
Pre A1 Starters Listening Marking keyPart 1 5 marksLines should be drawn between:1 Lucy girl behind tree2 Jill girl feeding ducks3 Dan boy with kite4 Ann girl reading5 Nick boy on bikePart 2 5 marks1 W-A-L-L2 S-U-N3 15/fifteen4 T-I-G-E-R5 7/sevenPart 3 5 marks1 B2 A3 A4 B5 C Part 4 5 marks1 Colour balloon in boy’s hand – yellow2 Colour balloon between boxes – pink3 Colour balloon under table – green4 Colour balloon on chair – brown5 Colour balloon behind cat – orange( ) = A cceptable extra words areplaced in brackets/ = A single slash is placed betweenacceptable alternative wordswithin an answer1 R = rubric F = Female adult M = Male adultFch = Female child Mch = Male childPre A1 Starters Listening TapescriptR Hello. This is the Cambridge English Starters Listening sample test.[MUSIC] Look at Part 1. Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. PAUSE 00’03”Mch Here’s a photo of me and my friends in the park, Miss Box.F Oh yes! Who’s that? The boy with the cats. Mch His name’s Pat. He’s holding one cat in his arms! Pat loves animals.F That’s good. PAUSE 00’03”R Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen and draw lines.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R OneF There’s a girl here, too. She’s behind the pear tree!Mch Yes. She’s funny. Her name’s Lucy. F And what’s Lucy doing behind that tree? Mch Sorry! I don’t know. Playing a game?PAUSE 00’05”R Two Mch And there’s Jill. She’s got some bread in her hand. F Is she giving it to the ducks? Mch Yes! Jill loves ducks. F Me too!PAUSE 00’05”R Three FThat’s a great kite!Mch Yes, that’s Dan’s kite.F Is Dan the boy in the red T-shirt?Mch Yes, that’s right.PAUSE 00’05”R Four F One person is reading. What’s her name? MchThe girl with the book?F Yes.MchT hat’s my friend Ann. Reading is Ann’s favourite hobby.PAUSE 00’05”R FiveF And what’s that boy’s name? The boy on the bike.Mch That’s Nick. Nick’s in my class at school. F Oh! He’s got a nice bike!Mch I know! It’s new. He loves it. PAUSE 00’05”R Now listen to Part 1 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 1 WITH ONLY 00’03” PAUSES] That is the end of Part 1. PAUSE 00’05” Part 2.Look at the picture.Listen and write a name or a number.There are two examples.PAUSE 00’03”Fch Hello. I’m new in class.MWhat’s your name, please?Fch Kim.M Is that K-I-M?FchYes. Kim.PAUSE 00’03”M How old are you, Kim?Fch I’m 8 today.M 8 today? Happy birthday!FchThank you.PAUSE 00’03”RCan you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R OneM What’s your family name, please?Fch It’s Wall. W-A-L-L.M Wall? (ha, ha) That’s my name, too.Fch Is it?M Yes.PAUSE 00’10”R TwoM Where do you live, Kim?Fch In Sun Street.M Sun Street?Fch Yes. S-U-N. It’s behind the zoo.M Oh yes.PAUSE 00’10”R ThreeM What number’s your house?Fch It’s 15.M15. Oh, is it that house with the big garden?Fch Yes, it is. And it’s got a pink door!PAUSE 00’10”R FourM What have you got in your bag?Fch Apples for my horse. I go to see him with my friend. M What’s your horse’s name?Fch Tiger. That’s T-I-G-E-R.M Tiger?!Fch Yes, it’s a funny name for a horse but I like it.PAUSE 00’10”R FiveM How old is your horse?Fch He’s seven.M Seven?Fch Yes. And he can run and jump.M Great!PAUSE 00’10”R Now listen to Part 2 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 2 WITH ONLY 00’05” PAUSES]That is the end of Part 2.PAUSE 00’05”Part 3.Look at the pictures.Now listen and look.There is one example.PAUSE 00’03”R What animal has Alex got in his bedroom?PAUSE 00’03”Fch Mum, Alex has got an animal in his bedroom.F What is it? A fish?Fch No, a lizard. Can I have one?F OK. But please don’t ask for a snake!PAUSE 00’03”R Can you see the tick?Now you listen and tick the box.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R One. Which picture are May and Sam looking at?PAUSE 00’03”Fch This picture’s nice, Sam. Who’s in it?Mch Mum, my grandpa and my cousin, Tom.Fch Where’s your dad and your grandma?Mch They’re not in this picture, May.PAUSE 00’05”R Two. What are Mrs Good’s class doing this afternoon?PAUSE 00’03”M W here are your class this afternoon, Mrs Good? At their swimming lesson?F No, they’re in the playground.M Are they playing football?F Not today. They’re taking photos for our class book.PAUSE 00’05”R Three. What is Mum’s favourite fruit?PAUSE 00’03”Mch Mum, can we have this coconut?F Well, they’re very nice but I can’t open them.Mch What about these oranges?F O K. They’re my favourites. And let’s have this pineappletoo.PAUSE 00’05”R Four. Which dog is Anna’s?PAUSE 00’03”Mch Is that your dog, Anna?Fch No, my dog’s dirty.Mch Is it young?Fch Yes. My brother’s dog is that old one.PAUSE 00’05”R Five. What is Lucy wearing?PAUSE 00’03”1 F (shouting up the stairs) Lucy, your skirt’s on the bed.Fch Thanks, Mum but I don’t want it. I’m wearing my jeans.F And your new T-shirt?Fch Yes. It’s great! PAUSE 00’05”R Now listen to Part 3 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 3 WITH NO PAUSE AFTER THE QUESTION BUT THE SAME 00’05” PAUSE AFTER EACH DIALOGUE] That is the end of Part 3. PAUSE 00’05” Part 4.Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. PAUSE 00’03”M Look! It’s the girl’s birthday today.Fch Ican see lots of balloons! I’ve got my pencils here. Can I colour one?M Yes! A balloon is next to the photo of the family. Colour that one, please. Fch OK. What colour?M Make the balloon next to the photo, red. PAUSE 00’03”R Can you see the red balloon next to the photo? This is an example.Now you listen and colour.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R One M Colour the balloon in the small boy’s hand now.Fch Sorry? The balloon in the boy’s hand? M Yes. Have you got a yellow pencil?Fch Yes, I have.M Great! Colour it with that pencil, then.PAUSE 00’15”R Two MAnd can you see a balloon between the boxes?Fch Yes! M Well done! Colour that balloon now, please. Fch What colour for the balloon between the boxes? MWould you like to colour it pink?Fch Yes!PAUSE 00’15”R Three M Now colour the balloon under the table. Fch The balloon under the table? OK!M You can choose the colour!Fch Green! I love that colour!M Me too!PAUSE 00’15”R Four M There’s a balloon on the chair. Find that one, please. Fch I can see it.M Good. Make that balloon brown.FchOK! I’m colouring that balloon, the one on the chair, now.M Great!PAUSE 00’15”R Five Fch And which balloon can I colour now? M The one behind the cat. Colour that balloon! Fch Can I make it orange? M Yes. Thank you! PAUSE 00’15”R Now listen to Part 4 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 4 WITH ONLY 00’10” PAUSES]R That is the end of the Starters Listening test.[MUSIC]1 i Pre A1 Starters Reading and Writing Marking keyPart 1 5 marks1 ✗2 ✓3 ✓4 ✗5 ✓Part 2 5 marks1 yes2 yes3 no4 yes5 yesPart 3 5 marks1 duck2 mouse3 hippo4 monkey5 chickenPart 4 5 marks1 spiders2 legs3 tail4 trees5 sandPart 5 5 marks1 spiders2 chair3 shoe(s)/slipper(s)4 (a/the) (blonde) girl/sister/daughter5 garden/(back)yard outsidedoor (frame)/(way)( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in brackets/=Asingle slash is placed between acceptable alternative words within an answerPre A1 Starters SpeakingSummary of proceduresThe usher introduces the child to the examiner.1. A fter asking the child ‘What’s your name?’, the examiner familiarises the child withthe picture first and then asks the child to point out certain items on the scene picture,e.g. ‘Where’s the door?’ The examiner then asks the child to put two object cards invarious locations on the scene picture, e.g. ‘Put the robot on the red chair.’2. T he examiner asks questions about two of the people or things in the scene picture,e.g. ‘What’s this?’ (Answer: banana) ‘What colour is it?’ (Answer: yellow). Theexaminer also asks the child to describe an object from the scene, e.g. ‘Tell me about this box.’3. T he examiner asks questions about four object cards, e.g. ‘What’s this?’ (Answer:(orange) juice) and ‘What do you drink for lunch?’4. The examiner asks questions about the child, e.g. ‘Which sport do you like?’。

《剑桥少⼉英语⼀级》试题集锦翻译:⼀、⼀、翻译l 汉译英获胜者谁的不同的沙滩出租车咖啡假期河动物旅⾏⼭脉长颈⿅电影⼩⼭照⽚钟拜访著名的钢琴桥故事照相机学习超市电影院⾯包三明治⽜奶果汁汉堡包鱼⼤象⾜球马热狗剪⼑胡萝⼘棒球鲜花电脑电话镜⼦⾐柜⽑⼱卧室厨房⽗母同学⾹蕉表粉红的鸡蛋⼥孩兔⼦⽼⿏鞋菠萝西⽠熊猫狐狸l 英译汉number outside walk hundredtogether square test minutefun between behind underlemon vegetable window closesoup winter sky teaorange bicycle sausage traingarden flower small classroomkite shirt monkey blackboardpurse duck child tomatohorse hippo indigo butterflysnake bookcase television helicopterl 翻译句⼦1.天上有五只风筝。
________ __2.这两本书是他的。
_________________________________________________5.哪个动物⽐较⼤? _________________________________________________6.我昨天去动物园了。

剑桥少儿英语考试全真试题第一级A答案1. Look at the picture of the cat. What color is it?A. RedB. BlueC. GreenAnswer: A2. What does the boy have in his hand?A. A ballB. A bookC. A pencilAnswer: C3. Where is the girl sitting?A. On the floorB. On the chairC. On the bedAnswer: B4. How many apples are there on the table?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeAnswer: B5. What time is it now?A. 3 o'clockB. 4 o'clockC. 5 o'clockAnswer: A6. What is the weather like today?A. SunnyB. RainyC. CloudyAnswer: A7. Which animal is the tallest?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. HorseAnswer: B8. What does the sign say?A. No parkingB. No smokingC. No swimmingAnswer: A9. What is the woman wearing?A. A hatB. A scarfC. A coatAnswer: C10. How many people are in the family photo?A. FourB. FiveC. SixAnswer: B11. What is the boy doing?A. Playing footballB. Playing basketballC. Playing tennisAnswer: A12. What is the girl's favorite color?A. PinkB. YellowC. PurpleAnswer: A13. Where does the family go on vacation?A. The beachB. The mountainsC. The cityAnswer: A14. What does the man do for a living?A. He is a doctorB. He is a teacherC. He is an engineerAnswer: B15. What is the name of the dog?A. MaxB. BuddyC. CharlieAnswer: C16. How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenAnswer: B17. What is the name of the school?A. Green Valley SchoolB. Blue Hills SchoolC. Redwood SchoolAnswer: A18. What is the girl's favorite subject?A. MathB. ScienceC. ArtAnswer: C19. What is the boy's hobby?A. Playing the guitarB. Playing the pianoC. Playing the violinAnswer: A20. What is the weather like in winter?A. WarmB. ColdC. HotAnswer: B。

