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申请成功了的博士方案(PHD proposal)

申请成功了的博士方案(PHD proposal)

PHD Research ProposalTitle:The Extent of Guanxi between Chinese Suppliers and Their Western CustomersSubmitted by:Terry Ji RuanTable of Contents of this Proposal1. Introduction2. Aims and objectives3. Topics justification/scope and limitations4. Literature review5. Methodology and data collection6. Proposed developmentBibliography1. IntroductionChina started its economic reform since 1979 and now becomes the second biggest economy in the world due to the dramatic rise of Chinese economic development. More and more attentions have been focused on how the Chinese do business and how to cooperate with them through culture. Likewise, as for the Chinese businessmen, they are facing the outside word and need to learn more about other cultures. Therefore, Intercultural business communication becomes a big issue during the rising of the Chinese economic development.Owing to the Chinese culture, Chinese businessmen spend a lot of time and money on establishing personal relationship with the domestic customers, which is called guanxi in China. Guanxi, a phase from Chinese PinYing, can be roughly translated as personal ties, which presents the totality of the relationship between two persons. It is so complicated and quite different from the Western business relationship (So and Walker, 2006).In international business section, do the Chinese people do the same way as they do to their domestic customers? And does guanxi work? Because when we talk about guanxi, it usually refers to the relationship among the Chinese. In China, when a person has a lot of powerful guanxi, it will be easier for him or her to succeed in business. As for the international business section, is it conducive to the sale if the Chinese establish guanxi with their foreign customers by the Chinese ways, like big dinner, valuable gifts and big entertainment? What extent does guanxi exit between them?Most of the researches have focused on guanxi in Chinese society, whereasresearch on guanxi between the Chinese and the Westerners is scarce. More over, guanxi and cultural dimensions, these two areas of work, have never been brought together before. This paper will focus on the guanxi between the Chinese and the Westerners by the means of analyzing the cultural dimensions and so-called “guanxi dimension”. And a research will be carry on from the cooperation between the Chinese suppliers and their Western customers.2. Aims and objectives2.1 Aim(s) of proposed study:Find a better way for the Chinese to build up relationship with their Western customers. Also give some suggestions for Westerners to cooperate with their Chinese suppliers.2.2 ObjectivesTo find out what extent guanxi exits between Chinese suppliers and their Western customers? Also, establish a new theory named “ guanxi dimension”, which can specify the extent of guanxi between two cultures.3. Topics justification3.1Why I chose this topic?I have been working for Chinese companies as a part-time interpreter andtranslator for more than six years and negotiating and entertaining hundreds of foreign customers who are mainly from the Middle-East, Europe, Korea and America. Therefore I have plenty of experiences related to the topic which I like very much.3.2 The originality of the researchFirstly, the research brings together areas of work that have not been brought together before, that is, guanxi and cultural dimentions. Secondly, this research will try to establish a new theory named “ guanxi dimension” which can specify the extent of guanxi between two cultures.4. Literature review4.1 Theory involvedThis study involves some theory of guanxi and several cultural dimensions form Hall ,Trompenaar and Hofstede , such asz Trompenaars’s culture dimensions, specific and defuse.z Trompenaars’s culture dimensions, universalism and particularismz Hofstede’s culture dimensions Power Distancez Hofstede’s culture dimensions Individualism/Collectivismz Hofstede’s fifth culture dimensions, long- versus, short-term orientationSome relevant business network theory will be analysed in this research in order to compare the business network styles. Last but not least, some philosophies and religions will be deeply discussed to find out primary cause of the culture difference.4.2 Guanxi in Chinese Business4.2.1. What is guanxi?Guanxi, a phase from Chinese PinYing, can be roughly translated as personal ties ,which presents the totality of the relationship between two persons. It is so complicated and quite different from the Western business relationship (So and Walker, 2006).Guanxi is a central concept in Chinese society. It can include personal relationships, social and business network.4.2.2. The essentiality of guanxiA survey made by Chu and Ju(1990) in China, found that over 42 per cent of respondents regarded guanxi as very important in social-economic life, while nearly 50 per cent regarded it as important or somewhat important. The Chinese value guanxi very much because it plays an important role in a person’s life. Some Chinese people even say “Without guanxi you can not achieve anything.” According to my own experience of living more than thirty year in China, guanxi is an essential element for people to survive .If you have guanxi, you can find a better job, get promotion, sell your products easily and have majority to do everything. In business area, guanxi can reduce business risk, get more useful information, help the promotion of products and reduce costs. In China, people everywhere concentrate their energies to accumulating guanxi and mastering the art of using guanxi as a basic strategy for survival and mobility (Gold,,Guthrie and Wank, 2002).It is a rule that the