
Close A1) Jim Doherty may not be a bron farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard wunter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm,though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much,though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm.I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together,one day spraying apple trees,the next stacking firewood.吉姆·多尔蒂可能不是一个出生的农民,但他会买没有太多的麻烦。

UNIT 11) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved2) resist 6) budget 10) economic3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up3.1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy2) often generate misleading thoughts3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work4) be suspected of doing everything for money5) before he gets through life4.1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in2) device, the improvement, on a global scale3) stacked, temptation, never dined outII Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit9) stacking2. (Theme-related)1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) idealII. Translation1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premium for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.UNIT 2VocabularyI.1.1) decades 5) slender 9) on the side2) historic 6) web 10) authorized3) imposed 7) bade 11) terminal4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of2.1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for3.1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling.3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.4.1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racialII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I'll tell you in a minute how I have attained the genuine sense of belonging in America, but first let me hear about your French trip.2. Most McDonald's look almost the same on the outside, but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.3. Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.4. This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it's always breaking down.5. In your resume you've mentioned everything but one vital point.6. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.7. I am sorry, but I think you shouldn't have lingered on over coffee and missed the last bus..8. The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignoranceIII. Usage1) lonely 2)friendly 3) weekly, monthly 4)lovely5) cowardly 6)kindly/ saintly 7) lively 8)motherlyComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1)forged 2) stand up 3) compelled 4)convictions 5)mission6)abolish 7) intent on 8) risk 9)in the eyes of 10)threats2. (Theme-related)1) assistance 2) involved 3) estimated 4)coincidence 5)emerged6) referred 7) numerous 8) stationed 9)concern 10)captureII. Translation1. Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2. Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.3. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.4. Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.5. Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.UNIT 3VocabularyI.1.1) threatens 2) by a small margin 3)civilize 4)closed up 5)wandered 6) paste 7) without so much as 8) sideways9) hook up to 10) universal 11) chart 12) Bathed in2. 1)narrowed down 2)looked back on 3)cut off 4)fit into5)wear(the other) down 6)lies in 7)put up 8)stand for3. 1)...which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.2)...with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.3)...feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986---killing all seven crew.4)...threatened to keep the pupils in after school, they were quieted at once.5)... are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.4. 1) looked back on/ atmosphere/urban life2)era/ hooked up to the / the electronic3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / analyze / make errorsII. 1) away 2)inside/in 3)forward/through 4)back5)off 6)home 7) back down 8)in...outIII. 1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be2) Most men do not look unattractive in them3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment4) The claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.5)His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Comprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) Statistics 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch6)vulnerable 7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection 10)civilized2. 1) together 2)liable 3)shift 4)electric 5)cautious6)sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances 10)signsII. Translation1.1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.UNIT 4VocabularyI.1.1) accordingly 2) loose 3) concentration 4)stimulating 5) fabric 6)if anything 7) reality 8) intuition9) trifle 10) at the turn of the century 11) mess12) undermine2. 1) approve of 2) slow down 3) taken in 4) sucked into5) set apart 6) dozed off 7)call forth 8)stretch into9) keep up with 10)believe in3. 1)...provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.2)...is credited to his powers of imagination3)...on the foundations of an agricultural revolution4)...not to make any complaints in the presence of the nurse.5)...the outbreak of the Second World War.4. 1) flaw/came to the conclusion/would get nowhere2) in a row/dozed off/a mess of3) outbreak of/ has undermined / has strainedII. 1)With Christmas only a week away2) With his physical condition improving day by day3) With our GDP growing steadily4) With all the shops closed5) with her eyes closed6) With the fog lifting during the nightIII. 1) like/as 2) as 3) like 4) like/as5) as/like 6) as 7)like 8) asComprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) caution 2) came to the conclusion that 3)never get anywhere4)undermining 5) not give/care a fig 6) flaw7) beyond any doubt 8)foundation 9)remarkable/impressive10) imagination2. 1) extent 2)inventions 3)bet 4)manages 5)vision6)eventually 7)achievement 8)poverty 9) utilized 10)breakthroughII. Translation1.1) The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.3)Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.4) As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.5) Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and take up/meet the challenge by himself.2. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it "The World Year of Physics". It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievements can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.Unit 6 The Human TouchText AContent Questions(P.172)1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves somuch in tune that they set up a joint studio.2.Johnsy would be abl e to recover from pneumonia if she wanted tolive.3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day.4.She coul d see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing half way upthe brick wall.5.Because she thought that she woul d die when the last leaf fell.6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman was afailure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one.7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea.8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaves on itwere all gone.9.She saw the last l eaf on the vine.10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it was a sin towant to die.11.He caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainyand cold night in the yard and was wet through.12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his fine paintingof the last leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy.Text Organization (P.173)1. (P.173)1).She mad e up her mind to die when the l ast l eaf fell.2).She d ecid ed not to give up her life.3).Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's st ate of mind,risked d eath to paint the l ast l eaf and save her.4).Because it was so perfect the girl s both mistook it for the real thing.2. (P.173)Language Sense Enhancement (P.174)I. 1) c urling 2) l ooking the part3) masterpiece 4) to excess5) For the rest 6) smelling strongly of7) fancy 8) light and fragil e9) slight hol d upon the worl d 10) streamingLanguage Focus (P.176)Vocabulary(P.176)1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragil e3) fancy 4) nonsense5) cling to 6)endure7) acute 8) whistle9) mock 10) subtracted11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering2.(P.177)1) gave in/gave up 2) figure out3) sized up 4)wiped out5) pulling up 6) wearaway7) sit up 8) hear of /about3.(P. 178)1) Illnesses usually stand out in chil dhood memories.2)According to the bull etin, Albright Coll ege now offers a jointbachel or's d egree program in environmental studies together with Duke University.3)The new government is l ess oppressive, but viol ence still stalks the country.4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert.5)The d emand for change in the el ection law is so persistent that bothhouses have promised to consider it.4. (P. 178—179)1) It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so we built a camp fire. Soon the smellof steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grass and earth. Other campers seemed to be d oing the same. Here and there peopl e were eating, drinking or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. What a merry night!2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stop singing. Ididn't realize why until Sally tol d me in a whisper: " You are not in tune with the group!"3)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunkenhusband, who was immediately wet through and stumbl ed backward: " You can't d o without drinks? I won't hear of any excuses.You certainly d on't need it to turn loose your tongue!"II. Words with Multipl e Meanings (P. 179—180)1.He went to Paris on business last month.2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25p.m.3.As soon as they arrived at the mead ow, the shepherd l et the sheep go.4.We went expl oring together in the mountains. / We will go expl oring together in the mountains.5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar.6.The store is going to cl ose up soon.7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat theSpanish team in the quarterfinals.8.When Mother came out of the house, she found her chil dren gone. III. Usage (P. 180)1. a little white wooden house2.l ong, curly red hair2.a large ol d round tabl e3.a cheap Indian restaurant4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream5.rapid technol ogical advance6.a handsome young Chinese AmericanComprehensive ExercisesI. Cl oze (P. 181)1. (P. 182)1).The red house st ands out against the ol d trees that reach high up to thesky.2).The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m notsatisfied.3).The waters of the two streams mingl e near our village.4).We shoul d not mock at other peopl e’s religious beliefs.5).The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the styl e of thefurniture.2. (P. 182)Here and there we see young artists who st and out from other peopl e. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually d oing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to l ook the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7Text APart II Text AContent Questions1.A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie his shoes. His mother’schallenges and the voices of those who believed him stupid,incapable of living independently keep him going on.2.He is a d oor-to-door salesman. His weapons are: dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie, tan raincoat, hat and abriefcase.3.He is afraid that someone will steal his briefcase. He was different in that cerebral palsy affected his speech, hands and walk. 4.First a school for the disabl ed and then Lincoln High School, where he was placed in a class for slow kids.5.She was certain that he could rise above his limitations.6.He applied for a salesman’s job.7.With his mother setting up a meeting with a Watkinsrepresentative, as well as by his own persistence.8.He lacked confidence. It took him quite a while to have the courage to ring the first doorbell.9.He keeps coming back until the customer buys. He tells himself notto worry if hid day has not turned out to be profitable. 10.Because he was laid up for five months after band surgery and coul dn’t work.11.Like a home of the past era. He leads a solitary life.12.No, he doesn’t. Because he lives a life of dignity.Text Organization1.2.Vocabulary:1) disabl ed 2) impatient 3) solitary 4) crushed5) feel like 6) lashed 7) echoing 8) paused9) betrayed 10) laundry 11) section 12) tilted2.1) cared for 2) hang on3) was laid up with 4) are gaining on5) kicked up 6) went off7) drop ... off 8)straighten out3.1) … sometimes didn't register with her.2)… in disorder, drawers pulled out, shoes and boots scattered.3)… was transferred from Father's account to my account.4)… a pledge to contribute 1000,000dollars to the Chil dren inNeed ed charity campaign.5)… the most profitabl e business in that province.4. 1) gaining on; off balance; was laid up in; scar on2) a crippl e\ crippl ed ; surgery , limitations, in literature.3) commission ; on the phone ; his territory ; never registers withII. Usage1.I never did go over these books, although I probably shoul d have.2.I know this is a personal question. You d on't have to answer me if you d on't want to.3.I think this topic shoul d have attracted far more attention fromphil osophers than it has.4."I think you're right." — "I'm sure I am."5."He thought that the condition was hereditary in his case." —"Well, it might be."6."Sugar?" ---- "No. Maybe next time."7.The house is only a buil ding. It is a place to live, nothing more.8.DIANE: You didn't! Tell me you didn't!FATHER: Oh, yes. Anything for mychil dren.III. Word Family1.1) bored 2) boredom3) bored 4) boringly5) boring2. 1) 2)3) encouraging 4)3. 1) frozen 2) freeze3) freezing 4) freezer5) freezeComprehensive ExercisesI Cl oze1. Text-related1) off … f eet 2) signature 3) commission 4) on the phone 5) laid up 6) surgery 7) territory 8) disorder9) applying for 10) dignity2. Theme-related1)didn’t 2) read 3) come 4) money5) because 6) earning 7) doing 8) own9) obviously 10) valueII. TranslationI. I grew terribly scared when I heard sound of foot steps echoinground the hallway at midnight yesterday.2. The name-brand sports shoes are guaranteed for 12months.3. Snowstorms threw communications and transportation intodisord er.4.I’ve been suffering a l ot of stress from work lately, I feel like taking avacation at the seasid e.5. Living in an apartment is all right, but it has its limitations--- forexampl e, you d on’t have your own gard ens.6. Tom was born a crippl e, with one of his l ower limbs usel ess. Early in his chil dhood, he l earned that unl ess he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he coul d not earn a living, and unl ess he succeed ed in making a living on his own, he coul d not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned d own, before he finally got one as a d elivery boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sal es representative for a sportswear company in a territory no one else woul d want. Today he owns a fairly profitabl e retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him.Part III TextBComprehension Check1. c 3. a 5. dTranslation1.当时我俩并未意识到这一点,但那就是我们之间开始拉开距离的日子,是开始在家庭内部重新界定劳动者的意义的日子。
全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3 1-8单元 cloze 原文配答案-推荐下载

