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One afternoon my father and me went fishing along a river. 1 ________ We found the water too dirty that we could not see the bottom. 2 ________ We also found rubbish and dead fish float on the water . That 3 ________ afternoon my father catches only some small fish. 4 ________ What did the fish in the river die for? That was because a lot of 5 ________ factories along the river always emptied its waste water and rubbish 6 ________ into the river, but the river got polluted. Thus, most of the fish in 7 ________ the river were killed .

If all the rivers throughout the country are polluted like this, all 8 ________ living things in the water will killed. Clean water is very important 9 ________ to life. We expect that water in every river will be made more 10 ________ cleaner and cleaner before long.


I have been planning to join in our college basketball team 1 ________ next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can 2 ________ with other people who likes to play. They are teaching 3 ________ me the most important rule and techniques of the game, 4 ________ and I am getting the better all the time. We have a 5 ________ neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. 6 ________ One of my neighbors is helping rest of us 7 ________ improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against 8 ________ one of the best teams in the city , and I think we can 9 ________ beat them if we won't make any mistakes . 10 ________ 6

We were late as usual . My husband had insisted on

watering the flowers in the garden by himself. When we 1 ________ realized how he couldn't manage, he asked me for help. 2 ________ But now we had only an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, 3 ________ there were not many more cars or buses on the road and we 4 ________ were able to get here just in time. We checked in and went 5 ________ straight to the big hall to wait for our flight be called, 6 ________ but no announcement is made. A girl there told us the plane 7 ________ hadn't come yet. In the end , there came an announcement told 8 ________ us that the passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get the 9 ________ free meal and that the plane hadn't left London for some 10 ________ technical problems.


American people have a habit saying " Thank you" 1 ________ whenever something kind is done for them and something 2 ________ polite is said to them , no matter what easy or common the 3 ________

thing is. The habit is shared by people of other country. 4 ________ You should say " Thank you" when someone pass you the 5 ________ salt on the table , when someone steps aside to let you to 6 ________ pass in a narrow road, when someone walking ahead keeps 7 ________ the door opening for you, when someone says your work 8 ________ was well done, or you have brought a nice thing, or you are 9 ________ pretty today morning, or your city is very beautiful. 10 ________


It would be difficult to imagine modern life with 1 ________ the telephone. It has become an useful instrument of 2 ________ communication, save much time and travel by enabling 3 ________ people to talk to one another over great distances. 4 ________ Nowadays it is as easy to talk cross a continent, 5 ________ or even overseas, it is to talk to one's next-door 6 ________ neighbor. Therefore, it is in emergencies 7 ________ which the telephone really proves its usefulness. When 8 ________ there is a fire , and when someone is suddenly ill , the 9 ________ first thing one thinks of it is " Where is the nearest telephone?" 10 ________


Last summer I spent a two-weeks vacation at my aunt's. 1 ________ She lived in the small mountain village, with a river running 2 ________ nearby. Early one morning, I wanted to swim in the river, which 3 ________ some woman villagers were washing clothes, I found a good place 4 ________ for swimming. I was just about to jump into the river while there 5 ________ came a cry, " Help ! Help!" I looked at in the direction of the 6 ________ cry and I found that a little boy had been fallen into the 7 ________ river, I rushed over without delay, jumped into the 8 ________ water swam quickly towards the boy. Holding on to him over 9 ________ the water, he struggled to the bank. As last, the boy was saved. 10 ________


I received your letter dated April 16 the day before 1 ________ yesterday. Every of our family are greatly delighted to 2 ________ learn whether you are getting along very well with your 3 ________ lessons. Time passes quickly. In dozens of day, you'll 4 ________ finish middle school. What please us most is that you 5 ________ do very good to make up your mind to enter for the college 6 ________ entrance examination this summer. What wonderful 7 ________ it is! Dad, as well as Mom and I , are with you. We 8 ________ wish you to make better use your time . The fuller preparations 9 ________ if you make, the surer of success you'll certainly be. 10 ________
