模联立场文件英文范文Model United Nations Position Paper Sample。
The Model United Nations (MUN) is a platform for students to engage in simulated international relations and diplomacy. As delegates representing different countries, it is crucial to understand and articulate our country's position on various global issues. This position paper aims to outline the stance of the delegation of [Country Name] on the topics of [Topic 1] and [Topic 2] to facilitate productive discussions and negotiations during the MUN conference.On the topic of [Topic 1], [Country Name] firmly believes in the importance of [briefly explain the country's stance]. Our country recognizes the need for [mention any relevant international agreements or treaties], and is committed to [mention any specific actions or initiatives taken by the country]. Furthermore, [Country Name] acknowledges the impact of [briefly mention any relevant historical or current events], and is dedicated to finding sustainable solutions to address the issue. It is our belief that [mention any guiding principles or values that shape the country's stance], and we are open to collaborating with other member states to achieve our common goals.Turning to the topic of [Topic 2], [Country Name] holds a strong position on [briefly explain the country's stance]. Our country emphasizes the significance of [mention any relevant regional or global implications], and is dedicated to [mention any specific policies or strategies implemented by the country]. Moreover, [Country Name] recognizes the complexities of [briefly mention any relevant socio-economic or political factors], and is committed to working towards a peaceful and equitable resolution. We firmly believe that [mention any guiding principles or values that shape the country's stance], and are eager to engage in constructive dialogue with our fellow delegates.In conclusion, the delegation of [Country Name] is committed to actively participating in the MUN conference to address the pressing issues of [Topic 1] and [Topic 2]. We are prepared to engage in meaningful discussions, negotiate in good faith, and collaborate with other member states to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Ourcountry's stance is rooted in [mention any guiding principles or values], and we are dedicated to contributing to the collective efforts of the international community.In the spirit of diplomacy and cooperation, we look forward to the MUN conference and the opportunity to work together towards a better future for all nations.Thank you.。
模拟联合国大会优秀立场文件范例WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-模拟联合国大会优秀立场文件范例(2011-09-07 17:31:53)标签:这是两篇很好的立场文件,大家可以参考~??范文一代表:陈卫杰学校:向明中学国家:马达加斯加共和国委员会:联合国经济和社会发展理事会议题:国际移民和城市发展?现今,世界上很多国家都面对着国际移民与城市发展的问题。
Delegate: Wuwei LI, Qiushi SunSchool: Tianjin Medical University, School of PharmacyCountry: CzechCommittee: UNEPTopic: How to reduce air pollution and promote clean energy around the worldIn recent decades, air pollution is more and more widespread in the world. The origin can be divided into several parts including industrial emissions, vehicle emissions and so on. Every responsible nation including Czech Republic has taken plenty of measures on this issue. However, the outcome is not so satisfactory. The atmospheric pollution situation is still very serious. There is a great need for every nation to find a reasonable resolution and implement it strictly. Thus the international cooperation must be strengthened on the current situation.The Czech Republic has paid close attention to air pollution all the time and spare no effort to prevent the problem from becoming more serious. To help with the problem, the Czech Republic has signed on the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, Gothenburg ‘multi-pollutant’ protocol and so on. According to Air pollution fact sheet 2013 of the Czech Republic, Czech has reduced all kinds of emissions from 2002 to 2011 in a shocking amount. However Czech believes that such outcome can not satisfy the expectation of people all over the world. The Czech Republic is willing to form an alliance with every country who would like to solve the problem eagerly like us.Considering long term and sustainable development, Czech holds the following points:1、Improve the air pollution monitoring capabilitiesAs many of the developing countries are becoming more industrialized, emissions of air pollutants are likely to increase dramatically. Czech appeals for strengthened international cooperation on the air pollution monitoring. Give timely warning to the neighboring countries. 