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浪漫义时期Romantic period (18th –19th century) Jane Austen

现实主义Realistic period (19th-20th century) Thomas Hardy;Mark

Twain;Charlotte Bronte;Charles Dickens

现代主义时期Modern period(20 century) William Faulkner; Ernest Hemingway


Modernism was a complex and diverse international movement in all creative arts, originating about 19th century. it was characterized by a rejection of (笔记不全,后面没记) In a broad sense, it is applied to writing marked by a strong and conscious break with traditional forms and techniques of expression.现代主义无论在思想上还是内容上都力图摆脱



1.《The old man and the sea》,Ernest Hemingway 海明威(美)Q:

Through the old man,what can we learn about Hemingway′s world view?

A:He described the unique image which called tough-guy(硬汉) who grace

under pressure,. His belief of which man is not made for defeat,a man can

be destroyed but not defeated. So,we should take in his spirit of resolute

when we face up to difficulties especially. Q:Comment on Hemingway′s

writing style. Do you like his style?A:He develops a unique style of

pithiness(简洁), freshness(新颖) clearness (明晰)which called the

telegraphic and colloquial language(口语) and the application of the "ice

mountain" rule. I appreciate it very much. In his writing,he used short

sentences and paragraphs and avoid adjectives on purpose。

2.《A rose for Emily》William Faulkner 威廉.福克纳(美),与海明威同一时期作家writing style:晦涩难懂He liked to use difficult words. His sentences are usually long ,his sentence structure complicated Q:Who is the narrator (讲述者)of the story?A:The unnamed narrator is neither a she nor a he. The narrator speaks in the plural(两个以上的) rather than the

singular using the word "we" rather than "I". In that sense the narrator, or

narrators, is speaking on behalf of the entire town. Q:After reading the story,what is your feeling about Miss Emily?Is it honor,pity,anger or admiration?A:When I finished reading the story,a sincere pity emerges

in my mind. Emily is totally a tragedy of the old traditions. She is a prisoner

of the past,the social and moral taboos of the of South. Not only because she is purely a woman ,but also the stubborn conventions manacle(束缚) her that result in her frustrated life. Even so,she cold have a better life after her father′s death. H owever,she does not get out of the tower her father build for her. On the contrary,she builds another one,and locks her soul.

二、现实主义时期Realism Realism refers to a literary movement in

Europe and theUS in the last half of 19th century The realists wanted a truthful representation of life and manners , they put emphasis on actual experience .To them, a novel is a mirror The difference between

Romanticism and Realism: Romanticism :What people should be like Realism:People as they really are

1.《Tess of the D’U rbervilles》托马斯·哈代(英)Thomas Hardy,现实主义。Thomas Hardy,his fictional works were set in the semi-fictional country and explored character struggling against their passions and so-so
