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BY 吴老师

1.(2012广东)Ben was busy taking a training class, ____we had to wait for him for half an hour.

A. so

B. if

C. or

D. But

2.(2012河北)Studying in groups is necessary_____ you want to do well in school.

A. if

B. until

C. unless

D. though

3.(2012杭州)You make lunch, ____I'll take care of the baby.

A. but

B. or

C. for

D. and

4.(2012四川)—Bill, please turn down the music, ___Mon ___Dad are sleeping.

—Sony, 1’11 do it right away.

A. neither; nor

B. either; or

C. both; and

5.(2012四川)—Jim, you look so tired!

—Oh, I didn’t go to bed _____ it was 12 o’clock last night.

A. until

B. as

C. if

6.(2012山东)I won't take part in Julie's birthday party ___I am invited.





7.(2012嘉兴)It isn't warm today, ____ the sun is shining.

A. or

B. and

C. because

D. although

8.(2012江西)_____ the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brother and cooks meals every day.

A. If

B. Because

C. Although

D. As

9.(2012无锡)The old theatre will close soon_____some extra donations are made.

A. so

B. if

C. because

D. unless

10.(2012无锡)My father doesn’t like shopping much. He would rather____TV at home than____around for hours in shops.

A. watch; walk

B. watch; to walk

C. to watch; to walk

D. to watch; walk

11.(2012苏州)It was ____ lovely weather ____ we decided to spend the day on the beach.

A. such a;that

B. such;that

C. such;as

D. so;that

12.(2012淮安)_____the great teacher Zhang Lili was in hospital, many people hoped she would get better soon.

A. If

B. Until

C. Before

D. After

13.(201淮安) We just need one of you for the game. _____you____your brother can join us.

A. Both; and

B. Neither; nor

C. Either; or

D. Not only; but also

14.(2012盐城)You will fall behind others_____you work hard.

A. if

B. unless

C. though

D. since

15.(2012湖北)— When shall we leave for China?

—We won’t____we have visited all the places of interest here.

A. until

B. while

C. as

D. since

16.(2012湖北)Though the old man didn’t have enough money, ___he gave a thousand yuan to the charity.

A. /

B. and

C. but

D. or

17.(2012湖北)—Do you prefer classical music _____ pop music? —Pop music, I think.

A. to

B. or

C. than

D. for

18.(2012 甘肃)Come on, ______ you’ll be late.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

19.(2012贵州)43. Teresa is ________ nervous ________ she can’t talk in front of the class.

A. such, that

B. too, to

C. so, that

20.(2012 山东)The family had to stay at hotel, ____it was raining hard.

A because B. although C. until D. unless

21.(2012 山东)Mary, put on your coat, ____ you'll catch a cold.

A. and

B. or C .so D. but

22.(2012 山东)They didn't go to bed_____ the work was finished.

A. when

B. while

C. until

D. after

23.(2012山东)—Could we go and watch the football game?

—No, _____ you have the tickets.
