



附录附录一:英文文献A 10KV Shunt Hybrid Active Filter for a PowerDistributionSystemAbstract—this paper analyzes the compensation performance of a shunt hybrid active power filter. The hybrid active power filter, which combines passive filter and active power filter, has both respective merits, and is an important developing trend of filtering device. The hybrid active power filter can reduce the capacity of active power filter effectively and is more suitable for the engineering application for high voltage nonlinear loads. The compensation performance of hybrid active power filter is analyzed by estimating the effect of different active power filter gain and parameters change. Then, a conclusion has been obtained that the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of passive parameters when the active power filter with an enough feedback gain is combined. Finally, the feasibility and validity of proposed scheme is verified by Simulation using Matlab and a hybrid shunt active power filter prototype.Index Terms:Current harmonics compensation, active power filter, passive filter, generalized integrators.I .INTRODUCTIONIn the development of power electronics brings convenience to energy conversion and utilization and also causes power quality problems. As one of the key technologies in combating power grid pollution and improving the power quality, active power filter (APF) has become a new research emphasis in power electronics technology[1]-[5].Because of high initial cost, the further application of active power filter is restricted. The HAPF(Hybrid Active Power Filter), combination of APF and passive filter (PF), can reduce the capacity of Affectively and is more suitable for the engineering application of APF for high voltage nonlinear loads.Traditionally, Passive filter has been used to eliminate the harmonic in power system due to his low cost and high efficiency. A passive filter shows the low impedance at tuned frequency to absorb current harmonic and has a good compensation performance. However, passive filter has the disadvantage of depending on the parameters of power system, susceptible to the load and power system resonant and the characteristic change due to aging. In addition, passive filter usually is designed with fixed parameters, which can not be lightly adapted for the variation operation condition.Active power filter has been developed to overcome of disadvantages of passive filter and can provide flexible and reliable compensation, but is not a cost-effective solution duet the high operation cost.Because of the drawbacks of passive filter and active power filter, the research on hybrid active power filter has become more attractive [6]-[9]. Hybrid active power filter composed of passive filter connected in series to an active power filter improves the compensation performance ofpassive filter remarkably, give more flexibility and reliability to filter device, and redound to the use of active power filter in high-power system avoiding the expensive initial cost.In this paper, the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter in an industrial power distribution system is analyzed by estimating the effect of different active power filter gain and parameters change. Finally, the compensation of hybrid active power filter is verified by simulation and a laboratory prototype. The passive filter of prototype was tuned at the seventh harmonic and the generalized integrators are used to eliminate the 5th, 11th and 13th harmonic current[10].II. PRINCIPLES OF CURRENT HARMONIC COMPENSATION The hybrid active power filter topology is shown in Fig.1, which consists of a three-phase pulse width modulation(PWM) voltage-source inverter (active power filter, APF)and the passive filter connected in series to APF through coupling transformer. Generally, the active power filter acts as a controlled voltage source and force the harmonic current into the hybrid active power filter. The principle of operation of current harmonic is explained by the single-phase equivalent circuit shown in Fig.2 when the feedback control is applied to the active power filter. In the current harmonic compensation strategy, the active power filter is considered as a controlled voltage source VAPF, and ZF is the impedance of passive filter, ILh is the load harmonic current, ZS is the systemimpedance.In order to eliminate harmonic of the system current, the active power filter is controlled as a current controlled voltage source. The active power filter imposes a voltage signal V APF that forces load harmonic current flow into the passive filter, thus improving its compensation performance in despite of the variation in the tuned frequency of the passive filter. The voltage reference of active power filter is equal toVAPF = K ⋅I sh (1) Where, K is the harmonic compensation gain. Supposing utility voltage is pure sinusoidal, the ration between the utility harmonic current and the load harmonic current is obtained, which can be used to denote the filtering characteristics of hybrid active power filter.Otherwise, K acts as a resistance to damp resonance between ZS and ZF. The larger K is selected, the lower the harmonic contents in the utility current. But this will increase the required power rating of the active power filter. In real condition, K is finite. Otherwise, closed loop control system will become unstable.Fig. 1 hybrid active power filter configuration.Fig. 2 Single-phase equivalent circuit of the hybrid active power filter scheme.III. ANALYSIS OF THE HYBRID FILTERPERFORMANCE IN ADISTRIBUTION SYSTEMThis section will show the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter through an example. The power distribution energizes the six medium frequency furnace, each of 300KW rate power. The medium frequency furnaces energized by six pulse uncontrolled rectifiers. The single phase diagram of the power distribution is shown in Fig.3only considering hybrid active power filter and medium frequency furnace.Fig. 3 Single-phase line diagram of the power distribution systemThe system harmonic content and harmonic criterion are shown in Table I and the 5th, 7th and 11th frequency harmonics exceed the criterion. So, the passive filters are tuned at the 5th, 7th and 11thfrequency harmonic and the rate of reactive power compensation is 500kVar. The system inductance and the parameters of passive filters are shown in Table II.TABLE IPOWER SYSTEM AND PASSIVE FILTER PAREMETERSTABLE IIPOWER SYSTEM AND PASSIVE FILTER PAREMETERSIn this case, the rate of active power filter is 25KVA since it would only compensate current harmonic and the coupling transformers turns ratio is equal to 2.Fig.4 (a) shows the harmonic attenuation rate of passive filter and hybrid active power filter. The hybrid active power filter is characterized by using three single resonant filter tuned at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency as shown inFig.3. Therefore, the passive filter presents low impedance at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency and their neighborhood. When no active power filter is connected in series with the passive filter, the harmonic amplifying phenomenon appear in the frequency range of 200-240Hz,300-340Hz and 500-640Hz. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, no harmonic amplifying phenomena occurs. Meanwhile, only adapting the passive filter, the filtering characteristic is unsatisfactory even at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, the harmonic attenuation rate isincreased and the filter performance of the hybrid active power filter is satisfactory at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency.Fig.4 (b) shows the harmonic content of power system indifferent condition. When no filter is connected in parallel with the utility, the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic current exceed the criterion seriously. After only adapting the passive filter, the harmonic current of utility is weakened but unsatisfactory adequately. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, most of 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic current is forced flowing into the hybrid active power filter.Fig.5 shows how the active power filter gain K changes the harmonic attenuation rate of system current. Large value of K improves the hybrid active power filter compensation performance by increase the harmonic impedance of power system.In addition, Fig.5 shows that the low values of passive filter quality factor Q will increases the impedance at the resonant frequency and weaken the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter. The passive filter quality factor Q decides the passive filter bandwidth. Though increasing the value of active power filter gain K can compensate the adverse effect of low value of Q, which would results in the increase of active power filter output voltage required to keep the same compensation performance, thus increasing the active power filter rated power.Fig. 4 Hybrid active power filter frequency response and Harmonic Content.From Fig.5, a conclusion can be received that the quality factor of passive filter and the active power filter gain directly affect the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter when the tuned frequency is fixed. If the quality factor of passive filter is not properly selected, the active power filter gain K must been increased to obtain the satisfying compensation performance.Fig. 5 Hybrid active power filter frequency response for different values of passive filter qualityfactor Q.Fig.6 shows the hybrid active filter frequency response for different values of the system equivalent impedance. Generally, the system equivalent impedance must be lower to the passive filter equivalent impedance at the resonant frequency; otherwise, the passive can not obtain the favorable compensation performance and most load harmonic current will flow to the power system. When no active powerfilter is connected in series with the passive filter, if utility impedance is lower than the passive filter impedance at the tuned frequency, the harmonic attenuation rate is decreased and the filter performance of passive filter is unsatisfactory, as shown in Fig.6 (a). When the active power filter with an enough feedback gain is combined, the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of utility impedance, as shown in Fig.6 (b).Fig.6 also depicts that the active power filter gain K in bulky utility (small values of Zs) must bigger than that in weak utility (big value of Zs) to obtain the same compensation performance.Fig. 6 Hybrid active power filter frequency response for different values of the system equivalentimpedance.The simulation results are shown in Fig.7-10. Fig.7 shows the phase-a load current and it can be seen that the load current is greatly distorted. Fig.8 presents the phase-a supply current when hybrid active power filter is working. Now it can be seen that the hybrid active power filter has improved the quality of supply current markedly and the dominating harmonic current has been eliminated effectively. Fig.9 shows the phase-a hybrid filter current. It consists of 5th, 7thand 11th harmonic current mostly.The dynamic compensation performance is studied by load perturbation response and shown in Fig.10. The change in the source current is observed smooth and steady state is reached within 2 cycles.Fig.7. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate load current;bottom: its frequency spectrumFig.8. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate system linecurrent; bottom: its frequency spectrum.Fig.9. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate hybrid filtercurrent; bottom: its frequency spectrum.Fig.10. Dynamic simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate system line current; middle: simulate load current; bottom: simulate hybrid filter current.IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSA three-phase hybrid shunt active power filter laboratory prototype using IGBT was implemented and tested in the compensation of a six-pulse uncontrolled rectifier, as shown in Fig.11. The VSI dc-link voltage is composed of a capacitor bank of 6800μF for a dc-link voltage 450V. The Eupec 1200V/200A IGBT are used and driven by theM57962L gate drivers. The digital control system incorporates a double DSP (TMS320C32 and TMS320F240) and CPLD circuit. The sampling period is 200 μs . Phase detection and control algorithm are completed byTMS320C32, and sampling and SVPWM program are implemented by TMS320F240. The inverter was operated at5-kHz switching frequency and was connected in series to a passive filter directly. The passive filter was tuned at the seventh harmonic (350Hz) and quality factor Q equal to 60.The parameters of the experiment circuit are shown in Table III.Fig.11 PI current controller using generalized integratorsTABLE IIITHE PARAMETERS OF THE EXPERIMENT CIRCUITSince such a single seventh harmonic tuned LC filter issued, a no negligible amount of the 5th, 11th and 13thharmonic current still remains in the supply. Thus, the generalized integrators are used to eliminate the 5th, 11th and13th harmonic current.The proposed controller based on generalized integrators in stationary frame is depicted in Fig.12, Where, *VAPF is Violate reference , *is is grid current reference.Fig.12 PI current controller using generalized integratorsWhere, Ki is the integral coefficient. The following discrete formula is use to realize the digital generalized integrators.For reducing the computation time, the generalized integrators are implemented by iterative arithmetic.When generalized integrators are used, the harmonic attenuation rate is shown in Fig.13. Fig.13 illustrates that the5th, 11th, 13th, 17th and 19th harmonic current are eliminated effectively by reason of generalized integrators.Steady-state experimental results are shown in Figs.14-16.Fig.14 (a) shows the experimental waveform of load current; the associate frequency spectrum is shown in Fig.14 (b).In this case, the load current consists of a mass of harmonic current. As shown in Fig.15, when only proportion controller is used, the elimination of harmonics besides tuned frequency is very limited by hybrid active power filter.With hybrid active power filter compensation using PI controller based on generalized integrators, the 5th, 7th, 11th,13th, 17thand 19th harmonics had been eliminated effectively as shown in Fig.16. When the shunt APF is plunged, the DC linkvoltage can arrive at reference value rapidly, as shown in Fig 7...Fig.14. Experimental load current waveforms. (a) Load current. (b) Load current frequencyspectrum.Fig.16. Experimental system current waveforms with hybrid filter compensation. (a) Systemcurrent. (b) System current frequency spectrum.Fig.17. Experimental system current waveforms with hybrid filter compensation.V. CONCLUSIONThe compensation performance of a shunt hybrid active power filter is proposed and analyzed. The hybrid active power filter, which combines passive filter and active power filter, has both respective merits, and is an important developing trend of filtering device. The hybrid active power filter can reduce the capacity of active power filter effectively and is more suitable for the engineering application for high voltage nonlinear loads. The compensation performance of hybrid active power filter is analyzed for different active power filter gain and parameters change. Above all, an conclusion can be obtained that the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of passive parameters when the active powerfilter with an enough feedback gain is combined. The feasibility and validity of proposed scheme is verified by Simulation using Matlab and a hybrid shunt active power filter prototype.附录二:中文翻译与10kV配电系统并联的混合型有源电力滤波器摘要本文分析了并联混合型有源电力滤波器的补偿性能。


