
officer /'ɔfisə/ n.官员
customs officer 海关官员 office 办公室
friend /frend/ n.朋友
I’m your friend.
pen friend 笔友 net friend 网友
th)ese ̸ ðiːz ̸ 这些(复数 th)ose / ðəuz ̸ 那些(复数
this 这个(单数) that 那个(单数)
This is a book. (单数句) - These are books.(复数句10)
Danish / 'deiniʃ / adj. 丹麦的
n. 丹麦人,丹麦语 Denmark n. 丹麦(国名)
pencil ---- pencils
dish ---- dishes
fox ---- foxes
boy ---- boys
男人女人 a 变 e,鹅足牙 oo 变 ee;
man-men; woman-women; goose-geese; foot-feet; tooth-teeth
brother 兄弟
大概 perhaps
upstairs 楼上
地毯 carpet
领带 白色的 white
1.你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?——它是绿色的。 What colour’s your new dress?
——It's green. 2.到楼上来看看吧。
Come upstairs and see it. 3.瞧,就是这件。

housewife – __h__o_u_s_e_w__i_v_es -f 或-fe 变成-v,再加-es leaf – ___l_e_a_v_e__s__
以-y 结尾的名词 不规则变化
去 y 变 i 加-es
man – ___m__e_n____ milkman –__m__il_k_m__e_n__
CUSTOMS OFFICER : Are your friends Danish, too?
No, they aren't.They are Norwegian.
CUSTOMS OFFICER : Your passports,please.
Here they are.
(5) friend n. 朋友 e.g. 他有很多好朋友。 He has many good friends. 搭配:与某人交朋友 make friends with sb. 扩展:friendship _友__谊_
(6) passport n. 护照 _pa_s_s__ v. 通过
cUSTOMS OFFICER : Are these your cases?
No, they aren't.
Our cases are brown. Here they are.
CUSTOMS OFFICER : Are you tourists?
Yes, we are.
student – __s_t_u_d__e_n_t_s__ horse – ____h_o_r_s_e__s__

Key structrues
1.Are you Swedish? Swedish 瑞典人 (单复一致) 一些国籍变复数: 单复同行: Chinese Japanese Swedish Danish French English man变men:Frenchman—Frenchmen Englishman—Englishmen 直接加s: German—Germans American— Americans Italian—Italians Korean—Koreans
单数 复数 leaf-----leaves shelf-----shelves knife-----knives wolf-----wolves ④部分以f,fe结尾的名词去f,fe加ves读 /vz/ 口诀: (半片树叶自己黄,妻子拿刀去杀狼,架后
小偷逃命忙) half leaf self wife knife wolf shelf thief life
7.Russian adj&n. 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人 n.俄语 Russia n. 俄罗斯 eg: Where are they from? They’re from Russia. What nationality are they? They’re Russians.
8.Dutch adj.&n. 荷兰的,荷兰人 Dutchman 也作荷兰人 Holland 荷兰 eg: Where are they from? They’re from Holland. What nationality are they? They’re Dutch.
pencil-boxes(pencil-box). 11.I have two______ 12.There are some ______(bus)in the street. buses 13.Peter has eight _____(foot). feet teeth 14.Linda has three _______(tooth). 15.There are some ______(child) in the garden. children 16.Michael likes the ______(mouse). mice geese 17.There are some ______(goose)in the river. men 18.My uncle and father are _____(man). boys 19.Tom and King are _____(boy). teeth 20.Linda has three ______(tooth).

