风淋室-风淋机-风淋房 操作说明书
产品材质:风淋室外箱体可采用冷板静电喷塑或不锈钢,底板采用锈钢,门框采用冷板 静电喷塑或不锈钢; 产品互锁装置:电子互锁式门连韩国进口KKK自动闭门器,门框采用冷板静电喷塑。 空气过滤装置:配我司自产“KLC”牌铝框有隔板高效过滤器,过滤效率为:H13(MP PS), “KLC”牌初效过滤器,过滤效率为:G1级(计重法),确保净化级别; 产品流程系统:全自动红外感应吹淋,进口杭法红外感应器,正泰中间继电器,单向通 道风淋室,从非洁净区进入,关门后红外线感应有人就吹淋,吹淋时双门自动锁闭,吹 淋后入门锁闭,由洁净区出去时经过风淋室不吹淋以节省能源; 喷嘴及面风速:配12个多角度可调全不锈钢喷嘴,左右双侧吹淋;面风速大于25m/s, 符合行业标准; 电路控制:先进的高科技集成电路板控制,LED显示吹淋时间,时间继电器0~99秒可调, 红外线自动感应器,感应自动吹淋,触摸式微动开关,人性化智能语音提示系统; 风机配置:配风淋室专用大风量低噪音风机确保吹淋效果;
●键说明 如图所示,在操作板上设有“照明键、风淋键及三个设定
键”,按动各键可相应完成“打开荧光灯;启动风机吹淋;设定各 类参数”的操作。当启动风机吹淋或开启荧光灯时,按键上方相应 的指示灯亮。
在操作面板左边的TIMER显示窗口内,可倒计时显示“吹淋 时间、循环时间,运行状态及各类参数等”。在右边Door区域实时 显示两侧门的状态,“Close”灯亮时表示门处于关闭状态,“Lock” 灯亮时表示门处于闭锁状态。
a.外门电锁:DC12V ≤850mA
b.内门电锁:DC12V ≤850mA
c.风机:220V AC(交流接触器线圈)
e.照明:220V AC, <=100W
f.电源工作指示灯:220V AC
h. 工作指示灯:220V AC。
Directory1、overview………………………………………………………………………………………..2、Features…..……………………………………………………………………………………3、product model definition and function configuration table…………………………………3.1 model definition…………………………………………………………………………………3.3 ST500 serial products function table(function configuration of different model products see 3.4)…………………………………………………………………………………………………3.4 function configuration……………………………………………………………………………4、mount and chart………………………………………………………………………………...4.1 dimension chart of main body figure…………………………………………………………….4.2 figure dimension of CT………………………………………………………………………….4.3 figure dimension of display module……………………………………………………………..4.4 figure dimension of remained current CT………………………………………………………4.5 sketch map of main body faceboard…………………………………………………………….4.6 sketch map of display module faceboard……………………………………………………….5、typical application principle chart………………………………………………………………5.1 typical application of ST500F directly start……………………………………………………5.2 typical application of ST500F directly start……………………………………………………5.3 typical application of ST500M directly start……………………………………………………5.4 typical application of ST500H directly start……………………………………………………5.5 typical application of ST500E protection way………………………………………………….5.6 typical application of ST500E directly start…………………………………………………….5.7 typical application of ST500E double direction start……………………………………………6、main standard and technique data………………………………………………………6.1 product standard………………………………………………………………………………6.2 technique data…………………………………………………………………………………7、protection characteristic and working theory of controller…………………………7.1 atart overcurrent(blocked rotating)protection……………………………………………7.2start expedite OT protection…………………………………………………………………..7.3 overburden protection…………………………………………………………………………7.4 overcurrent(bloacked rotating)protection………………………………………………..7.5 tE time protection(applies to the incease-safety motor)……..…………………………7.6 underburden(undercurrent)protection…………………………………………………….7.7 current imbalance protection………………………………………………………………….7.8remained current(gounding)protection……………………………………………………7.9 remained current of high sensiivity(grounding)protection…………………………………7.10 overvoltage protection………………………………………………………………………..7.11 UVR protection………………………………………………………………………………..7.12underpower protection……………………………………………………………………….7.13phase sequence protection………………………………………………………………….8、control way…………………………………………………………………………………….8.1 restart function…………………………………………………………………………………8.2 automatically self start……………………………………………………………….............8.3 motor control right…………………………………………………………………………….1、OverviewThree phase AC asynchronous motor(shortened form motor below)is widely used in each field,it is especially important to ensure the safety control and economically run. Secondary control circuit of traditional motor is generally realized by the hard wiring, high cost,control principle and wiring is complex,workload of design、debug and maintenance is big, when problems appears, it is hard to investigate, protection of traditional motor mainly adopts thermal relay, protection range is narrow(cannot start motor when heavy load)、precision and reliability is low、power consume is big,caused many unnecessary economic loss, ST500 serial intelligent motor controller( shortened form motor below)integrates the technology of Computer、Control、Communication and CRT,also combines many kinds start scheme of motor,monitor the start of motor、run and the electric parameter when abnormal failure happens,utilize the fast disposal ability of microprocessor, according to rating parameter of motor, set time by user, limit value parameter whether normal to motor and failure sort, to correctly judge and distinguish to dispose,ensure the safety run of motor,and through the Chinese LED display、light to indicate、signal output、communication and many other form to inform users.Controller is applicable to the filed of rating frequency 50Hz、rating voltage to690VAC、rating current to 820A, in which motor is used, use of this product simplify the traditional secondary control protection circuit of the motor,provide the perfect motor control and protection method,as the intelligent terminal, it can also realizes the communication group net based on many kinds bus way,realizes the separated control protection and centralized management. The application of controller shorten the project circle, greatly improve the design and production efficiency,also reduces the amount of work that users debug and maintenance.This product adopts modular design,main body、special use current transformer and display module installed separately,volume of product is small, configuration compatible, mount conveniently,can be directly mounted and used in various drawer chest when at 1/4 modulus or above.2、Features●Assistant working power supply supports AC、DC(AC220V、DC220V/110V)●DI supports dry node(weak current DI)or wet node(weak current DI)input,wet node input can select AC or DC power supply.●Control DO supports AC load or DC load,meanwhile “start controlDO ”and“ protect/stop control DO” separate;signal DO is used in self detecting and failure alarm output, etc.●Measuring function is separated as basal measure(current parameter)andaccessorial measure(voltage parameter、remained current)●Supports various control logistic of motor(frequency conversion start、soft start、star-triangle start、two directions start、directly start, etc)●Protection function is separated as basal protection overload、block rotatingovercurrent, etc)and accessorial protection(tE time、remained current、overvoltage、under frequency, etc)●Parameters of protection function can be set at the scene by professional staffaccording to the actual parameters, will not lose when power off.●“tE time protection” meets the standard (GB3836.3-2000)●When extra big short current happens, can lock contactor,through control relay2DO to drive circuit breaker, reliably eliminate the failure.●“resist shaking current” function can ensure the motor continuous run,short timeUVR, lose voltage can realize the motor separate batch to restart(accessorial to select)●Controller can realized the motor start automatically function●4~20mAsimulated signal output can select the various run parameter of motor(accessorial)●Controller supports MODBUS-RTU、PROFIBUS-DP、DeviceNet doubleMODBUS-RTU and many other bus,realize data transmission function (accessorial)●Controller can record current run time、current stop time、accumulated run time、accumulated stop time、accumulated failure time、accumulated operating times,convenient for daily maintenance.