



乒乓球运动table tennis男子单打men's singles 单打singles女子单打women's singles 双打doubles男子双打men's doubles 团体赛team event女子双打women's doubles 混合双打 mixed doubles男子团体men's team 女子团体women's team乒乓球运动员paddler ['pædlɚ] 裁判umpire['ʌmpaiə] 连击double hit 两跳double bounce出界out 擦网net ball擦网出界net out 擦网重发 let擦边edge ball 发球serve无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service发球不转 knuckle service 发球得分service ace发球失误missed service 发球下网fall接发球service reception 直握球拍pen-hold grip 横握球拍tennis grip 击球hit; stroke追身球 body hit 扣球 smash旋转 spin 上旋 topspin下旋 backspin 侧旋 sidespin削球 chop 弧旋球 loop前三板 first three strokes 提拉 lift发球抢攻attack after service 推 push相持sustained rally 挡 block挡板barriers 球台 table网net 胶皮 gum胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍sponge40毫米球40millimeter ball 台面 playing surface 边线side line 底线 end line中台 middle court 准备---发球 ready-serve搓球 push 决胜局 deciding game五局三胜Best of 5 games 橙色球 orange ball反胶拍 pimples-in bat 接发球 receive白色球white ball 拦击volley擦边球 edge ball 反手削球 backhand chop球拍 racket正胶拍 pimples-out bat反手击球backhand strokes接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination和良好的步法good footwork。



乒乓球20个专业术语英语20 Professional Terms Used in Table Tennis.Table tennis, often referred to as ping-pong, is a popular sport that is played all over the world. Itrequires precision, strategy, and quick reflexes. As with any sport, table tennis has its own unique vocabulary and terminology. Here are 20 professional terms used in table tennis:1. Serve: The action of striking the ball to start a point. The serve must be made underhand and the ball must bounce once on the server's side before being hit.2. Return: The first stroke made by the receiver after the serve.3. Spin: The rotation of the ball as it travels through the air. There are several types of spin, including topspin, backspin, and sidespin.4. Topspin: A type of spin where the ball rotates clockwise when viewed from above (for a right-handed player). It is usually used to hit the ball over the net with pace.5. Backspin: A type of spin where the ball rotates counterclockwise when viewed from above (for a right-handed player). It is often used to place the ball short or to make it difficult for the opponent to return.6. Sidespin: A type of spin where the ball rotates horizontally around its axis. It is used to curve theball's trajectory, either to the left or right, depending on the direction of the spin.7. Loop Drive: A powerful stroke executed with a lot of topspin, usually used to hit the ball over the opponent's head.8. Push: A defensive stroke used to gently return the ball with little or no spin.9. Chop: A defensive stroke used to generate backspin on the ball, often used to return serves or heavy topspin balls.10. Smash: A powerful stroke executed with a lot of force, usually at the end of a rally to score a point.11. Rally: A continuous exchange of strokes between two players without the ball touching the table or the net.12. Fault: An illegal action or stroke that results ina point being awarded to the opponent. Common faults include serving the ball twice, not serving underhand, and striking the ball twice in succession.13. Net Cord: When the ball hits the net but still goes over it. If the ball hits the net cord and lands on the opponent's side, it is considered a valid stroke.14. Let: A stroke that is declared invalid due to an error by the server or an external interference. A let isusually replayed.15. Table Top Spin: A stroke where the player hits the ball using the top of the racket, generating a lot of spin.16. Blocking: A defensive technique where the player uses the racket to deflect the incoming ball back over the net. Blocking is often used against powerful strokes or spins.17. Tactical Play: The use of strategy and positioning to gain an advantage over the opponent. Tactical play involves understanding your opponent's strengths and weaknesses and using that knowledge to your advantage.18. Paddle (or Bat): The tool used to strike the ballin table tennis. It is usually made of wood or alightweight composite material.19. Table Tennis Ball: The small, hollow ball used in the sport. It is usually made of celluloid or a similar material and is white or orange in color.20. Penhold Grip: A grip where the player holds the paddle with the handle between the thumb and index finger, allowing for more control and spin generation. This grip is commonly used by Asian players.These are just some of the basic terms used in table tennis. As you delve deeper into the sport, you will encounter more advanced terminology and strategies thatwill enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the game.。



乒乓球术语中英对照表技术篇:中文术语=日式术语=英文术语[若是要强调正反手请于开头再加上forehand(正手)或backhand(反手)]发球 = =service接发球 = =receiving正手拉球= =forehand(counter) spin、forehand(counter) drive 反手拉球= =backhand(counter) spin、backhand(counter) drive 正手拉下旋= =forehand spin against cut defence反手拉下旋= =backhand spin against cut defence反拉 = =counterdrive加转弧圈=loop =loop、topspin loop前冲弧圈=speedo =speed正手击球= =forehand(counter) stroke反手击球= =backhand(counter) stroke正手攻球= =forehand(counter) attack反手攻球= =backhand(counter) attack正手推挡= =forehand(counter) block反手推挡=秀斗 =backhand(counter) block反手切推球(滑拍)= =backhand cut block封球 = =block快攻扣杀= =drive、counter、counterdrives、mash放高球 = =lob加转放高= =high loop defence摆短 = =drop shot点 = =flick台内拨 = =flip旋转 = =spin、rotation上旋球 = =topspin下旋球 = =backspin、underspin切球 =KADO =cut、chop、push搓(切)长 = =long push搓(切)短 = =short push削球 =KADO =cut、off-table chop侧旋 = =sidespin侧切 = =sideway push倒板 = =twiddle twirl逆转 =蛮盖 =惨败 =KODO =远台防守= =backhand fish推侧(扑) = =Falkenberg footwork步伐练习= =footwork器材篇:中文术语=日式术语=英文术语横板 = =handshske grip直板 = =pen-hold grip胶皮 = =rubber短颗 = =short pimples中颗 = =middle pimples长颗 = =long pimple快速胶水= =reglue、speedglue球拍 = =bat 、racket 、blade、paddle。



