中西方文化的不同 中英文对照

• introduction • The History and Cultural Background of
Chinese and Western Architecture • The architectural styles and characteristics of
both Eastern and Western cultures • Differences in building materials and
structures between the East and the West
• The spatial layout and functional differences between Chinese and Western architecture
The Integration and Innovation of Eastern and Western Architectural Cultures
The History and Cultural Background of Chinese and Western Architecture
Pursuing personalization and artistry: Modern architectural design pursues the expression of personalization and artistry, showcasing the designer's creativity through unique shapes, colors, and materials.
Modern and Contemporary Architecture

In China
8:luck(幸运) fortune(财富) happy (幸福)
In western country 7:good luck (好运)
6 :safety and smooth (六六大顺)
Unlucky numbers(忌讳数字)
In China
In western country
“Fine day, isn’t it?" (”今天天气不错,对吧“)
Etiquette culture (礼仪文化)
--- Addressing(称呼)
1、Calling names(称呼)
In China, the surname(姓) → the given name (名).
While westerners, the given name(名) → the family name (姓)
The architectural form is thick and
2 Architectural Structures
Traditional Chinese people believe in the idea of nature-human integration(“天人合一”).
Cultural Differences between
China and western countrie ----中西文化差异
第二组 小组成员:
Content (目录)
1、Food and tableware culture (餐桌文化) 2、Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) 3、Number and color differences (数字与颜色不同) 4、Wedding differences(婚礼文化) 5、Education differences (教育) 6、The Chineseand Western Architectural Culture(建筑风格)

比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚,英语是spend money like water,而汉语是"挥金如土"。
英语中有许多关于船和水的习语,在汉语中没有完全相同的对应习语,如to rest on one's oars(暂时歇一歇),to keep one's head above water(奋力图存),all at sea(不知所措)等等。


例题(14)When you receive something from a foreigner, you
had better___A___.
A. accept it
B. refuse to accept it
C. return it to him D. buy something in rerurn
A. receiver’s, left B. writer’s, right C. receiver’s, right D. writer’s, left
例题(5)When you write a letter to your father
in English, you had better call,“ C Father”.
❖ While the relationship between western people is relatively simple.(简单)
3. From the view of their thinking orientation:
❖ In western countries: Their thinking orientation(思维取向)inclines to individuals ;
A. Chinese B. American
C. British
D. None of the
例题(43)When you send some expensive presents to American and British people, they receive them_______. A. silently B. without doing and saying anything C. and take them away in silence D. and sing high praise for them in the face of the sender

Cultural Differences between China and the WestIntroduction: Cultural differences between China and Western countries play a significant role in shaping the behaviors, beliefs, and traditions of the people in these regions. These differences can be observed in various aspects of life, including social interactions, communication styles, food preferences, and work ethics. Understanding these disparities can help foster better cultural understanding, communication, and appreciation between individuals from different backgrounds. This article explores some key cultural differences between China and the West.1.Social Interactions: In China, social interactions often prioritize groupharmony and maintaining face. Traditional values of collectivism andhierarchical social structures influence how people interact with each other.Respect for authority figures and seniority are highly valued. Western cultures, on the other hand, emphasize individualism, personal freedoms, and equality.Social interactions tend to be more informal, and individual opinions are highly valued, even if they differ from those in positions of authority.munication Styles: Chinese communication styles are oftenindirect and rely heavily on non-verbal cues. Facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice play crucial roles in conveying messages. Saving face andmaintaining harmony are important, so criticism or disagreement may becommunicated indirectly to avoid confrontation. In Western cultures,communication is more direct and explicit, with importance placed on clarity and honesty. Opinions and disagreements are often expressed openly andassertively.3.Food Preferences: Chinese cuisine is diverse, with a variety of flavors,textures, and ingredients. Chinese meals are often shared family-style, with a balance of flavors, colors, and temperatures. Rice and noodles are staple food items. On the other hand, Western cuisine typically includes a wider range of meat, often incorporating beef, pork, and poultry. Individual portions arepopular, and meals often revolve around a main dish complemented by sides.Bread, pasta, and potatoes are commonly consumed.4.Work Ethics: Work ethics differ significantly between China andWestern countries. In China, hard work, dedication, and loyalty to one’scompany are highly valued. Long working hours and a focus on hierarchy are common. Confucian values of respect for authority figures and filial pietyinfluence work relationships. In contrast, Western cultures emphasize work-life balance, individual achievements, and self-expression. Flexibility in working hours, teamwork, and equal treatment among colleagues are more prominent.5.Time Orientation: Chinese culture is deeply rooted in a long historyand respects traditions. It follows a more event-oriented time orientation,where the focus is on the present and the past. On the other hand, Westerncultures typically have a future-oriented time orientation, emphasizingplanning, progress, and achieving goals. Time is seen as a valuable resource to be managed efficiently.Conclusion: Cultural differences between China and the West manifest in various aspects of life, including social interactions, communication styles, food preferences, work ethics, and time orientation. Recognizing and appreciating these disparities can help individuals from different backgrounds develop better cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. By fostering cultural sensitivity and embracing diversity, we can build bridges between cultures and promote harmony in an increasingly interconnected world.。

