以O为坐标原点, 建立如图所示
空间直角坐标系Oxyz .
a a
则A(a , 0, 0), B(0, a , 0), C ( a , 0, 0), P 0, , ,
2 2
⊥ 1 . 1 ⊥ 平面
当 = 4, = 3, 1 = 5时, 求平面与平面1 1 的夹角的余弦值.
(2) 以A为原点建立如图所示空间直角坐标系, 则A(0,0,0), A1 (0,0,5),
B(4,0,0), B1 (4,0,5), D(0, 3,0), C (4, 3,0).
n AP ax y z 0
取z 1, 则x 0, y 1,
所以n (0, 1,1),
设直线BC 与平面PAC 所成的
则 sin cos CB, n
CB n 2
所以直线BC 与平面PAC 所成的角为30.
由(1)知 A1C (4, 3, 5)是平面AEF的一个
设平面BDD1 B1的法向量为n ( x , y , z ),
n BB1 5 z 0
n BD 4 x 3 y 0
令x 3, 得y 4, n (3, 4, 0)
得捷电子 Intellidox端口重组模块及可启用包说明书
![得捷电子 Intellidox端口重组模块及可启用包说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5e51834358eef8c75fbfc77da26925c52cc591c3.png)
What’s in the BoxIntellidox Docking ModuleEach Intellidox Docking Module package contains one Intellidox module with a factory-installed nest for the ConneX1 portable gas detector. The power adapter, power cord, calibration gas tubing, exhaust tubing, and user manual are packaged sepa-rately as the Intellidox Enabler Kit. One Enabler Kit is required for each stand-alone Intellidox module.If the Intellidox module is damaged or if parts are missing, con-tact BW T echnologies or an authorized distributor immediately.Intellidox Enabler KitOne Intellidox Enabler Kit is required for each stand-alone Intel-lidox module. Each Enabler Kit contains:1. Power supply and AC power cord appropriate to shippingdestination;2. Ethernet cable;3. Calibration gas and purge gas tubing, cut to 1 meter(3.3 feet);4. Quick connect fittings;5. Exhaust tubing, cut to 4.57 meters (15 feet);6. Inlet (purge) filter assembly;7. Intellidox end plate;8. CD containing the Intellidox Operator’s Manual in PDFformat; and9. CD containing FleetManager II version 3.0.0 software orhigher.If Enabler Kit parts are damaged or missing, or if additionalEnabler Kits are required, contact BW T echnologies or an autho-rized distributor immediately.A b o u t t h i s P u b l i c a t i o nT h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a q u i c k -s t a r t r e f e r e n c e g u i d e t o a s s e m b l i n g t h e I n t e l l i d o x D o c k i n g M o d u l e , a n d p r e p a r i n g i t f o r fi r s t u s e . E n s u r e t h a t y o u a r e f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e u s e o f p e r s o n a l g a s d e t e c -t i o n d e v i c e s a n d a c c e s s o r i e s , a n d t a k e a p p r o p r i a t e a c t i o n i n t h ee v e n t of a n a l a r m c o n d i t i o n .F o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g I n t e l l i d o x i n s t a l l a t i o n , c o n fi g u r a t i o n , o p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c e , r e f e r t o t h e I n t e l l i d o xO p e r a t o r M a n u a l o r v i s i t w w w .g a s m o n i t o r s .c o m .A b o u t t h e I n t e l l i d o x D o c k i n g M o d u l eT h e I n t e l l i d o x D o c k i n g M o d u l e (‘I n t e l l i d o x ’ o r ‘I n t e l l i d o x m o d u l e ’) i s a n a u t o m a t i c b u m p t e s t a n d c a l i b r a t i o n d o c k i n g s t a t i o n f o r u s e w i t h C o n n e X 1 p o r t a b l e g a s d e t e c t o r s m a n u f a c t u r e d b y B W T e c h n o l o g i e s . T h e I n t e l l i d o x a u t o m a t i c a l l y p e r f o r m s e s s e n t i a l p r o c e d u r e s i n c l u d i n g s e n s o r i d e n t i fi c a t i o n , b u m p t e s t s , c a l i b r a -t i o n s , a l a r m t e s t s a n d d a t a t r a n s f e r s . I t a l s o r e t a i n s a c u m u l a t i v e r e c o r d o f d e t e c t o r d a t a l o g s t h a t a r e t r a n s f e r r e d t o i t s o n b o a r dm e m o r y .T h e I n t e l l i d o x c a n b e u s e d o n a t a b l e t o p o r o t h e r fl a t s u r f a c e . A b u i l t -i n r e t r a c t a b l e s t a n d c a n b e d e p l o y e d t o h o l d t h e I n t e l l i d o x u p r i g h t a t a n a n g l e t h a t i s s u i t a b l e f o r r o u t i n e u s e . I n t e l l i d o x m o d u l e s c a n a l s o b e m o u n t e d o n a w a l l o r o t h e r fl a t s u r f a c e . F o ra d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n , r e f e r t o t h e O p e r a t o r M a n u a l.T h i s I n t e l l i d o x m o d e l i s i n t e n d e d f o r u s e a s a s t a n d -a l o n e d o c k -i n g m o d u l e o n l y . D o n o t c o n n e c t t w o o r m o r e I n t e l l i d o x m o d u l e st o g e t h e r .I n t e n d e d U s eU n l e s s o t h e r w i s e s p e c i fi e d a t t i m e o f p u r c h a s e , I n t e l l i d o x m o d -u l e s s h i p p e d f r o m B W T e c h n o l o g i e s :• A r e f a c t o r y c o n fi g u r e d f o r u s e w i t h C o n n e X 1 p o r t a b l e g a s d e t e c t o r s c o n t a i n i n g H 2S s e n s o r s w i t h s t a n d a r d c a l i b r a t i o ng a s s e t t i n g s .• C o n t a i n a m u l t i -g a s e x p a n s i o n m o d u l e .• O p e r a t e a s s t a n d -a l o n e b u m p t e s t a n d c a l i b r a t i o n s t a t i o n s .• M a y b e c o n n e c t e d t o a n e t w o r k v i a E t h e r n e t c a b l e f o r e n h a n c e d a c c e s s t o a n d c o n t r o l o f a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a n dm a i n t e n a n c e t a s k s .• A r e c o m p a t i b l e w i t h F l e e t M a n a g e r I I v e r s i o n 3.0.0 s o f t w a r eo r h i g h e r .I f t h e I n t e l l i d o x m o d u l e o r a n y o f i t s p a r t s a r e d a m a g e d o r m i s s i n g , c o n t a c t B W T e c h n o l o g i e s o r a n a u t h o r i z e d d i s t r i b u t o ri m m e d i a t e l y .N o r m a l O p e r a t i n g C o n d i t i o n sT h e I n t e l l i d o x i s d e s i g n e d t o b e s a f e u n d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i -t i o n s :• I n d o o r u s e o n l y• N o r m a l a t m o s p h e r e (20.9% O 2) t h a t i s f r e e o f h a z a r d o u sg a s• T e m p e r a t u r e r a n g e o f +10°C t o +35°C• R e l a t i v e h u m i d i t y o f 0% t o 50%I f t h e i n t e n d e d o p e r a t i n g e n v i r o n m e n t d o e s n o t m a t c h t h e s e c r i -t e r i a , B W T e c h n o l o g i e s r e c o m m e n d s t h a t y o u c o n s u l t a q u a l i fi e d p r o f e s s i o n a l s p e c i a l i s t p r i o r t o i n s t a l l i n g a n d u s i n g a n y I n t e l l i d o xm o d u l e s .T h i s e q u i p m e n t u s e s p o t e n t i a l l y h a r m f u l g a s f o r c a l i b r a t i o n s . T h e I n t e l l i d o x m u s t b e a t t a c h e d t o a v e n t i n g s y s t e m o r b e u s e d i n aw e l l -v e n t i l a t e d a r e a .Copyright, Notices, TrademarksWhile this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, BW Technologies disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agree-ment with and for its customers.In no event is BW T echnologies liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifica-tions in this document are subject to change without notice.Intellidox, ConneX1, and FleetManager II are trademarks of BW Technologies. Other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective owners.Symbol DefinitionsThis manual uses the following signal words, as defined by ANSI Z535.4-1998:Important Safety Information: Read First1. To ensure personal safety, read Safety Information andWarnings before using the Intellidox.2. Use the Intellidox only as specified by the manufacturer.Failure to do so may impair protection provided by the Intellidox.3. The safety and security of any system or networkincorporating the Intellidox and its accessory components is the responsibility of the assembler of the system.4. Follow all required National Electric Codes (NEC) and safetystandards.Prepare for First UseT o ensure that the Intellidox module is ready for safe opera-tion, you must attach the endplate, attach the purge inlet filter assembly, and connect the exhaust tubing before you connect power or attach a gas cylinder.Attach the EndplateEach Intellidox Enabler Kit contains one endplate. T o prevent gas leaks, the end plate must be attached and locked with the lock latch arm before connecting power supply or connecting gas cylinders. The end plate must remain securely latched at all times during operation. If the end plate is detached during operation, disconnect power and replace the end plate immedi-ately.1. Unhook and lift latch arm.2. Attach end plate.3. Lower and lock latch arm.Connect the Purge Inlet Filter AssemblyEach Intellidox Enabler Kit contains one purge inlet filter as-sembly. Unless otherwise specified, the purge inlet is configured to use ambient air in a fresh air environment with a normal atmosphere of 20.9% O 2 that is free of hazardous gas . Ensure that the purge inlet filter assembly is attached before using the Intellidox module. Y ou may attach an extension tubing to the filter assembly to draw ambient air from an adjacent fresh air environment.D o c k i n g M o d u l e50104991-166 || Q R G -E N -F M S U _B 2 E n g l i s h ©2016 B W T e c h n o l o g i e s . Al l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .2840 2 A v e . S E C a l g a r y , A l b e r t a C a n a d a T 2A 7X 9C a n a d a : 1-800-663-4164U S A : 1-888-749-8878E u r o p e : +44 (0) 1295 700300O t h e r r e g i o n s : 1-403-248-9226F a x : 1-403-273-3708W e b : w w w .h o n e y w e l l a n a l y t i c s .c o mQ u i c k R e f e r e n c eG u i d eBW TECHNOLOGIES BY HONEYWELL 50104991-166 || QRG-EN-FMSU_B2 INTELLIDOX DOCKING MODULE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEB W T EC H N O L O G I E S B Y H O N E Y W E L L W W W .H O N E Y W E L L A N A L Y T I C S .C O M I N T E L L I D O X D O C K I N G M O D U L E Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E G U I D EI n t e l l i d o x2. If AutoDownload Datalog is set usingFleetManager II software, detector datalogs are automatically transferred to Intellidox.Bump Test PassWhen the bump test is successful, LCD screen background changes to green and Bump test passed message is displayed. Alarm responseand sensor response test items are checked.Press to return to Intellidox user menu.Bump Test FailWhen the bump test fails, LCD screen back-ground changes to red and Bump test failed message is displayed. Failed alarm response and/or sensor response test items are markedwith .If the AutoCal on Failed Bump is set using Fleet-Manager II software, calibration automatically begins.CalibrationCalibration is a two-step procedure that deter-mines the measurement scale for the detector’s response to gas. In the first step, a baseline reading is taken in a clean, uncontaminated environment. In the second step, the sensors are exposed to known concentrations of gas. The detector uses the baseline and known gas concentrations to determine the measurement scale.Calibration Guidelines1. Calibrate only in a normal environment thatis 20.9% O 2 and free of hazardous gas. Do not operate the docking module in a hazardous area. Failure to adhere to this guideline can result in possible personal injury and/or property damage.2. Use only premium grade calibrationgases and cylinders that are approved by BW Technologies, and supplied by BW Technologies or an authorized distributor. The calibration gases mustmeet the accuracy of the detector. For more information, refer to the Operator Manual.3. Do not use a gas cylinder beyond itsexpiration date.4. All calibration cylinders must be usedwith a demand flow regulator and must meet these maximum inlet pressurespecifications: disposable cylinders: 000 psig/70 bar, refillable cylinders: 03000 psig/207 bar5. Do not calibrate the detector duringcharging or immediately after charging is complete.6. Calibrate the sensor if ambient gasreadings vary during startup.7. Calibrate a new sensor before use. Allowthe sensor to stabilize before starting calibration.8. Used sensor: wait 60 seconds 9. New sensor: wait 5 minutes10. When calibrating the same gas detectormultiple times, wait 10 minutes between calibrations to allow the sensor to stabilize.11. If a certified calibration is required,contact BW Technologies or an authorized distributor.Calibrate a DetectorIf AutoCal on Overdue Sensors is set using FleetManager II software and sensors are over-due, then calibration starts automatically once Intellidox recognizes the detector.1. Insert a detector.2. Use and to move to Calibrate mydetector on the Intellidox user menu.3. Press to select Calibrate my detector.The LCD screen background changes to yellow and the calibration progress screen is displayed.4. Calibration begins. Progress screens aredisplayed while the tests are performed.5. If AutoDownload Datalog is set usingFleetManager II software, detector datalogs are automatically transferred to Intellidox.Calibration PassWhen the calibration is successful, LCD screen background changes to green and Calibration passed is displayed. Alarm response and sensor response test items are checked. Press to return to Intellidox user menu.Calibration FailWhen the calibration fails, LCD screen back-ground changes to red and Calibration failed is displayed. Failed alarm response and/or sensor response test items are marked with .1. Ensure that the filter assembly is freeof obstructions and defects.2. Connect the filter assembly to thepurge inlet.3. If necessary, attach an extensiontubing to the filter assembly to draw ambient air from an adjacent fresh air environment.Connect the Exhaust TubingEach Intellidox Enabler Kit includes one exhaust tubing that is 4.57 meters (15 feet) long.1. Inspect the exhaust tubing to ensurethat it is free of obstructions and defects.2. Connect the exhaust tubing to theexhaust outlet.3. Ensure that the exhaust tubing is notconnected to a negative pressure system, or obstructed in any way.Connect the PowerEach Intellidox Enabler Kit contains one power supply and AC power cord. Use only the power supply provided in the Enabler Kit to connect the Intellidox Docking Module to an appropriate electrical power outlet. When the power is connected, the Intellidoxactivates and a self-test is performed.1. Connect the AC power cord to thepower supply2. Connect the power supply to theIntellidox power port.3. Plug the AC power cord into a suitable wall outlet.4. When the power is connected, theIntellidox LCD activates and a self-testis performed.To prevent the corruption or loss of data and/or software and/or firmware, do not deactivate the equipment while performing datalog transfers, bump tests, calibrations or other operations.Charge a DetectorUse the Intellidox to charge detectors fitted with rechargeable batteries. For more infor-mation on battery maintenance, refer to the detector manual.1. Charge only in a normal environmentthat is 20.9% O 2 and free of hazardous gas. Do not operate the docking module in a hazardous area. Failure to adhere to this guideline can result in possible personal injury and/or property damage.2. Deactivate the detector.3. Insert the detector into the Intellidoxmodule.4. Battery charging begins immediately.Battery charging is disabled during bump test and calibration procedures.Once tests and other routines are com-pleted, you may leave the detector in the module for charging. If the detector isactivated, the module will deactivate it after 10 minutes of inactivity. When charging is complete, remove the detector. Do not store the detector in the module.Prepare for Bump Tests and CalibrationsThe Intellidox module is factory-configured for use with ConneX1 portable gas detec-tors containing H 2S sensors. Gas inlets are configured at the factory. Inlet con-figurations cannot be altered. The Intel-lidox Enabler Kit includes quick connect fittings and calibration tubing cut to the minimum recommended length of 1 meter (39 inches). Use only tubing that is between 1 meter (39 inches) and 10 meters (33 feet) in length when you connect gas cylinders to an Intellidox module.Connect Calibration Gas1. Connect a demand flow regulator to the calibration gas cylinder.2. Use the quick connect fittings and calibration gas tubing to connect the calibration gas cylinder to the gas.Bump Test Bump test is a procedure that confirms a detector’s ability to respond to target gasesby exposing the detector to gas concentra-tions that exceed its alarm setpoints.If AutoBump on Insertion is set using FleetManager II software, then bump test starts automatically when Intellidox recog-nizes the detector. If AutoCal on OverdueSensors is enabled and if a calibration is also due, then no bump test is performed. Instead, calibration starts automatically when the detector is recognized.1. Insert a detector.2. Press and on the keypad tomove to Bump test my detector on theIntellidox user menu.3. Press to select Bump Test. TheLCD screen background changes to yellow and the bump test progress screen is displayed.1. The bump test begins. T estsequence progress screens are displayed while the tests are per-formed.Touchpad and buttonsActionMove right Move left Move up Move down Select menu item Save changesClose menu itemReturn to previous screen Cancel changesLCD BacklightBacklight StatusIdlePrompt for user action Activity in progress Activity successful WarningActivity Failed50104991-166 || QRG-EN-FMSU_B2 INTELLIDOX DOCKING MODULE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE。
FLUXUS F601技术规格说明书
![FLUXUS F601技术规格说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/83b7b74ef68a6529647d27284b73f242336c31c3.png)
Features•Transmitterconfigurable for flow and thermal energy mea-surement–Flow measurement for all acoustically penetrable fluids–Integrated thermal energy measurement for a typical heat and refrigerating agents–Temperature range -40 to+392 °F, with WaveInjector max.+752 °F•Precise bidirectional and highly dynamic flow measurementwith the non-invasive clamp-on technology•Calibrated transducers and transmitters with traceable certif-icates•Automatic loading of calibration data and transducer detec-tion for a fast and easy set-up (less than 5 min), providing precise and long-term stable results•High precision at fast and slow flow rates, high temperature and zero point stability•Portable, easy-to-use flow transmitter with 2 flow channels, multiple inputs/outputs, an integrated data logger with a seri-al interface•Integrated wall thickness measurement with connectable wall thickness probe•The transmitter is water and dust-tight (NEMA 4), resistant against oil, many liquids and dirt•Robust, water-tight (NEMA 4) transport case with compre-hensive accessories•Li-Ion battery provides up to 25 hours of measurement oper-ation•User-friendly design•QuickFix for a simple and fast transmitter fixation, e.g., on pipesApplicationsDesigned for harsh environments and applicable in all areas such as drinking water and sewerage industry, power plants, producing industry, food industry and many moreExample applications:•Operation measurements•Data gathering in energy management and certifications ac-cording to ISO 50001•Survey of pump performances•Hydraulic balancing•Verification of installed measuring systems•Supervision of permanently installed meters, service and maintenance FLUXUS F601Measurement with transducers mounted with mounting frames and flow transmitter fixed to the pipe with the QuickFix pipe mounting fixture Measurement equipment in transport casePortable ultrasonic flow measurement of liquidsPortable instrument for non-invasive, quick flow and energy measurement with clamp-on technology for all types of pipingTSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus, 2020-02-01FLUXUS F601Technical specification2020-02-01, TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus2Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Measurement principle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Calculation of volumetric flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Number of sound paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Typical measurement setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Standard scope of supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Adapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Example for the equipment of a transport case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Transducer selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Transducer order code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Transducer mounting fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Coupling materials for transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Connection systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Clamp-on temperature probe (optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Fixation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Wall thickness measurement (optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Technical specification FLUXUS F6013TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus, 2020-02-01FunctionMeasurement principleThe transducers are mounted on the pipe which is completely filled with the fluid. The ultrasonic signals are emitted alter-nately by a transducer and received by the other. The physical quantities are determined from the transit times of the ultra-sonic signals.Transit time difference principleAs the fluid where the ultrasound propagates is flowing, the transit time of the ultrasonic signal in flow direction is shorter than the one against the flow direction.The transit time difference Δt is measured and allows the flowmeter to determine the average flow velocity along the prop-agation path of the ultrasonic signals. A flow profile correction is then performed in order to obtain the area averaged flow velocity, which is proportional to the volumetric flow rate.The integrated microprocessors control the entire measuring cycle. The received ultrasonic signals are checked for mea-surement usability and evaluated for their reliability. Noise signals are eliminated.HybridTrekIf the gaseous or solid content in the fluid increases occasionally during measurement, a measurement with the transit time difference principle may no longer be possible. NoiseTrek mode will then be selected by the flowmeter. This mea-surement method allows the flowmeter to achieve a stable measurement even with high gaseous or solid content.The transmitter can switch automatically between transit time and NoiseTrek mode without any changes to the measure-ment setup.Calculation of volumetric flow rate= k Re · A · k a · where-volumetric flow ratek Re -fluid mechanics calibration factor A -cross-sectional pipe area k a -acoustical calibration factor Δt -transit time differencet γ-average of transit times in the fluidV ꞏ∆t2tγ⋅-----------VꞏFLUXUS F601Technical specification2020-02-01, TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus4Number of sound pathsThe number of sound paths is the number of transits of the ultrasonic signal through the fluid in the pipe. Depending on the number of sound paths, the following methods of installation exist:•reflect arrangementThe number of sound paths is even. The transducers are mounted on the same side of the pipe. Correct positioning of the transducers is easier.