Your passports, please.
customs officer girl Danish friend Norwegian passport brown tourist
customs n. 海关 customs duty 海关关税 The spy was stopped at the Customs and
n. 挪威人
Norway 挪威
I am from Norway.
I am Norwegian.
用表示国籍的形容词填空。 My friends aren’t Danish(丹麦人) or Swedish(瑞典
人). They are Norwegian(挪威人). The students are Korean(韩国人)and Danish(丹麦
brown adj. 棕色的 n. 褐色 brown hair
brownnose 马屁精,拍马屁 And you, Tom, you're the biggest
brownnose I've ever seen! 还有你汤姆,你是我见过的最大的马屁精。
tourist n. 旅游者 She is a tourist.
friend:朋友(正式) pal:好友,伙伴(随意) buddy:伙伴,朋友(随意) friendship:友谊 Wish our friendship last long.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 友。
Norwegian adj. 挪威的
a bus
新概念英语第一册 Lesson15~16(带答案)(共19张PPT)

(5) friend n. 朋友 e.g. 他有很多好朋友。He has many good friends. 搭配:与某人交朋友 make friends with sb. 扩展:friendship _友_谊__
(8) tourist n. 旅游者 e.g.每年上海都有很多旅游者。 _M__a_n_y_t_ou_r_i_st_s come to Shanghai every year.
(9) these pron. 这些 这些花儿 ___th_e_s_e_f_l_ow_e_r_s__
一 是 举 办 了 安全生 产知识 培训班 ,培训内 容以消 防安全 知识、 居民安 全用电 、道路 交 通 安 全 知 识为主 ,共有100余 名 居民
参 加 培 训 ,提 高了他 们的安 全防范 意识。 二是以 “安全 生产月 ”为契 机,
(2) officer n. 官员 e.g. 他爸爸是一个官员。 His dad is an officer.
(3) girl n. 女孩 e.g. 穿红衣服的女孩 ___th_e__gi_r_l _in_r_e_d__
(4) Denmark Norway
Holland/the Netherlands
丹麦曲奇 _D_a_n_is_h_C_o_o_k_ie_s_ 一个很高的丹麦人 _a_t_a_ll_D_a_n_is_h_ e.g. 很多挪威人都带着挪威手表。
区 商业网 点和销 售等重 点领域 和人口 密集场 所进行 专项研 究部署 。在元 旦、春 节 、 五 一 、 等 重大节 日期间 ,联合辖 区派出 所、消 防等单 位,结合 实际,有 针对 性地开
新概念第一册-lesson-15-16 Your passports, please

customs /ˈkʌstəmz/ n. 海关
Norwegian /nɔː(r)ˈwiːdʒən/ n. 挪威人
officer /ˈɒfɪsə(r)/ n. 官员
adj. 挪威的
girl /ɡɜː(r)l/ n. 女孩, 姑娘
passport /ˈpɑːspɔː(r)t/ n. 护照
customs /ˈkʌstəmz/ n. 海关
E.g. China Customs 中国海关 U.S. Customs 美国海关
custom /ˈkʌstəm/ n. 风俗, 习惯
Norway /ˈnɔ(r)ˌweɪ/ 挪威 Norwegain /nɔː(r)ˈwiːdʒən/ 挪威人,挪威的 E.g. Norwegian aurora /ɔː'rɔːrə/ 挪威极光
yellow /ˈjeləu/ adj. 黄色的
Dutch /dʌtʃ/ n. 荷兰人 adj. 荷兰的
black / blæ k / adj. 黑色的
these /ðiːz/ pron. 这些 (this的复数) orange /ɔˈrɪndʒ/ adj. 橘黄色的,橘
red /red/ adj. 红色的
No, they aren’t. Our cases are brown.
Here they are.
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you tourists?
Yes, we are.
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends tourist too?

an egg --- eggs a book --- books a passport --- passports
注 意 做 笔 记 哦!
注 意 2). 以“s” “x” “sh” “ch”结尾的单 做 词+“es”。 笔 记 a bus --- buses 哦!
a dress --- dresses a box --- boxes a watch --- watches
̸ frend ̸ n. 朋友
adj.友好的6.Norwegian ̸ 'nɔːwiːʤən ̸ adj. 挪威的 n. 挪威人 Norway n. 挪威(国名)
passport ̸ 'paːspɔːt ̸ n. 护照 pass v. 经过,通过 port n. 港口
Lesson 15~16
customs ̸ 'kʌstəmz ̸ n. 海关 officer ̸ 'ɔfisə ̸ n. 官员 海关官员 customs officer
police officer 警官
girl ̸ 'gəːl ̸ n. 女孩,姑娘 boy 男孩
Danish ̸ 'deiniʃ ̸ adj. 丹麦的 n. 丹麦人 Denmark n. 丹麦(国名)
this. 这个(单数)
那个 those 那些 颜色 red 红色的 grey 灰色的 yellow 黄色的 black 黑色的 orange 橘黄色的
What are these? They are…. Are these your …? Yes, they are. No, they are not. What colour are they? They are ….

