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1. Heis such a man of many ______ that allof us respect him.

ﻩA. ability B. abilities ﻩC. competence D. talent 2.The Xi’an _____ happened on December 12, 1936 in Chinese modern history.

A. Incident ﻩ B. Accident ﻩC. Event ﻩﻩ D. Affair

3. To tell you the truth, ______, not words are what we need.

A. actionsﻩﻩB. deedsﻩﻩ C. behaviorﻩﻩD. acts

4. He is one of her many _______.

A. admiration

B. admirerﻩﻩ

C. admirers D. admirations

5. Honest ________, though unpleasant to the ear, induces good conducts. (prov.)

A. advicesﻩﻩ

B. proposalﻩﻩC.advice D. suggestions

6. We haven't seen eachother for _______, though we are in the samecity.

A. eras ﻩﻩﻩB. millennium ﻩ C. epochﻩ D. ages

7.Our older generation used to adviseus not tobuild ____ in the air, but that’snot realistic at all.

A. attics ﻩB. castles ﻩﻩﻩC.buildingﻩﻩD. rostrums

8. Usually passengers are required toarrive at _____ one hour before ______ takes off.

A. airport; aircraftsﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩB. theairport, aircraft

C. an airport, a aircraft ﻩﻩD. the airport, theaircraft

9. Which ofthe following is not a flyingmachine?

A. plane ﻩﻩB. aircraftﻩC. kiteﻩ D. space ship

10. As middle schoolstudents, raising pet ______ all day long is asheer wast e of time.

ﻩ A. beasts B. creatures ﻩ C. catﻩﻩﻩﻩD. dog

11. Don't judge a person only by his _____.

A. look ﻩB. appearance ﻩC. appearancesﻩﻩ D. faces

12. --- What's on tonight?

--- I hearthere is going to be apop song contest. A group of famous singers from Hong Kong and Macao are ____ in our village theatre.

A. making his firstappearanceﻩﻩ B. appearing on thestage

C.making their first appearances ﻩﻩﻩ D. appearing themselves

13. The voyagediaries were handed down by hisgreat grandfather, so their brothers have kept themas ____ .

ﻩ A. the apple in their eyesﻩ B. theapple of their mouths

ﻩ C. the apple of their eyesﻩﻩﻩﻩ D. an apple of their eyes

14. Traditionally in West, people usually play ____ on April Fools' Day.

ﻩA. funsﻩﻩﻩ B. jokesﻩﻩﻩﻩC.foolﻩﻩD. fools

15.Justice has long ____ . (法网恢恢) Whoever breaks law will be punished b y the people after all.

ﻩA. shouldersﻩﻩ B. handsﻩ C. fingers ﻩD. arms

16. As a work of ____ , we can't judge its value by appearances.

A. artﻩﻩ

B. artsﻩﻩﻩ C.the art ﻩ D. the arts

17. With the help of our class, Little Mike made such great progressin Chinese that he can write a 200-character ____ .

A. compositions B. papers ﻩﻩ C. essaysﻩﻩD. article

18. DengXiaoping was our general designer of reformand openingup to the outs

ide world(改革开放). After he passed away, his ____were scattered over the sea.

ﻩC.dusts ﻩD. dust

A. ashes ﻩﻩB.ashﻩﻩ

19. Russia is acountry which extends across _____ .

ﻩA. Asia ﻩﻩB. Europeﻩ C. Asia and Europeﻩ D. Africa

20. "What can I dofor you?" or "May I help you?" is a pet phrase used by _____ .

ﻩ A. an assistantengineer ﻩﻩ B. an assistant manager

C. a helperﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩD. ashop assistant

21. Move a few steps, and the oil-paintingslook better ______.

A. in the distance ﻩﻩ

B. at onceﻩ

C. in the openair D.at a distance

22. In fact, the untruthful words made ____on me. You must answer for that.

ﻩ A. a surprise attackﻩﻩ B. much damage C. a personal attack D. a great ha rm

23. Every Monday morning, all the teachers and students in our school stand at ____as our national flag is raised.

A. attentionﻩﻩ

B. attentionsﻩ

C. at easeﻩﻩ

D. attentively

24. --- What are thegreatest____ ?

--- A giant panda.

A. attractionﻩB. attractionsﻩﻩC. attractiveﻩﻩ D. attract

25. Australia is an island continent lying between ____ .

A. the Pacific Ocean andthe Atlantic ﻩ

B. the Indian Ocean and the At


ﻩ D. the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Oce

C. the Arctic Ocean andthe Pacific Oceanﻩ


26. The leaves of thistree turn red____ , so we visit it at the end of every Oc tober.

A. in the autumnB. in autumn ﻩC. in early autumnﻩﻩ D. in late autumn

27. He is above ______inhis lessons. That's the results of his hard work.

A. average ﻩﻩB.all ﻩﻩC. anyone D. everyone

28.Do you happen to know the proverb, “Shoot two ____ with one arrow”?

ﻩ A. birdsﻩﻩﻩ B. hawks C. dogs ﻩﻩﻩD. wolves

29. On March 12, the studentswere planting trees ____ the classroom.

A. in the back of B. atthe back of ﻩC. to the back of ﻩ D. on the back


30. Once Jerry is back of you, there willbe nothing halfway. The underlinedpart probably means _____.

A. hate ﻩﻩﻩB.supportﻩﻩC. beatﻩﻩﻩ D. face

31.Don't throw out the _____ with the bath water.(prov.)

A. boyﻩﻩB. girl ﻩ C. baby ﻩD. child

32. According tothe regulation, all _____ should be examined before boarding a plan
