
第 1-8 课阶段测试卷

一、辨音:选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 (5 分) ( ) 1. A. excuse B. yes C. pen D. engineer ( ) 2. A. this B. it C. ticket D. housewife ( ) 3. A. policeman B. American C. am D. Italian ( ) 4. A. sorry B. son C. job D. operator ( ) 5. A. much B. umbrella C. number D. postman

二、词汇语法 (15 分)

1. This is a book. is old.

A. This

B. It

C. That

D. It’s

2. - Is this your pencil? - __________

A. Yes, it isn ’t.

B. Yes, please.

C. No, it isn ’t.

D. No, it is.

3. I beg your __________. Is this your ruler?

A. pardon

B. excuse

C. sorry

D. thank

4. Mary is a __________ student here.

A. old

B. small

C. long

D. new

5. Is this your mother? Yes, __________.

A. this is

B. it is

C. she is

D. he is

6. Would you tell me your phone __________?

A. number

B. five

C. umbrella

D. coat

7. Can I get a __________ for the bus to Suzhou?

A. pen

B. book

C. ticket

D. school

8. __________ is your new car? It ’s a Ford.

A. What

B. what

C. What make

D. what make

9. This is Rose Smith. is from Canada.

A. She

B. Her

C. It

D. He

10. - Nice to meet you. - __________

A. Thank you.

B. Yes, please.

C. Nice to meet you, too.

D. Here you are.

11. - __________ - I ’m a teacher.

A. What are you do?

B. What is your school?

C. What make are you?

D. What ’s yourjob?

12. - __________ - He ’s French.

A. What nationality are you?

B. What is his house?

C. What is he?

D. What nationality is he?

13. I'm not a __________, but I can help you with your car.

__________ __________

A. mechanic

B. nurse

C. doctor

D. postman

14. This is a Korean car. It is car.

A. Their

B. our

C. he

D. she

15. - __________ - Thank you.

A. My coat, please.

B. Here ’re your pen and book.

C. Here ’s your coat and glasses.

D. This is my son.

三、句子填空:用所给单词的正确形式填空 (10 分)

1. Excuse ________ ! ( I )

2. What's _______ name? (you)

3. _______ this your watch? ( be)

4. It is _______dress. ( I )

5. Here _______ your cap and umbrella. (be)

6. John is an _______ student .(America)

7. He _______ a French boy. ( be)

8. Mike is _______ Engineer. (a/an)

9. ________ you Chinese? ( be )

10. She is Italian. He is Italian, ________. (either/too)

四、句型转换:根据要求改写句子 (15 分)

1. My name is Lisa. (就划线部分提问)


2. This is my school. (改成一般疑问句)

school ?

3. It is his umbrella. (改成否定句)

his umbrella.

4. She 's Japanese. (就划线部分提问)

________ _________ nationality?

5. He is a hairdresser. (就划线部分提问)

________ _________ job?

五、英汉互译 (15 分)

1. Here ’s your umbrella and your coat.


2. What nationality are you?


_________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________

3. 你是做什么工作的?


4. 你也是中国人吗?


5. 对不起打扰一下!这是您的雨伞吗?


六、完形填空 (15分)

( 一) 首字母填空 (5分)

Hello ! My ( 1) n______ is Alice. My family and I are in Shanghai now, but I’m an (2) E______ girl. I’m twelve. There are four people in my family. Look! This is a photo of my family. My father, Mr. Brown is an (3) e______, he is busy all the time! My mother is a (4) n______. Who’s the little boy? Oh, he is my brother Jim, he is a (5) s______, just like me! We are very happy! I love them very much!

(二) 多项选择 (10分)

__ 1__ is __2__ best friend Tommy. __3__ is a new student in our __4__. He is an __5__. He always wears a white __6__ and a pair of __7__ jeans. Tommy is very kind to us all. He often __8__ us with our homework after school. He likes running, swimming and __9__. He wants to be a __ 10__ in the future.

