
题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容:在货币期权交易中:A、卖方的最大损失是与其所收取的期权价格相当B、买方的最大收益与其所支付的期权价格相当C、卖方的最大收益低于其所收取的期权价格D、买方的最大损失是所支付的期权价格标准答案:D学员答案:D本题得分:5题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容:外汇期权即为在约定时间、按约定条件:A、买卖外汇的权利B、买卖外汇期货的权利C、买进外汇的权利D、卖出外汇的权利标准答案:B学员答案:B本题得分:5题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容:()必须进行外汇即期交易。
A、对外汇款B、对外投资C、出口收汇D、进口付汇标准答案:A学员答案:A本题得分:5题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容:假定其他条件不变,通胀率与货币汇率的关系为:A、高通胀国家货币对低通胀国家货币升值B、低通胀国家货币对无通胀国家货币升值C、高通胀国家货币对低通胀国家货币贬值D、低通胀国家货币对高通胀国家货币贬值标准答案:C学员答案:C本题得分:5题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容:对本币具有升值推动效应的经济政策是:A、财政扩张B、货币扩张C、货币紧缩D、提高关税标准答案:C学员答案:C本题得分:5题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容:欧洲资金市场也称为:A、欧洲美元市场B、短期借贷市场C、欧洲货币市场D、银行拆借市场标准答案:C学员答案:C本题得分:5题号:7 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容:纸币制度下影响汇率长期趋势的主导因素是:A、国际收支B、相对通胀率C、政府干预措施D、心理因素标准答案:B学员答案:B本题得分:5题号:8 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5内容:国际资本市场业务包括:A、长期信贷B、银团信贷C、国际债券发行D、国际股票发行标准答案:C学员答案:C本题得分:5题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5内容:在任何时间一种外汇的现钞卖出价总是()其现汇卖出价。
国际金融 作业答案

6.对资本国际流动的制约最为直接的是提高利率. (错)
8、债务率:是外债余额与当年贸易和非贸易外汇收入(国际收支口径)之比,是衡量一国负债能力和风险的指标,国际公认数值是100 %,即债务率应小于100 %。
2、短期资本国际流动的形式包括(ABDE )。

一、单选题(共15 道试题,共75 分。
1. 不属于对外贸易短期融资的信用形式是:
A. 福费廷业务
B. 出口打包放款
C. 票据贴现
D. 出口押汇
2. 保付代理组织在保理业务中面临的首要风险是____。
A. 利率风险
B. 流动性风险
C. 信用风险
D. 国家风险
3. 下列各项不属于IMF的业务活动的是____。
A. 汇率监督与政策协调
B. 储备资产的创造与管理
C. 对国际收支赤字国提供短期资金融通
D. 对低收入国家提供长期优惠贷款
4. 国际上认为,一国当年应偿还外债的还本付息额占当年商品劳务出口收入的____以内才是适度的。
A. 100%
B. 50%
C. 20%
D. 10%
5. 我国外债管理实行"分工负责"的原则,其中,负责世界银行贷款的部门是____。
A. 国家计委
B. 财政部
C. 中国人民银行
D. 中国银行
6. 出口商向进口商提供延期支付贷款的优惠条件,这实质上是____。
A. 贸易优惠
B. 商业信用
C. 营销手段
D. 银行信用
国际金融学作业 答案

1.【第01章】最早论述“物价现金流动机制”理论的是• A 马歇尔• B 休谟·大卫• C 弗里德曼• D 凯恩斯2.【第01章】综合项目差额是指• A 经常项目差额与资本与金融项目差额之和• B 经常项目差额与资本与金融项目中扣除官方储备后差额之和• C 经常项目差额与金融项目差额之和• D 经常项目差额与资本项目差额之和3.【第01章】在国际收支平衡表中,下列各项属于单方面转移的是• A 保险赔偿金• B 专利费• C 投资收益• D 政府间债务减免4.【第01章】“马歇尔——勒纳条件”是指:• A 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和大于1• B 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和大于0• C 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和小于1• D 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和小于05.【第01章】IMF规定,在国际收支统计中• A 进口商品以CIF价计算,出口商品以FOB价计算• B 进口商品以FOB价计算,出口商品以CIF价计算• C 进出口商品均按FOB价计算• D 进出口商品均按CIF价计算6.【第01章】下列项目应记入贷方的是• A 从外国获得的商品和劳务• B 向外国政府或私人提供的援助、捐赠• C 国内私人国外资产的减少或国外负债的增加• D 国内官方当局的国外资产的增加或国外负债的减少7.【第01章】我国的国际储备管理主要是:• A 黄金储备管理• B 外汇储备管理• C 储备头寸管理• D 特别提款权管理8.