1.1Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next stacking firewood.1.2A homesteader (自耕农) is a person who lives a self-reliant lifestyle with major emphasis on home production. while the Industrial Age is being replaced by information and electronics, some people try to seek an escape from the social, environmental, and economic madness of the modern age and begin to consider returning to the country. As this lifestyle is so enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding, more and more people are prepared to quit their job in the city and start a new and more meaningful life on their various farms. For some it has become not only a way of life, but a way of looking at the world.Of course, life in the country can be pretty tough. While it is an enjoyment to be so close to Nature, you may have to reduce your dependence on fuels by cutting back on your daily consumption. You may also have to prepare your own meals every day and provide your own low-cost entertainment without the luxuries that are common in cities. On balance, however, living in the country has long been a part of the American Dream. Generations of Americans have considered the country an ideal setting in which to live and raise a family2.1The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans. Some of those who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled to take part because of their deeply held convictions . For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them because a mission. While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at considerable risk. In the eyes of slave owners, they were dangerous enemies and frequently received death threats2.2Despite the name, the Underground Railroad was not really a railroad, but was a network of people who assisted fugitive slaves. Many fugitives who escaped to theNorth and Canada received assistance along the way from individuals who were involved in this network. By the early 19th century, the organization became so successful that it is estimatedthat that between 1810 and 1850,100,000 slaves escaped from the South through the Underground Railroad.It was not a(n) coincidence that it was called the Underground Railroad. Steam railroads had just emerged and the terms used to describe the people who helped and the fugitives were related to the railroad line. Fugitive slaves were called "parcels" and "passengers", the helpers were the "conductors", the people who provided their homes as refuge were called "stationmasters," and the homes were referred to as "depots" or "stations".The route used was an important part of a successful escape. There were numerous secret routes that a conductor could use.The one used depended on where the search parties and slave catchers were stationed . Some trips required the use of many different routes. I f it appeared that they might be in danger, a guide would change paths. Some guides and fugitives even hid out in bushes and swamps for many days until it was safe to continue on. Quickness was not the main concern , instead safety was most important and as a result they often zigzagged in order to avoid capture3.1Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in the cities. Th e era when the countryside stood for safety and secutity has long gong. No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch . We all feel vnlnerabl e and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay . These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices. A moment ’s reflection ,however ,is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle : we may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in . this h ardly seems a civilized way of life.3.2Statistics show that at some point in your life, you will get robbed. Things get even worse for apartment dwellers because so many people pass in and out of an apartment building, and it is much tougher to keep non-residents out.So what to do? Don't panic. Yes, apartments are liable to robbery, but there are options other than barricading yourself in your apartment with a shotgun. We suggest that you use some common sense to shift that target from your door. Then the burglar will rob the less guarded, not you.We know what you're thinking: "I' ll never get robbed. Who'd want to steal a half can of Diet Coke and an electric toothbrush?" If those really are the only things in your apartment, you have every reason not to worry. However, if you have something you'd like to keep - say, a TV, a stereo, a computer, a Picasso - it's wise to be cautious .Your goal is not to set up any sophisticated security systems to hold thieves at bay; your goal is to keep crimi nals from even trying to break into your apartment inthe first place. I f someone really wants to break in, chances are that he/she is going to find a way by breaking a window or climbing up the fire escape. Therefore, you should remove all signs that say, "Hey, look at me! Lots of goodies and no security! Come on in! " Lock the door when you leave. Don't leave the windows open all day long. Don't tape notes on the door directed to your mate reading "Gone all day! Left the door unlocked for you! " Just use your brains!4.1Einstein’s teacher should have had a little more caution before he came to the conclusion that his pupil would never get anywhere in life. Probably he was irritated by the thought that the young Einstein was undermining his position. And certainly it is true that Einstein did not give/care a fig for authority. However,far from being a flaw in Einstein is character,this proved ,beyond any doubt ,to be one of his greatest strengths. It was on this foundation,combined with the remarkable power of his remarkable/imagination,that his great achievements were built.4.2Imagining is not dreaming. Maybe to a(n) extent but it is more than that. Imagining is being creative. We owe all the inventions and developments to imagination, without which, I bet we would still be cavemen. Knowledge is important but imagination is even more important.Imagination deals with the future and knowledge deals with the past. Imagination creates and knowledge manages . Imagination breaks the norm and knowledge maintains the status quo. A leader needs imagination to create a vision . A manager needs knowledge to operate the organization. An organization with only managers will be obsolete eventually .Not only is it important in business. Imagination is required to solve problems that mankind have, and move humans to a higher level of achievement and well being. How are we going to solve global warming? How are we going to eradicate poverty? We need imagination to come out with the solutions.Einstein wouldn't have realized the theory of relativity if he had not utilized his imagination. In any field, if you are a leader, you need to imagine, for the breakthrough .5.1alex Haley was at sea when he started thinking how best he could mark Thanksgivi ng . Turning over the meaning of the holiday in his mind , he came to reverse the or der of the words and got to thinking about giving thanks . How , he wondered , could he repay those who had been so helpful to him in the past ? It seemde to him that t he best way he could express his gratitude would be to write to them . For too long he had gone about without troubling to tell them how much he appreciated all that t hey had done for him . Before long he had assembled pen and paper and was immer sed in writing . Not long after the ship reached port , unloading its cargo together with his letters . The replies were not swift in arriving , but when they did , he found th em deeply moving5.2Wake up each day and give gratitude for what you have. Instead (1) of giving any thought at all to what you do not have in your life, just spend as much time as you possibly can each day giving thanks for all of the people, opportunities, material possessions (2), good health and any other things that you have in your life that make it so good. It is said that we take so much for granted that we sometimes forget to be thankful for the small things that make our lives so much richer (3). If you have ever been out of breath (4) or under water for too long, the next breaths you take are that much sweeter.Tell others how much you love and cherish (5) them every chance you get. You may never see someone again so you always want to leave them by telling them just how special(6) they are to you. When you are telling them how much you care about them and how thankful you are for having them in your life, give them specific (7) examples of what you love about them the most.Take the time to appreciate every little thing in your life. When the sun is s hining (8), the grass is wet beneath your feet and your dog is barking, give thanks for these small miracles (9). Every moment we have is a gift (10). Use your time to show and tell others how important and special they are. Giving someone your time and kind words is the greatest gift of all.6.1I had only known Johnsy a few months when she fell victim to the disease. We had met in May and, finding ourselves so much in tune, had set up home together. Then, in November, she became ill. Scarcely able to speak in a, she seemed unable to cling to life. It was such a change. Before she had always been so lively andmerry . Now she just sat up in bed, staring out of the window. She had this strange b elief that once the last leaf on the vine outside fell, she would die. I told her it was all nonsense , but to no effect.It was our downstairs neighbor, Mr. Behrman, who came to her rescue. When he heard of Johnsy’s strange fancy he flew into a fierce temper, regarding it as a sin that one so young should give up life so easily.Thanks to Behrman, the last leaf never did fall. Late at night he had climbed up and painted the leaf on the wall. It was his long-promised masterpiece6.2Five years ago a female inmate (犯人) at Riker's Island told Jane Paley that she smelled wonderful. As president of Friendly Visitors, a 50-year-old organization whose mission(1) is "acts of loving kindness that don't involve(2) large sums ofmoney or hours of work," Paley frequently went to the New York City jail (3). That day, though, a spray of perfume (香水) went off in her head.Her group had long donated (捐赠) money so that the 100 women in the jail could buy food and treats. Why not (4) give them fancy toiletries (化妆用品) too?Paley and her crew of 35 women figured out the perfect way to get the goods: They asked friends to collect (5) hotel soaps, shampoos and lotions when they travel. Volunteers bundle them into goody bags and deliver(6) them to Riker's several times a year, including Christmas and Mother's Day."These mini-donations make the women feel beautifu (7)," says Paley. "You can see them turn themselves around a little bit."So, Paley continues, "If you're lucky enough to afford a vacation (8), take the soap and shampoos. Bring them to homeless shelters, battered women shelters or any organization in need (9). It's a small (10) act that may mean a great deal."7.1It's been a long day and I'm glad to be back home and get the weight off my feet(1). Not that I've finished yet, there are still all those orders (订单) to type up and I must remember to add my signature (2) to my claim (索取) for commission (3) before I post it off. Otherwise, my firm will be on the phone (4) to me about it. Not that they have much to complain about. I always manage to sell quite a lot, except that time I was laid up (5) after surgery(6). I'm the only representative the firm has out on the streets nowadays and I still manage to cover a large territory (7) despite my disorder (8). It's hard work and long hours, no time to linger in bed in the mornings,Yet, I've never regretted applying for(9) the job all those years ago. Supporting myself enables me to keen my dignity (10). Dolly came into existence, scientists and politicians have been worrying about the prospect(1) that it will soon be possible to clone humans, too. The debate centers on two types of cloning: reproductive, with the intention (2) of_producing a baby, and therapeutic (治疗的), with the aim of creating a source of “embryonic”stem cells (干细胞) that might replace diseased organs of the body.Cloning has both strong supporters and fierce critics. Despite(3) the deeply held moral and technological objections of many people, human cloning took a small step forward this week with an announcement by researchers that they had successfully created a human embryo through cloning,_for the purpose of developing(4) stem cells. They are not the first to lay claim to such a feat, but they are the first to publish (5) their findings. Their work was promptly condemned (6) by President George Bush, who said it was morally wrong, and by the Vatican, among (7)many others.From a technical standpoint(8), such strong opposition seems out of line with the slender scientific significance of this development. The researchers used what has become standard(9) cloning method in animals. This is to remove the nucleus (核) containing genetic material from a donor egg, and replace it with the nucleus of another cell. The resulting stem cells would then be genetically identical to the donor, avoiding problems of rejection(10) when they are returned to the patient in treatment.。

1) Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next stacking firewood.2) The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans. Some of those who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled to take part because of their deeply held convictions . For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them because a mission . While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at considerable risk . In the eyes of slave owners, they were dangerous enemies and frequently received death threats3) Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in the cities. The era when the countryside stood for safety and secutity has long gong. No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch . We all feel vnlnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay . These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices. A moment’s reflection ,however ,is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle : we may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in . this hardly seems a civilized way of life.5) Alex Haley was at sea when he started thinking how best he could mark Thanksgiving . Turning over the meaning of the holiday in his mind , he came to reverse the order of the words and go to thinking about giving thanks . How , he wondered , could he repay those who had been so helpful to him in the past ? It seemde to him that the best way he could express his gratitude would be to write to them . For too long he had gone about without troubling to tell them how much he appreciated all that they had done for him . Before long he had assembled pen and paper and was immersed in writing . Not long after the ship reached port , unloading its cargo together with his letters . The replies were not swift in arriving , but when they did , he found them deeply moving .(1)I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude. Because we are so busy and on such a tight budget, we don't entertain much. During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. Jim and Emily are involved in school activities, but they too spend most of their time at home.The other requirement is energy -- a lot of it. The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices. Instead, you do the work yourself. The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw.Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for me. Josiah Henson is but one name on along list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad, a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate slaves from the American South. Between 1820 and 1860, as many as 100,000 slaves traveled the Railroad to freedom.In October 2000, President Clinton authorized $16 million for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to honor this first great civil-rights struggle in the U. S. The center is scheduled to open in 2004 in Cincinnati. And it's about time. For the heroes of the Underground Railroad remain too little remembered, their exploits still largely unsung. I was intent on telling their stories.It has been replaced by dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and trip wires hooked up to a police station or private guard firm. Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios, with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open.It is not uncommon, in the most pleasant of homes, to see pasted on the windows small notices announcing that the premises are under surveillance by this security force or that guard company. The lock is the new symbol of America. Indeed, a recent public-service advertisement by a large insurance company featured not charts showing how much at risk we are, but a picture of a child's bicycle with the now-usual padlock attached to it.The Reverend Nelson wrote that his decades as a "simple, old-fashioned principal" had ended with schools undergoing such swift changes that he had retired in self-doubt. "I heard more of what I had done wrong than what I did right," he said, adding that my letter had brought him welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated.A glance at Grandma's familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her "settin' down" some letter to relatives. Character by character, Grandma would slowly accomplish one word, then the next, so that a finished page would consume hours. I wept over the page representing my Grandma's recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me -- whom she used to diaper!那些玩具The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. 作为新闻Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. 至于杂志When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.1. 虽然受到Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2. 在持续不断Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.3. 根据最近的According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivatedto consider buying products shown in TV commercials.2.和大公司相比Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.他从来每有It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.5) 回顾二十年Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.奶奶想当然Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot of rice.4) 两国关系Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair.5) 彼得已在一家Peter has worked in a law firm for many years. You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help.1.这座红房子The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky.4. 我们不应该We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.5. 这件房子The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture.1)My job) on balance It is the natuer) resist i figure) haul in the story) wicked nothing ) illustrated nowadays) budgetI do not) economic A blizzard) blasting Tim says) just aboutChina’s economic) decades The United) imposed Although he) religious Dr.Rich hamilton) siteIt is different) on the side The president) authorized Advances in) terminal Until the) make the best ofAccording to)threatens The number) by a small margin The early)civilize To make ) paste To relax) sidewaysMusic in) universal This chart) chart Bathed in) Bathed inAmy si) accordingly Some parents) loose It’s easier) reality Often there’s) intuition He was ) trifle My grandfather ) at the turn of the century We love) mess His mother) undermineThe cook) sprinkled You can’t) repay One tends) statement Susan told) longed forI don’t know) in secret For economic) unloaded Laugh ,and) weep A national) under way(6) Some 80 art)masterpieces Those who)endure This dog)whistle True ,this)mock It is said)subtracted He had a favorite )Sin On bright ) flutter/fluttering。

Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator.I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next stacking firewood.1.2A homesteader (自耕农) is a person who lives a self-reliant lifestyle with major emphasis on home production. while the Industrial Age is being replaced by information and electronics, some people try to seek an escape from the social, environmental, and economic madness of the modern age and begin to consider returning to the country. As this lifestyle is so enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding, more and more people are prepared to quit their job in the city and start a new and more meaningful life on their various farms. For some it has become not only a way of life, but a way of looking at the world.Of course, life in the country can be pretty tough. While it is an enjoyment to be so close to Nature, you may have to reduce your dependence on fuels by cutting back on your daily consumption. You may also have to prepare your own meals every day and provide your own low-cost entertainment without the luxuries that are common in cities. On balance, however, living in the country has long been a part of the American Dream. Generations of Americans have considered the country an ideal setting in which to live and raise a family2.1The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans. Some of those who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled to take part because of their deeply held convictions .For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them because a mission. While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at considerable risk. In the eyes of slave owners, they were dangerous enemies and frequently received death threatsDespite the name, the Underground Railroad was not really a railroad, but was a network of people who assisted fugitive slaves. Many fugitives who escaped to the North and Canada received assistance along the way from individuals who were involved in this network. By the early 19th century, the organization became so successful that it is estimatedthat that between 1810 and 1850,100,000 slaves escaped from the South through the Underground Railroad.It was not a(n) coincidence that it was called the Underground Railroad. Steam railroads had just emerged and the terms used to describe the people who helped and the fugitives were related to the railroad line. Fugitive slaves were called "parcels" and "passengers", the helpers were the "conductors", the people who provided their homes as refuge were called "stationmasters," and the homes were referred to as "depots" or "stations".The route used was an important part of a successful escape. There were numerous secret routes that a conductor could use.The one used depended on where the search parties and slave catchers were stationed. Some trips required the use of many different routes. I f it appeared that they might be in danger, a guide would change paths. Some guides and fugitives even hid out in bushes and swamps for many days until it was safe to continue on. Quickness was not the main concern , instead safety was most important and as a result they often zigzagged in order to avoid capture3.1Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in t he cities.The era when the countryside stood for safety and secutity has long gong.No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch.We all feel vnlnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay.These can range from old fashioned bolts and bar s to the latest electronic devices.A moment’s reflection,however,is en ough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle:we may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in.this hardly seem s a civilized way of life.3.2Statistics show that at some point in your life, you will get robbed. Things get even worse for apartment dwellers because so many people pass in and out of an apartment building, and it is much tougher to keep non-residents out.So what to do? Don't panic. Yes, apartments are liable to robbery, but there are options other than barricading yourself in your apartment with a shotgun. We suggest that you use some common sense to shift that targetfrom your door. Then the burglar will rob the less guarded, not you.We know what you're thinking: "I' ll never get robbed. Who'd want tosteal a half can of Diet Coke and an electric toothbrush?" If those reallyare the only things in your apartment, you have every reason not to worry. However, if you have something you'd like to keep - say, a TV, a stereo,a computer, a Picasso - it's wise to be cautious .Your goal is not to set up any sophisticated security systems to hold thieves at bay; your goal is to keep crimi nals from even trying to breakinto your apartment in the first place. I f someone really wants to breakin, chances are that he/she is going to find a way by breaking a windowor climbing up the fire escape. Therefore, you should remove all signsthat say, "Hey, look at me! Lots of goodies and no security! Come on in!" Lock the door when you leave. Don't leave the windows open all day long.Don't tape notes on the door directed to your mate reading "Gone all day!Left the door unlocked for you! " Just use your brains!4.1Einstein’s teacher should have had a little more caution before he cameto the conclusion that his pupil would never get anywhere in life. Probably he was irritated by the thought that the young Einstein was undermining his position. And certainly it is true that Einstein did notgive/care a fig for authority. However,far from being a flaw in Einsteinis character,this proved ,beyond any doubt ,to be one of his greatest strengths. It was on this foundation,combined with the remarkable powerof his remarkable/imagination,that his great achievements were built.4.2Imagining is not dreaming. Maybe to a(n) extent but it is more thanthat. Imagining is being creative. We owe all the inventions and developments to imagination, without which, I bet we would still be cavemen. Knowledge is important but imagination is even more important. Imagination deals with the future and knowledge deals with the past. Imagination creates and knowledge manages . Imagination breaks the normand knowledge maintains the status quo. A leader needs imagination to create a vision. A manager needs knowledge to operate the organization.An organization with only managers will be obsolete eventually .Not only is it important in business. Imagination is required to solve problems that mankind have, and move humans to a higher level of achievement and well being. How are we going to solve global warming?How are we going to eradicate poverty? We need imagination to come outwith the solutions.Einstein wouldn't have realized the theory of relativity if he had not utilized his imagination. In any field, if you are a leader, you needto imagine, for the breakthrough .5.1alex Haley was at sea when he started thinking how best he could mark Than ksgiving.Turning over the meaning of the holiday in his mind,he came to reverse the order of the words and got to thinking about giving thanks.How,he wondered,could he repay those who had been so helpful to him in the pastIt seemde to him that the best way he could express his gratitude would beto write to them.For too long he had gone about without troubling to tell them how much he appreciated all that they had done for him.Before long he had assembled pen and paper and was immersed in writing.Not long after the ship reached port,unloading its cargo together with his letters.The replies were not swift in arriving,but when they did,he found them deeply moving5.2Wake up each day and give gratitude for what you have. Instead (1) ofgiving any thought at all to what you do not have in your life, just spendas much time as you possibly can each day giving thanks for all of the people, opportunities, material possessions (2), good health and anyother things that you have in your life that make it so good. It is saidthat we take so much for granted that we sometimes forget to be thankfulfor the small things that make our lives so much richer (3). If you haveever been out of breath(4) or under water for too long, the next breathsyou take are that much sweeter.Tell others how much you love and cherish(5) them every chance you get.You may never see someone again so you always want to leave them by tellingthem just how special (6) they are to you. When you are telling them howmuch you care about them and how thankful you are for having them in yourlife, give them specific(7) examples of what you love about them the most. Take the time to appreciate every little thing in your life. When thesun is s hining (8), the grass is wet beneath your feet and your dog is barking, give thanks for these small miracles (9). Every moment we haveis a gift (10). Use your time to show and tell others how important and special they are. Giving someone your time and kind words is the greatestgift of all.6.1I had only known Johnsy a few months when she fell victim to the disease.We had met in May and,finding ourselves so much in tune,had set up home together.Then,in November,she became ill.Scarcely able to speak in a,she seemed unable to cling to life.It was such a change.Before she had always been so lively andmerry.Now she just sat up in bed,staring out of the window.She had this st range belief that once the last leaf on the vine outside fell,she would die .I told her it was all nonsense,but to no effect.It was our downstairs neighbor,Mr.Behrman,who came to her rescue.When he heard of Johnsy’s strange fancy he flew into a fierce temper,regarding i t as a sin that one so young should give up life so easily.Thanks to Behrman,the last leaf never did te at night he had clim bed up and painted the leaf on the wall.It was his long-promised masterpiec e6.2Five years ago a female inmate (犯人) at Riker's Island told Jane Paley that she smelled wonderful. As president of Friendly Visitors, a 50-year-old organization whose mission (1) is "acts of loving kindness that don't involve (2) large sums of money or hours of work," Paley frequently went to the New York City jail (3). That day, though, a spray of perfume (香水) went off in her head.Her group had long donated (捐赠) money so that the 100 women in the jail could buy food and treats. Why not (4) give them fancy toiletries (化妆用品) too?Paley and her crew of 35 women figured out the perfect way to get the goods: They asked friends to collect (5) hotel soaps, shampoos and lotions when they travel. Volunteers bundle them into goody bags and deliver(6) them to Riker's several times a year, including Christmas and Mother's Day."These mini-donations make the women feel beautifu (7)," says Paley. "You can see them turn themselves around a little bit."So, Paley continues, "If you're lucky enough to afford a vacation(8), take the soap and shampoos. Bring them to homeless shelters, battered women shelters or any organization in need(9). It's a small(10) act that may mean a great deal."7.1It's been a long day and I'm glad to be back home and get the weight off my feet(1). Not that I've finished yet, there are still all those orders (订单) to type up and I must remember to add my signature (2) to my claim (索取) for commission(3)before I post it off. Otherwise, my firm will be on the phone (4) to me about it. Notthat they have much to complain about. I always manage to sell quite a lot, except that time I was laid up (5) after surgery(6). I'm the only representative the firm has out on the streets nowadays and I still manageto cover a large territory (7) despite my disorder (8). It's hard work and long hours, no time to linger in bed in the mornings,Yet, I've never regretted applying for(9) the job all those years ago. Supporting myself enables me to keen my dignity (10).7.2imagine how you would fill in 24 hours a day, every day, if you didn't have to work. There you go - off to the beach in summer, the movies in winter, watch T.V. on rainy days, go skating or horse riding, read a lot of books or magazines, sleep . . .But would you? Where would the money come from to pay your bus fares, to get into the movies, to buy your T.V. or to pay for the electricity, or buy your skates and books?Let's say that money grew on trees, and that no-one had to worry about that "small" problem. Now you can do all those things... right?Probably not, because if no-one had to worry about earning money, then who would bother driving your bus to the beach - for that matter, who would bother building your bus, or making your movies, skates, books, etc.? Why would they have to?What you'd probably end up doing would be spending most of your time out in the fields growing your own food, or looking after your cows for milk and meat, your sheep for clothing, growing bamboo for the walls of your humpy.Why would you need to do this? Because no-one else would need to do it to earn money, because money grew on trees - right?Obviously, money in that sort of society doesn't really exist, and is of no value to the people...8.18.2Since Dolly came into existence, scientists and politicians have been worrying about the prospect(1) that it will soon be possible to clone humans, too. The debate centers on two types of cloning: reproductive, with the intention(2) of_producing a baby, and therapeutic (治疗的), with the aim of creating a source of “embryonic” stem cells (干细胞) that might replace diseased organs of the body.Cloning has both strong supporters and fierce critics. Despite(3) the deeply held moral and technological objections of many people, human cloning took a small step forward this week with an announcement by researchers that they had successfully created a human embryo through cloning,_for the purpose of developing(4) stem cells. They are not the first to lay claim to such a feat, but they are the first to publish (5) their findings. Their work was promptly condemned (6) by President George Bush, who said it was morally wrong, and by the Vatican, among (7)many others.From a technical standpoint(8), such strong opposition seems out of line with the slender scientific significance of this development. The researchers used what has become standard(9) cloning method in animals. This is to remove the nucleus (核) containing genetic material from a donor egg, and replace it with the nucleus of another cell. The resulting stem cells would then be genetically identical to the donor, avoiding problems of rejection(10) when they are returned to the patient in treatment.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