电力 自动 化 设 备 ,0 7 1 :24 . 2 0 () 4 -5
[ ] 陈保 . 联 有 源 电力 滤 波器 实 用 关 键 技 术 研 究 [ . 州 : 4 并 D] 杭
浙 江大 学 ,0 9 2—2 2 0 :93 .
[] 庞浩 , 5 王暂 基 , 建 业 . 联 型 直 流 有 源 电 力 滤 波 器 的控 陈 并
0 1H, . 电容 C一( . ×1 )F。电流 仿 真 波形 如 图 10 0 5 示 。从 仿 真 结果 可 以 看 出 , 角 波 比较 控 制 方 法 所 三 控制 的有源 电力 滤波器能 够实现 较快 的动 态响应 速度
制方 法 , 整个 AP F系统 仿真算 法采用 o e 5 d4 。

5 ・ O
机 械 工 程 与 自 动 化
21 0 2年 第 3期
对 谐波 电 流 的有 效 实 时补 偿[ 。 目前 , 常 用 的控 制 4 ] 较
方法有 三 角波 比较控 制 、 环 比较 控制 等 。 滞 三角 波 比较法是 目前应 用 较为广 泛 的一 种线 性 电
波时, 此种 方法 增大 了数字化 控制 器 的难度 。 ]
wa i ltd b ATLAB/ i l k Th e ut h w h tAPF c n r l db ra ge p lec mp rs n meh d c n c mp n ae ssmuae y M S mui . n ers lss o ta o tol ytin l us o aio to a o e s t e
滤 波器 系统对 负载 中的谐 波和无 功 电流进行 了有效 的
( )补偿 前 电流 8
补偿 。随着数字 信号 处理器 技 术 的发展 , D P实 现 用 S 对 AP F的控制 是一 种很 有发展 潜力 的控制 方法 。








其中有源滤波器APF 是系统中用来抑制谐波的主要措施,它能有效检测出负荷电流中的谐波分量,并控制电力电子器件产生与之大小相等方向相反的谐波电流,二者相互抵消达到滤波的目的。