【第01章】在二战前,构成各国国际储备的是:• A 黄金与可兑换为黄金的外汇• B 黄金与储备头寸• C 黄金与特别提款权• D 外汇储备与特别提款权9.【第01章】二战后,最主要的国际储备货币是:• A 英镑• B 日元• C 美元• D 马克10.【第01章】在国际收支平衡表中,人为设立的项目是• A 官方储备• B 分配的特别提款权• C 经常转移• D 错误与遗漏11.【第01章】国际清偿力是一国具有的:• A 国际储备• B 现实的对外清偿能力• C 可能的对外清偿能力• D 现实和可能的对外清偿能力之和12.【第01章】一国国际储备的来源渠道有:• A 国际收支顺差• B 中央银行针对本币升值的外汇干预活动• C IMF分配的特别提款权• D 中央银行在国内收购黄金• E 政府或中央银行向国外借款净额13.【第01章】在教学计划中课程类别有:• A 公共必修• B 专业必修• C 专业选修• D 公共选修14.【第01章】下列项目中属于自主性交易的是:• A 经常项目• B 资本项目• C 证券投资项目• D 官方储备项目• E 错误与遗漏项目15.【第01章】从供给角度讲,调节国际收支的政策有:• A 财政政策• B 产业政策• C 科技政策• D 货币政策• E 融资政策16.【第01章】储备货币必须具备的基本特征是:• A 必须是可兑换货币• B 必须为各国普遍接受• C 价值相对稳定• D 必须与黄金保持固定的比价关系• E 必须与特别提款权保持固定比价关系17.【第02章】英镑的年利率为27%,美元的年利率为9%,假如一家美国公司投资英镑1年,为符合利率平价,英镑应相对美元:• A 升值18%• B 贬值14%• C 升值14%• D 贬值%18.【第02章】在汇率理论中,具有强烈的政策性和可操作性的是:• A 购买力平价说• B 利率平价说• C 货币主义说• D 资产结构说19.【第02章】金币本位制度下,汇率决定的基础是:• A 法定平价• B 铸币平价• C 通货膨胀率• D 纸币购买力20.【第02章】一国货币汇率上升,则会有利于:• A 进口• B 出口• C 增加就业• D 扩大生产21.【第02章】假设美国投资者投资英镑的可转让存单,6个月收益5%,此期间英镑贬值9%,而投资英镑的有效收益率为:• A %• B %• C 14%• D -4%22.【第02章】利率对汇率变动的影响是:• A 利率上升,本国汇率上升• B 利率下降,本国汇率下降• C 须比较国外利率及本国的通货膨胀率后而定• D 利率与汇率不存在联动关系23.【第02章】在汇率标价上,采用间接标价法的国家有:• A 英国与法国• B 英国与美国• C 美国与德国• D 美国与德国24.【第02章】与金币本位制度相比,金块本位和金汇兑本位对汇率的稳定程度已:• A 升高• B 降低• C 不变• D 无法比较26.【第03章】若香港外汇市场某日US$1=HK$,试求港元/美元等于:• A• B• C• D27.【第03章】即期外汇业务,是在外汇买卖成交以后,原则上办理交割的期限应在:• A 一天内• B 两天内• C 三天内• D 四天内28.【第03章】美式期权较欧式期权相比更灵活,保险费:• A 更高• B 更低• C 相同• D 不确定29.【第03章】若伦敦外汇市场即期汇率为£1=US$,3个月美元远期外汇升水美分,则3个月美元远期外汇汇率为:• A £1=US$• B £1=US$• C £1=US$• D £1=US$30.【第03章】外汇市场的实际操纵者是:• A 外汇银行• B 外汇经纪人• C 中央银行• D 个人31.【第03章】套汇的主要形式有:• A 两角套汇• B 三角套汇• C 直接套汇• D 间接套汇• E 套利32.【第03章】营业时间相互衔接而使国际外汇市场成为一天连转的市场有:• A 西欧外汇市场• B 纽约• C 东京• D 芝加哥• E 新加坡33.【第03章】世界主要金融中心目前主要经营外汇金融业务有:• A 货币期货• B 外币期权• C 政府债券期货• D 证券指数期货• E 欧洲美元存款期货34.【第03章】可能导致远期汇率与即期汇率的差异完全超过两地利率水平差的因素有:• A 货币法定贬值政策• B 力量较强的外汇投机活动• C 重大的政治事件• D 国际形势突变• E 货币法定升值政策35.【第03章】目前交易量具有国际影响的外汇市场主要有:• A 伦敦• B 纽约• C 上海• D 东京• E 台北36.【第04章】企业可以通过选择适当的结算方式来降低外汇风险,假设目前可供选择的结算方式有:信用证(即期、远期)、托收、汇款。

(3)交割时,出口商按照远期汇率: 1美元=6.9780人 民币,卖出100万美元,得到697.8万人民币, 而按照即期汇率,可以换得692.0万人民币, 避免损失: 697.8万 -692.0万=5.8万人民币。
解:公司卖1个月的100万欧元,预收 100×1.2368=123.68万美元
同时,买3个月的100万欧元期汇,预支 100×1.2242=122.42万美元
2、2008年5月初,国内某出口商与美国某公司签订了 一笔价值为100万美元的出口合同,约定1个月后收款。 由于预期人民币兑美元会继续升值,该出口商将面临 汇率风险。
1、某美国贸易公司在1个月后将收到100万欧元,而 在3个月后又要向外支付100万欧元。假设市场汇率情况 如下:欧元对美元1个月的远期汇率为 EUR/USD=1.2368/80, 3个月的 交易的损益情况(不考虑其他费用)。
3:假设8月初美元年利率为4%,英镑年利率为6%, 英镑对美元的即期汇率为GBP/USD=1.7990/00.为谋取利 差收益,某投资者欲将180万美元转到英国投资半年。 如果8月初英镑对美元6个月的远期差价为86/82,该投 资者利用远期交易进行抵补套利,套利收益为多少?
