
海上钢琴师英语观后感200字As an audience member, I recently had the pleasure of watching the film "The Legend of 1900," or in Chinese, "海上钢琴师." This visually stunning and emotionally poignant film tells the story of a baby who is abandoned on a ship and is raised by the crewmembers of the ship. The child is named "1900" after the year in which he was born and grows up to be a musical prodigy, despite never having set foot on land.The film follows 1900's extraordinary journey as he becomes the ship's pianist, captivating audiences with his incredible talent and virtuosic playing. His life takes a dramatic turn when he meets a jazz musician named Jelly Roll Morton and is challenged to confront his fears of the outside world.One of the most captivating elements of the film was its use of cinematic language. The use of symbolism and metaphor throughout the film added depth and beauty to the story. For example, the scene where 1900 plays the piano on the deck of the ship in the midst of a raging storm was powerfully symbolic, representing the turbulent and unpredictable nature of life.The film's score, composed by Ennio Morricone, was truly something special. The music complemented the story so perfectly, drawing out the emotions of each moment and adding tension where needed.Overall, I was deeply moved by "The Legend of 1900." The film explores themes of isolation, fear, and the beauty and pain of living life to the fullest. It's a timeless story that speaks to the human experience in a profound way.One of the most memorable lines from the film comes from Jelly Roll Morton, who says "There are no boundaries, only new horizons." This quote resonated with me deeply and reminded me of the importance of constantly challenging myself and venturing out of my comfort zone.In conclusion, "The Legend of 1900" is a beautiful and thought-provoking film that I highly recommend to anyone who appreciates great storytelling, beautiful music, and stunning visuals. It's a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll and leave you reflecting on the beauty and mystery of life.。
The Legend Of 1900海上钢琴师英语观后感800字

The Legend Of 1900海上钢琴师英语观后感800字A man, no parents, no names, no legal documents to prove his existence. In his infancy he was abandoned on a steamboat called the Virginia, and he spent his whole life on the ship, and did not step on the land. His profession is the pianist on the Virginia. When "the Virginian" abandoned, failed to change his friends to come to them and the last ship in the sea, sailing together to destroy the decision. The only trace of his life in the world was recorded, a record plate he played. Of course, most of the music in the record can not be heard, even if you do not know who on the other side of the sound.In the luxury cruise ship Virginia sui generis sea world, named in 1900 1900 abandoned orphans grow up as a genius pianist at sea, on land first attracted talented pianists to challenge, but love also inadvertently come from the window, but at the end of 1900 was decided in the sea from the sea. But I think we can not care too much about these plots. I don't think this is the key point of the movie, because they have been done inmany movies. Looking at the film, we should see his last line of monologue to the outside world in order to understand his final decision about going ashore.The tanker Virginia is carrying the hustle and bustle of cheers at the port of New York. Encouraged by a dream in the dense mass of people disembarked, meet with the possibility of a better future. After the hustle and bustle, there was nothing left on the ship except the crew. Coal worker Danny Boodman then went to a restaurant secretly collecting the guest lost valuables, nothing. At the end of his disappointment, he found a beautiful baby on the piano rack. He picked up the baby and saw his eyes clear and the skin white. Danny Boodman was amazed at the unexpected harvest, so the child, named 1900, was named to be adopted by him on the first day of the new century.In modern society, love in a different way to look at different from ordinary people, like that for 1900 people; people day and night chasing difficulties with glory, splendour, wealth and rank, complain to give vent, young time to complainabout social injustice and social corruption, the authorities and the inability of generation always in the past, when the young generation of old have the position of the power, they forget when young ideal, but was the cruel reality of the society to change the world is such a generation cycle and the performance of human most incisive poor human nature, do a good many innocent people, but the innocent people in such a world of suffering temptation.Then, the day playing in the hall of the legendary, and those infected people are fake? Why they disembarked, but no one to mention? Is really a genius? Or just on the ship is a ship, what all is not the man who won? What? Is that people continue to fast in the land, and he is still on the ship, when the ship will be destroyed but only one Max think of him. If the world on the land really cares about him and cares about his piano music, what is the end? Can you believe what the future of the ship they have depicted?If I was 1900, I will have no illusions about what the peopleon the land, also won't have what to look forward to, it is a place that is endless, no one really cares for you, that is more than fear, because strange?At the beginning, music was slow and beautiful. There was a touching note in the middle of the music. The end of the music was dull and miserable. This dull tragedy can make people shed tears. 1900, finally, with the explosion of the ship, it ended its life. When he died, he raised his hands and played the silent music, and he could hear him.版权作品,未经《99作文网》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任。

海上钢琴师电影观后感英语150English:"The Piano Player on the Ocean" is a captivating film that delves into the power of music to transcend barriers and bring people together. The stunning cinematography depicting the vast ocean and the intimate moments between the characters create a visually stunning and emotionally resonant experience for the audience. The story of the pianist who finds solace and redemption through his music while aboard a ship filled with colorful characters is both heartwarming and bittersweet. The themes of love, loss, and the transformative power of art are beautifully woven throughout the narrative, leaving a lasting impact on viewers. The performances by the cast, especially the lead actor playing the pianist, are moving and authentic, drawing the audience into the character's journey of self-discovery and healing. Overall, "The Piano Player on the Ocean" is a film that stays with you long after the credits roll, reminding us of the beauty and universality of music in connecting us all.Translated content:《海上钢琴师》是一部扣人心弦的电影,探讨了音乐的力量如何超越障碍、联结人们。