larger one’s guanxi network, and the more diverse one’s guanxi connections with people of different occupations and positions, the better becomes one’s general manoeuvrability in society and with officialdom to obtain resources andopportunities(Yang,1994).4.23. Guanxi is specialFirstly, guanxi is always personal. The relationships formed by guanxi are personal and not transferable, which is different from the Western relationships. In Chinese society, personal relations dominate and are not separate from business relationships. While business relations in the West are more technical and company oriented (So and Walker,2006). guanxi is always personal,which always struck with two people. Although it can be business relationship between two firms, you will see the true fact that it is based on two important persons from the two firms. The deal is guaranteed by the two people. If the relationship between the two important persons break up, than the relationship between the two firms will definitely break up too. Even if an individual is running a number of separate companies, the counter-party considers himself as still trading with the same entity, the person with whom he has guanxi. He could not have different relationship with each company. For example, "One can bankrupt a limited liability company and start all over again but liabilities with the person terminate only at death"(So and Walker,2006:69).Secondly, guanxi is always utilitarian. In the West, business relationships are based on a business culture and can be personal and personal or purely pragmatic (utilitarian). Other relationships e.g. social, family, have their own culture. But "guanxi is the totality of any relationship; it is indivisible, pragmatic, or personal and pragmatic, but essentially utilitarian"(So and Walker, 2006:3).Thirdly, guanxi is always involved in some special emotion like ganqing,yiqi and renqing. Ganqing can be roughly translated as emotional affects which denotes the closeness of guanxi( Jacob,1982). If you have good ganqing withsomebody, usually, you have good guanxi with him or her. Yiqi is a Chinese “ethic of brotherhood.” It refers to the tight bonds of mutual aid, trust, and loyalty linking the members of a friendship or partnership in business. While renqing is a favour offering to a friend, which is expected to be returned in the future (Yang,1994).But, do any ganqing,yiqi and renqing exist when the Chinese deal with the Westerners?4.24The use of guanxiSince guanxi is so important in the Chinese society. How do the Chinese develop and maintain guanxi? Firstly, they try to know more people, make more friends and get close to the people they know. And then, usually, they offer renqing to the people they know to get guanxi. "China is a world where what counts is not only whom one knows, but also who owes whom a favour." (Terry,1984) .When one owns others a favour, in China, people call one owns others a renqing, which is expected to be returned in the future. “Both parties expect to offer help when asked and both would try to repay the renqing debt at some later date and is an exchange without the sanction of law but the Confucian”(So and Walker,2006:69). "If there is guanxi between two businessmen, which seems willing to grant more favour terms to the other in business affairs so that deals are easily more struck between them" (So and Walker,2006:70). All in all, guanxi is often set up and maintained by the offering a favour by one party to another. So if the Chinese offer favours to their western customers, what would the westerners think of the favours?More importantly, the Chinese also develop ganqing to maintain or strengthen their guanxi. As mentioned earlier, the more g anqing you get, the firmer guanxiyou have. So the Chinese attend to develop ganqing in order to have and maintain better guanxi. Chinese businessmen try to get guanqing with their customers by offering big dinners, big entertainment and valuable gifts, chatting and drinking .Giving gifts to local officials is a matter of courtesy and observance of proper social form and etiquette. It will lead to the establishment of a good relationship, but not to ganqing Money/bribery relations are the weakest in term of emotional effect, followed by guanxi, renqing,yiqi,and ganqing as the most filled with emotional content(Yang, 1994). But, Do the Chinese attempt to develop ganqing with their western customers by big entertainment, value gifts or dinner and drinking?Favours seem to flow when guanxi is present. On the fact of it, deals are struck which appear less profitable to one or both parties than other options which appear readily available but which involve other parties (So and Walker,2006:15). What is the magic behind guanxi that allows this? It could be because there is an emotional tie between two businessmen or it may just be a rational business decision. So and Walker (2006) argued that affection is unlikely to be the reason behind most guanxi relationships. Even if affection can account for some guanxi behaviour, the majority of guanxi relationships are seen to be rational business practice by the parties involved. However, because of the impact of Confucianism, the Chinese do not mention the rational purposes but ganqing in front of their friends (Buderi and Huang ,2006). Do the Chinese also develop ganqing with their western customers without mentioning the rational business purposes? Can ganqing help their business relationship, especially, during the recession?4.25 The hypothesis of “guanxi dimension”In order to find out what extent guanxi exits between the Chinese suppliers and their Western customers, we need new cultural dimension called guanxidimension which would be involved in ganqing index, yiqi index,renqing