UNIT 11) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved2) resist 6) budget 10) economic3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up3.1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy2) often generate misleading thoughts3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work4) be suspected of doing everything for money5) before he gets through life4.1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in2) device, the improvement, on a global scale3) stacked, temptation, never dined outII Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit9) stacking2. (Theme-related)1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) idealII. Translation1. We have a problem w ith the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometowntook over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premium for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.UNIT 2VocabularyI.1.1) decades 5) slender 9) on the side2) historic 6) web 10) authorized3) imposed 7) bade 11) terminal4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of2.1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for3.1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling.3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.4.1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racialII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I'll tell you in a minute how I have attained the genuine sense of belonging in America, but first let me hear about your French trip.2. Most McDonald's look almost the same on the outside, but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.3. Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.4. This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it's always breaking down.5. In your resume you've mentioned everything but one vital point.6. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.7. I am sorry, but I think you shouldn't have lingered on over coffee and missed the last bus..8. The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignoranceIII. Usage1) lonely 2)friendly 3) weekly, monthly 4)lovely5) cowardly 6)kindly/saintly 7) lively 8)motherlyComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1)forged 2) stand up 3) compelled 4)convictions 5)mission6)abolish 7) intent on 8) risk 9)in the eyes of 10)threats2. (Theme-related)1) assistance 2) involved 3) estimated 4)coincidence 5)emerged 6) referred 7) numerous 8) stationed 9)concern 10)captureII. Translation1. Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2. Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.3. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.4. Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.5. Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.UNIT 3VocabularyI.1.1) threatens 2) by a small margin 3)civilize 4)closed up 5)wandered 6) paste 7) without so much as 8) sideways9) hook up to 10) universal 11) chart 12) Bathed in2. 1)narrowed down 2)looked back on 3)cut off 4)fit into 5)wear(the other) down 6)lies in 7)put up 8)stand for3. 1)...which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.2)...with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.3)...feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986---killing all seven crew.4)...threatened to keep the pupils in after school, they were quieted at once.5)... are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.4. 1) looked back on/ atmosphere/urban life2)era/ hooked up to the / the electronic3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / analyze / make errorsII. 1) away 2)inside/in 3)forward/through 4)back5)off 6)home 7) back down 8)in...outIII. 1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be2) Most men do not look unattractive in them3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment4) The claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.5)His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Comprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) Statistics 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch6)vulnerable 7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection 10)civilized2. 1) together 2)liable 3)shift 4)electric 5)cautious6)sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances 10)signsII. Translation1.1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.UNIT 4VocabularyI.1.1) accordingly 2) loose 3) concentration 4)stimulating 5) fabric 6)if anything 7) reality 8) intuition9) trifle 10) at the turn of the century 11) mess12) undermine2. 1) approve of 2) slow down 3) taken in 4) sucked into 5) set apart 6) dozed off 7)call forth 8)stretch into 9) keep up with 10)believe in3. 1)...provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.2)...is credited to his powers of imagination3)...on the foundations of an agricultural revolution4)...not to make any complaints in the presence of the nurse.5)...the outbreak of the Second World War.4. 1) flaw/came to the conclusion/would get nowhere2) in a row/dozed off/a mess of3) outbreak of/ has undermined / has strainedII. 1)With Christmas only a week away2) With his physical condition improving day by day3) With our GDP growing steadily4) With all the shops closed5) with her eyes closed6) With the fog lifting during the nightIII. 1) like/as 2) as 3) like 4) like/as5) as/like 6) as 7)like 8) asComprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) caution 2) came to the conclusion that 3)never get anywhere4)undermining 5) not give/care a fig 6) flaw7) beyond any doubt 8)foundation 9)remarkable/impressive10) imagination2. 1) extent 2)inventions 3)bet 4)manages 5)vision6)eventually 7)achievement 8)poverty 9) utilized 10)breakthroughII. Translation1.1) The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.3)Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.4) As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.5) Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and take up/meet the challenge by himself.2. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it "The World Year of Physics". It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievements can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.Unit 6 The Human TouchText AContent Questions(P.172)1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishopsleeves so much in tune that they set up a joint studio. 2.Johnsy would be able to recover from pneumonia if she wantedto live.3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day.4.She could see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing halfway up the brick wall.5.Because she thought that she would die when the last leaf fell.6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman wasa failure in art. For forty years he had been always aboutto paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one.7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea.8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaveson it were all gone.9.She saw the last leaf on the vine.10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it wasa sin to want to die.11.H e caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainyand cold night in the yard and was wet through.12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his finepainting of the last leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy. Text Organization (P.173)1. (P.173)1).S he made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell.2).S he decided not to give up her life.3).B ehrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's state of mind,risked death to paint the last leaf and save her.4).B ecause it was so perfect the girls both mistook it for the realthing.2. (P.173)Language Sense Enhancement (P.174)I. 1)curling 2) looking the part3) masterpiece 4) to excess5) For the rest 6) smelling strongly of7) f ancy 8) light and fragile9) s light hold upon the world 10) streamingLanguage Focus (P.176)Vocabulary(P.176)1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragile3) fancy 4) nonsense5) cling to 6)endure7) acute 8) whistle9) mock 10) subtracted11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering2.(P.177)1) gave in/gave up 2) figure out3) sized up 4)wiped out5) pulling up 6)wear away7) sit up 8) hear of /about3.(P. 178)1) Illnesses usually stand out in childhood memories.2)According to the bulletin, Albright College now offers a jointbachelor's degree program in environmental studies togetherwith Duke University.3)The new government is less oppressive, but violence stillstalks the country.4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert.5)The demand for change in the election law is so persistent thatboth houses have promised to consider it.4. (P. 178—179)1) It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so webuilt a camp fire. Soon the smellof steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grassand earth. Other campers seemed to be doing the same. Hereand there people were eating, drinking or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. What a merry night! 2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stopsinging. I didn't realize why until Sally told me in a whisper: " You are not in tune with the group!"3)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunkenhusband, who was immediately wet through and stumbled backward: " You can't do without drinks? I won't hear of any excuses. You certainly don't need it to turn loose your tongue!"II. W ords with Multiple Meanings (P. 179—180)1.He went to Paris on business last month.2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25p.m.3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let thesheep go.4.We went exploring together in the mountains. / We will goexploring together in the mountains.5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar.6.The store is going to close up soon.7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat theSpanish team in the quarterfinals.8.When Mother came out of the house, she found her childrengone.III. Usage (P. 180)1.a little white wooden house2.long, curly red hair2.a large old round table3.a cheap Indian restaurant4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream5.rapid technological advance6.a handsome young Chinese AmericanComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze (P. 181)1. (P. 182)1).T he red house stands out against the old trees that reach highup to the sky.2).T he salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’mnot satisfied.3).T he waters of the two streams mingle near our village.4).W e should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.5).T he curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the styleof the furniture.2. (P. 182)Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part,or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7Text APart II Text AContent Questions1.A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie his shoes.His mother’s challenges and the voices of those who belie ved him stupid, incapable of living independently keep him goingon.2.He is a door-to-door salesman. His weapons are: dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie, tan raincoat, hat and a briefcase.3.He is afraid that someone will steal his briefcase. He was different in that cerebral palsy affected his speech, hands and walk.4.First a school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School, where he was placed in a class for slow kids.5.She was certain that he could rise above his limitations. 6.He applie d for a salesman’s job.7.With his mother setting up a meeting with a Watkins representative, as well as by his own persistence.8.He lacked confidence. It took him quite a while to have the courage to ring the first doorbell.9.He keeps coming back until the customer buys. He tells himself not to worry if hid day has not turned out to be profitable. 10.Because he was laid up for five months after band surgery and couldn’t work.11.Like a home of the past era. He leads a solitary life. 12.No, he doesn’t. Because he lives a life of dignity.TextOrganization 1.2.Vocabulary:1) disabled 2) impatient 3) solitary 4)crushed5) feel like 6) lashed 7) echoing 8)paused9) betrayed 10) laundry 11) section 12)tilted2.1) cared for 2) hang on3) was laid up with 4) are gaining on5) kicked up 6) went off7) drop ... off 8)straighten out3.1) … sometimes didn't register with her.2)…in disorder, drawers pulled out, shoes and bootsscattered.3)… was transferred from Father's account to my accoun t.4)… a pledge to contribute 1000,000dollars to the Childrenin Needed charity campaign.5)… the most profitable business in that province.4. 1) gaining on; off balance; was laid up in; scar on2) a cripple\ crippled ; surgery , limitations, inliterature.3) commission ; on the phone ; his territory ; neverregisters withII. Usage1.I never did go over these books, although I probably shouldhave.2.I know this is a personal question. You don't have to answerme if you don't want to.3.I think this topic should have attracted far more attentionfrom philosophers than it has.4."I think you're right." — "I'm sure I am."5."He thought that the condition was hereditary in his case."—"Well, it might be."6."Sugar?" ---- "No. Maybe next time."7.The house is only a building. It is a place to live, nothingmore.8.DIANE: You didn't! Tell me youdidn't! FATHER: Oh, yes. Anythingfor my children.III. Word Family1.1) bored 2) boredom3) bored 4) boringly5) boring2. 1) 2)3) 4)3. 1) frozen 2) freeze3) freezing 4) freezer5) freezeComprehensive ExercisesI Cloze1. Text-related1) off … f eet 2) signature 3) commission 4) on the phone5) laid up 6) surgery 7) territory 8) disorder9) applying for 10) dignity2. Theme-related1)didn’t 2) read 3) come 4) money5) because 6) earning 7) doing 8) own9) obviously 10) valueII. TranslationI. I grew terribly scared when I heard sound of footstepsechoing round the hallway at midnight yesterday.2. The name-brand sports shoes are guaranteed for 12months.3. Snowstorms threw communications and transportation intodisorder.4.I’ve been suffering a lot of s tress from work lately, I feellike taking a vacation at the seaside.5. Living in an apartment is all right, but it has itslimitations--- for example, you don’t have your owngardens.6. Tom was born a cripple, with one of his lower limbs useless. Early in his childhood, he learned that unless he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he could not earn a living, and unless he succeeded in making a living on his own, he could not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned down, before he finally got one as a delivery boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sales representative for a sportswear company in a territory no one else would want. Today he owns a fairly profitable retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him. Part III TextBComprehension Check1. c3. a 2.d 4.d 6. b5. dTranslation1.当时我俩并未意识到这一点,但那就是我们之间开始拉开距离的日子,是开始在家庭内部重新界定劳动者的意义的日子。

