1. 电子商务的概念电子商务的核心概念包括电子交易、电子支付、电子商务基础设施、电子商务应用等。
2. 电子商务的发展历程电子商务经历了三个阶段的发展:信息传递阶段、电子商务基础设施阶段和电子商务应用阶段。
1. 电子商务基础设施电子商务基础设施包括硬件设备、软件系统、网络通信和数据安全等。
2. 电子商务应用电子商务应用包括电子市场、电子商城、电子支付、供应链管理等。
3. 电子商务模式电子商务模式是商业活动的基本逻辑和组织形式,包括B2B(企业对企业)、B2C(企业对消费者)、C2C(消费者对消费者)等。
4. 电子商务平台电子商务平台是连接买卖双方的中介平台,具有信息交流、交易撮合和支付结算等功能。
‘s kindle Barnes & Noble, Blackwell’s, Books-A-Million,
Powell’s Books Google’s eBookstore
Amazon MP3 Apple’s iTunes Google Music
当当网涉及的利益相关者主要包括:供应商、物流 配送中心、店中店店主、第三方物流、广告主和客 户。其价值网络如图所示:
广告 开店 租金
商品订购、 支付
供应商 按订单
供应 商品
采购商品 物流配送中心
当当网 网络直销
4.1.3 广告:一种盈利模式的元素
The New York Times The Wall Street Journal
4.1.3 广告支持的盈利模式
较大的用户量 较高的知名度 较精准的广告投放 较完善的广告效果跟踪技术
所谓门户网站,是指通向某类综合性互联网信息资 源并提供有关信息服务的应用系统。
主要提供新闻、搜索引擎、网络接入、聊天室、电 子公告牌、免费邮箱、影音资讯、电子商务、网络 社区、网络游戏、免费网页空间等。
4.1.3 广告:一种盈利模式的元素
4.1.2 数字内容盈利模式
关于电子ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ志市场的调查
4.1.3 广告:一种盈利模式的元素
电子商务导论作业及答案《电子商务导论》作业第一章电子商务导引一、判断题1.电子商务最长用的英文名称是e-commerce 和e-business,从范围角度来说,e-commerce 比e-business更广。
5. IBM公司的电子商务公式是E-business=Web+IT+Business。
7. 联合国国际贸易法委员会通过的《电子商务示范法》对“电子商务”中的“商务”一词作解释:“使其仅包括契约型的一切商务性质的关系所引起的种种事项。
二、单选题1.在电子商务分类中,C to C是()A.消费者-消费者电子商务B.企业-企业电子商务C.企业-消费者电子商务D.企业内部电子商务2.亚马逊网上书店的经营模式属于是()。
A. C2C B. B2B C.B2C D.B2G3.企业之间通过网络通信手段缔结的商品或服务的交易模式是指:A. C2C B. B2B C.B2C D.B2G4.个人之间通过网络通信手段缔结的商品或服务的交易模式是指:A. C2C B. B2B C.B2C D.B2G5.某公司通过网络平台帮助个人将产品出售给其他个人,并对每一笔交易收取一小笔佣金。
A.B2C B.B2B C.C2C D.P2P6.从传统商务到电子商务的形成大致经历了3个阶段,依次是:A.商业综合业务数字化、商业电子化、电子商业系统B.商业综合业务数字化、电子商业系统、商业电子化C.商业电子化、电子商业系统、商业综合业务数字化D.商业电子化、商业综合业务数字化、电子商业系统7.目前,在电子商务的几种模式中,()占市场的主体。
1电子商务的定义Definition and category定义 (1) 电子商务是利用电子通讯来进行商务活动。
分类 (1)企业对企业(B2B)的电子商务(又是也被称为电子采购)(B2B2B)(2)企业对消费者(B2C)的电子商务(B2B2C)(3)支持购销活动的业务流程(U2B学校,对企业\M2B军队对企业\H2B医院对企业)(4)消费者对消费者(C2C)电子商务(5)企业对政府(B2G)电子商务2.Describe the benefits of EC to Organizations, consumers and society. 参考43.EFT(electronic funds transfer) used by banksEFI电子资金转账,是计算机在银行业务中得到应用后,银行利用计算机,终端机,电子信息网等电子通讯设备建立的高速划拨资金的电子支付系统EDI(electronic data interchange) 电子数据传输4.Which commerce is more well-suited to Electronic business Process?电子商务 (1)销售\购买书籍和光盘,旅游服务,投资和保险服务(2)软件在线支付(3)网上跟踪货物电子商务+传统 (1)出售\购买汽车和住宅房地产(2)网上银行(3)合租配对服务传统 (1)出售\购买立即使用,高档时尚首饰级古董(需要个人检查的个异性项目;需要触觉嗅觉或自己检查)(2)小面额的采购和销售(因为目前还没有转移少量资金的标准)5.Advantages of E-Commerce?(1)增加销售,降低成本使得小企业获得全球客户群通过电子销售查询,报价和订单受理降低成本(2)为买家提供采购机会(企业可以找出新的供应商和合作伙伴)(3)增加信息交换的速度和准确性,从而降低成本(4)可以每天24小时处理业务(5)购买信息的详细程度由用户选择(6)数字化商品可以立即交付(7)在互联网上分发可以降低退税。
• 双方的交流、商品和服务流通的协调、电
子订单的传送 • 可能出现在组织之间、个人之间、组织与 个人之间
• 传统交易:面对面交流,人力、纸笔的管
理 • 电子商务:因特网浏览器(Internet Explorer)、自动取款机(ATMs)、企业 间的电子交换系统(EDI)、移动终端 • 厂商在处理与顾客和市场之间的交易时, 使用电子化技术手段。例如,超市收银机
• 新经济中,关于虚拟店面、客户服务、客
户感官体验以及站点内容的战略决策都与 技术决策相关 • 涉及服务提供商、公众交易系统和网站设 计方法等方面的选择 • 传统企业的技术决策没有与战略如此紧密 的联系
• 新经济出现后,决策过程的时间尺度从月
降到了分 • B2C的虚拟店面在WWW平台上频繁与公众 进行动态对话 • 虽然企业更容易复制竞争对手的成功模式, 但创新速度、品牌、使用的便利性、操作 的有效性、产品的分类、会员协议等将成 为企业维持或增强差异化的手段
• 企业——企业(B2B) • 企业——消费者(B2C) • 消费者——消费者(C2C) • 消费者——企业(C2B)
• 两个组织之间发生的电子商务交易 • 包括购买和采购、供应商管理、库存管理、
渠道管理、销售活动、支付管理、售后服 务和维护 • 、 • 化学原料、机电产品零部件、电子元器件、 药品、商业房地产等行业
• 网络经济学的关键特征是正反馈 • 梅特卡夫定律、摩尔定律、瑟夫定律 • 转换成本、锁定与温特尔主义 • 网络效应和正反馈的重要后果是“报酬递
增” • 口碑、病毒营销
(4) 什么是电子信用卡?有什么特点?支付机制如何?答:电子信用卡是一种支付方式。
第1章 电子商务导论
![第1章 电子商务导论](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2ce8f2d24028915f804dc2e6.png)
完全电子商务 商务流程
实体流程 实体的 数字的
2. 电子商务组织
砖瓦灰浆式组织是指纯粹的实体公司或组织 (brick-and-mortar organization)也称为旧经济 组织。 纯电子商务组织是指只开展电子商务活动,也称 为虚拟组织(virtual or pure-play organization)。
1.4 数字世界里的经济、企业和社会
1.4.1 数字经济
1.4 数字世界里的经济、企业和社会
1.4.1 数字经济
数字经济(digital economy)
(Internet,Intranet,Extranet,VAN等)、计算机、 软件以及其他相关信息技术。
传统商业模式主要运用直接的面对面的方式与顾客 发生联系。
1.2 电子商务的分类、内容和发展史
1.2.1 电子商务的框架 关于电子商务框架的几个经典模型:
在因特网、企业内部网和外部网结合起来 的应用。
HP 认为:
DES是一种数据分组的加密算法,它将 数据分成长度为64位的数据块,其中8位 作为奇偶校验,有效的密码长度为56位。
图4-1 电子商务安全交易体系结构
1.3 电子商务的安全威胁
1. 身份窃取:指用户的身份在通信时被他人非法截取。 2. 非授权访问:指对网络设备及信息资源进行非正常使用或越权使用等。 3. 冒充合法用户:主要指利用各种假冒或欺骗的手段非法获得合法用户的使
用权限,以达到占用合法用户资源的目的。 4. 数据窃取:指非法用户截取通信网络中的某些重要信息。 5.数据流分析:指分析通信线路中的信息流向、流量和流速等,从中获得有用
2.3 数字签名
(一)消息摘要 消息摘要(Message Digest)又叫数字摘要,它 是由单向散列函数将输入“摘要”成一串固定长度 (如128位)的散列值作为输出,主要用于保护数 据的完整性,也称之为数字指纹(Digital Fingerprinting)。根据所用的散列函数(也称 HASH函数、哈希函数)生成的散列值有固定的长 度。
