
《简爱》英文读后感范文1 Jane. Love living in a parents,sponsor, grew up under the environment of treatment with peers,aunt abandon, cousin contempt, cousin insults and beating of a child… this is the dignity of the ruthletrample, but perhaps because it all, Jane. Love and faith of infinite indomitable spirit, a kind of inner personality can win.In rochester, she never because he is a teacher and the family status meanness, but that they feel inferior is equal. Should not because she is a servant, but not respected by others. Also because of her integrity, noble and pure heart, no pollution, secular society for the shock, and rochester her as a spiritual and equality in the conversation, and slowly and deeply in love with her.Jane eyre itself to us is a kind of simplified,is a fanpiaoguizhen, is a kind of pursuit of whole heart feeling,is a kind of simplified feelings and neglected, it is like a cup of water,purify every reader’s heart,also causereaders, especially female readers.《简爱》英文读后感范文 2 Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring,small in body but huge in soul,obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book,after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes,for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a panion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence.When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a prettyface or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply,but a huge charm of her personality.《简爱》英文读后感范文3 Jane Eyre was published in 1847 under the androgynous pseudonym of “Currer Bell.”The publication was followed by widespread success. Utilizing two literary traditions, the Bildungsroman and the Gothic novel,Jane Eyre is a powerful narrative with profound themes concerning genders, family, passion, and identity. It is unambiguously one of the most celebrated novels in British literature.Born in 1816, Charlotte Bronte was the third daughter of Patrick Bronte,an ambitious and intelligent clergyman. According to Newsman, all the Bronte children were unusually precocious and almost ferociously intelligent,and their informal and unorthodox educations under their father’s tutelage nurtured these traits. Patrick Bronte shared his interests in literature with his children, toward whom he behaved as though they were his intellectual equals.The Bronte children read voraciously. Charlotte’s imagination was especially fired by the poetry of Byron, whose brooding heroes served as the prototypes for characters in the Bronte’s juvenile writings as well as for such figures as Mr.Rochester in Jane Eyre 。

2022年简爱读后感英语精彩10篇(范文推荐)简爱读后感英语篇一JaneEyreisayoungorphanbeingraisedbyMrs.Reed,hercruel,wealthyaunt.AservantnamedB essieprovidesJanewithsomeofthefewkindnessesshereceives,tellingherstoriesandsingings ongstoher.Oneday,aspunishmentforfightingwithherbullyingcousinJohnReed,Jane’sauntim prisonsJaneinthered-room,theroominwhichJane’sUncleReeddied.Whilelockedin,Jane,believingthatsheseesheru ncle’sghost,screamsandfaints.ShewakestofindherselfinthecareofBessieandthekindlyapo thecaryMr.Lloyd,whosuggeststoMrs.ReedthatJanebesentawaytoschool.ToJane’sdelight,Mr s.Reedconcurs.OnceattheLowoodSchool,Janefindsthatherlifeisfarfromidyllic.Theschool’sheadmast erisMr.Brocklehurst,acruel,hypocritical,andabusiveman.Brocklehurstpreachesadoctrine ofpovertyandprivationtohisstudentswhileusingtheschool’sfundstoprovideawealthyandop ulentlifestyleforhisownfamily.AtLowood,JanebefriendsayounggirlnamedHelenBurns,whose strong,martyrlikeattitudetowardtheschool’smiseriesisbothhelpfulanddispleasingtoJan e.AmassivetyphusepidemicsweepsLowood,andHelendiesofconsumption.Theepidemicalsoresul tsinthedepartureofMr.BrocklehurstbyattractingattentiontotheinsalubriousconditionsatLowood. AfteragroupofmoresympatheticgentlementakesBrocklehurst’splace,Jane’slifeimprovesd ramatically.ShespendseightmoreyearsatLowood,sixasastudentandtwoasateacher.Afterteachingfortwoyears,Janeyearnsfornewexperiences.Sheacceptsa governepositionatamanorcalledThornfield,wheresheteachesalivelyFrenchgirlnamedAdèle.ThedistinguishedhousekeeperMrs.Fairf-axpresidesovertheestate.Jane’semployeratThornfieldisadark,impassionedmannamedRoche ster,withwhomJanefindsherselffallingsecretlyinlove.ShesavesRochesterfromafireonenig ht,whichheclaimswasstartedbyadrunkenservantnamedGracePoole.ButbecauseGracePoolecont inuestoworkatThornfield,Janeconcludesthatshehasnotbeentoldtheentirestory.Janesinksi ntodespondencywhenRochesterbringshomeabeautifulbutviciouswomannamedBlancheIngram.JaneexpectsRochestertoproposetoBlanche.ButRochesterinsteadproposestoJane,whoacceptsal mostdisbelievingly.Theweddingdayarrives,andasJaneandMr.Rochesterpreparetoexchangetheirvows,thevoic eofMr.MasoncriesoutthatRochesteralreadyhasawife.Masonintroduceshimselfasthebrothero fthatwife—awomannamedBertha.Mr.MasontestifiesthatBertha,whomRochestermarriedwhenhewasayoungma ninJamaica,isstillalive.RochesterdoesnotdenyMason’sclaims,butheexplainsthatBerthahasgonemad.Hetakesthe weddingpartybacktoThornfield,wheretheywitnetheinsaneBerthaMasonscurryingaroundonall foursandgrowlinglikeananimal.RochesterkeepsBerthahiddenonthethirdstoryofThornfielda ndpaysGracePooletokeephiswifeundercontrol.Berthawastherealcauseofthemysteriousfiree arlierinthestory.KnowingthatitisimpossibleforhertobewithRochester,JanefleesThornfie ld.《简爱》英语读后感篇二theThinkingofJANEEYREDuringthewintervacationIreadabooknamedJANEEYRE,andIdidthinkandgetalot.AfterIclo sedthecoversofthebook,Ifeltlikehavingalongjourneyofthespirit.JaneEyre,hasleftussomu chtorecallandtothink.Godhadn’tgivenherbeautyandwealth,butinstead,Godgaveherakindmindandathinkingbra in.Whenwethinkofthisgirl,whatshegaveuswasnotaprettyfaceoratranscendenttemperamentth atmakeusadmiredeeply,butahugecharmofherpersonality.《简爱》英文读后感带翻译篇三"Janeeyre"isaverygoodbook,ismyfavoritebook."Janeeyre"thisbookisthegreatwritercharlotteBronte'sfamouswork,isalsoafamousnove l.Inthenovel,shejoinedtheownlifebackground,succeededinshapingtheJaneeyrethishaveide al,haveambition,haveindividualcharacterofwoman,youlove.Janeeyreparentsearlydeathinmyuncle,myuncledied,afterherauntsendshertoanorphanag e,cametothornefield,whentheherohometutor,MrRoachdepartmentMrRoacheccentric,aftersev eralcontact,Janeeyrefellinlovewithhim.Whentheirwedding,masoncameintopointedoutthatt hecastleatticroomisaroach,amadwoman,thewifeofMr,Janewouldnotasamistress,leftthethor nefield.Cametoaremoteplacewiththehelpofthepriestsfoundavillageteacherprofession.Whe nthepriestaskedJanegotmarried,sheremindedMrRoachdivision.Whenbacktothornestoletheca stleisinruins.JaneeyretoFinn,MrRoach,livetotheroachMrForrest'sarms.。

简爱英语读后感1‘WE ARE EQUAL!’ When these three words came out of the plain-looking girl’s mouth, the whole world was shocked.We have good reason to be shocked——deprived of family happiness from an early age, with neither beauty nor wealth to speak of, Jane Eyre seems to be never destined to bee the heroine shining in the spotlight we often read about in romances——but is there really such a thing called destiny? At least Jane doesn’t think so. She is not pretty; she is not rich; she is a mere ordinary governess, so what? As an individual human existence, she has dignity as well as anyone else, so she deserves the chance to love and to be loved as well as anyone else! Despite her short, delicate body, her soul is not the least weaker than others’——even greater than most of them. The moment she said the three powerful words to Mr. Rochester proudly and steadily, her pale face must have been sparkling with sacredness, which would have made her the most beautiful woman ever, because the beauty of independence is eternal. With this spirit of independence she not only gained herself love, respect and happiness but also proved to the world that nobody is second class——unless you believe yourself to be.Hundreds of thousands of ordinary girls that usually get neglected in life——me included——love and admire Jane deeply because she inspires and encourages us to strive for ourlife goals against all odds bravely. She is a role model, an idol in our hearts but at the same time a friend, a big sister next door who’s not at all cold and distant, always ready and willing to stand by our side whenever we are in trouble. Every time when I feel inferior, puzzled and lose faith in myself and the strength to carry on the life path already chosen, Jane, my dear friend’s determined face and forceful words on that serene summer night would emerge inside my mind, which never failed to relight my fire of passion. Oh, how I long to be like her.But it’s not that I totally believe in her life story, by which I mean I don’t think the story of hers can happen to anybody. To me, it’s somewhat like a fairy tale that begins with ‘long long ago’ and ends with ‘ever after’,in which the prince and princess, though having suffered much in the process of getting together, would always end up in a harmonious marriage and enjoy all the best life has to offer. Being an obscure girl herself, the author Charlotte Bronte was so generous as to have provided our dear Jane a Mr. Rochester who loves her just the way she is, appreciates her unique character and a kindhearted family (later proved to be her relatives)that took her in when she was helpless and offered her a job to support herself. In reality, not every Jane Eyre can meet the proper people at the right time, just as not every ugly duckling can turn into a graceful swan——it may depend on a matter of luck. If you are too obsessed with fairy tales, you are very likely to feel disappointed and deceived by the not-so-perfect everyday life. But what are fairy tales for? We love to read them and we tend to believe in them even though we know they are not real. Sometimes we do need a little romantic daydream as seasonings in the routine of life, and we also need an ideal to believe in, a creed to live by, and a northernstar to show us directions on the long journey.That’s maybe what Jane Eyre is for——it gives numerous mon girls a possibility to look forward to, a life to reach for, and above all, a positive attitude to face all odds to encounter. Perhaps we can’t all have her luck, but we can have her independence, confidence, persistence, the courage of standing up to fight for ourselves against those seemingly taller than us, and the faith that we can finally win because WE ARE EQUAL.简爱英语读后感2Recently, I have reading the book "Jane Eyre”。