APF 的应用大大提高了配电网供电可靠性及电能质量。





APF 的工作原理如图1所示。

此外,有源滤波器还可作为无功补偿装置使用,调节控制策略,使APF 装置发出一定量的无功功率,从而向系统中注入无功功率,有效提高功率因数。

图1APF 原理图有源滤波器具有响应速度快、控制灵活占地面积小、施工维护方便等优点,具体特点如下:①能够实现动态补偿。


②APF 受电网阻抗的影响不大,有效避免和系统发生并联谐振,同时还能抑制串并联谐振。

③APF 的综合利用效率高。






附录附录一:英文文献A 10KV Shunt Hybrid Active Filter for a Power DistributionSystemAbstract—this paper analyzes the compensation performance of a shunt hybrid active power filter. The hybrid active power filter, which combines passive filter and active power filter, has both respective merits, and is an important developing trend of filtering device. The hybrid active power filter can reduce the capacity of active power filter effectively and is more suitable for the engineering application for high voltage nonlinear loads. The compensation performance of hybrid active power filter is analyzed by estimating the effect of different active power filter gain and parameters change. Then, a conclusion has been obtained that the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of passive parameters when the active power filter with an enough feedback gain is combined. Finally, the feasibility and validity of proposed scheme is verified by Simulation using Matlab and a hybrid shunt active power filter prototype.Index Terms:Current harmonics compensation, active power filter, passive filter, generalized integrators.I .INTRODUCTIONIn the development of power electronics brings convenience to energy conversion and utilization and also causes power quality problems. As one of the key technologies in combating power grid pollution and improving the power quality, active power filter (APF) has become a new research emphasis in power electronics technology[1]-[5]. Because of high initial cost, the further application of active power filter is restricted. The HAPF(Hybrid Active Power Filter), combination of APF and passive filter (PF), can reduce the capacity of Affectively and is more suitable for the engineering application of APF for high voltage nonlinear loads.Traditionally, Passive filter has been used to eliminate the harmonic in power system due to his low cost and high efficiency. A passive filter shows the low impedance at tuned frequency to absorb current harmonic and has a good compensation performance. However, passive filter has the disadvantage of depending on the parameters of power system, susceptible to the load and power system resonant and the characteristic change due to aging. In addition, passive filter usually is designed with fixed parameters, which can not be lightly adapted for the variation operation condition.Active power filter has been developed to overcome of disadvantages of passive filter and can provide flexible and reliable compensation, but is not a cost-effective solution duet the high operation cost.Because of the drawbacks of passive filter and active power filter, the research on hybrid active power filter has become more attractive [6]-[9]. Hybrid active power filter composed of passive filter connected in series to an active power filter improves the compensation performance of passive filter remarkably, give more flexibility and reliability to filter device, and redound to the use of active power filter in high-power system avoiding the expensive initial cost.In this paper, the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter in an industrial power distribution system is analyzed by estimating the effect of different active power filter gain and parameters change. Finally, the compensation of hybrid active power filter is verified by simulation and a laboratory prototype. The passive filter of prototype was tuned at the seventh harmonic and the generalized integrators are used to eliminate the 5th, 11th and 13th harmonic current[10].II. PRINCIPLES OF CURRENT HARMONIC COMPENSATION The hybrid active power filter topology is shown in Fig.1, which consists of a three-phase pulse width modulation(PWM) voltage-source inverter (active power filter, APF)and the passive filter connected in series to APF through coupling transformer. Generally, the active power filter acts as a controlled voltage source and force the harmonic current into the hybrid active power filter. The principle of operation of current harmonic is explained by the single-phase equivalent circuit shown in Fig.2 when the feedback control is applied to the active power filter. In the current harmonic compensation strategy, the active power filter is considered as a controlled voltage source VAPF, and ZF is the impedance of passive filter, ILh is the load harmonic current, ZS is the system impedance.In order to eliminate harmonic of the system current, the active power filter is controlled as a current controlled voltage source. The active power filter imposes a voltage signal V APF that forces load harmonic current flow into the passive filter, thus improving its compensation performance in despite of the variation in the tuned frequency of the passive filter. The voltage reference of active power filter is equal toVAPF = K ⋅I sh (1) Where, K is the harmonic compensation gain. Supposing utility voltage is pure sinusoidal, the ration between the utility harmonic current and the load harmonic current is obtained, which can be used to denote the filtering characteristics of hybrid active power filter.Otherwise, K acts as a resistance to damp resonance between ZS and ZF. The larger K is selected, the lower the harmonic contents in the utility current. But thiswill increase the required power rating of the active power filter. In real condition, K is finite. Otherwise, closed loop control system will become unstable.Fig. 1 hybrid active power filter configuration.Fig. 2 Single-phase equivalent circuit of the hybrid active power filter scheme.III. ANALYSIS OF THE HYBRID FILTERPERFORMANCE IN ADISTRIBUTION SYSTEMThis section will show the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter through an example. The power distribution energizes the six medium frequency furnace, each of 300KW rate power. The medium frequency furnaces energized by six pulse uncontrolled rectifiers. The single phase diagram of the power distribution is shown in Fig.3only considering hybrid active power filter and medium frequency furnace.Fig. 3 Single-phase line diagram of the power distribution systemThe system harmonic content and harmonic criterion are shown in Table I and the 5th, 7th and 11th frequency harmonics exceed the criterion. So, the passive filters are tuned at the 5th, 7th and 11th frequency harmonic and the rate of reactive power compensation is 500kVar. The system inductance and the parameters of passive filters are shown in Table II.TABLE IIn this case, the rate of active power filter is 25KVA since it would only compensate current harmonic and the coupling transformers turns ratio is equal to 2.Fig.4 (a) shows the harmonic attenuation rate of passive filter and hybrid active power filter. The hybrid active power filter is characterized by using three single resonant filter tuned at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency as shown inFig.3. Therefore, the passive filter presents low impedance at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency and their neighborhood. When no active power filter is connected in series with the passive filter, the harmonic amplifying phenomenon appear in the frequency range of 200-240Hz,300-340Hz and 500-640Hz. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, no harmonic amplifying phenomena occurs. Meanwhile, only adapting the passive filter, the filtering characteristic is unsatisfactory even at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, the harmonic attenuation rate is increased and the filter performance of the hybrid active power filter is satisfactory at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency.Fig.4 (b) shows the harmonic content of power system indifferent condition. When no filter is connected in parallel with the utility, the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic current exceed the criterion seriously. After only adapting the passive filter, the harmonic current of utility is weakened but unsatisfactory adequately. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, most of 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic current is forced flowing into the hybrid active power filter.Fig.5 shows how the active power filter gain K changes the harmonic attenuation rate of system current. Large value of K improves the hybrid active power filter compensation performance by increase the harmonic impedance of power system.In addition, Fig.5 shows that the low values of passive filter quality factor Q will increases the impedance at the resonant frequency and weaken the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter. The passive filter quality factor Q decides the passive filter bandwidth. Though increasing the value of active power filter gain K can compensate the adverse effect of low value of Q, which would results in the increase of active power filter output voltage required to keep the same compensation performance, thus increasing the active power filter rated power.Fig. 4 Hybrid active power filter frequency response and Harmonic Content.From Fig.5, a conclusion can be received that the quality factor of passive filter and the active power filter gain directly affect the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter when the tuned frequency is fixed. If the quality factor of passive filter is not properly selected, the active power filter gain K must beenincreased to obtain the satisfying compensation performance.Fig. 5 Hybrid active power filter frequency response for different values of passive filter quality factor Q.Fig.6 shows the hybrid active filter frequency response for different values of the system equivalent impedance. Generally, the system equivalent impedance must be lower to the passive filter equivalent impedance at the resonant frequency; otherwise, the passive can not obtain the favorable compensation performance and most load harmonic current will flow to the power system. When no active power filter is connected in series with the passive filter, if utility impedance is lower than the passive filter impedance at the tuned frequency, the harmonic attenuation rate is decreased and the filter performance of passive filter is unsatisfactory, as shown in Fig.6 (a). When the active power filter with an enough feedback gain is combined, the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of utility impedance, as shown in Fig.6 (b).Fig.6 also depicts that the active power filter gain K in bulky utility (small values of Zs) must bigger than that in weak utility (big value of Zs) to obtain the same compensation performance.Fig. 6 Hybrid active power filter frequency response for different values of the system equivalent impedance.The simulation results are shown in Fig.7-10. Fig.7 shows the phase-a load current and it can be seen that the load current is greatly distorted. Fig.8 presents the phase-a supply current when hybrid active power filter is working. Now it can be seen that the hybrid active power filter has improved the quality of supply current markedly and the dominating harmonic current has been eliminated effectively. Fig.9 shows the phase-a hybrid filter current. It consists of 5th, 7thand 11th harmonic current mostly.The dynamic compensation performance is studied by load perturbation response and shown in Fig.10. The change in the source current is observed smooth and steady state is reached within 2 cycles.Fig.7. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate load current; bottom: itsfrequency spectrumFig.8. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate system line current; bottom: itsfrequency spectrum.Fig.9. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate hybrid filter current; bottom: itsfrequency spectrum.Fig.10. Dynamic simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate system line current;middle: simulate load current; bottom: simulate hybrid filter current.IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSA three-phase hybrid shunt active power filter laboratory prototype using IGBTwas implemented and tested in the compensation of a six-pulse uncontrolled rectifier, as shown in Fig.11. The VSI dc-link voltage is composed of a capacitor bank of 6800μF for a dc-link voltage 450V. The Eupec 1200V/200A IGBT are used and driven by theM57962L gate drivers. The digital control system incorporates a double DSP (TMS320C32 and TMS320F240) and CPLD circuit. The sampling period is 200 μs . Phase detection and control algorithm are completed byTMS320C32, and sampling and SVPWM program are implemented by TMS320F240. The inverter was operated at5-kHz switching frequency and was connected in series to a passive filter directly. The passive filter was tuned at the seventh harmonic (350Hz) and quality factor Q equal to 60.The parameters of the experiment circuit are shown in Table III.Fig.11 PI current controller using generalized integratorsTABLE IIISince such a single seventh harmonic tuned LC filter issued, a no negligible amount of the 5th, 11th and 13thharmonic current still remains in the supply. Thus, the generalized integrators are used to eliminate the 5th, 11th and13th harmonic current.The proposed controller based on generalized integrators in stationary frame is depicted in Fig.12, Where, *VAPF is Violate reference,*is is grid current reference.Fig.12 PI current controller using generalized integratorsWhere, Ki is the integral coefficient. The following discrete formula is use to realize the digital generalized integrators.For reducing the computation time, the generalized integrators are implemented by iterative arithmetic.When generalized integrators are used, the harmonic attenuation rate is shown in Fig.13. Fig.13 illustrates that the5th, 11th, 13th, 17th and 19th harmonic current are eliminated effectively by reason of generalized integrators.In this case, the load current consists of a mass of harmonic current. As shown in Fig.15, when only proportion controller is used, the elimination of harmonics besides tuned frequency is very limited by hybrid active power filter.With hybrid active power filter compensation using PI controller based on generalized integrators, the 5th, 7th, 11th,13th, 17thand 19th harmonics had beeneliminated effectively as shown in Fig.16. When the shunt APF is plunged, the DC linkvoltage can arrive at reference value rapidly, as shown in Fig 7...Fig.14. Experimental load current waveforms. (a) Load current. (b) Load current frequency spectrum. Fig.16. Experimental system current waveforms with hybrid filter compensation. (a) System current. (b) Systemcurrent frequency spectrum.Fig.17. Experimental system current waveforms with hybrid filter compensation.V. CONCLUSIONThe compensation performance of a shunt hybrid active power filter is proposed and analyzed. The hybrid active power filter, which combines passive filter and active power filter, has both respective merits, and is an important developing trend of filtering device. The hybrid active power filter can reduce the capacity of active power filter effectively and is more suitable for the engineering application for high voltage nonlinear loads. The compensation performance of hybrid active power filter is analyzed for different active power filter gain and parameters change. Above all, an conclusion can be obtained that the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of passive parameters when the active power filter with an enough feedback gain is combined. The feasibility and validity of proposed scheme is verified by Simulation using Matlab and a hybrid shunt active power filter prototype.附录二:中文翻译与10kV配电系统并联的混合型有源电力滤波器摘要本文分析了并联混合型有源电力滤波器的补偿性能。




