
对于物品类话题,我们根据历年考试话题的汇总,为大家概括为两大类:具体类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等;抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、 a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。
例如:描述a gift时,首先要描述这件礼物具体是什么,外观或是很吸引人的地方;然后,再说是谁送给你的,父母?朋友?同学还是同事?也可以说说这件礼物是从什么地方买的,如果是手工制作的那一定是很用心,同学们可以仔细描述一下。

1. 描述你的家乡- 问题:请描述一下你的家乡,包括地理位置、气候特点、文化特色等。
- 答案详解:首先,可以从家乡的地理位置开始介绍,比如它位于哪个省或国家,靠近哪些著名的地标或自然景观。
2. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?- 问题:你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么?- 答案详解:这个问题的回答可以从食物的口味、营养价值、情感联系等方面展开。
3. 你如何看待环境保护?- 问题:环境保护对你来说重要吗?你是如何实践环境保护的?- 答案详解:在回答这个问题时,可以表达你对环境保护的看法,比如认为它是每个人的责任。
4. 描述一次难忘的旅行经历- 问题:你曾经去过哪些地方旅行?哪一次旅行给你留下了最深刻的印象?- 答案详解:在描述旅行经历时,可以提到旅行的目的地、旅行的时间、以及旅行中发生的有趣或感人的事件。
5. 你如何看待社交媒体?- 问题:社交媒体在你的生活中扮演了什么角色?你认为它有哪些优点和缺点?- 答案详解:这个问题的回答可以从社交媒体如何影响你的日常生活、工作和社交活动等方面展开。
6. 你如何平衡工作和个人生活?- 问题:你是如何平衡工作和个人生活的?有没有什么特别的策略?- 答案详解:在回答这个问题时,可以分享一些个人的时间管理技巧,如制定计划、设定优先级、合理分配时间等。

寒假来临,不少的高中毕业生和大学 在校生 都选择 去打工 。准备 过一个 充实而 有意义 的寒假 。但是 ,目前 社会上 寒假招 工的陷 阱很多
3 物品类口语素材
4 ) Keepsakes( 纪 念 品 ) could be anything that will serve as a reminder of friendship or of that event that you both cherish. It could be a friendship bracelet, a ring, a wine glass, a mug, or anything that will spark that memory. 5) Whenever you give somebody a multi-purpose tool or a Swiss knife, it means that you want them to always be ready and safe, especially if the person likes the outdoors, a multi-purpose tool and a Swiss knife always comes in handy(派的上用场).
寒假来临,不少的高中毕业生和大学 在校生 都选择 去打工 。准备 过一个 充实而 有意义 的寒假 。但是 ,目前 社会上 寒假招 工的陷 阱很多
3 物品类口语素材
Reality show真人秀 Game show竞赛节目 Variety show综艺节目 Amusing/hilarious搞笑的 The talk of the town.街谈巷议的话题 Engaging引人入胜的 Recommend推荐 Beautifully-shot拍摄的很美的 Be best suited for非常适合

首先,对于物品类话题,我们根据历年考试话题的汇总,为大家概括为两大类:具体类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等;抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。
例如:描述a gift时,首先要描述这件礼物具体是什么,外观或是很吸引人的地方;然后,再说是谁送给你的,父母?朋友?同学还是同事?也可以说说这件礼物是从什么地方买的,如果是手工制作的那一定是很用心,同学们可以仔细描述一下。

一、雅思口语part2“实物类”物品话题描述角度:(一)外观; (二)功能; (三)精神价值(一)外观1.材料:plastic 塑料wood 木头metal 金属silver 银copper 铜wool 羊毛cotton 棉花marble 大理石2.颜色:brown 棕色purple 紫色light blue 浅蓝色dark grey 深灰色pure green 纯绿色sky blue 天蓝色3.形状:heart-shaped 心形的round 圆形的oval 椭圆的curved 弧形的rectangular 长方形的square 正方形的spherical 球形的triangular 三角形的4.尺寸:compact 轻便易携带的tiny 微小的huge / enormous 巨大的life-sized 与真人实物一样大的(二)功能1. The electronic dictionary serves as a practical study tool.2. The vase is mainly used for decoration.3. I often use my bike to take a road trip with my buddies.4. The major function of my iPad is to contact my family.5. This bag will come in handy when I go travelling because I can put a lot of stuff in it.(三)精神价值1. This photo often reminds me of my childhood, which is the happiest time of my life.2. My phone has enriched my world because I can always have fun with it.3. My bike brings a lot of convenience to my daily life and I can keep fit at the same time.4. The trophy symbolizes my hard work. Whenever I see it, I will tell myself nothing is impossible if I put my heart into it。

