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1. Host: Feng Qilin is one of the most talented students in our class, she is a member of our Graduate Union and the secretary of the Party branch of our class. Welcome, Miss Feng, great to have you here.

Feng: 谢谢。很高兴接受你的采访

Host: I have to be honest with you, you are one of the most spectacular girls I’ve ever known and I’ve ever been familiar with. So I was wondering of your personal experience, like where are you from, what kind of things you’ve been through, can you share us a little bit about that?

Feng: 我来自江苏,本科毕业于海南大学,研究生考入了海事大学,这之后的情况你都了解的啦。

Host: Ok, so you are from Jiangsu Province, and you’ve spent four years in Hainan to accomplish your undergraduate study, and here you are now in Shanghai. So, which one of these three cities, Nanjing, Haikou and Shanghai, do you like best, and why?

Feng: 每座城市都有自己的特色,适合自己的就是最好的。非得选的话,上海吧,上海作为国际化的大都市对年轻人来说是很有吸引力的。形形色色的人来到这里追求自己的梦想,我也不例外。

Host: Then what do you think of our university, our campus, and how do you get used to the life here?

Feng: 确实,我在海南呆了4年,刚到上海有些不适应,但上海毕竟离我老家江苏不远,所以还是能够很好地调节自己。不过这里和海南还有个相似点,那就是风很大,不愧被称之为“妖风”。至于第一个问题,海事大学位于这样一座充满机遇的城市,凭借其地理优势,以及其专业强项广纳人才,是学弟学妹不错的选择。

Host: Now, please tell us a little bit about the differences between your graduate life and undergraduate life, as we know that being a post-graduate student means a lot to most of us, so we want to know about your feelings toward all these differences.

Feng: 我觉得呢,大学的学习就像是一个打基础的过程,研究生的学习深造就是在这之上添砖加瓦。不仅仅知道自己的不足在哪里,更重要的是如何弥补这些不足。

Host: We have a lot of different courses concerning our major characteristics, so how do you think of these courses, do you think its appropriate, and what kind of role do they play in the course of your study?

Feng: 我们这个专业偏理论为主,相关的理论学习是必不可少的,但我觉得在此基础上的实践课程也是至关重要的,比如口译课。除此之外,我们还有一些很具专业性的课程,像国际航运英语、国际物流英语、海事法规等等,这些课程的设置就是希望我们在发挥语言优势的基础上,把握专业知识,并使两者更好地结合。

Host: As we know, our college has a group of prestigious professors, so what do you think can we learn from them despite their fantastic academic works?

Feng: 的确,这里的每位老师不仅拥有学术底蕴,更有为人师表的风范。比如毛立群老师,他每节下课,都对我们说同学们辛苦了,弄得我们反倒不好意思;还有我的导师宋志平老师,


Host: I think we have learned enough about you concerning study, now I think maybe it’s a perfect opportunity for us to know about you in a broader sense. So how about you and I play a game called “quick Q&A”, OK? It’s like I will pose a series of questions, they are about the very personal part of your life. Are you ready?

Feng: 嗯,准备好了。

Host: OK, number one, what is your favorite dish in our canteen?

Feng: 我不怎么吃食堂哎,早餐算么?

Host:Yes, it counts.

Feng: 奶黄酥吧

Host: Where is your favorite place in Shanghai Maritime University, and why?

Feng: 当然是大礼堂啦,原因你懂得……

Host: Obviously, I don’t.


Host: What do you prefer to do in weekend?

Feng: 偶尔去去图书馆啊,打打球、跑跑步,同学朋友聚聚,和室友在宿舍淘淘宝,差不多就这些。

Host: OK, this one is pretty sharp. Em, who do you wanna be in the future? Angelina Jolie, Li Na, Taylor Swift, or Michelle Obama?

Feng: 朱莉太性感,没法比;泰勒斯威夫特男友那么多,比不上;李娜那网球水平我也学不来;奥巴马夫人更不可能了,我老公不会是总统,中国只有主席。我还是喜欢做自己,我觉得每个人都应该为自己而骄傲,没有必要去模仿别人,或是复制他人的人生。我就是我,我为自己代言!

Host: During the whole interview, you have showed us a comprehensive and multi-dimensioned Feng Qilin, and I really appreciate your frankness, thank you so much. But I want to ask you one last more question since time is limited, what suggestions do you want to offer to the students of lower grades?

Feng: 我这个不太成功的学姐给一些建议吧。学习上,要确立明确的目标,制定高效的学习计划;生活上,要更加独立自主,特别是现在的00后,这点显得尤为重要;社会实践方面,更应该不断走出去,与外界接触,不断提高自己的实践能力、人际交往、沟通协调能力。很快就要复试了,也祝愿学弟学妹们好运,考入自己心仪的学校。

Host: Thank you, Miss Feng. It’s really an honor to talk with you. Thank you for your coming. Feng: 谢谢,我也很感激有机会与你面对面的交流。