( ) 1. A. It B. He C. She D. This

( ) 2. A. my B. me C. I D. mine

( ) 3. A. She B. he C. He D. Him

( ) 4. A. home B. house C. class D. room

( ) 5. A. American B. Chinese C. German D. Japanese

( ) 6. A. blouse B. dress C. shirt D. watch

( ) 7. A. skirt B. blue C. hat D. dress

( ) 8. A. helps B. help C. helping D. helped

( ) 9. A. sang B. singing C. sings D. song

( ) 10. A. doctor B. waitress C. air hostess D. student

七、阅读理解 (10分)

( 一) 判断正误 (T or F) (5分)

My name is Jane Gray. I am Canadian. I come from Canada and I live in Montreal. I am a student there in an art school. I speak English and French. Canada is a big country. My family is big, too. I have got two brothers and one sister. My

sister, Mary, lives in London. She is a keyboard operator. My brother, John, lives in the USA. He is a teacher and he has got a good job in New York.

( ) 1. Jane’s nationality is Canadian.

( ) 2. Jane can speak English and Chinese.

( ) 3. Jane’s sister is a teacher in London.

( ) 4. Her brother is an engineer in New York.

( ) 5. Canada is a big country and Jane’s family is big, too.

(二) 简短问答 (5分)

It’s six o’clock. Robert and Lucy are both very hungry. Paul is there and he is hungry, too.

There are lots of good things on the table. There’s some cold meat and cold fish, and some salad and rice. There’s bread and butter, and there’s a lot of cheese, too.

The children can drink water, orange juice, apple juice or milk. Or they can have tea.

There’s a lot of fruit, too. There are apples, oranges, peaches and grapes.

There aren’t any hot dishes today.

1. What time is it?

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Who are hungry?

___________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s there on the table?

___________________________________________________________________ 4. What can they drink?

___________________________________________________________________ 5. What kinds of fruit are there?


八、基础写作 (15分)

( 一) 连词成句 (5分)

1. student, he, new, a, is

_______________________________________________________________ 2. from, Liuming, is, China



3. this, umbrella, your, is

_______________________________________________________________ 4. is, job, what, your

_______________________________________________________________ 5. nationality, you, what, are

_______________________________________________________________ (二) 完成对话 (10分)

A: I am a new student. My ___ 1___ is Robert.

B: Nice to ___2___ you. My name is Sophie.

A: ___3___ you French?

B: Yes, I ___4___. ___5___ you French, ___6___?

A: No, I am not. I’m ___7___ (中国人). ___8___ is yourjob?

B: I am a ___9___ ___ 10___ (电脑录入员)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________


新概念一Lesson1-10练习题 一、选出发音不同的单词,答案写在题号前面(10) 1. A. watch B. handbag C. thank D. man 2. A. English B. me C. meet D. please 3. A. that B. this C. brother D. thin 4. A. umbrella B. excuse C. student D. new 5. A. shirt B. skirt C. car D. bird 6. A. student B. much C. umbrella D. number 7. A. nice B. six C. five D. fine 8. A. very B. me C. yes D. pen 9. A. this B. English C. Chinese D. it 10.A. Chinese B. teacher C. mechanic D. watch 11.A it B meet C green D key 12.A that B family C black D camera 13.A four B hall C our D daughter 14.A book B look C good D too 15.A but B young C car D husband 二、填上表示国籍的形容词,并将此国籍的单词译为汉语 1.Lars is a S__________ student.( ) 2.Naoko is a J__________ student.( ) 3.Charlie is an A__________ student.( ) 4.Wu Li is a C__________ student.( ) 5.A Daewoo is a K__________ car.( ) 6.Carlo is an I__________ student.( ) 7.A Mercedes is a G__________ car.( ) 8.First things First is an E__________book.( ) 三、根据上下文填空,注意字母的大小写(20) 1. ______ this your coat? _____, it is. 2. This is Li Ming. ______ is Chinese. 3. Excuse me! _____? Is _____ your pen? No, ______ _______. 4. Here _____ your pen and pencil. _______ ______ very much. 5. Mr. Smith _______ a woman. ______ is man. 6. My name _____ Robert. I ______ a student. I ______ Italian. 7. Mr. Blake ____ my teacher. He ____ not French. 8. Are you ____ teacher? No, I ____ _____. 四、用am,is,are填空 1. I ______ a boy. ______ you a boy? No, I _____ not. 2. The girl______ Jack's sister. 3. The dog _______ tall and fat. 4. ______ your brother in the classroom? 5. How _______ your father? 6. Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home. 7. Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school. 8. Whose dress ______ this?


