
aabilityaboutabove abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according according to accountacheacidacrossactactionactive activityactor actress actualaddaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice adviseaffairaffordafraidafter afternoon afterwards again againstageagoagreeagreementaheadaimairaircraftairforceairportalcoholalikealiveallallowalmostalonealongaloudalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughaltogetheralwaysamongamountamuseamusementamusinganancientandangerangleangryanimalankleannoyannoyanceanotheranswerantanxietyanxiousanyanyhowanyoneanythinganywhereapartapparatusappearappearanceappleappointapprovalapprovearchareaargueargumentarmarmorarmsarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasashashamedasideaskasleepassociationatatomattackattemptattendattendanceattentionattractattractiveauntautumnaverageavoidawakeawayawkwardbabyback background backward backwards bacteria badbagbake balance ball banana bandbankbarbare barrel base basket bathbathe battlebebeak beam beanbear beardbeat beautiful beauty because become bedbeebeer beforebegbegin beginning behave behavior behind belief believebell belong belowbelt bendbeneathberrybesidebesidesbestbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbillbindbirdbirthbirthdaybitbitebitterblackbladeblamebleedblessblindblockbloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbombbonebookbootborderbornborrowbothbottlebottombowelsbowlboxboybrainbranchbrassbravebreadbreadthbreakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrickbridgebrightbringbroadbroadcastbrotherbrownbrushbucketbuildBuildingBulletBunchburialburnburstburybusbushbusinessbusybutbutterbuttonbuybycagecakecalculatecalculatorcallcalmcameracampcancandlecapcapitalcaptaincarcard cardboard carecareful careless carriagecarrycartcasecastlecatcatchcattlecausecellcementcentcenter centimeter central century ceremony certainchainchair chairperson chalkchance change character chargecharmchasecheapcheatcheck [cheque] cheekcheer cheerful cheese chemical chemistry chest chickenchiefchild childhood childrenchimneychinchocolatechoicechoosechurchcigarettecinemacirclecircularcitizencitycivilizationclaimclassclaycleanclearclerkclevercliffclimbclockclockworkcloseclothclothesclothingcloudclubcoalcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollarcollectcollegecolorcombcombinationcombinecomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommoncompanioncompanycomparecomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompoundcomputerconcernconcerningconcertconditionconfidenceconfidentconfuseconnectconscienceconsciousconsiderconsistconsonantcontaincontentscontinuecontinuouscontractcontrolconvenientconversationcookcoolcoppercopycordcorncornercorrectcostcottoncoughcouldcouncilcountcountrycourage course court cover cow coward cowardly crack crash cream creature creep cricket crime criminal crop cross crowd cruel cruelty crushcry cultivate cup cupboard curecurl current curse curtain curve custom customer cutcycle daily damage dance danger dangerous dare daring darkdate daughter daydead dealdear deathdebtdecaydeceitdeceivedecidedecimaldecisiondeclarationdeclaredecoratedecorationdecreasedeepdeerdefeatdefenddefensedegreedelaydelicatedelightdeliverdemanddepartmentdependdependentdepthdescenddescribedescriptiondescriptivedesertdeservedesirabledesiredeskdestroydestructiondetaildeterminationdetermineddevelopdevildiamonddictionarydiedifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdinnerdipdirectdirectiondirtdirtydisappointdiscouragediscouragementdiscoverdiscoverydishdismissdistancedistantditchdividedivisiondodoctordogdollardoordoorwaydotdoubledoubtdowndragdrawdrawerdreamdressdrinkdrivedropdrowndrugdrumdrunkdryduckdullduringdustdutyeacheagerearearlyearneartheasteasterneasyeatedgeeducate education effect effectiveefforteggeighteightheitherelasticelbowelectelection electric electricity elephantelseemploy employer employment empty enclose enclosure encourage encouragement endenemyengine engineer Englishenjoy enjoyment enoughenter entertain entertainment entrance envelope equalequalityescapeespeciallyestablishestablishmenteveneveningeventevereveryeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevilexactexaminationexamineexampleexcellentexceptexchangeexciteexcitedexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpectexpensiveexperienceexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexplosiveexpressexpressionextremeeyeeyelidfacefactfactoryfailfailurefaintfairfairyfaithfaithfulfallfalsefamefamiliarfamilyfamousfancyfarfarmfarmerfarmyardfashionfashionablefastfastenfatfatefatherfaultfavorfavorablefavoritefearfeatherfeedfeelfeelingfeelingsfellowfemalefencefeverfewfieldfiercefifthfightfigurefillfilmfindfinefingerfinishfirefireplacefirmfirstfish fisherman FitfiveFixflag flame flashflatflesh flight float flood floor flourflow flower Flyfold follow fond foodfool foolish foot football footpath footstep For forbid force forehead foreign foreigner forest forget forgive forkform formal former formerly fort fortunate fortune forward forwards FourFourthFoxFrameFreeFreedomFreezeFrequentFreshFriendFriendlyFrightenfrighteningFromFrontFruitFulfillFullFunFuneralFunnyFurFurnishFurnitureFurtherFutureGainGameGarageGardenGarmentGasgasoline [petrol]GateGatherGeneralGenerousGentlegentlemanGetGiftGirlGiveGladGlassGloryGlueGoGoatgodgoldgoldengoodgood-byegoodsgoverngovernmentgracegracefulgradualgraingramgrammargrandgrandfathergrandmothergrassgratefulgravegraygreatgreengreetgreetinggriefgrievegroundgroupgrowgrowthguardguessguestguidanceguideguiltgunhabithabitualhairhairyhalfhallhammerhandhandkerchiefhandlehanghappen happy hard harden hardly hardship harm harmful harmless hasty hathate hatred havehehead health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy heel height help helpful henherhere hers herself hide highhillhim himself hirehis historical history hithold holiday hollow holy home honest honesty HonorhonorableHookHopeHopefulHopelessHorizonHornHorseHospitalHostHotHotelHourHourlyHouseHowHumanHumorhumorousHundredhundredthHungerHungryHuntHurryHurtHusbandHutIIceIcyIdeaIfIllImageimaginaryimaginationImagineimportanceimportantimproveimprovementinincludeincludingincomeincreaseindoorindoorsindustrialindustryinfectinfectioninfectiousinfluenceinfluentialinforminformationinkinnerinquireinquiryinsectinsideinsteadinstructinstructioninstrumentinsuranceinsureintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinterruptinterruptionintointroduceintroductioninventinventioninvitationinviteinwardsironislandititsitselfjawjealousjealousyjellyjeweljewelryjobjoinjointjoke journey joyjudge judgment juice jumpjust justice keen keepkeykickkillkilo kilogram kilometer kindking kingdom kiss kitchen knee kneel knife knock knot know knowledge laborlack ladder ladylakelamb lampland language largelastlatelately laugh laughter law lawyerlay lazyleadleafleanlearnleastleatherleaveleftleglegallendlengthlesslessonletletterlevellibrarylidlielifeliftlightlightninglikelikelylimblimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliterliteraturelittleliveloadloaflocallocklodginglodgingsloglonelylonglooklooselordloselosslotloudlovelowlowerloyalloyaltylucklumplungmachinemachinerymadmagazinemagicmagicianmailmainmakemalemanmanagemanagermannermanymapmarchmarkmarketmarriagemarrymassmastermatmatchmaterialmattermaymemealmeanmeaningmeansmeasuremeatmedical medicine meet meeting melt member memory mend mention merry message messenger metal meter method metric microscope middle mightmile military milk million millionth mind mine mineral minister minute mirror missmist mistake mix mixture model modern moment money monkey month monthly moon moral morals more morning most mother motormountainmousemouthmovemuchmudmultiplymurdermusclemusicmusicianmustmymyselfmysteriousmysterynailnamenarrownastynationnationalnaturenavalnavynearnearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedleneighborneighborhoodneithernervenervousnestnetnetworknevernewnewsnewspapernextnicenightnineninthnono onenoblenoblemannoisenonenonsensenornorthnorthernnosenotnothingnoticenounnownowherenumbernursenutnylono'clockobedienceobedientobeyobjectobtainoccasionoceanoddofoffoffendoffenseoffensiveofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoiloldold-fashionedononceoneoneselfoniononlyopen operate operation opinion opponent oppose opposite opposition ororange order ordinary organ organization origin other otherwise oughtourours ourselves out outdoor outdoors outer outside overoweowing to own oxygen pack packet pagepain painful paint painting pair palacepalepanpaper parallel parcel parentpark parliament partparticipleparticularpartnerpartypasspassagepassengerpastpastrypathpatiencepatientpatternpausepaypaymentpeacepeacefulpenpencepencilpeoplepepperperperfectperformperhapsperiodpermissionpermitpersonpersonalpersuadepetphotographphotographyphrasephysicalpianopickpicturepiecepigpilepilotpinpinkpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplantplasticplateplaypleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentypluralpocketpoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspolepolicepolishpolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspoolpoorpopularpopularitypopulationportpositionpossesspossessionpossibilitypossiblepossiblypostpotpotatopoundpourpowderpowerpowerful practical practice praiseprayprayer precious preparation prepare presence present preserve president press pressure pretend pretty preventpricepricklypridepriestprince principle printprison prisoner privateprize probability probable problem process procession produce product production profession profit promise pronounce pronunciation proofproper property protect protection protective proud proveprovideprovisionprovisionspublicpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurposepushputqualityquantityquarrelquarterqueenquestionquickquietquiterabbitraceradiorailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrareratrateratherrawreachreadreadyrealreallyreasonreasonablereceiverecentrecentlyrecognitionrecognizerecordredreducereductionrefusalrefuseregardregularrelatedrelationrelativereligionreligiousremainremarkrememberremindremoverentrepairrepeatreplyreportrepresentrepresentativerepublicrequestrespectrespectfulresponsiblerestrestaurantresultreturnrewardricerichridriderightringriperiseriskriverroadrobrockrodrollroofroomrootroperose rough roundrowroyalrub rubber ruderuinrulerulerrunrushsadsafe safetysailsalesaltsame sand satisfaction satisfactory satisfy savesayscale scatter scene scenery school science scientific scientist scissors screwsea search season seat second secrecy secret secretaryseeseedseemseizesellsendsensationsensesenselesssensiblesensitivesentenceseparateseriousservantserveservicesetsettlesevenseventhseveralseveresewsexsexualshadeshadowshakeshallshameshapesharesharpshesheepsheetshelfshellsheltershieldshineshipshirtshockshoeshootshopshopkeepershoreshortshotshouldshouldershoutshowshutsicksidesidewayssightsignsignalsignaturesilencesilentsilksillysilversimilarsimilaritysimplesincesinceresingsinglesingularsinksistersitsituationsixsixthsizeskillskillfulskinskirtskyslavesleepslideslightslipslipperyslopeslowsmall smell smile smoke smooth snake snowsosoap social society socksoftsoil soldier solemn solid some somehow someone something sometimes somewhere sonsongsoonsore sorrow sorrysortsoul sound soupsour south southern space spacecraft spade speak spear special specialist speech speed spell spend spinspirit spitesplendidsplitspoilspoonsportspotspreadspringsquarestagestairstampstandstandardstarstartstatestationstaysteadystealsteamsteelsteepstemstepstickstickystiffstillstingstitchstomachstonestopstorestormstorystraightstrangestrangerstreamstreetstrengthstretchstrikestringstrokestrongstructurestrugglestudentstudystupidstylesubjectsubstancesubtractsucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsucksuddensuffersugarsuggestsuitsuitablesumsummersunsuppersupplysupportsupposesuresurfacesurprisesurroundswallowswearsweepsweetswellswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemtabletailtaketalktalltastetaxtaxiteateachteamtear telephone television telltemper temperature temple tend tendency tender tennis tensetent terrible terrortestthanthankthatthetheater theirtheirsthem themselves thenthere therefore thesetheythickthiefthinthingthinkthirdthirst thirstythis thorough those though thought thousand thousandththreadthreatthreatenthreethroatthroughthrowthumbthunderthustickettidytietigertighttimetimetabletintire [tyre]tiretitletotobaccotodaytoetogethertomorrowtonguetonighttootooltoothtoptotaltouchtourtouristtowardstowertowntoytracktradetraffictraintranslatetransparenttraptraveltreattreatmenttreetrembletribetricktriptropicaltroubletrouserstruetrunktrusttruthtrytubetuneturntwicetwisttypetypicaluglyuncleunderunderstandundouniformunionunituniteuniversaluniverseuniversityuntilupupperuprightupsetupside downupstairsurgeurgentususeusefuluselessusualvalley valuable value variety various vary vegetable vehicle verb very victory view village violence violent visit voice vote vowel voyage wages waist wait waiter wake walk wall wander want war warm warmth warn wash waste watch water wave waywe weak wealth weapon wear weather weave wedding week weekly weighweightwelcomewellwestwesternwetwhatwhateverwheatwheelwhenwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhicheverwhilewhipwhisperwhistlewhitewhowhoeverwholewhywickedwidewidespreadwidthwifewildwillwillingwinwindwindowwinewingwinterwirewisdomwisewishwithwithinwithoutwitnesswomanwonderwoodwoodenwoolwoolenwordworkworldwormworryworseworshipworstworthworthyworthy ofwouldwoundwrapwreckwristwritewrongwrongdoingyardyearyearlyyellowyesyesterdayyetyouyoungyouryoursyourselfyouthzero。

a abbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroad absence absent adj accept acceptable accident accidental according to account n achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactiveactivityactor, actress actualactuallyaddaddition additional address adjective admiration admireadmitadult advanced advantage adventure n adverb advertise advertisement adviceadviseaffair affectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prepafternoonafterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalcoholaliveall adv, pron, determiner, pre-determiner allowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganother answer anxiety anxiousanyanyone anything anywhere apart apartment appear appearance apple approval approve areaargue argument arm narmy around arrange arrangement arrival arriveart article artificialasas opposed to ashamedaskasleep associationatatomattack attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive authority autumn available average adj, n avoidawake adj away adv awkwardbabyback adj, adv, n background backward(s) adv badbag nbake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle nbe beach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautiful beauty because becomebedbeerbeforebegin beginning behave behaviour behind adv, prep beliefbelievebellbelongbelowbelt nbendbeneath beside(s)bestbetter adj, adv between beyond adj, adv bicycle nbig adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adjblack adj, n bladeblameblind adjblockbloodblowblueboard nboatbodyboilbombbone nbook nboot nborder nboredboringbornborrowboth bottle n bottom n bowl nbox nboybrain n branch n brave adj bread break v breakfast n breast breath breathe breedbrick bridge n brightbringbroad adj broadcast v brother brown adj, n brushbuild v building bulletburnburst vburybusbush business busybut conj butter n button nbuy vby prepcake n calculate call v calm adj camera camp n, vcancapcapital ncarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentre ncenturyceremonycertain adj, determiner chain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildrenchin chocolate choice n choosechurch n cigarette cinemacircle ncircular ad j citizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, v clear adj, v clevercliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, v clothclothes clothingcloud nclub ncoalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, n collar ncollect v collegecolourcomb combination combine v comecomfort comfortable command committee common adj communicate communicationcompany compare v comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete completely complicated compound n computer concern v concerning concert condition n confidence confident confuse confusing connect connection conscious consider consist contain container continue continuous contract n control conversation cook n, v copycorncorner n correct adj, v cost cotton cough could council n count v country n countryside courage course n court n covercow n crack n, v crash n, v crazy cream n creature crime criminal criticism criticize crop n cross n, v crowd cruel crush vcrycup n cupboard curecurl current n curtain n curve custom n customer cutcycle vdaily adj, adv damage dance danger dangerous dark date n daughter day dead adjdeal ndeal with deathdebtdecay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deep adj defeat defence defend definite definitely degree delay deliberate adj deliberately delicate deliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert n deserve design desirable desiredesk destroy destruction detail n determination determined develop dictionarydie v difference different difficultdifficultydig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollardoordouble adj, v, pre-determiner doubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust ndutyeacheagerearearlyearnearth neasteasterneasy adjeat economic edge n educate educated education effect n effective efforteggeighteitherelbowelect v election electric electricity electronic else embarrass embarrassing emotion emphasize employ v employer employment empty adj, v enclose encourage endenemy energy engine engineer n enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enoughenterentertain entertainment entrance n envelope environment equal adj, n equipment escape especially establisheven adj, adv eveningeventevereveryeveryone everything everywhereevilexact adjexactly examination examine example excellentexcept conj, prep exchangeexciteexcitingexcuse exerciseexistexistence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosionexplosive express v expression extreme adj extremely eyefacefactfactoryfail vfailurefair adjfairlyfaith faithful adj fallfalse familiar family famousfarfarm farmer fashion n fashionable fast adj, adv fastenfatfather n fault n favourable favourite adj fear n feather n feature n feed vfeel v feeling(s) female fence n feverfewfield nfifthfightfigure n fill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determiner fishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignforeignerforest n forget forgivefork nformformal former fortunate forward(s) adv four(th) frame nfree freedom freeze v frequent adj fresh friend friendly frighten frightening fromfront adj, n fruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniture further adj, adv futuregain v game n garage n gardengas ngate gather v general adj generally generous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgive vgladglass adj, n gluego vgoatgodgoldgood goodbye goods govern government graceful gradual graingram grammar grand adj grandfather grandmother grandparent grass n grateful grave n great adj greengreet greeting grey adj, n ground n group n grow growth guard v guess v guest n guideguiltygun nhabit hairhalfhall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happy hard hardly harm harmful hathate v hatred havehehead n health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy adj heel n height hello help helpful her(s) here herself hide v high adj, adv hillhimhimselfhis historical historyhithold vhole holiday n hollow adj holyhome adv, n honest honour n hook nhope hopeful hornhorse n hospitalhot adjhotelhourhouse nhow adv human humorous humour hundred(th) hungryhunt vhurryhurt v husband nice n idea if ignore ill adj illegal illness image imaginary imagination imagine immediatelyimportance important impressive improve improvement in adv, prep include including income increase independent indoor(s) industrial industry infect infection infectious influence v inform information injureinjuryink ninnerinsect inside instead institution instruction instrument insult v insulting insurance insure intelligence intelligent intend intention interest interesting international adj interruptintointroduce introduction invent invitationinvite vinvolve inwardsiron adj, n islandit pronitsitselfjaw jewel jewellery jobjoinjoint joke journey n judge judgement juice jumpjust advjusticekeen keep v key n kickkill vkilo kilogram kilometre kind kingkiss kitchen knee n kneelknife n knock v knot know v knowledgelackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determinerlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean vlearnleastleatherleave vleftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron, determiner lesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, nlibrarylidlielie down lifeliftlightlike prep, v likelylimitline nlionlipliquidlist nlisten v literature litrelittlelive vloadlocal adj locklonelylong adj, adv look n, v look after look for look sth up loose adj lord nloselosslotloudlovelow adj lowerloyal loyaltyluck nluckylungmachine n machinery magazine magicmailmain adj make vmake into make up v maleman n manage manager manner manymap nmarch vmarkmarket n marriage married marrymass n match material n mathematics mattermay vmemealmean v meaning n means measure measurement meat medical adj medicine meet v meetingmelt member memory mental mention v message metal n method metre middle might vmilemiliary adj milk n million(th) mindmine n, pron mineral minister n minute n mirror n miss vmist n mistake n mix v mixture model n modern adj moment money monkey n month moon n moral adj more morning most mother n motor adj, n mountain mouse mouth n move v movement muchmud multiply murdermuscle n music musician must v my mysterious mysterynailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adj natural adjnaturenavynear adj, adv, prep nearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedle nnegative adj neithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspaper next adj, advnicenightnineninthno adv, determiner noise nnone pron nonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumber nnursenutobeyobject n obtain occasion n oceano’clockofoff adv, prep offence offend offensive adj offer officeofficer officialoftenoil noldold-fashioned on adv, prep once adv oneoniononlyonly justontoopen adj, v operate operation opinion opponent opportunity opposeas opposed to opposite oppositionororangeorder ordinary organ organize organization originoriginalotheroughtour(s)out adj, adv outdoor(s) outeroutsideover adv, prep oweownowner oxygenpack v package page npain n painfulpaint paintingpair npale adjpan npaper n parallel adj, n parentpark parliament part n participle particular adj partly partner n party npass v passage passenger pastpathpatient adj pattern n pausepay payment peace peaceful pen npence pencil n people n pepper nper cent perfect adj perform performance perhaps period n permanent permission person personal persuade pet npetrol photograph phrase n physical adjpiano n pick vpick up picture n piece npig npile npilot npinpink adj, n pipe npityplace plain adj, n plan plane n plant plastic plate n play pleasant please pleased pleasure n plenty pron plural pocket n poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole n police n polish v polite political politician politics pool n poor popular population port n position n positive possess possession possible adj possibly possibility postpot npotato pound npourpowder n power n powerful practical practice practise praiseprayprayerprefer preparation prepare present adj, n preserve v president press v pressure n pretend pretty adj prevent previous price npriestprince principle printprison prisoner private adj prize n probably adj problem process n produce vproduct production profession profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n proper property proposal protect protection protective protest proud prove provide publicpullpump punish punishment pupilpure purple purpose n pushputquality quantity quarrel quarter n queen n question quick adj quiet adj, n quiterabbit n race radio n railway rain raise v range n rank n rapid adj rarerat n rate n rather raw reach v react reaction read v ready adj real realize really reason reasonable receive recent recently recognize record n, v red reduce reduction refusal refuse v regard v regular adj related relative relation relationship relax relaxingreligion religious remainremark n remember remind remove vrentrepairrepeat v replacereplyreport represent representative n request n respect responsible rest restaurant restrictresultreturn n, v rewardricerichridride right adj, adv, n ring nriseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, adv, prep rowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush vsadsafe adj safetysailsalesalt n same sand n satisfaction satisfactory satisfy save vsay v scale n scatter v scene school nsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreen nscrewseasearchseason nseatsecond adv, n, determiner secretsecretarysee vseed nseemsell vsendsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v seriesserious servantserveservice nset n, vsettle vseven(th) several severesex nsexualshade shadow n shakeshallshame n shapesharesharp adjshesheepsheetshelfshell nsheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, v shockingshoe nshoot vshopshore nshort adjshot n should shoulder n shout show n, v shutshysick adj side n sideways sight n sign signal silence n silentsilksillysilver similar simple since sincere n sing single adj singular sink v sistersit situation six(th) size n skilfulskillskin n skirt nsky n sleep slide v slight adj slippery slopeslowsmall smell smile smoke smooth adjsnake nsnowsosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron, determiner somehowsomeonesomething sometimes somewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite ofsplit vspoil vspoon nsport n spot nspread vspringsquare adj, n stage nstairstampstand v standardstar nstartstate statement station nstaysteady adj steal vsteam nsteel nsteep adjstem nstepstickstickystiff adjstill adj, adv stingstitchstomach n stone nstopstorestorm nstorystraight adj, adv strange stream nstreetstrength stretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrong structure n strugglestudent study stupid style n subject n substance succeed success successful suchsuck v sudden suffer sugar n suggest suit suitable sum n summer sun n supply n, v support n, v suppose sure adj surface n surprise surprising surround v swallow v swear sweep v sweet swell v swim swing sword sympathetic sympathy systemtable ntail ntake vtalktalltastetaxtaxi nteateachteam ntear technical telephone television telltemper n temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tense n tentterribletestthanthankthat conj, pron, determiner thetheatretheir(s)themthen advtherethereforethesetheythick adjthiefthin adjthingthink vthirdthis pron, determiner thoroughthosethoughthought thousand(th) thread nthreatthreaten threateningthreethroatthrough adv, prep throwthumb nticket ntidy adj, vtietight adjtime ntiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoe ntogethertoilettomorrow tonguetonighttootool ntoothtop adj, ntotal adj, ntouchtourist towards tower n towntoy ntrack n trade n traditional traffic n train training translate transparent traptraveltreat v treatment treetribetrick n, v trip n tropical trouble trousers true adj trusttruthtry vtubetune nturntwicetwisttwotype n typicaltyreuglyunder prep understand underwear undo unexpected uniform n union unituniteuniverse university unlessuntilunusualup adj, adv, prepupperupright adj, adv upset v, adj upside down upstairs adj, adv urgent ususe useful useless usualvalley valuable adj value n variety various vegetable vehicle verbvery adv victory view n village violence violent visit voice n votevowelwageswaistwait vwake vwalkwall nwar nwarm adj, v warmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealth weaponwear v weather n weave v weddingweekweekly adj, adv weighweight nwelcomewell adj, adv, nwestwestern adjwet adjwhat pre-determiner, determiner, pron whateverwheatwheel nwhen adv, conjwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhile conjwhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhy adv, conjwide adj, advwidthwifewild adj, adv willwillingwin vwind window wine n wing n winterwire nwise adj wishwithwithin without woman woodwoodenwoolword nworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrap vwristwritewrong adj, adv, nyear yellow yes yet you young adj your(s)zero。

朗文2200词汇(朗文字典基础词汇) Longman 2200 a afraid ankle ability after annoy about afternoon annoyance above afterwards another abroad again answer absence against ant absent age anxiety accept ago anxious acceptable agree any accident agreement anyhow accordance ahead anyone according aim anything according to air anywhere account aircraft apart ache airforce apparatus acid airport appear across alcohol appearance act alike apple action alive appoint active all approval activity allow approve actor almost arch actress alone area actual along argue add aloud argument addition alphabet arm address already armor adjective also arms admiration although army admire altogether around admit always arrange admittance among arrangement adult amount arrival advance amuse arrive advantage amusement art adventure amusing article adverb an artificial advertise ancient as advertisement and ash advice anger ashamed advise angle aside affair angry ask afford animal asleep1association beard bleed at beat bless atom beautiful blind attack beauty block attempt because blood attend become blow attendance bed blue attention bee board attract beer boat attractive before body aunt beg boil autumn begin bomb average beginning bone avoid behave book awake behavior boot away behind border awkward belief born baby believe borrow back bell both background belong bottle backward below bottom backwards belt bowels bacteria bend bowl bad beneath box bag berry boybake beside brain balance besides branch ball best brass banana better brave band between bread bank beyond breadth bar bicycle break bare big breakfast barrel bill breast base bind breath basket bird breathe bath birth breed bathe birthday brick battle bit bridge be bite bright beak bitter bring beam black broad bean blade broadcast bear blame brother2brown cat cigarette brush catch cinema bucket cattle circle build cause circular building cell citizen bullet cement city bunch cent civilization burial center claim burn centimeter class burst centralclay bury century clean bus ceremony clear bush certain clerk business chain clever busy chair cliff but chairperson climb butter chalk clock button chance clockwork buy change close by character cloth cage charge clothes cake charm clothing calculate chase cloud calculator cheap club call cheat coal calm check [cheque] coast camera cheek coat camp cheer coffee can cheerful coin candle cheese cold cap chemical collar capital chemistry collect captain chest college car chicken color card chief comb cardboard child combination care childhood combine careful children come careless chimney comfort carriage chin comfortable carry chocolate command cart choice committee case choose common castle church companion3company council daring compare count dark comparison country date compete courage daughter competition course day competitor court dead complain cover deal complaint cow dear complete coward death compound cowardly debt computer crack decay concern crash deceit concerning creamdeceive concert creature decide condition creep decimal confidence cricket decision confident crime declaration confuse criminal declare connect crop decorate conscience cross decoration conscious crowd decrease consider cruel deep consist cruelty deer consonant crush defeat contain cry defend contents cultivate defense continue cup degree continuous cupboard delay contract cure delicate control curl delight convenient current deliver conversation curse demand cook curtain department cool curve depend copper custom dependent copy customer depth cord cut descend corn cycle describe corner daily description correct damage descriptive cost dance desert cotton danger deserve cough dangerous desirable could dare desire4desk drag elephant destroy draw else destruction drawer employdetail dream employer determination dress employment determined drink empty develop drive enclose devil drop enclosure diamond drown encourage dictionary drug encouragement die drum end difference drunk enemy different dry engine difficult duck engineer difficulty dull English dig during enjoy dinner dust enjoyment dip duty enough direct each enter direction eager entertain dirt ear entertainment dirty early entrance disappoint earn envelope discourage earth equal discouragement east equality discover eastern escape discovery easy especially dish eat establish dismiss edge establishment distance educate even distant education evening ditch effect event divide effective ever division effort every do egg everyone doctor eight everything dog eightheverywhere dollar either evil door elastic exact doorway elbow examination dot elect examine double election example doubt electric excellent down electricity except5exchange fast flesh excite fasten flight excited fat float exciting fate flood excuse father floor exercise fault flour exist favor flow existence favorable flower expect favorite fly expensive fear fold experience feather follow explain feed fond explanation feel food explode feeling fool explosion feelings foolish explosive fellow foot express female football expression fence footpath extreme fever footstep eye few for eyelid field forbid face fierce force fact fifth forehead factory fight foreign fail figure foreigner failure fill forest faint film forget fair find forgive fairy fine fork faith finger form faithful finish formal fall fire former false fireplace formerly fame firm fort familiar first fortunate family fish fortune famous fisherman forward fancy fit forwards far five four farm fix fourth farmer flag fox farmyard flame frame fashion flash free fashionable flat freedom6freeze gold hand frequent golden handkerchief fresh good handlefriend good-bye hang friendly goods happen frighten govern happy frightening government hard from grace harden front graceful hardlyfruit gradual hardship fulfill grain harm full gram harmful fun grammar harmless funeral grand hasty funny grandfather hat fur grandmother hate furnish grass hatred furniture grateful have further grave he futuregray head gain great health game green healthy garage greet hear garden greeting heart garment grief heat gas grieve heaven gasoline [petrol] ground heavy gate group heel gather grow height general growth help generous guard helpful gentle guess hen gentleman guest her get guidance here gift guide hers girl guilt herself give gun hide glad habit high glass habitual hill glory hair him glue hairy himself go half hire goat hall his god hammer historical7history image introduce hit imaginary introduction hold imagination invent holiday imagine invention hollow importance invitation holy important invite home improve inwards honest improvement iron honesty in island honor include it honorable including its hook income itself hope increase jaw hopeful indoor jealous hopeless indoors jealousy horizon industrial jelly horn industry jewel horse infect jewelry hospital infection job host infectious join hot influence joint hotel influential joke hour inform journey hourly information joy house ink judge how inner judgment human inquire juice humor inquiry jump humorous insect just hundred inside justice hundredth instead keen hunger instruct keep hungry instruction key hunt instrument kick hurry insurance kill hurt insure kilo husband intend kilogram hut intention kilometer I interest kind ice interesting king icy international kingdom idea interrupt kiss if interruption kitchen ill into knee8kneel lie machinery knife life mad knock lift magazine knot light magic know lightning magician knowledge like mail labor likely main lack limb make ladder limit male lady line man lake lion manage lamb lip manager lamp liquid manner land list many language listen map largeliter march last literature mark late little market lately live marriage laugh load marry laughter loaf mass law local master lawyer lock mat lay lodging match lazy lodgings material lead log matter leaf lonely may lean long me learn look meal least loose mean leather lord meaning leave lose means left loss measure leg lot meat legal loud medical lend love medicine length low meet less lower meeting lesson loyal melt letloyalty member letter luck memory level lump mend library lung mention lid machine merry9message much ninth messenger mud no metal multiply no one meter murder noble method muscle nobleman metric music noise microscope musician none middle must nonsense might my nor mile myself north military mysterious northern milk mystery nose million nail notmillionth name nothing mind narrow notice mine nasty noun mineral nation now minister national nowhere minute nature number mirror naval nurse miss navy nut mist near nylon mistake nearly o'clock mix neat obedience mixture necessary obedient model neck obey modern need object moment needle obtain money neighbor occasion monkey neighborhood ocean month neither odd monthly nerve of moon nervous off moral nest offend morals net offense more network offensive morning never offer most new officemother news officer motor newspaper official mountain next often mouse nice oil mouth night old move nine old-fashioned10on pair pet once palace photograph one pale photography oneself pan phrase onion paper physical only parallel piano open parcel pick operate parent picture operation park piece opinion parliament pig opponent part pile oppose participle pilot opposite particular pin opposition partner pink or party pipe orange pass pity order passage place ordinary passenger plain organ past plan organization pastry plane origin path plant other patience plastic otherwise patient plate ought pattern play our pause pleasant ours pay please ourselves payment pleased out peace pleasure outdoor peaceful plenty outdoors pen plural outer pence pocket outside pencil poem over people poet owe pepper poetry owing to per point own perfect pointed oxygen perform poison pack perhaps poisonous packet period pole page permission police pain permit polish painful person polite paint personal political painting persuade politician11politics print queen pool prison question poor prisoner quickpopular private quiet popularity prize quite population probability rabbit port probable race position problem radio possess process railway possession procession rain possibility produce raise possible product range possibly production rank post profession rapid pot profit rare potato promise rat pound pronounce rate pour pronunciation rather powder proof raw power proper reach powerful property read practical protectready practice protection real praise protective really pray proud reason prayer prove reasonable precious provide receive preparation provision recent prepare provisions recently presence public recognition present pull recognize preserve pump record president punish red press punishment reduce pressure pupil reduction pretend pure refusal pretty purple refuse prevent purpose regard price push regular prickly put related pride quality relation priest quantity relative prince quarrel religion principle quarter religious12remain row seize remark royal sell remember rub send remind rubber sensation remove rude sense rent ruin senseless repair rule sensible repeat ruler sensitive reply run sentence report rush separate represent sad serious representative safe servant republic safety serve request sail service respect sale set respectful salt settle responsible same seven rest sand seventh restaurant satisfaction several result satisfactory severe return satisfy sew reward save sex rice say sexual rich scale shade rid scatter shadow ride scene shake right scenery shall ring school shame ripe science shape rise scientific share riskscientist sharp river scissors she road screw sheep rob sea sheet rock search shelf rod season shell roll seat shelter roof second shield room secrecy shine root secret ship rope secretary shirt rose see shock rough seed shoe round seem shoot13shop slide spade shopkeeper slight speak shore slip spear short slippery special shot slope specialist should slow speech shoulder small speed shout smell spell show smile spend shut smoke spin sick smooth spirit side snake spite sideways snow splendid sight so split sign soap spoil signal social spoon signature society sport silence sock spot silent soft spread silk soil spring silly soldier square silver solemn stage similar solid stair similarity some stamp simple somehow stand since someone standard sincere something star sing sometimes startsingle somewhere state singular son station sink song stay sister soon steady sit sore steal situation sorrow steam six sorry steel sixth sort steep size soul stem skill sound step skillful soup stick skin sour sticky skirt south stiff sky southern still slave space sting sleep spacecraft stitch14stomach sure that stone surface the stop surprise theater store surround their storm swallow theirs story swear them straight sweep themselves strange sweet then stranger swell there stream swim therefore street swing these strength sword they stretch sympathetic thick strike sympathy thief string system thin stroke table thing strong tail think structure take third struggle talk thirst student tall thirsty study taste this stupid tax thorough style taxi those subject tea though substance teach thought subtract team thousand succeed tear thousandth success telephone thread successful television threat such tell threaten suck temper three sudden temperature throat suffer temple through sugartend throw suggest tendency thumb suit tender thunder suitable tennis thus sum tense ticket summer tent tidy sun terrible tie supper terror tiger supply test tight support than time suppose thank timetable15tin trust verb tire [tyre] truth very tire try victory title tube view to tune village tobacco turn violence today twice violent toe twist visit together type voice tomorrow typical vote tongue ugly voweltonight uncle voyage too under wages tool understand waist tooth undo wait top uniform waiter total union wake touch unit walk tour unite wall tourist universal wander towards universe want tower university war town until warm toy up warmth track upper warn trade upright wash traffic upset waste train upside down watch translate upstairs water transparent urge wave trap urgent way travel us we treat use weak treatment useful wealth tree useless weapon tremble usual wear tribe valley weather trick valuable weave trip value wedding tropical variety week trouble various weekly trousers vary weigh true vegetable weight trunk vehicle welcome16well witness west woman western wonder wet wood what wooden whatever wool wheat woolen wheel word when work whenever world where worm whether worry which worse whichever worship while worst whip worth whisper worthy whistle worthy of white would who wound whoever wrap whole wreck why wrist wicked write wide wrong widespread wrongdoing width yard wife year wild yearly will yellow willing yes win yesterday wind yet windowyou wine young wing your winter yours wire yourself wisdom youth wise zero wish withwithinwithout17。
朗文2000核心词汇 整理版