index and so on. It will be established by quantitative approach among the Chinese as they have higher and obvious guanxi dimension.4.3 Particularism in Chinese Business4.31. Rules versus guanxiUniversalism-Particularism explains the two contrasting concept of a rule is a rule and particular obligation to relationship (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner,1993). Universalists focus more on rule than relationship while particularists focus more relationship than rules. For the universalists, a deal is a deal. For the particularists, goodwill is important to relationship. In terms of business, Universalism-Purticularism elucidates the two contrasting strategies of developing core competence and getting close to the customer (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1993). According to Trompenaars Hampden-Turner(1993),the Chinse culture is high Purticularism .That is to say, relationship is very important to Chinese businessmen. It may include not only jointly developed strategies and shared secrets but also "help each other" which means “rather flexible than rigid”. According to this culture dimension, many Chinese people may spend a lot of money on establishing relationships with the customers, like big dinners, good entertainment and valuable gifts, in order to get particular interaction, which is flexible working style and ready to break rules. So, guanxi is popular in China because of the Particularism culture.When a guanxi network violates norms, it can lead to corruption (So and Walker,2006). Although, Efforts are made by the gift-giver or dinner host to leave the impression that he or she does not regard the gift or dinner as a crude bribe or mere payment for services renders, but as a social occasion forestablishing good relations(Yang,1994). The receivers always have the obligation to repay. Yang(1994) point out two reasons: first, one has to take into consideration one’s standing in public opinion and to avoid losing face in the eyes of others; second, one may help others with material benefit in mind. Although we can not say guanxi leads to corruption, guanxi is always associated with corruption. But, do the Chinese do the same to their foreign customers? Does it work if the Chinese do in that way?4.32. Contract versus trust and flexibilityWeighty contracts are a way of life in Universalist cultures. It services to record an agreement that parties have promised to do. It also implies consent to the agreement and provides recourse if the parties do not keep to their side of the deal (Trompenaars, and Hampden-Turner,1993). However, Gold,Guthrie and Wank, (2002) argue that Chinese business practices still approach such bedrock Western concepts as “contracts” from a perspective where the contract is seen as a cage that appropriate guanxi can unlock, although the Chinese have been attempting to set up and implement a set of regulations and laws.If you introduce contracts with strict requirements and penalty clauses to the particuliarists, they will feel they are not trusted and may accordingly behave in untrustworthy ways. Because they think it is too rigid to allow a good working relationship to evolve (Trompenaars, and Hampden-Turner, 1993). They regard their customers or suppliers as good friends and it is not kind to sign contracts with friends. Good-will and trust are basic of a business relationship for the Chinese people (Gold,Guthrie and Wank, 2002). If people have good guanxi, they don’t need to sign contracts. They prefer guanxi and trust to contracts.According to my own experience, some Chinese businessmen hate to sign contracts. Some of they have been in business for decades but they have not signed any contracts as they think contract is a too specific, too rigid, not kind and not flexible. They strongly believe that business should base on trust and credit. But, do the Chinese sign contracts with their western customers? Do they strictly follow the contracts? Do the western customers allow some changes for the contracts they signed with the Chinese?4.4 Diffuse culture in Chinese BusinessAcoording to Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1993), many western countries have specific culture while the Chinese culture is more diffuse. Specific is analytic, and diffuse is holistic or synthetic. In diffuse cultures, “everything is connected to everything” (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 2000:79). Your business partner may wish to know where you went to school, who your friends are, how many children you have, what you think of life. Actually, the Chinese people do that as they wish to make closed friends with their business partners, which is also called la guanxi. In certain extent, Guanxi is rooted in diffuse culture.Traditional Chinese business culture is based on diffuse relationships, especially, Guanxi networks. These networks are used to obtain easy access to capital, establish business contacts, and share and disseminate information. All aspects of the relationships in these networks are interwoven, and the “diffuse” whole is more than the sum of its parts (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 2002).In specific-oriented cultures, people segregate out task and relationship, while in diffuse culture, every life space and every level of personality tends topermeate all others(Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 2000).According to the “everything is connected to everything” concept, business is connected to Guanxi, friendship , drinking, rengqing, gifts and dinners etc. In China, if you do something officially, sitting around an office table to talk about your business, which is regarded as “no Guanxi” and you are regarded as a poor guy. People who have Guanxi, are