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题 (Lesson1——Lesson12) Name:________ Mark:_________ 一.单词填空(1分/题,共20分) 1. (原谅) 2. (手提包) 3. (连衣裙) 4. (房子) 5. (伞) 6. (票) 7. (号码) 8. (老师) 9. (早晨)10. (美好的)11. (遇见)12. (国籍)13. (工程师)14. (警察)15. (今天)16. (大概) 17. (抓住)18. (母亲)19. (女衬衫)20. (领带) 二、根据单词写出字母及字母组合的音标(1分/题,共10分) 1.pardon 2.pencil 3.watch 4.please 5.cloakroom 6.school 7.student 8.thanks 9.woman 10.brother 三、写出下列单相对应的反义词或对应词(1分/题,共10分) 1.fat 2.tall 3.dirty 4.hot 5.old 6.busy 7.white 8.stand https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a19215857.html,e 10.these 四、用单词的适当形式填空(1分/题,共10分) 1.Excuse me! Is this (you) pencil? 2.This is not (I) bike. 3.Mary is a new student. She is (France). 4.Here is (David) shirt. 5.Paul is here.That is (he) coat. 6.Zhang Bin and Li Gang are (China). 7.He is my (teacher) friend. 8.I can’t find (she) dress. 9.Cindy has a lot of (orange). 10.Peter is a good student.He always help (he) classmates. 五、改错(1分/题,共5分) 1.I beg your parden. __________________________________ 2.Thanks you very much. __________________________________ 3.Alice is a new students. __________________________________ 4.Whose shirt are that? __________________________________ 5.Is this you newspaper? __________________________________ 六、句型转换(1分/题,共5分)


新概念英语第一册1—80课综合测试题 姓名________ 一、单词翻译: 1、能够__________ 2、老板__________ 3、要求__________ 4、蛋糕__________ 5、喜欢__________ 6、想__________ 7、鸡蛋__________ 8、香蕉__________ 9、橙子__________10、苹果__________ 11、黑板__________12、肉__________13、牛肉__________14鸡__________15、告诉__________ 16、西红柿__________17、梨__________18、葡萄_________19、桃子_______20、下雨__________ 21、country__________22、weather__________23、spring__________24、untidy_________ 25、empty__________ 26、letter_________ 27、walk__________ 28、jump__________ 29、March________ 30、homework__________31、vase_________ 32、sugar___________ 33、July_________ 34、August___________35、September__________36、October__________ 37、kettle__________38、handwriting__________39、biscuit________40、England__________ 二、根据要求变换: 1、I(宾格) __________ 2、dish(复数) __________ 3、sit(现在分词) __________ 5、tall(反义词) __________ 6、young(反义词) __________ 7、white(反义词) __________ 8、she(物主代词) __________ 9、desk(同义词) __________ 10、housewife(复数) __________ 11、children(单数) __________12、swim(现在分词) __________13、up(反义词) __________ 14、is not(缩略式) _________ 15、left(反义词) __________ 三、按要求改写下面的句子:) 1.There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句)___________________________________ 2.There is a knife in the box.(改为复句)___________________________________________ 3.There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________

新概念第一册lesson 1-18测试题

新概念英语同步测试卷(Book 1 lesson 1-18 满分100分) 姓名_______ 日期________得分_________ 一.填入下列单词中所缺的字母,每空一个字母。(15分) ex_ _ se y_ _r h ndb g p rdon pen l umb lla n mber teach Fr ch n ce t ket s rry n me keyb d oper tor engin r p liceman mechan _ b sy perh ps ca ch br ther col r upst s offic passp t br n Fri d yell empl ee 二.填入下列对话中所缺的单词(10分) 1.--_________ colour is your new hat? --___ _____ red. 2.--________ upstairs and _____ it. ----thank you. 3. A: Excuse ______! B: yes? A: Is this ______ pen? B:yes, it is. ________ _______ very much! 4. A: Good ________, Tom. B: Good afternoon, Mike. A:______ is Liu Tao. _______ is my friend. B: Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you, _____. 5.______ is your job? -- I am a teacher. 6._______ dress is this? --It is my mother’s. 7.What ________are you? ---I am Chinese. 8.---Is ____ your umbrella? ---yes, it is ____ umbrella. 9.---This is Tony and _____ ______ Ann. -----_______do you do? 10.your passport please. --_______ ______ ______.(给你) 三用a, an, he, she, it, am, is, are 填空.(15分) 1. Helen is _______ student. ______is my friend. 2. This is ______ orange skirt. ______ is Yang Ling’s. 3.Tom ______my brother. _____ ______ not a student. 4. The pen and the book _______Mike’s.


