪一个最大的正方形,这个正方形的面积是( )cm2。

1. =4∶5=12÷()= =()%=()(填成数)。
13. 工程队要挖3千米的水集,每天挖全长的25%,( )天可以挖完。
14. 下图阴影部分的面积是( )。
【分析】根据阴影部分的面积=两个 圆的面积和-正方形的面积,据此求解即可。
=3 14×4÷4×2-4
=6 28-4
20.4∶5(),4÷5(), ()。
【分析】4∶5表示两个数之间的关系;4÷8表示一种运算; 既表示一个数,也表示一个分率。


畜养(chù xù)正月(zhēng zhèng)僧人(sēng shēng)藤蔓(màn wàn)憎恶(è wù)眩晕(xuán xuàn)褴褛(lán jiān)日晷(guī guǐ)【答案】xù zhēng sēng wànwù xuàn lán guǐ【解析】本题考查学生对字词的字音的识记与分辨。
畜[ chù ]禽兽。
[ xù ]饲养禽兽。
正[ zhèng ]1.垂直或符合标准方向(跟“歪”相对)。
[ zhēng ]正月。
蔓[ màn ]义同“蔓(wàn)”。
[ wàn ]植物成细条状而不能直立的长茎。
[ mán ]〔蔓菁〕即“芜菁”恶[ è ]恶劣;坏。
[ wù ]讨厌;憎恨。
[ ě ]1.[恶心]2.有要呕吐的感觉。
[ wū ]1.同“乌2”。
luò tuo hè sè kǒng jù sī kōng jiàn guànpái huái qiū yǐn xī shuài jiàn wēi zhī zhù【答案】骆驼褐色恐惧司空见惯徘徊蚯蚓蟋蟀见微知著【解析】本题考查词语拼写能力。

工作时间/时123456甲车间耗电量/千瓦∙时40 80 120 160 200 240乙车间耗电量/千瓦∙时4085 130170 205 260(2)根据表中的数据,在下图中描出甲车间工人的工作时间与耗电量所对应的点,再把它们按顺序连接起来。

沈阳6年级期末试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 青蛙B. 猫C. 鲨鱼D. 蜻蜓2. 我国历史上第一个统一的中央集权的封建国家是?A. 秦朝B. 汉朝C. 唐朝D. 清朝3. 下列哪种气体在空气中体积分数最大?A. 氧气B. 二氧化碳C. 氮气D. 氢气4. “三角形的内角和等于180度”是哪位数学家的发现?A. 欧几里得B. 牛顿C. 高斯D. 阿基米德5. 下列哪种能源属于可再生能源?A. 煤炭B. 石油C. 风能D. 核能二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 长江是我国最长的河流。
()2. 罗马数字中,Ⅰ代表1,Ⅱ代表2,Ⅲ代表3。
()3. 地球围绕太阳转。
()4. “三打白骨精”是《西游记》中的故事。
()5. 火山喷发只会给人类带来灾难。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 我国首都位于______平原上。
2. 地球上的陆地被海洋分割成______、______、______、______和______六个大块。
3. “满江红”是______的词牌名。
4. 人体最大的消化腺是______。
5. 《三国演义》中,曹操的三个儿子是______、______、______。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述光合作用的过程。
2. 请列举我国古代四大发明。
3. 请简述血液循环的过程。
4. 请解释牛顿第一定律。
5. 请简述我国封建社会的特点。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小明买了3个苹果和5个橘子,共花费15元。
已知苹果和橘子的单价分别是2元和1元,请问小明买了几斤苹果和几斤橘子?2. 一辆汽车以每小时60公里的速度行驶,行驶了3小时后,汽车行驶了多少公里?3. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是8厘米、6厘米、4厘米,求这个长方体的体积。
4. 小华有10元钱,他买了3支铅笔,每支铅笔1元,他还剩下多少钱?5. 一个水池,第一天注水1/3,第二天注水1/4,请问两天后水池注满了多少?六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析我国为什么要实行计划生育政策。

2020 年沈阳市小学六年级数学下期末试卷及答案一、选择题1.如果 4a=7b( a、 b≠0),那么 a:b=()。
A.4:7B. 1:17C.: 7 11D. :74 2.下列选项中,不能与 0.6: 0.36 组成比例的是()A. :B. 3:5 C . 1.25:0.753.下面可以组成比例的是()A. :和 6:5B. :和 4:10C. :6 4.5和 0.4:0.34.一个圆柱的展开图如图(单位:厘米),它的表面积是()平方厘米.A. 36πB. 60πC. 66πD. 72π5.一个圆柱形玻璃容器内盛有水,底面半径是 r ,把一个圆锥形铅锤浸没水中,水面上升了 h ,这个铅锤的体积是()。
A. π2rh B . π2rh C . π3r6.如图所示,把一个底面积是 24 平方分米,高是 8 分米的圆柱木料,削成两个完全一样的圆锥体,并且每个圆锥的底面积与圆柱的底面积相等。
则削去部分的体积是()A. 32 立方分米B. 64 立方分米C. 96 立方分米D. 128 立方分米7.杨家村今年绿化面积比去年增加了二成五,也就是今年绿化面积是去年的()。
A. 2.5%B. 25%C. 12.5%D. 125% 8.李师傅买了 1000 元的三年期国库券,已知三年期年利率是 4.5%,三年后他可以得到本息多少元?正确的列式是()。
A. 1000+1000 ×4.5%×3 B . 1 0 0 0+1000 ×4.5% C . 1 000 ×4.5%9.小明把 2000 元钱存入银行,存定期二年,年利率是 2.25%(利息税 5%),到期时,小明可以得到税后利息()元.A. 45 B . 85.5 C . 90 D . 100.510. 下列描述正确的是( )。
A. 在上图上可以找到 -5、20、3.5 三个数对应的点B. 上图中,直线上的数不是正数就是负数C. 在 0和 3之间的数只有 1和 211 .某机械加工车间,完成了一批同规格零件的加工工作。

二、A.减(简) B.虚(嘘) C.顶(鼎)

沈阳市小学六年级上册期末英语试卷含答案1.—What did you ______ last Tuesday? ( )—We were on an ______ in the park.A.do; outing B.did; outing C.did; picnic2.Mr. Green usually _______ his friends when he was young. ( )A.writes to B.is writing to C.wrote to D.write to 3.It ________ tomorrow. We can’t go fishing. ( )A.rained B.is going to rain C.is raining4.I often write letters _______ my friends. ( )A.for B.to C.in D.with 5.—Lily, I’m going to the Bund next weekend. ( )—Oh, wonderful! ________A.See you. B.All right. C.Have a good time. 6._______ it often _______ in autumn in Wuxi? ( )A.Does; rainy B.Does; rain C.Did; rainy7.The sign on the door says “Danger”. We shouldn’t _______. ( )A.go in B.drink C.talk8.—What ______ you do last weekend? ( )—I went to the Bund.A.do B.were C.did9.Bobby is _________________ the window. Miss Fox is very angry. ( )A.looking at B.looking for C.looking after D.looking out of 10.