2、Legal sanction intense pollution countiesAir pollutants released in one country may contribute to or result in poor air quality elsewhere. Czech suggests sanction the polluters who affect the environment of its neighbors.3、Strengthen global experience exchanging and information sharingAcross Europe as a whole, emission of many air pollutants have decreased in recent decades, and much progress has been made in tackling air pollutants. Czech believes European nations have a duty to share their experience on pollution abatement. We advocate multi-lateral cooperation, and promote transparency and accountability.4、Found alternative resources of energyCzech urge developed nations to shoulder more international responsibilities to develop new energy. Lower the cost of new energy through all-out efforts.Czech believes developing and implementing effective policy to reduce air pollution should be a priority. And our efforts will have a profound historical significance .Czech appeal once again to all the responsible countries to hold together and help cope with the worldwide problem.。
模联 英语专业术语
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模拟联合国——Model United Nations联合国大会——General Assembly主席团——Members of the Dais主席——The Chair会议指导——Director主席助理——Rapporteur点名——Roll Call国家牌——Placard到——Present确定议题——Setting the Agenda产生发言名单——Open the Spe akers’List意向条——Page让渡时间——Yield Time让渡给他国代表——Yield Time to Another Delegate让渡给问题——Yield Time to Questions让渡给评论——Yield Time to comments让渡给主席——Yield Time to the chair问题和动议——Points and Motions动议更改发言时间——Motions to set speaking timeE.g. Delegate:I have a motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds,since the time is a little bit longer than needed…etc.动议暂时中止正式辩论——Motions to suspend the meetingE.g. Delegate:China wants to motion to discuss th e problem of…for 15 minutes and each delegate has 30seconds’speaking time。
(or Motion for a 15 minutes unmoderated caucus…etc.)动议中止发言——Motions to close the speaking list动议结束辩论——Motions to close debate组织性问题——Point of order咨询性问题——Point of Inquiry个人特权问题——Point of Personal Privilege投票表决——V oting点名表决——Roll Call V ote赞成——yes反对——no弃权——abstain简单多数——Simple majority三分之二多数——Two-thirds majority正式辩论——Formal Debate非正式辩论——Informal Debate有主持核心磋商——Moderated Caucus自有磋商——Unmoderated Caucus立场文件——Position Paper工作文件——Working Papers决议草案——Draft Resolution起草国——Sponsors附议国——Signatories决议——Resolution行动性条款——Operative Clauses序言条款——Pre-ambulatory Clauses修正案——Amendments友好修正案——Friendly Amendments非友好修正案——Unfriendly Amendments 游说与商讨——Lobby and Negotiation。
模联文件的写作指导与范本立场文件Position Paper工作文件Working Paper决议草案Draft Resolution修正案Amendment一、立场文件 Position Paper每个国家在会前都要针对各个议题提交一份立场文件,对本国的基本观点做出简明扼要的阐述。
1. 定义:立场文件是某国对于某议题在特定历史条件下所作出的特点立场报告。
2. 功能:A. 立场文件对于了解别国动向有极其重要的意义;B. 同时立场文件也是各国在“正式辩论”时的重要发言参考;C. 阅读各国立场文件有利于确定利益集团归属,也是各国间协商、合作、斡旋的重要参考。
3. 格式:立场文件格式分为两大部分,即“TITLE+TEXT ” 具体要求如下:A. 页边距:上下左右皆为“2cm ”B. 英文字体:Times New RomanC. 字符大小:12号D. 间距:段前段后皆为“自动”;行间距“1.2倍”E. TITLE 作为一段(即段前段后间距设定为“0”)F. 立场文件一般不得超过A4纸2页 。
4. 写作要求A. 建议首段概要简述与本国有关的该议题的历史现状与趋势B. 建议第二部分重点阐述联合国、所代表国家曾经参与或组织的行动,通过的决议以及重要发言C. 建议第三部分重点阐述所代表国家的基本立场、所拥有的基本政策、正在进展的措施、理由、具体案例D. 建议第四部分“宽口径”的列举解决此类系列问题的建议大家好好练习使用WORD ,在今后的学习工作中一定会受益匪浅。
E. 建议最后一部分进行呼吁和展望5.小帖士A. 不要过于具体阐述细节B. 用词简练、正式,尽量运用外交辞令C. 文章结构清晰、条理分明D. 正式发言可以参考立场文件,但要随着会议进程实时修改二、工作文件Working Paper当一国或国家集团对议题产生初步的解决办法时,可以总结成一份工作文件,提交给大会,向各国介绍己方的解决办法。
第1441(2002)号决议2002年11月8日安全理事会第4644次会议通过安全理事会,回顾其以往所有有關决议,特别是1990年8月6日第661(1990)号、1990年11月29日第678(1990)号、1991年3月2日第686(1991)号、1991年4月3日第687(1991)号、1991年4月5日第688(1991)号、1991年8月15日第707(1991)号、1991年10月11日第715(1991)号、1995年4月14日第986(1995)号和1999年12月17日第1284(1999)号决议,以及所有有關主席声明,又回顾其2001年11月29日第1382(2001)号决议和它充分执行该决议的意图,認識到伊拉克不遵守安理会决议及擴散大规模毁滅性武器和遠程導弹对國際和平与安全構成威脅,回顾其第678(1990)号决议授权会员国使用一切必要手段维護和執行其1990年8月2日第660(1990)号决议和第660(1990)号决议之后的所有有关决议并恢复该地区的国际和平与安全,还回顾其第687(1991)号决议规定了伊拉克必须履行的义务,作为实现安理会宣布的恢复该地区国际和平与安全的目标的必要步骤,谴责伊拉克未按照第687(1991)号决议的要求准确、充分、徹底、完全地透露其发展大规模毁滅性武器和射程一百五十公里以上的弹道导弹的方案,其持有的全部这种武器、部件及生产设施与地点的所有情况,以及一切其他核方案,包括它声称其用途与核武器可用材料无关的任何核方案,还谴责伊拉克一再阻挠立即、无条件和无限制地进入联合国特别委员会(特委会)和国际原子能机构(原子能机构)指定的地点,未按照第687(1991)号决议的要求充分和无条件地同特委会和原子能机构的武器视察员合作,并最终于1998年停止同特委会和原子能机构的一切合作,对于自1