乒乓球术语中英对照表技术篇:中文术语=日式术语=英文术语[若是要强调正反手请于开头再加上forehand(正手)或backhand(反手)]发球 ==service接发球 ==receiving正手拉球==forehand(counter) spin、forehand(counter) drive反手拉球==backhand(counter) spin、backhand(counter) drive正手拉下旋= =forehand spin against cut defence反手拉下旋= =backhand spin against cut defence反拉 ==counterdrive加转弧圈=loop =loop、topspin loop前冲弧圈=speedo =speed正手击球==forehand(counter) stroke反手击球==backhand(counter) stroke正手攻球==forehand(counter) attack反手攻球==backhand(counter) attack正手推挡==forehand(counter) block反手推挡=秀斗=backhand(counter) block反手切推球(滑拍)= =backhand cut block封球 = =block快攻扣杀==drive、counter、counterdrives、mash放高球 = =lob加转放高==high loop defence摆短 = =drop shot点 = =flick台内拨 ==flip旋转 = =spin、rotation上旋球 ==topspin下旋球 ==backspin、underspin切球 =KADO=cut、chop、push搓(切)长 ==long push搓(切)短 ==short push削球 =KADO=cut、off-table chop侧旋 ==sidespin侧切 ==sideway push倒板 ==twiddle twirl逆转 =蛮盖 =惨败 =KODO =远台防守==backhand fish推侧(扑) ==Falkenberg footwork步伐练习==footwork器材篇:中文术语=日式术语=英文术语横板 ==handshske grip直板 ==pen-hold grip胶皮 ==rubber短颗 = =short pimples中颗 ==middle pimples长颗 = =long pimple快速胶水==reglue、speedglue球拍 = =bat 、racket 、blade、paddle。



乒乓球术语中英对照表1. 球拍(Racket)- 也称为球板,是用来击打乒乓球的工具。


2. 双打(Doubles)- 四名选手分成两组进行比赛,每组有两人。


3. 发条式网子(Retractable Net)- 一种可以伸缩调节高度的网子,在桌上放置后可随时拉出使用,并且便于收纳。

4. 正手推挡(Forehand Push)- 使用正面拍掌技术将接近台边或低速下旋弧线过多的顶脚给予反向力量以保持平衡及准确性。

5. 横扫快攻 (Cross-court Smash)- 在斜角处迅速而有力地从一个角落到达另一个角落,使得教练无法预测你会把它传递到哪里.6.长服务(Long Service)-在游戏开始之前先做个深切思考然后再决定要如何去开局.7.削小底线(Chop)——通过大幅度倾斜与紧贴着自己身体的球拍,以及在击打时用力向下切削乒乓球,从而使得它们低速旋转.8.反手(Backhand)——使用非主要手进行击球。


9. 侧拉 (Sidespin)- 在横轴上施加旋转给予一定程度的曲线运动。

10. 挡网(Block)-通过将你自己与台面之间保持着一个适当距离,并且尽量减少任何额外移动或摆臂等行为.11. 变幅发挥(Loop Drive)——这种技术可以让您兼顾攻防两端并能够更好地控制比赛节奏12.抢接(Assaulting Serve)-通常情况下,在服务过程中迅速前进到桌边去截取落点处即可完成此项任务.13.翻脸(Flick)——快捷和有力地扭头回应那些看似平淡无味但实际却相当具有威胁性质的小角度推杆本文涉及附件:无法律名词注释:1、知识产权(IPR): 知识产权指由人类智慧创造的独特资产,包括专利、商标和版权等。

2、合同法(Contract Law): 合同法是规范民事主体之间订立、履行或者变更平等自愿协议关系的一门基础性学科。



乒乓球运动table tennis男子单打men's singles 单打singles女子单打women's singles 双打doubles男子双打men's doubles 团体赛team event女子双打women's doubles 混合双打 mixed doubles男子团体men's team 女子团体women's team乒乓球运动员paddler ['pædlɚ] 裁判umpire['ʌmpaiə] 连击double hit 两跳double bounce出界out 擦网net ball擦网出界net out 擦网重发 let擦边edge ball 发球serve无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service发球不转 knuckle service 发球得分service ace发球失误missed service 发球下网fall接发球service reception 直握球拍pen-hold grip 横握球拍tennis grip 击球hit; stroke追身球 body hit 扣球 smash旋转 spin 上旋 topspin下旋 backspin 侧旋 sidespin削球 chop 弧旋球 loop前三板 first three strokes 提拉 lift发球抢攻attack after service 推 push相持sustained rally 挡 block挡板barriers 球台 table网net 胶皮 gum胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍sponge40毫米球40millimeter ball 台面 playing surface 边线side line 底线 end line中台 middle court 准备---发球 ready-serve搓球 push 决胜局 deciding game五局三胜Best of 5 games 橙色球 orange ball反胶拍 pimples-in bat 接发球 receive白色球white ball 拦击volley擦边球 edge ball 反手削球 backhand chop球拍 racket正胶拍 pimples-out bat反手击球backhand strokes接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination和良好的步法good footwork。



乒乓球术语乒乓球术语乒乓球术语远台back court反手削球backhand chop中台middle court反手抽球backhand drive近台short court反手扣球backhand smash中线center反手直线球back straight台角corner of table反手弧圈球backhand loop drive网柱pole两面攻、左右开攻attack on both side 全台full court削球chop台的边缘edge of table前冲弧圈球accelerated loop球台端线front edge of table命中率accuracy(球台)中区centre zone发球者佔先advantage server(球台)近网区net zone再平分again接球员的左半区receiver's left half court场外指导advice to players during play接球员的右半区receiver's right half court以削球为主的战术all cut底线区goal zone挥拍的幅度amplitude of swing反手斜线推挡angled backhand block斜线球angle shot调整排形angle the bat抽出角度来angle the drive发球抢攻attack after service攻击型选手attacking player进攻作用attacking role进攻性发球attacking service两面攻attack on both sides远台back court进攻位置、攻击点、进攻时机attack point反手对攻backhand attack and counter attack反手斜线球back cross反手进攻打法backhand attacking play反手连续攻球backhand attacking rally发反手下旋球backhand backspin service反手推挡backhand block左推右攻、右推左攻backhand block with forehand 反手削球backhand chop乒乓球术语相关内容:。



