阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniSwitch TM 10K 交换机 说明书
RFC 1321 MD5 RFC 2104 HMAC 消息认证 RFC 2138/2865/2868/3575/2618 RA-
RIP RFC 1058 RIP v1 RFC 1722/1723/2453/1724 RIP v2 和
MIB RFC 1812/2644 IPv4 路由器要求 支持 IPv6 的 RFC 2080
RFC 1269/1657 BGP v3/v4 MIB RFC 1403/1745 BGP/OSPF Interaction RFC 1771-1774/2842/2918/3392 BGPv4 RFC 1965 BGP AS 联盟 RFC 1966 BGP 路由反射 RFC 1997/1998 BGP 团体属性 RFC 2042 BGP 新属性 RFC 2385 BGP MD5 签名 RFC 2439 BGP 路由摆动抑制 RFC 2545 BGP-4 多协议扩展,用于 IPv6
讯 1x1 STP 模式 IEEE 802.3ad 链路聚合控制协议(LACP)
和静态 LAG 组
融合网络(QoS) 优先级队列:每个端口最少具有 8 个基
于硬件的优先级 流量优先级:基于数据流的 QoS 基于数据流的带宽管理 具有可配置调度算法的队列管理 WRED DiffServ 体系架构 IPv4 路由 多虚拟路由转发(VRF) 静态路由、路由信息协议(RIP)v1 和 v2 OSPF v2 支持平滑重启 BGP v4 支持平滑重启 (GRE)隧道 VRRP v2 IPv6 路由 多虚拟路由转发(VRF) 静态路由 下一代路由信息协议(RIPng) OSPF v3 BGP v4(支持 IPv6) OSPF 和 BGP 平滑重启 VRRP v3 NDP
等 应 用 功 能 可 帮助 用 户 实现 多用 应 用 模式 的融 合
成 为 业 务所 需 ) 维 护 简单 成 本低 廉 而 安 全 问题 无 疑
通 过 的 加 密 算 法 以 满 足 通 信 安 全 需 求 而 有的 企 业 还 要 求 设 备带 有 防火墙 功 能 以 便 应 对 互 联 网 上 越 来 越 多
款 针 对 企 业 用户
等各大 垂 直 领域 的政 企 用 户 而 言 支 持 多种接入 方 式
的专业 级 3 G 多业 务路 由产 品 与 同 类 产 品 相 比 M P l 8 0 0 支持 全 制式 的3 G 网 络 这 不 仅在 国 内厂 商 中是 惟
保 证 安 全 性 并且 维 护 便 捷 的 多业 务 交 换路 由设 施 更 受
, ,
网络 和 技 术 选 择 不 同 双 向进 入 的进 程 不 同 但发展 方 向
, ,
和 发 展 目标 基 本 相 同 都 必 须 以更 高 的技术起 点 更 长 远
高效 能接入 实现 真正 融合
具 体 而 言 虽 说 双 方 的基 础 网 络和技 术 选 择 不 同
O LT O N T ~1 0 S P 完 全 可 3
其 青睐 并 迅 速 走 红
, 。
而 且 在 国 际 厂 商 中也 是 凤 毛 麟 角
融 合路 由器 走俏全 业 务时代
随着 用 户 对应 用 体 验 的 需 求 升 级 多业 务路 由器 市
安全 问题 首当其冲
F1式重装上阵——阿朗合并后中国IT整合手记(下)作者:Case Study来源:《中国计算机报》2009年第17期责编:霍娜E-mail:ciw_huona@IT系统整合向来是企业合并后整合工作的重中之重,对上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司(简称ASB)与朗讯科技(中国)有限公司(简称朗讯中国)合并而成的阿尔卡特朗讯公司(简称阿朗)来说也不例外。
本期内容中,操盘了整个整合战役的CIO朱战备将继续与我们分享他的IT 系统整合经验,在整合中遇到的问题,以及他们的解决办法。
根据阿朗合并后的安排,原朗讯的全球CIO接管了ASB 的IT领导权。
阿尔卡特朗讯IP Touch 4068话务员话机用户手册说明书
Alcatel-Lucent EnterpriseOmniPCX Enterprise PurpleCommunication Server阿尔卡特朗讯 IP T ouch 4068 话务员话机用户手册十月 20218AL90607CNBA 版 1法律声明:阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)的名称和商标均由诺基亚(Nokia)授权于ALE(Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise)使用。
若要查阅ALE公司旗下公司使用的其他商标,请访问:/en/ legal/trademarks-copyright。
© 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 2021年版权所有。
为了继续发展产品,ALE International 保留随时对本文件及其所述的产品进行改进的权利,恕不另行通知且不承担任何义务。
CE标志表示此产品符合以下理事会指令:•无线电设备指令 2014/53/EU•非无线设备(包括有限电信终端设备)指令2014/35/EU和2014/30/EU•ATEX设备指令2014/34/EU•2011/65/EU (RoHS)•2012/19/EU (WEEE)章 1介绍1.1概览 (7)1.2话机总视图 (8)1.3话机显示屏 (9)1.3.1菜单页面 (10)1.3.2main (perso)页面 (10)1.3.3下一页 (10)1.3.4rt&hold页面 (11)1.3.5预占页面 (11)1.4话机标准键 (12)1.4.1软功能键(动态功能键) (12)1.4.2固定功能键 (14)1.4.3可编程按键 (15)1.5话机 LED (16)1.6连接可选设备 (16)1.6.1耳塞 (16)1.6.2外部站扬声器 (16)1.7把 PC 插入话机 (16)章 2基本功能2.1话务员话机进入服务( (17)2.2呼叫某个号码的方法 (17)2.2.1直接拨号 (17)2.2.2通过话机目录呼叫 (17)2.2.3按姓名拨号(呼叫) (18)2.2.4快速拨号呼叫 (19)2.3呼叫内部用户 (20)2.3.1预留(锁定)内部用户话机 (20)2.3.2被叫话机空闲 (20)2.3.3被叫话机占线 (22)2.3.4特殊情况:无法接通或已转移的话机 (24)2.4呼叫外部用户 (29)2.5应答呼叫 (30)2.5.1自动/手动应答 (30)2.5.2应答内部呼叫 (30)2.5.3应答外部呼叫 (31)2.5.4应答到达话务组呼叫 (32)2.5.5话务员不立即应答 (33)2.5.6应答回叫请求 (33)2.6将呼叫置于保持状态 (35)2.7查询呼叫 (35)2.7.1发送给内部用户的查询呼叫 (35)2.7.2发送给外部用户的查询呼叫 (38)2.7.3初始化三方会议 (39)2.8呼叫转移(路由) (40)2.8.1自动/手动转移 (40)2.8.2转移至占线话机 (40)2.9将与会者路由至会聚式会议 (42)2.9.1会议线路空闲 (42)2.9.2会议正在进行中 (42)章 3附加功能3.1使用串联分机路由 (43)3.2使用分机和预占释放路由 (44)3.3在 DTMF 透明模式中拨号 (46)3.4发送校准切断或闪存 (46)3.5临时保持自动转移 (47)3.6目录号码监管 (47)3.7单个呼叫路由 (48)3.7.1Indiv routing键显示在main (perso)页面 (48)3.7.2Indiv routing键显示在Smart Display Module上 (48)3.8网络/网络传送 (48)3.8.1Net/Net键显示在main (perso)页面 (49)3.8.2Net/Net键显示在Smart Display Module上 (49)3.9中继组监管 (49)3.10O/S 中继监管 (50)3.11单个保持 (50)3.11.1Indiv hold键显示在main (perso)页面 (50)3.11.2Indiv hold键显示在Smart Display Module上 (50)3.12呼叫演示 (51)3.13特权转移 (51)3.14唤醒/约会提醒 (52)3.14.1唤醒创建 (52)3.14.2唤醒取消 (55)章 4从话务员话机管理4.1管理概述 (58)4.2菜单页面结构 (58)4.3定制您的话务员话机(设置) (59)4.3.1分配可编程键 (59)4.3.2选择应答并转接操作模式 (64)4.3.3选择显示语言 (64)4.3.4配置振铃选项 (64)4.3.5更改密码 (66)4.3.6连接可选设备 (66)4.3.7调节Smart Display Module对比度 (67)4.3.8配置蓝牙设备(可选) (68)4.4检查话务员话机配置 (68)4.4.1读取话务员话机 IP 参数 (69)4.4.2读取话务员话机软件版本 (69)4.4.3运行电话测试 (70)4.5选择话务组状态 (70)4.6选择实体状态 (71)4.7退出/登录 (72)4.8信息 (73)1.1 概览话务员话机(按组设置)的目的是确保高效路由外部呼叫,以及适当时,按需呼叫外部号码。
进和转型。阿尔卡特朗讯的 I S M 融合解决方案支持各种 有线和无线的接人技术 , 着重业务的融合及其商业化部
署。 解决方案的框架从接人连接层面到业务提供层面包
将原阿尔卡特在应用层和接人层的优势。 与原朗讯核心层 相结合, 最终实现“+ > ” 1 13 的整合效果。
阿尔卡特 朗讯 以清晰的理念和丰富完整 的产 品系
列, 为运营商构建先进的、 可管理 的、 可赢利的下一代融 合网络 , 并针对运营商不同的市场定位和转型策略制定 了相应的解决方案。它采用多种灵活的端到端业务整合 的形式 。 支持不同的商业模式实现业务和网络的平滑演
务、 网络和商务转型) 电信运营商 的必然选择 , S正 是 I M 是在转型的大背景下顺应转型的需求而提出的。由于其
t 鬟 .