《全新版大学英语综合教程3》课后练习答案Unit 1Part II Text AText Organization P.101. Parts, Paragraphs and Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-3 The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant andsatisfying one.Part Two Paras 4-7 Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.Part Three Paras 8-11 After quitting his job, the writer's income was reduced, but heand his family were able to manage to get by.Part Four Paras 12-15 A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made itpossible for the family to enjoy their life in the country.2. Happy Moments and Events:1) growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables2) canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc.3) keeping warm inside the house in winter4) writing freelance articles5) earning enough money while maintaining a happy family lifeHardships:1) working hard both in winter and in summer2) harsh environment and weather condition3) anxious moments after the writer quit his job4) cutting back on daily expenses5) solitudeVocabulary P.14I1.1) insurance 2) On balance 3) aside from 4) cut back 5) resist6) haul 7) supplemented 8) sprayed 9) wicked 10) illustrated 11) budget 12) digest 13) boundary 14) get by 15) at that point2. 1) cut back / down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through5) face up to 6) turn in 7) turning out 8) think up3.1) While farming, Benneker pursued his mathematical studies and taught himselfastronomy.2) Misused words often generate misleading thoughts.3) Lafayette Hotel is patronized by international celebrities drawn to its French food and service.4) A person who thinks that money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.5) A person surely has to face a good many bitter disappointments before he getsthrough life.4.1) Seeing that more and more people are concerned about the quality of their indoor environments, John is considering starting an interior decoration business. It seems certain to earn a profit, but he does not yet have enough money to invest in it.2) This device is primarily used for the improvement of the sound quality of electronic media. It was invented in the US, but now it is used on a global scale. 3) When the first settlers came to America, their household utensils consisted of a few pots, pans and some bowls stacked in one corner of the house. There wasn't much material temptation around them. They never dined out in a restaurant as we often do nowadays.II. Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspected 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchStructure1.1) when it comes to changing your life2) when it comes to such matters as keeping the room tidy3) when it comes to emotional intelligence4) when it comes to managing minor matters2. 1) Not everyone agrees on what is right and what is wrong2) but, unfortunately, money isn’t everything3) not all Americans like them4) Not all people share the same interestsComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A) 1. gets by 2. temptation 3. get through 4. picked up5. improvements6. aside from7. suspect8. supplement9. profit 10. primarily 11. spraying 12. stacking(B)1. While 2. escape 3. begin 4. Because/As 5. quit 6. start7. on 8. but (also) 9. be 10. close 11. have 12. cutting13. cook/prepare 14. cities 15. however 16. familyII. TranslationA decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/set up a household equipment store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily because of/owing to/due to their desire to improve the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed. Once she could not even pick up the phone bill and had to ask her parents to loan her some money.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.Part III Text BComprehension Checkl. a 2. c 3.d 4. b 5. a 6. cTranslation (JE Appendix III)Language Practice1. In addition2. roast3. percentage4. entertainment5. cable6. at one time7. get along8. missed out on9. whip up 10. as a result 11. commute 12. rent 13. taken over 14. make sense 15. mushroomed 16. go with 17. fried 18. dizzy 19. array 20. gaspedPart IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksModel paperRecent Changes in Chinese Family LifeGreat changes have taken place in Chinese family life in the past twenty years. In my parents’ words, the difference between their childhood and mine is as vast as that between heaven and earth.When my parents were young, there was no TV, no computers nor any other electronic appliances in their home. Their food was simple and their clothing plain. What is unbelievable to young people today is that they seldom dined out in a restaurant, or traveled to a scenic spot for a holiday.In contrast to family life one generation ago, each family in China today has at least one TV set and many have been equipped with telephones, computers, even cars. While the senior members of a family watch films on TV at home, the younger members like to play computer games or talk to their friends who may live thousands of miles from them.The changes in Chinese family life mirror the economic development of our country. Without the prosperity of the whole country, our family life would probably be just the same as before. Times have changed, and changed, most would surely agree with me, for the better. (194 words)Unit 2Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:The song you are going to listen to is called Abraham, Martin & John, sung by Dion. Abraham, Martin & JohnDionHas anybody here,Seen my old friend Abraham,Can you tell me, where he's gone,He freed a lotta people,But it seems the good die young,I just loohed around,And he's gone,Has anybody here,Seen my old friend John,Can you tell me, where he's gone,He freed a lotta people,But it seems the good die young,I just loohed around,And he' s gone,Has anybody here,Seen my old friend Martin,Can you tell me, where he's gone,He freed a lotta people,But it seems the good die young,I just looked around,And he's gone,Didn't you love the things they stood for,Didn't they try to find some good for you and me,And we'll he free,Someday soon it's gonna be one day,Has anybody here,Seen my old friend Bothy,Can you tell me, where he's gone,I thought I saw him walhin' up over the hill, With Ahrah am, Martin and John.The unit we are going to study is all about civil-rights heroes. The song you have just heard is about four of them. Can you guess who they are? All are American. All are dead, all, as the song says, "gone". How about Abraham? Dion says he freed a lot of people. That's one clue. Another comes when she quotes the proverb: "the good die young." So it seems Abraham died young. My guess is Dion has in mind Abraham Lincoln, the American president who freed the slaves and was assassi¬nated. How about John, another leader who helped people to free themselves? He too died young. Can you guess who it might be? President John F. Kennedy seems most likely. He too supported civil rights. He too died young, assassinated like Lincoln.Now who could Martin be? Another civil-rights leader who died young, once again assassi¬nated. A great speaker comes to mind. Who do you think? Martin Luther King, surely. And finally, Bobby. Bobby who? Probably Dion is thinking of Bobby Kennedy, John Kennedy's brother, another supporter of civil rights. He was running for president when, like his brother before him, he too was gunned down.Part II Text AText Organization1.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-5 It is high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rights struggles in America.Part Two Paras 6-23 By citing examples the author praises the exploits of civil-rights heroes who helped slaves travel the Un¬derground Railroad to freedom.2. Story 1 (Paras 6-10): After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parker helped otherslaves to escape north to Canada to get freedom.Story 2 (Paras 11-15): Supported by a strong religious conviction, the white man Levi Coffin helped black slaves to escape at huge risk to himself.Story 3 (Paras 16-23): By traveling the Underground Railroad, Josiah Henson reached his desti¬nation and became free at last.V ocabularyI. 1. 1) decades 2) historic3) imposed 4) racial5) slender 6) closing in on7) settlement 8) site9) mission 10) authorized11) terminal 12) make the best of13) exploits 14) religious15) on the side2. 1) pass for 2) stood up for3) laid down 4) take on5) let (us) down 6) draw on7) come up 8) given up3. 1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling. 3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.4. 1) As for the protection of these endangered species, many countries do not compel fisher-men to report accidental capture of small cetaceans (H § %}$}) in their nets, so significant catches may go unnoticed for years. To deal with this problem, animal protectionists have forged an international alliance. On the other hand they have urged the United Nations to lay down more specific laws to save these animals.2) It was reported that food supplies would soon run out and most of the victims of the earthquake would starve to death. At huge risk, a group of volunteers from the Red Cross took on the mission to transport food, clothes and medicine to the most seriously hit areas.3) A rally was going to be held in honor of the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery in 1863 and liberated the slaves in the South. In the eyes of many African-Americans, Lincoln was America's greatest president thanks to his outstanding exploits.II. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I'll tell you about my research project in a minute, but first let's hear about your French trip.2. Most McDonald's look almost the same on the outside, but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.3. Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get througha financial crisis.4. This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it's always breaking down.5. In your resume you've mentioned everything but one vital point.6. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.7. I am sorry, but I think you shouldn't have delayed your homework.8. The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignorance. III. Usage1. lonely2. friendly3. weekly, monthly4. lovely5. cowardly6. kindly / saintly7. lively 8. motherlyStructure1. 1) A letter posted today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow.2) Thus encouraged, we made a still bolder plan for the next year.3) Our government has banned imports of cosmetics containing animal products from 18 countries, mostly in Europe, for fear that they could cause mad cow disease.4) Having graduated from St. Mary's College, Joyce applied to the University of California at Los Angeles.2. 1) Often it is in overcoming hardships that we come to appreciate the value of life.2) Some scientists believe that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and farmers' incomes, reduce prices and help combat hunger and disease in the developing countries.3) With repeated hackers' attacks on our system, we have come to realize the necessityof hiring a computer-security expert.4) Having conducted some surveys in Chinese kindergartens, Howard Gardner came to understand that the Chinese preferred "teaching by holding the hand". Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. Underground2. forged3. stand up4. transport5. compelled6. convictions7. liberating8. mission9. abolish 10. intent on 11. risk(B)1. who2. the3. along4. in5. that6. through7. not8. as9. referred 10. escape 11. where 12. If 13. in 14. even15. until 16. instead 17. asII. TranslationHenson's painful life as a slave strengthened his determination to struggle for freedom. Shortly after he achieved freedom he became a member of an organization that assisted fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. In addition, later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school where they could learn useful ways of making a living. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, all the slaves would be liberated, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.Part III Text BComprehension Check1. a2. d3. c4. d5. b6. bTranslation(#J& Appendix III)Language Practice1. remarkable2. commitment3. flourish4. resulted from5. grave6. In the midst of7. enforce8. recovery9. guarantee 10. remedy 11. discriminate 12. with each passing day13. unlike 14. subjected to 15. at best 16. plays up17. come a long way 18. do well 19. against all the odds 20. In this contextPart IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksModel paperThe Civil-Rights Movement in the U.S.Black Africans were first brought as slaves to what was to become the United Statesin the seventeenth century. Slavery was strongest in the South, where large plantations grew cotton, tobacco, and other crops. Towards the end of the eighteenth century, a growing demand for cotton led to an increase in the demand for slaves in the region. Slavery was less profitable in the North, however, and much of the opposition to slavery came from the northern states. The tension between the North and the South over the issue of slavery led to the Civil War in 1861.With the victory of the North, slavery was abolished. Discrimination, however, did not end. Black Americans were treated as second class citizens, especially in the South. Dissatisfaction with unfair treatment eventually led to the civil rights protests of the 1950s and 1960s that brought about government action aimed at reducing discrimination.As a result, African Americans have come a long way in the last fifty years, but they still find themselves at a disadvantage in comparison with Americans of European descent. Only 17 per cent of the black population are able to finish higher education, in contrast to 28 per cent of whites. Incomes for the average white family were just over $44,000 in 1999. For an average black family, however, the figure was in the region of $25,000. Not one of the chief executive officers of the top 500 companies is black.Anyway, the civil-rights movement in the U.S. still has a long way to go.(254 words)Unit 3Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:The song you are about to hear is all about a "Saturday Night Special". Listen and see if you can guess what a Saturday Night Special is.Saturday Night SpecialLynyrd SkynyrdTwo feets1 they come a-creepin' 2 Like a black cat do. Ana two bodies are layin' naked, Creeper thinks lie's got nothin' to lose.So he creeps into the house, yean, And unlocks the door, And as a man's reachin' for his trousers Snoots him full or 38 holes.It's the Saturday Night Special, Got a barrel that's blue and cold. Ain't no good for nothing4 But put a man six feet in a hole.Big Jim's keen a-drinkin' whiskey, And playin' poker on a losin' night,1 Two feets: Normally we say two feet.2 a-creepin: in the state of creeping, "a-", here, is a prefix meaning "in the state or process of.3 38 refers to a 38 calibre (P S) handgun or pistol.4 Ain't no good for nothing: a non-standard way of saying "They are good for nothing"And pretty soon ol' Jim starts thinkin' Somebody's been cheatin' and lyin' .So big Jim commenced to fightin'1,I wouldn't tell you no lies.big Jim done pulled his pistol,Snot his friend right between the eyes.It's the Saturday Night Special, Got a barrel that's blue and cold. Ain't no good for nothin' But put a man six feet in a hole.On, that's a Saturday Night Special,For twenty dollars you can buy yourself one, too.Hand guns are made for till in , They ain't no good for nothin' else. And if you like to drink your whiskey You might even shoot yourself.So why don't we dump'em people To the bottom of the sea Before some ol' fool come around here, Wanna shoot either you or me.It's the Saturday night specialYou got a barrel that's blue and coldYou ain't good for nothin'But put a man six feet in a bole.It's the Saturday night specialAnd I'd like to tell you what you could do with itAnd that's the end of the song.The unit we are going to study, like the song you have just heard, is all about the threat of crime. It starts with a burglar creeping into a house at night. The couple in the house have gone to bed as the song says. Despite creeping the burglar must have awoken the man, for he is getting up, "reachin' for his trousers", when the burglar shoots him several times, "full of holes".1 So big Jim commenced to fightin': Normally we say "Big Jim commenced to fight or commenced fighting".Which brings us to the "Saturday Night Special", with its "barrel blue and cold", a handgun. Despite calling it by such a familiar name, it's clear the singer has no time for the handgun. He sings of it as being good for nothing but sending people to their grave, putting a man down "six feet in a hole".From the dangers of burglars with guns, the singer moves on to how dangerous guns can be when drinking leads to violence. We hear the story of Big Jim, the gambler. As he gets drunk, Big Jim starts to suspect he is losing at cards because others are cheating. He gets into an argument and reaches for his Saturday Night Special. He shoots his friend "right between the eyes".Pistols in America are cheap at just twenty dollars, but the singer warns against having one. Those foolish enough to do so are not only a danger to others, but also a danger to themselves, for, as he sings, "if you like to drink your whiskey, you may even shoot yourself."Part II Text AText Organization1. 1) Doors are not left unlocked either in cities or in rural areas.2) Dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and trip wires are widely in use.3) Suburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.4) Small notices warning against burglary are commonly seen pasted on the windows of the most pleasant of homes.5) Access cards are required of those who work with medium to large-size companies.6) Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.7) Businessmen employ new machines linked up to their telephone to help determine whether the caller is telling lies or not.8) Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their key chains.2.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-3 In America, the era of leaving the front door on the latch has drawn to a close.Part Two Paras 4-15 A new atmosphere of fear and distrust has crept into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied forms, are put to use.Part Three Paras 16-19By locking our fears out, we become prisoners of our own making.V ocabularyI. 1.1) tranquil3) by a small margin5) rural7) era9) without so much as11) barricaded13) error15) Bathed in2. 1) bring about3) cut off5) wear (the other) down7) put up2) analyze4)civilize6)closed up8)paste10)sideways12)hook up to14)chart2) looked back on4) fit into6) lies in8) stand for3. 1) A certain gene which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found byresearchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.2) A wardrobe with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.3) The NBC show's opening shots feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986—killing all seven crew.4) Colds can be held at bay by increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables which are both low in calories and rich in Vitamin C.5) Energy difficulties are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange / because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.4. 1) Jacob looked back on his summer holidays spent on the Big Island of Hawaii with its beautiful landscape and tranquil atmosphere as a rare escape from the madness of urban life.2) I was puzzled by the word "e-mail" when I came across it for the first time years ago. "What is an e-mail? What on earth does the letter 'e' here stand for?" I asked myself. Later, I got to know that e-mail is a system for communicating messages by electronic rather than physical means.3) Mr. Smith has, over the years, established his name as a successful used-car dealer in the minds of local people. He places regular though small advertisements in newspapers featuring affordable second-hand cars, vans and trucks. At the back of his premises he owns a used-car lot (停车场) which faces a deserted street.II. Collocation1. away2. inside/in3. forward/through4. back5. off6. home7. back, down 8. in, outIII. Usage1. Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be.2. Most men do not look unattractive in them.3. Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment.4. This claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.5. His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Structure1.1) It never occurred to me to ask him what was intended by that remark. I thought he was just joking.2) It occurred to me that the names of their children—Rose, Lily and Daisy—were the names of flowers.3) When he heard her say so, it occurred to him that for convenience he also could contact the local travel agency and ask them to take care of everything.4) Has it never occurred to you that the problems in the Middle East are complicated and difficult to solve?2.1) If they don't agree to work extra hours for no extra pay, chances are that they will be dismissed.2) Research is being carried out on the disease and progress is being made at present. Chances are that there will be a cure within the next ten years.3) If you are eating lots of fatty food, chances are that you'll put on several pounds ina matter of weeks.4) He left his office an hour ago but hasn't got home yet. Chances are that he's got stuck in a traffic jam.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. Statistics3. era5. on the latch7. barriers9. electronic11. puzzle(B)1. worse / scarier3. Yes / True5. from7. every9. say11. chances13. when15. Don't2. rural4. stood for6. vulnerable8. at bay10. reflection12. civilized2. tougher / harder4. barricading6. not8. However10. back / at bay12. Therefore14. leave16. head/brainsII. TranslationA burglary is reported every 15 seconds in the United States. Statistics show burglars entered more than 2 million homes last year. Actually it is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes, thus exposing him to police patrols or those wandering around. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Believe it or not, some people, particularly children who happen to be the last to come in, leave their doors on the latch at night. Doors of hollow core, even when locked, are vulnerable to break-ins. Thus doors of solid core or steel are much preferred as they make it difficult for the burglar to pry open. If you decide to buy an alarm device, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. Finally, a word of warning—when you travel, make sure that you have a trusted neighbor collect and keep all the deliveries of newspapers and mail until you return. This is because a collection of newspapers and mail on the front doorstep or in your mailbox is an advertisement that no one is home.Part III Text BComprehension Check1. b3. b 5. a2. b 4. d 6. dtranslation(#JE Appendix III)Language Practice1. impact3. draw the line at5. circumstance7. take the plunge9. aggressive11. advocated13. departed15. target17. head for19. on the line2. inflicted4. recommend6. break into8. conclude / have concluded 10. confirm12. insure14. in our favor16. count on18. Under no circumstances 20. aimed atPart IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksModel paperWhy We Are against Gun ControlShould Americans oppose gun control? Of course we should. The gun is the great equalizer. It does not matter whether you are a big tough man or a small frail woman. With a gun in your hand you stand at the same height.What's more, it is the foundation of our nation. Without it there would be no Republic as it is, for we would never have been able to drive the Indians off the land without shooting so many of them down. Nor would the West have been won. Who would have dared venture into lands unprotected by the law if they had not been able to protect themselves with a gun? The spirit of our nation thrives on aggressive individuals who are ready to stand up for themselves and to fight for their rights. Look at our films. What do we enjoy watching? People shooting one another. True, children occasionally get hold of guns and slaughter their classmates. But if only their classmates had been properly armed, they could have fought back. It was gun control that left them defenseless.(184 words)Unit 4Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:Every child likes listening to stories. Zoe, a girl with wings, is no exception. Listen carefully and see what story her father is going to tell her."Now, Zoe, stop fluttering around, and I will tell you a story.""A true story, papa?""It all happened exactly as I'm going to tell you. Two thousand and eleven years ago in 1985, a tribe of beings from the Dog Star invaded Earth. They were called An-vils." "And what did these beings look like, father?""Like humans in many, many respects. They each had two arms, two legs, and all the other organs that humans are endowed with. But they also had a pair of wings and long, purple tails.""How many of these beings were there?"。

