



辽宁省葫芦岛市普通协作体2017届高三12月月考英语试卷答案21~25.DCBDA 26~30.CBBDA 31~35.CBDBC 36~40.FDBAG41~45.DBAAD 46~50.DCCBA 51~55.DCBAC 56~60.BAACB61.a62.which63.the liveliest64.collections65.Enjoyable66.decorates67.that68.choice69.To70.preservedDifferent attitudes lead to different results. Those who take ^ positive attitude towardsawork will be rewarded. Taking Li Kang as an example. He is my classmate. He put his heart into study,Take putsAnd so he had become a top student. With his hard work, he will succeed in entering into his ideal hasuniversity. Besides, Liu Qiang, also my classmate, never cares about his study because he isHoweveraddict to playing games. He turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advices. As a result, he falls faraddicted advicebehind others in her study. In my opinion, attitude is everything. No matter how you do, youhis whatmust do it well even if you may fail many times.Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to our wildlife park. Wild animals are our friends, without whom we can’t live on the earth alone. Therefore, to protect our friends and guarantee your safety, please do as follows:Firstly, never get close to the animals, especially dangerous ones like tigers, lions, and elephants. Not only are you forbidden to throw anything at the animals or feed them, but also you aren’t allowed to take photos with them in case you will be attacked. Meanwhile, you’d better not play games with animals trained by non-professionals. Finally,no littering signs can be seen around the park, so please respect them.I wish you have a good time here.Li Kang。



∴点 O 是 AC 的中点.在 PAC 中, EO 是中位线,
∴ PA∥EO .
而 EO 平面 EDB 且 PA 平面 EDB ,
∴ PA∥平面 EDB .
(2)证明:∵ PD 底面 ABCD ,且 DC 底面 ABCD ,
∴ PD DC .∵ PD DC ,可知 PDC 是等腰直角三角形.
而 DE 是斜边 PC 的中线,
∴ DE PC .①
同样,由 PD 底面 ABCD , BC 平面 ABCD ,
得 PD BC .
∵底面 ABCD 是正方形,有 DC BC .
又 PD CD D ,
∴ BC 平面 PDC .
而 DE 平面 PDC ,
∴ BC DE .②
1 3
n ( 2 3n)31…1 ④
2 3 Tn

1 3
1 2(

1 33

3n ) (2n 3) 3n1
n Tn 3n .
19.(1)证明:连结 AC , AC 交 BD 于 O ,连结 EO .
∵底面 ABCD 是正方形,
所以 f (x) 的单调递减区间为[kπ π ,kπ 5π](k Z) ..........(12 分)
18.解:(1)当 n 1时, a1 S1 1 2 1
当 n 2 时, an Sn Sn1 n2 2n [(n 1)2 2(n 1)] 2n 3
设 g(t) (t 1)lnt 2(t 1) , g(t) ln t 1 1 (ln 1 1 1) ,