This is my dress
I am a sudent.
Those are oranges.
These are our dresses.
We are students.
That is an orange.
this 这个
2. these pron. 这些 ---指示代词
these pl. 这些
Are these your cases ?
Is this your case ?
指示代词:this ,that,these,those
1. 普通名词又可分为:
2. 专有名词:如:China,Newton,London等。
一般情况下在名词的词尾加s,如:book books,pencil pencils.
1. Russian a.& n. 俄罗斯人 / Dutch a.& n. 荷兰人
Russia 俄罗斯
Holland 荷兰
eg. What nationality are you ? I’m Russian.
eg. Where do you come from ? I come from Russia.

哦 !
you → you
I → we
本课重点语法(二) 注
2. 谓语(be): 单→复
意 做
am → are
笔 记
is → are
哦 !
本课重点语法(二) 注
2. 其它(职业): 单→复
意 做
student → students
teacher → teachers
记 哦
engineer → engineers !
New words & expressions
1. customs ̸ 'kʌstəmz ̸ n. 海关 2. officer ̸ 'ɔfisə ̸ n. 官员
海关官员 customs officer
office n. 办公室 3. girl ̸ 'gəːl ̸
n. 女孩,姑娘 boy 男孩
4. Danish ̸ 'deiniʃ ̸ adj. 丹麦的 n. 丹麦人,丹麦语 Denmark n. 丹麦(国
3. NO,they aren’t. they = your friends
4. Here they are.
单数:Here it is.
5. Are these your cases.
词尾发音为[s], 故-s发[iz]。
6. Are you tourists?
(2) 集体名词:people 人们 人民 (3) 少数专有名词: China 中国
不可数名词主要包括两大类:物质名 词与抽象名词。
物质名词无法表示为个体的实物, 如:rice大米 、 food食物 、coffee 咖啡、

passort['pɑːspɔːt] n. 护照,通行证
This is a passport.
These are passports.
----What is this/that? ---- It’s a car.
❖ man – men woman – women ❖ policeman – policemen ❖ policewoman – policewomen ❖ child--children ❖ sheep – sheep fish– fish deer--deer ❖ tooth— teeth foot— feet goose--geese
----What color is your pen? ----It’s black.
----What color are your pens? ----They are red and black.
❖this is – these are ❖that is – those are ❖he/ she/ it is – they are ❖I am– we are ❖am/ is - are
❖wife – wives ❖housewife--housewives ❖wolf—wolves ❖leaf-leaves ❖knife - knives
表示有生命的人或食物加es ❖ mango—mangoes 芒果 ❖ tomato– tomatoes 西红柿 ❖ potato– potatoes 土豆 ❖ Negro—Negroes 黑人 hero—heroes 英雄 其它以o结尾的可数名词直接加s ❖ photo –photos zoo—zoos piano---pianos
新概念英语第一册第15-16课Your passport,please

