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一、听力测试 (30分)

Ⅰ. 句子理解。(5分)


( ) 1

( ) 2.

( )3.

( ) 4.

( ) 5.

Ⅱ. 情景反应。(7分)


( )6. A. He was free.

B. It was May 1st.

C. It was rainy.

( )7. A. After class.

B. She went to the beach.

C. She was late.

( )8. A. Yes, she does.

B. Yes, she is.

C. Yes, he is.

( )9. A. No, they are tigers.

B. Because they are cute.

C. Yes, I do.

( )10. A. A teacher.

B.Some chicken.

C. The UK.

( )11. A. She likes watching TV.

B. She often watches TV

C. She is watching TV

( )12. A. Thank you.

B.Don’t say so.

C.No ,she isn’t.

Ⅲ. 对话理解。(8分)


( )13. k. B. Water. C. Tea.

( )14. A. Australia. B. Canada. C. America.

( )15. A. To a park. B. To the cinema. C. To school.

( )16. A. To do the housework

B. To clean their classroom

C. To visit the Science Museum.

( )17. A. A bowl of noodles B. Some fish C. A and B.

( )18. A. Pandas. B. Elephants. C. Dogs

( )19. A.It’s on Heping Road.

B. It’s behind the park.

C.It’s next to the park .

( )20. A.Because they are cute.

B. Because they are shy.

C.. Because they are very lovely.(可爱的)

Ⅳ. 短文理解。(10分)


( )21 Where is Mr. Brown from?

A. England

B. America.

C. Canada.

( )22. What does Mr. White do?

A. He is a student

B. He is a teacher.

C. He is a waiter.

( )23. Where is Zhang Ming studying?

A. In America.

B. In Canada.

C. In China.

( )24. Which floor is empty(空的)?

A. The first floor.

B. The third floor.

C. The fourth floor.

( )25. Where does Bill Black work?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In a supermarket.

C. In a bank.




26. I brush my _______(tooth)every day.

27. They are enjoying_______ (watch) a basketball match on TV.

28. We like our English teacher, because she is ver y_______ (friend) to us

29. June 1st is_________ (child) Day. Many kids are pretty happy.

30. Would you like______ (drink) some juice, Alan?


31. Her f______ subject is math.

32. Jim plays basketball well and he is the c_____ of his school basketball team.

33. What about g_______ shopping this afternoon?

34. The Smiths went to Hainan on v__________ last year

35. To be a policeman is an exciting but kind of d_______ job.



()36. ----_____ does Sarah like music?

----Because it’s _______.

A. Why; boring

B. Why; fun

C. How; interesting

D. How; relaxing

()37. ---Would you like some drinks?

---_________ , _________________ .

A. No, please. B .Yes, much thank C. Yes, I’d like D. Yes , please .

()38. Where _____ your English teacher_______ from?

A.do come

B. is come

C. does come

D. does is

()39. --- Is there a supermarket on Second Avenue? --- ____.

A. Yes, there is

B. Yes, it is

C. No, there is

D. No, it isn't

()40.Zhou Jielun is popular ___________ us. We all like him.

A .for B. with D. to D. of

()41. He was really ___________ after a long holiday.

A relaxed

B relaxes

C relaxing

D relaxs

()42. What __________you do __________ vacation last summer ?

A do, for

B did , in

C do , on

D did , on

()43.Walk the park from the gate (大门), and you will find a supermarket ______ you.

A. cross, in front of

B. across, in the front of

C. through, in front of

D. through, in the front of

()44. My Chinese teacher usually ___________ a pair of glasses .

A puts on

B wears

C with

D is wearing

()45. The news terrible. We are at it.

A.sound, surprise

B. sounds, surprising

C. sounds, surprised

D. is sounding, surprised

()46. Mike often _____to work by bike, but this morning he ____to work.

A. went, went

B. walks, walked

C. goes, walked

D. walked, walked

()47.. We have a job ______ you ______ a waiter.

A. for, as

B. to, like

C. of, as

D. with, like