上海十二校联考数学试卷2017.12一. 填空题1. 双曲线221x y -=的焦距为2. 若等差数列{}n a 的前5项和为25,则3a =3. 计算:23lim123n n nn→+∞-=++++ 4. 如果函数()y f x =的反函数为11()3x f x -+=,则(1)f 的值为5. 二元一次方程组232x y a x y b -=⎧⎨+=⎩的增广矩阵通过矩阵变换可得103011⎛⎫⎪-⎝⎭,则代数式a b +的值为6. 函数()sin cos f x a x b x =+的一条对称轴为直线4x π=,则直线:0l ax by c ++=的倾斜角为7. 满足不等式arccos 2arccos(1)x x <-的x 的取值范围为 8. 已知集合{|32|1}A x x =-≤,1{|}1B x a x =<+,若A B ⊆,则实数a 的取值范围 为9. 已知椭圆22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>的左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,抛物线22y bx = 的焦点为F ,若1253F F FF =,则a b =10. 在ABC ∆中,120BAC ︒∠=,2AB =,1AC =,D 为线段BC 上任一点(包含端点), 则AD BC ⋅ 的最大值为11. 已知函数2()log 1x f x x x=++,在8行8列的矩阵111213182122232881828388a a a a a a a a a a a a ⋅⋅⋅⎛⎫⎪⋅⋅⋅ ⎪⎪⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ ⎪⋅⋅⋅⎝⎭中,()i j ia f j=(18,18i j ≤≤≤≤且,i j N ∈),则这个矩阵中所有数之和为12. 用()A C 表示非空集合A 中元素的个数,设{}322|43||1|0A x x x x a x =+++-=,若()5C A =,则实数a 的取值范围为二. 选择题13. 函数41()2x xf x +=的图像( ) A. 关于原点对称 B. 关于x 轴对称 C. 关于y 轴对称 D. 关于直线y x =对称 14. 在ABC ∆中,A ∠、B ∠、C ∠的对边长分别为a 、b 、c .命题甲:2A C B ∠+∠=∠,且2a c b +=. 命题乙:ABC ∆是正三角形. 则命题甲是命题乙的( )条件A. 充要B. 充分不必要C. 必要不充分D. 既不充分也不必要15. 若不等式组2022020x y x y x y a +-≤⎧⎪+-≥⎨⎪-+≥⎩解为坐标的点所表示的平面区域为三角形,且其面积为43,则实数a 的值为( )A. 3-B. 1C. 3-或1D. 3或1-16. 已知函数sincos 2()12cos2x x f x xωωω=(0)ω>,x R ∈,若函数()f x 在区间(,2)ππ内没有零 点,则ω的取值范围为( )A. 1(0,]8B. 5(0,]8C. 15(0,][,1)48D. 115(0,][,]848三. 解答题17. 已知2()f x ax bx c =++(,,a b c R ∈).(1)当(1)1f =-,且()0f x <的解集为(0,2),求函数()f x 的解析式; (2)若关于x 的不等式()1204f x ->对一切实数恒成立,求实数a 的取值范围.18. 设{}n a 是首项为1a ,公比为q 的等比数列,n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和.(1)已知22a =,且3a 是13,S S 的等差中项,求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)当11,2a q ==时,令4log (1)n n b S =+,求证:数列{}n b 是等差数列.19. 在平面直角坐标系内,已知点P 及线段l ,在线段l 上任取一点Q ,线段PQ 长度的最小值称为“点P 到线段l 的距离”,记为(,)d P l .(1)设点(2,0)P ,线段:l y x =(12)x -≤≤,求(,)d P l ;(2)设(2,1)A -,(0,1)B ,(2,1)C --,(2,1)D -,线段1l AB =,线段2l CD =,若点(,)P x y 满足12(,)(,)d P l d P l =,求y 关于x 的函数解析式,并写出该函数的值域.20. 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A 是x 轴正半轴上的任一点,且60AON ︒∠=,点B 在射线ON 上运动.(1)若点(2,0)A ,当ABO ∆为直角三角形时,求||AB 的值; (2)若点(2,0)A ,求点A 关于射线ON 的对称点P 的坐标;(3)若||2AB =,C 为线段AB 的中点,若Q 为点C 关于射线ON 的对称点,求点(,)Q x y 的轨迹方程,并指出x 、y 的取值范围.21. 给出集合{()|(2)(1)(),}M f x f x f x f x x R =+=+-∈. (1)若()sin3xg x π=,求证:函数()g x M ∈;(2)由(1)分析可知,()sin3xg x π=是周期函数且是奇函数,于是张三同学得出两个命题:命题甲:集合M 中的元素都是周期函数.命题乙:集合M 中的元素都是奇函数. 请对此 给出判断,如果正确,请证明;如果不正确,请举反例;(3)若()f x M ∈,数列{}n a 满足:()1n a f n =+,且12a =23a =,数列{}n a 的前n 项 和为n S ,试问是否存在实数p 、q ,使得任意的n ∈*N ,都有(1)n nS p q n≤-⋅≤成立,若 存在,求出p 、q 的取值范围,若不存在,说明理由.参考答案一、填空题(1-6题每小题4分,7-12题每小题5分,共54分)1.2. 5 3. 6 4. 1- 5. 9 6. 34π7. 11(,]32 8. 1(,)2+∞ 9.10. 2 11. 32 12. (,9)(1,0)-∞--二、选择题(本大题满分20分) 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D三、解答题(本大题满分76分)17.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分. 解析:(1)由()0f x <的解集为(0,2)可知:0a >且()(2)f x ax x =- ………3分当(1)11f a =-⇒=2()2f x x x ⇒=- ………6分 (2)()(2)2120224f x ax x --->⇔> 2220ax ax ⇔-+>的解集为R ………9分当0a =时,满足题意;………11分当0a ≠时,由202480a a a a >⎧⇒<<⎨∆=-<⎩综上[0,2)a ∈………14分 18.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分8分,第2小题满分6分. 解析:(1)由题意231322a a S S =⎧⎨=+⎩, ………2分1221111122a q a q a a a q a q =⎧⇒⎨=+++⎩121q a =⎧⇒⎨=⎩或112q a =-⎧⎨=-⎩ ………6分 所以12n n a -=或2(1)n n a =⋅- ………8分(2)由题意得21nn S =- ………10分4log (1)2n n nb S ⇒=+=………12分2n ≥时,因为111222n n n n b b ---=-= 所以数列{}n b 是公差为12的等差数列.………14分 19.(本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分). 解析:(1)在线段:(12)l y xx =-≤≤任取一点(,)Q x x则||PQ =1[1,2]x =∈-时取等号)所以(,)d P l = ………6分 法二:规范作图(3分),求出答案(3分) 注:若用点到直线的距离求出答案,给3分 (2)数形结合可知:当0x ≤时,0y =; ………8分 当02x <<时,点P的轨迹是以点B 为焦点,直线2l 为准线开口向上的抛物线的一段,从而24x y =; ………10分 当2x ≥时,点P的轨迹是线段BD 的中垂线的一部分射线,从而1y x =-;………12分综上:2001(0,2)412x y x x x x ≤⎧⎪⎪=∈⎨⎪-≥⎪⎩,其值域为[0,)+∞ ………14分20.(本题满分14分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分4分,第3小题满分8分. 解析:(1)ABO ∆中,||2OA =,060AON ∠=,若090OAB ∠=,则||AB = ………2分 若090OBA ∠=,则||AB =………4分 (2)易知点A 关于射线ON 的对称点P 一定在0120角的终边上,且2OP =.………6分 按三角比的定义可知00(2cos120,2sin120)P从而所求的点P 为(-1). ………8分 法二:按求点(2,0)A关于射线:(0)ON y x ≥的对称点方法参照评分.(3)点(,0)A a 关于射线ON 的对称点00(cos120,sin120)P a a ,即1()2P a -………9分设(,0)A a,()B b ,则222||()(0)4AB a b =-+=……(*) ………10分 易知点Q 为线段PB的中点,所以12222a b x y ⎧-+⎪=⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪=⎪⎩242a b x a b -=-⎧⎪⇒⎨+=⎪⎩2a x y b x y ⎧=-⎪⎪⇒⎨⎪=⎪⎩, .………12分 代入上式(*)化简整理可得:22313y x += .………14分其中11[,],22x y ∈-∈ ………16分(椭圆上半部分夹在两直线,y y ==之间的一段曲线)亦可满分.21.(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分6分. 解析:(1)()g x M ∈转化证明(1)()(2)g x g x g x +-=+sin(1)sin()sin(2)333x x x πππ⇔+-=+ ………2分 左边sin(1)sin()sincoscossinsin3333333x x x x x πππππππ=+-=+-1sin sin 2333x x x πππ=+- ………4分12sin sin()sin (2)233333x x x x πππππ=-=+=+=右边 ………6分(2)命题甲正确. 集合M 中的元素都是周期为6的周期函数. ………7分 验证(6)()f x f x +=即可 ………9分 命题乙不正确.集合M 中的元素不都是奇函数. ………10分 如()sin3xg x π=是奇函数;()sin()34x h x ππ=+不是奇函数. ………12分(3)()1n f n a =-M ∈,则2111(1)n n n a a a ++-=---211n n n a a a ++⇒=-+ 假设存在实数,p q 满足题设,则2132111n n n n n n a a a a a a +++++=-+⎧⎨=-+⎩32n n a a +⇒+=6n n a a +⇒= 所以数列{}n a 是周期为6的周期数列,且前6项依次为2,3,2,0,1,0- ………13分,(6)1,(61,65)3,(62,64)4,(63)n n n k n n k n k S n n k n k n n k =⎧⎪+=-=-⎪=⎨+=-=-⎪⎪+=-⎩*k N ∈ ………15分当6n k =,*k N ∈时,(1)1nnS n-⋅= 当61,65,n k n k =-=-*k N ∈时,1(1)1nn S n n -⋅=--[2,1)∈-- 当62,64,n k n k =-=-*k N ∈时,3(1)1nn S n n -⋅=+5(1,]2∈ 当63n k =-*k N ∈时,4(1)1nn S n n -⋅=--7[,1)3∈-- 综上75(1)[,1)[1,]32nn S n -⋅∈-- ………17分要使对任意的*n N ∈,都有(1)nnS p q n≤-⋅≤恒成立, 只要75,32p q ≤-≥即可. ………18分。



