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Time sensitive 时间上棘手

Get a hold of 找到

Pretty sure 相称必定

Time slot 时间段

Right off the bat 立即

Be green 没有经验

X:00 sharp X 点整

No kidding 不是开玩笑

Up in the air 悬而未决

Cut sb. Slack 放某人一马Heavy meal 有点腻菜

Jet lag 时差

Are you serious?你开玩笑吗?Brand new 崭新

can’t wait any longer 不能等太久

ASAP 尽量快地

away from one’s desk 不在办公室

feel free 随时

bulk orders 大订单

staying in budget 没有超过预算be nuts 发疯

+about 热衷于,狂热于business proposal 商业提案stressed out 筋疲力尽

foot the bill 买单

annual conference 年会

go back and forth 来来往往地get down to earth 脚踏实地dress down 穿寻常衣服

Make under one’s name 以某人名字登记

check in(旅馆、飞机等)登记single /double bed 单/双人床Non-smoking room 无烟房间Subway line 地铁线

Head back 返程

Hop on 换乘

Figure out 理解

check out 付账离开旅馆standard room 原则间

subway station 地铁站

transfer station 中转站

on one’s own 独自地

ride on 乘

follow the crowd 随大流Financial advisor 财政顾问Right here 正好

Quality control 质量控制

I’ll bet 我敢打赌,我敢说…. Plastic surgeon 整形外科医生once in a while 间或,偶尔check in counter 检票口

next to nothing 差不多没有

you guys 你们这些人

limited edition 限量版

go in the hole 亏本

fill a vacancy 弥补空缺

hold a meeting 开会

have say 有发言权

executive branch 行政层opening exercises 揭幕典礼fiscal year 财政年

make it out 成功

factory site 工厂test cubicle 测试台

do the math 自己算算,自己想想West Coast 西海岸

hardly ever 几乎没有

go to press 发布消息

a few bucks 一点钱

pick up the tab 承担运费

in the neighborhood of 大概you have my word on it 你相信我,我保证

financial statement 财务报告hold stock 持有股票

hot shot 关注焦点

get down to the nitty-gritty 归根结底

at ease 无拘无束

In line with 符合

go for 尝试

take off like a rocket 像火箭同样急速上升

main point 要点

domestic and overseas 国内外

see success 见证成功

slow starter 起步慢

get back 取回,回答production date 生产日期customer base 顾客群,顾客基本to a fair degree 在很大限度上file cabinet 文献柜immediate supervisor 直接主管standard procedure 原则程序Show sb. the ropes 告以内情

a ton of 大量

Clean off one’s desk 解决手头未完毕工作

Behind schedule 落后于预定put in overtime 加班

no time to lose 抓紧时间competitive advantage 竞争优势

make leeway 留余地

boost sales 增长销售额

bog down 陷入困境

subject line 主题词get the word out 传达信息send along 发送

better safe than sorry 宁愿稳妥免致后悔

spite sb.激怒某人

a consignment/shipment of 一批货品

place regular orders 订立长期合同

specialize in 专营

be subject to 有…倾向;从属于

at the very first time 最开始Accounts Department 会计部The law 警方

cut down on 减少

be a drag 无聊或令人厌倦事right from the top 直接从最上面开始

market penetration 市场渗入wider range 范畴广

address problems 解决问题