(1)密钥分配简单。 (2)密钥的保存量少。 (3)可以满足互不相识的人之间进行私人
谈话时的保密性要求。 (4)可以完成数字签名和数字鉴别。发信
人使用只有自己知道的密钥进行签名,收信 人利用公开密钥进行检查,既方便又安全。
(1)产生密钥很麻烦。 (2)安全性。 (3)速度太慢。
Web 前端开发技术、后端开发技术、数据库技术等。
13-4 電子商務交易流程
物流就是交易完成後,商家將商品送到客戶手中 的過程。 常見的物流處理方式有郵寄、貨到付款、超商取 貨、宅配等,目前也有專門的物流公司,專門幫 商家處理商品運送的事宜。 商家只要處理資訊流與金流部份,物流就交由專 業的物流公司來處理了。
13-4 電子商務交易流程
13-3 電子商務類型
消費者對企業間(Customer to Business,簡稱 C2B)的電子商務是指聚集一群有消費能力的消費 者共同消費某種商品。 當這群消費者透過網路形成一虛擬社群,這群消 費者就擁有直接面對廠商議價的能力。 這些社群是成為企業主積極爭取的銷售對象,同 時提供有利該社群集體議價的空間,以期能充份 掌握這群具有消費能力的社群。
13-6 交易安全議題研究
當您於線上利用信用卡交易購買一項商品或服務, 卻在付款後發現所收到的商品與網站上所公佈的 不符,另一方面,信用卡資料可能於中途遭到攔 截,並馬上從事盜刷的動作。 銀行或商家也可能必須承受交易行為的風險,有 人可能會持有擷取而來的信用卡資料購買高額商 品,網站主收到信用卡資料後寄出貨品,而信用 卡原主人發現信用卡遭盜刷而拒絕給付款項,最 後不是銀行就是商家必須承受這項損失。
第13章 電子商務導論
認識電子商務 交易安全議題研究 電子商務的特性 電子商務成功因素 電子商務類型 網路行銷的發展 電子商務交易流程 安全加密與評鑑機制
13-1 認識電子商務
電子商務經營者相信,先建立大量的社群,並在每 個社群擁有大量的使用者,日後就可以向這些使用 者進行各種商業行為,或索取一定費用。
外联网(Extranet)是指利用互联网将多家组织的内联网 安全地连接在一起。
1.1 电子商务的定义和重要概念 1.2 电子商务的分类、内容和发展史 1.3 电子商务的2.0时代:从社交网络到虚拟世界 1.4 数字世界里的经济、企业和社会 1.5 企业应对不断变化的经营环境的策略以及电子商务的影响 1.6 电子商务商业模式 1.7 电子商务面临的障碍、带来的利益和影响 1.8 管理问题 1.9 讨论题 1.10 课堂论辩题 1.11 复习题
服务视角:EC是政府、企业和消费者表达各自意愿的一种工具,同时也 是在改善客户服务水平和提高交付速度的同时削减服务成本的一种手段。
学习视角:EC为中学、大学和其他组织提供了在线培训和教育的功能和 机会。
合作视角:EC为组织内部和组织间进行合作提供了平台。 社区视角:EC为社区成员提供了一个学习、交易和合作的机会场所。
企业内电子商务 B2E
20世纪70年代初,电子资金转移(electronic funds transfer,EFT),主要是金融机构、 大企业参与,通过企业之间的通讯网络进行帐户交易信息的电子传输
更大,这首先表如古人们(rén men)看世界的方式和生活
第十四页ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ共53页。
1.1 电子商务:定义(dìngyì)与概 念
Part I:Chap1 电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)导论
• 开篇案例:戴尔公司运用电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)取得成功
• 电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù):定义与概念 • 电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)的框架、分类和内容 • 数字化革命推进电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù) • 商业环境推进电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)的展开 • 电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)的商业方式 • 电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)的优势与缺乏 • 电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)的网络结构
Chap1电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)导论
Part I:Chap1 电子商务(diàn zǐ shānɡ wù)导论
• 开篇案例:戴尔公司运用电子商务取得成功 • 电子商务:定义与概念 • 电子商务的框架、分类和内容(nèiróng) • 数字化革命推进电子商务 • 商业环境推进电子商务的展开 • 电子商务的商业方式 • 电子商务的优势与缺乏 • 电子商务的网络结构
戴尔公司运用(yùnyòng)电子商务 取得成功
全套课件 《电子商务导论》卞艺杰
![全套课件 《电子商务导论》卞艺杰](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6f9763cc227916888586d726.png)
本书的附录给出了一个简单电子商务网站 的基本程序和全部源代码,还提供了基于 windows的WEB发布系统的设置知识,供学生 学习使用,增加学生的感性认识和实际操作知 识。
第一章 电子商务体验与入门
第一章 电子商务体验与入门
1.1 B2C典型案例体验与入门 1.2 B2B典型案例体验与入门 1.3 C2C典型案例体验与入门 1.4 G2B典型案例体验与入门 1.5 G2C典型案例体验与入门
电子商务可以按照不同的标准划分为不同的 类型。通常按实质内容和交易对象来分,可以把 电子商务分为五类:企业对企业的电子商务模式 (Business to Business,B2B),企业对消费者的 电子商务模式(Business to Consumer,B2C),政 府对企业的电子商务模式(Government to Business,G2B),政府对消费者的电子商务模式 (Government to Consumer,G2C)及消费者对消 费者的电子商务模式(Consumer to Consumer, C2C)。
在书店页面上,顾客可以方便地查找自己想 要的书籍、可以浏览书评、可以看到畅销书籍、 杂志、电子书籍、打折书籍和旧的书籍。 在衣服 和附件商店页面上,顾客可以看到女士、男士、 儿童、孕妇的衣服、衣服附件、鞋等商品,还可 以看到打折商品和各种商品目录。在电子产品商 店页面上,顾客可以查看产品和品牌、可以查看 畅销商品、摄影器材、电脑、软件、VCD和DVD、 还可以查看当天的销售商品、也可以查看二手商 品。
第八章 电子数据交换(EDI),主要介绍EDI概 述、EDI标准、EDI系统的组成、EDI的基本流程工 作功能和EDI的实施和应用。
二、教学目标1. 使学生了解电子商务的基本概念,理解电子商务的产生与发展过程。
2. 帮助学生掌握电子商务的框架结构,明白电子商务的分类。
3. 培养学生对电子商务的兴趣,激发学生进一步学习电子商务的热情。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:以淘宝网购物的场景引入,让学生思考网络购物的背后涉及到哪些电子商务的知识。
2. 知识讲解:讲解电子商务的基本概念,使学生了解电子商务的定义和特点。
3. 案例分析:分析电子商务的产生与发展过程,使学生明白电子商务的发展历程和趋势。
4. 框架结构讲解:讲解电子商务的框架结构,使学生了解电子商务的各个组成部分及其关系。
5. 分类讲解:讲解电子商务的分类,使学生明白电子商务的不同类型及其应用。
6. 随堂练习:针对讲解的内容,设计一些练习题,让学生当场练习,巩固所学知识。
7. 例题讲解:以具体的电子商务案例为例,讲解电子商务的应用和实践。
六、板书设计电子商务的基本概念电子商务的产生与发展电子商务的框架结构电子商务的分类七、作业设计1. 请简述电子商务的基本概念。
2. 请描述电子商务的产生与发展过程。
3. 请阐述电子商务的框架结构。
端到端技术可以用于C2C,B2B和B2C这项技术能让联网的 终端计算机之间进行直接传输,并共享数据文件。 例如:微信
– 协同商务
在这种电子商务模式中,个人或群体在线上进行沟通与合 作。 例如:波音公司(案例1-2)
1.2.2按交易性或互动性将电子商务进行 分类
– 电子学习
– 电子政务
在电子政务模式中,政府向企业或个人购买或提供产品、 服务和信息。
1.2.2按交易性或互动性将电子商务进行 分类
1.2.2按交易性或互动性将电子商务进行 分类