新概念英语1--8课测试卷 姓名:____________ 得分:____________ Listening Part (20%) 一、听录音,把听到单词的序号写在题前括号里。(每题1分,共10分)( )1. A.excuse B. window C. those ( )2. A.handbag B. pardon C. thanks ( )3. A.what B. where C. whose ( )4. A.coat B. shirt C. skirt ( )5. A.your B. you C. much ( )6. A.engineer B. teacher C. number ( )7. A.watch B. dress C. house ( )8. A.Swedish B. Italian C. Kitchen ( )9. A.make B. Sorry C. meet ( )10.A.French B. Korean C. German 二、听录音,圈出你与你所听到的内容相符的图片。(每题1分,共5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、听录音,选择恰当的答句。(每题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. Yes? B. Yes,it is. ( )2. A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, it isn't. ( )3. A. It's a Mercedes. B. It's Japanese. ( )4. A. Nice to meet you. B. I'm fine, thank you. ( )5. A. She is French. B. This is Mary. Writing Part(80%) 一、抄写下列句子,注意大小写。(每题2.5分,共5分) This is a Toyota. It is a Japanese car. This is our school. Nice to meet you. 二、选出恰当的选项完成对话。(每题1分,共5分) A. Good morning. B.Are you American, too? C. My name is Jack. D. He is a new student. E. Nice to meet you, too. Mr Smith: Good morning. Jack: _______1___________.Mr Smith. Mr Smith: This is Bill._____2______. Jack:Nice to meet you. ________3_________. Bill:______4_______. Jack:Are you American? Bill: Yes, I am. ____5_____? Jack:No, I am not. 三、从A、B、C三个选项中选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(每题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. me B. pen C. dress ( )2. A. umbrella B. student C. number ( )3. A. please B. English C. meet ( )4. A. watch B. teacher C. shirt ( )5. A. your B. four C. our 四、选择填空。(每题1分,共10分) ( )1.I do ________homework everyday. A. your B. his C. my D. her ( )2.My coat and my umbrella,________. A.please B. sorry C.thanks ( )3.What’s name? A. he B. his C.him ( )4.Is this _____house? A. me B. you C. your ( )5.“This is not my umbrella.”“ __________,sir.” A.I sorry B. I'm sorry C. pardon ( )6. --What's your name? --Pardon? --_________. A.What is your name? B. Is this your name? C. Nice to meet you. ( )7.Chang-woo is Korean. He Chinese. A.am B.isn’t C.are not D.isn’t not ( )8.---Who’s that? --- Naoko. A.I am B.She is C.Here is D.This is ( )9.This is her car. is a French car. A.My B.It C.It’s D.She ( )10.---What nationality are you? ---I’m . A.Chinese B.China C.England D.Sweden


新概念英语第一册阶段性测试(一)(含答 案) 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新概念阶段性测试(一)姓名: 仔细思考,认真审题,相信自己~希望你能考出自己满意的成绩! 写出下列单词的汉语意思(10) excuse daughter number busy lazy perhaps blouse carpet tourist Korean blunt heavy light office thin policeman hairdresser catch clean lovely 写出下列单词(10) 连衣裙相同的衬衣大衣手表(看)祖母空的小的大的年轻的满的事情短的护士房子父亲兄弟母亲姐妹冷的写出下列词的复数形式(10) boy city man dress man

knife book tooth policeman wife child dish watch cat umbrella cup bottle toy sheep box 辨音(10) ()1.pen 2.pencil 3.dress 4.excuse ()1.five 2.like 3.ticket 4.hi ()1.number 2.teacher 3.sister 4.here ()1.good 2.cool 3.too 4.school ()1.cold 2.old 3.coat 4.house 下列单词拼写有误的是(10) ()A.student B.postman C.taix D.new ()A.Japanese B.Chinesa C.nice D.nationality ()A.operator B.nama C.housewife D.fine ()A.teday B.dirty C.tie D.smart ()A.customs B.friend C.yellow D.whiet 完成下列表格(20) 个些 这 那 A. B. 主格宾格形容词性物主代词

新概念英语1A Lesson 1 8 测试题

新概念英语1A-Lesson-1-8-测试题 一.听力题 5分).选出你所听到的词。(I D. Claire C. Robert ( )1. A. Mr. Jenkins B. Karen D. nephew )2. A. father B. mother C. brother ( D. blue )3. A. book B. bed C. boy ( C.pretty D. nice )4. A.clever B. stupid ( D.sixty C. eighteen ( )5. A. twenty B. twelve 分)II.选出你听到的句子。(5 B. She is a doctor. )6. A. He is a student. ( C. She is a teacher. B. Lucy is a student. 7. A.Lucy is a girl. () C. Lucy is my sister. B. The small one. ()8. A. The big one. C. The dirty one. table. the It's on in the pencil case. B. )9. ( A. It's under the chair. C. It's B. Lucy is happy. )10. A. Lucy is cold. ( C. Lucy is well.