●Controller can timely inquiry about I/O status of switching value、current motor runstatus●Controller can record motor eight times failure and failure time mark(standardmatched time clock),realize fast failure position fix.●Friendly human and machine interface:all Chinese LED display(accessorialattachment)3、product model definition and function configuration sheet3.1 model definitionST50 □□─□─□─□┼□┼□┼□┼□ST50 ST500 serial production model1 No communication function2 PROFIBUS-DP3 MODBUS-RTU4 DeviceNet5 Double MODBUS-RTU6 Double PROFIBUS-DPCommunicationF DI is dry node(internal installed DC24Vinput),control DO working powersource is AC220V/380VE DI is dry node(internal installed DC24Vinput),control working power sourceDo working power source is220V/380V,no control logicInput and output working power sourceM DI is wet node(AC220V input),control DOworking power source is AC220V/380VH DI is wet node(DC220V/110V input),control DOworking power source is DC220V/110VControl wayA Directly start controlB Double direction start controlC Frequency conversion start controlF star-triangle start control(two relays)G Resistance voltage reduced controlH Double speed start controlJ Protection wayM Autotransformer reduced voltage to control(two relays)S Soft controlRating current2A5A6.3A25A100A250A500A820ASelected functionV High voltage functionL (grounding) protection function for remained current of high sensitive(need to match special remained current transformer)M2 Analog signal output function(4~20mA)E tE time protection functionS “voltage+restart”function(resist shaking current、UVR、losing voltage restart)Omit will be no selected functionDisplay moduleST522ST522E( no control function)Serial port lineT910-02T915-02T920-02T930-02Remained current transformerZT30 500mA special using remained current transformer, range(50mA~500mA)ZT100 1000mA special using remained current transformer, range(100mA~1000mA)* when select L function, must choose one special using remained current transformerTM electronic arc-control device TMProtection parameter table:itemContentrangeRating power(Pn)250W ~100kW Rating voltage(Ue) 380V ~1200VmotorFull burden current(Ir1)2A(0.5~2A)、5A(1~5A)、6.3A(1.6~6.3A)、25A (6.3~25A )、100A(25~100A)、250A (63~250A )500A(250~500A)、820A (250~820A ) Acting wayalarm 、power offActuating value 20%Ir1~100%Ir1+OFF(close) Under burden protectionDelay time 0s ~50.00s Actuating wayalarm ,power offK coefficient10、16、24、40,60、80、100、130、180、280、400、600、800、1000、1100 1200、1400、1800 Cool time 0min ~1080minHot-cold curve ratio 20%~100% Start allowing heat capacity The 1st way ,the 2nd wayFailure reset way Manual 、automaticNot actuating trait 1.05Ir1OverburdenprotectionActuating trait 1.2Ir1 burden delay actuate in 2h Actuating way alarm 、power off Actuating value 5%~60%+OFF(close) ImbalanceprotectionDelay time 0.1s ~5.00s Actuating wayalarm 、power offMaximum breakingcurrent(Iic ) 200%Ir1~1000%Ir1+OFF(no limitActuating value 100%Ir1~Iic+OFF(close) Overcurrent protectionDelay time 0s ~50.00s Actuating way alarm 、power offActuating value20%Ir1~100%Ir1+OFF(close)Start delay time 0s ~60.00s Run delay time 0s ~60.00sRemainedcurrent (groundin g )protectionCutting coefficient 1.5~6.0+OFF (fixed time lag )Rating value of remained current transformer( I Δnm) 300~60000mA ,generally use 500mA 、1000mA Actuating way alarm 、switch offActuating value10%I Δnm ~100%I Δnm+OFF(close)Start delay time 0s ~60.00s Remainedcurrent of highsensitivity (grounding )protectionRun delay time 0s ~60.00s Actuating way alarm 、switch off Actuating value 75%~95%Ue+OFF(close) UVR protection Delay time0.1s ~50.00s Actuating way alarm 、switch off Actuating value 105%~150%Ue+OFF(close)Overvoltageprotection Delay time 0.1s ~50.00s Actuating way alarm 、switch off Actuating value 20%Pn ~95%Pn+OFF(close)Under power protection Delay time 1s ~60sStart expedite overtime Actuating way alarm 、switch off Actuating wayalarm 、switch offExternal failure Delay time 0.1s ~60.00s Phase sequence protection Phase sequence protection forbid 、enable Actuating way alarm 、switch offActuating value 100%Ir1~1000%Ir1+OFF(close) Startovercurrent protectionDelay time 0s ~50.00s Actuating wayAlarm 、switch off tE time 1.0~12.8+OFF(close) Not actuating trait1.05Ir1tE time protection Actuating trait1.2Ir1 burden delay actuate in 2h3.2 rating power、rating current reference sheet and selection function instruction ofelectromotor below:Rating power (kW)Ratingcurrent(A)SelectratingcurrentofcontrollerRatingpowerofmotor(kW)Ratingcurrentofmotor(A)SelectratingcurrentofcontrollerRatingpowerofmotor(kW)Ratingcurrentofmotor(A)Select ratingcurrent ofcontroller0.06 0.22 2A 7.5 14.8 25A 75 135 250A 0.12 0.42 2A 11 21 25A 90 165 250A 0.37 1 2A 15 28.5 100A 110 200 250A 0.55 1.5 2A 18.5 35 100A 132 240 250A 0.75 2 2A 22 42 100A 160 2851.12.5 6.3A 30 57 100A 200 3522.2 5 6.3A 37 69 100A 220 3883 6.5 25A 45 81 100A 250 437 5A+ZT40-500A CT5.5 11 25A 55 100 100A / / / note:date in the sheet applies to four polarity mouse case motor in AC400V、50Hz,1500 turn/min3.3 function sheet of ST500 serial products( function configuration of different model product see table 3.4)Measuring function Protection function Control way Maintenance andmanagement functionCommunicationfunctionI/O Other functionsThree phase current Start overcurrentprotectionDirectly start control Current run time MODBUS RTU 12 way switchingvalue(dry node orwet node)Simulating signaloutput(4-20mA)Three-phase voltage Start expediteovertime protectionDouble direction startcontrolCurrent stop time PROFIBUS DP-V0 3 way control D0,can select AC andDC“resist shakingcurrent”Effective power Overload reversedtime lag protection Double speed startcontrolAccumulated run time Double MODBUSRTU3 way signalalarmPower factor overcurrent(blockedrotating)protection Y-Δ start control(tworelay)Accumulated stop time DeviceNetfrequency tE timeprotection(applies toadd ampere motor) Resistance reducevoltage start controlStart timeEffective power energy underburden/undercurrentprotectionAutomatic reducedvoltage startcontrol(two relays)Start timeThermal capacity Currentimbalance/phasebreakSoft starter control Operating timesCurrent imbalance ratio Remainedcurrent(grounding)protectionFrequency conversionstart controlI/O statusRemained current(groundin g) Overvoltage protection UVR and loosingvoltage restart control8 times failure recordUVR protection Self start control whencurrent onFailure time remarkUnder powerprotectionNo control(protectionway)Run status indicationPhase sequenceprotectionPT breaking line lockclosedExternal failureOverflowfailure(directly startcontrol or protectionway)3.4 function configurationST500F series function configurationST500M series function configurationST500H