上海市十二校2017届高三英语12月联考试题2016学年第一学期十二校联考英语试卷I. Listening ComprehensionPart A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Lend the man some money.B. Take the man to the bank.C. Ask the man when he’ll be paid.D. Help the man to draw some cash.2. A. She broke her mobile phone.B. She forgot to reply to the man.C. She didn’t get the man’s messages.D. She couldn’t remember the man’s phone number.3. A. He received permission to carry on an extra bag.B. He doesn’t know the woman ahead of him.C. He’s carrying someone else’s suitcase.D. He’d like some help with h is luggage.4. A. Go to the city on another day.B. Avoid driving after taking her medicine.C. Pick up her medicine before they leave.D. Wait to take her medicine until after their trip.5. A. The air will be cleaner if they go to a different city.B. It’ll soon be too late to control the pollution.C. Society will not pay attention to the new laws.D. The situation will improve if changes are made.6. A. He didn’t have time to look for his jacket.B. He misunderstood the weather report.C. He didn’t kn ow it would be cold.D. He forgot where his jacket was.7. A. Attend a conference with her.B. Mail her the paper after the deadline.C. Hand in a handwritten draft of the paper.D. Complete the course without handing in the paper.8. A. He saw Mary earlier.B. Someone else saw Mary.C. He can’t help the woman.D. Mary asked for directions to the office.9. A. S he fell asleep before the program ended.B. She especially enjoyed the end of the program.C. She missed the beginning of the program.D. She wishes she had gone to sleep earlier.10. A. He may feel better soon.B. He doesn’t like to take pills.C. He may not be able to wake up.D. He may want to take the pills without food.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear several short passages and longer conversations, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversations. The passages and the conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. They couldn’t fall asleep there.B. There was no empty room available.C. The melting snow blocked their view.D. Their room was taken up by someone else.12. A. Skiing. B. Shopping. C. Bowling. D. Jogging. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. The scientific evidence that those who are good at sports make more money.B. The scientific evidence that the length of our fingers isn’t inherited from parents.C. Whether there is connection between numbers-based skills or words-based ones.D. Whether there is link between people’s talents and the length of their fingers.15. A. They are more likely to do well in sports.B. They are more likely to be interested in literature.C. They are less likely to be good at maths.D. They are less likely to make a big fortune.16. A. Cambridge scientists’ study challenged some established theories.B. Cambridge scientists’ study had chosen the improper subjects.C. Cambridge scientists’ findings may not be true to the fact.D. Cambridge scientists’ findings were the same as theirs.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. The man’s terrible experience on the day.B. The woman’s unlucky first day at work.C. The woman’s boss, who is hard to deal with.D. The man’s daughter, who failed in the job interview.18. A. He feeds on vegetables alone.B. He seldom talks to his employees.C. He didn’t go to the meeting that day.D. He has decided to fire the woman.19. A. A cup of coffee. B. A salad.C. A hammer.D. A stone.20. A. Take a break. B. Apologise to her boss.C. Call her friends.D. Leave the company.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Lightning BoltUsain Bolt is the world’s fastest man. He first came to the public’s attention at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, where he won three gold medals. During that race, he reached a top speed of 43.9 kmph. So, we ask, how does the man (21)_____ nickname is “Lightning Bolt” run so fast?Usain Bolt was born in Jamaica on 21 August 1986. He was running around at primary school, when a teacher noticed (22)_____ talent for sprinting (短跑). He became one of the best sprinters at his high school even though he didn’t train very hard. At the age of fifteen, Bolt was 196 cm tall and he dominated the 2002 World Junior Championships, becoming the youngestperson ever (23)_____ (win) the 200 metres. He turned professional when he left high school, (24)_____ (age) seventeen. During the first couple of years of Bolt’s professional life, he got a few injuries, but his health soon improved and he began to win all the major championships. He went from strength to strength, (25)_____ (amaze) the world with his speed.So, how does he do it? Bolt says that he is naturally fast—just something he was born (26)_____. He’s also got a number of people looking after him and one of the main reasons for his success is Norman Peart, his manager. Peart (27)_____ (look) after Bolt since he was fifteen, working hard to keep him focused.(28)_____ you explain it, Bolt’s performances in Beijing were truly marvellous. What’s more marvellous is (29)_____, since then, he has continued to get even faster. In August 2009, he broke his own record by running the 100 metres in 9.58 seconds. At the (30)_____ (fast) point in this race, he ran at an astonishing 44.9 kmph.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.attendedB.beliefC.classic/doc/2817110678.htmlmonlyE.crewF.evidenceG.further H.origins I.purposes J.rebelled K.relativelyColumbus: Myth and RealityEveryone knows the name of Christopher Columbus, and, as with any historical icon, there are as many myths as truths about the man. Take, for example, the disagreement about his 31 . The Spanish say he was from Spain, and the Italians claim he was from Italy. There is, in fact, some 32 that he was born in 1451 in Genoa, which is now part of Italy.Columbus became a sailor at an early age and had made journeys as far as Iceland and Guinea before he made his famous voyage in 1482. Contrary to popular 33 , Columbus didn’t sail to the Americas in order to find out whether the Earth was round: at the end of the 15th century almost everyone knew it was round. We do know that he sailed in part to fulfill a religious quest: he saw his journeys as a fulfillment of a divine (神圣的) plan for his life.Of course, the other 34 known reason for this voyage was that Columbus was looking for a new route to the Spice Islands (now part of Indonesia), and he believed he could reach them by sailing west rather than east. The discovery of the New World was therefore a(n) 35 case of “serendipity(机缘凑巧)”. In 1492, when he unexpectedly discovered the Americas, he had been traveling for five weeks and had sailed for 3,000 miles. He thought he had arrived in the East Indies.Columbus left on the voyage of discovery from the south of Spain, with a(n) 36 made up mainly of experienced sailors from the area. He made two 37 voyages before the end of the century, taking Europeans across to the new lands. On his third voyage in 1498, he also took women to the New World.This third voyage was not a happy one for Columbus. The settlers 38 against him, and he was unable to send a lot of gold back, so he was arrested and returned to Spain in chains.However, the King and Queen soon apologized, saying there had been a mistake, and Columbus was freed. By this time, 1500, Columbus was not a well man and he die d quietly at the age of 55 in Valladolid, Spain, on May 20, 1506, in his own apartment 39 by family and friends. He was a(n) 40 rich man at the time of his death.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Agree to DisagreeIn a world of 6.5 million opinionated people, arguments are sure to happen. Many people see arguments as an inevitable and negative part of life. Inevitable, yes; 41 , maybe not. Arguments can often lead to positive change—if you argue 42 .Arguing “well”“There 43 is such a thing as a ‘healthy argument’,” says Marian Donahue, a human relations professional, San Diego. “In a healthy argument, one’s own goal should be to explain the i ssues in detail, to communicate the upset behind the issues, and to really seek to move forward toward a 44 ,” she says. “The minimum goal should be to preserve the relationship well enough to keep 45 alive.”What not to doNothing 46 a healthy argument like a personal attack, and personal attacks are a big no-no if you want an argument to end positively. Dina Connolly, a graduate student at Northwestern University, Illinois, says that when professional relationships start amassing (积累) personal baggage, 47 arguments are just aroundthe corner.“The structure or wall of professionalism collapses,” Connolly says, “taking down any filters as well. 48 , after an individual interrupted and then corrected me while making a public speech, I later ended up in an argument where I completely lost my temper and raised my voice. I was embarrassed, and because my relationship with that person was already so deconstructed and unprofessional, I 49 with that person directly and unprofessionally in a n unfiltered attack.”Don’t be 50 the heatDonahue 51 that personal issues must be left at the door—but that doesn’t mean arguments won’t get heated. “Passion and conflict are 52 in an argument as long as you keep to the issue,” she says. “At tacking the other person is not useful. That kind of argument closes downthe 53 on both sides to keep talking.”By actively listening, many arguments can be 54 altogether. If you do find yourself in the thick of one, listening with an open mind can bring about a swift 55 to the argument and perhaps a positive resolution.41. A. sure B. argumentative C. negative D. changing42. A. confidently B. correctly C. heatedly D. hesitantly43. A. definitely B. barely C. accidentally D. clearly44. A. tendency B. destination C. purpose D. solution45. A. explanation B. communication C. cooperation D. negotiation46. A. kills B. helps C. keeps D. starts47. A. heated B. healthy C. nasty D. fresh48. A. For instance B. In addition C. As a result D. On the other hand49. A. stayed B. fought C. chatted D. argued50. A. keen on B. bored with C. afraid of D. eager for51. A. agrees B. denies C. orders D. recalls52. A. dependable B. invisible C. acceptable D. accessible53. A. gratitude B. impression C. influence D. willingness54. A. tracked B. avoided C. undertook D. grasped55. A. pace B. end C. movement D. decisionSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Things changed for Ben Southall when the Australian state of Queensland advertised a job for someone to look after Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef. They knew it sounded like the best job in the world, but they were surprised when over 35,000 people applied for the job. Then they hadto make a difficult decision—which person to choose from so many candidates? After a lot of testing and interviewing, they announced 34-year-old Ben Southall from England as the winner. Ben now works for the Queensland Tourist Board and his job is to look after the island and to promote tourism there. Because of the unique nature of the job, the Tourist Board wanted a unique person, with a range of skills and qualities. It was a long interview process, involving a variety of tasks to find out about each candidate.Fitness was very important; swimming ability was particularly essential. Ben can swim very well and he also likes running,climbing, diving and mountain biking. It is clear that, physically, he can do almost anything. The ability to communicate was as important as fitness. For the last part of the interview process, the final sixteen andidates did various tests and tasks, including talking to TV and radio reporters. The competition was touch and the candidates needed to show what they could do. The interviewers were interested in how the candidates performed in the tasks, how they handled the press attention and their ability to write about their adventures in a daily log. The candidates did their best to impress the interviewers and they knew they couldn’t make any mistakes at this final stage.Before he went, Ben was confident about his abilities to handle the challenge. He couldn’t do everything they asked him in the interview, as he can’t speak any other languages, but he felt that his other skills and his personality were impressive. He made a huge effort during the interview process and he was able to convince the interviewers that he was the best person for the job. Even so, he says he was amazed when he got the job; he couldn’t believe it! He hopes to do a good job and promote the island successfully: he has to get to know every part of the island and tell the world about it in numerous media interviews. When you read Ben’s blogs from his interview tasks, it is easy to see why they chose him. He is funny and easy-going and he will certainly get the attention of any potential tourist to this beautiful place.56. According to the passage, Ben’s job includes all of the following EXCEPT _____.A. knowing Hamilton Island very wellB. going to Hamilton Island once a dayC. being interviewed in different mediaD. drawing travellers’ attention to the island57. During the interview process, the candidates were asked to_____.A. go through a fitness trainingB. take part in various TV showsC. write about their own interviewsD. communicate with the press。