《简爱》英语读后感1 "Jane eyre" this a masterpiece of world literature treasure house,was I found recently.I carefully read."Jane love" Britain is the author of charlotte.Bronte,she was born in a mountain town of Thornton,Yorkshire,England,is the village priest Patrick.Brontes third child.Charlotte in August 1847,written in the novel "Jane love".Jane eyre main story to tell the story of the little girl Jane grew up from the girl.Jane eyre from childhood,no parents,adopted by kissing my uncle.Jane eyre died uncle,aunt,all the ter,Jane eyre was sent to an orphanage,living in there for eight years.And then,Jane went to a governess,finally married to Mr.Rochester.I like the fifth chapter: to longwood (lowood orphanage).At the time,JianGang to the orphanage,she experienced a very hard day.The orphanage children a week can eat no more than two bread and cheese and coffee,and they eat the burned out of porridget reply,up to very late every day in the morning to wait until the water washing a face,the teacher is very strict,do something wrong will be standing in the hall,but things have one teacher,miss Tan Bo son has broken some rules,let the students live a better life.Jane eyres misfortune makes me feel: it was a wonderful life now,we should cherish the life now.Setbacks are not strong.《简爱》英语读后感 2 《Jane Eyre》is a novel with a propensity for autobiography.Its writer,Charlotte Bronte,was born in a poor and calamitous family.They lived in a remote and backward place.It was when the revolution was in progress.The country was changing from agriculture to industry and the newly emerging bourgeoisie were expanding.These all left marks in the novel.The novel mainly describes the complicated love story between Jane Eyre and Rochester to portray a strong woman who was born humbly and lived difficultly but always persist to uphold her independent personality and pursue free individuality and advocate the equality of human life.Jane Eyre lived under another’s roof with her parents both dead.She bore different treatment form contemporaries’: Aunt’s disliking and avoiding her; cousins’ disdain,insult and beating.However,she was not desperate or didn’t destroy herself or sink into those insults.All of the misfortunes bring Jane infinite confidence,sturdy spirit and a kind of inside personality strength which can’t be defeated.When facing Rochester,Jane never feel herself inferior because of she was a humble family teacher.She thought they were equal and she shouldn’t be disrespected because she was a servant.It was her being upright,noble,and pure that made Rochester get shocked and regard her as one can talk equally with himself in spirit.And he fell in love with her gradually.His true heart moved her and she accepted him.But when Janeknew Rochester had a wife already,she decided she must leave.She felt her pride was hurt since she loved Rochester deeply.And she made a pretty rational decision.When there was a strong power of love and a allure of nice and wealthy life,she still insist on her individual pride.This is what reflected Jane’s spirit glamour most.《简爱》英语读后感3 Jane Eyre,is a poor but aspiring,small in body but huge insoul,obscure but self-respecting girl.After we close the covers of the book,after having a long journey of the spirit,Jane Eyre,a marvelous figure,has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes,for someone who despised her for her ordinariness,and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice.It’s like a companion with the goodness.But still,a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality.In her opinion,everyone is the same at the God’s feet.Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance,but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life,her toughness and her confidence…When we think of this girl,what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply,but a huge charm of her ersonality.Actually,she wasn’t pretty,and of course,the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her,even her own aunt felt disgusted with it.And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease,so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre,she seemed quite contemptuous,for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’.But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little,I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind.God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth,but instead,God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain.Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.In my mind,though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming,if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance,such as beauty cannot last for,when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity,it’s not true,they will like the person no more.For a long time,only a person’s GREat virtue,a noble soul,a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY,just as Kahill Gibran has said,that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’.I can feel that how beauty really is,as we are all fleshly men,so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness,but fleshly men,so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness,but as there are great differences in our souls,and from that,we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary,and even obscure,that is,whether he is beautiful or not.Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience,at least,that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.《简爱》英语读后感4 Jane Eyre is a young orphan being raised by Mrs.Reed,her cruel,wealthy aunt.A servant named Bessie provides Jane with some of the few kindnesses she receives,telling her stories and singing songs to her.One day,as punishment for fighting with her bullying cousin John Reed,Jane’s aunt imprisons Jane in the red-room,the room in which Jane’s Uncle Reed died.While locked in,Jane,believing that she sees her uncle’s ghost,screams and faints.She wakes to find herself in the care of Bessie and the kindly apothecary Mr.Lloyd,who suggests to Mrs.Reed that Jane be sent away to school.To Jane’s delight,Mrs.Reed concurs.Once at the Lowood School,Jane finds that her life is far from idyllic.The school’s headmaster is Mr.Brocklehurst,a cruel,hypocritical,and abusive man.Brocklehurst preaches adoctrine of poverty and privation to his students while using the school’s funds to provide a wealthy and opulent lifestyle for his own family.At Lowood,Jane befriends a young girl named Helen Burns,whose strong,martyrlike attitude toward the school’s miseries is both helpful and displeasing to Jane.A massive typhus epidemic sweeps Lowood,and Helen dies of consumption.The epidemic also results in the departure of Mr.Brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at Lowood.After a group of more sympathetic gentlemen takes Brocklehurst’s place,Jane’s life improves dramatically.She spends eight more years at Lowood,six as a student and two as a teacher.After teaching for two years,Jane yearns for new experiences.She accepts a governeposition at a manor called Thornfield,where she teaches a lively French girl named Adèle.The distinguished housekeeper Mrs.Fairf-ax presides over the estate.Jane’s employer at Thornfield is a dark,impassioned man named Rochester,with whom Jane finds herself falling secretly in love.She saves Rochester from a fire one night,which he claims was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole.But because Grace Poole continues to work at Thornfield,Jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story.Jane sinks into despondency when Rochester brings home a beautiful but vicious woman named Blanche Ingram.Jane expects Rochester to propose to Blanche.But Rochester instead proposes to Jane,who accepts almost disbelievingly.The wedding day arrives,and as Jane and Mr.Rochester prepare to exchange their vows,the voice of Mr.Mason cries out that Rochester already has a wife.Mason introduces himself as the brother of that wife a woman named Bertha.Mr.Mason testifies that Bertha,whom Rochester married when he was a young man in Jamaica,is still alive.Rochester does not deny Mason’s claims,but he explains that Bertha has gone mad.He takes the wedding party back to Thornfield,where they witnethe insane Bertha Mason scurrying around on all fours and growling like an animal.Rochester keeps Bertha hidden on the third story of Thornfield and pays Grace Poole to keep his wife under control.Bertha was the real cause of the mysterious fire earlier in the story.Knowing that it is impossible for her to be with Rochester,Jane flees Thornfield.Pennileand hungry,Jane is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food.At last,three siblings who live in a manor alternatively called Marsh End and Moor House take her in.Their names are Mary,Diana,and St.John (pronounced “Sinjin”) Rivers,and Jane quickly becomes friends with them.St.John is a clergyman,and he finds Jane a job teaching at a charity school in Morton.He surprises her one day by declaring that her uncle,John Eyre,has died and left her a large fortune: 20,000 pounds.When Jane asks how he received this news,he shocks her further by declaring that her uncle was also his uncle: Jane and the Riverses are cousins.Jane immediately decides to share her inheritance equally with her three newfound relatives.《简爱》英语读后感5 《Jane Eyre》is a great novel which was written by Charotte Bronte,the famous woman author,in1847.Jane Eyre was an orphan and she have to lived in her aunt’s home.She was terribly treated by her aunt.She is longing for freedom.After graduated from Lowood,a boarding school,she became a tutor and began to teach in Thornfield.At Thornfield,the owner of the hall,and Jane began to love each ether.But when they were at the wedding,someone brought a message which said that has married.Jane got a shock and leave suffered much misfortune.She became rich and gentility.But she went back to the side of who needed help and love.Jane Eyre is neither gentility nor beautiful at first.But she is full of love and abhor evil as a deadly foe.She excused her aunt and pursued true love,so she refused St.John’s proposing.Jane Eyre’s rough live was very similar with Charlotte Bronte’s.Charlotte used Jane’s mouth expatiated her idea-freedom,true love,equality,respect.and peaceful life.These seems easy to get,but they are the most valuable things in the world.《简爱》英语读后感6 As Jane Eyre,in her plainness and solitude,walks to and fro in the Thornfield Hall,her unfortunate childhood,conflicting love,and religious forbiddance all cannot stop her seeking a better life and cherishing the human nature.She broke loose the chains that jailed her spirit,and through her struggles she overcame the poverty,customs,social standards,and piety which all blocked her from her dream of happiness,and finally became the master of herself! It could be said that Janes life was earned through retaliation and pursuit,that she fought tooth and nail until the sunlight was won.The sunlight now in her palm,shines brightly unto her!In fact,one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm.I always think in a difficult situation,if and when the hardships of this life is done,if and when the road of time no longer curves,if and when I try my best to walk to the end,will I be able to see the blinding sunlight? For the most important meaning in life is that,struggling through your trials you realize the value of your life,while taking away all the bitter misfortunes.Only then will we see the true radiance of the golden sun.《简爱》英语读后感7 Today,see the "Jane eyre" this book,I felt the tragic fate of the heroine Jane eyre and her brave the spirit of the pursuit of their own destiny.This book mainly said the heroine Jane eyre heavy small lost parents,foster care in my aunts home,though every effort,but still difficult to please my aunts ter,she was sent to a charity school,keep on studying hard work in extreme conditions,charity school after graduation,Jane eyre,summon up courage to meet new life for tutors to thornfield manor,when she won the love,a hide secret for 15 years and has defeated the wedding,but Jane is not to give up,but then started a new life.See the book,I was painful for the heros tragic fate,and was shocked by her not to give up the spirit of,Jane eyre tells us that even the most ordinary person,have their own courage,love and dignity.Jane eyre journal 200 words only for your reference,wish everybody study progress and have more harvest!《简爱》英语读后感8 This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.It seems to me that many readers’ English reading experience starts with Jane Eyer.I am of no exception.As we refer to the movie “Jane Eyer”,it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way,but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person,both physically and mentally.Jane Eyer was a born resister,whose parents went off when she was very young,and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag.Since Jane’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began,she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person,just the same as any other girl around.The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward ofrevolting the ruthless oppression,Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden.There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden’s owner,Rochester,a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.Jane expected to change the life from then on,but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry,she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife,who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time ----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation.Jane did want to give him a hand,however,she made up her mind to leave,because she didn’t want to betray her own principles,because she was Jane Eyer.The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned.After finding Rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife,Jane chose to stay with him forever.I don’t know what others feel,but frankly speaking,I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film’s end----especially when I heard Jane’s words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing,this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another,this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get.But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story,but also we may see from the next transition of Jane’s life that “Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you would get.” (By Forrest Gump’s mother,in the film “Forrest Gump”)What’s more,this film didn’t end when Jane left Thornfield.For Jane Eyer herself,there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude,but for Rochester,how he can get salvation? The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester.In fact,when Jane met Rochester for the first time,she scared his horse and made his heel strained,to a certain extent,which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane.We can consider Rochester’s experiences as that of religion meaning.The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life.After it,Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved.Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides.The value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion《简爱》英语读后感9 《Jane Eyre》Written by Charlotte Bronte 《Jane Eyre》is the greatest love story ever told and is a literary work which has a long history .《Jane Eyre》explains such an attitude: human beings’ value equals to self-esteem plus love.The author of 《Jane Eyre》――Charlotte Bronte and the author of 《Wuthering Heights》――Emily Jane Bronte are sisters.Although they lived under the same circumstances,they owned totally different characters.Charlotte Bronte is gentler than Emily Jane Bronte.She was so poor when she was young and she nearly could not feel her parents’ love,in addition that she was not attractive and was very short,so all of these reflected her self-humiliation.She had a strong sense of self-esteem,and she often compensated the self-humiliation of her self-esteem.She described Jane Eyre,in fact,she wrote herself.Jane Eyre was as common as Charlotte Bronte,and she kept going after a kind of free,bright and beautiful life because of herself-esteem.However,the two sisters passed away in their golden times.It seems the God who doesn’t like them that he punished them and destroyed them.What a pity! The main idea of《Jane Eyre》is to build a strong and independent woman according to describe a complicated love story between Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester.Jane Eyre was born in a poor family and she lost her parents in her early age.Therefore,she had to depend on others for a living.She bore her aunt’s abandon,her sister’s disgust as well as her brother’s insult.However,she did not despair,and she did not self-destruction.On the contrary,she stuck to struggle with everything and achieved the success at last.It is a power of love.Unfortunately,in her daily life of the school,she was often insulted and scolded by the Providers and always bore the physical and spiritual torments.But she did not give up but made a great progress.Finally,she obtained her teachers and classmates’ understanding.Shortly,Jane Eyre came across another difficulty that was she fell in love with Rochester.Her strong personality made her maintain the personal dignity.When she faced her rival in love Yinggelamug,she was not inferior to the aggressive girl.Similarly,in the face of Rochester,she never felt shameful owe to she is a family teacher.The other way round,she considered they were equal and should be respected by others.It is because of her integrity,noble,pure and soul without secular social pollution.Rochester was moved by her greatest respect and deeply in love with her.He was sincere,so she accepted ter,Jane Eyre found Rochester had a wife,so she decided to leave him without any hesitation.It shows her self-esteem again.At last,when Jane knew that Rochester was disabled and blind in order to rescue his wife,she returned to his embrace again.From this book,it can be reflected in the emergent shape of a female image in the industrial revolution era.Novel design a very bright end.Although Rochester ruined the estate,he became a disability,but we see that Jane Eyre was no longer in contradiction between self-esteem and love.She satisfied herself and Rochester in the end.From all the things,I believe nothing’s gonna change the love for everyone,it is mere confidence.Novel tells us that the best life is human beings’ dignity and love,the outcome of the novel arranged heroine a perfect life.Although I feel that this conclusion is too perfect,even this in itself marked a shallow,but I still respect the author for such a good life ideals — is the dignity and love,after all,in today’s society,people often require money to pay the help.Choose between poor and rich is the main factor to choose whether love or not.Few will abandon the wealth because of love like Jane Eyre.So it is like a cup of ice that cleans up every reader’s mind,while causing readers,especially female readers’ resonance.《简爱》英语读后感10 "Jane eyre" is a very good book,is my favorite book."Jane eyre" this book is the great writer charlotte Brontes famous work,is also a famous novel.In the novel,she joined the own life background,succeeded in shaping the Jane eyre this have ideal,have ambition,have individual character of woman,you love.Jane eyre parents early death in my uncle,my uncle died,after her aunt sends her to an orphanage,came to thorne field,when the hero home tutor,Mr Roach department Mr Roach eccentric,after several contact,Jane eyre fell in love with him.When their wedding,mason came into pointed out that the castle attic room is a roach,a mad woman,the wife of Mr,Jane would not as a mistress,left the thorne field.Came to a remote place with the help of the priests found a village teacher profession.When the priest asked Jane got married,she reminded Mr Roach division.When back to thorne stole the castle is in ruins.Jane eyre to Finn,Mr Roach,live to theroach Mr Forrests arms.After reading this book,appearance is ordinary to my heart as if added a confidence,because it is I understand the connotation of the rich more than the beauty of appearance.I believe that the writing can bring women a lot of enlightenment,also,it can also become our younger generation on the life philosophy of revelation.It is not only the face of love,people should show the dignity,more let a person produce such a belief,that is in the life,autonomy,self-reliance,self-esteem makes people believe that their own ability,frequency more courage to strive for success and dignity.《简爱》英语读后感11 I have finished reading Jane Eyre today with a sincere admiration for Janes love.She is my example.Jane is not beautiful enough,but it is not because it is beautiful,but because it is lovely and beautiful.The elegance of the temperament,the gentle life of the wave of personality,have their own views.These are the most valuable things for women.I love to see Jane Eyre in the period of learning Rohault De.She tried to inspire me with an upward spirit.There is a love story with Mr.Rochester,which is the process of true love.It will be enough for a man to have such a great love in his life.It makes people feel the value and meaning of survival,why people live and how people live.Book review: we hope that everyone will read such works,in order to improve our self-cultivation,interests,morality,ability of heart.。