series function configurationST500E series function configurationfunction contentStandard matchedaccessorialStandard matchedaccessoriaStandard matchedaccessorialStandard matchedaccessorialThree phase current √ √ √ √ Three phase voltage √ √ √ √ Effective power √ √ √ √ Power factor √ √ √ √ Frequency√ √ √ √ Effective power energy √ √ √ √ Thermal capacity√ √ √ √ Current imbalance ratio√ √ √ √ Remained current(grounding )(0.3-1.0)Ir1√ √ √ √ measureRemained current (grounding )50-1000mASelect one √ √ √ √ Start overcurrent protection √ √ √ √ Start expedite OT protection√ √ √ √ Overburden reversed time lag protection √ √ √ √ Overcurrent (blocked rotating)protection √ √ √ √ tE time protection(applies to ampere adding motor)√ √ √ √ under burden/undercurrent protection √ √ √ √ Current imbalance /phase breaking√ √ √ √ Remained current(grounding)protection :(0.3-1.0)Ir1√ √ √ √ Range of remainedcurrent(grounding)protection :50-1000mA √ √ √ √ Overvoltage protection √ √ √ √ Under voltage protection √ √ √ √ Under power protection √ √ √ √ Phase sequence protection √ √ √ √ PT line breaking lock closed √ √ √ √ External failure√ √ √ √ protectionOverflow failure(directly start control or protection way) √ √ √ √ Directly startTwo directions startFrequency conversion start star-triangle start( two relays ) Resistance reduced voltage to startDouble speed start Control modeProtection waySelect one√√√Autotransformer reduced voltage to star( two relays) Soft starterVoltage +restar“resist shaking current ”、UVR )restart√ √ √ √Attached table :ST500F series function configurationST500M series function configurationST500H series function configurationST500E seriesfunction configurationfunction contentStandard matchedaccessorialStandard matchedaccessorialStandard matchedaccessorialStandardmatchedaccessorialMODBUS-RTU PROFIBUS-DPDouble MODBUS-RTU Communic ation functionDeviceNetSelect one √ √ √ √Simulating signal function One way 4~20mA output ,transmit variation and can be programmable √ √ √ √ Timely clockyear 、month 、date 、hour 、min 、sec √√√√Protection parameter System parameter I/OStart parameterParameter setAlarm informationFailure information I/O state informationOperating times Failure times Stop timeParameter setinformation inquiry Run timeInformation inquiryNeed to match display moduleNeed to match display moduleNeed to match display moduleNeed to match display module12 way switching value dry node( internal installed DC24V )√√12 way switching valuewet node (AC220V ) √ 12 way switching value wet node (DC220V ) √ Switching value input12ay switching value wet node (DC110V )Select one √ 3 control DO (AC burden ) √ √ √ Switching value output 3 control DO (DC burden ) Selectone√ LEDindicationstop/run 、bus 、failure/alarm√√√√note:4-20mA transmitting variation program range:Ia、Ib、Ic、Iav、Ua、Ub、Uc、Uav、Δa、Δb、Δc、Δav、F、P4、mount and chart4.1 shape of main body dimension chart4.2 figure dimension of CTUsers can select fixed mounted or standard rail mounted wayØFigure and mounting dimension chart of100A house CT6、main standard and technique data6.1 product standardGB 14048.1 low voltage switchgear and control device general principlesGB 14048.4 low voltage switchgear and control device low voltage mechnical and electrical form contactor and motor starterGB 14048.5 control circuit electrical components and switch component mechanical and electrical form control circuit electrical components GB 3836.3-2000 exploding condition use electrical deviceThe third section:ampere adding“e”JB/T10613-2006 digital motor compositive protection device common use technicalconditionJB/T10736-2007 AC motor protectorGB/T 18858.3-2002 low voltage switchgear and control device controller-device interface(CDI)the third section:DeviceNetGB/T 20540.1-6-2006 measure and control digital communication industry control systemuse scene bus type 3: PROFIBUS criterion6.2 Technique dataMain circuitRating working voltage(Ue)400V/690VRating insulating voltage(Ui)690VController rating current (Ir1)2A、5A、6.3A、25A、100A、250A、500A、820ARating working frequency 50Hz Insulating resistance 100MΩ/500VMedium intension test 2kV(r.m.s),50Hz,1minInsulatingtest Rush voltagetest 5kV(peak),1.2/50us,0.5J 3 plus,3minus,interval 5sAuxiliary working power supplyRating working voltage(US)AC85~264V,DC100~300VPower consume 8W /8VAWorking conditionWorking allowingtemperature-20℃,70℃Storing temperature -25℃,85℃Mounting altitude 2000mMounting type IIIProtection grade Main body:IP20;display module:IP45 Control relay outputControl relay output capacity E/F/MResistance trait:AC240V 8AAC-15:AC240V 3AAC380V 1.9Aresistance trait type product resistance trait type productHResistance trait:DC125V 10ADC250V 1.5ADC-13:DC125V 2.2ADC250V 0.2A type product type productmaximum breaking voltage E/F/M: 400VAC H:300VDCMaximum breaking ability AC E/F/M: 2000VA H:4000VASignal relay outputAC250V 5A(resistance trait)Output capacityDC30V 3A(resistance trait)maximum breaking voltage 300VACMaximum breaking abilityAC1500VAEMC electric magnetic compatibleElectrical fast conversionimpulse group anti-disturbdegree testRigor grade is IV gradeRadiofrequency electromagnetic radiation anti-disturb test Field force 10V/m,scan speed 1.5*10-3ten multiples/SStatic discharge anti-disturb test Grade is gradeⅢsurge(rush)anti-disturb test Power supply and I/O 4 kv,communication 2kvIndustry frequencymagnetic field anti-disturbtestRigous grade is IV gradeElectromagnetic shoot test In ten meters measuring distance, radiation shoot limited value:40dB(µV/m)Voltage temporary reduced、short time cut and voltagechanging anti-disturb test50 ms7 、protected characteristic and working theory of controller7.1 start over current(blocked rotating)protectionDuring start, according to the ratio of the maximum current measuring value and motor rating current to decide whether start this protection. This function is put into use in the process of start, automatically close lock after starting then change to run status .Set randgeOvercurrent range 100%Ir1~1000%Ir1,OFF(close)Actuating way alarm/alarmActuating time 0 ~50.00s7.2 start expedite OT protectionafter reaching start time,through testingthe motor loop current whether reduces tobelow 110% of motor rating current, to decidewhether to start this protection. Forincrease-safety motor , start time cannot beset 1.7 multiples tE time. In the chart, whenthe set time is T1, because current isn ’t reduced below 110%Ir1,so is judged as start expedite OT, controller send the protection action signal ,if set time is T2, can enter run status. In the set start time ,motor hasn ’t finished starting ,protection action to 5DO relay.Set rangeStart time range 1.00s ~60.00s Actuating way switch off/alarm Actuating time instant actuate7.3 overburden protectionmotor frequently start management, thermal memory function have significant mean to the frequently start motor field. Controller simulates heat capacity under various run status, timely monitor the heat condition of motor, effectively protect restart under overheatcondition ,can make use of the motor atmaximum degree ,also can ensure the motor ’s safety ,ensure the continuous run of motor. Below chart is the heat capacity when frequently start ,only when the heat capacity cool to the “ forbid ” line, can send the wellprepared signal , allow to start the motor again. start allowing heat capacity (heat capacity on “forbid ” line ) is divided two kinds ,one is the fixed heat capacity is15%(the 1st way );the other heatcapacity only needs to satisfy(100%-heat capacity produced by last time start-2%) or 15% ( the 2nd way ).Note :in special condition, to make the motor continues run ,can forcedly clear the heat capacity in memory, immediately start the motor, this function need ST500 series controller support.Overburden failure resetAfter overburden failure switch off, provides automatic and manual two kinds reset ways for users to choose.