解:将美元换为英镑到英国投资: 180/1.800=100万英镑
(2)当天中国银行报价如下:即期汇率1美元=6.986 0/7.0140人民币,1个月远期差价为80/55。该出口商的 成交价为多少?


《国际金融II》作业答案一、判断1、×2、×3、√4、√5、×6、√7、√8、×9、×10、× 11、√ 12、√ 13、× 14、√ 15、× 16、× 17、√ 18、√19、√ 20、√ 21、× 22、× 23、× 24、√ 25、× 26、√ 27、√28、× 29、× 30、√ 31、√ 32、× 33、× 34、√ 35、√二、名词解释1、国际收支:一国居民在一定时期内与外国居民所进行的全部经济交易的系统的货币记录。
5、IMF:国际货币基金组织(英语:International Monetary Fund,简称:IMF)于1945年12月27日成立,与世界银行并列为世界两大金融机构之一,其职责是监察货币汇率和各国贸易情况、提供技术和资金协助,确保全球金融制度运作正常;其总部设在华盛顿。

几家经纪人的报价是a 7.8058/65b 7.8062/70c 7.8054/60d 7.8053/634、某银行询问美元兑新加坡元的汇价,你答复道:1.6403/10。
请问:如果客户想把澳元卖给你,汇率是多少?如果客户要买进澳元,汇率又是多少?6、如果你向中国银行询问美元/欧元的报价,回答道“1.2940/60,请问:中国银行以什么汇价向你买进美元卖出欧元如果你要买进美元,中国银行给你什么汇率如果你要买进欧元,汇率又是多少7、如果你是银行,客户向你询问美元兑瑞士法郎汇价,你答复道:1.4100/10,请问如果客户要把瑞士法郎卖给你汇率是多少你以什么汇价向客户卖出瑞士法郎如果客户卖出美元,汇率是多少8、假设银行同业间的美元兑港币报价是7.8905/35.客户向你询问美元兑港币报价,如果你要赚取3个点作为银行收益,你应如何向客户报价?9、根据报价回答问题美元/日元103.4/103.7英镑/美元 1.3040/1.3050请问:某进出口公司要以英镑支付日元,该公司以英镑支付日元的套汇价是多少?10、美元/日元153.40/50美元/港元7.8010/20请问某公司以港元买进日元支付货款,日元/港元汇价是多少?一、报价1、如果某客户向外汇银行询问英镑对美元的汇价,外汇银行报出:“1.6125/55”。

自由浮动政府管制金本位制纸币流通2、SDR 是:()E. 欧洲经济货币联盟创设的货币欧洲货币体系的中心货币IMF 创设的储备资产和记帐单位世界银行创设的一种特别使用资金的权利3、若一国货币汇率高估,往往会出现()外汇供给增加,外汇需求减少,国际收支逆差外汇供给减少,外汇需求增加,国际收支逆差外汇供给减少,外汇需求增加,国际收支顺差外汇供给增加,外汇需求减少,国际收支顺差4、汇率风险指由于未曾预料到的()变动,影响企业的产品成本,价格和销售量,使得企业收益在未来一定时期内可能发生变化的潜在性风险。
价格汇率需求量技术5、外汇储备过多的负面影响可能有:()通货膨胀外汇闲置外币升值不必升值6、当一国经济出现失业和顺差时,根据财政货币政策配合理论,应采取的措施是:()C. 膨胀性的财政政策和紧缩性的货币政策膨胀性的财政政策和膨胀性的货币政策紧缩性的财政政策和紧缩性的货币政策紧缩性的财政政策和膨胀性的货币政策7、金本位的特点是黄金可以()自由买卖、自由铸造、自由兑换自由铸造、自由兑换、自由输出入自由流通、自由兑换、自由输出入自由买卖、自由铸造、自由输出入8、“马歇尔——勒纳条件”指当一国的出口需求弹性与进口需求弹性之和( )时,该国货币贬值才有利于改善贸易收支。
小于0小于1大于1大于09、世界货币在世界上执行着货币的()职能B. 价值尺度支付全部流通手10、一般来讲,一国的国际收支顺差会使其()。
通货紧缩货币疲软本币升值物价上升11、国际储备不包括( )商业银行储备外汇储备在IMF的储备头寸特别提款权12、汇率波动受黄金输送费用的限制,各国国际收支能够自动调节,这种货币制度是()混合本位制国际金本位制布雷顿森林体系浮动汇率制判断题13、根据利率平价理论,低利率货币在远期市场上必定升水。

国际金融(本)单选题1、套汇交易对有关外汇市场的汇价变化(B )。
a、有扩大效应b、有缩小效应c、无显著效应d、无任何效应2、对本币具有升值推动效应的经济政策是:(c)a、财政扩张b、货币扩张c、货币紧缩d、提高关税3、(a )必须进行外汇即期交易。
a、对外汇款b、对外投资c、出口收汇d、进口付汇4、欧洲资金市场也称为:(C)a、欧洲美元市场b、短期借贷市场c、欧洲货币市场d、银行拆借市场5、在任何国家都存在的汇率现象是:(c)a、官方汇率与市场汇率b、贸易汇率与金融汇c、买入汇率与卖出汇率d、浮动汇率与固定汇率6、外汇市场的功能之一是:(A)a、促使国际贸易平衡b、提供外汇资金融c、防范外汇风险d、形成外汇价格体系7、我国现行汇率制度的规定之一是人民币实行:(c)a、自由兑换b、固定汇率c、有管理的浮动汇率d、完全浮动汇率8、下列有关资本预算主体的表述正确的是:(b)a、母公司为主体b、母公司完全控股从母公司角度核算c、子公司为主体d、母公司部分控股从子公司角度核算9、下列各项中对跨国公司现金流不产生影响的税务事项是:(b)a、预提税b、遗产税c、税收协定d、税收抵免10、下列各项中不影响公司资本成本差异的因素是:(c)a、融资条件b、融资成本c、支付稳定性d、风险水平11、微观国家风险评估无须考虑的因素是:(c)a、公司对经济环境条件的敏感度b、跨国公司的社会关系c、外汇市场的变化d、东道国的贸易和经济发展状况12、在大量资本流入时允许本币升值的好处是:(b)a、提升本币国际地位b、使国内信贷和银行系统免受不利影响c、调整国内相对价格d、阻止国际投机资本冲击13、避免双重征税协议规定(a)a、子公司所得税高于母公司,母公司所获取的投资收益不必再次纳税b、母公司所得税高于子公司,母公司所获取的投资收益不必再次纳税c、跨国公司仅须在总部所在地纳税d、东道国税收不适用子公司14、不属于马歇尔-勒纳条件的假设前提的是:(b)a、国内外商品都具有无限供给弹性b、以国际收支均衡为初始状态c、只考察汇率变动对进出口的影响d、以国际收支不均衡为初始状态15、当汇率变动导致债务成本变化,此风险称:(b)a、经济风险b、交易风险c、会计风险d、储备风险16、纸币制度下影响汇率长期趋势的主导因素是:(b)a、国际收支b、相对通胀率c、政府干预措施d、心理因素17、在货币期权交易中(d)a、卖方的最大损失是与其所收取的期权价格相当b、买方的最大收益与其所支付的期权价格相当c、卖方的最大收益低于其所收取的期权价格d、买方的最大损失是所支付的期权价格18、在任何时间一种外汇的现钞卖出价总是(b )其现汇卖出价。
国际金融习题与答案 (8)

汇率根据不同的标准可以分为不同的种类,例如,买入价、卖出价和中间价;即期汇率和远期汇率;(12) ___和套算汇率;电汇汇率,(13)___和票汇汇率;官方汇率和市场汇率;贸易汇率和金融汇率;固定汇率和浮动汇率;名义汇率和实际汇率。

Chapter 8—Relationships among Inflation, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates1. Assume a two-country world: Country A and Country B. Which of the following is correct aboutpurchasing power parity (PPP) as related to these two countries?a. If Country A's inflation rate exceeds Country B's inflation rate, Country A's currency willweaken.b. If Country A's interest rate exceeds Country B's inflation rate, Country A's currency willweaken.c. If Country A's interest rate exceeds Country B's inflation rate, Country A's currency willstrengthen.d. If Country B's inflation rate exceeds Country A's inflation rate, Country A's currency willweaken.ANS: A PTS: 12. Given a home country and a foreign country, purchasing power parity (PPP) suggests that:a. a home currency will depreciate if the current home inflation rate exceeds the currentforeign interest rate.b. a home currency will appreciate if the current home interest rate exceeds the currentforeign interest rate.c. a home currency will appreciate if the current home inflation rate exceeds the currentforeign inflation rate.d. a home currency will depreciate if the current home inflation rate exceeds the currentforeign inflation rate.ANS: D PTS: 13. The international Fisher effect (IFE) suggests