regarded as VIPs and usually discuss business somewhere outside the office, like, at the leader’s, at a restaurant, at a tea house, at KTV or other entertainment arena. That’s why the Chinese are so busy---after work, they have so much la guanxi activities to do. Unlike the Chinese, after work, most Westerners have their own time to do whatever they want to do. Work is work, leisure is leisure. While in China, sometimes, work is leisure, leisure is work. Their leisure activities always have some business purposes.Because of the interlocked nature of a Guanxi network, a failure to uphold obligations is destructive to all members. Thus, a Guanxi network allows a member to ascertain the true character of potential partners (Li, 2001). That is why they need to know a lot about their business partners from all aspect through drinking, eating, chatting and playing. The diffuse culture obviously appears in these circumstances.Specific indexes are always more definite and unambiguous. They may force you to face facts. Yet diffuse relationships may inform you of what you have to do to restore your credibility and value to the customer (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 2000). Diffuse cultures may be more concerned with more vague criteria, like goodwill and support from customers and the willingness of customers to remain loyal in the face of difficulties. Diffuse cultures would not deny that profits are necessary, but they would argue that the multiple bonds established with customers are the origins of these profits and the reason these profits continue. Such kind of business relationship just likes friendshipbetween two Chinese friends. They support each other and remain loyal in the face of difficulties. Therefore, Guanxi mixes friendship and business relationship together. The Chinese prefer establishing friendship first, and then do business. Western style friendship is a lot simpler than the Chinese one. In China, business may flow out of friendship whereas, in the West, friendship may flow out of business (Ambler and Witzel, 2004).The Chinese prefer establishing friendship first, and then do business. However, do the Chinese attend to make good friends with their Western customers before their business? Do they also expect the “friend style” of business relationship with their Western customers? what do the Western customers think of the “friend style” business relationship?How do they react?4.5 Long-term orientation in Chinese businessAccording to Hofstede(2001), long-term orientation is the extent to which a culture emphasizes long or short-term goals. The value of long-term orientation would be: “Most important events in life will occur in future.” A culture with a long-term orientation is based on stability, persistence, order and thrift. On the other hand, a culture with a short-term orientation will expect immediate returns and will focus on the satisfaction of immediate needs and wants rather than on long-term investments. China has high LTO (long-term orientation) couture while most of the West countries have low LTO.The Chinese want other people to owe them more than they owe you, so that in times of emergency or crises in the future, they can turn to you .They work very hard and save money for their Children’s education even they have a miserable life themselves. They are very frugal in order to build big house in the future or so. More importantly, the Chinese not only “invest” their hard workand money for the future but also “invest” Gauxi. Guanxi is a form of capital which needs to be invested to certain area and gain the benefit in the future. Guanxi is regarded as a resource, often called “Guanxi capital”, can be profitable invested and it can be a very long term investment for lifetime or even generations. The Chinese “invest” Guanxi and wish one day in the future they or their children can use this Guanxi. They invest valuable gifts, big dinners, expensive entertainment and all kind of favours to their customers in order to get a firm and long-term relationship with the customers so that they can get benefit in the future even though they do not have benefit at present. That is why the Chinese want other people to owe them more than they owe others.Also, Guanxi is first and foremost about the cultivation of long-term personal relationships. That is to say, Guanxi usually is regarded as a long-term relationship so people always need to maintain this relationship by la guanxi. For example, in the West, when a person changes circumstances and activities, he or she changes friends, whilst the Chinese seem to expect their friendship to stay the same over a long period of time, maybe for a lifetime (Davis, 1999). This is obvious a long-term orientation culture.According to Hofstede(2001),low LTO culture expect quick results, while high LTO culture have more persistence. This value difference is very obvious in the business area between the Chinese and the Westerners. Businesses in long-term-oriented cultures are accustomed to working toward building up strong positions in their markets. They do not expect immediate result. For example, the Chinese, who are looking for long-term agreements and solutions, prefer discussions to be protracted. Basically, they are trying to decide if you are really the type of company (or person) they want as a long-term partner (Lewis, 2003). Another example, la guanxi sometimes does not ask others to provide favours immediately, but one day in the future theymay need help, they can ask for help as they have Guanxi and better ganqing already. Therefore, those people who you have Guanxi with may help you in the future because of yiqi, renqing or ganqing. Chinese people are so busy with la guanxi because they are