– 交易所对交易所( E2E)
– E2E的电子商务是一个连接两个或两个以上交易所的正式系 统。
1.1.3 完全的和不完全的电子商务
• 电子商务组织
– 砖头加水泥(传统经济)组织
• 砖头加水泥(传统经济)组织是指那些离线进行主 营业务经营,通过实体渠道出售实体产品的组织。
– 虚拟(单一)业务组织
• 虚拟(单一)业务组织是指那些只从事电子商务的 组织。
• 例如:亚马逊、天猫、京东等等 • .com或纯.com企业
电子商务导论--第01章《电子商 务——管理与社交网络视角》
• 1.1 电子商务:定义与概念
1.1.1 电子商务的定义
电子商务( Electronic Commerce 或ECommerce,EC)
是通过包括互联网在内的计算机网络来实现购 买、销售、转移或是交换产品、服务和(或) 信息的过程。
2.按电子商务使用的网络类型分类 根据开展电子商务业务的企业所使用的网络
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Chapter 1 Overview of Electronic Commerce1.1 True/False1) Every company needs a business model describing how the company operates, how it generates sales, and how it provides value to the customers and eventually profit to its owners.Answer: TRUE2) The terms e-commerce and e-business can be used interchangeably.Answer: TRUE3) The form EC takes depends on the degree of digitization of the product sold, the process, and the delivery method.Answer: TRUE4) In order for a situation to be considered as electronic commerce, the product, process, and delivery method should all be digital.Answer: FALSE5) Purchasing a computer from Dell's Web site is partial EC because the merchandise is physically delivered. Answer: TRUE6) Amazon. can be classified as a click-and-mortar organization.Answer: TRUE7) Pure-play organizations are old-economy organizations that perform their primary business offline, selling physical products by means of physical agents.Answer: FALSE8) According to Mockler, over 85 percent of EC volume is B2B.Answer: TRUE9) Transactions conducted on Priceline. are examples of collaborative commerce.Answer: FALSE10) The introduction of the World Wide Web was a major milestone in electronic commerce development. Answer: TRUE11) Online publishing is an electronic commerce application.Answer: TRUE12) A person purchasing a pair of shoes from Zappos is an example of B2B.Answer: FALSE13) Economic, legal, societal, and technological factors have created a highly competitive business environment in which customers are becoming less powerful.Answer: FALSE14) Business models are a subset of a business plan or business case and refer to methods of doing business by which a company can generate revenue.Answer: TRUE15) The structure of a social network is often very simple.Answer: FALSE1.2 Multiple Choice1) The process of buying, selling, or exchanging products,s, or information via the computer best definesA) electronic collaboration. B) electronic commerce.C) Tweeting. D) cyber sales.Answer: B2) A broader definition of EC that includes not just the buying and selling of goods ands, but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, and conducting electronic transactions within an organizationbest definesA) e-business. B) e-tailing.C) e-collaboration. D) cyber business.Answer: A3) EC can take several forms depending on the degree of digitization of the following three dimensions:A) the product or sold, the process, and the delivery method.B) the business process, the collaboration, and the transaction.C) the payment method, the delivery method, and the production method.D) the marketing channel, the agent, and the collaboration method.Answer: A4) Dell collaborating electronically with its partners and providing customer online is an example ofA) B2C. B) e-CRM.C) C2B. D) B2B2C.Answer: B5) Electronic commerce applications includeA) direct marketing. B) online banking.C) m-commerce. D) all of the above.Answer: D6) Support areas for EC include each of the following exceptA) infrastructure. B) people.C) public policy. D) business partnerships.Answer: A7) The e-commerce model in which all of the participants are businesses or other organizations is calledA) business-to-consumer. B) business-to-business.C) business-to-business-to-consumer. D) consumer-to-consumer.Answer: B8) The e-commerce model in which a business provides some product or to a client business that maintains its own customers is calledA) business-to-consumer. B) business-to-business.C) business-to-business-to-consumer. D) consumer-to-consumer.Answer: C9) Ebay auctions are mostlyA) business-to-employees. B) consumer-to-business.C) business-to-consumer. D) consumer-to-consumer.Answer: D10) The second generation of Internet-baseds that lets people collaborate and share information online in new ways, such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies best definesA) Wii. B) Web 2.0. C) EC 2.0. D) SNS2.Answer: B11) Using Web 2.0 tools, companies canA) encourage consumers to rate and comment on products.B) allow consumers to create their own topic areas and build communities.C) provide incentives such as sweepstakes and contests for customers to get involved in new product or design and marketing campaigns.D) do all of the above.Answer: D12) A ________ is a company's method of doing business to generate revenue to sustain itself.A) marketing strategy B) business modelC) value chain D) business planAnswer: B13) According to the ________ revenue model, customers pay a fixed amount, usually monthly, to receive some type of.A) subscription fees B) transaction feesC) advertising fees D) affiliate feesAnswer: A14) Which of the following is not a major revenue model?A) attributive fee B) salesC) transaction fees D) subscription feesAnswer: A15) Large private organizational buyers and government agencies make large-volume or large-value purchasesthrough ________, also known as reverse auctions.A) electronic tendering systems B) online direct marketingC) name-your-own-price models D) viral marketingAnswer: A1.3 Fill in the Blank1) ________ is the process of buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging products,s, and/or information viacomputer.Answer: Electronic commerce2) ________ are organizations that conduct some e-commerce activities, usually as an additional marketingchannel.Answer: Click-and-mortar organizations3) ________ describes the hardware, software, and networks used in EC.Answer: Infrastructure4) The e-commerce category that includes all internal organizational activities that involve the exchange ofgoods,s, or information among various units and individuals in an organization is ________.Answer: intrabusiness EC5) ________ is the e-commerce model in which individuals or groups communicate or collaborate online. Answer: Collaborative commerce6) A ________ is a that builds online communities by providing an online space for people to build freehomepages and that provides basic communication and support tools for conducting different activities in thesocial network.Answer: social network7) An ________ is a network that uses the Internet to link multiple intranets.Answer: extranet8) ________ is a broader definition of EC that includes not just the buying and selling of goods ands, but alsoservicing customers, collaborating with business partners, and conducting electronic transactions within an organization.Answer: E-businessDiff: 3 Page Ref: 289) A method of doing business by which a company can generate revenue to sustain itself defines ________. Answer: business model10) A ________ is a model in which a buyer requests would-be sellers to submit bids; the lowest bidder wins.Answer: tendering (bidding) system1.4 Essay1) List and briefly explain three of the five supports in the electronic commerce framework.Answer: The five supports are people, public policy, marketing and advertisement, supports, and businesspartnerships. The people pillar includes buyers, sellers, intermediaries,, information systems people, andmanagement. The public policy pillar includes taxes, legal, privacy issues, regulations, compliance, andtechnical standards. The marketing and advertisement pillar includes market research, promotions, web content,and targeted marketing. The supports pillar includes order fulfillment, logistics, payments, content, and securitysystems development. The business partnerships pillar includes affiliate programs, joint ventures, exchanges,e-marketplaces, and consortia.2) 2) List the five typical EC