朗文词典注释所用2000核心词汇集The Longman Defining VocabularyWords used in the definitions in this dictionaryAll the definitions in this dictionary have been written using the words in this list. If a definition includes a word that is not in the list, that word is shown in small capital letters.The Defining Vocabulary has been carefully chosen after a thorough study of all the well-known frequency lists of English words. Furthermore, only the most common and ‘entral’ meanings of the words in the list have actually been used in definitions. We have also used a special computer program that checks every entry to ensure that words from outside the Defining Vocabulary do not appear in definitions.Word class restrictionsFor some words in the list, a word class label such as n or adj is shown. This means that this particular word is used in definitions only in the word class shown. So anger, for example, is used only as a noun and not as a verb. But if no word class is shown for a word, it can be used in any of its usual word classes: answer, for example, is used in definitions both as a noun and as a verb.Compound wordsDefinitions occasionally include compound words formed from words in the Defining Vocabulary, but this is only done if the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word businessman (formed from business and man) is used in some definitions.Prefixes and suffixesThe main list is followed by a list of common prefixes and suffixes. These can be added to words in the main list to form derived words, provided the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word nervousness (formed by adding -ness to nervous) is used in some definitions.Phrasal verbsPhrasal verbs formed by combining words in the Defining Vocabulary (for example, put up with) are not used in definitions in the dictionary, except in a very small number of cases where the phrasal verb is extremely common and there is no common equivalent. So, for example, give up (as in give up smoking) and take off (as in the plane took off) are occasionally used.Proper namesThe Defining Vocabulary does not include the names of actual places, nationalities, religions, and so on, which are occasionally mentioned in definitions.Pearson Education Limited 1999A total of 2043 words,by Qxlee Aa abbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroad absence absent adj accept acceptable accident accidental according (to) account n achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactiveactivity actor, actress actual actuallyaddaddition additional address adjective admiration admireadmitadult advanced advantageadventure nadverbadvertiseadvertisementadviceadviseaffairaffectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prepafternoonafterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalcoholaliveall adv, pron,determiner,predeterminerallowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganotheransweranxietyanxiousanyanyoneanythinganywhereapartapartmentappearappearanceappleapprovalapproveareaargueargumentarm narmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasas opposed toashamedaskasleepassociationatatomattackattemptattendattentionattitudeattractattractiveauthorityautumnavailableaverage adj, navoidawake adjaway advawkwardbabyback adj, adv, n background backward(s) adv badbag n bake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle nbebeach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeerbeforebegin beginning behave behaviour behind adv, prep beliefbelievebellbelongbelowbelt nbendbeneath beside(s)bestbetter adj, adv between beyond adj, adv bicycle n big adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adjblack adj, nbladeblameblind adjblockbloodblowblueboard nboatbodyboilbombbone nbook nboot nborder nboredboringbornborrowbothbottle nbottom nbowl nbox nboybrain nbranch nbrave adjbreadbreak vbreakfast nbreastbreathbreathebreedbrickbridge nbrightbringbroad adjbroadcast vbrotherbrown adj, nbrushbuild vbuildingbulletburnburst vburybusbushbusinessbusybut conjbutter nbutton nbuy vby prepCcake n calculate call v calm adj camera camp n, v cancap capital n carcard carecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentre ncenturyceremonycertain adj,determinerchain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemical chemistry chequechestchickenchiefchildchildrenchin chocolate choice n choose church n cigarette cinemacircle n circular adj citizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, v clear adj, v clevercliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, v clothclothes clothingcloud nclub n coalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, ncollar ncollect vcollegecolourcombcombinationcombine vcomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommon adjcommunicatecommunicationcompanycompare vcomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplicatedcompound ncomputerconcern vconcerningconcertcondition nconfidenceconfidentconfuseconfusingconnectconnectionconsciousconsiderconsistcontaincontainercontinuecontinuouscontract ncontrolconversationcook n, vcopycorncorner ncorrect adj, vcostcottoncoughcouldcouncil ncount vcountry ncountrysidecouragecourse ncourt ncovercow ncrack n, vcrash n, vcrazycream ncreaturecrimecriminalcriticismcriticizecrop ncross n, vcrowdcruelcrush vcrycup ncupboardcurecurlcurrent ncurtain ncurvecustom ncustomercutcycle vDdaily adj, adv damage dance danger dangerous darkdate n daughter daydead adjdeal ndeal withdeathdebtdecaydeceivedecidedecisiondecoratedecorationdecreasedeep adjdefeatdefencedefenddefinitedefinitelydegreedelaydeliberate adjdeliberatelydelicatedeliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert n deserve design desirable desiredesk destroy destruction detail n determination determineddevelopdictionarydie vdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollardoordouble adj, v,predeterminerdoubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust ndutyEeach eager ear early earn earth n east eastern easy adj eat economic edge n educate educated education effect n effective effort egg eight either elbow elect v election electricelectricityelectronicelseembarrassembarrassingemotionemphasizeemploy vemployeremploymentempty adj, vencloseencourageendenemyenergyengineengineer nenjoyenjoyableenjoymentenoughenterentertainentertainmententrance nenvelopeenvironmentequal adj, nequipmentescapeespeciallyestablisheven adj, adveveningeventevereveryeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevilexact adjexactlyexaminationexamineexampleexcellentexcept conj, prepexchangeexciteexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpectexpensiveexperienceexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexplosiveexpress vexpressionextreme adjextremelyeyeFfacefact factoryfail v failurefair adj fairlyfaith faithful adj fallfalse familiar family famousfarfarm farmer fashion n fashionable fast adj, adv fastenfatfather n fault n favourable favourite adj fear n feather n feature nfeed vfeel vfeeling(s)femalefence nfeverfewfield nfifthfightfigure nfill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determinerfishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignforeignerforest nforgetforgivefork nformformalformerfortunateforward(s) advfour(th)frame nfreefreedomfreeze vfrequent adjfreshfriendfriendlyfrightenfrighteningfromfront adj, nfruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniturefurther adj, advfutureGgain v game n garage n garden gas n gate gather v general adj generally generous gentle gentleman get giftgirlgive vgladglass adj, ngluego vgoatgodgoldgoodgoodbyegoodsgoverngovernmentgracefulgradualgraingramgrammargrand adjgrandfathergrandmothergrandparentgrass ngratefulgrave ngreat adjgreengreetgreetinggrey adj, nground ngroup ngrowgrowthguard vguess vguest nguideguiltygun n Hhabit hairhalfhall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happy hard hardly harm harmful hathate v hatred havehe head nhealthhealthyhearheartheatheavenheavy adjheel nheighthellohelphelpfulher(s)hereherselfhide vhigh adj, advhillhimhimselfhishistoricalhistoryhithold vholeholiday nhollow adjholyhome adv, nhonesthonour nhook nhopehopefulhornhorse nhospitalhot adjhotelhourhouse nhow advhumanhumoroushumourhundred(th)hungryhunt vhurryhurt vhusband nIice nideaifignoreill adj illegal illness image imaginary imagination imagine immediately importance important impressive improve improvement in adv, prepincludeincludingincomeincreaseindependentindoor(s)industrialindustryinfectinfectioninfectiousinfluence vinforminformationinjureinjuryink ninnerinsectinsideinsteadinstitutioninstructioninstrumentinsult vinsultinginsuranceinsureintelligenceintelligentintendintentioninterestinterestinginternational adjinterruptintointroduceintroductioninventinvitationinvite vinvolveinwardsiron adj, nislandit pronitsitselfJjaw jewel jewellery job joinjointjokejourney njudgejudgementjuicejumpjust advjusticeKkeen keep v key n kick kill v kilokilogramkilometrekindkingkisskitchenknee nkneelknife nknock vknotknow vknowledgeLlackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determiner latelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean v learnleastleatherleave vleftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron,determinerlesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, nlibrarylidlielie downlifeliftlightlike prep, vlikelylimitline nlionlipliquidlist nlisten vliteraturelitrelittlelive vloadlocal adjlocklonelylong adj, advlook n, vlook afterlook forlook sth uploose adjlord nloselosslotloudlovelow adjlowerloyalloyaltyluck nluckylungMmachine n machinery magazine magic mail main adj make v make intomake up vmaleman nmanagemanagermannermanymap nmarch vmarkmarket nmarriagemarriedmarrymass nmatchmaterial nmathematicsmattermay vmemealmean v meaning n means measure measurement meat medical adj medicine meet v meeting melt member memory mental mention v messagemetal nmethodmetremiddlemight vmilemiliary adjmilk nmillion(th)mindmine n, pronmineralminister nminute nmirror nmiss vmist nmistake nmix vmixturemodel nmodern adjmomentmoneymonkey nmonthmoon nmoral adjmoremorningmostmother nmotor adj, nmountainmousemouth nmove vmovementmuchmudmultiplymurdermuscle nmusicmusicianmust vmymysteriousmysteryNnailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adj natural adj naturenavynear adj, adv, prep nearlyneatnecessaryneck needneedle nnegative adjneithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspapernext adj, advnicenightnineninthno adv, determinernoise nnone pronnonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumber nnursenutOobey object n obtain occasion n oceano'clock ofoff adv, prep offence offendoffensive adjofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoil noldold-fashionedon adv, preponce advoneoniononlyonly justontoopen adj, voperateoperationopinionopponentopportunityopposeas opposed tooppositeoppositionor orange order ordinary organ organize organizationoriginoriginalotheroughtour(s)out adj, advoutdoor(s)outeroutsideover adv, prepoweownowneroxygenPpack v package page npain n painfulpaint paintingpair npale adjpan n paper n parallel adj, n parentpark parliament part n participle particular adj partly partner n party n pass v passage passenger pastpath patient adj pattern n pausepay payment peace peaceful pen n pence pencil n people n pepper nper centperfect adjperformperformanceperhapsperiod npermanentpermissionpersonpersonalpersuadepet npetrolphotographphrase nphysical adjpiano npick vpick uppicture npiece npig npile npilot npinpink adj, npipe npityplaceplain adj, nplanplane nplantplasticplate nplaypleasantpleasepleasedpleasure nplenty pronpluralpocket npoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspole npolice npolish vpolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspool npoorpopularpopulationport nposition npositivepossesspossessionpossible adjpossiblypossibilitypostpot npotatopound npourpowder npower npowerfulpracticalpracticepractisepraiseprayprayerpreferpreparationpreparepresent adj, npreserve vpresidentpress vpressure npretendpretty adjpreventpreviousprice npriestprinceprincipleprintprisonprisonerprivate adjprize nprobably adjproblemprocess nproduce vproductproductionprofession profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n properpropertyproposalprotectprotectionprotectiveprotestproudproveprovidepublicpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurpose npushputQquality quantity quarrel quarter nqueen nquestionquick adjquiet adj, nquiteRrabbit n race radio n railway rainraise v range n rank n rapid adj rarerat nrate n rather raw reach v react reaction read v ready adj real realize really reason reasonable receive recentrecentlyrecognizerecord n, vredreducereductionrefusalrefuse vregard vregular adjrelatedrelativerelationrelationshiprelaxrelaxingreligionreligiousremainremark nrememberremindremove vrentrepairrepeat vreplacereplyreportrepresentrepresentative nrequest nrespectresponsiblerestrestaurantrestrictresultreturn n, vrewardricerichridrideright adj, adv, nring nriseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, adv, preprowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush vSsad safe adj safetysailsalesalt nsamesand nsatisfaction satisfactory satisfysave vsay vscale n scatter v sceneschool n science scientific scientist scissors screen n screwseasearch season nseatsecond adv, n, determiner secret secretarysee vseed nseemsell vsendsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v series serious servantserveservice nset n, vsettle v seven(th) several severesex n sexualshadeshadow nshakeshallshame nshapesharesharp adjshesheepsheetshelfshell nsheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, vshockingshoe nshoot vshopshore nshort adjshot nshouldshoulder nshoutshow n, vshutshysick adjside nsidewayssight nsignsignalsilence nsilentsilksillysilversimilarsimplesincesincere nsingsingle adjsingularsink vsistersitsituationsix(th)size nskilfulskillskin nskirt nsky nsleepslide vslight adjslipperyslopeslowsmallsmellsmilesmokesmooth adjsnake nsnowsosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron,determinersomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite ofsplit vspoil vspoon nsport nspot nspread vspringsquare adj, nstage nstairstampstand vstandardstar nstartstatestatement station n stay steady adj steal v steam n steel n steep adj stem n stepstick stickystiff adj still adj, adv sting stitch stomach n stone n stop storestorm nstorystraight adj, advstrangestream nstreetstrengthstretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrongstructure nstrugglestudentstudystupidstyle nsubject nsubstancesucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsuck vsuddensuffersugar nsuggestsuitsuitablesum nsummersun nsupply n, vsupport n, vsupposesure adjsurface nsurprisesurprisingsurround vswallow vswearsweep vsweetswell vswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemTtable ntail ntake vtalktalltastetaxtaxi nteateach team n tear technical telephone television tell temper n temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tense ntentterribletestthanthankthat conj, pron,determinerthetheatretheir(s)themthen advtherethereforethesetheythick adjthiefthin adjthingthink vthirdthis pron, determinerthoroughthosethoughthoughtthousand(th)thread nthreatthreatenthreateningthreethroatthrough adv, prepthrowthumb nticket ntidy adj, vtietight adjtime ntiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoe ntogethertoilettomorrowtonguetonighttootool ntoothtop adj, ntotal adj, ntouchtouristtowardstower ntowntoy ntrack ntrade ntraditionaltraffic n train training translate transparent trap travel treat v treatmenttreetribetrick n, vtrip ntropicaltroubletrouserstrue adjtrusttruthtry vtubetune nturntwicetwisttwotype ntypicaltyreUugly under prep understand underwear undo unexpected uniform n unionunituniteuniverseuniversityunlessuntilunusualup adj, adv, prepupperupright adj, advupset v, adjupside downupstairs adj, advurgentususeusefuluselessusualVvalley valuable adj value n variety various vegetablevehicleverbvery advvictoryview nvillageviolenceviolentvisitvoice nvotevowelWwages waistwait v wake v walkwall nwar n warm adj, v warmth warn warning wash waste watch water waveway weweakwealthweaponwear vweather nweave vweddingweekweekly adj, advweighweight nwelcomewell adj, adv, nwestwestern adjwet adjwhat predeterminer,determiner, pronwhateverwheatwheel nwhen adv, conjwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhile conjwhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhy adv, conjwide adj, advwidthwifewild adj, advwillwillingwin vwindwindowwine nwing nwinterwire nwise adjwishwithwithin without woman wood wooden woolword nworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrap vwristwritewrong adj, adv, nYyear yellow yesyetyouyoung adjyour(s)Z zero。

朗文词典2000基础词汇Aability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account acheacid acrossactaction active activity actor actress actual add addition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisementadviceadviseaffairaffordafraidafterafternoonafterwardsagainagainstageagoagreeagreementaheadaimairaircraftairforceairportalcoholalikealiveallallowalmostalonealongaloudalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughaltogetheralwaysamongamountamuseamusementamusinganancientandangerangleangryanimalankleannoyannoyanceanotheranswerantanxietyanxiousanyanyhowanyoneanythinganywhereapartapparatusappearappearanceappleappointapprovalapprovearchareaargueargumentarmarmorarmsarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasashashamedasideaskasleepassociationatatomattackattemptattendattendanceattentionattractattractiveauntautumnaverageavoidawakeawayawkward Bbabyback background backward backwardsbacteriabadbagbakebalanceballbananabandbankbarbarebarrel base basket bath bathe battlebebeak beam bean bear beard beat beautiful beauty because become bedbeebeer before beg begin beginning behave behavior behind belief believe bell belongbelowbeltbendbeneathberrybesidebesidesbestbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbillbindbirdbirthbirthdaybitbitebitterblackbladeblamebleedblessblindblockbloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbombbonebookbootborderbornborrowbothbottlebottombowelsbowlboxboybrainbranchbrassbravebreadbreadthbreakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrickbridgebrightbringbroadbroadcastbrotherbrownbrushbucketbuildbuildingbulletbunchburialburnburstburybusbushbusinessbusybutbutterbuttonbuybybyeCcage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain carcardcardboardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycartcasecastlecatcatchcattlecausecellcementcentcentercentimetercentralcenturyceremonycertainchainchairchairpersonchalkchancechangecharacterchargecharmchasecheapcheatcheckcheekcheercheerful cheese chemical chemistry cheque chest chicken chief child childhood children chimney chin chocolate choice choose church cigarette cinema circle circular citizen city civilization claim classclay clean clear clerk clevercliff climb clock clockwork close clothclothesclothingcloudclubcoalcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollarcollectcollegecolorcombcombinationcombinecomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommoncompanioncompanycomparecomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompoundcomputerconcernconcerningconcertconditionconfidenceconfidentconfuseconnectconscienceconsciousconsiderconsistconsonantcontaincontentscontinuecontinuouscontractcontrolconvenientconversationcookcoolcoppercopycordcorncornercorrectcostcottoncoughcouldcouncilcountcountrycouragecoursecourtcovercowcowardcowardlycrackcrashcreamcreaturecreepcricketcrimecriminalcropcrosscrowdcruelcrueltycrushcrycultivatecupcupboardcurecurlcurrentcursecurtaincurvecustomcustomercutcycle Ddaily damage dance danger dangerous dare daring darkdatedaughterdaydeaddealdeardeathdebtdecaydeceitdeceivedecidedecimaldecisiondeclarationdeclaredecoratedecorationdecreasedeepdeer defeat defend defense degree delay delicate delight deliver demand department depend dependent depth descend describe description descriptive desert deserve desirable desiredeskdestroydestructiondetaildeterminationdetermineddevelopdevildiamonddictionarydiedifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdinnerdipdirectdirectiondirtdirtydisappointdiscouragediscouragementdiscoverdiscoverydishdismissdistancedistantditchdividedivisiondodoctordogdollardoordoorwaydotdoubledoubtdowndragdrawdrawerdreamdressdrinkdrivedropdrowndrugdrumdrunkdryduckdullduringdustduty Eeach eager ear early earn earth east eastern easyeat edge educate education effect effective effort egg eight eighth either elastic elbow electelectionelectricelectricityelephantelseemployemployeremploymentemptyencloseenclosureencourageencouragementendenemyengineengineerenjoyenjoymentenoughenterentertainentertainmententranceenvelopeequalequalityescapeespeciallyestablishestablishmenteveneveningeventevereveryeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevilexactexaminationexamineexampleexcellentexceptexchangeexciteexcitedexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpectexpensiveexperienceexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexplosiveexpressexpressionextremeeye eyelidFfacefact factoryfail failure faintfairfairyfaith faithfulfallfalse fame familiar family famous fancyfarfarm farmer farmyard fashion fashionable fashioned fast fastenfatfate father faultfavor favorable favorite fearfeatherfeedfeelfeelingfeelingsfellowfemalefencefeverfewfieldfiercefifthfightfigurefillfilmfindfinefingerfinishfirefireplacefirmfirstfishfishermanfitfivefixflagflameflashflatfleshflightfloatfloodfloorflourflowflowerflyfoldfollowfondfoodfoolfoolishfootfootballfootpathfootstepforforbidforceforeheadforeignforeignerforestforgetforgiveforkformformalformerformerlyfortfortunatefortuneforwardforwardsfourfourthfoxframefreefreedomfreezefrequentfreshfriendfriendlyfrightenfrighteningfromfrontfruitfulfillfullfunfuneralfunnyfurfurnishfurniturefurtherfutureGgain game garage garden garment gas gasoline gate gathergeneralgenerousgentlegentlemangetgiftgirlgivegladglassglorygluegogoatgodgoldgoldengoodgoodsgoverngovernmentgracegracefulgradual graingram grammar grand grandfather grandmother grassgratefulgravegraygreatgreengreetgreetinggriefgrievegroundgroupgrowgrowthguardguessguestguidanceguideguiltgunHhabit habitual hairhairyhalfhall hammer hand handkerchief handle hang happen happyhard harden hardly hardship harm harmful harmless hastyhathate hatredhaveheheadhealthhealthyhearheartheatheavenheavyheelheighthelphelpfulhenherherehersherselfhidehighhillhimhimselfhirehishistoricalhistoryhitholdholidayhollowholyhomehonesthonestyhonorhonorablehookhopehopefulhopelesshorizonhornhorsehospitalhosthothotelhourhourlyhousehowhumanhumorhumoroushundredhundredthhungerhungryhunthurryhurthusbandhutIiceicyideaifillimage imaginary imagination imagine importance important improve improvementinincludeincludingincomeincreaseindoorindoorsindustrialindustryinfectinfectioninfectiousinfluenceinfluentialinforminformationinkinnerinquireinquiryinsectinsideinsteadinstructinstructioninstrumentinsuranceinsureintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinterruptinterruptioninto introduce introduction invent inventioninvitationinviteinwardsironislandititsitselfJjaw jealous jealousy jelly jewel jewelryjobjoinjointjokejourneyjoyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjustjusticeKkeen keep key kick kill kilokilogramkilometerkindkingkingdomkisskitchenkneekneelknifeknockknotknowknowledgeLlabor lack ladder lady lake lamb lamp land language large lastlate lately laugh laughter law lawyer laylazy lead leaf leanlearnleastleatherleaveleftleglegallendlengthlesslessonletletterlevellibrarylidlielifeliftlightlightninglikelikelylimblimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliterliteraturelittleliveloadloaflocallocklodginglodgingsloglonelylonglooklooselordloselosslotloudlovelowlowerloyalloyaltylucklumplungMmachine machinery mad magazine magic magicianmailmainmakemalemanmanagemanagermannermanymapmarchmarkmarketmarriagemarry mass master mat match material matter mayme meal mean meaning means measure meat medical medicine meet meeting melt member memorymendmentionmerrymessagemessengermetalmetermethodmetricmicroscopemiddlemightmilemilitarymilkmillionmillionthmindminemineralministerminutemirrormissmistmistakemixmixturemodelmodernmomentmoneymonkeymonthmonthlymoonmoralmoralsmoremorningmostmothermotormountainmousemouthmovemuchmudmultiplymurdermusclemusicmusicianmustmymyselfmysteriousmysteryNnail name narrow nasty nation national nature naval navy near nearly neat necessary neck needneedleneighborneighborhoodneithernervenervousnestnetnetworknevernewnewsnewspapernextnicenightnineninthnonoblenoblemannoisenonenonsensenornorthnorthernnosenotnothingnoticenounnownowherenumbernursenutnylonOobedience obedient obey object obtain occasion ocean oddofoffoffendoffenseoffensiveofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoiloldononceoneoneselfoniononlyopenoperateoperation opinion opponent oppose opposite opposition or orange orderordinaryorganorganizationoriginotherotherwiseoughtouroursourselvesoutoutdooroutdoorsouteroutsideoveroweowingownoxygenPpack packet page pain painful paint painting pair palace palepan paper parallel parcel parent park parliament part participle particular partner party pass passage passenger past pastry path patience patient pattern pause pay payment peace peacefulpenpencepencilpeoplepepperperperfectperformperhapsperiodpermissionpermitpersonpersonalpersuadepetpetrolphotographphotographyphrasephysicalpianopickpicturepiecepigpilepilotpinpinkpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplantplasticplateplaypleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentypluralpocketpoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspolepolicepolishpolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspoolpoorpopularpopularitypopulationportpositionpossesspossessionpossibilitypossiblepossiblypostpotpotatopoundpourpowderpowerpowerfulpracticalpracticepraiseprayprayerpreciouspreparationpreparepresencepresentpreservepresidentpresspressurepretendprettypreventpricepricklypridepriestprinceprincipleprint prison prisoner private prize probability probable problem process procession produceproductproductionprofessionprofitpromisepronouncepronunciationproofproperpropertyprotectprotectionprotectiveproudproveprovideprovisionprovisionspublicpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurposepushputQquality quantity quarrel quarterqueenquestionquickquietquiteRrabbit race radio railway rainraise range rank rapid rareratrate rather raw reach read ready real really reason reasonable receive recent recently recognitionrecognizerecordredreducereductionrefusalrefuseregardregularrelatedrelationrelativereligionreligiousremainremarkrememberremindremoverentrepairrepeatreplyreportrepresentrepresentativerepublicrequestrespectrespectfulresponsiblerestrestaurantresultreturnrewardricerichridriderightringriperiseriskriverroadrobrockrodrollroofroomrootroperoseroughroundrowroyalrubrubberruderuinrulerulerrunrushSsad safe safety sail salesaltsamesandsatisfactionsatisfactorysatisfysavesayscalescatterscenescenery school science scientific scientist scissors screw sea search season seat second secrecy secret secretary see seed seem seize sell send sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sentence separate serious servant serve service set settle seven seventh several severe sewsex sexual shade shadow shake shallshameshapesharesharpshesheepsheetshelfshellsheltershieldshineshipshirtshockshoeshootshopshopkeepershoreshortshotshouldshouldershoutshowshutsicksidesidewayssightsignsignalsignaturesilencesilentsilksillysilversimilarsimilaritysimplesincesinceresingsinglesingularsinksistersitsituationsixsixthsizeskillskillfulskinskirtskyslavesleepslideslightslipslipperyslopeslowsmallsmellsmilesmokesmoothsnakesnowsosoapsocialsocietysocksoftsoilsoldiersolemnsolidsomesomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoonsoresorrowsorrysortsoulsoundsoupsoursouthsouthernspacespacecraftspadespeakspearspecialspecialistspeechspeedspellspendspinspiritspitesplendidsplitspoilspoonsportspotspreadspringsquarestagestairstampstandstandardstar start state station stay steady steal steam steel steep stem step stick sticky stiff still sting stitch stomach stone stopstorestormstorystraightstrangestrangerstreamstreetstrengthstretchstrikestringstrokestrongstructurestrugglestudentstudystupidstylesubjectsubstancesubtractsucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsucksuddensuffersugarsuggestsuitsuitablesumsummersunsuppersupplysupportsupposesuresurfacesurprisesurroundswallowswearsweepsweetswellswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemTtabletailtaketalktalltastetaxtaxiteateach teamtear telephone television tell temper temperature temple tend tendency tender tennis tense tentterribleterrortestthanthankthatthetheatertheirtheirsthemthemselvesthentherethereforethesetheythickthiefthinthingthinkthirdthirstthirstythisthoroughthosethoughthoughtthousandthousandththreadthreatthreatenthreethroatthroughthrowthumbthunderthustickettidytietigertighttimetimetabletintiretitletotobaccotodaytoetogethertomorrowtonguetonighttootooltoothtoptotaltouchtourtouristtowards tower town toy track trade traffic train translate transparenttraptraveltreattreatmenttreetrembletribetricktriptropicaltroubletrouserstruetrunktrusttruthtrytubetuneturntwicetwisttypetypicaltyreUugly uncle under understand undo uniform union unituniteuniversaluniverseuniversityuntilupupperuprightupsetupsideupstairsurgeurgentususeusefuluselessusualVvalley valuable value variety various varyvegetablevehicleverbveryvictoryviewvillageviolenceviolentvisitvoicevotevowelvoyageWwages waist wait waiter wake walk wall wander want war warm warmth warn wash waste watch water wave way we weakwealthweaponwearweatherweaveweddingweekweeklyweighweightwelcomewellwestwesternwetwhatwhateverwheatwheelwhenwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhicheverwhilewhipwhisperwhistlewhitewhowhoeverwholewhywickedwidewidespreadwidthwifewildwillwillingwinwindwindowwinewingwinterwirewisdomwisewishwithwithinwithoutwitnesswomanwonderwoodwooden wool woolen word work world wormworryworseworshipworstworthworthywouldwoundwrapwreckwristwritewrongwrongdoingYyard year yearly yellow yesyesterdayyetyouyoungyouryoursyourselfyouthZzero。

朗文词典2000基础词汇a ability about above abroad absence absent acceptacceptable accident accordance according account ache acidacross act action active activity actor actress actual addaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittanceadult advance advantage adventure adverb advertiseadvertisement advice advise affair afford afraid afterafternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreementahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive allallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also althoughaltogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautiful beauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginning behave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below belt bend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyond bicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottle bottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy by bye c cage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acidacross act action active activity actor actress actual addaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittanceadult advance advantage adventure adverb advertiseadvertisement advice advise affair afford afraid afterafternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreementahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive allallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also althoughaltogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginningbehave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below beltbend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyondbicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottle bottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy by bye c cage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acid across act action active activity actor actress actual add addition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid afterafternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreementahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive allallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also althoughaltogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginningbehave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below beltbend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyondbicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter blackblade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boatbody boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottlebottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave breadbreadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy by bye c cage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acid across act action active activity actor actress actual add addition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreement ahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive all allow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also although altogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginningbehave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below beltbend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyondbicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter blackblade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boatbody boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottlebottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave breadbreadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brickbridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucketbuild building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bushbusiness busy but butter button buy by bye c cagecake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acid across act action active activity actor actress actual add addition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreement ahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive all allow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also although altogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing an ancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyance another answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anything anywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appoint approval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginningbehave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below beltbend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyondbicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter blackblade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boatbody boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottlebottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave breadbreadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brickbridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucketbuild building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bushbusiness busy but butter button buy by bye c cagecake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle capcapital captain car card cardboard care careful carelesscarriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cellcement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certainchain chair chairperson chalk chance change character chargecharm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent acceptacceptable accident accordance according account ache acidacross act action active activity actor actress actual addaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittanceadult advance advantage adventure adverb advertiseadvertisement advice advise affair afford afraid afterafternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreementahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive allallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also althoughaltogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkwardb baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bag bake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basket bath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautiful beauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginning behave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below belt bend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyond bicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottle bottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy by byec cage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent acceptacceptable accident accordance according account ache acidacross act action active activity actor actress actual addaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittanceadult advance advantage adventure adverb advertiseadvertisement advice advise affair afford afraid afterafternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreementahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive allallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also althoughaltogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginning behave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below belt bend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyond bicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottle bottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy by bye c cage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acid across act action active activity actor actress actual addaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittanceadult advance advantage adventure adverb advertiseadvertisement advice advise affair afford afraid afterafternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreementahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive allallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also althoughaltogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginningbehave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below beltbend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyondbicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter blackblade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottle bottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy by bye c cage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acid across act action active activity actor actress actual add addition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreementahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive allallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also althoughaltogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing anancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginningbehave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below beltbend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyondbicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter blackblade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boatbody boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottlebottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave breadbreadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brickbridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy by bye c cage cake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle cap capital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 345672018--01a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acid across act action active activity actor actress actual add addition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreement ahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive all allow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also although altogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing an ancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyanceanother answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anythinganywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appointapproval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms armyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art articleartificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractiveaunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bagbake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basketbath bathe battle be beak beam bean bear beard beat beautifulbeauty because become bed bee beer before beg begin beginningbehave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below beltbend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyondbicycle big bill bind bird birth birthday bit bite bitter blackblade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boatbody boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottlebottom bowels bowl box boy brain branch brass brave breadbreadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brickbridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucketbuild building bullet bunch burial burn burst bury bus bushbusiness busy but butter button buy by bye c cagecake calculate calculator call calm camera camp can candle capcapital captain car card cardboard care careful careless carriage carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chase cheap cheat check 34567。