1. What’s wrong with the woman?A. She has a stomachache.B. She has a fever.C. She has a toothache.2. Where will the speakers go first?A. To a school.B. To the baker’s.C. To a shopping mall.3. What is the man going to do?A. Take another train.B. Give the ticket to someone.C. Catch the train at 7:00.4. What is the woman trying to find?A. The campus.B. The church.C. The garden.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A play.B. A book.C. An actor.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。








3.本试卷主要考试内容:必修1――必修4第I 卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.18C. £9.151. What sport does the man like at present?A. BasketballB. FootballC. Table tennis2. What is the woman going to do?A. Watch TVB. Go shoppingC. Stay at home3. What gift should the woman first buy in the man’s opinion?A. Olympic FuwaB. A pictureC. A CD4. What did the man see last night?A. A strange and noisy birdB. A red-colored birdC. A bird that flew very quietly5. Why does the woman ask for help?A. She is unable to read her mapB. She has lost her city mapC. She can’t find the museum in map第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



如果您喜欢这份文档,欢迎下载!祝您成绩进步,学习愉快!上海市十二校2017届高三语文12月联考试题一阅读 80分(一)阅读下文,完成第1—6题。










2017届上海市十二校高三12月联考理科数学试卷及答案 精品

2017届上海市十二校高三12月联考理科数学试卷及答案 精品

2017学年第一学期十二校联考高三数学(理)考试试卷一、填空题 (本大题满分56分,每题4分)1.已知全集U {}5,4,3,2,1=,A {}3,1=,B {}4,3,2=,那么=⋃)(B C A U __. 2.函数)12arcsin(-=x y 的定义域为 .3.若数列{}n a 满足:111,2()n n a a a n N *+==∈,则前6项的和6S = .(用数字作答)4. 计算:2(1)(13)lim(2)(1)n n n n n n →∞+-=-++________.5.集合{}12-<<=x x A ,{}0<-=a x x B ,若B A ⊆,则实数a 的取值范围是 .6. 设()887872x a x a x -=++…10a x a +,则87a a ++…0a += .7. 已知函数)(x f 有反函数)(1x f -,且[),,0,24)(1+∞∈-=+x x f x x 则=-)0(1f .8. 已知袋中有大小相同的红球和白球若干个,其中红、白球个数的比为4:3.假设从袋中任取2个球,取到的都是红球的概率为413.那么袋中的红球有 __个. 9. 已知函数32tansin )(x xx x f ++=,)1,1(-∈x ,则满足不等式0)12()1(<-+-a f a f 的实数a 的取值范围是 .10. 已知x 是7,6,5,,3,2,1x 这7个数据的中位数,且y x -,,2,12这四个数据的平均数为1,则xy 1-的最小值为 .11.设ω>0,若函数)(x f = sin 2x ω cos 2x ω 在区间[-3π,4π]上单调递增,则ω的范围是_____________.12. 设正项数列}{n a 的前n 项和是n S ,若}{n a 和}{n S 都是等差数列,且公差相等,则1a =_______________.13.函数)(x f y =的图像与直线b x a x ==,及x 轴所围成图形的面积称为函数)(x f 在[]b a ,上的面积,已知函数nx y sin =在⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡n π,0上的面积为)(2*∈N n n ,则函数1)3sin(+-=πx y 在⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡34,3ππ上的面积为 .14.(理)函数)(x f 的定义域为A ,若A x x ∈21,且)()(21x f x f =时总有21x x =,则称)(x f 为单函数,例如,函数)(12)(R x x x f ∈+=是单函数.下列命题: ①函数)()(2R x x x f ∈=是单函数;②指数函数)(2)(R x x f x ∈=是单函数;③若)(x f 为单函数,A x x ∈21,且21x x ≠,则)()(21x f x f ≠; ④在定义域上具有单调性的函数一定是单函数;⑤若)(x f 为单函数,则函数)(x f 在定义域上具有单调性。