investing social relationship for future use. This point fully embodies the long-term awareness of the Chinese people. They are very patient with this “long-term games”.In addition, as for low LTO culture, Leisure time is important. As for high LTO, leisure time is not so important (Hofstede, 2001). Chinese people usually spent their leisure time for la guanxi. As mentioned earlier, work is leisure, leisure is work. Further more, another important consideration in this culture is to leave a profit for the next person (Lewis, 2006). If you want a long-term relationship, you have to make sure that the negotiating partner is winning something and makes some profit. Otherwise, there is no incentive for him to continue the business relationship. You have to leave something in order to have a long-term relationship (Marx, 1999). Therefore, relationship influences the business decisions due to the long-term orientation. All the above cultural characteristics can be seen from the Guanxi practices. It is no doubt that Guanxi is influenced by Confucianism. In a word, Guanxi relationship is also rooted in long-term orientation culture (Confucian dynamism).According to Hofstede(2001),low LTO (long-term orientation) culture expect quick results, while high LTO culture have more persistence. This value difference is very obvious in the business area between the Chinese and the Westerners. However, cultures are changing; the Chinese value of long-term orientation might be different in the business with Westerners. That needs to be tested. Especially, in the recession, do the Chinese attend to maintain a long-term relationship with their Western customers even they do not have benefit at present? Is guanxi relationship affected by the financial crisis?4.6ConclusionOwing to the Particularism , diffuse culture and long-term orientation, the Chinese value and use guanxi which is very personal and can break rules and lead to flexible settlement. However, many questions are expected to be answered refer to the guanxi between the Chinese and their Western customers. In addition, other cultural dimensions, like, power distance and Individualism/Collectivism, are also related to this topic and they need to be deeply analyzed in this research too.Owing to the limited time and the less of the researcher’s knowledge, business networks theory and philosophy have not yet be discussed in this proposal.5. Methodology and data collection5.1 IntroductionThis chapter presents the study’s selected research methodology. As shall be seen, the methodology is influenced by the purpose of this study and is based on an assessment of the optimal strategy for responding to the research questions. As such, the current chapter reviews the purpose of the study, presents the research questions, and discusses the data collection and research approach.5.2 Research Question•How do the Chinese build up and maintain relationship with their Western customers? Why?•How do their foreign customers think of the ways the Chinese build up the relationship with them?•What extent does guanxi relationship exit between the Chinese and the Westerners?•What role does guanxi play when Westerners deal with Chinese?•How can Westerners deal with Chinese by taking advantage of guanxi?More specific questions will be set up later according to the above main questions, including “interviews questions for Western customers”, “interviews questions for Chinese” and “questionnaire for Chinese”. “questionnaire for Westerners”.5.3 The Research SiteThe first site is East Mountain Foreign Langue School, where more than six hundred part-time students are studying business English. Around sixty percent of them are sales or interpreters from foreign trade companies.Another important site is the Canton Fair where many Western business people are finding their Chinese business partners.Other sites are export-oriented factories in Guandong Province.5.4 SamplesThe samples of Western customers will be chosen from Guandong province where there are some foreigners setting up their offices and purchasing ceramics. Most of they have experience in cooperating with the Chinese.The samples of Chinese businessmen, interpreters and some salesman are from export-oriented factories in Guandong province.5.5 Research ApproachThe research approach influences design and gives the researcher the opportunity to consider how each of the various approaches may contribute to, or limit, his study (Creswell,2003). The research approach refers to the deductive/inductive and qualitative/quantitative approaches.5.51The Deductive versus the Inductive ApproachMarcoulides (1998) defines the deductive approach as a testing of theories. The researcher begins with a set of theories in mind and forms the hypotheses on their basis. After that, the research tests the hypotheses. The inductive approach, on the other hand, follows from the collected empirical data and forms concepts and theories on the basis of this data (Marcoulides, 1998).This study follows the deductive approach which appears more appropriate to the purpose of this study.5.52The Qualitative versus the Quantitative ApproachThe quantitative tools for data analysis generally borrow from the physical sciences, in that they are structured in such a way so as to guarantee (as far as possible), objectivity, generalizability and reliability (Creswell, 2003). Here the researcher is objective and the research results are numerical. Qualitative tools, on the other hand, are based on content analysis, among other things and are presented in non-numerical format. Even though they allow the researcher to gain a very deep insight into the topic that he or she is investigating, they are not suited for all types of studies. In addition to that, the。