新概念英语第一册第15-16课:Y ourpassport,please.Lesson 15 Your passports, please.请出示你们的护照。
Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is there a problem with the Customs officer?听录音,然后回答问题。
海关官员有什么疑问吗?CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you Swedish?海关官员:你们是瑞典人吗?GIRLS: No, we are not.We are Danish.姑娘们:不,我们不是瑞典人。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends Danish, too?海关官员:你们的朋友也是丹麦人吗?GIRLS: No, they aren't.They are Norwegian.姑娘们:不,他们不是丹麦人。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Your passports, please.海关官员:请出示们的护照。
GIRLS: Here they are.姑娘们:给您。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are these your cases?海关官员:这些是你们的箱子吗?GIRLS: No, they aren't.姑娘们:不,不是。
GIRLS: Our cases are brown.Here they are.姑娘们:我们的箱子是棕色的。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you tourists?海关官员:你们是来旅游的吗?GIRLS: Yes, we are.姑娘们:是的,我们是来旅游的。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends tourists too? 海关官员:你们的朋友也是来旅游的吗?GIRLS: Yes, they are.姑娘们:是的,他们也是。

tooth --- teeth foot --- feet man --- men woman --- women policeman --- policemen child – children mouse – mice fish --- fish sheep ---sheep deer--- deer
a fish --- fishes
a zoo---zoos
a watch --- watches a potato---potatoes
a shelf --- shelves
a tomato---tomatoes
a knife --- knives
• Grammar
1.一般情况下,直接在名词词尾加-s. 2.以s,x,sh,ch结尾的名词,在词尾加-es. 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,要变y为i再加-es. 4.以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接在词尾加-s . 5.以f或 fe结尾的名词,先将f或 fe变为v,再加-es. 6.以o结尾的名词,表示无生命事物的名词加-s, 表示有生命事物的名词加-es。
Girls: No, they aren’t. they are _N__o_r_w_e_g_i_a_n__. Customs officer: _Y__o_u_r_p_a_s_s_p_o_r_ts___, please. Girls: Here_t_h_e_y_ are.
the blanks
Customs officer: Are__th_e_s_e_ your cases?
Customs officer: Are you _S_w__e_d_is_h__ ? Girls: No, we are not. We are _D_a_n_i_s_h. Customs officer: Are _y_o_u_r__fr_i_e_n_d_s_ Danish, too?
新概念英语1 Lesson15-16

Lesson 15 Your passports, please. &Lesson 16 Are you...? Are these your...? What colour are your...?一、教学重点1、总结:可数名词变复数的规则变化(I)及其词尾的发音。
2、句型:-Are you...? -Yes, we are. / No, we aren‘t.-Are these your...? -Yes, they are. / No, they aren‘t.-What colour are your...? -They‘re...二重点单词Keywords:★customs n. 海关custom n. 风俗习惯Chinese custom★officer n. 官员office 办公室office lady白领丽人★friend n. 朋友friendship:友谊friendly 有好的N+ly=adj.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。
★ Norwegian [nɔ:ˈwi:dʒən] adj. n. 挪威人Norway [nɔ:ˈwei ] 挪威★ passport n. 护照pass 通过, 及格password 密码port 港口, 端口airport 飞机场★brown adj. 棕色的n. 褐色brownnose 马屁精,拍马屁★ tourist n. 旅游者tour n. 观光,旅游tour guide 导游★ Russian [ˈrʌʃən] adj. n. 俄罗斯人Russia [ˈrʌʃə] 俄罗斯, 苏联★ Dutch adj. n. 荷兰人荷兰Holandgo Dutch AA制由于历史上荷兰有很多海盗,与英国在海上争霸,两国历史上关系紧张,所以和荷兰有关的词也多为贬义,go Dutch讽荷兰人抠门,不愿为别人买单。