•diagonal arrangementThe number of sound paths is odd. The transducers are mounted on opposite sides of the pipe.•direct modeDiagonal arrangement with 1 sound path. This should be used in the case of a high signal attenuation by the fluid, pipe or coatings.The preferred method of installation depends on the application. While increasing the number of sound paths increases the accuracy of the measurement, signal attenuation increases as well. The optimum number of sound paths for the pa-rameters of the application will be determined automatically by the transmitter.As the transducers can be mounted with the transducer mounting fixture in reflect arrangement or diagonal arrangement,the number of sound paths can be adjusted optimally for the application.Technical specification FLUXUS F6015TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus, 2020-02-01Typical measurement setupFLUXUS F601Technical specification2020-02-01, TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus6TransmitterTechnical dataFLUXUS F601design portable measurement measurement principle transit time difference correlation principle,automatic NoiseTrek selection for measurements with high gaseous or solid content flow velocity ft/s 0.03 to 82repeatability 0.15 % of reading ±0.02 ft/s fluid all acoustically conductive liquids with <10% gaseous or solid content in volume (transit time difference principle)temperature com-pensationcorresponding to the recommendations in ANSI/ASME MFC-5.1-2011measurement uncertainty (volumetric flow rate)measurement uncer-tainty of measuring system 1±0.3 % of reading ±0.02 ft/sincludes calibration certificate traceable to NIST calibration facility ISO 17025 accreditedmeasurement uncer-tainty at the measu-ring point 2±1 % of reading ±0.02 ft/s transmitter power supply •100 to 230 V/50 to 60 Hz (power supply unit: IP40, 32 to 104 °F)•10.5 to 15 V DC (socket at transmitter)•integrated batteryintegrated battery Li-Ion, 7.2 V/6.2 Ah •operating time h •> 14 (without outputs, inputs and backlight)•> 25 (1 measuring channel, ambient temperature > 50 °F, without outputs, inputs and backlight)power consumption W < 6 (with outputs, inputs and backlight), charging: 18number of measuring channels 2damping s 0 to 100 (adjustable)measuring cycle Hz 100 to 1000 (1 channel)response time s 1 (1 channel), option: 0.07housing material PA, TPE, AutoTex, stainless steel degree of protection NEMA 4dimensions in see dimensional drawing weight lb 4.6fixation QuickFix pipe mounting fixture ambient temperature °F 14 to 140display 2 x 16 characters, dot matrix, backlight menu language English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish measuring functions physical quantities volumetric flow rate, mass flow rate, flow velocity, thermal energy rate (if temperature inputs are installed)totalizer volume, mass, optional: thermal energy calculation functions average, difference, sum diagnostic functions sound speed, signal amplitude, SNR, SCNR, standard deviation of amplitudes and transit times communication interfaces service interfaces •RS232•USB (with adapter)process interfaces •Modbus RTU (optional)accessories serial data kit •сable RS232•adapter RS232 - USB software •FluxDiagReader: download of measured values and parameters, graphical presentation•FluxDiag (optional): download of measurement data, graphical presentation, report generationadapter AO5, AO6, AO7, AO8, AI1, AI2transport case dimensions: 19.7 x 15.7 x 7.5 in data logger loggable values all physical quantities, totalized values and diagnostic values capacity > 100000 measured values1with aperture calibration of the transducers2for transit time difference principle and reference conditionsTechnical specificationFLUXUS F6017TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus, 2020-02-01DimensionsoutputsThe outputs are galvanically isolated from the transmitter.number see standard scope of supply, max. on request •switchable current outputThe switchable current outputs are menu selectable all together as passive or active.range mA 4 to 20 (3.2 to 24)accuracy 0.04 % of reading ±3 μA active output U int = 24 V, R ext < 500 Ωpassive output U ext = 8 to 30 V, depending on R ext (R ext < 900 Ω at 30 V)•frequency output range kHz 0 to 5open collector 24 V/4 mA •binary output optorelay 26 V/100 mA binary output as alarm output •functions limit, change of flow direction or error binary output as pulse output •functions mainly for totalizing •pulse value units 0.01 to 1000•pulse width ms 1 to 1000inputsThe inputs are galvanically isolated from the transmitter.number see standard scope of supply, max. 4•temperature input type Pt100/Pt1000connection 4-wire range °F -238 to +1040resolution K 0.01accuracy ±0.01 % of reading ±0.03 K •current input accuracy 0.1 % of reading ±10 μA passive input R int = 50 Ω, P int < 0.3 W •range mA -20 to +20•voltage input range V 0 to 1accuracy 0.1 % of reading ±1 mV internal resistance R int = 1 MΩFLUXUS F6011with aperture calibration of the transducers2for transit time difference principle and reference conditionsFLUXUS F601Technical specification2020-02-01, TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus8Standard scope of supplyAdaptersF601 BasicF601 Energyapplicationflow measurement of liquids2 independent measuring channels,2 calculation channelswall thickness measurement (wall thickness probe to be ordered separately)integrated thermal energy computersimultaneous monitoring of 2 energy flowstemperature-compensated calculation of mass flow rate outputsswitchable current output 22binary output 22inputstemperature input -4accessories transport casex x power supply unit, mains cable x xbattery x xadapterAO6AO6, AI1, AI2QuickFix pipe mounting fixture for transmitter x x serial data kit x x measuring tape x x user manual,Quick start guidexxTechnical specification FLUXUS F6019TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus, 2020-02-01Example for the equipment of a transport caseF601softwarepower supply unit,mains cabletransducer mounting fixturemeasuring tapetransmittertransducersuser manual,Quick start guidecoupling compoundwall thickness probe (optional)QuickFix pipe mounting fixturetemperature probes (optional)serial data kitFLUXUS F601Technical specification2020-02-01, TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus10TransducersTransducer selectiontransducer order code FSG 15.719.7157.5255.9FSK 3.97.978.7255.9FSM 2 3.939.4133.9FSP 0.98215.723.6FSQ 0.390.985.915.7FSS0.240.39 pipe diameter [in]transducer order code FSG 0.43FSK 0.2FSM 0.1FSP 0.05FSQ 0.02FSS0. wall thickness [in]recommendedpossibleTransducer order code1, 2345, 67, 89 to 11no. of charactert r a n s d u c e rt r a n s d u c e r f r e q u e n c y-a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r ee x p l o s i o n p r o t e c t i o nc o n n e c t i o n s y s t e m-e x t e n s i o n c a b l e/o p t i o nd e s c r i p t i o nFSset of ultrasonic flow transducers for liquids measurement, shear wave G 0.2 MHz K 0.5 MHz M 1 MHz P 2 MHz Q 4 MHz S8 MHzN normal temperature range Eextended temperature range NNnot explosion proof NLwith Lemo connectorXXX0 m: without extension cable > 0 m: with extension cable LC long transducer cableTechnical dataShear wave transducers (nonEx, NL)Shear wave transducers (nonEx, NL, extended temperature range)Transducer mounting fixtureOrder code1, 234567 to 9no. of charactert r a n s d u c e r m o u n t i n g f i x t u r et r a n s d u c e r-m e a s u r e m e n t a r r a n g e -m e n ts i z e-f i x a t i o no u t e r p i p e d i a m e t e rd e s c r i p t i o nFS mounting framesLM ladder chain mounting accessory VP portable Variofix TB tension beltsWLtransducer box for WaveInjector A all transducersK transducers with transducer frequency G, K M transducers with transducer frequency M, P Q transducers with transducer frequency Q Stransducers with transducer frequency SD reflect arrangement or diagonal arrangement/direct mode Rreflect arrangement S small Mmedium C chainsNwithout fixation L080.5 to 8 in L220.5 to 22 in 0100.39 to 3.9 in 0250.39 to 9.8 in 0550.39 to 21.7 in 150 2 to 59.1 in 210 2 to 82.7 inCoupling materials for transducersTechnical datanormal temperature range(4th character of transducer order code =N)extended temperature range(4th character of transducer order code =E)WaveInjector WI-400< 212 °F< 338 °F< 302 °F< 392 °F< 536 °F 536 to 752 °Fcoupling compound type Ncoupling compound type Ecoupling compound type Ecoupling compound type E or Hcoupling pad type A and coupling pad type VT coupling pad type B and coupling pad type VTtypeambient temperature °Fcoupling compound type N -22 to +266coupling compound type E -22 to +392coupling compound type H -22 to +482coupling pad type A max. 536coupling pad type B 536 to 752coupling pad type VT14 to +392coupling pad not to be used for transducer mounting fixture with magnetsConnection systemsCableCable lengthtransducer cable type 1699weightlb/ft 0.06ambient temperature °F -67 to +392cable jacket materialPTFE outer diameter in 0.11thickness in0.01color brown shield xsheath materialstainless steel 304outer diameter in0.31extension cable type17502551standard lengthft1632-max. length ft 32see table below weight lb/ft 0.080.06ambient temperature °F < 144-13 to +176cable jacket material PE TPE-O outer diameter in 0.240.31thickness in 0.02color black black shield x x sheath material stainless steel 304-outer diameter in 0.35-remark optionaltransducer frequencyF, G, H, K M, P Q Sconnection system NL transducers technical type x y l x y l x y l x y l *D***Z71ft 69≤ 8266≤ 8263≤ 8233≤ 65option LC:*L***Z71ft 622≤ 82226≤ 82263≤ 82---1 l > 82 to 328 ft on requestx, y = transducer cable length l = max. length of extension cableClamp-on temperature probe (optional) Technical dataFixationTechnical specification FLUXUS F60121TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus, 2020-02-01Wall thickness measurement (optional)The pipe wall thickness is an important pipe parameter which has to be determined exactly for a good measurement. How-ever, the pipe wall thickness often is unknown.The wall thickness probe can be connected to the transmitter instead of the flow transducers and the wall thickness mea-surement mode is activated automatically.Acoustic coupling compound is applied to the wall thickness probe which then is placed firmly on the pipe. The wall thick-ness is displayed and can be stored directly in the transmitter.Technical dataCableDWR1NZ7order codeACC-PO-G601-/W6measuring range 1in 0.04 to 9.8resolution in 0.0004accuracy1 % ±0.004 in fluid temperature °F-4 to +392,short-time peak max. 932сable type 2616lengthft41The measuring range depends on the attenuation of the ultrasonic signal in the pipe. For strongly attenuating plastics (e.g., PFA, PTFE, PP) the measuring range is smaller.2616ambient temperature °F <392cable jacket materialFEP outer diameter in 0.2color black shield xFLEXIM AMERICAS CorporationEdgewood, NY 11717USATel.:(631) 492-2300Fax:(631) 492-2117internet: e-mail:*****************1-888-852-7473Subject to change without notification.Errors excepted. FLUXUS is a registered trademark of FLEXIM GmbH.Copyright (©) FLEXIM GmbH 2020 2020-02-01, TSFLUXUS_F601V2-4-1US_Lus。
B700、D700和T700 ASHCROFT
![B700、D700和T700 ASHCROFT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f4949023a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d833.png)
© Ashcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA, Tel: 203-378-8281, Fax; 203-385-0408, All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale. b-d-t-700_switch_im_RevC_(009-10120-ATEX) 11-05-181. Installation Requirements • T he equipment may be used with flammable gases and vapors with apparatus groups IIC and with temperature class T6 in the ambient temperature range –20ºC to +60ºC.• B 7 and D7 Switches, Process Temperature: – 20 to 60°COther temperature limits are possible with different diaphragm materials • I nstallation shall be carried out by suitably-trained personnel in accordance with the applicable code of practice e.g. IEC/EN 60079-14.• R efer to appropriate datasheet for materials of construction and te c hnical information.• T hese switches are precision instruments and should never be left with internal components exposed. During installation insure that covers are in place and conduit openings are closed except when actually working on the switches.• T o minimize the risk of injury, the switches must be installed according to the required safety and electrical codes.• T o attain the degree of protection listed on the switch it may be necessary to add required conduit fittings.• T he switch must be protected from moisture, shock and/or extreme vibration.• M ounting position: Switch can be mounted in any position. It is recommended that unit be set in intended operating position.• R efer to tag on product to for product catalog number, electrical rating, pressure/temperature range, wetted materials, proof pres-sure/proof temperature rating and switch deadband.2. Cautions • T he certification of this equipment relies upon the following mate-rials used in its construction: aluminum and stainless steel. If the equipment is likely to come into contact with aggressive sub-stances, then it is the responsibility of the user to take suitable precautions that prevent it from being adversely affected, thus ensuring that the type of protection provided by the equipment is not compromised. For compatibility questions contact Ashcroft.• A lways install the cover after wiring the switch and before power is supplied.• B efore removing the cover in hazardous areas be sure there is no explosive atmosphere present and the power supply is turned off.• F or ATEX/IEC approved switches all safety locking devices and electrical earthing must be installed or connected before operat-ing.• N ever carry a temperature switch by holding only the stem, bulb or capillary.• D o not push any foreign objects (ex. Screwdrivers) against the diaphragm.• Do not exceed ranges, current and/or voltage limits.3. Mounting • T hree holes external to the enclosure for surface mounting. Location of these holes is shown in the general dimension drawing.• U nits may also be mounted directly on the pressure line using the pressure connection. When tightening control to pressure line, always use the wrench flats or hex on the lower housing.4. Electrical Connections • B efore operating the switch all conduit entries and/or junctionboxes need to be closed according to the required safety andelectrical codes. a ) S tandard product has two ¾ NPT conduit holes one of whichis fitted with a suitably certified blanking device. ¾ NPT conduit holes can be adapted with suitably certified reducers. b) ATEX/IEC approved cable glands can be used.• I t is recommended that Teflon tape or other sealant be used on conduit, bushing, gland or plug threads to ensure integrity of the enclosure.• O nly trained and skilled personnel are allowed to install the wires to the electrical terminals of the switch.• C able couplers, glands and conduit connectors must have the correct electrical approvals.• A lways follow safety and electrical regulations when connecting these devices.• T he system ground of the device is marked with a green colored screw and/or by the ground symbol.• A TEX approved switches have and external ground screw that must be connected.• Micro switch terminals and wire color codes: NO (Normally Open) Blue NC (Normally Closed) Red C (Common) White • S PDT – Wire directly to the switch according to circuit require-ments.• 2 SPDT – Wire to front switch terminal block (left) and rear switch terminal block (right) as marked. Strip insulation 5⁄16˝, insert in prop-er terminal connector and tighten clamping screw to secure.MICRO SWITCH CODEELECTRICAL RATING SingleDualVa cVdc 20 61 15A, 250V 0.4A, 120V 21 65 5A, 250V 22 67 5A, 250V 2.5A, 28V 23 N/A 22A, 250V 24 64 15A, 480V 0.25A, 250V 25 N/A 10A, 250V 10A, 250V 26 62 15A, 250V 0.4A, 120V27 63 15A, 250V 28 N/A 15A, 250V 29 N/A 15A, 250V 31 70 1A, 250V 50mA, 60V 32 68 11A, 250V 5A, 30V42 71 1A, 125V 50 N/A 15A, 250V35N/A10A, 250V0.3A, 250VTABLE 1: MICRO SWITCH ELECTRICALRATINGSThis product complies with the following standards: IECEx ATEX IEC 60079-0:2011 Ed 6 EN 60079-0:2012 IEC 60079-1:2014 Ed 7 EN 60079-1:2014 IEC 60079-31:2013 IEC 60079-31:2013© Ashcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA, Tel: 203-378-8281, Fax; 203-385-0408, All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale. b-d-t-700_switch_im_RevC_(009-10120-ATEX) 11-05-185. Adjustment of Setpoin Note – As indicated below, adjustment of setpoint is made by use of 7⁄8˝ nut. Precision switch element mounting screws and bracket adjusting screw are factory sealed and should not be tampered with.B700 Series – A single setpoint adjustment nut (7/8˝) is located centrally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.For accurate setpoint calibration, mount the switch on a calibration stand, a pump or catalog No. 1305 deadweight gauge tester. A suitable reference standard such as an ASHCROFT Duragauge or Test Gauge is necessary to observe convenient changes in pressure.As received, the pressure switch will normally be set to approx-imately 90% of the indicated range. Pressurize the s ystem torequired setpoint and turn the adjustment nut until switch changes mode. Direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure. When setpoint has been achieved raise and lower pressure to insure that setpoint is correct.After installation of the switch replace cover to insure electrical safety and to protect internal parts from the environment.Note – Since vacuum models are already above setpoint at atmo-sphere, the Normally Open (NO) circuit will be closed as received.D700 Series – A single setpoint adjustment nut (7/8˝) is located centrally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.The direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure.A typical calibration procedure would be as follows: Static Working Pressure - 600 psig Adjustable Differential Range - 5/200 psid Differential Setpoint - 150 psi above static working pressure.Simultaneously raise the high and low side pressure to 600 psig. Maintain the low side pressure at 600 psig. Raise the high side pressure to 750 psig to obtain 150 psi differential.Turn the adjustment nut until the switch changes mode at 150 psi differential. When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the high side pressure to ensure that the differential setpoint is correct.D700 Series (low range differential) – A single setpoint adjust-ment nut (7⁄8˝ ) is located centrally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.The direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure. XG5 switches have a setpoint indication scale adjacent to the adjustment nut. To adjust the switch, align the top of the adjustment nut hex with the indicator line on the scale. Do not force adjustment or attempt to ex-ceed the maxi-mum setting shown on the scale or nameplate.For accurate setpoint calibration or for switches without a