剑桥少儿英语一级口语试题精选一、animals1. What’s your favorite animal?2. Do you like tigers?3. Which animal do you like best?4. How many……does a ……have?5. How many eyes has the monster got?6. How many frogs are there?7. Where can you see fish?8. What’s the ……doing?二、the body and the face1. How many ……have you got?2. What color is your hair?3. Do you have straight hair or curly hair?4. Do you like your eyes?三、the home1. Where do you watch TV?2. Do you live in a big house/flat or a small house/flat?3. Have you got an animal at home?4. How many beds are there in your bedroom?四、numbers 1-201. What’s your lucky number?2. Can you count from one to ten?3. Which number do you like best?五、sports and leisure1. Where do you often play computer games?2. Do you like to play football?3. What’s your favorite sport?4. Have you got a kite?5. Can you play the piano?6. Do you often play in the garden?7. Who often play with you?六、transport1. How many buses are there?2. How do you go to school?3. Who drives a car in your family?七、work1. Where does your mother work?2. When does your father/mother work?3. Where does a doctor work?八、the world around us1. Do you often go to the beach?2. Who do you often go to the beach with?3. Is the beach beautiful?4. How old are you?5. Do you live in Tianjin?九、clothes1. What color is your jacket?2. Tell me your favorite clothes, please.3. Are you wearing a jacket/skirt…… today?4. Are you wearing glasses?5. Is there anyone wearing glasses in your family?十、colors1. What color is it?2. What are your favorite clothes?3. What color are your trousers?4. Do you like blue?十一、 family and friends1. How many people are there in your family?2. How many friends do you have?3. Who is your best friend?4. How many brothers/sisters have you got?5. Where do you live?6. What does your mother like to do?7. Who cooks in your family?8. What is the father doing?十二、 places and directions1. Which is the ……?2. Put the ……on/in/under/between/in front of/next to the ……3. Where is the ……?4. Where are the ……?十三、 school1. Which school are you in?2. Is your school beautiful?3. How do you go to school every day?4. What’s your English teacher’s name?5. How many students are there in your class?十四、 time1. What time is it?2. When do you get up?3. When do you eat breakfast?4. When does your father/mother go to work?十五、 toys1. Have you got a toy monster?2. How many toys have you got?3. Do you like to go to the toy shop?4. Do you like to buy some toys?十六、 weather1. What’s the weather like today?2. Do you like sunny day?3. How many seasons are there in a year?4. What’s your favorite season?5. What do you wear in the spring/summer/fall/winter? 十七、 food and drink1. What do you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?2. Do you often eat ……for breakfast/lunch/dinner?3. When do you eat breakfast/lunch/dinner?4. Do you like eating/drinking ……?5. What’s your favorite food?。

剑桥少儿英语一级试题剑桥少儿英语一级上册=thirteen+ three =一、1.写出下列名词的复数形式l. ___________ apple _____ fly _____________ banana mango_______ boy ________ sheep ________ box ______ bus ________ photo _________ family ____________ watchmousefrogfoottomato familyknife spidersheep _________ homework _________ 2•用a 或an 填空10. _________ r ed apple 3请写出缩写和意思4填写下列空白处的数字 3 4 6 7 9ice cream little monkey _ umbrella family photo -egg apple2. _________ English book5. _________ orange & __________ big egg I have = _____________ = ____________ (It is = _____________ are = ___________ (They are = _________ )She has)) We))ten + _______________ =twentyfour+nine three +_______________ = eleven 5 用 am ,is ,或 are 填空(13.14•题用 I 、you 、he> she 的适当形式填空)guitars ・3・ I ________ seven years old ・4. My father __________ a teacher.5. The bears_________ l ovely. 6・ The duck ________ running ・7・ They _________ watermelons. 8. We _______________ on the grass ・ 9・ The grass _________ green ・10. The milk _________ w hite.11. This _______ apear.Those ______ c oconuts12.1 ______ a girl ・ He __________ a boy. 13.This isn 9t _____ umbrella, ifs yours ・ 14. It 5s her schoolbag ・ Itt __________ . 6 have, has 9 haven't, hasn 5t 填空. 1. _______ you gotapencil?Yes , I _________ •2. _______ h e got a radio? No, he ________ ・ 3・ ______ we got any fish? Yes, we __________ • 4.______ Bill got a kite? No, he ______ •5. The dogs _______ got any food. They are hungry (饿) 6・ My mother _______ g ot a handbag, but she hasn 9t got a schoolbag.二、回答下列问题fivefour + 1. This a bathroom. 