) 分.听录音写出你所听到的词或数字。III(14 2.My QQ number is 81 . name. 1.That's a 4. you welcome. 3.Better than sorry! book. 6.It's a 5.Paul is teacher. 7.How do do? 4 / 1 新概念英语1A-Lesson-1-8-测试题 二.选择题 I 语音。从下面选出一个划线部分发音与其它四个选项不同的单词,将括号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1. A.it B.this C. silver D.fine ( )2. A.good B. meet C. book D. put ( )3. A. art B. car C. man D. star ( )4. A.yes B. red C.she D.desk ( )5. A.on B. OK C. Polly D. boy II. 词汇。根据句子的内容选出合适的单词,把序号填入括号中。(16分) ( )1. Who is she? ______ name is Lucy. A. His B. Her C. My D. Your ( )2. ______ is this pen? It's his pen.


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(参考答案) 请注意,这篇文章中存在着格式错误,例如数字后面的括号和斜杠,以及缺少空格和标点符号等。此外,题目和答案也没有分别列出来,使得文章难以阅读和理解。因此,需要对其进行修改和改写。 New Concept English Book One Stage Test Total Score: 100 Points Part One: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Words (1 Point per n。10 Points in Total) 01.Excuse me。can you ive me? 02.XXX XXX. 03.She wore a beautiful dress to the party last night. 04.I live in a house on the hill. 05.XXX it rains. 06.I need to buy a ticket for the train. 07.What's your phone number? 08.He'XXX.

09.I usually wake up early in the morning. 10.Today is a fine day for a ic. Part Two: Write the Antonyms of the Following Words (1 Point per n。10 Points in Total) XXX - fat short - tall clean - dirty cold/cool - hot/warm young/new - old hardworking - lazy black - XXX sit - stand go - come these - those Part Three: XXX (1 Point per n。5 Points in Total) 1.What's her job。- She's an engineer. 2.What are their jobs。- They're policemen. 3.What's Michael's job。- He's a sales rep.


CONCEPT 宇文皓月 ENGLISH TEST--1 Name______Teacher ________Point_________ 一、选出你所听到的单词5分 1、()A handbag B pardenC watchD pen 2、()A dress B skirt C house D shirt 3、()A umbrella B number C ticket Dplease 4、()Asuit B schoolC teacher D daughter 5、()A operator B engineer C nurse D postman 二、选出你所听到的句子5分 1、() A how are you ? B how do you do ? C how is he ? D how are they ? 2、() A is this your shirt B is this my shirt C is this his shirt D is this her shirt 3、() A are you a teacher ? B are you a nurse ? C are you an operator ? D are you a postman ? 4、() A open the window . B turn on the TV . C read this book . D take off your shirt 5、() AI can put my hat on . BIcan see the plane . CIcan paint this bookcase . DI can lift the chair . 三、把下列名词酿成复数。15分