scale mount the switch on a calibration stand so that the HIGH and LOW pressures expected under operating conditions may be obtained. Suitable reference standards are necessary for each pressure.Note – During calibration an approximate setpoint under operating conditions can be obtained by setting the operating point with the low side open to atmosphere. A final setpoint adjustment can be made after installation.Apply LOW pressure. Then apply HIGH pressure to the required setpoint and turn the adjustment nut until the switch operates. When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower HIGH pres-sure to ensure that the differential pressure between the HIGH and LOW pressures is correct.After installation of the switch, replace the cover to ensure electri-cal safety and to protect the internal parts from the e nvironment.T700 Series – A single setpoint adjustment nut (7⁄8˝ ) is located cen-trally at the bottom on the inside of the enclosure.The bulb of the switch should be immersed in a bath at the desired setpoint temperature. Optimum performance will be obtained if the bulb is fully immersed. Allow five minutes for initial stabilization.As received, the temperature switch will normally be set to approx-imately 90% of the indicated range. After stabilization, turn the adjustment nut until switch changes mode. Direction of turning is indicated on a label affixed to the inside of the switch enclosure. When setpoint jas been achieved raise and lower temperature to insure that the setpoint is correct.After installation of the switch replace cover to insure electrical safety and to protect internal parts from the environment.B750, D750 and T750 Variable Deadband Switches – Deadband is varied by rotating the wheel on the precision switch. Whenviewed from the front of the enclosure, rotation to the left increases deadband – rotation to the right decreases deadband. Letters on the wheel may be used as a reference. Deadbands obtainable will vary from 0.5% to 9% of pressure or temperature range depending on range segment and type of diaphragm.Adjustment of Setpoint – As received, the switch will normally be set to approximately 90% of range. Rotate the wheel on the MICRO SWITCH all the way to the right; this will provide small-est deadband. Pressurize, or increase bath temperature, to the required setpoint and turn the adjustment nut until the switch changes mode. Lower the pressure to reset the switch. Rotate the wheel on the MICRO SWITCH until the desired deadband is obtained. The upper setpoint will be changing upward with this adjustment. Lower the pressure to reset the switch. Then increase the pressure to the desired setpoint and turn the adjusting nut until the switch changes mode. Lower the pressure and check reset-point and deadband.6. Specific Conditions of Use • P rior to use, the equipment shall be subjected to a pressure test, which shall be based on the process pressure of the associated system. If available, the test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of an applicable industry standard. The pressure shall be applied from the system side of the diaphragm. It must be proven that there is no leakage of the test medium into the flameproof enclosure and that the flameproof enclosure does not become pressurized above ambient atmospheric pressure.• E poxy coated enclosures are non-conducting and may generate an ignition-capable level of electrostatic charges under certain extreme conditions. The user should ensure that the equipment is not installed in a location where it may be subjected to external conditions (such as high-pressure steam) which might cause a build-up of electrostatic charges on non-conducting surfaces. Additionally, cleaning of the equipment should be done only with a damp cloth. • S witch vent must not be used nor blocked.• I n accordance with clause 5.1 of IEC/EN 60079-1 the critcal dimensions of the flamepaths are:• Never use aggressive solvents.• Do not use high-pressure water to clean the switch.8. Maintenance/Troubleshooting• All ASHCROFT switches require little or no maintenance.• I nspection and maintenance of this equipment shall be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with the applica-ble code of practice e.g. IEC/EN 60079-17.• Be sure that the case is closed at all times.• W hen the switch is exposed to process media that may hard-en and/or build up in the pressure port, the switch should be removed and cleaned as needed.• I f the switch does not function, only trained and skilled personnel should check on the wiring, power supply and/or mounting.• I f the problem cannot be solved, do not attempt to repair, please contact Ashcroft or Ashcroft distributor.© Ashcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA, Tel: 203-378-8281, Fax; 203-385-0408, All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale. b-d-t-700_switch_im_RevC_(009-10120-ATEX) 11-05-18。
User ManualLoRa® Wireless Communication ModuleLM-110H1VER 1.0GlobalSat WorldCom Corporation16F., No. 186, Jian 1st Rd, Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23553,TaiwanTel: 886.2.8226.3799/ Fax: 886.2.8226.3899 ******************.tw USGlobalSat Incorporated14740 Yorba Court Chino, CA 91710 Tel: 888.323.8720 / Fax: 909.597.8532 *********************TABLE OF CONTENTSProduct Description (3)Product Feature (3)Hardware Specifications (4)Pin Definition (5)Product Size (5)LoRaWAN™ Configuration (6)MOST-Link Configuration (7)Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement (17)Product DescriptionThe GlobalSat LM-110H1 is a RF module that based on LoRa® technology which provides long-range, low data rate IoT connectivity to sensors, electronic meter reading, geolocation devices, industrial monitoring and control, home and building automation, long range irrigation systems, and all kinds of IoT/ M2M equipments. It can work as the end-node devices in the LoRaWAN™ infrastructure or in GlobalSat proprietaryMOST-Link mode.Product Feature● Built-in standard LoRaWAN™ FW and proprietary MOST-Link FW in thesame module● Default as LoRaWAN™, switch to MOST-Link by AT command● Share same PCB/ device design for both LoRa WAN™ and private RF datacommunication● For LoRaWAN™ :∙Standard LoRaWAN™ protocol for EU868/ US915/ AS923 and profile for local settings∙Support Class A/ Class C● For M.O.S.T:∙MOST-Link: use AT-command set to send data over MOST-Link protocol ∙Frequency: 860 - 928 MHz●Multi-channel, dual data buffer (each 256 Bytes)●LoRa®/ FSK/ GFSK/ OOK modulation, 2-way half –duplex communication, stronganti-interfere●Easily use, auto exchange on communication & transceiver●PIN connector for easy development and test●Accord FCC,ETSI, Telec standardHardware SpecificationsPin DefinitionProduct SizeLoRaWAN™ ConfigurationActivation of an end-device can be achieved in two ways, either via Over-The-Air Activation (OTAA) when an end-device is deployed or reset, or via Activation By Personalization (ABP) in which the two steps of end-device personalization and activation are done as one step.⏹Over-the-Air ActivationFor over-the-air activation, end-devices must follow a join procedure prior to participating in data exchanges with the network server. An end-device has to go through a new join procedure every time it has lost the session context information. The join procedure requires the end-device to be personalized with the following information before its starts the join procedure: a globally unique end-device identifier (DevEUI), the application identifier (AppEUI), and an AES-128 key (AppKey).⏹Activation by PersonalizationUnder certain circumstances, end-devices can be activated by personalization. Activation by personalization directly ties an end-device to a specific network by-passing the join request join accept procedure.Activating an end-device by personalization means that the DevAddr and the two session keys NwkSKey and AppSKey are directly stored into the end-device instead of the DevEUI, AppEUI and AppKey. The end-device is equipped with the required information for participating in a specific LoRa network when started. Each device should have a unique set of NwkSKey and AppSKey. Compromising the keys of one device shouldn‘t compromise the security of the communications of other devices.Operation ModeBi-directional end-devices (Class A): End-devices of Class A allow for bi-directional communications whereby each end-device's uplink transmission is followed by two short downlink receive windows. The transmission slot scheduled by the end-device is based on its own communication needs with a small variation based on a random time basis (ALOHA-type of protocol). This Class A operation is the lowest powerend-device system for applications that only require downlinkcommunication from the server shortly after the end-device has sent an uplink transmission. Downlink communications from the server at any other time will have to wait until the next scheduled uplink.Bi-directional end-devices with maximal receive slots (Class C): End-devices of Class C have nearly continuously open receive windows, only closed whentransmitting.MOST-Link ConfigurationPlease refer to below AT Command List for the detail setting.AAT1 -Command for parameters setting up and send /receive data.AAT3 -Command for functions setting up under MOST-Link.Under this protocol, the default mode is Disable (P0=0), which is the payload data transmission in transparent. It only supports command A0, A1 for AES128 encryption function.Use AT command [AAT3 P0=1] to Enable MOST-Link mode.Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from thatto which the receiver is connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.FOR MOBILE DEVICE USAGE (>20cm/low power)Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions:1) The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antennaand users, and2) The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter orantenna.As long as 2 conditions above are met, further transmitter test will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installedIMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions can not be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID can not be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible forre-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization.End Product LabelingThis transmitter module is authorized only for use in device where the antenna may be installed such that 20 cm may be maintained between the antenna and users. The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: “Contains FCC ID:RID-LM110H1”. The grantee's FCC ID can be used only when all FCC compliance requirements are met.Manual Information To the End UserThe OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module.The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in this manual.The document is subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2018, GlobalSat WorldCom Group。
PhiClock PCIe 9FGV1001、9FGV1002、9FGV1004 芯片评估板用户指南
![PhiClock PCIe 9FGV1001、9FGV1002、9FGV1004 芯片评估板用户指南](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bef25c58854769eae009581b6bd97f192279bf27.png)
EVK9FGV1001EVK9FGV1002EVK9FGV1004IntroductionThe evaluation board is designed to help the customer evaluate the 9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 devices. When the board is connected to a PC running IDT Timing Commander ™ software through USB, the device can be configured and programmed to generate different combinations of frequencies.Board OverviewUse Figure 1 and Table 1 to identify: power supply jacks, USB connector, input and output frequency SMA connectors.Figure 1. Evaluation Board Overview10111213101234567899FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation BoardUser Guide9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User GuideBoard Power SupplyThe evaluation board uses jumpers E1–E6 to set the power supply voltages for various V DD pins. The 4-way jumpers can select 3 different voltages from regulators that use power from the USB port. Selection #2 is the jack for connecting a bench power supply.E1: Power supply for the REF outputs. The E1 voltage also determines the LVCMOS output levels of the REF0 and REF1 outputs.E2: Power supply for the OUT0 output driver.E3: Power supply for the OUT1 output driver.E4: Power supply for the analog (V DDA ) and digital (V DDD ) core V DD pins.E5: Power supply for the OUT2 output driver.E6: Power supply for the OUT3 output driver.See 9FGV100x Evaluation Board Schematics (Figure 5–Figure 8) for detailed information.Table 1. Evaluation Board Pins and FunctionsLabel NumberNameOn-board Connector LabelFunction1I2C Interface ConnectorJ2Alternative I 2C interface connector for Aardvark.IDT Timing Commander can also use Aardvark.2USB Connector J6Connect this USB to your PC to run IDT Timing Commander.The board can be powered from the USB port.3Output Power Supply Jack J3Connect to 1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V for the output voltage of the device.4Core Power Supply JackJ4Connect to 1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V for the core voltage of the device.5Ground Jack J5Connect to ground of power supply.6Differential Output 1S7 and S10Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.7Differential Output 2S6 and S9Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.8Differential Output 3S5 and S8Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.9Reference Output 0S1Reference or buffered output from the crystal.10Power Supply VoltageSelector E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6VDD_REFP1, VDDO_0, VDDO_1, four-way headers used to select a power supply voltage. Connect the center pin to one of the 4 surrounding pins to select a voltage or a source.11Reference Output 1S2Reference or buffered output from the crystal.12Differential Output 0S3 and S4Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.13DIP SwitchU2Used to control certain pins like OEA, OEB, SEL0, SEL1 and I 2C versus Hardware Select mode.9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User GuideDIP Switch (U2)Refer to Figure 2 and Table 2 for the DIP switch settings and functions.Figure 2. DIP Switch (U2)Interfacing with a Computer to Run Timing CommanderAs shown in Figure 3, jumpers JP1 and JP2 are installed to use the FTDI chip U6 for connecting to the computer with the USB port J6. The U6 chip translates USB to I 2C.When using Aardvark, remove jumpers JP1 and JP2 and connect the Aardvark to connector J2. Default I 2C device address for the 9FGV100x is 0x68.Miscellaneous interfaces can connect to J2 pin 1 for the Serial Clock and to J2 pin 3 for the Serial Data signal. J2 pin 2 can be used as ground, but any other ground pin will also work.When OTP in the 9FGV100x devices is burned with multiple configurations, JP1 and JP2 can be applied in JP3 position respectively to connect the SEL0 and SEL1 switches in U2. Move switch 8 to “+” and power-up the 9FGV100x in Hardware Select mode. This enables changing between 4 configurations with SEL0/1.Table 2. DIP Switch SettingsSwitch Number Function1 = OEA See datasheet.2 = OEB3 = SEL0Select 1 of4 pre-programmed configurations when in Hardware Select mode. Also see switch 8.4 = SEL15Not used.6Not used.7Not used.8 = ModeSelects operating mode at power-up.“-” or “O” selects I 2C mode.“+” selects Hardware Select mode.9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User Guide Figure 3. Connecting to a Computer via USB Port J6On-board CrystalA 25MHz crystal is installed on the board and is used as the reference frequency. The board can also be modified to insert an external reference clock into the XIN pin using SMA connector S11. When using an external reference clock, additional components need to be assembled and the crystal needs to be removed.Output TerminationsEach differential output has a pair of SMA connectors to connect to a 50Ω coax. It is recommended to combine the two signals using a balun or splitter/combiner device when measuring jitter or phase noise. The circuit at the SMA connectors is shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. SMA Connectors Circuit9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User Guide The circuit is designed for maximum flexibility when testing all possible logic types. Default assembly uses a 0.1μF capacitor in place of R14 and R16, and the short across R14 and R16 is cut. No other devices are assembled. This simple AC-coupled configuration allows for testing phase noise and jitter of all possible logic types. The circuit can be modified for custom tests. TP3 is a position to place a differential FET probe.Operating Instructions1.Set all jumpers for power supply choices (E1–E6), interface choices (JP1 and JP2), and set the U2 switches.2.Connect an interface: USB or I2C.3.In the case of an I2C interface, also connect external power supply to jacks J3, J4 and J5.4.Start Timing Commander for either USB or Aardvark.a.Start new configuration or load TCS file for existing configuration.b.Choose PhiClock personality.c.For Aardvark, click to select Aardvark “Connection Interface”.d.For a new configuration, prepare all settings.e.Click to connect to the 9FGV100x device. Top right should turn green.f.Click to write all settings to the 9FGV100x device.g.It should now be possible to measure clocks on outputs.h.While connected, each change to the settings will be written to the 9FGV100x immediately and can be observed at the clock outputs.9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User Guide Schematics9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User Guide Figure 6. 9FGV100x Evaluation Board Schematic – page 29FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User Guide Figure 7. 9FGV100x Evaluation Board Schematic – page 39FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User Guide Figure 8. 9FGV100x Evaluation Board Schematic – page 410©2018 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.March 1, 2018DISCLAIMER Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (IDT) and its affiliated companies (herein referred to as “IDT”) reserve the right to modify the products and/or specifications described herein at any time,without notice, at IDT’s sole discretion. Performance specifications and operating parameters of the described products are determined in an independent state and are not guaranteed to perform the same way when installed in customer products. The information contained herein is provided without representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the suitability of IDT's products for any particular purpose, an implied warranty of merchantability, or non-infringement of the intellectual property rights of others. This document is presented only as a guide and does not convey any license under intellectual property rights of IDT or any third parties.IDT's products are not intended for use in applications involving extreme environmental conditions or in life support systems or similar devices where the failure or malfunction of an IDT product can be rea-sonably expected to significantly affect the health or safety of users. Anyone using an IDT product in such a manner does so at their own risk, absent an express, written agreement by IDT.Integrated Device Technology, IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDT and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Other trademarks used herein are the property of IDT or their respective third party owners. For datasheet type definitions and a glossary of common terms, visit /go/glossary . Integrated Device Technology, Inc.. All rights reserved.Tech Support/go/supportSales 1-800-345-7015 or 408-284-8200 Fax: /go/sales Corporate Headquarters 6024 Silver Creek Valley RoadSan Jose, CA 95138 USA 9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User GuideOrdering InformationRevision History Orderable Part NumberDescriptionEVK9FGV1001Evaluation board with all differential outputs AC coupled.EVK9FGV1002EVK9FGV1004Revision DateDescription of ChangeMarch 1, 2018Initial release.EVK9FGV1001EVK9FGV1002EVK9FGV1004。
2024-2025学年高二上学期期中模拟考试数学试题(空间向量与立体几何 直线与圆 圆锥曲线)含解析
![2024-2025学年高二上学期期中模拟考试数学试题(空间向量与立体几何 直线与圆 圆锥曲线)含解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/44cd50b43086bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6195fe93a.png)
4.测试范围:人教A 版2019选择性必修第一册全册(空间向量与立体几何+直线与圆+圆锥曲线)。