First of all, the way of eating. All human beings have certain needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physiological need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nourishment as food. Americans eat oyster but not snail. The French eat snails but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some culture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong that just thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an individual to feel ill.We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children ,treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We Chinese may enjoy something that is not usually considered as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we prefer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. Onthe opposite, some English-speaking countries, most of the people like to seat in two rows, two people face to face. They have their own plate. On the aspect of table manners, there are many differences between Chinese and English-speaking people. For example, in some English-speaking countries, Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right. Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are far from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Use the knife only to butter the bread, not cut it. You should not start eating before your host does or instructs to do so. At large meals, it is considered okay to start eating once others have been served. When finished, place the knife and fork together at five o’clock with the fork on the left. It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If need to take an urgent call, excuse self and go outside. Try to eat all the food you are served. But in China, the table manners are different. Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. if rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl. The host should always make sure the guest drinks are sufficiently full.One should notpour for oneself, but should offer to pour for a neighborhood. When your drink is being poured, you should say “thank you” and tap fingers on the table to show appreciation. When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.Secondly, the way of communication. Form birth to death, communication plays an integral part in our life.There are some language problems, including the different styles of using language such as direct, indirect; expansive, succinct; argumentative, conciliatory; instrumental, harmonizing; and so on. These different styles can lead to wrong interpretations of intent and evaluation of insincerity, aggressiveness, deviousness, or arrogance, among other.The misinterpretation includes nonverbal signs and symbols such as gestures, postures, and other body movements. It is a definite communication barrier. But it is possible to learn the meanings of these observable message, usually in informal rather ways.It is more difficult to understand the less obvious unspoken codes of the other cultures. Language, as the carrier of culture, is created during the process of human beings’ productive labor and serves as the tool of communication to convey the message between people. However, it has been endowed with magic and power in particular language acts.As the old saying goes,troubles come out of the tongue. Superstitious people think that the language itself can bring about fortune or misfortune so that taboos to restrict the use of language are created. Anyone who violates them will get punishment, whereas those who faithfully obey the restrictions of language taboo will get protection. Furthermore, linguistic taboos change with the development of society.The paper firstly analyzes the evolution of linguistic taboo. It is indicated in the paper that linguistic taboo exists in almost every aspect of people’s life and is a universal social phenomenon in China and Britain.Both Chinese and English cultures are in agreement about linguistic taboos such as pronunciation taboo, and vocabulary taboo. However, influenced by different cultural backgrounds, ideologies and the concepts of value, Chinese and English linguistic taboos also have differences, as is discussed in the paper from the aspects of taboo subjects, taboo numbers and names.At last, this paper puts forward two effective ways of avoid taboo, that is,using euphemism and having a good knowledge of the taboo culture. And this discussion would help English learners, improve their ability of cross-cultural communication and achieve better communicational effects. For example, during the feudal times, people were not equal to the rulers and were suppressed by their superiors.The distinction between the upper and the lower classes was also reflected in the evaluation of the language used by them respectively. The words ofupper class used were considered good and elegant while those used by the lower class were regarded as vulgar and indecent and should be avoided in the speech of ladies and gentlemen. In modern society, as a result of the development of science and technology, many natural phenomena are no longer mysterious. Human beings not only constantly improve their abilities to exploit the world where they are living through their great wisdom and knowledge, but also make efforts to explore the extraterrestrial world. Science has much more say in today’s society. Thereby, the superstitious elements in linguistic taboos decrease while those reflecting spiritual civilization increase.In short, by comparison, we can find that both Chinese and English communication reflect people’s psychology for good will, for safety and fortune and pleasantness.The Chinese and English people restrict their words and deeds through taboos, trying to keep a harmonious relationship between human and nature, or between people and society. They are a reflection of people’s pursuit of freedom and equality.首先,是饮食的方式。
中西方建筑文化差异 中英文版