2 阿尔 卡 特 朗讯 I MS融合 解 决 方 案 的框 架
20 年 l 月, 06 2 原阿尔卡特与朗讯合并, 新公司——阿
尔卡特朗讯凭借贝尔实验室和研创中心强大的技术支撑 。
括三个部分 : 联合控制 、 业务增强和业务工厂及支付 , 如
图 1 示。 所
制定 R 版本。 2 国内由中国通信标准化协会( CA 来承担 CS)
发布平台的业务之间提供连接控制 , 它不仅为当前网络和
新一代融合网络提供完整的解决方案,更注重伸缩灵活、 投资保护和总拥有成本最佳化 ,满足网络平滑演进的需
要。联合控制包括会话和呼叫控制 , 基于策略的动态资源
阿尔卡特朗讯 H3P H3G 桌面话机说明书
阿尔卡特朗讯 H3P/H3G 桌面话机简约大屏,品优价美简约大屏超强处理高清音质超高性价比的 2.8 英寸黑白大屏,配合优化的人机操作界面,用户体验更加舒适优选的元器件,调校的音频参数,多重的编解码,出色的宽带音频质量,无论是在手柄、免提还是耳机模式都能提供舒适的通话效果轻松部署完全兼容阿尔卡特朗讯成熟的快速重定向平台(EDS)和设备管理平台(EDM),非常容易开展大规模配置和部署,能极大节约部署人力选用高性能处理器,秒速开机,6 方会议,办公更加高效节能环保优化的电源设计,支持 POE Class 1 低功耗运行,极大节约运维成本阿尔卡特朗讯 H3P/H3G 是一款高性能的入门级桌面有线话机。
H3P/H3G 支持开放性的 SIP 协议,为用户提供丰富的通讯功能。
H3P/H3G 配置 2.8 英寸的背光黑白显示屏,可显示最多 5 行中文,并可支持多达 1000 个本地联系人目录以及通话记录。
H3P/H3G 具有极高的兼容性,能广泛兼容市场上的主流 SIP 平台如 Broadsoft, Metaswitch 等。
H3P 和 H3G 均同时支持外接电源供电和以太网供电。
H3P/H3G 完美兼容阿尔卡特朗讯快速重定向平台(EDS)和设备管理平台(EDM),易于实施大规模的配置和部署。
H3PH3G技术规格物理参数• 尺寸(长x宽x高):214mm x 191mm x 47mm• 重量:795g(含手柄和脚架)• 颜色:灰色• 2.8英寸, 132x64 像素黑白带背光显示屏• 支持中文显示• 可调整脚架:45° & 50°• 支持挂壁(选购配件)话机按键• 2 个带 LED 线路键 + 1 个翻页键• 4 个菜单键• 音量键(+ 和 -)• 4 维导航及回退,确认键• 9 个功能键:免提,静音,信息,耳机键,呼叫保持,转移,会议,重拨及挂机键• 标准拨号键盘通话功能• 3 个 SIP 帐号• 呼入/呼出/拒接• 呼叫转移• 呼叫等待• 呼叫保持/恢复• 重拨• 拨号规则•快速拨号•IP 直呼•键盘锁•静音/解除静音•勿扰•自动应答•语音信箱•最多可配置29个编程键•本地 6 方会议•呼叫记录(1000 条)•本地联系人(1000 条)•XML & LDAP 通讯录音频特性• 全双工免提• 支持高清宽带手柄• 编解码:Opus (NB and WB), G.722, ILBC, G711 (A-law and u-law), G.729AB • 静音检测(VAD)• 舒适噪音(CNG)• 回音消除(AEC)• D TMF:In-Band, RFC 2833/4733,SIP INFO• 支持听力辅助(HAC)电源特性• 支持 PoE, Class 1 (802.3af)• 支持 802.3az• 电源适配器: 5V/2A 直流输出(可选配件)• 空闲/活动模式最大功耗(POE):0.97W/3.16W(H3P)0.98W/3.2W(H3G)接口规格• R J-45 双百兆交换式自适应网口(H3P)• R J-45 双千兆交换式自适应网口(H3G)• R J-9 手柄接口• R J-9 耳机接口网络,安全及相关协议• S IP V2: RFC 2474, 2833, 3261, 3263,3264, 3265, 3325, 3550, 4566, 4568,5359, 6086 等• 静态 IP 和 DHCP• I Pv4/IPv6• I EEE 802.1AB/LLDP-MED• Q oS: 802.1p/Q tagging (VLAN),Layer 3 TOS, DSCP• T FTP/HTTP/HTTPS/TR069• O PENVPN, 802.1x• 支持信息验证机制(Basic, Digest)• 支持 DoS 攻击防范• 支持 TLS 1.2/1.0 和 SRTP• 出厂自带证书(X509v3)并支持安装客户证书配置• 网页管理,话机配置和自动配置• A LE 快速重定向平台(EDS)• A LE 设备管理平台(EDM)语言• 支持多国语言菜单:简体中文,繁体中文,德语,英文,法语,意大利,韩文,葡萄牙语,西班牙语等相关规范及标准安全规范• I EC 62368-1:2014, ANSI/UL62368-1-2014, CAN/CSA-C22.2NO. 62368-1-14EMC规范•E N 55032, CISPR 32• E N 55024, CISPR 24• E N 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3• 47 CFR Part 15 B Subpart B• I CES-003 Issue 6电信规范• T IA/EIA 810-B, TIA 920.130-A-1, AS/CAS004环保规范• E rP 2009/125/EC, WEEE 2012/19/EU• R OHS 2011/65/EU,中国ROHS 2.0:GBT 26572-2011• R EACH(EC1907/2006)• P roposition 65• 包材:欧盟94/62/EC听力辅助规范• F CC 47 CFR Part 68, CS-03,AS/ACIF S040环境条件• 操作环境温度:-5°C to +45°C• 操作环境湿度:5% to 95%• 存储及运输温度:-25°C/+70°C支持配件信息• 中规外接电源• 挂壁件• 阿尔卡特朗讯 AH 11GA/12GA 耳机产品包装清单• H3P/H3G 桌面话机• 有线高清宽带手柄及手柄线• 脚架• 网线 (cat5e)•安全手册• 快速使用指南阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)的名称和商标均由诺基亚(Nokia)授权上海贝尔企业通信有限公司(ALE China)使用。
即時發放香港寬頻憑藉香港寬頻憑藉阿爾卡特阿爾卡特阿爾卡特--朗訊朗訊之千兆無源光纖網絡方案之千兆無源光纖網絡方案之千兆無源光纖網絡方案為住宅客戶提供1Gbps 寬頻上網服務寬頻上網服務香港,2010年7月7日 - 城市電訊(香港)有限公司的全資附屬機構香港寬頻網絡有限公司(香港交易所上市編號:1137;美國納斯達克市場交易代號:CTEL)(下稱「香港寬頻」)宣佈,憑藉阿爾卡特-朗訊之千兆無源光纖網絡(GPON)方案,推出1Gbps 寬頻上網服務。
由於雲運算、高清及互動多媒體服務如高清IPTV 及網上遊戲日漸普及,香港人對頻寬要求正以倍速增長。
我們的網絡足以應付未來由高清及3D 多媒體應用所帶來對頻寬的需求。
」香港寬頻是香港增長速度最快的寬頻服務供應商,並率先為香港住宅市場提供上下載等速的100Mbps 及1Gbps 寬頻上網服務。
阿爾卡特-朗訊亞洲北部及東南部業務的主管Alain Biston 表示:「阿爾卡特-朗訊自2007年起與香港寬頻緊密合作。
」阿爾卡特-朗訊採用7342智能服務數據庫管理光纖到戶系統(ISAM FTTU)。
阿尔卡特股东将持有合并后公司60%的股 份,朗讯将持有40% 合并后的公司将建立14人组成的董事会, 两家公司各占六人,还有两名欧盟公民担 任独立董事,特鲁克以前希望培养为接班 人的迈克-奇格里将担任首席运营官,朗 讯首席运营官弗兰克-达梅利奥将担任高 级执行副总裁
新公司的名称还没有确定,但是将按照法国法 律组建公司,总部将建在法国,还将建立一个 下属美国公司,有三名美国公民担任董事,主 要处理与美国政府的合同 贝尔实验室将留在新泽西的总部,新泽西也将 是新公司北美业务的总部 新公司的股票将在Euronext交易所交易,同时 在纽约股票交易所继续交易美国存股凭证
爱立信 阿尔卡特/ 朗讯 诺基亚 西门子 摩托罗拉 北电
21世纪以来,全球电信行业投资减少,行 业出现衰退 电信业下游行业的巨变
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阿尔卡特朗讯 OXO Connect 公告用户手册说明书
Alcatel-Lucent OXO Connect Announcements User ManualJune 20183EH21069USAC Ed. 1Legal noticeThe Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: /en/legal/ trademarks-copyright. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.© 2018 ALE International. All rights reserved. DisclaimerWhile efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this documentation, this document is provided “as is”. To get more accurate content concerning Cross Compatibilities, Product Limits, Software Policy and Feature Lists, please refer to the accurate documents published on the Business Partner Web Site.In the interest of continued product development, ALE International reserves the right to make improvements to this documentation and the products it describes at any time, without notice or obligation.The CE mark indicates that this product conforms to the following Council Directives:•2014/53/EU for radio equipment•2014/35/EU and 2014/30/EU for non radio equipment (including wired Telecom Terminal Equipment)•2014/34/EU for ATEX equipment•2011/65/EU (RoHS)•2012/19/EU (WEEE)Chapter 1Overview1.1Description of the Announcements (4)Chapter 2Operation2.1Selecting Announcements (5)2.2Creating Announcement Messages (6)2.2.1Recording announcements (.wav) on a PC (6)2.2.2Recording Automatic Call Distribution messages using a phone set (7)2.2.3Converting an announcement file (7)2.2.4Recording Automatic Call Distribution messages using a professional studio (7)This document is the user manual of the Announcements application. It applies to OXO Connect and OXO Connect Evolution.Announcements are broadcast while telephone traffic is being processed. No default announcements are provided by the call center, but default announcements (A-law and µ-law) designed for test purposes are available for download in OMC. For a running system, customized announcements must be created and downloaded.1.1 Description of the AnnouncementsThe different types of announcement are:•Welcome announcement This announcement is broadcast when a call arrives in the group.•Queue announcements (Waiting 1, Waiting 2, Estimated Waiting Time)•Waiting 1 is used when the call joins the queue for the first time; it is broadcast once only.•Waiting 2 is used after Waiting 1 or Estimated Waiting Time; it is broadcast continuously until the call leaves the queue (this announcement may contain music).•Estimated Waiting Time is broadcast to advise the caller that they are likely to have a certain minimum waiting time in the queue before their call is answered.•Deterrence announcement This announcement is broadcast when the queue is saturated. It can also be broadcast when the Automatic Call Distribution ports dedicated to Automatic Call Distribution traffic are saturated (this depends on the configuration of the Automatic Call Distribution ports dedicated to deterrence).•Closing announcement This announcement is broadcast when the Automatic Call Distribution group is closed.