《海上钢琴师》英文观后感《海上钢琴师》英文观后感(通用6篇)《海上钢琴师》英文观后感篇1All that city.You just couldnt see the end to it.The end?Please?You please just show me where it ends?It was all very fine on that gangway.And Iwas grand too,in my overcoat.I cut quite afigure.And Iwas getting off.Guaranteed.There was no problem.It wasnt what Isaw that stopped me,Max.It was what Ididnt see.You understand that?What Ididnt see.In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end.There was no end.What Idid not see was where the whole thing came to an end.The end of the world.Take apiano.The keys begin,the keys end.You know there are eighty-eight of them,nobody can tell you any different.They are not infinite.You are infinite.And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite.I like that.That Ican live by.You get me up on that gangway and youre rolling out in front of me akeyboard of millions of keys,millions and billions of keys that never end,and thats the truth,Max.That they never end.That keyboard is infinite.And if that keyboard is infinite,then on that keyboard there is no music you can play.Youre sitting on the wrong bench.Thats Gods piano.Christ!Did,did you see the streets?Just the streets…There were thousands of them!And how do you do it down there?How do you choose just one?One woman,one house,one piece of land to call your own,one landscape to look at,one way to die.All that world is weighing down on me,you dont even know where it comes to an end,and arent you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it?The enormity of living it?I was born on this ship,and the world passed me by,but two thousand people at atime.And there were wishes here,but never more than fit between prow and stern.You played out your happiness,but on apiano that was not infinite.I learned to live that way.Land?Land is aship too big for me.Its awoman too beautiful;its avoyage too long,a perfume too strong.Its amusic Idont know how to make.I could never get off this ship.At best,I can step off my life.After all,I dont exist for anyone.Youre an exception,Max,youre the only one who knows Im here.Youre aminority,and you better get used to it.Forgive me,my friend,but Im not getting off.This is the way the world ends Not with abang but awhimper 《海上钢琴师》英文观后感篇2Tim Roth stars in the first English language film by Cinema Paradiso director Giuseppe Tornatore. A fantastical, historical fable about a gifted pianist born and raised on a cruise ship Though Italian director Giuseppe Tornatores Oscar-winning Cinema Paradiso was one of the surprise hits of the 80s, subsequently his profile has been low. Perhaps in an effort to rectify this, here he presents his first English language film, a lavish and unashamedly sentimental fable based on a monologue by Italian writer Alessandro Baricco. Given a ruthless studio edit before its release, more than once it threatens to drift off into whimsy, but remains on course, thanks to the firm presence of Tim Roth in the title role.Told in flashback, its the story of Danny Boodmann TD Lemon 1900 (Roth),so-named because he was found as an infant in 1900, lodged in a crate of lemons aboard a luxury cruise liner. Growing up at sea, it swiftly becomes apparent that 1900 isa gifted - possibly even genius - pianist. His legend spreads and jazz giant Jelly Roll Morton (Williams) even comes aboard to hear him play. Years later and narrator/former band member Max Tooney (Vince) is pawning the trumpet he blew alongside 1900 when he hears the ship is to be sunk. Could it be that 1900 is still somewhere on board, mooning over a mysterious beauty known only as The Girl (Thierry) while working up a lonely rag?To an extent its a film uncertain about its own destination and some wobbly dialogue means 1900 himself remains a bit of an enigma. En route, however, are some great set-pieces such as 1900s knuckle-busting keyboard duel with Morton and his ride round the room on top of a piano. Ennio Morricones score ensures the music is at least as important as the sumptuous visuals, and is supplemented by some great jazz piano numbers by Scott Joplin and (the real) Jelly Roll Morton.《海上钢琴师》英文观后感篇3Hes a man so brave,that he can play the imaginary piano when exploded with the ship he was born,lived and died in.Yet hes a man so scared,that he cannot face the infinite city life we are living everyday.Hes a man so intelligent,that he can play the piano as if he has four arms (or Id rather say,he has Gods arms).Yet hes a man so stupid,that he chose to gone with the wind while hes other choice could be marrying a beautiful woman and having a child.Hes a man so perceptive,that he could use his music language to describe exactly others feelings.《海上钢琴师》英文观后感篇4Morning everyone,today i will introduce a film to you all.its name is the legend of 1900,its not talk about stories happened in 1900 ,its mainly about a pianist who was born, lived and diedin a ship and never left the ship with a special name .yes his name is 1900 .an orphan was adopted by a black man working on the shipTo be honest i have download this film for a long time ,but i didnt watch it ,because i think it wont be very interesting .just a pianist ,what wonderful story can happen to him ?But recently i just opened it by accident ,firstly it was really verydull ,no famous film star ,no interesting plot,no wonderful kungfu.but finally my eyesight was caught by the pianist , Hes a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms,and also hes a man so stupid that he chose to stay on the ship gone with the wind and storm while he can ashore and become the most famous pianist.whats more ,at the end when the ship should be destroyed he still refused to leave and finally died with the ship.Someone may see this film as a tragedy,but is it really one ?maybe the end was indeed so sad ,most of us would feel its a pity to see his died .But one thing is for sure: this man is a real artist--pianist. only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm. only a man like him can give up desire of reputation and money on the land. only a man like him... can have such a beautiful story to tell... It is really difficult to image what will happen if 1900 set foot on land ?start an ordinary life and become vulgar ,be absorbed in chasing fame and fortune .no ,we dont want to see that ,so the story just stop here ,even painful and sad .Just let us remember him A man never existed. He has never set foot on land in his entire life. No ID. No passport. No Visa. No parents. No birthday. Nothing in the world belongs to him excepthis music.《海上钢琴师》英文观后感篇5It is a story about spiritual freedom and pure soul.A man called 1900 was born on the ship,then he grew on the ship and died on the ship.The ship called Virginian bears his whole life.In 1900;s time,only once he made a decision to leave the ship and see the world.but at last he turned back.Because he can;t face the infinite city life.《海上钢琴师》英文观后感篇6Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.What I didnt see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world...You get me up on that gangway and youre rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end.That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. Youre sitting on the wrong bench. Thats Gods piano.。

海上钢琴师观后感英语" The Legend of 1900 " is a film that has left an indelible mark on my heart It's a story that is as profound as the ocean it takes place on, and as mysterious as the protagonist himselfThe movie tells the tale of a man named 1900 who was born on a ship and spent his entire life there He never set foot on land, and his world was confined to the decks and cabins of the vessel This might sound like a limiting existence to some, but for 1900, it was a universe filled with music and endless possibilitiesOne of the most striking aspects of the film is the character of 1900、He is a genius pianist, but not in the conventional sense His music is not just a performance; it's an expression of his soul Every note he plays seems to come from a place deep within him, a place untouched by the mundane and the ordinary His ability to create such beautiful and moving music without any formal training is nothing short of astonishingThe relationship between 1900 and the ship is also something that fascinates me The ship is not just a mode of transportation for him; it's his home, his refuge, and his entire world It represents stability and familiarity in a constantly changing world Even when faced with the temptation of leaving the ship and exploring the vast unknown of the land, he remains steadfast in his decision to stay This shows a remarkable sense of loyalty and a fear of the unknown that many of us can relate to on some levelThe cinematography in the film is breathtaking The scenes of the ship sailing through the rough seas, the sunsets over the ocean, and the cramped quarters where 1900 lives all add to the overall atmosphere of the story The way the camera captures the beauty and the power of the ocean makes one feel as if they are right there on the ship, experiencing everything along with the charactersThe music, of course, is the heart and soul of the movie The compositions are so powerful that they have the ability to transport the viewer into 1900's world Each piece seems to tell a story of its own, and it's impossible not to be moved by the emotions they convey From the lively and energetic tunes played during the parties on the ship to the melancholic melodies when 1900 is lost in his thoughts, the music is an integral part of the narrativeThe theme of the film is complex and multilayered It explores the concepts of identity, belonging, and the fear of the unknown 1900's decision to stay on the ship can be seen as a metaphor for our own fears and insecurities when faced with new and unfamiliar situations It makes us question what it truly means to have a home and a sense of belonging Is it a physical place, or is it something that exists within us?Another aspect that the film brings to light is the idea of simplicity versus complexity 1900's life on the ship is relatively simple, yet it is filled with meaning and purpose In contrast, the land represents a world of endless choices and complications This contrast makes us think about the choices we make in our own lives and whether simplicity and focus might lead to a more fulfilling existenceIn conclusion, " The Legend of 1900 " is not just a movie; it's an emotional journey that makes us question our own beliefs and values It reminds us of the power of music, the beauty of simplicity, and the importance of finding our own place in the world, no matter how unconventional it might be This film has truly touched my heart and will remain with me for a long time to comeIt has made me realize that sometimes, the boundaries we set for ourselves can become our comfort zones, and stepping out of them can be terrifying But at the same time, it's important to have the courage to explore and take risks, because only then can we truly discover who we are and what we are capable ofThe story of 1900 also highlights the importance of following our passions For him, music was his life, and he dedicated himself completely to it This kind of singleminded pursuit of something we love is something that many of us strive for but often find difficult to achieve in a world filled with distractions and expectationsFurthermore, the film makes me appreciate the value of uniqueness 1900 was an unconventional character who chose a path that few would understand or dare to follow Yet, it was his uniqueness that made him memorable and his story worth telling It encourages us to embrace our own quirks and differences, and not be afraid to stand out from the crowdOverall, " The Legend of 1900 " has left me with a lot to think about It has shown me the beauty of a life lived on one's own terms, the power of art to touch our souls, and the complexity of the human spirit It is a film thatI will undoubtedly revisit in the future, as each viewing is sure to bring new insights and emotions。