朗文2000解释用词The Longman Defining Vocabulary 2000说明:本词汇表根据《朗文当代英语辞典》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)(外语教学与研究出版社,1997年版)第B16~B22页的词汇表编辑而成。
a 一个,某个(语)abbreviation 缩写ability 能力able 有能力的,能干的about 关于;大约;到处(语)above 在上方(语)above a. 上面的,前述的abroad 在国外absence 缺席accept 接受acceptable 可接受的,尚可的accident 事故accidental 偶然的according to 依照account 考虑;帐户achieve 达成,实现achievement 成就acid 酸across 越过;对面(语)across adv.(语)act 行为,表现;法规act v. 行动action 行动,动作active 活跃的activity 活动actor 演员actress 女演员actual 真实的actually 实际上add 增加;补充说addition 附加,加法additional 附加的address 地址adjective 目标,目的admiration 羡慕,爱慕,崇拜admire 崇拜,爱慕admit 承认adult 成人adult adj. 成人的advanced 先进的,高级的adventure 冒险(事业);投机adverb 副词advertise (做)广告advertisement 广告advice 忠告advise 劝告affair 事件,桃色新闻affect 影响afford 负担;买得起afraid 害怕after 在…之后(语)afternoon 下午afterwards 然后,以后again 再一次against 对着,反对(语)age 年龄ago 以前agree 同意agreement 协议ahead 向前,前方aim 目标;瞄准air 空气aircraft 飞机airport 飞机场alcohol 酒精alive 活着的all 所有的(语)allow 允许almost 几乎alone 单独(语)along 沿着;和…一起(语)alphabet 字母表,字母顺序already 已经also 也although 虽然always 总是among 在…之间(语)amount 数量amuse 娱乐,使觉得有趣amusement 娱乐,消遣amusing 好笑的,有趣的an 一个,某个(语)ancient 古代的and 和;而;又(语)anger 生气,愤怒angle 角angry 生气的animal 动物announce 宣布annoy 激怒,生气annoying 气人的another 另一个,再一次(语)answer 答案;回答answer v.回答anxiety 焦虑anxious 忧虑的any 任何,一些(语)anyone 任何人anything 任何事anywhere 无论何处apart 分开(语)apartment 公寓appear 出现;显得象appearance 外表,样貌apple 苹果approval 赞成approve 赞同;允许,批准area 区域,地区argue 争论argument 争论,论据arm 手臂army 军队around 环绕,大约(语)arrange 安排,排列arrangement 安排arrival 抵达arrive 到达art 艺术article 文章;冠词artificial 人工的,非真实的as 象;当…时;因为(语)as opposed to 对比,比照ashamed 难堪的;难过的ask 问;请求asleep 睡着的association 协会;联合at 在某点上(语)atom 原子attack 攻击attempt 尝试attend 参加,出席;关怀attention 注意attitude 态度attract 吸引attractive 有吸引力的authority 权威,官方autumn 秋天available 可得的average 平均值;平常的avoid 避免awake 醒着的away 离开(语)awkward 怔住,噎住;难受baby 婴儿,宝贝back后面;回(语)back adj. 后面的adj. background 背景bad 坏的bag 袋子bake 烘,烤balance 平衡;使平衡ball 球band 乐团;宽大的带子bank 银行;河岸bar 棒;酒吧base n. 基地basic 基本的basket 蓝子bath 沭浴battle 战斗be 是;存在(语)beach 海滩beak 鸟嘴,水壶口beam 横梁,光束bean 大豆,豆子bear v. 忍受beat 打,击beautiful 美丽的beauty 美女because 因为become 变成bed 床beer 啤酒before 在…之前(语)begin 开始beginning 起点;初级的behave 举止behavior 行为behind 在…后面(语)belief 信念believe 相信bell 铃belong 属于below 在…下面belt 带子;区带bend 弯曲beneath 在…之下beside 在…旁边besides 除…以外best 最好的better 比较好的between 在两者之间(语)beyond 在……以外;超出bicycle 自行车big 大的;胖的bill 帐单bird 鸟birth 出生bit 一点点bitter 苦的black 黑色blade 刀面,刀身;叶片blame 责骂;过失blind 盲的;使…看不见block 封锁blood 血blow 风吹;打击blue 蓝色board 板;董事会boat 船body 身体boil 烧煮,煮开,沸腾bomb 炸弹bone 骨头book 书boot 长靴border 边界,边缘bored 对…感到厌烦的boring 烦闷的,讨厌的born 出生borrow 借来both 两者(的)bottle 瓶子bottom 底部bowl 碗box 盒子,箱子boy 男孩brain 脑branch 部门brave 勇敢的,大胆的bread 面包break打破breakfast 早餐breast 乳房breath 呼吸breathe 呼吸breed 养育,育种brick 砖块,砖块状物bridge 桥bright 明亮的bring 带来,引起(语)broad 宽广的broadcast 广播brother 兄弟brown 褐色brush 刷子build 建立,建设building 建筑物bullet 子弹,弹子burn 燃烧burst 爆发出,爆破bury 埋葬bus 公共汽车,大巴business 生意,事业busy 忙碌的but 但是buy 买by 在旁边(语)cake 蛋糕calculate 计算;谋划call 呼叫calm 平静的camera 照相机camp 野营;营帐can 能够;可能(语)cap 帽子capital 首都;资本capital adj. 首都的,核心的car 小汽车card 卡片care n. 关心,在意care v. 关心,照看careful 小心的careless 粗心的carriage 马车,车厢carry 搬运,携带case 情形;案子castle 城堡cat 猫cause 原因cause v. 引起,招致ceiling 天花板celebrate 庆祝cell 细胞;电池;监牢center 中心central 中央的century 世纪certain 确定的;某个/些chain 链条chair 椅子chance 机会change 变化character 个性;角色charge 收费;指控;充电chase 追逐,追赶cheap 廉价的(隐含质量差)cheat 欺骗check 检查cheek 颊,脸蛋cheese 乳酪chemical 化工品;化学的chemistry 化学cheque 支票chest 胸chicken 鸡chief adj. 主要的child 孩子children 孩子(复数)chin 下巴chocolate 巧克力choice 选择choose 选择church 教堂cigarette 卷烟circle 圆周;环绕circular 环形的citizen 市民city 城市claim 要求class 班级;阶层clay 粘土,泥巴clean 干净的;清洁clear 清楚的clear澄清clever 聪明的cliff 悬崖climb 攀登clock 时钟close 关闭;接近cloth 布,布料clothes (统称)衣服cloud 云club 俱乐部coal 煤coast 海岸coat 外套;包被coffee 咖啡coin 硬币cold 冷;感冒collect 收集college 学院colo(u)r 颜色comb 梳子,梳头combination 结合combine 结合,叠加come 来(语)comfort 安慰,使感到舒服comfortable 舒服的command 指挥committee 委员会common 通常的communicate 沟通,交往communication 交往;通讯company 公司compare 比较comparison 比较compete 竞争competition 竞争competitor 竞争者,对手complain 抱怨complaint 诉苦,怨言complete adj. 完全的complete v. 完成completely 完全地complicated 复杂的compound 化合物computer 计算机concern v. 关注concerning关于concert 音乐会condition 情况,条件confidence 信心confident 有信心的confuse 使迷惑,混淆confusing 令人迷惑不解的connect 连接connection 连接conscious 有意识的consider 考虑consist of 由……组成container 容器continue 继续continuous 连续的contract n. 合同,合约control 控制,控制装置control v. 控制v. conversation 交谈,对话cook 烹调;厨子copy 副本;复制corn 谷物,玉米corner 角落correct 正确的cost 费用cost v. 花费cough 咳嗽could 可能;能够(语)council 委员会,顾问组count 计数;看成是country 国家countryside 乡下地方courage 勇气course 课程court 法院cover n. 覆盖物,盖子cover v. 包括v.cow 母牛,奶牛crack 开裂,裂口crash 坠毁,砸向crazy 发狂的cream 膏creature 活物;动物;生物crime 罪行criminal 罪犯criticism 批评criticize 批评crop 农作物cross 十字架;交叉;越过crowd 群众cruel 残忍的crush 压碎,碾碎cry 哭,大呼大叫cup 杯子cupboard 厨柜,碗柜cure 治疗curl 卷曲current水流;流行的curtain 帘子(=drape, 美式)curve 曲线custom 习惯customer 客户cut 切,砍cycle 周期,循环daily n. 日报damage 损害dance 跳舞danger 危险dangerous 危险的dark 黑暗date 日期;定日子daughter 女儿day 一天时间;日子dead 死的deal 交易deal with 处理,对付,解决death 死亡debt 债务decay 腐败,腐烂,变质deceive 欺骗,蒙蔽decide 决定decision 决定decorate 装饰decoration 装潢,装饰品deep 深的defeat 败北;打败,击垮defend 防御,抵御defense, -ce 防卫,抵御definite 明确的,确定的definitely 明白无误地,明确地degree 程度delay 延迟deliberate 深思熟虑的,故意的deliberately 故意地delicate 精细的,娇弱的deliver 递送demand 要求department 部门depend 依靠;取决于dependent 不能独立的;赡养人depth 深度describe 描述description 描述desert 沙漠deserve 应得design 设计desirable 人人都渴望的desire 渴望desk 书桌destroy 破坏,摧毁destruction 破坏detail 细节determination 决心determined 有决心的,坚决的develop 发展,开发,形成dictionary 字典,词典die 死difference 不同,差别,差额different 不同的difficult 困难的difficulty 困难dig 挖,掘dinner 晚餐direct 直接的direction 方向dirt 泥土,尘土,灰尘dirty 肮脏的disappoint 使失望disappointing 令人失望的discover 发现discovery 发现discuss 讨论discussion 讨论disease 疾病dish 碟子dismiss 开除;遣散distance 距离distant 远的divide 分开;除do 做(语)doctor 医生document 文件dog 狗dollar (货币单位)元door 门double 加倍doubt 怀疑down 向下(语)draw 牵拉,拖拉;提款drawer 抽屉dream 梦;做梦dress 服装,衣着dress v. 穿着;打扮drink n. 饮料drink v. 喝drive 开车;驱赶drive 驾驶,驱动drop 扔;急落/降drug 药;毒品drum 鼓drunk 喝醉了的dry干的;弄干duck 鸭子dull 忧郁的,阴暗的during (语)dust 灰尘duty 责任each 各个,逐个(语)eager 急切的ear 耳朵early adj. 早的early adv. 以前earn 赚得earth 地球east 东方eastern 东方人easy 容易的eat 吃economic 经济的edge 边缘educate 教育,培养educated 受过教育的education 教育effect 效果,作用,影响effective 有效的effort 努力egg 蛋eight 八either 两者之一(语)elbow 肘elect 当选人;选举election 选举electric 电的electricity 电electronic 电子的else 所有其它的(语)embarrass 使丢脸,使局促embarrassing 令人难堪的emotion 情绪,情感emphasize 强调employ 雇用employer 雇主employment 雇用,就业empty 空的enclose 围住,封闭encourage 鼓励end 结束;终了enemy 敌人energy 能量,能源engine 引擎engineer 工程师enjoy 享受enjoyable 令人开心的,可享受的enough足够的;足以enter 进入entertain 娱乐,给人以娱乐entertainment 娱乐entrance 入口envelop 信封environment 环境equal adj. 相等的equipment 设备;元件escape 逃亡,逃逸especially 尤其establish 建立even 甚至;均匀的(语)evening 晚上event 事件ever 曾经every 每一个(语)everyone 每个人everything 任何东西,一切(语)everywhere 各处evil 邪恶exact 确切的,正确的exactly 确切;完全examination 考试examine 调查example 例子excellent 极好的except 除……外exchange n. 交换;外汇excite 使激动,使兴奋exciting 刺激excuse 原谅,饶恕exercise 练习exist 存在existence 存在expect 预期,指望,盼望expensive 昂贵的experience 经验;经历explain 解释explanation 解释explode 爆炸explosion 爆炸explosive 炸药;有爆炸性的express 表达;高速公路expression 表达;表情extreme 极端extremely 极端地eye 眼睛face 脸;面对fact 事实factory 工厂fail 不及格;失败failure 失败;断水,停电fair adj.公平的fairly 公平地faith 信念faithful 忠实的fall 落下;跌倒;秋天false 错误的,假的familiar 熟悉的family 家庭,家族famous 有名的far 远(语)farm 农场farmer 农民fashion 流行fashionable 流行的,时髦的fast 快fast adv. 快;紧紧地fasten 系紧,加固fat 脂肪;肥的father 父亲fault 过失,毛病favo(u)rite 最喜爱的(事物)fear 恐惧feather 羽毛feature 特征feed 喂养,饲养;进料feel 感觉;抚摸feeling 感觉,感情female 女性fence 栅栏,篱笆fever 发烧;兴奋few 几个(语)field 领域,田地fifth 第五fight n. 战斗,打架figure 人物;外形fill 填充film 电影final 最后的finally 最后financial 财政的find 找;发现find out 找到,找出来fine 很好的finger 手指finish 完成fire 火;开火firm adj. 坚定的first 第一;最初fish 鱼fit adj. 适宜的fit v. 修理five 五fix 固定,维修flag 旗子,旗帜flame 火焰flash 闪烁;闪光flat adj. 扁平的flesh 肉,肉体flight 飞行float 漂浮flood 洪水;淹没;泛滥floor 地板flow n. 水/电/气流flower 花;开花fly 飞行;飞虫fold 折叠;皱褶follow 跟随fond 喜欢的food 食物foot 脚football 足球for prep. 为,给,向(语)force n. 力force v. 迫使foreign 外国的,陌生的foreigner 外国人forest 森林forget 忘记forgive 饶恕fork 叉子form n. 形式;表form v. 形成formal 正式的former 先前的;前者fortunate 幸运的forward adv. 向前four 四fourth 第四free 自由的freedom 自由freeze 微风,吹微风frequent 时常发生的fresh 新鲜的friend 朋友friendly 友好的frighten 威吓frightening 吓人的from 来自…(语)front adj. 前面的front n. 前面,面前fruit 水果full 满;全部的fun好玩,有趣funeral 葬礼funny 好笑的,好玩的fur 动物的皮毛,毛皮furniture 家具further 较远的;进一步future未来gain 获取game 游戏;比赛;运动会garage 车库garden 花园gas 气体;汽油gate 大门gather 聚集general 一般的,总的generally 总的来说generous 宽宏的,大度的gentle 温和的,温柔的gentleman 绅士,男士get 得到,变得(语)gift 礼物girl 女孩give 给(语)glad 高兴的glass 玻璃;玻璃杯glue 胶水go 走(语)goat 山羊god 上帝gold 黄金good 好的(语)goodbye 再见goods 商品,货物govern 统治government 政府graceful 优雅的gradual 逐渐的grain 粮食,谷物gram (重量单位)克grammar 语法grand 壮观的,宏大的grandfather 祖父grandmather 祖母grandparent 祖父母grass 草grateful 感谢的,感激的great 伟大的,很棒的green adj. 绿色的greet 打招呼,问候greeting 问候语,问候grey, gray 灰色ground 地面group 团体grow 生长growth 生长guard守卫guess 猜测guest 客人guide n. 指导,向导guilty 有罪的gun 枪habit 习惯hair 头发,毛half一半(的)hall 大厅hammer 锤子;用锤子敲hand 手;递;交handle 把柄,把手;处理hang 悬挂happen 发生happy 快乐的hard 困难的;硬的;努力hardly 刚刚,几乎不harm 伤害harmful 有害的hat (有边的)帽子hate 憎恨hatred 仇恨,厌恶have 有(语)he 他head 头health 健康healthy 健康的hear 听到heart 心heat 热;加热heaven 苍天;上天heavy 重的heel 脚后跟,踵height 高度hello 喂;你好help 帮忙helpful 有帮助的her 她here 这里herself 她自己hide 躲藏,藏匿high 高的hill 小山him 他himself 他自己his 他的historical 历史的hit 碰撞,击打hold 握;容纳;举行hole 洞holiday 假日hollow 中空的holy 神圣的home 家home adv. 在家honest 诚实的hono(u)r 荣誉,光荣hook 钩子hope 希望hopeful 有希望的,满怀希望horn (汽车)喇叭horse 马hospital 医院hot 热的hotel 旅馆,宾馆hour 小时house房子how 如何(语)human人类(的)humour 幽默hundred 一百hundredth 第一百hungry 饥饿的hunt 狩猎,打猎hurry 匆忙,急忙;赶快hurt 伤害husband 丈夫ice 冰idea 主意,想法if 假如;是否(语)ignore 不理,忽视ill 有病的,病态的;坏illegal 非法的illness 疾病image 图像imaginary 虚构的,想象出来的imagination 想象力imagine 想象immediately 立刻importance 重要性important 重要的impressive 给人深刻印象的improve 改善,提高improvement 进步,改善in 在…里面(语)in spite of 不管怎样,尽管include 包括including 包括income 收入increase 增加independent 独立的indoors 室内的;在室内industrial 工业的,行业的industry 工业,行业,实业infect 传染,感染infection 传染,感染infectious 传染性的influence影响inform 告知information 数据,信息injure 受伤,负伤;伤害injury 受伤ink 墨水inner 内部的insect 昆虫inside (语)instead 而不是,改为institution 机构instruction 指令instrument 仪器insult 侮辱,对人无礼insulting 无礼的,出口伤人的insurance 保险insure 为…投保/作保intelligence 智力intelligent 智力的,有智慧的intend 打算;目的是intention 动机,目的,意图interest 兴趣interesting 有趣的international 国际的interrupt 干预,妨碍,插嘴into 进入(语)introduce 介绍,引进introduction 介绍invent 发明,创造,创作invitation 邀请,请柬;引诱invite 邀请involve 包括inwards 向内(的),内心(的)iron 铁;烫斗island 岛it 它(语)its 它的jaw 颚,颌jewel 珠子jewellery 珠宝,珠宝业job 工作join 加入;合伙joint 关节joke 笑话journey 旅途judge 法官;裁决,裁判judgment 裁判,判断juice 果汁,果浆jump 跳跃just 刚刚,仅仅(语)justice 正义,公平;司法keen (eager) 急切的keep 保持,维持key n. 钥匙;问题的关键kick 踢kill 杀死kilo 千,千单位kilograme 千克kilometer, -re 千米kind 类型;好的king 国王kiss 吻,亲kitchen 厨房knee 膝;跪kneel 跪下,下跪knife 刀子knock 敲,击knot 结,突起;打结know 知道knowledge 知识lack 缺少,缺乏lady 女士,太太lake 湖lamb 羊羔,羊肉lamp 有灯座的灯;照亮land n. 陆地,土地language 语言large 大的last最后的;上一个(语)late adj. 迟的,晚的(语)lately 最近,近来laugh 笑laughter 笑声law 法律lawyer 律师lay 铺设;产卵layer 层lazy 懒惰的lead v. 带领,引导,导致leaf 叶lean 斜靠learn 学习;了解least 最少leather 皮革leave 离开,把…留下left adj. 左边的leg 腿legal 法律的;合法的lend 借给length 长度less adv. 更少,很少(语)lesson 课let 让,允许(语)let go of 松开,放开letter 信;字母level adj. 平的(不倾斜),同高的level n. 水平library 图书馆lid 盖子lie谎言; 平躺; 摆放;撒谎lie down 躺下life 生活;生命lift v. 举起,提起light v. 点着(灯、火)like prep. 象…一样(语)likely 有可能的limit n. 限度line 线,队列lip 唇liquid 液体,液list n. 清单,名单listen 听literature 文学litre, -er (体积)升little小的;少的;少少(语)live /liv/ v. 过(生活)load 负荷local 当地的lock v. 上锁lonely 孤单的,寂寞的long adj. 长的look看;看起来(语)look after 照看,照料look for 寻找look somethingup查阅,查字典loose adj. 疏松的,松散的lord n. 主人;上帝lose 失去loss 损失lot 大量loud 大声的love v. 爱,喜欢low 低lower 降低,放低loyal 忠诚的,忠实的loyalty 忠贞,忠诚,忠实luck 运气lucky 幸运的lung 肺,肺部machine 机器machinery 机械类,车床magazine 杂志magic 魔术mail n. 邮件main 主要的make 做,制,弄(语)make into 转变,做成make up 合成;决定male 男性,雄性male n. 男性man 男人,人类(语)manage 设法做成/完成/实现manager 经理manner 样子,方式many 很多map 地图march 行进,行军,前进mark n. 标记market 市场marriage 婚姻married 已婚的mass n. 大众;(物理)质量match n. 火柴;淘汰赛;般配match v. 相配v.material 材料mathematics 数学matter n. 问题,事情;物质may 可以;可能me 我meal 饭菜mean v. 意思是meaning 意义means 方法,手段measure 尺寸;测量尺寸measurement 测量,测量值meat 肉medical 医学的medicine 医药;临床医学meet 遇到,见到meeting 会议melt 熔化member 成员memory 记忆mental 心智的mention v. 提到,述及message 信息metal 金属meter, -re (长度单位)米method 方法middle adj. 中间的might 可能;可以(语)mile 英里military 军队;军事的milk 奶million 百万mind n. 头脑mind v. 介意mine矿井;采矿,开采mine 我的东西mineral 矿物质,矿物的ministry (政府的)部minute 分钟mirror 镜子misician 音乐家miss v. 想念mist 雾mistake 错误;搞错mix 混合,使混合mixture 混合物model 模型modern 现代的moment 片刻money 钱monkey 猴子month 月moon 月亮moral 道德(的)more 更多的(语)morning 早上most 最多的,大多数(语)mother 母亲motor 马达,发动机mountain 山mouse 老鼠mouth 嘴move 移动;使感动movement 运动much 很多mud 泥巴multiply (算法)乘murder 谋杀muscle 肌肉music 音乐must 必须my 我的mysterious 神秘的mystery 奥秘,神秘nail 钉子name名字narrow 狭窄的nasty 肮脏的,下流的nation 国家,民族national 国家的,民族的natural 自然的,天然的nature 自然navy 海军near 接近nearly 几乎neat 整洁的necessary 必要的neck 脖子need 需要needle 针,细而尖的东西negative 否定的neither 也不(语)nerve 神经nervous 神经紧张的net网;用网捕鱼network 网络never 从不new 新的news 新闻,消息newspaper 报纸next下一个;在…之后next adv. 紧挨着nice 美好的night 夜晚ninth 第九no 不;无no one 没有一个,一个也不noise 噪音none 无,没有一个nor 也不normal 正常的north 北方northern 北方的nose 鼻子not 不note 注意;字条nothing 无notice n. 注意notice v. 注意noticeable 显著的,值得注意的noun 名词now 现在nowhere 哪里都不/没有number 数字nurse 护士;护理nut 坚果,硬果核o’clock 点钟obey 服从,遵从object 物体;宾语obtain 获得occasion 场合ocean 海洋,大洋of …的(语)off 关闭,离开(语)offence, -se 犯法,冒犯;过错offend 冒犯,违背,挑衅offensive 令人不快的,挑衅的offer n. 供应;机会office 办公室officer 官员official 官方的,正式的often 时常oil 油old 老;旧old-fashioned 陈旧的,老式的on 在…面上(语)once 一旦;曾经;一次one 一;某人onion 洋葱,大葱only 唯一的;仅仅(语)only just 仅有那么一点;刚刚onto 到……上面open adj. 公开的;开放的open v. 打开operate 操作;运行operation 操作;手术opinion 意见,观点opponent 对手,敌手;对立的opportunity 机会oppose 反对,反抗opposite 对面;相反的opposition 反对or 或orange 橙,桔子order n. 顺序;订单;指令ordinary 平常的organ 器官,机构organization 组织,机构organize, -se 组织origin 起源,根本,源头original 本来的,原创的other 另一些,其他的ought 应该our(s) 我们的(东西)out在…外面,向外(语)outdoor(s) 户外的,在户外outer 外部的,外层的outside在…外部over在…上方(语)owe 亏欠;归功于own 自己的;拥有owner 所有者,业主oxygen 氧气pack v. 打包装package 包裹page 页pain 疼痛painful 疼痛的,痛苦的paint 油漆;油画painting 油画pair 双,对pale 苍白的pan 炒菜锅paper 纸parallel 平行的;平行于parent 父母park 公园parliament 国会part 部分participle 分词particular 特别的partly 部分地partner 合伙人party 聚会;党派;各方pass v. 经过;递passage 通道;篇章passenger 乘客past adj. 过去的path 路径patient adj. 有耐心的pattern 式样pause 中止,暂停pay 支付;给予…pay付款(语)payment 付款,款额;报应peace 和平peaceful 和平的pen 笔,钢笔pence (货币)便士pencil 铅笔people 人们;民族per cent 百分之perfect 完美的perform 表演,操作performance 表现perhaps 或许period 时期permission 许可,同意person 人personal 个人的persuade 劝pet 宠物petrol 汽油photograph 相片phrase 词组physical 身体的; 物理的;天体的piano 钢琴pick 挑选;拾;捡;接人pick up 拾起,挑选,收获picture 照片,图片piece 块,片,件pig 猪pile 堆;堆积pilot 飞行员pin 大头针,别针pink 粉红色pipe 管子;用管道输送pity 遗憾,同情,怜悯place n. 地方plain adj. 明明白白的;简朴的plan计划plane 飞机plant 植物;工厂plastic 塑料plate 盘子play戏,剧play v. 玩;打球;演奏pleasant 令人愉快的please 请;使高兴pleased 高兴的pleasure 高兴,高兴的事plenty 充分plural 复数pocket 口袋poem 诗poet 诗人poetry 诗歌,韵文point n. 点pointed 尖的,锐利的poison 毒,毒物poisonous 有毒的pole 竖立的杆/柱子police 警察polish 擦亮polite 礼貌的,有礼貌的political 政治上的politician 政客politics 政治(学)pool 池poor 贫穷的;差的popular 流行的population 人口port 港口position 位置possess 拥有possession 财产,占有possibilty 可能性possible 可能的possibly 可能地post 邮政;邮件;寄送pot 锅,罐,壶potato 土豆,马铃薯pound 磅pour 倾倒,大量注入powder 粉末power 力量,功率powerful 强有力的practice n. 练习,实践practice, -se v. 练习,实践praise 赞扬,表扬,称赞pray 祈祷,做祷告prayer 祈祷,祷告prefer 宁要,更喜欢preparation 准备,预备prepare 为…作准备;制备present adj. 现在的present n. 现在;赠礼. preserve 保存,保护;保护区president 总裁;总统press v. 压,印,按pressure 压力pretend 假装pretty adj. 漂亮的prevent 阻止;防治previous 早先的price 价格priest 牧师prince 王子,亲王principle 原理print n. 印刷品prison 监狱prisoner 囚犯private 私人的,秘密的prize 奖赏,奖金probably 或许problem 问题process 程序produce 生产product 产品production 生产过程profession 技术型职业profit 利益program(me) 程序;节目progress 进步promise n. 承诺,诺言promise v. 许诺pronounce 发音pronunciation 所发的音,发音法proof 证据proper 适当的property 财产proposal 提议protect 保护protection 保护protective 保护性的,有保护作用的protest 抗议proud 骄傲的prove 证明provide 提供public 公开的;公众public n. 公众pull拉pump 泵punish 处罚,责罚punishment 处罚pupil 小学生;瞳孔pure 纯粹的,地道的purple 紫色purpose 目的push 推put 摆,放,置,搞(语)quality 质量quantity 数量quarrel 争吵,吵架quarter 四分之一queen 皇后question问题quick快的quiet 安静quite 相当,十分rabbit 兔子race n. 竞走radio 无线电railway 铁路rain雨;下雨raise 使升高,提升range n. 范围;谱rank n. 等级,地位rapid 迅速的rare 稀罕的rat 老鼠rate n. 比率rather 宁可raw 生的,未加工的reach 到达;够得着react 反应reaction 反应read 阅读;原文是…ready 准备好的,备用的real 真正的realize 认识到really 真正reason 理由,原因reasonable 合理的receive 接受recent 最近的recently 最近recognize 承认,公认,辨认record n. 记录record v. 记录red 红色reduce 减少reduction 减少refusal 拒绝refuse 拒绝regard v. 把…视为regular 有规律的related 相关的relation 关系relationship 关系relax 放松relaxing 让人放松的religion 宗教religious 宗教的remain 余下,遗留remark n. 评论;言论remember 记得remind 提醒remove 除去,撤去rent 租用;租金repair n. 修理repeat 重复replace 替换reply 答复report n. 报告n.report v. 汇报v. represent 表现;描绘representative 代表request 请求respect 尊敬responsible 有责任的rest n. 休息restaurant 餐厅restrict 限制result n. 结果return 回,返reward 奖赏;奖品rice 大米,米饭,水稻rich 富有的rid 摆脱,免除,舍弃ride v. 骑right adj. 正的;正确的;右边的right adv. 正确;完全right n. 权利ring n. 环;轮;戒指rise v. 上升risk 危险;冒险river 河road 道路rob 抢劫rock 岩石roll 卷romantic 浪漫的,爱情的roof 屋顶room 房间;空间,地方root 根rope 粗绳rose n. 玫瑰;玫瑰色rough 粗糙,汹涌;粗鲁round adj. 圆的round adv. 围绕round prep. 围绕row n. 行,排royal 王室;皇家的rub 擦,摩擦rubber 橡皮擦,橡胶rude 粗鲁的ruin 毁灭,堕落rule n. 规则ruler 尺子run v. 跑;运转;经营rush 冲刺,急奔;匆忙的sad 伤心的,悲哀的safe 安全的;保险柜safety 安全sail 帆;航行sale 售卖salt 盐same相同的(语)sand 沙子satisfaction 满足satisfactory 满意的,满足的satisfy 使满足/满意save 节俭;饶恕;救援say 说scale 刻度;规模scatter 飞溅,散射,散开scene 现场,场景school 学校science 科学scientific 科学的scientist 科学家scissors 剪刀screen 荧屏;屏蔽screw 螺丝,螺钉sea 大海search搜寻season 季节seat 座位second第二;秒secret 秘密secretary 秘书,书记see 看到seed 种子seem 像是,似乎sell 卖send 发送,派出sense 感觉,感知sensible 明智的;意识到的sensitive 敏感的sentence 句子separate adj. 分别的,各自separate v. (使)分开series 系列serious 严重的,严肃的servant 仆人serve 侍奉;上菜;作…用service 服务set n. 一套东西set v. 设定settle 解决;定居seven, -th 七,第七several 一些severe 严酷的sex 性别sexual 性(别)的shade 荫蔽处,暗处shadow 阴影shake 摇动shall 将shame 羞愧,惭愧shape 形状;形成share v. 分享sharp 尖锐的she 她sheep 绵羊sheet 纸张,羊皮shelf 架子shell 贝壳shelter 遮蔽,遮蔽处shine 照射shiny 阳光照耀的ship 船shirt 衬衫shock 震惊,冲击shocking 令人震惊的shoe 鞋shoot 射击shop 商店,车间shore 海滩,河滩short 短shot 射击,一击should 应该shoulder 肩shout 呼喊show 展现;给看show n. 表演shut 关上shy 害羞的,扭捏的sick 有病的,感觉难受的side 边,侧面sight 视力sign n. 迹象,症状signal 信号silence 沉默,安静silent 安静的,沈默的silk 丝绸,蚕丝similar 相似的,类似的simple 简单的since自从;既然sing 唱single 单一的,单身的singular 单数sink 下沉;洗涤槽sister 姐妹sit 坐situation 情形,场合six, sixth 六,第六size 大小,规格,尺寸skilful 有技巧的,高水平的skill 技巧,本领skin 皮肤skirt 裙子sky 天空sleep n. 睡觉sleep v. 睡觉slide 滑动,滑行slight 轻微的,些许的slippery 滑的slope 倾斜slow adj. 慢的small 小的smell 气味smell v. 闻…的气味;闻起来smile n. 微笑smile v. 微笑smoke n. 烟雾smoke v. 吸烟smooth 平滑的,光滑的snake 蛇snow 雪,下雪so 如此;因此soap 肥皂social 社会的society 社会sock 袜子soft 柔软soil 土壤soldier 士兵solid 固体;坚实的solution 解决办法solve 解决,溶解some 一些;某个somehow 不知何故someone 某人something 某物sometimes 有时somewhere 某处son 儿子song 歌soon 很快,不久sore 悲伤的,痛苦的sorry 难过的;对不起sort种类soul 灵魂sound 声音;听起来soup 汤sour 酸的,酸痛的south 南方southern 南方的space 空间,太空speak 说special 特别的specific 特定的speech 演讲speed n. 速度spell 拼读,拼写spend 花(钱、时间)spin 旋转spirit 精神split 分裂,裂解spoil (使)变质;损坏sport 运动spot n. 斑点spread 散布spring 春天;泉水square adj. 正直的,正方形的stage 阶段;舞台stair 梯级stamp邮票;盖章;践踏stand 站立;忍受standard 标准standard adj. 标准的star 星,恒星start n. 出发点,开端start v. 开始state n. 国家;状态state v. 陈述,声明,指出statement 陈述;断言station 车站stay 停留,逗留steady 稳固的,稳定steal 偷steam 蒸气steel 钢steep 陡峭的step n. 步伐;梯级step v. 行走,踏足于stick n. 枝条,棍子,手杖sticky 有粘性的stiff 坚硬的,呆板的still 仍然;静止的sting 叮,咬,蜇stitch 织,缝;织针,针步stomach 胃,肚子stone 石头;单粒的沙子stop n. 停止;停车站点stop v. 停止;阻止;防止store小商店,士多store v. 储存,贮藏storm 暴风雨,风暴story 故事straight adj. 笔直的,直率的straight adv. 笔直strange 陌生的,奇怪的stream 流,小河,溪流street 街道strength 力量strict 严格的,严厉的strike v. 棒揍,敲打;袭击string 线,铉strong 强壮的structure 结构struggle努力,奋斗,挣扎student 学生study n. 学习study v. 学习,研究stupid 愚蠢的style 风格,款式subject 科目,课题,受试者substance 物质;实质,本质succeed 成功success 成功successful 成功的such 如此的suck 吸,吮吸sudden 突然的suffer 遭受…痛苦,承受打击sugar 糖suggest 提议,建议;让人想到suit n. 套,组;套装,西装suit v. 适合于suitable 适当的sum 总数;和数summer 夏天sun 太阳supply n. 供应,供给supply v. 供应,提供,满足support n. 支持support v. 支持suppose 假如,假定sure 确信surface 表面surprise n. 吃惊,惊喜surprising 令人惊讶的surround v. 包围swallow 燕子;吞咽swear 发誓sweep 扫除;打扫sweet adj. 甜蜜的,漂亮的swell 肿胀,膨大swing 摇摆,挥动,挥舞sword 剑sympathetic 同情的,有同感的sympathy 同情,同感system 系统;制度;体制table 桌子tail 尾部;尾随,盯梢take 拿talk 谈话tall 高的taste 滋味;品尝味道tax 税taxi 出租车,计程车tea 茶teach 教team 队,小组tear n. 眼泪tear v. 撕烂technical 技术上的telephone 电话television 电视tell 告诉;辨别temper 脾性,脾气temperature 温度temporary 暂时的,一时的ten 十tend 倾向于;有…趋势tendency 趋向,天份,潮流tennis 网球; (table ~乒乓球)tense 时态tent 帐篷terrible 可怕的,严重的test n. 测试test v. 检测,测试than比较thank谢谢that 那个(语)the 这个,那个(语)theater, -re 戏院their 他/她/它们的them 他/她/它们then 然后;那时there 在那里(语)therefore 因此these 这些they 他/她/它们thick 厚的thief 小偷,贼thin 瘦的thing 事情,东西think 想,认为third 第三this 这(语)thorough 彻底的,完全的those 那些though 然而,可是thought 思想,想法thousand, -th 一千,第一千thread 线,索threat 威胁threaten 对…构成威胁threatening 有威胁的three 三throat 咽喉through 穿过throw 抛,扔,投,丢thumb 大拇指ticket 票tidy 整洁的,漂漂亮亮的tie n. 领带,绳索,带子tie v. 系紧,捆绑tight 紧的,不松动的time 时间,时代;定时tired 疲劳,累tiring 累人的title 名称,衔头to 去到,对着(语)tobacco 烟草,烟叶,香烟today 今天toe 脚趾头together 一起toilet 洗手间,盥洗室tomorrow 明天tongue 舌;(俗)语言tonight 今晚too 也;过于tool 工具tooth 牙齿top顶部top adj. 最高的total adj. 总的total n. 总额touch n. 接触touch v. 触摸tourist 旅游者,观光者towards 向着,对着(语)tower 塔,塔楼,高楼town 城镇toy 玩具track 轨道trade n. 贸易traditional 传统的traffic 交通train n. 火车train v. 训练training 训练translate 翻译transparent 透明的trap 陷阱;陷入困境travel n. 出行,旅游travel v. 旅行,出门去treat 处理,对付treatment 治疗tree 树tribe 部落,部族trick 技巧,骗术,花样trip 旅行过程tropical 热带的trouble 麻烦trousers 裤子true 真实的trust n. 信任trust v. 信任,相信truth 事实try 尝试tube 管子,筒tune 曲子,旋律;校对turn n. 轮换;当值turn v. 转动twice 两次type 类型;打字typical 典型的tyre, tire 轮胎ugly 丑陋的,难看的under 在…下方(语)understand 懂得,明白,了解underwear 内衣undo 解开,取消,破坏unexpected 意想不到的uniform 制服;统一的union 联盟unit 单位,单元unite 统一,使统一起来universe 宇宙university 大学unless 除非,如果不until 直到unusual 不寻常的,奇特的up 向上(语)upper 上面的upright 正直的,垂直的upset 烦乱的;烦躁的upside 上侧,上边,上端upstairs 搂上的,在楼上urgent 紧急的,紧迫的us 我们use使用use n. 用途,用法useful 有用的useless 没用的usual 平常的valley 山谷;流域valuable 有价值的,宝贵的value 价值variety 多样性various 各种的vegetable 蔬菜vehicle 交通工具verb 动词,谓语very 很,非常victory 胜利view n. 观点village 村庄violence 暴力violent 猛烈的;暴力的visit拜访,访问voice 声音vote n. 选票,表决vote v. 投票,选举vowel 元音wage 薪水,报酬waist 腰部wait 等候,等待wake 醒来,叫醒walk n. 散步walk v. 走路,散步wall 墙壁want 需要,要war 战争warm 温暖的warmth 温暖warn 警告warning 警告wash 洗,冲刷,淋洗waste adj. 无用的,废弃的waste n. 垃圾,废物waste v. 浪费watch n. 手表watch v. 观看,注意water n. 水wave n. 波动,浪way 道路;方法,手段we 我们weak 弱的wealth (指实业、房产等的)财富weapon 武器wear 穿;戴weather 天气weave 编织wedding 婚礼week 星期weekly 每周的;周报/刊weigh 重达,称重weight 重量welcome adj. 受欢迎的welcome v. 欢迎某人well adv. 好;非常well n. 井west 西方western 西方人wet 潮湿的;湿气what 什么whatever 无论什么wheat 小麦wheel 轮;方向盘;舵轮when 当…时候whenever 只要到了…时候,每当where 哪里whether 是否。