that:a. a home currency will depreciate if the current home interest rate exceeds the currentforeign interest rate.b. a home currency will appreciate if the current home interest rate exceeds the currentforeign interest rate.c. a home currency will appreciate if the current home inflation rate exceeds the currentforeign inflation rate.d. a home currency will depreciate if the current home inflation rate exceeds the currentforeign inflation rate.ANS: A PTS: 14. Because there are a variety of factors in addition to inflation that affect exchange rates, this will:a. reduce the probability that PPP shall hold.b. increase the probability that PPP shall hold.c. increase the probability the IFE will hold.d. B and CANS: A PTS: 15. Because there are sometimes no substitutes for traded goods, this will:a. reduce the probability that PPP shall hold.b. increase the probability that PPP shall hold.c. increase the probability the IFE will hold.d. B and CANS: A PTS: 16. According to the IFE, if British interest rates exceed U.S. interest rates:a. the British pound's value will remain constant.b. the British pound will depreciate against the dollar.c. the British inflation rate will decrease.d. the forward rate of the British pound will contain a premium.e. today's forward rate of the British pound will equal today's spot rate.ANS: B PTS: 17. Given a home country and a foreign country, the international Fisher effect (IFE) suggests that:a. the nominal interest rates of both countries are the same.b. the inflation rates of both countries are the same.c. the exchange rates of both countries will move in a similar direction against othercurrencies.d. none of the aboveANS: D PTS: 18. Given a home country and a foreign country, purchasing power parity suggests that:a. the inflation rates of both countries will be the same.b. the nominal interest rates of both countries will be the same.c. A and Bd. none of the aboveANS: D PTS: 19. If interest rates on the euro are consistently below U.S. interest rates, then for the international Fishereffect (IFE) to hold:a. the value of the euro would often appreciate against the dollar.b. the value of the euro would often depreciate against the dollar.c. the value of the euro would remain constant most of the time.d. the value of the euro would appreciate in some periods and depreciate in other periods, buton average have a zero rate of appreciation.ANS: A PTS: 110. If the international Fisher effect (IFE) did not hold based on historical data, then this suggests that:a. some corporations with excess cash can lock in a guaranteed higher return on futureforeign short-term investments.b. some corporations with excess cash could have generated profits on average from coveredinterest arbitrage.c. some corporations with excess cash could have generated higher profits on average fromforeign short-term investments than from domestic short-term investments.d. most corporations that consistently invest in foreign short-term investments would havegenerated the same profits (on average) as from domestic short-term investments.ANS: C PTS: 111. Under purchasing power parity, the future spot exchange rate is a function of the initial spot rate inequilibrium and:a. the income differential.b. the forward discount or premium.c. the inflation differential.d. none of the aboveANS: C PTS: 112. According to the international Fisher effect, if U.S. investors expect a 5% rate of domestic inflationover one year, and a 2% rate of inflation in European countries that use the euro, and require a 3% real return on investments over one year, the nominal interest rate on one-year U.S. Treasury securities would be:a. 2%.b. 3%.c. 2%.d. 5%.e. 8%.ANS: ESOLUTION: 5% + 3% = 8%PTS: 113. According to the international Fisher effect, if investors in all countries require the same real rate ofreturn, the differential in nominal interest rates between any two countries:a. follows their exchange rate movement.b. is due to their inflation differentials.c. is zero.d. is constant over time.e. C and DANS: B PTS: 114. Assume that U.S. and British investors require a real return of 2%. If the nominal U.S. interest rate is15%, and the nominal British rate is 13%, then according to the IFE, the British inflation rate isexpected to be about ____ the U.S. inflation rate, and the British pound is expected to ____.a. 2 percentage points above; depreciate by about 2%b. 3 percentage points above; depreciate by about 3%c. 3 percentage points below; appreciate by about 3%d. 3 percentage points below; depreciate by about 3%e. 2 percentage points below; appreciate by about 2%ANS: E PTS: 115. Assume U.S. and Swiss investors require a real rate of return of 3%. Assume the nominal U.S. interestrate is 6% and the nominal Swiss rate is 4%. According to the international Fisher effect, the franc will ____ by about ____.a. appreciate; 3%b. appreciate; 1%c. depreciate; 3%d. depreciate; 2%e. appreciate; 2%ANS: E PTS: 116. Assume that the U.S. and Chile nominal interest rates are equal. Then, the U.S. nominal interest ratedecreases while the Chilean nominal interest rate remains stable. According to the international Fisher effect, this implies expectations of ____ than before, and that the Chilean peso should ____ against the dollar.a. lower U.S. inflation; depreciateb. lower U.S. inflation; appreciatec. higher U.S. inflation; depreciated. higher U.S. inflation; appreciateANS: A PTS: 117. According to the international Fisher effect, if Venezuela has a much higher nominal rate than othercountries, its inflation rate will likely be ____ than other countries, and its currency will ____.a. lower; strengthenb. lower; weakenc. higher; weakend. higher; strengthenANS: C PTS: 118. If interest rate parity holds, then the one-year forward rate of a currency will be ____ the predictedspot rate of the currency in one year according to the international Fisher effect.a. greater thanb. less thanc. equal tod. answer is dependent on whether the forward rate has a discount or premiumANS: C PTS: 119. The Fisher effect is used to determine the:a. real inflation rate.b. real interest rate.c. real spot rate.d. real forward rate.ANS: B PTS: 120. Latin American countries have historically experienced relatively high inflation, and their currencieshave weakened. This information is somewhat consistent with the concept of:a. interest rate parity.b. locational arbitrage.c. purchasing power parity.d. the exchange rate mechanism.ANS: C PTS: 121. Assume that the inflation rate in Singapore is 3%, while the inflation rate in the U.S. is 8%. Accordingto PPP, the Singapore dollar should ____ by ____%.a. appreciate; 4.85b. depreciate; 3,11c. appreciate; 3.11d. depreciate; 4.85ANS: ASOLUTION: (1.08/1.03) 1 = 4.85%.PTS: 122. The inflation rate in the U.S. is 3%, while the inflation rate in Japan is 10%. The current exchange ratefor the Japanese yen (¥) is $0.0075. After supply and demand for the Japanese yen has adjusted in the manner suggested by purchasing power parity, the new exchange rate for the yen will be:a. $0.0076.b. $0.0073.c. $0.0070.d. $0.0066.ANS: CSOLUTION: (1.03/1.10) $.0075 = $.0070PTS: 123. Assume that the U.S. inflation rate rate is higher than the New Zealand inflation rate. This will causeU.S. consumers to ____ their imports from New Zealand and New Zealand consumers to ____ their imports from the U.S. According to purchasing power parity (PPP), this will result in a(n) ____ of the New Zealand dollar (NZ$).a. reduce; increase; appreciationb. increase; reduce; appreciationc. reduce; increase; depreciationd. reduce; increase; appreciationANS: B PTS: 124. The following regression analysis was conducted for the inflation rate information and exchange rateof the British pound:Regression results indicate that a0 = 0 and a1 = 2. Therefore:a. purchasing power parity holds.b. purchasing power parity overestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.c. purchasing power parity underestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.d. purchasing power parity will overestimate the exchange rate change of the British poundin the future.ANS: C PTS: 125. Which of the following is indicated by research regarding purchasing power parity (PPP)?a. PPP clearly holds in the short run.b. Deviations from PPP are reduced in the long run.c. PPP clearly holds in the long run.d. There is no relationship between inflation differentials and exchange rate movements inthe short run or long run.ANS: B PTS: 126. The interest rate in the U.K. is 7%, while the interest rate in the U.S. is 5%. The