《简爰》英文读后感带翻译(精选10篇)《简爱》英文读后感带翻译2《简爰》英文读后感带翻译4《简爱》英文读后感带翻译5《简爱》英文读后感带翻译6《简爱》英文读后感带翻译10The human brain needs a constant supply of nourishment, and nourishment comes from books. Summer naturally to read some masterpieces, these days, I read one of the worlds top ten masterpieces of Jane Eyre.This book tells the story of a girl in the difficult life environment tenacious growth, the final metamorphosis into a personal charm of the excellent female story. The most attractive part of this story is the setting of the heroine, Jane Eyre. Her personality is sometimes complicated to be difficult to understand, and sometimes simple to be able to see through at a glance. She was an unusual person, and when she was sent to the prison camp-like school, she was fed little and unpalatable food. Here she met a friend unfortunately will die of disease, Jane Eyre quietly slipped to her bedside;with her until death. In the trapped in her little bit of growth, finally found the love of their own people.In the process of growing up, you may be spite, disgust, frustration, trampled all over the body hurt, but as long as strong, there will always be ahappy and happy ending.人的大脑需要源源不断的养分,养分来自于书本儿。

《JaneEyre》简爱读后感英文版第一篇:《Jane Eyre》简爱读后感英文版《简·爱》作者简介:Charlotte “Jane Eyre” Brontë(1816-1854)Charlotte Brontë was born 21 April 1816, third of the six children of Patrick Brontë and Maria Branwell Brontë.The major event of her young life was the death of her mother in 1821, whichcreated a lot of chaos.In 1824, Charlotte and her two older sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, were sent to the newly-opened Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters' School.Conditions there were bad even by the standards of the time, and it was not long before both Maria and Elizabeth became ill enough to be sent home, where they both died of consumption in the spring of1825.Patrick brought Charlotte and her younger sister Emily, who had recently joined them at the school, back home as soon as the other girls became ill, but Charlotte in particular never forgot what the school had been like.The surviving kids all became each others' best friends.They created the kingdom of Gondal and wrote all kinds of epic stories and poems set in that realm.Charlotte and Branwell were in charge of Angria proper, while Emily and Anne(the youngest)ran the neighboring kingdom of Gondal.Charlotte's next adventure was going to school in Brussels with Emily in 1842.Charlotte's time there was brief, less than two years, but it led to her eventual writing of Villette beginning in 1852.Back home, Charlotte lapsed into chronic unemployment and severe hypochondria, actually thinking she was going blind, just like her father was.In 1846 the three sisters published a book of Poems, and though sales werevery slow, the reviews were good and spurred on further literary endeavours.Charlotte's novel of this time, The Professor, was actually rather bad, suffering from a less-than-believeable main character.In August of 1846 Charlotte began work on Jane Eyre.Though it was published in 1847, Charlotte didn't tell her father about it until the next year, when the novel's success was plain.内容梗概:When the novel begins, Jane is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her.As the novel progresses, she grows in strength.She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities.As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester.After being deceived by him, she goes to Marsh End, where she regains her spiritual focus and discovers her own strength when she rejects St.John River’s marriage proposal.By novel’s end she has become a powerful, independent woman, blissfully married to the man she loves, Rochester.经典语段:You think because I'm poor, I'm plain, I have no feelings? I promise you, if god is gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should make it does as hard for you to leave me just as for me to leave you now, but he didn not.If my spirit can address yours, as we both pass the grave stood before him equal.你以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你把,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你。

《简爱》读后感英文带翻译(精彩10篇)《简爱》英文读后感篇一This is a novel with a strong romantic realism, the noveldescribes the love of Jane Eyre and Rochester. Jane Eyre is a pure heart, womenare good at thinking, she lives in the bottom of society, suffered hardships.But she has a stubborn character and the courage to pursue the spirit ofequality and happiness. The technique of lyric novel by rich and profound anddelicate psychological description, introduced into the resort shows theheroine of tortuous experience of love, praise from all the old customs andprejudices. Rooted in mutual understanding. On the basis of mutual respect ofdeep love, with a strong shock of the mind force. The most successful thing isto create a woman who dares to resist and dare to fight for freedom and peace。

《简爱》英文读后感范文3篇1. "Jane Eyre" – A Classic Tale of Love, Growth and Independence"Jane Eyre" is a classic novel that has long been regarded as a masterful work of literature. It is a story of love, growth, and independence, set against a powerful backdrop of Victorian society. Jane Eyre is an orphaned girl who grows up in a harsh and restrictive environment, but she remains strong-willed and determined to make her own way in the world. The novel is a journey of self-discovery and self-realization, as Jane struggles with her own passions, fears, and desires, and tries to find her place in the world.One of the strongest themes of "Jane Eyre" is the treatment of women in Victorian society. Bronte's portrayal of Jane's struggles to define herself and to assert her independence is a call to action for women everywhere. It is a novel that celebrates the power of individuality and the human spirit, and shows that even in the most difficult circumstances, we can find the strength to be ourselves.2. "Jane Eyre" – A Timeless Tale of Love and Redemption"Jane Eyre" is a timeless novel that has captured the imaginations of readers for generations. It is a story of love and redemption that has stood the test of time, and continues to inspire and move readers today. The novel tells the story of Jane Eyre, a young woman who has grown up in extreme poverty and hardship. Despite her struggles, Jane is a strong-willed and intelligent young woman, who is determined to make her own way in the world."Jane Eyre" is a novel that speaks to the human spirit. It is a story of love and redemption, that shows us that even in the darkest of times, it is possible to find hope and happiness. The novel is a powerful reminder that we are all capable of great things, and that no matter what life throws at us, we can always find a way to overcome our obstacles.3. "Jane Eyre" – An Iconic Novel of Feminism and Empowerment"Jane Eyre" is an iconic novel that has become synonymous with the feminist movement. It is a powerful story of empowerment and self-determination, that has inspired generations of women to stand up for themselves and fight for their rights. The novel tells the story of Jane Eyre, a young woman who is determined to make her own way in the world, despite the restrictions placed upon her by society."Jane Eyre" is a novel that celebrates the power of the individual.It is a story of a young woman who refuses to be beaten down by the world, and who fights for her own happiness and independence. The novel is a powerful call to action for women everywhere, and is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Itis a novel that will continue to inspire and empower women for generations to come.4. "Jane Eyre" – A Novel of Moral Complexity and NuanceAt its core, "Jane Eyre" is a novel of moral complexity and nuance. Through the character of Jane, Bronte explores complex issues of morality and ethics, and challenges the reader to question theirown beliefs and values. Jane's story is one of struggle and hardship, but it is also a journey of self-discovery and redemption.One of the most powerful themes of the novel is the idea of forgiveness and redemption. Throughout the story, Jane is faced with many difficult choices and is forced to confront her own past mistakes. But despite the weight of her own guilt, she is able to forgive those who have hurt her and find redemption in her own eyes.Another important theme of the novel is the concept of social class and the role it plays in shaping our lives. Jane is acutely aware of the limitations placed upon her by her class and station in life, but she refuses to be defined by them. Through her experiences and struggles, Bronte challenges the reader to examine their own perceptions of class and the impact it has on their own lives.5. "Jane Eyre" – A Masterful Work of Literary CraftsmanshipBeyond its powerful themes and complex moral questions, "Jane Eyre" is also a masterful work of literary craftsmanship. Bronte's prose is elegant and lyrical, and her characters are richly drawn and fully realized.The novel is structured in a way that is both compelling and effective. Bronte expertly weaves together multiple narrative strands to create a story that is both immersive and engaging. She skillfully uses foreshadowing and symbolism to build tension and deepen the reader's understanding of the story and its characters."Jane Eyre" is also notable for its powerful use of language. Bronte's descriptions of the natural world are lush and evocative, and her dialogue is sharp and witty. Her use of dialect and regional idioms adds authenticity to the characters and lends the novel an air of authenticity and realism.In conclusion, "Jane Eyre" is a novel that has endured for over a century, and continues to captivate and inspire readers today. It is a novel of profound moral complexity and nuance, that challenges the reader to examine their own beliefs and values. It is also a work of literary artistry and craftsmanship, that showcases the power of language and the enduring appeal of a great story.。

