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1. opening ceremony\ closing ceremony 开幕、闭幕典礼
2. I’d like to invite---- to give a speech on----我很高兴地邀请----就—发表演讲
3. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to----我向-----表示热烈的欢迎
4. My sincere\genuine\heart-felt thanks go to---- for----我很感谢-----
5. on behalf of----, I’d like to --- 我谨代表-----
6. relevant issues\相关问题
7. Our updated research result on--- shows\indicates\suggests that------我们的最新调查结果表明------
8. without further ado about-----不再就----多啰唆
9. First of all, I’d like to give some briefings about---首先,我想简要的谈一谈----
10. attach great importance to---高度重视
11. Foreign Affairs Office Director外事办主任
12. governor\ 省长governor-general总督\ Secretary-general of the U.N.联合国秘书长 the United Nations Security Council联合国安理会
13. leading-edge technology 尖端技术
14. Minister Counselor公使\ ambassador大使\American Embassy in China 美驻华使馆
15. natural heritage自然遗产\natural resources自然资源
16. Sino-US relations中美关系
17. strategy of sustainable development 可持续发展战略
18. waste water treatment plant废水处理厂\nuclear plant核电站
19. shared concern共同关注的问题\shared interest共同的利益
20. negative\positive attitude消极/积极的态度
21. express sincere gratitude to----向---北表示诚挚的感谢
22. expand the exchange扩大交流\ expand the market share in----扩大市场份额
23. Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau对外贸易与经济合作部
24. Sichuan Provincial Planning Committee关系四川省计划委员会
25. the Department of Commerce of the U.S.美国商务部
26. bilateral\trilateral\multilateral conference\双边/三边/多边会谈
27. peak conference 峰会
28. promote the mutual understanding between--- and ---促进相互了解
29. uplift --- to a new height把----推向一个新的高度
30. please allow me to introduce-----请容许我介绍
31. achieve complete success 获得圆满成功
32. the World Habitat Day 世界人居日
33. declare the closing of ------宣布—的结束
34. the Standing Committee of Central CPC中共中央常委
35. financial institutions金融机构\government institutions at various levels 各级政府机构
36. Gross National Product国民生产总值\ Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值
37. trade deficit and trade surplus贸易逆差和贸易顺差
38. face(be confronted with) severe\formidable\serious challenges 面临严峻挑战
39. UNDP: the United Nations Development Program联合国发展署
40. UNCHS: the United Nations Center for Human settlement/ 联合国人居中心public authorities公共机构
41. civil society 民间团体
42. chart the way forward for\ pave the way for 为---的发展铺平道路
43. remain an important milestone for-----是----的一个重要里程碑
44. be fully aw

are\conscious of-----清醒地认识到
45. infrastructure 基础设施
46. priority goes to---\priority will be given to ----优先考虑
47. urban water conservation 城市节水
48. extend our sincere congratulations on----对--- 致以祝贺
49. take effective measures to---- \采取有效措施
50. model city of water conservation节水模范城市\national model worker全国劳动模范
51. wish---- a complete success预祝---取得圆满成功
52. the general import and export values进出口总值
53. It’s my great pleasure to ----\it’s a great pleasure for me to---我很荣幸
54. transfer seaport中转港\ comprehensive commercial seaport综合/多功能商务港
55. make a good start for---为---开了个好头
56. principal element主要因素
57. lead to \ result in导致\ give birth to—引起
58. substantial in contents 内容翔实
59. major province of energy and natural resources能源和自然资源大省
60. heavy industry base\light industry base重/轻工业基地
61. welcome banquet欢迎宴会
62. industrial discharge taxes 工业排污费
63. diversification of operation 经营多样化
64. duties and obligations责任和义务
65. planned economy计划经济\market economy市场经济
66. the strategy of vitalizing China through science and education科教兴国
67. ecological deterioration \ deterioration in ecological system生态环境恶化
68. the poor\weak awareness of 意识薄弱
69. the pressing issues\the urgent issues\ those issues that cry out for solution紧迫问题
70. the realization of self-supply in grains实现粮食自给自足
71. modern civilization现代文明
72. the slow transition of mechanism from--- to ---从—向机制的缓慢转轨
73. audio-visual programs音像节目
74. ethnic minorities少数民族
75. gender-sensitive性别敏感的
76. immigrant worker and refugees季节工和难民
77. ‘newsletters新闻简报\news briefings新闻提要
78. internet pages互联网页
79. take into consideration\account考虑
80. industrial structure产业结构
81. real estate development 房地产开发
82. public lawn公共绿地
83. the International Fashion Festival国际服装节
84. architectural standards建筑标准
85. consciousness for the best精品意识
86. lay the solid foundation for为---打下坚实的基础
87. meet the challenge\ brave the challenge迎接挑战
88. quality control质检
89. host city主办城市
90. economic depression\slowdown\recession经济衰退
91. joint press conference by--- and ---联合记者招待会
92. sophisticated machine\instrument\----精密仪器
93. retail trade零售业
94. management model管理模式
95. market fluctuation市场波动
96. trade union工会trade associations/行业协会
97. favorable tax policies优惠的税收政策\tax relief减税\ tax increase增税
98. dynamic H.R.(Human Resources) Management Model动态人力资源管理模式
99. job specification工作性质