Architecture is not only the precipitation of human civilization, but also the carrier of human civilization. It reveals the ideological concept, religious feelings and aesthetic interests of all peoples in all regions to us with its distinctive language expressions. Therefore, Chinese and the west with different regions, history and culture also have different architectural philosophy. Meanwhile, the Chinese people and westerners also have quite differences on aesthetic standards, character and temperament. All these impact the local arts of architectural design.
中西方文化的不同 中英文对照共27页

56、极端的法规,就是极端的不公。 ——西 塞罗 57、法律一旦成为人们的需要,人们 就不再 配享受 自由了 。—— 毕达哥 拉斯 58、法律规定的惩罚不是为了私人的 利益, 而是为 了公共 的利益 ;一部 分靠有 害的强 制,一 部分靠 榜样的 效力。 ——格 老秀斯 59、假如没有法律他们会更快乐的话 ,那么 法律作 为一件 无用之 物自己 就会消 灭。— —洛克
60、人民的幸福是至高无个的法。— —西塞 罗
❖ 知识ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
中西方文化的不同 中英文对照

更重要的是,中国人和西方人的饮食都是不同的方式和礼仪。以及我所关心的, 我想中国和西方的人们也有一个巨大区别。中国人使用筷子和西方人民使用刀 叉。中国只是用筷子把东西并将它送到他们的嘴巴。但是西方那些使用刀叉将 使用叉子来保存肉,使用刀和叉的以帮助来吃到这一块肉。除了这个,中国的人 们只有在一天三顿饭。但西方的人们将会有更多,他们喝下午茶。通常他们会有 水果、蛋糕、茶和奶酪。
The atmosphere of Western-style food is particular about scenery. The good restaurant is generally built in the beautiful mountaintop, park or the revolving dining-room of the city center high building. So Western-style food is “Eat the scenery” but not “Eat taste”.
在西方,人们看重就餐的环境。一家好的餐馆最好建在风景如画的山顶、公园 或者城市中心的高楼上。所以西餐吃的不是味道,是环境。
The atmosphere of Chinese food is particular about taste and participation. Chinese food conquers the world with taste. There is a folk adage in China “If I want to conquer your heart, I will conquer your stomach first”. Everybody sits around table while eating Chinese food, everybody is eating the dish in the same plate, the hospitable host will also nip the dish into your bowl, it is so friendly. The friendship between person and person is deeper after a meal.
中西方节日文化差异比较 中英文版