Lesson15 Your passports, please.一、单词分类;二、课文复习三、课文重点四、语法解析1. 名词分类:普通名词(可数名词) e.g. a pen、a book物质名词(不可数名词) e.g. water、milk专有名词 e.g. Mt. Tai(泰山)the Great Wall(长城)Summer Palace(颐和园)集体名词 e.g. police、people、family抽象名词 e.g. beauty、wisdom2.可数名词的数:单数和复数①一般情况,名词后直接加sbook--- books mouth--- mouths house--- houses girl--- girls②以s, x, ch, sh 结尾,加esclass--- classes box--- boxes match--- matches brush--- brushes③以辅音字母加y 结尾,把y变i,加esbaby--- babies city--- cities country--- countries party--- parties factory--- factories④国人变化:口诀:中日不变, 英法变,其余s加后面。
Chinese--- Chinese Japanese--- JapaneseEnglishwoman--- Englishwomen _ Frenchman--- FrenchmenItalian--- Italians German--- Germans American--- Americans3.名词复数的发音清后/s/ ,浊元/z/ ,/t/ /d/ 后面读/ts/ /dz/ ,/s/ /z/ /tʃ/ /dӡ/读/iz//s/ books, maps, mechanics, makes/z/ dogs, ties, umbrellas, sons, daughters/ts/ hat, carpets, tickets, suits/dz/ keyboards, birds/iz/ dishes, houses, blouses, watches, oranges,4.指示代词和人称代词的数把下列句子变为复数句He is a boy. They are boys.She is a girl. They are girls.It is a pen. They are pens.This is a bus. These are buses.That is a watch. Those are watches.5.数字20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 110 one hundred and ten6.国家和国籍五、单词练习1. When you go to Canada or America, you need a passport .2. He works in the Customs House(海关), he is a customs officer .3. He comes from Holland(荷兰), he is Dutch .4. You help me, you are my good friend .5. Billy comes from Norway(挪威), he is Norwegian .6. When you travel(旅行), you are a tourist .7. People in Russia(俄罗斯) speak Russian .8. The color of our national flag(国旗) is red .9. It rains today, the sky is not blue, it is grey .10. The color of the orange is orange .六、语法练习1. 用冠词a或an填空:(P32)It is an English car.It is a Japanese car.It is an Italian car.It is a French car.It is an American car.Robert is not a teacher.2.模仿例句提问并回答books / red What color are your books? Our books are red. shirts / white What color are your shirts? Our shirts are red. hats / black and grey What color are your hats? Our hats are red.ties / orange What color are your ties? Our ties are red.3.用所给名词的正确形式填空:What are their jobs (job)?These flies (fly) are dirty.What are your names (name)?Our boxes (box) aren’t grey.Excuse me, are these your brushes (brush)?4.写出下列名词的复数形式:Chinese—Chinese Russian—Russians Englishman—Englishmen Japanese—Japanese Frenchman—FrenchmenGerman—GermansAmerican—Americansfox—foxescountry—countriescity—citiesmatch —matches5.把下列句子变成复数句:It is a black and white dog. They are black and white dogs.Are you a hairdresser? Are you hairdressers?Look at me. Look at us.Whose is this white shirt? Whose are these white shirts?That is an orange tie. These are orange ties.What’s this?What are these?6.选择题:( D ) 1. ---Whose ________ that dress?--- That is ________.A. does, herB. does, hersC. is, herD. is, hers ( B ) 2. It's ________ color.A. sameB. the sameC. a sameD. some ( B ) 3. This is your book. Here ________.A. are youB. you areC. is itD. you it ( B ) 4. Whose umbrella is this? Is it ________?A. TomB. Tom'sC. herD. your ( A ) 5. This blouse is for ________.A. my sisterB. my sistersC. my sister'sD. my sisters'( C ) 6. The umbrella is ________.A. myB. yourC. hisD. her ( A ) 7. It's green, ________.A. tooB. toC. alsoD. and ( A ) 8. They are ________. They speak good English.A. ChineseB. NorwegianC. AmericanD. Englishman( D ) 9. The carpet ________ my ________ is brown.A. under, footB. under, footsC. in, feetD. under, feet( D ) 10. ---Are these your tickets?---Yes, ________.A. they are notB. it isC. it is notD. they are七、课后练习1.写出下列名词的复数operator operators box boxes family families potato potatoes boy boysknife knivesdress dresseshalf halveswife wiveswatch watchescountry countriesmechanic mechanics2.将下列单复数句子相互转换This is a knife. These are knives. That is a tomato. Those are tomatoes. It is a dish. They are dishes. These are wolves. This is a wolf.They are engineers. He is an engineer.3.改错These are my photoes. photosThis are two boxes. TheseThey are her babys. babiesThey is leaves. areThese worker are heroes. workers4.句型转换These dresses are green.(变成一般疑问句,并做肯否回答)Are these dresses green? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Those boys are Swedish.(变成否定句)Those boys are not Swedish.They are air hostesses.(对划线部分提问)What are they? / What are their jobs? / What do they do? Homework:。