第一部分(选择题共58分)一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1310y --=的倾斜角为()A .30oB .135C .60oD .150【答案】A【解析】因为该直线的斜率为3,所以它的倾斜角为30o .故选A.2.在四面体OABC 中,OA a = ,OB b = ,OC c = ,G 为ABC V 的重心,P 在OG 上,且12OP PG = ,则AP =()A .211999a b c-++ B .811999a b c--C .811999a b c-++D .211999a b c--【答案】C【解析】延长BG 交AC 于点D ,则点D 为AC 的中点,因为12OP PG = ,所以13OP OG =,所以()1133AP OP OA OG OA OB BG OA =-=-=+- ,所以()1121233339AP OB BD OA OB OD OB OA =+⨯-=+-- ,所以()121118992999AP OB OA OC OA OB OC OA =+⨯+-=+- ,因为OA a = ,OB b =,OC c = ,所以811999AP a b c =-++ ,故选C.3.“3m =-”是“直线()1:1210l m x y +++=与直线2:310l x my ++=平行”的()A .充要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分不必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A【解析】当3m =-时,直线11:02l x y --=与21:03l x y -+=平行;当直线()1:1210l m x y +++=与直线2:310l x my ++=平行时,有()1230m m +-⨯=且1210m ⨯-⋅≠,解得3m =-,故“3m =-”是“直线()1:1210l m x y +++=与直线2:310l x my ++=平行”的充要条件.故选A.4.直线:10l x y -+=与圆22:230C x y x +--=交于,A B 两点,则AOB V 的面积为()A 3B .2C .22D .32【答案】B【解析】如图,由圆22:230C x y x +--=配方得,22(1)4x y -+=,知圆心为(1,0)C ,半径为2,过点(1,0)C 作CD AB ⊥于D ,由(1,0)C 到直线:10l x y -+=的距离为2||22CD =,则22||2||22(2)22AB AD ==-=,故AOB V 的面积为11||||222222AB CD ⋅=⨯=.故选B.5.双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b-=>>的一条渐近线为3y x =,则C 的离心率为()A 2B 3C .2D .4【答案】C【解析】由双曲线方程易知C 的渐近线为b y x a =±,所以b a2e ==.故选C.6.已知椭圆E :22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>的右焦点为()3,0F ,过点F 的直线交椭圆E 于,A B 两点,若AB 的中点坐标为(1,1)-,则椭圆E 的方程为()A .221189x y +=B .2212718x y +=C .2213627x y +=D .2214536x y +=【答案】A【解析】不妨设1,1,2,2,所以22112222222211x y a b x y a b ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩,两式相减可得2222122122220x x y y a a b b -+-=,整理可得()()2121221212b x x y y x x a y y +-=--+,根据题意可知直线AB 的斜率为()011312--=-,由AB 的中点坐标为(1,1)-可得12122,2x x y y +=+=-;因此()()222121222212122122b x x y y b b x x a y y a a +-=-=-==-+-,可得222a b =,又焦点为()3,0F 可得2229a b c -==,解得229,18b a ==;所以椭圆E 的方程为221189x y +=.故选A.7.已知直线1:50l ax y -+=与直线2:40()l x ay a a +-+=∈R 的交点为P ,则点P 到直线:3l y x =-距离的取值范围是()A.B.C.D.【答案】D【解析】直线1l ,2l 分别过定点(0,5)A ,(4,1)B -,且互相垂直,所以点P 的轨迹是以AB 为直径的圆(不含点()0,1),这个圆的圆心坐标为()2,3-,半径为圆心到直线l距离为d =圆上的点到直线l 距离最大值为(0,1),因此取值范围是.故选D.8.已知抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>的焦点为F ,点,,(2,2)M N A 在抛物线C 上,0AM AN k k +=,其中1AM k >,则|sin sin |FMN FNM ∠-∠的最大值为()ABCD 【答案】B【解析】点(2,2)A 在抛物线C 上,把点(2,2)A 代入2:2(0)C y px p =>中得2222p =⋅,则1p =,所以抛物线为2:2C y x =,直线()():221AM y k x k -=->,与抛物线方程联立可得,2244ky y k -+-0=,则442M k y k -⋅=,则22M ky k-=,0AM AN k k +=,则AN k k =-,所以用k -替换可得22N k y k+=-,则2222M N M NMN N M M Ny y y y k y y x x --===--212M N y y =-+,则()222122,k k M k k ⎛⎫-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,故()222122,k k N k k ⎛⎫++ ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭,直线22:k MN y k --=()222112k x k ⎡⎤---⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,即21112y x k =-+-,则点F 到直线MN的距离21)d k ==>,()()222221218M N k k x x kkk -+--=-=,()()()2222224412121M N k k k x x k k k--+=⋅=,()()222222212144M N k k k x x k k k -+++=+,而1111sin sin 1122M N FMN FNM dd FM FN x x ∠-∠=-=-=++()2342321125241624M N M N M N x x k d k k x x x x -=-++++44554k k kkk --=⎝⎭,令45=-t k k,因为1k >,所以451t k k =->,故211sin sin 16168t FMN FNM t t t ∠-∠⋅⋅⋅++当且仅当()161)t t t=>,即4t =时等号成立,故选:B .二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.如图,在长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,12,1AB AD AA ===,点M 为线段11B D 上动点(包括端点),则下列结论正确的是()A .当点M 为11B D 中点时,1C M ⊥平面11BBD DB .当点M 为11B D 中点时,直线DM 与直线BC 所角的余弦值为23C .当点M 在线段11BD 上运动时,三棱锥1C BDM -的体积是定值D .点M 到直线1BC 距离的最小值为63【答案】ACD【解析】在长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,以点D 为原点建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则111(0,0,0),(2,2,0),(0,2,0),(0,2,1),(0,0,1),(2,2,1)D B C C D B ,设(,,1),02M t t t ≤≤,对于A ,1t =,(1,1,1)M ,1(1,1,0)MC =- ,1(0,0,1),(2,2,0)DD DB ==,1110,0MC DD MC DB ⋅=⋅=,即111,MC DD MC DB ⊥⊥,而11,,DD DB D DD DB =⊂ 平面11BB D D ,因此1C M ⊥平面11BB D D ,A 正确;对于B ,(1,1,1),(2,0,0)DM BC ==-,1cos ,3||||DM BC MC BC DM BC ⋅〈〉===,B 错误;对于C ,由选项A 知,点1C 到平面11BB D DBDM的面积112BD DD ⋅=因此三棱锥1C BDM -的体积23是定值,C 正确;对于D ,11(2,0,1),(,2,0)BC C M t t =-=-,则点M 到直线1BC的距离d ==53t =时取等号,D 正确.故选ACD10.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知圆221:(1)2C x y -+=的动弦AB,圆2228C :(x a )(y -+=,则下列选项正确的是()A .当圆1C 和圆2C 存在公共点时,则实数a 的取值范围为[3,5]-B .1ABC 的面积最大值为1C .若原点O 始终在动弦AB 上,则OA OB ⋅不是定值D .若动点P 满足四边形OAPB 为矩形,则点P的轨迹长度为【答案】ABD【解析】对于A ,圆221:(1)2C x y -+=的圆心为1,02228C :(x a )(y -+=的圆心为(a,半径为1C 和圆2C存在公共点时,12C C ≤≤2(1)a ≤-≤35a -≤≤,所以实数a 的取值范围为[3,5]-,正确;对于B ,1ABC 的面积为1111sin sin 12ABC S AC B AC B =∠=∠≤ ,当1π2AC B ∠=时,1ABC 的面积有最大值为1,正确;对于C ,当弦AB 垂直x 轴时,()()0,1,0,1A B -,所以()0111OA OB ⋅=+⨯-=-,当弦AB 不垂直x 轴时,设弦AB 所在直线为y kx =,与圆221:(1)2C x y -+=联立得,()221210k x x +--=,设1122()A x y B x y ,,(,),则12211x x k -=+,()()2221212121212211111OA OB x x y y x x k x x k x x k k -⋅=+=+=+=+⨯=-+ ,综上1OA OB ⋅=- ,恒为定值,错误;对于D ,设0,0,OP 中点00,22x y ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,该点也是AB 中点,且AB OP =,又AB =,所以()220013x y -+=,所以点P 的轨迹为以1,0,正确.故选ABD.11.如图,曲线C 是一条“双纽线”,其C 上的点满足:到点()12,0F -与到点()22,0F 的距离之积为4,则下列结论正确的是()A .点()D 在曲线C 上B .点(),1(0)M x x >在C 上,则1MF =C .点Q 在椭圆22162x y+=上,若12F Q F Q ⊥,则Q C∈D .过2F 作x 轴的垂线交C 于,A B 两点,则2AB <【答案】ACD【解析】对选项A ,因为()()12224DF DF =+=,由定义知D C ∈,故A 正确;对选项B ,点(),1(0)M x x >在C 上,则124MF MF ==,化简得42690x x -+=,所以x =,1MF =B 错误;对选项C ,椭圆22162x y +=上的焦点坐标恰好为()12,0F -与()22,0F ,则12FQ F Q +=12F Q F Q ⊥,所以221216F Q F Q +=,故()()22212121242F Q F Q F Q F Q F Q F Q +-+⋅==,所以Q C ∈,C 正确;对选项D ,设()2,A y ,则2AB y =,因为A C ∈,则14AF y=,又22116AF y =+,所以221616y y=+,化简得4216160y y +-=,故28y =,所以2190y -=<,故y <1,所以2AB <,故D 正确,故选ACD.第二部分(非选择题共92分)三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.如图,在正三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,1AB =,12AA =,D 为1B B 的中点,则异面直线1A B 与1C D 所成角的余弦值为.【答案】4【解析】以A 为坐标原点,在平面ABC 内作垂直于AC 的直线Ax 为x 轴,AC 为y 轴,1AA 为z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系A xyz -,如图所示:则()10,0,2A,1,02B ⎫⎪⎪⎝⎭,()10,1,2C,1,12D ⎫⎪⎪⎝⎭,所以11,22A B ⎫=-⎪⎪⎝⎭,11,12C D ⎫=--⎪⎪⎝⎭,所以11111152cos ,4A B C D A B C D A B C D⋅<==>,则直线1A B 与1C D 所成角的余弦值为104,故答案为:10413.已知圆C :()()22114x y ++-=,若直线5y kx =+上总存在点P ,使得过点P 的圆C 的两条切线夹角为60o ,则实数k 的取值范围是【答案】0k ≥或815k ≤-.【解析】圆()()22:114C x y ++-=,则圆心为()1,1C -,半径2r =,设两切点为,A B ,则PA PB =,因为60APB ∠=o ,在Rt PAC △中1302APC APB ∠=∠=o ,2AC r ==,所以||4PC =,因此只要直线l 上存在点P ,使得4PC =即可满足题意.圆心(1,1)C -,所以圆心到直线的距离4d =≤,解得0k ≥或815k ≤-.故答案为:0k ≥或815k ≤-.14.已知O 为坐标原点,双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点分别为12,F F ,点M 在以2F 为圆心、2OF 为半径的圆上,且直线1MF 与圆2F 相切,若直线1MF 与C 的一条渐近线交于点N ,且1F M MN =,则C 的离心率为.【答案】2【解析】不妨设点M 在第一象限,连接2F M ,则212,F M NF F M c ⊥=,故1F M ==,1230MF F ∠=o,设()00,N x y ,因为1F M MN =,所以M 为1NF 的中点,112NF F M ==,故0y =.0sin30,cos302x c c ==⋅-= ,将()2N c 代入b y x a =中,故b a2c e a ===.故答案为:2.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(13分)已知(3,1),(1,2),A B ACB -∠的平分线所在的直线的方程为1y x =+.(1)求AB 的中垂线方程;(2)求AC 的直线方程.【解析】(1)AB 的中点坐标为31123,1,222-+⎛⎫⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,又211134ABk -==---,-----------------------------2分故AB 的中垂线斜率为4,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4分故AB 的中垂线方程为()3412y x -=-,即8250x y --=;----------------------------------------------------6分(2)由对称性可知,()1,2B -关于1y x =+的对称点(),D s t 在直线AC 上,故21121122t s t s -⎧=-⎪⎪+⎨+-⎪=+⎪⎩,-----9分解得10s t =⎧⎨=⎩,故()1,0D ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11分故直线AC 的方程为130113y x --=--,即210x y --=.---------------------------------------------------------13分16.(15分)已知圆C 的方程为:()()22314x y -++=.(1)若直线:0l x y a -+=与圆C 相交于A 、B 两点,且22AB =,求实数a 的值;(2)过点()1,2M 作圆C 的切线,求切线方程.【解析】(1)圆C 的方程为:22(3)(1)4x y -++=,则圆C 的圆心为(3,1)-,半径为2,--------------2分直线:0l x y a -+=与圆C 相交于A 、B两点,且||AB =----------4分解得2a =-或6-;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6分(2)当切线的斜率不存在时,直线1x =,与圆C 相切,-------------------------------------------------------8分切线的斜率存在时,可设切线为2(1)y k x -=-,即20kx y k --+=,---------------------------------------9分2,解得512k =-,---------------------------------------------------------13分故切线方程为512290x y +-=,综上所述,切线方程为1x =或512290x y +-=.-------------------------15分17.(15分)如图,在圆锥PO 中,AC 为圆锥底面的直径,B 为底面圆周上一点,点D 在线段BC 上,26AC AB ==,2CD DB =.(1)证明:AD ⊥平面BOP ;(2)若圆锥PO 的侧面积为18π,求二面角O BP A --的余弦值.【解析】(1)PO ⊥ 平面,ABC BA BC ⊥,故以B 为坐标原点,BA 为x 轴正方向,BC 为y 轴正方向,与OP同向的方向为z 轴正方向建立空间直角坐标系.设OP x =,故()()0,0,0,3,0,0B A,()33,,,22O P x D ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,-----------------------------------------------------------2分()AD =-,33,,0,,,2222BO BP x ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.33333330,302222AD BO AD BP ⋅=-⨯⨯=⋅=-⨯⨯= .-------------------------------5分故,AD BO AD BP ⊥⊥,,,BP BO B BP BO ⋂=⊂ 平面BOP ,AD ∴⊥平面BOP .---------7分(2) 圆锥PO 的侧面积3π18π,6S PA PA =⨯=∴=,OP x ∴===由(1)可知,()AD =-为平面BOP 的法向量,---------------------------------------------------------8分设平面ABP 的法向量为(),,m a b c =,而()3,0,0BA =,3,22BP ⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,故303022m BA a m BP a b ⎧⋅==⎪⎨⋅=++=⎪⎩,令1c =-得()0,2,1m =- ,-----------------------------------------------12分则5cos<,5m AD m AD m AD-⨯+⨯-⋅====⋅>,所以二面角O BP A --分18.(17分)已知双曲线C 和椭圆2214x y +=有公共焦点,且离心率e =.(1)求双曲线C 的方程;(2)过点()2,1P 作两条相互垂直的直线,PM PN 分别交双曲线C 于不同于点P 的M N 、两点,求点P 到直线MN 距离的最大值.【解析】(1)因为椭圆2214x y +=的焦点在x 轴上,所以双曲线C的c ==,又因为c e a ==,所以1a b =,所以双曲线C 的方程为2212x y -=.---------------------------------------5分(2)当直线MN 的斜率不存在时,设()()000,0M x y y >,则()00,N x y -,()()00002,1,2,1PM x y PN x y =--=---,依题意()()00002,12,10PM PN x y x y ⋅=--⋅---= ,()()2200210x y ---=,即22000450x x y --+=,由2200022004512x x y x y ⎧--+=⎪⎨-=⎪⎩解得006x y =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩0021x y =⎧⎨=⎩(舍去),所以((,6,M N ,此时P 到直线MN 的距离为624-=.------------------------------------------------------------------------------8分当直线MN 的斜率存在时,设()()1122,,,M x y N x y ,设直线MN 的方程为y kx m =+.由2212y kx m x y =+⎧⎪⎨-=⎪⎩消去y 并化简得:()222214220k x kmx m -+++=,()()22222222Δ164212216880,210k m k m k m m k =--+=-++>-+>①,2121222422,2121km m x x x x k k -++==--,------------------------------------------------------------------------------10分依题意()()11222,12,10PM PN x y x y ⋅=----=,所以()()()()()()()()1212121222112211x x y y x x kx m kx m --+--=--++-+-()()()2212121225k x x km k x x m m =++--++-+()()22222224122502121m km k km k m m k k +-=+⋅+--⋅+-+=--,整理得22812230m km k m +++-=,即()()21630m k m k +-++=,由于P ∉直线MN ,12k m ≠+,所以630,63m k m k ++==--,函数()2226321343610y k k k k =---+=-+的开口向上,判别式为()2364341012961360640--⨯⨯=-=-<,故①成立.所以直线MN 的方程为63y kx k =--,即630kx y k ---=,------------------------------------------------------------------------------13分所以P 到MN的距离d ==22221221411d k k k k k ++⎛⎫==+ ⎪++⎝⎭,当0k ≤时,22111k k +≤+;当0k >时222111211k k k k +=+≤+=++,当且仅当1,1k k k ==时等号成立.所以22,44d d d ⎛⎫≤≤≤ ⎪⎝⎭综上所述,点P 到直线MN的距离的最大值为分19.(17分)已知F 为椭圆C :()222210+=>>x y a b a b的左焦点,椭圆C过点(P ,且直线PF的斜率为.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)若点()11,M x y ,()22,N x y 在椭圆C 上,且90MFN ∠=︒,过M ,N 分别作椭圆C 的切线1l ,2l ,1l 与2l相交于点Q.(i)求点Q的轨迹方程;(ii)求PQF△周长的最小值.【解析】(1)由题意得,直线PF的方程为()224y x=-,即20x-+=,当0y=时,2x=-,故2c=,由224214a a+=-解得28a=或22a=(舍去),椭圆C的方程22184x y+=.------------------------------------------------------------------------------3分(2)(i)设直线MN:x my t=+,()00,Q x y,1,1,2,2,与C联立()22222228028x my tm y mty tx y=+⎧⇒+++-=⎨+=⎩,所以12222mty ym+=-+,212282ty ym-=+,------------------------------------------------------------------------------5分由90MFN∠=︒可得()()()()()()22121212122201220x x y y m y y m t y y t+++=⇔++++++=()()()()()222221822220m t m t t t m⇔+--++++=;化简可得223840t t m+-=①--------------------7分设1l的方程为()11y y k x x-=-,即()11y kx y kx=+-,与C联立()()()()2222211111128124280x yk x k y kx x y kxy kx y kx⎧+=⎪⇒++-+--=⎨=+-⎪⎩,令()()()22221111Δ1681240k y kx k y kx⎡⎤=--+--=⎣⎦,结合221128x y+=,解得112xky=-,所以切线方程为()11112xy x x yy=--+,即直线1l方程为:11184x x y y+=,k不存在时也满足此直线方程,同理可得2l方程为:22184x x y y +=,由Q 在直线1l ,2l 上,则10102020184184x x y y x x y y ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩,即1,1,2,2在直线00184x x y y +=上,所以直线MN 方程为:00184x x y y +=,即00028y x y x x =-+②,由①②可得()20043y x =+,00x =时也满足此方程,所以Q 的轨迹方程为()243y x =+.-------------------------------------------------------------14分(ii )由(i )可知Q 在以()2,0F -为焦点,以4x =-为准线的抛物线上,过,P Q 分别向直线4x =-作垂线,垂足分别为P ',Q ',由抛物线定义可得:6PQ PF QF PQ QQ PF PP PF ++=+++='≥+'当且仅当P ,Q ,Q '共线时取等,所以PQF△周长的最小值为6+分。
Ashcroft A-Series 微型压力开关说明书
![Ashcroft A-Series 微型压力开关说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7776a6a4ab00b52acfc789eb172ded630a1c984d.png)
FEATURES:•Compact size•316 stainless steel construction •Pressure ranges from vacuum to 7500 psi•Field adjustable setpoint or factory set only•Wide operating temperature range (-40°C to 100°C)•Precision snap-acting micro switch element •SPDT or DPDT switching •UL,CSA listed models •CRN models available •CE and ROHS compliant •SIL 3 capableAshcroft A-Series miniaturepressure switches are designed for tough applications where conventional pressure switch designs often don’t measure up. A rugged all 316 SS IP67enclosure gives uncompromising protection over a wide temperature range for the most demanding applications.*UL listing is pendingSIL 3 CAPABLEBULLETIN SW-AWTAshcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA Tel: 203-378-8281 • Fax: 203-385-0408email:*****************•All specifications are subject to change without notice. All sales subject to standard terms and conditions.© 2013 Ashcroft Inc. 07/13A-Series Miniature Watertight Pressure SwitchesLOOK FOR THESE MARKS ON OUR PRODUCTSCutaway view of switch assembly with welded SS diaphragmMICRO-SWITCHCIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLYDIAPHRAGMSPRING GUIDEA rugged 316 SS enclosure gives uncompro-mising protection. Materials of construction have been selected for long life. Precision snap acting micro switches are featured and fully encased to prevent moisture from corroding switch contacts. The switch, depending on range, is either an all welded 316 stainless steel diaphragm sealedpiston design or a direct acting piston design sealed with a Buna-N or Viton O-ring.Applications include:Offshore oil rigs-where stainless steel construction and small size is desirable.Chemical and petrochemical plants-where small size and corrosion resistance construction is important.Pulp and paper mills-where corrosion resistance and sealed contacts extend life.Special equipment such as autoclaves and sterilizers-where special connections are needed.Rail and heavy vehicle hydraulic and pneumatic braking applications-where small size is an advantage and long life is required.Other special machinery and equipment applications-where small size and high performance is a must.Cutaway view of switchassembly with SS pistonMICRO-SWITCHCIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLYO-RINGSPRING GUIDEᕢSELECTION GUIDEBefore selecting a switch model the f ollowing should be considered:Actuator:The actuator responds to changes in pressure and operates the micro switch element in response to these changes. The actuator is normallyexposed to the process media and must be chem-ically compatible with it. There are three types of actuators available for the A-Series switches –all welded 316 SS diaphragm sealed piston; 316 SS piston with Viton O-ring seal; and 316 SS piston with Buna-N O-ring seal. The 316 SS diaphragm is available in ranges from –15/15 psi to 200 psi. The 316 SS piston is available in ranges from 100 psi to 7,500 psi. Switches offered in 100 psi and 200 psi can be ordered with either the piston or diaphragm design. The piston design will have a longermechanical life, while the diaphragm design has a better operating temperature.The piston design is more reliable than a diaphragm design when subjected to frequent large pressure excursions, pressure surges and spikes associated with typical hydraulic applica-tions. Piston designs are typically used when the switch is used as low pressure alarm or cutoff where the normal working pressure is above the nominal range of the switch.The Switching Function:Most applications for alarm, shutdown and interlock are satisfied by the standardA-Series switches which feature single setpoint fixed deadband. For pump, compressor and other control applications, the dead-band becomes a very important c onsideration and may requireincreasing the range of the switch to increase thedeadband. Please consult your Ashcroft represen-tative for assistance with special applications.The Micro Switch Element:The micro switch element must be chosen to meet the electrical load requirement to be switched.The switches are offered as either SPDT (single pole double throw) or DPDT (double pole double throw). The DPDT switch is made up of two SPDT switches which are adjusted to work together by Ashcroft’s patent pending Circuit Board Rotation Design. DPDT switching is not available on diaphragm designs below 100 psi, with Spade terminals or the Micro DIN connector.Understanding Setpoints and Reset Points:Pressure switches can be set to switch on either increasing (rising) or decreasing pressures. Since the switches have both Normally Open (NO) con-tacts and Normally Closed (NC) contacts you can wire the switch to open or close for either an increasing or decreasing pressure. To be consis-tent in setting the switches Ashcroft defines the setpoints as follows. For an increasing setpoint,the pressure is increased from 0 psi to the set point and then decreased to the reset point. For a decreasing setpoint, the pressure is increased to full range and then decreased to the setpoint and then increased to the resetpoint.Custom Applications:The A-series switch is designed to allow custom process connections and electrical terminations. Please consult your Ashcroft representative for assistance with custom applications.ᕣA-Series Miniature Watertight Pressure SwitchesAVAILABLE PRESSURE CONNECTIONSAVAILABLE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS1/8 or1/4 MALE NPT18 AWG WIRE LEADS1/2 NPT CONDUIT CONNECTORWITH 18 AWG WIRE LEADSSPADE TERMINAL 4-0.187 MALE TERMINALSHIRSCHMANNMICRO-DIN CONNECTOR43650 FORM CDPDT 18 AWG LEADS1/8 or1/4FEMALE NPT7/16 ˝-20 SAE3/4 ˝, 1.5˝ or 2.0˝SANITARYVCR or VCOᕤRANGESETPOINT REPEATABILITYSETPOINT ADJUSTABILITYDEADBAND (DB)psi bar kg/cm kPa psi bar, kg/cm kPa psi bar, kg/cm kpa psi bar, kg/cm kPa–15/15–1/1–100/100±0.6±.04±4–15/15–1/1–100/1001-5.07-.357-35 302200±0.6±.04±46-30.4-24-2001-5.07-.357-35604400±1.2±.08±88-60.6-460-4002-10.14-.7014-701007700±2±.14±1410-100.7-770-7003-15.2-1.020-100200141400±4±.28±2820-200 1.4-1.4140-14003-30.2-2.020-2001007700±2±.14±1420-100 1.4-7140-7003-15.2-1.020-100200141400±4±.28±2840-200 2.8-1.4280-14003-30.2-2.020-200500353500±10±.70±7050-500 3.5-35350-350020-100 1.4-7.0140-7001000707000±20±1.40±140100-10007-70700-700025-150 1.7-10170-1000200014014000±40±2.8±280200-200014-1401400-140030-3002-20200-2000500035035000±100±7.0±700500-500035-3503500-3500075-7505-50500-5000750050050000±150±10±1000750-750050-5005000-50000110-11007.5-75750-7500ELECTRICMATERIAL & TEMPERATUREPROOF PRESSURESwitch Electric Actuator MaterialTemperature Ranges (Material)Codeon LabelSealRangelisted in psipsibar kg/cm 2kPa1P, 2P 3A 125Vac; 2A, 30Vdc SSS –40-100C up to 200(S)10007070001H, 2H 5A 125/250Vac; 5A, 28Vdc B (Ranges 100#, 200#)SS, BUNA –28-100C 100-200 (B, V)200014014001G, 2G 0.1A 125Vac; 0.1A 30Vdc B (Ranges 500# to 7500#)SS, BUNA –40-100C500-2000 (B, V)8000550550001L, 2L1A 125Vac; 1A 28VdcVSS, BUNA–20-100C 5000-7500 (B, V)150001000100000SPECIFICATIONS:Setpoint:Factory set or field adjustable Setpointrepeatability:±2% of range(Additional setpoint shift of ±2% of range per 40°F from initial setpoint set at 70°F typical)Vibration:Passed MIL-STD-202G Shock:75G’s 10 milliseconds 3 axis Piston:Stainless steel with Viton or Buna-N O-ring Mechanical life piston design:>1,000,000 operations typical Diaphragm:316L SS Mechanical life diaphragm design:>400,000 operations typicalEnclosurematerial:316L SS Enclosure rating:NEMA 6, IP 67Pressure connection:1⁄8NPTF, 1⁄4NPTF, 1⁄4NPTM, 1⁄8NPTM, 7/16-20 SAE M, VCR, VCO, 3⁄4˝ Tri-Clamp , 1.5˝ Tri-Clover ,2.0˝ Tri-Clover , G 1⁄4B, G 1⁄4A Type E Stub endElectrical output:SPDT, or DPDT 5A or 3A 120VAC, 2A @ 30 VDC, gold contacts available Electrical termination:Wire leads, spade terminals or custom cables, 1⁄2NPT conduit c onnec-tion with wire leads, Micro DIN with and without mating connectorApprovals:CRN: OF 14836.5C, CSA: 2454057 (LR55528), UL: E34743, CE, ROHSD I A P H R A G MP I S T O N Tri-Clover is a registered trademark of Alfa Laval Tri-Clamp is a registered trademark of Ladish Co.