business models.Answer: The five typical EC business models are online direct marketing, electronic tendering systems, electronic marketplaces and exchanges, viral marketing, and social networking and Web 2.0 tools.Chapter 2 E-Marketplaces: Mechanisms, Tools, and Impacts of E-Commerce2.1 True/False1) EC enablers include electronic markets, e-stores, and e-catalogs.Answer: TRUE2) Storefronts, malls, and portals are EC mechanisms that support the entertainment EC activity. Answer: FALSE3) The emergence of electronic marketplaces has resulted in lower information search costs for buyers and lower transaction and distribution costs for sellers.Answer: TRUE4) Although both marketplaces and marketspaces can sell physical products, the marketspace can also sell digital products.Answer: TRUE5) An intermediary is a third party that operates between sellers and buyers.Answer: TRUE6) Travelers using airline Web sites to book their flights directly without the use of travel agents is resulting in the reintermediation of travel agents.Answer: FALSE7) Electronic storefronts, Internet malls, and exchanges are major B2B e-marketplaces. Answer: FALSE8) Brokers and infomediaries are two types of online intermediaries.Answer: TRUE9) Search engines not only "search and match," but also have capabilities that can be used to perform routine tasks that require intelligence.Answer: FALSE10) An electronic shopping cart is an order-processing technology that allows customers to accumulate items they wish to buy while they continue to shop.Answer: TRUE11) Shopping carts for B2B are fairly simple, but a shopping cart for B2C may be more complex. Answer: FALSE12) An auction is a market mechanism that uses a competitive process by which a seller solicits consecutive bids from buyers or a buyer solicits bids from sellers.Answer: TRUE13) Auctions are based on dynamic pricing.Answer: TRUE14) Reverse auctions are bidding or tendering systems in which the buyer places an item for bid ona request for quote system; then potential suppliers bid on the job, with the price reducing sequentially, and the lowest bid wins.Answer: TRUE15) In the one buyer, many potential sellers dynamic pricing configuration, the sellers use a forward auction.Answer: FALSE2.2 Multiple Choice1) Electronic markets are the EC mechanism supporting theA) communicate, collaborate and learn EC activities.B) presence and delivery, find information, compare, and analyze EC activities.C) improve performance EC activities.D) entertainment EC activities.Answer: B2) Each of the following is a main function of traditional and electronic markets exceptA) matching buyers and sellers.B) facilitating the exchange of information, goods,s, and payments associated with market transactions.C) financing the transformation of raw materials into finished products.D) providing an institutional infrastructure, such as a legal and regulatory framework that enables the efficient functioning of the market.Answer: C3) Digital products have different cost curves than those of regular products because in digitizationA) most costs are variable, and fixed costs are low.B) most costs are fixed, and variable costs are very low.C) most costs are fixed, but variable costs are high.D) all costs are variable.Answer: B4) The portion of an e-seller's business through which customers interact, including the seller's portal, electronic catalogs, shopping cart, and payment gateway is theA) front end of the business.B) back end of the business.C) infrastructure for the business.D) intermediary in the business.Answer: A5) The elimination of various types of agents that mediate between buyers and sellers, such as travel and insurance agents, is referred to asA) automation.B) disintermediation.C) remediation.D) e-distribution.Answer: B6) Online markets that are owned and operated by a single company and that are either sell-side or buy-side are known asA) private e-marketplaces.B) commercial portals.C) e-malls.D) B2B marketplaces.Answer: A7) Public e-marketspaces areA) usually B2B markets.B) often owned by a third party or consortium.C) usually regulated by the government.D) all of the above.Answer: D8) Functionalities provided by EC merchant server software includeA) electronic catalogs.B) search engines.C) shopping carts.D) all of the above.Answer: D9) The presentation of product information in an electronic form and also serving as the backbone of most e-selling sites describesA) e-distributor.B) Kindle.C) e-magazine.D) electronic catalog.Answer: D10) Search tools that search the contents of a user's or organization's computer files, rather than searching the Internet areA) desktop search tools.B) enterprise search tools.C) search engine tools.D) host search tools.Answer: A11) A market mechanism that uses a competitive process in which a seller solicits consecutive bids from buyers or a buyer solicits bids from sellers best definesA) electronic shopping.B) request for proposal.C) auction.D) request for quotation.Answer: C12) The most common and traditional form of auctions in which one seller entertains bids from many buyers best describesA) forward auctions.B) reverse auctions.C) bidding auction systems.D) tendering systems.Answer: A13) The dynamic pricing configuration where the resulting price is determined by each party's bargaining power, supply and demand in the item's market, and possibly business environment factors best describesA) one buyer, one seller.B) one seller, many potential buyers.C) one buyer, many potential sellers.D) many sellers, many buyers.Answer: A14) All of the following are benefits of e-auctions to buyers except:A) can liquidate large quantities quickly.B) convenience of bidding anywhere and any time.C) opportunity to bargain.D) opportunities to find unique items.Answer: A15) Which of the following statements about bartering is false?A) It is the oldest method of trade.B) It is primarily done between individuals and private parties.C) The problem with bartering is that it is difficult to find trading partners.D) Intermediaries can be helpful, but they are expensive and very slow.Answer: B2.3 Fill in the Blank1) ________ refers to an online market, usually B2B, in which buyers and sellers exchange goods ors.Answer: E-marketplace2) A marketplace in which sellers and buyers exchange goods ands for money (or other goods ands), but do so electronically defines ________.Answer: marketspace3) ________ refers to the portion of an e-seller's business processes through which customers interact, including the seller's portal, electronic catalogs, a shopping cart, a search engine, and a payment gateway.Answer: Front end4) A private e-marketplace in which one company sells either standard and/or customized products to qualified companies defines ________.Answer: sell-side e-marketplace5) An ________ is an online shopping center where many online stores are located.Answer: e-mall6) ________ are electronic intermediaries that provide and/or control information flow in cyberspace, often aggregating information and selling it to others.Answer: Infomediaries7) A ________ is an auction in which a seller entertains bids from buyers, and bidders increase the price sequentially.Answer: forward auction8) The ________ is an auction in which the buyer places an item for bid on a request for quote system, potential suppliers bid on the job, with the price reducing sequentially, and the lowest bid wins.Answer: reverse auction9) The ________ is an auction model in which a would-be buyer specifies the price he or she is willing to pay to any willing and able seller.Answer: name-your-own-price model10) ________ is a marketplace in which an intermediary arranges barter transactions. Answer: Bartering exchange2.4 Essay1) List the six major EC trading activity categories.Answer: The six major EC trading activity categories are: (1) presence and discovery, find information, compare, analyze; (2) trading buy, sell, exchange; (3) communicate, collaborate, learn; (4) entertainment; (5) improve