乒乓球比赛英语术语1. “Let's talk about 'serve' in table tennis. You know, it's like the opening shot in a battle. When I serve, I'm starting the whole game off. For example, 'I've got a really tricky serve that often catches my opponents off guard.'”2. “'Backhan d' is a super important term. It's like your secret weapon on the left side (if you're right - handed). My friend Jack has an amazing backhand. He says, 'My backhand can send the ball flying across the table like a rocket!'”3. “The 'forehand' is another k ey one. It's your main power - hitting area. I always feel so confident when I use my forehand. Just like when you're swinging a baseball bat, you put all your strength into it. 'I smashed the ball with my forehand and it was a real beauty!'”4. “'Spin' is a really cool concept in table tennis. There are so many kinds, like topspin and backspin. It's like adding magic to the ball. My coach once told me, 'If you can master the spin, you can control the game.' For instance, 'I put a lot of topspin on the ball, and it bounced really high on my opponent's side.'”5. “'Net ball' is kind of a bummer sometimes. It's when the ball just barely touches the net and still goes over. It's like a little tease. I was playing against Tom, and he said, 'Oh no, another net ball. It's like the table is playing tricks on me!'”6. “'Edge ball' is also interesting. It's when the ball hits the very edge of the table. It can be so nerve - wracking. I remember one time, my teammate yelled, 'That edge ball could have gone either way. It's like a coin flip!'”7. “'Smash' is an exciting term. It's when you hit the ball really hard. It's like a thunderbolt on the table. When my sister plays, she loves to smash. She shouts, 'Watch out! Herees my smash!'”8. “'Loop' is a more technical move. It's like drawing a curve in the air with the ball. My coach always encourages me to learn the loop. He says, 'The loop can make your shots more unpredictable.' For example, 'I looped the ball and it curved around my opponent's defense.'”9. “'Chop' is a defensive move. It's like gently slicing the ball. My opponent once used a chop against me, and I thought, 'That chop is like a soft breeze, but it's still hard to handle.'”10. “'Doubles' is a whole different ball game (pun intended). It involves teamwork. I played doubles with my best friend once, and we were constantlymunicating. I'd say, 'Cover the left side!' and he'd reply, 'Got it!' It's like a dance on the table.”11. “'Deuce' is when the score is tied. It's that moment of high tension. You're thinking, 'Who's going to break this tie?' Just like two wrestlers locked in a battle. 'We reached deuce and the whole room was on edge.'”12. “'Match point' is the most thrilling moment. It's like you're standing on the edge of a cliff. I was at match point once, and my heart was pounding. I thought, 'This is it. I can't mess this up!'”13. “'Rally' is all about the back - and - forth of the ball. It's likea conversation between the players. My dad and I had a long rally once, and he said, 'This rally is getting intense, like a never - ending story.'”14. “'Let' is when the serve has to be done again. It can be a bit annoying. I was serving and got a let, and I groaned, 'Ohe on, another let. It's like the universe doesn't want me to serve right!'”15. “'Grip' is crucial in table tennis. There are different grips like the penhold grip and the shakehand grip. It's like choosing the right tool for the job. My coach said, 'Find the grip that feels mostfortable for you.' For example, 'I switched to the penhold grip and it really improved my control.'”16. “'Bounce' is something we always pay attention to. A good bounce can make all the difference. It's like the ball's little jump of life. I watched a pro player once, and his balls had such perfect bounces. 'The way t hat ball bounces is just amazing!'”17. “'Counter - attack' is when you quickly turn a defensive situation into an offensive one. It's like aeback in a movie. I was on the defensive, but then I counter - attacked. I thought, 'Ha! Take that!'”18. “'Drop sh ot' is a sneaky move. It's like a little surprise for your opponent. My friend likes to use the drop shot. He whispers, 'Herees my little drop shot to fool you.'”19. “'Footwork' is often overlooked but is so important. It's like the foundation of your game. I practiced my footwork a lot. I told myself, 'If my footwork is good, I can reach every ball.'”20. “In table tennis, 'tactics' are everything. It's like a battle plan. You have to think about what your opponent will do and plan accordingly. My coach and I would discuss tactics before a game. He'd say, 'We need to make them run around the table.'”Conclusion: Knowing these English terms in table tennis not only helps you understand the game better but also makes it more fun to play and watch.。



乒乓专业术语英文Ping Pong Professional Terminology:1. Serve - The act of hitting the ball to start a point.2. Forehand - A shot hit on the dominant side of a player using the front of the hand.3. Backhand - A shot hit on the non-dominant side of a player using the back of the hand.4. Blocking - A defensive technique where a player simply redirects the ball back over the net with minimal movement.5. Loop - An offensive topspin shot with a large, looping trajectory.6. Smash - A powerful shot hit with a downwardtrajectory to end a point.7. Footwork - The movement and positioning of a player's feet to reach the ball effectively.8. Spin - The rotation of the ball imparted by the player's paddle during a shot.9. Penhold grip - A style of gripping the paddle where the fingers are wrapped around the handle like holding a pen.10. Shakehand grip - A style of gripping the paddle where the hand is positioned like shaking hands with the paddle handle.乒乓专业术语:1. 发球 - 将球击打以开始一个局的行为。



