
高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(15)石狮一中石狮一中 余信路余信路Day 57根据提示完成下列句子(nail---next)1. _________________(中华民族中华民族) is ______________(远非) _________________(心胸狭窄的), n________(也就是说), a peace-loving one ______________(天性). 2. My _____________(国籍) is Chinese, so my __________(本国) language is also Chinese. 3. ___________________(如果有必要), we must buy some ______________(必需品) at home. 4. 4. She She She needs needs needs ______________________________(______________________________(以…的名命名) ) her her her mother, mother, which which needs needs ___________(考虑). As for me, I needn ’t _____________(think of) this matter. 5. I have ______________________________________(针线都没有). 6. I was _________________________________(陷入…的困难) putting ___________________(国内外消息) into English. 7. But __________________(不要紧), my __________(侄子) who is good at English will come to my help. 8. My next-door ___________(邻居) often read news ______________(在报纸上) to me. 9. ---Do you need some _______________(项链)? ---No, but some _______________(钉子) are ____________(需要). 10. The happiest people don ’t ________________(必要) have the best of everything. Day 58根据提示完成下列句子(nice---nutrition) 1. 1. Basketball Basketball Basketball is is is ____________(____________(某些东西) ) I I I like like like best. best. best. ______________________( ______________________( 没有什么东西) like it as a means of keeping fit. 2. Last night I really had a _________(吵闹的) one because all my nephews and _________(侄女们) were singing at home _________________________________(直到深夜). They ___________________(弄出太多的声音了). 3. The boss asked us to work ____________________(夜以继日). One the ________(第九) day, all all of of of us us us broke broke broke down. down. down. W e W e were were were __________________(__________________(不是一点点) ) tired. tired. tired. After After After a a a couple couple couple of of days days’’ rest and some __________(有营养的) food, we ____________________ (恢复正常). 4. After graduating from _______________________________(东北师范大学), he didn ’t find a good job. _______________________(直到现在), he is still sharing a small flat with others. 5. 5. __________________________(__________________________(许多…number number……护士) ) ________________________(________________________(被打了鼻子) ________________(无理由) on the way home after work. 6. What they received __________________________(引起注意) of the officials of the hospital. ___________________(从现在起), they are _______________(一点也不) afraid. 7. Have you ____________________(注意到) the safety of ____________________ (核电站). 8. Can you ___________________________(做笔记) what the teachers say in the class. 9. If you don ’t go there, ________________________(我也不去). 10. ____________________(数量) the birds is growing up. ________________(没有任何地方) can I find to listen to their beautiful singing. Day 59 根据提示完成下列句子(obey---opening) 1. 1. It’It’It’s s s __________(__________(明显的) ) that that that every every every citizen citizen citizen should should __________________(遵守法律), ), and and every rule should be strictly _________(遵守observe). 2. High school students are _______________(反对) taking motorbikes, for it ’s an _________(违法行为). 3. 3. In In In __________(__________(九月) ) and and and __________(__________(十月), ), students students students ______________________________ ______________________________ (忙于occupy) Teachers ’ Day and National Day. 4. It _______________(突然想起) that my mother will come to _________(正式) see me today. 5. ---________________(隔多久) do you help do housework? ---I seldom _______________________(主动提出做) it, for I hate oily dishes 6. The _________ (官员的) speech of ________________(就职) is _______________(不切题). 7. ___________________(突然突然…sudden), the long sleeping patient ____________________(苏醒), with his eyes ______________(睁得很大). 8. 8. W e W e classmates classmates classmates help help help ___________________(___________________(相互), ), but but but most most most of of of the the the time time time we we we do do do exercises exercises ____________________(独自). 9. _____________(要是就好了) we had one hour a day in the afternoon in having sports! 10. _______________(总之), _______(一旦) I have time, I ’ll visit you ______________(亲自). Day 60 根据提示完成下列句子(opera---oxygen) 1. I _______________________(对有好印象) the doctor who ___________(动手术) my father. 2. 2. Many Many Many people people people say say say I I ’m m _____________(_____________(乐观). ). Much Much Much ______________(______________(与相反) ) their their their opinion, opinion, I ’m __________________________(对……悲观) my study. 3. We ________________________(建立一个组织建立一个组织) for travelling by car, and ______________ (确切地说), we ____________________(出去郊游) ______________________(每隔一周). 4. ___________________(为了为了) we can have good meals, we should _____________________ (预定) from the dining hall in advance. 5. 5. ________________(________________(前几天), ), the the the _____________(_____________(起初的) ) computer computer computer in in in our our our classroom classroom classroom was was _______________(出毛病). 6. You ought to ________________(克服) these difficulties yourself, but you _________(没有). 7. This book ________(给出) a brief __________(概述) of the history of the castle. 8. He is __________( 超重), but he is _________(坦率) and __________(杰出). 9. 9. The The The writer writer writer did did did most most most of of of the the the writing writing writing ____________________(____________________(独自on on……own), own), but but but he he he still still __________(归功) his achievements ________(给) his teacher. 10. ______________(由于owing owing……) ______________________(过户外生活), he was sun burnt. 高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(15)答案Key to Day 571.The Chinese nation, not nearly, narrow-minded, namely, by nature 2. nationality, native 3. If necessary, necessities 4. be named after, thinking of/consideration, think of/consider 5. neither needle nor thread 6. caught in the net of, home and foreign news 7. never mind, nephew 8. neighbor, in the newspaper 9. necklaces, nails, in need 10. necessarily Key to Day 581. 1. something, something, something, There There There is is is nothing nothing 2. 2. noisy, noisy, noisy, nieces, nieces, nieces, far far far into into into the the the night, night, night, made made made too too too many many many noises noises 3.day 3.day and and and night, night, night, ninth, ninth, ninth, not not not a a a little, little, little, nutritious, nutritious, nutritious, returned returned returned to to to normal normal 4. 4. Northeastern Northeastern Northeastern Normal Normal University, Up to/till now 5. A number of nurses, was hit on the nose, for nothing 6.drew/attracted the notice, From now on, not a bit 7. taken notice of, nuclear power stations 8. take. make a note of 9. neither will I 10. The number of, Nowhere else Key to Day 591. 1. obvious, obvious, obvious, obey obey obey the the the law, law, law, observed observed 2. 2. opposed opposed opposed to, to, to, offence offence 3. 3. September, September, September, October, October, October, occupy occupy themselves in celebrating 4. occurs to me, officially 5. How often, offer ot do 6. official’s, taking office, off the point 7. All of sudden, came to himself, opening wide 8. one another, by ourselves 9. If only 10. In a word, once, for myself Key to Day 601. had a good impression of, operated on 2. optimistic, opposite to, pessimistic about 3. form an organization, or rather, go for an outing, every other week 4. In order that, place an order 5. The other day, original, out of order 6. have overcome, didn’t 7. gives, outline 8. overweight, outspoken, outstanding 9. on his own, owed, to 10. Owing to, leading an outdoor life 。

1. The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers __a_b_o__a_rd_ (在飞机上) who came back from _a_b_r_o_a_d_(国外). 2. He was __a_b_s_o_r_b_e_d(专心致志) in his book, making him _a__b_s_e_n_t_f_r_o_m_ (缺席) the meeting. To tell the truth, I seldom see his _a_b__se_n__c_e__(缺席). 3. She spoke English with a Dutch _a_c_c_e_n_t(腔). But it could be a_b_s_o__lu_t_e_l_y(完全地)
In 5 1940s, a young inventor named Chester Carlson took his idea to 20 corporations, including some of the biggest in the country. They all turned him 6 . In 1947, after seven long years of rejections he 7 (final) got a tiny company, the Haloid Company, to purchase the rights to his invention—an electrostatic (静电的) paper-copying process. Haloid became the Xerox Corporation we know today.