雅思口语物品类最新物品类话题:describe a traditional product in your countryTip 1: 可以说任何家乡特产,食物类的东西应该是最好描述的,比如说我的素材就是粽子Tip 2: 如果觉得描述物品太难,可以在第二问when you tried it for the first time上多说一些。
可以说第一次尝试这个东西时你在哪里?和谁在一起?为什么会想使用它?第一次使用它的感受?这几点更好展开Tip 3: 大家一定注意说特产的名字的时候可以说中文,但是必须马上简单解释它是个什么东西,然后就可以一直说特产的中文名字啦~比如说我想描述粽子,可以这样说Well, I think zongzi is a traditional product in my country, it’s a kind of food made of sticky rice, we have it during every dragon boat festival可能有用的词汇:sticky rice 糯米wrap 卷string 绳子;线savoury 咸的flavour 味道完美回答的例子:So it’s like a huge dumpling also it’s boiled in water. When they are ready we remove the leaves and eat the sticky rice and meat inside. It tastes savoury .Actually, There are different kinds of flavors for zongzi. You could put different stuffings like salty pork or smoked duck最新物品类话题:describe an contest or competition you would like to participate inTip1:这个话题大家可以展开想象,不用考虑自己的实际情况。


具体类常考的话题有Describe a book you read、Describe a gift you received from others、Describe a wild animal、Describe a handicraft、Describe an electrical appliance that is useful to you、Describe an important letter that you received、Describe a game you played in your children。
抽象类常考的话题有Describe an interesting news、Describe a useful website、Describe a performance you saw、Describe a organization、Describe your future job/plan、Describe something that you don’t know but would like to learn。
二、物品类思路分析1. 具体类——经常与人物类、地点类相联系例如:A giftPeople: my best friend、classmate、colleague、foreign friend、parents…Place:coastal city、small city、metropolis、other countries…Gift:bought by this people(souvenir)、hand-made2. 抽象类——能够分为媒体类和抽象类(A)常见话题:a film/performance/website/magazine、an interesting news/e-mail等。
雅思口语part 2 物品类话题词伙和素材