•Customer code announcement This announcement is broadcast to ask the caller to enter a customer code.On the system, a set of announcements for each Automatic Call Distribution group is permitted. The minimum and maximum durations of the announcements in a set are shown in the table below.Announcement Minimum Duration Maximum DurationWelcome0 seconds60 secondsWaiting 10 seconds60 secondsWaiting 220 seconds300 secondsEstimated Waiting Time0 seconds60 secondsDeterrence0 seconds60 secondsClosing0 seconds60 secondsCustomer code0 seconds60 seconds2.1 Selecting AnnouncementsTo select the announcement you want to use, do the following:1.Click ACD Voice Messages. The ACD Voice Messages window appears. This window has thefollowing two areas:•The ACD Groups area is used to select the announcements for each group or all the groups.•The Transfer selected messages area is used to import or export announcements to the call center or to the system.The ACD Groups area contains a table allowing you to:•see which announcements are present in the system,•select an announcement to be added or replaced.To change from Transfer mode to Delete mode, click on the button Mode.It is not possible to delete announcements at the same time as adding or replacing announcements.Note:Default messages are available which take into account the coding (A-law or µ-law) used in your country.2.In the Transfer selected messages area, click the button to the right of the field Load from thisdirectory and transfer.The Select Folder window is displayed.The announcements are by default saved in:C:/Program Files/PCXTools/OMC/R500_xxx/VoiceMessages/a_law56 messages are available (7 for each Automatic Call Distribution group). Each message isidentified by a file made up of 3 figures x, y and z and with the extension .wav:•x corresponds to the number of the Automatic Call Distribution group (1 to 8)•y is always equal to 0•z corresponds to the message of the Automatic Call Distribution group (1 to 7)The messages types are as follows:•1 corresponds to the Welcome message•2 to the Waiting 1 message•3 to the Waiting 2 message•4 to the Deterrence message•5 to the Closing message•6 to the Estimated Waiting Time message•7 to the Customer code messageFor example, file 305.wav corresponds to the Closing message for group 3.Remark:on starting the Automatic Call Distribution, the system does not contain any messages. To conduct tests, it is therefore essential to load the default Automatic Call Distribution messages.3.Select the announcements and click the transfer button ( => ). The messages selected aretransferred to the call center.4.Click OK. The ACD Voice Messages window disappears.Note:When deleting an announcement, the action is not executed using the transfer button ( => ) but using the delete button (X) instead (this button is only accessible in Delete mode).2.2 Creating Announcement MessagesTo create your own announcement messages, you can use the recording software available on your PC (Window/Accessories/Multimedia/Sound Recorder) or any multimedia application.2.2.1 Recording announcements (.wav) on a PCProceed as follows:1.On your PC, open a recording tool by clicking Start > Programs > Accessories > Multimedia (orEntertainment) > Sound Recorder. The following window is displayed:In order to record the message, your computer must be fitted with a sound card. Otherwise, a message informs you that the recorder is operating in restricted mode.2.If the sound card is available and configured, start to record your message by clicking on the redbutton in the bottom right of the window.3.To stop the recording, click the rectangular button.4.To check and listen to the recorded message, click the triangular button.5.If you are happy with the message, record it by clicking File > Save. Give it a file name and checkthe message format.Caution:announcements must have the format CCITT A-law/µ-law 8 KHz, 8 bits, mono. The announcements created must have the same name as the default messages.6.If the format is not correct, click Change and select the format CITT A-law/µ-law 8 KHz, 8 bits,mono. Click OK to confirm and OK again to save the message.2.2.2 Recording Automatic Call Distribution messages using a phone setYou can record Automatic Call Distribution messages using any one of the following telephones:•8038 Premium DeskPhone•8058s Premium DeskPhone•8039 Premium DeskPhone,•8068 Premium DeskPhone•8068s Premium DeskPhone•8078s Premium DeskPhoneA special menu allows you to record each announcement message for each Automatic Call Distributiongroup. To access this menu:•on a 8038 Premium DeskPhone/8058s Premium DeskPhone, 8039 Premium DeskPhone, 8068 Premium DeskPhone/8068s Premium DeskPhone or 8078s Premium DeskPhone, follow the path Menu/operator/Advanced/Voice/Automatic Call Distribution.•2.2.3 Converting an announcement fileIf the format of your file is not compatible, convert it using the following procedure:•Open the .wav file to be modified in Sound Recorder and click File > Properties to check the file format.•If the format shown is different from CCITT A-Law/µ-law 8 kHz, 8 bits, mono, click Convert Now....A window opens; select the format CCITT A-Law or CCITT µ-law and click OK to confirm.•Save your file.2.2.4 Recording Automatic Call Distribution messages using a professional studioFor optimum quality, the services of a professional recording studio should be used. If this option is chosen, observe the file format required.。
阿尔卡特朗讯7368 ISAM ONT G-240W-B 家用网关 ONT 说明书
Alcatel-Lucent 7368 ISAM ONT G-240W-BResidential Gateway ONTThe Alcatel-Lucent 7368 Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) G-240W-B Optical Network Terminal (ONT) is the answer for home networking delivered by Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON). The device has built-in concurrent dual-band Wi-Fi® 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac networking with triple-play capability that simplifies the home equipment experience. It can provide triple-play services with voice, video and data and high-capacity Wi-Fi connectivity. The 7368 ISAM ONT G-240W-B is designed to take advantage of Alcatel-Lucent award-winning management platforms. These include a customized Motive™ Home Device Manager, which is integrated with the Alcatel-Lucent 5520 Access Management System (AMS) platform to deliver a uniform end-to-end operations, administration, and maintenance (OA&M) solution that carriers need in order to provide subscriber satisfaction.This indoor ONT is designed to delivertriple-play services (voice, data and video)to residential subscribers. Voice services are provided through two POTS ports with an integrated analog telephone adapter ATA that converts voice traffic into Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or ITU-T H.248. Connectivity to an existing PSTN Class 5 switch is supported through an H.248 voice gateway or through SIP with direct interoperability with a variety of soft switches. Ethernet connectivity is available on four Gigabit Ethernet (GE) ports, all of which have the ability to burst up toa full gigabit dynamically. Service providers can deliver video using IP packets (IPTV). Rely on dual-band Wi-Fi to support the widest range of customer devices. TheIEEE 802.11ac standard enables gigabit speeds on many newer devices. And the