高考英语 3500 词汇冲刺练习Day 1根据提示完成下列句子(a---accurate)1.The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers (在飞机上) who came back from (国外).2.He was (专心致志) in his book, making him (缺席) themeeting. To tell the truth, I seldom see his (缺席).3.She spoke English with a Dutch ( 腔 ). But it could be ( 完全地) understood.4.It is generally ( 公认) that smoking does harm to our health.Last month I received some cigarettes, but I wouldn’ t( 接受) them.5.He can have/gain ( 进入) to the library with the ID card. Those booksare easily (接近的、可进入的).6.On ( 由于 ) of what you said, I am determined to go abroad toa (完成) my further study.7.It is very difficult to get a(n) (准确的) answer.8.His illness (导致) for his absence .9.I didn’t break the vase on purpose, Mum, it was an (意外). It(意外地) slipped from my hands.10.He is (能够) to run the company very well. His (能力) is beyond me.Suggested answers:1. aboard, abroad2. absorbed, absent from, absence3. accent, absolutely4. accepted, accept5. access, accessible6. account, accomplish7. accurate8. accounted9. accident, accidentally 10. able, abilityDay 2根据提示完成下列句子(accuse---admire)1.I was (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it wasthe other way around .2.You will (一事无成) if you don’t put your heart into your study.3.What you did is (令人钦佩的) and we (羡慕)your (成就)..4.Effective (措施)should be taken to (适应) ourselves tothe new surroundings.5.Tom takes an (积极) part in class (活动).6.The number of ( 男演员 ) and ( 女演员 )(总计) exactly 100 .7.Students nowadays are ( 习惯于 ) to taking all sorts of examinations. In ( 此外), sometimes they are ( 沉溺于) to playing game through mobile phones.8.The manager delivered an ( 演讲 ) on TV to share his experience in(管理).9.This letter was wrongly (写上地址). Please (加) yourfriend’s(真实的) (地址) to the envelope.10.(事实上), the man (担任) manager of the company. Suggested answers:1. accused of2. achieve nothing3. admirable, admire, achievements4. action, adapt5. active, activities6. actors, actresses, adds up to7. accustomed, addition, addicted8. address, management9. addressed, add, actual, address 10. Actually, acts asDay 3根据提示完成下列句子(admission---agreement)1.He (建议) me to book the tickets (预先) and Ifollowed his (建议).2.She had a(n) (优势) of a good education, making him feel calmwhen she meets (冒险).3.I’m(担心) I can’t(支付) the money to buy the book.But that’s my own(私事).4.I can’t (同意) to the (协定) which was reached by you.5.You were greatly ( 影响 ) by the trouble but finally made it(终究).6.I have no a(喜欢、爱) for all kinds of (广告) on TV.7.We can be concerned about (大事) of state through CCTV News 30 Minutes.8.Although he was (反对) the opinion, the old professor didn’tcome up with it himself.9.The house (代理人) has been (追求) the beautiful girl for(很久).10.I’ m fond of (非洲 ). I often turn to my teacher for more(非洲的) stories.Suggested answers:1. advised, in advance, advice2. advantage, adventures3. afraid, afford, affair4. agree, agreement5. affected, after all6. affection, advertisements7. affairs8. against9. agent, after, ages 10. Africa,AfricanDay 4根据提示完成下列句子(agricultural---already)1.These measures (旨在)preventing smoking in public places like restaurants, hospitals. But (在户外) people are free.2.This job would be impossible without the (辅助) of a computer.Besides, you can (给予援助) to her.3.These kids are (几乎一样), so try to treat them (一样地).4.His parents won’ t (允许他待在外面) very late. Besides, theydon’t(吸烟) at home.5.I saw my wife off at the (在机场). She is going to the U.S.A.on business (乘飞机). Again I began to live (独居).6.All (总的来说), she was always well (遥遥领先)the rest of the class.( 提前 ). We can 7.The party has been planned weeks(开始).8.She’s asked (别打扰她), but the press photographersfollow her everywhere.9.She lost her job when the factory closed, (同…..一起 )hundreds of others. ( 最重要的是 ), she was still (活着).10.Our plans of banning the sale of the ( 酒精 ) arestill (悬而未决), (更不用说) the sale of cigarettes.Suggested answers:1. were aimed at, in the open air2. aid, lend your aid3. are almost alike, alike4. allow him to stay out, allow smoking5. airport, by air/plane, alone6. in all, ahead of7. ahead of time, go ahead8. to be left alone9. along with, Above all, was still alive 10. alcohol, up in the air, let aloneDay 5根据提示完成下列句子(also---anniversary)1.Caught in the act, he (除了……别无选择) tell the truth.2.He looked at me (惊愕地). I was (吃惊) by his(令人吃惊的) strange look.3.We’ve had (很大的 amount…) help from the local people.4.( 尽管 )he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.5.(在……中)those present were (大使) and his wife.6.What you said (等于) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of (有抱负).7.I heard (生气地) that (动物)were treated in a cruel way.8.I was (生气) myself for making such a stupid mistake.I broke my pen a (生气地).9.This hotel offers its guests different kinds of (娱乐活动).We can also (娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.10.He (总是抱怨)the endless boring work.Suggested answers:1. had no alternative/choice but to2. in amazement, amazed, amazing3. a large amount of4. Although5. Among, ambassador6. amounted to, ambition7. with anger; animals 8. angry with, angrily 9. amusements, amuse 10. is always complaining aboutDay 6根据提示完成下列句子(announce--apply)1.They their engagement the family (向……宣布).2.He me my carelessness(为……生气annoy…).3.In (再、另) two weeks, the job will be finished.(为……而担心) their children when 4.Parents are naturally athey leave home.5.(除……外)their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.6.Please let me know how many are coming, (如果有的话).7.I Jane (因……缺席而道歉)her party.8.The police (呼吁)the public to remain calm.9.It’s(显而易见) that she was really upset, and then she paused,(显然)lost in thought.10.The new technology (应用于) farming.11.She had never been greatly concerned about (外貌)12.(看起来) there has been a mistake.(无论13.I’m afraid we can’t come, but thanks for the invitation a如何).14.The public (爱好) scandals.Suggested answers:1. announced… to2. was annoyed with…… for/at3. another4. anxious for5. Apart from6. if anything7. apologized to; for being absent from8. appealed to9. is apparent that; apparently 10. was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite forDay 7根据提示完成下列句子(appoint---art)1.I would (不胜感激) if you can (约会)with me.2.It was the (建筑师/设计师) who designed the building,which (占地) about 600 square hectares.3.Jane often her friends / little things(在……上争论)(由……引起) their different opinions.4.The Eighth Route Army (用……武装)enough guns andbefore long many enemies were .(被捕)5.All families are busy making (准备) for the (到来)of the new year.6.The government has (任命 ) some experts to find out an(方法) to the serious problem.7.Jim (做出决定) that he will enter an (美术) school,which still hasn’t (没有得到同意) of his parents.8.Please use an (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in(四月)9.Mary for (为…表感谢) what the neighborshas (安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the(轮椅).10.It always takes me (大约)1 hour to finish the(算数) work.Suggested answers:1. appreciate it, make/fix an appointment2. architect, covers an area of3. argues with, over/about, arising from4. was armed with, under arrest5. arrangements, arrival6. appointed, approach7. arrived at a decision, art, gained the approval8. arrow, April9. showed her appreciation, arranged, wheelchair 10. approximately, arithmeticDay 8根据提示完成下列句子(article---attach)1.I (很惭愧) my (睡着了) during the class.2.The floor is covered by (灰), ( 因为 ) she always(把……放到一边) her housework..3./ (总的来说),the book deserves wellreading, which treats all (方面) of health care.4.Whisky is usually (联系) with Scotland.5.(运动员) tend to (依附) themselves to all kinds of sports.6.I was (对……感到惊讶) the news that the mantravelled across the Ocean (大西洋) alone.7.His parents would like him to be an (艺术家), but he wantsto be an (天文学家), because he is keen on(天文学).8.All the shop ( 店员 ) work together in a very friendly(氛围).9.How many ( 亚洲) countries have taken part in the sports meeting?10.(只要) we take action, the pollution will be reduced.1. was ashamed of, falling asleep2. ashes, as, sets aside3. In general/Generally speaking, aspects4. associated5. Athletes, attach6. astonished at, Atlantic7. artist,, astronomer, astronomy8. assistants, atmosphere9. Asian 10. As long asDay 9根据提示完成下列句子(attack---awkward)1.My (姑母)(尝试) get close tothe dog, but unfortunately she was ( 攻击) by it, so she went to see the doctor ( 马上 ).2.The reference books are (可以借到的) for you in thelibrary on the third (大街).3.The ( 作家 ) wrote many (有吸引力的) stories happeningin (澳大利亚).4.All the (观众) were (吸引) by his superior performance.5.We ( 出席 ) a meeting, where the speaker talked about theglobal warming, which (引起我们的注意).6.The meeting was held to make people ( 意识到的 )of the(可怕的)environmental problems.7.I was so surprised that I was ( 授予) the first prize in Englishspeech contest. But soon I was (叫醒) by my desk mate, onlyto find that I just had a day dream. But from then on, I decided to workhard to be a student above the (平均水平).8.You should (收拾好) your books to (避免) your house being in a mass.9.After summer vocation, we students are required to return school in(八月),nearly one month ahead of time.(抱持积极的态度) our10.We shouldlife.1. aunt, made an attempt to, attacked, right away2. available, avenue3. author, attractive, Australia4. audiences, attracted5. attended, attracted/drew our attention6. aware, awful7. awarded, awoken, average8. put away, avoid 9. August 10. take a positive attitude towardsDay 10根据提示完成下列句子(baby---base)1.In summer, foods and vegetables are often put in fridges, otherwise theywill (变质) easily. As a result, they(对……有害) health with (细菌).2.The man with a (羽毛球) in his hand is a friend of my brother. Heis a b because he is not married. But he is well-educated with a(学士学位).3.According to the law, it is (禁止) to carry illegal objects amongone’s(行李).4.Yesterday when I ( 去理发 ), I saw(一伙盗贼) caught by the police because of breaking into a (银行) and taking a large amount of money away.5.As we know, pandas live mainly on b .6.Whoever gets a ticket will be admitted to the ( 舞会 ) regardless of their( 背景 ).7.Stopping to look up a new word while reading is actually a(障碍) to understand the whole passage.8.We human beings must try our best to (保持自然平衡), or else we will destroy its ecosystem.9.While buying something, don’ t be ashamed of thesalesmen the prices (和……进行讨价还价). In fact, it is a kind of art (以……为基础) your speech.10.Jack ( 失去平衡) and fell off the ( 阳台 ).Although he was sent to the hospital in time, his parents walked (来回地)with anxiety.1. go bad, are bad for, bacteria2. badminton, bachelor, a bachelor’s degree3. banned, baggage4. went to the barber’s, a band of robbers, bank5. bamboos6. ball, backgrounds7. barrier 8. keep the balance of nature 9. bargaining with, about/ over, based on 10. lost his balance, balcony, back and forthDay 11根据提示完成下列句子(baseball---beef)1.Nowadays, lots of people tend to have (日光浴)onthe (海边) during holidays in summer.2.The (棒球) match this afternoon will be put off (因为)the heavy rain.3.The letters NBA stand for National Association.4. A group of (蝙蝠) (拍动) their wings and flew into the air.5.The painting (以大自然的美为基础)isattractive.6.Some videos have been banned (基于……对的考虑) that they aretoo violent.7.The man (留胡子) is a chairman of a committee andhe is (极忙碌) and has no time to have a rest.Last week he broke down and had to stay (卧床) for two days. 8.So we should (记住) that health is the (基本的)thing we need to work and live on. So let us treasure our lives as we don’ t know what will (发生become…) us tomorrow.9.Jenny was a ( 漂亮 ) girl, but she suffered from a seriousdisease. She was brave enough to (与……作斗争) the disease although she (承受很大的负担). She said when she was going to have an operation, she felt her heartb faster than before. Fortunately, she got well soon.10.This toy car needs three ( 电池 ). There are some in my(卧室).1. sun baths, beach2. baseball, because of3. Basketball4. bats, beat5. on the basis of the beauty of nature6. on the basis7. with a beard, as busy as a bee, in bed8. bear it in mind, basic, become of9. beautiful, battle with, bore a heavy burden, beat 10. batteries, bedroomDay 12根据提示完成下列句子(beer---bid)1.China is a developing country (属于)the third world.2.Physical exercise is (对……有好处)health.3.She has certainly (充分利用)time to study hard.4.The scientist (专心致志于)the research into thecauses of cancer.5.Water can change into ice (零下,冰点之下).6.We must mind our (行为)i n our daily life and sure enoughwe can (从中受益)it.7.Li Ping (坚信)that if he(尽最大的努力) in his study, he will not(落后于)others.8.The boy his mother h er forgiveness(乞求原谅)because he(表现不好)in the party.9.The universe (形成) 20 billion years ago,which is (难以置信).10.Hello, everyone. I am glad to be here to make a speech about how toprotect our environment (代表) my company.(首先), we must reduce the pollution.11.Don’t worry. It won’t be (不久之后)t he planearrives. It is (晚点)due to the weather.12.The composition had many mistakes. (而且) , it was(离题).1. belonging to2. of great benefit to / beneficial to3. made the best of4.bent his mind to5.below freezing point6. behavior, benefit from7. holds a firm belief, tries/ does his best, fall behind8. begged, for, behaved badly9. came into being, beyond belief 10. on behalf of, To begin with 11. long before, behind schedule 12. Besides, beside the point根据提示完成下列句子(big---born) 1.My friend Mary Day 13(生) a boy on her 25th (生日).She was (流血 ) nearly to death. Bless me! The news was a (打击) to us all.2.God bless me! When I was ( 出生 ), both my mother and I were in peace. Everything has gone smoothly ( 生来). I’m(不是一点点) lucky.3.I often treat my friends to restaurants and all the (账单) are on me. (渐渐地), my wife (责怪) me for it. Sometimes shefeels (有点) too (闷闷不乐).4.He wassaw him in bed( 咬 ) by a dog yesterday. When we went to the hospital, we(青一块紫一块) in the leg. It was a (害群之马). Who is (该受责备) for it.5.( 填写 ) the blank on this cheque. Do leave anything(一点也不).6.He is (失明) in both the eyes, so he has to live a (痛苦的) life. We should not ( 对……视而不见) them.7.It’ s said that two (街区) were (爆炸), which(阻塞) the traffic for hours.8.The ( 董事会 ) is having an important meeting, so I have to(上) the plane right away.9.These (靴子) are popular. I’d like to(预订) a pair.10.That lecture was so (乏味的) that I was (厌烦) to death.1. gave a birth to, birthday, bleeding, blow2. born, by birth, not a little3. bills, bit by bit, blames, a bit, blue4. bitten, black and blue, black sheep, to blame5. Fill in, not, a bit6. blind, bitter, turn a blind eye to7. blocks, blown up/bombed, blocked8. board, board9. boots, book 10. boring, boredDay 14根据提示完成下列句子(borrow---brief)1.He wanted to ( 借) another from me, but I didn’ t( 借 ) himbecause he had (借、留) the first book for more than one year.2.I have to ( 打扰 ) you for my bike. Its ( 刹车 )(出故障). You are (一定) to repair it.3.(简而言之 ), I want to give my gratitude to you(从心底里), for you helped me find a good job to(谋生).4.Don’ t be afraid to (麻烦工作) hard, in other words,you must do things (从头到尾).5. (动脑筋) in the (拳击赛). You are sure to (取得突破).6.When the fire (突然发生), the firemen were (勇敢) to(破门而入) the house and saved ten old people. We admire their (勇敢).7.Bank of China is in Beijing, but it has (分部) all over thecountry.8.The boat (撞碎 ) on the rocks, people on board were(喘不过气来) with fear.9.Before diving into water, he took a deep ( 呼吸 ) and then(屏住呼吸).10.The (新郎) and (新娘) got married in (鲜艳的) dresses.1. borrow, lend, kept2. bother, brake, broke down, bound3. In brief, from the bottom of my heart, make /ear my bread/living4. bother working, from top to bottom5. Use your brains/head, boxing match, make a breakthrough6. broke out, brave, break into, bravery7. branches8. broke up, breathless9. breath, held his breath 10. bridegroom, bride, brightDay 15根据提示完成下列句子(bring---bye)1.Why so many Chinese have accidents in ( 不列颠 ) is that(英国人) people drive on the left while we drive on the right.Different traffic rules (导致) our failure.2.We are ( 扶养) in China and we should(担负重担) of supporting my family.3.My younger ( 弟弟 ) often gets up at 11:00 for ( 早午饭 ), buthe ( 增强体质 ) by playing basketball every afternoon.4.Something in the house ( 爆炸 ), and it was(被烧成灰烬 ), with a (烧焦的) body. The owner of the house (放声大哭).5.He is ( 埋头bury…) in his work and only (只管自己的事) it , so he becomes a successful (商人).6.Every day he (上下车) the bus and was (忙于)doing three jobs (按小时). He (只好) work hard.7. (顺便说 ), I wanted noting but ( 玩 ) in the playground after school.8.(以这种方式), he had saved enough to buy an apartment(到……时候为止) last year.9.Jack worked very hard, but he was still (倒数第二).10.He was able to collect so many (束花) (独自一人). He was (非常) the best worker.1. Britain, British, bring about2. brought up, carry/bear the burden3. brother, brunch, builds up his strength4. burst, burnt into ashes, burnt,burst into tears/burst out crying 5. buried, mind his own business, businessman 6. got on and off, busy in, by the hour, could do nothing but7. By the way, to play 8. By this means, by the end of 9. the last but one10. bunches of flowers, all by himself, by farDay 16根据提示完成下列句子(cab---careful)1.The government ( 号召) us young people to teach thechildren in the poor areas and it is our duty to (关爱) children.Call on call at drop at/in pay a visit to, call off, call sb. up/ call sth. UpCall for2.He is good at (计算) and (喜欢) doingbusiness.Care for ,be good at/be better/best at3.My English teacher often tells us to be (认真对待)spelling, but I show ( 漠不关心 ) it. He often criticizes me for my doing exercises so (粗心). I should have been so ( 粗心 ).4.Originally I had planned to go to his office to (拜访) him,but he went home, so I had to (拜访) his house instead.5.The photos taken with this (照相机) (使回忆起)memories of my teaching life in school.6.Being one of the ( 候选人) to be president of the StudentsUnion, he (忍不住打我电话), telling me the news.Can’t help doing/can;t help do7.I have many (加拿大) friends, but not all of them were bornin (加拿大).English/Englishman, American8.Jack was made (队长 ) of the football team. We all respected(队长).职务头衔是否加冠词9.When we write U.K, we should write it (用大些字母).10.I smoked a lot and doubted whether I had a lung (癌症), butthe doctor told me to (保持镇静).Keep calm; stand still; quietSuggested answers:1. calls on, care about2. calculating, cares for3. careful with, no carefor, carelessly, careless4. call on, call at5. camera, called up6. candidates, couldn’ t help calling me up7. Canadian, Canada8. captain, the captain9. in capitals 10. cancer, keep calmDay 17根据提示完成下列句子(carpenter---centre)1.Every teacher should (履行) their duty. When students have trouble, they should help them to (使渡过难关) it. It is important for the teachers to (坚持下去 ) the teaching plan until they succeed.Carry out, carry on get through(with); hold on, stick to,persist in2.It is 10 (摄氏度). (万一) rain, put on more clothes.3.(绝不) will I cause trouble to others.In case, in no case 在句尾省略的用法。

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(2)福建省石狮一中余信路Day 5根据提示完成下列句子(also---anniversary)1. Caught in the act, he ____________________________ (除了……别无选择) tell the truth.2. He looked at me _________________ (惊愕地). I was __________(吃惊) by his_____________(令人吃惊的) strange look.3. W e’ve had __________________________(很大的amount…) help from the local people.4. ________(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.5. _________(在……中)those present were ___________(大使) and his wife.6. What you said _______________ (等于) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of ___________(有抱负).7. I heard ______________ (生气地) that___________(动物)were treated in a cruel way.8. I was ____________________(生气) myself for making such a stupid mistake. I broke my pen a_____________(生气地).9. This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _______________(娱乐活动). We can also___________(娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.10. He _______________________(总是抱怨)the endless boring work.Day 6根据提示完成下列句子(announce--apply)1. They ___________ their engagement _____ the family (向……宣布).2. He ____________________ me_____ my carelessness(为……生气annoy…).3. In _________(再、另) two weeks, the job will be finished.4. Parents are naturally a________________ (为……而担心) their children when they leave home.5. __________(除……外)their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.6. Please let me know how many are coming,_______________(如果有的话).7. I_____________ Jane_____________________(因……缺席而道歉)her party.8. The police ___________(呼吁)the public to remain calm.9. It’s __________ (显而易见) that she was really upset, and then she paused, _________ (显然)lost in thought.10. The new technology _________________ (应用于) farming.11. She had never been greatly concerned about __________ (外貌)12. ____________________ (看起来) there has been a mistake.13. I’m afraid we can’t come, but thanks for the invitation a_________(无论如何).14. The public ________________________ (爱好) scandals.Day 7根据提示完成下列句子(appoint---art)1. I would ________________ (不胜感激) if you can _____________________(约会)with me.2. It was the __________________ (建筑师/设计师) who designed the building, which _____________________________ (占地) about 600 square hectares.3. Jane often ________________ her friends _________/_________ little things(在……上争论)________________(由……引起) their different opinions.4.The Eighth Route Army ________________________(用……武装)enough guns and before long many enemies were ___________________.(被捕)5. All families are busy making ___________ (准备) for the _________ (到来) of the new year.6.The government has ____________ (任命) some experts to find out an ______________ (方法) to the serious problem.7. Jim ___________________________ (做出决定) that he will enter an _______(美术) school, which still hasn’t _______________________________ (没有得到同意) of his parents.8. Please use an _______ (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in _________ (四月)9. Mary ________________________________ for (为…表感谢) what the neighbors has _________(安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the___________(轮椅).10. It always takes me _____________ (大约)1 hour to finish the _____________ (算数) work.Day 8根据提示完成下列句子(article---attach)1. I __________________________ (很惭愧) my _____________________ (睡着了) during the class.2. The floor is covered by __________ (灰), ______ (因为) she always _________________ (把……放到一边) her housework..3.__________________/____________________(总的来说),the book deserves well reading,which treats all _______________(方面) of health care.4. Whisky is usually __________________(联系) with Scotland.5. ______________(运动员) tend to _____________(依附) themselves to all kinds of sports.6. I was __________________________(对……感到惊讶) the news that the man travelled across the _______________ Ocean (大西洋) alone.7. His parents would like him to be an _____________ (艺术家), but he wants to be an ______________ (天文学家), because he is keen on _______________ (天文学).8. All the shop ________________(店员)work together in a very friendly ________________ (氛围).9. How many ___________ (亚洲) countries have taken part in the sports meeting?10. ________________ (只要) we take action, the pollution will be reduced.高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(2)答案Key to Day 51. had no alternative/choice but to2. in amazement, amazed, amazing3. a large amount of4. Although5. Among, ambassador6. amounted to, ambition7. with anger; animals8. angry with, angrily9. amusements, amuse 10. is always complaining aboutKey to Day 61. announced…to2. was annoyed with……for/at3. another4. anxious for5. Apart from6. if anything7. apologized to; for being absent from8. appealed to9. is apparent that; apparently 10. was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite forKey to Day 71. appreciate it, make/fix an appointment2. architect, covers an area of3. argues with, over/about, arising from4. was armed with, under arrest5. arrangements, arrival6. appointed, approach7. arrived at a decision, art, gained the approval of8. arrow, April9. showed her appreciation, arranged, wheelchair 10. approximately, arithmeticKey to Day 81. was ashamed of, falling asleep2. ashes, as, sets aside3. In general/Generally speaking, aspects4. associated5. Athletes, attach6. astonished at, Atlantic7. artist,, astronomer, astronomy8. assistants, atmosphere9. Asian 10. As long as。
高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(15) (1)