2. Those __________l.How do you go to Beijin? do you want to go ?3・Who wants to be a helicopter?are you going ?2. Where 4. Where5・Do you come here by ship or by train ? 単项填空()1.—Wiaf s this?—If sB ・ anC ・ the ()2.—Whaf s this?— a frog.They 9re B. It's C. She ?s ( )3. Bill is mv friend, mot her is orange. A. a A. Her B. His C. He ( )4.- —Nice to see you!—— A ・ How are you? BGoo .morning! C ・ Nice to see you, too. ( )5. This my new penci1・ A ・is B. be C ・ are( )6. I want coconuts, please ・ A. a B. an C. someA . a teacher. A. Yes, like( )7.—Would you like an apple?— ・ please B ・ Yes, I like C ・ No, I ( )8・一How many watermelons?―;yellow B ・ seven C ・ Bill ( )9・ I like ・ ___________ A ・ mangosC ・ mango ()10.当别人对你说“Happy birthday”时, A ・ Thank you B ・ Happy birthday! ( )11.—He ___________ got three eyes ・has C ・ is ( ____________________ )12・ I have got two big ________________ ・eyes C ・ ear ()13.- A. A .B ・ mangoes 你应该说_C ・ You, too. A ・ have B.A. eye B . _ can you see?—I can see a book ・That B. What C ・ When ___ is your shirt?—It ,s blue, colour B ・ house C ・ red _ your head ・ C ・ Touch ()14. —What A. ()15. Bounce ( )16・―Would you like an apple?—A ・ A. Kick B.No , thanks ・ B ・ Yes, thank you. C ・ No^~~ ase ・ ()17.―Where is your book?— ____________ A.ten. B ・ It ,s on the desk ・ C ・ It ,s blue ・ ( )18. We can see _____ our eyes ・ A ・ with B.to C・ of( )19・ I like apples, _ A.but B・ and C・ of()20. This ________ a book.B.amC. are I dorft like orangeSeA. is1 ) Hello, your name please?A) His name is Bill.2) Nice to see you!B) IVs a book.3) What5s this?C) I am Peter.4) What's his name?四.看句子f写出对应的答句D) Nice to see you, too!五、请写出句子的意思.1. Look, that is a big hippo・2. I can say lots of numbers 3・ Mary5s littlemonkey.4.1 don9t like frogs, holiday.5. I'm going away for a6. This is our family photo.7. These are my cupboards・& I like that book. Is it for me? 9. Close your book.10.1 have a big nose.六、根据汉语提示,填空______ flying aHave you gotColour the 5・Kevin 的自行车是黑色的.Kevin 5s ___________ is ________七、阅读短文后判断对错Hello, I am Jack ・ I am ten years old. There are four people in our family, my father Sam, my mother Mary, my sister Jane, and 1.1 have a little dog. It 5s Snoopy. It is very lovely. I love it. I like yellow and red. What about you? 1. Jack is 9 years old.()2. There are 4 people in Jack^s family.( ) 3・ Jack ,s mother is Jane ・( ) 4. Jack 5s dog is Snoopy.( )5. Jack likes red.()八、根据下表填空Bent family NameAg eFather Jim 32MotherSue291. 我喜欢放风筝•2. 你有一个香蕉吗?9 ■3・把苹果涂成红色.4.我的爸爸有一个照相机. MyHello, I am Ben. I am __________ years old. There are _______ people in our family, my ________ ,my mother, my grandfather; my _______________________ ,my and I. This is myfather. His name is __________ ・ Het 32 years old. This is my mother. Her name is Sue. She9s _________ years old. This is my grandfather, Peter. Het ______ ____ years old. This is my_______ , Sue. She9s 55 years old. My sister is Betty. Shet ・ I love my family.九、写一段话,简单地介绍一位你的朋友(包括姓名、性别、年龄、五官以及爱好,不少于30个单词)。

剑桥少儿英语一级入学测试题姓名得分一、将所缺的字母补充完整a b d e f h m n o pr s t u w x y z二选择填空。
( ) 1 watermelon A 西红柿 B 西瓜 C 苹果( ) 2 bean A 豌豆 B青豆夹 C 土豆( ) 3 hen A 公鸡 B母鸡 C 小鸡( ) 4 spider A 乌龟 B老鼠 C 蜘蛛( ) 5 he A 他 B她 C 它( ) 6 浴室 A bedroom B kitchen C bathroom ( ) 7 匹萨 A pizza B biscuit C potato( ) 8 碰,摸 A touch B show C catch( ) 9 什么 A where B what C when( ) 10 操场 A school B playground C W.C三、连线( ) Who is he ? 1 Two pandas.( ) How many pandas? 2 He is Peter.( ) Happy new year ! 3 I’m going to the park. ( ) Good morning ! 4 Happy new year !( ) Where are you going ? 5 Good morning.( ) Hello! 6 It’s the letter O. ( ) What is it ? 7 Glad to meet you, too. ( ) Glad to meet you ! 8 Hello!四、按要求画画。
1. Draw a panda, colour it black and white.2. Draw a dog, colour it black and white.3. Draw a cat, colour it black.五、试想一下,下列图片是由哪个字母开头的,把它圈出来。

一级试题精选(1)一. Listening Part ( 10 分)I get up at 6:30 every morning. I ______a piece of bread, two eggs and _______milk for breakfast. I ____ to school by bike. I like to _______ English . After class I ______ a football or_______. I ______ the bike to go home . I do my homework, ______books and have dinner . After dinner , I ______ with my dog . I _______ in the bed at 21:00 .二. Read and classify ( 20分)( bus black sock mango purple grape shirt pineapple T-shirt coconut plane bread sausage pear jacket ship green train sandwich white )1:transportation :________________________________2:fruit :_______________________________3:cothes :__________________________4:food : 5. colour :_________________________________三. Read and choose (10分)1 .What’s your name ?A . I’m BettyB . I’m tenC . I’m OK2. what’s this ?A . It’s blue B. It’s four C . It’s a radio3 . What colour do you like ?A . I like applesB . I like pinkC .I like cats4 .How many ducks are there ?A .There are five ducksB .There are some ducksC . There are any ducks5 .Have you got any fish ?A . Yes, she’s got some fishB .No, I haven’tC .No, I have四、Read and match (10分)1.How do you go to Beijin2.Where do you want to go ?3.Who wants to be a helicopter?4.Where are you going ?5.Do you come here by ship or by train ?