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博士rp辅导难点评价-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述:博士rp(Research Proposal)辅导是指对博士生在撰写研究计划(Research Proposal)时所遇到的难点进行指导和帮助。




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欢迎阅读参考!1.博⼠留学申请要求⼀览 ⼀、澳⼤利亚博⼠申请要求 1、语⾔成绩要求:托福88分以上或者雅思6.5以上,作为国际⽣来说,语⾔必须过关,语⾔需要⾜够优秀,才能沟通⽆障碍。


3、个⼈陈述:Purpose of Statement个⼈陈述是充分展现⾃⾝优势的平台,但是⼤家在撰写时也要注意字数不要超过800 字,并结合⾃⾝实例进⾏阐述。

4、研究计划:⼀份研究计划(Research Proposal),字数由学校⾃⾏规定。




⼆、加拿⼤博⼠申请要求 学术成绩,硕⼠期间GPA在B+以上。




(体现学⽣的独⽴思考研究能⼒) 个⼈简历,尽可能详细的体现⾃⼰的学习经历及做的研究。








































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5. 研究计划和时间安排,制定详细的研究计划和时间安排,明

6. 研究团队和合作机构,介绍研究团队的成员、合作机构和研

7. 预算和经费支持,列出研究所需的经费预算和资金来源,包括设备购置、实验费用、人员支出等。





















开头写上Dear Prof 导师的名字,结尾处写上Yours Sincerely。



申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文

申请英国语言学博士的研究计划research proposal英文范文摘要:一、研究背景与意义二、研究目标与问题三、研究方法与步骤四、预期成果与贡献正文:一、研究背景与意义随着全球化的发展,英语在国际交流中的地位日益重要,语言学作为一门研究语言本质和语言现象的学科,在我国也得到了广泛关注。
















博士RP格式1. 研究目标和背景博士RP(Research Proposal)是博士研究生申请博士学位时必须提交的一份研究计划书。



2. 研究目标本研究的目标是探索某一领域的未知问题,填补相关领域的研究空白,并为该领域的进一步发展提供理论和实践基础。


3. 研究背景在研究背景部分,需要对相关领域的研究现状进行全面的梳理和分析。


4. 研究方法在研究方法部分,需要详细描述自己拟采用的研究方法和技术。



5. 研究计划在研究计划部分,需要详细列出自己的研究计划和进度安排。


6. 预期成果在预期成果部分,需要明确自己研究的预期成果。



7. 研究意义和价值在研究意义和价值部分,需要说明自己的研究对学术界和实践界的重要性。


8. 参考文献在参考文献部分,需要列出自己在撰写RP过程中所引用的文献和资料。



留学申请Research proposal怎么写

留学申请Research proposal怎么写

Research Proposal怎么写在准备留学申请的时候,除了标化成绩之外,对软实力也格外的看重。








这也就是“Research Proposal”,用它来展现你的学术素养、科研能力以及对专业的兴趣。


01 What | RP是什么?很多人可能是初次听说“Research Proposal”,RP作为科研项目产出的一种,也就是俗称的研究报告/计划。

Research Proposal其实是一种论文性文章,主要说明你作为申请人的研究领域和方向,具体的研究课题,采用的研究方法,研究进度安排,研究成果的实际应用价值等等。

不管你是申请硕士or博士,Research Proposal都是申请环节中很重要的一部分,可以说RP的质量就是你申请名校的敲门砖。

02 Why | 为什么需要RP?很多人觉得我有多的时间不如去做些能看到实际效果的事情,为什么要来写RP 呢?其实RP是一种非常重要的个人表现手段。






博士proposal范文(必备6篇)班级姓名学号时间评价Learning aims:1. Help students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together2. Write a proposal for saving a building.Important points difficult points:1. Read the article and learn something about the Imperial tombs of China.of some ways to protect the ancient buildings.Learning procedures:第Y布分:自主学习I. Remember the following important phrases.equal to 与…相等located in 坐落于home to 是…的家园4. historic sites 历史遗址terms of 就…而言高质量good condition 处于良好的状态recent decades近几十年来well preserved 保存完好destruction故意的破坏money in doing投入资金… 12. meet the deadline for如期完成…up 从事…;占用;拿起the protection of 在…的保护之下15. centuries of exposure 几个世纪风吹日晒given serious attention 受到很大的关注needed attention to... 引起必要的的关注...18. over a length of 247 years 历时247年19. mark the entrance to 标志着…的入口II. Fast readingis the main idea of the passage?Introduction to the imperial tombs.tomb’s style greatly influenced the other emperors’ ones?The first Ming emperor’s tomb.does the fund used for preserving and restoring the historic sites come from?It comes from the government, international help and tourismIII. Enjoy the following sentences, fill in each blank with a proper word, and then translate them into Chinese orally.most popular sites of the Imperial Tombs of China are the Ming Tombs, most of which can be found 50 kilometers north-west of Beijing (北京市西北50公里)in a place called Shisanling.2.Adding to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling(添加了长陵的宏伟和壮丽) is the Ling’en Palace, which is located in(坐落于)the second courtyard.3. Unlike (不像)other Ming and Qing Tombs, Xiling has three broadstone gates in front of the Great Red Gate that marks the entrance to(标志着…的入口)the tombs, instead of only one.4.Xiling was built after Dongling was inspected and some geological problems were found there that were believed to be causing() the Manchu rulers’ troubles.5. Although a number of tombs have survived relatively undamaged (尽管不少陵寝遭受的破坏相对较小), all have suffered at least some damage from centuries of exposure, war, fire and deliberate destruction (蓄意破坏).6.Not surprisingly(不足为奇), international recognition is part and parcel(主要布分)of preserving and restoring such historic sites as it sends the message to everyone that these sites are extremely important and precious.IV. Fill in the blanks according to the texttitle The imperial tombsThe Ming Imperial tombs The Ming tombs, most of which can be found in shisanling, are the most popular sites of the Imperial tombs.The sacred way leads to the thirteen tombs and in good condition, at the end of which is changling which is considered as the best preserved of the thirteen tombs.Ling’en palace adds to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling.The Qing Imperial tombs The Qing Tombs are similar to the MingTombs in terms of architecture and their choice of site.Dongling, located_in Hebei Province, contains the first imperial tombs of the Manchu rulers, which was built as long as 247 years ,covering/ occupying 78 square kilometers .West of Beijing sits Xiling ,which has three broad stone gates in front of the Great Red Gate marking the entrance to the tombs.Preservation and recognition of the tombs The Nanjing Municipal government, which is responsible for the regulation of Xiaoling, has already invested a lot of money in restoring it.International recognition is part and parcel of preserving and restoring such historic sites.V. Self-study of important and difficult language points.1.[原句回放]The tombs, which were built over a length of 247 years, take up 78 square kilometers. 句中take up的意思是占地, 其还有“拿起;从事…(活动/工作);占用(时间/空间; 继续讲等意思。