关键词:补偿;电力有源滤波器;看法中图分类号:TM53文献标识码:BSum mary Of Active Po wer FilterLI Lin-jing(West B ranch,Zhejiang University of Technolo gy,Quzhou324006,China)Abstract:The operation principle and main type are presentde in the paper,and expound the contol method of the active power filter.Some perspectives on developing electric,electronic and active filter technologies are put forward f or our country.Key words:Compensation;active po wer filter;perspective1引言随着电力电子技术的飞速发展,越来越多的电力电子装置被广泛应用到各个领域,其中相当一部分负荷具有非线性或具有时变特性,造成了非线性、冲击性和不平衡用电特性,使电网中暂态冲击、无功功率、高次谐波及三相不平衡问题日趋严重,给公用电网的供电质量造成严重的污染,使电力系统的能量损耗增加,用电设备寿命缩短,对其它电子设备造成电磁干扰。

















而有源电力滤波器是一种用于动态抑制谐波和补偿无功的电力电子装置,被公认为是治理“电网污染”的有效手段,APF 有源滤波器作为一种主动型的谐波补偿装置,能动态跟踪补偿随机的谐波电流,克服传统LC 无源滤波装置的不足,具有高度的可控性和快速响应性,应用前景广阔[1-2]。

1有源滤波器的研究现状1971年日本的Machida 首先提出了有源滤波器的原始模型,同年,H.Sasaki 等就首次完整地描述了有源电力滤波器的基本原理[3],但由于当时是采用线性放大的方法产生补偿电流,其损耗大,成本高,因而仅在实验室研究,未能在工业中使用。

1976年,美国的Strycula 提出了用PWM 逆变器结构构成有源滤波器,确立了当今滤波器的基本结构,同年,L.Gyugyi 等人提出了用大功率晶体管PWM 逆变器构成的有源电力滤波器,并正式确立了有源滤波的概念,提出了有源滤波器主电路的基本拓扑结构和控制方法。

1982年,第1台采用GTO 作为开关元件的电流源PWM 逆变器构成的有源滤波器(800kVA)在日本研制成功并投入使用。

1983年,日本长冈科技大学的Akagi 等人基于pq 分解理论,提出了三相电路瞬时无功功率理论,为解决三相电力系统畸变电流的瞬时检测提供了理论依据。

表明实现有源滤波器补偿功能的条件已经具备,使有源电力补偿技术实用化研究得到了极大发展,与此同时,大功率晶体管(GTR)、大功率可关断晶闸管(GTO )、静电感应晶闸管(SITH )、静电感应晶体管(SIH )、功率场效应管(MOSFET )、场控晶闸管(MCT )及绝缘栅型双极性晶体管(IGBT )等新型快速大容量功率开关器件相继问世;PWM 调制技术、微机控制技术,以及数字信号处理技术都取得了长足的进步。

















WEN Yi ̄chengꎬCHEN Yi ̄wenꎬWEI Ling ̄qiongꎬLIU Hai ̄yangꎬLI Wen ̄bo
( Fujian Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power ConversionꎬFuzhou 350116ꎬChina)
成污染和公害ꎮ 它不仅会威胁电力系统自身和经济
(2) 谐波使旋转电机、变压器等设备产生额外
滤波器( Active Power FilterꎬAPF) 的发展ꎮ APF 作为综合性电能质量调节器ꎬ是一种具备动态谐波抑制和无
功补偿功能的新型电力电子装置ꎬ其性能优劣与所采用的拓扑结构、电流追踪控制方法等密切相关ꎮ 为了推
广在高压大容量下 APF 的控制技术ꎬ拓宽其应用范围ꎬ分类整理了 APF 拓扑结构ꎬ归纳总结了 APF 的电流
类型ꎮ 图 1 为从储能元件、PWM 个数、应用场合电
源相数、接入方式、电压等级五个角度对 APF 拓扑
图 2 双重化 APF 拓扑结构
2. 3 根据应用场合电源相数分类
在实际应用 APF 场合中ꎬ根据电源相数的不同
可将拓扑分为单相 APF 和三相 APFꎬ其中分为三相
三线制和三相四线制属于三相 APFꎮ
2. 5 根据电压等级分类
2. 5. 1 低压场合
传统 APF 开关器件少、控制方法简单且易于实

100 kVA并联型有源电力滤波器的研究

100 kVA并联型有源电力滤波器的研究

图 1 有源滤波器原理图
论的i i 方法, 源电 存在畸 情况下, 。9 一 检测 在电 压 变的
该方法比P 4 一 检测方法更加精确。
上, 作过 的 对工 程中 一些关键部 进行了 分 分析与 讨论。
;i 波电 检 法的 理图 流 测方 原 如图2 5 0 q 谐 所示[] , 6
图中L b e e J J为负载电流瞬时值, 为电源 a e 。 相电压,
有源电 力滤波器交流侧电 UP 压 A与负荷侧交流电 F 压相同, IF 而 A 的大小和系统的补偿方式有关。当只 P 补偿谐波电流时,P IF A取决于负载电流中谐波的大小; 当补偿谐波和无功电流时,P IF A取决于负载电流中谐波
开关器件的电流等级应根据有源电力滤波器工作 电流的有效值、 峰值来确定, 通常要留有 1 倍的裕量。
性能。 23 控制系统设计 .
直流侧电容器容量的选择主要是抑制直流电容电 压的过大波动, 在容许的范围内, 电容越大越好, 但是 电容过大会增加装置的成本。 本文所研制的有源电力滤波器系统综合考虑多种
因素 选择直流 压为8 V电 后, 侧电 5 , 容容量加 0 wo 0 0 F 0
上进 于 波 偿 验 ,行 谐 补 实 。
在所研制的 0 V 1 kA并联型有源电力滤波器装置 0
实验系统主电路如图 1 所示, 实验参数: 电源线电 压为30 8 V 系统阻抗忽略不计; , 负荷为三相全控整流
么 么 蕊
图 2 谐波电流检测原理图
首先, 三相负载电流由a 坐标系变换到明 静止 b 。 坐标系, 然后再变换到P 旋转坐标系, 4 变换关系如下:
2 控制方法和控制系统设计
21 谐波电流检测 . 谐波及无功电流检测直接影响到有源电力滤波器 的补偿性能。文中采用基于三相电路瞬时无功功率理