ᕥRanges (Material) listed in psipsibar, kg/cm 2kPaUp to 200 (S)>9500>655>65,500100-200 (B,V)>10,000>700>70,000500-2000 (B,V)>30,000>2100>210,0005000-7500 (B,V)>50,000>3500>350,000CONFIGURATIONMAX. WORKING PRESSURE “MWP”PROOF PRESSURE “PROOF”RANGES (psi)w/SEALpsibar, kg/cm2kPa MPapsibar kg/cm 2kPaup to 200S 800555500 5.51000707000100-200 B or V 2000140140014200014014000500-2000 B or V 500035035000358000550550005000-7500B or V100007007000070150001000100000A-Series Miniature Watertight Pressure SwitchesAPS – Pressure switch, single setpoint, fixed dead-band, factory set, not field adjustableAPA – Pressure switch, single setpoint, fixed dead-band, field adjustableN4– Watertight 316 SS bodyCode1Single Switch –SPDT2Dual Switch –DPDT (not available with “S”actuator with <100 psi range)CodeDescription011⁄8NPT Male 021⁄4NPT Male 031⁄8NPT Female*12G 1⁄4 A (Type E Stud End)13G 1⁄4 B 251⁄4NPT Female*057⁄16-20 SAE Male 06VCR Fixed*07VCO Fixed*750.75˝ Tri-Clamp connection (includes 3A Approval)†15 1.5˝ Tri-Clover connection (includes 3A Approval)†202.0˝ Tri-Clover connection (includes 3A Approval)†5 characters maximum representing setpoint of the switch in the same units as the range of the switch. For setpoints in Vacuum specify as “– ”pressure.CodeDescriptionXC4Individual certified calibration chart XFP Fungus proofingXMQ Positive Material Identification (75, 15 & 20 process conn. only)XNC 2 wire leads with ground wire –wired for normally closed operationXNO 2 wire leads with ground wire –wired for normally open operation XNH Stainless Steel Tag XNN Paper TagX6BCleaned for Oxygen serviceCodeB 316 SS piston & Buna O-ring, ranges ≥100 psi V 316 SS piston & Viton O-ring, ranges ≥100 psi S 316 SS welded Diaphragm, ranges ≤200 psiCode012C‡½ NPT male conduit connection with18 AWG ˜wires 12˝ length000H Micro DIN Connector – Watertight DIN 43650**FORM C cable socket without mating connector Not available with DPDT switching00MH Micro DIN Connector – Watertight DIN 43650**FORM C cable socket with mating connector Not available with DPDT switching012L‡Wire leads, 3-18 AWG PVC insulated wires12˝ length000N Nonstandard, customer specified see# variation000T Spade terminals, 4 - 0.187˝ male spadeNot available with DPDT switchingActuatorpsiBarkPaKg/cm 2S –15/15#–1/1BR –100/100KP –1/1KSC S 30#2BR 200KP 2KSC S 60#4BR 400KP 4KSC B, S, V 100#7BR 700KP 7KSC B, S, V 200#14BR 1400KP 14KSC B, V 500#35BR 3500KP 35KSC B, V 1000#70BR 7000KP 70KSC B, V 2000#140BR 14000KP 140KSC B, V 5000#350BR 35000KP 350KSC `B, V 7500#500BR 50000KP 500KSCCodeG Gold Contact –0.1 A @ 125 Vac, 0.1 A @ 30 VdcHHigher Current –5A @ 125/250 Vac,5A @ 28 Vdc resistive, 3A @ 28 Vdc inductiveLHigher CurrentGold Contacts –1A @125 Vac,1A @ 28 Vdc resistive, 0.5A @ 28 Vdc InductivePGeneral Purpose –3A @ 125 Vac,2A @30 VdcCodeR Rising Pressure (Increasing Pressure, Decreasing Vacuum)D Decreasing Pressure, (Increasing Vacuum)A-Series Part Number:APSN41H012CS02 30# - 15 R - X6B1. Function:2. Enclosure:3. Micro Switch:4. Electrical Connection:5. Actuator Seal:6. Pressure Connection:7. Pressure Range:8. Setpoint:9. Setpoint Direction:10. Options:HOW TO ORDER:PRESSURE CONNECTION NOTES* Available with “S” activator only.†Ranges ≤ 500 psi .SETPOINT NOTESIf no setpoint is required on an APA switch use either “NSR” or “NSD.” If direction is not known use “NSR” as the default.OPTIONS NOTE SThe X character will only appear before the first option, additional options will just be the two characters. Example: XC4NC6BIf the switch is mounted to a diaphragm seal other than (75, 15, 20 connection) the seal fill fluid is also listed as an X option.**OOOH & OOMH connection are not UL listed. They are CSA listed.ᕦ‡First three digits represent the length of the wire leads in inches. 012, 024, 048 & 072 are standard available lengths. Consult factory for custom length availability.ADDITIONAL SWITCH TERMINOLOGYAccuracy –(See repeatability) Accuracy normally refers to conformity of an indicated value to an accepted standard value. There is no indication in switch products; thus, instead, the term repeatability is used as the key performance measure. Ashcroft A-Series switch accuracy is 2% of nominal range.Automatic Reset Switch –Switch which returns to normal state when actuating variable Pressure is reduced.Adjustable or Operating Range –That part of the nominal range over which the switch setpoint may be adjusted. Normally about 10% to 100% of the nominal range for A-Series pressure switches.Burst Pressure –The maximum pressure that may be applied to a pressure switch without caus-ing leakage or rupture. This is approximately 16X of nominal range for A-Series switches. Diaphragm switches subjected to pressures above the nominal range can be permanently damaged.Deadband –The difference between the setpoint and the resetpoint, normally expressed in units of the actuating variable. Sometimes referred to as differential.Fixed Deadband –The difference between the setpoint and the resetpoint of a pressure switch. It further signifies that this deadband is a fixed func-tion of the pressure switch and not adjustable.National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) –This group has defined several cate-gories of enclosures, usually referred to as “types.”Further, they designate certain features and capa-bilities each type must include.NEMA 6 –Enclosures constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against access to hazardous parts; to provide a degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt); to provide a degree of protec-tion with respect to harmful effects on the equip-ment due to the ingress of water (hose directed water and the entry of water during occasional temporary submersion at a limited depth); and that will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.Normal Switch Position –Contact position before actuating pressure (or variable) is applied.Normally closed contacts open when the switch is actuated. Normally open contacts close when the switch is actuated.Normally Closed –Refers to switch contacts that are closed in the normal switch state or position (unactuated). A pressure change opens the contacts.Normally Open Switch –Refers to the contacts that are open in the normal switch state or position (unactuated). A pressure change closes the contacts.Overpressure Rating(s) –A nonspecific term that could refer to either burst or proof pressure, or both.Proof Pressure –The maximum pressure which may be applied without causing damage. This is determined under strict laboratory conditions including controlled rate of change and tempera-ture: This value is for reference only. Consult fac-tory for applications where switch must operate at pressures above nominal range or reference tem-perature (70°F).Repeatability (Accuracy) –The closeness of agreement among a number of consecutive mea-surements of the output setpoint for the samevalue of the input under the same operating condi-tions, approaching from the same direction, for full-range traverses. Ashcroft A-series switch repeata-bility is 2% of nominal range.Note:It is usually measured as non-repeatability and expressed as repeatability in percent of span or nominal range. It does not include hysteresis or deadband.Resetpoint –The resetpoint is the Pressure value where the electrical switch contacts will return to their original or normal position after the switch has activated.Setpoint –The setpoint is the Pressure value at which the electrical circuit of a switch will change state or actuate. It should be specified either on increase or decrease of that variable.Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Switching Element –A SPDT switching element has one normally open, one normally closed, and one com-mon terminal. The switch can be wired with the cir-cuit either normally open (N/O) or normally closed (N/C). SPDT is standard with A-series switches.Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Switching Element –Two SPDT switching elements both set to actuate or de-actuate at the same set or reset-point. Each switch one has one normally open,one normally closed, and one common terminal.The switches are independent of each other and can be wired to two independent circuits. The two circuits can either normally open (N/O) or normally closed (N/C).Snap Action –In switch terminology, snap action generally refers to the action of contacts in the switch element. These contacts open and close quickly and snap closed with sufficient pressure to firmly establish an electrical circuit. The term dis-tinguishes products from mercury bottle types that were subject to vibration problems.ᕧA-Series Miniature Watertight Pressure SwitchesCOVERROTATE LEFT <––––TO INCREASE SET POINT ROTATE RIGHT ––––>TO DECREASE SET POINT .095 OR SMALLER TOOL REQUIRED TO ROTATE NUT SLIDE COVER DOWN TO ACCESS SETPOINT ADJUSTMENT. SLIDE COVER UP TO CLOSE AND SEAL ADJUSTMENTFIELD ADJUSTABLE FACTORY SET.095 OR SMALLER TOOL REQUIRED TO ROTATE NUTSLIDE COVER DOWN TO ACCESS SETPOINT ADJUSTMENT. SLIDE COVER UP TO CLOSE AND SEAL ADJUSTMENTFIELD ADJUSTABLEDIMENSIONS:CodeDescriptionDim. CDim. D011/8 NPT Male 0.450.41021/4 NPT Male 0.560.54031/8 NPT Female 0.750.65041/4 NPT Female 0.920.75057/16-20SAE 0.560.4406VCR Fixed Male 0.580.5607VCO Fixed Male 0.470.5615 1.5˝ Tri-Clamp Seal 1.23 1.9920 2.0˝ Tri-Clamp Seal 1.23 2.49753/4˝ Fractional Seal1.100.96DescriptionDim. B1H, 2H, 1L, 2L 1.031P, 2P, 1G, 2G 0.90DescriptionDim. AAPS (Factory Set) 1.06APA (Field Adjustable)1.64MICRO DIN (000H) NO CONN.(001H) WITH CONN.SPADE TERMINALS(000T) NPT CONDUIT (XXXC)XXX = WIRE LENGTH (in.)WIRE LEAD (XXXL) CONNECTION WITH DUAL SWITCH SHOWNXXX = WIRE LENTH (in.)ØSIL 3 CAPABLEBULLETIN SW-AWTAshcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA Tel: 203-378-8281 • Fax: 203-385-0408email:*****************•All specifications are subject to change without notice. All sales subject to standard terms and conditions. © 2013 Ashcroft Inc. 7/13LOOK FOR THESE MARKS ON OUR PRODUCTS。
九年级上期期中英语试卷2023.11注意事项:1. 本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分, 试题卷共8页, 满分120分, 考试时间100分钟。
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一、听力理解(20小题, 每小题1分, 共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。
1. What does the man think of paper cutting?A. It's amazing.B. It's traditional.C. It's educational.2. Who did the boy go to the museum with?A. His parents.B. His classmates.C. His grandparents.3. How does the boy remember his speeches.A. By drawing pictures.B. By remembering key sentences.C. By remembering the first letter of each sentence.4. Why did Sandy enjoy the action film?A. She was on holiday.B. Her friend also enjoyed it.C. Her favorite film star acted in it.5. Where is the man's uncle from?A. Japan.B. Australia.C. America.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。
FLUXUS F808 809 流量计说明书
![FLUXUS F808 809 流量计说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ef466cb86e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374ce6.png)
Technical SpecificationFLUXUS® F808/809Transmitter FLUXUS F808Transmitter FLUXUS F809Measurement with transducers mounted by Variofix CMeasurement with transducers mounted by PermaFiXUltrasonic Flowmeters for Liquids for Permanent Installation in Hazardous AreasEspecially designed for the stationary use in explosive atmosphereFeatures•F808: instrument with one measuring channel for exact and reliable flow measurement•F809: Instrument with two measuring channels for exact and reliable flow measurement under complex flow conditions •Precise bi-directional and highly dynamic flow measurement with the non-intrusive clamp-on technology•High precision at fast and slow flow rates, high temperature and zero point stability •Transmitter housing:- Corrosionproof and suitable for offshore application-Transmitter F80x**-A1 in a flameproof housing (degree of protection IP66)-Transmitter F80x**-F1 in an explosionproof housing (NEMA 4X)•Certifications:-F80x**-A1: ATEX/IECEx -F80x**-F1: FM Cl. 1, Div. 1-F808**-F2: FM Cl. 1, Div. 2•The transmitters can be operated by a magnet pen without opening the housing•Automatic loading of calibration data and transducer detection for a fast and easy set-up (less than 5 min), providing precise and long-term stable results •User-friendly design•Communication interfaces Modbus RTU and HART available •Transducers available for a wide range of inner pipe diame-ters () and fluid temperatures ()•Flow measurement independent of pipe wall thickness and medium pressure• approved transducers for hazardous areas available•HybridTrek automatically switches between transit time and NoiseTrek mode of measurement when high particulate flows are encountered•Measurement is unaffected by medium density, viscosity and solid content (max. 10 % of volume)•Product variant FLUXUS XLF is especially suited for precise and reliable flow measurement applications with very low flow velocities (e.g. chemical injection in oil and gas extraction)ApplicationsDesigned for industrial use in harsh environments, especially for oil extraction and processing in the petrochemical and chemical industry.•Chemical industry•Petrochemical industry•Oil extraction and exploration •Refineries6...6500 mm -170...+600 °C ATEX/IECEx, FM Class 1 Div. 1/Div.2FLUXUS® F808/809Technical Specification Table of Contents Function (3)Measurement Principle (3)Calculation of Volumetric Flow Rate (3)Number of Sound Paths (4)Typical Measurement Setup (4)Flow Transmitter (5)Technical Data (5)Dimensions (8)Wall and 2 " Pipe Mounting Kit (10)Terminal Assignment (11)Transducers (13)Transducer Selection (13)Transducer Order Code (14)Technical Data (15)Transducer Mounting Fixture (25)Coupling Materials for Transducers (28)Connection Systems (29)Transducer Cable (30)Junction Box (F80***-A1) (31)Technical Data (31)Dimensions (31)2 " Pipe Mounting Kit (optional) (32)Terminal Assignment (32)Extension Cable (F80***-F1) (33)Terminal Assignment for Terminal Board KFM1 (33)Technical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809FunctionMeasurement PrincipleTransit Time Difference PrincipleIn order to measure the flow of a medium in a pipe, ultrasonic signals are used, employing the transit time dif-ference principle. Ultrasonic signals are emitted by a transducer installed on the pipe and received by a sec-ond transducer. These signals are emitted alternately in the flow direction and against it.As the medium in which the signals propagate is flowing, the transit time of the ultrasonic signals in the flow direction is shorter than against the flow direction.The transit time difference, ∆t, is measured and allows the flowmeter to determine the average flow velocity along the propagation path of the ultrasonic signals. A flow profile correction is then performed in order to ob-tain the area averaged flow velocity, which is proportional to the volumetric flow rate.Two integrated microprocessors control the entire measuring process. This allows the flowmeter to remove disturbance signals, and to check each received ultrasonic wave for its validity which reduces noise.HybridTrekIf the gaseous or solid content in the medium increases occasionally during measurement, a measurement with the transit time difference principle is no longer possible. NoiseTrek mode will then be selected by the flowmeter. This measurement method allows the flowmeter to achieve a stable measurement even with high gaseous or solid content.The transmitter can switch automatically between transit time and NoiseTrek mode without any changes to the measurement setup.Calculation of Volumetric Flow Rate= k Re . A . k a . ∆t/(2 . t fl )wherePath of the ultrasonic signal Transit time difference ∆t-volumetric flow ratek Re -fluid mechanics calibration factor A -cross-sectional pipe area k a -acoustical calibration factor ∆t -transit time difference t fl-transit time in the mediumV ·V ·FLUXUS® F808/809Technical SpecificationNumber of Sound PathsThe number of sound paths is the number of transits of the ultrasonic signal through the medium in the pipe. Depending on the number of sound paths, the following methods of installation exist:•reflection arrangementThe number of sound paths is even. Both of the transducers are mounted on the same side of the pipe. Correct positioning of the transducers is easier.•diagonal arrangementThe number of sound paths is odd. Both of the transducers are mounted on opposite sides of the pipe. In the case of a high signal attenuation by the medium, pipe and coatings, diagonal arrangement with 1 sound path will be used.The preferred method of installation depends on the application. While increasing the number of sound paths increases the accuracy of the measurement, signal attenuation increases as well. The optimum number of sound paths for the parameters of the application will be determined automatically by the transmitter.As the transducers can be mounted with the transducer mounting fixture in reflection arrangement or diagonal arrangement, the number of sound paths can be adjusted optimally for the application.Typical Measurement Setup a - transducer distancenegative transducer distance Example of a measurement setup in reflection arrangementTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809Flow TransmitterTechnical DataFLUXUS F809**-A1F809**-A1AF809**-F1F808**-A1F808**-F1F808**-F2design explosion proof field device, 1 or 2 mea-suring channelsexplosion proof field device, 1 measuring channel transducersC****81, C****LI1, C***2E85C**1N62C****81, C****LI1, C***2E85C**1N62C****53measurementmeasurement principle transit time difference correlation principle,automatic NoiseTrek selection for measurements with high gaseous or solid content flow velocity 0.01...25 m/srepeatability 0.15 % of reading ±0.01 m/smediumall acoustically conductive liquids with < 10 % gaseous or solid content in volume (transit time difference principle)temperature compensation corresponding to the recommendations in ANSI/ASME MFC-5.1-2011accuracy 1with standard calibration with advanced calibration (optional)with field calibration 2±0.5 % of reading ±0.01 m/s flow transmitter power supply100...240 V /50...60 Hz or20...32 V DC power consumption< 8 Wnumber of flow measuring channels 1, optional: 21damping 0...100 s, adjustable measuring cycle (1 channel)100...1000 Hz response time 1 s, option: 70 ms housing material cast aluminum, special offshore coating degree of protection accord-ing to IEC/EN 60529IP66dimensions see dimensional drawing weight 6.1 kg 5.3 kg fixation wall mounting, 2 " pipe mounting operating temperature -30...+60 °C (< -20 °C without operation of the display)display 2 x 16 characters, dot matrix, backlight menu language English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish 1for transit time difference principle, reference conditions and v > 0.15 m/s2reference uncertainty < 0.2 %±1.6 % of reading ±0.01 m/s ±1.2 % of reading ±0.01 m/sFLUXUS® F808/809Technical SpecificationTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809serial data kit (optional)software (all Windows™ versions)-FluxData: download of measurement data, graphical presentation,conversion to other formats (e.g. for Excel™)-FluxDiag (optional): online diagnostics and report generation -FluxKoef: creating medium data sets-FluxSubstanceLoader: upload of medium data sets сable RS2323adapter RS232 - USB 3outputs The outputs are galvanically isolated from the transmitter.numberF809**-A1current output: 2binary output: 2 or 4or current output: 0 or 1binary output: 1Modbus or current output: 2/HART binary output: 2or frequency output: 1binary output: 1F809**-A1A current output (intrinsic safety): 1/HARTcurrent output: 2binary output: 2 or 4or current output: 0 or 1binary output: 1Modbusor current output: 2/HART binary output: 2or frequency output: 1binary output: 1current output: 1binary output: 1or current output: 1Modbus or current output: 1/HART binary output: 1current outputcurrent output I1, I2-range 0/4...20 mA-accuracy 0.1 % of reading ±15 μA -active output R ext < 500 Ω-passive outputU ext = 4...26.4 V, depending on R ext , R ext < 1 k Ωcurrent output I1 in HART mode -range4...20 mA-passive output U ext = 7...30 V DC -active output U int = 24 Vcurrent output (intrinsic safety)current output I1-range 4...20 mA ---accuracy 0.04 % of reading ±3 μA---passive outputU ext = 7...30 V, depending on R ext , R ext < 1 k Ω--current output I1 in HART mode -range4...20 mA--passive output U ext = 7...30 V DC -frequency output range0...5 kHz -open collector24 V/4 mAoptional: 30 V/100 mA or8.2 V DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)-binary output Reed relay 48 V/100 mA -open collector24 V/4 mAoptional: 30 V/100 mA or8.2 V DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)24 V/4 mAoptional (only in combination with HART): 30 V/100 mA or 8.2 V DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)binary output as alarm output -functions limit, change of flow direction or error binary output as pulse output -pulse value 0.01...1000 units -pulse width 80...1000 ms 3connection of the interface RS232 outside of explosive atmosphere (housing cover open)FLUXUSF809**-A1F809**-A1AF809**-F1F808**-A1F808**-F1F808**-F2FLUXUS® F808/809Technical Specification DimensionsTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809FLUXUS® F808/809Technical Specification Wall and 2 " Pipe Mounting KitTerminal Assignmentpower supplytransducersoutputs (Options)FLUXUS F808ACDCterminal strip terminal connection terminal connection KL2L phase L++N neutral L--PEearthPEearthmeasuring channel Aterminal strip terminal connection KL4ARS transducer , internal shieldAR transducer , signal AV transducer , signal AVS transducer , internal shieldcable gland or equipotential bonding terminal (transducers)external shield terminal strip terminalconnection KL1 4 GND 6 (+) 5 (-)binary output B1KL33 GND 2 (+) 1 (-)active current output I1terminal strip terminalconnection KL1 4 GND 6 (+) 5 (-)binary output B1KL33 GND 1 (-) 2 (+)passive current output I1terminal strip terminal connection KL1 1 (S) 2 (A+) 3 (B-)ModbusKL33 GND 2 (+) 1 (-)active current output I1terminal strip terminal connection KL1 1 (S) 2 (A+) 3 (B-)ModbusKL33 GND 1 (-)2 (+)passive current output I1power supplyoutputspower supplytransducersoutputsFLUXUS F809ACDCterminal connection terminal connection L phase L++N neutral L--PEearthPEearthmeasuring channel Ameasuring