OECD says Unemployment Will Continue to RiseOECD:工业化国家失业率持续攀升Despite reports that many industrialized economies are beginning to emerge from their worst economic crisis in decades, unemployment is rising and will likely reach a historic peak of nearly 10 percent next year. The findings come from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris.经济合作与发展组织星期三报告说,工业化国家的失业率仍在增加,而且有可能在明年达到近10%的历史最高水平,尽管不断有报道说,很多工业化国家正在走出几十年来最严重的经济危机。
Indications that unemployment continues to rise is grim news for leaders heading to the G-20 summit in the United States next week. The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations of 8.5 percent in July.对于下个星期到美国出席20国集团峰会的各国领导人来说,失业率继续上升真是个坏消息。

中西方文化差异英文版Culture is a very broad term that includes many things such as habits, behaviors, languages, and more. Now, I would like to introduce some differences between Chinese and Western culture. At first, let"s talk about marriage customs. In China, the bride and groom would wear red clothes because we believe that red represents happiness and luck. And the wedding ceremony would be hosted at the bride"s house. However, in America, the bride always wears a white wedding gown and the wedding ceremony is usually held in a church.Another difference is the way of describing food. In China, people often use words like "color," "smell," "taste," and "sharp" to describe food. For example, if we say "this food is delicious," we mean it tastes good and is not boring. However, in the West, people usually pay attention to calories, vitamins, and proteins.Furthermore, the way of treating children also differs between China and the West. In China, parents often show love by spanking or hitting their children, but in the West, it is considered disrespectful and illegal.Moreover, traditional Chinese medical system regards symptoms as the key to diagnose and treat diseases, while inthe West, people usually consult doctors or pharmacists to diagnose their diseases.In conclusion, there are many differences between Chinese and Western culture, such as marriage customs, food description, child-rearing practices, and medical systems. These differences reflect the diversity and richness of human cultures and should be 尊重和欣赏。

The dining product as a result of factor and so on region characteristic, climatic environment, manners and customs influences, will appear in raw material, the taste, the cooking method, the food habit varying degree difference. Was precisely because of these differences, the dining product had the intense localization. Between China and the West culture's difference has accomplished China and the West diet culture difference, but this kind of difference and gets along with people the philosophy from the West different thinking mode. The Chinese pays great attention “the beauty to uni te”, the westerner pays great attention “humanist”. here chats the Western diet culture difference briefly from the following three aspects. 第二种翻译:Food products due to geographical features, climate, customs, and other factors, will appear in the raw materials, food, cooking methods, dietary habits on the varying degrees of difference. It is precisely because of these differences in food products with a strong regional. The difference between Chinese and Western cultures to create a diet of Chinese and Western cultural differences, and differences from the West in a different way of thinking and philosophy of life. Chinese people pay attention to the "Heaven and Man," in the West focus on "people-oriented."From here, a brief talk about the following three areas in the Western diet and cultural differences.一、两种不同的饮食观念对比注重“味”的中国饮食,西方是一种理性饮食观念。