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(15)石狮一中余信路Day 57根据提示完成下列句子(nail---next)1. _________________(中华民族) is ______________(远非) _________________(心胸狭窄的),n________(也就是说), a peace-loving one ______________(天性).2. My _____________(国籍) is Chinese, so my __________(本国) language is also Chinese.3. ___________________(如果有必要), we must buy some ______________(必需品) at home.4. She needs ______________________________(以…的名命名) her mother, which needs___________(考虑). As for me, I needn’t _____________(think of) this matter.5. I have ______________________________________(针线都没有).6. I was _________________________________(陷入…的困难) putting___________________(国内外消息) into English.7. But __________________(不要紧), my __________(侄子) who is good at English will cometo my help.8. My next-door ___________(邻居) often read news ______________(在报纸上) to me.9. ---Do you need some _______________(项链)?---No, but some _______________(钉子) are ____________(需要).10. The happiest people don’t ________________(必要) have the best of everything.Day 58根据提示完成下列句子(nice---nutrition)1. Basketball is ____________(某些东西) I like best. ______________________( 没有什么东西) like it as a means of keeping fit.2. Last night I really had a _________(吵闹的) one because all my nephews and _________(侄女们) were singing at home _________________________________(直到深夜). They ___________________(弄出太多的声音了).3. The boss asked us to work ____________________(夜以继日). One the ________(第九) day, all of us broke down. We were __________________(不是一点点) tired. After a couple of days’ rest and some __________(有营养的) food, we ____________________ (恢复正常).4. After graduating from _______________________________(东北师范大学), he didn’t find a good job. _______________________(直到现在), he is still sharing a small flat with others.5. __________________________(许多…number…护士) ________________________(被打了鼻子) ________________(无理由) on the way home after work.6. What they received __________________________(引起注意) of the officials of the hospital. ___________________(从现在起), they are _______________(一点也不) afraid.7. Have you ____________________(注意到) the safety of ____________________ (核电站).8. Can you ___________________________(做笔记) what the teachers say in the class.9. If you don’t go there, ________________________(我也不去).10. ____________________(数量) the birds is growing up. ________________(没有任何地方) can I find to listen to their beautiful singing.Day 59根据提示完成下列句子(obey---opening)1. It’s __________(明显的) that every citizen should __________________(遵守法律), and every rule should be strictly _________(遵守observe).2. High school students are _______________(反对) taking motorbikes, for it’s an _________(违法行为).3. In __________(九月) and __________(十月), students ______________________________ (忙于occupy) Teachers’ Day and National Day.4. It _______________(突然想起) that my mother will come to _________(正式) see me today.5. ---________________(隔多久) do you help do housework?---I seldom _______________________(主动提出做) it, for I hate oily dishes6. The _________ (官员的) speech of ________________(就职) is _______________(不切题).7. ___________________(突然…sudden), the long sleeping patient ____________________(苏醒), with his eyes ______________(睁得很大).8. We classmates help ___________________(相互), but most of the time we do exercises ____________________(独自).9. _____________(要是就好了) we had one hour a day in the afternoon in having sports!10. _______________(总之), _______(一旦) I have time, I’ll visit you ______________(亲自).Day 60根据提示完成下列句子(opera---oxygen)1. I _______________________(对有好印象) the doctor who ___________(动手术) my father.2. Many people say I’m _____________(乐观). Much ______________(与相反) their opinion, I’m __________________________(对……悲观) my study.3. We ________________________(建立一个组织) for travelling by car, and ______________ (确切地说), we ____________________(出去郊游) ______________________(每隔一周).4. ___________________(为了) we can have good meals, we should _____________________ (预定) from the dining hall in advance.5. ________________(前几天), the _____________(起初的) computer in our classroom was _______________(出毛病).6. You ought to ________________(克服) these difficulties yourself, but you _________(没有).7. This book ________(给出) a brief __________(概述) of the history of the castle.8. He is __________( 超重), but he is _________(坦率) and __________(杰出).9. The writer did most of the writing ____________________(独自on…own), but he still __________(归功) his achievements ________(给) his teacher.10. ______________(由于owing…) ______________________(过户外生活), he was sun burnt.高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(15)答案Key to Day 571.The Chinese nation, not nearly, narrow-minded, namely, by nature 2. nationality, native 3. If necessary, necessities 4. be named after, thinking of/consideration, think of/consider5. neither needle nor thread6. caught in the net of, home and foreign news7. never mind, nephew8. neighbor, in the newspaper9. necklaces, nails, in need 10. necessarilyKey to Day 581. something, There is nothing2. noisy, nieces, far into the night, made too many noises3.day and night, ninth, not a little, nutritious, returned to normal4. Northeastern Normal University, Up to/till now5. A number of nurses, was hit on the nose, for nothing6.drew/attracted the notice, From now on, not a bit7. taken notice of, nuclear power stations8. take. make a note of9. neither will I 10. The number of, Nowhere elseKey to Day 591. obvious, obey the law, observed2. opposed to, offence3. September, October, occupy themselves in celebrating4. occurs to me, of ficially5. How often, offer ot do6. official’s, taking office, off the point7. All of sudden, came to himself, opening wide8. one another, by ourselves9. If only 10. In a word, once, for myselfKey to Day 601. had a good impression of, operated on2. optimistic, opposite to, pessimistic about3. form an organization, or rather, go for an outing, every other week4. In order that, place an order5. The other day, original, out of order6. have overcome, didn’t7. gives, outline8. over weight, outspoken, outstanding9. on his own, owed, to 10. Owing to, leading an outdoor life。

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(24)石狮一中余信路Day 93根据提示完成下列句子(ugly--unless)1. It’s _____________(不能确定) whether it will rain or not. You’d better take an _____________(雨伞).2. Without computer, I am not ____________(能够) to work. If it doesn’t work, it’s ______________(难以置信的).3. Sometimes I leave my mobile phone at home, making me feel _______________(不舒服的). When I want to call someone, it’s more _______________(无法忍受的).4. ___________(地铁) Line 1 is ___________________(在建设中) in Fuzhou now, but many people are ______________________(未察觉到) any danger.5. It’s _____________(丑陋的) and __________(不公平的) to cheat in the exam. Those names should be ______________(划线).6. My _________(叔叔) has a good ________________(理解) of the task he is _____________ (承担). In other words, there is no work he is __________(不适合) to do.7. The police should be in ___________(制服) at work, which is ________________________(显而易见under one’s eye).8. ______________(很不幸), the ___________________(联合国) can’t settle all the arguments.9. ____________(团结) is power, so we should ___________(团结) as one.10. I will go to Beijing ______________(大学) _________(除非) I am not good enough.Day 94根据提示完成下列句子(unlike--usual)1. The _____________(不同寻常的) film didn’t begin __________(直到) 7:30. After it was over, we waited ________(直到) my friend came by car.2. We’ll be out if we are ______________(不情愿) to __________(更新) our knowledge.3. It’s _____________(取决于) you to decide when to go to the art exhibition.4. Upon/On ___________(收到) your ____________(紧急的) letter, I felt _________(不安的). I __________(催促) my parents _________________(让我去) to see you at once.5. The flat _____________(楼上) was on fire. I __________(催促) that the firefighters __________(来) quickly to put it out immediately.6. I _____________(以前常常) do something ____________(没用的), but I didn’t mean to _________(使烦恼) my parents.7. I _________________________________(习惯了起床) at 6:40 a.m., so it’s ____________(没用) ___________(叫醒) me up earlier than that.8. These bottles and cans are of _____________(没用)/_________________(没用out of use), but they can _________________________(被用来做) into some works of art.9. Yes, we can _____________________(把……利用起来) something that is not ____________(有用的).10. Old ___________(用户) of the broadband Internet need to pay _______________(照例) this year and the networks are much faster ________________(比平常).Day 95根据提示完成下列句子(vacant--vinegar)1. I _____________________(度假) in Gansu and Xinjiang this summer. The ________(风景) I saw in the desert were ______________(很有价值的). I also visited _________ /_________________/_______________(各种各样的) raw ___________(乡村) with lots of friendly and lovely _______________(村民).2. We had planned to hike in some ____________(大山) and __________(河谷) on Teacher’s Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival, but ____________(徒劳) because there were lessons.3. I ___________(估价) the old _________(花瓶) for 1 million Yuan. Three years ago it was 500,000 Yuan ______________(在价值上). But love and family are of ________________ (更有价值).4. I like _____________(蔬菜) such as ___________(马铃薯), ___________(番茄) and ___________(胡萝卜), but I don’t like _____________(洋葱).5. This is the _________(恰好的) ____________(交通车辆) the police are looking for.6. Some newly-made __________________(可视电话) are _____________(在展出中). We can see the images ___________(通过) their _____________(视频).7. Many people fell/became _________________(牺牲品) the earthquake.8. ________________(鉴于) the quality of the _________________(副班长), I think he is honest and faithful.9. We should _______/______/______/______/_____________________(战胜) ourselves.10. Maybe you are _________________(对某事不明确vague about) this __________(醋). It is _____________(有效) for only one year.Day 96根据提示完成下列句子(violate--voyage)1. It’s said that the famous singer Li Shuangjiang’s son ____________________________(向某人行凶) the guard and was caught by the police for ______________________(违反了法律).2. ---Which musical instrument do you like best, ______________(钢琴), _____________(小提琴) or _____________(吉他)?---I like _______________________(拉小提琴) and hope to be a ____________(小提琴家).3. My English teacher is a man _________(有美德). We often _______________(拜访) to him.4. Mr. Yee often uses _____________(可视的) aids in teaching English ______________(词汇) and asks us to read them in ________________/(或at _________________________)(高声地), which is _________________ (极为重要vital) English study.5. Some ____________(参观者) were too high and _____________________(嗓子哑了).6. She made such a __________(生动的) story that we all believed her.7. Do you fancy __________________(打排球) or listening to __________(狂热的) music?8. In almost every grand activity or event, university students are doing lots of ______________ (志愿的) work. They are valued as the most beautiful _________________(志愿者).9. If possible, I _________(志愿) to use my good English to do something with _______(签证) .10. Last month, those sailors ____________________(环球航行) around the world.高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(24)答案Key to Day 931. uncertain, umbrella2. able, unbelievable3. uncomfortable, unbearable4. Underground, under construction, unconscious of5. ugly, unfair, underlined6. uncle, understanding, undertaking, unfit7. uniform, under everyone’s eye8. Unfortunately, United Nations9. Union, unite 10. University, unlessKey to Day 941. unusual, until, until/till2. unwilling, update3. up to4. receiving, urgent, upset, urged, to let me go5. upstairs, urged, (should)come6. used to, useless, upset7. am used to getting up, no use/useless, waking8. no use, out of use, be used to be made9. bring into use, useful 10. users, as usual, than usualKey to Day 951. went on/took a vacation, views, valuable, various/a variety of/varieties of, villages, villagers2. mountains, valleys, in vain3. value, vase, in value, great value4. vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions5. very, vehicle6. videophones, on view, via, videos7. victims8. In view of, vice monitor9. have/gain/get/win a victory over 10. vague about, vinegar, validKey to Day 961. did violence to, having violated the law2. the piano, the violin, the guitar, playing the violin, violinist3. of virtue, pay a visit4. visual, vocabulary, loud voice, the top of our voices, vital to5. visitors, lost their voices6. vivid7. playing volleyball, violent8. voluntary, volunteers9. volunteer, visas 10. made a voyage。