—Children's Day is coming. What _______ you _______ do? ( )—I want to have a party and I can't wait.A.are; going to B.do; do C.did; do D.are; doing 11.What ______ Tim and his cousin ______ do this evening? ( )A.is; going to B.are; going to C.do; go to12.I like ______ in the city. Would you like ______ in the city? ( )A.living; to live B.living; living C.to live; living 13.Wood ______ trees. We use wood to make tables. ( )A.comes from B.come from C.coming from 14.Wang Bing ________ the bus to school yesterday. ( )A.get B.by C.took15.Ten years ago, Mr Zhang ________ his friends. ( )A.writes letters for B.wrote letters to C.wrote letters for 二、用单词适当形式填空16.There are many _______ (factory) in Xuzhou.17.What holiday _______ (come) after Christmas?18.My brother _______ (catch) a big fish yesterday.19.______ your cousin always like ______ (ask) a lot about Maths?20.Children are very ________ (excite), because it’s going to ________ (is) Chinese New Year next month.21.Mike _____ (not like) fruit two years ago.22.Bobby is ______ (walk) home after school.23.People use water ________ (wash) hands.24.______ (protect) the Earth, we should save water.25.Would you like _______ (go) to the farm?26.The weather is going to be _______ (sun).27.Nancy _________ (watch) a lion dance next Sunday.28.Sam starts ______ (draw), but Bobby ______ (not).29.The football game was so__________ (excite). Mike was __________ (excite) about it. 30.Our teacher _______ (bring) some drinks for the party last Children’s Day.三、完成句子31.The king didn’t wear any clothes in the street. A little boy ________ at _______. (嘲笑他) 32.We should ______ (使用玻璃瓶).33.The sign by the river m_______ “Danger”.34.It _______ (变成) very hot last week.35.Black _________ (烟雾) from some factories makes the air dirty.36.Children are very e_______ on Children's Day.37.They are the children of your son or daughter. They’re your g_________.38.It always _____ (下雨) in spring here.39.Each _____ (孩子) has the chance to play the game.40.There are many shops, cinemas and ______ (博物馆) in our city.四、完形填空41.Do you have a pen pal? I have one. Now let me __41__ you something about my pen pal. His name is Joe and he is from __42__. He is a postman and __43__ in a post office. His favorite color is __44__, so he usually __45__ white clothes. Joe likes __46__. He is also good at __47__ football and he is in a football __48__. He goes there every Sunday. He invited (邀请) me to__49__ his country (国家), Australia. I’m going there __50__. And I think I’ll have a good time there.41、A.tell B.speak C.say42、A.Munich B.New York C.Sydney43、A.work B.works C.worker44、A.red B.white C.blue45、A.wear B.wears C.like46、A.hiking B.goes hiking C.studies47、A.play B.playing the C.playing48、A.club B.coach C.cinema49、A.trip B.visit C.pull50、A.every week B.last week C.next week五、阅读判断42.Helen was seven years old. One day, one of her teeth began hurting. She cried in her class at school and her teacher asked her kindly, “What’s the matter, Helen?”“One of my teeth hurts,” answered Helen.“Tell your mother about it,” said the teacher and then go and see the dentist.That afternoon, Helen told her mother about her tooth and her mother took her to the dentist later. The dentist looked at the tooth and then said to Helen. “It’s very bad. I’m going to pull it out and then you’re going to get a new tooth. It will be as nice as the others next year.”The next day Helen’s teacher asked her about the tooth. She said to Helen, “Does it still hurt, Helen?” “I don’t know. You’d better ask the dentist,” Helen asked.“Why?” the teacher asked.