When I think of people in this world who have really made a difference, I think of my parents. They were truly saints among ordinary people.I was one of the ten children my parents adopted. They rescued each of us from a life of poverty and loneliness. They were hardly able to restrain themselves from bringing home more children to care for. If they had had the resources they certainly would have.Most people do not realize how much they appreciated someone until they pass away. My sisters and brothers and I did not want this to happen before we uttered the words "Thank you" to our parents.Although we have all grown up and scattered about the country, we got back together to thank our parents. My brother Tom undertook the task of organizing the event. Every Friday night, Mom and Dad have had the ham dinner special at the same restaurant for the last twenty years. That is where we waited without their knowing. When we first caught a glimpse of them coming across the street, we all hid underneath a big table. When they entered, we leapt out and shouted, "Thank you, Mom and Dad." My brother Tom presented them with a card and we all hugged. My Dad pretended that he had known we were under the table all along.Women who exercise regularly need to be careful with what they eat. Researchers have found evidence that even moderate exercise can result in losing iron. They said that women who exercise regularly, especially in endurance activities, typically lose iron. In order to prevent this from becoming a problem, it is important that those wom en consum e more meat or take supplements to replace the iron lost. Those who do not bother to get plentiful amounts of iron may begin to feel weak and tired. "If you can get the recommended daily allowance of iron in your diet, you will probably perform better," said one diet specialist. "One shortcoming of taking iron pills is that the pill form is not well absorbed and can som etimes make you sick. It is preferable that you try to remedy the deficiency by getting more iron-rich meats in your diet."There are ways to help your body store away the iron it takes in. By getting plenty of Vitamin C, your body is able to process , or use, the iron better. Researchers acknowledge that everyone's body is different and the problem will be less serious for some. Because it is impossible to decide whether or not this could be a problem for you, health specialists say it is advisable to check your iron levels. Even when you can't feel it, you may still have a problemWhile many private schools are focusing more on values, public schools are moving toward testing standards. The national government demands academic success and tests are taken as a key measurement for a school's performance. Schools with low test scores face penalties such as a reduction in money to run their schools. And, even individual teachers are being graded on how they're preparing their students for these tests."We have concentrated too much on teaching the kids how to take these tests," commented one elementary school teacher. "We should be providing a more comprehensive curriculum to these kids. We should be cultivating leadership and curiosity. Unfortunately, there is never time."One school principal remarked, "It's true that it would be beneficial to our kids if they were getting better scores on the subjects being tested. The trouble is that in poorer areas of the city like ours, kids start school less equipped to perform well. We have many obstacles to overcome before we can teach them basic subjects. All schools are not alike, so they shouldn't be tested that way.""The goal is to improve performance in schools that are not providing their students with tools for success," said one government official. He admits, however, that he is having a hard time convincing faculty and teachers this plan will work.For many, beauty and fashion are permanently linked. With regard to fashion, the Barbie doll has been consistently in style. From the first Barbie dolls, Mattel took care to dress them in detailed, fashionable clothes. Some observers note that the fashions of the Barbie doll trace fashion trends perfectly since 1959. While critics complain that the models do not represent "average" female bodies, they also complain about the Barbie doll's size. Som e have criticized the dimensions of the Barbie doll as an unattainable ideal of the female shape.Charlotte J ohnson, the Barbie doll's first dress designer, explained that the doll was not intended to reflect a fem ale figure realistically, but rather to portray a(n) exaggerated shape underneath fashionable clothes. However, the unrealistic dimensions of the doll have brought the strongest criticism regarding the doll's encouragement of an obsession with weight and looks.Convinced of the negative effects of the Barbie doll on children, Cathy Meredig of High Self Esteem Toys developed a more realistically proportioned doll in 1991. Her doll did not sell well, however.Throughout the years, the Barbie doll has had several competitors, but none have been able to compete with the glamour offered by the Barbie doll.Do you know February 2nd is Groundhog's Day (土拨鼠日)? Legend has it that on this morning, if a groundhog can see its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter. If it cannot see its shadow, spring is on the way. Some believe that the means of forecast is rather arbitrary and is often incorrect. Others argue that it is significant because it recognizes that the different parts of nature are connected in some way. Each part is dependent on the rest of the parts for a healthy system. Some farmers pay close attention to the behavior of ducks and geese whenpredicting the weather. It is sensible to guess an early winter is coming when you see ducks and geese moving south in October. Many dog owners can tell when winter or spring will come by stroking their pet. In preparation for winter, a dog's hair becomes thicker. Dogs lose hair as spring sets in.Information gathered from nature can help people to take precautions against a hard winter or bad storm. Some animals are even believed to be able to detect when an earthquake will occur. People holding this belief even go further to say that information gathered by computers is often detect and nature is far more accurate: Isn't it time we started paying attention to what is around us?Bill Gates is known around the world for the founding of Microsoft. And, most people are quite aware that his Bill Gates is known around the world for the founding of Microsoft. And, most people are quite aware that his evolution from computer hacker to the world's richest man was due in large part to his partner Paul Allen. But, while Gates' fame has mushroomed since the beginning of Microsoft, Allen has remained less famous. Many around the world have followed the life of Gates, but are ignorant of what has happened to Allen. In fact, as most in the Northwest can tell you, Allen has made quite a(n) impact on the region and the world. In 2000, he retired from Microsoft, but the company retains him as a permanent advisor to top executives. Not all of Allen's interests involve commercial success. Allen has given four hundred million dollars in charity to the University of Washington for science and technology research. He created the Experience Music Project in Seattle, employing famous architect Frank Gehry to design the building. This is not his only contribution to the arts. Allen is very involved with modernizing Hollywood's movie technology. His film studio is the most advanced in the world. He has also built a sports empire, buying both a basketball and a football team as well as helping to support a local stadium, and he owns a sports magazine. Oh, and let's not forget, Allen is the seventh richest man in the entire world. Not bad.You have probably heard of Dolly. She is the world's first cloned sheep and quite famous. You would never know that she was such a famous animal just by looking at her, though. "She's about as unrem arkable-looking as any sheep there ever was," commented one scientist who tends to the famous sheep.Now that Dolly has successfully been cloned, there are many scientists observing her every movement. Their hope is that they never detect anything remarkable with Dolly. One of the scientists humorously remarked, "It's quite a(n) boring job always sitting around hoping nothing will actually happen." But that's what they have essentially done. They hope that any differences between Dolly and the sheep she was copied from are so minor that they go unnoticed."We don't want Dolly to live longer or jump higher. Some say that we are deliberately trying to create animals with remarkable qualities. This is not true. We simply are showing that we can make a(n) identical copy of the original safely and that the sheep is normal."Despite the protests of the scientists working on the project, the debate over whether cloning is safe goes on. The US congress organized a national commission to study the legal and moral implications of cloning. Many would like to abolish all research on cloning. And while everyone argues, the scientists are simply continuing to watch Dolly.My friend, Anna, said to me before I married Mike, "He's fine now, but wait until after you've married him." She thought that her own experience with marriage was applicable to mine. Without even being asked, she cited all of the problems she's had with her husband. The disputes ranged from him not sharing responsibility for household tasks to how often he went out at night. And every time, Anna complained, her husband would find justification for what he did. "If I were you," she advised, "I'd get everything documented in writing. If there is something desirable about him now, make sure you get an agreement from him that he will continue it after you are married." I tried to dispose of her advice saying that I thought Mike and I could handle it without such an agreement. She just dismissed what I had to say with laughter. "You can't believe him just because what he said. Once you marry him, he'll think he owns you, and everything will change," she said.I tried to ignore her advice, but the next day I changed my mind and talked to Mike. "Mike,"I said, "I'm not going to marry you unless you promise to always stay the same."He replied, "You've been talking to Anna again, haven't you无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。