乒乓球打法的英语术语Title: The English Terminology of Table Tennis Techniques.Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a popular sport played by millions of people worldwide. As with any sport, table tennis has its own unique terminology, especially when it comes to the various techniques and strategies employed by players. In this article, we will explore the English terminology related to table tennis techniques, providing a comprehensive glossary for those interested in the sport.1. Forehand: This refers to a stroke played with the hand on the player's dominant side, typically the right hand for right-handed players. The forehand is used for both attacking and defensive shots.2. Backhand: Opposite to the forehand, the backhand is played with the hand on the non-dominant side. It is oftenused for defensive shots but can also be employed for attacking purposes.3. Serve: The serve is the initial stroke played by the server to start a point. It can be either a fast, low serve or a slower, looping serve, depending on the player's strategy.4. Receive: Receiving is the stroke played by the receiver in response to the serve. Good receiving technique is crucial in setting up subsequent shots.5. Attack: An attack stroke is a powerful shot played with the intention of winning the point outright. It can be either a fast, direct hit or a looping shot designed to catch the opponent off-guard.6. Push: The push stroke is a defensive technique used to return the ball with less spin and speed. It is often employed when the opponent is attacking aggressively.7. Loop: The loop stroke is a powerful offensivetechnique in which the player hits the ball with a lot of topspin, causing it to curve in towards the table before bouncing up. This shot is difficult to return, making it a favorite among advanced players.8. Lob: The lob is a high, slow shot played to catch the opponent off-guard. It is often used when the player has time and space to execute a powerful shot.9. Block: Blocking is a defensive technique in which the player hits the ball with the racket in a way that redirects it back to the opponent's side of the table. Itis used to negate the opponent's attack or to set up a counterattack.10. Smash: The smash is a powerful attacking stroke played at the ball's highest point, typically just after it bounces on the table. It is designed to catch the opponent by surprise and win the point outright.In addition to these basic strokes, there are also more specialized techniques and strategies employed by tabletennis players. For example, "reverse penhold backhand" refers to a technique used by players who hold the racket in a reversed position with their non-dominant hand, allowing them to hit the ball with more spin and control. Other specialized terms include "chop," which refers to a defensive technique in which the player hits the ball with a lot of backspin, and "counter drive," which is a defensive shot played with a strong topspin to catch the opponent off-guard.Overall, the terminology of table tennis is rich and diverse, reflecting the nuances and strategies employed by players at all levels. As one delves deeper into the sport, one will encounter more specialized terms and techniques, each designed to help players gain an edge in competition. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, understanding and mastering this terminology is crucial to improving your game and enjoying the sport to its fullest.。






关于⽐赛项⽬1、Table tennis 乒乓球2、Singles 单打3、Doubles双打4、Men's singles 男⼦单打5、Women's singles ⼥⼦单打6、Men's doubles 男⼦双打7、Women's doubles ⼥⼦双打8、Mixed doubles 男⼥混合双打9、Men's team 男⼦团体10、Women's team ⼥⼦团体关于各种赛事1、世界乒乓球锦标赛(World Table Tennis Championships)2、世界杯乒乓球赛(World Cup Table Tennis Match)3、世界杯乒乓球联赛(World Cup Table Tennis Tournament)4、奥运会乒乓球⽐赛(Table Tennis Match in Olympic Games)5、世界明星巡回赛(World Stars Tour Match)6、中国乒乓球锦标赛(China Table Tennis Championships)7、亚⾮拉乒乓球友好邀请赛(Asia- Africa-Latin America Table Tennis Friendship Tournament)8、亚洲乒乓球锦标赛(Asian Table Tennis Championships)9、亚洲运动会乒乓球⽐赛(Table Tennis Match in Asian Games)10、亚⾮乒乓球友好邀请赛(Asia- Africa table tennis friendship invitational)11、全国运动会乒乓球⽐赛(Table Tennis Match in China National Games)12、欧洲乒乓球联盟(European Table Tennis Union)系列赛事⽐赛动作常⽤术语1、serve the ball 发球2、spin 旋转3、twiddle,twirl 倒板4、backhand drive 反⼿抽球5、drive 抽球6、forehand 正⼿击球7、top-spin 上旋球8、under-spin,backspin 下旋球9、side-spin 侧旋球10、loop 弧圈球11、combine long drives with drop shots 长抽短吊12、defensive player 防守型选⼿13、attacking player 进攻型选⼿细节术语:1、削球 chop2、搓球 push3、放⾼球 lob4、擦边球 Edge ball5、封挡 block6、快攻,打回头,扣杀 drive counter, counter-drive, smash7、短吊 drop shot8、前冲弧圈球 accelerated loop9、反⼿削球 backhand chop10、反⼿抽球 backhand drive11、反⼿扣球 backhand smash12、反⼿直线球 back straight13、反⼿弧圈球 backhand loop drive14、进攻位置、攻击点、进攻时机 attack point15、反⼿对攻 backhand attack and counter attack16、反⼿斜线球 back cross17、反⼿进攻打法 backhand attacking play18、反⼿连续攻球 backhand attacking rally19、发反⼿下旋球 backhand backspin service20、反⼿推挡 backhand block21、左推右攻、右推左攻 backhand block with forehand22、两⾯攻、左右开攻 attack on both sides23、以削球为主的战术 all cut24、挥拍的幅度 amplitude of swing25、反⼿斜线推挡 angled backhand block26、斜线球 angle shot27、调整拍形 angle the bat28、抽出⾓度来 angle the drive29、发球抢攻 attack after service30、进攻作⽤ attacking role31、进攻性发球 attacking service32、命中率 accuracy33、发球者占先 advantage server关于乒乓球台与区域1、远台 back court2、中台 middle court3、近台 short court4、中线 center5、台⾓ corner of table6、⽹柱 pole7、全台 full court8、台的边缘 edge of table9、球台端线 front edge of table10、(球台)中区 centre zone11、(球台)近⽹区 net zone12、接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court13、接球员的右半区 receiver's right half court14、底线区 goal zone关于⽐赛规则、裁判等术语1、Let 重发球2、Fault 犯规3、Side 侧⾯4、Net 擦⽹5、Time 时间到6、Toss 挑边(掷挑边器)7、Ends ⽅位8、Begin playing ⽐赛开始9、Change service 换发球10、Change ends 交换⽅位11、Change receiver 交换接发球员12、Point 得分13、Outside 出界14、Obstruct 阻挡15、Double bounce 两跳16、Moved playing surface 台⾯移动17、Free hand on table 不执拍⼿扶台18、Touched net assembly 触及球⽹装置19、Stamp foot 跺脚20、Edge ball 擦边球21、Expedite system 轮换发球法22、End line 端线23、Side line 边线24、Centre line 中线25、Right half-court 右半区26、Net 球⽹27、rubber 胶⽪28、Racket 球拍29、Score indicator 计分器30、Towel ⽑⼱31、Best of 5 games 五局三胜32、Deciding game 决胜局33、Racket hand 执拍⼿34、Free hand 不执拍⼿35、Player 运动员36、Captain 队长37、Coach 教练员38、Referee 裁判长39、Umpire 裁判员40、Deputy umpire 副裁判员41、Report to referee 报告裁判长42、场外指导 advice to players during play。