“Because the dentist has got it” Helen answered.41、Helen was a seven-year-old girl. ( )42、One of Helen’s teeth began hurting one day. ( )43、Helen cried at home. ( )44、Helen didn’t go to see the dentist. ( )45、The dentist pulled the bad tooth out. ( )六、阅读理解43.People around the world celebrate New Year’s Eve. Let’s have a look.Sydney, AustraliaThe city is famous for its fireworks show. The fireworks are bright and beautiful and they make the dark sky very bright.Paris, FranceLots of people get together around the Eiffel Tower. People can see fireworks over there. Madrid, SpainThe Spanish people eat 12 grapes on New Year’s Eve. Every grape stands for one month of the year. They believe this will bring them good luck for the coming year.Beijing, ChinaPeople usually spend New Year’s Eve with their family. They usually have a wonderful dinner. People often say “Happy New Year” to each other.51、How many countries are mentioned in the passage? ( )A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.52、Sydney is famous for ________. ( )A.its sea B.its fireworks show C.its food D.its tower53、What kind of fruit do the Spanish people eat on New Year’s Eve?A.Apples. B.Pears. C.Bananas. D.Grapes.54、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( )A.In France, people get together around the Eiffel Tower on New Year’s Eve.B.Every grape stands for one month of the year in Spain.C.Chinese people usually spend New Year’s Eve with their friends.D.People in Australia can see beautiful fireworks.55、What’s the best title of the passage? ( )A.Different Ways to Celebrate New Year’s Eve B.Different Food on New Year’s Eve C.Different Countries and Their Festivals D.Different Countries and Their Capitals七、选择题44.On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings or under the Christmas trees. Last Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty. He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his present in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much,” he said happily. Then he ran down to the ground floor to see what’s in the box. He shook the box and listened. His sister Nancy came to him, “Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.” “What? Open it and have a look!” Then they opened the box. A pretty dress wa s in it. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.56、What time did Mike get up last Christmas Day? ( )A.At twenty to six. B.At twenty past six. C.At six.57、The lovely dog was for _______. ( )A.Nancy B.Nancy’s sister C.Nancy’s brother58、The pretty dress was for _______. ( )A.Mike B.Mike’s sister C.Mike’s brother59、Mike got _______ present(s) from his family. ( )A.one B.two C.three60、What’s in the box for Mike? ( )A.A toy dog. B.A dress. C.Sorry, I don’t know.八、选择题45.I have a new pen pal. His name is John. He lives in Australia. He is a quiet boy. He likes reading books and cooking Chinese food. He wants to be a writer in the future (将来). He goes to school on foot. He has a sister. Her name is Alice. She is only five. She likes riding her small bike in the garden and playing with her toy cars. His father is a football player. His mother is a singer. They both go to work by car. They are very happy.61、What are John’s hobbies? ( )A.He likes reading books and cooking Chinese food. B.He likes riding a small bike in the garden.C.He likes drawing comic pictures and riding a bike.62、What does John’s father do? ( )A.He’s a basketball player.B.He’s a football player.C.He’s a writer.63、How does John’s mother g o to work? ( )A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By car.64、Does Alice like riding her small bike in the garden? ( )A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t.C.Yes, he does.65、What does John want to be in the future? ( )A.A postman. B.A writer. C.A businessman.