998年12月以来,尽管安理会一再要求伊拉克向第1284(1999)号决议所设作为特委会后续组织的联合国监测、核查和视察委员会(监核视委)和原子能机构提供迅速、无条件和无限制的准入,但没有按照有关决议的规定在伊拉克对大规模毁灭性武器和弹道导弹进行国际监测、视察和核查深感遗憾,并对因而延长该区域的危机和伊拉克人民的痛苦表示遗憾,又谴责伊拉克政府不履行其根据第687(1991)号决议作出的关于恐怖主义的承诺、根据第688(1991)号决议作出的关于停止镇压本国平民并允许国际人道主义组织接触伊拉克所有需要援助者的承诺、以及根据第686(1991)号、第687(1991)号和第1284(1999)号决议作出的关于交还被伊拉克非法拘留的科威特和第三国国民或合作查明其下落、或归还伊拉克非法攫取的科威特财产的承诺,回顾安理会在其第687(1991)号决议中宣布,停火将以伊拉克接受该决议各项规定,包括其中所载为伊拉克规定的义务为基础,决心确保伊拉克不加条件或限制地立即完全遵守第687(1991)号决议和其他有关决议为其规定的义务,并回顾安理会的这些决议构成判断伊拉克遵守与否的标准,回顾作为特别委员会后续组织的监核视委以及原子能机构必须有效运作才能执行第687(1991)号决议和其他有关决议,注意到2002年9月16日伊拉克外交部长给秘书长的信是纠正伊拉克持续不遵守安理会有关决议的必要的第一步,还注意到2002年10月8日监核视委执行主席和原子能机构总干事作为维也纳会议的后续行动写给伊拉克政府萨迪将军的信阐述了作为监核视委和原子能机构在伊拉克境内恢复视察的先决条件的实际安排,并对伊拉克政府继续不确认信中所述的安排表示最严重的关切,重申全体会员国决心维护伊拉克、科威特和各邻国的主权和领土完整,赞扬秘书长和阿拉伯国家联盟成员国及其秘书长为此作出的努力,决心确保安理会的各项决定得到完全遵守,根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,1.决定伊拉克一直而且仍然在重大违反包括第687(1991)号决议在内的各项有关决议为其规定的义务,尤其是伊拉克不与联合国视察员和原子能机构合作,完成第687(1991)号决议第8至第13段要求采取的行动;2. 决定在确认上文第一段的同时,以本决议给予伊拉克履行安理会有关决议规定的裁军义务的最后机会;并为此决定设立一个强化的视察制度,旨在全面、核实地完成安理会第687(1991)号决议和其后各项决议规定的裁军进程;3.决定伊拉克政府为了开始履行其裁军义务,除提交所要求的半年申报之外,还应在本决议通过之日起30天内向监核视委、原子能机构和安理会提交一份准确、充分和完全的当前情况申报,说明其发展化学、生物和核武器、弹道导弹、以及诸如无人航空器和供飞机使用的播散系统等其他运载系统的方案,包括其持有的任何这种武器、部件、分部件、战剂储存及有关材料与设备和确切地点,其研究、发展和生产设施的地点和工作的所有情况,以及一切其他化学、生物和核方案,包括它声称其用途与武器生产或材料无关的任何方案;4.决定伊拉克如在根据本决议提交的申报中提供虚假陈述或遗漏不全,以及伊拉克如在任何时候不遵从和充分合作执行本决议,即构成进一步重大违反伊拉克承担的义务,并将提报安理会,以便根据下文第11和第12段进行评估;5.决定伊拉克应让监核视委和原子能机构立即、无阻碍、无条件和无限制地前往视察他们想要视察的任何及所有(包括地下的)地方、设施、建筑物、设备、记录和运输工具,并应让监核视委或原子能委员会根据其任务的任何方面,按其选择的方式或地点,立即、无阻碍、无限制地单独接触所有官员和其他人员;还决定监核视委和原子能机构可自行斟酌决定在伊拉克境内或境外进行面谈,可帮助接受面谈者及其家属离开伊拉克,并可完全由监核视委和原子能机构斟酌决定,在伊拉克政府观察员不在场的情况下进行这种面谈;指示监核视委并请原子能机构至迟于本决议通过后45天恢复视察,并在其后60天向安理会通报最新情况;6.赞同监核视委执行主席和原子能机构总干事2002年10月8日给伊拉克政府萨迪将军的信(附后),并决定该信的内容对伊拉克具有约束力;7.还决定,鉴于伊拉克长期中断监核视委和原子能机构的驻在,为了让它们完成本决议和以前各项有关决议所述任务,无论以前有何谅解,安理会现确定以下修正或新增授权,以便利它们在伊拉克的工作,这些授权对伊拉克都具有约束力:-监核视委和原子能机构应决定视察小组的人员组成并确保这些小组由可请到的最有资格和经验的专家组成;-所有监核视委和原子能机构人员均享有《联合国特权和豁免公约》和《原子能机构特权与豁免协定》规定的、相当于特派团专家的特权和豁免;-监核视委和原子能机构享有不受限制地进出伊拉克的权利,自由、无限制和立即进出各视察地点的权利,以及视察任何地点和建筑物的权利,包括与进入其他地点一样,享有立即、无阻碍、无条件和无限制地进入总统府邸的权利,无论1998年3月2日第1154(1998)号决议有何规定;-监核视委和原子能机构有权要伊拉克提供目前和以往与伊拉克化学、生物、核子和弹道导弹方案及相关研究、发展和生产设施有关的所有人员的名单;-应由足够的联合国警卫确保监核视委和原子能机构设施的安全;-为冻结受视察地点,监核视委和原子能机构有权宣布禁区、包括周围地区和通道,伊拉克将在禁区停止地面和空中交通,以便确保受视察地点没有任何东西被改变或拿走;-监核视委和原子能机构可自由、不受限制地使用和降落固定翼和旋转翼飞机,包括有人驾驶和无人驾驶侦查机;-监核视委和原子能机构有权独自斟酌决定将所有违禁武器、分系统、部件、记录、材料和其他有关物品以可核查方式拆除、销毁或使其变为无害,并有权扣押或关闭用于生产上述物品的任何设施或设备;-监核视委和原子能机构有权自由进口和使用视察所需的设备或材料,没收和出口视察时查获的任何设备、材料或文件,监核视委或原子能机构人员或官员或个人行李不受搜查;8.还决定伊拉克不得对联合国、原子能机构或采取行动维护安理会任何决议的任何会员国的任何代表或人员采取或威胁采取敌对行动;9.请秘书长立即将对伊拉克具有约束力的本决议通知伊拉克;要求伊拉克在通知发出后七天之内确认它打算全面遵守本决议;还要求伊拉克立即无条件地同监核视委和原子能机构积极合作;10.请所有会员国全力支持监核视委和原子能机构执行任务,包括提供涉及违禁方案或这两个机构任务的其他方面的任何情报,其中包括伊拉克自1998年以来试图获取违禁物品的任何情报,并就应受视察的地点、应面谈的人员、这类面谈的条件和应收集的数据提出建议,监核视委和原子能机构应向安理会报告这方面的结果;11.指示监核视委执行主席和原子能机构总干事将伊拉克任何干扰视察活动的行为和任何不遵守裁军义务、包括本决议规定的接受视察义务的情况立即报告安理会;12.决定在收到按上文第4或第11段提出的报告之后立即召开会议,以审议有关局势和全面遵守安理会所有有关决议以确保国际和平与安全的必要性;13. 在这方面回顾安理会曾一再警告伊拉克如继续违反其义务将面临严重后果;14.决定继续处理此案。
立场文件(position paper)
一、立场文件的内容(content and form)
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1. 立场文件(取材2009 年北大模联)Delegate:YangYI,Yuanmeng HUANGSchool:ShanghaiNo.3GirlsHighSchoolCountry:TuvaluCommittee:UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgram(UNEP)TopicA:ExploitationofNaturalResourcesinAntarcticWith increasing discoveries made and technologies developed, the exploitation of Antarctica has become an international hot-spot. Our exporation of Antarctica has never ceased---we aresimply eager to step on to that mysterious, yet, sacred white land covered with snow all-year-longto do researches or to carry out further exploitation.Many countries have built up scientific stations on this continent, and have gradually madetheir dreams come true. Thanks to the constant efforts of the international community, we have already made facts like “there are more than 220 sorts of mineral resources in Antarctic” and “the amount of reserved flammable ice beneath the ice sheet is the sum of all the fossil fuels all over theworld, which could replace coal and petroleum as a new environment- friendly energy resource”come true.So now, the importance and the necessity of peaceful and rational exploitation of these resources have gradually emerged. And Tuvalu firmly believes that should these resources be used properly, they would be evangel to all those suffering from the