i n p o we r s y s t e m i s b e c o mi n g mo r e a n d mo r e wi d e l y, t h e ha r mo n i c p o l l u t i o n i s s e io r u s h a r m t o t h e s a f e a n d s t a bl e o p e r a -
摘 要: 随 着 电力 电子技 术的 不断发 展 , 电力电子 装置在 电 力 系统 中的 应 用 日益 广泛 , 带 来 的谐 波 污 染 问题也 严
重 的危 害 着电 网的安 全稳 定运行 。 目前 , 无 源滤 波器是 电力 系统 谐 波和 无功 功率补 偿 的主要 方 法 , 但存 在较 多不 足, 有 源滤 波器具 有较 好 的动 态补偿 效 果 , 应 用前 景广 泛 , 基 于此 , 重点进行 电力有 源 滤波 器的特 性研 究 。 关键 词 : 谐波; 电能质 量 ; 有 源 滤波 器 中图分类 号 : T M7 1 3 文献 标识 码 : B Ac t i v e Po we r Fi l t e r Ch a r a c t e r i s t i c Re s e a r c h
Ke y wo r ds: h a r mo n i c , p o w e r q u a l i t y, a c t i v e i f l t e r
1 引言
用 电 技术 在 飞 速 的发 展 , 电 网 中的 整 流 、 逆变 、 变
2 有源滤波器简 介
( 混 合型 ) 有 源滤 波 器括 基 于 瞬时 无 功 功 率 的有 源 滤 波 器 和 基 于磁 通补偿 原 理 的有 源 滤波 器两 类 。基 于 瞬 时无 功 功率 的有源 滤波 器是 常见 的 、 研究 较 多 的类 型 , 其采 用 瞬 时无 功功 率理 论实 时 检 测 到 补偿 谐 波 电流 , 通 过 控



l 概 述
随着 电 力 电 子 的 发 展 , 有 非 线 性 特 性 的 变 流 装 置 和 具 大 容 量 动 态 负 载 被 广 泛 使 用 , 网 中 的 谐 波 污 染 问 题 变 得 电 日益 严 重 。 目前 , 波 抑 制 的 一 个 重 要 趋 势 是 采 用 有 源 电 谐 力 滤 波 器 ( F 。有 源 电 力 滤 波 器 ( P ) 一 种 用 于 动 态 AP ) A F是 抑 制 谐 波 、 偿 无 功 的新 型 电力 电 子 装 置 , 能 对 大 小 和 频 补 它
续 、 自动操 作等 优 点 , 大 减 轻 了人 工 卸灰 强 度 , 尘 灰 5 结 语 全 大 除
缺 点 进 行 比 较 , 合 理 选 择 有 源 电力 滤 波 器 提 供 了依 据 。 为 关 键 词 : 波 ; W M 变流 器 ; 源 电 力 滤 波 器 AP 谐 P 有 F 中图分类号 : TB 文献标识 码 : A
文 章 编 号 :6 23 9 ( 0 2 0 —2 10 1 7 —1 8 2 1 )40 8 —3
煤气净化 选用 1 3个布袋 除 尘器 箱体 和 1个 大灰 仓 , 布 逸 问 题 , 料 及 炉 前 除 尘 技 术 的 应 用 , 现 了 高 炉 清 洁 化 生 上 实 袋灰气 力输 送 至 大 灰 仓 , 力 输灰 具 有 运 行 稳 定 、 灰 连 产 , 善 了劳 动 条 件 , 利 于 环 保 。 气 输 改 有
4 6 冲 制 箱 加 脱 水 转 鼓 渣 处 理 工 艺 .
温 阀 门采用软水 密 闭循 环 冷却 。生 产 排污 水 ( 净环 水排 污 熔渣粒化 装置 采 用 冲 制箱 喷 射冷 却 水粒 化 水 淬 熔渣 , 水 及除盐 水 制备 排 污 水 ) 级 补 充 给 浊环 水 系 统 , 环 使 串 循 转鼓 式脱水 形式 , 系统 封 闭循 环 。该 装 置 的优 点 是具 有 很 用 。通 过 以 上 节 水 措 施 , 以 实 现 炼 铁 生 产 过 程 中 用 水 可 好 的粒化效果 , 系统运行 稳定 , 全可 靠 ; 安 自动化 程度 高 ; 可 “ ” 放 , 重 复 利 用 率 为 9 , 铁 新 水 耗 量 4 o 7 。 零 排 水 8 吨 . m0 连续 脱水作业 ; 设备 结构 简单 , 布置紧 凑 , 占地面 积小 , 备 4 1 高炉 自动 化 控 制 技 术 设 .0 维 护检修方便 ; 品渣含 水量小 , 成 粒度 均匀 。 4 7 远 距 离 煤 粉 喷 吹 技 术 . 高 炉主工艺线采 用 电气 、 仪表 、 计算 机 一体 化 自动化控 制 系统 , 以保证 系统 的先 进性 、 靠 性 。计 算机 控制采 用两 可 西钢 由于利用 现 有 喷吹 站 喷 煤 , 吹 主管 线从 现 有 喷 级 ( 础级和过 程级) 喷 基 三电系 统对 高炉 主工 艺线上 设备 进行



有源电力滤波器的设计韩宏亮(三峡电力职业学院电力工程系,湖北宜昌 443000)摘要:有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter)是目前研究比较深入的一种装置,它是一种用于动态补偿,既可抑制谐波,又可以补偿无功的新型电力电子装置,它能对大小和频率都变化的谐波以及变化的无功进行补偿,其应用可克服LC滤波器等传统的谐波抑制和无功补偿方法的缺点。