新概念英语第一册第15-16课:Yourpassport,please.Lesson 15 Your passports, please.请出示你们的护照。
Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is there a problem with the Customs officer?听录音,然后回答问题。
海关官员有什么疑问吗?CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you Swedish?海关官员:你们是瑞典人吗?GIRLS: No, we are not.We are Danish.姑娘们:不,我们不是瑞典人。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends Danish, too?海关官员:你们的朋友也是丹麦人吗?GIRLS: No, they aren't.They are Norwegian.姑娘们:不,他们不是丹麦人。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Your passports, please.海关官员:请出示们的护照。
GIRLS: Here they are.姑娘们:给您。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are these your cases?海关官员:这些是你们的箱子吗?GIRLS: No, they aren't.姑娘们:不,不是。
GIRLS: Our cases are brown.Here they are.姑娘们:我们的箱子是棕色的。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you tourists?海关官员:你们是来旅游的吗?GIRLS: Yes, we are.姑娘们:是的,我们是来旅游的。
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends tourists too? 海关官员:你们的朋友也是来旅游的吗?GIRLS: Yes, they are.姑娘们:是的,他们也是。

Yes, we are.
• CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends tourists too?
Yes, they are.
• CUSTOMS OFFICER: That's fine.
Thank you very
• The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned.
• 那个间谍在海关被截住 并被加以盘问。
• custom n. 风俗,习惯
• When risiting a foreign country, we might find the country’s customs strange to us.
New Concept English Book1
新概念英语第一册 主讲:李亚锋
Lesson 15
Your passport, please.
• New words • Text • Grammar
• ★customs n. 海 关
• customs, Customs n. [复]海 关;征收关税的程 序
结尾的单词要加 -es 读音为[iz]
• 4、以 f 或 fe 结尾的单词要变 为 ves
• knife -> knives wife -> wives
• 5、辅音字母加 o 结尾的单词 要加 es
• officer n. 官员
• Danish
• Norwegian
• ★friend n. 朋友
• friend:朋友(正式)