理科数学第Ⅰ卷(共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项 是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合11=4,42mM m m ⎧⎫⎪⎪⎛⎫≤≤∈⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪⎩⎭Z ,211N x x ⎧⎫=≥⎨⎬-⎩⎭,则MN =( )A .∅B .{}2C .{}12x x <≤D .{}2,1,0,1,2--2.设i 是虚数单位,若复数i12ia -+为纯虚数,则实数a 的值是( ) A .12-B .0C .12D .23.若正方形ABCD 边长为2,E 为边上任意一点,则AE ) A .23B .14C .12D .134.已知3a =,5b =,7a b +=,则a 在b 方向上的投影为( ) A .12-B .1C .32D .25.()52x y ++的展开式中,22x y 的系数为( )A .60B .48C .32D .306.过双曲线22221x y a b -=(0a >,0b >)的右焦点F 向渐近线作垂线,交两条渐近线于A ,B 两点,若2FB FA =,则双曲线的离心率e 等于( )A B C .2D .37.一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的所有棱中,最长的棱长为( )A .3B .C .D 8.已知0ω>,函数()πsin 3f x x ω⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭在ππ,32⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递减,则ω的取值范围是( ) A .110,3⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦B .13,24⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦C .10,2⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦D .511,23⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦9.执行如图所示的程序框图,如果输入的5n =,则输出的最后一个S 的值为( )A .186B .188C .90D .9610.在正方体1111ABCD A BC D -中,E ,F 分别是BC ,11A D 的中点,则BC 与平面EDF 所成角的余弦值为( )A .13B C D 11.A ,P ,Q 是半径为2的圆上的三个动点,若PAQ ∠恒等于π6,则PAQ ∆面积的最大值为( )A.2B.2+C.2 D112.已知奇函数()f x 是定义在R 上的连续函数,满足()523f =,且()f x 在()0,+∞上的导函数()2f x x '<,则不等式()333x f x ->的解集为( ) A .()2,2- B .(),2-∞C .1,2⎛⎫-∞ ⎪⎝⎭D .11,22⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭ 第Ⅱ卷(共90分)二、填空题(每题5分,满分20分,将答案填在答题纸上)13.若函数()()2121a x a f x x a -+-=+-为奇函数,则实数a =__________.14.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,13a =,112n n n S S a +++=(*n ∈N ),则5a =__________.15.已知实数x ,y 满足1,220,22,x y x y x y -≤⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪+≥⎩若z x ay =-只在点()4,3处取得最大值,则a 的取值范围是__________.16.AB 是过抛物线24y x =的焦点的弦,点M 坐标为()1,0-,当4tan 3AMB ∠=时,直线AB 的方程为__________.三、解答题 (本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)17.(本小题满分12分)ABC ∆的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知22224cos 2A Cac a c b +=+-. (Ⅰ)求B ;(Ⅱ)若3c =,且AC边的中线BM =,求a 的值. 18.(本小题满分12分)如图,在四边形ABCD 中,90A ∠=︒,2AB AD ==,3CB CD ==,将ABD ∆沿BD 折起,得到三棱锥A BDC '-,O 为BD 的中点,M 为OC 的中点,点N 在线段A B '上,满足14A N AB ''=.(Ⅰ)证明:MN P 平面A CD ';(Ⅱ)若3A C '=,在线段A D '上是否存在点Q ,使得二面角Q BC D --的余弦值为4?若存在,求出此时A QAD'的值;若不存在,请说明理由. 19.(本小题满分12分)某学校为了制定治理学校门口上学、放学期间家长接送孩子乱停车现象的措施,对全校学生家长进行了问卷调查.根据从其中随机抽取的50份调查问卷,得到了如下的列联表:已知在抽取的50份调查问卷中随机抽取一份,抽到不同意限定区域停车问卷的概率为25. (Ⅰ)请将上面的列联表补充完整;(Ⅱ)是否有99.5%的把握认为是否同意限定区域停车与家长的性别有关?请说明理由;(Ⅲ)学校计划在同意限定区域停车的家长中,按照性别分层抽样选取9人,在上学、放学期间在学校门口维持秩序.已知在同意限定区域停车的10位女性家长中,有3位日常开车接送孩子.记参与维持秩序的女性家长中,日常开车接送孩子的女性家长人数为ξ,求ξ的分布列和数学期望. 附临界值表及参考公式:()()()()()22n ad bc K a b c d a c b d -=++++,其中n a b c d =+++.20.(本小题满分12分)已知抛物线22x y =,过动点P 作抛物线的两条切线,切点分别为A ,B ,且2PA PB k k =-. (Ⅰ)求点P 的轨迹方程;(Ⅱ)试问直线AB 是否恒过定点?若恒过定点,请求出定点坐标;若不恒过定点,请说明理由. 21.(本小题满分12分)定义在()0,+∞上的函数()y f x =及其导函数()y f x '=满足()()ln 0f x f x x x x'+-=. (Ⅰ)求函数()y f x =的解析式;(Ⅱ)若不等式()()222112x x f x x mx +-+<在3,e 2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦(e 2.718 28=)上的解集非空,求实数m 的取值范围.请考生在22、23题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分.22.(本小题满分10分)选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程在平面直角坐标系中,曲线1C 的参数方程为22cos ,2sin ,x y θθ=+⎧⎨=⎩(ππ,22θ⎡⎤∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦,θ为参数)若以坐标系原点为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线2C 的极坐标方程为π4θ=(ρ∈R ). (Ⅰ)求曲线1C 的普通方程和曲线2C 的直角坐标方程;(Ⅱ)将曲线2C 向下平移m (0m >)个单位后得到的曲线恰与曲线1C 有两个公共点,求实数m 的取值范围.23.(本小题满分10分)选修4-5:不等式选讲 设函数()2122f x x x =++-. (Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的最小值;(Ⅱ)若()1f x ax <+有解,求实数a 的取值范围.参考答案与试题解析1.B【解析】本题主要考查集合的基本运算、指数函数的性质.错误!未找到引用源。