UNIT 11) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved2) resist 6) budget 10) economic3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up3.1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy2) often generate misleading thoughts3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work4) be suspected of doing everything for money5) before he gets through life4.1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in2) device, the improvement, on a global scale3) stacked, temptation, never dined outII Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit9) stacking2. (Theme-related)1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) idealII. Translation1. We have a problem w ith the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometowntook over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premium for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.UNIT 2VocabularyI.1.1) decades 5) slender 9) on the side2) historic 6) web 10) authorized3) imposed 7) bade 11) terminal4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of2.1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for3.1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling.3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.4.1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racialII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I'll tell you in a minute how I have attained the genuine sense of belonging in America, but first let me hear about your French trip.2. Most McDonald's look almost the same on the outside, but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.3. Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.4. This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it's always breaking down.5. In your resume you've mentioned everything but one vital point.6. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.7. I am sorry, but I think you shouldn't have lingered on over coffee and missed the last bus..8. The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignoranceIII. Usage1) lonely 2)friendly 3) weekly, monthly 4)lovely5) cowardly 6)kindly/saintly 7) lively 8)motherlyComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1)forged 2) stand up 3) compelled 4)convictions 5)mission6)abolish 7) intent on 8) risk 9)in the eyes of 10)threats2. (Theme-related)1) assistance 2) involved 3) estimated 4)coincidence 5)emerged 6) referred 7) numerous 8) stationed 9)concern 10)captureII. Translation1. Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2. Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.3. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.4. Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.5. Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.UNIT 3VocabularyI.1.1) threatens 2) by a small margin 3)civilize 4)closed up 5)wandered 6) paste 7) without so much as 8) sideways9) hook up to 10) universal 11) chart 12) Bathed in2. 1)narrowed down 2)looked back on 3)cut off 4)fit into 5)wear(the other) down 6)lies in 7)put up 8)stand for3. 1)...which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.2)...with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.3)...feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986---killing all seven crew.4)...threatened to keep the pupils in after school, they were quieted at once.5)... are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.4. 1) looked back on/ atmosphere/urban life2)era/ hooked up to the / the electronic3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / analyze / make errorsII. 1) away 2)inside/in 3)forward/through 4)back5)off 6)home 7) back down 8)in...outIII. 1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be2) Most men do not look unattractive in them3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment4) The claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.5)His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Comprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) Statistics 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch6)vulnerable 7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection 10)civilized2. 1) together 2)liable 3)shift 4)electric 5)cautious6)sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances 10)signsII. Translation1.1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.UNIT 4VocabularyI.1.1) accordingly 2) loose 3) concentration 4)stimulating 5) fabric 6)if anything 7) reality 8) intuition9) trifle 10) at the turn of the century 11) mess12) undermine2. 1) approve of 2) slow down 3) taken in 4) sucked into 5) set apart 6) dozed off 7)call forth 8)stretch into 9) keep up with 10)believe in3. 1)...provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.2)...is credited to his powers of imagination3)...on the foundations of an agricultural revolution4)...not to make any complaints in the presence of the nurse.5)...the outbreak of the Second World War.4. 1) flaw/came to the conclusion/would get nowhere2) in a row/dozed off/a mess of3) outbreak of/ has undermined / has strainedII. 1)With Christmas only a week away2) With his physical condition improving day by day3) With our GDP growing steadily4) With all the shops closed5) with her eyes closed6) With the fog lifting during the nightIII. 1) like/as 2) as 3) like 4) like/as5) as/like 6) as 7)like 8) asComprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) caution 2) came to the conclusion that 3)never get anywhere4)undermining 5) not give/care a fig 6) flaw7) beyond any doubt 8)foundation 9)remarkable/impressive10) imagination2. 1) extent 2)inventions 3)bet 4)manages 5)vision6)eventually 7)achievement 8)poverty 9) utilized 10)breakthroughII. Translation1.1) The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.3)Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.4) As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.5) Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and take up/meet the challenge by himself.2. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it "The World Year of Physics". It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievements can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.Unit 6 The Human TouchText AContent Questions(P.172)1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishopsleeves so much in tune that they set up a joint studio. 2.Johnsy would be able to recover from pneumonia if she wantedto live.3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day.4.She could see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing halfway up the brick wall.5.Because she thought that she would die when the last leaf fell.6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman wasa failure in art. For forty years he had been always aboutto paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one.7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea.8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaveson it were all gone.9.She saw the last leaf on the vine.10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it wasa sin to want to die.11.H e caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainyand cold night in the yard and was wet through.12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his finepainting of the last leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy. Text Organization (P.173)1. (P.173)1).S he made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell.2).S he decided not to give up her life.3).B ehrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's state of mind,risked death to paint the last leaf and save her.4).B ecause it was so perfect the girls both mistook it for the realthing.2. (P.173)Language Sense Enhancement (P.174)I. 1)curling 2) looking the part3) masterpiece 4) to excess5) For the rest 6) smelling strongly of7) f ancy 8) light and fragile9) s light hold upon the world 10) streamingLanguage Focus (P.176)Vocabulary(P.176)1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragile3) fancy 4) nonsense5) cling to 6)endure7) acute 8) whistle9) mock 10) subtracted11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering2.(P.177)1) gave in/gave up 2) figure out3) sized up 4)wiped out5) pulling up 6)wear away7) sit up 8) hear of /about3.(P. 178)1) Illnesses usually stand out in childhood memories.2)According to the bulletin, Albright College now offers a jointbachelor's degree program in environmental studies togetherwith Duke University.3)The new government is less oppressive, but violence stillstalks the country.4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert.5)The demand for change in the election law is so persistent thatboth houses have promised to consider it.4. (P. 178—179)1) It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so webuilt a camp fire. Soon the smellof steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grassand earth. Other campers seemed to be doing the same. Hereand there people were eating, drinking or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. What a merry night! 2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stopsinging. I didn't realize why until Sally told me in a whisper: " You are not in tune with the group!"3)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunkenhusband, who was immediately wet through and stumbled backward: " You can't do without drinks? I won't hear of any excuses. You certainly don't need it to turn loose your tongue!"II. W ords with Multiple Meanings (P. 179—180)1.He went to Paris on business last month.2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25p.m.3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let thesheep go.4.We went exploring together in the mountains. / We will goexploring together in the mountains.5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar.6.The store is going to close up soon.7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat theSpanish team in the quarterfinals.8.When Mother came out of the house, she found her childrengone.III. Usage (P. 180)1.a little white wooden house2.long, curly red hair2.a large old round table3.a cheap Indian restaurant4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream5.rapid technological advance6.a handsome young Chinese AmericanComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze (P. 181)1. (P. 182)1).T he red house stands out against the old trees that reach highup to the sky.2).T he salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’mnot satisfied.3).T he waters of the two streams mingle near our village.4).W e should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.5).T he curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the styleof the furniture.2. (P. 182)Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part,or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7Text APart II Text AContent Questions1.A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie his shoes.His mother’s challenges and the voices of those who belie ved him stupid, incapable of living independently keep him goingon.2.He is a door-to-door salesman. His weapons are: dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie, tan raincoat, hat and a briefcase.3.He is afraid that someone will steal his briefcase. He was different in that cerebral palsy affected his speech, hands and walk.4.First a school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School, where he was placed in a class for slow kids.5.She was certain that he could rise above his limitations. 6.He applie d for a salesman’s job.7.With his mother setting up a meeting with a Watkins representative, as well as by his own persistence.8.He lacked confidence. It took him quite a while to have the courage to ring the first doorbell.9.He keeps coming back until the customer buys. He tells himself not to worry if hid day has not turned out to be profitable. 10.Because he was laid up for five months after band surgery and couldn’t work.11.Like a home of the past era. He leads a solitary life. 12.No, he doesn’t. Because he lives a life of dignity.TextOrganization 1.2.Vocabulary:1) disabled 2) impatient 3) solitary 4)crushed5) feel like 6) lashed 7) echoing 8)paused9) betrayed 10) laundry 11) section 12)tilted2.1) cared for 2) hang on3) was laid up with 4) are gaining on5) kicked up 6) went off7) drop ... off 8)straighten out3.1) … sometimes didn't register with her.2)…in disorder, drawers pulled out, shoes and bootsscattered.3)… was transferred from Father's account to my accoun t.4)… a pledge to contribute 1000,000dollars to the Childrenin Needed charity campaign.5)… the most profitable business in that province.4. 1) gaining on; off balance; was laid up in; scar on2) a cripple\ crippled ; surgery , limitations, inliterature.3) commission ; on the phone ; his territory ; neverregisters withII. Usage1.I never did go over these books, although I probably shouldhave.2.I know this is a personal question. You don't have to answerme if you don't want to.3.I think this topic should have attracted far more attentionfrom philosophers than it has.4."I think you're right." — "I'm sure I am."5."He thought that the condition was hereditary in his case."—"Well, it might be."6."Sugar?" ---- "No. Maybe next time."7.The house is only a building. It is a place to live, nothingmore.8.DIANE: You didn't! Tell me youdidn't! FATHER: Oh, yes. Anythingfor my children.III. Word Family1.1) bored 2) boredom3) bored 4) boringly5) boring2. 1) 2)3) 4)3. 1) frozen 2) freeze3) freezing 4) freezer5) freezeComprehensive ExercisesI Cloze1. Text-related1) off … f eet 2) signature 3) commission 4) on the phone5) laid up 6) surgery 7) territory 8) disorder9) applying for 10) dignity2. Theme-related1)didn’t 2) read 3) come 4) money5) because 6) earning 7) doing 8) own9) obviously 10) valueII. TranslationI. I grew terribly scared when I heard sound of footstepsechoing round the hallway at midnight yesterday.2. The name-brand sports shoes are guaranteed for 12months.3. Snowstorms threw communications and transportation intodisorder.4.I’ve been suffering a lot of s tress from work lately, I feellike taking a vacation at the seaside.5. Living in an apartment is all right, but it has itslimitations--- for example, you don’t have your owngardens.6. Tom was born a cripple, with one of his lower limbs useless. Early in his childhood, he learned that unless he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he could not earn a living, and unless he succeeded in making a living on his own, he could not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned down, before he finally got one as a delivery boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sales representative for a sportswear company in a territory no one else would want. Today he owns a fairly profitable retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him. Part III TextBComprehension Check1. c3. a 2.d 4.d 6. b5. dTranslation1.当时我俩并未意识到这一点,但那就是我们之间开始拉开距离的日子,是开始在家庭内部重新界定劳动者的意义的日子。

新世纪⼤学英语综合教程3翻译和cloze答案U1 1.以共同兴趣为基础的友谊是不容易破裂的The friendship grounded on common interest does not break up easily2.孩⼦们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴⼒与勇敢区分开来Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery in computer games.3.当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求⼀个⼈什么都知晓是不合情理的There spring up so many new tings everyday in the world that it is no longer sensible(明智的;合情理的)to expecta person to know everything.4.诸如背弃朋友这类事并不受法律制约,所以才有了我们称作的道德法庭Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends, that is why there is what we call the court of morality 5.有⼈把今天的⽂化描述为快餐⽂化。
⽆论做什么事,⼈们只是追求⽤最短时间达到最⼤的满⾜Today’s culture is described as fast-food culture, whatever they may be; people just pursue the greatestuntil then did I realize that living with my parents was truly a happy experience.3.你不要总是和别⼈攀⽐,否则你可能会陷⼊忧郁之中,因为毕竟有许多⼈⽐你强。
You should not always make comparison with others;otherwise,you may be trapped in depression,for there are always others who are better than you.4.今天⼈们⽣活⽐以前富裕多了,闲暇时间也多了,奇怪的是⼈们反⽽觉得⽣活乏味了。

全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程3课后Cloze答案及原⽂1.We have a problem with the computer system, but Ithink it is fairly minor.2.My father died when I was too young to live on myown. The people of my hometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point.3.the toys have to meet strict safety requirements beforethey can be sold to children.4.Radio and television have supplemented rather thanreplaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion.5.When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest ofarticles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.6.Though greatly affected by the consequences of theglobal financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.7.Under threat of constant sand storms, we werecompelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.8.According to a recent online survey, a lot ofconsumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.9.Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminatedwaste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.10.Some scientists hold to the firm conviction thatpeople will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world. 11.The Internet is changing the way people live, nomatter whether they are in urban or rural areas.12.Medium-sized and small companies are morevulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.13.With regard to our term papers, the professor askedus to analyze the chart of unemployment first, and then provide critical reflections on the nation’s economic development. 14.It never occurred to him that their team would winthe basketball match by a large margin.15.Looking back on my twenty years’ teaching in highschool, I attributed my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.16.Grandma took it for granted that food prices wouldsoar, so she bought a lot of rice.17.I can quote you several instances of her dedicationto science.18.The 1980s saw the start of the swift development ofsome special economic zones in China.19.Tension between the two countries stemmed in partfrom the latest spy affair.20.Peter has worked in a law firm for many years. Y oucan consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help.21.The red house stands out against the old trees thatreach high up to the sky.22.The salary in/for my new job is great, but for therest, I’m not satisfied.23.The waters of the two streams mingle near ourvillage.24.We should not mock at other people’s religiousbeliefs.25.The curtains of the room are not quite in tune withthe style of the furniture.1) on balance 2) resist 3) haul 4) wicked 5) illustrated 6) budget 7)lowering 8) boundary 9) involved 10)economic 11) blasting 12)just about1) decades 2) historic 3) imposed 4) religious 5) slender 6) web 7) bade 8) site 9) on the side 10) authorized11) terminal 12)make the best of1) threathens 2) by a small margin3) civilize4) closed up5) wandered 6) paste7) without so much as8) sideways 9) hook up to10) universal 11) chart12) Bathed in1) sprinkled2) in turn 3)reversed 4) repay 5)at sea6)traditional 7)statement8)longed for 9)in secret 10) unloaded 11)weep12) under way1) masterpieces 2) fragile 3) fancy 4) nonsense 5) cling to 6)endure 7) acute 8) whistle9) mock10) subtracted 11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering1) Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next stacking firewood.2) The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans. Some of those who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled to take part because of their deeply held convictions . For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them because a mission . While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at considerable risk .In the eyes of slave owners, they were dangerous enemies and frequently received death threats3) Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in the cities. The era when the countryside stood for safety and secutity has long gong. No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch . We all feel vnlnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay . These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices. A moment’s reflection ,however ,is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle : we may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in . this hardly seems a civilized way of life.。

1.1Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next stacking firewood.1.2A homesteader (自耕农) is a person who lives a self-reliant lifestyle with major emphasis on home production. while the Industrial Age is being replaced by information and electronics, some people try to seek an escape from the social, environmental, and economic madness of the modern age and begin to consider returning to the country. As this lifestyle is so enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding, more and more people are prepared to quit their job in the city and start a new and more meaningful life on their various farms. For some it has become not only a way of life, but a way of looking at the world.Of course, life in the country can be pretty tough. While it is an enjoyment to be so close to Nature, you may have to reduce your dependence on fuels by cutting back on your daily consumption. You may also have to prepare your own meals every day and provide your own low-cost entertainment without the luxuries that are common in cities. On balance, however, living in the country has long been a part of the American Dream. Generations of Americans have considered the country an ideal setting in which to live and raise a family3.1Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in the cities.Th e era when the countryside stood for safety and secutity has long gong.No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch.We all feel vnlnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay.These can r ange from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices.A moment’s reflection,however,is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle:w e may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in.this har dly seems a civilized way of life.3.2Statistics show that at some point in your life, you will get robbed. Things get even worse for apartment dwellers because so many people pass in and out of an apartment building, and it is much tougher to keep non-residents out.So what to do? Don't panic. Yes, apartments are liable to robbery, but there are options other than barricading yourself in your apartment with a shotgun. We suggest that you use some common sense to shift that target from your door. Then the burglar will rob the less guarded, not you.We know what you're thinking: "I' ll never get robbed. Who'd want to steal a half can of Diet Coke and an electric toothbrush?" If those really are the only things in your apartment, you have every reason not to worry. However, if you have something you'd like to keep - say, a TV, a stereo, a computer, a Picasso - it's wise to be cautious .Your goal is not to set up any sophisticated security systems to hold thieves at bay; your goal is to keep crimi nals from even trying to break into your apartment in the first place. I f someone really wants to break in, chances are that he/she is going to find a way by breaking a window or climbing up the fire escape. Therefore, you should remove all signs that say, "Hey, look at me! Lots of goodies and no security! Come on in! " Lock the door when you leave. Don't leave the windows open all day long. Don't tape notes on the door directed to your mate reading "Gone all day! Left the door unlocked for you! " Just use your brains!6.1I had only known Johnsy a few months when she fell victim to the disease.We had met in May and,finding ourselves so much in tune,had set up home together.Then, in November,she became ill.Scarcely able to speak in a,she seemed unable to cling to life.It was such a change.Before she had always been so lively andmerry.Now she just sat up in bed,staring out of the window.She had this strange b elief that once the last leaf on the vine outside fell,she would die.I told her it was all nonsense,but to no effect.It was our downstairs neighbor,Mr.Behrman,who came to her rescue.When he h eard of Johnsy’s strange fancy he flew into a fierce temper,regarding it as a sin that o ne so young should give up life so easily.Thanks to Behrman,the last leaf never did te at night he had climbed up and painted the leaf on the wall.It was his long-promised masterpiece6.2Five years ago a female inmate (犯人) at Riker's Island told Jane Paley that she smelled wonderful. As president of Friendly Visitors, a 50-year-old organization whose mission(1) is "acts of loving kindness that don't involve(2) large sums of money or hours of work," Paley frequently went to the New York City jail (3). That day, though, a spray of perfume (香水) went off in her head.Her group had long donated (捐赠) money so that the 100 women in the jail could buy food and treats. Why not (4) give them fancy toiletries (化妆用品) too?Paley and her crew of 35 women figured out the perfect way to get the goods: They asked friends to collect (5) hotel soaps, shampoos and lotions when they travel.Volunteers bundle them into goody bags and deliver (6) them to Riker's several times a year, including Christmas and Mother's Day."These mini-donations make the women feel beautifu(7)," says Paley. "You can see them turn themselves around a little bit."So, Paley continues, "If you're lucky enough to afford a vacation (8), take the soap and shampoos. Bring them to homeless shelters, battered women shelters or any organization in need (9). It's a small (10) act that may mean a great deal."7.1It's been a long day and I'm glad to be back home and get the weight off my feet(1). Not that I've finished yet, there are still all those orders (订单) to type up andI must remember to add my signature (2) to my claim (索取) for commission(3)before I post it off. Otherwise, my firm will be on the phone (4) to me about it. Notthat they have much to complain about. I always manage to sell quite a lot, except that time I was laid up (5) after surgery(6). I'm the only representative the firm has out on the streets nowadays and I still manage to cover a large territory (7) despite my disorder (8). It's hard work and long hours, no time to linger in bed in the mornings,Yet, I've never regretted applying for(9) the job all those years ago. Supporting myself enables me to keen my dignity (10).7.2imagine how you would fill in 24 hours a day, every day, if you didn't have to work. There you go - off to the beach in summer, the movies in winter, watch T.V. on rainy days, go skating or horse riding, read a lot of books or magazines, sleep . . .But would you? Where would the money come from to pay your bus fares, to get into the movies, to buy your T.V. or to pay for the electricity, or buy your skates and books?Let's say that money grew on trees, and that no-one had to worry about that "small" problem. Now you can do all those things... right?Probably not, because if no-one had to worry about earning money, then who would bother driving your bus to the beach -for that matter, who would bother building your bus, or making your movies, skates, books, etc.? Why would they have to?What you'd probably end up doing would be spending most of your time out in the fields growing your own food, or looking after your cows for milk and meat, your sheep for clothing, growing bamboo for the walls of your humpy.Why would you need to do this? Because no-one else would need to do it to earn money, because money grew on trees - right?Obviously, money in that sort of society doesn't really exist, and is of no value to the people...我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。