1.研究课题research question其实就是题目了,就是几万字博士毕业论文的题目了。


2.文献综述literature review文献综述就是对前人研究的总结,申请人研究课题相关领域的重要理论和大咖们的idea。

3.研究方法research method研究方法有很多种,不同的选题,适合的研究方法也不一致,但常见的有问卷调查和访问。



相关要求 1.研究课题要求是独立原创,而且是前人没有研究过的视角。

2.文献综述文献综述自然是能多广泛就多广泛,能多深入就多深入,而且critical thinking不能少啦。




research proposal博士申请

research proposal博士申请

research proposal博士申请(原创版)目录1.引言2.研究背景和问题3.研究目标和方法4.预期成果5.时间表和预算6.参考文献正文1.引言随着全球化的加速和经济的发展,博士申请已经成为许多有志之士追求学术研究和发展事业的重要途径。

撰写一份高质量的研究计划书(research proposal)是博士申请过程中至关重要的一环,它将直接影响到申请者能否成功获得录取和奖学金。



















research proposal博士申请 -回复

research proposal博士申请 -回复

research proposal博士申请-回复Research Proposal: Examining the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health in AdolescentsIntroduction:In recent years, the prevalence of social media usage among adolescents has grown exponentially. With the constant access to various platforms, adolescents are now exposed to a virtual world that could potentially impact their mental health. This research proposal aims to investigate the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes in adolescents. Specifically, we will explore the potential negative effects of social media on adolescents' self-esteem, body image, and overall psychological well-being.Research Questions:1. How does social media usage impact adolescents' self-esteem?2. What is the relationship between social media usage and body image dissatisfaction in adolescents?3. What are the psychological consequences of excessive social media use in adolescents?Methodology:To address the research questions, a mixed-methods approach will be employed. Firstly, a quantitative survey will be conducted to gather data on social media usage patterns, self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction, and psychological well-being of adolescents aged between 13 and 18. The survey will be distributed to a diverse sample of adolescents across different schools and socioeconomic backgrounds. The participants' social media usage will be assessed using Likert scale items, while validated self-report measures will be utilized to assess self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction, and overall psychological well-being.Secondly, qualitative interviews will be conducted with a subset of survey participants. The interviews will delve deeper into the experiences and perceptions of adolescent social media users. Participants will be selected purposefully based on survey data, ensuring a mixture of different social media usage patterns.Interpretive phenomenological analysis will be employed to analyze the qualitative data, providing rich insights into the subjective experiences and emotions related to social media usage.Data Analysis:The quantitative data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques, such as correlational analyses, to examine the relationships between social media usage, self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction, and psychological well-being. The qualitative data from the interviews will be transcribed and coded for themes and patterns using thematic analysis. The results will be triangulated with the quantitative findings to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of social media on adolescent mental health.Potential Benefits and Implications:This research has the potential to contribute to the existing literature on the effects of social media on mental health in adolescents. By examining the specific areas of self-esteem, bodyimage dissatisfaction, and psychological well-being, the findings can provide insights for educators, parents, and mental health practitioners in understanding and addressing the mental health challenges faced by adolescents in the digital age. Additionally, the research can inform the development of targeted interventions or educational programs to promote healthy social media usage among adolescents.Ethical Considerations:All research participants will be fully informed about the study's purpose and procedures, and their consent will be obtained prior to participation. Confidentiality and anonymity will be strictly maintained throughout the research process. Furthermore, appropriate ethical guidelines and protocols will be followed to ensure the well-being and protection of the participants.Conclusion:This research proposal outlines a comprehensive study that aims to investigate the impact of social media on the mental health ofadolescents. By employing a mixed-methods approach, the study seeks to shed light on the relationships between social media usage, self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction, and overall psychological well-being. The findings of this research have the potential to inform interventions and strategies to promote healthy social media usage among adolescents, ultimately improving their mental health outcomes in the digital era.。