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(1)根据提示完成下列句子Day 1(a---accurate)1. The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers ____ __ (在机上) who came back from ___ ___.(国外)2. He was _____ _(专心致志) in his book, making him ____ ____ (缺席) the meeting. To tell the truth, I seldom see his ____________(缺席).3. She spoke English with a Dutch _______(腔). But it could be __________(完全地)understood.4. It is generally ____________ (公认) that smoking does harm to our health. Last month It ___________(接受) them.received some cigarettes, but I wouldn’5. He can have/gain ___________ (进入) to the library with the ID card. Those books are easily ________________(接近的、可进入的).6. On ___________ (由于) of what you said, I am determined to go abroad to a_______________(完成) my further study.7. It is very difficult to get a(n) _____________ (准确的) answer.8. His illness ____________(导致) for his absence .9. I didn’t break the vase on purpose, Mum,it was an __________ (意外). It _______________(意外地) slipped from my hands.10. He is ___________(能够) to run the company very well. His __________(能力) is beyond me.Day 2(accuse---admire)1. I was ___________ (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it was the other way around .2. You will _______________ (一事无成) if you don’t put your heart into your study.3. What you did is ____________ (令人钦佩的) and we ________(羡慕)your________ (成就)..4. Effective __________(措施)should be taken to ___________ (适应) ourselves to thenew surroundings.5. Tom takes an _____________(积极) part in class _______________(活动).6. The number of ________(男演员) and ___________(女演员) ______________(总计)exactly 100 .7. Students nowadays are ___________(习惯于) to taking all sorts of examinations. In__________(此外), sometimes they are __________(沉溺于) to playing game through mobile phones.8. The manager delivered an ________ (演讲) on TV to share his experience in____________(管理).9. This letter was wrongly _________(写上地址). Please ________(加) your friend’s_________(真实的) __________(地址) to the envelope.10. ________(事实上), the man ____________(担任) manager of the company.Day 3 (admission---agreement)1. He __________(建议) me to book the tickets _________(预先) and I followed his__________ (建议).2. She had a(n) __________ (优势) of a good education, making him feel calm when shemeets ____________(冒险).________ (支付) the money to buy the book. But _____________ (担心) I can’t ___3. I’ms my own ___________(私事)that’__________(同意) to the ___________ (协定) which was reached by you.4. I can’t ____5. You were greatly_____________(影响) by the trouble but finally made it _____________(终究).6. I have no a__________(喜欢、爱) for all kinds of _______________(广告) on TV.大事) of state through CCTV News 30 Minutes.7. We can be concerned about__________ (8. Although he was __________ (反对) the opinion, the old professor didn’t come up with himself.9. The house ________(代理人) has been _________(追求) the beautiful girl for_________(很久).10. I’m fond of __________(非洲). I often turn to my teacher for more ___________(非洲的) stories.Day 4(agricultural---already)1. These measures ______________(旨在)preventing smoking in public places like restaurants, hospitals. But___________(在户外) people are free.2. This job would be impossible without the ________(辅助) of a computer. Besides, youcan ______________(给予援助) to her.3. These kids are ________(几乎一样), so try to treat them ________ (一样地).4. His parents won’ t _________ (允许他待在外面) very late. Besides, they don’t ______(吸烟) at home.5. I saw my wife off at the _______ (在机场). She is going to the U.S.A. on business _________(乘飞机). Again I began to live _______(独居).6. All ______________ (总的来说), she was always well ___________(遥遥领先) the rest of the class.提前). We can __________(开始).7. The party has been planned weeks______ (别打扰她),but the press photographers follow her everywhere.8. She’s asked ___________(9. She lost her job when the factory closed, __________ (同…..一起)hundreds of others. _________(最重要的是), she was still __________(活着).10. Our plans of banning the sale of the ___________(酒精) are still__________(悬而未决), ___________(更不用说) the sale of cigarettes.Day 5(also---anniversary)1. Caught in the act, he _________________ (除了……别无选择) tell the truth.2. He looked at me __________ (惊愕地). I was _______(吃惊) by his _____ (令人吃惊的)strange look.3. We’ve had ________________(很大的amount…) help from the local people.4. ____(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.5. _________(在……中)those present were ___________(大使) and his wife.6. What you said ______ (等于) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of ____________(有抱负).7. I heard _______ (生气地) that___________(动物)were treated in a cruel way.8. I was _______(生气) myself for making such a stupid mistake. I broke my pen a________(生气地).9. This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _______________(娱乐活动). We can also___________(娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.10. He _______________________(总是抱怨)the endless boring work.Day 6(announce--apply)1. They ___________ their engagement _____ the family (向……宣布).2. He ____________________ me_____ my carelessness(为……生气annoy…).3. In _________(再、另) two weeks, the job will be finished.4. Parents are naturally a________________ (为……而担心) their children when they leavehome.5. __________(除……外)their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.6. Please let me know how many are coming,_______________(如果有的话).7. I____________ Jane_____________________(因……缺席而道歉)her party.8. The police ___________(呼吁)the public to remain calm.显而易见) that she was really upset, and then she paused, __________ 9. It’s __________ ((显然) lost in thought.10. The new technology _________________ (应用于) farming.外貌)11. She had never been greatly concerned about __________ (12. ____________________ (看起来) there has been a mistake.13. I’m afraid we can’t come, but thanks for the invitation a_________(无论如何).14. The public ____________________ (爱好) scandals.Day 7(appoint---art)1. I would _____________ (不胜感激) if you can ____________(约会)with me.2. It was the __________ (建筑师/设计师) who designed the building, which _____________ (占地) about 600 square hectares.3. Jane often __________ her friends _________/_________ little things(在……上争论)_____________(由……引起) their different opinions.4.The Eighth Route Army_____________(用……武装)enough guns and before long many enemies were _______________.(被捕)5. All families are busy making________ (准备) for the ______ (到来) of the new year.6.The government has ____________ (任命) some experts to find out an ______________ (方法) to the serious problem.7. Jim ______________________ (做出决定) that he will enter an _______(美术) school,没有得到同意) of his parents.which still hasn’t ____________ (8. Please use an _____ (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in _______ (四月)9. Mary _________________ for (为…表感谢) what the neighbors has _________(安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the___________(轮椅).10. It always takes me ______ (大约)1 hour to finish the ________ (算数) work.Day 8(article---attach)Day1. I _______________ (很惭愧) my _____________ (睡着了) during the class.2. The floor is covered by _______ (灰), ______ (因为) she always ________ (把……放到一边) her housework..3.__________/___________(总的来说),the book deserves w ell reading, which treats all ______________(方面) of health care.4. Whisky is usually __________________(联系) with Scotland.5. ________(运动员) tend to _________(依附) themselves to all kinds of sports.6. I was ______________(对……感到惊讶) the news that the man travelled across the _______________ Ocean (大西洋) alone.7. His parents would like him to be an _____________ (艺术家), but he wants to be an ________ (天文学家), because he is keen on_____________ (天文学).8. All the shop _______(店员)work together in a very friendly _______ (氛围).9. How many _________ (亚洲) countries have taken part in the sports meeting?10. ________________ (只要) we take action, the pollution will be reduced.Day 9(attack---awkward)1. My ________(姑母)__________________ (尝试) get close to the dog, but unfortunately she was ________ (攻击) by it, so she went to see the doctor ________ (马上).2. The reference books are ___________ (可以借到的) for you in the library on the third_______ (大街).3. The _______ (作家) wrote many _________(有吸引力的) stories happening in _______ (澳大利亚).4. All the ____________(观众) were _______________ (吸引) by his superior performance.5. We _______ (出席) a meeting, where the speaker talked about the global warming, which _______________________(引起我们的注意).6. The meeting was held to make people _________ (意识到的)of the ___________(可怕的)environmental problems.7. I was so surprised that I was __________ (授予) the first prize in English speech contest. But soon I was _____________ (叫醒) by my desk mate, only to find that I just had a day dream. But from then on, I decided to work hard to be a student above the ___________(平均水平).8. You should ___________ (收拾好) your books to _________ (避免) your house being ina mass.9. After summer vocation, we students are required to return school in ____________ (八月),nearly one month ahead of time.10. We should ____________________________(抱持积极的态度) our life.Day 13根据提示完成下列句子(big---born)1. My friend Mary ____________(生) a boy on her 25th __________(生日). She was ___________(流血) nearly to death. Bless me! The news was a ________(打击) to us all.2. God bless me! When I was ________(出生), both my mother and I were in peace.不是一点Everything has gone smoothly _____________(生来). I’m __________________(点) lucky.3. I often treat my friends to restaurants and all the _______(账单) are on me. _____________(渐渐地), my wife _________(责怪) me for it. Sometimes she feels ________(有点) too _________(闷闷不乐).4. He was _____(咬) by a dog yesterday. When we went to the hospital, we saw him in bed _________(青一块紫一块) in the leg. It was a __________(害群之马). Who is __________(该受责备) for it.5. _______(填写) the blank on this cheque. Do _____ leave anything ________(一点也不).6. He is __________(失明) in both the eyes, so he has to live a ________(痛苦的) life. We should not ________( 对……视而不见) them.said that two _________(街区) were _______(爆炸), which _________(阻塞) the 7. It’straffic for hours.8. The __(董事会) is having an important meeting, so I have to __(上) the plane right away.___(预订) a pair.9. These _______(靴子) are popular. I’d like to ____10. That lecture was so _____(乏味的) that I was _____(厌烦) to death.Day 14 根据提示完成下列句子(borrow---brief)1. He wanted to _____(借) another from me, but I didn’t ________(借) him because he had _____(借、留) the first book for more than one year.2. I have to ______(打扰) you for my bike. Its _______(刹车) _______(出故障). You are ________(一定) to repair it.3. _________(简而言之), I want to give my gratitude to you __________ (从心底里), for you helped me find a good job to _______(谋生).4. Don’t be afraid to _______(麻烦工作) hard, in other words, you must do things _________(从头到尾).5. ______________(动脑筋) in the __________(拳击赛). You are sure to _______________(取得突破).6. When the fire __________(突然发生), the firemen were _______(勇敢) to _____________ (破门而入) the house and saved ten old people. We admire their _________(勇敢).7. Bank of China is in Beijing, but it has _____________(分部) all over the country.8. The boat ___________(撞碎) on the rocks, people on board were __________ (喘不过气来) with fear.9. Before diving into water, he took a deep ________(呼吸) and then _________(屏住呼吸).10. The _________(新郎) and ______(新娘) got married in ________(鲜艳的) dresses. Day 15根据提示完成下列句子(bring---bye)1. Why so many Chinese have accidents in _________(不列颠) is that __________(英国人) people drive on the left while we drive on the right. Different traffic rules ______________ (导致) our failure.2. We are _______________(扶养) in China and we should _________________________(担负重担) of supporting my family.3. My younger _________(弟弟) often gets up at 11:00 for _________(早午饭), but he ______(增强体质) by playing basketball every afternoon.4. Something in the house __________(爆炸), and it was ______________________(被烧成灰烬), with a _________(烧焦的) body. The owner of the house _______________(放声大哭).5. He is ________(埋头bury…) in his work and only _______________________(只管自己的事) it , so he becomes a successful _______________(商人).6. Every day he ___________(上下车) the bus and was _________(忙于) doing three jobs ________(按小时). He ___________(只好) work hard.7. _____________(顺便说), I wanted noting but _________(玩) in the playground after school.8. ___________________(以这种方式), he had saved enough to buy an apartment _______________(到……时候为止) last year.9. Jack worked very hard, but he was still ___________________(倒数第二).10. He was able to collect so many _________________(束花) _____________(独自一人). He was ________(非常) the best worker.Day 16根据提示完成下列句子(cab---careful)1. The government _________(号召) us young people to teach the children in the poorareas and it is our duty to ______(关爱) children.2. He is good at ________(计算) and __________(喜欢) doing business.3. My English teacher often tells us to be ___________________(认真对待) spelling, but I show ________________________(漠不关心) it. He often criticizes me for my doing exercises so _________________(粗心). I should have been so __________(粗心).4. Originally I had planned to go to his office to ________________(拜访) him, but he went home, so I had to ___________________(拜访) his house instead.5. The photos taken with this ___________(照相机) _______________(使回忆起) memories of my teaching life in school.6. Being one of the ______________( 候选人) to be president of the Students Union, he ___________(忍不住打我电话), telling me the news.7. I have many _____________(加拿大) friends, but not all of them were born in ___________(加拿大).8. Jack was made _____(队长) of the football team. We all respected ________(队长).9. When we write U.K, we should write it ________(用大些字母).10. I smoked a lot and doubted whether I had a lung ___________(癌症), but the doctor told me to ____________(保持镇静)..高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(4)答案Key to Day 51. had no alternative/choice but to2. in amazement, amazed, amazing3. a large amount of4. Although5. Among, ambassador6. amounted to, ambition7. with anger; animals8. angry with, angrily9. amusements, amuse 10. is always complaining about Key to Day 61. announced…to2. was annoyed with……for/at3. another4. anxious for5. Apart from6. if anything7. apologized to; for being absent from8. appealed to9. is apparent that; apparently 10. was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite forKey to Day 71. appreciate it, make/fix an appointment2. architect, covers an area of3. argues with, over/about, arising from4. was armed with, under arrest5. arrangements, arrival6. appointed, approach7. arrived at a decision, art, gained the approval of8. arrow, April9. showed her appreciation, arranged, wheelchair 10. approximately, arithmeticKey to Day 81. was ashamed of, falling asleep2. ashes, as, sets aside3. In general/Generally speaking, aspects4. associated5. Athletes, attach6. astonished a t, Atlantic7. artist,, astronomer, astronomy8. assistants, atmosphere9. Asian 10. As long asKey to Day 131. gave a birth to, birthday, bleeding, blow2. born, by birth, not a little3. bills, bit by bit, blames, a bit, blue4. bitten, black and blue, black sheep, to blame5. Fill in, not, a bit6. blind, bitter, turn a blind eye to7. blocks, blown up/bombed, blocked8. board, board9. boots, book 10. boring, boredKey to Day 141. borrow, lend, kept2. bother, brake, broke down, bound3. In brief, from the bottom of my heart, make /ear my bread/living4. bother working, from top to bottom5. Use your brains/head, boxing match, make a breakthrough6. broke out, brave, break into, bravery7. branches8. broke up, breathless9. breath, held his breath 10. bridegroom, bride, bright Key to Day 151. Britain, British, bring about2. brought up, carry/bear the burden3. brother, brunch, build up his strength4. burst, burnt into ashes, burnt, burst into tears/burst out crying5. buried, mind his own business, businessman6. got on and off, busy in, by the hour, could do nothing but7. By the way, to play8. By this means, by the end of9. the last but one 10. bunches of flowers, all by himself, by farKey to Day 161. calls on, care about2. calculating, cares for3. careful with, no care for, carelessly, careless4. call on, call at5. camera, called up6. candidates, couldn’t help calling me up7. Canadian, Canada8. captain, the captain9. in capitals 10. cancer, keep calm高中英语高频词汇练习1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.A.admittedB.acknowledgedC.absorbedD.considered[注释] considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。

1. He __a_d_v_i_s_e_d___(建议) me to book the tickets i_n__a_d_v_a_n_c_e___(预先) and I followed his ___a__d_v_i_c_e_ (建议). 2. She had a(n) _a_d__v_a_n_t_a_g_e__ (优势) of a good education, making him feel calm when she
10. I’m fond of __A__fr_i_c_a__(非洲). I often turn to my teacher for more _A__fr_i_c_a_n____(非洲
的) stories.
KEYS: 36-40 CDACD 41-45 CABDB 46-50 ABBCA 51-55 CCDAD
Hale Waihona Puke __a_g_r_e_e_m__e_n_t
5. You were greatly ___a_ff_e_c_t_e_d_(影响) by the trouble but finally made it __a_f_t_e_r_a_l_l___
高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 (下)

