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③ In conclusion/a word/in my opinion
④we can draw a conclusion that….
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
In the above cartoons, a young woman happily eats banana and throws the peels on the street at random, unaware of the fact that such actions not only pollute the environment but also may cause dangers to others. A disabled old man struggles to picks up the peels she has left behind and put them in the dustbin.
2. 通过对画面内容的分析,去粗取精,揣摩画 意,揭示实质,提出论点
六 3. 与现实生活联系, 发表评论,切忌泛泛而谈, 随意发挥 写 法 总结:提出个人看法及解决办法. 常用句型: 总 ① It makes us think more ….. 结
② It teaches us a lesson …..
③结论:可以根据中心,适当发挥 In my opinion, the true beauty is not only in appearance but also in behavior. We should learn from the old man. If everyone becomes a wellbehaved person, the world will become more beautiful. version: While most of us enjoy pretty appearances, I think it is more important to have a clean and beautiful soul. Only such souls can help create a more harmonious society.
In my opinion, despite the girl’s beauty, it is the disabled man who is truly beautiful. Being well dressed is of great importance in keeping a good appearance. However, we should always keep this in mind: True beauty comes from one’s behaviors. The old man is displaying a more beautiful virtue even though he is disabled, compared with the young lady.
. 07
说 明 》
对一 英《 语 写 年 作 山 提 东 出 高 了 考 如 考 下 试 要 说 求 明 》
. 07
与往年相比,07年新高考对考生写 作能力提出了更高的要求:
1. 篇幅要求:120~150词。要求考 生使用更多的词汇和句型,具有更 高的谋篇布局和连贯表达能力。 2. 开放性增加。给考生留出较大自 主发挥的空间,对考生的思维能力, 应变能力,和运用英语表达观点的 能力提出更高要求。
②发表感想:要将漫画揭示的实质与实际联系,切忌 跑题 这是一篇限定标题(Beauty comes from behaviors)的 漫画议论文.文章解释的实质是品行美才是最美的, 所以你的评论应结合实际, 说明残疾老人更美,及为 什么 The old man is beautiful/ he shows good virtue (inside beauty) / the lady is pretty in appearance not in her heart
对一 英《 语 写 作年 提山 出东 了高 如考 下 考 要 求试
要求考生根据提示进行书面表达,例 如根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要, 根据文字或图表信息写短文或报告, 根据提示写叙述事情,表达观点和态 度等。考生的表达应该:
1.内容清楚连贯; 2.结构完整; 3.逻辑性强; 5.用词及文体恰当 4.主题突出;
Perhaps the young lady is beautiful from look, but she is ugly in character. Although the old man is disabled, but his behavior shows he is perfect in character. Nowadays, many young people pay more attention to their appearance. Perhaps they look more beautiful, but their bad behavior tell people they are ugly.

While most of us enjoy pretty appearances, I think it is more important to have a clean and beautiful soul. Only such souls can help create a more harmonious society.
漂亮女郎的行为 残疾老人的行为 你的评论:结合现实, 说明 “残疾老人更 美,及为什么”
总结:学习老人,创美 好社会 第一步:描述漫画
A young woman eats banana; throws peels away on the street; A dustbin is nearby; an old disabled man picks up the peels ; put …in the dustbin
3.评价标准更加注重语篇整体的质 量和表达效果。
1. 仔细审题, 把握要点
四 解 题 步 骤
2. 围绕要点, 写出句子 3. 添加过渡, 确保连贯 4. 先求正确,再求灵活 5. 认真誊写, 卷面整洁
五 实 战 演 练
1.审题: 描述漫画常用第三人称,现在 或过去时;
就漫画反映的内容,结合 实际,阐述自己的看法及 理由,用第一人称,现在时; 作出总结
Eg: In the above cartoon, a young woman eats banana happily and throws the peels on the street at random, unaware of the fact that such actions not only pollute the environment but also may cause dangers to others. A disabled old man picks up the peels she has left with difficulty and put them in the dustbin.
Para1: eats banana, throws the peels, unaware of the fact… ,struggles to picks up, Put… in Para 2: despite, it is…. who, being well dressed, keep this in mind, displaying a more beautiful virtue, compared with Para3: While, I think, to have a clean and beautiful soul, create a more harmonious society.
3.连词成句: 要在保持连贯的同时,尽量使用复杂的语法结构和 较高级的语法词汇和短语
六 写 法 总 结
漫画议论文写作模板: 1. (简)描述漫画内容简单而全面,以说明为主, 使用第三人称和现在时态;也可以以记叙为 主使用第三人称和过去时态.常用句型: ①This is a picture about… ②In the picture we can see… ③From the picture it can be seen… ④ Just as what this cartoon shows us……
With the development of economy, more and more people are living a good life. Some people dress themselves more and more beautiful, but they don’t know beauty comes from behaviors. Some people indeed should improve their civil virtue. Their behavior is convenient to themselves, but harmful to others and our environment, it is our duty to protect our environment and we should think serving people heart and soul is glorious.