博士申请 rp格式要求

博士申请 rp格式要求

博士申请 rp格式要求博士申请 RP 格式要求博士申请的研究计划(Research Proposal,简称 RP),是申请博士学位的重要组成部分。

在撰写 RP 时,需要按照以下要求进行:1. 标题:RP 的标题应简明扼要地概括研究课题的主题以及研究方法,能够准确传达研究的目的。

2. 研究背景:RP 的开篇需要阐述研究课题的背景和意义。


3. 研究目标:RP 中应明确列出研究计划的目标和具体问题。


4. 研究方法:RP 的核心部分是介绍研究方法。



5. 预期成果:明确列出期望得到的研究成果。



6. 时间计划:在 RP 的撰写中,也需要列出研究计划的时间安排。


7. 参考文献:在 RP 的末尾,列出所有参考文献。


以上是关于博士申请 RP 格式要求的简要介绍。

在撰写 RP 时,要确保内容准确、合理、且符合学术规范。







1. 提交proposal:无论是在工作场所还是学术界,人们经常会被要求提交proposal。


2. 提案内容:在一个proposal中,对问题或项目需求进行明确描述并提供相应解决方案。


3. 推销proposal:有时候,推销员会使用proposal来向潜在客户展示他们的产品或服务。


4. 学术研究proposal:作为学术界重要组成部分之一,学术研究提案具体描述了一个研究计划的目的、方法和预期成果。


5. 婚姻求婚proposal:在浪漫关系中,一个人会向另一半发起proposal,以表示自己对婚姻的诚意和渴望。



1. 投资项目proposal:当企业有新的商机或扩张计划时,他们通常需要准备一份投资项目proposal来吸引潜在投资者。


2. 合作伙伴招募proposal:当企业希望与其他公司建立合作伙伴关系时,他们会提交合作伙伴招募proposal。


申请博士研究报告PhD research proposal

申请博士研究报告PhD research proposal

PhD research proposalxxxxxxx, spring 2012E-mail:xxxxxxxxxxx@土压力计算研究Overview随着城市的发展,地下工程建设项目的数量和规模迅速增大,如高层建筑物基坑,大型管道的深沟槽以及由于地铁工程线路的越来越多、地铁换乘引起的基坑的深度越来越深。






Introduction经典土压力理论Coulomb 土压力理论(1776)和Rankine 土压力理论(1857) 因其计算简单和力学概念明确,自建立以来一直为工程设计所采用。

上述两种理论都基于以下假定: (1) 挡土结构视为刚性体; ( 2) 土体是理想刚塑性体; ( 3) 服从Mohr -Coulomb 准则。






The Problem1、对刚性挡墙而言,不同的变位方式、墙面的摩擦特性,以及墙后填土的变形与强度特性都对挡土结构所受侧压力的分布规律、大小和作用点产生影响,这是经典土压力理论无法考虑的。



申请英国博士,排名重要吗?plan和proposal有什么区别?1. 想咨询一下选校的考虑因素哪些比较重要Tom:如果你是读本科和硕士的话,我觉得最重要的是本科时候开设的课程是否涵盖面广,或者是否实用。









2. 请问博士该什么时候申请?有什么硬件要求?Tom:在英国申请博士没有特殊的时间要求,基本上是你和心仪的导师联系,然后和他讨论研究计划,知道他觉得你可以申请了之后,就可以直接向学校提出申请。






3. 在英国读完硕士之后,申请博士会更容易吗?Tom:按照很多学校提出的申请条件来说,有硕士学位的会比本科直接申请博士容易,如果你是本科直接申请的话需要一个非常好的成绩和非常明确的研究方向。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。





1.研究课题(research question)其实就是题目了,就是几万字博士毕业论文的题目了。


2.文献综述(literature review)文献综述就是对前人研究的总结,申请人研究课题相关领域的重要理论和大咖们的idea。

3.研究方法(research method)研究方法有很多种,不同的选题,适合的研究方法也不一致,但常见的有问卷调查和访问。




2.文献综述:文献综述自然是能多广泛就多广泛,能多深入就多深入,而且critical thinking不能少啦。
