英文版简爱读后感1Jane Eyre,is a poor but aspiring,small in body but huge in soul,obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book,after having a long journey of the spirit,Jane Eyre,a marvelous figure,has left us so much to recall and to think:We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes,for someone who despised her for her ordinariness,and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a panion with the goodness. But still,a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.霸气女生网名We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion,everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance,but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life,her toughness and her confidence…When we think of this girl,what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply,but a huge charm of her personality.英文版简爱读后感2The romantic element is present in two forms in jane eyre; the “family” aspect is dealt with in the gateshead, lowood and moor house episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked reed family for the benevolent rivers one; and the love romance is dealt with in the thornfield and ferndean episodes. Both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel.There is also a strong element of realism in the novel, which, married to the romantic aspect, enhances the novel's strength.The sense of place is very strong; we are able to experience both exterior and interior settings with startling clarity throughout the story, in a series of vivid deive passages. The central characters are also realistic and their confrontations and sufferings change them in a believable way.Even the unlikely is made plausible, with a unique blend of high drama and perceptive low comedy the more fantastic romantic aspects; the coincidences; the secrets; the supernatural occurrences, are balanced by the realism, and this is of course a major strength.英文版简爱读后感3Person's life to go through many muddy rain is rough?I have no idea.Person's life have many valiant record is brilliant?I have no idea.But I know: as long as strong in the face of life, like the wonderful; as long as the effort to do the ordinary life, like the brilliant.She is like an ugly duckling with only ugly duckling abandoned, her childhood humiliation, to never shed a tear.When aunt took her to the orphanage, she also did not give up their own, even if his only friend Helen has died, but she still brave and strong to live, and consciously.Life is wonderful track meet.She get a tutor to do to Thornfield Manor, accidentally met the owner Mr. Rochester, he is handsome and full of temperament, but the position of the gap is broad, she has no fear, resolutely and ran across the divide and.She is strong, brave pursuit of equality and freedom, can't harm her Rochester and dignity.A brave man must be harvested, brave people will be bitter, brave man, as a brave man, should be like her - like Jane love.Once I was innocent, I really be light of heart from care.One day I found out, I don't know since when英文版简爱读后感4As Jane Eyre,in her plainness and solitude,walks to and fro in the Thornfield Hall,her unfortunate childhood,conflicting love,and religious forbiddance all cannot stop her seeking a better life and cherishing the human nature. She broke loose the chains that jailed her spirit,and through her struggles she overcame the poverty,customs,social standards,and piety which all blocked her from her dream of happiness,and finally became the master of herself! It could be said that Jane's life was earned through retaliation and pursuit,that she fought tooth and nail until the sunlight was won. The sunlight now in her palm,shines brightly unto her!In fact,one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm. I always think in a difficult situation,if and when the hardships of this life is done,if and when the road of time no longer curves,if and when I try my best to walk to the end,will I be able to see the blinding sunlight? For the most important meaning in life is that,struggling through your trials you realize the value of your life,while taking away all the bitter misfortunes. Only then will we see the trueradiance of the golden sun...。

《简爱》英文读后感带翻译《简爱》英文读后感带翻译篇一Is it because Im plain, unknown to the public, as pour as a church mouse, tall and thin, with no soul, no heart, you are wrong, I have as much soul as you, Im full as much heart!Charlotte, Jane Eyre"Jane Eyre" is the history of British literature as a classic masterpieces, it successfully portrays the history of British literature in the first to love, life, society and religion are independent and proactive attitude and dare to struggle, dare tofight for freedom and equality of women image.All the women who love foreign literary works like to read Charlottes Jane Eyre. If we think that Charlotte writes Jane love only to write this lingering love. I think its wrong. The author is also a woman, living in the middle of the nineteenth Century in the fluctuating UK, when thought had a new start. The most permeated in Jane Eyre is this idea - the independent consciousness of women. Let us imagine that if Janes independence has long been strangled in Jirenlixia childhood life; if she does not have the independence, she had and his wife and daughter live together in Rochester, began to have money, and status of new life; if she does not share of purity, we are now in the hands of "Jane Eyre" is no longer touching the tears of the classic. So, I began to think about why Jane Eyre moved us and loved it - it was her independent character and the charm of her heart.However, we can not help but ask, is this only one step to be independent? I dont think it is. After all, the independence of women is a long process, not overnight. It needs a thorough courage, likeJane then decided to leave Rochester, "the wind rustling Xi Zhuang earth went to the Yi River is so cold, did not return" bold and daring. I think this should be the most critical step, and it should be a decisive step towards independence. Charlottes Jane Eyre hasleft her stubborn character and independent personality to us. So she is a successful, happy woman.Jane has been an independent female classic, I hope the sun, flowers in more Jane walked out, whether poor or rich; whether beautiful or homely, have a good mind and enrich the mind, can be an independent personality and a strong personality life.难道就因为我一贫如洗,默默无闻,长相平庸,个子瘦小,就没有灵魂,没有心肠了——你想错了,我的心灵跟你一样丰富,我的心胸一样充实!——《简爱》夏洛蒂《简爱》是英国文学史上的一部经典传世之作,它成功地塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。

Jane_Eyer《简爱》英文读后感第一篇:Jane_Eyer《简爱》英文读后感After reading 《Jane Eyer》This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.It seems to me that many readers’ English reading experience starts with Jane Eyer.I am of no exception.As we refer to the movie “Jane Eyer”, it is not surprising to find somedifferences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag.Since Jane’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden.There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden’s owner,Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time----Rochester was also a despairingperson in need of salvation.Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn’t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer.The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned.After finding Rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.I don’t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film’s end----especially when I heard Jane’s words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person;for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get.But the professional judgment of producing filmsreminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane’s life that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.”(By Forrest Gump’s mother, in the film “Forrest Gump”)What’s more, this film didn’t end when Jane left Thornfield.For Jane Eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation? The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester.In fact, when Jane met Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane.We can consider Rochester’s experiences asthat of religion meaning.The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life.After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved.Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides.The value of this film may bedue to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.Life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain.Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life.In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance.We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness.It’s our spirit that makes the life meaningful.Heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life.Indubitably, “Jane Eyer” is one of them.第二篇:简爱英文读后感简爱英文读后感:Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,treated her as badly as a ragtag.Since Jane’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.She suffered a lot.As a reward of revolting the ruthlessoppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden.There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden’s owner, Rochester, a man with warm he art despite a cold face outside.Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow followingRochester and led to his moodiness all the time----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation.Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn’t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer.The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned.After finding Rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with hi m forever.“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.”What’s more, this story didn’t end when Jane left Thornfield.For Jane Eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation?Jane eventually got back to Rochester.In fact, when Jane met Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get r etrieval because of Jane.We can consider Rochester’s experiences as that of religion meaning.The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life.After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved.Here we can say: human nature and divinity getunited perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides.The value of this no may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.vel第三篇:简爱英文读后感简爱英文读后感:This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.It seems to me that many readers’ English reading experience starts with Jane Eyer.I am of no exception.As we refer to the movie “Jane Eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag.Since J ane’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden.There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden’s owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife,who seemed to be the shadow followingRochester and led to his moodiness all the time----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation.Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn’t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer.The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned.After finding Rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.I don’t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film’s end----especially when I heard Jane’s words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person;for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get.But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane’s life that “Life is like a box of chocolates, y ou never know what you would get.”(By Forrest Gump’s mother, in the film “Forrest Gump”)What’s more, this film didn’t end when Jane left Thornfield.For Jane Eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation?The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester.In fact, when Janemet Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane.We can consider Rochester’s experiences as that of religion meaning.The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life.After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved.Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides.The value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.Life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain.Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life.In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance.We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness.It’s our spirit that makes the life meaningful.Heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life.Indubitably, “Jane Eyer” is one of them.第四篇:简爱读后感英文this is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.the story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.it seems to me that manyreaders' english reading experience starts with jane eyer.i am of no exception.as we refer to the movie “jane eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.jane eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag.since jane's education in lowwood orphanage began, she didn't get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.the suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.as a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, jane got a chance to be a tutor in thornfield garden.there she made the acquaintance of lovely adele and that garden's owner, rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: after jane and rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following rochester and led to his moodiness all the time----rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation.jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn't want to betray her own principles, because she was jane eyer.the film has finally got a symbolist end: jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned.after finding rochester's misfortune brought by his original mad wife, jane chose to stay with him forever.i don't know what others feel, but frankly speaking, i would rather regard the section that jane began her teaching job in thornfield as the film's end----especially when i heard jane's words “never in my life have i been awaken so happily.” for one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person;for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get.but the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: there must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of jane's life that “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.”what's more, this film didn't end when jane left thornfield.for jane eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for rochester, how he can get salvation? the film gives the answer tentatively: jane eventually got back to rochester.in fact, when jane met rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant rochester would get retrieval because of jane.we can consider rochester's experiences as that of religion meaning.the fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life.after it, rochester got the mercy of the god and the love of the woman whom he loved.here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides.the value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain.firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea oflife.in the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.in this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance.we are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the sargasso sea of information overload and living unconsciousness.it's our spirit that makes the life meaningful.heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life.indubitably, “jane eyer” is one of them.简爱读后感英文_简爱英文读后感charlotte bronte's jane eyrejane eyre was published in 1847 under the androgynous pseudonym of “currer bell.” the publication was followed by widespread success.utilizing two literary traditions, the bildungsroman and the gothic novel, jane eyre is a powerful narrative with profound themes concerning genders, family, passion, and identity.it is unambiguously one of the most celebrated novels in british literature.born in 1816, charlotte bronte was the third daughter of patrick bronte, an ambitious and intelligent clergyman.according to newsman, all the bronte children were unusually precocious and almost ferociously intelligent, and their informal and unorthodox educations under their father's tutelage nurtured these traits.patrick bronte shared his interests in literature with his children, toward whom he behaved as though they were his intellectual equals.the bronte children read voraciously.charlotte's imagination was especially fired by the poetry of byron, whose brooding heroes served as the prototypes for characters in the bronte's juvenile writings as well as for such figures as mr.rochester in jane eyre。