“ automatic reset ”way is failure reset automatically after motor overburden failure switches off ,heat capacity reduces to below allowing start heat capacity ,not need to through reset operation can start again ;“ manual reset ”way is failure cannot be cleared automatically, need to manual reset, otherwise not allow to start motor.Set rangeProtection actuating way switch /alarmCurve speed K 18 kind for choose Cool time 0min ~1080min Failure reset way manual/automaticStart allowing heat capacity the 1st way 、the 2nd way Cool-heat curve ratio 20%~100%characteristicwhen motor runs under the overburden failure, controller computes the heat capacity I 2t according to the heat characteristic of motor, simulate motor heat characteristic to protect the motor. Overburden protection has 18 characteristic curves for choose, see time table 、overburden characteristic curve chart 、curve speed table.100%0禁止作热容量Trip time under the appointed conditionCurve speed KSatisfyprotectiongradeCommutemultiples1.05 1.2 1.5 7.210-80 2 ≤2min Tp≤2s 24 3 ≤2min 2s<Tp≤3s 40 5 ≤2min 3s<Tp≤5s130、180 10A ≤2min 2s<Tp≤10s280 10 ≤4min 5s<Tp≤10s 600 20 ≤8min 10s<Tp≤20s1100 30 ≤12min 20s<Tp≤30s1800 40 Trip timeNotactuate in2 hActuatein 1h- 30s<Tp≤40sOverburden protection characteristic curve, see chart below, time table of overburden actuating characteristic, see attached table one .X Ir1Curve speed comparable tableCurve speed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 correspondingK -value 10 16 24 40 60 80 100 130 180 280 400 600 800 1000 1100 1200 1400 18007.4 overcurrent(blocked rotating)protectionAccording to the ratio of maximum line current measuring value and rating current of motor, todecide the motor whether in overcurrent status, when current is higher than fixed value, it willstart the overcurrent protection.Set rangeActuating value 100%Ir1~Icu actuating time 0 s ~50.00sactuating way switch off/alarm contactor allows breaking current Icu Icu set range 200%Ir1~1000%Ir17.5 tE time protection( applys to the safety-increased motor)Provide heat overburden protection when in tE time to break the motor power supply when blocked rotating ,only after the motor finished starting then put into use. Protection actuation to 5DO relay.Characteristic curve :I A /I E22107892345643551210810152050t E p (S )10Set rangetE time set tEp 1.0s ~12.8s,OFFin : tEp: allow blockced rotaing time when 7 multiples rating current IA: blocked rotating current(that is I) IE: rating current of motor ( that is Ir1) Actuating conditionProtection devotion openMotor finishes start, then enter run status, protection actuates.Start when current is equals or higher than two multiples rating current,actuate following below curve.tE time protection characteristic table see the 2nd attached table. 7.6 under burden (undercurrent )protectionWhen burden with motor appears broken or pump empty rotates, then it will appear under burden, the latter will cause the damage of facility.Under burden protection decides whether to start according to the three phase average value of motor loop. Set rangeActuating value 20%Ir1~100%Ir1Actuating time 0 s ~50.00s Actuating way power off/alarm Actuating conditionIn the actuating time,the current is below the set value all the time.7.7 current imbalance protectionSeparately compute three phase imbalance rate,through compare the max imbalance rate and set imbalance protection actuating value of three phase, to determine whether to start the imbalance protection. Phase breaking is the limited status of imbalance, imbalance rate when phase break is1 100%,production immediately actuate the protection. The computing formula of imbalance rate: |I-Iav|/Iav,Iav is the average value of three phase,when Iav is below to Ir1,the denominator use Ir1.When the motor happens phase lacking or three phase imbalance, protection to 5DO relay. Set rangeCurrent imbalance rate 5%~60%,OFFActuating time 0.1s~5.00sActuating way switch off/alarm7.8 remained current(grounding)protectionAutomatically computes remained current,not need to external connect CT,afterprotection actuates,aHas fixed time lag and reversed time lag characteristic, its current signal is got from theinternal CT current vector sum, is used to protect the phase line short circuit protection to metal house of motor. Actuating current characteristic :when≤ 0.9Iq, not actuate,when ≥1.1Iq delay actuate. Grounding delay time characteristic: t = Ir1 / I * C * Tqthereinto:t----failure delay time;Ir1 ---motor rating current;I---grounding failure current;C----cut coefficient;Tq-----grounding set delay time;Iq-----grounding set value.When C is set as OFF, actuating characteristic is the fixed time lag.Set rangeActuating value 20%Ir1~100% Ir1,OFF(Ir1 motor rating current)S t art delay time 0s~60.00sRund elay time 0s~60.00sCut coefficient C 1.5~6.0,OFF(when C is set as OFF, actuating characteristic is fixed time lag,whereas is the reversed time lag.)Actuating way switch off/alarm。
6.17设置从25%-> 100%的加载脉冲数。如采用左边的设定值10,则 ,取整后为7%。即每个加载脉冲加载7%,每个减载脉冲减载7%。
RWF 40 中文操作说明
RWF40...Compact Universal Controlleroptimized for temperature and pressure control through the control of modulating or multi-stage burnersUser Manual The RWF40... controller and this User Manual are intended for use by OEMs which integrate the controller into their products!CC1B7865E February 10, 2000Siemens Building TechnologiesLandis & Staefa Division2使用说明书2/56CC1B7865E February 10, 2000Landis & Staefa Division目录11. 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3233.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.644.1 4.2 4.3 4.455.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.6 5.7简介 (6)提示 (6)概述 (6)图形 (7)警告 (7)注意 (7)键面 (7)型号 (8)安装 (9)安装位置和气候条件 (9)尺寸 (9)并排安装 (10)安装在面板开孔中 (10)清洁面板 (11)拆下控制件 (11)电气连接 (12)安装备忘 (12)程序图 (13)端子说明 (14)分项描述 (17)工作模式 (18)低火位操作 (18)高火位操作 (18)比例调节燃烧器3位输出 (18)比例调节燃烧器比例输出 (19)两段燃烧器3位输出 (19)两段燃烧器比例输出 (20)安全锁定 (20)预界定设定点 (20)SP1/SP2设定点转换 (21)SP1/外部设定点转换 (22)SP1模拟量/二位设定点偏移 (23)外部设定二位设定偏移 (24)环境温度设定点偏移 (25)加热曲线斜率 (26)逻辑门Q响应 (27)冷启动功能 (28)36.1 6.1.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.3 6.3.1 6.4 6.4.1788.