several famous brands of Chinese wine
Maotai Five-Grain liquor
Luzhou Liquor
Gujing Tribute Wine
Western Wine: The Greek ,cradle of Western civilization, which soil is relatively poor ,and is not suitable for cereals (谷物) to be grown.But the grape can be grown good ,so they use grape to make wine.We can see they use wine to call grape wine .
Besides, there are many different legends about the
origin of the wine in China.
For example ,Du Kang makes wine. Someone think that Du
Kang( 杜 康 ) made great
黄酒 Chinese wine culture has a long history. Undoubtedly the rice wine (黄酒) is the oldest. But the most representative of Chinese wine is the white wine(白酒).Because the white wine is the highest produced distilled wine(蒸馏酒).
contributions to the gaoliang wine brewing methods and he was honored as the wine originator and Jiu Sheng by Chinese.
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• The food the bride eats has cultural significance .In traditional weddings, the bride usually has red dates, peanuts, longans and melon seeds. The meaning is evident in the Chinese pronunciation of these four foods. When they are said together, it sounds like "Have a baby soon."
The Differences between Chinese and western Culture
WeddingBiblioteka 中 西 方 婚 礼 的 差 异
Chinese weddings
• Chinese wedding customs are still maintained traditional style. Chinese wedding wearing a red cheongsam. The Chinese regard the color red as the symbol of happiness, success, luck, faith and growth. They like red very much, which comes from worship of the Sun. In traditional Chinese weddings, there are double Xi characters in red, red scarves, red flowers and the bride wears a red coat.
The atmosphere of Western-style food is particular about scenery. The good restaurant is generally built in the beautiful mountaintop, park or the revolving dining-room of the city center high building. So Western-style food is “Eat the scenery” but not “Eat taste”.
farming culture.
• Traditional western festival culture under the background of Christianity.
• Different background of traditional festival culture • Different contents of festival culture • Different value orientation • Different national culture mentality
中国传统节日文化背景下的农耕文化。 西方传统节日文化背景下的基督教。 不同的背景,传统节日文化 不同内容的节日文化 不同的价值取向 不同的民族文化心理
• Traditional Chinese festival culture featured by food and wine.
• Traditional western festival culture featured by entertainment. • Traditional Chinese festival culture under the background of
The Differences between Chinese and western Culture
For one thing, Chinese and Westerners are different concepts in the diet. Chinese people are focus on the taste. They pursue all the Color, flavor and taste. But Western concept of rational diet. They pursue nutrition and they absorb Calorie and protein .Chinese people choice food very carefully. They only use fresh material in order to make delicious food. Western country like English or American, they don’t have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarket which only sells stored materials. Chinese have a lot of ideas and techniques for cooking. For example, We can cook a chicken in over ten ways and people can taste all them with relish. Western people do not have many skills for cooking, mostly they only boil, steam and bake the food.
首先,中国人和西方人在饮食上是不同的概念。中国人民正在关注的味道。他们追 求所有的色、香、味。但西方的概念合理饮食。他们追求提高和他们吸收热量和蛋 白质。中国人民非常小心地选择食物。他们只使用新鲜的材料来制造可口的食物。 西方国家像英国或美国,他们没有新鲜的食品,因为它们从超市买他们的食品,只出售 存储材料中国有很多的想法和技巧用于烹饪。 例如,我们可以煮鸡在超过十种方法,人们就可以品尝所有他们津津有味。西方的人 并没有很多技能用于烹饪,他们大多只煮、蒸、烤食品。
• 新娘吃的食物也是一种文化象征传统婚礼上,新 娘一般会吃红枣、花生、桂圆和瓜子。其中的象 征意义可以从这四种食物的读音中看出。当这四 种食物放在一起读时就是“早生贵子”。 。
Western wedding
• Western wedding customs is a romantic style, Married to western costume; The bride dressed in white, football, wearing a white garlands, but also cast a long white, carrying white flowers.
在中国,人们看重食物的味道与分享。中餐以美味征服世界。中国有句古话: 欲征服人心,先征服人胃。进餐时,大家一起围坐在餐桌旁,所有人共同分享 一个盘子中的食物,主人还会热情的为你夹菜。一顿饭后,人们之间的情谊会 加深。
What’s more ,Chinese and westerners are different ways and manners in the diet. As well as I’m concerned, there is also a huge difference between Chinese and Western people, I think. Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork and knife. Chinese just use chopstick to pick things and pass it into their mouse . But western people who use fork and knife will use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse. Apart of this, Chinese people only have three meals during a day. But western people will have more, they have afternoon tea. Usually they would have fruits, homemade cake, tea and cheese.
在西方,人们看重就餐的环境。一家好的餐馆最好建在风景如画的山顶、公园 或者城市中心的高楼上。所以西餐吃的不是味道,是环境。
The atmosphere of Chinese food is particular about taste and participation. Chinese food conquers the world with taste. There is a folk adage in China “If I want to conquer your heart, I will conquer your stomach first”. Everybody sits around table while eating Chinese food, everybody is eating the dish in the same plate, the hospitable host will also nip the dish into your bowl, it is so friendly. The friendship between person and person is deeper after a meal.