九、选择题46.Aunt Jane’s birthday is coming. Her birthday is on the 18th of November. She will be forty years old. My father is younger than his sister. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her home. We are going to go there by train. We are leaving on Friday morning. And we are coming back on Sunday afternoon. The birthday party will be on Saturday. I am going to give my dear Aunt Jane a card. Look! I am making it now. I am using my colour pencils to draw some nice flowers on the card. I think Aunt Jane will like them very much. I am going to draw Aunt Jane a small cat on it, too. Because she likes cats. The card will be very beautiful. Dad says his sister will like it very much. I feel very happy.66、Aunt Jane is ________ sister. ( )A.my mother’s B.my fat her’s C.my sister’s67、Aunt Jane will be ________ years old. ( )A.40 B.44 C.1468、I’m going to give my aunt ________. ( )A.a cat B.a card C.some flowers69、We are going there ________. ( )A.on Friday B.on Saturday C.on Sunday70、It will be a ________ trip. ( )A.one-day B.two-day C.three-day47.This term I came to NO. 8 Middle school. It is very beautiful and big. There are 34 classes, 120 teachers and 1800 students in the school.In the middle of the school there is a tall building. It's for us to have classes. All the classrooms are there. There are some small rooms, too. They are offices for the teachers to work. All the teachers get ready for their lessons there.In front of the tall building, there is a small one. It is the library. There are many books there. The teachers and the students like to read books in it. Sometimes they borrow books from it.There is a dinning hall behind the tall building. Some of the students have lunch in it.I like my new school very much.66、There are _______ classes in No. 8 Middle school. ( )A.36 B.34 C.3567、The classroom is in _________. ( )A.a tall building B.a library C.an office68、Where is the library? ( )A.Behind the tall building.B.Next to the tall building.C.In front of the tall building.69、How many students are there in my school? ( )A.120. B.1600. C.1800.70、Which sentence(句子) is true? ( )A.Behind the school there is a tall building.B.There is a dinning hall in the middle of the tall building.C.All the teachers get ready for their lessons in some small rooms in the tall building.【参考答案】沈阳市小学六年级上册期末英语试卷含答案1.A解析:A【详解】句意:—上星期二你们做了什么?—我们在公园里郊游了。

沈阳市小学六年级上册期末英语试题含答案1.—______ it often rainy here in autumn? ( )—Yes. It’s ______ so hard outside.A.Is; raining B.Does; raining C.Does; rainy 2.—Where does wood ___________, Tina? ( )—Well, trees, don't you know?A.come from B.learn about C.live on 3.Christmas Day is_______ 25th December. ( )A.in B.at C.on D.for4.We are going to have a lot of ________ there. ( )A.funny B.fun C.funs5.What _____ these signs _____? ( )A.does; mean B.does; means C.do; mean 6.These are my books. Please _______. ( )A.pick up it. B.pick it up C.pick them up D.pick up them 7.In the _______, people call the metro “subway”. ( )A.UK B.UN C.US8.They looked at the king and shouted, “_____ beautiful clothes!” ( )A.What B.What a C.How9.—What _____ the signs _____? ( )—They mean we can park here.A.does; mean B.do; means C.do; mean10.It's sometimes ________ in summer there. It ________ yesterday. ( )A.rainy; rained B.rainy; rains C.rains; rainy 11.There's some rubbish in the park. Let's _________________. ( )A.pick it up B.pick up it C.pick them up D.pick up them 12.It was an ______ fashion show yesterday and all of us were very ______. ( ) A.exciting; exciting B.exciting; excited C.excited; exciting 13.Each student ______ an email ______ Miss Fox at Christmas. ( )A.wrote; for B.write; to C.writes; to 14.Look! The men ______. ( )A.smoke B.smokes C.are smoking 15.