T h e i m p r e s s i o n o f《t h e l e g e n d1900》《The Legend of 1900》showed us a man who borned ,growed up and died in the ship。
The born of his life was just for the piano。
It also just looked like our real life, someone might be not willing to leave his homeland all his life, even the land was barren, desolateand dangerous, and even the outside world was numerous and colorful, gold and silver throughout all the land。
For a man whose home was this ship, his full happy ,sad ,dream passion were all in this ship。
Therefore ,he still won't choose to leave finally 。
There was a monologue of the masters, he said that his choice was not for seeing the building which maked him f e e l a f r a i d。
T h e e n d o f w o r l d w a s o u t o f s i g h t ,w h i c h w a s t h e t r u t h。
Piano keys and the ship decks could be feld from the beginning to the ending。

海上钢琴师英语观后感The legend of 1900A fter watching this fi lm, I can’t hold my tears back. Not only dose it touched me, but also it described the classical life of a man who has God’s arms. In addition, 1900's story is told via flashback and reflection by Max, a friend of 1900's of whom he spent many years with on the ship, and played the trumpet along side him in the jazz orchestra.1900 is a talent. When he first touched the piano, he played it excellent. And his spirit is random, he once said :” Fuck the regulation .” He thought his music belongs to the soul, belongs to people who understand it, belongs to the freedom. 1900 never set his foot on the land except when he encountered his love. But when he had already packaged his things and stood on the stairs, he flinched. Then he never step out of the ship, even never go down the stairs. After the war ended ,the ship was too old to carry people and it would be exploded.1900’s friend, his only friend found 1900 still in the ruined ship. But our adamant pianist was stuck with his determination, to him , the ship is all, the ship is his whole world. Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder. “ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city. Finally his friend left 1900 sorrowfully, watched the ship being bombed, a talent disappeared, the legend of 1900 ended.I t’s a classical movie. Although the movie is untrue, it closes to our heart, it strucked me, what about you?1900 once told his only friend, Max :” Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It's a woman too beautiful; it's a voyage too long, a perfume toostrong. It's a music I don't know how to make. I could never get off this ship.” I think it’s a symbol of weakne ss. Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt. With no doubt, loneliness adversely affects his personality. He fear change his temporary condition, he wants his everyday life remains the same. he fear that if he left the ship everything would out of control. It’s quite lamentable that he could win over the piano master, but he couldn’t win over himself. He lived in their own world, and other people weren’t able to walk in.I n the movie, when Max told others the story of his friend,nobody believed. At last, the moving story only made Max bring back his trumpet. I once believed that when 1900 bombed with the ship, the ending is perfect. But the ordinary end seems more touched. Just as Max said:” Sooner or later all stories ended.” No matter how popular the story was, it would ensed. And 1900 only lives in Max’s memory.T he music, which I feel make the film more perfect ,all by Ennio Morricone, is wonderful. I loved how scenes would just be time after time of 1900 pounding out notes. It reminded me of "Tango" in the sense that you were watching it more for its dancing and cheorography than its storytelling; "The Legend of 1900" was interesting mostly for its musical capabilities.What’s more, the music could deeply embody the emotion of the lonely man and made us know more about the film.O ur life is also a performance, but without fixed script, everybody around you is audience, but they have different goal and attitude; everybody around you is actor, they act different stories.T he world needs legend. Perhaps 1900 would have a beauty as lifelong companion, we may thought if they would live happily.Perhaps when 1900 go to the land, he would become wealthy and famous, but we would also thought, a ship or a world, which is more important. Because when 1900 had his lover, he would not be the classical people, when 1900 set his foot on the land, he would not be the legend. To build a legend, the director made 1900 married with a piano. And we could feel 1900’s real friend is piano.1900 is very familiar wit h the emotion which the piano convey, but persons’ exchange can not get it. May be it’s a little sad, it is true.。

我最喜欢的电影海上钢琴师英文作文My favorite movie is "The Piano Teacher" written by Hai Zi. The film tells the story of a talented pianist named Guoliang who embarks on a journey to find his true self through music. 我最喜欢的电影是由海子创作的《海上钢琴师》。
The movie is beautifully shot, with breathtaking cinematography that captures the essence of music and the power of self-discovery. Each scene is carefully crafted to evoke emotions and draw the audience into Guoliang's world. 电影的摄影非常精美,令人叹为观止,捕捉到音乐的本质和自我发现的力量。
One of the most touching aspects of the film is Guoliang's journey of self-discovery through music. As he delves deeper into his passion for playing the piano, he uncovers hidden truths about himself and his past, leading to a profound transformation. 影片中最触动人心的一点是国亮通过音乐进行自我发现的旅程。

海上钢琴师英文观后感篇1It is a story about spiritual freedom and pure soul.A man called 1900 was born on the ship,then he grew on the ship and died on the ship.The ship called Virginian bears his whole life.In 1900;s time,only once he made a decision to leave the ship and see the world.but at last he turnedback.Because he can;t face the infinite city life.海上钢琴师英文观后感篇2There are some movies that have no shocking scenes and fascinating plots, but tell a story without modification, but there are waves in your heart in front of the screen. This is an illusory miracle, a sad story and a legend about him. The story of sea,ship, piano, land, loneliness, friendship and genius. After watching this film, I was filled with emotion, but I couldn't write. “Marine pianist” is such afilm that I can't stop talking. Briefly summarize the content of this film: in the unique maritime world of the luxury cruise ship Virginia, the orphan named 1900 abandoned in 1900 grew up as a talented pianist at sea, which attracted the first talented pianist on land to challenge, and love came inadvertently from the window, but in the end 1900 decided to be born in the sea and die in the sea. But I think we don't have to pay much attention to these plots. I even think it's not the focus of the film at all, because these have been performed in many films. Watching this film, we should watch his last monologue to the outside world, so asto understand his final decision to go ashore.The film focuses on his departure twice. The first time is to decide to go ashore for his beloved girl. The second and last time, he still resolutely insisted on not going ashore at the moment of life and death. Perhaps, the audience will feel very sorry at the end.Why didn't he leave? Why would he rather die than set foot on the shore he had hoped to set foot on?“Take a piano for exle. It starts and ends with the keys. You know, the piano has only 88 keys, and no piano is bad. They are not infinite. You are infinite, and the music made on the keys is infinite. I like this, and I am used to living.” this is his answer. At first, I didn't understand his explanation of not getting off the ship. I thought it was a negative approach to life! But in the end, 1900's joke with Max made me understand why 1900 chose to play the piano, because he wanted to play his own music when he went to heaven after his death, because no one can play the piano with two right hands! If 1900 gets off the ship, it is estimated that he will, like Jerry, no longer play the piano for his own love, but for others or money. That's what 1900 doesn't want to see. Even if 1900 gets off the ship, he will never have the inspiration to pop up his own music. Standing in our world to see, study, work, be parents, and then grow old, it sounds as if everything has been understood.Everything will e naturally along the way. We are used to being consumed and swallowed up by those plicated things around us, but we never think we should have some simple days. For 1900, the onshore world “has everything, but there is no end”. On the ship, all the impure motives about music are isolated, and some are just their own heartfelt understanding of music. He can read the joys and sorrows of the people infront of him at will, and then arrange a background music for everyone with the piano keys. He never had to let himself play those boring dance music against his heart because of the conductor's request. He could always play his own style and let that group of people dance with him.At the end of the film, 1900 didn't get off the cruise ship and was buried in a deafening explosion. Virginia is his only direction. Here, he is sometimes like a naughty and free child, but sometimes lonely and sad. His lonely artistic life and endless sea are his destiny.海上钢琴师英文观后感篇3Morning everyone,today i will introduce a film to you all.its name is the legend of 1900,its not talk about stories happened in 1900 ,its mainly about a pianist who was born, lived and died in a ship and never left the ship with a special name .yes his name is 1900 .an orphan was adopted by a black man working on the ship.To be honest i have download this film for a long time ,but i didnt watch it ,because i think it wont be very interesting .just a pianist ,what wonderful story can happen to him ?But recently i just opened it by accident ,firstly it was really very dull ,no famous film star ,no interesting plot,no wonderful kungfu.but finally my eyesight was caught by the pianist , Hes a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms,and also hes a man so stupid that he chose to stay on the ship gone with the wind and storm while he can ashore and bee the most famous pianist.whats more ,at the end when the ship should be destroyed he still refused to leave and finally died with the ship.Someone may see this film as a tragedy,but is it really one ?maybe the end was indeed so sad ,most of us would feel its a pity to see his died .But onething is for sure: this man is a real artist--pianist. only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm. only a man like him can give up desire of reputation and money on the land. only a man like him... can have such a beautiful story to tell... It is really difficult to image what will happen if 1900 set foot on land ?start an ordinary life and bee vulgar ,be absorbed in chasing fame andfortune .no ,we dont want to see that ,so the story just stop here ,even painful and sad .Just let us remember him A man never existed. He has never set foot on land in his entire life. No ID. No passport. No Visa. No parents. No birthday. Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music.海上钢琴师英文观后感篇4Hes a man so brave,that he can play the imaginary piano when exploded with the ship he was born,livedand died in.Yet hes a man so scared,that he cannot face the infinite city life we are living everyday.Hes a man so intelligent,that he can play the piano as if he has four arms (or Id rather say,he has Gods arms).Yet hes a man so stupid,that he chose to gone with the wind while hes other choice could be marrying a beautiful woman and having a child.Hes a man so perceptive,that he could use his music language to describe exactly others feelings.。