energy crisis.1One important ally of Tuvalu, the UK, has claimed 100 Esq. Sea territories near the Antarctica, which incurred many disputes from the countries near the Antarctica. Not only UK though, many other countries(such as Chile, Argentina, France, Norway) have claimed territories in Antarctica as well. Russian Federation even dispatched, 153 times, scientific groups to Antarctica to do research,discover and built basements!However, the territorial conflicts in Antarctic is not simply about territory itself; it is alsoabout showing off certain countries' power. Now, there are many treaties and protocols dealing with this issue, but few of them are effective. And the poor Antarctic Treaty, can only be regarded as a byproduct of the cold war, which froze many droids in Antarctic, and forbid the exploitation inAntarctica and the territory claims. Yet, it is very clear that not all of these items are rational. Tuvalu supports the exploitation of Antarctic resources, and we believe that Antarctica belongs to the entire human race, which, of course, includes us Tuvalu.2Tuvalu is we hope to participate the inner conferences of the related countries to get more benefits for our citizens. Therefore, Tuvalu suggests that the international community hold discussions based on the Svalbard Treaty, 1925 to exploit Antarctic resources, protect its environment, and, as well, to pay less attention to military and economic concerns.Also as one of the least developed countries in the world, we have extremely limited capabilityfor thorough exploitation: We will simply use the resources of Antarctica to meet domestic needs. The exploitation of the Antarctic is a mainstream trend of our time. So, Tuvalu suggests all countries be united, to together figure out a rational, environment-friendly and sustainable way to exploit Antarctic and to protect it. Tuvalu is willing to cooperate with other developed alliancesuchas Australia, Japan and UK during this UNEP conference to sign related joint communiqué to help1 /bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=12&id=281&page=2&star=12 /view/2732.htm大家一起来模联东北一狂人著18our alliances and Tuvalu ourselves to benefit from all that we can.Above all, Tuvalu suggests:1. Considering that great profits can and can only be achieved underInternational Treaties, Tuvalu urges the UN to ameliorate all international treatiessuch as the Antarctic Treaty and United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,discuss the documents of scientific share of the polar area, take the polar area intothe jurisdiction of the United Nations, and welcome all states to carry out scientific explorations.2. Urges all states to explore the resources shared by all mankind properly, inrespect of the international laws and the protection of the environment, andannounce all the scientific achievements beneficial to everyone.3. Protects the benefits of all developing countries on the controversial issue,and thinks developing countries should cooperate with developed ones and shouldn'tbe sated aside in the intense competition in exploiting Antarctic natural resources.4. As for energy, we suggest that every country find and invent new energy withgreat exertion, and we hope that the human race could get rid of the rely on fossilresources as soon as possible.5. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, theapplication of the extension of the application of the continental shelf seabedsovereignty under article 76, and all states should hand in the relating applicationand information to UN.6. In expectation of relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on theLaw of the Sea, all exploration and researches must be under the framework in thetreaty.Tuvalu is faces a huge problem that we will all soon be facing: Global Warming. This effect causes the elevation of sea level, and as a result our citizens have to migrate to survive. So we hopethat all countries will protect the environment of Antarctic area while exploring it.Tuvalu suggests that, in order to reach the consensus of certain laws and decisions, we should have further discussion on this topic. Antarctic belongs to all livings, including the citizens of Tuvalu. Tuvalu hopes that our citizens could find a new place to live in Antarctic zone by a resolution of UNEP. Tuvalu appeals every country to be united in