五.Fill in the blanks with the given words.(10分)1. This ________a pear. Those______coconuts2. I _______ a girl . He ______a boy.3. This isn’t _____umbrella, it’s yours.4. It’s her schoolbag. It’s ______.5. He _____ _____ a kite. I _____ _____a football.六.Read and guess (10分)1. I’m big and pink . I have many black childen inside me What am I ? I’m a _______________2.I have a lo ng body .I’ve got a small head . I’ve got no feet , no arms and no hands . What am I ?I’m a _________________3 .I’m big and gray . I’ve got a long nose and big feet . I like to take a bath . My favourite fruit is bananas . What am I ?I’m a _________________________4 . I’m white . My eyes are red . I’ve got two long ears , but my four legs are short . I like to eat carrots . What am I ?I’m a _________________________七.Make a wish ( 许个愿吧)( 10分)Where do you want to go , and how do you want to go there ?(1) I _____________________________________(2) I _____________________________________八 . 写出名词的复数形式(10分)mouse _______ frog __________tomato ______ family__________knife ______ spider __________foot __________ sheep ___________box ___________ homework_______九.写出下列各组单词划线部分的音标(10分)1 . chick chair children [ ]2. she shirt fish [ ]3 . bird girl skirt [ ]4 . garden guitar car [ ]5 . meat sea beach [ ]一级试题精选(2)ⅰ、单词连线。

(20分)horse 照相机鱼 carrotbaseball 大象足球 soccercamera 马热狗 fishelephant 剪刀胡萝卜 hockeyscissors 棒球曲棍球 hot dog二、单词分类。
(20分)bed bathtub knife flowers wardrobeTV table computer broom telephone clockmirror bowl lamp bookcase refrigeratorchairs sofa towel cupboardbedroom:bathroom:kitchen:living room:三、情景交际。
(20分)A B()1.What’s he doing? a. Her favourite spo rt is tennis.()2.Where are my cats? b. I’m 9 years old.()3.Have you got a computer? c. They’re behind the bookcase.()4.What do you do at school? d. Yes, I like.()5.How are you? e. He’s sleeping.()6.What’s her favourite sport? f. I’m fin e. Thank you. And you?()7.Do you like bananas? g. No, thanks.()8.What’s your name? h. No, I haven’t.()9.Please have some chicken. i. My name is May.()10.How old are you? j. I read books.四、读短文,判断正(√)误(×)。

以下是关于剑桥少儿英语一级考试试题,希望大家认真阅读!一、默写下列单词(30分)hair eye ear head nose mouth hand arm foot leg bounce kick draw catch throw put potato pear carrot tomato blue red black purple green yellow pink shirt sock shoe dress hat jacket skirt二、单项填空(10分)( )1. —He got three eyes.A. haveB. hasC. is( )2. I have got two big .A. eyeB. eyesC. ear( )3. — can you see? —I can see a book.A. ThatB. WhatC. When( )4. —What is your shirt? —It’s blue.A. colourB. houseC. red( )5. your head.A. KickB. BounceC. Touch( )6. —Would you like an apple? —A. No, thanks.B. Yes, thank you.C. No, please.( )7. —Where is your book? —A. It’s ten.B. It’s on the desk.C. It’s blue.( )8. We can see our eyes.A. withB. toC. of( )9. I like apples, I don’t like oranges.A. butB. andC. of( )10. This a book.A. isB. amC. are三、连线。

剑桥少儿英语一级上册1--6单元测试Part 1写出丢失的字母(大小写各一个)(5分)Aa_____ Cc______ Ee, Ff, Gg, ______ , Ii,Jj, ________, Ll, ________, Nn, Oo, ________ Qq, ________, Ss, Tt, ________Vv, Ww, ________, Yy, ________.Part 2写出下列名词的复数形式.(14分)boy ________ sheep ________grape apple ________ butterfly ________foot________dog________ orange ________box ________ cake ________family ________ fish ________brush ________ cat ________radio__ hippo ________ tooth________Part 3请写出缩写和意思(14分)I am=______________ ( )You are = ____________ ( )He is =_____________ ( )She is =_____________ ( )It is =______________ ( )We are =___________ ( )They are =__________ ( )Part 6填写下列空白处的数字(10分)________ two _______four ______six _______eight _______ten.One + ________________=fiveTwo+ ______________ = eight_______________ + three = sixseven + ________________= tenfour + ________________= ninePart 5用a或an填空(每空1分共6分)1.__________ umbrella2. __________ fish3.__________ apple4. __________banana5. __________ English book6. __________ orangePart 6 请写出句子的意思.(每题1分共12分)1. Hello,your name,please?2. His name is Sam.3. What would you like,sir?.4.It`s our fun time today.5.What about you?6.Please watch carefully.7.What`s in the pouch8.Who wants to try?9.Whose body is it?10.Which one do you want to play first?11.Pick an apple and put it under the chair.12.Turn off the lights.Part 7 写出相应的颜色.(5分)red .yellow green .black. pink purple . orange blue . rown . grayPart 8 试找出一个不同类的单词,并圈出来(10分)1.apple banana eye watermelon2.ear nose turtle hand3.bear lemon elephant dog4.ant blue green yellow5.pineapple house mango pear6.cow fox green panda7.forty ten nine purple8.bike car uncle train9.under shirt on behind10.sister mother niece glassesPart9填写单词(15分)1.c_ke 蛋糕2. __me 名字3.f_ce 脸4. ____游戏5. _rog青蛙6.win___窗户7. _iraffe长颈鹿8. ____鼻子9. ____脖子10.p_n别针11. _ib钢笔尖12.zi_拉链13.l__盖子14.clo__闹钟15.t_r_l_乌龟16.r_ck 石头17. ___雾18. __rld世界19. _ot婴儿床20. ____efruit葡萄柚21. _____桃子22.h_n母鸡23. _et外科医生24. ________最喜欢的25. ________ 仔细地26.pl____请27.ta__尾巴28.g__t山羊29. ________今天30. ________时间Part 11.看图回答(10分)in :在······里on :在······上under:在······下between :在······中间behind :在······后面1.The snake is _________ the tree.2.The sheep is _________ the tree3.The pencil-case is _________ the desk.4.The bag is ___________ the two chairs.5.The girl is ___________ the chair.。