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(1)根据提示完成下列句子Day 1(a---accurate)1. The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers ____ __ (在机上) who came back from ___ ___.(国外)2. He was _____ _(专心致志) in his book, making him ____ ____ (缺席) the meeting. To tell the truth, I seldom see his ____________(缺席).3. She spoke English with a Dutch _______(腔). But it could be __________(完全地)understood.4. It is generally ____________ (公认) that smoking does harm to our health. Last month I received some cigarettes, but I wouldn’t ___________(接受) them.5. He can have/gain ___________ (进入) to the library with the ID card. Those books are easily ________________(接近的、可进入的).6. On ___________ (由于) of what you said, I am determined to go abroad to a_______________(完成) my further study.7. It is very difficult to get a(n) _____________ (准确的) answer.8. His illness ____________(导致) for his absence .9. I didn’t break the vase on purpose, Mum,it was an __________ (意外). It _______________(意外地) slipped from my hands.10. He is ___________(能够) to run the company very well. His __________(能力) is beyond me.Day 2(accuse---admire)1. I was ___________ (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it was the other way around .2. You will _______________ (一事无成) if you don’t put your heart into your study.3. What you did is ____________ (令人钦佩的) and we ________(羡慕)your________ (成就)..4. Effective __________(措施)should be taken to ___________ (适应) ourselves to thenew surroundings.5. Tom takes an _____________(积极) part in class _______________(活动).6. The number of ________(男演员) and ___________(女演员) ______________(总计)exactly 100 .7. Students nowadays are ___________(习惯于) to taking all sorts of examinations. In__________(此外), sometimes they are __________(沉溺于) to playing game through mobile phones.8. The manager delivered an ________ (演讲) on TV to share his experience in____________(管理).9. This letter was wrongly _________(写上地址). Please ________(加) your f riend’s _________(真实的) __________(地址) to the envelope.10. ________(事实上), the man ____________(担任) manager of the company.Day 3 (admission---agreement)1. He __________(建议) me to book the tickets _________(预先) and I followed his__________ (建议).2. She had a(n) __________ (优势) of a good education, making him feel calm when she meets ____________(冒险).3. I’m _____________ (担心) I can’t ___________ (支付) the money to buy the book. But that’s my own ___________(私事)4. I can’t ______________(同意) to the ___________ (协定) which was reached by you.5. You were greatly_____________(影响) by the trouble but finally made it _____________ (终究).6. I have no a__________(喜欢、爱) for all kinds of _______________(广告) on TV.7. We can be concerned about__________ (大事) of state through CCTV News 30 Minutes.8. Although he was __________ (反对) the opinion, the old professor didn’t come up with it himself.9. The house ________(代理人) has been _________(追求) the beautiful girl for _________(很久).10. I’m fond of __________(非洲). I often turn to my teacher for more ___________(非洲的) stories.Day 4(agricultural---already)1. These measures ______________(旨在)preventing smoking in public places like restaurants, hospitals. But___________(在户外) people are free.2. This job would be impossible without the ________(辅助) of a computer. Besides, you can ______________(给予援助) to her.3. These kids are ________(几乎一样), so try to treat them ________ (一样地).4. His parents won’ t _________ (允许他待在外面) very late. Besides, they don’t ______(吸烟) at home.5. I saw my wife off at the _______ (在机场). She is going to the U.S.A. on business _________(乘飞机). Again I began to live _______(独居).6. All ______________ (总的来说), she was always well ___________(遥遥领先) the rest of the class.7. The party has been planned weeks______ (提前). We can __________(开始).8. She’s asked ___________(别打扰她),but the press photographers follow her everywhere.9. She lost her job when the factory closed, __________ (同…..一起)hundreds of others. _________(最重要的是), she was still __________(活着).10. Our plans of banning the sale of the ___________(酒精) are still__________(悬而未决), ___________(更不用说) the sale of cigarettes.Day 5(also---anniversary)1. Caught in the act, he _________________ (除了……别无选择) tell the truth.2. He looked at me __________ (惊愕地). I was _______(吃惊) by his _____ (令人吃惊的)strange look.3. We’ve had ________________(很大的amount…) help from the local people.4. ____(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.5. _________(在……中)those present were ___________(大使) and his wife.6. What you said ______ (等于) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of ____________(有抱负).7. I heard _______ (生气地) that___________(动物)were treated in a cruel way.8. I was _______(生气) myself for making such a stupid mistake. I broke my pen a________(生气地).9. This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _______________(娱乐活动). We can also___________(娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.10. He _______________________(总是抱怨)the endless boring work.Day 6(announce--apply)1. They ___________ their engagement _____ the family (向……宣布).2. He ____________________ me_____ my carelessness(为……生气annoy…).3. In _________(再、另) two weeks, the job will be finished.4. Parents are naturally a________________ (为……而担心) their children when they leave home.5. __________(除……外)their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.6. Please let me know how many are coming,_______________(如果有的话).7. I____________ Jane_____________________(因……缺席而道歉)her party.8. The police ___________(呼吁)the public to remain calm.9. It’s __________ (显而易见) that she was really upset, and then she paused, __________ (显然) lost in thought.10. The new technology _________________ (应用于) farming.11. She had never been greatly concerned about __________ (外貌)12. ____________________ (看起来) there has been a mistake.13. I’m afraid we can’t come, but thanks for the invitation a_________(无论如何).14. The public ____________________ (爱好) scandals.Day 7(appoint---art)1. I would _____________ (不胜感激) if you can ____________(约会)with me.2. It was the __________ (建筑师/设计师) who designed the building, which _____________ (占地) about 600 square hectares.3. Jane often __________ her friends _________/_________ little things(在……上争论)_____________(由……引起) their different opinions.4.The Eighth Route Army_____________(用……武装)enough guns and before long many enemies were _______________.(被捕)5. All families are busy making________ (准备) for the ______ (到来) of the new year.6.The government has ____________ (任命) some experts to find out an ______________ (方法) to the serious problem.7. Jim ______________________ (做出决定) that he will enter an _______(美术) school, which still hasn’t ____________ (没有得到同意) of his parents.8. Please use an _____ (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in _______ (四月)9. Mary _________________ for (为…表感谢) what the neighbors has _________(安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the___________(轮椅).10. It always takes me ______ (大约)1 hour to finish the ________ (算数) work.Day 8(article---attach)Day1. I _______________ (很惭愧) my _____________ (睡着了) during the class.2. The floor is covered by _______ (灰), ______ (因为) she always ________ (把……放到一边) her housework..3.__________/___________(总的来说),the book deserves well reading, which treats all ______________(方面) of health care.4. Whisky is usually __________________(联系) with Scotland.5. ________(运动员) tend to _________(依附) themselves to all kinds of sports.6. I was ______________(对……感到惊讶) the news that the man travelled across the _______________ Ocean (大西洋) alone.7. His parents would like him to be an _____________ (艺术家), but he wants to be an ________ (天文学家), because he is keen on_____________ (天文学).8. All the shop _______(店员)work together in a very friendly _______ (氛围).9. How many _________ (亚洲) countries have taken part in the sports meeting?10. ________________ (只要) we take action, the pollution will be reduced.Day 9(attack---awkward)1. My ________(姑母)__________________ (尝试) get close to the dog, but unfortunately she was ________ (攻击) by it, so she went to see the doctor ________ (马上).2. The reference books are ___________ (可以借到的) for you in the library on the third_______ (大街).3. The _______ (作家) wrote many _________(有吸引力的) stories happening in _______ (澳大利亚).4. All the ____________(观众) were _______________ (吸引) by his superior performance.5. We _______ (出席) a meeting, where the speaker talked about the global warming, which _______________________(引起我们的注意).6. The meeting was held to make people _________ (意识到的)of the ___________(可怕的)environmental problems.7. I was so surprised that I was __________ (授予) the first prize in English speech contest. But soon I was _____________ (叫醒) by my desk mate, only to find that I just had a day dream. But from then on, I decided to work hard to be a student above the ___________(平均水平).8. You should ___________ (收拾好) your books to _________ (避免) your house being ina mass.9. After summer vocation, we students are required to return school in ____________ (八月),nearly one month ahead of time.10. We should ____________________________(抱持积极的态度) our life.Day 13根据提示完成下列句子(big---born)1. My friend Mary ____________(生) a boy on her 25th __________(生日). She was ___________(流血) nearly to death. Bless me! The news was a ________(打击) to us all.2. God bless me! When I was ________(出生), both my mother and I were in peace. Everything has gone smoothly _____________(生来). I’m __________________(不是一点点) lucky.3. I often treat my friends to restaurants and all the _______(账单) are on me. _____________(渐渐地), my wife _________(责怪) me for it. Sometimes she feels ________(有点) too _________(闷闷不乐).4. He was _____(咬) by a dog yesterday. When we went to the hospital, we saw him in bed _________(青一块紫一块) in the leg. It was a __________(害群之马). Who is __________(该受责备) for it.5. _______(填写) the blank on this cheque. Do _____ leave anything ________(一点也不).6. He is __________(失明) in both the eyes, so he has to live a ________(痛苦的) life. We should not ________( 对……视而不见) them.7. It’s said that two _________(街区) were _______(爆炸), which _________(阻塞) the traffic for hours.8. The __(董事会) is having an important meeting, so I have to __(上) the plane right away.9. These _______(靴子) are popular. I’d like to _______(预订) a pair.10. That lecture was so _____(乏味的) that I was _____(厌烦) to death.Day 14 根据提示完成下列句子(borrow---brief)1. He wanted to _____(借) an other from me, but I didn’t ________(借) him because he had _____(借、留) the first book for more than one year.2. I have to ______(打扰) you for my bike. Its _______(刹车) _______(出故障). You are ________(一定) to repair it.3. _________(简而言之), I want to give my gratitude to you __________ (从心底里), for you helped me find a good job to _______(谋生).4. Don’t be afra id to _______(麻烦工作) hard, in other words, you must do things _________(从头到尾).5. ______________(动脑筋) in the __________(拳击赛). You are sure to _______________(取得突破).6. When the fire __________(突然发生), the firemen were _______(勇敢) to _____________ (破门而入) the house and saved ten old people. We admire their _________(勇敢).7. Bank of China is in Beijing, but it has _____________(分部) all over the country.8. The boat ___________(撞碎) on the rocks, people on board were __________ (喘不过气来) with fear.9. Before diving into water, he took a deep ________(呼吸) and then _________(屏住呼吸).10. The _________(新郎) and ______(新娘) got married in ________(鲜艳的) dresses. Day 15根据提示完成下列句子(bring---bye)1. Why so many Chinese have accidents in _________(不列颠) is that __________(英国人) people drive on the left while we drive on the right. Different traffic rules ______________ (导致) our failure.2. We are _______________(扶养) in China and we should _________________________(担负重担) of supporting my family.3. My younger _________(弟弟) often gets up at 11:00 for _________(早午饭), but he ______(增强体质) by playing basketball every afternoon.4. Something in the house __________(爆炸), and it was ______________________(被烧成灰烬), with a _________(烧焦的) body. The owner of the house _______________(放声大哭).5. He is ________(埋头bury…) in his work and only _______________________(只管自己的事) it , so he becomes a successful _______________(商人).6. Every day he ___________(上下车) the bus and was _________(忙于) doing three jobs ________(按小时). He ___________(只好) work hard.7. _____________(顺便说), I wanted noting but _________(玩) in the playground after school.8. ___________________(以这种方式), he had saved enough to buy an apartment _______________(到……时候为止) last year.9. Jack worked very hard, but he was still ___________________(倒数第二).10. He was able to collect so many _________________(束花) _____________(独自一人). He was ________(非常) the best worker.Day 16根据提示完成下列句子(cab---careful)1. The government _________(号召) us young pe ople to teach the children in the poor areas and it is our duty to ______(关爱) children.2. He is good at ________(计算) and __________(喜欢) doing business.3. My English teacher often tells us to be ___________________(认真对待) spelling, but I show ________________________(漠不关心) it. He often criticizes me for my doing exercises so _________________(粗心). I should have been so __________(粗心).4. Originally I had planned to go to his office to ________________(拜访) him, but he went home, so I had to ___________________(拜访) his house instead.5. The photos taken with this ___________(照相机) _______________(使回忆起) memories of my teaching life in school.6. Being one of the ______________( 候选人) to be president of the Students Union, he ___________(忍不住打我电话), telling me the news.7. I have many _____________(加拿大) friends, but not all of them were born in ___________(加拿大).8. Jack was made _____(队长) of the football team. We all respected ________(队长).9. When we write U.K, we should write it ________(用大些字母).10. I smoked a lot and doubted whether I had a lung ___________(癌症), but the doctor told me to ____________(保持镇静)..高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(4)答案Key to Day 51. had no alternative/choice but to2. in amazement, amazed, amazing3. a large amount of4. Although5. Among, ambassador6. amounted to, ambition7. with anger; animals8. angry with, angrily9. amusements, amuse 10. is always complaining about Key to Day 61. announced…to2. was annoyed with……for/at3. another4. anxious for5. Apart from6. if anything7. apologized to; for being absent from8. appealed to9. is apparent that; apparently 10. was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite forKey to Day 71. appreciate it, make/fix an appointment2. architect, covers an area of3. argues with, over/about, arising from4. was armed with, under arrest5. arrangements, arrival6. appointed, approach7. arrived at a decision, art, gained the approval of8. arrow, April9. showed her appreciation, arranged, wheelchair 10. approximately, arithmeticKey to Day 81. was ashamed of, falling asleep2. ashes, as, sets aside3. In general/Generally speaking, aspects4. associated5. Athletes, attach6. astonished at, Atlantic7. artist,, astronomer, astronomy8. assistants, atmosphere9. Asian 10. As long asKey to Day 131. gave a birth to, birthday, bleeding, blow2. born, by birth, not a little3. bills, bit by bit, blames, a bit, blue4. bitten, black and blue, black sheep, to blame5. Fill in, not, a bit6. blind, bitter, turn a blind eye to7. blocks, blown up/bombed, blocked8. board, board9. boots, book 10. boring, boredKey to Day 141. borrow, lend, kept2. bother, brake, broke down, bound3. In brief, from the bottom of my heart, make /ear my bread/living4. bother working, from top to bottom5. Use your brains/head, boxing match, make a breakthrough6. broke out, brave, break into, bravery7. branches8. broke up, breathless9. breath, held his breath 10. bridegroom, bride, bright Key to Day 151. Britain, British, bring about2. brought up, carry/bear the burden3. brother, brunch, build up his strength4. burst, burnt into ashes, burnt, burst into tears/burst out crying5. buried, mind his own business, businessman6. got on and off, busy in, by the hour, could do nothing but7. By the way, to play8. By this means, by the end of9. the last but one 10. bunches of flowers, all by himself, by farKey to Day 161. calls on, care about2. calculating, cares for3. careful with, no care for, carelessly, careless4. call on, call at5. camera, called up6. candidates, couldn’t help calling me up7. Canadian, Canada8. captain, the captain9. in capitals 10. cancer, keep calm高中英语高频词汇练习1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.A.admittedB.acknowledgedC.absorbedD.considered[注释] considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。

第1 课时(abandon—amount)1. 单词拼写(1) The captain gave the order to a the ship because it was sinking.(2) Plants a carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.(3) Tim was looking through an old photo a , with pictures of Christmas.(4) I’m sorry about breaking the vase; it was an a ; I mean I did not intend to do it.(5) I've opened an a with the Agricultural Bank of China.(6) He works hard day in and day out; we are all a about his safety.(7) He has never achieved his a (夙愿,目标) of becoming a famous writer.(8) She was born without the a (能力) to speak.(9) Shelly speaks with a slight a (口音).(10) I'd it if you give me an early reply. (感激)2. 单项选择(1) I’d like to do more gardening, but I never seem to find the time.A. aboutB. ableC. activeD. accurate(2) Slavery was in the US in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal fights.A. absorbedB. abusedC. abolishedD. adopted(3) A billion people in the world will not have to clean drinking water.A. actionB. advanceC. accessD. agreement(4) Dana admitted hurt by what I had said.A. to feelB. feltC. having feltD. feeling(5) I couldn’t the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the roomA. aimB. allowC. affordD. advise(6) The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to oneA. adaptB. adoptC. advertiseD. acquire(7) This book teaches you how to what is causing the stress in your life.A. analyzeB. affectC. advocateD. admire(8) music, he also develops a strong love for painting.A. Anything butB. All butC. Apart fromD. In advance(9) He is a man full of . He dares to run risks.A. adventureB. adolescenceC. accommodationD. anniversary(10) Max is hardworking, cheerful, and honest.A. above allB. after allC. at allD. all in all3. 词组填空(必要时改变词形)take action, be aimed at, be addicted to, adapt to, be against, agree with, be just about to, add up to, take advantage of, be accused of(1) The children are finding it hard to the new school.(2) The professor stealing his student’s ideas.(3) The numbers exactly 100.(4) Your story doesn’t what the police have told us.(5) I the good weather to paint the door.(6) The use of drugs the law; it’s illegal.(7) These measures preventing violent crimes.(8) We leave when Jerry arrived.(9) The government must now to stop the rise in road accidents. (10) Some kids surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.4.完成句子(写到作业本上)(1) Tom and was scolded by the manager. (缺席了会议)(absent)(2) , Jason seemed to ignore what was happening outside.(全神贯注于工作中) (absorb)(3) Only when you realize the importance of diligence, .(你才有可能达到目标) (achieve)(4) Wit h t h e pr ice of goods go i ng h i gh, t h e li v i ng e xp e ns e s. (增加了人们的经济负担) (add to)(5) I believe that through hard work, I . (我会被重点大学录取) (admit)(6) We should make full use of time to . (把我们所学的东西用于实践) (apply)(7) , I hope every family in the world can get(8) You should when causing trouble toothers. (为所作的事道歉) (apologize)(9) You shouldn't have made him . (被如此小事所烦恼) (annoy)(10) Students in our school good resourcesin the library. (有机会使用) (access)第2 课时(ample ~ average)1. 单词拼写(1)He made funny faces to a the children.(2)You need to sit down and a (分析) why you feel so upset.(3)My a (祖先) originally came from Ireland.(4)The show attracts an a (观众) of about 20 million.(5)The family are making a (安排) for his birthday party.(6)The tall building was designed by the famous a Frank Lloyd Wright.(7)You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a .(8) Ann wants to be an a . Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?(9)It was discovered that three of the Olympic a had taken drugs.(10)The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a in January.2. 单项选择(1)The government has plans to create 10,000 new jobs.A. answeredB. announcedC. approvedD. assumed(2)I knocked at the door and nobody .A. appliedB. apologizedC. answeredD. argued(3)The bright colors can make a small room much bigger.A. ariseB. arrangeC. noticeD. appear(4)I don’t need any help, but I do your offer.A. applyB. appreciateC. annoyD. appeal(5)Helen left her last job and has yet to find .A. elseB. otherC. anotherD. extra(6) ---Hello, is home? ---Yes. We’r e here.A. anyoneB. oneC. nobodyD. someone(7)Can you do the job alone,or do you want someone to you?A. affectB. assistC. applyD. arrange(8)He decided to adopt a different and teach history through story-telling.A. analysisB. angleC. attitudeD. approachA. averageB. usualC. normalD. r e gu la r(10)Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first .A. aspectB. attemptC. effortD. attac k3.改变词形(1)The school carried out an (analyze) of pupil s’ needs. (2)Therewere puzzles and games to keep the children (amuse).(3)Silence,please.Mr. Bennett is about to make an (announce).(4)After an (anxiety) wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe.(5)She rushed into the hotel,(apology) for being so late.(6)Women are more concerned than men about their personal (appear).(7) I broke the vase during an (argue) with my husband.(8)She was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on (arrive).(9)He was one of 30 (apply) for the manager’s job.(10)The young man was accused of (attempt) murder.4. 选词填空(必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上)atmosphere arrange attracts available ancient ashamed attack attend armed area(1)Man has used the horse since times.(2)The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly .(3)What me to the job is the salary and the chance totravel.(4)We need someone to work on this job immediately.Who’s ?(5)A smoker has three times the risk of having a heart than a nonsmoker.(6)After church, the family would go home for dinner.(7)She was so of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.(8)If you have a lot of things to do,just make a list and them in order of importance.(9)The crowd themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.(10)The room is 12 square meters in .5. 句子翻译(写到作业本上)1)他由于粗心驾驶而被捕。