elaborating new international laws in order to establish and maintain a new order in the exploration of Antarctic resources. Tuvalu will, of course, very much appreciates international assistance. Again, we insists that Antarctic belongs to the entire human race, and we hope all countries could cooperate with each other on these issues. And Tuvalu hopes all countries could pay more attention to environment protection when making the exploitation projects. Tuvalu has been devoted to promoting peacefuland efficient discussions among all the countries related to these issues to protect the collective benefits from the hegemonies. From now on, we will pay close attention to the progress of this conference, and we expect the UNEP to be efficient, effective, and function-enlarged.2. 工作文件(取材2008 年复旦模联)WorkingPaperSample(1)Committee: International Fishery Committee大家一起来模联东北一狂人著19Topic: Global fishery and managementSponsor: Panama, Guatemala, NigaruaguaAs countries with prospering fishing industry, also as countries that pay great attention tothe maintainance of biodiversity, we strive to solve negative effects brought about during fishery process. One of the major problems is bycatch.A vivid definition of bycatching:Imagine you are a the old man in Old Man and the Sea, and you want to catch someshrimp for lunch. If when you trawl up your net, except for the poor shrimps you want,there is also a dinasour struggling in the net, then you have just BY-CAUGHT: catchingsomething you do not intend to catch.Howseriousisby-catch?According to the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, in the Gulf of Mexico, three pounds of bycatch are caught for every pound of shrimp that goes to market. Accordingto the Worldwide Fund for Nature, in the Gulf of Thailand it can be 14 pounds of bycatchper pound of shrimp. Bycatch is often discarded dead or dying by the time it is returned tothe sea. Trawl nets in general, and shrimp trawls in particular, have been identified as sources of mortality for species of concern, including cetaceans. Sea turtles, alreadycritically endangered, have been killed by the thousands in shrimp trawl nets.Howtoreduceby-catch?To reduce bycatch, we propose ways as follows:1. We recommand the "bycatch reduction device" (BRD) and the Nordmore grate thathelp fish escape from shrimp nets.2. We encourage trawlers to outfit their nets with trap-door "Turtle excluder device," or TEDs, to let sea turtles escape.3. As the size selectivity of trawl nets is often controlled by the size of the openings in thenet, especially in the "cod end", the larger the size of the openings, the more easily small fish can escape, so we support the use of appropriately larger sizes of openings.4. We appeal to further carry out the development and testing of modifications to fishing gear to improve selectivity and decrease impact, which is called "conservation engineering."DISCARDS, form a major part of the bycatch of a fishing operation. Discards are theportion of a catch of fish which is not retained on board during commercial fishing operations and is returned, often dead or dying, to the sea. Discarding impacts on the大家一起来模联东北一狂人著20environment in two ways; firstly, through increased mortality to target and non-target species, particularly at juvenile life-history stages, and secondly, through alteration of food webs by supplying increased levels of food to scavenging organisms on the sea floor, and to sea birds.So, in addition to efforts to reduce the amount of bycatch caught in nets, we also appeal to implement programs to effectively utilize bycatch species, rather than throwing the fish back into the ocean. One such use of bycatch is the formulation of fish hydrolysate that can be used as a soil amendment in organic agriculture.WorkingPaperSample(2)Committee: International Fishery CommitteeTopic : some solutions summarySponsors: Uruguay ,Guatemala ,Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua, Brazil, Costa RicaThe following is summary of the common views of Latin Americancountries aboveOverfishing Solutions SummaryA.Raiseawarenessusingfollowingways1. Build morality education by public propagandas2. Build professional education to fishermen by science knowledgepopularizationEnhancepoormanagement3. reduce fishing capacity by restricting large-amount fishing to levels that marine system can