widely supported 802.11b/g/n standard can simultaneously connect to legacy devices. Features•Four RJ-45 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, Two POTS ports for carrier-grade voice services•Two USB host ports (USB 2.0 and USB 3.0)•Wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g/n: 2.4G and 5G dual-band concurrent Wi-Fi•Wireless IEEE 802.11ac: 5G•Network Address Translation (NAT)and firewall •Voice interworking function from the analog POTS lines to the voice over IP (VoIP)/Ethernet layers•Optics support received signal strength indication (RSSI)•Supports virtual private network (VPN) pass-through for Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), and IPSec•Port forwarding/Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)/ dynamic domain name system (DNS) Benefits•Integrates the ONT and wireless access point functions to allow one less device in the home•Delivers connectivity to Ethernet devices within the home•Supports full triple-play services including voice, video, and high-speed Internet access •Allows service-per-port configurations •Supports IP video distribution •Supports easy-to-use USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 connections for external disk drives and home network attached storage (NAS)•Delivers voice services using VoIP •Delivers video services efficiently with multicasting or unicasting•Network management usingAlcatel-Lucent 5520 AMS•Flexible video delivery options of Ethernetor wireless to set-top boxes (STBs) ........................................................... Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks ofAlcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. Copyright © 2015 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. PR1504010279EN (April)Technical specificationsPhysical• Height: 185 mm (7.3 in)• Width: 300 mm (11.8 in)• Depth: 36 mm (1.4 in) • Weight: 0.61 kg (1.33 lb) • Wall or desk mountOperating environment• Temperature: -5°C to 45°C (23°F to 113°F) • Humidity: 10% to 90% relative humidityPower requirement• Local powering with 12 V input (feed uses external AC/DC adapter)• Dying gasp support • Power consumption: <30 WGPON uplink• 1490 nm wavelength downstream, 1310 nm wavelength upstream • 2.488 Gb/s line rate downstream, 1.244 Gb/s line rate upstream • GPON Encapsulation Method (GEM) mode support for IP/Ethernet service traffic support • ITU-T G.984.3-compliant dynamic bandwidth reporting • ITU-T G.984.3-compliant AdvancedEncryption System (AES) in downstream • ITU-T G.984.3-compliant FEC• ITU-T G.988 Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 ONT Management Control Interface (OMCI)• Remote software image download• Small form factor (SFF) type laser, SC/APC connectorEthernet interface• 10/100/1000Base-T interface with RJ-45 connectors • Forwarding• Ethernet port auto-negotiation or manual configuration with Media DependentInterface/Media Dependent Interface with Crossover (MDI)/MDIX)• Virtual switch based on IEEE 802.1q virtual LAN (VLAN)• VLAN tagging/detagging per Ethernet port and marking/remarking of IEEE 802.1p • IP Type of Service/Differentiated Services Code Point (ToS/DSCP) to IEEE 802.1p mapping for untagged frames • Class of Service (CoS) based on VLAN-ID, IEEE 802.1p bit • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) v2/v3 snoopingPOTS interface• Two FXS ports for VoIP service with RJ-11 connectors • Multiple CODECs: ITU-T G.711, ITU-T G.729 (A and B)• SIP (RFC 3261)• ITU-T G.168 Echo cancellation• Services: Caller ID, Call Waiting, Call Hold, 3-Way Call, Call Transfer, Message Waiting Indication • 5 REN per line• Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) dialing • Balanced sinusoidal ring signal, 55 Volts Root Mean Square (VRMS)WLAN interface• 3x3 802.11b/g/n • 4x4 802.11ac• 64-bit and 128-bit Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) support • Wireless Protected Access (WPA) support including Pre-shared Key (WPA-PSK) and WPA2• Media access control (MAC) filtersUSB interface• One USB 2.0 interface • One USB 3.0 interfaceResidential Gateway• IPv4 and IPv6• Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) and IP over Ethernet (IPoE)• NAT, DMZ and firewall• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) proxy • IGMP proxy • Support of TR-069LED• Power • LAN (1~4)• POTS (1~2)• BTR • Link • Auth • VoIP • WPS • WLAN • USB • InternetSafety and electromagnetic interference (EMI)• Protection of over voltage/currentRegulatory compliance• UL 60950-1• FCC Part 15, subpart B • ISE-003• CE Mark • CB Mark。
” T-Systems德电(中国)信息通信集成系统有限公司总裁 Gerd Gsottschneider表示,“该合作协议将增强我们在中国的业务提供能力。
主要专访参加人员:T-Systemss中国区销售副总经理:Frederic Gillant阿尔卡特朗讯企业网络部中国区销售副总裁:李文阿尔卡特朗讯企业网络部语音应用方案总监:孙广昊全球IP通信联盟总编:范挺范挺:首先第一个问题是对T-Systems,能否具体说明一下这个合作战略,双方带来的价值?Frederic: 好的。
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通客车在交通运输服务领域占据领先地位 在 车 队 管 理方 面 远程信息服务应 用能够支持监控中心跟踪每辆汽车 的
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阿尔卡特朗讯 AH80 蓝牙耳机用户手册说明书
AH80 蓝牙耳机用户手册法律告知本文件由上海贝尔企业通信有限公司制作,您对于本文件的任何阅读和使用即表示同意遵守下列条款。
目录1. 欢迎 (4)2. 耳机概览 (5)3. 包含的附件 (6)4. 如何连接 (7)5. 如何佩戴 (8)6. 如何充电 (9)7. 如何使用 (10)7.1 处理来电 (10)7.1.1 接听/拒接来电 (10)7.1.2 结束/保持通话 (10)7.1.3 静音键功能 (11)7.1.4 切换状态灯 (11)7.1.5 处理多个来电 (12)7.2 唤醒语音助手 (12)7.3 音乐模式 (13)7.4 耳机设置 (13)7.4.1 降噪/透传模式 (13)7.4.2 切换语言 (14)7.4.3 恢复出厂设置 (14)7.5 电量播报 (15)8. 指示灯含义 (16)9. 支持 (18)10. 如何保养耳机 (19)11. 警告 (20)1. 欢迎感谢您使用Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise AH80 头戴式蓝牙耳机。
阿尔卡特朗讯OmniSwitch 6560多千兆以太网LAN交换机家族说明书
Data SheetAlcatel-LucentOmniSwitch 6560Stackable Multi-Gigabit Ethernet LAN Switch FamilyThe Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch™ 6560 Stackable Multi-Gigabit Ethernet LAN value switch family is an industry leading campus access solution for enterprise networks. With multi-gigabit ports for high-speed IEEE 802.11ac devices, 10GigE uplinks and 20 GigE stacking, the OmniSwitch 6560 is the right solution for your next generation network.Offering a design optimized for flexibility and scalability as well as low power consumption, the OmniSwitch 6560 is an outstanding edge solution. It uses the field-proven Alcatel-Lucent Operating System (AOS) to deliver highly available, secure, self-protective, easily managed and eco-friendly networks.The Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6560 family is embedded with the latest technology innovations, and offers maximum investment protection.Deployments benefiting from the OmniSwitch 6560 family are:• Edge of small-to-mid-sized networks • Branch office enterprise and campus workgroups • Residential and commercially managed services applicationsFeatures• 24-port and 48-port, PoE and non-PoE with fixed small form factor pluggable (SFP+) 10G interfaces • Support for 10 GigE stacking or 20 GigE stacking • Support for IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at and IEEE802.3bt compliant PoE • Internal modular AC redundant power suppliesManagement• AOS field-proven software with management through web interface(WebView), command line interface (CLI), and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) • Supporting programmable AOS OpenFlow for the creation of specialized services.