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3range 4ouse 5ion 6oo 二、英汉连线

vase 小提琴

violin 冬天

winter 花瓶

pencil 春天

spring 铅笔

English 英语

plane 轮船

ship 大象

train 火车

elephant 飞机


1、I (起床) at six in the morning.

A. gut up

B. play football

C. go to school

D. go to work

2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon.

A. play basketball

B. play the flute

C. plays football

D. sing

3、We (去上学) by bike.

A. walk to school

B. go out

C. go to school

D. go home

4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning.

A. Maths and English

B. Maths and Chinese

C. Music and Chinese

5、My father goes to work (骑自行车).

A. by bike

B. by bus

C. by plane

D. by train

6、They (吃午饭) at twelve.

A. have breakfast

B. have dinner

C. have lunch

D. have sweets

7、He plays the (笛子) in the classroom.

A. drums

B. flute

C. play pingpong

8、Do you (去游泳)?Yes,I do.

A. go to swimming

B. go swimming B. go swim

9、We (穿毛衣) in autumn.

A. wear sweaters

B. wear shirts

C. wear gloves

D. wear hats

10、In (夏天),we wear T-shirt.

A. spring

B. winter

C. autumn

D. summer


1.What do you like? A. Yes,we do.

2. Does he like swimming? B. I like toy pandas.

3. What’s the time? C. No,he doesn’t.

4. Is it 8 o’clock? D. It’s half past 7.

5. Do we have Maths at school? E. No,it isn’t.


1 __p 向上9 __ay 道路17__ce 冰

2 __weets 糖果10__ebra 斑马18__ead 头

3 __rain 火车11__ellow 黄色的19__irl 女孩

4 __ain 雨12__ose 鼻子20__rog 青蛙

5 __ueen 皇后13__onkey 猴子21__lephant 大象

6 __range 橘子14__ion 狮子22__uck 鸭子

7 __rince 王子15__ite 风筝23__ar 汽车

8 __ase 花瓶16__ug 罐24__pple 苹果







1. I Wang Ling.

2. You

3. Where they?

4. What your name?

5. Where your nose?


()1. Happy New Year. a. You’

()2. May I have a look? b. I’m 9.

()3. How many cakes? c. Nice to meet you,too. ()4. Thank you. d. I’m fine,thanks. ()5. How old are you? e. Happy New Year

()6. This is for you. f. Here it is.

()7. Nice to meet you. g. Thank you.

()8. How are you? h. Sure,here you are. ()9. Where is my mouth? i. Cool.

()10. Look,I have a rabbit. j. 8.


( ) 1. Look the elephant.

A. for

B. at

C. to

( ) 2. Happy birthday you.

A. to

B. two

C. too

( ) 3. This is nose.

A. me

B. I

C. my

( ) 4. you Tutu?

A. Is

B. Are

C. Can

( ) 5. I have a cake?

A. Are

B. Am

C. Can

( ) 6. Here .

A. is it

B. it is

C. it’s

( ) 7. The plate is the middle.

A. on

B. in

C. at

( ) 8. —Let’s go to school. —


B. Thank you

C. Bye


1. A: Hello. B:

2. A: What your name? B: is Chen Jie.

3. A: B: Nice to meet you,too.

4. A: Goodbye! B:


1. stand up a. no

2. open b. there

3. black c. sit down

4. yes d. close

5. here e. white