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.3.7 8.3.8 8.3.9 8.3.1099.1 9.210 10.1显示 (30)按键说明 (30)用户权限 (31)改变设定 (31)手动操作比例燃烧器 (33)手动操作二段燃烧器 (33)起动自设定 (34)显示软件版本和实测值单位 (34)参数等级 (35)进入参数设定 (35)初始化权限 (35)改变初始编码 (35)参数设定 (36)初始化 (38)C111 参数输入 (38)C112精密限位仪控制器型号设定点SP1锁定.40 C113寻址单位输出范围 (44)SCL 标定标准信号起始位模拟量输入1 (45)SCH 标定标准信号结束位模拟量输入1 (45)SCL2标定标准信号起始位模拟量输入2 (45)SCH2标定标准结束位模拟量输入2 (46)SPL限定最低设定点 (46)SPH限定最高设定点 (46)OFF1数值校正,模拟量输入1 (46)OFF2数值校正,模拟量输入2 (46)OFF3数值校正,模拟量输入3 (46)dF12nd数字滤波,模拟量输入1 (46)自设定功能 (47)高位火自设定功能 (47)检查控制参数 (49)故障排除 (50)数字在显示屏上闪烁 (50)411.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.1.4 11.1.5 112 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 11.2.5 11.2.6 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.31212.1 12.2 12.3输入 (51)模拟量输入1真值 (51)模拟量输入2外部设定设定点偏移 (51)模拟量输入3外部温度 (52)二进位输入D1 (52)二进位输入D2 (52)输出 (52)输出1释放燃烧器 (52)输出233位输出 (52)输出4精密限位仪 (52)输出5 比例输出可选 (53)可供直流电源 (53)界面RS 485可选 (53)概述 (53)测量精度 (54)实测值监测 (54)环境 (54)数据设定 (55)过程参数 (55)参数权限 (55)初始化权限 (56)561.1 提示使用前请阅读手册手册置于任何使用者能查找的地方请帮助我们完善手册欢迎给出建议所有设定要求内部设定均描述于手册中控制器软件编号126.章显示软件版本和单位调试中任何难题不应作任何未授权的改变这将损害你的权利请联系我们归还整机附件须遵守易感静电器件保护DIN EN10015标准,用合适的ESD 包装运输不接受任何由于ESD 引起的损失.ESD: 静电释放1.2 概述使用RWF40基本用于控制油\气加热装置的温度和压力.是一个没有燃烧器位置反馈的三位控制器.可通过一个外部开关实现二级控制两段火燃烧器内部控制器控制开关燃烧器,可调的罗辑门控制到高位火输出.控制 偏移控制器控制温度和压力,可设最小和最大设定点限位.带一个标准化的自设定功能拔插件可方便把控制器安装在面板上,显示屏为两组4位7段分别显示实测值(红色)和设定值(绿色).带一可设定的限位仪;可在八个限位仪中选择所需功能备选件RS-485界面可接入数字网,输出5用作比例输出和2级操作.所有连接均用螺接端子在后部连接."#71.3 图形 1.31 警告信号 这些信号表示警告和危险危险用于常严格遵守后则将伤及人. 警告可能损害设备或数据警告 可能有静电析放.1.32 注意NOTE 需特别注意REFERENCE 参考 FOOTNOT 附注 ACTION 需要动作1.3.3 键面:键面按键如图所示,符号及文本可输入,若按盘设为复合键,当前通常为文本输入键.按键组合 表示该按键需与其他信号组合即必须先按EXT 按键不放再按其他键#"!abc¹.✱✱PGMEXIT+ v2.1型号范围位置外壳贴有型号说明,型号决定工作电压外接附件型号型号说明RWF 40.000A97基本型带3位输出RWF 40.010A971RWF 40.001A97多一比例输出RWF 40.011A971RWF 40.002A97多一比例输出和RWF 40.012A971RS-485 接口1 不同的包装#必须按所标电压供电工厂设定测量值范围和模拟信号输入由工厂设定8章<<初始化>>附件RG40 转接件可换RWF32成RWF40BRAKET ARG41可把RWF40安在导轨上, 导轨符合D41 46277标准.Dummy Cover AVA10.200/109可遮盖面板开口.893.1 安装位置和气候条件-安装在没有震动灰尘和腐蚀的地点-远离电磁源如变频器高压点火变压器相对湿度95%没凝结环境温度-20 (500)储存温度: -40 (700)3.2尺寸489691,5K6PGM EXITRWF40112Panel cutout to DIN 437004592+0,6+0,843,5127,515,57865m 01e /0200103.3并排多个控制器并排安装间隙最小纵向30.5mm,水平10.5mm3.4安装在面板开孔中安装好附带的密封.必须安装密封圈使油水不能渗入.控制器插入面板开孔安装好紧因螺丝心旋紧.#✱✱3 安装3.5 清洁面板前面板可用一般清洁剂或去污剂清洁不允许用酸性液腐蚀液和磨擦性的洁具或清洁时用力按压.3.6拆下控制件控制件可从外壳拆下维护.必须遵守DIN100015Protection of electostatically sensitive devicess 任何由静电引起损坏均不被接受.同时按住上下棱纹按钮可拆下控制件.#✱安全条例:↑导线选择,安装和电气连接必须符合VDE0100<<Regulation for thecontroller of power circuits with nominal Votages below Ac1000V>>或符合当地条例.↑电气连接由具备资质人士完成.↑控制器按上允许的接触器时,必须双向电气隔离.保险↑内部限流器保护短路,外部保险不能超过1A(慢熔断),输出回路需安装保险以防超过2A电流烧熔控制接触器确点.11.2章<<输出>>↑不允许其它负荷接在控制器上干扰↑电磁干扰和标准参照<<Technical data>>第11章<<技术数据>>↑输入,输出,控制线应分别布线,不能并行布线↑感应器线,传输线,屏显线卷在一起与电源线分开,地线接到<<TE>>端子↑ <<TE>>端接到保护接地端,交叉接触面不小于线截面积,保护接地端星形联接.多个控制器地线不能串接非正确使用↑控制器不适用于有爆炸危险环境.↑控制器误设定(设定点,参数数据和权限)可导致控制器误动作直至损坏.独立的安全装置如过压释放阀,温控器/监察器应安装并由专业人士调整且符合安全条例因自设定不能检测所有控制出厂前设置的值应先检查控制器模拟量输入对地<<TE>>不超AC 30V或DC50V..见4.3电路!!!3位输入燃烧器释放1继电器N.O.连接1Pt100, Ni100, Pt1000,2外部设定点设定点更改3外部温度Pt100, Ni10003位输出限位比较4继电器N.O.连接转换器比例输出可选5比例输出DC 0...10 V, DC 1运行方式2设定点切换2继电器调节装置断开3继电器调节装置闭合界面可选仅由专业人士进行接线工作输出LED 显示端子号接线图继电器1开启燃烧器接触保护变阻 S07K275Q14 接线柱Q13 常开触点继电器2调节装置开启接触保护RC装置继电器3调节装置关闭接触保护RC装置Y1 常开触点Q 公共端Y2 常开触点继电器4限位比较接触保护变阻 S07K275K6Q 64 端子Q 63 常开触点比例输出可选DC 04…20mA02 (10V)X1+X1-X1+X1-G-G+GNDD1D2I1CBCGCATEL1NY2M1U1G1+XB6M6XU6B9M9QY1Q13Q14Q63Q64模拟量输入1(实测值)端子接线图热电偶L1M1电阻式温控器3线M1G1+l1电阻式温度表2线补偿由补偿校正(OFF1)M1G1+电流输入DC0…20mA,4…20 mAL1M1电压输入DC0...1V, 0 (10V)U1M1模拟量输入2(设定点和设定点偏移)端子接线图电阻式电位计重设校正(OFF2)XB6 是启端M6 滑动端M6 末端电流输入DC0…20 mA, 4…20 mA XB 6 M6电压输入DC0…1V, 0…10V XU 6 M6模拟量输入3 (外部温度)端子接线图电阻式温控器2线线补偿由重设校正 (OFF3)B9M92位输入端子接线图操作模式选择Ö5.2章<<高火位操作>>D1设定点偏移/转Ö5.4.1…5.4.4章节D2公共接地端GND工作电压界面端子接线图工作电压AC100…240V + 10%48…63HZL1线N中线保护接地线TE变送运行电压G+G-多媒体界面RS - 485CACBCGD1D2GND7865a12/1099L1NTE7865a18/1099G+G-+-DC 24 V / 30 mA7865a14/1099该图显示了可能存在于控制器功能的最大电位差限位比较输出4-继电器N.O.接触3位输入输入1Pt1000Ni100实测值Pt1000Ni1000热电耦或标准信号输入2外部设定点设定点改变0…1k Ω电阻或标准信号燃烧器启动 L1N 输出1-继电器N.O.接触输入3外部温度Pt1000Ni10003位输出 L1N输出2-继电器调节装置断开输出3-继电器调节装置闭合2位输入自由电位接触D1运行模式转换D2设定点改变/转换变送电源DC 24V 30 mA 短路保护运行电压 L1NAC 100…240 V ±10%48…63 Hz比例输出可选输出 5比例输出DC 0…10V DC 0…20mA4…20mA多媒体界面RS-485 可选MOD 总线协议波特率 9600接地 TE最大绝缘电压DC 50 V AC 400 V AC 4000 V低火位操作即锅炉处于低负荷输出中两位控制器控制设定点如温控器般启闭燃烧器温控器功能 此工作模式如温控器功能通过可调整的开关积分避免燃烧器频繁启动52高火位操作高火位工作即锅炉处于高负荷输出中,燃烧器一直在工作在温控器功能作用下实测值开始下降并低于开启门HYS1操作器并不即刻转到高火位操作而先计算实测值偏移量是否超过可调罗辑门Q见Ö5 6逻辑门Q响应操作模式转换-在高火位中相对于低火位工作模式更大的燃料消耗可用D1选择两段或比例调节-D1断开比例调节-D1闭合两段调节521比例调节燃烧器3位输出图例1是温控器工作模式图2是比例调节模式在高火位中3位控制器通过接触器2打开和接触器3闭合驱动执行器图3中实测值超过逻辑门HYS1时于B 点关闭燃烧器当实测值低于逻辑门HYS1时燃烧器才重新启动若积分值超过Q逻辑门在A 点转到高火位操作Ö见56章逻辑Q响应比例和两段操作:实测值在HYS1和HYS3之间W(3)522比例调节燃烧器比例输出图1是温控器工作模式图2中控制器控制可调的设定点执行器位移信号通过比例输出作为标准信号控制器必须具备此项功能可选Ö8.2章C112精密限位仪控制器型号设定点SP1锁定523两段燃烧器3位输出图1温为控器工作模式图2通过接触器2打开和接触器3关闭控制逻辑门HYS1和HYS2输出断开控制来实现2段控制图3当实测值超过逻辑门HYS3控制关闭燃烧器B 燃烧器只在实测值低于逻辑门HYS1时重新启动当逻辑门Q被超过时启动高火段控制二段火AÖ56章逻辑门Q响应"IIIW524两段燃烧器比例输出在这种控制模式中当实测值低于逻辑门HYS1同时超过逻辑门Q 时通出模拟输出X1输出一个2位信号开启两段火超过HYS2时关闭输出控制器必须具备比例控制功能可选Ö82章C112精密控制仪控制器型号设定点SP1锁定53安全锁定当感应器故障控制器无法监测锅炉温度模拟量输入1时安全锁定动作保证不过量供热外部设定模拟量输入2具备同样功能功能燃烧器关闭 3位输出关闭调节器 自设定停止 手动操作停止5.4预界定设定点可在预设定中键入数值预设设定点根据环境温度或外部接触器输入模拟量或二位信号可偏移设定点(1)X1"章端子说明章端子说明5.4.3SP1模拟量/二位设定点偏移二位输入D2Ö 4.2章端子说明5.4.4 外部设定二位设定偏移章端子说明5.5 环境温度设定点偏移连接上外部感应器,QAC22后可实现环境温度设定点偏移,设定点干SPL 和SPH 界定的范围内变量P 可设定加热曲线每一RWF 40需单独连接一个外部感应器不能并行连接加热曲线描述第7章参数设定外部温度°C炉温度设定点°C热曲线斜率2040608010012014016043. 02e /1199SPL SPH#5.5.1加热曲线斜率斜率H可用来调整设定点对外部温度的响应根据外部环境温度如图响应通常原始点设在20/20气候调节点作用由SPL 和SPH 限定范围HYS1启动燃烧器HSYS3关闭燃烧器如前所说同时由环境温度器控制Ö5.2.1章比例燃烧器3位输出Ö5.2.2章比例燃烧器比例输出H larger7865d01e/11995.6逻辑门Q响应逻辑门Q响应界定燃烧器转到高火位操作时的实测值低于转换设定点时间多长和数值多低内部数字积分仪累计响应区域Q eff =Q1+Q2+Q3仅计算低于设定点HYS1的区域积分当积分值Q eff超过设定的逻辑门Q值时启动二段火操作或3位程控器操作/比例操作-即调节仪启动当实测值到达设定值时Q eff 被置零实测值监察避免低火和高火位间频繁动作温度°Cteff5.6 冷启动功能系统长时间关闭,实测值会降低.控制器根据设定的限定值可快速响应即刻转向高火位操作.限定值如下计算:限定值=2×(HYS1-HYS3)例:工作模式比例 3位输出HYS1=-3K HYS3=+5K W=600C限定值=2×(-3-5)=-16K当实测值低于440C 时, 操作器即刻启动高火位操作功能,代替温控器工作模式.7865d20/1099WHYS1HYS3t2 x (H Y S 1 - H Y S 3)X°Cdb6 运行操作权限用PGM 键可在显示屏进到任何级如下图顶部红色显示参数值和实测值下部绿色显示参数和设定值1用PGM 键进入各参数设定当最后参数被设定后自动回复o r t i m e -o u t (a p p r o x . 30 s )7865f08e/12996 运行6.1显示通电后PWF40显示如下图显示实测值和相关的设定参数值手动操作自设定用户设定初始化都可从这操作6.1.1按键说明启动燃烧器PGM 按钮减小值设定值显示绿实测值红7865p02e/020031启动通电后显示闪烁约10秒所有显示发亮手动操作实测值显示在显示屏高端手动指示灯LED 发亮根据操作权限和不同型号设定值显示在设定范围内绿色Ö参考手动操作6.2.2章自设定功能实测值红色显示同时tunE 在设定区绿色闪烁Ö参考9.1 自设定功能在高火段操作实测值显示闪烁Ö第10章What to do if…二段操作Ö第5.2节高段火调节时间超限 30秒内若不作任何改变控制器自动回到基本显示屏幕6.2用户权限从基本显示屏中进入设定点SP1SP2/dSP可改变类比输入E2外部设定点/设定偏移和E3外部温度设定可视6.2.1改变设定改变SP1SP2或dSP*到用户权限按PGM *改变SP1按 和*到设定SP2或dSP按PGM*改变SP2或dSP 按 和*回到基本显示屏按EXIT 或停留30秒 2秒后设定值自动运用只能在相应权限内改变相应参数""PGMPGMPGMtAPGMSP.EdSPor50.010.0PGM65.065.060.370.010.0SP 1EXITSP 2EXITEXIT7865f06e/119932基本显示使用级根据代码11显示根据2位输入2-Dsp -Sp2外部温度测量值通过模拟量输入3外部设定点或设定点偏移测量值通过模拟量输入26.2.2手动操作比例燃烧器*按EXIT5秒手形位置上的显示灯LED点亮3位控制器*改变控制单元位置按和按住接触器2打开调节器按住接触器3闭合调节器OPEN 和CLOSE 动作时调节器指示LEDs 显示比例控制器*改变控制单元位置按和比例输出驱动控制单元位移*按EXIT5秒回到自动操作模式当手动操作正在运行调节单元位置被设在零位直到由按键改变其输入为止温控器模式若温控器模式设定接触器1为工作状态只有手动才能控制若温控器模式设定接触器1为不工作状态手动控制可选6.2.3 手动操作二段燃烧器*按EXIT5秒*轻按-接触器2工作接触器3不工作-输出模拟量可选DC 10 V调节单元打开*或轻按-接触器2不工作接触器3工作-输出模拟量可选OC 0 V调节单元关闭*按EXIT5秒回到自动模式若温控器模式设接触器1在手动中不工作手动操作可选""33346.2.4起动自设定*PGM+ 启动自设定*取消当tunE 