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Only the firm hope in our hearts is the source of strength for us to keep working hard, fighting and advancing bravely.


Sixty years ago, a father walked into a restaurant and was ignored. And today his son can stand here and make the most solemn pledge before you.


For those who advocate terror and kill innocent people indiscriminately, our spirit is strong and invincible. You can't defeat us, we'll defeat you.


The United States is at war, facing a network of enormous

influence, violence and hatred. Our economy is in a severe recession. This is due to the greed and irresponsibility of the cadres, but also to the fact that as a whole, we have not been able to make difficult decisions in the face of a new era.


Today, we are gathered because we have chosen hope over fear; we have chosen to unite for a common purpose, not conflict and strife.


Today, together, we put an end to false promises, outmoded dogmas, accusations and complaints. These have plagued our political system for too long.


When someone says we can't do it, we have to respond to them with this timeless creed: Yes, we can.


If you are on the right track and you are willing to continue, you will make progress.


Greatness comes not from nothing, but from winning. In our journey, we have never taken shortcuts or retreated to the second place.


I stand here today humbled by the task ahead, grateful for your trust, and remembering the sacrifices made by our predecessors.


As the world becomes more and more closely linked, our common humanity will emerge, and the United States must assume the responsibility of leading peace in the new era.


The challenges we face today are unprecedented, and everything is completely new. However, the values we rely on to succeed have never changed - honesty, diligence, courage, justice, tolerance, learning, loyalty and patriotism.