朗文定义词汇表(精简版)原来的Longman Defining Vocabulary共2193个词,是朗文词典在英英解释中所使用的最最最基础的单词,换句话来说,只要认识这2193个词,理论上,就能做到在英语世界里面词汇无障碍。
accordance n. 一致, 和谐; 授予; 符合; 给予ache v. 渴望; 觉得疼痛n. 疼痛acid n. 酸; 讥刺; 有酸味的东西; 迷幻药adj. 酸的, 有酸味的; 尖酸刻薄的; 酸性的; 敏锐的; 讽刺的afterwards adv. 后来地; 然后aim n. 瞄准; 目标, 目的; 瞄准的方向v. 瞄准; 对准, 瞄准; 意欲, 旨在, 致力altogether adv. 完全, 全然; 总而言之, 总之; 合计, 全部musing adv. 冥想地; 沉思地ankle n. 踝, 足踝; 踝关节ant n. 蚂蚁anxiety n. 忧虑, 焦虑, 焦虑的事anxious adj. 忧虑的, 渴望的, 热心的apart adv. 分别地; 分离; 分成零件apparatus n. 仪器, 器械; 器官; 设备, 装置; 机关, 机构, 政党组织arch n. 拱门, 弓形v. 使成弧形, 拱起, 使成弓形; 呈拱形覆盖; 形成弧形; 呈弧形移动adj. 调皮的, 淘气的; 为首的, 主要的arm n. 臂; 扶手; 臂状物; 杆#兵种v. 武装起来; 用武器装备; 提供, 配备armor n. 盔甲; 装甲部队; 装甲, 防护钢板; 保护层ash n. 灰, 灰烬; 废墟; 骨灰, 遗骸; 淡灰色#白蜡树atom n. 原子; 一点儿, 微量; 微小物awkward adj. 笨拙的backward adj. 向后的, 返回的, 反向的; 怕羞的, 畏缩的; 落后的, 发展迟缓的; 犹豫的adv. 向后地; 追溯; 相反地backwards adv. 向后; 往回, 向原处; 倒, 逆bare v. 使赤裸; 揭露; 露出; 透露adj. 赤裸的, 无遮蔽的, 极少的barrel n. 桶v. 装入桶内; 高速行进bathe n. 游泳v. 洗澡; 游泳; 日光浴; 沉浸; 沐浴, 用水洗beak n. 鸟嘴; 口; 喙状嘴; 鹰钩鼻; 治安法官, 治安推事beam n. 梁; 横梁; 桁; 秤杆, 天平横杆; 光线v. 照射, 照耀; 堆满笑容, 眉开眼笑; 以梁支撑; 将...对准; 用...照射; 流露, 发出bean n. 豆子, 可食用的豆类种子; (在爪哇因特网编程语言中) 用来演示一个明确任务的小应用程序v. 击...的头部bear v. 支持, 承受; 运送; 承担; 携带; 忍受, 压迫, 结果实v. 支持, 承受; 运送; 承担; 携带; 忍受, 压迫, 结果实n. 熊; 鲁莽的人; 似熊的动物; 笨拙的人beard n. 胡须, 山羊胡; 芒; 颌毛; 倒刺v. 使长胡须, 公开反对belt n. 带子; 地带v. 用皮带抽打; 用带标明; 用带捆住; 环绕bend n. 弯, 曲; 转弯处#俯; 弯腰, 行礼v. 使弯曲, 使屈服; 弯曲, 屈服berry v. 采莓果; 结莓果n. 莓果; 干果仁; 浆果; 干种子bind v. 捆, 绑; 包扎; 扎, 束; 装订; 粘结, 粘合; 装订; 过紧; 有约束力bite n. 咬, 叮; 便餐; 一口之量; 咬伤, 冻伤v. 咬; 叮, 蜇; 啃; 刺; 咬; 上钩; 叮; 上当bitter n. 苦味; 苦啤酒; 辛酸adj. 苦的; 怀恨的; 痛苦的blade n. 刀身, 剑身; 叶片, 叶身; 刀片; 叶片状物blame n. 责备, 指责; 责任v. 责备, 归咎于bless v. 祝福; 哎呀!我的天哪!; 保佑block n. 街区, 石块, 木块; 厚块; 障碍物; 一段, 为晚一些进行操作而作记号文字的一部分(计算机用语); 模具; 断头台, 绞架v. 阻塞, 使成块状, 封锁boil n. 沸腾; 翻滚; 煮沸#疖, 疮v. 沸腾, 滚, 开; 翻滚, 起泡; 煮熟; 激动, 激昂; 煮沸, 烧开; 使激动, 使发怒; 烹煮bomb n. 炸弹v. 轰炸, 投弹于; 轰炸, 投弹; 惨败border n. 边缘, 边沿; 边界, 国界, 边境; 饰边, 滚边; 应用视窗四面的框架(计算机用语) v. 与...接壤; 接近; 毗邻, 接界; 近似bottom n. 底; 下端; 底部; 屁股, 臀部v. 装底; 测量深浅; 查明真相; 基于, 根据; 降至最低点; 到达底部adj. 最低的; 最后的, 最下的bowels n. 肠, 内脏; 内部brass n. 黄铜; 黄铜制品, 铜器; 黄铜色; 铜管乐器breadth n. 宽度; 幅; 幅宽breed n. 品种; 种类, 类型v. 产, 孵; 养育; 使繁殖, 饲养; 培育; 生产; 繁殖, 育种; 孕育; 滋生, 产生brick n. 砖; 砖块状物; 砖块; 积木v. 用砖砌bright adj. 明亮的, 聪明的brown n. 褐色v. 使变成褐色; 变成褐色adj. 褐色的; 棕色的brush n. 刷, 刷子; 一刷, 一抹, 一拂#毛笔, 画笔#刷状物v. 刷; 画; 写; 擦掉, 推开, 拂去; 刷, 拂; 擦过, 掠过; 刷牙, 梳头发; 轻触, 擦到bucket n. 桶子, 屁股, 铲头v. 用桶提; 驾驶; 催拼命跑; 利用买空卖空; 下倾盆大雨; 乱跑; 急速行进, 驾车飞驶bullet n. 子弹; 弹夹, 枪的弹药; 放在一段文字前面作为强调的圆形符号(计算机用语) bunch n. 串, 扎v. 使成一串; 使打褶; 形成一串; 打褶; 突出, 隆起burst n. 破裂, 爆发, 突发v. 爆炸; 冲, 闯; 破裂; 突然出现; 使爆炸; 突然打开; 使破裂; 冲出bury v. 埋葬; 隐藏; 掩埋bush n. 灌木, 灌木丛; 乡村, 小镇; 未开垦的荒地; 蓬乱的头发butter n. 奶油, 黄油v. 涂奶油于, 以奶油调味; 以花言巧语讨好cage n. 鸟笼, 兽笼; 座厢; 起降机v. 关进笼内camera n. 照相机, 摄影机; 暗室camp n. 野营; 兵营; 营地; 帐篷#太过于做作而被认为可笑的东西v. 扎营; 露营; 宿营; 使扎营住宿; 临时安顿adj. 娘娘腔的; 搞同性恋的; 滑稽可笑的, 好玩的cap n. 无边帽, 帽子, 盖子#盖, 套, 罩v. 给...戴帽; 覆盖; 加盖于; 胜过captain n. 陆军上尉; 空军上尉; 海军上校; 船长; 首领v. 做首领cardboard n. 厚纸板carriage n. 马车, 四轮大马车; 儿童车, 婴儿车; 铁轨车; 运输; 在打印机上在下一页进机前做准备的机械(计算机用语); 大炮的基架; 走路, 走路的样子; 打字机的进纸处cart n. 二轮运货车; 小车, 手推车v. 用车装载castle n. 城堡, 棋子v. 置于城堡中, 筑城堡防御cattle n. 牛; 牲口, 家畜cent n. 分ceremony n. 仪式, 典礼; 形式; 礼仪, 礼节; 虚礼, 客套chain n. 链, 束缚, 连锁v. 用锁链拴住; 束缚; 拘禁chairperson n. 主席chalk n. 粉笔; 白垩v. 用粉笔写; 和以白垩charm n. 吸引力; 魅力; 魔力v. 迷住, 行魔法, 使陶醉; 用符咒; 有魔力chase n. 追逐; 追求; 追击; 打猎#狩猎地#槽, 沟; 管子槽, 暗管v. 追逐; 追踪; 追捕; 赶出, 驱逐; 追逐, 追赶; 追求; 追寻; 匆忙地走, 奔跑; 雕镂, 镂刻cheek n. 颊, 脸蛋, 厚颜v. 无礼地向...讲话; 对...无礼cheese n. 乳酪, 干酪; 扁圆的东西; 干酪状的东西#要人; 极好的东西v. 停止, 中止chest n. 胸腔; 箱; 胸膛chimney n. 烟囱; 灯罩chin n. 下巴; 下颚v. 用下巴夹住; 引体向上; 与...聊天; 聊天, 闲谈; 作引体向上动作clay n. 泥土, 粘土, 肉体clockwork n. 钟表的机械; 发条装置coal n. 煤, 木炭v. 给...加煤; 把...烧成炭; 上煤, 加煤coast n. 海岸; 滑坡v. 沿岸航行; 毫不费力地前进, 顺利进展; 滑行; 沿...岸航行collar n. 衣领, 颈间v. 给上领子; 抓住; 抓住...的领口; 逮捕comb n. 头梳, 鸡冠v. 用梳子梳理; 彻底搜查; 涌起compound n. 混合物; 复合物; 化合物; 复合字, 复合句#有围墙住宅群, 大院; 用围墙围起的场地, 院子v. 增加, 使恶化, 加重; 使化合; 使混合; 使合成; 妥协, 和解adj. 合成的, 混合的, 复合的concern n. 关心, 忧虑v. 涉及; 关系到concerning prep. 关于conscience n. 良心; 道德心conscious adj. 有意识的, 觉察的, 知觉的consonant n. 辅音; 辅音字母; 子音contents n. 内容contract n. 合约, 契约, 婚约v. 使缩短, 订约, 感染; 订约, 承包copper n. 铜; 铜币; 铜制品; 红铜色#警察v. 镀铜于; 覆以铜皮cord n. 绳索; 束缚v. 用绳子捆绑corn n. 小麦; 玉米; 谷物; 谷粒#鸡眼v. 使成粒状; 播种cotton n. 棉花; 棉线v. 和谐, 理解, 有好感cough n. 咳嗽v. 咳嗽; 咳出council n. 会议, 评议会, 地方议会cow n. 母牛; 母兽; 奶牛v. 恐吓, 威胁coward n. 懦弱的人; 胆小的人cowardly adj. 懦弱的, 胆小的, 卑怯的crack n. 裂缝, 爆裂声v. 爆裂, 发出爆裂声, 裂开; 使爆裂, 使破裂; 强行进入; 砸开, 砰地一声打开; 使霹啪作响adj. 最好的; 高明的cream n. 乳酪; 面霜; 奶油v. 结成乳脂; 结成乳脂状物; 把...打成乳脂状; 提取; 从提取乳脂; 选出creep n. 爬, 蠕动, 徐行v. 爬, 潜行, 蔓延cricket n. 蟋蟀#板球#搁脚木矮凳; 一按即发出唧唧声的金属小玩具cruel adj. 残酷的, 悲惨的cure n. 治疗; 疗法; 痊愈; 药v. 治愈; 纠正; 消除; 保存; 起治疗作用; 受治疗curl n. 卷毛, 卷发; 卷曲; 螺旋状物v. 使卷曲; 使卷起来; 缠绕; 卷曲; 缭绕curtain n. 帐, 窗帘, 幕v. 装帘子于, 遮掉dare n. 挑战, 大胆, 挑动v. 敢; 胆敢; 敢冒; 不惧daring n. 勇敢; 胆量adj. 大胆的deceit n. 欺骗; 谎言deceive v. 欺骗, 蒙蔽; 哄骗做; 欺诈, 行骗decimal n. 小数adj. 十进位的, 小数的declaration n. 宣告, 宣布, 说明declare v. 断言; 宣布; 宣称; 声明, 表示deer n. 鹿delicate adj. 细致优雅的, 美味的, 微妙的delight n. 高兴, 愉快v. 高兴; 取乐; 喜爱; 使高兴, 乐于deliver v. 递送; 释放; 陈述; 投递; 传送; 送货; 履行, 实现descend v. 下降, 屈尊, 传下; 下降desert n.沙漠; 荒野#应得的赏罚, 功过v.从...开小差; 抛弃; 擅离; 遗弃; 逃掉; 开小差; 逃亡desire n. 欲望, 要求v. 想要, 请求devil n. 魔王; 魔鬼, 恶魔; 撒旦; 恶棍v. 折磨, 困扰dip n.浸泡; 倾斜; 蘸湿; 下沉v.浸; 把伸入; 泡; 舀取, 汲出; 浸一下; 倾斜; 下沉, 下降; 舀, 掏discourage v. 使气馁, 阻碍discouragement n. 气馁; 劝阻; 挫折dismiss v. 解散; 开除; 下课distance n. 距离; 远处; 路程; 冷淡, 疏远v. 把...远远甩在后面; 使疏远distant adj. 远的; 疏远的; 关系远的ditch n. 沟渠v. 在...开沟; 掘沟; 作水上迫降doorway n. 门口dot n. 点, 小圆点; 微小的东西; 点状物; 少量, 一点儿#嫁妆; 妆奁v. 打点于, 在...上打点; 星罗棋布于; 用点构成; 布满; 打点, 加点drag n. 拖; 拉; 阻碍; 拖累; 纠缠不休; (计算机用语) 按键和压下鼠标器按钮并移动鼠标; 反作用力(比如反向飞机运动的力量) v. 拉, 拖; 用拖网等在...打捞; 拖着行进; 耙; 拖曳; 拖沓地进行; 慢吞吞地行进; 用拖网等打捞drop n. 滴, 落下, 微量v. 滴下; 掉下; 落下; 下降; 使滴下, 丢失, 放下drown v. 淹没; 溺死; 浸没; 沉没drum n. 鼓, 鼓声v. 击鼓; 作鼓声; 打鼓奏drunk n. 醉汉, 酒鬼; 酒宴, 闹饮adj. 喝醉了的duck n. 鸭子#迅速低头; 躲避; 迅速弯身#帆布; 帆布裤子; 粗布#亲爱的人, 宝贝儿; 零分v. 突然低下; 躲避; 将...按入; 回避; 迅速低头; 闪避; 迅速弯身; 躲避dust n. 灰尘, 粉末, 尘埃v. 拂去灰尘, 弄成粉末, 撒; 掸掉灰尘; 变得灰扑扑; 打扫;喷撒农药elbow n. 手肘, 扶手, 急弯v. 用肘推, 挤进; 用肘挤着前进enclose v. 围绕, 装入, 放入封套enclosure n. 附件, 围绕, 围墙entertain v. 娱乐, 怀抱, 招待; 款待, 请客entertainment n. 款待; 娱乐表演; 娱乐explode v. 爆炸, 激发, 爆发; 使爆炸eyelid n. 眼皮; 眼睑faint n. 昏晕; 昏倒v. 昏倒, 变得微弱adj. 微弱的, 模糊的, 无力的fair n. 女人; 情人; 美女; 美好的事物#集市, 庙会; 博览会; 商品展览会; 义卖会adj. 公正的; 诚实的; 公平的; 尚可的, 一般的adv. 公平地, 公正地; 清楚地; 正面地, 直接地fairy n. 仙女, 精灵adj. 仙女的false adj. 错误的; 假的; 虚伪的fame n. 名望, 传说fancy n. 想象力, 喜好, 幻想v. 想象, 相信, 设想adj. 想像的, 新奇的, 精美的fate n. 天数; 运气; 命运fear n. 恐怖; 担心; 害怕v. 害怕, 畏惧; 恐怕; 担心; 猜想; 害怕; 感到忧虑feather n. 羽毛v. 用羽毛装饰; 长羽毛fellow n. 人, 同事, 朋友adj. 同伴的; 同道的; 同事的fence n. 围墙, 剑术, 栅栏v. 用篱笆围住; 防护; 练习剑术; 击剑, 搪塞fever n. 发烧; 热病; 发热v. 使发烧; 使狂热; 使高度兴奋; 发烧; 狂热; 高度兴奋fireplace n. 壁炉firm n. 商号, 公司, 商行v. 使稳固; 使确定下来; 使牢固; 变牢固; 变坚实adj. 稳固的; 结实的; 牢固的; 坚定的, 坚决的adv. 稳固地; 牢固地flag n. 旗, 旗帜, 三角旗; 铺路石; 任何有细长树叶的植物(比如茸尾属植物, 蓝旗等);鸟脚上的一丛羽毛; 给特殊资料做标记的特别记号(计算机用语)v. 在...上竖旗子; 打旗号等使停下; 打旗号表示; 无力地下垂; 衰退, 低落; 萎垂; 铺石板flame n. 火焰, 热情, 火舌v. 燃烧, 起火, 火焰, 闪耀, 发光; 激动, 暴跳如雷; 在因特网上发送恐吓和使人不愉快的电子信件(计算机用语)flat n. 平面, 平坦部分; 浅滩; 沼地; 泄了气的轮胎#一层; 公寓大楼; 公寓房间adj. 平的, 平坦的; 平伏的, 平卧的; 浅的; 泄了气的adv. 平直地, 仰卧地; 恰恰, 正好; 以降调; 断然地flesh n. 肉, 肉体, 肉欲v. 用肉喂养; 使长肉, 使肥; 长肉, 发胖float n. 漂流物; 漂浮; 浮舟v. 浮动; 散播; 飘浮; 使漂浮; 淹没; 容纳flour n. 面粉, 碎粉, 粉沫v. 撒粉于; 把...磨成粉fold n. 折叠; 褶层; 褶, 褶痕; 团#羊栏; 羊群; 畜栏; 教会的信徒v. 折叠; 交叠, 交叉; 对折; 合拢; 可以折叠; 失败, 关闭, 垮台; 可以对折; 把...关进羊栏forehead n. 额, 前部, 前额fork n. 叉子, 分岔, 草叉v. 使成叉状; 耙; 叉起; 分歧, 分叉fort n. 堡垒, 要塞, 易货站frame n. 框; 体格; 结构; 身体构造; 情绪; 胶卷上的照片; (因特网用语) 包括头尾区域"数据封包" 的协议v. 构成; 制定; 设计; 有成功希望freeze n. 结冰, 凝固v. 冻结, 楞住, 冷冻; 使结冰, 使呆住, 使冻住frighten adj. 受惊的; 受恐吓的frightening adj. 令人恐惧的; 引起突然惊恐的gain n. 获得; 获利; 增加; 获得物v. 得到; 使得到; 获得, 赢得; 增加, 增添; 获利, 赚钱; 取得进展; 得益; 得到改善garment n. 衣服, 外表, 衣装gentle n. 出身高贵的人; 蛆adj. 温和的; 文雅的v. 使温和; 爱抚; 使驯服glue n. 胶, 胶水; 粘着剂v. 胶合; 粘合; 粘贴grace n. 优雅, 慈悲, 风度v. 使优美graceful adj. 优美的grain n. 谷物; 谷粒; 谷类v. 使成粒状; 对粒面进行处理; 使深深渗入; 成粒状, 结晶gram n. 克#鹰嘴豆; 绿豆; 双花扁豆grand n. 平台式钢琴, 大钢琴; 一千英镑; 一千美元adj. 壮观的, 神气活现的, 显赫的gray n. 灰色; 灰色衣服; 灰色颜料; 暗淡的光线v. 变灰色adj. 灰色的; 灰白头发的; 偏灰的; 苍白的hairy adj. 多毛的, 长毛的, 毛状的hall n. 门厅, 会堂, 走廊hammer n. 锤, 钉锤, 铁锤v. 锤打, 钉, 敲打; 锤击; 敲打; 锤打; 反复强调hasty adj. 匆匆的, 急忙的, 轻率的hollow n. 洞; 山谷; 窟窿v. 挖空; 弄凹; 形成空洞adj. 空的; 空腹的; 虚伪的holy adj. 神圣的, 至善的, 圣洁的honorable adj. 可敬的; 光荣的; 荣誉的hook n. 钩, 镰刀, 钩状v. 挂...于钩上, 引上钩, 钩住; 弯成钩状, 钩紧hunt n. 狩猎, 搜寻, 追捕v. 狩猎, 搜索, 打猎; 打猎; 搜寻; 猎食hut n. 小屋, 临时军营, 茅舍icy adj. 多冰的; 结满冰的; 覆盖着冰的; 冰冷的infect v. 传染; 感染infection n. 传染, 传染病, 影响infectious adj. 有传染性的; 有感染力的; 易传染的inquire v. 询问; 调查; 讯问; 调查; 查问inquiry n. 质询; 调查inwards adv. 向内; 向家里; 向中心; 向国内jaw n. 颚; 下巴; 颌v. 闲聊, 唠叨; 责骂, 数说jealous adj. 嫉妒的, 留心的, 羡慕的jealousy n. 妒忌, 羡慕, 猜忌jelly n.果冻, 胶状物, 果冻甜食v.使结冻, 使成胶状; 在...上加胶冻物; 冻结; 成胶状; 凝结jewel n. 珠宝, 镶珠宝的饰物, 贵重的物v. 用宝石装饰jewelry n. 珠宝; 首饰joint n. 连接处, 关节, 接合v. 连接; 使有接头; 接合adj. 共同的; 连接的; 联合的juice n. 汁, 体液, 活力v. 使有精神; 使有趣; 使活跃; 从...榨汁kneel v. 跪下knot n. 结; 蝴蝶结; 缠绕; 钩住; 打结; 海上的度量单位; 膨胀; 组; 复杂的问题; 海上的距离, 海里(航行用- 相当于6076 英尺) v. 把...打结; 使密切结合; 捆扎; 打结ladder n. 梯, 进身的阶梯v. 袜子抽丝; 装设梯子lamb n. 小羊; 羔羊v. 产羔羊lamp n. 灯leaf n. 叶, 花瓣, 树叶v. 生叶; 翻书页; 匆匆翻阅lean n. 倾斜; 倾向#瘦肉v. 倚靠; 依赖; 倾斜; 使倾斜; 把...靠在adj. 无脂肪的, 精瘦的; 贫瘠的; 瘦的; 贫乏的leather n. 皮革; 皮革制品v. 覆以皮革, 抽打, 鞭苔adj. 皮的; 皮革制的lid n. 盖子; 眼睑; 限制lightning n. 闪电adj. 闪电的; 闪电似的limb n. 肢; 脚; 臂; 翼#边缘; 叶边; 刻度圈, 分度弧v. 肢解; 从截去树枝; 给...截肢lion n. 狮子; 名人; 勇猛的人; 社交场合的明星lip n. 嘴唇; 口; 唇的周围; 唇状物liter n. 公升loaf n. 面包; 头脑, 脑袋; 圆锥形糖块; 长方形糕状菜肴v. 游荡, 闲逛; 懒散地工作lodging n. 寄宿, 借宿; 寄宿舍; 住所, 寓所; 租住的房间lodgings n. 寄宿; 借宿log n. 圆木; 日志; 对数; (计算机用语) 电脑或两台电脑之间出现的操作记录; 重东西v. 伐; 把锯成段木; 采伐的林木; 把...记入航海日志; 伐木lord n. 贵族; 领主, 君主; 统治者; 巨头, 大王v. 作威作福lump n. 团, 块; 小方块; 隆起, 肿块; 方v. 把...弄成一团; 把...混为一谈; 把...归并到一起; 笨重地移动; 结块; 笨重地行走; 起疙瘩; 沉重地坐下adj. 成块状的; 整个儿的, 总共的lung n. 肺, 空地, 肺脏mad adj. 疯狂的, 愚蠢的, 生气的mass n. 块; 质量; 大多数v. 使集合, 集中; 聚集adj. 群众的; 集中的; 大规模的master n. 主人, 母机, 硕士v. 征服; 精通; 控制adj. 主人的, 主要的mat n. 地席; 擦鞋垫; 草席; 垫子#无光表面; 无光毛面加工器v. 给...铺上席子; 使缠结; 缠结; 给配衬边adj. 无光泽的, 暗淡的; 表面粗糙的, 不光滑的melt v. 融化; 溶化; 熔化; 溶解; 使融化; 使溶解; 使熔化; 使软化mend n. 改进, 修补处, 改良v. 修改; 加快; 改进; 渐愈; 改过; 好转; 改善merry adj. 快乐的, 嬉戏作乐的, 愉快的metric adj. 公尺的; 韵律的; 公制的; 诗韵的mineral n. 矿物, 苏打水, 无机物adj. 矿物的, 矿质的; 无机的minister n. 部长, 公使, 牧师v. 服侍, 主持圣事, 救助motor n. 马达, 汽车, 原动力; 发动机, 电动机v. 驾驶汽车; 乘汽车; 推动, 以汽车载运adj. 马达的, 发动的, 汽车的mud n. 泥, 诽谤multiply v. 乘, 使相乘; 使繁殖; 使增加; 增加; 做乘法; 繁殖murder n. 谋杀v. 谋杀; 凶杀; 杀人, 犯杀人罪nail v. 用钉钉牢, 使集中于, 使固定n. 钉子, 指甲nasty adj. 污秽的, 险恶的, 下流的naval adj. 海军的, 有舰队的, 军舰的navy n. 海军, 海军军力, 海军人员neat adj. 整洁的; 工整的; 整齐的; 匀称的, 样子好的neck n. 脖子, 颈, 衣领v.搂着脖子亲吻; 变狭窄; 变细; 与...搂着脖子亲吻; 使变窄, 使变细nerve n. 神经; 忧虑, 焦躁; 神经过敏; 勇敢, 胆量v. 鼓起勇气nervous adj. 神经紧张的, 神经的, 不安的nest n. 巢, 休息所, 窝v. 筑巢, 找鸟巢; 造巢, 使套入noble n. 贵族adj. 高尚的, 高贵的, 贵族的nobleman n. 贵族noun n. 名词obedience n. 服从, 顺从; 辖区; 权威, 管辖; 辖区教徒obedient adj. 服从的, 孝顺的, 顺从的offend v. 冒犯; 伤害...的感情; 触怒; 使不舒服; 违反; 犯罪; 犯过错; 引起不舒服offense n. 罪过; 过错; 犯法; 冒犯offensive n. 进攻, 攻势adj. 讨厌的, 攻击性的, 无礼的onion n. 洋葱ordinary adj. 平常的, 平凡的, 普通的n. 推事ought v. 应当; 应该outer adj. 外部的, 在外的, 外面的owe v. 欠, 感激, 受到...的思想; 欠钱owing to 由于; 因...之缘故packet n. 储存器; 小包; 封套; 很多钱(俚语); (计算机用语) 通过网络传送的一包信息(包括发送人的地址和改错信息)pale n. 尖板条, 尖桩; 围起的地方, 围场; 界限, 范围; 管区, 辖区v. 用栅栏把...围起来; 使苍白, 使黯淡; 变苍白; 显得逊色; 变黯淡; 相形见绌adj. 苍白的, 灰白的; 微弱的, 暗淡的; 淡的pan n. 平底锅; 选矿锅; 秤盘; 盆地, 洼地#槟榔叶; 提神咀嚼物v. 淘洗; 严厉地批评; 淘; 烧; 淘金; 出金, 产金; 摇镜头; 摇摄; 使摇摄parallel n. 平行, 相匹敌之物, 对比v. 与...平行, 相比, 与...相似adj. 平行的, 相似的parcel n. 小包, 包裹; 一批, 一群; 一块, 一片; 一宗v. 打包, 捆扎parliament n. 国会, 议会participle n. 分词pastry n. 面粉糕饼, 馅饼皮pattern n. 花样, 图案; 格局; 形态, 样式; 样品, 样本v.模仿, 以图案装饰, 仿造; 形pence n. 便士名词penny的复数形式pencil n. 铅笔, 画笔, 色笔v. 用铅笔写或涂persuade v. 劝, 说服, 使相信pet n. 供玩赏的动物, 宠物; 宝贝; 宠儿#愠怒, 不开心adj. 作为玩赏动物豢养的; 表示亲昵的; 宠物的; 得意的v. 把...当作宠儿; 抚弄, 爱抚; 钟爱, 宠爱; 抚摸调情; 生气, 不开心pile n. 堆; 大量; 一堆; 大数目#柱, 桩#绒毛; 软毛, 茸毛v. 堆积, 叠; 把...堆在;累积; 装; 堆积; 拥, 挤; 累积; 把桩打入; 用桩支撑pilot n. 飞行员, 航船者, 领航员v.领航, 引导, 驾驶adj.引导的; 试验性的, 试点的; 导向的pin n. 大头针, 别针, 针; 大钉, 栓; 芯片上或电插销上的金属叉状物v. 钉住, 阻止, 别住pink n. 石竹; 粉红色, 桃红色; 红瞿麦; 最佳状态v. 刺, 戳, 扎; 在上打饰孔; 刺伤, 刺痛; 把剪成锯齿形adj. 粉红色的; 有点左倾的, 有点激进的; 桃红色的; 面红耳赤的pipe n. 管; 烟斗, 抽烟的管子; 导管, 气管; 笛子; 口哨; 口哨的声音, 嘟嘟声; 指导操作系统引导一个程序输出到另一个程序输入的符号(计算机用语) v. 以管输送, 吹哨子; 吹笛, 尖叫pity n. 憾事, 同情, 怜悯v. 怜悯; 同情; 可怜plain n. 平原, 草原adj. 简单的, 平常的, 明白的adv. 清楚地plate n. 盘子, 图版, 金属板v. 镀金, 给...装钢板, 电镀plural n. 复数adj. 复数的, 复性的, 两个以上的pocket n. 口袋; 财力; 钱; 贮藏器, 囊, 容器v. 装...在口袋里, 据为己有, 隐藏adj. 袖珍的; 钱的; 小型的; 零星花用的poem n. 诗poet n. 诗人poetry n. 诗, 韵文, 诗歌; 诗歌艺术; 作诗技巧; 诗意, 诗趣, 诗情pole n. 极; 电极; 地极区域, 极地; 磁极#杆; 竿; 柱v. 用杆支撑; 用篙撑; 用竿跳; 撑篙port n. 港, 机场, 航空站, 货物和乘客的入口; 是港口的城市, 港市; 船或飞机的左边; 端口, 把外部装置连接到计算机的界面(计算机用语); 从一个站台到另一个站台的程序传送(计算机用语)n. 港; 机场, 航空站; 港市, 口岸; 避风港, 避难场所#左舷#舷窗;枪眼, 炮眼; 舱口; 汽门, 风门v. 转向左; 转舵向左; 持, 握; 双手斜持possess v. 拥有, 持有; 占有; 具有; 懂得, 掌握possession n. 拥有; 所有物; 占有; 财产pot n. 罐; 锅; 壶; 一罐之量#坑v. 把...放在罐里; 向...射击; 把...栽在花盆里; 乱射;pound n. 磅; 镑; 英镑; 英镑的汇率#重击; 重击声#动物收容所, 走失动物认领栏; 汽车扣押场; 牲畜栏; 拘留处, 监禁所v. 捣碎; 敲打; 猛击; 灌输; 猛击; 剧跳; 敲打; 脚步沉重地走; 把关在栏内; 拘留, 监禁; 扣押powder n. 粉, 火药, 粉末v. 搽粉于, 使成粉末, 撒粉; 搽粉, 变成粉末presence n. 出席, 存在, 到场pretty adj. 漂亮的, 优美的, 可爱的adv. 相当, 颇v. 使漂亮; 美化; 使可爱prickly adj. 多刺的, 针刺般扎痛的, 满是针的pride n. 自豪, 骄傲, 自尊v. 使得意, 以...自豪priest n. 牧师, 僧侣, 神父prince n. 王子, 亲王; 贵族, 侯, 公; 国君; 巨子, 泰斗prison n. 监狱; 拘留所; 监禁provision n. 供应; 防备; 预备; 食物v. 向...供应粮食pump n. 泵, 唧筒; 抽吸; 一抽, 一吸#无带轻便舞鞋; 无带浅口有跟女鞋v. 用唧筒抽; 打; 用唧筒抽吸...中的水等; 为...打气; 使用唧筒; 一阵阵喷出; 唧筒似地运动purple n. 紫色adj. 紫色的, 华而不实的, 帝王的quarrel n. 争吵; 吵闹; 不和; 争吵的原因#方镞箭; 方形玻璃v. 吵架; 挑剔; 争论quarter n. 四分之一; 季度; 四等分之一; 一刻钟v. 把...四等分; 使驻扎; 供...住宿; 住宿; 驻扎rank n. 等级; 社会阶层; 地位, 身份; 军阶, 军衔v. 排列, 把...排成行; 把...评级; 把...分等; 等级高于; 列为; 列队行进; 列队; 处于最高地位adj. 繁茂的; 讨厌的; 恶臭的rat n. 鼠; 叛徒; 卑鄙小人; 告密者; 讨厌的人v. 捕鼠; 密告; 背叛refusal n. 拒绝, 优先决定权, 推却related adj. 有关的, 相关的; 有密切联系的; 有亲戚关系的; 讲述的, 叙述的remark n. 备注, 注意, 评论v. 评论, 谈及, 注意; 谈论, 议论; 评论rent n. 租金, 租费; 出租的财产#裂缝, 破洞v. 租用, 租入; 租出; 出租represent v. 描绘, 表现; 表示; 象征; 作为...的代表representative n. 代表, 典型, 众议员adj. 描写的, 代理的, 表现的republic n. 共和国, 团体, 共和政体request n. 请求, 请愿, 需要v. 请求, 邀请, 要求respect n. 敬重, 尊敬; 尊重, 重视, 注重; 敬意, 问候; 关系v. 尊敬, 敬重; 遵守; 尊重, 重视; 顾及respectful adj. 恭敬的; 尊敬人的, 尊重人的responsible adj. 有责任的, 责任重大的, 负责的rid v. 使免除; 从...清除; 使摆脱ring n. 圈; 环形物; 环; 戒指#铃声, 钟声; 语气; 按铃, 敲钟; 口气v. 包围; 使成环形; 围住; 成环形; 按铃; 敲钟; 摇铃; 鸣, 响; 按; 敲; 摇; 打电话给ripe adj. 熟的, 时机成熟的, 成熟的rock n. 岩, 磐石, 岩石; 冰糖; 石块, 石子; 棒棒糖#摇动; 摇滚舞, 摇滚乐v. 摇, 振动, 摆动; 奏摇滚乐, 跳摇滚舞; 摇动; 使震惊; 使摇晃rod n. 竿, 小枝, 笞鞭roll n. 卷, 名单, 滚动v. 滚, 飘流, 滚动; 使滚动, 绕, 卷roof n. 屋顶; 车顶; 顶部v. 盖屋顶, 遮蔽root n. 根; 根菜类; 地下茎; 根部v. 生根; 根源在于, 来源于; 固定; 使生根; 使固定; 使扎根; 根除; 用鼻拱翻; 搜寻; 用鼻拱土; 搜寻; 翻找; 打气; 声援; 喝彩rope n. 绳, 绞刑; 栏索; 一串v.捆, 缚, 扎; 用绳索套捉; 用绳捆起; 拧成绳状; 产生丝状黏质rough n. 高低不平的地面; 未加工状态; 深草区; 粗制品v. 使不平, 使粗糙; 粗制; 使蓬乱; 草拟, 画...的轮廓adj. 粗糙的, 草率的, 粗暴的adv. 粗糙地, 粗暴地row n. 列, 排; 街, 路; 座位; 行#划船v. 使成排, 划船, 划; 划船; 划船过去; 划;划船运送royal adj. 王室的, 盛大的, 皇家的rub n. 摩擦, 障碍, 困难v. 擦, 摩擦, 搓; 摩擦, 擦破rubber n. 橡胶; 橡胶制品; 合成橡胶; 橡皮套鞋#三局胜负制rude adj. 粗鲁无礼的, 粗暴的, 粗陋的rush n. 匆促; 急流; 冲进#灯心草v. 冲; 闯; 奔; 使冲; 突袭; 匆忙地做sail n. 帆, 蓬; 帆状物; 乘船航行, 乘船游览v. 航行, 游览; 飞行; 启航, 开船; 浮游; 在...上航行; 飞过; 飘过; 驾驶sale n. 卖, 出售; 营业; 销售业务; 推销scale n. 刻度; 刻度尺; 尺度; 比率#天平, 秤; 天平盘, 秤盘#鳞, 鱼鳞; 鳞状物; 介壳; 障眼物v. 攀登; 向上; 称重; 根据某比率来做; 刮去鳞片; 用石膏盖起来的; 把某物的尺寸改变; 调节图片的尺寸, 重新定图片的尺寸(计算机用语)scatter n. 消散; 溃散; 分散; 散播v. 使消散, 撒, 使分散; 消散; 溃散; 分散; 零落地出现scene n. 一场; 场面; 一个镜头; 事件scissors n. 剪刀screw n. 螺钉, 螺丝钉; 螺旋状物; 螺栓, 螺杆; 螺旋形, 螺旋体v. 旋, 拧; 固定; 操纵, 调节; 扭歪; 转动; 旋, 拧; 做螺旋形转动; 压榨secrecy n. 秘密, 保密sensation n. 感觉, 知觉; 轰动, 激动; 感觉能力, 知觉作用; 轰动的事件sense n. 感官; 感觉; 官能; 意识v. 感到, 认识, 理解sensible adj. 有感觉的, 明智的, 有判断力的servant n. 仆人, 雇工, 佣人; 事务员; 公务员, 公仆; 献身于神者settle n. 有背的长凳v. 决定, 安放, 整理; 坐下; 停息; 安顿下来; 下沉sew v. 缝合; 缝入; 缝上; 缝制; 缝, 做针线活shade n. 荫, 荫凉处, 阴暗; 遮光物v. 遮蔽, 使渐变, 使阴暗; 逐渐变化shake n. 摇动, 震动v. 摇动, 使震动, 动摇; 摇动; 发抖; 震动; 握手sharp n. 高调, 利刃, 内行v. 提高半音; 升音演唱adj. 锐利的, 明显的, 锋利的adv. 整, 急速地, 锐利地sheet n. 床单; 帆; 一张, 薄片, 薄板; 折帖#帆脚索v. 给...铺上被单; 覆盖; 用裹尸布包裹; 使成大片; 滂沱般落下; 成片展开; 成片流动shelf n. 架子, 搁板shell n. 贝壳; 一种动物的硬壳; 坚硬的保护层, 套子; 盔甲; 炸药筒, 爆破装置; 为操作系统提供方便的使用者界面的软件(计算机用语) v. 去壳, 炮轰, 脱落; 剥落, 脱壳shelter n. 遮盖物; 避难所; 躲避处; 掩蔽, 遮蔽v. 掩蔽, 遮蔽; 保护; 庇护; 躲避; 避难shield n. 盾; 庇护者; 保护者; 防护物v. 保护; 庇护; 保卫; 包庇; 起保护作用shine n. 光, 光亮; 光彩; 光泽; 磨光, 擦亮v. 照耀, 发亮, 发光; 使发光shopkeeper n. 零售商, 老板, 店主shore n. 岸, 滨; 涨潮线与退潮线中间的土地; 陆地#支柱, 撑柱v. 支撑; 支持shot n. 射击, 开枪; 射门; 枪声; 投篮adj. 摆脱了的; 织成杂色的; 结束了的; 精疲力尽的shoulder n. 肩, 侧翼, 肩部v. 肩负, 担任, 负担; 用肩推挤。

朗文词典词汇说明S1/S2/S3分别表示该词属于英语口语中最为常用的1000/2000/3000/词W1/W2/W3分别表示该词属于英语书面语中最为常用的1000/2000/3000/词AC表示该词属于在英语环境中学习或撰写学术文章时需要掌握的重要词汇考研表示该词属于考研词汇范围高考表示该词属于高考词汇范围六级表示该词属于六级词汇范围四级表示该词属于四级词汇范围词性对照说明a/adj形容词ad/adv副词article冠词au某iliary 助动词conj/conjection连词determiner限定词interjection感叹词indefinite不定n(=noun)名词number数词phrv(=phraalverb)短语动词pl(=plural)复数形式poeive所有格predeterminer前位限定词prefi某前缀prep介词pron代词quantifier数量词,量词uffi某后缀verb动词[C]countable可数名词:有单数也有复数形式的名词[U]uncountable不可数名词:没有复数形式,不可计数的名词[I]intranitive不及物动词:不带宾语的动词[T]tranitive及物动词:带宾语的动词,宾语可以是名词短语,也可以是从句[ingular单数]只用单数、没有复数形式的名词[plural复数]只用复数、没有单数形式的名词[linkingverb连系动词]后接描写主语的名词补语或形容词补语的动词[alway+adv/prep]表示某个动词后面必须跟一个副词或介词[notinprogreive不用进行式]表示某个动词不能用于进行式,即不能用be+-ing的形式[onlybeforenoun仅用于名词前]表示某个形容词只能用于名词之前[notbeforenoun不用于名词前]表示某个形容词不能用于名词之前[onlyafternoun仅用于名词后]表示某个形容词只能紧跟在名词之后[entenceadverb句子副词]表示某个副词修饰整个句子[alo+pluralverbbrE英国英语中亦可用复数动词]表示某个集合名词在英国英语中可以用复数动词pt(=pattene)过去式pp(=patparticiple)过去分词THES(=theauru)词语辨析RELTD(=relatedword)相关词SYN(=ynonym)近义词OPP(=oppoite)反义词。