停止闪动自设定停止*按确定新设参数至少按2秒在手动和温控器模式中不可能启动tunE6.2.5显示软件版本和实测值单位*按PGM+可能的单位: 0C, 0F, % (标准信号"356.3 参数等级系统起动在此设定操作权限在权限内可按PGM 进入按控制器型号不同显示不同的设定参数6.3.1 进入参数设定通过可选值进入选定参数按相应按扭变化跟随*按增加数值*按 减少数值*按PGM 确定*或者按EXIT 取消2秒后,所设值自动生效,数值仅可在相应的权限内改变Ö 第7章参数设定6.4 初始化权限用于特别调试用某些原始数值需改变如型号值等6.4.1改变初始编码*按 选择参数位置闪动*按改变参数值*按PGM 确认或按EXIT 取消Ö 第8章参数设定""参数显示在显示屏低端绿色数值显示在高端红色+9999超限1036参数显示在显示屏低端绿色数值显示在高端红色3000s-199.9章0章大火操作999.9章0章4章加热曲线斜章1+90章温度1该参数受十进制位置设定影响37Pt100Pt100Ni100Ni100Pt1000323232Nicr-Ni/k20 mA20 mA10 V1 V外部设定点外部设定点外部设定点外部设定点v外部设定点模拟量设定点偏移模拟量设定点偏移模拟量设定点偏移模拟量设定点偏移模拟量设定点偏移1K阻值电位器DC 020mADC 420mADC 010VDC 01V1K阻值电位器DC 020mADC 420mADC 010VDC 01V123456789A38模拟量输入3没功能外部感应器Pt1002线外部感应器Ni10002线外部感应器Ni10002线二位输入D2没功能设定点转变设定点偏移工厂设定Landis & Staefa Iec 751DIN 43760Landis & Staefa9031239408.2 C112精密限位仪控制器型号设定点SP1 锁定C112精密限位仪无功能1K11K21K31K41K51K61K71K81K71K81K71K8控制器型号3位控制器比例控制器DC020mA 比例控制器DC420mA 比例控制器DC010V SP1设定SP1按纽设定SP1外部感应器设定锁定无锁定初始设定锁定参数锁定按纽锁定按键锁定只能运行1次由PGM 确认动作后所有按纽均被锁住只能由工厂解锁出厂设定1位输入1位输入1位输入1位输入1位输入1位输入1位输入1位输入2位输入2位输入3位输入3位输入1012341lK1 功能 屏显功能测量值在设定点范围w内时继电器K6动作例如w=800C AL=5 HYSt= 2 见图实测值上升K6在760C 动作闭合在860C 复原断开实测值下降K6在840C 动作在940C 复原lK2功能 同1K 但继电器闭合与断开相反HYSt=积分开关边界 AL=设定点间距lK3功能 低位限制信号功能继电器动作条件为实测值设定点限定值例如W=800C AL=10 HYSt=2实测值上升K6继电器在710C 动作闭合 实测值下降K6继电器在690C 复位断开测量值Measured value Output 442IK4功能 同1K3但闭合与断开相反HYSt=积分开关AL=设定点间距Ö见第7章参数设定IK5功能 高限信号功能接触器动作条件为实测值设定点+限定值例如W=800C AL=10 HYSt=2实测值上升K6继电器在910C 断开 实测值下降K6继电器在890C 闭合IK6功能 同1K5功能但闭合与断开功能相反测量值IK7功能开关功能独立于控制设定点仅由AL 功能决定开关点功能继电器动作条件为实测值限定值例如AL=50 HYSt =2实测值上升K6在510C时闭合实测值下降K6在490C时断开IK8功能同1K7但闭合与断开相HYST=积分开关AL= 限位值Ö参看第章参数设定测量值测量值438.3 C 113 寻址单位输出范围小数位设定影响参数真值单位地址位址0位址1位址 99小数位无小数位1位小数无小数位1位小数超限信号限位仪关闭限位仪工作出厂设定ºCºCºFºF991110 ##44例SCL = 20;SCH = 100 0C0 mA(起始)对应测量值 200C设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定08.3.2SCH 标定标准信号结束位模拟量输入1例SCH = 80; SCL = 0 0C20 mA(结束)对应测量值 800C设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定1008.3.3SCL2标定标准信号起始位模拟量输入2例SCL2 = 200 mA(起始)对应测量值 200C如上所述设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定045例SCL2 = 8020 mA(结束)对应测量值 800C如上所述设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定1008.3.5SPL限定最低设定点例控制器据此最低设定点设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定08.3.6SPH限定最高设定点例控制器据此最高设定点设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定1008.3.7OFF1数值校正,模拟量输入1数值校正设定通过特别计算器向上或向下校正测量值,也可用于2线电阻式线补偿设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定0例测量值2947295.3校正+0.3-0.3显示2952958.3.8OFF2数值校正,模拟量输入2设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定08.3.9OFF3数值校正,模拟量输入3设定范围-1999…+9999工厂设定08.3.10dF12nd数字滤波,模拟量输入1设定范围0…100 s工厂设定1s469.1高位火自设定功能tunE只能在高位火和比例燃烧器模式中实现tunE自设功能出为独立软件可插入控制器中在比例调节操作模式中tunE测试控制器的响应用特制的程序来步进位移信号用一个复杂的控制程序来响应控制器并计算和储存控制数给PID或PI控制器设dt=01 tunE程序可按要求重复响应参看流程图二段程序tunE 功能在启动时用两种不同方式根据实测值与设定点运动方向自动选择反应tunE能在任何实测值运动方向上启动如果tunE动作时实测值与设定点间存在巨大距离在自设定功能阶段开关限位线就沿着波动的值来设立开关限位线被设成实测值低于设定点值启动自设定PID控制设定控制系统识别控制器控制系统启动开关范围当真值与设定值持续小幅波动时控制系统就在设定点上下小幅波动wxt7865d12e/11994748被记录下的振幅用来计算控制参数<rt. dt. Pb.1>和得出最适合控制器的真值波时间条件-比例燃烧器中的高火操作-温控功能开关1必须连续工作否则tunE功能被删除不可能找到合适的控制参数-上述振幅在自测时不能超过高位温控设定功能若需要可增加但不能超过低位温控设定点启动twx499.2 检查控制参数可用启动程序闭合控制线圈来检查设定参数是否最适当以下图示可能出现的不正确设定和改进方法例如以下是3位PID 控制器设定点改变后的图示这些调整方法能够而且运用到其它控制系统上合适的值为dt=rt/4PB 太小PB太大rt dt 太小rt dt太大最佳调整ttt7865d16/1099txwt10故障排除5010.1 …数字在显示屏上闪烁控制器不能测到正确参数值 参数值由感应器型号决定Ö11.3.2章实测值监测显示概述原因/控制器/排除红色1999显示并闪烁显示设定值输入1超高限或超低限不能测量实测值,控制器在启动时自锁看5.3自动锁定根据 1.113设定响应*检查感应器接线当外部温控器C111由输入3控制需检测时1999闪烁红色在输入3上超高或超低检测不到外部温控器设定设定点不工作*检查感应器接线当输入2( C111)需设定和需检测实测值时1999闪烁红色当输入2上超高或超低外部设定点不可测控制器初始锁定Ö5.3章安全锁定*检查感应器开路电气连接实测值值红色显示××××测定值显示屏显示绿色1999在输入2上超高或超低设定点偏移量不可测控制器初始锁定Ö5.3章安全锁定*检查感应器开路电气连接。
LG M4224C M4224F 英语监控信息屏幕说明书
ENGLISHMONITOR SIGNAGEMONITOR SIGNAGE MODELS M4224C M4224FPlease read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.OWNER’S MANUALAV Component RGB PC HDMI/DVIComponentRGB PC HDMI/DVI RGB PC HDMI/DVIRGB IN RGB IN RGB IN RGB INAV Component RGB PC HDMI/DVIAV Component RGB PC HDMI/DVIAUDIO (RGB/DVI)REMOTERGB INRGB OUTHDMI/DVI INRGB INRGB OUTHDMI/DVI INAUDIO (RGB/DVI)REMOTEConnect the video/audio cable as shown in the below figure and then connect the power cord (See page 7).RCA-PC Audio CableProductVCR/DVD/Set-top BoxHDMI to DVI Signal Cable (not included)VCR/DVD/Set-top BoxProductSelect an input signal.Press the INPUT button on the remote control to select the input signal.Or, press the SOURCE button on the back of the product.INPUT SETSOURCE AUTO/SETHDMI Signal Cable (not included)When connecting with a HDMI to DVI signal input cable.When connecting with a HDMI signal input cable.• Select HDMI/DVIInput AVComponent RGB PC HDMI/DVI-HDMI Supports High Definition input and HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection). Some devices require HDCP in order to display HD signals.Note : Dolby Digital is not supported.HDMI Input (480p/576p/720p/1080i/1080p)AVComponentRGB PCHDMI/DVI This is where the unit receives signals from the remote control.VividStandardMENUToggles between screen presets.: Select this option to display with a sharp image.Standard: The most general and natural screen display status.MENUBacklight: To control the brightness of the screen,adjust the brightness of LCD panel.Contrast : Adjust the difference between the light and dark levels in the picture.CoolMediumWarmUser Color Settings: Slightly purplish white. Medium: Slightly bluish white.Red / Green / BlueSet your own color levels.Gamma: Set your own gamma value. : -50/0/50On the monitor, high gamma values display whitish images and low gammavalues display high contrast images.16:9Original Widescreen mode.Adjust the screen video.PictureAuto Config. (RGB PC input only) : This button is for the automatic adjustment of the screen position, clock and phase. This function is available for analog signals only.If the picture isn't clear after auto adjustment and characters are stillClear VoiceStandardMusicClear Voice: By differentiating the human sound range from others,it helps users listen to human voices better.Standard: The most commanding and natural audio.To adjust uneven sound volumes across all channels or signals automatically to the mostIf the current time is incorrect, reset the clock manually.1) Press the MENU2) Press thePower SavingOffLevel 1This screen brightness adjusting menu helps you save energy. Level: Total 4 screen brightness levels are provided.To choose the language in which the control names are displayed. Use the buttons to selectTile mode and choose Tile alignment and set the ID of the current product to set location.Tile ModeID 1ID 2ID 3ID 4Tile mode (product 1 ~ 4) : c(2) x r(2)columnID 1ID 2ID 1ID 2ID 3ID 4ID 5ID 6ID 7ID 8ID 9ID 1ID 5ID 9ID 13ID 2ID 6ID10ID 14ID 3ID 7ID 11ID 15ID 4ID 8ID 12ID 16Adjust the horizontal size of the screen taking into account the size of the bezel.Network Select-LAN : Enables communication via Ethernet.You can assign a uniqueproducts are connected for display. Specify the number (01H~63H) using the。
⑩ 想要设置一个固定的温度,我们就需要分别设置最大值(H)和最小值(L)。
①要取消这个功能,依次按“JOLLY”键、L1+和L2+大约10秒钟,显示器上将会 显示信息"UT OT"
②按住“JOLLY”键3秒钟,信息"UT OT"将会在显示器上闪动4次,温度锁定将 会被取消.所有设置的温度界限将会被取消.