channel Bterminal connection terminal connection AV transducer , signal BV transducer , signal AVS transducer , internal shield BVS transducer , internal shield ARS transducer , internal shield BRS transducer , internal shield AR transducer , signal BR transducer , signal cable gland or equipo-tential bonding termi-nal (transducers)external shield cable gland or equipo-tential bonding termi-nal (transducers)external shield terminal connection 1(-), 2(+)current output I1frequency output F13(-), 4(+)current output I25(-), 6(+)binary output B1 (open collector)7(-), 8(+)binary output B2 (open collector)9(-), 10(+)binary output B3 (open collector or Reed relay)binary output B1 (open collector)11(-), 12(+)binary output B4 (open collector or Reed relay)A+, B-, SRS485lower housing,front viewupper housing,back viewTransducersTransducer Selectiontransducer order codeFSG4005006500FSK10020036006500FSM5010020003400FSP2550200600FSQ1025150400FSS610705105010050010005000inner pipe diameter [mm] recommended possibleTransducer Order Code1, 2345, 67, 89...1112, 13no. of character t r a n s d u c e rt r a n s d u c e r f r e q u e n c y-a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r ee x p l o s i o n p r o t e c t i o nc o n n e c t i o n s y s t e m-e x t e n s i o n c a b l e/o p t i o ndescriptionFSset of ultrasonic flow transducers for liquids measurement, shear wave G 0.2 MHzK0.5 MHzM 1 MHz P 2 MHz Q 4 MHz S 8 MHzN normal temperature rangeEextended temperature range (shear wave transducers with trans-ducer frequency M, P, Q)A1ATEX zone 1/IECEx zone 1F1FM Class I Div. 1F2FM Class I Div. 2TS direct connection or connection via junction box TIdirect connectionXXX0 m: without extension cable> 0 m: with extension cable, F80***-A1: with junction box, F80***-F1: with terminal board KFM1LC long transducer cable IP68degree of protection IP68OShousing with stainless steel 316example FSM-NA1TS-000shear wave transducer 1 MHz, normal temperature range, ATEXzone 1/IECEx zone 1, connection system TS (direct connection)--/Technical DataShear Wave Transducers (zone 1)Shear Wave Transducers (zone 1, IP68)Shear Wave Transducers (zone 1, extended temperature range)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Class I, Div. 1)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Class I, Div. 1)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Div. 2)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Div. 2)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Div. 2)Transducer Mounting FixtureOrder Code1, 234567 (9)10, 11no. of character t r a n s d u c e r m o u n t i n g f i x t u r et r a n s d u c e r-m e a s u r e m e n t a r r a n g e m e n ts i z e-f i x a t i o no u t e r p i p e d i a m e t e r/o p t i o ndescriptionVL Variofix LV СVariofix C PF PermaFiXWItransducer box for WaveInjectorK transducers with transducer frequency G, K M transducers with transducer frequency M, P, Q Q transducers with transducer frequency Q Stransducers with transducer frequency SD reflection arrangement or diagonal arrangement Rreflection arrangement S small M medium Llarge B boltsS tension straps W weldingNwithout fixation 00210...20 mm 00420...40 mm T3640...360 mm 01310...130 mm 036130...360 mm 092360...920 mm 200920...2000 mm 4502000...4500 mm 9404500...9400 mm SK10.5...2.5 in SK2 3...6 in SK38...10 in SK412...18 in SK520...36 in SK642...100 in SK7100...170 in SB2 3...6 in SB38...10 in SB412...18 in SB520...36 in SB630...100 in NDRanyIP68degree of protection IP68OS housing with stainless steel 316Zspecial designexample VL M -D S -S 200Variofix L and tension straps for transducers with transducer frequency M, PPFM-DS-S200PermaFiX and tension straps for transducers with transducer frequency M, P, Q--/Coupling Materials for TransducersTechnical Datanormal temperature range(4th character of transducer ordercode=N)extended temperature range(4th character of transducer ordercode=E)WaveInjector WI-400 < 100 °C< 170 °C< 150 °C< 200 °C< 280 °C280...400 °C< 24 h coupling com-pound type N orcoupling foiltype VT coupling com-pound type E orcoupling foiltype VTcoupling com-pound type E orcoupling foiltype VTcoupling com-pound type E or Hor coupling foiltype VTcoupling foiltype A andcoupling foiltype VTcoupling foiltype B andcoupling foiltype VTlong time measurement coupling foiltype VT1coupling foiltype VT2coupling foiltype VT1coupling foiltype VT2coupling foiltype A andcoupling foiltype VTcoupling foiltype B andcoupling foiltype VT1 < 5 years2 < 6 monthstype order code ambient temperature material remark°Ccoupling compoundtype N990739-1-30...+130mineral grease pastecoupling compoundtype E990739-2-30...+200silicone pastecoupling compoundtype H990739-3-30...+250fluoropolymer pastecoupling foil type A990739-7max. 280leadcoupling foil type B990739-8> 280...400silvercoupling foil type VT990739-61-10...+200fluoroelastomer for transducers with transducerfrequency F990739-0for transducers with transducerfrequency G, H, K990739-6for shear wave transducers withtransducer frequency M, P 990739-14for shear wave transducers IP68and Lambwave transducers withtransducer frequency M, P, Q 990739-5for transducers with transducerfrequency QConnection SystemsTransducer CableTechnical Datatransducer frequency (3d character of transducerorder code)F, G, H, K M, P Q S T S /T 1x lx lx l x l cable lengthm 5≤ 3004≤ 3003≤ 902≤ 40cable length (*****62)m 15≤ 30015≤ 30015≤ 90--cable length (option LC,*****62)m 46≤ 30046≤ 30046≤ 90--cable length (option IP68)m12≤ 30012≤ 300----x - transducer cable lengthl - max. length of extension cabletransducer cabletype16992550 (option IP68)61112549ambient temperature °C-55...+200-40...+100-100...+225-100...+200properties longitudinal water tight cable jacket materialPTFE PUR PFA PTFE outer diameter mm 2.9 5.2 ±0.2 2.7 5.3thickness mm0. brown grey white black shield x xxxsheath materialstainless steel 304 (1.4301)-stainless steel 304 (1.4301)-option OS : 316L (1.4404)option OS : 316L (1.4404)outer diameter mm8-8-extension cabletype26155245transmitterF80***-F1F80***-A1F808**-F2ambient temperature °C-40...+70-30...+70propertieshalogen free fire propagation test according to IEC 60332-1combustion test according to IEC 60754-2halogen free fire propagation test according to IEC 60332-1combustion test according to IEC 60754-2cable jacket materialPUR PUR outer diameter mm 1212thickness mm22colour black black shield x xsheath material -steel wire braid with copolymer sheath outer diametermm -15.6Junction Box (F80***-A1)Technical DataDimensionsTSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-14312 " Pipe Mounting Kit (optional)Terminal Assignment32TSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-14Extension Cable (F80***-F1)The extension cable and the transducers are connected via terminal board KFM1. The terminal board has to be installed into a junction box (by customer) approved for hazardous areas.Terminal Assignment for Terminal Board KFM1TSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-1433FLEXIM GmbH Wolfener Str. 3612681 BerlinGermanyTel.: +49 (30) 93 66 76 60 Fax: +49 (30) 93 66 76 80internet: e-mail:***************Subject to change without notification. Errors excepted. FLUXUS® is a registered trademark of FLEXIM GmbH.34TSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-14。
••F R E C!>"L ifeJustGotCOOLERUSER MANUAL•••••FHCW061 A UQ FHCW081 A UQ.........................................03 (06) (10) (11)..................................................................17............................................................18Table of ContentsIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS NORMAL SOUNDSAIR CONDITIONER FEATURES CARE AND CLEANING TROUBLESHOOTING TIPSWelcome to the Freo Family! Your life just got COOLER!Thank you for purchasing one of our innovative home climate products! We know that you will be thrilled by the features and functionality. If, for an reason, you are not completely satisfied, have a general question, or need further guidance on installation, please reach out to the Freo customer service team at 888-98****************************.We’rehereto help!Inside this manual you will find many helpful tips on how to use and maintain your product properly. Before you attempt to install your airconditioner, please read this owner’s manual carefully. Your safety and the safety of others is very important to us. Please pay attention to all safety messages outlined in this manual and make sure to keep this manual for future reference.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSInside you will nd many helpful hints on how to use and maintain your air conditioner properly. Just a little preventive care on your part can save you a great deal of time and money over the life of your air conditioner. You'll nd many answers to commonproblems in the chart of troubleshooting tips. If you review our chart of Troubleshooting Tips rst, you may not need to call for service at all.Your safety and the safety of those around you is important to us. To prevent injury to the user or other people and property damage, the following instructions must be followed. Incorrect operation due to ignoring of instructions may cause harm or damage. The seriousness is classi ed by the following indications:.READ THIS MANUALPlug into grounded 3-prong outlet only.Do not remove the ground prong from the plug.Do not use an extension cord.Do not disassemble for attempt to modify this unit or power cord.Unplug the unit before cleaning or servicingAlways install a circuit breaker and a dedicated power circuit.This appliance is not intentded for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, mental, or sensory capabilities, or who lack experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.WARNING : (for using R32 refrigerant only)-Flammable refrigerant - R32 is used in air conditioner. Please follow the instruction carefully to avoid any hazard.-Do not use means to accelerate the defrosting process or to clean, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.-The appliance must be stored in a room without continuously operating ignition sources (for example: open flames, an operating gas appliance) and ignition sources (for example: an operating electric heater) close to the appliance.-Be aware that leaking refrigerant might not contain an odor.-Do not pierce or burn.-Keep ventilation openings clear of any obstruction.-Any person who is involved with working on or breaking into a refrigerant circuit should hold a current valid certificate from an industry-accredited assessment authority, which monitors their competence to handle refrigerants safely in accordance with an industry recogni z ed assessment specification.-Servicing must only be performed as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.Maintenance and repair requiring the assistance of other skilled personnel shall be carried out under the supervision of the person competent in the use of flammable refrigerants.-Please follow the instruction carefully to handle, install, clear, service the air conditioner to avoid any damage or hazard. When maintaining or disposing the air conditioner, the refrigerant (R32)must be recovered properly and must not discharge directly into the air .Caution: Risk of fire/flammable materials(Required for R32 units only)InstallationInstructionsSide louvers and the rear of the AC must have clear air space to allow enough air ow through the condenser for heat removal. The rear of the unit must be outdoors, not inside a building or garage.TOOLS YOU WILL NEEDScrewdriverLevel Screwdriver Pencil Ruler or tape measure Scissors or knifeINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA: Remove the air conditioner from the carton and place on a at surface.B: Remove top rail, insulation foam hardware and weather stripping from the packaging’material. DO NOT DISCARD WITH STYROFOAM PACKAGING MATERIALS.C: Align the holes on the top rail with those in the tpo of the unit, as shown in Fig. B.D: Secure the top rail to the unit with the 3/8”screws provided, as shown in Fig. C. For safety reasons, all four screws MUST be used.Fig.1Fig.2Fig.3NOTE: The design of the top rail and side panels is o set slightly to provide the proper angle of installation (5/16” pitch to the rear). This is necessary for proper water drainage.A: Grasp the solid end of one panel and pull the inner accordion shade towards the open end. See Fig. 1 for illustration.B.Slide the free endsof the accordion panel directly into the holding slot on the side of the air conditioner cabinet as shown in Fig. 2. Slide the panel down all the way and make sure it sits securely inside the channel.C.Slide the top and bottom ends of the frame into the top and botom rails of the cabinet, as shown in Fig. 3. The top of the frame slides into the top rail, and the bottom of the frame slides into the channel underD.Top leftFig.BFig.CInstallationInstructionsNOTE: Proper installation of this air conditioner requires a downward slope to the outside of 3°to 4° for water drainage. If done correctly,water should not drain from the over ow drain hole during normal use.Fig.5AFig.7A Fig.5BFig.7BFig.8Fig.6Fig.9Fig.10A.WIth the help of another person, carefully place the unit into the window so that the bottom of the air conditioner frame is against the window sill (Fig.5A for wood frame windows and Fig.5B for vinyl windows). Carefully close the window into the top rail on the unit.A: Drive 1/ 2" locking screws through the support brackets, top channel, and accordion panel frames and into the window frame (Fig.8). NOTE: To prevent frame from splitting, drill 1/8" pilot holes before driving screws.B.To eliminate the risk of the window being raised while the air conditioner is still installed,secure the right angle sash lock with 3/4” screw as shown in Fig. 9.C.Cut the window sash sealing foam and insert into the space between the upper and lower sashes, as shown in Fig. 10.B.Extend the side panels out against the window frame(Fig.6).A.Select the appropriae frame lock and place between the window sill and the accordion panel frame as shown in Fig. 7A (for wooden windows) and Fig. 7B (for vinyl windows).Wooden WindowsH:About 3/4 to 1 (for 5 to 8K);3H:About 1 to 1(for 10 to12K);8Vinyl-Clad WindowsH:About 3/4 to 1 (for 5 to 8K);3H:About 1 to 1(for 10 to12K);8window frameINSTALL LOCKING SCREWS6FOAM SEAL8INSTALL WEATHER STRIPPINGIn order to minimize air leaks between the room air conditoner and the window opening, trim the weather stripping to the proper length, peel o the protective backing and plug any gaps ifneeded (Fig .11).INSTALLATION WITH STORM WINDOWREMOVING AC FROM WINDOWNORMAL OPERATING SOUNDSFig.15If installation of your air conditioner is blocked by a storm window, measure the amount of height necessary for the air conditioner to be raised to clear the obstruction. Securely screw a wood block into the window frame as shown in Fig. 15.If storm window frame cannot be removed,be sure the drain holes or slots are not caulked or painted shut. Accumulated water must be allowed to drain out.Board thickness as required, for proper pitch to rear, along entire sill. Fasten with nails orscrews.Storm window frame or other SASH1-1/2"min (38 mm)1.Turn AC o , and disconnect power cord.2.Remove sash seal from between windows,and unscrew safety sash lock.3.Remove screws installed through frame and frame locks.4.Remove the R1 Panel and slide side panels into frame.5.Keeping a rm grip on air conditioner, raise window and carefully remove.6.Store parts WITH air conditioner.NOTE: Be careful of residual water inside the air condtioner when removing from the window. Hold the unit at when removing to avoid spilling inside the house. Make sure to drain thoroughly before packing away.1.Sound of Rushing AIrThe sound of rushing air might be heard from the front air exhaust, especially as the fan speed increases.2.Gurgle/HissThe sound of gurgling or hissing might be heard due to the movement of refrigerant through the evaporator during operation.3.VibrationThe sound of vibrations or rattling might be heard because of incorrect installation or poor wall or window construction.4.High Pitched ChatterThe sound of high pitched chatter might be heard from the high efficiency compressor during the cooling cycle.5.Pinging or DrippingThe sound of pinging or dripping might be heard as droplets of water hit the condenser during operation. This noise can be reduced by removing the drain plug, but energy efficiency will be reduced.Water plugModel A Model BWater plugAIR CONDITIONER FEATURESAir Conditioner FeaturesELECTRONIC CONTROL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSBefore you begin, thoroughly familiarize yourself with the control panel as shown below and all its functions.NOTE: Some functions of this air conditioner are only accessible via remote control.UNIT CONTROLIndicator lights will illuminate in green next to any feature that is activePower- Press to turn the unit on or off Temperature Adjustment - Press + or - to adjust desired temperature up or downFan Speed - Press to set to low, medium,high, or autoMode - Press to set cool, dry, fan, orautoECO Mode - Press to turn Eco mode onor offFollow Me - Indicator will illuminate if Follow Me feature is activated on remote Sleep - Indicator will illuminate if Sleep mode is activatedTimer - Indicator will illuminate if the timer function is selected to turn the unit on or off Filter - Indicator will illuminate when the filter needs to be cleaned.③Page 11④REMOTE LED SCREEN INDICATORSBattery display Low battery detectionSLEEP display Displays when SLEEP function is activated FOLLOW ME display Indicates that the FOLLOW ME function is on ECO displayFAN SPEED displayDisplays selected FAN SPEED:HIGH, MED,or LOW This display is blank when set to AUTO speed.NOTE: MED is optional.MODE displayDisplays the current mode, including:AUTO COOL DRY FANTemperature/Timer displayDisplays the set temperature by default, or timer setting when using TIMER ON/OFF functions Temperature range: 17-30o C(62O F-86O F) Timer setting range: 0-24 hoursThis display is blank when operating in FAN mode.Transmission Indicator Lights up when remote sends signal to unitFAN MODE ECO③Page 12④FUNCTIONALITY AND FEATURESIf the air conditioner turns o unexpectedly due to loss of power, it will restart automatically with the previously set functions when power is restored.If frost builds up on the evaporator coils, the unit will enter Auto Defrost mode. The compressor will cycle off and the fan will continue to run until the frost disappears.Press the ENERGY SAVER button on the remotecontrol to activate Energy Saver mode. This function allows the fan to run for 3 minutes after thecompressor turns off at your desired set temperature. The fan will then cycle on every 10 minutes for 2minutes to maintain the set temperature. If the room temperature rises, the compressor will turn back on and cooling will resumePress the SHORTCUT button on your remote control to set the air conditioner to all of your favorite settings with the touch of one button.Press the TIMER button pm the unit or the remote control to select Timer ON or Timer OFF. Press the UP or DOWN button to change the length of time before the unit will turn ON or the length of time until the unit will turn OFF. Pressing the TIMER button again will cancel the set timer.Louvers are manually adjustable Left/Right and Up/Down. Use the levers to push the air direction left or right. Push on the louver to adjust the angle up or down.NOTE: One the unit is turned off, opertaion cannot be restarted for 3 minutes.Press POWER button on unit or remotecontrol to turn unit on or off. The unit will start automatically in Cool mode with Energy Saver functionality active.Press MODE button on unit or remote control to switch between Cool, Fan, Dry, and Auto modes. After 250 hours of operation, the filter indicator light illuminates. This feature is a reminder to clean the Air Filter for more efficient operation. Press the FILTER button for 3 seconds to cancel the reminder.Press + / - UP/DOWN buttons on unit or remote control to change temperature setting under cool mode. The set temperature will beautomatically maintained anywhere between 62°F (17°C) and 86°F (30°C).On fan mode,the display will show the actual room temperature.NOTE: Press and hold + and - buttons together for 3 seconds will alternate the temperature display between the °C & °F scale.Press the FAN SPEED button on the unit orremote control to select between Low, Medium, High, or Auto fan speeds.Press the SLEEP button on the unit or remote control to activate Sleep Mode. Sleep Mode allows the air conditioner to slowly raise thetemperature of your room overnight to conserve energy.Press the TIMER ON button on the remotecontrol to set a specific time for the unit to come on. Press the TIMER OFF button on the remote control to set a specific t ime for the unit to turno .Levers③Page 13④Air Conditioner FeaturesBefore you begin using your new air conditioner, make