• Ethernet operations, administration and management (OA&M) support for service configuration and monitoring • Support by Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista™ 2500 Network Management System (NMS)OmniSwitch 6560-P24Z8OmniSwitch 6560-P24Z24OmniSwitch 6560-P48Z16Security• Flexible device and user authentication with Alcatel-Lucent Access Guardian (IEEE 802.1x/MAC/captive portal) with Host Integrity Check (HIC) enforcement• Enables deployment of comprehensive and secure BYoD services in enterprise networks such as guest management, device on-boarding, device posturing, application management and dynamic change of authentication (CoA).• Advanced Quality of Service (QoS) and Access Control Lists (ACLs) for traffic control, including an embedded denial of service (DoS) engine to filter out unwanted traffic attacks• Extensive support of user-oriented features such as learned port security (LPS), port mapping, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) binding tables and User Network Profile (UNP) Performance and Redundancy• Advanced layer-2+ features with basic layer-3 routing for both IPv4 and IPv6+• Triple speed (10/100/1G/2.5G) user interfaces and fiber interfaces (SFPs)supporting 1000Base-X or 10GBase-Xoptical transceivers• 10 G uplinks• Wire-rate switching and routingperformance• High availability with virtual chassisconcept, redundant stacking links,primary/secondary unit failover,hot-swappable power options andconfiguration rollbackConvergence• Enhanced Voice over IP (VoIP) and videoperformance with policy-based QoS• Future-ready support for multimediaapplications with wire-rate multicast• Airgroup™ Network Services for Bonjourspeaking devices provides consistentexperience over wireless and wirednetworks• IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at and IEEE802.3btPoE support for IP phones, wireless LAN(WLAN) access points and video camerasBenefits• Meets any customer configuration needand offers excellent investment protectionand flexibility, as well as ease ofdeployment, operation and maintenance• Provides outstanding performance whensupporting real-time voice, data andvideo applications for converged scalablenetworks• Ensures efficient power management,reduces operating expenses (OPEX) andlowers total cost of ownership (TCO)through low power consumption anddynamic PoE allocation, which deliversonly the power needed by the attacheddevice• A field-upgradeable solution that makesthe network highly available and reducesOPEX• Fully secures the network at the edge atno additional cost• Enterprise-wide cost reduction throughhardware consolidation to achievenetwork segmentation and securitywithout additional hardware installation• Supports cost-effective installation anddeployment with automated switch setupand configuration and end-to-end virtualLAN (VLAN) provisioningTable 1. Available OmniSwitch 6560 modelsOS6560-P24Z81682N/A Internal AC Internal AC OS6560-P24Z2424244Included Internal AC Internal AC OS6560-P48Z1648164Included Internal AC Internal ACNotes:• All OmniSwitch Multi-Gigabit PoE ports comply with IEEE 802.3bt (75W) and IEEE 802.3bz standardsDetailed Product Features Simplified Management• Intuitive CLI in a scriptable BASH environment via console, Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) v2 over IPv4/IPv6• Powerful WebView Graphical Web Interface via HTTP and HTTPS over IPv4/ IPv6+• Fully programmable RESTful web services interface with XML and JSON support. API enables access to CLI and individual mib objects• Integrated with Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista® products for network management• Full configuration and reporting using SNMPv1/2/3 to facilitate third-party network management over IPv4/IPv6• File upload using USB, TFTP, FTP, SFTP or SCP using IPv4/IPv6• Human-readable ASCII-based configurationfiles for off-line editing, bulk configurationand out-of-the-box auto-provisioning• Fully programmable OpenFlow 1.3.1 and1.0 agent for control of native OpenFlowand hybrid ports• Multiple microcode image support withfallback recovery• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP) relay for IPv4/IPv6• IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer DiscoverProtocol (LLDP) with Media EndpointDiscover (MED) extensions• Network Time Protocol (NTP)• DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 server managedby Alcatel-Lucent VitalQIP® DNS/DHCP IPAddress ManagementMonitoring and troubleshooting• Local (on the flash memory) and remoteserver logging (Syslog): event andcommand logging• IP tools: ping and trace route• Dying Gasp support via SNMP and syslogmessages• Loopback IP address support formanagement per service• Policy- and port-based mirroring• Remote port mirroring• sFlow v5 and Remote Monitoring (RMON)• Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD),Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), andTime Domain Reflectometry (TDR)+ Future software developmentNetwork configuration• Remote auto-configuration download feature• Auto-negotiating 10/100/1000 ports automatically configure port speed and duplex setting• Auto MDI/MDIX automatically configures transmit and receive signals to support straight-through and crossover cabling • BOOTP/DHCP client allows auto-configuration of switch IP information for simplified deployment• DHCP relay to forward client requests to a DHCP server• IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) with MED extensions for automated device discovery• Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) for IEEE 802.1Q-compliant VLAN pruning and dynamic VLAN creation• Auto QoS for switch management traffic as well as traffic from Alcatel-Lucent IP phones • Network Time Protocol (NTP) for network-wide time synchronization• Virtual chassis up to 2 unitResiliency and high availability• Unified management, control and virtual chassis technology• Virtual Chassis 1+N redundant supervisor manager• Virtual Chassis In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU)• Smart continuous switching technology • ITU-T G.8032/Y1344 2010: Ethernet Ring Protection• IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) encompasses IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)• Per-VLAN spanning tree (PVST+) and 1x1 STP mode• IEEE 802.3ad/802.1AX Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and static LAG groups across modules• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) with tracking capabilities• IEEE protocol auto-discovery• Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for fast failure detection and reducedre-convergence times in a routed environment• Redundant and hot-swappable power supplies• Built-in CPU protection against malicious attacks• Split Virtual Chassis protection: Auto- detection and recovery