感谢您对我们产品的信任和购买,我们真诚的建议您能仔细阅读我们的产品说明书。它 包含了产品所有必要的技术特性,以及正确安装和使用此温控器的有效信息。
由于技术和材料的不断提高,如果没有超前的意识,我们产品的规格和使用也会赶不 上日新月异的变化。
警告! 为了将来也能够参阅此书,请将说明书放置于干燥处,以防毁坏。 键: ① 数字时钟显示器
⑩ 提前编程(滚动)选择键
⑾当前时间调节(滚动选择)键 h(用笔摁住此键选择时间)
⑿当前日期调节(推动选择)键 d(用笔摁住此键选择 日期)
(I)= 推动选择
(S)= 滚动选择
这种有着精美外观的温控器可以根据不同需求搭配各种各样颜色的门,使之显现出独 特的个性。
⑨ 我们住 PROG DAY 键)由此类 推,周三、周四……都可以用这样的方法复制程序。
⑩ 另外,如果要求每一天的程序都不同的话,按住 PROG DAY 键选择需要日期,根据需 求编程。
② 温度设置键(confort L1) ③ 温度设置键(Risparmio L2) ④盖 ⑤ 电池盒盖 ⑥ 自动/手动/关闭按钮 ⑦ 选择(推动选择)/编程输入温度值键 confort L1 ⑧ 选择(滚动选择)/编程输入温度值键 Risparmio L2
语音风淋室说明书一. 概述风淋室自控系统主要用于风淋室、货淋室及风淋通道的自动控制。
LCD voice air shower controller,graphic interface,can be comparable with PLC,With a powerful function, can be entered at any time to change the parameters of the system to meet the needs of customers, the voice system has two kinds of Chinese and English can be selected.面板功能说明:Touch screen function description(一)、面板示意图(1). Touch screen sketch map(二)、面板按键(2). Panel keyPower ON/OFF电源键:开启/关闭系统Light ON/OFF照明键:开启/关闭照明/ 退出键Lighting key:Turn on / off lighting/Exit keyClean ON风淋键:手动开启风淋/ 确认键Showering key:Manual opening air shower/Confirm key+PB 1、设定时间参数(增量)增量键:2、选择模式(上移)UP key: 1.Setting Times.2.Select mode.-PB 1、设定时间参数(减量)减量键:2、选择模式(下移)DOWN key: 1.Setting Times.2.Select mode.RESET复位键:紧急情况使用Emergency stop key:Emergency use(三)、图标示意图(四)、参数设置(4).Parameter setting在控制面板上同时按住键和键5秒后,进入系统设置参数。
编制XXX校对XXX审核XXX批准XXX 日期06、9、8日期2006.09.12日期2006.09.12日期2006-9-12广东志高商用空调事业本部第一部分手操器操作说明一、作面板示意图二、显示界面组成及层次:1.显示界面的组成:1.1开机显示“欢迎”界面1.2主工作界面1.3系统功能选择界面1.3.1运行管理a)机组运行设定b)设置系统日期时间c)定时功能设置1.3.2状态查询a)运行状态及检测温度查询b)故障状态查询c)故障记录查询1.3.3系统参数设置a)地址设置b)参数设置1.3.4制造商参数设置a)设置初次开机密码b)设置一级限时运行c)设置二级限时运行2.显示界面的层次图运行指示灯定时指示灯故障指示灯态查询录查询三、“欢迎”界面1.界面示意图:2.界面说明:显示生产厂家信息。
SuitePRO® ThermostatsEnergy Savings, Room By RoomIn lodging facilities, HVAC accounts for roughly 30% of the energy usage. There’s no need to be at the mercy of guests cranking up the heat or air conditioning. It’s particularlywasteful — and expensive — when guests change the temperature setting and then leave the room for hours. SuitePRO gives you endless options, putting you back in control with multiple temperature setback choices and a variety of other energy-saving features.• H ousekeeper Setback — Train your housekeeping staff to quickly put the thermostat into Economy Setback mode by simply pressing and holding the system button.• A ctivity Sensing — If the thermostat hasn’t been touched for 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24 hours, as configured during setup, it will automatically return to Economy Setback to save energy.• R emote Setback Input — You can also havean occupancy sensor wired to the remote setback inputs. An occupancy sensor can provide on-demand occupancy and can shift to the energy-saving Economy Setback mode when the room is empty.• W ireless Occupancy Solution — If running wires to an occupancy sensor is an issue, SuitePRO works seamlessly with Honeywell’s WSK-24 to provide energy savings. The Wireless Occupancy Solutiondelivers comfort by combining a door switch with an occupancy sensor to assure that the thermostat won’t shift into setback mode when a room is occupied. And by triggering the setback mode when a room is unoccupied, you’ll save on heating and cooling costs.For owners and managers of hotels, dorms, retirement facilities and other personal-stay buildings with multiple rooms, controlling heating and cooling costs is a huge challenge. Honeywell is here to help you meet these challenges day in and day out with the energy-saving SuitePRO ® thermostat.From the temperature setback options to the VersaSpeed ® fan ramp algorithm, the attractive SuitePRO gives you the control you need to maintain customer comfort while maximizing energy savings. With just a few buttons and a large, backlit display, your customers will find it easy to adjust the settings to reach the comfort level they desire. Simply put, for both you and your customers, SuitePRO is sweet.2There’s Always Room For Energy SavingsEven More OptionsWhere Comfort and Energy SavingsCome T ogether• V ersaSpeed — A Honeywell exclusive, this patent-pendingfan ramp algorithm automatically adjusts the fan to reachthe setpoint.• A uto Fan Reset — When this algorithm is enabled and thehotel guest has selected a constant fan speed, the thermostatwill reset the fan to auto after two or four hours as selectedduring setup.•S U I T E P R O®T H E R M O S TAT S3Learn MoreFor more information on the Honeywell SuitePRO thermostat, call 1-800-466-3993 or visit .67-7077 PR January 2015© 2015 Honeywell International Inc.Also Consider WebStat®Building Automation Made SimpleEnjoy energy savings and improved control throughout your facility — the main entrance, pool room, kitchen and more — with a Honeywell WebStat ® controller. WebStat allows you to step up from standalone thermostat control to the automated T7350H communicating thermostat platform without incurring any excessive cost or complexity. You’ll get standard automation features such as alarming, trending, scheduling and network accessibility, andyou’ll enjoy reduced operational savings by enabling remote monitoring, alarming, floor plan visuals andthermostat assignment privileges. Best of all, WebStat keeps control simple by allowing Internet accessibility and flexibility for assigning user privileges.Automation and Control Solutions In the U.S.: Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN Follow us on Twitter: @honeywellcproYouTube:@honeywellcpro。
1 General概述This unit is fitted with the SIEMENS PLC controller together with othermatching electric appliances like imported contactor、thermal relay、airswitch and air switch,ensuring safe running of unit. In order to realizedependable operation of unit ,PLC is fitted with reliable programcontrolled system having application function up to current advancedlevel among the same trade. This unit is characterized byself-operation ,safety and dependability.本机组电气控制系统采用德国SIEMENS公司提供的PLC控制器,其他电器配套有进口接触器、热继电器、空气开关和三相电源监测器,可确保机组安全运行。
This operation instruction is applicable for the operation of Jirong water chillersof LRSFZ type.本操作指南适用于LRSFZ型风冷冷(热)水机组的操作运行。
2 Preparation before start-up开机前准备Make the following checks carefully before start-up:机组启动之前必须认真检查以下几项内容:Examine the electrical system (de-energized):电气系统的检查(断电检查):The internal parts of de-energized electrical system can be checked. thechecked items cover the tightness of bolts for wires、contactor etc,screwing-up of wiring for comp and reliable connection of plugged –incomponents and PLC module,(confirm if they come loose duringtransportation) to make sure contact well.在确定机组断电情况下,可对电控系统内部进行检查。
注意消毒模式下此按钮为黄色和红色闪烁 如果出现颜色不对应则出现系统错乱,需要再次点击此按钮切换为正常状态。
EWDAR Damped Rotation Level ControllerThere are still more that we can offer to youSincere services to clients:With the increasing competition in the market, instruments that are accurate in measuring and free of maintenance can help to improve the production efficiency of the factories. EWDAR level control system is such a product that can substantially improve the product quality and work efficiency of your company. We are always available to supply standard products or provide tailor-made products in response to your requirement for various application of EWDAR level measuring products in such industries as power, cement, engineering machinery, casting, chemical and food processing etc. In addition to the excellent measuring technology, EWDAR will always provide high-quality services to all clients.1、Applications and characteristics:EWDAR series damped rotation level control system has wide applications in the modern industry production process and warehousing sector for level monitoring or control of the powder and grain substances in the open type vessels. With full new design concept introduced in the product and many years of successful experiences, EWDAR series damped rotation level control system features extreme low failure and unanimous positive comments from the clients of all walks of life. EWDAR series damped rotation type level control system features advanced technology, reasonable structure, reliable performance, easy and convenient use and maintenance as well as high cost performance etc; Compared with similar products in the market, EWDAR level control system has the following unique characteristics:1) All major exposed parts and components use such materials as stainless steel,aluminum alloy or high-grade engineering plastic featuring such outstanding advantages as dust-proof, moisture resistance, corrosion resistance and no pollution to environment. EWDAR may be used in severe working environment in such industries as power, cement, casting, concrete, asphalt mixing equipments, food processing, grain warehousing and industries with high produce of dust etc;2) The output shaft is equipped with overload protection device, which caneffectively avoid damages to the motors and speed reducers due to improper use or abnormal external force;3) In order to make the equipment suitable for different materials with differentspecific gravity and also for purpose of easy installation and adjusting, the equipment is provided sensitive five-gear adjusting device and two installation options as well as many monitoring vane specifications;4) ZXKHB type level control system is equipped with overheat protection device,which can ensure proper and normal working of the level control at temperature of 300℃and below. (This ability is out of reach of some capacitor type, pitchfork type and ultrasonic type level monitors);2、Working principle:The working principle of EWDAR series damped rotation type level controller isdescribed as following: Use of AC micro motor with speed reduction to drive the monitoring vane rotate at slow speed; when the level of the materials rises till the rotation of the vanes is blocked, the testing mechanism will have rotation displacement around the main shaft; this displacement will first put one micro switch in action to send signal that material is fed inside; and then the other micro switch will act to disconnect the power supply to the micro motor to stop the motor; as long as the level in the silo or container remains unchanged, this work status will be always maintained;When the material level decreases till the vanes are tested with no blockage, the testing mechanism will restore to the original state due to pull force of the spring. First one micro switch will act to switch on the power supply to the motor to make the motor run, then the other micro switch will act will send signal that material is in shortage; as long as the rotation of the vanes will not be blocked by the materials, this work status will be always maintained.3、Outline dimensions:1) Outline dimensions ( Figure 1)2) Outline dimensions (Figure 2):4、Main technical specification:5、Type selection of damped rotation type level control system:Thread connectionFlange connectionLength6、Installation guideline:Unit: mmSilo wallTailor-made dimension may be available upon client’s request!。
LIGHT(兰灯) 表示风淋日光灯送电
POWER(红/绿) 红灯表示风淋送电,绿灯表示控制器运转
(三)、Operate Mode (控制模式)
1、Normal(标准) 无循环低速,只有风淋高速(标准)。
2、Timer (定时) 风淋高速完成后,转入循环只有一次(定时)。
3、Circle(循环) 间歇循环低速(循环)。
如仍然无法排除故障原因,或需要更换配件,请至电本公司由专业技术人员为 您服务,技术支持 13570963007
AC14V AC14V DC12V 输入 输入 输出
出 进出 进
门 门门门
循紧 动 风 关 关开开
环急门 淋 门 门门门
共 过按 铵 过共 按 按按按
用 载 钮 钮 载用 钮 钮钮钮
亮 O .K.