乒乓球运动 table tennis接发球 service reception 直握球拍 pen-hold grip男子单打 men's singles 单打 singles 女子单打 women's singles 男子双打 men's doubles 女子双打 women's doubles 男子团体men's team 乒乓球运动员paddler ['p 出dl a ] 连击 double hit 两跳 出界 out 擦网 擦网出界net out 双打 doubles 团体赛 team event 混合双打 mixed doubles 女子团体 women's team 裁判 umpire ['A mpaia] double bounce net ball 擦网重发let 擦边 edge ball 发球 serve 无遮挡发球 no-hiding service 旋转发球 spin service 发球不转 knuckle service 发球得分 service ace 发球失误 missed service 发球下网fall追身球 body hit 扣球 smash旋转 spin 上旋topspin 下旋backspin 侧旋 sidespin 削球 chop 弧旋球 loop横握球拍 tennis grip 击球 hit; stroke前三板first three strokes 提拉lift发球抢攻attack after service 推push相持sustained rally 挡block挡板barriers 球台table网net 胶皮gum胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍sponge40 毫米球40millimeter ball 台面playing surface边线side line 底线end line中台middle court 准备---发球ready-serve搓球push 决胜局deciding game五局三胜Best of 5 games 橙色球orange ball反胶拍pimples-in bat 接发球receive白色球white ball 拦击volley擦边球edge ball 反手削球backhand chop球拍racket正胶拍pimples-out bat反手击球backhand strokes接球员的左半区receiver's left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination 和良好的步法good footwork。



乒乓球术语中英文对照以下是乒乓球术语的中英文对照:1. 球拍 rackets/paddles2. 球 racket/paddle3. 反手 backhand4. 正手 forehand5. 接发球 receive6. 发球 serve7. 拍面 rubber8. 回旋球 topspin9. 下旋球 backspin10. 侧旋球 sidespin11. 削球 chop12. 扑球 block13. 打击点 sweet spot14. 正手板 forehand rubber15. 反手板 backhand rubber16. 网 cord17. 边线 sideline18. 底线 baseline19. 乒乓球表面 texture20. 乒乓球杆 handle21. 运动鞋 sneakers22. 乒乓球桌 table tennis table23. 台角 net post24. 竞技场 venue25. 蓝牌umpire’s card26. 罚款 fine27. 时间控制 time control28. 羽毛球 shuttlecock29. 运动服 sportswear30. 比赛服 match outfit31. 队服 team uniform乒乓球术语常常用于解说比赛、教学指导和训练中。