有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter)是目前研究比较深入的一种装置,它是一种用于动态补偿,既可抑制谐波,又可以补偿无功的新型电力电子装置,它能对大小和频率都变化的谐波以及变化的无功进行补偿,其应用可克服LC滤波器等传统的谐波抑制和无功补偿方法的缺点。








分类号:TM715 单位代码:10422密级:学号:200812303硕士学位论文论文题目:有源电力滤波器的研究RESEARCH ON ACTIVE POWER FILTER作者姓名周凯杰专业电工理论及其新技术指导教师姓名专业技术职务王志臣副教授2011 年 4 月16 日原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。





(保密论文在解密后应遵守此规定)论文作者签名:______ 导师签名:___________日期:________目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. I II 第一章绪论 (1)1.1谐波的产生及其危害 (1)1.1.1 谐波的产生 (1)1.1.2 谐波的危害 (2)1.2谐波的抑制技术 (3)1.3有源电力滤波器的研究现状和发展 (4)1.3.1 有源电力滤波器的发展历史 (4)1.3.2 有源滤波器的发展前景 (6)1.4谐波电流检测现状 (7)1.5本课题的研究内容 (9)第二章有源电力滤波器的工作原理和基本结构 (10)2.1有源电力滤波器的工作原理 (10)2.2有源电力滤波器的系统结构 (11)2.2.1 并联型有源滤波器 (12)2.2.2 串联型有源电力滤波器 (13)2.2.3 串-并联型有源电力滤波器 (14)2.3有源电力滤波器主电路形式 (14)2.4并联型有源电力滤波器补偿特性分析 (15)第三章基于瞬时无功的谐波检测算法的研究 (19)3.1瞬时无功功率理论 (19)3.2基于瞬时无功传统的谐波电流检测方法 (22)13.2.1 p q-检测法 (22)3.2.2i i-检测法 (23)p q3.2.3 两种检测算法的比较和缺陷 (24)3.2.4 应用于三相四线制系统的p qi i-法 (25)-法、p q3.3基于0--坐标变换的任意次谐波检测算法 (26)d q3.3.1 特定次谐波电流正序分量的检测 (27)3.3.2 特定次谐波电流负序分量的检测 (28)3.3.3 特定次谐波电流零序分量的检测 (28)3.3.4 特定次谐波电流的检测 (29)3.4数字低通滤波器(LPF) (29)3.5 谐波检测算法的仿真研究 (30)3.5.1 MATLAB/SIMULINK简介 (30)3.5.2 仿真模型设计 (31)3.6本章小结 (38)第四章有源电力滤波器控制策略研究 (40)4.1 电流跟踪控制策略 (40)4.1.1 几种电流跟踪策略的研究 (40)4.1.2 瞬时值比较方式的MATLAB实现 (42)4.2直流侧电压稳定性控制 (43)4.2.1 直流侧电压波动的原因 (43)4.2.2 直流侧电压控制策略 (43)4.2.3 模糊PI控制的实现 (44)4.3 本章小结 (46)第五章并联型有源电力滤波器仿真研究 (48)5.1 并联型有源电力滤波器主要参数设计 (48)25.1.1 电压型PWM逆变器的数学模型的建立 (48)5.1.2 主电路直流侧电容的选取 (50)5.1.3 交流侧电感的选取 (51)5.1.4 串联电抗器的选取 (52)5.2并联型有源电力滤波器基于MATLAB仿真 (53)5.2.1 仿真模型的参数选定 (53)5.2.2 仿真结果分析 (53)第六章总结与展望 (56)参考文献 (58)致谢 (62)攻读硕士期间发表的论文及参与的项目 (62)34摘要近年来由于电力电子等非线性设备的大规模使用,在电网中产生了大量的谐波,致使电网污染日益严重,并对人们的日常生产和生活造成了极大的危害,因此采取必要的措施来抑制谐波、提高电能质量已刻不容缓。



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参考文献[ 2 ] [ 3 ]有源滤波器没有高效率,每个有源滤波器的输出电流都被优化以便使有源滤波器有最大的效率和最小的电源的谐波电流畸变率。







Adaptire interference canceling technique ir widely used in recent years [31. It can keep the system in the best operating state by continuously self-studying and self- adjusting from start to end. The basic noise- canceling situation i6 illustrated in Figure 1. A signal is transmitted over a channel to a sensor that receives the signal plus an uncorrelated noise, I %.The combined signal and noise, stno, form the 'primary input' to the canceler. A second sensor receives a noise n,whlch is uncorrelated with the signal but correlated in BOW) unknown ray with the noise no. This sensor provides the "reference input" to the canceler. The noise nl is filtered to produce an output y that is an
fundamental or active current. In this paper, distortion current is defined as the sum of all harmon ic current components and harmful current is defined as the sun of distortion current and rective current. So it is signif icant to research the instantaneous detecting technique for harmonic and reactive currents. Conventional detecting methods hare s m limitations unovercomsd. These method are easily affected by voltage distortion, and their detecting systems are open loop system, which are sensitive to parameters of the elements and operating conditions, and this directly affects measur ing accuracy. This paper aims at overcoming limitations of these methods and presents an adaptive closed loop detecting method according to adaptive interference canceling theory. The method has been ver if ied through extensive eexper iments.



第38卷2010年8月云 南 电 力 技 术YUNNAN ELECTR I C POWER Vo l 38N o 4Aug 2010收稿日期:2010-06-15有源电力滤波器综述雷 鹏 刘柱揆 覃日升(云南电力试验研究院(集团)有限公司电力研究院,云南 昆明 650217)摘要:文中根据有源电力滤波器补偿系统的功率等级和响应速度、根据主电路的电路结构和连接方式、根据补偿变量三个方面对有源电力滤波器进行分类,并阐述各种有源电力滤波器的特点。

关键词:有源电力滤波器 电能质量 分类中图分类号:TM5 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1006-7345(2010)04-0043-041 前 言有源电力滤波器(A ctive Po w er F ilter ,APF)是改善和提高电能质量的有效手段之一,将APF 运用于电力系统,其补偿非线性负载产生的谐波和无功功率,从而使得电网电流波形保持正弦,有效提高电网的电能质量。

目前,有很多种方法对APF 进行分类,其中,可以根据补偿系统的功率等级和响应速度、根据主电路的电路结构和连接方式、根据补偿变量对APF 进行分类。

2 APF 分类方法2 1 根据功率等级和响应速度分类为了实现相应的补偿功能,补偿系统的功率等级和响应速度决定了APF 的控制策略。



图1 AP F 根据功率等级和响应速度的分类图2 1 1 低功率等级应用功率低于100kVA 的系统属于低功率等级应用,使用范围主要包括民用住宅、商业大楼、医院、小规模到中等规模的工业负载和驱动系统。