物品类话题:1. Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve2. Describe a difficult challenge you met(可以考虑跟第1个话题合并)3. Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important4. Describe a uniform in a school or company you wear5. Describe a performance you watched recently6. Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet7. Describe an interesting animal8. Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first9. Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future10. Describe a successful small company you know11. Describe a practical skill you learned (可以考虑跟第3个话题合并)12. Describe a picture or photograph you like in your room13. Describe a popular product (e.g. food, handicraft…)made in your region14. Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare15. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood16. Describe a film you would like to share with your friends17. Describe an advertisement you remember well18. Describe a prize you want to win19. Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing(也可跟第4个话题合并)20. Describe a historical period you would like to know21. Describe an item you bought but do not often use(可以考虑跟第8个话题合并)22. Describe something lost by others but found by you23. Describe something useful you borrowed from others描述具体物品类的话题的常见表达:1. 30-centimeter-tall plastic action figure2. I remember how we used to make the robots fight each other after school or on the weekend. We would imitate the cartoon wehad watched and make them fly around our universe. We pretended to be the superheroes saving the world from destruction by alien robot monsters. It was a lot of fun and we spent untold hours imagining different plots for adventure stories in which our robots would attack each other.3. a wide range of…各种各样的4. follow step-by-step instructions5. It didn’t work so well.6. And with regard to why I wasn’t happy with it, well to put it simply, it was because it hardly did anything.7. The quality turned out to be a lot worse.8. So yeah, it was a bit of a waste of money, but at least I’ve learnt that if something’s expensive, it by no means guarantees that the quality will be good!9. I absolutely love…10. .…is good value.…性价比高11. This machine was not cheap by any means.You know, I’ve checked them out on the Internet and bought it on Taobao, and if I remember correctly, they cost somewhere in the region of, like, 300 to 900 RMB, so, but I still think it would be worth getting one.12. It’s absolutely essential for me and my family.13. It’s extremely useful.14. It kind of just gives me a nice, pleasant feeling whenever I see it.15. It specializes in…16. It's special because…17. 情感价值sentimental [sentɪ'ment(ə)l] valueUntil today, I keep it coz it left me too many beautiful memories of my childhood, but also because it has special sentimental value to me.18. 纪念品memento [mɪˈmentəʊ]It’s kind of a memento and something to remember my grandparents.19. It makes me recall one of my old friends.20. It symbolizes…21. It reminds me of a story about myself.22. It has special/strong sentimental value to me.23. It left me too many beautiful memories of my childhood.24. It’s kind of a memento and something to remember my grandparents.25. And that’s another reason why I found it so fascinating to watch.26. I have absolutely heaps of photographs, most of which I really like, so it was kind of difficult deciding on which one to talk about.27. So finally then, moving on to why I like this photo so much, well it's kind of hard to pinpoint an exact reason, but I suppose it'spartly because ....28. And probably what makes this photo especially nice is that everyone looks really natural in it. So in other words, no one'sputting on a fake smile or anything, which goes to show that we were all really enjoying ourselves. I should also add that I'm generally not very photogenic, but in this particular photo I actually don't look too bad, so that would be another reason why I like it!服装类话题的常见表达:29. formal clothes, casual clothes30. a suit, tie, long-sleeve shirt, dark trousers, leather shoes,pants, skirt, jacket,waistcoat(马甲)31. fabric衣料: cotton棉, wool fabric呢绒, linen [ˈlɪnɪn] 亚麻布, silk 丝绸32. 颜色的表达:light/dark green/blue, navy blue, bright red, burned orange, pure white/creamShe was wearing this ridiculous pink jacket and cream trousers. The kind of thing a grandmother might wear at some kind ofwedding.33. The dominant colors are white, with green stripes.34. Our uniforms look traditional and a little bit stuffy(古板的)/old fashion.35. I think the designers of our school uniforms are not giving cutting edge. They were just playing it safe.36. I think it’s important to change the uniform from the ground up.37. We’re not happy with the current uniform. We’re looking for something that pops, that’s unique. It needs to be redesigned.38. We want the uniforms to have a lot of personality, and we also want them to be unique, and at the same time functional.39. People need to wear their uniform to work every single day.40. Really at the end of the day, we’re the ones that are gonna have to wear these uniforms.41. 时髦的,潮流的stylish; trendy; innovative; edgy; contemporary flashy花哨的The uniforms are contemporary. They’re not anything too flashy.42. Our uniforms are modern, sophisticated, yet professional.43. The style is fresh and warm.44. They’re impeccable.45. 实用的practical46. functional functionality [ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti]47. And the uniforms have to be crisp(干脆的)and stylish and show some flare(有亮点), but they are gotta be practical andfunctional.48. The uniform has a fitted jacket with asymmetrical lines and rolled up sleeves.49. I ironed them carefully and make sure there was never a crease in them. Also I had my shoes nicely polished and shiny.媒体类话题(电影,广告,演出…) 的话题的常见表达:50. classic n.经典51. is entitled… 电影/书名为…52. plot 故事情节53. well-written 写得好的54. in a nutshell 总体来讲55. bursting into laughter突然大笑56. hilarious adj. 滑稽的57. What impressed me most were the visual effects.58. I must admit that I was dazzled by the picture and the impressive special effects.59. 鼓励…encourage…to…60. 启发的Inspiring61. 发人深省的Thought-provoking62. 留下深刻印象leave a deep impression on sb.63. 有教育意义的educational64. 富于想象的imaginative65. 吸引人的fascinating66. 扣人心弦的;引人注意的gripping ['ɡrɪpɪŋ]67. I think that’s really what made it such a powerful and unforgettable advert.68. …the performance I’d like to talk about was… by a guy on a talent show called the Voice of China, which I guess you might wellhave heard of, because it was probably the most popular show on TV last year.69. I remember being really moved by his performance.70. His voice was really unique / His voice was really distinctive / He had a really good voice.71. He sang with a lot of feeling, not like a lot of people, when you can kind of tell that they’re just singing for show, but their heartsnot really in it.72. His voice wasn’t as powerful as some of the other contestants on the show, but I think he sang with a lot more feeling than mostof them.73. I mean, it kind of felt that he sang as if his life depended on it. 有点感觉他唱地仿佛生命就依赖着那次演出。

雅思口语第二题,疑问二:物品题的答题思路是什么?一般来说,物品题的答题思路可以按照以下的框架来构思:ObjectsHow I got itWho gave it to youHow long you have had itAppearancePriceFunctionsPopularityImportance to you / societyFeelings or comments以上的答题思路考生可以不用每个方面都说,针对具体题具体分析,选贴题的点进行阐述。
下面我们来看一个例子:Describe a national product.You should say:What it isWhere it is soldHow the product is advertisedAnd how useful the product is to the people in your country.描述一样国产产品,选择电脑或者手机是比较好。
下面提供一些答题思路和有用句型供考生参考:开头:Speaking of a national product, the first thing that’s jumps into my mind is … (比如:phone/ laptop).主体部分:what it is: the name of the brand, color, weight, appearance, size, etc.Where it is sold: who gave it to you, when, price, etc.How the product is advertised:where you can see it, like on TV, bus, Metro, sports sponsorship, etc.How useful:1.function: study (online course, e-dictionary), work (E-mail, online banking, online meeting), entertainment (online gaming, movie, music)2: value: social value and personal value【名师简介】高云鸿(Candy Gao):研究生阶段以全优成绩毕业于香港城市大学英语教育专业,其中毕业论文荣获A等级,当届唯有两个学生获此优异成绩。