剑桥少儿英语过级考试试题(一级)第一部分:听力一.Draw a line (10’)camera二. Listen and write (1 birthd ____________ 三.Listen and choose the best answer.( 10’)Eg :My name’s Tom . What’s yours ? ( A )A . Peter . B. Yes, it is . C. Fine , thanks .1. What’s in your bedroom ? ( )A . BookcaseB . WardrobeC . Armchair2 . Where is the cat ? ( )A . It’s in the box .B . It’s behind the box .C . It’s on the box .D . It’s next to the box .3 .What’s she doing ? ( )A . She is flying a kite .B . She’s drawing pictures .C . She’s riding a kite .D . She’s learning English .4 . What’s your favourite sport ? ( )A . I like playing soccer .B . I like running .C . I like playing hockey .D . I like playing baseball .5 . What colour do you like ? ( )A . I like red .B . I like blue .C . I like purple .D . I like yellow .二. Read and answer ( 20’ )This is a beautiful picture . There is a big tree in the picture . It’s green . Some flowers are under the tree. A bird is singing in the tree . Under the tree ,there are some boys and girls . The boys are playing badminton . The girls are playing games .Questions:1 . What color is the tree?2 . Where are the flowers ?_______________________________________________3 .Where are the children ?_____________________________________________________4 . Who is playing badminton ?_____________________________________________________5 . What are the girls doing ?_____________________________________________________一、小朋友们,给下面的字母找妈妈:a e d g hb fD G H FE B A二、填上所缺的字母:例如:A □ C D E 应当填 B1.c d e f □2.D E F □ H3.h i □ k l4.□ N O P Q5.r s t u □6.H I □ K L三、用上边的字母组成能使下边句子完整的单词。

班期末考试.试题类型:一级一期试卷制定: 教师:Susan。
试卷审核:姓名班级任课教师试卷成绩总分听力口语笔试Listening (30’)Part Ⅰ Liste。
n and tick √ or cross。
( )2。
( ) 3.( )4.( )5.()P art Ⅱ Liste。
n and tick √ (10’)() 1. A. bag B. bat C。
Pat ( ) 2. A. hat B。
mat C. that() 3. A. name B. make C。
take ( ) 4. A. box B。
fox C。
clock.( ) 5. A。
rice B。
nice C。
kite ( ) 6. A. cup B. cut C. nut( ) 7. A。
he B. she C。
( ) 8. A。
nose B. rose C. note( ) 9。
pen B. vet C. wet () 10. A. nib B. kid C. pitPart Ⅲ Listen and choos。
e (10’)( ) 1。
What’s in my hat?A。
A turtl.e B。
A book C。
A car( ) 2. What's this?A。
It’s a goat。
B. It’s a frog. C. It’s a cow.( ) 3。
What would you like?A. I want some apple。
I want some pears。
. C。
I want some banan.as.( ) 4. Where。
is my toy car?A。
It's under. the desk. B. It’s in the desk。
It’s on the desk。

【说明】:1. 参考答案为黑色粗体字,请家长将参考答案保管到一边,待其做完题后再将答案予以对照并改正。
2. 试题均系筛选后的经典题目,有难度区分(难度未按题号顺序排序)。
3. 若遇新单词,可借用其英语字典查阅并掌握。
4. 若有任何问题,都可以通过各种方式与我互相交流并解决之。
一、翻译题●汉译英获胜者winner 谁的whose 不同的different 沙滩beach出租车taxi/cab 咖啡coffee 假期holiday/vacation 河river动物animal 旅行travel 山脉mountain 长颈鹿giraffe电影movie/film 小山hill 照片photo 钟clock拜访visit 著名的famous 钢琴piano 桥bridge故事story 照相机camera 学习study 超市supermarket 电影院cinema 面包bread 三明治sandwich 牛奶milk果汁juice 汉堡包(ham)burger 鱼fish 大象elephant足球football/soccer 马horse 热狗hotdog 剪刀scissors胡萝卜carrot 棒球baseball 鲜花flower 电脑computer电话telephone 镜子mirror 衣柜wardrobe 毛巾towel卧室bedroom 厨房kitchen 父母parents 同学classmate香蕉banana 表watch 粉红的pink 鸡蛋egg女孩girl 兔子rabbit 老鼠mouse 鞋shoe菠萝pineapple 西瓜watermelon 熊猫panda 狐狸fox●英译汉number 数字;号码outside 外面的;在外walk 走;散步hundred 百;百个together 一起;总共square 方形的;广场test 测试minute 分钟fun 乐趣;玩笑between 在...之间behind 在...后面under 在...下面lemon 柠檬vegetable 蔬菜window 窗户close 关闭soup 汤winter 冬天sky 天空tea 茶orange 橘子bicycle 自行车sausage 香肠train 火车garden 花园flower 鲜花small 小的classroom 教室kite 风筝shirt 衬衫;内衣monkey 猴子blackboard 黑板purse 钱包duck 鸭子child 小孩tomato 西红柿horse 马hippo 河马indigo 靛蓝色butterfly 蝴蝶snake 蛇bookcase 书柜;书架television 电视机helicopter 直升飞机●翻译句子1.天上有五只风筝。

剑桥少儿英语一级Part1: MeetingUnit1:What’s your name?...................................................................... Words: my, your, his, her, friendSentences:1) ----What’s your name?----My name is ....../I’m .......2)----How old are you?----I’m.....Exercise:--- What's your name? --- _________________.A、Good morning!B、Hello!C、I'm Lisa.D、My name is David.Unit2:Meeting new friends........................................................................ Words:meet,see,week,great,exercisePhrase: have fun, don’t worrySentences:1)----Nice to see you.----Nice to see you ,too.2)----How’s your holiday?----It’s great.3)----Thanks.----You’re welcome.4)----It’s good to see you back. ----It’s great to see you all again. Exercise:A:______ to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,______.Unit3: Stationary...