
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖7. Adding seasoning and water starch, rapid heat it, and then let them out of the pot.
Lazy kung pao chicken
Lazy kung pao chicken out of the
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖5. Leave a little oil and onion, ginger,pepper into a saucepan with small hot fragrant.
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖6. Adding chicken and peanuts, rapid stir a few clicks
pot cough up...
Tips:Lazy kung pao chicken
❖ 1.People who like to eat hot can put the salad oil into GongYou, and it will become sweet and beautiful.
❖ 2.If there is no fresh soup, you can use water and little chicken essence to instead.
❖ (3) condiments: 1 spoon vinegar, 1 scoop of soy sauce, 1 spoon sugar, 1 spoon cooking wine, onion, ginger, 1 block 1 root, chili 1 small put, Chinese prickly ash 1 spoon

8.Then add the prepared peanuts, constantly stir until done.
Healthy food
It is not only a delicious dishes but also some functions of miracle. It can cure and promote heart disease, heart potential ,so it’s healthy food.
Group members: Li peng Tang huixian Zhang zuping Huang mingwang
Gongpaochichken recipe
• How much do you know Gongpaochichken about this delicacies?
• Do you like to eat this dish?
• Traditional Sichuan cuisine, also a home cooking.
• Almost every snack bar in China have the dishes
• It even appear in all kinds of international occasions .For example, in the “Asian food festival” which held by the embassy of the 12 countries, the “Gongbaochichken” as the Chinese special cuisine, won the admiration from the ambassadors of many countries .

主料:鸡胸脯肉,花生米,辣椒,黄瓜 Main ingredient: chicken breast meat, peanuts, 2020/12p/16eppers, eggplant, cucumber
Sichuan cuisine often use chili(辣椒) pepper(花椒) 、 pepper(胡椒)、 fresh ginger(鲜姜)、 garlic/12/16
组员: 裘涛 翁学平 王悦 任璐璐 王森 蓬 杜海璐
以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正, 谢谢大家!
etc. as ingredients
Cooking methods
1.Chicken breast with a knife blade slap, cut into thumb A size small. 鸡胸肉用刀背拍一下, 切成大拇指甲大小的丁2.A tablespoon of cooking wine, a half tablespoon of edible oil, half a teaspoon of white pepper, half teaspoon of salt, starch, one teaspoon of pickled ten minutes tasty.用料酒一汤匙,食用油半汤匙,白胡椒半茶匙,盐半茶匙, 淀粉一茶匙,腌渍十分钟入味。 3.Onions and cut into sections. 葱切段。 4.The fry seventy-eight into hot under the diced chicken fried whiten. 锅里放油,七八成热下鸡丁炒变白。 5.Add dried chili, onion and a teaspoon of pepper powder, Stir flavor. 放入干辣椒,葱和一茶匙花椒粉,炒出香味。 6.Blended with feed juice, dry pine fire Scoop viscous.兑入料汁,大火炒到粘稠干松。 7.Turn off the heat, stir in peanuts can be. 关火,拌入花生米即可。

• How much do you know Gongpaochichken about this delicacies? • Do you like to eat this dish?
8.Then add the prepared peanuts, constantly stir until done.
Healthy food
It is not only a delicious dishes but also some functions of miracle. It can cure and promote heart disease, heart potential ,so it’s healthy food.
• • • • 200 grams of chicken breast 150 grams of peanuts Red chili sections, scallion segments, ginger ,sliced garlic Sugar 、bean pesto、 vinegar、soy sauce、monosodium glutamate、prickly ash、salt, green onions
Production steps
1. Boneless skinless chickens breast, pat till soft and then cut into 2 cm dices small pieces.
宫保鸡丁 ver.1

Chicken breast 200g, peanuts 100g spices: sugar 7g, soy sauce, 10 ml of water, starch 10 ml pepper 3g, ginger 3g, garlic 3g, green onions 20g, cooking wine 5g salt 5g, dry pepper 20g
pot stay in base oil, pepper and dried pepper into pan will flavor blasted, low heat and stir, then add the scallion, ginger, garlic and diced chicken stir fry a while, and finally transferred to the gravy. put the number of peanut stir-fry until the sauce is getting thick can.
Hale Waihona Puke 做法1、鸡胸肉洗净擦干水分,切成1.5cm见方的小丁,再调入水淀粉和酱油混 合均匀,腌制20分钟。大葱洗净,切成1cm长的小段。干辣椒剪去两头, 去除辣椒籽。 2、在小碗中调入水淀粉、酱油、盐、白砂糖和料酒,混合均匀制成调味 欠汁。 3、中火烧热锅中的油,待烧至三成热时将花生仁放入,转小火慢慢炸至 微微上色,捞出沥干油分待用。 4、继续中火烧热锅中的油,待烧至六成热时将腌好的鸡丁放入,迅速滑 炒至散,过油约半分钟,待鸡肉呈熟色,再捞出沥干油分。
5、锅中留底油,烧热后将花椒和干辣椒放入,用小火煸炸出香味,随后 放入大葱段、姜末、蒜茸和鸡丁翻炒片刻,最后调入芡汁,待汤汁渐稠后 放入花生仁拌炒数下即可。