performance; and (6) other activities, recruit, customer.2) Discuss intermediation, disintermediation, and reintermediation.Answer: Intermediation occurs when a third party operates between buyers and sellers. Intermediaries provide information about demand, supply, prices, and requirements or they offer value-addeds. E-marketplaces, infomediaries and portals provide information for free or low cost, resulting in the disintermediation or elimination of the intermediary. Reintermediation occurs when the disintermediated entity takes on new intermediary roles.Chapter 3 Retailing in Electronic Commerce: Products and Services3.1 True/False1) The amount and percentage of goods ands sold on the Internet is increasing rapidly, despite the failure of many dot- companies.Answer: TRUE2) When comparing retailing to e-tailing, e-tailing has a lower cognitive shopping overhead due to easy-to-establish mutual trust.Answer: FALSE3) Commodities with standard specifications (e.g., books, CDs, airline tickets) are expected to facilitate higher sales volumes.Answer: TRUE4) A business model is a description of how an organization intends to generate revenue through its business operations.Answer: TRUE5) Marketing done online between any seller and buyer is indirect marketing.Answer: FALSE6) Direct marketers are firms that sell directly to consumers over the Internet without maintaininga physical sales channel.Answer: FALSE7) A click-and-mortar retailer is a combination of both the brick-and-mortar retailer and an online transactional Web site.Answer: TRUE8) Competition among online travel e-tailers is fierce, with low margins, little customer loyalty, and increasing commoditization of products ands.Answer: TRUE9) The electronic job market can create high turnover costs for employers by accelerating employees' movement to other jobs.Answer: TRUE10) When compared to the traditional job market, an advantage of the online job market is its long life cycle.Answer: TRUE11) An advantage of the electronic job market for job seekers is that they can assess their market value.Answer: TRUE12) Many insurance companies use a dual strategy, keeping human agents but also selling online. Answer: TRUE13) The major risk of online trading is security.Answer: TRUE14) Both online banks and click-and-mortar banks carry some risks and problems, especially in international banking, including hackers and liquidity risk.Answer: TRUE15) A major problem in B2C is the increasing rate of online fraud.Answer: TRUE3.2 Multiple Choice1) Each of the following describes retailing except:A) A retailer is a sales intermediary.B) Many manufacturers sell directly to consumers and through wholesalers and retailers.C) E-tailing makes it easier for a manufacturer to sell directly to customers by cutting out the intermediary.D) Companies that produce a larger number of products, such as Proctor & Gamble, do not need retailers for efficient distribution.Answer: D2) Retailers who sell over the Internet are calledA) cyber marketers.B) e-tailers.C) B2B commerce marketers.D) brick-and-mortar operations.Answer: B3) What is the primary advantage of catalog sales?A) Catalogs eliminate the constraints of space and time.B) Customers prefer catalog shopping to e-tailing.C) Catalogs increase interest in products that are then bought online.D) Products ands can both be sold via catalogs.Answer: A4) With all else being equal in the online environment, goods with any of the following product characteristics are expected to facilitate greater online sales except:A) relatively expensive items.B) high brand recognition.C) digitized format.D) frequently purchased items.Answer: A5) Dell's distribution strategy is best described asA) a brick-and-mortar strategy.B) a shared mall strategy.C) a click-and-mortar strategy.D) direct marketing from a manufacturer.Answer: D6) A marketer that uses to advertise to potential customers is called aA) market maker.B) transaction