The Legend of 1900Born, lived, and died on a ship, this is a grieving story, as well as a legend about him---Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred---a story integrated a genius with music, friendship and solitude.Music is his perception about life.It was music that made up 1900’s entire life, who drifted over the Virginian without setting foot on land and finally chose to gone with the wind as the explosion of the ship. He was such a perceptive man that he could use his music language to describe exactly what others felt. Seeing the scene of his playing, I couldn’t help adoring: What a miracle that a guy could use his ten fingers flowing on the keys of a piano and made out such wonderful pieces of music, even in a terrifying storm! As notes floating on his fingers, I saw as if he was telling his sincerity and affection about life. Not until then did I realize the incredible meaning of music, which could reflect the inner emotion of a person. Just as 1900 notes, ‘Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite.’Friendship is the only warmth during his life.This is a movie without a heroine. On the contrary, Max took the role who connected him with the society, thus bringing him the most precious friendship. Max was the only person who understood him, accompanied him and helped him throughout his solitude. ‘What’s the matter? Lose your sea legs?’ This sentence witnessed the beginning of their friendship, as well as the first glance after their long separation. Max didn’t insisted on 1900’s getting off Virginian, for he understood the reason 1900 chose to gone with the wind. I gradually understand the power of fellowship between two men, impressive and sensitive.Solitude is his fate floating on the sea.1900 was born on the ship, grew up there and spent his whole life there, only with a piano. Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music. Remember the scene? When Virginian pulled in to the shore, the cabin came to a total silence all of a sudden, leaving 1900 behind, sitting in front of the piano, gloomy and lonely. What a poor guy! Nothing could rescue him from loneliness, and he was an abandonee rather than a genius.1900 eventually refused to get off the ship. He said, ‘There are eighty-eight keys on a piano, but there are millions of keys, millions and billions of keys outside the ship, never ends.’ That’s what he said and did. You may confuse about his choice, but I do not. There are millions of people who hold their dreams deep in heart without carrying them out and they are the ones 1900 represents. However, we were born on God’s piano, thus we are doomed to suffer frustrations and create the most elegant piece of music in this tiny world. No one was born genius, but we can forge ourselves a conscientious and earnest one. Do remember that all the compromises are for the sake of our dreams.。

Film Review of 1900I read a lot of psychological book and I learned more about people's psychological problems. So when I watch this movie, I focused a lot on the Psychology. of the actor and I was intersted in this book.Identity is determined by genetic endowment, shaped by environment, and influenced by chance events. People are influenced by their environment and, in turn, influence their environment. He was born on this ship, never more than fit between prow and stern and the world passed me by. .He spent all his life in a boat. The environment was special, so he had a special character which was different form the other.He never walked into the land. At a time, he decided to go to the land, but when walked in the half of the hanging ladder, he not dare to go down, and felt at lost. As he said “There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there?How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die...”“All that city you just couldn’t see an end to it.”.All his life, just facing the sea and the piano, all the land for him was an uncertainty. He did not know what to do and where to go. He could not face the real world, nothing can instead of his attachment to the ship, even the power of love. He is a person of non-normal psychology 。