………………………………………......................... Words:pencil,pen,pencil-box,eraser,ruler,bag,crayon,RadioSentences:1)----This is my ........2)----Show me .........Part2:Letters and wordsUnit4:Letters A----G ……………………………………………………Unit5:Letters H-----N……………………………………………………Unit6: Letters O----T………………………………………….…………Unit7: Letters U----Z……………………………………….....…………Unit8: Word Factory……………………………………….,…………Words:word, factory, family, minute, ready, eat, drink, jump, listen... Sentences:1)----This way,please.2)----Aa is for an apple.Bb is for a banana. ... ... ....Part3: FoodUnit9: Have lunch………………………………………....………Words:burger, egg, chips/fries, sausages, cake, candy, chocolate, ... Sentences:1)----Would you like...?----I’d like... .2)----Can I have ...?----Sure.3)----Let’s buy some ...,ok?----No problem.Unit10:Fruit………………………………............……………………Words:pineapple,lemon,pear,watermelon,lime,banana,orange,grape,mango,peach...Sentences:1)----What shall we buy?Any ideas?----Let’s buy ....2)----What would you like,...?----I want some....(单词复数)/I like ...(单数).3)----Here you are.4)----How many (m)Unit11: Vegetable……………………………………………………... Words:onion[ʌnjən], pumpkin, pea, potato, bean, carrot, tomato, ...Sentences:1)----Which one do you like,the ... or the ....?----I like ...Part 4: ColoursUnit12: What colour is it ?…………………………………………..... Words:coloured, parrot, learn, rainbow, ...Phrase: by heartSentences:1)----Which coloured balloon do you want?----Yellow, please.2)----Which colour do you want to see?----Red!Unit13:Colour around us..................................................................... Words:red hat, green jacket, pink shoes, orange socks, brown dress, white T-shirt,black skirt...Phrases: please wait. Hurry up!Sentences:1)----What colour ... do you like?----I like this blue ....2)----Is your apple red?----Yes,it is./No, it isn’t.3)----What colour is it?----It’s red. ...Part 5:Reading roomUnit14:I like this reading room................................................................. Words: story, cartoon, music, math, English, Chinese, favorite, ... Sentences:1)----I’m coming.2)----This reading room is very nice,I like it.3)----What books do you like reading ?----I like picture books.4)----Which book would do you like to read?----I’d like to read a book on animals.5)----What’s the story about?----It’s about a boy’s family.Unit15: Test&Parent’s meeting.Part6:Learning EnglishUnit1: I love English……………………………………………………Words:big ,small, happy,sad, long, short, young, old, quick, slow, Sentences:1)----Can I ask you a question?----Yes,please.2)----Excuse me,May I come in?----Yes, sure.3)----What’s the Chinese for “eraser”?Unit2: “Doing” English………………………………………………….. Words:time, name, family, body, sport, number, animalSentences:1)----What’s house animal?2)----What’s farm animal?Unit 3 An English evening......................................................................... Words:evening, quietly, asleep, past, suddenly, break, group,... Sentences:1)----Wow!What a big ....!2)----I can”t pull it out.3)----Let me help you.4)----Let’s do it.Part7:NumbersUnit4:“0~10”in our lives…………………………………………............ Words: numbers, double, lucky, date, share, fax, phone, page, Phrases:open/close the door, put on /take off the shoes. Sentences:1)----How many children can you see?----I can see ten children.Unit5: a math lesson…………………………………….......................... Words:plus, minus, easy, busy, missing,Phrases:take away,Sentences:1)----One plus two is three.2)----Three minus two is one.3)----Let’s count.4)----Math is fun/easy.Unit 6 Practicing numbers.........................................................................Part 8:Go to parkUnit7: Sports in the park……………………………………................... Words:talking, shining,Phrases:playing on the see-saw, riding a bike, catching a butterfly, listening to music, reading a book, kicking a ball,... Sentences:1)----It’s a nice day, isn’t it?----Yes, it is.2)----Let’s go and join them.----Good idea, let’s go!3)----Lots of children are playing in the park.Grammar:be +doingUnit8:Visiting to park……………………………………........................ Words:happy/angry, new/old, up/down, back/front, hot/cold, dark/bright, left/ right, day/night, fast/ slow,Sentences:1)----What can you see in the park?----I can see an old man and a young boy.Part9:BirthdayUnit9: Happy Birthday.………………………………………….............. Phrases: make a birthday, make a wish, blow out candles, cut the cake, give a present, birthday party,...Sentences:1)----Happy birthday!2)----What a beautiful cake!3)----Have you got a clock?----Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.4)How many glasses of water should we have a day?5)What should we often eat for lunch?Part10:Holiday!Uint10:Happy Children’s Day.…………………………………….......... Phrases: watch TV, see a puppet show, go boating, play table,go bike-riding play hide-and-seek,..Sentences:1)----Our policeman is helping the grandmother cross the street.2)----The little girls is giving the policeman some water.3)----What do you often do on Children’s Day?