辽宁省葫芦岛市普通协作体2017届高三12月月考英语试卷及答案第Ⅰ卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.AJoey is loyal, encouraging and self-sacrificing, always putting others’ interests ahead of his own. He is a hard worker, who also loves to run and play. In short, he’s an ideal friend and a heroic character.Here is the thing: Joey is a horse, who appears as the main character in Steven Spielberg’s new film War Horse.It is based on Michael Morpurgo’s 1982 novel, which also caused the same-titled Tony Awards winning play.The film follows the saga of Joey, a racehorse that’s trained for farm work under t he loving care of Albert (Jeremy Irvine)after Albert’s drunk father Ted(Peter Mullan) overpays for the animal at auction (拍卖会).Then the World War I tears Albert and Joey apart. Joey is sold into the war effort for the British and starts his episodic adventures in Europe.Splendidly staged, the battle plots in the film are visually astounding and impressive.And with Spielberg’s unique, top-notch direction and storytelling skills, War Horse cannot escape its episodic nature, calling to mind another Spielberg film about the horrors of war and its effects upon soldiers and civilians—Saving Private Ryan.While that film shocked us with horrific scenes of bleeding, it relied on a company of easily-described characters and a focused storyline to present heroic themes.Like Saving Private Ryan, War Horse clings to a series of characters, not only Albert, but also British officers, French civilians and German soldiers, who display courage in the face of danger. Everyone who comes in contact with Joey is either already in touch with their inner angel or is quickly moved to become more humane.Although none of this covers the fact that w e’ve seen this stuff elsewhere before, the lovely sentiment will steal your heart.And the emotional signature of Spielberg can be felt as he establishes the relationship between the boy and the horse and the mood of the piece—there will be tears.Theref ore, calling this beautiful, dramatically incomplete film “Saving Private Joey”, is entirely justifiable. 21.In common with “Saving Private Ryan”, the film War Horse _________.A.is full of terrifying scenes of bleeding and killingB.received the title of Tony Awards Winning PlayC.tells the story happening in the Second World WarD.covers a lot of characters22.Which statement is true according to the passage? _________.A.War Horse is based on the same-titled novel by Steven Spielberg.B.Joey is a heroic character because he saved many people’s lives.C.Joey came to Albert’s care after Ted paid a lot of money for it.D.Albert sold Joey into the war effort for Europe.23.According to the passage, what does the underlined word astounding mean? _________.A.confusingB.astonishingC.inspiringD.disappointing24.What is the best title for the passage? _________.A.Joey—a heroic race horseB.Albert and JoeyC.Spielberg’s JoeyD.Saving Private JoeyBLast July, we asked what you dream of doing as an adult. Thanks for your great responses! We wish we had room to print them all. Here are just a few.Work and playMy ideal job is being a construction worker, but only on an amusement park.James Martian, Age 9 AlaskaRoyal Fashion DesignerIn the future, I want to sew dresses for a queen. I could make whatever design I wanted. Her breakfast dress would be blue and long. Her lunch dress is purple and medium. Her dinner dress is red and short. They would all have sparkles. I think they would be pretty. I like my dream job.Jenna Suchyta, Age 6 WashingtonA “Police Law Fireman”When I grow up, I want to be a policeman or a fireman or a lawyer because they help people. Maybe I will combine all three and become a “Police Law Fireman”. I can work as a policeman in the morning. I can do law things in the afternoon. I can do fireman things in the evening. But for now, I want to be a boxer to build up my muscles. I will need my strength!Avi Samuels, Age 7 IllinoisPlaying in the BandMy dream job is to become a professional guitarist and singer for my future five-member rock band. I practice the guitar, and I have written hundreds of songs! The reason why I want to be a guitarist and singer is that I am veryinterested in music itself, so I want to create some of my own.Jake Francis, Age 12 Ohio25.What do you think is the best title for the passage? ________A.Your dream job.B.Your dream.C.Your future job.D.Your great chance.26.Who has done something for his or her future? ________A.James MartianB.Avi SamuelsC.Jake FrancisD.Jenna Suchyta27.Where can you find this passage? ________A.In a fashion magazine.B.In a children’s magazine.C.In an entertainment newspaper.D.On a website.CJust saw the superhero movie, Kick-Ass, and it raised an interesting question: just because we are not superhuman, can we lead a super-heroic life? I believe we can do it in some easy steps!Activate(刺激) our super powers.Superheroes are all good at different things. Some are really fast, some can see things others can’t, and some can move things with their mind. Also we all have special talents and passions. We just have to know what they are and develop them.Try this. List several things you’re especially good at—we’ll say these are your core super powers. Next, write down what makes each of your core super powers and look for chances to use them and improve them.Get a sidekick or two.Superheroes are out there all day, fighting the good fight. And who’s there to help? Every superhero has teamed up with someone else to defeat some enemies they couldn’t deal with alone.We need a support team: one or more who can be trusted and will help us when necessary. Our team members should bring different, constructive perspectives(观点) and all kinds of super powers. But we must choose wisely.Be brave and bold.Does it take more courage to venture(冒险) down a dark road or to face a life of no ventures at all? Both can be pretty scary. But we should be brave and bold just as some successful person said: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition(直觉). ”Live the code.Superheroes die to protect others. They don’t cheat or lie or steal. They’re good role models, and they do the right things even when nobody is watching.Though nobody’s perfect, yet we should learn from superheroes and struggle not to disobey the superhero code. Turn a friend down who trusts me? Of course I won’t.28.One of the similarities between superheroes and human beings is that both of them________.A.are very clever and passionateB.have their strong pointsC.try to remove their own weak pointsD.know how to be clever and bold29.The underlined word “siedkick” in the passage refers to a person who________.A.tries to watch you all the timeB.is much cleverer than youC.has super powers to support youD.is ready to help you anytime30.What is the superhero code? ________.A.Don’t be a bad person.B.Be willing to lose everything for others.C.Try to be a perfect person.D.Satisfy the needs of the friend you trust.31.What is the passage mostly about? ________.A.How we can become a superhero.B.What a superhero should be like.C.How we can live like a superhero.D.Why we should learn from a superhero.DI have two kids, a boy and a girl. I don’t worry about my girl; I’m sure she’ll be well trained in mixed martial arts. I worry about my son. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be feminine (女性化的). Sorry to say that, but let’s face it. No dad wants his son to go feminine.At the rate we’re moving in a couple of years you won’t be able to tell the difference between boys and girls. Sound extreme? Think about this. In every movie where advanced time-traveling beings come to our planet, there’s one constant: You can’t tell the male aliens from the female aliens!But that’s the future. Kids today are soft and fat. People ask why. Is it junk food? No. Junk food has been around for fifty years. Is it video games? No. Video games have been around for thirty years. None of the kids playing them back in the day were terribly obese. We’re all scratching our heads trying to figure out what we’ve introduced to society to ruin our kids. But it’s not anything we’ve added that has ruined our kids. It’s stuff we’ve gotten rid of.Take the gym rope for example. Remember that thing that stretched from the floor to the ceiling in your gym class that you could never climb? Most of the kids couldn’t make it to the top. But that wasn’t the point; the point was you had to try while some middle-aged guy who couldn’t make it up a flight of stairs shouted at you. We should have put our son on that rope, and given him a head start. But we didn’t want to shame the boy, so we took it down.Taking down the rope would be a good idea if there were no ropes in life. But they’re everywhere. You just can’t see them. They’re in every goal unrealized and expectation not met. The point everyone missed about the rope is you weren’t sup posed to make it to the top. It was there to create a fire that burned in the oversize belly of every kid.32.What is the example of aliens used to show? ________A.Girls are growing like boys.B.Boys are going feminine.C.There are really time-traveling beings.D.Alien movies are popular with children.33.What causes kids today to be soft and fat? ________A.Junk food.B.Video games.C.Stuff introduced to society.D.Things removed from society.34.How does the author find teenagers today? ________A.They have too much dignity.B.They are overprotected.C.They are less independent.D.They are thought too highly of.35.What does the rope probably symbolize? ________A.Goals.B.Expectations.C.Competition.D.Assistance.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项.Starting university can be a costly experience for most people. But thankfully, with a little know-how, you can gain the benefits of being a student and have a lot more cash in your pocket than you would have expected. Being a money-savvy student has never been easy. 36Save money on food.Student life doesn’t have to be about empty cupboards and living off takeaways or ready meals. In fact, it canbe a useful habit to compare the price. 37 One of the easiest and most efficient ways to do that is by using a price comparison site.under the family car. The next day, when he was more rested, he performed some of his old59 The James 60 they had their own dog back.41.A.person B.friend C.neighbor D.dog 42.A.put away B.give up C.get out D.bring out 43.A.Before B.after C.when D.once 44.A.accompany B.leave C.remain D.keep 45.A.Barking B.disappearance C.absence D.presence 46.A.Buy B.build C.clean D.rent 47.A.city B.village C.Destination D.town 48.A.a different B.an ordinary C.the same D.a similar 49.A.turned B.returned C.used D.stuck 50.A.young B.born C.old D.alive 51.A.reached B.stayed C.passed D.left 52.A.miserably B.quickly C.comfortably D.simply 53.A.sound B.scratch C.beat D.voice 54.A.imagine B.feel C.ask D.recognize 55.A.thought of B.Came about C.occurred to D.set to 56.A.likely B.sure C.pleased D.told 57.A.hurting B.walking C.interesting D.enabling 58.A.on his own B.of himself C.in himself D.for himself 59.A.stories B.behaviors C.tricks D.manners 60.A.supposed B.knew C.understood D.noted第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.Glasgow is situated in southwest Scotland along both banks of the River Clyde and has61 population of over 590 000 people. It is the largest city in Scotland,62 has successful business, finance, tourism and an excellent harbour as well.Glasgow is one of63 (lively)cities in Europe. It has world-famous art64 (collect), the best shopping centres in the United Kingdom outside London and the most65 (enjoy) nightlife in Scotland. A must-see is the works of Scotland’s best-known architecture Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the unique style of whom 66 (decorate) attractions such as the Lighthouse, Glasgow School of Art and House for an Art Lover.Art and culture are so important in Glasgow life67 galleries and museums are great in number. There is a 68 (choose) of over twenty including the world’s first museums of religion and the outstanding McLellan Galleries.69 their credit, the Scots value traditional art and culture in Glasgow and have them well70 (preserve) through a long time.第四部分:写作(共两节, 满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下便条. 便条中共有10处错误, 每句中最多有两处. 错误涉及一个单词的增加, 删除或修改.增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词.删除;把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉.修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.注意: 1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分.Different attitudes lead to different results. Those who take positive attitude towards work will be rewarded. Taking Li Kang as an example. He is my classmate. He put his heart into study, and so he had become a top student. With his hard work, he will succeed in entering into his ideal university. Besides, Liu Qiang, also my classmate, never cares about his study because he is addict to playing games. He turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advices. As a result, he falls far behind others in her study. In my opinion, attitude is everything. No matter how you do, you must do it well even if you may fail many times.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是你所在地区的野生动物园的义务宣传员李康, 为了提醒外国游客爱护动物和确保游览安全, 请你写一篇100词左右的注意事项帖在动物园告示牌上.内容须包括:1.保护野生动物的原因;2.游览须知;3.祝福或希望.辽宁省葫芦岛市普通协作体2017届高三12月月考英语试卷答案21~25.DCBDA 26~30.CBBDA 31~35.CBDBC 36~40.FDBAG41~45.DBAAD 46~50.DCCBA 51~55.DCBAC 56~60.BAACB61.a62.which63.the liveliest64.collections65.Enjoyable66.decorates67.that68.choice69.To70.preservedDifferent attitudes lead to different results. Those who take ^ positive attitude towardsawork will be rewarded. Taking Li Kang as an example. He is my classmate. He put his heart into study,Take putsAnd so he had become a top student. With his hard work, he will succeed in entering into his ideal hasuniversity. Besides, Liu Qiang, also my classmate, never cares about his study because he isHoweveraddict to playing games. He turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advices. As a result, he falls faraddicted advicebehind others in her study. In my opinion, attitude is everything. No matter how you do, youhis whatmust do it well even if you may fail many times.Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to our wildlife park. Wild animals are our friends, without whom we can’t live on the earth alone. Therefore, to protect our friends and guarantee your safety, please do as follows:Firstly, never get close to the animals, especially dangerous ones like tigers, lions, and elephants. Not only are you forbidden to throw anything at the animals or feed them, but also you aren’t allowed to take photos with them in case you will be attacked. Meanwhile, you’d better not play games with animals trained by non-professionals. Finally, no littering signs can be seen around the park, so please respect them.I wish you have a good time here.Li Kang。