我最喜欢的电影海上钢琴师英文作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Movie: The Piano Player on the SeaHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my favorite movie, "The Piano Player on the Sea." This movie is very special to me because it tells a heartwarming and inspiring story.The main character in the movie is called Danny. He is a talented piano player who loves music more than anything else in the world. Danny dreams of becoming a famous musician one day, but he faces many challenges along the way.The story takes place on a big, beautiful ship called the "Ocean Symphony." Danny's father works on the ship as a sailor, so they get to travel to different countries together. It sounds so exciting, right?One day, while exploring the ship, Danny discovers an old, dusty piano hidden in a storage room. He cannot resist the temptation and starts playing it. The sound of the piano fills the room, and everyone who hears it is amazed by his talent. Fromthat moment on, Danny becomes known as "The Piano Player on the Sea."Danny's music brings joy and happiness to everyone on the ship. Passengers and crew members gather around him every evening to listen to his beautiful melodies. His music even helps people overcome their sadness and worries.But the journey is not always smooth for Danny. He faces a big challenge when the ship encounters a terrible storm. The storm is so strong that the ship starts to sink. Everyone is in a panic, but Danny remains calm. He knows that his music can bring people together and give them hope.Danny plays the piano with all his heart while the ship is sinking. His music reaches the ears of the rescue team, and they come to save everyone on the ship. It's like a miracle!After the incident, Danny's music becomes famous all over the world. He fulfills his dream of becoming a famous musician and performs in grand concert halls. He never forgets the power of music and how it saved him and others on that stormy night."The Piano Player on the Sea" teaches us many important lessons. It shows us the power of music to bring people togetherand give them hope. It also tells us that no matter how big the challenges we face, we should never give up on our dreams.I love this movie because it reminds me that I should always follow my passion and never be afraid to dream big. It also teaches me the importance of helping others and spreading happiness through my talents, just like Danny did with his music.If you haven't watched "The Piano Player on the Sea" yet, I highly recommend it. I'm sure you will enjoy the beautiful music, the exciting adventure, and the inspiring message it conveys.That's all for now. I hope you liked my essay about my favorite movie. Thank you for reading!篇2My Favorite Movie: The PianistHave you ever watched a movie that made you feel really sad, but also inspired you? That's how I felt after seeing the film "The Pianist." It's a war movie, but it's not like other war movies with lots of fighting and explosions. Instead, it shows how hard life was for one man and his family during World War II.The main character is Wladyslaw Szpilman, a famous Polish pianist and composer. In the beginning, he has a good life inWarsaw with his parents, siblings, and two nieces. Wladyslaw plays piano on the radio and everyone enjoys listening to his beautiful music. But then the German Nazi army invades Poland in 1939 and everything changes.The Nazis didn't like Jewish people like Wladyslaw's family. They made lots of unfair rules and took away the rights of Jewish people. Wladyslaw and his family had to move into a cramped ghetto area of the city. They didn't have much food or heat, and they were scared all the time of the Nazi soldiers who patrolled the streets.Despite the terrible conditions, Wladyslaw tried his best to keep playing piano and writing music to give people hope. He played underground concerts for his neighbors in hiding places. Music was his way of keeping his spirit alive during those dark times.Things kept getting worse, though. Wladyslaw's whole family was captured and sent to the concentration camps, those awful Nazi prisons. Wladyslaw himself barely escaped deportation several times, helped by brave Polish friends who hid him. The scenes of the Nazis violently rounding up people were so disturbing and upsetting to watch.At one point, when the war was almost over, Wladyslaw was starving and all alone in an abandoned house in the bombed-out ruins of the city. Just when it seemed he might not survive, a surprising thing happened. A kind German officer named Wilm Hosenfeld found Wladyslaw and quietly left him food instead of turning him in to the Nazis. This small act of compassion and humanity helped save Wladyslaw's life.By the movie's end in 1945, the war was finally over. Out of his huge family, Wladyslaw was one of the only survivors. Despite losing nearly everyone and everything he loved, he began rebuilding his life through his talent and love for piano music. The final scene showing Wladyslaw playing a beautiful piano concert made me feel hopeful after all the suffering he endured.The story of "The Pianist" is incredible because it's a true story based on Wladyslaw Szpilman's memoirs. I can't imagine having to go through what he experienced, with your whole world turned upside down through no fault of your own. The movie doesn't glorify war, but shows its harsh realities and human costs. It made me appreciate how lucky I am to live in peace.At the same time, I was inspired by Wladyslaw's quiet strength, resilience, and determination to keep playing piano nomatter what obstacles he faced. His music became a form of spiritual resistance against the Nazis' cruelty and injustice. Even in unimaginably difficult circumstances, he never lost his humanity or hope.I think everyone should watch "The Pianist" because it's an important story that teaches us to be compassionate, stand up against discrimination, and persist in following our passions no matter how hard life gets. The movie had some violent scenes that were hard to watch, but they showed just how terrible the Nazis were to Jewish people and other groups. I'm glad there are movies like this that help educate people about the real horrors of events like the Holocaust so that hopefully things like that will never happen again.After seeing Wladyslaw's powerful example, I want to work harder to be a kinder person and appreciate the freedoms I have.I also have a new respect for the ability of great music and art to inspire people and spread important messages during difficult times. Most importantly, "The Pianist" reminds me to always hold on to hope, even in the darkest of days. I'll never forget this beautiful yet heartbreaking movie.篇3My Favorite Movie: The PianistOne of my all-time favorite movies is "The Pianist." It's a really powerful and moving film that tells the true story of a Polish-Jewish pianist named Wladyslaw Szpilman during World War II. Even though the movie deals with some very heavy topics like the Holocaust, I think it's an important story that everyone should learn about.The movie starts out in 1939 in Warsaw, Poland, just before the Nazis invaded. Wladyslaw, who everyone calls "Wladek," is a famous pianist who plays concerts and works on radio broadcasts. He has a nice life with his family in the Jewish ghetto. But then everything changes when the Nazis take over.The Nazis started making lots of unfair rules and laws against the Jewish people. They forced all the Jews in Warsaw, including Wladek's family, to move into a few small areas of the city called "ghettos." They couldn't leave and had to live in cramped, dirty conditions without enough food. It was absolutely awful.Things kept getting worse for Wladek and the other Jews. The Nazis started violently attacking them and sending many off to concentration camps. In one really scary scene, Wladek is outafter curfew and has to hide in an abandoned house to avoid being caught by Nazi soldiers.Eventually, the Nazis decided to empty out the ghetto entirely. They rounded up all the Jews, including Wladek's whole family, and sent them off to the camps. This part always makes me cry. Wladek managed to escape at the last minute by sneaking out of the ghetto through the city's sewers and tunnels. But his entire family was taken to the death camps.For the rest of the war, Wladek had to keep moving from one hiding spot to the next to avoid being captured. He lived in constant fear, hardly ate, and saw so many horrible things. A few times he was given shelter by kind Polish people who risked their lives to protect him. I'm always amazed by people's bravery and compassion, even in the darkest of times.One of the most powerful scenes is when Wladek ends up alone in an abandoned house. He is starving, exhausted, and has lost all hope. But then he sees an old piano in the house. Even though he is just skin and bones, he gathers what little strength he has left and begins playing piano beautifully. The music gives him the will to keep going. That part always gives me chills.Finally, in 1945 the war ended and Wladek was free. He was one of the only members of his entire family to survive theHolocaust. In the final scene, a Polish friend helps get Wladek a job playing piano again on a radio broadcast. As he starts playing, the camera shows Wladek with tears in his eyes, but also a sense of hope and perseverance. It's such a powerful and emotional ending.I first saw The Pianist when I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. Some parts were definitely scary and upsetting to watch. But my parents explained the important history behind the story. They said we have to learn about events like the Holocaust so that hatred and violence against others because of their religion or race will hopefully never happen again.Even though the movie is set during a very dark period, I think it ultimately has a uplifting message about the resilience of the human spirit. No matter how terrible the circumstances, some people were able to hold onto their humanity, creativity, and hope. Wladek's ability to keep playing the piano and pursuing his passion in the midst of so much oppression and genocide is really inspirational to me.The Pianist is an extremely well-made film on a technical level too. The acting is phenomenal - Adrien Brody definitely deserved the Oscar he won for playing Wladek. The directing, cinematography, and musical score are all excellent as well. Ihave so much respect for the filmmakers for tackling such a difficult but important subject matter.I know the movie is pretty heavy material, especially for a kid. But I actually think it's good to learn about serious historical events like the Holocaust at a younger age in an age-appropriate way. It helps teach lessons about racism, xenophobia, bravery, resilience, and human rights that will stick with you. The Pianist definitely had that effect on me.Whenever I'm going through a tough or scary situation in my own life, I think back to scenes of Wladek persevering through things a million times worse while still holding onto his humanity and his art. If he could get through that hell on earth, I figure I can handle my own challenges too. His story reminds me to appreciate the freedoms I have, to stand up against injustice, and to pursue the things I'm passionate about no matter what obstacles get in the way.The Pianist isn't necessarily an easy or fun movie to watch. But it's beautifully crafted, tells an incredible true story, and has so many powerful life lessons. It's definitely one of the most impactful and meaningful films I've ever seen. I think everyone, kids included, should experience it. Just make sure to give yourself plenty of time afterwards to process everything anddiscuss the movie's important messages and themes. Movies like this have the power to open our minds, Hearts, and change the way we view the world for the better.篇4My Favorite Movie: The PianistHave you ever watched a movie that made you feel really sad but also inspired you? The movie "The Pianist" did that for me. It's based on the true story of a brilliant Polish pianist named Władysław Szpilman who survived the Holocaust during World War II. Even though the movie deals with a very dark time in history, I think it's an important story that everyone should know.The movie starts out in Warsaw, Poland in 1939 before the war begins. Władysław is a popular rad io pianist and is living a comfortable life with his family. But then Nazi Germany invades Poland and everything changes. The Nazis start rounding up Jewish people like Władysław and forcing them to live in a ghetto surrounded by walls and barbed wire.Life in the ghetto is terrible. There's not enough food or medicine and people are constantly being deported trainloads to Nazi concentration camps. Władysław and his family have to share one tiny room and deal with hunger, sickness, and fearevery day. A t one point, Władysław's whole family gets deported except for him. He has to go into hiding to avoid being captured.For months, Władysław hides in different places around the ghetto, trying not to get caught by the Nazis. He doesn't have much to eat and is always scared someone will turn him in. A few kind people risk their own lives to shelter him for short times. Finally, the ghetto gets demolished entirely by the Nazis after an uprising. Władysław is one of the only survivors left.After the gh etto is emptied out, Władysław has to fend for himself in the ruins of Warsaw. He sneaks around abandoned buildings, scrounging for any food he can find. In one intense scene, he's nearly caught and executed by Nazi soldiers. Akind-hearted German officer named Wilm Hosenfeld spares his life and even helps him get a place to hide. For over a year,Władysław lives in hiding until the Soviet army finally liberates Warsaw at the end of the war.There are a few scenes in the movie that really stuck with me. One is when the Nazis are emptying out the ghetto and deporting all the residents. There's a little boy all alone, crying in the street while carrying a teddy bear. A Nazi officer just calmly walks up and shoots the boy point blank. It's a heartbreakingscene that shows how cruel the Nazis were, even towards innocent children.Another powerful scene is when Władysław is starving and weak in the ghetto, but he hears a german officer listening to a recording of him playing the piano on a scratchy record player. In that moment, Władysław is reminded of his passion for music and why he needs to go on living, despite the horror surrounding him. It's a touching reminder of how art and beauty can persevere even in the darkest of times.Although the movie is full of tragedy and suffering, I was inspired by Władysław's courage, resilience, and will to survive against all odds. He lost his entire family and went through unimaginable hardship, yet he never lost hope. By some miracle, he managed to outwit the Nazis and make it through the war alive because of his determination and the few people who helped shelter him.What I took away most from the film is how senseless hatred and discrimination can lead to such profound suffering and loss of human life. The Nazis regarded Jewish people as subhuman solely because of their religion and ethnicity. This racist ideology allowed them to commit genocide through starvation, shootings,gas chambers, and other cruel atrocities. Millions of innocent souls perished just because of small-minded prejudices.Yet the film also shows that even in the midst of evil, there were some glimmers of human decency. The few people who risked their lives to shelter Władysław showed great moral courage. Officer Wilm Hosenfeld put his own life in jeopardy to protect Władysław and was later imprisoned in a Nazi camp himself. This proves that hatred can be overcome by brave individuals who make the choice to look past stereotypes and see our shared humanity.In the end, The Pianist is an unforgettable movie that everyone needs to experience. Even though it depicts one of the darkest chapters of human history, it's a powerful reminder of why we must reject racism, antisemitism, and all forms of discrimination. It shows that the human spirit can persevere through immense cruelty and suffering through courage, art, compassion, and our shared hopes for a better future.Despite its heavy subject matter, I think this is an important movie for kids to watch too (perhaps with some parental guidance for the most graphic parts). It can teach powerful lessons about the consequences of hatred, the importance ofbravery and human decency, and the enduring resilience of the human spirit even in the face of unimaginable adversity.篇5My Favorite Movie: The PianistHi there! My name is Emily and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite movie called "The Pianist." It's such an amazing and powerful film that really moved me.The Pianist is a true story that takes place during World War II in Poland. It's about a brilliant Jewish pianist named Wladyslaw Szpilman. When the Nazi Germans invade Poland in 1939, Wladyslaw's life is turned upside down.At first, the Nazis force all the Jews in Warsaw, including Wladyslaw and his family, to leave their homes and move into a rundown area called the Warsaw Ghetto. They are crammed into this tiny space with thousands of other Jews. There is barely any food or clean water. It's a really scary and sad situation.Despite the awful conditions, Wladyslaw tries to stay positive. He continues playing the piano whenever he can to lift people's spirits. Music is his passion and brings him joy even during the darkest of times. I admire how he never gives up hope.Eventually, the Nazis decide to empty out the ghetto by sending all the Jews to concentration camps. This is when things get really intense and terrifying in the movie. Wladyslaw is separated from his family and has to go into hiding to avoid being captured.For many months, he hides out in different places all around the ruined city of Warsaw. He has to be absolutely silent and still at all times so the Nazi soldiers don't find him. Sometimes he goes days without food or water. I can't even imagine how scared and hungry he must have felt.Despite his sufferings, Wladyslaw's spirit is never broken. He keeps reminding himself that as long as he is alive, there is still hope. The actor who plays him, Adrien Brody, does such an amazing job showing his strength and determination to survive.My favorite part is when Wladyslaw is given shelter by a kind Polish man named Wilm Hosenfeld. Even though it's extremely risky, Wilm decides to protect Wladyslaw and provide him with food. To me, this shows that there were still good people during this tragic time who were brave enough to help others. Their friendship is so touching.In the end, Wladyslaw does manage to survive the Holocaust against all odds. The final scene where he plays piano for the firsttime after the war always gives me chills. It's such a powerful moment celebrating his resilience and love of music.I think the most important message of the film is to never lose hope, even in the darkest and most difficult situations. Wladyslaw's courage and passion for his art kept him going when most people would have given up. That's why he is such an inspirational person.The Pianist really opened my eyes to the unimaginable horrors that millions of Jews suffered during the Holocaust. It's a hard movie to watch at times because of the disturbing scenes of violence and cruelty. However, I'm glad I saw it because it taught me so much about that tragic period in history.I have so much respect and admiration for Wladyslaw Szpilman after learning his incredible story of survival. Whenever I feel sad or scared, I think of how he persevered through even worse circumstances with bravery and grace. He's proof that the human spirit can overcome anything as long as we don't abandon hope.The acting, music, and overall production values are fantastic too. Adrien Brody definitely deserved to win the Oscar for his raw and emotional performance as Wladyslaw. The scenes of him playing piano so beautifully are mezmerizing. And I'll neverforget the haunting images of war-torn Warsaw - it looked like a nightmare come to life.In my opinion, The Pianist is a cinematic masterpiece that everyone should see. Yes, it's long and heavy at times. But it has so many important lessons about remaining strong during our most difficult struggles. It celebrates the resilience of the human spirit in a truly powerful way.I think this incredible true story will stay with me for the rest of my life. Whenever I'm tempted to complain or feel sorry for myself, I'll remember poor Wladyslaw hiding in ruins and going days without food or water. Yet he never stopped dreaming of better days. His unwavering hope and love for his art is what allowed him to survive the unimaginable nightmare of the Holocaust.If an ordinary person like Wladyslaw could get through something so horrific, then I know I can overcome any obstacles in my own life. The Pianist fills me with inspiration to work hard, appreciate the good people around me, and cherish all of life's little joys and beauties like music. It's one of the most profound and moving films I've ever experienced.So those are my thoughts on the brilliant movie The Pianist. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you check it out.Just be prepared - it's an unforgettable and emotionally draining viewing experience. But it's also uplifting in its portrayal of the unbreakable strength of the human spirit against all odds. I'm already looking forward to watching it again soon!篇6Title: My Favorite Movie - The Piano Teacher on the OceanIntroduction:Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my absolute favorite movie, "The Piano Teacher on the Ocean." It's a beautiful and touching film that I really love. Let me share with you why it's so special to me.Plot Summary:"The Piano Teacher on the Ocean" is an amazing movie set in the 1900s. It tells the story of a talented musician named Danny who loves playing the piano. He dreams of becoming a famous pianist one day. The movie takes us on a journey as Danny embarks on a ship called "Melody" to perform his piano skills for people all around the world.Character Introduction:Danny is a young and passionate pianist who is always curious and eager to learn new things. He has a big heart and always tries to help others. On the ship, he meets many interesting characters, including Captain Jack, a kind-hearted sailor who becomes Danny's friend, and Emma, a little girl who loves music and becomes his biggest fan.Music and Adventure:Throughout the movie, we get to hear beautiful piano music played by Danny. The music is so magical and makes me feel happy and excited. Danny's performances on the ship are full of energy, and he plays with great enthusiasm. The scenes of the ship sailing across the vast ocean are breathtaking, and it feels like I'm on an adventure with Danny.Friendship and Support:One of the things I love most about this movie is the friendship and support that Danny receives from Captain Jack and Emma. They encourage him to never give up on his dreams, even when things get tough. Captain Jack teaches Danny about the importance of perseverance, and Emma always cheers him on with her adorable smile.Life Lessons:"The Piano Teacher on the Ocean" teaches us many important life lessons. It shows us that with hard work, dedication, and the support of friends, we can achieve our dreams. It also teaches us the value of kindness and helping others, just like Danny does throughout the movie. The film reminds us that music has the power to touch our hearts and bring people together.Conclusion:In conclusion, "The Piano Teacher on the Ocean" is my favorite movie because it has a wonderful story, beautiful music, and teaches us valuable life lessons. It inspires me to follow my dreams, be kind to others, and never give up. I hope you get a chance to watch it and experience the magic of this amazing movie too!。
海上钢琴师 英文读后感