高考英语3500单词配套练习高考英语3500单词配套练习第1课时(abandon—amount) 1. 单词拼写(1) The captain gave the order to a________ the ship because it was sinking. (2) Plants a________ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.(3) Tim was looking through an old photo a___________, with pictures of Christmas.(4) I’m sorry about breaking the vase; it was an a________; I mean I did not intend to do it. (5) I’ve opened an a_____________ with the Agricultural Bank of China. (6) He works hard day in and day out; we are all a__________ about his safety. (7) He has never achieved his a________________(夙愿,目标) of becoming a famous writer. (8) She was born without the a____________(能力) tospeak. (9) Shelly speaks with a slight a_________(口音). (10) I’d ___________ it if you give me an early reply. (感激) 2. 单项选择(1) I’d like to do more gardening, but I never seem ________ to find the time. A. about B. able C. active D. accurate (2) Slavery was _______ in the US in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal fights. A. absorbed B. abused C. abolished D. adopted (3) A billion people in the world will not have _________ to clean drinking water. A. action B. advance C. access D. agreement (4) Dana admitted _________ hurt by what I had said. A. to feel B. felt C. having felt D. feeling (5) I couldn’t ________ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room A. aim B. allow C. afford D. advise (6) The couple are unable to have children of their own, buthope to __________ one A. adapt B. adopt C. advertise D. acquire This book teaches you how to _________ what is causing the stress in your life. A. analyze B. affect C. advocate D. admire ____________ music, he also develops a strong love for painting. A. Anything but B. All but C. Apart from D. In advance He is a man full of ____________. He dares to run risks. A. adventure B. adolescence C. accommodation D. anniversary Max is hardworking, cheerful, and _________ honest. A. above all B. after all C. at all D. all in all 3. 词组填空(必要时改变词形) take action, be aimed at, be addicted to, adapt to, be against, agree with, be just about to, add up to, take advantage of, be accused of (1) The children are finding it hard to____________ the new school. (2) The professor _____________stealing hisstudent’s ideas. (3) The numbers ______________exactly 100. (4) Your story doesn’t ____________ what the police have told us. (5) I ________________ the good weather to paint the door. (6) The use of drugs _______________ the law; it’s illegal.(7) These measures __________________ preventing violent crimes. (8) We ___________________ leave when Jerry arrived. (9) The government must _______________ now to stop the rise in road accidents. (10) Some kids _______________ surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.4. 完成句子(写到作业本上) (1) Tom ________________________ and was scolded by the manager. (缺席了会议) (absent) (2) _________, Jason seemed to ignore what was happening outside. (全神贯注于工作中) (absorb) (3) Only when you realize the importance of diligence,______. (你才有可能达到目标) (achieve) (4) With the price of goods going high, the living expenses _______. (增加了人们的经济负担) (add to) (5) I believe that through hard work, I _______________. (我会被重点大学录取) (admit) (6) We should make full use of time to _____________. (把我们所学的东西用于实践) (apply) (7) ______, I hope every family in the world can get together happily. (随着中秋节的来临) (approach) (8) You should _______________ when causing trouble to others. (为所作的事道歉) (apologize) (9) You shouldn’t have made him ______________________. (被如此小事所烦恼) (annoy) (10) Students in our school ___________ good resources in the library. (有机会使用) (access) 5. 单词翻译(写到作业本上) 1. 抛弃;丢弃 2. 滥用;虐待 3. 完成4. 准确的,精确地 5. 丰富的6. 全神贯注于7. 习惯于做某事8. 达到目标9. 积极的10. 改编11. 沉溺于12. 另外13. 调整14. 羡慕15. 采纳16. 事先17. 登广告18. 提倡19. 担负得起……的费用20. (气候、食物等) 适合21. 帮助22. 警报23. 活着的24. 准许25. 总而言之第2课时(ample—average) 1. 单词拼写(1) He made funny faces to a_________ the children. (2) You need to sit down and a_________ (分析) why you feel so upset. (3) My a_________ (祖先) originally came from Ireland. (4) The show attracts an a_________ (观众) of about 20 million.(5) The family are making a_________ (安排) for his birthday party. (6) The tall building was designed by the famous a_________ Frank Lloyd Wright.(7) You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a_________ (8) Ann wants to be an a_________. Does shereally like to travel and work in a spacecraft? (9) It was discovered that three of the Olympic a_________ had taken drugs. (10) The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a_________ in January.2. 单项选择(1) The government has_________ plans to create 10,000 new jobs. A. answered B. announced C. approved D. assumed (2) I knocked at the door and nobody_________. A. applied B. apologized C. answered D. argued (3) The bright colors can make a small room_________ much bigger. A. arise B. arrange C. notice D. appear (4) I don’t need any help, but I do _________ your offer. A. apply B. appreciate C. annoy D. appeal (5) Helen left her last job and has yet to find_________. A. else B. other C. another D. extra (6) --Hello, is _________ home?--Yes. We’re here.A. anyoneB. oneC. nobodyD.someone (7) Can you do the job alone,or do you want someone to _________ you?A. affectB. assistC. applyD. arrange (8) He decided to adopt a different _________ and teach history through story-telling. A. analysis B. angle C. attitude D. approach (9) The age of the students ranged from 17 to 21 with a/an _________ of 19. A. average B. usual C. normal D. regular (10) Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _________. A. aspect B. attempt C. effort D. attack 3. 改变词形(1) The school carried out an _________ (analyze) of pupils’needs. (2) There were puzzles and games to keep the children _________ (amuse). (3) Silence,please. Mr. Bennett is about to make an _________ (announce).(4) After an _________ (anxiety) wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe. (5) She rushed into the hotel,_________(apology) for being so late. (6) Women are more concerned than men about their personal _________ (appear).(7) I broke the vase during an _________ (argue) with my husband. (8) She was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on ________ (arrive). (9) He was one of 30 ________ (apply) for the manager’s job.(10) The young man was accused of _________ (attempt) murder. 4. 选词填空(必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上) atmosphere arrange attracts available ancient ashamed attack attend armed area (1) Man has used the horse since ________ times. (2) The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly ________. (3) What ________ me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.(4) We need someone to work on this job immediately. Who’s ________? (5) A smoker has three times the risk ofhaving a heart ________ than a nonsmoker.(6) After ________ church, the family would go home for dinner. (7) She was so ________ of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.(8) If you have a lot of things to do,just make a list and ________ them in order of importance. (9) The crowd ________ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police. (10) The room is 12 square meters in ________. 5. 句子翻译(写到作业本上) 1) 他于粗心驾驶而被捕。

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(4)福建省石狮一中余信路Day 13根据提示完成下列句子(big---born)1. My friend Mary ____________________(生) a boy on her 25th ___________(生日). She was ___________(流血) nearly to death. Bless me! The news was a ________(打击) to us all.2. God bless me! When I was ________(出生), both my mother and I were in peace. Everything has gone smoothly _____________(生来). I’m __________________(不是一点点) lucky.3. I often treat my friends to restaurants and all the _______(账单) are on me. _____________(渐渐地), my wife _________(责怪) me for it. Sometimes she feels _________(有点) too _________(闷闷不乐).4. He was ________(咬) by a dog yesterday. When we went to the hospital, we saw him in bed ___________________(青一块紫一块) in the leg. It was a _______________(害群之马). Who is _____________(该受责备) for it.5. __________(填写) the blank on this cheque. Do _____ leave anything ________(一点也不).6. He is __________(失明) in both the eyes, so he has to live a ________(痛苦的) life. We should not _________________________( 对……视而不见) them.7. It’s said that two _________(街区) were ______________(爆炸), which _________(阻塞) the traffic for hours.8. The ________(董事会) is having an important meeting, so I have to _______(上) the plane right away.9. These ________(靴子) are popular. I’d like to _________(预订) a pair.10. That lecture was so ___________(乏味的) that I was ___________(厌烦) to death.Day 14根据提示完成下列句子(borrow---brief)1. He wanted to _________(借) another from me, but I didn’t __________(借) him because he had ___________(借、留) the first book for more than one year.2. I have to _________(打扰) you for my bike. Its __________(刹车) _____________(出故障). You are ___________(一定) to repair it.3. ____________(简而言之), I want to give my gratitude to you ________________________ (从心底里), for you helped me find a good job to __________________(谋生).4. Don’t be afraid to ____________________(麻烦工作) hard, in other words, you must do things ______________________(从头到尾).5. ______________________(动脑筋) in the _______________(拳击赛). You are sure to ______________________________(取得突破).6. When the fire ____________(突然发生), the firemen were _______(勇敢) to _____________ (破门而入) the house and saved ten old people. We admire their _________(勇敢).7. Bank of China is in Beijing, but it has _____________(分部) all over the country.8. The boat ______________(撞碎) on the rocks, people on board were ___________________ (喘不过气来) with fear.9. Before diving into water, he took a deep ________(呼吸) and then ____________(屏住呼吸).10. The __________(新郎) and _________(新娘) got married in _________(鲜艳的) dresses.Day 15根据提示完成下列句子(bring---bye)1. Why so many Chinese have accidents in _________(不列颠) is that __________(英国人) people drive on the left while we drive on the right. Different traffic rules ______________ (导致) our failure.2. We are _______________(扶养) in China and we should _________________________(担负重担) of supporting my family.3. My younger _________(弟弟) often gets up at 11:00 for _________(早午饭), but he _________________________(增强体质) by playing basketball every afternoon.4. Something in the house __________(爆炸), and it was ______________________(被烧成灰烬), with a _________(烧焦的) body. The owner of the house _______________(放声大哭).5. He is ________(埋头bury…) in his work and only _______________________(只管自己的事) it , so he becomes a successful _______________(商人).6. Every day he _________________(上下车) the bus and was _____________(忙于) doing three jobs ______________(按小时). He ________________________(只好) work hard.7. _____________(顺便说), I wanted noting but _________(玩) in the playground after school.8. ___________________(以这种方式), he had saved enough to buy an apartment _______________(到……时候为止) last year.9. Jack worked very hard, but he was still ___________________(倒数第二).10. He was able to collect so many _________________(束花) _____________(独自一人). He was ________(非常) the best worker.Day 16根据提示完成下列句子(cab---careful)1. The government _________________(号召) us young people to teach the children in the poor areas and it is our duty to _______________(关爱) children.2. He is good at __________________(计算) and ________________(喜欢) doing business.3. My English teacher often tells us to be ___________________(认真对待) spelling, but I show ________________________(漠不关心) it. He often criticizes me for my doing exercises so _________________(粗心). I should have been so __________(粗心).4. Originally I had planned to go to his office to ________________(拜访) him, but he went home, so I had to ___________________(拜访) his house instead.5. The photos taken with this ___________(照相机) _______________(使回忆起) memories of my teaching life in school.6. Being one of the ______________( 候选人) to be president of the Students Union, he ______________________________________(忍不住打我电话), telling me the news.7. I have many _____________(加拿大) friends, but not all of them were born in___________(加拿大).8. Jack was made ________(队长) of the football team. We all respected _____________(队长).9. When we write U.K, we should write it ________________(用大些字母).10. I smoked a lot and doubted whether I had a lung ___________(癌症), but the doctor told meto ____________________(保持镇静)..高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(4)答案Key to Day 131. gave a birth to, birthday, bleeding, blow2. born, by birth, not a little3. bills, bit by bit, blames, a bit, blue4. bitten, black and blue, black sheep, to blame5. Fill in, not, a bit6. blind, bitter, turn a blind eye to7. blocks, blown up/bombed, blocked8. board, board9. boots, book 10. boring, boredKey to Day 141. borrow, lend, kept2. bother, brake, broke down, bound3. In brief, from the bottom of my heart, make /ear my bread/living4. bother working, from top to bottom5. Use your brains/head, boxing match, make a breakthrough6. broke out, brave, break into, bravery7. branches8. broke up, breathless9. breath, held his breath 10. bridegroom, bride, brightKey to Day 151. Britain, British, bring about2. brought up, carry/bear the burden3. brother, brunch, build up his strength4. burst, burnt into ashes, burnt, burst into tears/burst out crying5. buried, mind his own business, businessman6. got on and off, busy in, by the hour, could do nothing but7. By the way, to play8. By this means, by the end of9. the last but one 10. bunches of flowers, all by himself, by farKey to Day 161. calls on, care about2. calculating, cares for3. careful with, no care for, carelessly, careless4. call on, call at5. camera, called up6. candidates, couldn’t help calling me up7. Canadian, Canada8. captain, the captain9. in capitals 10. cancer, keep calm。