这些系统通常采用技术比较复杂的动态有源滤波器,尤其是多脉冲P WM 电压源逆变器或电流源逆变器系统,其响应时间比较短,系统的补偿功率也比较小。


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重庆科技学院学生毕业设计(论文)文献综述题目有源电力滤波器技术院(系)电子信息学院专业班级自普本05学生姓名金涛学号2005441140 指导教师(签字)有源滤波技术文献综述摘要:随着各种功率器件的广泛应用,大量的谐波和无功电流注入电网,引起电网污染,造成电网电能质量问题日益严重但电力电子装置自身所具有的非线性也使得电网的电压和电流发生畸变。



关键词:有源电力滤波器逆变器1 引言随着电力电子技术的飞速发展,越来越多的电力电子装置被广泛应用到各个领域,近年来配电网中整流器、变频调速装置、电弧炉等非线性负荷不断增加,这些负荷的非线性、冲击性和不平衡的用特性,使电网中暂态冲击、无功功率、高次谐波及三相不平衡问题日趋严重,对公用电网的供电质量造成了严重影响,因此,消除电网中的谐波污染已成为电能质量研究中的一个重要课题。
















1986年Akagi H.提出了并联型APF单独使用方式[3],它是最早期的有源滤波装置。

图1.1 单独使用的并联型APF这种方式的主电路结构简单,但由于逆变器直接承受基波电压,所以其成本高且不适合高电压系统的补偿。

为降低成本、减小逆变器的容量和适应高电压的要求,人们利用PF 的成本低的优点,提出了各种APF与PF混合使用方式。

1987年Takeda M.等人提出用并联型APF和并联PF相结合的混合型APF[7]。

图1.2 并联型APF+并联PF的HAPF该方式利用无源部分滤除了大部分的谐波,所以其有源部分的谐波容量较小,且PF能够提供一定的无功功率,但逆变器仍然直接承受了基波电压,所以功率开关器件的耐压等级并没有降低。

1990年Fujita H.等人提出将APF与PF相串联后与电网并联的混合型方案[8]。

图1.3 APF与PF串联后并联接入电网的HAPF这种方式利用无源部分承受了大部分的基波电压,所以逆变器承受的基波电压小,适合于高电压系统的应用。

但由于流过无源部分的基波电流都流入逆变器,所以不能利用PF 提供大容量的无功功率。




1994年,Akagi H.等提出一种将串联型APF和并联型APF进行混合的方式,也称为统一电能质量调节器(Unified Power Quality Conditioner,UPQC)[11]。

图1.4 并联型APF+串联型APF的HAPF这种方式从理论上讲,可以抑制电压闪变、电压波动、不对称和谐波,但由于采用了双逆变器,所以存在控制复杂和成本高的缺点。


图1.5 单独使用的串联型APF串联型APF单独使用方式能有效滤除电网的谐波电压,具有有源装置容量小和运行效率高等优点,但存在绝缘强度高、难以适应线路故障条件以及不能进行无功功率动态补偿等缺点,且负载的基波电流全都流过连接用的变压器,其工程实用性受到限制。

在串联型APF单独使用方式基础上发展出的串联型APF混合型结构[13,14],也都同样存在绝缘强度高和难以适应线路故障的缺点总结与展望本论文立足于有源电力滤波器的工业应用,对有源电力滤波器控制器的硬件模块构成、软件实现方法进行了详细的探讨当然,随着先进工业技术的发展,有源滤波器无论从设计上,还是从控制上都会不断得到提高,本文也只是有源电力滤波器技术研究的局部结合论文完成过程中遇到的困难以及实际工程实践中积累的经验,个人认为还有必要进行以下几方面的深入研究:(1)控制器的快速响应及装置的兼容性(2)降低有源滤波器的开关损耗(3)抑制有源滤波器的电磁干扰(4)进一步提高有源电力滤波器的可靠性参考文献[1]Sasaki H, Machida T. A New Method to Eliminate AC Harmonic Currents byMagnetic Compensation Consideration on Basic Design. IEEE Trans. on PAS, 1971, 90(5):2009-2019[2]Gyugyi L, Strycula E C. Active AC Power Filters. In: Proceedings ofIEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, 1976: 529-535[3]Akagi H,Kanazawa Y,Nabae A. Generalized theory of the instantaneousreactive power in three-phase circuits. In: IEEE & JIEE. Proceedingd IPEC.Tokyo: IEEE 1983.[4]陈国柱, 吕征宇, 钱照明. 50kVA变频调速器谐波的混合有源滤波. 电气传动, 2002年第3期:31~35[5]卓放, 杨君, 胡君飞, 王兆安. 30KVA并联型有源电力滤波器装置的研制.电工技术杂志, 2000.4:13~15[6]陶骏. HT-7U高功率电源系统无功功率补偿与谐波抑制的研究. 中科院等离子体物理所博士学位论文.[7]M. Takeda, K. Ikeda, and Y. Tominaga, Harmonic Current Compensation withan Active Filter, in Conf. Rec. of IEEE-IAS, 1987, pp. 808~815.[8]Fujita H, Akagi H. A Practical Approach to Harmonic Compensation in PowerSystems-Series Connection of Passive and Active Filters. In: IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conference Record, 1990: 1107~1112[9]Atosuo N, Kiyoshi O. Active filter with series resonant circuit. IEEE PESC 88Record, APRIL 1988:1168~1175.[10]Noriaki T, Yoshiya O. Active Filter with Series LC Circuit. Proceedings ofIEEE ICHPS VI, Bologna, 1994[11]Akagi H, et al. A New Power Line Conditioner for Harmonic Compensation inPower Systems. IEEE Trans. on PWRD, 1995, 10 (3): 1570~1575[12]Peng F Z, Akagi H, Nabae A. A New Approach to Harmonic Compensation inPower System. In: IEEE IAS Conference Record, 1988. 874~880[13]Peng F Z, Akagi H, Nabae A. A New Approach to Harmonic Compensation inPower System-A Combined System of Shunt Passive and Series Active Filters.IEEE Trans. on IA, 1990, 26 (6): 983~990[14]Peng F Z, Lai J S. Application Considerations and CompensationCharacteristics of Shunt Active and Series Active Filters in Power Systems.Proceedings of IEEE ICHQP VII, Las Vegas, NV, 1996。