________ the Earth, we can save water. ( )A.To protect B.Protect C.Protecting二、用单词适当形式填空16.There are many _______ (factory) in Xuzhou.17.They’re going to _______ (watch) a lion dance next morning.18.The boy behind me is _______ (write) a letter.19.Rubbish ______ (make) the water dirty.20.________ (save) water, we can _________ (reuse) water ________ (water) trees.21.We _____ (see) a parrot show in the park next weekend.22.The boy behind me is _____ (write) a letter.23.Listen! The children __________ (sing) the song “Happy New Year”.24.Look! Two little black birds ______ (sit) on the hill.25._______ she _______ (have) a Chinese lesson tomorrow?26.My sister _________ (not go) to the Bund last weekend.27.I ______ (visit) the museum and ______ (see) many interesting things last Saturday. 28.Mike is going to ______ (watch) fireworks in the evening.29.She is _____ (excite) about the show.30.People __________ (use) telephones __________ (call) their friends many years ago.三、完成句子31.The football match went well ________ ________. (起初) But finally it rained.32.The king didn’t wear any clothes in the street. A little boy ________ at _______. (嘲笑他) 33.Nancy ________ (丢失) her new pencil case yesterday.34.My father likes w______ football matches with his friends at weekends.35.It’s Bobby’s t______ (机会).36.We can read n______ for news. We can also read with e-books.37.Hel en didn’t go to school _______ (昨天).38.—What _____ your parents usually do _____ Chinese New Year's Eve?—They usually _____ (给我红包).39.Children are very e_______ on Children's Day.40.Let’s go to the c_________ shop and buy a new coat for Dad.四、完形填空41.Shanghai is a modern city __41___ the world. It’s changing a lot. Long time ago, it was just a very little village __42___ the sea. In 1990, there __43___ not any tall buildings in Pudong. But now, there are many tall buildings. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower was the tallest one, but now Shanghai Tower __44___ the tallest one. It has 119 floors and it is 632 metres high. From the top __45___ the building, you can have a bird’s eye view of Shanghai. The __46___ are like the lines. The boats are __47___ on the river __48___. The Bund is amazing!Many people from other countries __49___ in Shanghai. If you want to know the story of Shanghai, you can go to the Shanghai History Museum. If you are a food lover, you __50___ miss Yu Garden. You can find many delicious snacks there!This is Shanghai! I love Shanghai!41、A.in B.on C.over42、A.in front of B.near C.in the centre of43、A.had B.was C.were44、A.is B.was C.are45、A.on B.of C.above46、A.road B.roads C.fountains47、A.sail B.sails C.sailing48、A.slowly B.luckily C.strongly49、A.live B.lives C.living50、A.aren’t B.needn’t C.can’t五、阅读判断42.Mike and his sister Kate go to a supermarket near their house on Sunday. It opens at nine o'clock in the morning every day. They are going to buy some pens and notes. When they are on the first floor, they see a robot at the piano. He is playing the piano. His fingers move very fast. Mike and kate stand there and listen for half an hour. Then they go home. They forget (忘记) the pens and notes.41、Mike and Kate go to a supermarket on Saturday. ( )42、The supermarket opens at 9 o'clock every Monday. ( )43、The robot is on the second floor. ( )44、The robot can play the piano. ( )45、They leave the supermarket at 11:30. ( )六、阅读理解43.Mr and Mrs White and their children are going to London for a holiday today. And they have to be at the airport (机场) at eleven forty. “It’ll take us thirty minutes to get there in the taxi,” Mr White says. “So we have to be ready by eleven o'clock. Nobody should be late.”At ten to eleven Mrs White is still sitting quietly in the garden. But Mr White and the children are still running