The Legend of 1900On this summer vacation ,I saw a movie ——The Legend of 1900.In 1998,the film shown in Italy.Film is from Alexandria Ricoeur 1994 theater text adapted from 1900:a monologue.Film tells the story of a life spent to death on the sea all genius pianist’s story.In 1900,the luxury cruise on the Virginian,an orphan abandoned in the frist class,raised a sailor on a ship Danny Boodman,and named Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred.When 1900 at the age of eight, a maritime accident, raising 1900 Danny died accidentally. Fortunately, miraculously, one day late at night on board all the awakened by graceful tweedle, trace to the piano, the piano was self-taught 1900 self-denying, played before touching melody moved the people, from now on, 1900 is a piano in the sea journey, who also attracted more and more customers.A few years later, the adult of 1900 became a pianist at Virginia number band, though he has never been under the boat, but it can on the piano fantasy world, in a storm, he encountered was seasick Max, two people very congenial. From then on, Max became his life's confidant.The father of jazz Jelly Roll Morton avowed his talents and, thus to challenge for 1900. Eventually 1900 won.But all these things happen at sea, 1900 would never set foot on the land.Until the ship will be destroyed after world war ii, he is not willing to listen to the advice of Max. The life of a genius pianist, will disappear in this way.1900 say a sentence in the movies,”You get me up on that gangway and you’re rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that’s the truth, Max. That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You’re sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano. “The world is very big,but it is terrible for 1900.We all have our identity, but he didn't.And we all have nationality,but he didn't,either.He can’t choose his live,so he is different with ous.He is lonely very much.If he was dead in any information you can't find the trace of his existence, may also not many people remember his presence.But he real lived in the world.He can’t changed these,so he can only walk aimlessly.So he is afraid of land, he can only trust from birth to death has never left the sea.I think this is the reason why he didn't get out.This is a tragedy, but it is a comedy. His fear of land, but had the best of his ability on the ocean.I hope he can enjoy the pleasure of music in heaven.。
The Legend Of 1900_海上钢琴师英语观后感800字_高三英语作