sustain.4. Prohibit catching little fishes to allow over-exploited fish populations to recover.5. Raise artificial baby fishes6. Prohibit catching endangered and valuable fishes, by demarcatingno-fishing areas, to ensure the biodiversity.7. set restrictions on commercial fishing8. establish specific legislation to restrict overfishing; establish heavy legislation to ensure the conduction of management9. improve supervision system10.urges the local government to work on the issues efficiently and transparentlyBy-catching Solutions Summary1. Each relevant government definites the by-catching quota , based on each country’s ocean resource. And the quota should be ratified by UN.2. Modify the fishing instruments to reduce unwanted catch. For example: outfit nets with trap-door to let turtles escape in shrimp catching;大家一起来模联东北一狂人著21control the size of the nets’ openings.3. Restrict fishing capacity, for example,1 ton or 1000 heads, no matter what are your target fishes.4. Effectively utilize by-catching fishes, rather than throwing themback into the sea. Because by-catching is inevitable and the majority of the returned by-catching fishes are dead or dying.Solutions to El Nino impacts on fisheryBackgroundEl Nino causes heavy decline of fish production, resulting in the enormous economic losses of these countries, whose GDP consists a large proportion of fishery.Solutions1. utilize the previously mentioned monitoring system in working paper1.3 to forecast more effectively El Nino phenomenon2. compensate for the loss brought about by El Ninoa. modifications of annual fishery investment, according to the estimation from the monitoring systemb. humanitarian aids to disaster-struck countries are indispensable. BiodiversityBackgroundBiodiversity is a resource with enormous potential, both for intellectual and e conomic purposes and as an instrument for a country’s development. Each species (of course including fishes)plays a role in nature, andinteracts with other species and its environment. So biodiversity is worth concerning by every country.Solutions1. Set up international oceanic gene pool and enhance cooperation among associations.2. Encourage responsible countries to establish relevant laws for the conservation and sustainable use of oceanic bio-diversity.3. improve social participation by publicizing4. appeals for cooperation on bio-diversity technology and management expertise3. 决议草案Draft Resolution 1.1Committee:GeneralAssemblyTopic:ReportoftheCommitteeonRelationswiththeHostCountry大家一起来模联东北一狂人著22Sponsors:Argentina,Germany,Japan,SouthAfrica,TheUnitedStatesofAmericaSignatories:Azerbaijan,Brazil,Bangladesh,Barbados,Croatia,Denmark,Greece,Hungary,Italy,Jamaica,Zimbabwe,etc.The General Assembly,Having considered the report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country,Recalling article 105 of the Charter of the United Nations, the Convention on the privilegesand immunities of the United Nations, the agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations and the responsibility of the host country,Recalling also that, in accordance with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 2819 (XXVI) of 15 December 1971, the Committee should consider, and advise the host country on, issues arising in connection with the implementation of the Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations,Recognizing that effective measures should continue to be taken by the competent authorities of the host country, in particular to prevent any acts violating the security of missions and the safety of their personnel,1. Endorses the recommendations and conclusions of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country contained in paragraph 86 of its report;2. Considers that the maintenance of appropriate conditions for the normal work of the delegations and the missions accredited to the United Nations and the observance of their privileges and immunities,which is and issue of great importance, are in the interest of the United Nations and allMember States, and requests the host country to continue to solve, trough negotiations, problems that might arise and to take all measures necessary to prevent any interference with the functioningof missions; and urges the host country to continue to take appropriate action, such as trainingof police, security, customs and border control