-朗文2000解释用词The Longman Defining Vocabulary 2000说明:本词汇表根据"朗文当代英语辞典"〔Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English〕〔外语教学与研究,1997年版〕第B16~B22页的词汇表编辑而成。
a 一个,*个〔语〕abbreviation 缩写ability 能力able 有能力的,能干的about 关于;大约;到处〔语〕above 在上方〔语〕above a. 上面的,前述的abroad 在国外absence 缺席accept 承受acceptable 可承受的,尚可的accident 事故accidental 偶然的according to 依照account 考虑;achieve 达成,实现achievement 成就acid 酸across 越过;对面〔语〕across adv.〔语〕act 行为,表现;法规act v. 行动action 行动,动作active 活泼的activity 活动actor 演员actress 女演员actual 真实的actually 实际上add 增加;补充说addition 附加,加法additional 附加的address 地址adjective 目标,目的admiration 羡慕,爱慕,崇拜admire 崇拜,爱慕admit 成认adult 成人adult adj. 成人的advanced 先进的,高级的adventure 冒险〔事业〕;投机adverb 副词advertise 〔做〕广告advertisement 广告advice 忠告advise 劝告affair 事件,桃色新闻affect 影响afford 负担;买得起afraid 害怕after 在…之后〔语〕afternoon 下午afterwards 然后,以后again 再一次against 对着,反对〔语〕age 年龄ago 以前agree 同意agreement 协议ahead 向前,前方aim 目标;瞄准air 空气aircraft 飞机airport 飞机场alcohol 酒精alive 活着的-all 所有的〔语〕allow 允许almost 几乎alone 单独〔语〕along 沿着;和…一起〔语〕alphabet 字母表,字母顺序already 已经also 也although 虽然always 总是among 在…之间〔语〕amount 数量amuse 娱乐,使觉得有趣amusement 娱乐,消遣amusing 好笑的,有趣的an 一个,*个〔语〕ancient 古代的and 和;而;又〔语〕anger 生气,愤怒angle 角angry 生气的animal 动物announce 宣布annoy 激怒,生气annoying 气人的another 另一个,再一次〔语〕answer 答案;答复answer v.答复an*iety 焦虑an*ious 忧虑的any 任何,一些〔语〕anyone 任何人anything 任何事anywhere 无论何处apart 分开〔语〕apartment 公寓appear 出现;显得象appearance 外表,样貌apple 苹果approval 赞成approve 赞同;允许,批准area 区域,地区argue 争论argument 争论,论据arm 手臂army 军队around 环绕,大约〔语〕arrange 安排,排列arrangement 安排arrival 抵达arrive 到达art 艺术article 文章;冠词artificial 人工的,非真实的as 象;当…时;因为〔语〕as opposed to 比照,比照ashamed 难堪的;难过的ask 问;请求asleep 睡着的association 协会;联合at 在*点上〔语〕atom 原子attack 攻击attempt 尝试attend 参加,出席;关心attention 注意attitude 态度attract 吸引attractive 有吸引力的authority 权威,官方autumn 秋天available 可得的average 平均值;平常的avoid 防止awake 醒着的away 离开〔语〕awkward 怔住,噎住;难受baby 婴儿,宝贝back后面;回〔语〕back adj. 后面的 adj. background 背景bad 坏的bag 袋子bake 烘,烤balance 平衡;使平衡ball 球band 乐团;宽大的带子-bank 银行;河岸bar 棒;酒吧base n. 基地basic 根本的basket 蓝子bath 沭浴battle 战斗be 是;存在〔语〕beach 海滩beak 鸟嘴,水壶口beam 横梁,光束bean 大豆,豆子bear v. 忍受beat 打,击beautiful 美丽的beauty 美女because 因为bee 变成bed 床beer 啤酒before 在…之前〔语〕begin 开场beginning 起点;初级的behave 举止behavior 行为behind 在…后面〔语〕belief 信念believe 相信bell 铃belong 属于below 在…下面belt 带子;区带bend 弯曲beneath 在…之下beside 在…旁边besides 除…以外best 最好的better 比拟好的between 在两者之间〔语〕beyond 在……以外;超出bicycle 自行车big 大的;胖的bill 帐单bird 鸟birth 出生bit 一点点bitter 苦的black 黑色blade 刀面,刀身;叶片blame 责骂;过失blind 盲的;使…看不见block 封锁blood 血blow 风吹;打击blue 蓝色board 板;董事会boat 船body 身体boil 烧煮,煮开,沸腾bomb 炸弹bone 骨头book 书boot 长靴border 边界,边缘bored 对…感到厌烦的boring 烦闷的,讨厌的born 出生borrow 借来both 两者〔的〕bottle 瓶子bottom 底部bowl 碗bo* 盒子,箱子boy 男孩brain 脑branch 部门brave 勇敢的,大胆的bread 面包break打破breakfast 早餐breast 乳房breath 呼吸breathe 呼吸breed 养育,育种brick 砖块,砖块状物bridge 桥bright 明亮的bring 带来,引起〔语〕broad 宽广的broadcast 播送-brother 兄弟brown 褐色brush 刷子build 建立,建立building 建筑物bullet 子弹,弹子burn 燃烧burst 爆发出,爆破bury 埋葬bus 公共汽车,大巴business 生意,事业busy 忙碌的but 但是buy 买by 在旁边〔语〕cake 蛋糕calculate 计算;谋划call 呼叫calm 平静的camera 照相机camp 野营;营帐can 能够;可能〔语〕cap 帽子capital 首都;资本capital adj. 首都的,核心的car 小汽车card 卡片care n. 关心,在意care v. 关心,照看careful 小心的careless 粗心的carriage 马车,车厢carry 搬运,携带case 情形;案子castle 城堡cat 猫cause 原因cause v. 引起,招致ceiling 天花板celebrate 庆祝cell 细胞;电池;监牢center 中心central 中央的century 世纪certain 确定的;*个/些chain 链条chair 椅子chance 时机change 变化character 个性;角色charge 收费;指控;充电chase 追逐,追赶cheap 廉价的〔隐含质量差〕cheat 欺骗check 检查cheek 颊,脸蛋cheese 乳酪chemical 化工品;化学的chemistry 化学cheque 支票chest 胸chicken 鸡chief adj. 主要的child 孩子children 孩子〔复数〕chin 下巴chocolate 巧克力choice 选择choose 选择church 教堂cigarette 卷烟circle 圆周;环绕circular 环形的citizen 市民city 城市claim 要求class 班级;阶层clay 粘土,泥巴clean 干净的;清洁clear 清楚的clear澄清clever 聪明的cliff 悬崖climb 攀登clock 时钟close 关闭;接近cloth 布,布料clothes 〔统称〕衣服cloud 云-club 俱乐部coal 煤coast 海岸coat 外套;包被coffee 咖啡coin 硬币cold 冷;感冒collect 收集college 学院colo(u)r 颜色b 梳子,梳头bination 结合bine 结合,叠加e 来〔语〕fort 抚慰,使感到舒服fortable 舒服的mand 指挥mittee 委员会mon 通常的municate 沟通,交往munication 交往;通讯pany 公司pare 比拟parison 比拟pete 竞争petition 竞争petitor 竞争者,对手plain 抱怨plaint 诉苦,怨言plete adj. 完全的plete v. 完成pletely 完全地plicated 复杂的pound 化合物puter 计算机concern v. 关注concerning关于concert 音乐会condition 情况,条件confidence 信心confident 有信心的confuse 使迷惑,混淆confusing 令人迷惑不解的connect 连接connection 连接conscious 有意识的consider 考虑consist of 由……组成container 容器continue 继续continuous 连续的contract n. 合同,合约control 控制,控制装置control v. 控制 v. conversation 交谈,对话cook 烹调;厨子copy 副本;复制corn 谷物,玉米corner 角落correct 正确的cost 费用cost v. 花费cough 咳嗽could 可能;能够〔语〕council 委员会,参谋组count 计数;看成是country 国家countryside 乡下地方courage 勇气course 课程court 法院cover n. 覆盖物,盖子cover v. 包括 v.cow 母牛,奶牛crack 开裂,裂口crash 坠毁,砸向crazy 发狂的cream 膏creature 活物;动物;生物crime 罪行criminal 罪犯criticism 批评criticize 批评crop 农作物cross 十字架;穿插;越过crowd 群众cruel 残忍的crush 压碎,碾碎cry 哭,大呼大叫-cup 杯子cupboard 厨柜,碗柜cure 治疗curl 卷曲current水流;流行的curtain 帘子(=drape,美式)curve 曲线custom 习惯customer 客户cut 切,砍cycle 周期,循环daily n. 日报damage 损害dance 跳舞danger 危险dangerous 危险的dark 黑暗date 日期;定日子daughter 女儿day 一天时间;日子dead 死的deal 交易deal with 处理,对付,解决death 死亡debt 债务decay 腐败,腐烂,变质deceive 欺骗,蒙蔽decide 决定decision 决定decorate 装饰decoration 装潢,装饰品deep 深的defeat 败北;打败,击垮defend 防御,抵御defense, -ce 防卫,抵御definite 明确的,确定的definitely 明白无误地,明确地degree 程度delay 延迟deliberate 深思熟虑的,成心的deliberately 成心地delicate 精细的,娇弱的deliver 递送demand 要求department 部门depend 依靠;取决于dependent 不能独立的;赡养人depth 深度describe 描述description 描述desert 沙漠deserve 应得design 设计desirable 人人都渴望的desire 渴望desk 书桌destroy 破坏,摧毁destruction 破坏detail 细节determination 决心determined 有决心的,坚决的develop 开展,开发,形成dictionary 字典,词典die 死difference 不同,差异,差额different 不同的difficult 困难的difficulty 困难dig 挖,掘dinner 晚餐direct 直接的direction 方向dirt 泥土,尘土,灰尘dirty 肮脏的disappoint 使失望disappointing 令人失望的discover 发现discovery 发现discuss 讨论discussion 讨论disease 疾病dish 碟子dismiss 开除;遣散distance 距离distant 远的divide 分开;除-do 做〔语〕doctor 医生document 文件dog 狗dollar 〔货币单位〕元door 门double 加倍doubt 疑心down 向下〔语〕draw 牵拉,拖拉;提款drawer 抽屉dream 梦;做梦dress 服装,衣着dress v. 穿着;打扮drink n. 饮料drink v. 喝drive 开车;驱赶drive 驾驶,驱动drop 扔;急落/降drug 药;毒品drum 鼓drunk 喝醉了的dry干的;弄干duck 鸭子dull 忧郁的,阴暗的during 〔语〕dust 灰尘duty 责任each 各个,逐个〔语〕eager 急迫的ear 耳朵early adj. 早的early adv. 以前earn 赚得earth 地球easteastern 人easy 容易的eat 吃economic 经济的edge 边缘educate 教育,培养educated 受过教育的education 教育effect 效果,作用,影响effective 有效的effort 努力egg 蛋eight 八either 两者之一〔语〕elbow 肘elect 中选人;选举election 选举electric 电的electricity 电electronic 电子的else 所有其它的〔语〕embarrass 使丢脸,使局促embarrassing 令人难堪的emotion 情绪,情感emphasize 强调employ 雇用employer 雇主employment 雇用,就业empty 空的enclose 围住,封闭encourage 鼓励end 完毕;终了enemy 敌人energy 能量,能源engine 引擎engineer 工程师enjoy 享受enjoyable 令人开心的,可享受的enough足够的;足以enter 进入entertain 娱乐,给人以娱乐entertainment 娱乐entrance 入口envelop 信封environment 环境equal adj. 相等的equipment 设备;元件escape 逃亡,逃逸especially 尤其establish 建立even 甚至;均匀的〔语〕evening 晚上event 事件-ever 曾经every 每一个〔语〕everyone 每个人everything 任何东西,一切〔语〕everywhere 各处evil 邪恶e*act 确切的,正确的e*actly 确切;完全e*amination 考试e*amine 调查e*ample 例子e*cellent 极好的e*cept 除……外e*change n. 交换;外汇e*cite 使冲动,使兴奋e*citing 刺激e*cuse 原谅,饶恕e*ercise 练习e*ist 存在e*istence 存在e*pect 预期,指望,盼望e*pensive 昂贵的e*perience 经历;经历e*plain 解释e*planation 解释e*plode 爆炸e*plosion 爆炸e*plosive 炸药;有爆炸性的e*press 表达;高速公路e*pression 表达;表情e*treme 极端e*tremely 极端地eye 眼睛face 脸;面对fact 事实factory 工厂fail 不及格;失败failure 失败;断水,停电fair adj.公平的fairly 公平地faith 信念faithful 忠实的fall 落下;跌倒;秋天false 错误的,假的familiar 熟悉的family 家庭,家族famous 有名的far 远〔语〕farm 农场farmer 农民fashion 流行fashionable 流行的,时髦的fast 快fast adv. 快;紧紧地fasten 系紧,加固fat 脂肪;肥的father 父亲fault 过失,毛病favo(u)rite 最喜爱的〔事物〕fear 恐惧feather 羽毛feature 特征feed 喂养,饲养;进料feel 感觉;抚摸feeling 感觉,感情female 女性fence 栅栏,篱笆fever 发烧;兴奋few 几个〔语〕field 领域,田地fifth 第五fight n. 战斗,打架figure 人物;外形fill 填充film 电影final 最后的finally 最后financial 财政的find 找;发现find out 找到,找出来fine 很好的finger 手指finish 完成fire 火;开火firm adj. 坚决的first 第一;最初fish 鱼fit adj. 适宜的fit v. 修理-five 五fi* 固定,维修flag 旗子,旗帜flame 火焰flash 闪烁;闪光flat adj. 扁平的flesh 肉,肉体flight 飞行float 漂浮flood 洪水;淹没;泛滥floor 地板flow n. 水/电/气流flower 花;开花fly 飞行;飞虫fold 折叠;皱褶follow 跟随fond 喜欢的food 食物foot 脚football 足球for prep. 为,给,向〔语〕force n. 力force v. 迫使foreign 外国的,陌生的foreigner 外国人forest 森林forget 忘记forgive 饶恕fork 叉子form n. 形式;表form v. 形成formal 正式的former 先前的;前者fortunate 幸运的forward adv. 向前four 四fourth 第四free 自由的freedom 自由freeze 微风,吹微风frequent 时常发生的fresh 新鲜的friend 朋友friendly 友好的frighten 威吓frightening 吓人的from 来自…〔语〕front adj. 前面的front n. 前面,面前fruit 水果full 满;全部的fun好玩,有趣funeral 葬礼funny 好笑的,好玩的fur 动物的皮毛,毛皮furniture 家具further 较远的;进一步future未来gain 获取game 游戏;比赛;运动会garage 车库garden 花园gas 气体;汽油gate 大门gather 聚集general 一般的,总的generally 总的来说generous 宽宏的,大度的gentle 温和的,温柔的gentleman 绅士,男士get 得到,变得〔语〕gift 礼物girl 女孩give 给〔语〕glad 快乐的glass 玻璃;玻璃杯glue 胶水go 走〔语〕goat 山羊god 上帝gold 黄金good 好的〔语〕goodbye 再见goods 商品,货物govern 统治government 政府graceful 优雅的gradual 逐渐的grain 粮食,谷物-gram 〔重量单位〕克grammar 语法grand 壮观的,宏大的grandfather 祖父grandmather 祖母grandparent 祖父母grass 草grateful 感的,感谢的great 伟大的,很棒的green adj. 绿色的greet 打招呼,问候greeting 问候语,问候grey, gray 灰色ground 地面group 团体grow 生长growth 生长guard守卫guess 猜想guest 客人guide n. 指导,向导guilty 有罪的gun 枪habit 习惯hair 头发,毛half一半〔的〕hall 大厅hammer 锤子;用锤子敲hand 手;递;交handle 把柄,把手;处理hang 悬挂happen 发生happy 快乐的hard 困难的;硬的;努力hardly 刚刚,几乎不harm 伤害harmful 有害的hat 〔有边的〕帽子hate 憎恨hatred 仇恨,厌恶have 有〔语〕he 他head 头health 安康healthy 安康的hear 听到heart 心heat 热;加热heaven 苍天;上天heavy 重的heel 脚后跟,踵height 高度hello 喂;你好help 帮助helpful 有帮助的her 她here 这里herself 她自己hide 躲藏,藏匿high 高的hill 小山him 他himself 他自己his 他的historical 历史的hit 碰撞,击打hold 握;容纳;举行hole 洞holiday 假日hollow 中空的holy 神圣的home 家home adv. 在家honest 老实的hono(u)r 荣誉,荣耀hook 钩子hope 希望hopeful 有希望的,满怀希望horn 〔汽车〕喇叭horse 马hospital 医院hot 热的hotel 旅馆,宾馆hour 小时house房子how 如何〔语〕human人类〔的〕humour 幽默-hundred 一百hundredth 第一百hungry 饥饿的hunt 狩猎,打猎hurry 匆忙,急忙;赶快hurt 伤害husband 丈夫ice 冰idea 主意,想法if 假设;是否〔语〕ignore 不理,无视ill 有病的,病态的;坏illegal 非法的illness 疾病image 图像imaginary 虚构的,想象出来的imagination 想象力imagine 想象immediately 立刻importance 重要性important 重要的impressive 给人深刻印象的improve 改善,提高improvement 进步,改善in 在…里面〔语〕in spite of 不管怎样,尽管include 包括including 包括ine 收入increase 增加independent 独立的indoors 室的;在室industrial 工业的,行业的industry 工业,行业,实业infect 传染,感染infection 传染,感染infectious 传染性的influence影响inform 告知information 数据,信息injure 受伤,负伤;伤害injury 受伤ink 墨水inner 部的insect 昆虫inside 〔语〕instead 而不是,改为institution 机构instruction 指令instrument 仪器insult 侮辱,对人无礼insulting 无礼的,出口伤人的insurance 保险insure 为…投保/作保intelligence 智力intelligent 智力的,有智慧的intend 打算;目的是intention 动机,目的,意图interest 兴趣interesting 有趣的international 国际的interrupt 干预,阻碍,插嘴into 进入〔语〕introduce 介绍,引进introduction 介绍invent 创造,创造,创作invitation 邀请,请柬;引诱invite 邀请involve 包括inwards 向〔的〕,心〔的〕iron 铁;烫斗island 岛it 它〔语〕its 它的jaw 颚,颌jewel 珠子jewellery 珠宝,珠宝业job 工作join 参加;合伙joint 关节joke 笑话journey 旅途judge 法官;裁决,裁判judgment 裁判,判断juice 果汁,果浆jump 跳跃just 刚刚,仅仅〔语〕-justice 正义,公平;司法keen (eager) 急迫的keep 保持,维持key n. 钥匙;问题的关键kick 踢kill 杀死kilo 千,千单位kilograme 千克kilometer, -re 千米kind 类型;好的king 国王kiss 吻,亲kitchen 厨房knee 膝;跪kneel 跪下,下跪knife 刀子knock 敲,击knot 结,突起;打结know 知道knowledge 知识lack 缺少,缺乏lady 女士,太太lake 湖lamb 羊羔,羊肉lamp 有灯座的灯;照亮land n. 陆地,土地language 语言large 大的last最后的;上一个〔语〕late adj. 迟的,晚的〔语〕lately 最近,近来laugh 笑laughter 笑声law 法律lawyer 律师lay 铺设;产卵layer 层lazy 懒惰的lead v. 带着,引导,导致leaf 叶lean 斜靠learn 学习;了解least 最少leather 皮革leave 离开,把…留下left adj. 左边的leg 腿legal 法律的;合法的lend 借给length 长度less adv. 更少,很少〔语〕lesson 课let 让,允许〔语〕let go of 松开,放开letter 信;字母level adj. 平的〔不倾斜〕,同高的level n. 水平library 图书馆lid 盖子lie谎话; 平躺; 摆放; 撒谎lie down 躺下life 生活;生命lift v. 举起,提起light v. 点着〔灯、火〕like prep. 象…一样〔语〕likely 有可能的limit n. 限度line 线,队列lip 唇liquid 液体,液list n. 清单,listen 听literature 文学litre, -er 〔体积〕升little小的;少的;少少〔语〕live /liv/ v. 过〔生活〕load 负荷local 当地的lock v. 上锁lonely 孤单的,寂寞的long adj. 长的look看;看起来〔语〕look after 照看,照料look for 寻找look somethingup查阅,查字典-loose adj. 疏松的,松散的lord n. 主人;上帝lose 失去loss 损失lot 大量loud 大声的love v. 爱,喜欢low 低lower 降低,放低loyal 忠诚的,忠实的loyalty 忠贞,忠诚,忠实luck 运气lucky 幸运的lung 肺,肺部machine 机器machinery 机械类,车床magazine 杂志magic 魔术mail n.main 主要的make 做,制,弄〔语〕make into 转变,做成make up 合成;决定male 男性,雄性male n. 男性man 男人,人类〔语〕manage 设法做成/完成/实现manager 经理manner 样子,方式many 很多map 地图march 行进,行军,前进mark n. 标记market 市场marriage 婚姻married 已婚的mass n. 群众;〔物理〕质量match n. 火柴;淘汰赛;般配match v. 相配 v. material 材料mathematics 数学matter n. 问题,事情;物质may 可以;可能me 我meal 饭菜mean v. 意思是meaning 意义means 方法,手段measure 尺寸;测量尺寸measurement 测量,测量值meat 肉medical 医学的medicine 医药;临床医学meet 遇到,见到meeting 会议melt 熔化member 成员memory 记忆mental 心智的mention v. 提到,述及message 信息metal 金属meter, -re 〔长度单位〕米method 方法middle adj. 中间的might 可能;可以〔语〕mile 英里military 军队;军事的milk 奶million 百万mind n. 头脑mind v. 介意mine矿井;采矿,开采mine 我的东西mineral 矿物质,矿物的ministry 〔政府的〕部minute 分钟mirror 镜子misician 音乐家miss v. 想念mist 雾mistake 错误;搞错mi* 混合,使混合mi*ture 混合物model 模型modern 现代的moment 片刻-money 钱monkey 猴子month 月moon 月亮moral 道德〔的〕more 更多的〔语〕morning 早上most 最多的,大多数〔语〕mother 母亲motor 马达,发动机mountain 山mouse 老鼠mouth 嘴move 移动;使感动movement 运动much 很多mud 泥巴multiply 〔算法〕乘murder 谋杀muscle 肌肉music 音乐must 必须my 我的mysterious 神秘的mystery 奥秘,神秘nail 钉子name名字narrow 狭窄的nasty 肮脏的,下流的nation 国家,民族national 国家的,民族的natural 自然的,天然的nature 自然navy 海军near 接近nearly 几乎neat 整洁的necessary 必要的neck 脖子need 需要needle 针,细而尖的东西negative 否认的neither 也不〔语〕nerve 神经nervous 神经紧的net网;用网捕鱼network 网络never 从不new 新的news 新闻,消息newspaper 报纸ne*t下一个;在…之后ne*t adv. 紧挨着nice 美好的night 夜晚ninth 第九no 不;无no one 没有一个,一个也不noise 噪音none 无,没有一个nor 也不normal 正常的north 北方northern 北方的nose 鼻子not 不note 注意;字条nothing 无notice n. 注意notice v. 注意noticeable 显著的,值得注意的noun 名词now 现在nowhere 哪里都不/没有number 数字nurse 护士;护理nut 坚果,硬果核o’clock点钟obey 服从,遵从object 物体;宾语obtain 获得occasion 场合ocean 海洋,大洋of …的〔语〕off 关闭,离开〔语〕offence, -se 犯法,冒犯;过错-offend 冒犯,违背,挑衅offensive 令人不快的,挑衅的offer n. 供给;时机office 办公室officer 官员official 官方的,正式的often 时常oil 油old 老;旧old-fashioned 旧的,老式的on 在…面上〔语〕once 一旦;曾经;一次one 一;*人onion 洋葱,大葱only 唯一的;仅仅〔语〕only just 仅有则一点;刚刚onto 到……上面open adj. 公开的;开放的open v. 翻开operate 操作;运行operation 操作;手术opinion 意见,观点opponent 对手,敌手;对立的opportunity 时机oppose 反对,对抗opposite 对面;相反的opposition 反对or 或orange 橙,桔子order n. 顺序;订单;指令ordinary 平常的organ 器官,机构organization 组织,机构organize, -se 组织origin 起源,根本,源头original 本来的,原创的other 另一些,其他的ought 应该our(s) 我们的〔东西〕out在…外面,向外〔语〕outdoor(s) 户外的,在户外outer 外部的,外层的outside在…外部over在…上方〔语〕owe 亏欠;归功于own 自己的;拥有owner 所有者,业主o*ygen 氧气pack v. 打包装package 包裹page 页pain 疼痛painful 疼痛的,痛苦的paint 油漆;油画painting 油画pair 双,对pale 苍白的pan 炒菜锅paper 纸parallel 平行的;平行于parent 父母park 公园parliament 国会part 局部participle 分词particular 特别的partly 局部地partner 合伙人party 聚会;党派;各方pass v. 经过;递passage 通道;篇章passenger 乘客past adj. 过去的path 路径patient adj. 有耐心的pattern 式样pause 中止,暂停pay 支付;给予…pay付款〔语〕payment 付款,款额;报应peace 和平peaceful 和平的pen 笔,钢笔pence 〔货币〕便士pencil 铅笔people 人们;民族per cent 百分之-perfect 完美的perform 表演,操作performance 表现perhaps 或许period 时期permission 许可,同意person 人personal 个人的persuade 劝pet 宠物petrol 汽油photograph 相片phrase 词组physical 身体的; 物理的;天体的piano 钢琴pick 挑选;拾;捡;接人pick up 拾起,挑选,收获picture 照片,图片piece 块,片,件pig 猪pile 堆;堆积pilot 飞行员pin 大头针,别针pink 粉红色pipe 管子;用管道输送pity 遗憾,同情,怜悯place n. 地方plain adj. 明明白白的;简朴的plan方案plane 飞机plant 植物;工厂plastic 塑料plate 盘子play戏,剧play v. 玩;打球;演奏pleasant 令人愉快的please 请;使快乐pleased 快乐的pleasure 快乐,快乐的事plenty 充分plural 复数pocket 口袋poem 诗poet 诗人poetry 诗歌,韵文point n. 点pointed 尖的,锐利的poison 毒,毒物poisonous 有毒的pole 竖立的杆/柱子police 警察polish 擦亮polite 礼貌的,有礼貌的political 政治上的politician 政客politics 政治〔学〕pool 池poor 贫穷的;差的popular 流行的population 人口port 港口position 位置possess 拥有possession 财产,占有possibilty 可能性possible 可能的possibly 可能地post 邮政;;寄送pot 锅,罐,壶potato 土豆,马铃薯pound 磅pour 倾倒,大量注入powder 粉末power 力量,功率powerful 强有力的practice n. 练习,实践practice, -sev.练习,实践praise 赞扬,表扬,称赞pray 祈祷,做祷告prayer 祈祷,祷告prefer 宁要,更喜欢preparation 准备,预备prepare 为…作准备;制备present adj. 现在的present n. 现在;赠礼. preserve 保存,保护;保护-区president 总裁;总统press v. 压,印,按pressure 压力pretend 假装pretty adj. 漂亮的prevent 阻止;防治previous 早先的price 价格priest 牧师prince 王子,亲王principle 原理print n. 印刷品prison 监狱prisoner 囚犯private 私人的,秘密的prize 奖赏,奖金probably 或许problem 问题process 程序produce 生产product 产品production 生产过程profession 技术型职业profit 利益program(me) 程序;节目progress 进步promise n. 承诺,诺言promise v. 许诺pronounce 发音pronunciation 所发的音,发音法proof 证据proper 适当的property 财产proposal 提议protect 保护protection 保护protective 保护性的,有保护作用的protest 抗议proud 骄傲的prove 证明provide 提供public 公开的;公众public n. 公众pull拉pump 泵punish 处分,责罚punishment 处分pupil 小学生;瞳孔pure 纯粹的,地道的purple 紫色purpose 目的push 推put 摆,放,置,搞〔语〕quality 质量quantity 数量quarrel 争吵,吵架quarter 四分之一queen 皇后question问题quick快的quiet 安静quite 相当,十分rabbit 兔子race n. 竞走radio 无线电railway 铁路rain雨;下雨raise 使升高,提升range n. 围;谱rank n. 等级,地位rapid 迅速的rare 稀罕的rat 老鼠rate n. 比率rather 宁可raw 生的,未加工的reach 到达;够得着react 反响reaction 反响read 阅读;原文是…ready 准备好的,备用的real 真正的realize 认识到really 真正reason 理由,原因reasonable 合理的receive 承受recent 最近的-recently 最近recognize 成认,公认,识别record n. 记录record v. 记录red 红色reduce 减少reduction 减少refusal 拒绝refuse 拒绝regard v. 把…视为regular 有规律的related 相关的relation 关系relationship 关系rela* 放松rela*ing 让人放松的religionreligious 的remain 余下,遗留remark n. 评论;言论remember 记得remind 提醒remove 除去,撤去rent 租用;租金repair n. 修理repeat 重复replace 替换reply 答复report n. 报告 n.report v. 汇报 v. represent 表现;描绘representative代表request 请求respect 尊敬responsible 有责任的rest n. 休息restaurant 餐厅restrict 限制result n. 结果return 回,返reward 奖赏;奖品rice 大米,米饭,水稻rich 富有的rid 摆脱,免除,舍弃ride v. 骑right adj. 正的;正确的;右边的right adv. 正确;完全right n. 权利ring n. 环;轮;戒指rise v. 上升risk 危险;冒险river 河road 道路rob 抢劫rock 岩石roll 卷romantic 浪漫的,爱情的roof 屋顶room 房间;空间,地方root 根rope 粗绳rose n. 玫瑰;玫瑰色rough 粗糙,汹涌;粗鲁round adj. 圆的round adv. 围绕round prep. 围绕row n. 行,排royal 王室;皇家的rub 擦,摩擦rubber 橡皮擦,橡胶rude 粗鲁的ruin 消灭,堕落rule n. 规则ruler 尺子run v. 跑;运转;经营rush 冲刺,急奔;匆忙的sad 伤心的,悲哀的safe 平安的;保险柜safety 平安sail 帆;航行sale 售卖salt 盐same一样的〔语〕sand 沙子satisfaction 满足satisfactory 满意的,满足的satisfy 使满足/满意-save 节省;饶恕;救援say 说scale 刻度;规模scatter 飞溅,散射,散开scene 现场,场景school 学校science 科学scientific 科学的scientist 科学家scissors 剪刀screen 荧屏;屏蔽screw 螺丝,螺钉sea 大海search搜寻season 季节seat 座位second第二;秒secret 秘密secretary 秘书,书记see 看到seed 种子seem 像是,似乎sell 卖send 发送,派出sense 感觉,感知sensible 明智的;意识到的sensitive 敏感的sentence 句子separate adj. 分别的,各自separate v. 〔使〕分开series 系列serious 严重的,严肃的servant 仆人serve 侍奉;上菜;作…用service 效劳set n. 一套东西set v. 设定settle 解决;定居seven, -th 七,第七several 一些severe 严酷的se* 性别se*ual 性〔别〕的shade 荫蔽处,暗处shadow 阴影shake 摇动shall 将shame 羞愧,惭愧shape 形状;形成share v. 分享sharp 锋利的she 她sheep 绵羊sheet 纸,羊皮shelf 架子shell 贝壳shelter 遮蔽,遮蔽处shine 照射shiny 照耀的ship 船shirt 衬衫shock 震惊,冲击shocking 令人震惊的shoe 鞋shoot 射击shop 商店,车间shore 海滩,河滩short 短shot 射击,一击should 应该shoulder 肩shout 呼喊show 展现;给看show n. 表演shut 关上shy 害羞的,扭捏的sick 有病的,感觉难受的side 边,侧面sight 视力sign n. 迹象,病症signal 信号silence 沉默,安静silent 安静的,默的silk 丝绸,蚕丝similar 相似的,类似的simple 简单的since自从;既然sing 唱-single 单一的,单身的singular 单数sink 下沉;洗涤槽sister 姐妹sit 坐situation 情形,场合si*, si*th 六,第六size 大小,规格,尺寸skilful 有技巧的,高水平的skill 技巧,本领skin 皮肤skirt 裙子sky 天空sleep n. 睡觉sleep v. 睡觉slide 滑动,滑行slight 轻微的,些许的slippery 滑的slope 倾斜slow adj. 慢的small 小的smell 气味smell v. 闻…的气味;闻起来smile n. 微笑smile v. 微笑smoke n. 烟雾smoke v. 吸烟smooth 平滑的,光滑的snake 蛇snow 雪,下雪so 如此;因此soap 肥皂social 社会的society 社会sock 袜子soft 柔软soil 土壤soldier 士兵solid 固体;坚实的solution 解决方法solve 解决,溶解some 一些;*个somehow 不知何故someone *人something *物sometimes 有时somewhere *处son 儿子song 歌soon 很快,不久sore 悲伤的,痛苦的sorry 难过的;对不起sort种类soul 灵魂sound 声音;听起来soup 汤sour 酸的,酸痛的south 南方southern 南方的space 空间,太空speak 说special 特别的specific 特定的speech 演讲speed n. 速度spell 拼读,拼写spend 花〔钱、时间〕spin 旋转spirit 精神split 分裂,裂解spoil 〔使〕变质;损坏sport 运动spot n. 斑点spread 散布spring 春天;泉水square adj. 正直的,正方形的stage 阶段;舞台stair 梯级stamp邮票;盖章;践踏stand 站立;忍受standard 标准standard adj. 标准的star 星,恒星start n. 出发点,开端start v. 开场state n. 国家;状态state v. 述,声明,指出statement 述;断言-station 车站stay 停留,逗留steady 稳固的,稳定steal 偷steam 蒸气steel 钢steep 陡峭的step n. 步伐;梯级step v. 行走,踏足于stick n. 枝条,棍子,手杖sticky 有粘性的stiff 坚硬的,呆板的still 仍然;静止的sting 叮,咬,蜇stitch 织,缝;织针,针步stomach 胃,肚子stone 石头;单粒的沙子stop n. 停顿;停车站点stop v. 停顿;阻止;防止store小商店,士多store v. 储存,贮藏storm 暴风雨,风暴story 故事straight adj. 笔直的,直率的straight adv. 笔直strange 陌生的,奇怪的stream 流,小河,溪流street 街道strength 力量strict 严格的,严厉的strike v. 棒揍,敲打;袭击string 线,铉strong 强壮的structure 构造struggle努力,奋斗,挣扎student 学生study n. 学习study v. 学习,研究stupid 愚蠢的style 风格,款式subject 科目,课题,受试者substance 物质;实质,本质succeed 成功success 成功successful 成功的such 如此的suck 吸,吮吸sudden 突然的suffer 遭受…痛苦,承受打击sugar 糖suggest 提议,建议;让人想到suit n. 套,组;套装,西装suit v. 适合于suitable 适当的sum 总数;和数summer 夏天sun 太阳supply n. 供给,供给supply v. 供给,提供,满足support n. 支持support v. 支持suppose 假设,假定sure 确信surface 外表surprise n. 吃惊,惊喜surprising 令人惊讶的surround v. 包围swallow 燕子;吞咽swear 发誓sweep 扫除;清扫sweet adj. 甜蜜的,漂亮的swell 肿胀,膨大swing 摇摆,挥动,挥舞sword 剑sympathetic 同情的,有同感的sympathy 同情,同感system 系统;制度;体制table 桌子tail 尾部;尾随,盯梢take 拿talk 谈话tall 高的taste 滋味;品尝味道ta* 税ta*i 出租车,计程车tea 茶-teach 教team 队,小组tear n. 眼泪tear v. 撕烂technical 技术上的telephonetelevision 电视tell 告诉;区分temper 脾性,脾气temperature 温度temporary 暂时的,一时的ten 十tend 倾向于;有…趋势tendency 趋向,天份,潮流tennis 网球; (table ~乒乓球)tense 时态tent 帐篷terrible 可怕的,严重的test n. 测试test v. 检测,测试than比拟thankthat 那个〔语〕the 这个,那个〔语〕theater, -re 戏院their 他/她/它们的them 他/她/它们then 然后;那时there 在那里〔语〕therefore 因此these 这些they 他/她/它们thick 厚的thief 小偷,贼thin 瘦的thing 事情,东西think 想,认为third 第三this 这〔语〕thorough 彻底的,完全的those 那些though 然而,可是thought 思想,想法thousand, -th 一千,第一千thread 线,索threat 威胁threaten 对…构成威胁threatening 有威胁的three 三throat 咽喉through 穿过throw 抛,扔,投,丢thumb 大拇指ticket 票tidy 整洁的,漂漂亮亮的tie n. 领带,绳索,带子tie v. 系紧,捆绑tight 紧的,不松动的time 时间,时代;定时tired 疲劳,累tiring 累人的title 名称,衔头to 去到,对着〔语〕tobacco 烟草,烟叶,香烟today 今天toe 脚趾头together 一起toilet 洗手间,盥洗室tomorrow 明天tongue 舌;〔俗〕语言tonight 今晚too 也;过于tool 工具tooth 牙齿top顶部top adj. 最高的total adj. 总的total n. 总额touch n. 接触touch v. 触摸tourist 旅游者,观光者towards 向着,对着〔语〕tower 塔,塔楼,高楼town 城镇toy 玩具track 轨道trade n. 贸易traditional 传统的-traffic 交通train n. 火车train v. 训练training 训练translate 翻译transparent 透明的trap 陷阱;陷入困境travel n. 出行,旅游travel v. 旅行,出门去treat 处理,对付treatment 治疗tree 树tribe 部落,部族trick 技巧,骗术,把戏trip 旅行过程tropical 热带的trouble 麻烦trousers 裤子true 真实的trust n. 信任trust v. 信任,相信truth 事实try 尝试tube 管子,筒tune 曲子,旋律;校对turn n. 轮换;当值turn v. 转动twice 两次type 类型;打字typical 典型的tyre, tire 轮胎ugly 丑陋的,难看的under 在…下方〔语〕understand 懂得,明白,了解underwear 衣undo 解开,取消,破坏une*pected 意想不到的uniform 制服;统一的union 联盟unit 单位,单元unite 统一,使统一起来universe 宇宙university 大学unless 除非,如果不until 直到unusual 不寻常的,奇特的up 向上〔语〕upper 上面的upright 正直的,垂直的upset 烦乱的;烦躁的upside 上侧,上边,上端upstairs 搂上的,在楼上urgent 紧急的,紧迫的us 我们use使用use n. 用途,用法useful 有用的useless 没用的usual 平常的valley 山谷;流域valuable 有价值的,珍贵的value 价值variety 多样性various 各种的vegetable 蔬菜vehicle 交通工具verb 动词,谓语very 很,非常victory 胜利view n. 观点village 村庄violence 暴力violent 猛烈的;暴力的visit拜访,访问voice 声音vote n. 选票,表决vote v. 投票,选举vowel 元音wage 薪水,报酬waist 腰部wait 等候,等待wake 醒来,叫醒walk n. 散步walk v. 走路,散步wall 墙壁want 需要,要war 战争warm 温暖的warmth 温暖warn 警告。

The Longman Defining VocabularyWords used in the definitions in this dictionaryAll the definitions in this dictionary have been written using the words in this list. If a definition includes a word that is not in the list, that word is shown in small capital letters.The Defining Vocabulary has been carefully chosen after a thorough study of all the well-known frequency lists of English words. Furthermore, only the most common and ‘entral’ meanings of the words in the list have actually been used in definitions. We have also used a special computer program that checks every entry to ensure that words from outside the Defining Vocabulary do not appear in definitions.Word class restrictionsFor some words in the list, a word class label such as n or adj is shown. This means that this particular word is used in definitions only in the word class shown. So anger, for example, is used only as a noun and not as a verb. But if no word class is shown for a word, it can be used in any of its usual word classes: answer, for example, is used in definitions both as a noun and as a verb.Compound wordsDefinitions occasionally include compound words formed from words in the Defining Vocabulary, but this is only done if the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word businessman (formed from business and man) is used in some definitions.Prefixes and suffixesThe main list is followed by a list of common prefixes and suffixes. These can be added to words in the main list to form derived words, provided the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word nervousness (formed by adding -ness to nervous) is used in some definitions.Phrasal verbsPhrasal verbs formed by combining words in the Defining Vocabulary (for example, put up with) are not used in definitions in the dictionary, except in a very small number of cases where the phrasal verb is extremely common and there is no common equivalent. So, for example, give up (as in give up smoking) and take off (as in the plane took off) are occasionally used.Proper namesThe Defining Vocabulary does not include the names of actual places, nationalities, religions, and so on, which are occasionally mentioned in definitions.Pearson Education Limited 1999a abbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroad absence absent adj accept acceptable accident accidental according to account n achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactiveactivityactor, actress actualactuallyaddaddition additional address adjective admiration admireadmitadult advanced advantage adventure n adverb advertise advertisement adviceadviseaffair affectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prepafternoonafterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalcoholaliveall adv, pron, determiner, pre-determiner allowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganother answer anxiety anxiousanyanyone anything anywhere apart apartment appear appearance apple approval approve areaargue argument arm narmy around arrange arrangement arrival arriveart article artificialasas opposed to ashamedaskasleep associationatatomattack attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive authority autumn available average adj, n avoidawake adj away adv awkwardbabyback adj, adv, n background backward(s) adv badbag nbake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle nbe beach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautiful beauty because becomebedbeerbeforebegin beginning behave behaviour behind adv, prep beliefbelievebellbelongbelowbelt nbendbeneath beside(s)bestbetter adj, adv between beyond adj, adv bicycle nbig adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adjblack adj, n bladeblameblind adjblockbloodblowblueboard nboatbodyboilbombbone nbook nboot nborder nboredboringbornborrowboth bottle n bottom n bowl nbox nboybrain n branch n brave adj bread break v breakfast n breast breath breathe breedbrick bridge n brightbringbroad adj broadcast v brother brown adj, n brushbuild v building bulletburnburst vburybusbush business busybut conj butter n button nbuy vby prepcake n calculate call v calm adj camera camp n, vcancapcapital ncarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentre ncenturyceremonycertain adj, determiner chain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildrenchin chocolate choice n choosechurch n cigarette cinemacircle ncircular ad j citizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, v clear adj, v clevercliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, v clothclothes clothingcloud nclub ncoalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, n collar ncollect v collegecolourcomb combination combine v comecomfort comfortable command committee common adj communicate communicationcompany compare v comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete completely complicated compound n computer concern v concerning concert condition n confidence confident confuse confusing connect connection conscious consider consist contain container continue continuous contract n control conversation cook n, v copycorncorner n correct adj, v cost cotton cough could council n count v country n countryside courage course n court n covercow n crack n, v crash n, v crazy cream n creature crime criminal criticism criticize crop n cross n, v crowd cruel crush vcrycup n cupboard curecurl current n curtain n curve custom n customer cutcycle vdaily adj, adv damage dance danger dangerous dark date n daughter day dead adjdeal ndeal with deathdebtdecay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deep adj defeat defence defend definite definitely degree delay deliberate adj deliberately delicate deliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert n deserve design desirable desiredesk destroy destruction detail n determination determined develop dictionarydie v difference different difficultdifficultydig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollardoordouble adj, v, pre-determiner doubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust ndutyeacheagerearearlyearnearth neasteasterneasy adjeat economic edge n educate educated education effect n effective efforteggeighteitherelbowelect v election electric electricity electronic else embarrass embarrassing emotion emphasize employ v employer employment empty adj, v enclose encourage endenemy energy engine engineer n enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enoughenterentertain entertainment entrance n envelope environment equal adj, n equipment escape especially establisheven adj, adv eveningeventevereveryeveryone everything everywhereevilexact adjexactly examination examine example excellentexcept conj, prep exchangeexciteexcitingexcuse exerciseexistexistence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosionexplosive express v expression extreme adj extremely eyefacefactfactoryfail vfailurefair adjfairlyfaith faithful adj fallfalse familiar family famousfarfarm farmer fashion n fashionable fast adj, adv fastenfatfather n fault n favourable favourite adj fear n feather n feature n feed vfeel v feeling(s) female fence n feverfewfield nfifthfightfigure n fill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determiner fishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignforeignerforest n forget forgivefork nformformal former fortunate forward(s) adv four(th) frame nfree freedom freeze v frequent adj fresh friend friendly frighten frightening fromfront adj, n fruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniture further adj, adv futuregain v game n garage n gardengas ngate gather v general adj generally generous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgive vgladglass adj, n gluego vgoatgodgoldgood goodbye goods govern government graceful gradual graingram grammar grand adj grandfather grandmother grandparent grass n grateful grave n great adj greengreet greeting grey adj, n ground n group n grow growth guard v guess v guest n guideguiltygun nhabit hairhalfhall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happy hard hardly harm harmful hathate v hatred havehehead n health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy adj heel n height hello help helpful her(s) here herself hide v high adj, adv hillhimhimselfhis historical historyhithold vhole holiday n hollow adj holyhome adv, n honest honour n hook nhope hopeful hornhorse n hospitalhot adjhotelhourhouse nhow adv human humorous humour hundred(th) hungryhunt vhurryhurt vhusband nice n idea if ignore ill adj illegal illness image imaginary imagination imagine immediatelyimportance important impressive improve improvement in adv, prep include including income increase independent indoor(s) industrial industry infect infection infectious influence v inform information injureinjuryink ninnerinsect inside instead institution instruction instrument insult v insulting insurance insure intelligence intelligent intend intention interest interesting international adj interruptintointroduce introduction invent invitationinvite vinvolve inwardsiron adj, n islandit pronitsitselfjaw jewel jewellery jobjoinjoint joke journey n judge judgement juice jumpjust adv justicekeen keep v key n kickkill vkilo kilogram kilometre kind kingkiss kitchen knee n kneelknife n knock v knot know v knowledgelackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determinerlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean vlearnleastleatherleave vleftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron, determiner lesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, nlibrarylidlielie down lifeliftlightlike prep, v likelylimitline nlionlipliquidlist nlisten v literature litrelittlelive vloadlocal adj locklonelylong adj, adv look n, v look after look for look sth up loose adj lord nloselosslotloudlovelow adj lowerloyal loyaltyluck nluckylungmachine n machinery magazine magicmailmain adj make vmake into make up v maleman n manage manager manner manymap nmarch vmarkmarket n marriage married marrymass n match material n mathematics mattermay vmemealmean v meaning n means measure measurement meat medical adj medicine meet v meetingmelt member memory mental mention v message metal n method metre middle might vmilemiliary adj milk n million(th) mindmine n, pron mineral minister n minute n mirror n miss vmist n mistake n mix v mixture model n modern adj moment money monkey n month moon n moral adj more morning most mother n motor adj, n mountain mouse mouth n move v movement muchmud multiply murdermuscle n music musician must v my mysterious mysterynailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adj natural adjnaturenavynear adj, adv, prep nearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedle nnegative adj neithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspaper next adj, advnicenightnineninthno adv, determiner noise nnone pron nonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumber nnursenutobeyobject n obtain occasion n oceano’clockofoff adv, prep offence offend offensive adj offer officeofficer officialoftenoil noldold-fashioned on adv, prep once adv oneoniononlyonly justontoopen adj, v operate operation opinion opponent opportunity opposeas opposed to opposite oppositionororangeorder ordinary organ organize organization originoriginalotheroughtour(s)out adj, adv outdoor(s) outeroutsideover adv, prep oweownowner oxygenpack v package page npain n painfulpaint paintingpair npale adjpan npaper n parallel adj, n parentpark parliament part n participle particular adj partly partner n party npass v passage passenger pastpathpatient adj pattern n pausepay payment peace peaceful pen npence pencil n people n pepper nper cent perfect adj perform performance perhaps period n permanent permission person personal persuade pet npetrol photograph phrase n physical adjpiano n pick vpick up picture n piece npig npile npilot npinpink adj, n pipe npityplace plain adj, n plan plane n plant plastic plate n play pleasant please pleased pleasure n plenty pron plural pocket n poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole n police n polish v polite political politician politics pool n poor popular population port n position n positive possess possession possible adj possibly possibility postpot npotato pound npourpowder n power n powerful practical practice practise praiseprayprayerprefer preparation prepare present adj, n preserve v president press v pressure n pretend pretty adj prevent previous price npriestprince principle printprison prisoner private adj prize n probably adj problem process n produce vproduct production profession profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n proper property proposal protect protection protective protest proud prove provide publicpullpump punish punishment pupilpure purple purpose n pushputquality quantity quarrel quarter n queen n question quick adj quiet adj, n quiterabbit n race radio n railway rain raise v range n rank n rapid adj rarerat n rate n rather raw reach v react reaction read v ready adj real realize really reason reasonable receive recent recently recognize record n, v red reduce reduction refusal refuse v regard v regular adj related relative relation relationship relax relaxingreligion religious remainremark n remember remind remove vrentrepairrepeat v replacereplyreport represent representative n request n respect responsible rest restaurant restrictresultreturn n, v rewardricerichridride right adj, adv, n ring nriseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, adv, prep rowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush vsadsafe adj safetysailsalesalt n same sand n satisfaction satisfactory satisfy save vsay v scale n scatter v scene school nsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreen nscrewseasearchseason nseatsecond adv, n, determiner secretsecretarysee vseed nseemsell vsendsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v seriesserious servantserveservice nset n, vsettle vseven(th) several severesex nsexualshade shadow n shakeshallshame n shapesharesharp adjshesheepsheetshelfshell nsheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, v shockingshoe nshoot vshopshore nshort adjshot n should shoulder n shout show n, v shutshysick adj side n sideways sight n sign signal silence n silentsilksillysilver similar simple since sincere n sing single adj singular sink v sistersit situation six(th) size n skilfulskillskin n skirt nsky n sleep slide v slight adj slippery slopeslowsmall smell smile smoke smooth adjsnake nsnowsosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron, determiner somehowsomeonesomething sometimes somewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite ofsplit vspoil vspoon nsport n spot nspread vspringsquare adj, n stage nstairstampstand v standardstar nstartstate statement station nstaysteady adj steal vsteam nsteel nsteep adjstem nstepstickstickystiff adjstill adj, adv stingstitchstomach n stone nstopstorestorm nstorystraight adj, adv strange stream nstreetstrength stretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrong structure n strugglestudent study stupid style n subject n substance succeed success successful suchsuck v sudden suffer sugar n suggest suit suitable sum n summer sun n supply n, v support n, v suppose sure adj surface n surprise surprising surround v swallow v swear sweep v sweet swell v swim swing sword sympathetic sympathy systemtable ntail ntake vtalktalltastetaxtaxi nteateachteam ntear technical telephone television telltemper n temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tense n tentterribletestthanthankthat conj, pron, determiner thetheatretheir(s)themthen advtherethereforethesetheythick adjthiefthin adjthingthink vthirdthis pron, determiner thoroughthosethoughthought thousand(th) thread nthreatthreaten threateningthreethroatthrough adv, prep throwthumb nticket ntidy adj, vtietight adjtime ntiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoe ntogethertoilettomorrow tonguetonighttootool ntoothtop adj, ntotal adj, ntouchtourist towards tower n towntoy ntrack n trade n traditional traffic n train training translate transparent traptraveltreat v treatment treetribetrick n, v trip n tropical trouble trousers true adj trusttruthtry vtubetune nturntwicetwisttwotype n typicaltyreuglyunder prep understand underwear undo unexpected uniform n union unituniteuniverse university unlessuntilunusualup adj, adv, prepupperupright adj, adv upset v, adj upside down upstairs adj, adv urgent ususe useful useless usualvalley valuable adj value n variety various vegetable vehicle verbvery adv victory view n village violence violent visit voice n vote vowelwageswaistwait vwake vwalkwall nwar nwarm adj, v warmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealth weaponwear v weather n weave v weddingweekweekly adj, adv weighweight nwelcomewell adj, adv, nwestwestern adjwet adjwhat pre-determiner, determiner, pron whateverwheatwheel nwhen adv, conjwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhile conjwhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhy adv, conjwide adj, advwidthwifewild adj, adv willwillingwin vwind window wine n wing n winterwire nwise adj wishwithwithin without woman woodwoodenwoolword nworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrap vwristwritewrong adj, adv, nyear yellow yes yet you young adj your(s)zero。

Aaabbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroadabsenceabsent adjaccept acceptable accident accidental according (to) account n achieve achievementacidacrossactactionactiveactivityactor, actress actualactuallyaddaddition additional addressadjective admiration admireadmitadultadvanced advantage adventure n adverbadvertise advertisement adviceadviseaffairaffectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prep afternoon afterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalcoholaliveall adv, pron,determiner,predeterminerallowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganotheransweranxietyanxiousanyanyoneanythinganywhereapartapartmentappearappearanceappleapprovalapproveareaargueargumentarm narmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasas opposed toashamedaskasleepassociationatatomattackattemptattendattentionattitudeattractattractiveauthorityautumnavailableaverage adj, navoidawake adjaway advawkwardBbabyback adj, adv, nbackgroundbackward(s) advbadbag nbake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle nbebeach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeerbeforebeginbeginningbehavebehaviourbehind adv, prepbeliefbelievebellbelongbelowbelt nbendbeneathbeside(s)bestbetter adj, advbetweenbeyond adj, advbicycle nbig adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adj black adj, n blade blame blind adj block bloodblowblueboard n boatbodyboilbomb bone n book n boot n border n bored boring born borrow bothbottle n bottom n bowl nbox nboybrain n branch n brave adj bread break v breakfast n breast breath breathe breedbrick bridge n bright bring broad adj broadcast v brother brown adj, n brushbuild v building bullet burnburst vburybusbushbusinessbusybut conjbutter nbutton nbuy vby prepCcake ncalculatecall vcalm adjcameracamp n, vcancapcapital ncarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentre ncenturyceremonycertain adj, determinerchain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildrenchinchocolatechoice nchoosechurch ncigarettecinemacircle ncircular adjcitizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, vclear adj, vclevercliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, vclothclothesclothingcloud nclub ncoalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, ncollar ncollect vcollegecolourcombcombinationcombine vcomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommon adjcommunicatecommunicationcompanycompare vcomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplicatedcompound ncomputerconcern vconcerningconcertcondition nconfidenceconfidentconfuseconfusingconnectconnectionconsciousconsiderconsistcontaincontainercontinuecontinuouscontract ncontrolconversationcook n, vcopycorncorner ncorrect adj, vcostcotton coughcould council n count v country n countryside courage course n court n covercow ncrack n, v crash n, v crazy cream n creature crime criminal criticism criticize crop n cross n, v crowdcruelcrush vcrycup n cupboard curecurlcurrent n curtain n curve custom n customercutcycle vDdaily adj, adv damage dance danger dangerous darkdate n daughter day dead adjdeal ndeal withdeathdebtdecaydeceivedecidedecisiondecoratedecorationdecreasedeep adjdefeatdefencedefenddefinitedefinitelydegreedelaydeliberate adjdeliberatelydelicatedeliverdemanddepartmentdependdependentdepthdescribedescriptiondesert ndeservedesigndesirabledesiredeskdestroydestructiondetail ndeterminationdetermineddevelopdictionarydie vdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollardoordouble adj, v,predeterminerdoubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust ndutyEeacheagerearearlyearnearth neasteasterneasy adjeateconomicedge neducateeducatededucationeffect neffectiveefforteggeighteitherelbowelect velectionelectricelectricityelectronicelseembarrassembarrassingemotionemphasizeemploy vemployeremploymentempty adj, vencloseencourageendenemyenergyengineengineer nenjoyenjoyableenjoymentenoughenterentertainentertainmententrance nenvelopeenvironmentequal adj, nequipmentescape especially establisheven adj, adv eveningeventeverevery everyone everything everywhereevilexact adj exactly examination examine example excellent except conj, prep exchange exciteexciting excuse exerciseexist existence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosion explosive express v expression extreme adj extremelyeyeFfacefactfactoryfail vfailurefair adjfairlyfaithfaithful adj fallfalsefamiliarfamilyfamousfarfarmfarmerfashion nfashionablefast adj, advfastenfatfather nfault nfavourablefavourite adjfear nfeather nfeature nfeed vfeel vfeeling(s)femalefence nfeverfewfield nfifthfightfigure nfill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determinerfishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignforeignerforest nforgetforgivefork nformformalformerfortunateforward(s) advfour(th)frame nfreefreedomfreeze vfrequent adjfreshfriendfriendlyfrightenfrighteningfromfront adj, nfruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniturefurther adj, advfutureGgain vgame ngarage ngardengas ngategather vgeneral adjgenerallygenerousgentlegentlemangetgiftgirlgive vgladglass adj, ngluego vgoatgodgoldgoodgoodbyegoodsgoverngovernmentgracefulgradualgraingramgrammargrand adjgrandfathergrandmothergrandparentgrass ngratefulgrave ngreat adjgreengreetgreetinggrey adj, nground ngroup n grow growth guard v guess v guest n guideguiltygun nHhabithairhalfhall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happyhardhardly harm harmfulhathate v hatred havehehead n health healthy hearheartheat heaven heavy adj heel n heighthellohelp helpfulher(s)here herselfhide vhigh adj, adv hillhim himselfhishistoricalhistoryhithold vholeholiday nhollow adjholyhome adv, nhonesthonour nhook nhopehopefulhornhorse nhospitalhot adjhotelhourhouse nhow advhumanhumoroushumourhundred(th)hungryhunt vhurryhurt vhusband nIice nideaifignoreill adjillegalillnessimageimaginaryimaginationimagineimmediatelyimportanceimportantimpressiveimproveimprovementin adv, prepincludeincludingincomeincreaseindependentindoor(s)industrialindustryinfectinfectioninfectiousinfluence vinforminformationinjureinjuryink ninnerinsectinsideinsteadinstitutioninstructioninstrumentinsult vinsultinginsuranceinsureintelligenceintelligentintendintentioninterestinterestinginternational adjinterruptintointroduceintroductioninventinvitationinvite vinvolveinwardsiron adj, nislandit pronitsitselfJjawjeweljewelleryjobjoinjointjokejourney njudgejudgementjuicejumpjust advjusticeKkeenkeep vkey nkickkill vkilokilogramkilometrekindkingkisskitchenknee nkneelknife nknock vknotknow vknowledgeLlackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determinerlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean vlearnleastleatherleave vleftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron, determinerlesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, n librarylidlielie downlifeliftlightlike prep, vlikelylimitline nlionlipliquidlist nlisten vliteraturelitrelittlelive vloadlocal adj locklonelylong adj, advlook n, vlook afterlook forlook sth uploose adjlord nloselosslotloudlovelow adjlowerloyalloyaltyluck nluckylungMmachine nmachinerymagazinemagicmailmain adjmake vmake intomake up vmaleman nmanagemanagermannermanymap nmarch vmarkmarket nmarriagemarriedmarrymass nmatchmaterial nmathematicsmattermay vmemealmean vmeaning nmeansmeasuremeasurementmeatmedical adjmedicinemeet vmeetingmeltmembermemorymentalmention vmessagemetal nmethodmetremiddlemight vmilemiliary adjmilk nmillion(th)mindmine n, pronmineralminister nminute nmirror nmiss vmist nmistake nmix vmixturemodel nmodern adjmomentmoneymonkey nmonthmoon nmoral adjmoremorningmostmother nmotor adj, nmountainmousemouth nmove vmovementmuchmudmultiplymurdermuscle nmusicmusicianmust vmymysteriousmysteryNnailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adjnatural adjnaturenavynear adj, adv, prepnearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedle nnegative adjneithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspapernext adj, advnicenightnineninthno adv, determiner noise nnone pron nonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnotice noticeablenounnownowhere number nnursenutOobeyobject nobtainoccasion n oceano'clockofoff adv, prep offenceoffend offensive adj offerofficeofficerofficialoftenoil noldold-fashionedon adv, prep once advoneoniononlyonly justonto open adj, voperateoperationopinionopponentopportunityopposeas opposed tooppositeoppositionororangeorderordinaryorganorganizeorganizationoriginoriginalotheroughtour(s)out adj, advoutdoor(s)outeroutsideover adv, prepoweownowneroxygenPpack vpackagepage npain npainfulpaintpaintingpair npale adjpan npaper nparallel adj, nparentparkparliamentpart nparticipleparticular adjpartlypartner nparty npass vpassagepassengerpastpathpatient adjpattern npausepaypaymentpeacepeacefulpen npencepencil npeople npepper nper centperfect adjperformperformanceperhapsperiod npermanentpermissionpersonpersonalpersuadepet npetrolphotographphrase nphysical adjpiano npick vpick uppicture npiece npig npile npilot npinpink adj, npipe npityplaceplain adj, nplanplane nplantplasticplate nplaypleasantpleasepleasedpleasure nplenty pronpluralpocket npoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspole npolice npolish vpolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspool npoorpopularpopulationport nposition npositivepossesspossessionpossible adjpossiblypossibilitypostpot npotatopound npourpowder npower npowerfulpracticalpracticepractise praiseprayprayer prefer preparation prepare present adj, n preserve v president press v pressure n pretend pretty adj prevent previous price n priest prince principle printprison prisoner private adj prize n probably adj problem process n produce v product production profession profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n proper property proposal protect protection protective protest proudprove provide public pullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurpose npushputQqualityquantityquarrelquarter nqueen nquestionquick adjquiet adj, nquiteRrabbit nraceradio nrailwayrainraise vrange nrank nrapid adjrarerat nrate nratherrawreach vreactreactionread vready adjrealrealizereallyreasonreasonablereceiverecentrecentlyrecognizerecord n, vredreducereductionrefusalrefuse vregard vregular adjrelatedrelativerelationrelationshiprelaxrelaxingreligionreligiousremainremark nrememberremindremove vrentrepairrepeat vreplacereplyreportrepresentrepresentative nrequest nrespectresponsiblerestrestaurantrestrictresultreturn n, vrewardricerichridrideright adj, adv, nring nriseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, adv, preprowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush vSsadsafe adjsafetysailsalesalt nsamesand nsatisfactionsatisfactorysatisfysave vsay vscale nscatter vsceneschool nsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreen nscrewseasearchseason nseatsecond adv, n,determiner secret secretarysee vseed nseemsell vsendsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v series serious servant serve service nset n, vsettle v seven(th) several severesex nsexual shade shadow n shakeshallshame n shapesharesharp adjshesheepsheetshelfshell n sheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, v shocking shoe nshoot vshopshore nshort adj shot nshouldshoulder nshoutshow n, vshutshysick adjside nsidewayssight nsignsignalsilence nsilentsilksillysilversimilarsimplesincesincere nsingsingle adjsingularsink vsistersitsituationsix(th)size nskilfulskillskin nskirt nsky nsleepslide vslight adjslipperyslopeslowsmallsmellsmilesmokesmooth adjsnake nsnowsosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron, determinersomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite ofsplit vspoil vspoon nsport nspot nspread vspringsquare adj, nstage nstairstampstand vstandardstar nstartstatestatementstation nstaysteady adjsteal vsteam nsteel nsteep adjstem nstepstickstickystiff adjstill adj, advstingstitchstomach nstone nstopstorestorm nstorystraight adj, advstrangestream nstreetstrengthstretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrongstructure nstrugglestudentstudystupidstyle nsubject nsubstancesucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsuck vsudden suffer sugar n suggest suit suitable sum n summer sun n supply n, v support n, v suppose sure adj surface n surprise surprising surround v swallow v swear sweep v sweet swell v swim swing sword sympathetic sympathy systemTtable ntail ntake vtalktalltastetaxtaxi nteateach team n tear technical telephone television tell temper n temperature temporary ten tendtendencytennistense ntentterribletestthanthankthat conj, pron,determinerthetheatretheir(s)themthen advtherethereforethesetheythick adjthiefthin adjthingthink vthirdthis pron, determinerthoroughthosethoughthoughtthousand(th)thread nthreatthreatenthreateningthreethroatthrough adv, prepthrowthumb nticket ntidy adj, vtietight adjtime ntiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoe ntogethertoilettomorrowtonguetonighttootool ntoothtop adj, ntotal adj, ntouchtouristtowardstower ntowntoy ntrack ntrade ntraditionaltraffic ntraintrainingtranslatetransparenttraptraveltreat vtreatmenttreetribetrick n, vtrip ntropicaltroubletrouserstrue adjtrusttruthtry vtubetune nturntwicetwisttwotype ntypicaltyreUuglyunder prepunderstandunderwearundounexpecteduniform nunionunituniteuniverseuniversityunlessuntilunusualup adj, adv, prepupperupright adj, advupset v, adjupside downupstairs adj, advurgentususeusefuluselessusualVvalleyvaluable adjvalue nvarietyvariousvegetablevehicleverbvery advvictoryview nvillageviolenceviolentvisitvoice nvotevowelWwageswaistwait vwake vwalkwall nwar nwarm adj, vwarmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealthweaponwear vweather nweave vweddingweekweekly adj, advweighweight nwelcomewell adj, adv, nwestwestern adjwet adjwhat predeterminer, determiner, pron whateverwheatwheel nwhen adv, conj wheneverwherewhetherwhichwhile conjwhipwhistlewhite whowholewhosewhy adv, conjwide adj, advwidthwifewild adj, advwillwillingwin vwindwindowwine nwing nwinterwire nwise adjwishwithwithinwithoutwomanwoodwoodenwoolword nworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrap vwristwritewrong adj, adv, nYyearyellowyesyetyouyoung adjyour(s)Zzero。
朗文核心2000词汇 中文解释

acid n.酸 adj.酸的, 尖酸的
across prep.穿(越,横)过;在对面 adv.在对面
amusing adj.有趣的
ancient adj.古老的 n.古人
and conj.和,加,接着,那么
anger n.愤怒 v.发怒
abbreviation n.缩写
ability n.才能;能力
able adj.有能力的,能够…的
about prep.关于;在…周围 adv.大约;在附近
according(to) adv.根据
account n.帐目;报告;估计 v.解释;报账;把…视为
achieve v.完成,达到,实现
allow vt.允许;承认
almost adv.几乎,差不多
alone adj.单独的,孤单的 adv.独自地,仅仅
along adv.向前地;一起 prep.沿着
accept v.接受;承认,同意;承担(责任)
acceptable adj.合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的
accident n.事故;意外;偶然
accidental adj.意外的,偶然(发生)的
act v.行动,表演
action n.行动;行为;作用
active adj.活跃的,积极的
activity n.活动,行动
afternoon n.下午,午后
afterwards adv.以后,后来
again adv.再,又
against prep.反对,逆,违背,防备
anxious adj.渴望的,忧虑的

朗文定义词汇表(精简版)原来的Longman Defining Vocabulary共2193个词,是朗文词典在英英解释中所使用的最最最基础的单词,换句话来说,只要认识这2193个词,就能做到在英语世界里面词汇无障碍──理论上成立,实际上不可以。
accordance n. 一致, 和谐; 授予; 符合; 给予ache v. 渴望; 觉得疼痛 n. 疼痛acid n. 酸; 讥刺; 有酸味的东西; 迷幻药adj. 酸的, 有酸味的; 尖酸刻薄的; 酸性的; 敏锐的; 讽刺的afterwards adv. 后来地; 然后aim n. 瞄准; 目标, 目的; 瞄准的方向v. 瞄准; 对准, 瞄准; 意欲, 旨在, 致力altogether adv. 完全, 全然; 总而言之, 总之; 合计, 全部musing adv. 冥想地; 沉思地ankle n. 踝, 足踝; 踝关节ant n. 蚂蚁anxiety n. 忧虑, 焦虑, 焦虑的事anxious adj. 忧虑的, 渴望的, 热心的apart adv. 分别地; 分离; 分成零件apparatus n. 仪器, 器械; 器官; 设备, 装置; 机关, 机构, 政党组织arch n. 拱门, 弓形 v. 使成弧形, 拱起, 使成弓形; 呈拱形覆盖; 形成弧形; 呈弧形移动 adj. 调皮的, 淘气的; 为首的, 主要的arm n. 臂; 扶手; 臂状物; 杆#兵种 v. 武装起来; 用武器装备; 提供, 配备armor n. 盔甲; 装甲部队; 装甲, 防护钢板; 保护层ash n. 灰, 灰烬; 废墟; 骨灰, 遗骸; 淡灰色#白蜡树atom n. 原子; 一点儿, 微量; 微小物awkward adj. 笨拙的backward adj. 向后的, 返回的, 反向的; 怕羞的, 畏缩的; 落后的, 发展迟缓的; 犹豫的 adv. 向后地; 追溯; 相反地backwards adv. 向后; 往回, 向原处; 倒, 逆bare v. 使赤裸; 揭露; 露出; 透露 adj. 赤裸的, 无遮蔽的, 极少的barrel n. 桶 v. 装入桶内; 高速行进bathe n. 游泳 v. 洗澡; 游泳; 日光浴; 沉浸; 沐浴, 用水洗beak n. 鸟嘴; 口; 喙状嘴; 鹰钩鼻; 治安法官, 治安推事beam n. 梁; 横梁; 桁; 秤杆, 天平横杆; 光线v. 照射, 照耀; 堆满笑容, 眉开眼笑; 以梁支撑; 将...对准; 用...照射; 流露, 发出bean n. 豆子, 可食用的豆类种子; (在爪哇因特网编程语言中) 用来演示一个明确任务的小应用程序 v. 击...的头部bear v. 支持, 承受; 运送; 承担; 携带; 忍受, 压迫, 结果实 v. 支持, 承受; 运送; 承担; 携带; 忍受, 压迫, 结果实 n. 熊; 鲁莽的人; 似熊的动物; 笨拙的人beard n. 胡须, 山羊胡; 芒; 颌毛; 倒刺 v. 使长胡须, 公开反对belt n. 带子; 地带 v. 用皮带抽打; 用带标明; 用带捆住; 环绕bend n. 弯, 曲; 转弯处#俯; 弯腰, 行礼 v. 使弯曲, 使屈服; 弯曲, 屈服。

《朗文当代英语辞典》最常用词(1)(2010-03-11 11:05:07)"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" 95年版标示出口语和书面语中最常用的3000单词。
Spoken1000之1000词(实数895)单词+词性Aa art. ability n. able adj. about adv. & prep. absolutely adv. accept v. accident n. achieve v. across prep. & adv. act n. action n. activity n. actual adj. actually adv. add v. advantage n. advice n. affect v. afford vt. afraid adj. after conj. & prep. afternoon n. again adv. against prep. age n. ago adv. agree v. agreement n. air n. all adj. & adv. all right adj. allow vt. almost adv. along prep. & adv. already adv. also adv. although conj. always adv. among prep. amount n. an art. and conj. animal n. another adj. & pron. answer n. & v. any adj. & pron. anybody pron. anyone pron. anything pron. anyway adv. anywhere adv. apparently adv. appear v. application n. apply v. appointment n. appropriate adj. area n. argue v. argument n. arm n. army n. around prep. & adv. art n. as adv. & prep. & conj.ask v. assume v. at prep. attention n.Bbad adj. bag n. ball n. bank n. bar n. base vt. basic adj. basically adv. be v. beautiful adj. because conj. become v. bed n. bedroom n. before conj. & prep. & adv. attitude n. available adj. aware adj. away adv. awful adj. baby n. back adv. & n. begin v. beginning n. behind prep. believe v. best adj. & adv. bet v. better adj. & adv. between prep. big adj. bill n. bit n. black adj. blood n. blue adj. board n. boat n. body n. book n. born adj. both adj. bother v. bottle n. bottom n. & adj. box n. boy n. branch n. break v. bring v. brother n. buck n. budget n. build v. building n. bus n. business n. busy adj. but conj. buy v. by prep. & adv. bye int. bye-bye int.Ccall v. & n. can modal v. car n. card n. care v. careful adj. carry v. case n. cat n. catch v. cause vt. cent n. center n. central adj. centre n. century n. certain adj. certainly adv. chair n. chance n. change v. & n. character n. charge n. & v. cheap adj. check v. & n. child n. choice n. choose v. church n. circumstance n. city n. claim v. class n. clean v. clear adj. & v. clearly adv. close v. & adj.club n. coffee n. cold adj. collect v. college n. color n. colour n. come v. comment n. commission n. common adj. community n. company n. compare v. competition n. completely adv. computer n. concern n. concerned adj. condition n. consider v. consideration n. continue v. control n. conversation n. copy n. corner n. correct adj. cos conj. cost n. & v. could modal v. count v. country n. county n. couple n. course n. court n. cover vt. & n. create v. cup n. current adj. customer n. cut v.Ddad n. daddy n. data n. date n. daughter n. day n. dead adj. deal n. & v. dear int. death n. debate n. decide v. decision n. definitely adv. demand n. depend v. describe vt. die v. difference n. different adj. difficult adj. difficulty n. dinner n. direction n. divide v. do aux. v. & v. dog n. dollar n. door n. double adj. doubt n. down adv. & prep. draw v. drink n. drive v. driver n. drop v. due adj. during prep. duty n.Eeach adj. each other pron. early adv. & adj. easily adv. easy adj. eat v. education n. effect n. effort n. egg n. either adj. & conj. else adv. employer n. employment n. end n. & v. energy n. engine n.enjoy v. enough adv. & adj. & pron. enter v. environment n. environmental adj. equal adj. especially adv. even adv. evening n. event n. eventually adv. ever adv. every adj. everybody pron. everyone pron. everything pron. exactly adv. exam n. example n. excellent adj. exercise n. expect v. expensive adj. experience n. explain v. extra adj. extremely adv. eye n.Fface n. & vt. fact n. fair adj. fairly adv. fall v. family n. far adj. & adv. father n. favor n. favour n. feed v. feel v. & link. feeling n. few pron. field n. fight v. figure n. file n. fill v. final adj. find v. fine adj. finish v. fire n. firm n. first num. fit v floor n. follow v. food n. foot n. football n. for prep. forget v. form v & n. forward adv. free adj. friend n. from prep. front n. & adj. fucking adj. full adj. funny adj. further adv. future adj. & n.Ggame n. garden n. gas n. general adj. generally adv. get v. girl n. give v. glass n. go v. & n. good adj. grandma n. grandpa n. great adj. green adj. ground n. group n. grow v. guess v. guy n.Hhair n. half adj. & pron. hall n. hallo int. hand n. hang v. happen v. happy adj. hard adj. & adv. hate vt. have v. he pron. head n. health n. hear v. heart n. heavy adj. hell n. hello int. help n. & v. her pron. here adv. hi int. high adj. him pron. himself pron. his pron. hit v. hold v. hole n. home n. & adv. honest adj. hope v. hopefully adv. hot adj. hour n. house n. how adv. hullo int. husband n.II pron. idea n. if conj. important adj. in prep. & adv. information n. instead adv. interested adj. interesting adj. into prep. it pron. its adj. itself pron.Jjob n. join v. just adv.Kkeep v. kid n. kill v. kind n. kitchen n. knock v. know v.Lland n. large adj. last adv. & adj. & pron. & v. late adj. later adv.law n. lay v. lead v. learn v. least adj. & pron. leave v. left adj. leg n. less adj. & pron. & adv. let v. letter n. level n. & adj. life n. light n. & adj. like v. & prep. & adj. & adv. like conj. likely adj. line n. list n. listen v. little adj. & pron. & adv. live v. local adj. long adj. & adv. look v. & n. lose v. lot n. love n. & v. low adj. lunch n.Mmachine n. main adj. make v. man n. manage v. management n. manager n. many pron. market n. marry v. material n. matter n. & v. may modal v. maybe adv. me pron. mean v. meet v. meeting n. member n. memory n. mention vt. message n. method n. middle adj. & n. might mod. v. mile n. mind n. & v. mine pron. minister n. minute n. miss v. modern adj. mom n. moment n. money n. month n. more adv. & adj. morning n. most adj. & adv. mother n. move v. movement n. much adj. & adv. mum n. music n. must modal v. my pron. myself pron.Nname n. national adj. nature n. near prep. nearly adv. necessarily adv. necessary adj. need vt. & n. never adv. new adj. news n. next adj. & adv. nice adj. night n. no adv. & adj. no one pron. nobody pron. none pron. normal adj. normally adv. north n. not adv.note n. nothing pron. notice v. now adv. & conj. number n.Oobviously adv. occasion n. occur v. o'clock adv. odd adj. of prep. of course adv. off adv. & prep. offer v. office n. officer n. often adv. OK adj. & interj. okay adj. & interj. old adj. on prep. & adv. once conj. & adv. one num. & adj. & pron. only adv. & adj. onto prep. open adj. & v. operation n. opinion n. opportunity n. option n. or conj. order n. ordinary adj. organise v. organize v. original adj. other adj. otherwise adv. ought mod. v. our pron. ours pron. ourselves pron. out adv. & prep. outside prep. & adv. over prep. & adv. own adj.Ppage n. panel n. paper n. parent n. park n. part n. particular adj. particularly adv. party n. pass v. past adj. & prep. & n. pay v. & n. penny n. people n. person n. personal adj. phone n. & v. pick vt. picture n. piece n. place n. plan n. & v. play v. & n. please interj. plenty pron. plus prep. point n. & v. police n. poor adj. possible adj. possibly adv. pound n. power n. prepare v. press v. pressure n. presumably adv. previous adj. price n. private adj. probably adv. problem n. produce v. product n. production n. profit n. program n. programme n. project n. proper adj. properly adv. provide v.public adj. pull v. purpose n. push v. put v.Qquality n. quarter n. question n. quick adj. quickly adv. quite adv.Rradio n. range n. rate n. rather adv. reach v. read v. real adj. realise v. realize v. really adv. reason v. reasonable adj. receive vt. recently adv. recognise v. recognize v. record n. red adj. reduce v. refer v. region n. regional adj. relationship n. remain v. remember v. remind v. require vt. respect n. response n. rest n. result n. rid adj. right adj. & adv. ring n. & v. road n. roll v. room n. round adj. run v.Ssame adj. & pron. & adv. save v. say v. school n. science n. second num. & n. section n. see v. seem v. sell v. send v. sense n. sentence n. serious adj. serve v. service n. set n. & v. several pron. sex n. share n. & v. she pron. shop n. short adj. shot n. should v. show n. & v. shut v. sick adj. side n. similar adj. simple adj. simply adv. since conj. sing v. sister n. sit v. situation n. size n. sleep v. slightly adv. small adj. so adv. society n. some adj.somebody pron. someone pron. something pron. sometimes adv. somewhere adv. son n. sorry adj. sort n. & v. sound n. & v. south n. space n. speak v. special adj. specific adj. speed n. spend v. stage n. stamp v. stand v. station n. stay v. still adv. stop v. store n. straight adv. street n. strong adj. student n. stuff n. stupid adj. success n. such adj. suffer v. suggest vt. suggestion n. summer n. suppose vt. sure adj. surely adv. system n.Ttable n. take v. talk n. & v. tax n. tea n. teach v. teacher n. team n. telephone n. television n. tell v. tend v. term n. terrible adj. test n. than conj. & prep. thank v. thanks int. that adj.& pron. & conj. & adv. the art. their pron. them pron. themselves pron. then adv. there adv. they pron. thing n. think v. this adj. & pron. though conj. & adv. thought n. three num. through prep. & adv. throw v. ticket n. till conj.& prep. time n. tired adj. to prep. today adv. together adv. tomorrow adv. tonight adv. too adv. top adj. & n. total adj. totally adv. toward prep. towards prep. town n. traffic n. train v. & n. tree n. trouble n. true adj. trust n. truth n. try v. turn n. & v. type n.Uunder prep. understand v. unfortunately adv. union n. unless conj. until prep.& conj. up prep. & adv. us pron. use vt. & v. used adj. useful adj. usually adv.Vvarious adj. very adv. video n. view n. village n.Wwait v. walk v. wall n. want v. wash v. watch v. way n. we pron. wear v. weather n. week n. weekend n. weight n. well adv. & int. & adj. what pron. whatever pron. when adv. & conj. where adv. & conj. whether conj. which pron. & adj. while conj. & n. white adj. who pron. whole adj. why adv. & conj. wide adj. wife n. will aux. v. win v. window n. wish v. with prep. without prep. woman n. wonder v. wonderful adj. word n. work n. & v. working adj. world n. worry v. worth prep. would aux. v. write v. wrong adj.Yyeah adv. year n. yes adv. yesterday adv. yet adv. you pron. young adj. your pron. yours pron. yourself pron. yourselves pron.《朗文当代英语辞典》最常用词(2)(2010-03-11 11:10:28)"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" 95年版标示出口语和书面语中最常用的3000单词。

朗文词典2000基础词汇Aabilityaboutaboveabroadabsenceabsentacceptacceptable accident accordance accordingaccountacheacidacrossactactionactiveactivityactoractress actualaddaddition address adjective admiration admireadmit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement adviceadviseaffairaffordafraidafter afternoonafterwards again against ageagoagree agreement aheadaimairaircraft airforce airport alcohol alikealiveallallow almost alone along aloud alphabet alreadyalthough altogether always among amount amuse amusement amusinganancient andanger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyance another answerant anxiety anxiousanyhow anyone anything anywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appoint approval approve archareaargue argument armarmorarmsarmy around arrange arrangementarriveartarticle artificial asash ashamed asideaskasleep association atatomattack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractive aunt autumn averageawakeawayawkwardBbabybackbackgroundbackwardbackwardsbacteriabadbagbakebalanceballbananabandbankbarbarebarrelbasebath bathe battlebebeak beam beanbear beard beat beautiful beauty because become bedbeebeer before begbegin beginning behave behaviorbelief believe bell belong below belt bend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyond bicycle bigbill bindbird birth birthday bitbitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow bothbottom bowels bowlboxboybrain branch brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcastbrownbrushbucketbuild building bullet bunchburialburnburstburybusbush business busybutbutter buttonbuybybyeCcagecake calculate calculator callcalm camera campcancandlecapcapital captain carcard cardboard care careful careless carriage carrycartcasecatcatchcattle causecell cementcentcenter centimeter central century ceremony certain chainchair chairperson chalk chance change character charge charm chasecheat check cheek cheer cheerful cheese chemical chemistry cheque chest chicken chief child childhood children chimney chin chocolate choice choose church cigarette cinemacircular citizencity civilization claimclassclaycleanclearclerkclevercliffclimbclock clockwork closecloth clothes clothing cloudclubcoalcoastcoffeecoincoldcollar collect college colorcomb combination combine come comfort comfortable command committee common companion company compare comparison compete competition competitorcomplaint complete compound computer concern concerning concert condition confidence confident confuse connect conscience conscious consider consist consonant contain contents continue continuous contract controlconversation cookcoolcoppercopycordcorncorner correctcostcotton coughcould council count country courage coursecourtcovercowcoward cowardlycrack crash cream creature creep cricket crime criminal crop cross crowd cruel cruelty crushcry cultivate cup cupboard curecurl current curse curtain curvecustomercutcycleDdailydamagedancedangerdangerousdaredaringdarkdatedaughterdaydeaddealdeardeathdebtdecaydeceive decide decimal decision declaration declare decorate decoration decrease deepdeerdefeat defend defense degree delay delicate delight deliver demand department depend dependentdescend describe description descriptive desert deserve desirable desiredeskdestroy destruction detail determination determined developdevil diamond dictionary diedifference different difficult difficultydinnerdipdirect directiondirtdirty disappoint discourage discouragement discover discoverydishdismiss distance distantditchdividedivisiondodoctordogdollardoordoorway dot double doubt down drag draw drawer dream dress drink drive drop drown drug drum drunk dry duck dull during dust dutyEeacheagerearearlyearneartheasteasterneasyeatedgeeducateeducationeffecteffectiveefforteggeighteightheitherelasticelbowelectelection electric electricity elephantelseemploy employer employment emptyenclose enclosure encourage encouragement endenemyengine engineer enjoy enjoyment enoughenter entertain entertainmentenvelope equalequality escape especially establish establishment eveneveningeventeverevery everyone everything everywhere evilexact examination examine example excellent except exchangeexcited exciting excuse exercise exist existence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosion explosive express expression extremeeyeeyelidFfacefactoryfailfailure faintfairfairyfaith faithful fallfalsefame familiar family famous fancyfarfarmfarmer farmyard fashion fashionable fashioned fastfatfate father fault favor favorable favorite fear feather feedfeel feeling feelings fellow female fence feverfewfield fierce fifth fight figurefilmfindfine finger finish fire fireplace firmfirstfish fisherman fitfivefixflag flame flashflatflesh flight float flood floorflow flowerflyfold follow fondfoodfool foolish foot football footpath footstep forforbid force forehead foreign foreigner forest forget forgive forkformal former formerly fort fortunate fortune forward forwards fourfourthfoxframefree freedom freeze frequent freshfriend friendly frighten frightening fromfrontfulfill fullfun funeral funnyfur furnish furniture further futureGgain game garage garden garment gas gasoline gate gather generalgenerous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgivegladglass glorygluegogoatgodgold golden good goods govern government grace graceful gradual graingrammar grand grandfather grandmother grass grateful gravegraygreatgreengreet greeting grief grieve ground groupgrowgrowth guard guessguest guidance guidegunHhabit habitualhairhairyhalfhall hammerhand handkerchief handlehanghappen happyhardharden hardly hardship harmharmfulharmless hasty hathate hatred havehehead health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy heel height help helpful henherhere hers herselfhidehighhillhim himself hirehis historical historyhithold holiday hollow holyhome honest honesty honor honorable hookhope hopeful hopeless horizonhorn horse hospital hosthothotel hour hourly house how human humor humorous hundred hundredth hunger hungry hunt hurry hurt husband hutIiceicyideaifillimage imaginary imagination imagine importance important improve improvement ininclude including income increase indoor indoors industrial industry infectinfection infectious influence influential inform information inkinnerinquire inquiry insectinside instead instruct instruction instrument insurance insureintend intention interest interesting international interruptinterruption into introduce introduction invent invention invitation invite inwardsironislandititsitselfJjawjealous jealousy jellyjewel jewelryjobjoinjoint joke journey joyjudge judgment juice jumpjust justiceKkeen keepkeykickkillkilo kilogram kilometer kindkingkingdom kiss kitchen knee kneel knife knock knot know knowledgeLlabor lack ladder ladylake lamb lampland language largelastlately laugh laughter law lawyer laylazy leadleaf lean learn least leather leave leftleglegal lend length less lesson let letterlibrarylidlielifeliftlight lightning likelikely limblimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliter literature littleliveloadloaflock lodging lodgings log lonely long look loose lord lose losslotloud lovelow lower loyal loyalty luck lump lungMmachine machinery mad magazine magic magician mail main make maleman manage manager manner manymap march mark market marriage marry mass master。