broker.C) content disseminator.D) viral marketer.Answer: D7) Each of the following is a revenue model for online independent travel agents exceptA) direct competition revenues.B) direct revenues from commissions.C) subscription or membership fees.D) revenue sharing fees.Answer: A8) Compared to the traditional job market, the online job marketA) has a shorter life cycle.B) is usually specialized and local in scope.C) tends to be less reliable.D) tends to be much less expensive.Answer: D9) Which of the following parties use the Internet job market?A) employers seeking employeesB) classified adsC) job agenciesD) all of the aboveAnswer: D10) Advantages of the electronic job market for employers include each of the following exceptA) charging online processing fees.B) providing greater equal opportunity for job seekers.C) learning how to use their voice effectively in an interview.D) conducting interviews online.Answer: A11) Advantages of the electronic market for job seekers include each of the following exceptA) assessing their market value.B) competing with less qualified applicants.C) marketing themselves directly to potential employers.D) communicating quickly with potential employers.Answer: B12) E-bankingA) saves time and money.B) is more expensive for banks.C) is primarily done using wireless devices.D) is done by less than 40 percent of U.S. adult Internet users.Answer: A13) Which of the following is not an online banking application category?A) informationalB) deliveryC) administrativeD) transactionalAnswer: B14) Gateways to storefronts and e-malls areA) shopping portals.B) shopbots.C) shopping browsers.D) intelligent search engines.Answer: A15) Tools that scout the Web on behalf of consumers who specify search criteria areA) shopping portals.B) shopbots.C) shopping browsers.D) intelligent search engines.Answer: B3.3 Fill in the Blank1) Broadly, marketing that takes place without intermediaries between manufacturers and buyers describes ________.Answer: direct marketing2) ________ are firms that sell directly to consumers over the Internet without maintaining a physical sales channel.Answer: Virtual (pure-play) e-tailers3) ________ are brick-and-mortar retailers that offer a transactional Web site from which to conduct business.Answer: Click-and-mortar retailers4) The ________ is the online B2C business model where a manufacturer sells to a business, but delivers to individual customers.Answer: B2B2C5) ________ is the online B2C business model where manufacturers customize their products ands via online orders.Answer: Make (build)-to-order6) Various banking activities conducted from home or the road using an Internet connection describes ________.Answer: electronic banking7) Gateways to e-storefronts and e-malls describes ________.Answer: shopping portals8) Tools that scout the Web on behalf of consumers who specify search criteria describes________.Answer: shopping robots9) The process whereby intermediaries take on new intermediary roles describes ________. Answer: reintermediation10) ________ is the situation in which an online marketing channel upsets the traditional channels due to real or perceived damage from competition.Answer: Channel conflict3.4 Essay1) List five business models by distribution channel.Answer: The five business models are direct marketing by mail-order retailers that go online, direct marketing by manufacturers, pure-play e-tailers, click-and-mortar retailers, and Internet malls.2) What are virtual (pure-play) e-tailers? Give an example. List one advantage and one disadvantage of this model.Answer: Virtual (pure-play) e-tailers are firms that sell directly to consumers over the Internet without maintaining a physical sales channel. Amazon. is a prime example of this type of e-tailer. Virtual e-tailers have the advantage of low overhead costs and streamlined processes. One disadvantage is a lack of established infrastructure or back office to support the online front-office activities.。