spot rate for theBritish pound is $1.50. According to the international Fisher effect (IFE), the British pound should adjust to a new level of:a. $1.47.b. $1.53.c. $1.43.d. $1.57.ANS: ASOLUTION: (1.05/1.07) (1.50) = $1.47.PTS: 127. If nominal British interest rates are 3% and nominal U.S. interest rates are 6%, then the British pound(£) is expected to ____ by about ____%, according to the international Fisher effect (IFE).a. depreciate; 2.9b. appreciate; 2.9c. depreciate; 1.0d. appreciate; 1.0e. none of the aboveANS: BSOLUTION: (1.06/1.03) 1 = 2.9%.PTS: 128. There is much evidence to suggest that Japanese investors invest in U.S. Treasury securities when U.S.interest rates are higher than Japanese interest rates. These investors most likely believe in theinternational Fisher effect.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 129. Which of the following is not true regarding IRP, PPP, and the IFE?a. IRP suggests that a currency's spot rate will change according to interest rate differentials.b. PPP suggests that a currency's spot rate will change according to inflation differentials.c. The IFE suggests that a currency's spot rate will change according to interest ratedifferentials.d. All of the above are true.ANS: A PTS: 130. The relative form of purchasing power parity (PPP) accounts for the possibility of marketimperfections such as transportation costs, tariffs, and quotas in establishing a relationship between inflation rates and exchange rate changes.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 131. According to the international Fisher effect (IFE), the exchange rate percentage change should beapproximately equal to the differential in income levels between two countries.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 132. Research indicates that deviations from purchasing power parity (PPP) are reduced over the long run.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 133. The IFE theory suggests that foreign currencies with relatively high interest rates will appreciatebecause the high nominal interest rates reflect expected inflation.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 134. If the IFE theory holds, that means that covered interest arbitrage is not feasible.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 135. If interest rate parity holds, and the international Fisher effect (IFE) holds, foreign currencies withrelatively high interest rates should have forward discounts and those currencies would be expected to depreciate.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 136. Interest rate parity can only hold if purchasing power parity holds.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 137. If interest rate parity holds, then the international Fisher effect must hold.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 138. Which of the following theories suggests that the percentage change in spot exchange rate of acurrency should be equal to the inflation differential between two countries?a. purchasing power parity (PPP).b. triangular arbitrage.c. international Fisher effect (IFE).d. interest rate parity (IRP).ANS: A PTS: 139. Which of the following theories suggests that the percentage difference between the forward rate andthe spot rate depends on the interest rate differential between two countries?a. purchasing power parity (PPP).b. triangular arbitrage.c. international Fisher effect (IFE).d. interest rate parity (IRP).ANS: D PTS: 140. Which of the following theories can be assessed using data that exists at one specific point in time?a. purchasing power parity (PPP)b. international Fisher effect (IFE).c. A and Bd. interest rate parity (IRP).ANS: D PTS: 141. Which of the following theories suggests the percentage change in spot exchange rate of a currencyshould be equal to the interest rate differential between two countries?a. absolute form of PPP.b. relative form of PPP.c. international Fisher effect (IFE).d. interest rate parity (IRP).ANS: C PTS: 142. The following regression analysis was conducted for the inflation rate information and exchange rateof the British pound:Regression results indicate that a0 = 0 and a1 = 1. Therefore:a. purchasing power parity holds.b. purchasing power parity overestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.c. purchasing