of Virtual Chassis splitting due to one or more VFL or stack element failuresAdvanced securityAccess control• Alcatel-Lucent Access Guardian frameworkfor comprehensive user-policy-based NAC• Autosensing IEEE 802.1X multi-client,multi-VLAN support• MAC-based authentication for non-IEEE802.1X hosts• Web based authentication (captive portal):a customizable web portal residing on theswitch• User Network Profile (UNP) simplifies NACby dynamically providing pre-definedpolicy configuration to authenticatedclients — VLAN, ACL, BW• Secure Shell (SSH) with public keyinfrastructure (PKI) support• Terminal Access Controller Access-ControlSystem Plus (TACACS+) client• Centralized Remote Access Dial-InUser Service (RADIUS) and LightweightDirectory Access Protocol (LDAP)administrator authentication• Centralized RADIUS for deviceauthentication and network access controlauthorization• Learned Port Security (LPS) or MACaddress lockdown• Access Control Lists (ACLs); flow-basedfiltering in hardware (Layer 1 to Layer 4)• DHCP Snooping, DHCP IP and AddressResolution Protocol (ARP) spoof protection• ARP poisoning detection• IP Source Filtering as a protective andeffective mechanism against ARP attacks• Bring Your Own Device (BYoD) provideson-boarding of Guest, IT/non-IT issued andsilent devices. Restriction/Remediation oftraffic from non-compliant devices. UsesRADIUS CoA to dynamically enforce UserNetwork Profiles based on Authentication,Profiling, Posture check of devices.** with Aruba ClearPassConverged networksPoE• PoE models support Alcatel-Lucent IPphones and WLAN access points, as well asany IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at or 802.3btcompliant end device• Configurable per-port PoE priority andmax power for power allocation• Dynamic PoE allocation: Delivers only thepower needed by the powered devices(PD) up to the total power budget for mostefficient power consumptionQoS• Priority queues: Eight hardware-basedqueues per port for flexible QoSmanagement• Traffic prioritization: Flow-based QoS withinternal and external (a.k.a., remarking)prioritization• Bandwidth management: Flow-basedbandwidth management, ingress ratelimiting; egress rate shaping per port• Queue management: Configurablescheduling algorithms — Strict PriorityQueuing (SPQ), Weighted Round Robin(WRR)• Congestion avoidance: Support for End-to-End Head-Of-Line (E2E-HOL) BlockingProtection• Auto QoS for switch management trafficas well as traffic from Alcatel-Lucent IPphones• Three-color marker: Single/Dual Rate— policing with commit BW, excess BW,burst sizeSoftware DefinedNetworking (SDN)• Programmable AOS RESTful API• Fully programmable OpenFlow 1.3.1 and1.0 agent for control of native OpenFlowand hybrid ports• OpenStack networking plug-inLayer-2, Layer-3 Routingand MulticastLayer-2 switching• Up to 16k MAC Addresses• Up to 4000 VLANs• Up to 2000 ACLs• Latency: < 4 µs• Max Frame: 9216 bytes (jumbo)IPv4 and IPv6• Static routing for IPv4 and IPv6+• RIP v1 and v2 for IPv4; RIPng for IPv6+• Up to 256 IPv4 and 128 IPv6+ static andRIP routes• Up to 128 IPv4 and 16 IPv6+ interfacesMulticast• IGMPv1/v2/v3 snooping to optimizemulticast traffic• Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) v1/v2snooping+• Up to 1000 multicast groups• IP Multicast VLAN (IPMVLAN) foroptimized multicast replication at theedge, saving network core resourcesNetwork protocols• DHCP relay (including generic UDP relay) • ARP • Generic User Datagram Protocol (UDP) relay per VLAN• DHCP Option 82 — configurable relay agent information+ Future software developmentTechnical SpecificationGigabit PoE port count 24 4824Multi-Gigabit port count241681G/10G SFP+ 44220G QSFP+ stacking ports220USB port 111Console port 111Primary slide-in PSU slot 111Backup slide-in PSU slot 111Fans 222File system flash 2 GB 2 GB 2 GBRAM 2 GB 2 GB 2 GBSwitch bandwidth (all ports,full-duplex)280 Gb/s304 Gb/s112 Gb/sSystem power consumption126W110W85WSystem heat dissipation 430 (BTU/h)375 (BTU/h)290 (BTU/h)Power consumption w/PoE600W920W300WHeat dissipation w/PoE2047 (BTU/h)3140 (BTU/h)1023 (BTU/h)Acoustics (dB) @27C*37-54 (dBA)45-55 (dBA)45-55 (dBA)Height 4.4 cm (1.73 in) 4.4 cm (1.73 in) 4.4 cm (1.73 in)Width 44 cm (17.33 in)44 cm (17.33 in)44 cm (17.33 in)Depth 35 cm (13.78 in)35 cm (13.78 in)35 cm (13.78 in)Weight 4.58 kg (10.1 lb) 4.67 kg (10.3 lb) 4.58 kg (10.1 lb)Operating temperature 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F) Storage temperature -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F) Humidity (operating) 5% to 95% non-condensing5% to 95% non-condensing5% to 95% non-condensing* Acoustics levels vary depending on installed power supply.OmniSwitch 65606560 backup supplies and specificationsThe OmniSwitch 6560 24 & 48 port models offer a 1RU internal backup supply configuration where the redundant supply is installedin a power supply bay at the back of the unit.Description Modular 300-W AC powersupply. Provides system andPoE power to one 24-portPoE switch Modular 600-W AC PoE powersupply. Provides system andPoE power to one 24-portPoE switchModular 920-W AC PoE powersupply. Provides system andPoE power to one 48-portPoE switchDimensions (H x W x L) 4.0 cm x 7.3 cm x 18.5 cm(1.57 in x 2.87 in x 7.28 in)4.0 cm x 7.3 cm x 18.5 cm (1.57in x 2.87 in x 7.28 in)4.0 cm x 7.3 cm x 18.5 cm (1.57in x 2.87 in x 7.28 in)Weight 1.00 kg (2.2 lb) 1.04 kg (2.25 lb) 1.05 kg( 2.32 lb) Max with 1 PSU 215 W of PoE474 W of PoE810 W of PoE Max with 2 PSUs 515 W of PoE1074 W of PoE1730 W of PoEInput voltage/current 90 V to 136 V AC /2.65 A180 V to 264 VAC /1.5 A 90 V to 136 V AC /8.5 A180 V to 264 V AC/4.25 A90 V to 136 V AC/13 A180 V to 264 V AC/6.5 AMax output power/ current 300 W/5.5 A600 W/11 A920 W/16.88 A Power Supply Efficiency92%92%89%Fans 111IndicatorsSystem LEDs• System (OK) (chassis HW/SW status)• PWR (primary power supply status)• VC (virtual chassis primary)• LED segment display indicates the Virtual Chassis ID of the unit in the stack: 1 to 2Per-port LEDs• 10/100/1000: PoE, link/activity• 100/1000/2.5GE: link/activity• 100/1000/2.5GE: PoE status• SFP: Link/activity• Virtual Chassis (VFL): Link/activityCompliance and certifications Commercial EMI/EMC• 47 CRF FCC Part 15: 2015 Subpart B (Class A)• VCCI (Class A limits. Note: Class A with UTP cables)• ICES–003:2012 Issue 5, Class A• AS/NZS 3548 (Class A) - C-Tick• AS/NZS 3548 (Class A limits.Note: Class A with UTP cables)• CE-Mark: Marking for European countries (Class A limits. Note: Class A with UTP cables)• CE Emission consists of:EN 50581: Standard for technical documentation for RoHS recastEN 55022 (EMI and EMC requirement)EN 55024: 2010 (ITE Immunity characteristics)EN 61000-3-2 (Limits for harmonic current emissions)EN 61000-3-3EN 61000-4-2EN 61000-4-3EN 61000-4-4EN 61000-4-5EN 61000-4-6EN 61000-4-8EN 61000-4-11IEEE802.3: Hi-Pot Test (2250 V DC on all Ethernet ports)Safety agency certifications• CDRH Laser• Compliant with Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directives.