sure to familiarize yourself with its remote control. The following is a brief introduction to the remote control itself. For instructions on how to operate your air conditioner, refer to the How to Use Basic Functions section of this manual.MEDAUTO COOL g DR Y AUTO LOW sleeping hours.movement.air.How to Use for How to Use for ,s LED light when you go to sleep, you can press the LED button to turn off the LED display on the unit. Press the button again to turn it back on.Function ButtonsNOTE:Swing, Ion, Follow me, ECO and Med fan speed features are optional.p O C(1O F) increments. O C(86O F) .qO C(1O F) increments. O C(62O F) .gether for O C & O F scale. buttons to qp A: FOLLOW METemperature sensing and room temperature display button.A: ECOUsed to enter the energy efficient mode.This feature is availabeunder cool mode only.HEAT NOTE :NOT SURE WHAT A FUNCTION DOES?Refer to the How to Use Basic Functions and How to Use Advanced Functions sections of this manual for a detailed description of how to use your air conditioner.Inserting and Replacing BatteriesYour air conditioning unit comes with two AAA batteries. Put the batteries in the remote control before use.1.Slide the back cover from the remote Control downward, exposing the battery compartment.2.Insert the batteries, paying attention to match up the (+) and (-) ends of the batteries with the symbols inside the battery compartment.3.Slide the battery cover back into place.Handling The Remote Control③Page 14 ④RG57J2(B)/BGCEU1RG57J2(B)/BGCE③Page 15 ④2.3.Press the TIMER ON button repeatedly to set the time when you want the unit to turn on.Wait 2 seconds, then the TIMER ON function will be activated. The digital display on your remote control will then return to the temperature display.Example hours.: Setting unit to turn on after 2.51.Press the TIMER ON button. Bydefault, the last time period that you set and an "h" (indicating hours)will appear on the display.Note: This number indicates the amount of time after the current time that you want the unit to turn on.For example, if you set TIMER ON for 2 hours, " 2.0h " will appear on the screen, and the unit will turn on after 2 hours.TIMER ON functionThe TIMER ON function allows you to seta period of time after which the unit will automatically turn on, such as when you come home from work.Your air conditioning unit has two timer-related functions:TIMER ON - sets the amount of timer after which the unit will automatically turn on. TIMER OFF - sets the amount of time after which the unit will automatically turn off.NOTE: When setting the TIMER ON orTIMER OFF functions, up to 10 hours,the time will increase in 30 minuteincrements with each press. After 10hours and up to 24, it will increase in 1hour increments. The timer will revert tozero after 24 hours.You can turn off either function bysetting its timer to " 0.0h " .2.Press the TIMER OFF button repeatedlyto set the time when you want the unit toturn off.3.ait 2 seconds, then the TIMER OFFfunction will be activated. The digitaldisplay on your remote control will thenreturn to the temperature display.Example hours.: Setting unit to turn off after 5TIMER OFF functionThe TIMER OFF function allows you to set a period of time after which the unit will automatically turn off, such as when you wake up.1.Press the TIMER OFF button. Bydefault, the last time period that youset and an "h" (indicating hours)willappear on the display.Note: This number indicates theamount of time after the current timethat you want the unit to turn off.For example, if you set TIMER OFF for 2 hours, " 2.0h " will appear on the screen, and the unit will turn off after 2 hours.Continue to press TIMER ON or TIMER OFF until desired time is reached.③Page 16④Care and CleaningAir Filter CleaningThe air lter should be cleaned at least once a month. Trapped particles in the lter can build up, causing reduced performance, frostaccumulation on the coils, and shortening the lifespan of your air conditioner.To Remove the Filter:•Pull the lower front panel toward you and slide out the filter as shown.•Wash the filter using liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water. Rinse and dry thoroughly before replacing. If washing is not available, the filter can also be vacuumed.NOTE: Never use hot water over 104°F to clean the lter. Never attempt to operate the unit without the air lter installed.Cabinet CleaningAlways unplug the air conditioner before cleaning to prevent shock or re hazard. The cabinet and front can be dusted with an oil-free cloth or washed with warm water and mild liquid dishwashing detergent. Always wipe dry before plugging the unit back in and turning it on.Never use harsh cleaners, wax or dangerous chemicals to clean the cabinet.Winter StorageIf you plan to store the air conditioner during the winter, remove it carefully from the window according to the installation instructions. Cover it with plastic or return it to the original carton.③Page 17 ④CARE AND CLEANINGFor 6000 to 8000 Btu/hTROUBLESHOOTING TIPSBefore calling for service, review this list. It may save your time and expense. This list includes commonoccurrences that are not the result of defective workman-ship or materials in this appliance.③Page 18④TroubleshootingTipsError codes:HI - ambient room temperature is too high for the unit to function LO - ambient room temperature is too low for the unit to functionAS - Room temperature sensor error - Unplug the unit and plug it back in.If error repeats, call for service.ES - Evaporator temperature sensor error - Unplug the unit and plug it back in. If error repeats, call for service.CS - Condenser temperature sensor error - Unplug the unit and plug it back in. If error repeats, call for service.OS - Outside temperature sensor error - Unplug the unit and plug it back in. If error repeats, call for service.E7 - Total unit malfunction. Call for service.③Page 19 ④The design and speci cations are subject to change without prior notice forproduct improvement. Consult with the sales agency or manufacturer for details.Any updates to the manual will be uploaded to:P lease check for the latest version.2 0200316。
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辽宁省学位英语作文历年真题及答案全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Grad English Exams in Liaoning: The Fun and the Tricky!Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about the graduate English exams that students take in Liaoning Province in China. These exams test how well students can read, write, listen to and speak English. They are super important for getting into a great university's graduate program.Every year, the exams have different questions. Some years the reading passages are really easy and fun to read. Like one year, there were stories about cute little pandas playing and eating bamboo! Other years, the passages are super hard with lots of big vocabulary words about science or politics that make my head spin.The listening section can be tricky too. One year, the recording was just a bunch of people loudly chewing crunchy snacks! How are we supposed to hear the questions over all that munching? The teachers grading probably had a hard time too listening to that loud smacking.Then there are the writing questions. Some years they want us to write listing steps, like "How to Build a Awesome Pillow Fort." Other times, they want persuasive essays trying to convince the reader of something. Like one year the prompt was "Convince your parents to get you a pet dragon!" Can you imagine? A real fire-breathing dragon running around the house! What would that even look like?The speaking questions are interesting too. Sometimes they'll put a bunch of pictures in front of you and be like "OK, tell me everything happening in these pictures!" Then you have to make up a little story about what's going on. That's kinda fun, using your imagination like that!As for the answers, some are objective like for the reading comprehension questions. But for the essays, stories, and opinions, there's some flexibility in how you can respond. The graders have general guidelines they follow, but there's no one perfect answer. Phew!Overall, I've had a fun time taking these tests over the years. Some parts were super easy, while others definitely made me scratch my head. Writing about imaginary dragon pets? Listening to loud snacking? You never know what crazy things will show up! That's what keeps it exciting.I just have to review hard, get a good night's sleep, and stay focused during the long exam days. Oh and maybe bring some earplugs and snacks of my own too! With luck, I'll do my best and get into the program I want. Wish me luck! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇2A Long Time Ago in LiaoningOnce upon a time, there was a province in China called Liaoning. It was home to lots of smart students who wanted to go to university to get their Master's degrees. But first, they had to pass a very hard English test. Let me tell you all about it!Every year, the universities in Liaoning made up tough questions for the English part of the entrance exam. The students had to write a whole essay in English answering a question about something important. Can you imagine having to write that much in a second language? It was super difficult!One year, the question was "What is the most important invention in human history and why?" The students all had to put on their thinking caps for that one. Some of them wrote about fire, because keeping warm and cooking food was so vital. Others picked the wheel, as it led to cars, bikes, and a whole lotof transportation we use today. But many chose language itself as the most important invention. After all, without words, we couldn't communicate ideas or pass knowledge between generations. Those were some pretty insightful kids!Another time, the topic was "If you could go back in time, what era would you visit and why?" Time travel is such a fun idea, isn't it? I bet you'd want to see the dinosaurs up close, but maybe not too close if you know what I mean! A lot of the students wanted to go to ancient civilizations like ancient Greece to learn from the first philosophers. Others picked major events in history they wished they could have witnessed, like the invention of the printing press or the moon landing. Imagine getting a front row seat to human's first step on the moon!But my favorite question was probably "If you were given a million dollars, how would you spend it to make the world a better place?" It's not easy to spend that much money in a really good way, is it? The students had so many creative ideas though. Some wanted to start schools or libraries in poor areas to spread education. Others focused on the environment, like planting huge numbers of trees or cleaning up pollution. And some got really ambitious, like wanting to lab free cures for diseases tohelp sick people everywhere. Those are some awesome kids, using their brains and their hearts!No matter what the question was, you can tell the students in Liaoning put a lot of thought and effort into their English essays. They showed off their vocabulary, their writing skills, and their big ideas about things that really matter. I'll bet more than a few of them got those Master's degrees and went on to do incredible things.I don't know about you, but reading through those old exam answers makes me excited to see what brilliant young minds will come up with next when it's my turn to take the test. Maybe I'll get to write about colonizing Mars, or ideas for using AI to solve global problems. A kid can dream, right? But I better get cracking on practicing my English essay writing. Those Liaoning exams aren't going to be easy!篇3The Big Book of English Test Questions and Answers!Hi everyone! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm a 5th grader here in Liaoning Province. Today, I want to tell you all about the super important English tests we have to take every year. These tests are a really big deal because they check how good ourEnglish skills are. If we do well, we might even get special certificates or awards! Pretty cool, right?The tests have all sorts of different sections - reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I'll go through each part and share some examples of questions from past years' exams. That way, you can get an idea of what kinds of things we need to know. Are you ready? Let's go!ReadingIn the reading part, we have to read different passages and answer comprehension questions about them. Sometimes the passages are stories, other times they might be informational texts about science or history topics. Here's an example reading passage from a couple years ago about a girl and her pet dog:"Lily was so excited when her parents finally allowed her to get a puppy. She had been asking for one for years! They went to an animal shelter and found the most adorable golden retriever. Lily named him Buddy..."After reading the passage, we might get questions like:What kind of pet did Lily get?Where did Lily's family get the pet from?What did Lily name her new pet?We have to read carefully to find the right details and answer correctly.WritingMy favorite part is the writing section! We usually have to write a short story or essay based on a given prompt. One year, the prompt was "Describe your favorite holiday and what special traditions your family has." I wrote all about Chinese New Year and how we eat dumplings, watch fireworks, and give out red envelopes. The graders look at our grammar, vocabulary, and how well we respond to the prompt.ListeningThe listening part has us listen to audio clips and answer questions. The clips could be conversations between people, instructional videos, or news reports. We have to pay really close attention! A sample question might be:"What weekend activity does the boy invite his friend to?"A) Going to the parkB) Seeing a movieC) Having a picnicSpeakingFor the speaking part, we have to respond verbally to questions or prompts. Sometimes we record our answers, other times a teacher listens and grades us in person. A prompt could be "Describe your favorite book or movie and explain why you like it so much." We get scored on pronunciation, fluency, and how completely we answer.Whew, that's a quick overview of the different sections! As you can see, the tests really cover all the key English skills we need to learn. My best advice is to practice reading/listening to English regularly, learn lots of vocabulary words, and don't be afraid to speak up! The more we use English, the easier it becomes.I really hope going over those sample questions helps explain what the tests are like. They can definitely be challenging, but it feels awesome when you see how much progress you've made. Just do your best!If you want to look at more past test materials, our teachers have books with real exams from previous years. You could also ask them for extra practice worksheets. And remember, our school library has tons of English reading materials to helpimprove comprehension. Don't be shy about using those resources!Well, that's all I have to share about the English tests for now. Let me know if you have any other questions! It's getting late so I need to start my homework, but I'll do my best to explain anything that's still unclear. Studying hard for these tests might not be the most fun, but it will definitely pay off. An excellent English level opens up so many opportunities!Fighting for those high scores! We've got this!Your friend,Xiao Ming篇4My Big Bro Told Me About the English Tests He Had to TakeMy big brother is in college now, but he had to take some really hard tests to get in! He showed me some of the English questions from past years and I was like "Whoa, that looks super difficult!" But he's really smart, so he did great on them. Let me tell you about some of the crazy questions he had!One year, they asked him to write an essay about whether students should have to wear uniforms to school or not. Can youimagine having to write a whole essay in English? That's bonkers! My brother said he argued that uniforms are a good idea because it stops kids from being bullied over the clothes they wear. He used some fancy words like "cultivate a sense of belonging" and said uniforms can help poorer students fit in better. I think he's right - how mean would it be if some kid got picked on just for not having the latest trendy kicks?Another question was about the environment. They showed my brother a chart of pollution levels in different countries and asked him to summarize the information and talk about ways to reduce pollution. That one sounds really hard to me! Just looking at that chart with all the numbers and squiggly lines made my head spin. But my brother is a brainiac so he sprinkled in advanced vocabulary like "deleterious impact" and "imperative to mitigate." I can barely say those words, let alone use them in an essay!The funniest question though was about advertising. They showed this vintage advertisement for some old-timey product and asked the test takers to analyze the marketing techniques used. My brother's answer was hilarious - he mocked how the ad was packed with cheesy slogans and obvious ploys to manipulate people's emotions. He threw lots of shade at modernadvertising too, saying most ads these days are just as manipulative but in more subtle ways. I cracked up when he called the whole industry a "pernicious influence on the zeitgeist." How does a college kid even know words like that?!Sometimes they would give test takers two different passages expressing opposing viewpoints on a controversial topic, and ask them to synthesize the perspectives while stating their own opinion. Can you imagine juggling all that at once? Having to understand both sides, explain the dispute, THEN lay out your own argument with supporting evidence? My tiny child brain would melt into a puddle! My brother showed me one prompt about AI and technology - whether the rise of advanced AI will be good or bad for humanity in the long run. The passages he had to analyze were super dense and used all this academic jargon I've never heard of. I got lost just trying to read the first few sentences. Yet my brother constructed this airtight argument that AI could be transformative if regulated properly but also has existential risks if its development goes unchecked. I don't even know what "existential risks" means!Honestly, just listening to my big brother explain some of these essay prompts makes me feel like a dumb little kid. I'm getting an anxiety attack just thinking about having to respondto them in English! How does anyone's brain work that way, pulling perfect vocabulary out of thin air to craft a coherent, analytical, college-level argument? It's no wonder my brother had to study so hard and do tons of practice essays to ace those tests. Mad props to anyone who can pass an exam like that.I better stop rambling and try to get my daily dose of sesquipedalian loquaciousness in before bedtime. Whatever that means!篇5The Awesome English Tests of Liaoning!Hi there, kids! Are you ready to learn about the super fun English tests that students in Liaoning Province get to take? I know, I know, tests don't sound very exciting. But these English tests are different – they're like awesome adventures where you get to show off your language skills!Every year, students in Liaoning take a big English test called the Liaoning Provincial English Test. It's kind of like a really cool treasure hunt, but instead of looking for gold and jewels, you're searching for the right words and phrases to answer the questions.Now, let me tell you about some of the questions from past years' tests. Don't worry, I won't give away all the answers – that would ruin the fun! But I'll give you a taste of what these tests are like.One year, there was a question about a boy named Tommy who loved to play soccer. The question asked what Tommy's favorite sport was. Easy peasy, right? But then, there were some trickier questions about Tommy's favorite soccer player and what position he liked to play on the field.Another year, the test had a whole section about animals! There were questions about different animals' habitats, what they like to eat, and even how they communicate with each other. Who knew learning about animals could be so much fun in English?But my favorite questions are always the ones about stories and adventures. One year, there was a story about a group of friends who went on a camping trip. The questions asked things like what they packed for the trip, what kinds of activities they did in the woods, and how they felt when they had to go back home. It was like you were right there with them, roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories!Of course, the tests also have questions about grammar, vocabulary, and all those important language rules. But even those can be kind of exciting when you think about them like puzzles to solve.Now, I know what you're thinking: "But what if I get a question wrong? That's no fun at all!" Don't worry, kids, that's all part of the adventure. Every great explorer makes a few wrong turns before finding the right path. The important thing is that you do your best and learn from your mistakes.And if you ever get really stuck on a question, just remember: there are always people who can help you, like your teachers and parents. They're like your trusty guides on this English journey, ready to point you in the right direction.Well, that's all for now, my friends. I hope I've given you a taste of just how awesome the Liaoning Provincial English Test can be. So study hard, have fun, and happy exploring in the world of English!。