收藏乒乓球的英语术语大全!爱乒乓,爱生活乒坛资讯,技术文章,教学视频,关注我们,每天都能看到这么精彩的内容哦~男单men's singles男双men's doubles女单women's singles女双women's doubles混合双打 mixed-double发球次序 order of service发球区 service court发球员first serverace | 发球得分 | n.adjust | 调整 | v.advantage | 优势 | n.aggressive | 具有进攻性的 | a.all-out | 全攻型的 | a.an all-out hitter all-round | 全能的,技术全面的 | a.angle (closed angle; open angle) | 角度(合角/朝下,仰角/朝上) | n.anti- (anti-topspin; anti-loop) | 防 (上旋,弧旋,旋转) | pref.anti-doping | 反兴奋剂的 | a.the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) | 世界反兴奋组织 |Anti-doping code | 反兴奋剂条例 |antispin | 防转胶皮| n. an inverted rubber sheet that’s very slick, so spin doesn’t take on it. It usually has a dead spongeunderneath. I t’s mostly used for defensive shots. Also known as anti.arc | 弧线 | n.arm | 手臂 | n.upper arm | 大/上臂 |assessment | 评估 | n.attack | 进攻 | v.a devastating ~ (?) attack after serve | 发抢(发球抢攻的缩略)|attack on serve | 接发抢(接发球抢攻的缩略)|attacker | 攻击型选手, 进攻方 | n.backhand | 反手 | n. A shot done with the racket to the left of the left elbow for a right-hander, the reverse for a left-hander. Backhand backside drive /loop backing | 抵,顶 | n.backspin | 下旋, 下转| n. A type of spin used mostly on defensive shots. When you chop the ball, you produce backspin. The bottom of the ball will move away from you. This is also called chop or underspin.backward | 向后 | adv.badge | 胸徽,袖徽等标牌 | n.balance | 平衡 | n. a good balance of speed and spinball | 球 | n.band | 带子,套子| n. head band 额带,wrist band 护腕Bbarrier | 球挡 | n.bat | 球拍 | n.be down | 落后 | v.beat | 打败 | v.best four (of seven) | 七局四胜制 | np.best three (of five) | 五局三胜制 | np.best two (of three) | 三局两胜制 | np.blade | (乒乓球)底板 | n. The racket, usually without covering. | 无覆盖物的球拍 |shakehand ~ | 横握式底板 |penhold ~ | 直握式底板 |Japanese penhold ~ | 日本式直握底板 |Japanese hinoki single ply ~ | 日本式桧木地板 |Carbon ~ | 碳精/素底板 |arylate ~ | 芳基纤维底板 |titantium ~ | 钛底板 |offensive ~ | 进攻型底板 |defensive ~ | 防守型底板 |allround ~ | 全面型底板 |block | 挡球,推挡 | v. n. A quick, off the bounce return of an aggressive drive done by holding the racket in the ball’s path.blocker | 推挡型选手 |bounce | 弹,跳 | v. n.break | 打破,破坏| v. to break the looper’s rhythm ||brush | 摩 | v. n.multi-ball practice | 多球训练captain | 队长 | n. center line | 中线 | np.chop | 削球 | v. n. A defensive return of a drive with backspin, usually done from well away from the table. (see backspin) chop block | 下旋推挡| np. A block where the racket is chopped down at contact to create backspin.chopper | 削球选手| n. A of play where chopping is the primary shot.closed | (球拍)前倾,(球拍)下压 | a.closed racket | 前倾的/下压的球拍,压拍型 | np.Racket position in which the hitting surface is aimeddownward, with the top edge leaning away from you. [参看open racket |亮拍型|]coach | 教练 | n.comeback | 追上, 扳回 | n.concentration | 注意力集中 | n.confidence | 自信 | n.consolation singles | 安慰赛单打| np. constantly | 不停地 | a.contact | 接触 | v. n.control | 控制 | v. n.receive control (接发球控制)Corbillon (Cup) | 考比伦 (杯) (女子团体冠军)| n.corner | 角落 | n.counter-attack | 反攻 | n.counterdrive | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n A drive made against a drive. Some players specialize in counterdriving.counter-loop | 反拉弧旋,反拉 | v. n. To loop a loop. (see loop) countersmash | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n. To smash a smash. (see smash) crosscourt | 球台对角的 | a. A ball that is hit diagonally from corner to corner.crossover | 交叉步 | n. A of footwork for covering the wide forehand.crucial | 关键的 | a.cut | 削球 | v. n. Ddeep (See long) | 长球| a. 1. A ball that bounces on the opponent’s sid e of the table very close to the endline. 2. A serve or push that would not bounce twice on the opponent’s side of the table (if given the chance)default | 失去比赛资格 | Being disqualified from a match for any reason.defeat | 打败 | v.defender | 防守方, 防守型运动员 | n.defensive | 防守的 | a.delegation | 代表团 | n.deuce | 局点前的最后平局,如20平,10平 | n.diagonal | 斜线的 | a.diagonally | 斜线地 | adv. die out | (旋转)消失 | vp. direction | 方向 | n. disguise | 装作,假装 | v.n.disputed edge ball, a | 有争议的擦边球 | np.double | 连击 | n.double bounce | 两跳 | np. A ball that hits the same side of the table twice. The person on that side loses the point. doubles | 双打 | n.down | 下, 落后 | adv. prep. a.down the line | 直线 | np.A ball that is hit along one side of the table. draw | 抽签 | n.drive | 攻球 | v. n.drop shot | 吊球,近网短球 | np. Putting the ball so short that the opponent has trouble reaching it. Done when the opponent is away from the table.dump shot | 勉强的球| np. All hitters must accept the fact that sometimes you must go for a dump shot to make sure that you don’t miss an opportunity to smash.early (stage) | 上升期 | a. n.elbow | 肘部 | n.endline | 底线 | n. ENG | 英格兰 |England erratic | 无规律的| a. an ~ shot || However, his backhand seemed more erratic, and he began to make mistake from both wings.error | 错误 | n.even up | 打平 | vp.exert the authority | 执法, 行使职权 | vp. expedite system / rule | 超时轮换发球制/ 规则| np. If a game has continued for 15 minutes without the game ending, the expedite rule takes effect.A point is awarded to the receiver who returns 13 consecutive shots after expedite has been called. Players alternate serves after expedite has been called.explosive | 爆发的 | a. ~ power fast | 快 | a.fast-paced | 节奏快的 | a.feed | 喂球 | v.feeder | 喂球者,陪练者 | n.final | 决赛 | n.finalist | 参加决赛的选手 | n.fish | 放高球 | v (See lobber)flat | 平球,不转的球| n. A ball that has no spin, usually traveling fast. The ball hits the racket straight on, at a perpendicular angle, e.g. a flat shot ||flexibility | 灵活(性)| n,flight | (球的)飞行 | n.flip | (台内)挑攻,旋转球拍 | v. n. An aggressive topspin return of a ball that lands near the net (a short ball). To move in twists and turnsfloat | 漂,浮 | a. backspin is usually float follow-through | 手臂击球后的惯性动作 | n. It is the natural progression of the racket forward and up after a strokefollow-up | 跟进球 | n.foot | 脚 | n.footwork (forward, backward, side-to-side) | 步法 | n. How a person moves to make a shot.forearm | 前臂 | n.forehand | 正手 | n. Any shot done with the racket to the right of the elbow for a right-hander, to the left for a left-hander.forward | 向前 | adv.free hand | 非执拍手 | np. The hand not holding the racket.front | 前面的 | a.game | (比赛) 局 | n.game point | 局点 | np.get in | 上前, 上手 | v. glue | 胶水 | n.graze | 摩擦 | v.grazing | 摩擦的 | a.grip | 执拍法 | n. pen grip ||, pendulum serve gripgrippy | 粘球的 | a. grippy inverted rubbergroove | 适应,顺手 | n. fig. If a hitter gets into a groove, the game’s over.gym | 体育馆 | n. Hhand (right hand; left hand) | 手 | n. handicap events | 残疾人比赛 / 赛事? | np. A tournament event where points are spotted to make the match even. handle | 球拍的柄 | n.straight (ST) | 直柄 |flare (FL) | 收腰柄 |anatomic (AN) | 葫芦柄 |conical | 锥形柄 |hard rubber | 光胶皮球拍 | np. A type of racket covering with pips-out rubber but no sponge underneath. It was the most common covering for many years until the development of sponge rubber but is now rarely used.Hidden serve | 遮掩式发球 | nhigh | 高的 | a.high kicking loop | 高吊弧旋 | np.high toss serve | 高抛发球 | n. A serve where the ball is thrownhigh into the air. This increases both spin and deception.hitter | 击球方,攻击型选手 | n. A of play where hitting is the primary shot. inverted racket | 反胶球拍 | np.inverted sponge | 反胶| np. The most common racket covering. It consists of a sheet of pimpled rubber on top of a layer of sponge. The pips point inward, toward the sponge, so the surface is smooth. This is the opposite of pips-out sponge, where the pips point outward, away from the sponge.ITTF (International Table Tennis Federal) | 国际乒联 (国际乒乓球联合会) | The governing body for world table tennis.kill shot | 扣杀球 | np. (see smashknife grip (See western grip) | 横拍握法 | np.late (stage) | 下降期 | a. nlefthander | 左手运动员 | n.let | 重发,无效,不算,重新来过 | n. If play is interrupted for any reason during a rally, a let is called and the point does not count.let serve | 擦网重发 | np. The most common type of let when a serve nicks the net. As with other lets, the serve is taken over again.line (side line, endline) | 台边(边线,底线)| n.little (spin) | 轻微的(旋转)| aloaded | 加转的 | a. A ball with a great deal of spin.lob | (放/打) 高球 | v. n. A high defensive return of a smash. Usually done with topspin or sidespin.lobber | 放高球的选手 | n.long pips | 长胶 | np. A type of pips-out rubber where the pips are long and thin and bend on contact with the ball. It returns the ball with whatever spin was on it at contact and is very difficult to play against if you aren’t used to it.loop (fast loop; slow loop) | (拉)弧旋球(前冲弧旋,高吊弧旋)| v.n. A heavy topspin shot, usually considered the most important shot in the game. Many players either specialize in looping or in handling the loop.The back-of-racket penhold backhand loop (直板反手反面拉,即为直板横拉)looper | 弧旋球选手 | n. A of play where the primary shot is the loop.low fast loop | 前冲弧旋 |match point | 赛点 | np.miss | 漏掉,错过 | v.mixed doubles | 混合双打 | np.more (spin) | 加转 | a.multi-ball | 多球 | n.net | 球网 | n.net measurer | 量网器 | np.no-spin | 不转 | a.offside | 出边线的 | a.off-the-table | 离台的 | aone-sided | 单面的 | a. A one-sided looper rushes all over the court trying to use a forehand.open racket | 拍面向上的球拍,亮拍型 | np. Racket position in which the hitting surface is aimed upward, with the top edge learning toward you.closed racket |压拍型|partner | 双打搭档 |penhold backside hit | 直板横打| penhold backside drive / loop / smash etc. Pen-hold grip | 直握法 | np.penholder | 直拍选手 | n. A type of grip used mostly by Asians. It gives the best possible forehand but the most awkwardbackhand of the conventional grips.pick-hitting | 挑攻,台内攻球pips | 胶粒 | n. The small conical bits of rubber that cover a sheet of table tennis rubber.pips-out | 正胶胶粒向外| a. A type of racket covering. It consists of a sheet of pips-out rubber on top of a layer of sponge. The pips point outward, the opposite of inverted.placement | 落点| n. the placement of loops / smash / forehandpop up | (球)高了 | vp. to pop a drop shot up | 短球放高了 |猜你喜欢多活动,少窝家,打乒乓球的女人一枝花!打乒乓球,不仅需要练习技术,意识也很重要乒乓球侧身攻球易犯错误与纠正方法要领爱好者,千万不要和专业的比!+ 关注。