officers, with a view to maintaining respect for diplomatic privileges and immunities and if violations occur to ensure that such cases are properly investigated and remedied, in accordance with applicable law;3. Notes the problems experienced by some permanent missions in connection with the implementationof the Parking Programme for Diplomatic Vehicles and shall remain seized of the matter,with a view to continuing to maintain the proper implementation of the Parking Programme in a manner that is fair, non-discriminatory, effective and therefore consistent with international law, and also notes the decision of the Committee to conduct another review of the implementation of the Programme during the sixty-first session of the General Assembly and, subject to its outcome, will proceed accordingly;大家一起来模联东北一狂人著234. Requests the host country to consider removing the remaining travel restrictions, notes that during the reporting period some travel restrictions previously imposed by the host country on staffof certain missions and staff members of the Secretariat of certain nationalities were removed, and,in this regard, notes the positions of affected States as reflected in the report of the Committee, of the Secretary General and of the host country;6. Notes that a number of delegations have requested shortening the time frame applied by the hostcountry for issuance of entry visas to representatives of Member States, since this time frame posesdifficulties for the full-fledged participation of Member States in United Nations meetings;7. Expresses its appreciation for the efforts made by the host country, and hopes that the issues raised at the meetings of the Committee will continue to be resolved in a spirit of cooperation and inaccordance with international law;8. Affirms the importance of the Committee in being in a position to fulfill its mandate and meet on a short notice to deal with urgent and important matters concerning the relations between the United Nations and the host country, and in that connection requests the Secretariat and the Committeeon Conferences to accord priority to requests of the Committee on the Relations with theHost Country for conference-servicing facilities for meetings of that Committee that must be held while the General Assembly and its main committees are meeting, without prejudice to the requirementof those bodies and on an "as available" basis;9. Requests the Secretary General to remain actively engaged in all aspects of the relations of the United Nations with the host country.4. 修正案(取材2008 年复旦模联)FriendlyAmendmenttoDraftResolution1.1(Sample)Sponsor: Peru, Ecuador, PanamaSignatories: U.S.A., Japan, San Marino, South Africa, Panama, Guinea-Bissau, Greece.In the point ”El Nino”, Peru and some of the South America countries would like to modifications the item (a) in point 2:Change the sentence “Modifications of a nnual fishery investment, according to the estimation fromthe monitoring system.” into “Modifications of annual domestic industry investment, according tothe estimation from the monitoring system.”5. 危机文件Draft Directive 4.1Committee: Executive Council of Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Sponsors: United Kingdom, USASignatories: Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Italy24The OPCW,1. Requests the governments of India and Pakistan to fully cooperate with the OPCW in the following:a. Find our the modus operandi of the terrorist groups; such as JeM in acquiring chemical materials;b. Allowing full-fledged inspections of the region of Kashmir, where chemical materials are suspected to have been tested.2. Urges cooperation among security and intelligence related bodies to prevent terrorist attacks that involve chemical agents.。
国家 安哥拉
阿根廷 澳大利亚
地区 非洲西南部 最不发达国家
南美洲 发展中国家 大洋洲 发达国家
主要立场观点 z 认为解决饥饿问题是其在结束内战后所面临的重大挑战; z 呼吁国际立足于粮食计划署,并对其自身的机构和功能进行
必要改革; z 粮食援助接受国努力维持国内社会、政治稳定,加快基础设
施建设; z 粮食援助接受国加强与国际组织、其他国家的合作; z 广大发达国家、粮食生产和捐助国放宽、取消粮食出口限制; z 在不干涉内政情况下对正面对粮食危机的国家进行持续稳定
中亚 发达国家
西欧 发达国家
人才的培训; z 建议粮食计划署加强与联合国难民署的合作,完善对自然灾