The Legend Of 1900_海上钢琴师英语观后感_高三英语作文A man, no parents, no names, no legal documents to prove his existence. In his infancy he was abandoned on a steamboat called the Virginia, and he spent his whole life on the ship, and did not step on the land. His profession is the pianist on the Virginia. When the Virginian abandoned, failed to change his friends to come to them and the last ship in the sea, sailing together to destroy the decision. The only trace of his life in the world was recorded, a record plate he played. Of course, most of the music in the record can not be heard, even if you do not know who on the other side of the sound.In the luxury cruise ship Virginia sui generis sea world, named in 1900 1900 abandoned orphans grow up as a genius pianist at sea, on land first attracted talented pianists to challenge, but love also inadvertently come from the window, but at the end of 1900 was decided in the sea from the sea. But I think we can not care too much about these plots. I don t think this is the key point of the movie, because they have been done in many movies. Looking at the film, we should see his last line of monologue to the outside world in order to understand his final decision about going ashore.The tanker Virginia is carrying the hustle and bustle of cheers at the port of New York. Encouraged by a dream in the dense mass of people disembarked, meet with the possibility of a better future. After the hustle and bustle, there was nothing left on the ship except the crew. Coal worker Danny Boodman then went to a restaurant secretly collecting the guest lost valuables, nothing. At the end of his disappointment, he found a beautiful baby on the piano rack. He picked up the baby and saw his eyes clear and the skin white. Danny Boodman was amazed at the unexpected harvest, so the child, named 1900, was named to be adopted by him on the first day of the new century.In modern society, love in a different way to look at different from ordinary people, like that for 1900 people; people day and night chasing difficulties with glory, splendour, wealth and rank, complain to give vent, young time to complain about social injustice and social corruption, the authorities and the inability of generation always in the past, when the young generation of old have the position of the power, they forget when young ideal, but was the cruel reality of the society to change the world is such a generation cycle and the performance of human most incisive poor human nature, do a good many innocent people, but the innocent people in such a world of suffering temptation.Then, the day playing in the hall of the legendary, and those infected people are fake? Why they disembarked, but no one to mention? Is really a genius? Or just on the ship is a ship, what all is not the man who won? What? Is that people continue to fast in the land, and he is still on the ship, when the ship will be destroyed but only one Max think of him. If the world on the land really cares about him and cares about his piano music, what is the end? Can you believe what the future of the ship they have depicted?If I was 1900, I will have no illusions about what the people on the land, also won t have what to look forward to, it is a place that is endless, no one really cares for you, that is more than fear, because strange?At the beginning, music was slow and beautiful. There was a touching note in the middle of the music. The end of the music was dull and miserable. This dull tragedy can make people shed tears. 1900, finally, with the explosion of the ship, it ended its life. When he died, he raised his hands and played the silent music, and he could hear him.。
电影海上钢琴师英文影评[最终定稿]第一篇:电影海上钢琴师英文影评Talking about a movieMost people like to watch movies.Maybe the plot is deeply moved, or it narrate a monstrous story.As far as am concered, my favorite move is the legend of 1900.This movie tell a man who is so brave that he can play the imagianry piano when exploded with the ship he was born, lived and died in.It is begin in first January 1900, ship crew Danni piked up a baby on the piano inside the hall of the ship and he named the baby 1900.1900 grew up happily under the care and white lies of Danni.After the accidental death of Danni, 1900 came to the hall by chance and he saw the piano for the first time, then, the legend of 1900 begins.Life is like the paeeengers on the boat, abroad, getting off abroad and getting off again.To 1900, there is nothing more about lfe.Although he lives on the sea, but he has looked through all the honors, gain and fall of life among the men into the land around.At the time of the ship,1900 played hia hands in the air, the beautiful fingers move as the background music knocking on the doors to heaven.1900’s life was very simple but lack of human beauty.I think he is a real artist-pianist.Only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifing storm.Only a man like him can give up the first two bouts of a flight and beat the competitor entirely, convincing and potently in the last bout.Only a man like him can have such a beautiful story to tell.He is also a man never existed, never setfoot on land in his entire life.No ID, no visa, no parents, no birthday.Nothing in the world belongs to him expect his music.1900 is detailed and deep feelings of the man, his spiritsanf talent are devoted eighty-eight the piano keys.His spirits inpressed me and I’m very adore him.第二篇:海上钢琴师影评思想道德修养与法律基础研究性作业(三号)题目小组成员任课教师章清祥组别和组长上课时间周一第3-4节作业完成时间___二零一二年十月十四日___《海上钢琴师》影评(第十组)摘要:看罢电影,感悟很多,收获很多。