日光灯电子 安定器故障
三 相 触 头 是 YES 否磨损烧坏
接触器 是否跳脱
兰灯亮 RUN 灯不亮
NO O .K.
确认出入 方向正确
更换门磁或 调整位置
4、Always(保持) 一直循环低速(保持)。
5、Shower Time 1~99s 风淋时间(时间不得少于 10s),
出厂置为 10s。
6、Clean Ontime 1~250s 循环低速运转时间(倒计时 0~250s)
• 断电记忆功能,断电后再次通电可按断电前设置参数运行 • LCD 液晶显示
• 时钟显示功能,多种模式自由选择 • 定时开/关机功能,控时精准
• 红外遥控功能,选配遥控器实行遥控
• 设置温度上下限可调节,适合节能改造项目
• 高性能ST 品牌MCU ,抗干扰性强,FLASH 程序存储器 • 采用继电器作为输出控制器件,可靠性高,实用性强 • 低温保护功能 • 感温元件:NTC
• 设定温度范围:5℃~35℃ • 控温精度: ±0.5℃ • 自耗功率: <1W
• 工作电压:200-240VAC ,50/60HZ • 负载电流:≤3A
• 外壳材料:PC+ABS (阻燃)
• 外形尺寸:86X86X13mm (标准86盒) • 接线方式:端子压接
• RS485网络通讯(根据需要进行网络控制)
在弹出的送、排风量0 – 3档,通过设置键选择送、排风机的风量大小,按下确认键。
:送、排风机同启同停1档低速: 2档中速: 3档高速:自动模式:a: 按下菜单键,通过设置键将光标选择到“AUTO”模式,然后按下确认键。
8F4E1 产品手册说明书
注意事项及售后维修注意事项◆使用产品之前,请仔细阅读本手册,并妥善保管,以备将来参考;◆请注意和遵循标注在产品上的所有警示和指引信息;◆请使用配套电源适配器,以保证电流、电压的稳定;◆请在凉爽、干燥、清洁的地方使用本产品;◆请勿在冷热交替的环境中使用本产品,避免结露损坏内部元器件;◆请勿将任何液体泼溅在本产品上,禁止使用有机溶剂或腐蚀性液体清洗本产品;◆请勿在多尘、脏乱的环境中使用本产品,如果长期不使用,请包装好本产品;◆请勿在振动过大的环境中使用,任何跌落、敲打都可能损坏线路及元器件;◆请勿在通电情况下,插拔核心板及外围模块;◆请勿自行维修、拆解本产品,如产品出现故障应及时联系本公司进行维修;◆请勿自行修改或使用未经授权的配件,由此造成的损坏将不予保修;售后维修1保修期限:底板、核心板:3年(非人为损坏)2 联系方式◆地址:北京市海淀区上地信息路15号金融科贸大厦718室◆收件人:RMA◆电话:************◆邮寄须知:提前与本公司销售人员联系,会尽快安排技术人员核实排除由误操作引起的错误,核实后请将设备邮寄到本公司,邮寄时请附物品清单及故障原因,方便核实,以免快递过程中的丢失、损耗目录1、产品介绍 (6)1.1产品介绍 (6)1.2产品组成及性能参考 (6)1.3产品特性 (10)2、对外接口功能及位置 (11)2.1 面板图及接口标识 (11)2.2 接口功能描述 (12)3、使用方法 (14)3.1 整机使用方法 (14)3.2 Recovery模式 (14)4、订货信息 (15)1、产品介绍1.1产品介绍8F4E1硬件平台是结合了高效节能的NVIDIA® Jetson™ AGX Xavier/Orin核心模组、支持扩展NVIDIA RTX 6000/A6000 GPU的ITX型计算平台。
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LCD voice air shower con troller, graphic in terface, can be comparable with PLC, With a powerful fun cti on, can be en tered at any time to change the parameters of the system to meet the needs of customers, the voice system has two kinds of Chin ese and En glish can be selected.面板功能说明:Touch screen function description(一)、面板示意图(1). Touch scree n sketch map(二)、面板按键(2). Panel key电源键:开启/关闭系统风淋键:手动开启风淋/确认键Showeri ng key: Manual ope ning air shower/ Con firm key增量键:2、选择模式(上移) UP key: 1. Setti ng Times.Kawaoka"E DI tdcl duor888p 8888888照明键:开启/关闭照明/退出键Lighti ng key: Turn on / off lighti ng/ Exit key+PB 1、设定时间参数(增量) filljitEki lin kwnm 血S3 rhnFfiiknNfTEf :J*于 彖ldApMicrocomputer Auto Air ShowerPower ON/OFFLight ON/OFFClea n ON2. Select mode.减量键:2、选择模式(下移)DOWN key: 1. Sett ing Times.2. Select mode.RESET复位键:紧急情况使用Emerge ncy stop key: Emerge ncy use(三)、图标示意图(四八参数设置(4).Parameter sett ing后自动确认并退出)1、设定时间参数(减量)在控制面板上同时按住 键5秒后,进入系统设置参数。
进入后,键为确认键,~J 键为退出键,匚]键 和键为选择项目和增减数值,所有项目设置结束后,按键确认,并退出(或5秒-PBOn the con trol pan el, hold the key and key for 5 seconds as the same time to en ter the system sett ing parameters.After en teri ng, the o key to con firm key, I I key for the exit key, 、、key an d I __ Ikey to select items and in crease or decrease value,All project settings after the end of the(or 5 seconds after the automatic recognition and exit).风淋时间设置,5秒后自动确认并退出quickly enter the "b-01" air shower time set, 5 seconds after the automatic confirmation and exit.参数表项目参数范围出厂值模式选择01:红外连锁,单向吹风,仅有红外1 (可配置循环)02:红外连锁,双向吹风,仅有红外104:红外自动,单向吹风,有双红外05:红外自动,双向吹风,双风机,有双红外(红外1控制高速风机,红外2控制低速风机)08:连锁自动,单向吹风09:连锁自动,双向吹风01时间设置01 风淋时间0-999 秒1005 进门延时解锁0-255 秒006 出门延时解锁0-255 秒010 风淋结束,出门延时解锁时间0-255 秒011 照明延时时间0-60 分 1M2 风淋结束,进门延时解锁时间0-255 秒0循环设置01 无循环0102 一次循环01 :风淋结束,进、出门关闭后,循环开启的等待0-255 秒 5风淋时间快速设置:按住键5秒后,快速进入“ b-01Air shower time quick setting: hold I __ I key or 口key for 5 seconds,key to con firm, and exitParameter table」、风淋室正常操作过程:2. Air shower no rmal operati on process(一)、初始化自检(1). I nitialize the self-i nspectio n打开电源,面板液晶屏点亮,同时微电脑控制器做一次检测,显示当前的模式(闪烁3次),进出门是否关闭,红外探头与反光板是否对准。
Turn on the power, LCDdisplay, the screen flashes 3 times, at the same time, a microcomputer con troller to do a test, Is the in let and outlet door closed? Infrared probe and reflective board is aligned. If the system is faulty, the code will be displayed on the screen, and voice prompts.二)、正常工作状态(2) . Normal working state接通电源380V (带零线),指示灯由红色变为绿色,液晶屏点亮,风淋室处于自动状态。
The 380 v power supply is connected (with zero wire),Power LED red light turns green, the screen display, air shower in the automatic state.三)、从非洁净区进入洁净区(3) . From Non clean area enter clean area 手拉门(红外线连锁)Manual door (Infrared sensor interlocking) 开启进门,出门自动上锁,风淋室出门指示灯为红色( 30 秒后,进门仍未关闭,则语音提示“请关门”,且在液晶屏上有图标闪烁) ,人员进入风淋室,经红外探头,关闭进门,风淋启动(0~999s可调,语音提示“风淋中,请转身”),此时进出门均上锁,指示灯均为红色,风淋倒计时结束(语音提示“风淋结束,请离开) ,开启出门,人员走出风淋室,出门关闭,整个过程结束。
Open the inlet door, outlet door automatic locked, air showeroutlet door indicator light is red (30 seconds later, inlet door is not closed, then the voice prompts " close the door, please!" and on the screen have flashing icon) and personnel to enter the air shower, through infrared sensor, closed the inlet door, the air shower running (0 ~ 999s can be adjustable, and the voice prompt "showering, please turn"), this time inlet and outlet door was locked, indicator light red, when showering end (voice prompt "showering end, please leave), open the outlet door, personnel leave air shower, closed the outlet door, the whole process end.四)、从洁净区退出非洁净区(4) . From clean area to non clean area手拉门Manual door开启出门,进门自动上锁,风淋室进门指示灯为红色( 30秒后,出门仍未关闭,语音提示“请关门” ,且在液晶屏上有图标闪烁) ,人员进入风淋室风淋不启动,关闭出门,开启进门,走出风淋室,关闭进门,整个过程结束。
Open the outlet door, inlet door automatic locked, air showerinlet door indicator light is red (30 seconds later, outlet door isnot closed, voice prompts "close the door, please!" and on the screen icon flash) an pers onnel to en ter the air shower, air shower doesnot start, outlet door closed, open the inlet door, personnel leaveair shower, closed the inlet door, the whole process end.(五八连锁控制(5) . I nterlock ing con trol进出门连锁控制部分,疋°可分别安装于进出门外则。