朗文词典2000基础词汇Aability [ə'biliti] n. 能力,能耐;才能aboutabove [ə'bʌv] prep. 超过;在……上面;在……之上adv. 在上面;在上文adj. 上文的n. 上文abroad [ə'brɔ:d] adv. 在国外;到海外adj. 往国外的n. 海外;异国absence ['æbsəns] n. 没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意absent['æbsənt,æb'sent] adj. 缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的vt. 使缺席accept [ək'sept]vt. 接受;承认;承担;承兑;容纳vi. 承认;同意;承兑acceptable[ək'septəbl] adj. 可接受的;合意的;可忍受的accident['æksidənt] n. 事故;意外;[法] 意外事件;机遇accordance[ə'kɔ:dəns]n. 一致;和谐according [ə'kɔ:diŋ] adj. 相符的adv. 依照account [ə'kaunt] n. [会计] 账户;解释;[会计] 账目,账单;理由vi. 解释;导致;报账vt. 认为;把…视为ache [eik] vi. 疼痛;渴望n. 疼痛acid ['æsid]n. 酸;<俚>迷幻药adj. 酸的;讽刺的;刻薄的across[ə'krɔs,ə'krɔ:s] prep. 穿过;横穿adv. 横过;在对面act [ækt]vt. 扮演;装作,举动像vi. 行动;扮演,充当;表现,举止;假装,演戏;起作用,见效n. 行为,行动;法令,法案;(戏剧,歌剧的)一幕,段;装腔作势action ['ækʃən]n. 行动;活动;功能;战斗;情节active ['æktiv]adj. 积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的n. 主动语态;积极分子activity [æk'tivəti]n. 活动;行动;活跃actor ['æktə]n. 男演员;行动者;作用物actress ['æktris]n. 女演员actual ['æktʃuəl]adj. 真实的,实际的;现行的,目前的add[æd]vi. 加;增加;加起来;做加法vt.增加,添加;补充说;计算…总和n. 加法,加法运算addition[ə'diʃən]n. 添加;[数] 加法;增加物address [ə'dres]vt. 演说;从事;忙于;写姓名地址;向…致辞n. 地址;演讲;致辞;说话的技巧adjective ['ædʒiktiv]adj. 形容词的;从属的n. 形容词admiration[,ædmə'reiʃən]n. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;赞美admire [əd'maiə]vt. 钦佩;赞美vi. 钦佩;称赞admit [əd'mit]vt. 承认;准许进入;可容纳vi. 承认;容许admittance[əd'mitəns]n. 进入;入场权;通道adult ['ædʌlt, ə'dʌlt]adj. 成年的;成熟的n. 成年人advance [əd'vɑ:ns,əd'væns] n. 发展;前进;增长;预付款vt. 提出;预付;使……前进;将……提前vi. 前进;进展;上涨adj. 预先的;先行的advantage[əd'vɑ:ntidʒ, əd'væn-]n. 优势;利益;有利条件vi. 获利vt. 有利于;使处于优势adventure[əd'ventʃə, æd-]n. 冒险;冒险精神;投机活动vt. 冒险;大胆说出vi. 冒险adverbadvertiseadvertisement[əd'və:tismənt, ,ædvə'taizmənt] n 广告,宣传advice [əd'vais]n. 建议;忠告;劝告;通知advise [əd'vaiz]vt. 建议;劝告,忠告;通知;警告vi. 建议;与…商量affair [ə'fεə]n. 事情;事务;私事;(尤指关系不长久的)风流韵事afford [ə'fɔ:d]vt. 给予,提供;买得起afraid [ə'freid]adj. 害怕的;恐怕;担心的afterafternoonafterwards['ɑ:ftəwdz,'æf-] adv. 后来;然后againagainst [ə'ɡenst, ə'ɡeinst]prep. 反对,违反;靠;倚;防备adj. 不利的;对立的age [eidʒ]n. 年龄;时代;寿命,使用年限;阶段vi. 成熟;变老vt. 使成熟;使变老,使上年纪ago [ə'ɡəu]adv. 以前,以往adj. 以前的;过去的agree [ə'ɡri:]vt. 同意;赞成;承认vi. 同意;意见一致agreement [ə'ɡri:mənt] n. 协议;同意,一致ahead adj. 向前;在前的;领先adv. 向前的;领先的aim [eim]vt. 目的在于;引导;把…对准vi. 打算;对准目标n. 目的;目标;对准air[εə] n. 空气,大气;天空;样子;曲调vt. 使通风,晾干;夸耀vi. 通风aircraft['εəkrɑ:ft] n. 飞机,航空器airforce ['eəfɔ:s]n. 空军airport['εəpɔ:t]n. 机场;航空站alcohol ['ælkəhɔl] n. 酒精,乙醇alike [ə'laik]adj. 相似的;相同的adv. 以同样的方式;类似于alive [ə'laiv] adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的all [ɔ:l] adj. 全部的adv. 全然地;越发n. 全部pron. 全部allow [ə'lau] vt. 允许;给予;认可vi. 容许;考虑almost ['ɔ:lməust]adv. 差不多,几乎alone [ə'ləun] adj.独自的;单独的;孤独的adv. 独自地;单独地along [ə'lɔŋ]adv. 一起;向前;来到prep. 沿着;顺着aloud [ə'laud] adv.大声地;出声地alphabet ['ælfəbit]n. 字母表,字母系统;入门,初步already [ɔ:l'redi]adv. 已经,早已;先前also ['ɔ:lsəu] adv.也;而且;同样conj. 并且;另外although [ɔ:l'ðəu]conj. 虽然,尽管altogether [,ɔ:ltə'ɡeðə] adv. 完全地;总共;总而言之n. 整个;裸体always ['ɔ:lweiz,-wiz] adv. 永远,一直;总是;常常among [ə'mʌŋ]prep. 在…中间;在…之中amount [ə'maunt]vi. 总计,合计;相当于;共计;产生…结果n. 数量;总额,总数amuse [ə'mju:z]vt. 娱乐;消遣;使发笑;使愉快amusement[ə'mju:zmənt]n. 消遣,娱乐;乐趣amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ]adj. 有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的v. 逗乐;打发;使…高兴(amuse的ing形式)anancient ['einʃənt]adj. 古代的;古老的,过时的;年老的n. 古代人;老人andanger ['æŋɡə]n. 怒,愤怒;忿怒vt. 使发怒,激怒;恼火vi. 发怒;恼火angle['æŋɡl] vi. 钓鱼;谋取n. 角度,角angry['æŋɡri] adj.生气的;愤怒的;狂暴的;(伤口等)发炎的animal ['æniməl]n. 动物ankle ['æŋkl] n. 踝关节,踝annoy vt. 骚扰;惹恼;打搅vi. 惹恼;令人讨厌;打搅n. 烦恼(等于annoyance)annoyance[ə'nɔiəns]n. 烦恼;可厌之事;打扰another [ə'nʌðə]adj. 又一,另一;另外的;不同的pron. 另一个;又一个prep. 另一个;另一个人answerant [ænt] n. 蚂蚁anxiety[æŋ'zaiəti]n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事anxious ['ænkʃəs]adj. 焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的anyanyhow ['enihau]adv. 总之;无论如何;不管怎样anyone ['eniwʌn]pron. 任何人;任何一个anything['eniθiŋ]pron. 任何事anywhere['enihwεəadv. 在任何地方;无论何处n. 任何地方apart [ə'pɑ:t]adv. 相距;与众不同地;分离着adj. 分离的;与众不同的apparatus[,æpə'reitəs]n. 装置,设备;仪器;器官appear [ə'piə] vi. 出现;显得;似乎;出庭appearance[ə'piərəns] n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面appleappoint [ə'pɔint] vt.任命;指定;约定vi. 任命;委派approval [ə'pru:vəl]n. 批准;认可;赞成approve [ə'pru:v] vt.批准;赞成;为…提供证据vi. 批准;赞成;满意arch [ɑ:tʃ] n. 弓形,拱形;拱门adj. 主要的vt. 使…弯成弓形;用拱连接vi. 拱起;成为弓形area ['εəriə] n. 区域,地区;面积;范围argue ['ɑɡju:] vi. 争论,辩论;提出理由vt. 辩论,争论;证明;说服argument ['ɑ:ɡjumənt] n. 论证;论据;争吵;内容提要arm [ɑ:m] n. 手臂;武器;袖子;装备vi. 武装起来vt. 武装;备战armor ['ɑ:mə]n. [军] 装甲;盔甲vt. 为…装甲arms [a:mz] n. 臂(arm的复数);[军] 武器;纹章v. 武装;配备(arm的三单形式)army ['ɑ:mi]n. 陆军,军队around [ə'raund] adv. 大约;到处;在附近prep. 四处;在…周围arrange [ə'reindʒ] vt. 安排;排列;整理vi. 安排;排列;协商arrangement[ə'reindʒmənt]n. 布置;整理;准备arrival [ə'raivəl] n.到来;到达;到达者arrive [ə'raiv] vi. 到达;成功;达成;出生art [ɑ:t] n. 艺术;美术;艺术品adj. 艺术的;艺术品的v. 是(be的变体)article ['ɑ:tikəl] n. 文章;物品;条款;[语] 冠词vt. 订约将…收为学徒或见习生;使…受协议条款的约束vi. 签订协议;进行控告artificial [,ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的asash [æʃ] n. 灰;灰烬ashamed [ə'ʃeimd]adj. 惭愧的,感到难为情的;耻于……的aside [ə'said] adv.离开,撇开;在旁边n. 旁白;私语,悄悄话;离题的话prep. 在…旁边askasleep [ə'sli:p] adj.睡着的;麻木的;长眠的adv. 熟睡地;进入睡眠状态association[ə,səusi'eiʃən,ə,səuʃi'ei-] n. 协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想atatom ['ætəm]n. 原子attack [ə'tæk] n. 攻击;抨击;疾病发作vt. 攻击;抨击;动手干vi. 攻击;腐蚀attempt [ə'tempt]n. 企图,试图;攻击vt. 企图,试图;尝试attend [ə'tend] vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾attendance[ə'tendənsn. 出席;到场;出席人数attention [ə'tenʃən]n. 注意力;关心;立正!(口令)attract [ə'trækt]vt. 吸引;引起vi. 吸引;有吸引力attractive [ə'træktiv]adj. 吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的auntautumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期adj. 秋天的,秋季的average ['ævəridʒ] n.平均;平均数;海损adj. 平均的;普通的vt. 算出…的平均数;将…平均分配;使…平衡vi. 平均为;呈中间色avoid [ə'vɔid] vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除awake [ə'weik]vi. 觉醒,意识到;醒来;被唤起vt. 唤醒;使觉醒;激起,唤起adj. 醒着的away [ə'wei] adv. 离去,离开;在远处awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]adj. 尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的Bbabyback background['bækɡraund]n. 背景;隐蔽的位置vt. 作…的背景adj. 背景的;发布背景材料的backward['bækwəd]adj. 向后的;反向的;发展迟缓的adv. 向后地;相反地backwards['bækwədz]adv. 倒;向后;逆bacteria [bæk'tiəriə]n. 细菌badbag [[bæɡ]]n. 袋;猎获物;(俚)一瓶啤酒vt. 猎获;把…装入袋中;[口]占据,私吞;使膨大vi. 松垂bake [beik]vt. 烤,烘焙vi. 烘面包;被烤干;受热n. 烤;烘烤食品balance ['bæləns] n.平衡;余额;匀称vt. 使平衡;结算;使相称vi. 保持平衡;相称;抵销ball [bɔ:l]n. 球;舞会vi. 成团块vt. 捏成球形bananaband [bænd]n. 带;乐队;松紧带;一帮;传送带vi. 联合;聚焦vt. 使团结;用带捆;用条纹装饰;给…镶边bank [bænd]n. 带;乐队;松紧带;一帮;传送带vi. 联合;聚焦vt. 使团结;用带捆;用条纹装饰;给…镶边bar [bɑ:] n. 条,棒;酒吧;障碍vt. 禁止;阻拦prep. 除……外bare[bεə] adj. 空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的vt. 露出,使赤裸barrel ['bærəl] vt. 把……装入桶内n. 桶;枪管,炮管vi. 快速移动base [beis] n. 基础;底部;垒adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的vt. 以…作基础basketbath [bɑ:θ/bæθ] n. 沐浴;浴室;浴盆vt. 洗澡vi. 洗澡bathe [beið] vt. 沐浴;用水洗vi. 洗澡;沐浴n. 洗澡;游泳battle ['bætl]n. 战役;斗争vi. 斗争;作战vt. 与…作战beak [bi:k] n. [鸟] 鸟嘴;鹰钩鼻子;地方执法官;男教师beam [bi:m] n. 横梁;光线;电波;船宽;[计量] 秤杆vt. 发送;以梁支撑;用…照射;流露vi. 照射;堆满笑容bean [bi:n] n. 豆;嘴峰;毫无价值的东西vt. 击…的头部bear[bεə] vi. 承受;结果实vt. 忍受;具有;支撑n. 熊beard [biəd] vt. 公然反对;抓…的胡须n. 胡须;颌毛vi. 充当掩护;充当男随员beat [bi:t] vt. 打;打败vi. 打;打败;拍打;有节奏地舒张与收缩n. 拍子;敲击;有规律的一连串敲打adj.筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的beautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeebeerbeforebegbeginbeginningbehave [bi'heiv] vi.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用得…behavior [bi'heivjə]n. 行为,举止;态度;反应behind [bi'haind]prep. 落后于;支持;晚于adv. 在后地;在原处n. 屁股belief [bi'li:f] n. 相信,信赖;信仰;教义believebell [bel] n. 铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物vt. 装钟于,系铃于vi. 鸣钟;成钟状鼓起belong [bi'lɔŋ] vi. 属于,应归入;居住;适宜;应被放置below [bi'ləu] adv.在下面,在较低处;在本页下面prep. 在…下面belt [belt] n. 带;腰带;地带vt. 用带子系住;用皮带抽打vi. 猛击bend [bend] vt. 使弯曲;使屈服;使致力;使朝向vi. 弯曲,转弯;屈服;倾向;专心于n. 弯曲beneath[bi'ni:θ]prep. 在…之下adv. 在下方berry ['beri] n. 浆果(葡萄,番茄等)vi. 采集浆果beside [bi'said] prep.在旁边;与…相比;和…无关besides [bi'saidz]adv. 此外;而且prep. 除…之外bestbetterbetweenbeyond [bi'jɔnd]prep. 超过;越过;那一边;在...较远的一边adv. 在远处;在更远处n. 远处bicycle ['baisikl] n.自行车vi. 骑脚踏车vt. 骑自行车运送bigbill [bil] n. [法] 法案;广告;[会计] 账单;[金融] 票据;钞票;清单vt. 宣布;开账单;用海报宣传bind [baind] vi. 结合;装订;有约束力;过紧vt. 绑;约束;装订;包扎;凝固n. 捆绑;困境;讨厌的事情;植物的藤蔓bird [bə:d] n. 鸟;家伙;羽毛球vt. 向…喝倒彩;起哄vi. 猎鸟;观察研究野鸟birth [bɑ:θ] n. 出生;血统,出身;起源birthdaybitbite [bait] vt. 咬;刺痛n. 咬;一口;咬伤;刺痛vi. 咬;刺痛abbr. 机内测试设备bitter ['bitə] adj. 苦的;痛苦的;尖刻的;充满仇恨的n. 苦味;苦啤酒adv. 激烈地;严寒刺骨地ball [bɔ:l]n. 球;舞会vi. 成团块vt. 捏成球形bananaband [bænd]n. 带;乐队;松紧带;一帮;传送带vi. 联合;聚焦vt. 使团结;用带捆;用条纹装饰;给…镶边bank [bænd]n. 带;乐队;松紧带;一帮;传送带vi. 联合;聚焦vt. 使团结;用带捆;用条纹装饰;给…镶边bar [bɑ:] n. 条,棒;酒吧;障碍vt. 禁止;阻拦prep. 除……外bare[bεə] adj. 空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的vt. 露出,使赤裸barrel ['bærəl] vt. 把……装入桶内n. 桶;枪管,炮管vi. 快速移动base [beis] n. 基础;底部;垒adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的vt. 以…作基础basketbath [bɑ:θ/bæθ] n. 沐浴;浴室;浴盆vt. 洗澡vi. 洗澡bathe [beið] vt. 沐浴;用水洗vi. 洗澡;沐浴n. 洗澡;游泳battle ['bætl]n. 战役;斗争vi. 斗争;作战vt. 与…作战beak [bi:k] n. [鸟] 鸟嘴;鹰钩鼻子;地方执法官;男教师beam [bi:m] n. 横梁;光线;电波;船宽;[计量] 秤杆vt. 发送;以梁支撑;用…照射;流露vi. 照射;堆满笑容bean [bi:n] n. 豆;嘴峰;毫无价值的东西vt. 击…的头部bear[bεə] vi. 承受;结果实vt. 忍受;具有;支撑n. 熊beard [biəd] vt. 公然反对;抓…的胡须n. 胡须;颌毛vi. 充当掩护;充当男随员beat [bi:t] vt. 打;打败vi. 打;打败;拍打;有节奏地舒张与收缩n. 拍子;敲击;有规律的一连串敲打adj.筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的beautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeebeerbeforebegbeginbeginningbehave [bi'heiv] vi.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用得…behavior [bi'heivjə]n. 行为,举止;态度;反应behind [bi'haind]prep. 落后于;支持;晚于adv. 在后地;在原处n. 屁股belief [bi'li:f] n. 相信,信赖;信仰;教义believebell [bel] n. 铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物vt. 装钟于,系铃于vi. 鸣钟;成钟状鼓起belong [bi'lɔŋ] vi. 属于,应归入;居住;适宜;应被放置below [bi'ləu] adv.在下面,在较低处;在本页下面prep. 在…下面belt [belt] n. 带;腰带;地带vt. 用带子系住;用皮带抽打vi. 猛击bend [bend] vt. 使弯曲;使屈服;使致力;使朝向vi. 弯曲,转弯;屈服;倾向;专心于n. 弯曲beneath[bi'ni:θ]prep. 在…之下adv. 在下方berry ['beri] n. 浆果(葡萄,番茄等)vi. 采集浆果beside [bi'said] prep.在旁边;与…相比;和…无关besides [bi'saidz]adv. 此外;而且prep. 除…之外bestbetterbetweenbeyond [bi'jɔnd]prep. 超过;越过;那一边;在...较远的一边adv. 在远处;在更远处n. 远处bicycle ['baisikl] n.自行车vi. 骑脚踏车vt. 骑自行车运送bigbill [bil] n. [法] 法案;广告;[会计] 账单;[金融] 票据;钞票;清单vt. 宣布;开账单;用海报宣传bind [baind] vi. 结合;装订;有约束力;过紧vt. 绑;约束;装订;包扎;凝固n. 捆绑;困境;讨厌的事情;植物的藤蔓bird [bə:d] n. 鸟;家伙;羽毛球vt. 向…喝倒彩;起哄vi. 猎鸟;观察研究野鸟birth [bɑ:θ] n. 出生;血统,出身;起源birthdaybitbite [bait] vt. 咬;刺痛n. 咬;一口;咬伤;刺痛vi. 咬;刺痛abbr. 机内测试设备bitter ['bitə] adj. 苦的;痛苦的;尖刻的;充满仇恨的n. 苦味;苦啤酒adv. 激烈地;严寒刺骨地vt. 使变苦blackblade [bleid] n. 叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑blame ['bleim] vt. 责备;归咎于n. 责备;责任;过失bleed [bli:d] vt. 使出血;榨取vi. 流血;渗出;悲痛bless [bles] vt. 祝福;保佑;赞美blind [blaind] adj.盲目的;瞎的adv. 盲目地;看不见地n. 掩饰,借口;百叶窗vt. 使失明;使失去理智block [blɔk] n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的blood [blʌd] n. 血,血液;血统vt. 从…抽血;使先取得经验blow [bləu] n. 吹;打击;殴打vi. 风吹;喘气vt. 风吹blueboard [bɔ:d] n. 董事会;木板;甲板;膳食vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供膳宿vi. 寄宿boat [bəut] n. 小船;轮船vi. 划船bodyboil [bɔil] vi. 煮沸,沸腾;激动,激昂vt. 煮沸,烧开;使…激动;使…蒸发n. 沸腾,煮沸;疖子bomb [bɔm] vt. 轰炸,投弹于vi. 轰炸,投弹;失败n. 炸弹bone [[bəun]] n. 骨;骨骼;香烟;一首歌vt. 剔去...的骨;施骨肥于vi. 苦学;专心致志bookboot [bu:t] vt. 引导;踢;解雇;使穿靴n. 靴子;踢;汽车行李箱border ['bɔ:də] n. 边境;边界;国界vt. 接近;与…接壤;在…上镶边vi. 接界;近似bornborrow ['bɔrəu] vi.借;借用;从其他语言中引入vt. 借;借用both [bəuθ] adj. 两个的;两者的adv. 并;又;两者皆pron. 双方都;两者都conj. 既…且…bottle ['bɔtl] n. 瓶子;一瓶的容量vt. 控制;把…装入瓶中vi. (街头艺人演出后)收拢钱币bottom ['bɔtəm] n.底部;末端;臀部;尽头adj. 底部的vt. 装底;测量深浅;查明真相vi. 到达底部;建立基础bowels ['bauəlz] n.内脏(尤指人的肠);同情心;勇气(bowel的复数)v. 取出…的肠子(bowel的第三人称单数)bowl [bəul] n. 碗;木球;大酒杯vi. 玩保龄球;滑动;平稳快速移动vt. 投球;旋转;平稳快速移动boxboybrain [brein] n. 头脑,智力;脑袋vt. 猛击…的头部branch [brɑ:ntʃ,bræntʃ] vt. 分支;出现分歧vi. 分支;出现分歧n. 树枝,分枝;分部;支流brass n. 黄铜;黄铜制品;铜管乐器;厚脸皮brave adj. 勇敢的;华丽的vt. 勇敢地面对n. 勇士bread [bred] n. 面包;生计vt. 在…上洒面包屑breadth[bredθ] n.宽度,幅度;宽宏break [breik] n. 休息,中断;破裂处vt. 打破,弄破;中断;弄坏;削弱vi. 突变breakfast ['brekfəst]n. 早餐;早饭vi. 吃早餐vt. 为…供应早餐breast [brest] n. 乳房,胸部;胸怀;心情vt. 以胸对着;与…搏斗breath[breθ] n. 呼吸,气息;一口气,(呼吸的)一次;瞬间,瞬息;微风;迹象;无声音,气音breathe [bri:ð] vi. 呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂vt. 呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说breed [bri:d] vi. 繁殖;饲养;产生vt. 繁殖;饲养;养育,教育;引起n. [生物] 品种;种类,类型brick [brik] n. 砖,砖块;砖形物;心肠好的人vt. 用砖砌adj. 用砖做的;似砖的bridge [bridʒ] n. 桥;桥牌;桥接器;船桥vt. 架桥;渡过bright [brait] adj. 明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的adv. 明亮地;光明地;欢快地n. 车头灯光bring[briŋ] vt. 带来;促使;引起;使某人处于某种情况或境地broad [brɔ:d] adj. 宽的,辽阔的;显著的;大概的n. 宽阔部分adv. 宽阔地broadcast ['brɔ:dkɑ:st, -kæst] vt. 播送,播放;(无线电或电视)广播;播撒(种子)vi. 广播,播送;播放n. 广播;播音;广播节目adj. 广播的brother ['brʌðə] n.兄弟;同事;战友int. 我的老兄!brown [braun] adj.棕色的,褐色的;太阳晒黑的vi. 变成褐色n.褐色,棕色vt. 使变成褐色brush [brʌʃ] n. 刷子;画笔;毛笔;争吵vt. 刷;画vi. 刷;擦过;掠过bucket ['bʌkit] n. 桶,水桶;铲斗;一桶的量v. 倾盆而下;颠簸着行进build [bild] vt. 建立;建筑vi. 建筑;建造n. 构造;体形;体格building['bildiŋ] n. 建筑;建筑物v. 建筑;建立;增加(build的ing形式)bullet ['bulit] n. 子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子vi. 射出;迅速行进bunch ['bʌntʃ] n. 群;串;突出物vi. 隆起;打褶;形成一串vt. 使成一串;使打褶burial ['beriəl] n. 埋葬;葬礼;弃绝adj. 埋葬的burn [bə:n] vt. 燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起…的愤怒vi. 燃烧;烧毁;发热n. 灼伤,烧伤;烙印burst [bə:st] vi. 爆发,突发;爆炸vt. 爆发,突发;爆炸n. 爆发,突发;爆炸bury ['beri] vt. 埋葬;隐藏busbush [buʃ] n. 灌木;矮树丛vt. 以灌木装饰;使…精疲力竭vi. 丛生;浓密地生长adj. 如灌木般长得低矮的;粗野的businessbusybutbutter ['bʌtə] vt. 涂黄油于;讨好n. 黄油;奶油;奉承话button ['bʌtən] n. 按钮;钮扣vt. 扣住;扣紧;在…上装钮扣vi. 扣住;装有钮扣;扣上钮扣buybybyeCcage [keidʒ] n. 笼,兽笼;牢房,监狱vt. 把…关进笼子;把…囚禁起来cakecalculate['kælkjuleit] vi. 计算;以为;作打算vt. 计算;预测;认为;打算calculator['kælkjuleitə] n. 计算器;计算者callcalm [kɑ:m, kɑ:lm] adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的vt. 使平静;使镇定vi. 平静下来;镇定下来n. 风平浪静camera ['kæmərə] n. 照相机;摄影机camp [kæmp] vi. 露营;扎营vt. 扎营;使扎营n. 露营cancandle ['kændl] n.蜡烛;烛光;烛形物vt. 对着光检查capcapital ['kæpitəl]n. 首都,省会;资金;大写字母;资本家adj. 首都的;重要的;大写的captain ['kæptin] n.队长,首领;船长;上尉;海军上校vt. 指挥;率领carcardcardboardcare[kεə] n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑vt. 在意;希望或喜欢careful['kεəful] adj.仔细的,小心的careless['kεəlis] adj.粗心的;无忧无虑的;淡漠的carriage 'kæridʒ] n.运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;客车厢carry ['kæri] vt. 拿,扛;携带;支持;搬运vi. 能达到;被携带;被搬运n. 运载;[计] 进位;射程cart [kɑ:t] n. 二轮运货马车vt. 用车装载vi. 驾运货马车;用运货车运送case [keis] n. 情况;实例;箱vt. 包围;把…装于容器中castle ['kɑ:sl, 'kæ-]n. 城堡;象棋中的车vt. 置…于城堡中;筑城堡防御catcatch [kætʃ] vt. 赶上;抓住;感染;了解vi. 赶上;抓住n. 捕捉;捕获物;窗钩cattle ['kætl]n. 牛;牲畜(骂人的话);家畜;无价值的人cause [kɔ:z] n. 原因;事业;目标vt. 引起;使遭受cell [sel] n. 细胞;电池;蜂房的巢室;单人小室vi. 住在牢房或小室中cement [si'ment] vt.巩固,加强;用水泥涂;接合vi. 粘牢n. 水泥;接合剂cent [sent] n. 分;一分的硬币;森特(等于半音程的百分之一)center ['sentə] n. 中心,中央;中锋;中心点vi. 居中,被置于中心vt. 集中,使聚集在一点;定中心adj. 中央的,位在正中的centimeter['senti,mi:tə] n. [计量] 厘米;[计量] 公分central ['sentrəl] adj. 中心的;主要的;中枢的n. 电话总机century ['sentʃuri] n. 世纪,百年;(板球)一百分[ 复数centuries ] ceremony['seriməuni] n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼certain ['sə:tən] adj. 某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的pron. 某些;某几个chainchairchairperson['tʃεə,pə:sən]n. 主席;议长chalk [tʃɔ:k] vt. 用粉笔写;用白垩粉擦;记录;规划n. 粉笔;白垩;用粉笔划的记号adj. 用粉笔写的vi. 变成白垩状chancechangecharacter ['kærəktə] n. 性格,品质;特性;角色;[计] 字符vt. 印,刻;使具有特征charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载vt. 使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对…索费;向…冲去vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上charm [tʃɑ:m] n. 魅力,吸引力;魔力vt. 使陶醉;行魔法vi. 有魔力;用符咒chase [tʃeis] vt. 追逐;追捕;试图赢得;雕镂vi. 追逐;追赶;奔跑n. 追逐;追赶;追击cheapcheat [tʃi:t] vt. 欺骗;骗取vi. 欺骗;作弊n. 欺骗,作弊;骗子check [tʃek] vi. 核对无误;将军(象棋);证明无误vt. 检查;制止;寄存n. 支票;阻止;阻止物cheek [tʃi:k] n. 面颊,脸颊;臀部vt. 无礼地向…讲话,对…大胆无礼cheer [tʃiə] vt. 欢呼;使高兴;为…加油n. 欢呼;愉快;心情;令人愉快的事vi. 欢呼;感到高兴cheerful ['tʃiəful] adj.快乐的;愉快的;高兴的cheese [tʃi:z] n. [食品]奶酪;干酪;要人vt. 停止adj. 叛变的;胆小的chemical ['kemikəl]n. 化学制品,化学药品adj. 化学的chemistry['kemistri]n. 化学;化学过程cheque [tʃek] n. 支票chest [tʃest] n. 胸,胸部;衣柜;箱子;金库chickenchief [tʃi:f] n. 首领;酋长;主要部分adj. 首席的;主要的;主任的adv. 主要地;首要地childchildhood['tʃaildhud] n. 童年时期;幼年时代childrenchimney ['tʃimni]n. 烟囱chin [tʃin] n. 下巴;聊天;引体向上动作vt. 用下巴夹住;与…聊天;在单杠上作引体向上动作vi. 闲谈;作引体向上动作chocolatechoice [tʃɔis] n. 选择;选择权;精选品adj. 精选的;仔细推敲的choose [tʃu:z] vt. 选择,决定vi. 选择,挑选church [tʃə:tʃ] n. 教堂;礼拜;教派adj. 教会的;礼拜的vt. 领…到教堂接受宗教仪式cigarette [,siɡə'ret,'siɡ-] n. 香烟;纸烟cinema ['sinəmə] n.电影;电影院;电影业,电影制作术circle ['sə:kl] n. 循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物vi. 盘旋,旋转;环行vt. 画圆圈;环绕…移动circular ['sə:kjulə]adj. 循环的;圆形的;间接的n. 通知,传单citizen ['sitizən] n.公民;市民;老百姓citycivilization[,sivilai'zeiʃən, -li'z-]n. 文明;文化claim [kleim] vi. 提出要求vt. 要求;声称;需要;认领n. 要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得classclay [klei] n. [土壤]粘土;泥土;肉体;似黏土的东西vt. 用黏土处理cleanclear [kliə] adj. 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的vt. 通过;清除;使干净;跳过vi. 放晴;变清澈adv. 清晰地;完全地n. 清除;空隙clerk [klɑ:k, klə:k] n.职员,办事员;店员;书记;记帐员vi. 当销售员,当店员clever ['klevə]adj.聪明的;机灵的;熟练的cliff [klif] n. 悬崖;绝壁climb [klaim] vi. 爬;攀登;上升vt. 爬;攀登;上升n. 爬;攀登clockclockwork['klɔkwə:k] n. 发条装置;钟表装置close [kləuz] adj. 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的vt. 关;结束;使靠近vi. 关;结束;关闭adv. 紧密地n. 结束cloth [klɔθ, klɔ:θ]n. 布,织物;餐巾clothesclothingcloud [klaud] n. 云;阴云;云状物;一大群;黑斑vt. 使混乱;以云遮敝;使忧郁;玷污vi. 阴沉;乌云密布clubcoal [kəul] vi. 上煤;加煤vt. 给…加煤;把…烧成炭n. 煤;煤块;木炭coast [kəust] vi. 滑行;沿岸航行vt. 沿…岸航行n. 海岸;滑坡coatcoffeecoin [kɔin] vt. 铸造(货币);杜撰,创造n. 硬币,钱币coldcollar ['kɔlə] n. 衣领;颈圈vt. 抓住;给…上领子;给…套上颈圈collect [kə'lekt] vt.收集;募捐vi. 收集;聚集;募捐adv. 由收件人付款地adj. 由收件人付款的collegecolorcomb [kəum] n. 梳子;蜂巢;鸡冠vt. 梳头发;梳毛vi. (浪)涌起combination[,kɔmbi'neiʃən] n.结合;组合;联合;[化学] 化合combine [kəm'bain]vt. 使化合;使联合,使结合vi. 联合,结合;化合n. 联合收割机;联合企业comecomfort ['kʌmfət] n.安慰;舒适;安慰者vt. 安慰;使(痛苦等)缓和comfortable['kʌmfətəbl] adj. 舒适的,舒服的n. 盖被command [kə'mɑ:nd] vi. 命令,指挥;控制vt. 命令,指挥;控制;远望n. 指挥,控制;命令;司令部committee [kə'miti]n. 委员会common ['kɔmən]adj. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的n. 普通;平民;公有地companion[kəm'pænjən] n. 同伴;朋友;指南;手册vt. 陪伴companycompare [kəm'pεə]vt. 比较;对照;比喻为vi. 比较;相比n. 比较comparison[kəm'pærisən]n.比较;对照;比喻;比较关系compete [kəm'pi:t]vi. 竞争;比赛;对抗competition[,kɔmpi'tiʃən] n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛competitor[kəm'petitə]n. 竞争者,对手complain[kəm'plein] vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说vt. 抱怨;控诉complaint[kəm'pleint] n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈complete [kəm'pli:t]adj. 完整的;完全的;彻底的vt. 完成compound['kɔmpaund,kəm'paund] vt. 合成;混合;和解妥协;搀合vi. 和解;妥协n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词adj. 复合的;混合的computer[kəm'pju:tə] n. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机concern [kən'sə:n]vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心n. 关系;关心;关心的事concerning[kən'sə:niŋ] prep.关于;就…而言v. 涉及;使关心(concern的ing形式);忧虑concert [kən'sə:t,'kɔnsə:t] n. 音乐会;一致;和谐vt. 使协调;协同安排vi. 协调;协力adj. 音乐会用的;在音乐会上演出的condition [kən'diʃən]n. 条件;情况;环境;身份vt. 决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件confidence['kɔnfidəns] n. 信心;信任;秘密adj. (美)诈骗的;骗得信任的confident['kɔnfidənt] adj. 自信的;确信的confuse [kən'fju:z]vt. 使混乱;使困惑connect [kə'nekt] vt.连接;联合;关连vi. 连接,连结;联合conscience['kɔnʃəns] n. 道德心,良心conscious ['kɔnʃəs]adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的consider [kən'sidə]vt. 考虑;认为;考虑到;细想vi. 考虑;认为;细想consist [kən'sist] vi.组成;在于;符合consonant['kɔnsənənt] adj. 辅音的;一致的;和谐的n. 辅音;辅音字母contain [kən'tein] vt.包含;控制;容纳;牵制(敌军)vi. 含有;自制contents ['kɔntents]n. 内容;[图情][计] 目录;要旨(content的复数)v. 使满意(content的三单形式)continue continuous contract ['kɔntrækt, kən'trækt] vi. 收缩;感染;订约vt. 感染;订约;使缩短n. 合同;婚约control [kən'trəul] n. 控制;管理;抑制;操纵装置vt. 控制;管理;抑制convenient[kən'vi:njənt] adj.方便的conversation[,kɔnvə'seiʃən] n.交谈;会话;社交cook [kuk] vt. 烹调,煮vi. 烹调,做菜n. 厨师,厨子cool [ku:l] adj. 凉爽的;冷静的;出色的vt. 使…冷却;使…平静下来vi. 变凉;平息n. 凉爽;凉爽的空气adv. 冷静地copper ['kɔpə] n. 铜;铜币;警察adj. 铜的vt. 镀铜于copy ['kɔpi] vi. 复制;复印;抄袭vt. 复制;复印;抄袭n. 副本;一册;摹仿cord [kɔ:d] n. 绳索;束缚vt. 用绳子捆绑corn [kɔ:n] n. (美)玉米;(英)谷物;[皮肤] 鸡眼vt. 腌;使成颗粒corner ['kɔ:nə] n. 角落,拐角处;地区,偏僻处;困境,窘境vi. 囤积;相交成角vt. 垄断;迫至一隅;使陷入绝境;把…难住correct [kə'rekt] vt.改正;告诫vi. 调整;纠正错误adj. 正确的;恰当的;端正的cost [kɔst] vt. 花费;使付出;使花许多钱n. 费用,代价,成本;损失vi. 花费cotton ['kɔtən] n. 棉花;棉布;棉线vi. 一致;理解;和谐;亲近adj. 棉的;棉制的cough [kɔ:f] n. 咳嗽,咳嗽声;咳嗽病vt. 咳出vi. 咳嗽couldcouncil ['kaunsəl] n.委员会;会议;理事会;地方议会;顾问班子count [kaunt] vt. 计算;认为vi. 计数;有价值n. 计数;计算;伯爵countrycourage ['kʌridʒ] n.勇气;胆量course [kɔ:s] n. 过程;进程;道路;一道菜vt. 追赶;跑过vi. 指引航线;快跑court [kɔ:t] n. 法院;球场;朝廷;奉承vt. 招致(失败、危险等);向…献殷勤;设法获得vi. 求爱cover ['kʌvə] vt. 包括;采访,报导;涉及n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物vi. 覆盖;代替cowcoward ['kauəd] n.懦夫,懦弱的人adj. 胆小的,懦怯的cowardly ['kauədli]adj. 怯懦的,懦弱的;胆小的adv. 胆怯地crack [kræk] vt. 使破裂;打开;变声vi. 破裂;爆裂n. 裂缝;声变;噼啪声adj. 最好的;高明的crash v. 睡觉cream [kri:m] n. 奶油,乳脂;精华;面霜;乳酪creature ['kri:tʃə] n.动物,生物;人;创造物creep [kri:p] vi. 爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩n. 爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者cricket ['krikit] n. 板球,板球运动;蟋蟀crime [kraim] n. 罪行,犯罪;罪恶;犯罪活动vt. 控告……违反纪律criminal ['kriminəl]n. 罪犯adj. 刑事的;犯罪的;罪恶的crop [krɔp] n. 产量;农作物;庄稼;平头vt. 种植;收割;修剪;剪短vi. 收获cross [krɔ:s] n. 交叉,十字;十字架,十字形物vi. 交叉;杂交;横过vt. 杂交;渡过;使相交adj. 交叉的,相反的;乖戾的crowd [[kraud]] n.群众,一伙;一堆,许多,大众v. 拥挤,挤满,挤进vt. 挤满,将...塞进;催促,催逼vi. 挤,拥挤,聚集cruel ['kru:əl] adj. 残酷的,残忍的;使人痛苦的cruelty ['kru:əlti] n.残酷;残忍;残酷的行为[ 复数cruelties ]crush [krʌʃ] vt. 压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入vi. 挤;被压碎n. 粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群crycultivate ['kʌltiveit]vt. 培养;陶冶;耕作cupcupboard ['kʌbəd] n.碗柜;食橱cure [kjuə] vt. 治疗;治愈;使硫化;加工处理vi. 治病;痊愈;受治疗;被硫化;被加工处理n. 治疗;治愈;[临床] 疗法curl [kə:l] vt. 使…卷曲;使卷起来vi. 卷曲;盘绕n. 卷曲;卷发;螺旋状物current ['kʌrənt] adj.现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的n. (水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流curse kə:s] n. 诅咒;咒骂vt. 诅咒;咒骂vi. 诅咒;咒骂curtain ['kə:tən] n. 幕;窗帘vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘curve [kə:v] n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表vt. 弯;使弯曲vi. 成曲形adj. 弯曲的;曲线形的custom ['kʌstəm] n.习惯;风俗;海关adj. 定制的,定做的customer['kʌstəmə]n. 顾客;家伙cut [kʌt] n. 伤口;切口;削减;(服装等的)式样;[体育]削球;切入vt. 切割;削减;缩短;刺痛vi. 切割;相交;切牌;停拍;不出席adj. 割下的;雕过的;缩减的cycle ['saikl] n. 循环;周期;自行车;整套;一段时间vt. 使循环;使轮转vi. 循环;骑自行车;轮转Ddaily ['deili] adj. 日常的;每日的n. 日报;朝来夜去的女佣adv. 日常地;每日;天天damage ['dæmidʒ] vi. 损害;损毁;赔偿金n. 损害;损毁vt. 损害,毁坏dancedanger ['deindʒə] n. 危险;危险物,威胁dangerous['deindʒərəs] adj.危险的dare[dεə] n. 挑战;挑动vt. 敢冒;不惧vi. 敢;胆敢daring ['dεəriŋ] adj. 大胆的,勇敢的n. 胆量,勇气v. 敢(dare的现在分词)dark ['dɑ:k] adj. 黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;无知的;忧郁的n. 黑暗;夜;黄昏;模糊datedaughterdaydead [ded] adj. 无生命的;呆板的;废弃了的adv. 完全地n. 死者deal [di:l] vt. 处理;给予;分配;发牌vi. 处理;讨论;对待;做生意n. 交易;(美)政策;待遇;份量deardeathdebt [det] n. 债务;借款;罪过decay [di'kei] vi. 衰退,[核] 衰减;腐烂,腐朽n. 衰退,[核] 衰减;腐烂,腐朽vt. 使腐烂,使腐败;使衰退,使衰落deceit [di'si:t] n. 欺骗;谎言;欺诈手段deceive [di'si:v] v.欺骗;行骗decide [di'said] vt.决定;解决;判决vi. 决定,下决心decimal ['desiməl]adj. 小数的;十进位的n. 小数decision [di'siʒən] n.决定,决心;决议declaration[,deklə'reiʃən] n.(纳税品等的)申报;宣布;公告;申诉书declare[di'klεə] vt.宣布,声明;断言,宣称vi. 声明,宣布decorate ['dekəreit]vt. 装饰;布置;授勋给vi. 装饰;布置decoration[,dekə'reiʃən] n. 装饰,装潢;装饰品;奖章decrease [di'kri:s,'di:-, 'di:kri:s, di'k-]n. 减少,减小;减少量vi. 减少,减小vt. 减少,减小deep [di:p] n. 深处;深渊adj. 深的;低沉的;深奥的adv. 深入地;深深地;迟deer [diə] n. 鹿defeat [di'fi:t] vt. 击败,战胜;挫败;使…失败n. 失败;战胜defend [di'fend] vt.辩护;防护vi. 保卫;防守defense [di'fens] n.防卫,防护;防御措施;防守vt. 谋划抵御degree [di'ɡri:] n. 程度,等级;度;学位;阶层delay [di'lei] vi. 延期;耽搁vt. 延期;耽搁n. 延期;耽搁;被耽搁或推迟的时间delicate ['delikət] adj.微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;易碎的;纤弱的;清淡可口的delight [di'lait] n. 高兴vi. 高兴vt. 使高兴deliver [di'livə] vt.交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给…接生vi. 实现;传送;履行;投递n. 投球demand [di'mɑ:nd,-'mænd] vt. 要求;需要;查询vi. 需要;请求;查问n. [经] 需求;要求;需要department [di'pɑ:tmənt] n. 部;部门;系;科;局depend [di'pend] vi.依赖,依靠;取决于;相信,信赖dependent[di'pendənt] adj. 依。