《简爱》英文读后感带翻译•相关推荐This is a novel with rotation colorific 19th century, is one of the three sisters famous writer * charlotte Bronte with. This is a book with their own hearts and strong spirit pursuit cast a book that contain the author infinite emotion and personality charm, won a brilliant for women of the sky.Hero Jane figure, appearance is ordinary, skinny no money, no status, but had no ordinary temperament and very abundant emotion world. In her life through the, abandoned women born craven and charming gradually formed the strong and independent personality. She wouldnt be cousin brutal before the princes, but neither willingly. Even if the outcome unsatisfactory, however constant no head, In the devil like cold brocks Mr Hirst tortured by, she cant show any fear, but leisurely carry down, independent strong to survive. Read Jane eyre, I for youth she by the ill treatment and pessimistic, empathy of experience with Jane that young sensitive soul has hurt. I also for Jane and dump. Like her in high position than her so-called gentry in front performance of that kind of thus attitude, like her in the face of love that demonstrate the self-esteem of self-renewal in spirit, mind cant help exclamation in distance in place of her in the progress of modern two hundred years, again a few women have the courage to their dignity of a beloved and rich man say not? Jane can! In her body moments flashed in an independent personality with lofty splendor!《简爱》19世纪文学的感觉,它以一种不可抗拒的美丽吸引了成千上万的读者,有一种抑制,驱使人拿起这本书,然后,心也深深感动的震颤。

《简爱》读后感英文版3篇Reading Jane Eyre was an unforgettable experience that left me deeply moved and reflective. Written by Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre is a classic novel that tells the story of a young orphaned girl who overcomes her tragic past to find true love and happiness.As I delved deeper into the pages of the novel, I felt an emotional connection to Jane and her struggles. Her fortitude and resilience in the face of adversity inspired me and left me with a profound sense of admiration. Her strong sense of self and fierce independence despite societal expectations of her gender ignited a spark within me, reminding me of the importance of staying true to oneself.The novel’s importance lies in its portrayal of love and the human spirit. It is a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and self-belief in overcoming even the most challenging of circumstances. The novel also delves into societal issues such as class and gender inequality, highlighting the need for change in a world where women were often relegated to second-class status.Reading Jane Eyre also encouraged me to think creatively and critically about the world around me. It sparked an interest in exploring the themes discussed in the novel, such asself-discovery, the meaning of love, and the role of women in society. It also encouraged me to question societal norms and expectations, prompting me to think outside of the box and challenge established beliefs and ideas.Overall, reading Jane Eyre was a life-changing experience that left me feeling inspired, reflective, and motivated. Its themes and messages have stayed with me long after reading the novel, reminding me of the potential for humanity to overcome adversity and the power of the human spirit. I would highly recommend this novel to anyone looking for a moving and thought-provoking read.As a reader, I was deeply touched and inspired by Charlotte Bronte’s classic novel, Jane Eyre. The story follows Jane, an orphaned young girl who is sent to live with her cruel aunt and cousins before going to school and eventually becoming a governess. The novel is a tale of love and self-discovery, as Jane overcomes adversity and finds happiness with the man she truly loves.What struck me most about the novel was the protagonist, Jane Eyre, and her journey to self-discovery. Her struggle to find her place in the world and her determination to stay true to herself despite societal expectations are both admirable and inspiring. Her journey reminds readers that the path toself-discovery and happiness is not always easy, but it is always worth pursuing.Jane Eyre is also significant in its portrayal of societal issues such as class and gender inequality. The novel highlights the difficulties faced by women in a patriarchal society and the need for change. In Jane, Bronte created a strong female protagonist who defied societal norms and expectations, inspiring readers to do the same.Reading Jane Eyre also led me to reflect on the meaning of love and its role in our lives. The novel’s depiction of the love between Jane and Mr. Rochester was both complex and moving, reminding me that love is not always easy or straightforward, but it is ultimately worth pursuing.Overall, reading Jane Eyre was a powerful experience that left me with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for the human spirit. Its themes and messages have stayed with me long after reading the novel, reminding me of the importance of staying true to oneself and pursuing happiness despite the challenges that may arise.Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Bronte, is a timeless classic that tells the story of an orphaned young girl who rises above her oppressive circumstances to find love and self-discovery. This novel resonated with me deeply, as its themes of perseverance, self-discovery, and the power of the human spirit are highly relatable and inspiring.What struck me most about the novel was the protagonist, Jane Eyre, and her unwavering determination to stay true toherself despite societal expectations. Her strength and resilience in the face of adversity are both admirable and inspiring, reminding readers of the potential for humanity to overcome even the most challenging of circumstances.The novel is also significant in its portrayal of societal issues such as gender inequality and social class. Its frank depiction of the difficulties faced by women in a patriarchal society was groundbreaking, inspiring readers to challenge established beliefs and norms.What I appreciated most about reading Jane Eyre was its ability to encourage critical thinking and reflection. The novel forced me to confront my own beliefs and assumptions, encouraging me to examine the world around me more closely and question societal norms and expectations.Overall, reading Jane Eyre was a deeply transformative experience that left me feeling motivated and inspired. Its themes and messages have stayed with me long after finishing the novel, reminding me of the potential for humanity to overcome adversity and the importance of staying true to oneself.。

更多相关内容请继续关注读后感栏目简爱英文读后感(一)Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely.She respected herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend of mine.Sometimes when I am confuse,I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends!简爱英文读后感(二)I first read "Jane Eyre" in eighth grade and have read it every few years since. It is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although that's how I probably would have defined it at age 13. I have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - Jane and Mr. Rochester. They take on new depth every time I meet them...and their's is a love story for the ages.Charlotte Bronte's first published novel, and her most noted work, is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story. Jane is plain, poor, alone and unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy society's expectations of her. This is definitely feminist literature,published in 1847, way before the beginning of any feminist movement. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide following since it first came on the market. It is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.Jane Eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family. Her parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt Reed at Gateshead. Jane's Uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but Mrs. Reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pampered and spoiled her own children. This unfair treatment emphasized Jane's status as an unwanted outsider. She was often punished harshly. On one occasion her nasty cousin Jack picked a fight with her. Jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying "Red Room" as a result. Jane's Uncle Reed had died in this room a little while before, and Mrs. Reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber. Since Jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the child's feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned. Indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage. She repeatedly calls her condition in life "unjust" and is filled with bitterness. Looking into the mirror Jane sees a distorted image of herself. She views her reflection and sees a "strange little figure," or "tiny phantom." Jane has not learned yet to subordinate her passions to her reason. Her passions still erupt unchecked. Her isolation in the Red Room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and community. This powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.Mrs. Reed decided to send Jane away to the Lowood School, a poor institution run by Mr. Brocklehurst, who believed thatsuffering made grand people. All the children there were neglected, except to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made. At Lowood, Jane met Helen Burns, a young woman a little older than Jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life. Jane's need for love was so great. It really becomes obvious in this first friendship. Helen later died from fever, in Jane's arms. Her illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths. Jane stayed at Lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher. Tired and depressed by her surroundings, Jane applied for the position of governess and found employment at Thornfield. The mansion is owned by a gentleman named Edward Fairfax Rochester. Her job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little French girl, Adele. Over a long period the moody, inscrutable Rochester confides in Jane and she in him. The two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love. Again, Jane's need for love comes to the fore, as does her passionate nature. She blooms. A dark, gothic figure, Rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future happiness with Jane. Ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.All is not as it seems at Thornfield. There is a strange, ominous woman servant, Grace Poole, who lives and works in an attic room. She keeps to herself and is rarely seen. From the first, however, Jane has sensed bizarre happenings at night, when everyone is asleep .There are wild cries along with violent attempts on Rochester's life by a seemingly unknown person. Jane wonders why no one investigates Mrs. Poole. Then a strange man visits Thornfield and mysteriously disappears with Mr. Rochester. Late that night Jane is asked to sit with the man whilethe lord of the house seeks a doctor's help. The man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood. He leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning. Jane's questions are not answered directly. This visit will have dire consequences on all involved. An explosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that Jane and Rochester have made. Jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.Charlotte Bronte's heroine Jane Eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life. Ms. Bronte brings to the fore in "Jane Eyre" such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, women's equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion. This is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions. It is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times. Ms. Bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.简爱英文读后感(三)Jane Eyre — A Beautiful SoulJane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodneon one side and must check the badneon the other side.We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life, her toughneand her confidence…When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when MiIngram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. But as the little governehad said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulleand heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impreus so much and let us feel the power inside her body.In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which hadcharmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has sai d, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleneor humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of noble neor humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.简爱英文读后感(四)Jane Eyre was published in 1847 under the androgynous pseudonym of "Currer Bell." The publication was followed by widespread success. Utilizing two literary traditions, the Bildungsroman and the Gothic novel, Jane Eyre is a powerful narrative with profound themes concerning genders, family, passion, and identity. It is unambiguously one of the most celebrated novels in British literature.Born in 1816, Charlotte Bronte was the third daughter of Patrick Bronte, an ambitious and intelligent clergyman. According to Newsman, all the Bronte children were unusually precocious and almost ferociously intelligent, and their informal and unorthodox educations under their father’s t utelage nurtured these traits. Patrick Bronte shared his interests in literature with his children, toward whom he behaved as though they were his intellectual equals. The Bronte children readvoraciously. Charlotte’s imagination was especially fired by th e poetry of Byron, whose brooding heroes served as the prototypes for characters in the Bronte’s juvenile writings as well as for such figures as Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre (2)。