Lesson 15-16Words and Expressions:1.customs n. 海关Eg. He goes through customs.Custom n. 习惯customs (复数) 习惯的复数形式Eg. We Chinese has many customs2.Danish adj&n, 丹麦人; 丹麦语Denmark n. 丹麦(国名)Eg: My friends are Danish.3.ffriendfriendly adj. 友好的be friendly to sb 对....友好Eg. She is friendly to me.3.Norwegian adj&n. 挪威人Norway 挪威(国名)Eg. I am Norwegian. I am from Norway.4. pink 粉红色baby pink 浅粉红色brown 褐色 gold金色orange 橙色green 绿色blue 蓝色red 红色purple, violet 紫色white 白色snowy white 雪白色gray 灰色yellow 黄色silver 银色Grammar:㈠可数名词的复数形式1.一般情况,直接加-s.boy---boys book---books dog---dogs2.以s, x, ch, sh结尾发[s],[∫],[t∫],[dЗ]音的词,加—esbus—buses, box—boxes, bush—bushes,peach---peaches, glass---glasses dress—dresses3.辅音字母+ y, 变y为i,加-esuniversity—universities, baby---babies, family---families, fly---flies, country---countries,4.以o结尾加-eshero—heroes, potato---potatoes, tomato---tomatoeso前为元音字母,及部分外来词直接加-szoo—zoos radio—radio piano—pianos photo—photos5.以f或fe结尾,变f或fe为v,再加-es leaf—leaves wife—wives, knife---knives life---lives※以下f结尾单词直接加-s belief—beliefs(信念) roof—roofs(屋顶)proof—proofs(证据) safe—safes(保险柜)chief—chiefs(首领) gulf—gulfs(海湾)6.不规则名词man—men, woman—women, foot—feet, tooth—teeth,goose—geese, mouse—mice, child—children注:1:有些可数名词的单复数相同,要根据上下文的意义来确定其单数还是复数,例如:sheep 羊fish 鱼deer 鹿means手段,方法works工厂,作品series系列注2:在些可数名词,只有单数形式,但表示复数意义.如果作主语,谓语动词用复数形式.如:cattle 牛people 人民police 警察These cattle are from Holland.注3:集合名词既可看作单数(作为整体),也可看作复数(作为集体的各个成员).例如:audience(观众) class(班级) family(家庭) group(小组)Her family is well-known in the region. 她家在该地区是名门望族.His family are quarrelling severely about the property.她的家人正在为分财产激烈地争吵.注4:1.Japanese、Chinese复数不变2.Frenchman、Englishman、Dutchman等复数把a改为e3.German、Russian、American、Indian、Italian、Korean等复数加s Exercises:一、写出下列名词的复数形式:1.desk ____2.class _____3. pencil-box _____4. watch _____5.dish _______6.month ____7.city _____ 8 Sunday _______9. half________ 10.wife ______ 11.potato ____12.tomato_____13.zoo____ 14. foot_______ 15.tooth_____16.child _____17.woman______18.Englishman ______ 19.German________20.Chinese ______ 21.Japanese _______22.American _______ 23.sheep______二、选择1、There on the wall .They are very beautiful.A. are photoesB. are photosC. is a photoD. is photos2. This kind of car made in Shanghai.A. is B .are C .were D .has3. There are four and two in the group.A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German D.Japanese, Germans4. That is art book.A. anB. aC. the D are5. The boys have got already.A. two breadB. two breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two piece of bread6. The old man wants .A. six boxes of applesB. six boxes of appleC. six box of applesD. six boxs of apples7. There some in the river.A. is ,fishB. are, fishsC. is, fishsD. are ,fish8. There two in the box.A. is watchB. are watchesC. are watchD. is watches9. We should clean twice a day.A .our tooth B. our tooths C.teeth D.our teeth10.The _____ meeting room is near the reading room.A.teacherB.teacher’sC.teachers’D.teachers11. In Britain _____ are all painted red.A.letter boxesB.letters boxesC.letter boxD.letters box三、用所给词的适当形式填空。
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Are your friends tourists too?
Yes, they are.
That’s fine.
Thank you very much.
1. Are you Swedish?
2. Are you friends Danish,too?
Are you Swedish? • Are you Danish? • Are you Dutch?
• Yes,we are. • No, we aren’t.