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(12)石狮一中余信路Day 45根据提示完成下列句子(health---holiday)1. Don’t _____________(犹豫) to turn to us if you have any __________(听力) problems.2. Keep ___________(健康) by exercising regularly, for _____________(健康) is above wealth.3. If you ____________________(用心去做) something, you’ll be highly ____________(评价).4. ---What ________________(到底) are you doing?---I _________________________(禁不住去了解) the __________(高度) of the ____________(直升升飞机).5. ___________________________(在他的帮助下), I ________(租了) a car and drove_________________(到处)..6. This ______________(历史) play is rewritten by this _____________(历史) spot, which helpsus to know more about the __________(历史).7. In the earthquake, I _________________________(头部被打伤hit), but it didn’t__________________(使我伤心).8. I ____________________(坚持认为) that he _______________________(把事实瞒着我们).9. Seeing the films of _________(英雄) during ____________(假期) is my __________(嗜好).Avadar is _______________(极为叫座).10. Those people in the quake-hit area ___________(坚持) until help came to save them out.Day 46根据提示完成下列句子(holy---hydrogen)1. I ___________________(希望听到) the news ______________________(国内外) every day.2. If we can ________________________(为争光) our _____________(祖国), we’ll_________________________ (感到荣幸).3. ___________________________(实话说), we students are required _____________________(对人诚实) others, and we should not _______________________(沉溺于hook) computer games.4. There is no need to say that we should _______________________(做家庭作业). If possible,it’s necessary for us to ________________________(做些家务事).5. _________________(怎么会) he _______________________________(缺乏幽默感)? He is_________________(没希望).6. __________________(多久) do we need to take to _________________________(到医院)during ________________________(交通拥挤时间).7. __________________(多久一次) do you _______________________(去看病).8. The __________(女主人) and her ___________(丈夫) were ____________________________(招待客人) in their beautiful ___________(巨大) ____________(房子).9. He is ______________________(找书hunt…) everywhere in the library, from which we knowthat he is _____________________________(渴望知识).10. After we _________________________(相互拥抱), he ___________________(匆匆离去).Seeing this, I asked him not to be _____________________(匆忙).Day 47根据提示完成下列句子(I---injury)1. There is a lot of evidence __________(表明) that music activities engage difference parts of thebrain.2. ______________(若有可能), ________(一…就) I get to Beijing, I’ll go to see you.3. As an old saying goes, a friend _____________(患难) is a friend __________(真正地).4. I can’t imagine his _______________________________(患这么重的病).5. _____________________(要独立) is of great _________________(重要).6. There is little ____________(可能) that our ___________(收入) is ____________________(在增长).7. _________________________(工业革命) had _____________________________(影响很大)our life.8. Please ________________________________(电话号码有变动告知我们).9. If not ____________________(认真处理), the situation will get worse.10. Everybody are required to take part in the social activities, _______________(包括) you/you______________(包括).Day 48根据提示完成下列句子(ink---itself)1. Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem _____________________(discuss) at the meeting. Iinsisted that he _________(do) it right, in other word, I insisted on his _________(do) it.2. Don’t write your test paper ______________(用铅笔). ___________(相反), you must do it_____________ (用墨水).3. To tell the truth, I was _____________(受到感动) by his ___________(鼓舞人心的) speech.4. I ______________________________(没打算intention) getting married at present.___________________(每隔一段时间), I go to visit _____________________ (名胜古迹).5. This book is ____________________(为打算) for testing ________________(智力).6. Sorry to ____________(打断) you, but I’ll __________________________(会见) the two______________(口译者) in order to choose a better one.7. An expert was ____________(邀请) to make an ______________(介绍) to the ________(发明)of the ___________(互联网) and its wide use.8. Is it ________________(有趣) that a knife cut in the finger will heal ________(自己). But Iknow that nothing will go ______________(独立地) in the nature. ____________(本质上) everything helps each other.9. He followed the operation ______________(说明书) ________________(一就instant) he gotthe iPad.10. It’s no use _________(哭) when you get stuck ___________________(在岛上).高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(12)答案Key to Day 451. hesitate, hearing2. healthy, health3. put your hear into doing, thought/spoken of4. in heaven, can’t help getting to know, height, helicopter5. With his help, h ired, here and there6. historical, historic, history7. was hit on the head, break my heart8. held the view, hid the fact from us9. heroes, holidays, hobby, a great hit 10. held outKey to Day 461. hope to hear, at home and abroad2. win honor for, motherland, feel honored3. To be honest, to be honest with, be hooked on4. do our homework, do some housework5. How come, has no sense of humor, hopeless6. How long, go to the hospital, the rush hours7. How often, go to hospital8. hostess, husband, hosting their visitors, huge house9. hunting for books, hungry for knowledge 10. hugged each other, hurried away/off, in a hurryKey to Day 471. indicating2. If possible, immediately/as soon as3. in need, indeed4. suffering from such a serious illness5. To be independent, importance6. possibility, income, on the rise7. Industrial Revolution, a great influence on8. inform us of any change of your telephone number9. dealt with carefully 10. including, includedKey to Day 481. (should) be discussed, did, doing2. with a pencil, Instead, in ink3. inspired, inspiring4. have no intention of, At intervals, places of interest5. intended, intelligence6. interrupt, have an interview with, interpreters7. invited, introduction, invention, Internet8. interesting, itself, by itself, In itself9. instructions, the instant 10. crying, on the island。

作为动词: 1、写(收信人)姓名地址;致函 Address your application to the Personnel Manager. 把你的申请信寄给人事经理。 2、向…说话 I was surprised when he addressed me in English. 他用英语跟我说话,我很诧异。 3、设法解决;处理;对付 Your essay does not address the real issues. 你的论文没有论证实质问题。
day are there B. Tuesday.
twCo .dWiffeedrennetsdaacyti.vities?atacDktoe.raTc男htui演orns员dtaoyd. oac采tr取es行s 动女去演做员
68. There are about 6,000' languages that are spoken around the world, but 43% of them are dying out. If no ___a_c_ti_o_n__is taken, some of these languages will disappear. (act)

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(25)石狮一中余信路Day 97根据提示完成下列句子(wag--wealthy)1. Many ____________(男服务员) and _______________(女服务员)__________________ (等不及要) to get their __________(工资).2. A sleeping traveler was ________________(叫醒) in the___________________(候车室) and found his ____________(皮夹子) gone.3. I have ___________(闲逛) on the muddy road for hours and my shoes ________________(需要want洗).4. NATO(北约组织) _______________________(对……宣战) Libya and they have been ______________(在交战中) for several months.5. You can __________(洗) your hands in the ___________(盥洗室), but don’t ______________________________ (浪费时间在洗涤上) .6. ________________(密切注意) _______________________(在路上) school. There is busy traffic _______________________(一路上).7. ________________(决不) can you ________________________(花大量的钱在) clothing.8. _________________(顺便问一下), did you ___________________(迷路) yesterday?9. I’m ______________(在某方面差) _______________________(给人指路).10. To possess ____________(财富) means he is ___________(富裕的), but it doesn’t mean hepossesses ______________(幸福).Day 98根据提示完成下列句子(wear--white)1. __________________(在工作日), she ________(穿) work uniformwhile _______________ (在周末) she is well ______________(打扮).2. ---What’s the _____________(天气) like today?---The _____________________(天气预报) says that it’s___________(多雾的) and on _____________(星期三) it’s ____________(下雨).3. You are _________/_______________(正在发胖). If you want to_______________(减肥), you can surf some _______________(网站) on the Internet to find some good ways. Actually you can get ___________(无论什么) you want.4. Look, you are ________________(超重). ____________(欢迎) to our center every _________(周) and we’ll help you to_____________________(控制体重) and give you enough _____________(每周的) exercise.5. The teacher ___________________(以及) his students ________(喜欢) watching football.6. ---_______________(怎么办) they don’t come?---_____________(无论何时) you’re there, I’ll come __________(也).7. _________________________(无论成功或失败), you have to do your best and I’ll help you.8. This is the first time I’ve sat behind the _____________(方向盘) since the accident.9. __________________________(偶尔), she __________(小声议论) to me about how to be more pretty.10. It takes ____________________(挺一会儿), _____________(无论哪条) route you take.Day 99根据提示完成下列句子(who--woman)1. The ___________(整个) village and _____________(所有的村民) were buried in the earthquake. ______________________(总的来说), it caused a__________(分布广的) damage to the city.2. _____________( 野生动物) _________(需要) protecting_________________(没有推迟).3. I was not ______________(愿意) to ________________(收回现金)from the bank. It was __________________________(违心地).4. Our class defeated theirs, or, we _________________(战胜win over) them in the _________ (冬季) swim competition. We were the__________(获胜者).5. It was _________(下雪的) with a strong ________(风), but westill ____________________ (蜿蜒前进) to the village_________________________(顶风).6. Their ___________(妻子) were _________(英明) to use their___________(智慧) to save the dying _________(寡妇). Their story aroused __________________(广泛的兴趣).7. I wish I _________(有) a lot of money and I hope I______________(能帮助) more people.8. It seemed that nobody ____________(目击) the accident, but_________________(在他的帮助下), I finally found the only____________(目击者).9. My school is __________(在范围内) a ten-minute-walk distance10. Beautiful _________(女) teachers are more welcome than_________(男) ones.Day 100根据提示完成下列句子(wonder--zoom)1. She is always _____________________(食言).____________________(难怪) that many people ________________________(皱起眉头wrinkle…) when talking about her.2. _________(树林) are the home to wild animals and human beings, so we can’t cut down too many trees to get _________(木头) to make into ____________(木制的) furniture.3. I ______________________(与……吵嘴) my desk-mate yesterday andI hope to ____________________(与他谈一谈). ________________(换句话说), I want to ____________________(与他交朋友) .4. I’m ______________________(为……担心) such situations, for some are ______________(在业) while some are ________________(失业). Therefore, being a good worker is ______________(值得做的).5. This old house, which is _________(值得) 1 million, is__________(值得) preserving. Meanwhile it is worthy__________________/____________________(开发) for its a long history6. I’d rather you _______(来) next week because I______________________(右手腕部受伤).7. Song Zuying’s singing ___________(作品) have gained_____________(全球的) fame.8. ---What’s __________(错) with you?---The teacher ____________________(冤枉了我).9. People, ________________(老老少少), are becoming healthier ________________(一年年).10. We must improve those economic development ________(区) all ______________(独自地).高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(25)答案Key to Day 971. waiters, waitresses, can’t wait, wages2. woken up, waiting-room, wallet3. wandered, washing4. declared war on/against, at war5. wash, washroom, waste time in washing6. Watch out, on your way to, all the way7. In no way, waste a lot of money on8. By the way, lose your way9. weak in, showing the way 10. wealth, wealthy, happinessKey to Day 981. On weekdays, wears, at the weekends, dressed2. weather, weather forecast, foggy, rainy3. gaining/putting on weight, lose weight, websites, whatever4. over weight, Welcome, week, watch your weight, weekly5. as well as, likes6. What if, Whenever, as well7. Whether you succeed or fail8. wheel,9. Once in a while, whispers 10. quite a while, whichever Key to Day 991. whole, all the people, As a whole, widespread2. Wildlife, need, without delay3. willing, withdraw money, against my will4. won over, winter, winners5. snowy, wind, wound our way, against the wind6. wives, wise, wisdom, widow, wide interests7. had, can help8. witnessed, with his help, witness9. within 10. women, menKey to Day 1001. breaking her words, It’s no wonder, wrinkle their foreheads2. Woods, wood, wooden3. had words with, have a word with him, In other words, make friends with4. worried about, in work, out of work, worthwhile5. worth, worth, to be developed/of being developed6. came, was wounded in the right wrist7. works, worldwide8. wrong, did me wrong9. young and old, year by year 10. zones, by ourselves。