《简爱》读后感英文版(精选8篇)《简爱》英文版篇1Charlotte, Blanc. "Jane Eyre" is my most love a book, the book's protagonist Jane Eyre has a strong and noble mind, her indomitable spirit often touched me, so I couldn't breath, almost finished the world famous. This works, the language of the beautiful and fluent, then why do I have to say?. And the heroine's rough and tortuous experience and her pursuit of equality and sincere love deeply moved me, and I really like her.Jane Eyre from parents, depend on others, suffering from bullying. Later, she went to the orphanage, a friend did not, the dean is very bad, she let Jane love to wipe the table, mopping the floor, a little touched, she will call Jane eyre. Jane Eyre suffered all kinds of hardships. Jane later became a good friend with a little girl named Helen, but a few years later, Helen died of a fatal illness. Jane was very sad and she had no friends.In this way, Jane Eyre grew up in solitude. She was poor, short, and not very impressive, but with a strong, noble heart, she was proud of herself and became a tutor. The owner of the family was very gentle and he was so kind to Jane that they soon fell in love with each other. However, when they really loved each other, Jane found the owner and wife, Jane Eyre unwilling to become a mistress, she left sadly. Later, the host was killed in the fire because his mad wife set fire to the manor, and his master was blind as a result. When the host was desperate and lonely, Jane Eyre returned to the host's side. After all the hardships, they finally won the most sincere and precious love.How can you see the rainbow without the wind and rain? This is a true portrayal of Jane eyre. She has gone through ups anddowns, and finally won the most sincere love. The book has a striking contrast between the beginning and the end of the book, and highlights the point that if you put in effort and sweat, there will always be good results. From a little girl to a slim girl, Jane Eyre, the only constant is good, strong and confident. She takes a heart Gao Jie, maintaining self-esteem of female image, loved by readers, which is one of the reasons for this book for one hundred years the unfailing.In life, many people like Jane as love, they have suffered enough, with a good heart to win the trust of others, and thus bear the sweet fruit. Life need to pay, the world is willing to sincere, kind-hearted people begetsgood.《简爱》读后感英文版篇2In the history of literature, there are many classical means to be immortal, but can look like "Jane Eyre" so deeply into people's souls, it has attracted tens of thousands of readers with an irresistible beauty, affecting people's spiritual world, even for some people, affect their lives is not a lot of work. Jane love 1000 wordsJane Eyre is a novel with rotation color. It illustrates such a theme: human value = dignity + love.Jane Eyre's author, Charlotte Bront, and author of Wuthering Heights, Emily, are sisters. Although two people living in the same community, family environment, personality is not the same, Charlotte. Bront has become more gentle, more pure, more love the pursuit of some good things, although her family was poor, young lost love, father rarely, coupled with her short stature, appearance is not beautiful but, perhaps such a soul deep inferiority complex, reflected in her character is a very sensitive self-esteem, self-esteem in her heart to the inferiority of thecompensation. She describes jane. Love is a beautiful, short woman, but she has a very strong sense of self-respect. She was steadfast in her pursuit of a bright, holy, and beautiful life.Jane. Love living in an orphaned, happy environment, grew up under treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin of contempt, insults and beatings cousin...... this is the dignity of the ruthless trample, but perhaps it is because of all this, Jane. Love unlimited confidence and firm and inflexible spirit, which can overcome the inherent personality.In front of Rochester, she never because he is a low status of the family teachers feel inferior, but that they are equal. Should not be because she is a servant, but not respected by others. It is because of her integrity, noble, pure, spiritual not secular society of pollution, making Rochester the shocked, and she can be seen as a spirit of equality and in their conversation, and slowly fell in love with her. In his heart, she moved, she accepted him. And when they get married that day, Jane. Love to know Rochester has a wife, she felt she must leave, she said, "I want to follow God's law issued by the world recognized, I want to hold on to me awake and not like this madness is now accepted the principle", I will firmly hold this position". This is Jane Eyre tells Rochester she must leave the grounds, but from the heart, a deeper thing was Jane realized that he had been deceived, her pride was teasing, because she loves Rochester, which woman can withstand the most trusted by oneself, closest to deceive people Jane? Love bear to live, but also to make a very rational decision. In this surrounded by a very powerful force of love, in a beautiful, prosperous life under the temptation, she still must adhere to their own personal dignity, this is Jane Eyre most has the spirit of place.Novel design of a very bright at the end - although Rochester's manor destroyed, he himself became a disability, but we see that it is such a condition, so that Jane is no contradiction between love and dignity, and at the same time be met when she married in Rochester and there is dignity at the same time, there is love.The novel tells us that the best human life is human dignity and love, and the ending of the novel is such a kind of life for the heroine. Although I think such an outcome is too perfect, even such a superficial marks itself, but I still respect the ideal -- the author of this wonderful life is the dignity and love, after all, in today's society, the people's value = dignity + love this formula to pay to achieve often cannot do without the help of money. People seem crazy to drown love for money and status. Between the poor and the rich, choose between rich and poor, choose between love and not love. Few people, like Jane, abandon everything for love and for personality, and proceed without hesitation. "Jane Eyre" show to us is a simplified, is a kind of recover the original simplicity is a dedicated pursuit, a feeling, no gain or loss is a simplified feelings, it is like a cup of water, purify every reader's heart, also cause readers, especially female readers. 《简爱》读后感英文版篇3Today, I saw it in one breath. Because of the teacher's recommendation, Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte.The hero of the text, Jane's parents, because of wind and cold, both left the world. After Jane Eyre has been followed her aunt, and a wicked cousin John Reed often called Jane, always beat her covered all over with cuts and bruises.Think of me, mom and Dad took me as a pearl in the palm, I am afraid there is a collision point.Later, the hateful aunt sent Jane to a charity school. Inside the food is very poor, very little quantity, the clothes are very thin.From small to large, I did not once hungry, not once, clothing is bad, are brand-name. I'm really happy compared to Jane eyre.Jane graduated from school, but she worked as a teacher for two years at work, but she felt that it had been so empty that she longed for a free and carefree life,. So Jane found another job, a tutor. Met Rochester, that is, she was tutor, Schonfeld's master.The two fell in love, but when Jane was about to become a bride in Rochester, she knew that Rochester was married and that her wife was a woman maniac. Jane Aichen succumbed to blow awayFinally, Jane Eyre and Rochester finally together.After reading the book. Jane Eyre for free life respected, her self-esteem, although beauty is not outstanding, but her heart is good is the most white. Of course, God does not live up to Jane eyre. It made Jane love a good love. With an unexpected fortune.Once again, I am too insignificant. I'm selfish. I remember once, my favorite clothes are small, and my mother said I could give it to my sister, but I would never die. So far that dress is still at home! I'm really hateful. I regret it《简爱》读后感英文版篇4Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Why the tragedy is happened more than one hundred years ago repeated in modern times? Is everything too late?Recently I’ve read the British famous writer ThomasHardy’s masterpiece-Tess of the D’urbervilles. It describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess. In this novel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate again and again, till to be ruined. With the development of the plot we find that her tragedy is inevitable. We can not but feel the intense emotions of pity and fear.The cause of Tess’s tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin. What leads to her tragic destiny? Who killed her? I can’t do very well in analysis the novel. I don’t know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I do have an understanding of the novel by myself. Alec and Angel who are the two people very closely related to Tess’s fate. I think fierce Alec played a very important role in killing Tess, but in fact, it was hypocritical Angel who killed Tess indirectly but more cruelly.I wanted to cry, Tess, do not follow him when I read that plot.I hope she met her true love before she was seduced, but everything was too late. She was seduced by a so called gentleman-Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respect her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of man. Women were too weak. Tess was poor, weak and helpless and met the wrong person at the wrong time.I strongly believed that it was Angel who killed Tess cruelly and without mercy. Angel was a liberal bourgeoisie. He made himself lived in the countryside rather than serving the god. Angel was a man who questioned the church’s teaching. He thought the church’s views were too stric t and did not allow free thinking. Angel extricated him from religion and his family, but he couldn’t break with traditional moral principles. Hewanted a wife who was the daughter of nature, honest, sensitive, intelligent, graceful, pure as snow and extremely beautiful. In the first part I thought Angel loved tess very much. In the following part I found that he loved an image he imagined. After their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave angel at once. She innocently thought that the thing she was going to confess would be forgiven. Poor Tess! She sat and told everything to angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven, but she was wrong. The woman pays.Angel claimed that you were one person, now you are another when tess asked why. The woman Angel had loved was not tess, was another woman in tess’s shape. Angel loved the person he imagined. He considered tess the daughter of nature. Compared to te ss’s words, “ I thought angel, that you loved me-me my very self! If you do love me, how can you treat me like this? It frightened me! Having begun to love you, I will love you forever, in all changes, in all troubles, because you are yourself. I ask no mo re.” we know how deep tess loved angel. She would have laid down life for angel. She not only loved the merits but also accept the demerits. We know from the book that when angel came back from Brazil, he could hardly be recognized by his mother because the cruel climate and hard work had aged him by twenty years, but tess accepted angel immediately, because he was the man she fell in love with.I don’t know why angel couldn’t forgive tess since he himself had done the similar thing.《简爱》读后感英文版篇5She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence.People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important n ow. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won T ess’s trust. Unluckily Angel didcome back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are not included!”People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family. They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home and be their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then she would gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go near her. What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. They thought man equals power and power equals rights…Now let’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory.《简爱》读后感英文版篇6in tess of the d’urbervilles, hardy molded a pure, kindhearted image and rather an image brave enough to rebel, to shoulder the responsibility of her action. her unfortuneness was the tragedy of the society, her character and fate. it vividly revealed the persecution towards people after industrial revolution made by the conception of capitalism and traditional moral. following are some of my opinions about the causes to her death.her character and parentage was part of the causein the author’s ide al world, tess was the embodiment of beauty and the incarnation of love .she represents all the merits of the villagers in her hometown: beautiful, pure, kind, simple, charitable and tolerant. to love ,she had no egocentric thoughts and didn’t plan to meet her vain wish by marriage .she standed by he dignity and pursue freedom .hardy made the poor, helpless ,humble country girl as the heroin.despite shecommitted adultery and murder, hardy still claim she was a “pure girl”. this fully showed the author’s sy mpathy towards tess. hardy elaborately modeled the image of tess and indignantly describes the depression confronted with tess through her short life.tess is a young woman who tends to find herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. she is a victim, but she is also, at times, irresponsible. she falls asleep while taking the beehives to market, which ends up killing the family horse, prince she decides to visit the d’urbervilles in trantridge, giving rise to all her future woes, partly out of the guilt and responsibility she feels toward her family. she wants to make good, but in trying to help her family she loses sight of her own safety and her own wants and wishes. she becomes alec’s victim in the forest. she probably should have known not to put herself in such a situation, but she has few other options. here, it seems as though she is destined to rely on others, even when they are unreliable.tess is also a strong woman throughout the novel. she stands up for herself and refuses to crumble under pressure. she chastises herself for her weakness after her sexual escapade with alec. if we agree with her claim that this indiscretion is a moment of weakness, we probably also feel that such weakness is not unlike that of most human beings. she is hard on herself for letting herself become a victim. at the burial of her child, sorrow , she weeps but collects herself and moves on as a stronger woman. overall, her determined attempts to escape her past primarily reflect her strength.her parentage to some extent leaded to her final tragedy. born in a poor family, with an ignorant vain, drunkard father who did not care too much about the《简爱》读后感英文版篇7The Woman PaysTESS is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the d’Urberwilles.She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. Theresult wasn’t important now. Tess was arreste d for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won T ess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say,“Ha, they are not included!”People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family. They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home and be their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then she would gain a very bad repu tation and nobody would dare to go near her. What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. They thought man equals power and power equals rights…Now let’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory.《简爱》读后感英文版篇8About Thomas HardyThomas Hardy (1840---1928), who is an English novelist. His father is a stoneworker, who is fond of music. His parents thought much of the education of their son. He grown up in the Dorset shire, so the environment of there became the main backdrop of his writings. His writings often reflecting the change after capitalism intrude the countries in England and the people’s hard life.At first, Hardy wrote some novels, and in his old age, he worked on poets. The novel < Tess of the D'Urbervilles > waspublished in the year 1891. Thomas Hardy facing the terror of the war and propagating the love-kindness, he is one of the greatest English writers.The summary of the bookAs is known to all, is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy. Tess comes from a farmer’s fami ly, the Durbeyfields. One day her father, John Durbeyfied learns that they are descended from the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family. Her mother urges Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D’Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman. Unwillingly, the girl comes in contact with the Stoke, D’Urbervilles. There she meets Alec D’Urbervilles. Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stays in the D’Urbervilles. Before long the rich but guileful Alec manages to seduce the girl and make her pregnant. Being humiliated and resolute, T ess returns home, and gives birth to the child, who is called Sorrow but dies soon . Without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work at a distant farm, where she meets Angel Claire. After Angel persistent pursuit of Tess, the two fall in love. In the wedding night, Tess admits about Alec D’Urbervilles and the child. She begs for forgiveness, but Angel leaves her in disgust. Tess again returns home alone, only find that her family remains impoverished and she even has no place to stay. In the meantime, Alec D’Urbervilles appears again. He promises to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent. At the end of hope, the girl jumps into the trap of the shameless man. However, Angel Claire, who is remorseful for his mercilessness comes back, which makes Tess even more desperate. After Angel leaves, she kills Alec. Then she follows Angel and escape with him. They manage to hide for a while in a wood before she is arrested. She is hangedlater.In this story, the dramatis persona Tess is a beautiful, virtuous country girl. Angel Claire loves Tess, but his love is selfish, he can’t forgive her wife’s mistake, he forsakes her .Alec D’Urbervilles is an evil person, he makes Tess’s life being a tragedy.The commentThis is a dolorous book.This is a story of love.Tess, the poor girl as innocent as the sleeping birds in the trees, or the small field animals in the hedges, her life destroyed by her relatives, lover and some other people. They say they love her, but they like themselves most. Her parents want her married Alec only because they want her doing some good for the family. Alec wants to possess her, because she is the most beautiful girl in the village. He makes her pregnant but can’t give her his love. Angle is tess’s true love, but his love also not consummate, he can’t forgive tess’s mistake, although he had did wrong with a women.Why only the women had to pay? I thought of this problem for a long time. In the 19th England, women had not status, they live very hard because people’s prejudice. Tess is the victim under the not fair environment, she lives with force, and even the law thinks the insults are allowable! At the end of the book, Fortune's wheel bereaves the last thing she had—her life.How to vindicate the women’s right? Expect change the people’s prejudice women must learn to be adamancy and independent. We must know how to take care of ourselves. We must have the ability to feed ourselves, so that we can win the independent of personality and life. And so that we can have apure au pair love.The word “woman” doesn’t means “puny”!。
《Jane Eyre》简爱英文读后感