新概念1册1-8课测试(Book 1) Name___________ Score____________ 一、根据汉语意思写出下列单词(45分) 1. ___________v.原谅;n.原谅,辩解 2. ___________pro.这,这个;a.这.. 3. ___________ n.手提包(女用) 4. ___________ n.,vt.原谅 5. ___________ vt.感谢 6. ___________ adj.很,非常 7. ___________ a.很多的;许多的8. ___________ n.(钢)笔9. ___________ n.铅笔10. ___________ n.书,手册11. ___________ n.手表,看守,警戒12. ___________ n.上衣,大衣,外套 13. ___________ n.服装(主要指外衣) 14. ___________ n.裙(子) 15. ___________ n.衬衫(衣) 16. ___________ n.汽车17. ___________ n.房屋18. ___________ n.存放衣帽间 19. ___________ vi.请20. ___________ n.伞,伞形21. ___________ad.在这里,向这里 22. ___________ n.票,券,标签,号牌23. ___________ n.数(字,量),数(值) 24. ___________ a.抱歉的25. ___________ n.一套衣服;vt.适合26. ___________n.学校27. ___________n.教师,老(导)师28. ___________ n.儿子29. ___________n.女儿30. ___________ n.先生31. ___________ n.小姐 32. ___________ n.学生33. ___________ a.好的34. ___________ n.早晨,上午35. ___________ ad.怎样,如何,多少36. ___________ a.法国人的,法国的37. ___________ a.德国人的,德国的 38. ___________a.瑞典人的,瑞典的39. ___________ a.英国人的n.英语 40. _________________________________n.英国全称41. ___________ a.新的42. ___________ a.美国的n.美国人43. ___________ n.(产品)来源vt.制造44. ___________a.意大利的 45. ___________ ad.也,还;太,很46. ___________ a.什么,多少,多么!47. ___________ n.国籍48. ___________ n.工作,职业49. ___________ n.中国50. ___________ n.工程师 51. ___________ n.警察52. ___________ n.女警察53. ___________ n.出租汽车司机 54. ___________ n.空中小姐55. ___________ n.邮递员56. ___________ n.护士 57. ___________ n.机修工,技工58. ___________ n.理发师59. ___________ n.家庭主妇 60. ___________ n.送牛奶工人61. ___________ n.夫人62. ___________ n.下午,午后 63. ___________ n.今天64. ___________ n.安好的,好的65. ___________ int.再会,再见 二、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分) 1 Are these _______________ cars? A them B they C their D us 2 What___ is it? A make B made C name D piece 3 Mr. Scott has a book. The book is ___. A to him B of him C of his D his 4. --- Excuse me? --- ____________. A What? B Pardon? C Yes? D Speaking! 5. Is that ________ dress? A his B hers C her D their 6. _________ is my ticket. A They B Here C These D He 7 She is __________ American student. A a B the C an D / 8 Where _______ you from? I’m from China. A is B are C do D come 9 This is not a German bicycle. _______ is a French bicycle. A He B She C It D Here 10 The policewoman is not very fat. She is __________. A think B thin C cool D pretty 三英译汉(10分)


第 1-8 课阶段测试卷 一、辨音:选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 (5 分) ( ) 1. A. excuse B. yes C. pen D. engineer ( ) 2. A. this B. it C. ticket D. housewife ( ) 3. A. policeman B. American C. am D. Italian ( ) 4. A. sorry B. son C. job D. operator ( ) 5. A. much B. umbrella C. number D. postman 二、词汇语法 (15 分) 1. This is a book. is old. A. This B. It C. That D. It’s 2. - Is this your pencil? - __________ A. Yes, it isn ’t. B. Yes, please. C. No, it isn ’t. D. No, it is. 3. I beg your __________. Is this your ruler? A. pardon B. excuse C. sorry D. thank 4. Mary is a __________ student here. A. old B. small C. long D. new 5. Is this your mother? Yes, __________. A. this is B. it is C. she is D. he is 6. Would you tell me your phone __________? A. number B. five C. umbrella D. coat 7. Can I get a __________ for the bus to Suzhou? A. pen B. book C. ticket D. school 8. __________ is your new car? It ’s a Ford. A. What B. what C. What make D. what make 9. This is Rose Smith. is from Canada. A. She B. Her C. It D. He 10. - Nice to meet you. - __________ A. Thank you. B. Yes, please. C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Here you are. 11. - __________ - I ’m a teacher. A. What are you do? B. What is your school? C. What make are you? D. What ’s yourjob? 12. - __________ - He ’s French. A. What nationality are you? B. What is his house? C. What is he? D. What nationality is he? 13. I'm not a __________, but I can help you with your car. __________ __________


新概念英语第一册 1--10 课测验 一、补全英语单词,并写出汉语意思 1 、 cl __ __ kr __ __ m ( ) 2 、 t __ ck __ t ( ) 3 、 n __tion __ l__ ty ( ) 4 、 __ per __ t __ r ( ) 5 、 l __ zy ( ) 6 、 m __ ch __ nic ( ) 二、写出反义词 1 、 young---- 2 、 lazy---- 3 、 long---- 4 、 fat---- 5 、 hot---- 6 、 tall---- 7 、 new---- 8 、 clean--- 三、用 a 、 an 填空,不需要的地方填“ / ” 1. Bob is ________ Italian taxi driver. 2. She is _______ housewife. 3. I'm ________ English. 4. He's ________ American policeman. 5. He is ________ teacher. 6. Robert is ________ engineer. 7. He is ________ nurse. 8. She's ________ air hostess. 9. Sophie is ________ keyboard operator. 10. Chang-woo is ________korean. 四 . 用单词适当形式填空: 1. _________ (I) name is Robert. 2. Nice _________ (meet) you. 3. What is __ _______ (you) job?