菜谱一:Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork鱼香肉丝Ingredients 材料:150 g Pork, shredded 150克肉30 g Black fungus, soaked 30克水发黑木耳20 g Bell pepper, shredded 20克青椒丝30 g Carrot, shredded30克胡萝卜丝2 tbsp Salad oil 2大勺沙拉油1 stalk Green onion, shredded 1支青葱,切丝2 cloves Garlic 2瓣蒜10 g Pickled chilli 10克泡椒10 g Ginger 10克姜Marinade:腌料:1/4 tsp Chicken powder 1/4小勺鸡精1/2 tsp Cornstarch 1/2小勺玉米淀粉1/3 tsp Salad oil1/3小勺沙拉油Sauce:酱汁:1 tsp Salt1小勺食盐1/2 tsp Chicken powder1/2小勺鸡精1 tsp Sugar1小勺白砂糖1 tsp Vinegar1小勺陈醋1 tsp Light soya sauce1小勺生抽1 tbsp Starchy solution1大勺水淀粉Method做法:1.Mix the pork shreds with the marinade and let stand for about 15 minutes. Mix the sauce ingredients in a small bowl andsetaside.1.肉丝加入腌料静置15分钟。
2.Soak the black fungus and shred thinly. Finely chop ginger,onion and pickled chilli.2.黑木耳用清水泡好后切成丝。
3.Heat up a skillet with oil, adding pork. Stir until almost cooked. Add in chopped ginger, onion and pickled chilli until fragr ant. Add in black fungus, bell pepper and carrots. Pour in the prepared sauce. Stir until well-combined and dish off.3. 炒锅中放适量油把肉丝炒至快熟,加入姜蒜末和泡椒末炒香。

Lazy kung pao chicken
1.Cut chicken breast 1.5 CM one patch, and marinate them for 30 minutes,;
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖ 2.Bacon and prepare condiment, 1 spoon vinegar, 1 scoop of soy sauce, 1 spoon sugar, 1 spoon cooking wine, 1 small bowl of soup spoon mix
pot cough pao chicken
❖ 1.People who like to eat hot can put the salad oil into GongYou, and it will become sweet and beautiful.
❖ 2.If there is no fresh soup, you can use water and little chicken essence to instead.
Lazy kung pao chicken
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖ (1) the breast meat 2, 1 small put peanut
❖ (2) marinade: 1/2 teaspoon of salt, mirrin 1 spoon, starch, 1 teaspoon of starch
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖7. Adding seasoning and water starch, rapid heat it, and then let them out of the pot.