• EN 60825-1 Laser• EN 60825-2 Laser• UL 60950-1, 2nd Edition, Information Technology Equipment • CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07,2nd Edition, Information TechnologyEquipment• IEC 60950-1, with all National DeviationsUL-AR, ArgentinaAS/NZ TS-001 and 60950, AustraliaANATEL, BrazilCCC, ChinaUL-GS Mark, GermanyKCC, KoreaNOM-019 SCFI, MexicoCU, EAC, RussiaBSMI, TaiwanSupported standardsIEEE standards• IEEE 802.1D (STP)• IEEE 802.1p (CoS)• IEEE 802.1Q (VLANs)• IEEE 802.1ad (Provider Bridge) Q-in-Q(VLAN stacking)*• IEEE 802.1s (MSTP)• IEEE 802.1w (RSTP)• IEEE 802.1X (Port Based Network AccessProtocol)• IEEE 802.3i (10Base-T)• IEEE 802.3u (Fast Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3x (Flow Control)• IEEE 802.3z (Gigabit Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3ab (1000Base-T)• IEEE 802.3ac (VLAN Tagging)• IEEE 802.3ad (Link Aggregation)• IEEE 802.3ae (10 Gigabit Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3af (Power-over-Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3at (Power-over-Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3bt (Power-over-Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3az (Energy Efficient Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3bz (Multi-Gigabit Ethernet)ITU-T recommendations• TU-T G.8032/Y.1344 2010: Ethernet RingProtection (ERPv2)IETF RFCsRIP• RFC 1058 RIP v1• RFC 1722/1723/1724/2453 RIP v2 andMIB• RFC 1812/2644 IPv4 Router Requirement• RFC 2080 RIPng for IPv6*IP Multicast• RFC 1112 IGMP v1• RFC 2236/2933 IGMP v2 and MIB• RFC 2365 Multicast• RFC 3376 IGMPv3 for IPv6IPv6+• RFC 1886 DNS for IPv6• RFC 2292/2373/2374/2460/2462• RFC 2461 NDP• RFC 2463/2466 ICMP v6 and MIB• RFC 2452/2454 IPv6 TCP/UDP MIB• RFC 2464/2553/2893/3493/3513• RFC 3056 IPv6 Tunneling• RFC 3542/3587 IPv6• RFC 4007 IPv6 Scoped AddressArchitecture• RFC 4193 Unique Local IPv6 UnicastAddressesManageability• RFC 854/855 Telnet and Telnet options• RFC 959/2640 FTP• RFC 1350 TFTP Protocol• RFC 1155/2578-2580 SMI v1 and SMI v2• RFC 1157/2271 SNMP• RFC 1212/2737 MIB and MIB-II• RFC 1213/2011-2013 SNMP v2 MIB• RFC 1215 Convention for SNMP Traps• RFC 1573/2233/2863 Private InterfaceMIB• RFC 1643/2665 Ethernet MIB• RFC 1867 Form-based File Upload in HTML• RFC 1901-1908/3416-3418 SNMP v2c• RFC 2096 IP MIB• RFC 2131 DHCP Server/Client• RFC 2388 Returning Values from Forms:multipart/form-data• RFC 2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers(URI): Generic Syntax• RFC 2570-2576/3410-3415/3584 SNMP v3• RFC 2616 /2854 HTTP and HTML• RFC 2667 IP Tunneling MIB• RFC 2668/3636 IEEE 802.3 MAU MIB• RFC 2674 VLAN MIB• RFC 3023 XML Media Types• RFC 3414 User-based Security Model• RFC 3826 (AES) Cipher Algorithm in theSNMP User-based Security Model• RFC 4122 A Universally Unique IDentifier(UUID) URN Namespace• RFC 4234 Augmented BNF for SyntaxSpecifications: ABNF• RFC 4251 Secure Shell ProtocolArchitecture• RFC 4252 The Secure Shell (SSH)Authentication Protocol• RFC 4627 JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)• RFC 5424 The Syslog protocol• RFC 6585 Additional HTTP Status Codes Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. To view othertrademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: /trademarks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © 2017 ALE International. All rights reserved. 201703230002EN Security • RFC 1321 MD5• RFC 1826/1827/4303/4305 Encapsulating Payload (ESP) and crypto algorithms • RFC 2104 HMAC Message Authentication • RFC 2138/2865/2868/3575 /2618 RADIUS Authentication and Client MIB • RFC 2139/2866/2867/2620 RADIUS Accounting and Client MIB • RFC 2228 FTP Security Extensions • RFC 2284 PPP EAP• RFC 2869/2869bis RADIUS Extension • RFC 4301 Security Architecture for IPQuality of service• RFC 896 Congestion control • RFC 1122 Internet Hosts• RFC 2474/2475/2597/3168/3246 DiffServ • RFC 3635 Pause Control • RFC 2697 srTCM • RFC 2698 trTCMOthers• RFC 791/894/1024/1349 IP and IP/Ethernet • RFC 792 ICMP • RFC 768 UDP• RFC 793/1156 TCP/IP and MIB • RFC 826 ARP• RFC 919/922 Broadcasting Internet Datagram • RFC 925/1027 Multi-LAN ARP/Proxy ARP • RFC 950 Subnetting • RFC 951 BOOTP • RFC 1151 RDP• RFC 1191 Path MTU Discovery • RFC 1256 ICMP Router Discovery • RFC 1305/2030 NTP v3 and Simple NTP • RFC 1493 Bridge MIB • RFC 1518/1519 CIDR• RFC 1541/1542/2131/3396/3442 DHCP • RFC 1757/2819 RMON and MIB • RFC 2131/3046 DHCP/BootP Relay • RFC 2132 DHCP Options • RFC 2251 LDAP v3• RFC 2338/3768/2787 VRRP and MIB • RFC 3021 Using 31-bit Prefixes • RFC 3060 Policy Core • RFC 3176 sFlow+ Future AOS software featureOS6560-P24Z8Multi-GigE fixed chassis in 1RU size. Includes 8 RJ-45 100/1G/2.5G BaseT HPoE, 16 RJ-45 10/100/1G BaseT PoE and 2xSFP+ (1G/10G) ports, 300W AC supply, power cord, user guides, and 19" rack mount hardware.OS6560-P24Z24Multi-GigE fixed chassis in 1RU size. Includes 24 RJ-45 100/1G/2.5G BaseT HPoE, 4xSFP+ (1G/10G) and 2x20G stacking ports, 600W AC supply, power cord, user guides, and 19" rack mount hardware.OS6560-P48Z16Multi-GigE fixed chassis in 1RU size. Includes 16 RJ-45 100/1G/2.5G BaseT HPoE, 32 RJ-45 10/100/1G BaseT PoE, 4xSFP+(1G/10G) and 2x20G stacking ports, 900W AC supply, power cord, user guides and 19" rack mount hardware.OS6560-BP-P OS6560-BP-P modular 300W AC PoE backup power supply. Provides system and PoE backup power to one OS6560 PoE switch. Ships with power cord.OS6560-BP-PH OS6560-BP-PH modular 600W AC PoE backup power supply. Provides system and PoE backup power to one OS6560 PoE switch. Ships with power cord.OS6560-BP-PXOS6560-BP-PX modular 900W AC PoE backup power supply. Provides system and PoE backup power to one OS6560 PoE switch. Ships with power cord.OS6560-CBL-40OS6560 20 Gigabit direct attached stacking copper cable (40 cm, QSFP+)OS6560-CBL-100OS6560 20 Gigabit direct attached stacking copper cable (100 cm, QSFP+)OS6560-CBL-300OS6560 20 Gigabit direct attached stacking copper cable (300 cm, QSFP+)SFP-10G-C1M 10 Gigabit direct attached copper cable (1m, SFP+)SFP-10G-C3M 10 Gigabit direct attached copper cable (3m, SFP+)SFP-10G-C7M10 Gigabit direct attached copper cable (1m, SFP+)WarrantyThe OmniSwitch 6560 family comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.Services and SupportFor more information about our Professional services, Support services, and Managed services, please go to /?services=EnterpriseServices&page=directory .。
Secret Code : **** 分机密码
Confirm : **** 密码确认
Associated Set No. : ---- 相关分机号 Cost Center Id : 255 Cost Center Name : ---------Charging Category + Justified Public Network Category : 2 外线权限 External Forwarding Category : 255 Tel.Facility Category Id : 0 性能类别代码 Connection Category Id : 0 连接类别 Hunting Group Dir No. : -------- 连选组组号 Pick up Group Name : ------------- 代接组组号 Reserved Time Slot + False Voice Mail Dir.No. : Paging Trunk Group : 255 Paging Beeper : ---Tele-Marketing Agent + False
❖ NDDI2-2 模拟中继板板上有8个模拟中继端口, 通过
Shanghai Xundi
❖ ❖
T2数字中继板式 ,板上有2路T2数字 继通道, 通过交换机后板电缆或同轴电缆接 电信中继.