around doing things. They are all in a hurry. At eleven o'clock the taxi gets to their home. Mrs White says to Mr White and the children, “We ll, I know that this is going to happen, so before I went to bed last night, I moved all our clocks and watches ahead (提前) twenty minutes. So now we can go to the airport quietly without worrying about being late.”51、________ are going to have their holiday. ( )A.The Whites B.Mr and Mrs White C.Mrs White and her children52、They are going to London by ________. ( )A.car B.plane C.train53、It will take them ________ to get to the airport by taxi. ( )A.thirteen minutes B.twenty minutes C.half an hour54、They are going to get to the airport at about ________. ( )A.10:50 B.11:00 C.11:4055、Mrs White moved all our clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes because she didn’t want to ________. ( )A.be late B.be ready C.miss the taxi七、选择题44.The Grade 3 students at Sunshine Primary School collected a lot of empty(空的)bottles. In July, they are going to take the bottles to a recycling centre(回收中心). They are going to sell(卖) the bottles and buy some books for the school library.Kate made a bargraph(柱状图) to show the number of the bottles they collected. This is the bargraph.56、In November, the students collected _______ empty bottles. ()A.80 B.60 C.4057、The students collected _______ more bottles in December than in January. ()A.10 B.20 C.3058、From the bargraph, we know that the students picked up the same number of bottels in_______ and _______. ()A.October; February B.September; April C.January; March59、Why do the students collect empty bottles? ()A.Because they want to do something for their school.B.Because they like empty bottles very much.C.Because they want to use the bottles to make other things.60、What are the Grade 3 students going to do? ()A.They are going to buy a lot of empty bottles from the recycling centre.B.They are going to buy some books for the school library.C.They are going to sell the bottles in the market.八、选择题45.Oliver: Oh! Your tanghulu looks nice and delicious! Where did you buy it?Zhang Peng: I bought it in a tanghulu specialty shop (专卖店) on Dongfang Street.Oliver: Is it far from our school?Zhang Peng: No, you can walk there.Oliver: How can I get there?Zhang Peng: Start (出发) from our school. Go straight for ten minutes (分钟) then turn right, then go straight for three minutes. It’s on the left. It's just near the cinema. The shop is red.61、_______ wants to buy a tanghulu. ( )A.Oliver B.Zhang Peng62、The shop is _______ the school. ( )A.far from B.near63、The shop is _______. ( )A.yellow B.red64、The shop is near a _______. ( )A.cinema B.restaurant65、He can get to the shop about _______ minutes.A.10 B.13九、选择题46.Cartoons are fun. China began to make cartoons in about 1926. There are many Chinese cartoon stars. Let’s have a look at some of them.I’m Black Cat Sheriff. I’m a smart cat. I live in a forest with other animals. I keep the animals safe.I’m Avanti. I’m a funny and clever man. I like to ride a donkey. I’m very kind.I like to help the poor.I’m Monkey King. I’m a clever monkey. I have great power. Bu t I’m a little naughty.My name is Nezha. I’m a brave boy. I can fly. I have a spear. Monkey King is my good friend.67、_______ can fly and has a spear. ( ) A.Nezha B.Monkey King C.Avanti68、Black Cat Sheriff lives _______. ( )A.on a donkey B.in a forest C.in Hong Kong 69、The writer tells us _______ cartoon stars. ( ) A.six B.five C.four70、Which of the following is TRUE? ( ) A.Monkey King has great power.B.Nezha and Monkey K ing aren’t friends. C.Avanti keeps the animals safe.47.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

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