power parity underestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.d. purchasing power parity will overestimate the exchange rate change of the British poundin the future.ANS: A PTS: 143. The following regression analysis was conducted for the inflation rate information and exchange rateof the British pound:Regression results indicate that a0 = 0 and a1 = 0.4. Therefore:a. purchasing power parity holds.b. purchasing power parity overestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.c. purchasing power parity underestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.d. purchasing power parity will overestimate the exchange rate change of the British poundin the future.ANS: B PTS: 144. Assume that the one-year interest rate in the U.S. is 7% and in the U.K. is 5%. According to theinternational Fisher effect, British pound's spot exchange rate should ____ by about ____ over the year.a. depreciate; 1.9%b. appreciate; 1.9%c. depreciate; 3.94%d. appreciate; 3.94%ANS: BSOLUTION: (1 + .07)/(1 + .05) 1 = 1.9%PTS: 145. According to the international Fisher effect (IFE):a. the nominal rate of return on a foreign investment should be equal to the nominal rate ofreturn on the domestic investment.b. the exchange rate adjusted rate of return on a foreign investment should be equal to theinterest rate on a local money market investment.c. the percentage change in the foreign spot exchange rate will be positive if the foreigninterest rate is higher than the local interest rate.d. the percentage change in the foreign spot exchange rate will be negative if foreign interestrate is lower than the local interest rate.ANS: B PTS: 146. Assume that the U.S. one-year interest rate is 5% and the one-year interest rate on euros is 8%. Youhave $100,000 to invest and you believe that the international Fisher effect (IFE) holds. The euro's spot exchange rate is $1.40. What will be the yield on your investment if you invest in euros?a. 8%b. 5%c. 3%d. 2.78%ANS: B PTS: 147. Assume that the U.S. one-year interest rate is 3% and the one-year interest rate on Australian dollars is6%. The U.S. expected annual inflation is 5%, while the Australian inflation is expected to be 7%. You have $100,000 to invest for one year and you believe that PPP holds. The spot exchange rate of an Australian dollar is $0.689. What will be the yield on your investment if you invest in the Australian market?a. 6%b. 3%c. 4%d. 2%ANS: CSOLUTION: (1 + .05)/(1 + .07) $0.689 = $0.676. ($100,000/A$0.689) (1 + .06) =A$153,846 $0.676 = $104,000. ($104,000 $100,000)/$100,000 = 4% PTS: 148. Assume that the international Fisher effect (IFE) holds between the U.S. and the U.K. The U.S.inflation is expected to be 5%, while British inflation is expected to be 3%. The interest rates offered on pounds are 7% and U.S. interest rates are 7%. What does this say about real interest rates expected by British investors?a. real interest rates expected by British investors are equal to the interest rates expected byU.S. investors.b. real interest rates expected by British investors are 2 percentage points lower than the realinterest rates expected by U.S. investors.c. real interest rates expected by British investors are 2 percentage points above the realinterest rates expected by U.S. investors.d. IFE doesn't hold in this case because the U.S. inflation is higher than the British inflation,but the interest rates offered in both countries are equal.ANS: C PTS: 149. The international Fisher effect (IFE) suggests that the currencies with relatively high interest rates willappreciate because those high rates will attract investment and increase the demand for that currency.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 150. If purchasing power parity holds, then the Fisher effect must also hold.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 151. If the international Fisher effect (IFE) holds, the local investors are expected to earn the same returnfrom investing internationally as they would from investing in their local markets.