如果您喜欢这份文档,欢迎下载!祝您成绩进步,学习愉快! 上海市十二校2017届高三数学12月联考试题 一. 填空题 1. 已知集合{1,2,4}A =,{,4}B a =,若{1,2,3,4}A B =,则A B =2. 已知函数()sin()5f x kx π=+的最小正周期是3π,则正数k =3. 复数12aiz i =+(0)a <,其中i 为虚数单位,||5z =,则实数a =4. 已知向量(1,2)a =,(,2)b x =-,且a b ⊥,则实数x =5. 已知等差数列{}n a 中,4610a a +=,若前5项的和55S =,则其公差为6. 已知(1,1)A 、(1,3)B 、(3,5)C ,则AB 在AC 方向上的投影是7. 已知函数212,0(),0x x f x x x -⎧+≥⎪=⎨<⎪⎩的反函数为1()f x -,则1(18)f -=8. 已知点(1,0)A 、(1,1)B ,若直线1y kx =+与线段AB 有公共点,则实数k 的取值范围 是9. 函数22y x x a =-+的定义域为R ,值域为[0,)+∞,则实数a 的取值集合为10. 已知函数23()log log 2f x a x b x =-+,若1()42016f =,则(2016)f =11. 命题:|1|3A x -<,命题:(2)()0B x x a ++<,若A 是B 的充分而不必要条件,则实 数a 的取值范围是12. 如图,直线OA 、AB 与x 轴正方向的夹角分别为θ和30︒,||||2OA AB ==, (0,)2πθ∈,则AB 的坐标是13. 如果函数()sin()4f x x πωπ=-(0)ω>,在区间(1,0)-上有且只有一条平行于y 轴的对称轴,则ω的取值范围是14. 如图,在此表格中,每格填上一个数,使每一横行成等差数列,每一纵列成等比数列, 并且所有公比相等,则a b c ++=二. 选择题15. 若复数z 满足方程220z +=,则3z =( )A. 22±B. 22-C. 22i ±D. 22i -16. “260x x --≠”是“3x ≠”的( )条件A. 充分非必要B. 必要非充分C. 充要D. 既非充分也非必要17. 已知数列{}n a 是无穷等差数列,n S 是它的前n 项和,且lim n n S →∞存在,这样的等差数列 ( )A. 不存在B. 有且仅有一个C. 存在且不唯一D. 有无穷多个18. 若点00(,)P x y 00(0)x y ≠在函数()y f x =的图像上,1()y f x -=为函数()y f x =的反函数,设100(,)P y x 、200(,)P y x -、300(,)P y x -、400(,)P y x --,则有( )A. 点1P 、2P 、3P 、4P 有可能都在函数1()y f x -=的图像上B. 只有点2P 不可能在函数1()y f x -=的图像上C. 只有点3P 不可能在函数1()y f x -=的图像上D. 点2P 、3P 都不可能在函数1()y f x -=的图像上三. 解答题19. 设1z 是虚数,2111z z z =+是实数,且211z -≤≤;(1)求1||z 的值以及1z 的实部的取值范围;(2)若1111z z ω-=+,求证:ω为纯虚数;20. 已知向量13(,)22a =-,(2cos ,2sin )b θθ=,0θπ<<; (1)若a ∥b ,求角θ的大小;(2)若||||a b b +=,求sin θ的值;21. 如图,某生态园将一三角形地块ABC 的一角APQ 开辟为水果园,已知角A 为120︒, AB 、AC 的长度均大于200米,现在边界AP 、AQ 处建围墙,在PQ 处围竹篱笆;(1)若围墙AP 、AQ 总长度为200米,如何围可使得三角形地块APQ 的面积最大?(2)已知AP 段围墙高1米,AQ 段围墙高1.5米,造价均为每平方米100元,若造围墙用 了20000元,问如何围可使竹篱笆用料最省?22. 已知椭圆2219x y +=; (1)若该椭圆的焦点为1F 、2F ,点P 是该椭圆上一点,且12F PF ∠为直角,求点P 坐标;(2)若椭圆方程2219x y +=同时满足条件0xy <,则由此能否确定y 关于x 的函数关系 式?若能,请写出()y f x =的解析式,并写出该函数的定义域、值域、奇偶性、单调性,只需写出结论;若不能,请写出理由;23. 已知{}n a 、{}n b 、{}n c 都是各项不为零的数列,且满足1122n n n n a b a b a b c S ++⋅⋅⋅+=, *n N ∈,其中n S 是数列{}n a 的前n 项和,{}n c 是公差为d (0)d ≠的等差数列;(1)若数列{}n a 是常数列,2d =,23c =,求数列{}n b 的通项公式;(2)若n a n λ=(λ是不为零的常数),求证:数列{}n b 是等差数列;(3)若11a c d k ===(k 为常数,*k N ∈),n n k b c +=(2n ≥,*n N ∈),求证:对任意的2n ≥,*n N ∈,数列{}nnb a 单调递减;参考答案 一. 填空题 1. {4} 2. 6 3. 5- 4. 4 5. 2 6. 455 7. 4 8. [1,0]- 9. {1} 10. 0 11. 4a <-12. (3,1) 13. 1544ω<≤ 14. 272二. 选择题15. C 16. A 17. B 18. D三. 解答题19.(1)1||1z =,1122a -≤≤;(2)略;20.(1)23πθ=;(2)1538-;21.(1)100AP AQ ==,25003S =;(2)2007AP =,8007AQ =;22.(1)3142(,)44,3142(,)44-,3142(,)44-,3142(,)44--;(2)229,309,033x x y x x ⎧--<<⎪=⎨-⎪-<<⎪⎩,定义域(3,0)(0,3)-,值域(1,0)(0,1)-, 为奇函数,在(3,0)-和(0,3)上单调递增;23.(1)43n b n =-;(2)公差为32d ;(3)略;。