XXX.渴望;觉得疼痛n.疼痛acidn.酸;讥刺;有酸味的东西;迷幻药adj.酸的,有酸味的;尖酸刻薄的;酸性的;敏锐的;讽刺的afterwardsadv.后来地;然后aimn.瞄准;目标,目的;瞄准的方向v.瞄准;对准,瞄准;意欲,旨在,致力altogetheradv.完全,全然;总而言之,总之;合计,全部musingadv.冥想地;沉思地XXX.踝,足踝;踝关节XXX.蚂蚁XXX.忧虑,焦虑,焦虑的事usadj.忧虑的,渴望的,热心的apartadv.划分地;星散;分成零件apparatusn.仪器,器械;器官;设备,装置;机关,机构,政党组织archn.拱门,弓形v.使成弧形,拱起,使成弓形;呈拱形覆盖;形成弧形;呈弧形移动adj.调皮的,淘气的;为首的,主要的armn.臂;扶手;臂状物;杆#兵种v.武装起来;用武器装备;提供,配备armorn.盔甲;装甲部队;装甲,防护钢板;保护层ashn.灰,灰烬;废墟;骨灰,遗骸;淡灰色#白蜡树atomn.原子;一点儿,微量;微小物awkwardadj.笨拙的backward adj.向后的,返回的,反向的;怕羞的,畏缩的;落后的,发展缓慢的;犹豫的adv.向后地;追溯;相反地backwardsadv.向后;往回,向原处;倒,逆barev.使赤裸;揭发;露出;流露adj.赤裸的,无遮盖的,极少的barreln.桶v.装入桶内;高速行进XXX.游泳v.洗澡;游泳;日光浴;沉浸;沐浴,用水洗beakn.鸟嘴;口;喙状嘴;鹰钩鼻;治安法官,治安推事beamn.梁;横梁;桁;秤杆,天平横杆;光线accordancen.一致,和谐;授予;符合;给予v.照射,照耀;堆满笑容,眉开眼笑;以梁支撑;将。

朗文词典2000基础词汇Aabilityaboutabove abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account acheacidacrossactactionactive activityactor actress actualaddaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice adviseaffairaffordafraidafterafternoonafterwardsagainagainstageagoagreeagreementaheadaimairaircraftairforceairportalcoholalikealiveallallowalmostalonealongaloudalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughaltogetheralwaysamongamountamuseamusementamusinganancientandangerangleangryanimalankleannoyannoyanceanotheranswerantanxietyanxiousanyanyhowanyoneanythinganywhereapartapparatusappearappearanceappleappointapprovalapprovearchareaargueargumentarmarmorarmsarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasashashamedasideaskasleepassociationatatomattackattemptattendattendanceattentionattractattractiveauntautumnaverageavoidawakeawayawkwardBbabybackbackgroundbackwardbackwardsbacteriabadbagbakebalanceballbananabandbankbarbarebarrelbasebasketbathbathebattlebebeakbeambeanbearbeardbeatbeautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeebeerbeforebegbeginbeginningbehavebehaviorbehindbeliefbelievebellbelongbelow belt bend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyond bicycle bigbill bind bird birth birthday bitbite bitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border born borrow both bottlebottombowelsbowlboxboybrainbranchbrassbravebreadbreadthbreakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrickbridgebrightbringbroadbroadcastbrotherbrownbrushbucketbuildbuildingbulletbunchburialburnburstburybusbushbusinessbusybutbutterbuttonbuybybyeCcagecakecalculatecalculatorcallcalmcameracampcancandlecapcapitalcaptaincarcardcardboardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycartcasecastlecatcatchcattlecausecellcementcentcentercentimetercentralcenturyceremonycertainchainchairchairpersonchalkchancechangecharacterchargecharmchasecheapcheatcheckcheekcheercheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildhoodchildrenchimneychinchocolatechoicechoosechurchcigarettecinemacirclecircularcitizencitycivilizationclaimclassclaycleanclearclerkclevercliffclimbclockclockworkcloseclothclothesclothingcloudclubcoalcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollarcollectcollegecolorcombcombinationcombinecomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommoncompanioncompanycomparecomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompound computer concern concerning concert condition confidence confident confuse connect conscience conscious consider consist consonant contain contents continue continuous contract control convenient conversation cookcool copper copycordcorn corner correctcostcotton cough could council count country courage course court covercow cowardcowardlycrackcrashcreamcreaturecreepcricketcrimecriminalcropcrosscrowdcruelcrueltycrushcrycultivatecupcupboardcurecurlcurrentcursecurtaincurvecustomcustomercutcycleDdailydamagedancedangerdangerousdaredaringdarkdatedaughterdaydeaddealdeardeathdebtdecaydeceitdeceivedecidedecimaldecisiondeclarationdeclaredecoratedecorationdecreasedeepdeerdefeatdefenddefensedegreedelaydelicatedelightdeliverdemanddepartmentdependdependentdepthdescenddescribedescriptiondescriptivedesertdeservedesirabledesiredeskdestroydestructiondetaildeterminationdetermineddevelopdevildiamonddictionarydiedifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdinnerdipdirectdirectiondirtdirtydisappointdiscouragediscouragementdiscoverdiscoverydishdismissdistancedistantditchdividedivisiondodoctordogdollardoordoorwaydotdoubledoubtdowndragdrawdrawerdreamdressdrinkdrivedropdrowndrugdrumdrunkdryduckdullduringdustdutyEeacheagerearearlyearneartheasteasterneasyeatedgeeducateeducationeffecteffectiveefforteggeighteightheitherelasticelbowelectelection electric electricity elephantelseemploy employer employment empty enclose enclosure encourage encouragement endenemy engine engineer enjoy enjoyment enoughenter entertain entertainment entrance envelope equal equality escape especially establish establishment eveneveningeventeverevery everyone everything everywhere evilexact examination examineexampleexcellentexceptexchangeexciteexcitedexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpectexpensiveexperienceexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexplosiveexpressexpressionextremeeyeeyelidFfacefactfactoryfailfailurefaintfairfairyfaithfaithfulfallfalsefamefamiliarfamilyfamousfancyfarfarmfarmerfarmyardfashionfashionablefashionedfastfastenfatfatefatherfaultfavorfavorablefavoritefearfeatherfeedfeelfeelingfeelingsfellowfemalefencefeverfewfieldfiercefifthfightfigurefillfilmfindfinefingerfinishfirefireplacefirmfirstfishfishermanfitfivefixflagflameflashflatfleshflightfloatfloodfloorflourflowflowerflyfoldfollowfondfoodfoolfoolishfootfootballfootpathfootstepforforbidforceforeheadforeignforeignerforestforgetforgiveforkformformalformerformerlyfortfortunatefortuneforwardforwardsfourfourthfoxframefreefreedomfreezefrequentfreshfriendfriendlyfrightenfrighteningfromfrontfruitfulfillfullfunfuneralfunnyfurfurnishfurniturefurtherfutureGgaingamegaragegardengarmentgasgasolinegate gather general generous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgivegladglassglorygluegogoatgodgold golden good goods govern government grace graceful gradual graingram grammar grand grandfather grandmother grass grateful gravegraygreat greengreet greeting griefgrieve ground groupgrowgrowthguardguessguestguidanceguideguiltgunHhabithabitualhairhairyhalfhallhammerhandhandkerchiefhandlehanghappenhappyhardhardenhardlyhardshipharmharmfulharmlesshastyhathatehatredhaveheheadhealthhealthyhearheartheatheavenheavyheelheighthelphelpfulhenherherehersherselfhidehighhillhimhimselfhirehishistoricalhistoryhitholdholidayhollowholyhomehonesthonestyhonorhonorablehookhopehopefulhopelesshorizonhornhorsehospitalhosthothotelhourhourlyhousehowhumanhumorhumoroushundredhundredthhungerhungryhunthurryhurthusbandhutIiceicyideaifillimageimaginaryimaginationimagineimportanceimportantimproveimprovementinincludeincludingincomeincreaseindoorindoorsindustrialindustryinfectinfectioninfectiousinfluenceinfluentialinforminformationinkinnerinquireinquiryinsectinsideinsteadinstructinstructioninstrumentinsuranceinsureintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinterruptinterruptionintointroduceintroductioninventinventioninvitationinviteinwardsironislandititsitselfJjaw jealous jealousy jelly jewel jewelry jobjoinjointjoke journey joyjudge judgment juice jumpjust justiceKkeen keepkeykickkillkilo kilogram kilometer kindking kingdom kiss kitchen knee kneel knife knock knot know knowledge LlaborlackladderladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelastlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlaylazyleadleafleanlearnleastleatherleaveleftleglegallendlengthlesslessonletletterlevellibrarylidlielifeliftlightlightninglikelikelylimblimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliterliteraturelittleliveloadloaflocallocklodginglodgingsloglonelylonglooklooselordloselosslotloudlovelowlowerloyalloyaltylucklumplungMmachinemachinerymadmagazinemagicmagicianmailmainmakemalemanmanagemanagermannermanymapmarchmarkmarketmarriagemarrymassmastermatmatchmaterialmattermaymemealmeanmeaningmeansmeasuremeatmedicalmedicinemeetmeetingmeltmembermemorymendmentionmerrymessagemessengermetalmetermethodmetricmicroscopemiddlemightmilemilitarymilkmillionmillionthmindminemineralministerminutemirrormissmistmistakemixmixturemodelmodernmomentmoneymonkeymonthmonthlymoonmoralmoralsmoremorningmostmothermotor mountain mouse mouth movemuchmud multiply murder muscle music musician mustmymyself mysterious mysteryNnailname narrow nastynation national naturenavalnavynearnearlyneat necessary neckneed needle neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervousnest netnetworknevernewnewsnewspapernextnicenightnineninthnonoblenoblemannoisenonenonsensenornorthnorthernnosenotnothingnoticenounnownowherenumbernursenutnylonOobedienceobedientobeyobjectobtainoccasionoceanoddofoffoffendoffenseoffensiveofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoiloldononceoneoneselfoniononlyopenoperateoperationopinionopponentopposeoppositeoppositionororangeorderordinaryorganorganizationoriginotherotherwiseoughtouroursourselvesoutoutdooroutdoorsouteroutsideoveroweowingownoxygenPpackpacketpagepainpainfulpaintpaintingpairpalacepalepanpaperparallelparcelparentparkparliamentpartparticipleparticularpartnerpartypasspassagepassengerpastpastrypathpatiencepatientpatternpausepaypaymentpeacepeacefulpenpencepencilpeoplepepperperperfectperformperhapsperiodpermissionpermitpersonpersonalpersuadepetpetrolphotographphotographyphrasephysicalpianopickpicturepiecepigpilepilotpinpinkpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplantplasticplateplaypleasantplease pleased pleasure plenty plural pocket poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole police polish polite political politician politics poolpoor popular popularity population port position possess possession possibility possible possibly postpot potato pound pour powder power powerful practical practice praise prayprayerpreciouspreparationpreparepresencepresentpreservepresidentpresspressurepretendprettypreventpricepricklypridepriestprinceprincipleprintprisonprisonerprivateprizeprobabilityprobableproblemprocessprocessionproduceproductproductionprofessionprofitpromisepronouncepronunciationproofproperpropertyprotectprotectionprotectiveproudproveprovideprovisionprovisionspublicpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurposepushputQqualityquantityquarrelquarterqueenquestionquickquietquiteRrabbitraceradiorailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrareratrateratherrawreachreadreadyrealreallyreasonreasonablereceiverecentrecentlyrecognitionrecognizerecordredreducereductionrefusalrefuseregardregularrelatedrelationrelativereligionreligiousremainremarkrememberremindremoverentrepairrepeatreplyreportrepresentrepresentativerepublicrequestrespectrespectfulresponsiblerestrestaurantresultreturnrewardricerichridriderightringriperiseriskriverroadrobrockrodrollroofroomrootroperoseroughroundrowroyalrubrubberruderuinrulerulerrunrushSsadsafe safetysailsalesaltsame sand satisfaction satisfactory satisfy savesayscale scatter scene scenery school science scientific scientist scissors screwsea search season seat second secrecy secret secretary seeseed seem seizesellsend sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sentence separateseriousservantserveservicesetsettlesevenseventhseveralseveresewsexsexualshadeshadowshakeshallshameshapesharesharpshesheepsheetshelfshellsheltershieldshineshipshirtshockshoeshootshopshopkeepershoreshortshotshouldshouldershoutshowshutsicksidesidewayssightsignsignalsignaturesilencesilentsilksillysilversimilarsimilaritysimplesincesinceresingsinglesingularsinksistersitsituationsixsixthsizeskillskillfulskinskirtskyslavesleepslideslightslipslipperyslopeslowsmallsmellsmilesmokesmoothsnakesnowsosoapsocialsocietysocksoftsoilsoldiersolemnsolidsomesomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoonsoresorrowsorrysortsoulsoundsoupsoursouthsouthernspacespacecraftspadespeakspearspecialspecialistspeechspeedspellspendspinspiritspitesplendidsplitspoilspoonsportspotspreadspringsquarestagestairstampstandstandardstarstartstatestationstaysteadystealsteamsteelsteepstemstepstickstickystiffstillstingstitchstomachstonestopstorestormstory straight strange stranger stream street strength stretch strike string stroke strong structure struggle student study stupid style subject substance subtract succeed success successful such suck sudden suffer sugar suggest suit suitable sum summer sun supper supply support suppose sure surface surprise surround swallowswearsweepsweetswellswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemTtabletailtaketalktalltastetaxtaxiteateachteamteartelephonetelevisiontelltempertemperaturetempletendtendencytendertennistensetentterribleterrortestthanthankthatthetheatertheirtheirsthemthemselvesthentherethereforethesetheythickthiefthinthingthinkthirdthirstthirstythisthoroughthosethoughthoughtthousandthousandththreadthreatthreatenthreethroatthroughthrowthumbthunderthustickettidytietigertighttimetimetabletintiretitletotobaccotodaytoetogethertomorrowtonguetonighttootooltoothtoptotaltouchtourtouristtowardstowertowntoytracktradetraffictraintranslatetransparenttraptraveltreattreatmenttreetrembletribetricktriptropicaltroubletrouserstruetrunktrusttruthtrytubetuneturntwicetwisttypetypicaltyreUuglyuncleunderunderstandundouniformunionunituniteuniversaluniverseuniversityuntilupupperuprightupsetupsideupstairsurgeurgentususeusefuluselessusualVvalley valuable value variety various vary vegetable vehicle verb very victory view village violence violent visit voice vote vowel voyageWwages waist wait waiter wake walk wall wander want war warm warmth warn wash waste watchwaterwavewayweweakwealthweaponwearweatherweaveweddingweekweeklyweighweightwelcomewellwestwesternwetwhatwhateverwheatwheelwhenwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhicheverwhilewhipwhisperwhistlewhitewhowhoeverwholewhywickedwidewidespreadwidthwifewildwillwillingwinwindwindowwinewingwinterwirewisdomwisewishwithwithinwithoutwitnesswomanwonderwoodwoodenwoolwoolenwordworkworldwormworryworseworshipworstworthworthywouldwoundwrapwreckwristwritewrongwrongdoingYyardyearyearlyyellowyesyesterdayyetyouyoungyouryoursyourselfyouthZzero。

适合2000词汇量的单词书English Answer:For a vocabulary level of approximately 2000 words, I would recommend the following resources:Oxford Wordpower Dictionary (3rd Edition) This dictionary is designed for intermediate-level learners of English and contains around 20,000 words and phrases, with definitions, usage examples, and synonyms.Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2nd Edition) This dictionary is tailored for advanced learners and features over 80,000 words and phrases, with detailed definitions, pronunciation guides, and cultural notes.Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (4th Edition) Known for its clear and concise definitions, this dictionary contains over 140,000 words and phrases,including common idioms and phrasal verbs.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (6th Edition) This dictionary is designed for both intermediate and advanced learners and offers a comprehensive collection of over 230,000 words and phrases, with usage examples, collocations, and grammar notes.Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary This dictionary is known for its clear and accessible definitions, and it includes over 120,000 words and phrases, with pronunciation guides, usage examples, and cultural notes.In addition to these dictionaries, I would also recommend using vocabulary books designed specifically for your level. Here are a few options:600 Essential Words by Barron's Educational Series This book introduces 600 essential words for intermediate learners, with definitions, usage examples, and practice exercises.Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL by ETS This book is designed to help students prepare for the TOEFLэкзамен, and it includes over 500 words and phrases that are commonly tested.Vocabulary Builder Workbook by Kaplan This workbook is designed to help students expand their vocabulary through exercises, practice tests, and review sections.Remember, building vocabulary takes time and consistency. Make an effort to read widely, use adictionary frequently, and engage in activities that challenge your vocabulary, such as reading challenging texts, completing crossword puzzles, or playing word games.中文回答:对于词汇量约为 2000 的学习者,我推荐以下材料:牛津词典(第三版),这本词典专为英语中级学习者设计,包含约 20,000 个单词和短语,并提供定义、用法示例和同义词。
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[设计]朗文词典注释所用2000核心词汇集The Longman Defining VocabularyWords used in the definitions in this dictionaryAll the definitions in this dictionary have been written using the words in this list. If a definition includes a word that is not in the list, that word is shown in small capital letters.The Defining Vocabulary has been carefully chosen after a thorough study of all the well-known frequency lists of English words. Furthermore, only the most common and ‘entral’ meanings of the words in the list have actually been used in definitions. We have also used a special computer program that checks every entry to ensure that words from outside the Defining Vocabulary do not appear in definitions.Word class restrictionsFor some words in the list, a word class label such as n or adj is shown. This means that this particular word is used in definitions only in the word class shown. So anger, for example, is used only as a noun and not as a verb. But if no word class is shown for a word, it can be used in any of its usual word classes: answer, for example, is used in definitions both as a noun and as a verb.Compound wordsDefinitions occasionally include compound words formed from words in the Defining Vocabulary, but this is only done if the meaning iscompletely clear. For example, the word businessman (formed frombusiness and man) is used in some definitions.Prefixes and suffixesThe main list is followed by a list of common prefixes and suffixes. These can be added to words in the main list to form derived words, provided the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word nervousness (formed by adding -ness to nervous) is used in some definitions.Phrasal verbsPhrasal verbs formed by combining words in the Defining Vocabulary (for example, put up with) are not used in definitions in the dictionary, except in a very small number of cases where the phrasal verb is extremely common and there is no common equivalent. So, for example,give up (as in give up smoking) and take off (as in the plane took off) are occasionally used.Proper namesThe Defining Vocabulary does not include the names of actual places, nationalities, religions, and so on, which are occasionally mentioned in definitions.Pearson Education Limited 1999Aa affect abbreviation afford ability afraid able after adv, conj,prep about afternoon above adv, prep afterwards abroad again absence against absent adj age n accept ago acceptable agree accident agreementaccidental ahead according to aim account n air n achieve aircraft achievement airport acid alcohol across alive act all adv, pron, determiner, pre-determineraction allow active almost activity alone actor, actress along actual alphabet actually already add also addition although additional always address among adjective amount n admiration amuse admire amusement admit amusing adult an advanced ancient adj advantage and adventure n anger n adverb angle n advertise angry advertisement animal advice announce advise annoy affair annoyinganother article answer artificialas anxietyas opposed to anxiousany ashamed anyone ask anything asleep anywhere association apart at apartment atom appear attack appearance attempt apple attend approval attention approve attitude area attract argue attractive argument authority arm n autumn army available around average adj, n arrange avoid arrangement awake adj arrival away adv arrive awkward artbeach n B beak baby beam n back adj, adv, n bean background bear beat backward(s) advbeautiful badbag n beauty bake v because balance become ball n bed band n beer bank n before bar n begin base n, v beginning basic behave behaviour basketbehind adv, prep bath nbattle n belief be believebell bottle n belong bottom nbowl n belowbox n belt nbend boy beneath brain n beside(s) branch n best brave adj better adj, adv bread between break v beyond adj, adv breakfast n bicycle n breast big adj breath bill breathe bird breed birth brick bit bridge n bite bright bitter adj bring black adj, n broad adj blade broadcast v blame brother blind adj brown adj, n block brush blood build v blow building blue bullet board n burn boat burst v body bury boil bus bomb bush bone n business book n busy boot n but conj border n butter n bored button n boring buy v born by prep borrow bothCcake n calm adj calculate camera call v camp n, vcan chocolate cap choice nchoose capital nchurch n carcard cigarette care cinema careful circle n careless circular adj carriage citizen carry city case n claim v castle class n cat clay catch v clean adj, v cattle clear adj, v cause clever ceiling cliff celebrate climb v cell clock n central close adj, adv, v centre n cloth century clothes ceremony clothing certain adj, determiner cloud n chain n club n chair n coal chance n coast n change coat n character coffee charge coinn chase v cold adj, n cheap collar n cheat v collect v check college cheek n colour cheerful comb cheese combination chemical combine v chemistry come cheque comfort chest comfortable chicken command chief committee child common adj children communicate chin communication company cough compare v couldcouncil n comparisoncount v competecompetition country n competitor countryside complain courage complaint course n complete court n completely cover complicated cow n compound n crack n, v computer crash n, v concern v crazy concerning cream n concert creature condition n crime confidence criminal confident criticism confuse criticize confusing crop n connect cross n, v connection crowd conscious cruel consider crush v consist cry contain cup n container cupboard ccure ontinuecontinuous curl contract n current ncurtain n controlcurve conversationcook n, v custom n copy customercut corncycle v corner ncorrect adj, vcostcottonDdaily adj, adv dangerous damage dark dance date n danger daughter day difference dead adj differentdifficult deal ndifficulty deal withdeath dig vdebt dinner decay direct deceive direction decide dirt decisiondirty adj decorate disappoint decoration disappointing decrease discover deep adj discovery defeat discuss defence discussion defend disease n definite dish n definitely dismiss degree distance delay distant deliberate adj divide deliberately do vdelicate doctor n deliver document n demand dog n department dollar depend door dependent double adj, v, pre-determiner depth doubt describe down adv, prep description draw v desert n drawer deserve dream design dress n, v desirable drink desire drive n, v desk drop destroy drug n destruction drum n detail n drunk pastpart, adj determination dry determined duck n develop dull adj dictionary during die v dust n dutyEeach engine eager engineer n ear enjoy early enjoyable earn enjoyment earth n enough east enter eastern entertain easy adj entertainment eat entrance n economic envelope edge n environment educate equal adj, n educated equipment education escape effect n especially effective establish effort even adj, adv egg evening eight event either ever elbow every elect v everyone election everythingelectric everywhere electricity evil electronic exact adj else exactly embarrass examination embarrassing examine emotion example emphasize excellent employ v except conj, prep employer exchange employment excite empty adj, v exciting enclose excuse encourage exercise end exist enemy existence energy expectexpensive express v experience expression explain extreme adj explanation extremely explode eye explosionexplosiveFface field n fact fifth factory fightfigure n fail vfill vfailure fair adj film fairly final adj faith finally faithful adj financial fall find v false find out familiar fine adj family finger n famous finish v far fire farm firm adj farmer first adj, determiner fashion n fish fashionable fit adj, v fast adj, adv five fasten fix vfat flag n father n flame n fault n flash n, v favourable flat adj favourite adj flesh fear n flight feather n float v feature n flood feed v floor n feel v flour n feeling(s) flow female flower n fence n fly n, v fever fold few followfond freeze v food frequent adj foot n fresh football friend forprep friendly force frighten foreign frightening foreigner from forest n front adj, n forget fruit n forgive full adj fork n fun form funeral formal funny former fur n fortunate furniture forward(s) adv further adj, adv four(th) future frame nfreefreedomGgain v gold game n good garage n goodbye garden goods gas n govern gate government gather v graceful general adj gradual generally grain generous gram gentle grammar gentleman grand adj get grandfather gift grandmother girl grandparent give v grass n glad grateful glass adj, n grave n glue great adj go v green goat greet god greeting grey adj, n guest n ground n guideguilty group ngun n growgrowthguard vguess vHhabit high adj, adv hair hill half himhimself hallhis hammer nhand n historical handle history hang v hit happen v hold v happy hole hard holiday n hardly hollow adj harm holy harmful home adv, n hat honest hate v honour n hatred hook n have hope he hopeful head n horn health horse n healthy hospital hear hot adj heart hotel heat hour heaven house n heavy adj how adv heel n human height humorous hellohumour help hundred(th) helpful hungry her(s) hunt v here hurry herself hurt v hide v husband nIice n inner idea insect if inside ignore instead ill adj institution illegal instruction illness instrument image insult vimaginary insulting imagination insurance imagine insure immediately intelligence importance intelligent important intend impressiveintention improve interest improvement interesting in adv, prep international adj include interrupt including into income introduce increase introduction independent invent indoor(s) invitation industrial invite vindustry involve infect inwards infection iron adj, n infectious island influence v it proninform itsinformation itself injureinjuryink nJjaw joke jewel journey n jewellery judge job judgement join juice joint jumpjust advjusticeKkeen kitchen keep v knee n key n kneel kick knife n kill v knock v kilo knot kilogram know v kilometre knowledge kindkingkissLlack legallend ladylength adv, pron, determiner lakelamb less lamp lesson land let v language let go of large letterlast adv, determiner level adv, adj, nlate library lately lid laugh lie laughter lie down law life lawyer lift lay v light layer n like prep, v lazy likely lead v limit leaf n line n lean v lion learn lip least liquid leather list n leave v listen v left literature leg n litrelittle loss live v lot load loud local adj love lock low adj lonely lower long adj, adv loyal look n, v loyalty look after luck n look for lucky look sth up lung loose adjlord nloseMmachine n meal machinery mean v magazine meaning n magic means mail measure main adj measurement make v meat make into medical adj make up v medicine male meet v man n meeting manage melt manager member manner memory many mental map n mention v march v message mark metal nmethod market nmarriage metre married middle marry might v mass n mile matchmiliary adj material n milk n mathematics million(th) matter mind may v mine n, pron me mineralminister n motor adj, n minute n mountain mirror n mouse miss v mouth n mist n move v mistake n movement mix v much mixture mud model n multiply modern adj murder moment muscle n money music monkey n musician month must v moon n my moral adj mysterious more mystery morning mostmother nNnail new name news narrow adj newspaper nasty next adj, adv nation nice national adj night natural adj nine nature ninth navy no adv, determinernear adj, adv, prep noise n nearly none pron neat nonsense necessary no one neck nor need normal needle n north negative adj northern neither nose n nerve n not nervous note n net n nothing network n notice never noticeablenoun nurse now nut nowherenumber nOobey opponent object n opportunity obtain oppose occasion n as opposed to ocean opposite o’clock opposition of oroff adv, prep orange offence order offend ordinary offensive adj organ offer organize office organization officer origin officialoriginal often other oil n ought old our(s) old-fashioned out adj, adv on adv, prep outdoor(s) once adv outer one outside onion over adv, prep only owe only just own onto owner open adj, v oxygen operate operationopinionPpack v painting package pair n page n pale adj pain n pan n painful paper n paint parallel adj, nparent piece n park pig npile n parliamentpilot n part nparticiple pin particular adj pink adj, n partly pipe n partner npity party n place pass v plain adj, n passage plan passenger plane n past plant path plastic patient adj plate n pattern n play pause pleasant pay please payment pleased peace pleasure n peaceful plenty pron pen n plural pence pocket n pencil n poem people n poet pepper n poetry per cent point perfect adj pointed perform poison performance poisonous perhaps pole n period n police n permanent polish v permission polite person political personal politician persuade politics pet n pool n petrol poor photograph popular phrase n population physical adj port n piano n position n pick vpositivepick up possess picture n possessionpossible adj probably adj possibly problemprocess n possibilityproduce v postpot n product potato production pound n profession pour profit n powder n programme power n progress n powerful promise practical pronounce practice pronunciation practise proof n praise proper pray property prayer proposal prefer protect preparation protection prepare protective present adj, n protest preserve v proud president prove press v provide pressure n public pretend pull pretty adj pump prevent punish previous punishment price n pupil priest pure prince purple principle purpose n print push prison put prisonerprivate adjprize nQquality question quantity quick adj quarrel quiet adj, n quarter n quite queen nRrabbit n remain race remark n radio n remember railway remind rain remove v raise v rent range n repair rank n repeat v rapid adj replace rare reply rat n report rate n represent rather representative n raw request n reach v respect react responsible reaction rest read v restaurant ready adj restrict real result realize return n, v really reward reason rice reasonable rich receive rid recent ride recentlyright adj, adv, n recognize ring n record n, v rise red risk reduceriver reduction road refusal rob refuse v rock n regard v roll v regular adj romantic adj related roof n relative room n relation root n relationship rope n relax rose relaxing rough adj religion round adj, adv, prepreligious rowroyal adj ruler rub v runrush v rubberruderuin vruleSsad sensitive safe adj sentence n safety separate adv, v sail series sale serious salt n servant same serve sand n service n satisfaction set n, v satisfactory settle v satisfy seven(th) save v several say v severe scale n sex n scatter v sexual scene shade school n shadow n science shake scientific shall scientist shame n scissors shape screen n share screw sharp adj sea she search sheep season n sheet seat shelf second adv, n, determiner shell n secret shelter secretary shine v see v shiny seed n ship n seem shirt sell v shock n, v send shocking sense n shoe n sensible shoot vshop smell shore n smilesmoke short adjsmooth adj shot nshould snake n shoulder n snow shout so show n, v soap n shut social adj shy society sick adj sock n side n soft sideways soil n sight n soldier n sign solid signal solution silence n solve silent some pron, determinersilk somehow silly someone silver something similar sometimes simple somewhere since son sincere n song sing soon single adj sore adj singular sorry sink v sort n sister soul sit sound n, v situation soup six(th) sour adj size n south skilful southern skill space n skin n speak skirt n special adj sky n specific sleep speech slide v speed n slight adj spell v slippery spend slope spin v slow spirit n small in spite ofsplit v string n spoil v strongstructure n spoon nstruggle sport nspot n student spread v studystupid springstyle n square adj, nstage n subject n stair substancesucceed stampstand v success standard successfulsuch star nsuck vstart state sudden statement suffer station n sugar n stay suggest steady adj suit steal v suitable steam n sum n steel n summer steep adj sun n stem n supply n, v step support n, v stick supposesticky sure adj stiff adj surface n still adj, adv surprise sting surprising stitch surround v stomach n swallow v stone n swear stop sweep v store sweet storm n swell v story swim straight adj, adv swing strange sword stream n sympathetic street sympathy strength system stretch vstrictstrike vTtable n third tail n this pron, determiner take v thorough talkthose tall though taste thought tax thousand(th) taxi n thread n tea threat teach threaten team n threatening tear three technical throat telephone through adv, prep television throw tell thumb n temper nticket n temperature tidy adj, v temporary tie ten tight adj tend time n tendency tired tennis tiring tense n title tent to terrible tobacco test today than toe n thank together that conj, pron, determiner toilet the tomorrow theatre tongue their(s) tonight them too then adv tool n there tooth therefore top adj, n these total adj, n they touch thick adj tourist thief towards thin adj tower n thing town think v toy n track n trouble trade n trouserstrue adj traditionaltrust traffic ntrain truth training try v translate tube transparent tune n trap turn travel twice treat v twist treatment two tree type n tribe typical trick n, v tyre trip ntropicalUugly up adj, adv, prepupper under prepupright adj, adv understandunderwear upset v, adj undo upside down unexpected upstairs adj, adv uniform n urgent union us unit use unite useful universe useless university usual unlessuntilunusualVvalley victory valuable adj view n value n village variety violence various violent vegetable visit vehicle voice n verb vote very adv vowel Wwages whip waist whistle wait v white wake v who walk whole wall n whose war n why adv, conj warm adj, v wide adj, advwidth warmthwarn wife warning wild adj, advwill washwilling wastewatch win v water windwindow wavewine n waywe wing nwinter weakwire n wealthweapon wise adj wear v wish weather n with weave v within wedding without week woman weekly adj, adv wood weigh wooden weight n wool welcome word n well adj, adv, n work west world western adj worry wet adj worse what pre-determiner, determiner, pron worst whatever worth wheat would wheel n wound when adv, conj wrap v whenever wrist where write whether wrong adj, adv, nwhichwhile conjYyear young adj yellow your(s) yesyetyouZzero。