描述物品(手机)的雅思口语范文:My cell phone is an essential item I carry with me on a daily basis. This black and silver phone is slim, rectangular shaped, and fits comfortably into the palm of my hand. The front of the phone has a large screen with high definitionresolution that displays bright and vivid colors with crisp clarity. There is a small home button at the bottom, flanked by two touch enabled soft keys, which shows the wide range of applications installed in the phone.Flipping the phone to the back, there is a high-quality camera lens on the upper left corner that can capture photos with excellent clarity and sharpness. The phone's body is made out of metal and is very durable, which protects it from any possible damage that can sometimes occur when carrying such a mobile device around all day. The device has a large internal storage capacity and is able to support 4G connectivity, allowing me to stay connected to the internet at all times, so that I can easily check social media, send messages, and even make phone calls with clarity.Overall, my phone is a very convenient device for daily use, emphasizing the importance of electronic devices and the role of technology in today’s society.这篇文章描述了手机的外形、功能和特点,同时采用丰富、生动的语言让读者感到身临其境。

一、问询商品信息当我们想要了解某个商品的信息时,可以使用以下的口语表达方式:1. Excuse me, can you tell me more about this product? - 打扰一下,请问您能给我介绍一下这个产品吗?2. What are the features of this item? - 这个商品有哪些特点?3. Is there a warranty for this product? - 这个产品有保修吗?4. How much does it cost? - 这个商品多少钱?5. Do you have any discounts or promotions available? - 有什么折扣或促销活动吗?二、尺码和试穿购物时,选择适合自己的尺码非常重要。
当我们想要了解尺码或试穿商品时,可以使用以下的口语表达方式:1. Do you have this in my size? - 有我的尺码吗?2. Can I try this on? - 可以试穿一下吗?3. Is there a fitting room I can use? - 有试衣间可以使用吗?4. The size/fitting doesn't seem right. - 尺码/试穿感觉不合适。
5. Can I exchange or return if it doesn't fit? - 如果不合身,可以换货或退款吗?三、关于付款和打折当购物时,了解付款方式和可用的打折优惠将对我们的购物决策有所帮助。
以下是一些相关的口语表达方式:1. What payment methods do you accept? - 你们接受哪些付款方式?2. Can I pay with credit card/cash/mobile payment? - 我可以用信用卡/现金/手机支付吗?3. Is there a minimum spend for credit card payment? - 使用信用卡需要最低消费吗?4. Are there any additional charges or taxes? - 有额外的费用或税收吗?5. Are there any ongoing sales or discounts? - 有正在进行的特价或折扣吗?四、商家服务除了购买商品,商家的服务也是我们考虑的因素之一。

以下是一些常见的旅行口语练习话题及实际场景:1. 订购机票在预订机票时,我们需要学会询问航班信息、座位选择、行李限制等,例如:- What time does the flight depart?(航班何时起飞?)- How much does an economy class ticket cost?(经济舱机票多少钱?)- Are there any restrictions on luggage?(行李有任何限制吗?)2. 入住酒店在办理入住手续时,我们需要学会询问房间预订情况、房间设施等,例如:- Is there a reservation under my name?(有我的预定吗?)- What facilities are included in the room?(房间内包括哪些设施?)- Can I have a room with a sea view?(我可以要一个海景房吗?)3. 寻找方向在旅行过程中,我们可能会迷路或需要问路,因此学会寻找方向的口语表达也很重要,例如:- Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?(打扰一下,能告诉我怎样去最近的地铁站吗?)- Is the museum within walking distance from here?(博物馆离这里走路可以到达吗?)- Which way is the nearest bus stop?(最近的公交车站在哪个方向?)二、社交活动社交活动是锻炼口语的好机会,不仅可以提高交流能力,还能拓展社交圈子。

