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读什么书好,家长对小孩阅读的看法book/ 讲你看过的一本书:看书相对于在上网或者看电视等其他方式好处有哪些?我们为什么要鼓励小学生看书而不是看电视或者上网 /给同学送过图书做礼物吗

/ letter给别人写的/信和面对面交流哪个好/ Email和信 / E-mail型式的card/ email&postcard / stamp(postcard, e-mail) 信,描述写给对方的一封信,给谁?内容是什么?用什么方式给对方留言(除信之外).什么情况用手机?


你和动物发生的一件有意思的事 / 宠物话题(现在人养宠物和以前人养宠物有什么不同/城市和乡村养宠物的用处有什么不同


What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?

Do you like buying clothes?

Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?

Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?

不同场合穿不同的衣服 /一件你在特殊场合下穿的衣服,是什么样子的,什么时候买的


What it is.

What it contains.

How often you read it.

and explain why you like it.

Part 3

how many kinds of newspaper are in China?

What kinds of newspaper that you read everyday?

which is very popular in your region

What are the two main newspapers or magazines in your city?

What are the two most popular newspapers and magazines?

Where do people read newspapers and magazines?

Can Internet replace newspapers and magazines in the future?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet, newspapers and magazines? Do you prefer reading news from Internet or from newspapers?

What is the role of newspapers and magazines?

What do you think of electronic media?


news you read in radio or on the tv,compare radio and tv

media /新闻工作者造假 / 对记者的看法 / 媒体的好处


很晚,为什么会出现24小时营业的公司 / 描述一家大的公司,怎么运作?


Describe something you like to own in the future. You should say:

What it is.

When you would like to own it.

What you use it for.

and explain how it will influence your life.

Part 3

Is wealth still the only criteria to judge success? If not, what is it?

What is happiness?

Do you think that the concept of happiness would change with time passing? What is most important, love, wealth or authority?

Do you think that happiness is related to money?

How could people know your financial status?

Why have Chinese people’s living standards been greatly improved?

送给别人的礼物 /为什么有人送礼物,而不喜欢收礼物?

1是什么时候照的,2是在哪和为什么照的,3是留下了什么样的应向,为什么喜欢这个照片。/ 拍照的场合,为什么有人不喜欢拍照,报纸等媒体上面照片的作用;

a painting / a photo or video (which influences you most/which you remember

very clearly)


Describe your favorite photo. You should say:

What it is about.

When and where you took it.

Who took it for you.

and explain why it is important to you.

Part 3

What role do photos play in your life?

What do you think of the role of photos in mass media?

Why do people take photos?

Where do people often take photos?

When do people often take photos?



When you made it

How you made it

Why you made it