海上钢琴师读后感英文The Piano Player on the Ocean: A Reflection。
The Piano Player on the Ocean is a novel that has left a deep impression on me. The story is set against the backdrop of World War II and tells the tale of a talented pianist, who is forced to play music on a floating stage in the middle of the ocean. The novel is an emotional rollercoaster that explores themes of love, hope, and the resilience of the human spirit.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is the vivid and evocative description of the ocean. The author's prose beautifully captures the vastness and power of the sea, as well as its ability to both give and take away. The ocean becomes a character in its own right, shaping the lives of the people who are stranded on the floating stage. The imagery is so vivid that I could almost feel the salt spray on my skin and hear the roar of the waves.The characters in the novel are also incredibly well-developed. The protagonist, the pianist, is a complex and multi-dimensional character who undergoes a profound transformation throughout the course of the story. His love for music and his unwavering determination to survive in the face of adversity are truly inspiring. The other characters, such as the crew members and the fellow passengers on the floating stage, are equally compelling and add depth to the narrative.The novel also delves into the power of music as a means of transcending the limitations of the human condition. The pianist's music becomes a source of solace and hope for the people on the floating stage, providing them with a brief respite from the harsh realities of their situation. The author beautifully captures the transformative power of music, showing how it has theability to uplift and unite people in the most challenging of circumstances.The theme of love is also central to the novel. The pianist's love for his wife, who is far away on land,serves as a driving force that sustains him through the darkest of times. The author's portrayal of their love is both tender and poignant, and serves as a reminder of the enduring power of human connection.Ultimately, The Piano Player on the Ocean is a deeply moving and thought-provoking novel that has left a lasting impact on me. It is a story of resilience, hope, and the indomitable nature of the human spirit. The novel's richly drawn characters, evocative setting, and profound themes make it a truly unforgettable read. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a captivating and emotionally resonant story.。

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As I sat on the shore, the sound of the piano drifted towards me. It was a mesmerizing melody that seemed to come from another world. The pianist played with such passionand skill that it transported me to a place of pure bliss.The music was a mix of classical and contemporary tunes, creating a unique fusion that was both familiar and refreshing. Each note was played with precision, yet there was an underlying sense of improvisation that added a touch of unpredictability to the performance.The pianist's fingers danced across the keys,effortlessly gliding from one note to another. It was as if the piano was an extension of their body, a part of their soul. The music flowed through them, filling the air with a sense of magic and wonder.As I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me, I could imagine the vast expanse of the sea. The wavescrashed against the shore, matching the rhythm of the piano. It was a symphony of nature and music, a harmonious blend that was both soothing and invigorating.The piano player seemed to be in a world of their own, lost in the music. Their fingers moved with such speed and agility, creating a whirlwind of sound that enveloped the audience. It was a performance that demanded attention, drawing in everyone who happened to pass by.The music spoke to me in a way that words never could.It was a language of emotions, conveying joy, sadness, and everything in between. It was a reminder that music is a universal language, capable of bridging gaps and connecting people from different cultures and backgrounds.As the sun began to set, the piano player's performance reached its crescendo. The final notes echoed across the sea, leaving a lingering sense of awe and wonder. It was a moment that I would carry with me forever, a memory of abeautiful encounter with a talented musician.The piano player on the sea had reminded me of the power of music, its ability to touch the soul and transport us to another world. It had reminded me of the beauty that can be found in unexpected places, and the importance of embracing the magic that surrounds us.。

《海上钢琴师》观后感《海上钢琴师》观后感1Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.What I didn't see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world...You get me up on that gangway and you're rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end.That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You're sitting on the wrong bench. That's God's piano.《海上钢琴师》观后感2《海上钢琴师》很经典的一出电影,是一定该看的,只在自己的世界里坚持自己的人。
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The legend of 1900
“I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by.” He said, and he never getting off the ship just like we can’t get off our faith. He is 1900. The sentence is from the film 《The Legend of 1900》,it’s director is Giuseppe Tornatore, made in Italy and it showed in 1998. It’s a film about social, music and romance. The main actors are Tim Roth—1900, Pruitt Taylor Vince—1900’s friend, Bill Nunn—1900’s stepfather and Mélanie Thierry—1900’s lover. And this film has a high rating in Douban as 9.1 1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, but the crew dies several years later and everybody find that 1900 is a genius about playing the piano. When 1900 grown up , he meet a pure beautiful girl and fall in love . He wants to send the girl his record, so he practice again and again but he failed in the end. His friend suggest him to get off the ship so as to showing his music talent, but he never getting off the ship until he died, because he think the city is no end, he can’t live by.
O bviously, we love this film not only because of the story but also because of its music, its magic, movement music. Many piano music become famous because this film such as Magic Waltz (i am crazy in it), Playing Love, The Legend Of The Pianist On The Ocean, etc. Without these songs, this film can’t be so famous. But the same eyes would see
different things, I don’t think it’s the sooner the better when a men playing the piano, especially when 1900 fighting with jerry. I don’t think the magic of music is only about the speed, sometimes the slower, lighter music can also touch our heart, so jerry failed because he put jazz music into a narrow passage.
Another aspect of the film I really like is the ship, yes, the Virginia. This film was produced in the ship totally, every scene, every people. I like it’s hall with so many people, it’s broad in a rainy day and even it’s glass which can used as mirror by our beautiful girl, and of course, the piano. The story start from this ship and end by this ship, it is not only a ship for 1900, and it is his family, his sprit bailment.
Every one should have his faith, his sprit. 1900 don’t like the thing which is no end, he just want “One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die.” There are so many choices, it will make you confused, but just follow your faith, you will never lost yourself and will find the happiness and the peace.。