Keys to exercises: Book ThreeUnit 1Content Questions1.Write and live on a farm.2.Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables. They have enough eggs,honey and wood. They are very close to nature and can enjoy the beautiful scenery.Besides, they can go skiing and skating in winter.3.No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.4.They were buried under five feet of snow from December through March.5.When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second flood refers to the goodharvest in the growing season.6.He decided to quit his job and start to freelance.7.He has to crawl into black-bear dens for “Sports Illustrated”, hitch up dogsled racingteams for “Smithsonian”magazine, check out the Lake Champlain “monster”for “Science Digest”, and canoe through the Boundary Water wilderness area of Minnesota for “Destination”.8.As for insurance, they have only bought a poor man’s major-medical policy and thepolicy on their two cars.9.They cut back their expenses without appreciably lowering their standard of living. Forexample: they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city.They still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies.10. A tolerance for solitude and lots of energy.11.They will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what they’vebeen able to accomplish.12.They chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of theirlives. Yes, they have finally realized their dream.Language Sense Enhancement1. (1) Special qualities (2) a tight budget (3) entertain (4) anyway (5) involved(6) requirement (7) on a small scale (8) temptation (9) instead (10) machineryLanguage Focus1.(1) on balance (2) resist (3) haul (4) wicked (5) illustrated (6)budget (7) lowering(8) boundary (9) involved (10) economic (11) blasting (12) just about2. (1) cut back/down (2) pick up (3) get by (4) get through (5) face up to (6) turn in (7) making up for (8) think up3. (1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy.(2) often generate misleading thoughts(3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work.(4) be suspected of doing everything for money(5) before he gets through life4. (1) their indoor / a profit /to invest in (2) device / the improvement / on a global scale (3) stacked/temptation/ never dine out2.(1) doubt (2) suspected (3) doubted (4) suspected (5) suspectWord Formation1.(1) rise (2) final (3) regular (4) cash (5) hows and whys (6) upped (7) yellowed(8) bottled (9) lower (10) searchComprehension Exercises1. (1) gets by/ temptation /get through/improvements/ aside from/ suspect/supplement/profit/ stacking/(2) replaced/consider/quit/world/tough/fuels/provide/luxuries/ balance/ideal2. (1) 1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of myhometown took over my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strict/tough safety requirements before they can be sold tochildren.4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper ascarriers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is /carries a digest of articles form manynewspapers and magazines around the world.(2) A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit anexecutive job and opened a household appliances store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily to improve the quality of their lives.But to run a small business is by no means an easy job. Without a steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes, she did not even have the money to pay for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her hard work, she has got through the toughest time. She is determined to continue to pursue her vision of a better life.Text BComprehension Check1. a2.c3. d4. b5. a6. cTranslation1.什么?你说那听起来不想你附上的生活?其实,不仅仅是你一个人这样想。

Fate is sometimes not very kind to policemen like myself.Take as an example the recent trial i n which i was involved.when i arrested the young lad i had felt sure he was guilty.i had been follo wing him around for a couple of hours and he conducted himself suspiciously.He had been wand ering about and it seemed to me that he was looking for an opportunity to steal. When I arrested him , his casual manner only served to confirm my suspicions.i thought i had at last caught the the thief who had been troubling the are a for so long.However,my joy was only temporary.when i saw the brilliant solicitor the boy`s father had hir ed to defend him,i knew we didn`t stand a chance.it turned out the boy was simply a student wh o was looking for temporary employment before going to university.if only he had been a bit mor e helpful when we arrested him,he could have saved us all a lot of time and trouble.It`s enough t o make one turn against students.Unit2Despite the vast amount of data available for us to download form the worldwide web,we stil l face a problem in how to make the best use of it.data on its own has limitations.it is only when n ature is exposed to fruitful questions that we can hope to uncover her secrets,the evolution of sc ience shows this clearly,with many of the most notable discoveries relying on the ability to view matters rather than simply gathering more facts,in short,half the answer lies in thinking up the ri ght question.Unit3To my mind,in any analysis of the professions,few can match teaching.one needs to be ener getic,for occasionally it seems one hardly has time to catch one`s breath.it can mean staying up l ate in order to get lessons prepared on time,nonetheless,i am convinced that the work is more s timulating than that of my administrative colleagues.i certainly would not wish to switch,even tho ugh the pay is higher,with teaching,the pace of life is more varied,allowing greater time for refle ction and research.yet most of all it is the chance to see the spark of a fresh idea taking hold in a student`s mind that is the most rewarding aspect of the job,repaying all one`s efforts.Unit11)Fate2)trial3)guilty4)couple of5)conduct6)wandering7)casual8)confirm9)temporary10)brilliant11)stand a chance12)employment13)turn againstunit21)Despite2)data3)download4)web5)limitations6)fruitful7)uncover8)evolution9)notable10)View11)Inshort12)thinking upUnit31)analysis2)professions3)energetic4)catch one`s breath5)staying up6)convinced7)stimulating8 )administrative9)switch10)pace11)reflection12)spark13)repayingIt is difficult not to be affected by the table of Sarah morris.while her physical conditions made to interpret her speech, from her writing it would be impossible to spot that she suffers from such a severe handicap.writing slowl y with the help of a pointer fastened to her head,her maximum writing speed is no more than ei ght words per minute.Yet she still manages to write extensively on the team she grew up followi ng.straining her neck in the gloom of her room,surrounded by her computer equipment and a tv set,she has managed to rise above her situation against all the odds.Unit5I recall that it was something of an embarrassment to have my son find me so upset on that Wed nesday long ago.he had come home expecting to have the place all to himself,only to find me there,frantic with worry about losing my job,i had assumed that i could master typing in just a few session, but it took much longer than I had expected. Try as I might, it seemed I justcould not catch on to it in time,i suppose i should have enrolled on a correspondence c ourse,as i did when learning to run the nursery,but by then it was too late.I felt helpless and the tension at work was becoming too much to bear,so in the end i just had to accept defect and cha nge jobs.not that i gave up wanting to type.i went on practicing and eventually mastered it.Unit6The medicines the doctor prescribed for me tasted horrible.They were supposed to bring down my temperature,but when i heard how high it was i was terrified.I though i was terrified.i though i was certain to die.i just didn`t see how i could possibly overcome the illness.i couldn`t stop worr ying about it.all day i just gazed into space,feeling miserable.the fever made me shiver and gave my face a flush.i couldn`t take an interest in anything and felt very detached from everything arou nd me.i though my father must know i was going to die,but had said nothing,wanting me to keep from thinking about it.Finally i could bear it no longer and asked him how much longer i could liv e.when he explained my mistake,all my worries slid away.only then was i really able to take it easy .Unit41)affected2)physical3)interpret4)spot5)handicap6)fastened7)maximum8)per9)extensively10 )straining11)surroundedUnit51)recall2)embarrassment3)have all to himself4)frantic5)assumed6)catch on to8)enrolled9)cor respondence10)helpless11)tension12)went onUnit61)prescribed2)bring down3)overcome4)gazed5)miserable6)shiver7)flush8)detached from9)k eep from10)slid11)take it easy。

U1 1.以共同兴趣为基础的友谊是不容易破裂的The friendship grounded on common interest does not break up easily2.孩子们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴力与勇敢区分开来Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery in computer games.3.当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的There spring up so many new tings everyday in the world that it is no longer sensible(明智的;合情理的)to expecta person to know everything.4.诸如背弃朋友这类事并不受法律制约,所以才有了我们称作的道德法庭Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends, that is why there is what we call the court of morality 5.有人把今天的文化描述为快餐文化。
无论做什么事,人们只是追求用最短时间达到最大的满足Today’s culture is described as fast-food culture, whatever they may be; people just pursue the greatest satisfaction within the shortest time.6.常言说,天下没有免费的午餐。
如果你想要什么,就得去挣As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want something, go and earn it.U2 1.无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。

Unit One Changes in the Way We LiveText AContent Questions ( P10 )Write and live on a farm.Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables. They have enough eggs, honey and wood. They are very close to nature and can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides, they can go skiing and skating in winter.No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.They were buried under five feet of snow from December through March.When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second flood refers to the good harvest in the growing season.He decided to quit his job and start to freelance.He ha s to crawl into black bear dens for “Sports Illustrated”, hitch up dogsled racing teams for “Smithsonian” magazine, check out the Lake Champlain “monster” for “Science Digest”, and canoe through the Boundary Waters Wilderness area of Minnesota for “Destinations”.As for insurance, they have only bought a poor man‟s major-medical policy and the policy on their two cars.They cut back their expenses without appreciably lowering their standard of living. For example, they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. They still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies.A tolerance for solitude and lots of energy.They will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what they have been able to accomplish.They chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. Yes, they have finally realized their dreams.Text Organization ( P11 )Part One (paragraphs 1—3) The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one.Part Two (paragraphs 4—7 ) Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.Part Three (paragraphs 8—11) After quitting his job, the writer‟s income was red uced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by.Part Four (paragraphs 12—15 ) A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country.Happy Moments and Events1)growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables2)canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc.3)keeping warm inside the house in winter4)writing freelance articles5)earning enough money while maintaining a happy family lifeHardships1)working hard both in winter and in summer2)harsh environment and weather condition3)anxious moments after the writer quit his job4)cutting back on daily expenses5)solitudeVocabulary1.Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. ( P15 )1) on balance 2) resist 3) haul 4) wicked5) illustrated 6) budget 7) lowering 8) boundary9) involved 10)economic 11) blasting 12) just about2.Now use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it. ( P16 )1) cut back / down 2)pick up3)get by 4) get through5)face up to 6)turn in7)making up for 8)think up3.Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. (P17 )1)pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy.2)often generate misleading thoughts.3)attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work.4)be suspected of doing everything for money.5)before he gets through life.plete the sentences, using the words or phrases in brackets ( P17 )1. their indoor a profit to invest in2. device the improvement on a global scale3. stacked temptation never dined outConfusable Use ( P18 )househomehome familyhouseholddoubtsuspecteddoubtedsuspectedsuspectWord Formation ( P19 )1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows and whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchCloze1. Text-related ( P20 )1) gets by 2) temptation 3) get through4) improvement 5) aside from 6) suspect7) supplement 8) profit 9) stacking2. Theme-related ( P21 )1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit4) world 5) tough 6) fuels7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance10) idealTranslation1.Translate the sentences into English ( P21 )1)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it is fairly minor.2)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point.3)the toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion.5)When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.2.Translate the passage into English ( P21 )A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.Text B1. Choose the best answer for each of the following. ( P27 )1—6. a c d b a cTranslate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the essay ( P28 )什么?你说那听起来不像你府上的生活?其实,不仅仅是你一个人这么想。
新世纪大学英语3 cloze及答案

Cloze:Unit 1What is genuine friendship? Some c_______(1)views may help us understand the n________(2) of friendship more clearly.Aristotle distinguishes genuine friendship from two other forms: one based on mutual u________(3) and the other on pleasure.while the g_______(4) for the latter two forms of friendship is closely related to material benefits, short-term interests or age, genuine friendship o_______(5) only between those who are similar in their g_______(6). Cicero, another ancient scholar, believes that true friends' actions and lives should leave no question a______t______(7) their honor, purity, equity and liberality. Whether or not one p_______(8) any superiority over the other, both must regard themselves as equals of the other and try their best to p_______(9) the friendship. Moreover, true friends are b_______(10) together, as a friend is said to be a m________(11) in which you may perceive and know yourself. When v________(12) friends are bonded together by a c____________(13) to the good, they can recognize each other's m________e__________(14) and fulfill their self-improvement.答案:(1)classical (2)notion (3)utility (4)ground (5)occurs (6)goodness (7)as to (8)possesses (9)preserve (10)bound (11)mirror (12)virtuous (13)commitment (14)moral excellenceUnit 2Today young people tend to jump on the bandwagon of love with so much h______(1) that they fail to realize the essence of true love. Given the current s______ o______ a______(2), we need to consider more closely the nature of love. True love has to be d________(3) form the pleasures of the flesh. True love means a m______ o ______ m______(4) and it takes time to b________(5). People who are in true love focus more on i _______ c______(6)than on physical beauty, more on i________(7)than on closeness, more on e______(8) than on passion, more on sharing than on a________(9). As true love happens once in a lifetime, they have in their minds the i_______ (10) of the relationship. They share mutual respect, a________(11) and plenty of romance, so their relationship is l_______ (12) and meaningful.福建工程学院国脉信息学院 1Preserving true love require effort, however, You should gift your object of a________(13) your time, company, support and friendship; you should give yourself and your beloved time and space to f________(14) a life-long bond; and you should h________(15) your commitments. In short, you should devote yourself to you love. Your devotion to love will, in return, bring you an o_______(16) joy.答案:(1)haste (2)state of affairs (3)distinguished (4)meeting of minds (5)blossom (6)charm (7)intimacy (8)emotion (9)acquiring (10)ideals (11)admiration (12)lasting (13)affection (14)forge (15)honor (16)overwhelmingUnit 3It is our natural desire to be happy. Throughout human history, people as a w_____ (1) have been going after happiness . H____(2), the pursuit of happiness is often accompanied with dissatisfaction and frustration. This is in p____ (3)due to our different understanding of happiness. I______ e_____(4),our sense of happiness is d_____(5) from our definition of happiness. Some believe that happiness can be p______(6)with wealth .From this point of view, the b___ o____(7)one becomes, the happier one gets. Therefore , to be happy ,they t_____ p_____(8)to get rich. But wealth dose not n_______(9)lead to happiness .Others believe that happiness has something t____ d_____(10)with status –a system of ranking. Thus ,one’s happiness is built upon his favorable c___(11)with others .But since society cannot raise its position r_______(12)to itself ,unhappiness is thus i_____(13).So it can be said that both views s_____(14)more as the barrier to true happiness than as the guide .To s_____(15) true happiness, we must change our inner attitude and strive for the common good of all human beings.答案:(1) whole (2) However (3) part (4) In effect (5) derived (6) purchased (7) better off (8) take pains (9) necessarily福建工程学院国脉信息学院 2(10) to do (11) comparison (12) relative (13) inevitable (14) serve (15) seekUnit 4AIDS is a terrible disease. It poses a t_______(1) to all the human beings without caring whether you are black or white, male or female, gay or straight, young or old. But what is a_______r________(2) now is not just the people i_________(3) with the disease. Human civilization itself is being threatened. This is because the whole society tolerates both ignorance of and p_________(4) against HIV or AIDS. Once diagnosed as HIV-positive, the victims are i________(5) or treated as ou7tcasts. They are believed to have c________(6) something evil or to have entered some alien state of being. As a result, these poor people have to s_________(7) the flickering candle of life from the cold wind of rejection by their family members. When they die of the disease, their families dare not whisper the word AIDS. They just g___________(8) silently. Thus, our prejudice and silence have helped the disease a________(9). Now HIV marches firmly towards AIDS in more than a million American homes, littering its p________(10) with the bodies of the young. To guard against the disease effectively, we must take this i_________(11) seriously. People should be educated to b__________(12) those negative attitudes to an end. We should not see AIDS as something e________(13) and the patients as alien. Instead, we should c__________o__________w______(14) the prevention of the disease and render strong s________(15) to the patients with more compassion. Only in this way can we have a better chance of winning the war against AIDS.答案:(1)threat (2)at risk (3)infected (4)prejudice (5)isolated (6)contracted (7)shelter (8)grieve (9)along (10)pathway (11)issue (12)bring (13)evil (14)concern ourselves with (16)support福建工程学院国脉信息学院 3Unit 5Mankind hopes for a better world to live in. T______t_____e_____(1), man has to confront the inevitable conflicts that the future holds i___s___(2).Since education plays an i___(3) role in managing those conflicts, the following four pillars of education are proposed. Learning to live together c___f___(4) an understanding of others and the awareness of the d___(5), similarities and interdependence of all people so that people can i___(6)joint projects. I___a___w___(7) the global changes brought about by scientific progress, the e___(8) in learning to know should be put on c____(9)a broad general education and the opportunity to study a small number of subjects i___d___(10). Associated with the issue of occupational training, learning to do aims to e___ (11)people to cope with various situations and work in teams. The fourth pillar is learning to be , which focuses on the complete development of one’s potentials when he g___a___ (12)an independent, critical way of thinking and judgment. Given the convenient a___(13) to knowledge in the information era, everyone longs for a way to g____the most o____o___(14) their own specific educational environment. These four interrelated pillars can help us make the best out of education and attain or future ideals.答案:(1) To this end (2) in store (3) indispensable (4) calls for (5) diversity (6) implement (7) In accordance with (8) emphasis (9) combining (10) in depth (11) equip (12) goes after (13) access (14) get … out ofUnit6When we are suddenly t________(1) abroad, we may lose the peace of mind we need for everyday work and life. All the familiar c________(2)disappear including words, gestures, facial expressions, customs , or norms. We reject the foreign environment and slip into the t___(3)to believe that our culture, race and nation form the center of the world. The f_____(4) and anxiety that can be a____(5) to the loss of familiar signs rae symptoms of culture shock. One of the福建工程学院国脉信息学院 4effective c___(6) for this ailment is to know something about the nature of culture and its relationship to the individual. We should bear in mind that we are born with the c____(7) to learn culture and use it . The culture of any people is the product of history and is b _____u_____(8) over time .It is b______ __ m ______o____(9)culture that we learn to adapt to the physical environment and to the people with whom we associate .Therefore, it is d _______t________(10) our own lack of understanding of other people’s cultural background and of the means of communication that we can not o___ ourselves t_______(11) the host country. Another quick way to g_____ o______(12) culture shock is to know the language. Once we are equipped with the language, a whole new world of cultural meanings o______ u______(13) for us. We will begin to find out not only what people do and how they do things. But also what their interests are. I______ a______(14), it helps us to be a participant observer by joining the activities of people and sharing in their responses, whether this be a carnival, a religious ritual, or some economic activity.答案:(1) transplanted(2) cues(3) tendency(4) frustration(5) attributed (6) cures(7) capacity(8) built up(9) by means of(10) due to(11) orient … to(12) get over(13) opens up(14) In additionUnit 7When the first modern Olympic Games t s (1)in 1896,the Olympic creed read,"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to t_____ p______ (2),just as the most important thing in life is not the t______(3),but the struggle .The essential thing is not to have c________ (4),but to have fought well."The Olympic Games f________(5) competition between top athletes.To c_____ i_____(6) first is a thrill,to be better than your rivals is an ego massage(满足自尊),to cheer for c________(7)is a collective celebration . But the meaning of the game--the real end of our aspiration-----is to be better than we are. T____ t______e_____(8),Olympic go through a grind of training relentlessly. When their big moments come,they are ready to b______o_______(10) their best, especially when they realize they are competing o_______ b_______o_________(11)their countries. When these athletes m_______(12)the福建工程学院国脉信息学院 5podium to receive their medals, spectators keep cheering because they believe they may have just w_________(13)the greatest athletic-----and human ------ achievement in history.答案:(1) took shape (2) take part (3) triumph (4) conquered (5) feature (6) come in(7) champion (8) To this end (9) squeeze in (10) bring out (11) on behalf of (12) mount (13) witnessed福建工程学院国脉信息学院 6。