乒乓球运动table tennis乒乓球运动员paddler ['p?dl?] 裁判umpire ['?mpai?] 连击double hit 两跳double bounce出界out 擦网n et ball擦网出界n et out 擦网重发let男子单打men's sin gles 单打si ngles女子单打wome n's sin gles 双打doubles男子双打men's doubles 团体赛team eve nt女子双打wome n's doubles 混合双打mixed doubles男子团体men's team 女子团体wome n's team擦边edge ball 发球serve无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service发球不转knu ckle service 发球得分service ace发球失误missed service 发球下网fall接发球service recepti on 直握球拍pen-hold grip tennis grip 击球hit; stroke横握球拍追身球body hit 扣球smash旋转spi n 上旋topsp in下旋backsp in 侧旋sidesp in削球chop 弧旋球loop前三板first three strokes 提拉lift发球抢攻attack after service 推push相持susta ined rally 挡block挡板barriers 球台table网net 胶皮gum胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍spo nge40 毫米球40millimeter ball 台面playi ng surface边线side line 底线end line中台middle court 准备---发球ready-serve搓球push 决胜局decidi ng game五局三胜Best of 5 games 橙色球orange ball反胶拍pimples-in bat 接发球receive白色球white ball 拦击volley擦边球edge ball 反手肖U球backha ndchop球拍racket正胶拍pimples-out bat反手击球backha nd strokes接球员的左半区receiver's left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balanee,灵敏agility ,柔韧flexibility ,协作coord in atio n 禾口良好的步法good footwork。