OpenTouch® Suite for MLE8078s Bluetooth® Premium DeskPhone8078s Premium DeskPhone8068s Bluetooth® Premium DeskPhone8068s Premium DeskPhone8058s Premium DeskPhone8028s Premium DeskPhone8018 DeskPhone8008G DeskPhone8008 DeskPhone用户手册8AL90339ZHADed02-2102简介感谢您选择阿尔卡特朗讯企业桌面话机。
本文档介绍了接入 OmniPCX Enterprise 系统的 8000 系列桌面话机所提供的服务。
8000 系列包含下列型号的桌面话机:•8078s Bluetooth® Premium DeskPhone (8078s BT)。
•8078s Premium DeskPhone (8078s)。
•8068s Bluetooth® Premium DeskPhone (8068s BT)。
•8068s Premium DeskPhone (8068s)。
•8058s Premium DeskPhone (8058s)。
•8028s Premium DeskPhone (8028s)。
•8018 DeskPhone (8018)。
•8008G DeskPhone (8008G)。
•8008 DeskPhone (8008)。
您的话机机可用于任何业务环境, 从本地 PBX 到多个平台上的云端部署, 例如阿尔卡特朗讯企业服务器或第三方 SIP 话机平台。
如果您话机系统上未配置相应的功能, 则不会显示该标签。
根据具体显示屏的大小, 某些标签可能会被缩短。
M7桌面话机配备两个USB 接口(TYPE A/C),极大地扩展了M7的功能,使其不仅仅是个单纯的话机还可以连接外部设备进行扩展,如扩展模块(EM20或EM200)、耳机、会议模块等;M7支持音频转接功能(Audio Hub ),可连接PC 作为外部扬声器,从而享受超宽带音频效果;M7桌面话机通过USB 可连接Wi-Fi 外接模块,转变成为Wi-Fi 桌面电话。
M7桌面话机支持标准的SIP 协议,能够兼容市场上主流的SIP 通信服务器并提供丰富的电话功能。
Bluetooth 4.1 连接蓝牙耳机可实现无线连接,最远离办公桌10米超带宽音质免提模式下支持超宽带音频3.5英寸大型彩色屏幕和4向导航按钮轻松导航并方便与同事或客户联系造型高雅,带可调支架适合多种使用环境:办公桌、酒店客房和医院床边等可定制面板显示组织机构的标志,打造品牌知名度标准SIP 协议,提供丰富的电话功能可以获取首选云PBX 服务商提供的业务功能,例如电话管理及电话会议等轻松部署支持ALE 快速配置平台/快速定向平台,配置和部署非常轻松/zh-cn 阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent )的名称和商标均由诺基亚(Nokia )授权于ALE (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise )使用。
若要查阅ALE 公司旗下公司使用的其他商标,请访问:/zh-cn/legal/trademarks-copyright 。
Receiver connected.
Appointment programmed.
Silent mode enabled.
Alphabetic keypad
Audio keys
END key to terminate a call.
Handsfree/Speaker Key: to make or answer a call without lifting the receiver.
• lit in handsfree mode or headset mode (short press). • flashing in speaker mode (long press). Intercom/Mute key: • During a call: press this key so that your party cannot hear
Adjust the tilt of the screen
Indicator light
• flashing green: incoming call
• flashing orange: alarm
Telephone locked.
Display keys: pressing a display key activates the feature shown associated with it on the screen.
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二、启发思考题1.朱战备为实现IT整合的阶段性目标,此时面对的最紧迫的困难和挑战是什么?如果你是朱战备,你将如何处理?为什么这样做?2.回到阿尔卡特和朗讯宣布合并的初期,作为CIO,你认为公司在IT整合过程中会遇到哪些问题?你将如何规划、实施和评估IT整合的全过程?3.从本案例中, IT整合的成功在企业兼并过程中扮演什么样的角色?朱战备能够顺利地完成IT整合的过程中,我们能总结出什么经验作为IT整合的“最佳实践”?三、分析思路1.提示学员意识到,信息管理系统已经不仅仅是完成某一职能工作的辅助工具,而是企业战略管理和高效运营的基础平台。
研究结果显示,在并购中,三个最重要的IT 领域分别是,IT计划和管理、IT运营维护和IT应用的执行。
实践证明优秀的IT 整合可为并购带来更大的商业价值。
2002年7月,经过中外各方的谈判和中国政府的批准,上海贝尔、阿尔卡特(中国)有限公司和上海阿尔卡特移动通信系统有限公司宣布合并,合并后的新公司中文名称为“上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司”,上海贝尔的名在前,但是英文名称却是ASB (Alcatel Shanghai Bell )——阿尔卡特在前。
在这项交易中,阿尔卡特集团买断了原上海贝尔中由比利时政府拥有的那8%股份,又从中方股东手中收购了10%加1股的股份,从而拥有ASB 全部股权的50%加1股。
2003年,随着中国国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(以下简称“国资委”)的成立并履行国有资产出资人的责任,ASB 作为中央企业,其中方股份转归国资委所有。
这样,ASB 一方面是阿尔卡特在中国乃至亚太的“旗舰”公司,另一方面又直接受国资委管辖。
公司的经营和运作必须满足国资委对资产保值增值的要求,ASB 的中方董事会成员和高层管理人员也由国资委委派和任命。
附注2 ASB 的管理结构示意图附注3 阿朗合并后在中国的主要机构z 原ASB 总部:上海z 原朗讯中国总部:北京z 双方各自的研发中心:上海、北京、成都、青岛、南京 董事长总裁执行副总裁 业务集团 执行副总裁 营销和服务 执行副总裁营运和供应执行副总裁战略和技术高级副总裁,财务高级副总裁,人事 高级副总裁,法律有线网络集团战略业务发展服务业务集团国内市场平台国外市场平台首席信息官z原贝尔实验室中国分部:北京z原双方的生产和物流基地:上海(ASB)、青岛(朗讯中国)z原双方销售力量:遍及中国大陆31个省市自治区附注4 朱战备简历1987年考入中国科学技术大学化学系1994年获得中国科学技术大学管理学硕士学位1996年加入上海贝尔,担任市场情报经理2000年担任公司信息化领导小组组长2002年获得北京大学管理学博士学位2004年担任ASB的CIO朱战备还是中国竞争情报学会常务理事,北京大学国家信息资源研究基地客座研究员。