Fate is sometimes not very kind to policemen like myself.Take as an example the recent trial i n which i was involved.when i arrested the young lad i had felt sure he was guilty.i had been follo wing him around for a couple of hours and he conducted himself suspiciously.He had been wand ering about and it seemed to me that he was looking for an opportunity to steal. When I arrested him , his casual manner only served to confirm my suspicions.i thought i had at last caught the the thief who had been troubling the are a for so long.However,my joy was only temporary.when i saw the brilliant solicitor the boy`s father had hir ed to defend him,i knew we didn`t stand a chance.it turned out the boy was simply a student wh o was looking for temporary employment before going to university.if only he had been a bit mor e helpful when we arrested him,he could have saved us all a lot of time and trouble.It`s enough t o make one turn against students.Unit2Despite the vast amount of data available for us to download form the worldwide web,we stil l face a problem in how to make the best use of it.data on its own has limitations.it is only when n ature is exposed to fruitful questions that we can hope to uncover her secrets,the evolution of sc ience shows this clearly,with many of the most notable discoveries relying on the ability to view matters rather than simply gathering more facts,in short,half the answer lies in thinking up the ri ght question.Unit3To my mind,in any analysis of the professions,few can match teaching.one needs to be ener getic,for occasionally it seems one hardly has time to catch one`s breath.it can mean staying up l ate in order to get lessons prepared on time,nonetheless,i am convinced that the work is more s timulating than that of my administrative colleagues.i certainly would not wish to switch,even tho ugh the pay is higher,with teaching,the pace of life is more varied,allowing greater time for refle ction and research.yet most of all it is the chance to see the spark of a fresh idea taking hold in a student`s mind that is the most rewarding aspect of the job,repaying all one`s efforts.Unit11)Fate2)trial3)guilty4)couple of5)conduct6)wandering7)casual8)confirm9)temporary10)brilliant11)stand a chance12)employment13)turn againstunit21)Despite2)data3)download4)web5)limitations6)fruitful7)uncover8)evolution9)notable10)View11)Inshort12)thinking upUnit31)analysis2)professions3)energetic4)catch one`s breath5)staying up6)convinced7)stimulating8 )administrative9)switch10)pace11)reflection12)spark13)repayingIt is difficult not to be affected by the table of Sarah morris.while her physical conditions made to interpret her speech, from her writing it would be impossible to spot that she suffers from such a severe handicap.writing slowl y with the help of a pointer fastened to her head,her maximum writing speed is no more than ei ght words per minute.Yet she still manages to write extensively on the team she grew up followi ng.straining her neck in the gloom of her room,surrounded by her computer equipment and a tv set,she has managed to rise above her situation against all the odds.Unit5I recall that it was something of an embarrassment to have my son find me so upset on that Wed nesday long ago.he had come home expecting to have the place all to himself,only to find me there,frantic with worry about losing my job,i had assumed that i could master typing in just a few session, but it took much longer than I had expected. Try as I might, it seemed I justcould not catch on to it in time,i suppose i should have enrolled on a correspondence c ourse,as i did when learning to run the nursery,but by then it was too late.I felt helpless and the tension at work was becoming too much to bear,so in the end i just had to accept defect and cha nge jobs.not that i gave up wanting to type.i went on practicing and eventually mastered it.Unit6The medicines the doctor prescribed for me tasted horrible.They were supposed to bring down my temperature,but when i heard how high it was i was terrified.I though i was terrified.i though i was certain to die.i just didn`t see how i could possibly overcome the illness.i couldn`t stop worr ying about it.all day i just gazed into space,feeling miserable.the fever made me shiver and gave my face a flush.i couldn`t take an interest in anything and felt very detached from everything arou nd me.i though my father must know i was going to die,but had said nothing,wanting me to keep from thinking about it.Finally i could bear it no longer and asked him how much longer i could liv e.when he explained my mistake,all my worries slid away.only then was i really able to take it easy .Unit41)affected2)physical3)interpret4)spot5)handicap6)fastened7)maximum8)per9)extensively10 )straining11)surroundedUnit51)recall2)embarrassment3)have all to himself4)frantic5)assumed6)catch on to8)enrolled9)cor respondence10)helpless11)tension12)went onUnit61)prescribed2)bring down3)overcome4)gazed5)miserable6)shiver7)flush8)detached from9)k eep from10)slid11)take it easy。

UNIT 1When you fall in love for the first time, it's a very serious moment in your life. When people refer to early romantic feelings by such terms as "puppy love" or "having a crush", they haven't simply forgotten what it's like – they are failing to perceive how powerful and significant the experience is. Not only does your first love change your life forever; it also reveals patterns of romantic behavior that are likely to be present in all your future love relationships as well.If your first experience of love filled you with energy and gave you the incentive to explore new areas of life, you'll probably always seek romantic partners who are both demanding and giving. If, on the other hand, your first romance left you feeling awkward and unable to express yourself, you will most likely look for partners with whom you feel safe and comfortable. And who the object of your first romantic feelings was can also be revealing. Was it someone nearby, your own age, that you could share interests and activities with? This is a sign that you expect love as a natural consequence of who you are. If your first love was someone remote—a film star, for example—you may always get more satisfaction from earning love than from receiving love. Or perhaps your first romantic feelings were for someone"in between": remote, but not absent; near you, but not like you – an English teacher, for instance. This is a sign of a very noble character, and of a truly glorious and rewarding romantic future.UNIT 2Real feminists can tell you that the only way to ensure equality is through genetic engineering. Women everywhere still suffer from economic injustice, social injustice and — most significant—physical injustice. This is where genetic engineering is indispensable to feminism. The way things are now, too few women feel truly sure of their physical safety. All that protects most women from physical force is the so-called social contract. This is not enough. Why s hould half the population enjoy physical safety as a form of courtesy, wh ile the other half enjoys it as a natural faculty?Men who argue that la ws can compensate for this inequality simply can't imagine what it's lik e to be helpless to defend yourself. This lifelong lack of confidence i n something as basic as physical safety gives rise to major ps ychological barriers to equality. How can a person feel equal when sh e lives her entire life with the knowledge that stronger creatures are in c ontrol? How can she feel truly free to compete with them, ignore them or disagree with them, all the time knowing they could suddenlythreaten her if she isn't nice? Sure, women can learn self-defense or carry guns, but that isn’t the same as trusting in your own safety. What women really need is a breakthrough in genetic engineering to ensure that both genders are equal in physical strength right from the cradle.UNIT 3If you want to develop the senses of your mind, there are many simple and enjoyable exercises that can help you. The first step is to arouse your physical senses so you can experience them more intensely. Let’s start with food — either a food you especially like, or a food you’ve grown weary of because you eat it too often. Begin by closing youreyes and focusing on its smell. Breathe it in deeply, and imagine: If this smell were a perfume, what name would you give it? Now goon to taste the dish — but not as you usually do! Put a small amount on the tip of your tongue and notice how the taste buds there respon d. Move the food along the side and back of your tongue and ponder the differences. Find a word for each flavor you experience, but try to refrain from using everyday terms like “sweet” or “salty”. If this were a song in your mouth, what kind of song would it be? Once you know, you can go on — but don’t eat any more yet! First pay attentionto how your mind is responding to the food. Notice your mood— doyou feel more hopeful, relaxed or serious than before? Or just hungrier?UNIT4The term “liberal arts” comes from the Latin root liber, meaning “free.”This term originally referred to seven fields of study which ,in ancient Greece, were considered arts of the mind, in contrast to the manual or mechanical arts. The liberal arts now include fields other than the original seven (which, incidentally, were grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy ),but the basic concept still has an overwhelming influence on Western education was only for the wealthy, and was seen as an end in itself :Although it could open doorsto a professional career, it was mainly regarded as the mark of a cultivated man. (Women were not permitted to pursue a liberal arts education in the Middle Ages). Eventually, liberal arts faculties were e stablished at universities, and the liberal arts --- along with the idea of pursuing an education for its own sake --- because the standard for higher education in the Western word. The conviction that education should not be practical has never completely died out. For centuries law and medicine were thought of as primarily theoretical --- actuallyputting them into practice was viewed as low-class. The natural sciences were not treated seriously, and fields like economics and management didn’t exist at all.UNIT 5One of the most striking things about Americans is that they seem to expect everyone to like them wherever they go. Americans aren't of c ourse the only people in the world who take it for granted that their c ultural standards are generally admired—monoculturalism is typical of e very society in the world. But it isn't admiration that Americans seem t o expect—they seem to expect to be liked.This phenomenon, which th e rest of the world finds both amusing and frustrating, may be at least pa rtly having been to the American definition of friendliness. To Am ericans, friendliness means enthusiasm informal and cheerful and ope n to other people, even before you know them well enough to be sur e you like them. And it's important to note that although real frie ndship may certainly arise from acting friendly in this way, Ame ricans do not mistake for being friends. This can, of course, cause conf usion when Americans meet people from more reserved cultures. But i f you consider American history, it's easier to see where this patter n of behavior comes from. In the pioneer days, if you acted too reser ved and formal, no one would have any reason to help you if you got int rouble (which there was plenty of in the pioneer days). Having a wide ci rcle of friendly acquaintances was a key to survival, so “friendliness” b ecame a glorified pattern of behavior that every generation of Americ ans is trained to exhibit in a high degree. They're so good at being f riendly – and it works at home – so Americans' assumption is that i t will work everywhere.UNIT6My son Brian, who was in training to become an army pilot, was on his way to a party one evening when he stopped at a gas station to ask for directions. Just as he pulled up, one of the gas pumps exploded and Brian lost both his legs. Everyone agreed that Brain was lucky to have escaped with his life (the only other victim of the accident died on the spot) --- everyone, that is, except 0 Brian, who was filled with total despair.It wasn’t the pain and difficulty of adjusting to living with a handicap that he found so hard to bear; it was the sheer senselessness of the accident that had shattered his legs, his life and his dreams. He acknowledged the risks of his chosen profession, so if he’d suffered the same injury in a plane crash, he would’ve accepted it. If he’d beenwounded in combat, he could’ve forgiven his enemy, or vowed to get revenge. But how can you forgive --- or get even with --- a leak in a gas pump? Where can you turn to find meaningful insight into the risks of stopping to ask for directions? Brian was given artificial legs, and month s of physical therapy to help him function in his new life. But no one ever found any way to replace or revive the love of life that that meaningless accident destroyed. In a very real sense, I lost my son that night at the gas station: Even though his body survived, his spirit did not.。
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Close A1) Jim Doherty may not be a bron farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard wunter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm,though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much,though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm.I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together,one day spraying apple trees,the next stacking firewood.吉姆·多尔蒂可能不是一个出生的农民,但他会买没有太多的麻烦。
2) The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of thosewho were perpared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans. Some of those who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled to take part because of their deeply held convictions . For many of those involved , liberating the slaves from those who exploited them because a mission . While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at considerable risk .地下铁路是伪造的努力之下那些这间对抗奴隶制和站起来坚忍的南方黑人美国人。
3) Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in the cities. The era when the countryside stood for safety and secutity has long gong. No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch . We all feel vnlnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay . These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices. A moment’s reflection ,however ,is enough to bring us faceto face with the following puzzle : we may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in . this hardly seems a civilized way of life.统计数字表明犯罪率在农村地区正在上升速度快于城市。
4) Ok, I made a mistake . I admit it . But that stupid deputy of mine should have warned me . He knows how complicated it is for me to fill in my tax forms on account of my army pension and other sources of income . How could I be expected to have caught sight of their rocket landing when I had all those figures to go over ? Sure , their appearance was a bit odd , but I just though they must be foreigners . Couldn’t quite make out which nationality , we’re a bit isolated out here in the middle of nowhere , not the sort of locality that gets many visitors . Then when they started talking about inviting us to join their organization it all began to sound like pure garbags to me . I though they must be drunk or just trying to make fun of me . So I went and told them to get out and leave us alone . And it looks like that is just what they plan to do .好的,我犯了一个错误。
5) Alex Haley was at sea when he started thinking how best he could mark Thanksgiving . Turning over the meaning of the holiday in his mind , he came to reverse the order of the words and go to thinking about giving thanks . How , he wondered , could he repay those who had been so helpful to him in the past ? It seemde to him that the best way he could express his gratitude would be to write to them . For too long he had gone about without troubling to tell them how much he appreciated all that they had done for him . Before long he had assembled pen and paper and was immersed in writing . Not long after the ship reached port , unloading its cargo together with his letters . The replies were not swift in arriving , but when they did , he found them deeply moving .亚历克斯·哈利是在海上时,他开始思考如何最好他可能标志着感恩节。