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题答案 一、单词辨音(1分/题,共10分) ( D )01.A.children B.morning C.living-room D.tonight ( C )02.A.moment B.homework C.do D.go ( C )03.A.bed B.ten C.behind D.let ( D )04.A.meal B.tea C.eat D.bread ( A )05.A.who B.where C.which D.what ( A )06.A.the Sawyers B.shops C.drinks D.this ( C )07.A.book B.classroom C.noon D.cook ( C )08.A.jump B.run C.full D.Dutch ( A )09.A.where B.near C.dear D.Nigeria ( B )10.A.often B.over C.clock D.stop 二、根据要求回答下列问题(1分/题,共10分) 01.大号信封(汉译英) large size envelope 02.a pad of writing paper(英译汉) 一张信纸 03.black ink(英译汉) 黑墨水 04.一盒粉笔(汉译英) a box of chalk 05.have(第三人称单数) has https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a19215857.html,rge(反义词) small 07.do(第三人称单数) does 08.其他什么(汉译英) what else 09.peach(复数) peaches 10.tomato(复数) tomatoes 11.三、单项选择(1分/题,共10分) ( D )01.Look,Sally_____the door.


青少版新概念英语入门级A 1-8单元测试卷 Name(姓名):_______ Mark(成绩):__________ 一、请根据字母顺序,把所缺的字母填在横线上。(注意大小写!!)(10分) 1. D F 2. l n 3.Q R 4. U V 5.g i 6. a c 7. u w 8.X Z 9.M N 10.J K 二、圈出正确的单词或图片。(5分) 1) rabbit 2) train bike robot 3)monkey 4) nose 5 )dog cat bag 三、写出首字母。(5分) 1. ___ h at’s my ball. ( 那是我的球。) 2. ___s this an insect? ( 这是一只昆虫吗?) 3. ___ ummy! ( 好吃!) 4. ____y name is Pop. ( 我叫Pop。) 5. _____ow! ( 哇!) 四、把下列的英语和中文意思连起来。(10分) your my it this is that he I you what 我的这个是他它我你的那个你什么

五、填a或an.(15分) dog insect egg orange pig friend pen ruler boy jelly umbrella apple girl table ball 六、给下列的单词选择正确的意思,并把它圈出来。(10分) 1. pencil 钢笔铅笔 2. panda 熊猫钢笔 3. brother 兄弟姐妹 4. king 国王王后 5. doll 门玩具娃娃 6. umbrella 木琴雨伞 7. bike 汽车自行车 8. ruler 尺子橡皮 9. tomato 西红柿香肠 10. window 窗户小提琴 七、把字母对应的大写形式写出来。(25分) i t_______ w ____ m ______ p ______ s______ a ______ e ____ h ______ k ______ l______ n ______ q ____ u ______ r ______ b______ d ______ f ____ c ______ z ______ x______ y ______ o ____ v ______ j ______ 八、根据给出的中文意思,选择正确的英文句子,写上它的序号。(10分) ( )1.它是一本书吗? A. Is it a book? B. Is this a book? ( )2.是的,它是。 A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. ( )3.这是你的书吗? A. This is your book. B. Is this your book? ( )4.那是一个苹果吗? A. That is an apple. B. Is that an apple? ( )5.看我的鼻子。 A. Look at my nose. B. Look at my mouth. ( )6.这不是一辆汽车。 A. This is a car. B. This isn’t a car. ( )7.我是一个男孩。 A. I am a boy. B.I is a boy. ( )8.这是我的家人。 A. It is your friend. B. This is my family. ( )9.乖狗。 A. Good dog. B. Bad dog. ( )10.那是我的书。 A. This is my book. B. That’s my book. 九、选择正确的答句,把它的序号填在括号里。(10分) ()1.- Is this a ruler? -_________ A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. ()2. -What’s your name?-__________ A. My name is Dan. B. Your name is Dan.