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 152. Assume that inflation in the U.S. is expected to be 9%, while inflation in Australia is expected to be5% over the next year. Today you receive an offer to purchase a one-year put option for $.03 per unit on Australian dollars at a strike price of $0.72. Today the Australian dollar is quoted at $0.70. You believe that purchasing power parity holds. You should accept the offer.a. Trueb. FalseANS: FSOLUTION: Spot rate in a year = (1.09/1.05) $0.70 = $0.73PTS: 153. Assume that the interest rate offered on pounds is 5% and the pound is expected to depreciate by 1.5%.For the international Fisher effect (IFE) to hold between the U.K. and the U.S., the U.S. interest rate should be ____.a. 3.43%b. 5.68%c. 6.5%d. 7.3%ANS: ASOLUTION: (1 + .05) (1 + .015) 1 = 3.43%PTS: 154. Purchasing power parity (PPP) focuses on the relationship between nominal interest rates andexchange rates between two countries.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 155. According to the international fisher effect (IFE), the exchange rate percentage change should beapproximately equal to the differential in income levels between two countries.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 156. According to purchasing power parity (PPP), if a foreign country's inflation rate is below the inflationrate at home, home country consumers will increase their imports from the foreign country and foreign consumers will lower their demand for home country products. These market forces cause the foreign currency to appreciate.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 157. According to the IFE, when the nominal interest rate at home exceeds the nominal interest rate in theforeign country, the home currency should depreciate.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 158. The inflation rate in the U.S. is 4%, while the inflation rate in Japan is 1.5%. The current exchange ratefor the Japanese yen (¥) is $0.0080. After supply and demand for the Japanese yen has adjustedaccording to purchasing power parity, the new exchange rate for the yen will bea. $0.0078.b. $0.0082.c. $0.0111.d. $0.00492.e. None of the aboveANS: B PTS: 159. Assume that the New Zealand inflation rate is higher than the U.S. inflation rate. This will cause U.S.consumers to ____ their imports from New Zealand and New Zealand consumers to ____ their imports from the U.S. According to purchasing power parity (PPP), this will result in a(n) ____ of the New Zealand dollar (NZ$).a. reduce; increase; appreciationb. increase; reduce; depreciationc. reduce; increase; depreciationd. reduce; increase; appreciationANS: C PTS: 160. The following regression was conducted for the exchange rate of the Cyprus pound (CYP):Regression results indicate that a0 = 0 and a1 = 2. Therefore,a. purchasing power parity holds.b. purchasing power parity overestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.c. purchasing power parity underestimated the exchange rate change during the period underexamination.d. purchasing power parity will overestimate the exchange rate change of the Cyprus poundin the future.ANS: C PTS: 161. Among the reasons that purchasing power parity (PPP) does not consistently occur are:a. exchange rates are affected by interest rate differentials.b. exchange rates are affected by national income differentials and government controls.c. supply and demand may not adjust if no substitutable goods are available.d. all of the above are reasons that PPP does not consistently occur.ANS: D PTS: 162. Which of the following is not true regarding IRP, PPP, and the IFE?a. IRP suggests that a currency's spot rate will change according to interest rate differentials.b. PPP suggests that a currency's spot rate will change according to inflation differentials.c. The IFE suggests that a currency's spot rate will change according to interest ratedifferentials.d. All of the above are true.ANS: A PTS: 1。



第四章课后习题答案一、判断题1. X。
2. X。
3. X。
4. X .“蒙代尔分配法则”认为,财政政策解决内部均衡问题更为有效,货币政策解决外部平衡问题更为有效。
6. X。
二、不定项选择题1. B2. D3. BC4. BD5. A6. BD7. CDE(说明:一般而言,汇率变动会通过影响自发性贸易余额而引起BP曲线移动,但是,在资本完全流动的情况下,国际收支完全由资本流动决定,贸易收支的变动能够被资本流动无限抵销,此时的BP曲线反映为一条水平线,仅仅与国际利率水平有关)8. ABD 9. CD三、简答题1.按照斯旺模型,当国际收支顺差和国内经济过热时,应当采取怎样的政策搭配?答:斯旺模型用支出转换与支出增减政策搭配来解决内外均衡的冲突问题。
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A.标准交割日 B.隔日交割日 C.选择交割日 D.固定交割日
5.一般情况下,套汇交易的结果,会造成汇率低的货币( )
纽约: 1美元=7.0800—7.0815新加坡元
新加坡: 1英镑=9.6530—9.6540新加坡元
伦敦: 1英镑=1.4325—1.4335美元