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(20)石狮一中余信路Day 77根据提示完成下列句子(shake---shout)1. When people greet each other, they _____________________(握手) or just say hi.2. Before an exam, students __________(必须) remain in their seats and not ____________(对……大声叫) teachers, which is ____________(不体面的).3. You didn’t _________(分享) your book with your classmates. ________________(真丢人)!4. He _________(刮脸) himself every day, so he is ______________________(处于良好状态).5. She has one ____________(缺点), that is, she is too __________________(对人苛刻) others.6. On the ____________(架子) is ________________(一张) paper with some _____________ (绵羊) painted on it.7. A lot of ___________(衬衫), ___________(短裤) and __________(鞋子) will be _______________ (运走) _____________(不久) after they are made.8. I’m _____________(缺少) some daily necessities, so I have to ____________________(买东西) in the nearby _________(商店).9. Wal-Mart is often so crowded that customers have to ____________________(用肩推挤往前走). But the ___________________(店主) is satisfied.10. Everybody __________(应该) __________________(寻求庇护) in time of trouble.Day 78根据提示完成下列句子(show---situation)1. Don’t worry, I’ll ____________(出现show up) on time and _________________(领你参观) our new school.2. I was ___________________________(被雨淋), so I had to ____________________(淋浴).3. Mother ________________(生病) in bed. Because of her __________(生病), she couldn’t do the housework. She ______________________(发出地声叹息).4. It’s ________________(你太傻) to ______________________(站在一边) your parents. Actually they are wrong.5. Two cars were running ____________________(并排地) on the road. Then they ran __________(斜向一边地). Very soon, they were ________________________(不见了).6. __________(签名) this agreement and you will soon ____________________(去观光). Your____________(签名) is of great _________________(重要).7. He _________________________(打破沉默) by _____________________________(颂扬sing high praise for) what the teacher had done for us.8. When the first three prize winners are given ________(金), ________(银) and bronze medals, they seldom ____________________(保持沉默). Instead they ____________(真诚地) give thanks to many people and _______________(炫耀) their medals.9. All happy families are _____________(单纯地) _____________(相似) while all misfortunes are quite different.10. The boy felt that he had _____________________(失明) and ________(消沉) for some time. Finally he went to see a doctor. He has got into a good ______________(情况) ____________(此后).Day 79根据提示完成下列句子(six---sneeze)1. ---Which do you prefer, ___________(滑冰) or __________(滑雪)?---Skating. I’m ____________________(熟练使用) my skateboards. Meanwhile, I’m learning the ______________(技巧) with snow games.2. After a day’s hard work, I _______________(犯困), and ___________________(去睡) early. Soon I _____________________(入睡). While I was __________(睡着), I didn’t even have a dream. I really _________________________(酣睡).3. There is a crossroads ahead. Please _______________(放慢) your car.4. Yesterday I ________________(滑倒) on the road and now there is still a __________(轻微的) pain in my leg.5. Mr. Wang, would you please speak a bit __________(慢些)? I am ________________ (在……迟钝) listening.6. The food _________(闻起来) delicious. Did you ____________(闻到) it?7. ---____________________(冲着人笑) others. That will bring you happiness.---Yes, I often greet people _________________(带着微笑).8. You _________________(烟瘾很大), so I can call you a _______________(烟瘾很大的人).9. But here it is a “__________________”(禁止吸烟) area. You have to be a ____________(不吸烟的人).10. The way to success being not __________(顺利), we have to ____________________(清除) difficultiesDay 80根据提示完成下列句子(snow---soul)1. Now it’s weather broadcast time. Today it’s ______(晴朗的). Tomorrow it’s _________(多云) and ________(有风) in the morning. In the afternoon there is much ________(雨水). It’s ________(下雨的) even __________(暴风雨的) for some time.2. ____________(到目前), I haven’t grasped a good way of learning English.3. _______________(只要) we make good use of ________________(太阳能), we can live a happy life.4. In the socialist __________(社会), unemployment is still a __________(社会的) problem.5. Matters have three states--- ___________(固体), __________(液体) and __________(气体).6. Though these exercises are ___________(某东西) difficult, I’ll finish them ___________(不管怎样).7. I _____________________________(与……没有关系) this __________(软件). Don’t ask me, please.8. _______________________(使我们悲伤的是), so many people died in the expressway accident. We were ______________________(处于悲痛中).9. Having _____________(整理sort…) ___________________(各种各样的sort…) books, we felt _____________(有几分sort…) tired.10. All the teachers will serve their students ___________________________(全心全意).高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(20)答案Key to Day 771. shake hands2. shall, shout at, shameful3. share, What a shame!4. shaves, in shape5. shortcoming, sharp upon6. shelf, a sheet of, sheep7. shirts, shorts, shoes, shipped off, shortly8. short of, do shopping, shop9. shoulder their way, shopkeeper 10. should, seek shelterKey to Day 781. show up, show you around2. caught in a shower, take a shower3. fell/was sick/ill, sickness/illness, gave a sigh4. silly of you, take the side of5. side by side, sideways, out of sight6. Sign, go sightseeing,signature, significance/importance7. broke the silence, singing high praise for8. gold, silver, keep silent/keep in silence, sincerely, show off9. simply, similar 10. lost his sight, sank, situation, ever sinceKey to Day 791. skating, skiing, skillful with, skill2. felt sleepy, went to bed, went to sleep, asleep, slept a sound sleep3. slow down4. slipped over, slight5. slowly, slow in6. smells, smell7. smile at, with a smile8. smoke heavily, heavy smoker9. No Smoking, non-smoker 10. smooth, smooth awayKey to Day 801. sunny, cloudy, windy, rain, rainy, stormy2. So far3. So long as, solar energy4. society, social5. solid, liquid, gas6. something, somehow7. have nothing to do with, software8. To our sorrow/sadness, in sorrow/sadness9. sorted out, all sorts of, sort of 10. heart and soul。
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高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(1)根据提示完成下列句子Day 1(a---accurate)1. The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers ____ __ (在机上) who came back from ___ ___.(国外)2. He was _____ _(专心致志) in his book, making him ____ ____ (缺席) the meeting. To tell the truth, I seldom see his ____________(缺席).3. She spoke English with a Dutch _______(腔). But it could be __________(完全地)understood.4. It is generally ____________ (公认) that smoking does harm to our health. Last month I received some cigarettes, but I wouldn’t ___________(接受) them.5. He can have/gain ___________ (进入) to the library with the ID card. Those books are easily ________________(接近的、可进入的).6. On ___________ (由于) of what you said, I am determined to go abroad to a_______________(完成) my further study.7. It is very difficult to get a(n) _____________ (准确的) answer.8. His illness ____________(导致) for his absence .9. I didn’t break the vase on purpose, Mum,it was an __________ (意外). It _______________(意外地) slipped from my hands.10. He is ___________(能够) to run the company very well. His __________(能力) is beyond me.Day 2(accuse---admire)1. I was ___________ (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it was the other way around .2. You will _______________ (一事无成) if you don’t put your heart in to your study.3. What you did is ____________ (令人钦佩的) and we ________(羡慕)your________ (成就)..4. Effective __________(措施)should be taken to ___________ (适应) ourselves to thenew surroundings.5. Tom takes an _____________(积极) part in class _______________(活动).6. The number of ________(男演员) and ___________(女演员) ______________(总计)exactly 100 .7. Students nowadays are ___________(习惯于) to taking all sorts of examinations. In __________(此外), sometimes they are __________(沉溺于) to playing game through mobile phones.8. The manager delivered an ________ (演讲) on TV to share his experience in____________(管理).9. This letter was wrongly _________(写上地址). Please ________(加) your friend’s _________(真实的) __________(地址) to the envelope.10. ________(事实上), the man ____________(担任) manager of the company.Day 3 (admission---agreement)1. He __________(建议) me to book the tickets _________(预先) and I followed his__________ (建议).2. She had a(n) __________ (优势) of a good education, making him feel calm when she meets ____________(冒险).3. I’m _____________ (担心) I can’t ___________ (支付) the money to buy the book. But that’s my own ___________(私事)4. I can’t ______________(同意) to the ___________ (协定) which was reached by you.5. You were greatly_____________(影响) by the trouble but finally made it _____________ (终究).6. I have no a__________(喜欢、爱) for all kinds of _______________(广告) on TV.7. We can be concerned about__________ (大事) of state through CCTV News 30 Minutes.8. Although he was __________ (反对) the opinio n, the old professor didn’t come up with it himself.9. The house ________(代理人) has been _________(追求) the beautiful girl for _________(很久).10. I’m fond of __________(非洲). I often turn to my teacher for more ___________(非洲的) stories.Day 4(agricultural---already)1. These measures ______________(旨在)preventing smoking in public places like restaurants, hospitals. But___________(在户外) people are free.2. This job would be impossible without the ________(辅助) of a computer. Besides, you can ______________(给予援助) to her.3. These kids are ________(几乎一样), so try to treat them ________ (一样地).4. His parents won’ t _________ (允许他待在外面) very late. Besides, they don’t ______(吸烟) at home.5. I saw my wife off at the _______ (在机场). She is going to the U.S.A. on business _________(乘飞机). Again I began to live _______(独居).6. All ______________ (总的来说), she was always well ___________(遥遥领先) the rest of the class.7. The party has been planned weeks______ (提前). We can __________(开始).8. She’s asked ___________(别打扰她),but the press photographers follow her everywhere.9. She lost her job when the factory closed, __________ (同…..一起)hundreds of others. _________(最重要的是), she was still __________(活着).10. Our plans of banning the sale of the ___________(酒精) are still__________(悬而未决), ___________(更不用说) the sale of cigarettes.Day 5(also---anniversary)1. Caught in the act, he _________________ (除了……别无选择) tell the truth.2. He looked at me __________ (惊愕地). I was _______(吃惊) by his _____ (令人吃惊的)strange look.3. We’ve had ________________(很大的amount…) help from the local people.4. ____(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.5. _________(在……中)those present were ___________(大使) and his wife.6. What you said ______ (等于) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of ____________(有抱负).7. I heard _______ (生气地) that___________(动物)were treated in a cruel way.8. I was _______(生气) myself for making such a stupid mistake. I broke my pen a________(生气地).9. This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _______________(娱乐活动). We can also___________(娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.10. He _______________________(总是抱怨)the endless boring work.Day 6(announce--apply)1. They ___________ their engagement _____ the family (向……宣布).2. He ____________________ me_____ my carelessness(为……生气annoy…).3. In _________(再、另) two weeks, the job will be finished.4. Parents are naturally a________________ (为……而担心) their children when they leavehome.5. __________(除……外)their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.6. Please let me know how many are coming,_______________(如果有的话).7. I____________ Jane_____________________(因……缺席而道歉)her party.8. The police ___________(呼吁)the public to remain calm.9. It’s __________ (显而易见) that she was really upset, and then she paused, __________ (显然) lost in thought.10. The new technology _________________ (应用于) farming.11. She had never been greatly concerned about __________ (外貌)12. ____________________ (看起来) there has been a mistake.13. I’m afraid we can’t come, but t hanks for the invitation a_________(无论如何).14. The public ____________________ (爱好) scandals.Day 7(appoint---art)1. I would _____________ (不胜感激) if you can ____________(约会)with me.2. It was the __________ (建筑师/设计师) who designed the building, which _____________ (占地) about 600 square hectares.3. Jane often __________ her friends _________/_________ little things(在……上争论)_____________(由……引起) their different opinions.4.The Eighth Route Army_____________(用……武装)enough guns and before long many enemies were _______________.(被捕)5. All families are busy making________ (准备) for the ______ (到来) of the new year.6.The government has ____________ (任命) some experts to find out an ______________ (方法) to the serious problem.7. Jim ______________________ (做出决定) that he will enter an _______(美术) school, which still hasn’t ____________ (没有得到同意) of his parents.8. Please use an _____ (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in _______ (四月)9. Mary _________________ for (为…表感谢) what the neighbors has _________(安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the___________(轮椅).10. It always takes me ______ (大约)1 hour to finish the ________ (算数) work.Day 8(article---attach)Day1. I _______________ (很惭愧) my _____________ (睡着了) during the class.2. The floor is covered by _______ (灰), ______ (因为) she always ________ (把……放到一边) her housework..3.__________/___________(总的来说),the book deserves well reading, which treats all ______________(方面) of health care.4. Whisky is usually __________________(联系) with Scotland.5. ________(运动员) tend to _________(依附) themselves to all kinds of sports.6. I was ______________(对……感到惊讶) the news that the man travelled across the _______________ Ocean (大西洋) alone.7. His parents would like him to be an _____________ (艺术家), but he wants to be an ________ (天文学家), because he is keen on_____________ (天文学).8. All the shop _______(店员)work together in a very friendly _______ (氛围).9. How many _________ (亚洲) countries have taken part in the sports meeting?10. ________________ (只要) we take action, the pollution will be reduced.Day 9(attack---awkward)1. My ________(姑母)__________________ (尝试) get close to the dog, but unfortunately she was ________ (攻击) by it, so she went to see the doctor ________ (马上).2. The reference books are ___________ (可以借到的) for you in the library on the third_______ (大街).3. The _______ (作家) wrote many _________(有吸引力的) stories happening in _______ (澳大利亚).4. All the ____________(观众) were _______________ (吸引) by his superior performance.5. We _______ (出席) a meeting, where the speaker talked about the global warming, which _______________________(引起我们的注意).6. The meeting was held to make people _________ (意识到的)of the ___________(可怕的)environmental problems.7. I was so surprised that I was __________ (授予) the first prize in English speech contest. But soon I was _____________ (叫醒) by my desk mate, only to find that I just had a day dream. But from then on, I decided to work hard to be a student above the ___________(平均水平).8. You should ___________ (收拾好) your books to _________ (避免) your house being ina mass.9. After summer vocation, we students are required to return school in ____________ (八月),nearly one month ahead of time.10. We should ____________________________(抱持积极的态度) our life.Day 13根据提示完成下列句子(big---born)1. My friend Mary ____________(生) a boy on her 25th __________(生日). She was ___________(流血) nearly to death. Bless me! The news was a ________(打击) to us all.2. God bless me! When I was ________(出生), both my mother and I were in peace. Everything has gone smoothly _____________(生来). I’m __________________(不是一点点) lucky.3. I often treat my friends to restaurants and all the _______(账单) are on me. _____________(渐渐地), my wife _________(责怪) me for it. Sometimes she feels ________(有点) too _________(闷闷不乐).4. He was _____(咬) by a dog yesterday. When we went to the hospital, we saw him in bed _________(青一块紫一块) in the leg. It was a __________(害群之马). Who is __________(该受责备) for it.5. _______(填写) the blank on this cheque. Do _____ leave anything ________(一点也不).6. He is __________(失明) in both the eyes, so he has to live a ________(痛苦的) life. We should not ________( 对……视而不见) them.7. It’s said that two _________(街区) were _______(爆炸), which _________(阻塞) the traffic for hours.8. The __(董事会) is having an important meeting, so I have to __(上) the plane right away.9. These _______(靴子) are popular. I’d like to _______(预订) a pair.10. That lecture was so _____(乏味的) that I was _____(厌烦) to death.Day 14 根据提示完成下列句子(borrow---brief)1. He wanted to _____(借) an other from me, but I didn’t ________(借) him because he had _____(借、留) the first book for more than one year.2. I have to ______(打扰) you for my bike. Its _______(刹车) _______(出故障). You are ________(一定) to repair it.3. _________(简而言之), I want to give my gratitude to you __________ (从心底里), for you helped me find a good job to _______(谋生).4. Don’t be afra id to _______(麻烦工作) hard, in other words, you must do things _________(从头到尾).5. ______________(动脑筋) in the __________(拳击赛). You are sure to _______________(取得突破).6. When the fire __________(突然发生), the firemen were _______(勇敢) to _____________ (破门而入) the house and saved ten old people. We admire their _________(勇敢).7. Bank of China is in Beijing, but it has _____________(分部) all over the country.8. The boat ___________(撞碎) on the rocks, people on board were __________ (喘不过气来) with fear.9. Before diving into water, he took a deep ________(呼吸) and then _________(屏住呼吸).10. The _________(新郎) and ______(新娘) got married in ________(鲜艳的) dresses. Day 15根据提示完成下列句子(bring---bye)1. Why so many Chinese have accidents in _________(不列颠) is that __________(英国人) people drive on the left while we drive on the right. Different traffic rules ______________ (导致) our failure.2. We are _______________(扶养) in China and we should _________________________(担负重担) of supporting my family.3. My younger _________(弟弟) often gets up at 11:00 for _________(早午饭), but he ______(增强体质) by playing basketball every afternoon.4. Something in the house __________(爆炸), and it was ______________________(被烧成灰烬), with a _________(烧焦的) body. The owner of the house _______________(放声大哭).5. He is ________(埋头bury…) in his work and only _______________________(只管自己的事) it , so he becomes a successful _______________(商人).6. Every day he ___________(上下车) the bus and was _________(忙于) doing three jobs ________(按小时). He ___________(只好) work hard.7. _____________(顺便说), I wanted noting but _________(玩) in the playground after school.8. ___________________(以这种方式), he had saved enough to buy an apartment _______________(到……时候为止) last year.9. Jack worked very hard, but he was still ___________________(倒数第二).10. He was able to collect so many _________________(束花) _____________(独自一人). He was ________(非常) the best worker.Day 16根据提示完成下列句子(cab---careful)1. The government _________(号召) us young pe ople to teach the children in the poorareas and it is our duty to ______(关爱) children.2. He is good at ________(计算) and __________(喜欢) doing business.3. My English teacher often tells us to be ___________________(认真对待) spelling, but I show ________________________(漠不关心) it. He often criticizes me for my doing exercises so _________________(粗心). I should have been so __________(粗心).4. Originally I had planned to go to his office to ________________(拜访) him, but he went home, so I had to ___________________(拜访) his house instead.5. The photos taken with this ___________(照相机) _______________(使回忆起) memories of my teaching life in school.6. Being one of the ______________( 候选人) to be president of the Students Union, he ___________(忍不住打我电话), telling me the news.7. I have many _____________(加拿大) friends, but not all of them were born in ___________(加拿大).8. Jack was made _____(队长) of the football team. We all respected ________(队长).9. When we write U.K, we should write it ________(用大些字母).10. I smoked a lot and doubted whether I had a lung ___________(癌症), but the doctor told me to ____________(保持镇静)..高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(4)答案Key to Day 51. had no alternative/choice but to2. in amazement, amazed, amazing3. a large amount of4. Although5. Among, ambassador6. amounted to, ambition7. with anger; animals8. angry with, angrily9. amusements, amuse 10. is always complaining about Key to Day 61. announced…to2. was annoyed with……for/at3. another4. anxious for5. Apart from6. if anything7. apologized to; for being absent from8. appealed to9. is apparent that; apparently 10. was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite forKey to Day 71. appreciate it, make/fix an appointment2. architect, covers an area of3. argues with, over/about, arising from4. was armed with, under arrest5. arrangements, arrival6. appointed, approach7. arrived at a decision, art, gained the approval of8. arrow, April9. showed her appreciation, arranged, wheelchair 10. approximately, arithmeticKey to Day 81. was ashamed of, falling asleep2. ashes, as, sets aside3. In general/Generally speaking, aspects4. associated5. Athletes, attach6. astonished at, Atlantic7. artist,, astronomer, astronomy8. assistants, atmosphere9. Asian 10. As long asKey to Day 131. gave a birth to, birthday, bleeding, blow2. born, by birth, not a little3. bills, bit by bit, blames, a bit, blue4. bitten, black and blue, black sheep, to blame5. Fill in, not, a bit6. blind, bitter, turn a blind eye to7. blocks, blown up/bombed, blocked8. board, board9. boots, book 10. boring, boredKey to Day 141. borrow, lend, kept2. bother, brake, broke down, bound3. In brief, from the bottom of my heart, make /ear my bread/living4. bother working, from top to bottom5. Use your brains/head, boxing match, make a breakthrough6. broke out, brave, break into, bravery7. branches8. broke up, breathless9. breath, held his breath 10. bridegroom, bride, bright Key to Day 151. Britain, British, bring about2. brought up, carry/bear the burden3. brother, brunch, build up his strength4. burst, burnt into ashes, burnt, burst into tears/burst out crying5. buried, mind his own business, businessman6. got on and off, busy in, by the hour, could do nothing but7. By the way, to play8. By this means, by the end of9. the last but one 10. bunches of flowers, all by himself, by farKey to Day 161. calls on, care about2. calculating, cares for3. careful with, no care for, carelessly, careless4. call on, call at5. camera, called up6. candidates, couldn’t help ca lling me up7. Canadian, Canada8. captain, the captain9. in capitals 10. cancer, keep calm高中英语高频词汇练习1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.A.admittedB.acknowledgedC.absorbedD.considered[注释] considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。