浙江省十二校结盟 2017 学年第一学期高三期末联考语文学科考生须知:1. 本卷满分 150 分,考试时间 150 分钟;2. 答题前,在答题卷指定地区填写学校、班级、姓名、试场号、座位号及准考据号。

3. 全部答案一定写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效;4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题卷;5. 阅卷由十二校一致进行,阅卷达成后可在相应微信小程序上查问详细得分状况。

一、语言文字运用(共 20 分)1. 以下各句中,没有错别字且注音全对的一项为哪一项( )( 3 分)A. 于连以其低贱的身世为耻,以父兄的无知与粗俗( b ǐ)为耻,这也使他对同一 阶层的人充满了歧视和不屑( xia )。


B. 宋词是中国古代文学皇冠上一颗光芒醒目的巨钻, 在古代文学的阆 (l àn ɡ)苑里,又是一块芳香绚烂的园圃( b ǔ),不论长篇还是短章,皆足吟泳回味。

C. 男童撕心裂肺的哭声,夹( ji á)杂着一名打人者鄙陋的嘻嘻声,让这幅场景,显得极其残忍。

这究竟是如何一种愤恨, 才让他们对男童下此狠手?相信每个看了这条视频的人,都会万份愤慨。

D. 史铁生是今世中国最令人敬重的作家之一。


他体验到的是生命的磨难,表达出的倒是存在的明亮( l áng )和欢欣,他睿智的言辞,照亮的反而是我们日趋阴暗的心里。

阅读下边的文段,达成 2-3 题。


莫非城市也因熟习而让自己漠然了!【乙】可能是吧,但也不尽然, 不然又如何解说抖动心里那根柔嫩相思之弦的, 却常是老家那些光景而非这个城市或那个城市的花天酒地呢? 【丙】或许用“距离产生美”来解说更能让自己满意, 也更通情达理一点。


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下列分析错误的是A.甲病是常染色体显性遗传、乙病是伴X染色体隐性遗传B.II-3的甲、乙致病基因分别来自于I-2和I-1C.II-2有1种基因型,III-8基因型有4种可能D.若III-4与III-5结婚,生一个患两病的男孩概率是5/12二、非选择题(本大题共5小题,共44分)29. (6分)海洋是生物圈的重要组成部分,下图甲表示某海域大黄鱼增长速率与种群数量关系,图乙表示该海域能量流动简图,A、B、C、D表示生态系统的三大生物成分。