----I often go boating.Unit11:Happy new year............................................................................. Words: present, make, guess, bounce, wear, sleep, drink, blow,... Sentences:1)----Who is he?----He is...2)Happy new year!3)How long is your snake?Unit12:Practice and activityPart11:LessonsUnit13: I like paper-folding lessons………………………………….... Words: circle/ring, square, triangle, rectangle, star, pentagon,fold, scissors,sticky, tape, paperSentences:1)----May I use the sticky tape?----Here you are.2)----I like paper-folding lessons.----So do I .3)----My UFO is flying now.----How far will it fly?Unit14 Activity............................................................................................ Unit15: Test&Parent’s meeting………………………………….………Part12:BodyUnit1: My body…………………………………………………....……Words: hair,eye, ear,leg,hand,foot,head,nose,mouth,arm,neck Sentences:1)----What can you see?----I can see a book.2)----We can see with our eyes.3)----He’s got three eyes ,four hands,four ears and three legs.4)----Touch your head.5)----What can we do with our hands and feet?Part13: Clothes show.................................................................................. Unit2:clothes show...................................................................................... Words:shirt, dress, jacket,socks, T-shirt,glasses, trousers, shorts,vest,shoes Sentence:1)----Is that yours?----Yes ,this is ./Yes, this is mine.2)----This is my hat./These are my hats.3)----What is she/he wearing today?Part 14:Where is/What is ...?Unit3: Where is my toy car?………………………………….................. Words: under, on, in ,between, behind, next to ,in front of,train, jeep, car, sheep, boat, motorbike, bike,bus,toy,mat,spider,lots,wheel,wing, Sentences:1)----Where is my toy car?----It’s under the cap.2)----How much ice cream do you want?3)----Have you got a toy car?----Yes, I have./No,I haven't.Unit4: What’s in my hat?………………………………………............ Words: hat, turtle,table,clock,fish,bird,pouch,watch,candy,fun,vase...Sentences:1)----What’s in my hat?----It’s ...2)----What’s on the table?3)---Let me try.Part15:AnimalsUnit5: It’s a goat. ....................................................................................... Words:horse, fish, duck, cow,rabbit,chicken, frog, goat,sheep Sentences:1)----What’s this ?----It’s a .../an...Part16:Family treeUnit6: My Family tree………………………………………................. Words:mother/mum,father/dad,grandfather/grandpa,grandmother/grandm a, uncle,aunt,Sentences:1)----I’ve got a friend here.2)----Is that your grandma?3)----She is watering the flowers now.`Unit7: Your family tree.……………………………….....................…Words: niece, nephew, daughter,cousin, sister,brother,Sentences:1)----Take a seat.2)----Who’s she/he?----She is .../He is ...3)----Come and show us your family photo.Part17:Let’s help the oldUnit8:Help the old...................................................................................... Words:feed,tidy,mop,sweep,wash,clean,scrub,floor,cupboard,street, bookcase, sofa,Sentences:1)----What is she /he doing?----She/He is mopping the floor.2)----Here we are.3)----Yes,thanks a lot.4)----Would you like a cup of tea?5)----I’ll clean the kitchen.Part18:How to playUnit9: Make a friend………………………………………………...…Words:friend,hobby,flying,wearing,swimming,drawing,climbing,talking,Phrases: roller-skating, play computer games, bike-riding,go shopping Sentences:1)----What’s your hobby?----I like bike-riding.2)----What does she/he like doing?3)----Come and have a book.Unit10: Play games…………………………………………………... Words:head,throw,kick,Phrases:draw the clown,kick the shuttlecock,throw the beanbag, catch the beanbag, hide and seek, pick and put hopscotch,Sentences:1)----Where is ...?----He/She (must be/is) in the ...?2)----Pick an apple and put it under the chair.3)----Which one do you want to play?----I want to play ....Unit11: Have fun in the ground……………………………………...... Phrases:hurry up, come on, throw the shuttlecock, feather race, mimic the animal sound, three leg running,musical island, bear walk,.... Sentences:1)----Let’s have fun in the playground.2)---- Who can jump highest?3)----Who can run faster?4)----Who can stand up one leg for a minute?Part19:Who can?Unit12: Everybody can!............................................................................. Words:everybody, chant, action, riddle,letterSentences:1)----We can sing a chant.2)----We can mime the actions.3)----We can sing a song.4)----I can colour this picture.5)----I can make words with these letters.Unit13:Review I.......................................................................................... Unit14:Review II....................................................................................... Unit15:Test and Parent’s meeting...........................................................。