100. localization programs本土化项目
101. economic globalization经济全球化\economic integration经济一体化
102. qualification appraisal资格评审
103. be preoccupied with—沉迷于
104. the imbalanced development of economy between---- and ----经济发展的不平衡
105. structural adjustment结构调整
106. customs and habits民俗风情
107. cooperation between school and enterprises校企合作
108. part-time/ training在职培训
109. disarmament裁军\arms race军备竞赛
110. the Economic Commission for Europe\European Economic Commission欧洲经济共同体\ European Union欧盟
111. the International Labor Organization国际劳工组织
112. the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易和发展会议
113. UNESCO: the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织
114. the League of Nations国际联盟
115. the World Health Organization世界卫生组织
116. international civil servants从事国际服务工作的公务员
117. feudal dynasty封建王朝
118. the Museum of the Chinese Revolution中国革命历史博物馆
119. the National Museum of Chinese History中国历史博物馆
120. the Palace Museum故宫博物院\the Forbidden City紫禁城
121. the State Administration of cultural Heritage国家文物管理局
122. auction house拍卖行\law firm律师事务所\Anderson Accounting Firm 安达信会计事务所
123. World Cultural Heritage世界文化遗产
124. stockholder股票经纪人
125. ‘New York Stock Exchange纽约股票交易所
126. Chancellor of the Exchequer英国财政大臣
127. Ecofin: Economic and Financial Affairs Council(欧盟)经济财政事务委员会
128. tax harmonization协调税收
129. IFM: International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织
130. bilateral channels双边渠道
131. a step by step manner循序渐进
132. APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经合组织
133. financial crisis in southeast Asia:东南亚经济危机
134. trade and investment liberalization:贸易和投资自由化
135. knowledge economy:知识经济
136. common prosperity:共同繁荣
137. bridge the gap between--- and ----:缩小差距
138. host country:东道主
139. national college entrance examination:全国大学入学联考
140. required education义务教育:/required courses必修课\elective courses:选修课
141. vocational schools:职业学校
142. continuing education school:继续教育学院
143. Ministry of Education:教育部
144. Education Exhibition:教育展览会
145. International Forum on Education:教育国际论坛
146. organizing committee:组委会
147. NGO: non-governmental organization非政府组织
148. accession to the WTO(World Trade Organization)加入世界贸易组织\GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade:关贸总协定
149. Warsaw Pact华约\NATO: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization北约
150. World Wildlife Fund for Natu

151. ecological crisis:生态危机
152. seize the opportunity:抓住机遇
153. garbage disposal:垃圾处理
154. the bare necessities of life:生活必需品
155. isolation:孤立状态
156. forest coverage:森林覆盖率
157. community funds:共同体福利基金
158. entrepreneurship:创业精神
159. inward investment:对内投资
160. pay tribute to:向---表示敬意
161. country with immerse tourist potential:具有巨大旅游潜力的国家
162. the spirit of freedom:自由精神
163. target of terrorism:恐怖主义的目标
164. international treaties:国际条约
165. World Intellectual Property Organization:世界知识产权组织
166. be dedicated to doing something:致力于
167. fundamental human rights:基本的人权
168. China Society for Human Rights Studies:中国人权研究会
169. unsettled problems:尚未解决的问题
170. Internet Protocol:互联网使用协议
171. GIS: Geographic Information System:地理信息系统
172. GPS: Global Positioning system:全球定位系统
173. semi-conductor technology:半导体技术
174. behavior science:行为科学
175. the theory of relativity:相对论
176. bio-engineering:生物工程
177. social productive force社会生产力
178. the Chinese Academy of Science:中国科学院\ the member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/academicians;院士
179. operational mechanism:运行机制
180. pilot program:试点工程
181. the overall national strengthen:综合国力
182. the Attorney General:(美国)司法部部长
183. zero tolerance: 决不容忍
184. law enforcements professionals:法律工作者
185. be numb to violence:对暴力麻木不仁
186. root cause:根本原因
187. juvenile crime rate:青少年犯罪率; juvenile delinquency: 青少年犯罪
188. ATM; Automated Transaction Machine:自动提款机
189. store-value card储值卡/ credit card/信用卡
190. underclass:弱势阶级
191. remote controller:遥控器
192. aerial train:高架铁路
193. exhaust fumes:汽车尾气
194. three-dimensional:三维的
195. ground-making:开拓性的
196. FIFA: Federation International de Football Association:国际足联
197. IOC: The International Olympic Committee:国际奥委会
198. International Ping Pong Federation:国际乒联
199. sportsmanship:体育精神
200. occupy a leading position:处于执牛耳的地位
201. drug: (performance enhancing drug)兴奋剂