英语乒乓术语资料运动员类型横拍选手 tennis grip player/knife grip player 直拍选手 penholder grip player日本式直板 Japanese penholder grip player削球运动员 cutting stroke defensiveplayer/cutting player/chopping player右手执拍者 right-hander左手执拍者 left-hander/left-hand player发球运动员 server接发球运动员 striker-out接球球员 receiver进攻性选手 attacking(or aggressive)player 防守型选手 defensive player双打搭档 partner赛制单打 singles男单men‘s singles女单women’s singles男双men’s doubles女双women’s doubles混双 mixed-doubled男子团体men’s team event女子团体women’s team event混合团体 mixed team资格赛 qualification小组赛 group stage淘汰赛 knockout stage八分之一决赛 eighth-finals四分之一决赛 quarterfinal半决赛 semi-final/semifinal决赛 final基本技术发球 service/serve发球得分 serve a winner/ace service 正手 forehand正手拉球 forehand drive反手 backhand反手拉球 backhand drive侧身 pivot attack搓 chop/push削球 cut/slice弧圈球 loop/loop drive拉球 lift the ball拉上旋球 overspin lift扣杀 smash远台拉球 long drive高抛发球 high toss service发不转球 knuckle service加转发球 high spin service下蹲砍式发球 squat service站位 stance步法 foot-work高球 lop/high ball挥拍的幅度 amplitude of swing接发球 return the service接发球抢攻 counter-hit the service接发球抢拉 lifted drive after returning the service 发球抢攻 attack after serve反手变线 change direction of block shot一板打死 kill对攻 attack and counter-attack削中起板 drive while exchange chops抛球 throw the ball/project台内挑打 flick/flip反手拧拉 backhand banana flip擦网出界 net out擦网上台 net in擦网球 net ball滚网球(死网) net-cord ball远台削 off-table chop摆短 drop shot连续攻球 attack rally前冲弧圈球 accelerated loop高吊弧圈球 high loop/high kicking loop 对拉 exchange drives反拉 counter loop多球训练 multi-ball practice摩擦 brush/graze交叉步 crossover滑步 sliding step斜线球 diagonal shot/cross shot直线球 straight shot球上升期 early stage球下降期 last stage放高球 balloon defense/fish侧切 sideway push上台率 accuracy速度快、角度刁的弧圈 quick vicious spin 拉出角度 angle the drive调整拍形 angle the bat下旋 underspin/ backspin上旋 topspin/overspin侧旋 sidespin侧下 side underspin侧上 side topspin不转 no-spin低旋转 bottom-spin器材与场地白边 white top本方台面 home court底线区 goal zone近台 short court中台 middle court远台 back court中线 center line左半台 left half corner全台 full court乒乓球网 table tennis net网柱 pole/post网架 clamp/support量网尺 net measuring gauge台面 court/playing surface台角 corner of table台边 edge of table挡板 barrier/surround擦边球 edge ball/touch界内球 inside界外球 outside弹跳 bounce边线 side line比赛场地;比赛大厅 playing hall底板 blade拍套 racket case拍柄 handle球拍的弹性 suppleness of bat成品拍 pre-made racket有机胶水 organic adhesive/organic glue 无机胶水 inorganic glue护腕 wrist band赛事与规则公开赛 Open青少年巡回赛 Junior Circuit世界巡回赛 World Tour巡回赛总决赛 Seamaster ITTF World Grand Finals世锦赛 World Table Tennis Championships世界杯 World Cup Table Tennis Match挑战赛 Challenge SeriesT2钻石联赛 T2Diamond奥运会 Olympic Games国际乒联 ITTF(International Table Tennis Federation)七局四胜 best of seven/ best four of seven五局三胜 best of five/ best three of five暂停 timeout毛巾暂停 towel timeout记分牌 score indicator/scoreboard小局 game局点 game point整场比赛 match赛点 match point裁判长 referee裁判员 umpire0比0 love all0比1 love-one1比1 one all连击 double hit重发球 let (裁判员说)擦网 net (裁判员说)时间到 time (裁判员说)犯规 fault (裁判员说)交换方位 change ends两蹦;两跳 double bounce。

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Captain 队长
Coach 教练员
Referee 裁判长
Umpire 裁判员
Deputy umpire 副裁判员
Report to referee 报告裁判长
Men's singles 男子单打
Women's singles 女子单打
Men's doubles 男子双打
counter 反
counterlooping 反拉(对拉)弧圈
counterstroke 指对方的回球
loopkilling 指用弧圈得分
"Time" 时间到
Toss 挑边(掷挑边器)
What is your name? 你叫什么名字?
Which is your choice? 你选择什么?
Serve 发球
Receive 接发球
Ends 方位
Yes,you are right. 你是对的
Above 之上
Below 之下
Behind 之后
Without spin 无旋转
Over or around 越过或绕过
Continue 继续
Server 发球员
Receiver 接发球员
Winner 胜者
Loser 负者
Player 运动员
Pair 一对(双打运动员)
chop 削球
smash 快攻,打回头,扣杀
drop shot 摆短。一般是指接发球非常短,球
flick,flip 点。一般是指处理对方小球时,使用小臂和腕子发力,
Moved playing surface 台面移动
Free hand on table 不执拍手扶台
Touched net assembly 触及球网装置
Stamp foot 跺脚
Wrong order 次序错了
Edge ball 擦边球
Broken ball 球破裂
Expedite system 轮换发球法
Women's doubles 女子双打
Mixed doubles 混合双打
Men's team 男子团体
Women's team
underspin 下旋球
paddle 球拍
block 封挡。一般是指在近台以上旋球快速回击上旋球,常常 借力和借旋,也称快带
Ball 球
Select 选择
Recket 球拍
Blade 拍身,底板
Handle 拍柄
Covering 覆盖物
Pimpled rubber 颗粒胶
Sandwich rubber 海绵胶
Too thick 太厚
Playing hall 比赛厅
Surrounds 挡板
No,you are wrong 你不对
Practice 练习
Who will serve first? 谁先发球?
Who will receive first? 谁先接发球?
Begin playing 比赛开始
Ready-Serve 准备---发球
Love all,Wang×× 0比0,王××
Floor 地板
Score indicator 计分器
Towel 毛巾
Dark-coloured 暗色
Matt 无光泽
Uniform 一致,均匀
Height 高度
Left 左
Right 右
Best of 3 games 三局二胜
Best of 5 games 五局三胜
Deciding game 决胜局
Match 场
Strick 击球
Recket hand 执拍手
Free hand 不执拍手
Upwards 向上
Near vertically 近乎垂直
Palm of the hand 手掌
Stationary 静止
Visible 看得见
Love-one 0比1
Two-three,Li×× 2比3,李××
Li××,teenty-one nineteen 李××胜,21比19
× Leads,2 games to 1 ×以2比1(局)领先
Match to ×,3 games to 1 ×以3比1获胜
Change service 换发球
Change ends 交换方位
Change receiver 交换接发球员
Point 得分
Good service 合法发球
Good return 合法还击
Outside 出界
Volley 拦击
Obstruct 阻挡
Double hit 连击
Double bounce 两跳
"Let" 重发球
"Fault" 犯规
"Side" 侧面
"Net" 擦网
"Stop" 停
spin 旋转
topspin 上旋球
twirl 倒板。球手使用两面不同胶皮的球拍,在比赛中变换击 球拍面,以迷惑对方
smash 扣杀
sቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱroke 击球。主要指手上的技术。比如削球,搓球,弧圈等等
powerful loop 有力的弧圈
loop-drive 弧圈
flip 1. 倒板; 2.点
junk 不吃转的胶皮,如防弧胶皮和长胶胶皮
lob 放高球。一般是指球手退到远台防守时,尽可能地将球 升高,并加以上旋和侧旋
loop 弧圈球
push 搓球
rubber 胶皮
sidespin 侧旋球
speedglue 快干胶水
Table 球台
End line 端线
Side line 边线
Centre line 中线
Right half-court 右半区
Playing surface 比赛台面
Top edge 上边缘
Net 球网
Post 支柱
Support 支架
Too high(low) 太高(低)