英文菜谱白切鸡和宫保鸡丁的做法Blanched chickenRinse the chicken under cold running water and pat dry. Trim any extra fat.In a large saucepan, add enough water to cover the chicken. Add the spring onions, ginger, garlic, Shaoshing wine, and sea salt. Bring to a boil.Simmer for 20 minutes, then place the chicken in the stock. Bring back to a boil and simmer for another 15 minutes.Turn the heat off, cover, and let the chicken sit in the stock for 4 - 5 hours. Serves 4. Cut up the chicken. Serve with red vinegar, such as Pun Chun.*Shaoshing wine is Chinese rice wine. If not available, pale dry sherry (not cooking sherry) can be substituted.This recipe was submitted by Levi. Do you have a favorite Chinese recipe you'd like to share with others? Just submit your recipe using this handy submission form and I will add it to my Recipe File.Fried diced Chicken 宫保鸡丁Ingredients:3/4 lb. chicken, boned and skinned2 tbsps. oyster sauce2 1/2 tbsps. cooking oil8 small dried red chilies4 tsps. minced garlic2 stalks celery, diced1/2 red bell pepper, cut into 1?inch squares1 can (8 oz.) bamboo shoots, sliced and drained2 tsp. cornstarch dissolved in 1 tablespoon water1 tsp. cornstarch1/3 cup roasted peanutsSauce:3 tbsps. Chinese rice wine or dry sherry1/4 cup Chinese black vinegar or balsamic vinegar1/4 cup chicken broth1 tbsp. soy sauce2 tbsps. hoisin sauce2 tsp. sesame oil2 tsps. chili garlic sauce2 tsps. sugarDirections:Cut chicken into 1?inch pieces. Marinade chicken with oyster sauce in a bowl and le t stand for 10 minutes.Combine sauce ingredients in a bowl.Place a wok over high heat until hot. Add 2 tablespoons oil, swirling to coat sides. Add chilies and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds.Add chicken and stir fry for 2 minutes. Remove chicken and chilies from wok.Add remaining 1/2 tablespoon oil to wok, swirling to coat sides. Add garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds. Add celery, bell pepper, and bamboo shoots; stir fry for 1 1/2 minutes.Return chicken and chilies to wok; stir fry for 1 minute. Add sauce and bring to a boil. Add cornstarch solution and cook, stirring, until sauce boils and thickens. Add peanuts and stir to coat.。

The fry seventy-eight into hot under the diced chicken fried whiten. 锅里放油,七八成热下鸡 丁炒变白。 Add dried chili, onion and a teaspoon of pepper powder, Stir flavor. 放入干辣椒,葱和一茶匙 花椒粉,炒出香味。
Kung Pao Chicken ( 宫 保 鸡 丁 )
姓名:王 X X 专业:发酵工程
China Makes "Kung Pao Chicken" Official for Olympics
• According to one widely repeated story, the Chinese name of "kung pao chicken" comes from the name of an imperial official who was fed the dish during an inspection tour. 中国一个广为流传的故事称,“宫保鸡丁”名字 的由来,与昔日的一名巡抚有关。 • For more information, please refer to the following URL: 详细信息请参考以下网址:食品科技网
四、以人名或地名开头的翻译方法 1、介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料 公式:人名(地名)+主料 例:麻婆豆腐Ma Po bean curd 四川水饺Sichuan boiled dumpling 2、介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)、烹法和主料 公式:人名(地名)+烹法+主料 例:东坡煨肘DongPo stewed pork joint 北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck 在中餐菜名翻译成英文的过程中,可以采用 多种不同的方法,而且每一道菜都可以从 不同的角度入手进行翻译。例如, 川菜中的"宫保鸡丁"这道菜就有以下几种译法: 1.sauteed chicken cubes with peanuts 2.Gongbao chicken cubes 3. diced chicken with chili and peanuts
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Lazy kung pao chicken
❖5. Leave a little oil and onion, ginger,pepper into a saucepan with small hot fragrant.
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖6. Adding chicken and peanuts, rapid stir a few clicks
Tips:Lazy kung pao chicken
❖ 1.People who like to eat hot can put the salad oil into GongYou, and it will become sweet and beautiful.
❖ 2.If there is no fresh soup, you can use water and little chicken essence to instead.
LLazy kung pao chicken
❖ (1) the breast meat 2, 1 small put peanut ❖ (2) marinade: 1/2 teaspoon of salt, mirrin 1
spoon, starch, 1 teaspoon of starch ❖ (3) condiments: 1 spoon vinegar, 1 scoop
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖7. Adding seasoning and water starch, rapid heat it, and then let them out of the pot.
Lazy kung pao chicken
Lazy kung pao chicken out of the pot cough up...
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖Ginger slice, onion cut into sections, 1 spoon Chinese prickly ash, 3 chili peppers may rejoice in good increase
Lazy kung pao chicken
of soy sauce, 1 spoon sugar, 1 spoon cooking wine, onion, ginger, 1 block 1 root, chili 1 small put, Chinese prickly ash 1 spoon
Lazy kung pao chicken
3.Put a little oil in the pot and then let the chicken in slippery done, remove and spare;
Lazy kung pao chicken
4. Put it again, and then put fire small Fried peanut done, remove and set aside
❖Practice: 1.Cut chicken breast 1.5 CM one patch, and marinate them for 30 minutes,;
Lazy kung pao chicken
❖ 2.Bacon and prepare condiment, 1 spoon vinegar, 1 scoop of soy sauce, 1 spoon sugar, 1 spoon cooking wine, 1 small bowl of soup spoon mix