《Jane Eyre》简爱英文读后感《 Jane Eyre 》简爱英文读后感 1 1 Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl.After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice.It&rs;s like a panion with the goodness.But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality.In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God&rs;s feet.Though there are differences in status、in property and also in earance, but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidenceWhen we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.《 Jane Eyre 》简爱英文读后感感 2 2 I first read “Jane Eyre” in eighth grade and have read it every few years since.It is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although thats how I probably would have defined it at age 13.I have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - Jane and Mr.Rochester.They take on new depth every time I meet themand theirs is a love story for the ages.Charlotte Brontes first published novel, and her most noted work,is a semi-autobiographical ing-of-age story.Jane is plain, poor, aloneand unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy societys e_pectations of her.This is definitely feminist literature, published in 18__, way before the beginning of any feminist movement.Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide follog since it first came on the market.It is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.Jane Eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family.Her parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt Reed at Gateshead.Janes Uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but Mrs.Reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pered and spoiled her own children.This unfair treatment emphasized Janes status as an unwanted outsider.She was often punished harshly.On one occasion her nasty cousin Jack picked a fight with her.Jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying “Red Room” as a result.Janes Uncle Reed had died in this room a little while before, and Mrs.Reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber.Since Jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the childs feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned.Indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage.She repeatedly calls her condition in life “unjust” and is filled with bitterness.Looking into the mirror Jane sees a distorted image of herself.She views her reflection and sees a “strange little figure,” or “tiny phantom.” Jane has not learned yet to subordinate her passions to her reason.Her passions still erupt unchecked.Her isolation in the Red Room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and munity.This powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.Mrs.Reed decided to send Jane away to the Lowood School, a poor institution run by Mr.Brocklehurst, who believed that suffering made grand people.All the children there were neglected, e_cept to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made.At Lowood, Jane met Helen Burns, a young woman a little older than Jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life.Janes need for love was so great.It really bees obvious in this first friendship.Helen later died from fever, in Janes arms.Her illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths.Jane stayed at Lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher.Tired and depressed by her surroundings, Jane lied for the position of governess and found employment at Thornfield.The mansion is owned by a gentleman named Edward Fairfa_ Rochester.Her job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little French girl, Adele.Over a long period the moody, inscrutable Rochester confides in Jane and she in him.The two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love.Again, Janes need for love es to the fore,as does her passionate nature.She blooms.A dark, gothic figure, Rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future hiness with Jane.Ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.All is not as it seems at Thornfield.There is a strange, ominous woman servant, Grace Poole, who lives and works in an attic room.She keeps to herself and is rarely seen.From the first, however, Jane has sensed bizarre henings at night, when everyone is asleep .There are wild cries along with violent attempts on Rochesters life by a seemingly unknown person.Jane wonders why no one investigates Mrs.Poole.Then a strange man visits Thornfield and mysteriously disears with Mr.Rochester.Late that night Jane is asked to sit with the man while the lord of the house seeks a doctors help.The man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood.He leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning.Janes questions are not answered directly.This visit will have dire consequences on all involved.An e_plosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that Jane and Rochester have made.Jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.Charlotte Brontes heroine Jane Eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life.Ms.Bronte brings to the fore in “Jane Eyre” such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, womens equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion.This is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions.It is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times.Ms.Bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.《 Jane Eyre 》简爱英文读后感 3 3 Jane.Love living in a parents, sponsor, grew up under the environment of treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin contempt, cousin insults and beating of a childthis is the dignity of the ruthletrle, but perhaps because it all, Jane.Love and faith of infinite indomitable spirit, a kind of inner personality can .In rochester, she never because he is a teacher and the family status meanness, but that they feel inferior is equal.Should not because she is a servant, but not respected by others.Also because of her integrity, noble and pure heart, no pollution, secular society for the shock, androchester her as a spiritual and equality in the conversation, and slowly and deeply in love with her.Jane eyre itself to us is a kind of simplified, is a fanpiaoguizhen, is a kind of pursuit of whole heart feeling, is a kind of simplified feelings and neglected, it is like a cup of water, purify every readers heart, also cause readers, especially female readers。

简爱读后感英文1As Jane Eyre, in her plainness and solitude, walks to and fro in the Thornfield Hall,her unfortunate childhood,conflicting love, and religious forbiddance all cannot stop her seeking a better life and cherishing the human nature. She broke loose the chains that jailed her spirit, and through her struggles she overcame the poverty,customs,social standards,and piety which all blocked her from her dream of happiness, and finally became the master of herself! It could be said that Jane's life was earned through retaliation and pursuit, that she fought tooth and nail until the sunlight was won. The sunlight now in her palm, shines brightly unto her!In fact,one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm. I always think in a difficult situation, if and when the hardships of this life is done, if and when the road of time no longer curves, if and when I try my best to walk to the end, will I be able to see the blinding sunlight? For the most important meaning in life is that,struggling through your trials you realize the value of your life, while taking away all the bitter misfortunes. Only then will we see the true radiance of the golden sun...简爱读后感英文2Jane Eyre was published in 1847 under the androgynous pseudonym of “Currer Bell.” The publication was followed b y widespread success. Utilizing two literary traditions,the Bildungsroman and the Gothic novel, Jane Eyre is a powerful narrative with profound themes concerning genders, family,passion,and identity. It is unambiguously one of the most celebrated novels in British literature.Born in 1816, Charlotte Bronte was the third daughter of Patrick Bronte,an ambitious and intelligent clergyman. According to Newsman, all the Bronte children were unusually precocious and almost ferociously intelligent,and their informal and unorthodox educations under their father's tutelage nurtured these traits. Patrick Bronte shared his interests in literature with his children, toward whom he behaved as though they were his intellectual equals.The Bronte children read voraciously. Charlotte's imagination was especially fired by the poetry of Byron,whose brooding heroes served as the prototypes for characters in the Bronte's juvenile writings as well as for such figures as Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre 。