1. Presentation(展示)情境描述:学生小明要在班级上进行一次英语投影片展示,他准备了一部分有关动物保护的资料。
2. Shopping(购物)情境描述:学生小红去商场购买一件衣服,她在试衣间里试穿并询问售货员意见。
3. Family(家庭)情境描述:学生小华正在与同学聊天,他们谈到了自己的家庭成员和兴趣爱好。
4. Travel(旅行)情境描述:学生小李和同学讨论了他们最喜欢的旅行地点以及旅行的原因。
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口语话题-实物实物物品读什么书好,家长对小孩阅读的看法book/ 讲你看过的一本书:看书相对于在上网或者看电视等其他方式好处有哪些?我们为什么要鼓励小学生看书而不是看电视或者上网 /给同学送过图书做礼物吗/ letter给别人写的/信和面对面交流哪个好/ Email和信 / E-mail型式的card/ email&postcard / stamp(postcard, e-mail) 信,描述写给对方的一封信,给谁?内容是什么?用什么方式给对方留言(除信之外).什么情况用手机?什么情况写信?你和动物发生的一件有意思的事 / 宠物话题(现在人养宠物和以前人养宠物有什么不同/城市和乡村养宠物的用处有什么不同濒危动物What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?Do you like buying clothes?Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?不同场合穿不同的衣服 /一件你在特殊场合下穿的衣服,是什么样子的,什么时候买的UniformWhat it is.What it contains.How often you read it.and explain why you like it.Part 3how many kinds of newspaper are in China?What kinds of newspaper that you read everyday?which is very popular in your regionWhat are the two main newspapers or magazines in your city?What are the two most popular newspapers and magazines?Where do people read newspapers and magazines?Can Internet replace newspapers and magazines in the future?What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet, newspapers and magazines? Do you prefer reading news from Internet or from newspapers?What is the role of newspapers and magazines?What do you think of electronic media?国内的还是海外的区别news you read in radio or on the tv,compare radio and tvmedia /新闻工作者造假 / 对记者的看法 / 媒体的好处7.很晚,为什么会出现24小时营业的公司 / 描述一家大的公司,怎么运作?从事什么活动?对社会有什么影响?(重复性很大,建议考生重点关注)Describe something you like to own in the future. You should say:What it is.When you would like to own it.What you use it for.and explain how it will influence your life.Part 3Is wealth still the only criteria to judge success? If not, what is it?What is happiness?Do you think that the concept of happiness would change with time passing? What is most important, love, wealth or authority?Do you think that happiness is related to money?How could people know your financial status?Why have Chinese people’s living standards been greatly improved?送给别人的礼物 /为什么有人送礼物,而不喜欢收礼物?1是什么时候照的,2是在哪和为什么照的,3是留下了什么样的应向,为什么喜欢这个照片。
/ 拍照的场合,为什么有人不喜欢拍照,报纸等媒体上面照片的作用;a painting / a photo or video (which influences you most/which you remembervery clearly)要描述人)Describe your favorite photo. You should say:What it is about.When and where you took it.Who took it for you.and explain why it is important to you.Part 3What role do photos play in your life?What do you think of the role of photos in mass media?Why do people take photos?Where do people often take photos?When do people often take photos?描述你看过的最漂亮的一幅画,照相和绘画有什么区别?/(丢失了什么,什么时候丢的,你是否是容易丢东西的人,人们为什么会丢东西,怎么防止丢东西)When you made itHow you made itWhy you made it13. / Internet or telephone(how often do you use telephone/ internet,which communication way people in your country prefer(telephone orletter),what is the importance of computer and internet?basic way学习电脑。
为什么年轻人使电脑比老年轻快?电脑对老年人来说难不难?老年人要怎么学电脑?电脑对学习的影响Describe an invention before the age of computer. You should say:What it is.What it is used for.How it influences people’s life.and explain its advantages and disadvantages.Part 3What impacts have electrical equipments brought on human’s life in the past ten years?What are the differences of life in the past and at the present?What role does technological development play in people’s life?How will technology develop in the future?Do you have a mobile phone? What are its advantages?Why do many foreign countries develop faster than China?What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer and Internet?In what way does the invention benefit people?Do you think people can manage without it?How should the government help the inventors?What characters should the inventors have?Which industry do you think will be most promising and will have more inventions?What are the old people and the young people’s attitudes towards new invention?15. 除了电脑外的一个describe an electric equipment you use in your life.what the machine ishow you use ithow often you use itexplain why it is important to youDescribe something you like to own in the future. You should say:What it is.When you would like to own it.What you use it for.and explain how it will influence your life.Part 3 :Is wealth still the only criteria to judge success? If not, what is it?What is happiness?Do you think that the concept of happiness would change with time passing? What is most important, love, wealth or authority?Do you think that happiness is related to money?How could people know your financial status?Why have Chinese people’s living standards been greatly improved?&饭店 /一家常去的餐馆 / Describe a breakfast (you can never forget/a typicalChinese breakfast)cafe(coffee house)你是素食主义吗?。