随着"&B3'"&B,发 生 器 制 备 技 术 和 配 位 化 学 的发展#"&B,F:Aa7F99注射液的制备工艺趋于成 熟#并 已 于 $%$% 年 被 美 国 食 品 与 药 品 管 理 局 !DZ7"批准 用 于 前 列 腺 癌 诊 断#目 前 国 内 也 正 在 进行药品注册和临床研究)!#NFK*&但国内目前仍缺 乏"&B,F:Aa7F99注 射 液 制 备 和 质 量 控 制 的 行 业 标准和指南#尤 其 因 各 机 构 人 员%设 备%场 所 条 件 不同#所拟定的质 量 控 制 标 准 差 异 较 大)9%*& 这 即 不利于监管其质量与安全#又阻碍了其临床转化&
ProSAFE 万兆智能无线控制器 WC7600 商品说明书
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ProSAFE®万兆智能无线控制器 WC7600包装内容包装内容:•ProSAFE®万兆智能无线控制器 WC7600•交流电源线•直通 5 类以太网电缆•机架安装工具•橡胶脚垫(4 个,带粘性背衬)•安装指南警告:请勿叠放设备,也不要将设备置于狭小空间内或抽屉中。
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以太网端口右侧以太网端口 LED 亮绿色(1000 Mbps 连接)或黄色(100 或 10 Mbps 连接)。
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Polycom RPX HD 400和200系列版本2.7.1发布说明书
![Polycom RPX HD 400和200系列版本2.7.1发布说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/62434553cd1755270722192e453610661fd95a43.png)
Release NotesPolycom® RPX™ HD 400 and 200 SeriesVersion 2.7.1Polycom announces the general availability release of its Polycom RealPresence Experience™ (RPX) HD, version 2.7.1. This document provides the latest information about this release.TopicsIntroducing the Polycom RPX HD 2.7.1 Release (2)What’s New in RPX HD Version 2.7.1? (2)Software and Firmware Used in Version 2.7.1 (2)Upgrading the Software to Version 2.7.1 (3)Configuring the Content Monitors in Your RPX Suite (4)Issues Fixed in This Release (6)Known Issues and Limitations (7)For Users (7)For Administrators (9)Where to Get the Latest Product Information (10)Copyright Information© 2011 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved.3725-25796-012/B (January 2011)Polycom, Inc.4750 Willow RoadPleasanton, CA 94588-2708USATrademark InformationPOLYCOM®, the Polycom "Triangles" logo and the names and marks associated with Polycom's products are trademarks and/or service marks of Polycom, Inc. and are registered and/or common law marks in the United States and various other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient's personal use, without the express written permission of Polycom.Introducing the Polycom RPX HD 2.7.1 ReleasePolycom is pleased to announce the release of the Polycom RPX HD 400 and 200 Series, version 2.7.1.The Polycom RealPresence Experience High Definition offers unprecedented high-definition video ina cinematic view, extraordinary StereoSurround™ audio, and high resolution content. This trulyimmersive meeting environment provides the ultimate meeting experience for executives in anyorganization, linking sites across the globe.What’s New in RPX HD Version 2.7.1?RPX HD version 2.7.1 is a maintenance release for RPX HD version 2.7, which provides the following functionality:∙Optimize bandwidth with H.264 High Profile, a standards-based video compression technology that delivers full HD quality while lowering your bandwidth requirements by up to 50 percent.H.264 High Profile is supported only on RPX HD systems with HDX 8000 series codecs.∙Simply and easily view a list of scheduled meetings and join those meetings using the Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft® Outlook® feature.∙Support for the new Delta VW7028 projector, which replaces the Delta VW7008 projector beginning in the first quarter of 2011.Information on the configuration of these and other RPX features is provided in the PolycomImmersive Telepresence (ITP) Administrator’s Guide.Software and Firmware Used in Version 2.7.1RPX HD version 2.7.1 uses the following software and firmware:∙Polycom Telepresence Tool version: (TelepresenceTool_2.7.1.1.msi)∙Crestron software version: 2.7.1-1 (RPX_2.7.1-1.zip)∙Crestron AV2/PRO2 firmware version: 4.001.1012 (Feb 17 2009)(pro2_av2_cp2_cp2e_rack2_pac2_4.001.1012.zip)∙Crestron Touch Panel firmware version: 3.001.0015 (tps-3000_tps-3000l_tps-3100_tps-4000_tps- 4000l_3.001.0015.zip)∙HDX software version: polycom-hdx-hf-∙HDX software version without encryption: polycom-hdx-hf-∙Delta projector firmware version for VW7008 projectors: FD31+SD30. The full file names are FD31-VW7008-20090907 and SD30-VW7008-2008090.∙Delta projector firmware version for VW7028 projectors: FP04+SP04. The full file names are FP04-VW7028BBCP-20101203 and SP04-VW7028BBCP-20100913.For information on versions of other Polycom products, such as RMX™ and CMA™, that are compatible with this release, refer to the Polycom Immersive Telepresence (ITP) Deployment Guide.Upgrading the Software to Version 2.7.1If the software at the RPX HD site is being upgraded to version 2.7.1 from an earlier version, theinstaller must follow these configuration procedures:1.Upgrade the Delta projector firmware if necessary.NOTE If you are upgrading the software to version 2.7.1 and your systemhas Delta projectors, you must ensure that the Delta projectorfirmware is at the correct version listed in the previous section. Thismay require you to upgrade the projector firmware. The firmwareupgrade must be performed onsite by a trained installer.2.Upgrade the HDX software.3.Configure the control system.4.Install and use the Telepresence Tool.5.Configure the Immersive Telepresence features.6.Align and calibrate the projectors (if you upgraded the projector firmware).7.Configure, align, and match the cameras (if you upgraded the projector firmware).The steps above are described in the Polycom RealPresence Experience (RPX) HD 400 Series Installation Guide, Version 2.7.1 or the Polycom RealPresence Experience (RPX) HD 200 Series Installation Guide,Version 2.7.1 as well as the Polycom Immersive Telepresence (ITP) Administrator’s Guide.Important Note: If your RPX HD system was installed after April 30, 2010 and you wish to upgrade from version 2.6 to version 2.7.1 software, you may need to obtain a new 1080p software license (part number 5150-26946-001) from Polycom. Please contact Polycom Customer Support at for more information.Configuring the Content Monitors in Your RPX Suite1.On the laptop, start the Polycom Telepresence Tool.2.The first time you use the Polycom Telepresence Tool with the RPX, the Select TelepresenceModel dialog box will appear and you must do the following:a.In the Select Model field, select the RPX system model.b.In the Select Main Display field, select the video format for the main displays installed inthe room.c.In the Select Content Display field, select Standard – VGA 1024x768.You must select Standard – VGA 1024x768 whether you have standard or widescreencontent monitors.d.Click OK.3.Press the Enter button on the content monitor to display the Configuration screen.4.Press the Right Arrow button on the screen to select Image Properties.5.Click OK.6.Press the Right Arrow button on the screen to select Scaling.7.Click OK.8.Select Full Screen.9.Click OK.10.If needed, press the Auto Sync button to make the content fill the screen.11.Repeat steps 3 through 10 for the remaining content monitors.Issues Fixed in This ReleaseRPX version 2.7.1 incorporates both HDX software version and HDX hotfix version HDX software version provides a correction for an issue recently observed at the factory in which Polycom HDX systems restarted intermittently while in a call. HDX hotfix version provides a correction to an intermittent lip sync issue.The following table lists the other issues fixed in RPX HD Version 2.7.1.Feature DescriptionAudio/Video Calls On rare occasions when placing a video or audio call with the Enhanced UI, the system may have automatically dialed the number before you pressed the Connect button.When viewing an RPX system in a 1080p multipoint call with an RMX 2000 or RMX 4000 with MPMx, you will no longer see a thin black vertical line between cells of the RPX system. For more information, refer to the Polycom® ImmersiveTelepresence (ITP) Deployment Guide.Touch Panel/ User Interface When joining a Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook (PCO) conference from the Touch Panel, you were not prompted for a conference password, even if a password was required for the meeting.With PCO, private meeting details were displayed on the Touch Panel, even if the Primary HDX system was not configured to Show Private Meeting Details.Known Issues and LimitationsFor UsersThe following table lists the known issues relevant to RPX HD end users.Feature DescriptionAudio/Video Calls The RPX will not accept any incoming audio calls when it is already in a video call.To avoid this issue, place outgoing audio calls instead of receiving incoming audio calls when you are already in a video call.When DTMF tones are heard during the process of dialing an audio call, the near-end and far-end audio is muted for a brief moment.If you hang up an incoming audio call and then immediately place an outgoing audio call, the RPX may not hang up the initial incoming audio call.To avoid this issue, wait five seconds between consecutive audio calls.If the RPX is in a single endpoint video call (such as with a VSX or HDX video conferencing system) and the Do Not Disturb feature on the RPX is disabled, an incoming call from a two-codec or three-codec system will cause the center camera on the RPX to momentarily move to the side before returning to its correct position.If the projectors are in sleep mode when an incoming video call is automatically accepted by the RPX, it may take up to 70 seconds for the projectors to automatically power up. During the 70 seconds that it takes for the projectors to warm up and show far-end video, the RPX meeting participants may not notice that the call has been established.To avoid this issue, verify that the projectors are powered up before placing or receiving any video calls.If the projectors are in sleep mode when a video call comes in, any codecs that are not being used will briefly show near-end video. This only occurs when the number of near-end codecs is more than the number of far-end codecs, such as when a RPX 400 on the near end receives an incoming call from an RPX 200 on the far end, or when either an RPX 400 or 200 receives an incoming call from a single endpoint (VSX or HDX).If you place a point-to-point call to an RMX Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) and then add a site to the call from the Conference List on the Meeting Composer screen (with the Enhanced UI only), the point-to-point call will be dropped and a multipoint call will be created with the VMR as a participant in that multipoint call.To avoid this, hang up the VMR call and then make a new call with the participants that you want in that call.If you are using Meeting Composer and you dial two audio sites concurrently, the Touch Panel may show that you are connected to the second audio number dialed when you are actually connected to the first number dialed.To avoid this issue, when want to connect to multiple audio sites or to both audio and video sites when using Meeting Composer, connect to the video sites first (if any), and then add the audio sites one at a time.When you place a call to an RMX VMR using the following syntax, the call will not go through: IP##MeetingRoomID.To avoid this issue, place the call using this syntax: MeetingRoomID@IP (for example,*************.130.21).Feature DescriptionAudio/Video Calls If you dial an incomplete IP address for a video call (for example, 172.16.254.), you may hear a ringing sound for approximately 90 seconds. Until the ringing ceases, you will be unable to place another call.Content If you share content using a laptop, for best results, set its input resolution to 1024x768 and its refresh rate to 75 Hz. This will ensure that the content image renders correctly.Document Cameras The Eye-10 document camera used in some custom solutions does not support the Freeze function that is available for other document camera models.Touch Panel/ User Interface If you press the Content button on the Touch Panel when no content source (such as a laptop) is connected to the RPX with the VGA cable, the Primary HDX codec will generate a hidden message on the Primary wall screen. The message states "PC input resolution and/or refresh rate not supported.” This message will not be visible onscreen because the RPX is programmed to picture mute all wall screens when the system is not in a call. If you establish a video call while the message is activated, the call will take longer than usual to connect. To avoid this issue, wait three seconds (during which time the message will time out) before placing a video call from the Touch Panel.In an audio call from an RPX to a cellular phone or analog phone, if the remote user disconnects the call first, the Touch Panel continues to show the audio call as in progress. To avoid this issue, manually press the Hang Up button after each audio call is completed. The RPX will not accept incoming audio or video calls when the Hang Up button is off hook.When searching for a site in the global directory with the Enhanced UI, up to nine characters can typically be displayed on the screen. However, depending on the width of the letters in the name, more or less of the site name may be truncated.With Meeting Composer, when dialing a phone number with more than 10 digits, or dialing anyotherlongstringsuchasextension@IP_address(ex:*************.130.201),the string will likely be truncated when displayed in the right-hand pane of the Touch Panel.If you place a point-to-point call to an RMX Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) and then add an audio-only site to the call, the two columns on the left side of the Meeting Composer screen in the Enhanced UI will go blank and the icons at the top of the columns will become grayed-out.When Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook (PCO) is used to schedule multiple meetings and you select one of the meetings on the Touch Panel, the details for that meeting display on the left side of the Touch Panel screen. If that meeting is cancelled, it is removed from the meeting list; however, the details of the cancelled meeting are still displayed on the left side of the Touch Panel screen.To fix this issue, simply select a different meeting from the meeting list.For AdministratorsThe following table lists the known issues relevant to RPX HD administrators.Feature DescriptionAudio/Video Calls When the primary codec answers an incoming video call, any HDX codecs that are not being used will automatically accept any other incoming video calls if the following conditions exist:1. The RPX 200 Series or RPX 400 Series is in a single endpoint video call with aVSX or HDX video conferencing system (video ad-hoc dialing).2. The RPX 400 is in a video call with an RPX 200 Series, a TPX™ 306M, or a TPX204M.To prevent unused codecs from accepting any incoming calls, use the Do Not Disturb timer. To change the amount of time before Do Not Disturb is activated, access the DoNotDisturbTimer field in the System_Config.ini file. In this field, you can enter a value between 10 and 300, or leave the value at 0 if you want to keep the feature disabled: DoNotDisturbTimer=x where x is the value (in seconds) of the desired timeoutperiod.For example, DoNotDisturbTimer=120 sets the parameter to 120 seconds.If you use the web UI to place a call that is not at the default call speed, the codecs will not automatically adjust to the same call speed. The Primary codec will connect at the call speed specified in the HDX web UI Call Quality field, but the remaining codecs will connect at the default call speed.To avoid this issue when placing a call using the web UI, connect to each codec individually at the desired call speed (if the desired call speed is different from the default).Avoid using the suffixes ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, and ‘4’ for your audio speed dial name entries. Using these suffixes may cause the system to incorrectly interpret them as an ITP suite, instead of distinct audio speed dial entries.Avoid creating directory entries that have an “&” symbol in the name. If you do so, the entry will appear on the site list with the word “amp” in the name rather than the “&” symbol.When the RPX is in a call, sending Telnet commands to change the video format may not work properly.To avoid this issue, do not use Telnet commands to change the video format when the RPX is in a call.If you use the web UI to place a call that is not at the default call speed, the codecs will not automatically adjust to the same call speed. The Primary codec will connect at the call speed specified in the HDX web UI Call Quality field, but the remaining codecs will connect at the default call speed.To avoid this issue when placing a call using the web UI, connect to each codec individually at the desired call speed (if the desired call speed is different from the default).When an RPX calls another RPX in a point-to-point call, the codecs begin to connect one at a time. If network resources become limited, not all of the codecs may connect, which may make it appear that one of the projectors is not working properly. If a projector does not work correctly in a call, you should check if the codec connected. If it did not connect, reducing the call bandwidth may solve the issue.If your ITP environment is configured to use both the LDAP directory and H.323 Gatekeeper functions, and your speed dial entries are not IP addresses, video calls may take longer to connect due to the additional communication involved between the various components in the solution.Feature DescriptionControl System When you connect to the codecs through Telnet or through the Crestron Toolbox and use the command prompt, you may see “overflow buffer” and other error messages when you usethe Touch Panel. These errors also appear on the Crestron log. This issue does not affectsystem performance or functionality.Directory If you add a site from the CMA directory to the speed dial list and then later change the name of that site in the CMA, the speed dial entry name that is displayed on the Touch Panel maynot be updated.To fix this issue, reboot the codecs and the AV2 System Controller. Alternatively, from theHDX web UI, delete and re-add the renamed CMA site to the Speed Dial list.Microphones If you disconnect the Polycom Ceiling Microphone Arrays and then connect any microphones other than Ceiling Microphone Arrays, the proper stereo settings may be lost.If this occurs, launch the Polycom Telepresence Tool, make sure that all the HDX codecs areconnected, and then click Configure HDXs to set the microphones to their correct settings.Touch Panel/ User Interface If any of the HDX codecs are rebooted without rebooting the AV2 System Controller as well, the HDX UI remains onscreen.To avoid this issue, reboot the AV2 System Controller whenever any of the HDX codecs are rebooted. The VNOC, Service, and Site Administration teams are advised to reboot (power up) the AV2 System Controller after the HDX reboots (powers up) as part of the reset process or when recovering from a power failure. Placing a call without rebooting the AV2 System Controller will cause the Touch Panel to freeze.If you reboot the Primary HDX codec while the RPX is in an audio call (with the Help Desk, for example), the Hang Up button on the Touch Panel will freeze.To avoid this issue, reboot the AV2 System Controller when the Hang Up button enters that frozen state.Occasionally, the incorrect video format will be displayed on the Touch Panel Admin screen. To determine the correct video format:1. From the web UI, go to Admin Settings > Cameras.2. Check the Video Quality field for the camera being used. If VideoQuality=Sharpness, the video format is 1080p30; if Video Quality=Motion, thevideo format is 720p60.Alternatively, you can check the Video Format on the web UI Place a Call page.When initially loading the Crestron Touch Panel and then loading the AV2 System Controller, a Toolbox Results dialog box may appear at the end of the installation process. Although this dialog box displays an error message, the installation completed successfully.If users report that the Touch Panel seems to take an unusually long time to return directory information, check if there are LDAP entries in the directory that are no longer valid. If there are such entries, correct them.Where to Get the Latest Product InformationTo view the latest Polycom product documentation, visit the Support section of the Polycom website at .。
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