No ,we aren’t. We are Chinese.
Are you Chinese?
Are you
• Are you Peter? • Are you Mike?
• Yes,I am. • No, I am not.
No ,I am. I am Jenny.
听力课堂 教学目标:
通过几轮课文轰炸,能根据 提示词复述课文,最后能根据中文 说出英文。
常见国家和他们所用的语言 Country China America Japan France the UK Germany Russia Italy Nationality Language Capital Chinese Chinese Beijing American English Washington Japanese Japanese Tokyo French French Paris English English London German German Berlin Russian Russian Moscow Italian Italian Rome
词汇课堂 教学目标:
会拼读新单词,学习 新单词的用法。
New words 新单词
customs ['kʌstəmz ] n. 海关/n. 习惯,风俗 officer ['ɔfisə ] n. 官员/ n. 办公室office
girl [ gə:l ] n. 女孩
Danish ['deiniʃ ] n. /a. 丹麦的,丹麦人 (Denmark) friend [ frend ] n. 朋友 Norwegian [ nɔ:'wi:dʒən ] n. /a. 挪威的,挪威人的 (Norway) passport [ 'pɑ:spɔ:t ] n. 护照
̸ frend ̸ n. 朋友
Norwegian ̸ 'nɔːwiːʤən ̸ adj. 挪威的 n. 挪威人,挪威语 Norway n. 挪威(国名)
7. passport ̸ 'paːspɔːt ̸ n. 护照
pass v. 经过,通过 port n. 港口
That is a lovely hat!
the same colour
• the same tie • the same job • the same ticket
• 相同的领带 • 相同的工作 • 相同的票
the same
a a a a
dress --- dresses box --- boxes fish --- fishes watch --- watches
注 规则3). 在以“o” 结尾的单词,在 意 单词后面 +“es”,+”s”。 嘴 Negro→Negroes, 黑人 巴 hero→heroes, 英雄 哦! potato→potatoes, 土豆 tomato→tomatoes,西红柿(口 诀:黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿), 剩下一般加s, zoo→zoos Rhythm,recite
Are you Chinese?
• Are you American? • Are you Japanese?
• Are you English?
• Yes,we are. • No, we aren’t.
No ,we aren’t. We are Chinese.
Are you Chinese?
an egg --- eggs a book --- books a passport --- passports
Rhythm ,recite
注 意 带 眼 睛 哦!
注 规则2). 在以“s” “x” “sh” “ch”结 意 尾的单词, +“es”。 心 a bus --- buses 哦!
Lesson 15~16
第一堂课:词汇课堂 第二堂课:语法课堂 第三堂课:听说课堂
colour sister green mother 母亲 come 来
same 相同的 谁的 whose lovely 可爱的 蓝色的blue
brother 兄弟 upatairs 楼上 tie
练 习
pencil ---dish
pencils dishes
foxes apples zoos
apple ---Zoo ----
1. 主语: 单→复 this → these
that → those he /she/ it → they you → you we I
eg. 你是一名工程师。 You are an engineer.
注 意 带 脑 哦!
练 习
1. 他们是学生。
They are students. 2. 她们是老师。
They are teachers. 3. 你们是工程师。
Exercise P57
You are engineers.
brown 棕色的
语法课堂 教学目标一:
学习什么是可数名词和不可数名词 知道如何将可数名词单数变为复数
名词变复数 n. 1.名词分为:可数名词
和不可数名词。 可数名词 不可数名词
注 意 带 眼 睛 来!
pen book umbrella
tea water coffee
n. 棕色
̸ braʊn ̸
adj. 棕色的
tourist ̸ tʊərist ̸ n. 旅游者 10. Russian ̸ rʌʃən ̸ adj. 俄罗斯的
n. 俄罗斯人,俄语
Dutch ̸ dʌtʃ ̸ adj. 荷兰的
n. 荷兰人,荷兰语
Go Dutch AA制 red 红色的 颜色|grei| grey 灰色的 yellow 黄色的 black 黑色的 |braun| orange 橘黄色的
6. Are you tourists?
tourists:“t”+“s”念[ʦ] 。
新概念第一册 Lesson 15-16
Lesson 15-16
1 Are the girls Swedish? No,they aren’t. They are not Swedish. 2 What nationality are they? They are Danish. 3 Are they Danish? Yes,they are. They are Danish.
Your passports, please.
Here they are.
单数:Here it is. NhomakorabeaAre these your cases?
No, they aren’t. Our cases are brown. Here they are.
Are you tourists?
Yes, we are.
注 意 带 口 哦!
2. 谓语(be): 单→复 am → is → are are
注 意 带 眼 睛 哦!
2. 其它(职业): 单→复 student → students
teacher → teachers engineer → engineers
注 意 带 心 哦!
friends:“d”+“s”念[ʣ] 。
3. NO,they aren’t.
they = your friends
4. Here they are.
单数:Here it is.
5. Are these your cases.
词尾发音为[s], 故-s发[iz]。
Are you Swedish? (瑞典人,国籍)
No, we are not. We are Danish. (丹麦人)
Are your friends Danish, too?
No, they aren’t. They are Norwegian.
they = your friends
大概 perhaps
white 领带 白色的
hat his
帽子 他的
catch 抓住 father 父亲
smart 时髦的
blouse 女衬衫