害的应急措施,并在战争频繁的国家及其边境增设难民署, 加强对难民的粮食供应工作; z 建议加强与联合国教科文组织以及与世界红十字会和世界卫 生组织的合作,加大对学龄儿童的粮食投资,加大利用粮食 援助来减缓艾滋病影响这一措施的力度。 z 粮食短缺已成为海地国内局势动荡不安的最主要因素; z 呼吁粮食计划署为不稳定地区提供粮食援助,继续实行以工 换粮和学校供膳计划,优先为艾滋病患者和儿童、老人等弱 势群体提供口粮。承诺对内积极改革,完善政治制度,增强 运作透明度; z 呼吁世界粮食计划署提供相关设备、技术,帮助发展中国家 实现农业经济转型并制定农业发展规划; z 吁请粮食计划署建立防灾机制和灾后重建办法,积极应对突 发灾害; z 呼吁各国规范粮农贸易秩序,希望粮食计划署监督世界粮食 流向,保证粮食公平分配。 z 保障国际粮食价格稳定; z 保护发展中国家农业发展; z 促进贫弱地区农业生产与技术革新。 z 促进贫弱地区农业生产与技术革新; z 加强对贫弱人口粮食的援助。 z 将继续给予世界粮食计划署资金援助; z 支持世界粮食计划署的脱贫项目; z 呼吁国际合作和技术支持; z 关注特殊群体的援助情况。 z 鼓励对外投资促进农业发展; z 关注伊斯兰国家的粮食危机; z 支持粮食计划署的脱贫项目; z 呼吁国际社会采取一致行动。 z 呼吁各国应加强对于欠发达地区的经济与粮食援助; z 鼓励各国企业加强与政府和世界粮食计划署等国际组织的合 作; z 呼吁各国关于官方发展援助达到国民生产总值 0.7%时间表 的建议制定具体落实方案,建立相应监督和评估机制; z 呼吁各国采取适当措施鼓励欠发达地区的教育投入,发展当 地的农业,打破贫穷恶性循环; z 呼吁各国加强对粮食欠缺地区妇女和儿童的救助和教育。
约公元5世纪,基督教主教和哲学家圣奥古斯丁提出,战争的根源在于人类自私的本性,在此基础上,1 7世纪英国哲学家托马斯·霍布斯提出,假设在一个没有政府权威的世界中,由于人的自私性和野蛮性,人们的生存将是十分艰难且短命的,不得不处于对自身安全的持续担忧中,因为没有一个更高的权威来维持秩序。
立场பைடு நூலகம்件的撰写 (Position Paper) )
格式要求:每个国家在会前都要针对各个议题提 交一份立场文件,对本国的基本观点做出简明扼 要的阐述。 要求中英文会场使用各自的工作语言撰写立场文 件,具体格式要求如下: 立场文件应以文段的形式撰写,分抬头(TITLE) 和正文(TEXT)两部分。 抬头要写明代表姓名,学校,代表国家,所在委 员会和议题。抬头作为一段,段前段后间距设定 为“O”,抬头字体加粗。
页边距统一为:上下左右皆为“ 页边距统一为:上下左右皆为“2.5CM” 英文字体: 英文字体:Times New Roman, , 字符大小: 。 字符大小:12。 中文字体:宋体,字号为五号。 中文字体:宋体,字号为五号。 段落:段前段后皆为“自动” 段落:段前段后皆为“自动”; 行间距为“ 倍 两端对齐” 行间距为“1.2倍”;“两端对齐” 立场文件不得超过A4纸 页 立场文件不得超过 纸2页。
正文建议: 首段结合本国概述议题的背景、现状和趋势。 第二部分阐述联合国和本国就此议题的态度和采取过 的行动,要避免冗长的罗列,以能表达立场为目的。 第三部分详尽阐述本国的立场、观点和计划采取的行 动等,需要真实、有可行性。 第四部分用最概括的语言总结本国认为该如何解决问 题的若干建议。 末段进行呼吁和展望。
模联四大文件立场文件(position paper)、工作文件(working paper)、决议草案(draft resolution)、修正案(amendment)。
除此之外还有两种特殊的文件,其一是意向条(page),其二是指令草案(Draft Directive)。
一、立场文件Position Paper(PP)立场文件,是表明一国在某一特定问题上的基本观点和立场的文件。
二、工作文件Working Paper(WP)工作文件是代表们在游说和结盟之后,在各自立场文件基础上综合他国立场和要求,草拟出的针对问题的看法以及初步解决办法。
三、决议草案Draft Resolution(DR)决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法。
修正案分为:友好修正案( Friendly Amendment)、非友好修正案( Unfriendly Amendment )五、意向条Page意向条实际上就是与会各方之间用来沟通的“小信件”。
• • • • • 国 家:坦桑尼亚共和国 委员会:经社理事会下属科技发展委员会 议 题:克隆人中的伦理道德 代 表:××× ××× 自从1997年克隆羊“多利”诞生以来,有关克 隆人的合法性及合理性的讨论就没有停止过。克隆 人技术在医学领域的广泛需求与其对道德伦理的冲 击已构成一对日渐尖锐的矛盾。不解决克隆人的法 律与道德问题,必将影响克隆技术的正常发展,甚 至会导致一场严重的伦理危机的爆发。坦桑尼亚认 为,一项能 够确保克隆技术安全、稳定地向前发展 国际性的法律的制定工作已势在必行。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
注意 一个议题一份立场文件! 会议前电子版提交给主席团(会有官方邮箱) 主席团整理阅读后将把立场文件总结(summary发给各位代 表) 三、写作格式 立场文件的正文之前直接居左对齐注明以下信息 代表姓名(Delegates) 此处若为英文立场文件,代表姓名用拼音表示,姓氏在前 代表来自的学校名(School) 国家名(Country) 国家名采用全称,如:美利坚合众国;The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 所在委员会(Committee) 此处使用委员会名称的标准缩写 议题(Topic) 立场文件的正文部分要求 字体、字号:中文为宋体五号字;英文为Times New Roman 12号 行距:单倍 页边距:上下左右各2.54cm 篇幅:总长度不超过2页A4纸
• 一、基本介绍 • 立场文件(Position Paper)是表达某个国家或组 织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件。 二、 立场文件的作用 1.立场文件有助于代表清晰简洁地表达所代表国 家对于议题的基本立场 2. 立场文件有助于代表确定所代表国家是否与其 他国家有共同的目标和利益 3. 立场文件有助于不同国家间增进对于观点的理 解,有助于协商合egate:Yuqi Zhao Xuezhang Wu School: Shanxi Experimental Secondary School Country:Saudi Arabia Committee: Human Right Council Topic: Access to pharmaceutical drugs Since the Penicillin first being used,most of the population had said goodbye to some simple bacterial infections and it had satrted a new century of human history. But now almost two billion people still lack access to essential medicines especilly in Africa and South-East Asia. It means that improving access to existing medicines could save ten million lives each year at least. • Providing some of the poorest can in africa essentital medicines has become one important duty to Saudi Arabia since the first time WHO call on all the developed country to notice the people’s living in Sub-Sahara africa. And the government of Saudi Arabia is now facing a great challenge, some pharmaceutical companies hold the patent right and the price of some medicines becomes unaffordable and it has become the main limit of the medicines providing. Some countries also hold their position to protect their medical industry and make the price become even higher.
文件写作一、立场文件(Position Paper)当所有的调查研究告一段落,代表就应该写关于某一个议题的代表国立场文件,这样可以帮助代表将观点想法条理化,并明确在会议中希望阐述的方面的观点。
立场文件的格式立场文件格式应该包含:⒈开头Delegate: XXXSchool: XXXXXCountry: United KingdomCommittee: ECOSOCTopic: International Migration⒉大概的内容组成可以参照一下划分标准●背景介绍这一部分所占篇幅最少,只需要简单概括该问题的历史,并提出讨论和解决该问题的重要性,要注意的是不要照搬背景指导手册上对该问题的介绍●过去的行动包括联合国在该问题上已经做出的行动和决议●本国的立场/政策/解决措施表明本国的立场,提供本国对于该问题的解决办法和措施,并提供理由等等⒊立场文件写作应该注意的问题●不需过于详细的信息(人口,资源,GDP……)●官方正式,精炼简明(不多于2页)●结构明晰,条理分明●必要时候提供数据●举出实例,而不是空讲政策和态度●用脚注或尾注来标明所引用的资料●使用决议条款的格式来写作(序言性,行动性)●不要太依赖背景材料,重在调研分析立场文件的一般模式第一段:简要陈述议题,并说明代表国认为该议题对于整个国际社会所具有的重要性。
模联立场文件范文背景介绍模拟联合国(Model United Nations,简称MUN)是一种模拟联合国会议的活动,旨在通过模拟联合国会议的形式,让参与者了解国际关系、国际法、国际组织等方面的知识,提高参与者的辩论能力、协商能力和领导能力。
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