《简爱》读后感英文版3篇1. A Tale of Resilience and Self-Discovery: My Reflections on Jane EyreI recently finished reading Charlotte Bronte's masterpiece, Jane Eyre, and was simply blown away by the depth and complexity of the novel. At its core, Jane Eyre is a story of resilience and self-discovery, as the titular character overcomes immense challenges and learns to trust her own instincts in the face of societal pressure and restrictive gender roles.Despite the many obstacles that Jane faces, she remains determined and strong-willed throughout the novel. Her fierce independence, coupled with her sense of morality and empathy, makes her a truly unique and inspiring protagonist. I found myself rooting for her at every turn, even when it seemed like the odds were overwhelmingly stacked against her.Of course, Jane's journey is far from easy, and she faces many trials and tribulations on the road to self-discovery. Her abusive childhood, her struggles with romantic entanglements, and her ongoing battle for independence all serve to make her journey all the more compelling. What I appreciated most about Jane, however, is that she never loses sight of her own worth and value as a person, even when others try to tear her down.Overall, I would highly recommend Jane Eyre to anyone who is looking for a powerful and thought-provoking read. It is a true masterpiece of English literature, and one that will stay with me for a long time to come.2. The Power of Self-Awareness: Lessons from "Jane Eyre"Charlotte Bronte's classic novel, "Jane Eyre," is a remarkable work of literature that is still widely read today. The protagonist, Jane Eyre, is an inspiring character who, despite the many obstacles she faces, manages to find her own path in life.At its core, "Jane Eyre" is a story of self-awareness, as Jane struggles to understand her place in the world and the forces that shape her destiny. Through her experiences with love, loss, and personal growth, she comes to realize that she is not defined by the circumstances of her birth, but rather by her own strength of character and perseverance.One of the most powerful lessons that readers can take away from "Jane Eyre" is the importance of self-awareness. By understanding our own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, we can better navigate the challenges of life and move towards greater fulfillment and happiness. Through Jane's example, we are reminded that we are capable of great things, even in the face of adversity.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers today. Its themes of self-discovery, perseverance, and self-awareness are universal, making it a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and insight into the human experience.3. Love, Loss, and Self-Discovery: My Journey with "Jane Eyre""Jane Eyre" is a novel that has long fascinated me, and I recently decided to revisit this classic work. As I read through the novel once again, I was struck by the depth of emotion and insight that Charlotte Bronte brings to her storytelling.At its heart, "Jane Eyre" is a tale of love, loss, and self-discovery. The relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is complex and nuanced, with both characters struggling to reconcile their feelings for one another with the social norms and expectations of the time. It is a love story that is both tragic and hopeful, reminding us of the power of human connection and the resilience of the human spirit.But beyond the romance, "Jane Eyre" is also a tale of personal growth and self-discovery. Through her experiences with loss, betrayal, and hardship, Jane learns to trust in her own instincts and find her own sense of purpose in life. Her journey is a powerful reminder of our own capacity for self-reflection and self-improvement, even in the face of great adversity.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a timeless masterpiece that speaks to the human condition in profound ways. Its themes of love, loss, and self-discovery are as relevant today as they were when the novel was first published, making it a must-read for anyone seeking greater understanding of the human experience.4. Gender Roles and Social Expectations in "Jane Eyre"One of the major themes in "Jane Eyre" is the restrictive gender roles and social expectations of the time. Jane's struggle to find her place in a society that values conformity and submission is acentral theme in the novel.Throughout the novel, Jane is constantly reminded of her place as a woman, and the limitations that society places on her because of her gender. From the very beginning, she is taught to be meek and obedient, and to never question authority. However, as Jane grows older and begins to assert herself, she realizes that the expectations placed upon women are unjust and hypocritical.Through Jane's journey, we see the importance of challenging these societal norms and expectations. Despite the many obstacles she faces, she never loses sight of her own value and worth as a person. She refuses to conform to the expectations of others, instead choosing to forge her own path in life.One of the most powerful moments in the novel is when Jane asserts her independence and leaves Mr. Rochester, despite the great love she has for him. This act of bravery and self-respect is a reminder that we are not defined by our relationships or the expectations of others, but rather by our own sense of self and purpose.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a powerful commentary on gender roles and societal expectations, and a reminder that we must fight against injustice and inequality in all its forms.5. The Importance of Empathy and Compassion in "Jane Eyre" Another important theme in "Jane Eyre" is the importance of empathy and compassion. Throughout the novel, Janedemonstrates a deep sense of empathy for those around her, even when they do not show her the same kindness in return.This sense of empathy is particularly evident in Jane's relationship with Bertha Mason, Mr. Rochester's first wife. Bertha is a troubled and mentally ill woman who is kept hidden away from society, and is often the subject of ridicule and scorn. Despite this, Jane shows great compassion towards Bertha, recognizing the tragedy of her situation and the injustice of the way she is treated.Through Jane's example, we see the power of empathy and compassion, and the transformative impact it can have on those around us. By showing kindness and understanding, we can break down barriers and cultivate deeper connections with those around us.In addition to Bertha, Jane's empathy is also evident in her relationships with other characters in the novel, such as Helen Burns and St. John Rivers. Through these interactions, we see the importance of seeing beyond surface-level differences and recognizing the humanity in all people.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a powerful testament to the importance of empathy and compassion in our lives. It reminds us that by showing kindness to others, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and make the world a better place.。

《简爱》读后感英⽂带翻译 当看完⼀本著作后,⼤家⼀定对⽣活有了新的感悟和看法,为此需要认真地写⼀写读后感了。
《简爱》读后感英⽂带翻译篇1 "Jane eyre" is a very good book, is my favorite book. "Jane eyre" this book is the great writer charlotte Brontes famous work, is also a famous novel. In the novel, she joined the own life background, succeeded in shaping the Jane eyre this have ideal, have ambition, have individual character of woman, you love. Jane eyre parents early death in my uncle, my uncle died, after her aunt sends her to an orphanage, came to thorne field, when the hero home tutor, Mr Roach department Mr Roach eccentric, after several contact, Jane eyre fell in love with him. When their wedding, mason came into pointed out that the castle attic room is a roach, a mad woman, the wife of Mr, Jane would not as a mistress, left the thorne field. Came to a remote place with the help of the priests found a village teacher profession. When the priest asked Jane got married, she reminded Mr Roach division. When back to thorne stole the castle is in ruins. Jane eyre to Finn, Mr Roach, live to the roach Mr Forrests arms... After reading this book, appearance is ordinary to my heart as if added a confidence, because it is I understand the connotation of the rich more than the beauty of appearance. I believe that the writing can bring women a lot of enlightenment, also, it can also become our younger generation on the life philosophy of revelation. It is not only the face of love, people should show the dignity, more let a person produce such a belief, that is in the life, autonomy, self-reliance, self-esteem makes people believe that their own ability, frequency more courage to strive for success and dignity. 《简·爱》是⼀本很好看的书,也是我最喜欢的书。
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弃我去者,昨日之日不可留乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧《简·爱》作者简介:Charlotte "Jane Eyre" Brontë(1816-1854)Charlotte Brontë was born 21 April 1816, third of the six children of Patrick Brontë and Maria Branwell Brontë. The major event of her young life was the death of her mother in 1821, whichcreated a lot of chaos. In 1824, Charlotte and her two older sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, were sent to the newly-opened Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters' School.Conditions there were bad even by the standards of the time, and it was not long before both Maria and Elizabeth became ill enough to be sent home, where they both died of consumption in the spring of1825. Patrick brought Charlotte and her younger sister Emily, who had recently joined them at the school, back home as soon as the other girls became ill, but Charlotte in particular never forgot what the school had been like.The surviving kids all became each others' best friends. They created the kingdom of Gondal and wrote all kinds of epic stories and poems set in that realm. Charlotte and Branwell were in charge of Angria proper, while Emily and Anne (the youngest) ran the neighboring kingdom of Gondal.Charlotte's next adventure was going to school in Brussels with Emily in 1842. Charlotte's time there was brief, less than two years, but it led to her eventual writing of Villette beginning in 1852.Back home, Charlotte lapsed into chronic unemployment and severe hypochondria, actually thinking she was going blind, just like her father was. In 1846 the three sisters published a book of Poems, and though sales were very slow, the reviews were good and spurred on further literary endeavours. Charlotte's novel of this time, The Professor, was actually rather bad, suffering from a less-than-believeable main character. In August of 1846 Charlotte began work on Jane Eyre. Though it was published in 1847, Charlotte didn't tell her father about it until the next year, when the novel's success was plain.内容梗概:When the novel begins, Jane is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities. As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester. After being deceived by him,she goes to Marsh End, where she regains her spiritual focus and discovers her own strength when she rejects St. John River’s marriage proposal. By novel’s end she has become a powerful, independent woman, blissfully married to the man she loves, Rochester.经典语段:You think because I'm poor, I'm plain, I have no feelings? I promise you, if god is gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should make it does as hard for you to leave me just as for me to leave you no w, but he didn not. If my spirit can address yours, as we both pass the grave stood before him equal.你以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你把,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你。
读后感受:In the story,her life can be devided into five parts.一.At Gateshead(before ten years old)二.At Lowood School (8 years` school life,6 years to study ,2 years to teach)三.At Thornfield(about one year,the most important time in her life)四.At Moor House(half a year)五.At Ferndean Manor(maybe the rest of her life)It is known to us,even though living at Gateshead,in such a beautiful house with the Reeds, Jane Eyre`s childhood wasn`t filled with happiness. Jane Eyre`s uncle Reed had taken her to his house when her parents both died.On her uncle`s death bed he had made his wife,anut Reed, promise to look after Jane Eyre like her own children,but she didn`t keeping her promise.Peoplethought Mrs Reed was a good woman,becasure they didn`t know how she hate Jane and are cruel to her.MrS Reed`s attitude made the others change their view to Jane.Her cousins did not love her even bullied and punished her all the time.The servant Bessie is the only person who was kind to her.Jane has spent most of her childhood in Gateshead,no other than this special experience shaped her personality of brave and strong to challenge her new life.At Lowood,she was both excited and nervous about the new place she had see and the new people she had meet.Life at Lowood wasn`t good at the beginning.People there must believed in hard work,plain food,simple clothes and no luxury of any kind.So most of them were offish except Miss Temple,the headmistress of Lowood School.Jane has made a friend here,the first really friend——Helen Burns.The girl was smart and kind-hearted but was hated by her teacher Miss Scatcherd and always be punished because of her “untidy and careless”.Jane was so angry about that,on the contrary,Helen told her:“Life is too short to continue hating anyone for a long time.We all have faults,but the time will come soon when we die,when our wickedness will pass away with our bodies,leaving only the pure flame of the spirit.That`s why Inever think of revenge,I never consider life unfair.I live in calm,looking forward to the end. ”That is true,her life was too short!When Jane felt she was accepted,learned to like school and set to work to learn as much as she could,make as many friends as possible,Helen`s illness was much more serious than Jane first thought,she had got a tuber culosis.One morning Miss Temple found Jane asleep with Helen Burns dead in her arms.Helen have a great effect on Jane,she teached Jane how to learn to love,forgive and do as the Bible tells:“Sometimes you have to put up with some hard things in life even if other people hurt us.”Jane stayed for eight years in Lowood,for the last two as a teacher.She was busy and happy all that time,however,suddenly she realized she had never known any other world apart from Lowood or Gateshead.She wanted freedom,decided to change her life or at least a new master to serve.So she advertised in a newspaper for a job as a governess and then came to Thornfield. The following story is as what happened in the film Sound of Music.The governess of no presence moved Mr Rochester with her beautiful,simplehearted and frank soul.The dialogue between Jane and Rochester was interesting. Rochester was clever buta little peculiar,Jane thought she didn`t really understand him and never sure whether he`s serious or joking.So she always speaking carefully and keeping serious to build a wall that she think are there to protect herself.Fortunately,finally she had the courage to take down the wall and express her love to Mr Rochester.She said:“Do you think I can watch another woman become your bride?Do you think I`m a machine,whitout feelings?Do you think,because I`m small and poor and plain,that I have no soul and no heart?Well,you`re wrong!I have as much soul and heart as you.It is my spirit that speaks to your spirit!We are equal in the sight of God!”I believe when you heard what she said all of you will stand in awe of Jane.When I thought the story would come to an end,a sudden,surprising change were taking place.On the wedding day,Jane found the secret of Rochester.The wedding cannot continue because Mr Rochester was already married and his wife was still alive!His explanation made Jane forgive him at once in her heart because she knew what he said was true.However,in her heart she also knew it was right for her to leave.She left Mr Rochester when he was rich and health butcame back even though he was bland and disabled.I think that is true love.。