




业绩的英语说法1.achievement2.performance业绩的相关短语业绩评估performance evaluation ; assessment of performance ; Performance Reviews ; Performance Appraisal 业绩评价performance measurement ; performance evaluation ; evaluation of performance ; performance management业绩标准 performance dimension ; Performance Standards ; performance criterion ; Performance Characteristics Criteria 总体业绩 aggregate performance业绩报表 earning report业绩基准 Benchmark ; Performance Benchmarking销售业绩Sales Performance ; Sales ; Sales Budget ; sales credit运行业绩 operational performance企业业绩Business Performance ; Industrial effect ; firm performance业绩的英语例句1. There is no provision for funding performance-related pay rises.没有为与业绩挂钩的加薪预作资金准备。

2. The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.这项工作需要有良好投资业绩的人来担当。



capability index
cascade plan casualty causal system cause and effect cell Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (China CNCA 中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会 National Certification & Accreditation Administration) certification body 认证机构 (欧洲用语, = registrar) Certification Of Completion COC 完工合格证书 champion 主管领导 Change Request / Change Record CR/CR 更改要求/更改记录 characteristics matrix 特性矩阵图 (汽车的)车架 [底盘连于车轴上且用弹簧支 chassis 撑的长方形钢架,用以固定机动车辆的车身
第 1 页

5 S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke):
absenteeism & sickness quota accept / reject acceptability Acceptable Quality Limit acceptance criteria acceptance figure accreditation body accredited laboratory accuracy acquisition action plan active part Advance Shipment Notification Advance Shipping Notification aftermarket parts after-the-fact American Military Standard American National Standards Institute American Society for Quality (Control) American Society for Testing & Materials Analysis Of Variance anneal Anti-skid Brake System. Appearance Approval Report appraisal cost appraiser appreciate

剑桥商务英语中级第二版 6a reporting results

剑桥商务英语中级第二版 6a reporting results

Unit 6a Reporting results
Look at the activity sheet, Review the words and expressions to describe graphs.
Unit 6a Reporting results
Steady rapidly slowly Marginally slightly Suddenly substantially Be up from/on To peak at/on the summit To go down to Remain stable / constant
Unit 6a Reporting results
3. exceptional adj. much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc
e.g. The company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.
Unit 6a Reporting results
the company is committed to a performance management culture 公司致力于绩效管理文化
performance evaluation 绩效评估
performance appraisal system 绩效评估体系 track performance of the company 跟踪公司的绩效
Unit 6a Reporting results
4. …the business is only operating at breakeven and isn’t expected to do much more this year … 这项业务盈亏平衡,今年无望盈利。

2010 综述 Research on warehouse design and performance evaluation(中文翻译版)

2010 综述 Research on warehouse design and performance evaluation(中文翻译版)

2010 Research on warehouse design and performance evaluation: A comprehensive review摘要:本文对关于仓库设计、绩效评估、实践案例研究和计算机辅助工具的研究进行了仔细地综述。












具体的运作策略,例如如何分批方法以及订单拣选路径,则不被看着是设计问题,所以在Gu et al. (2007)讨论。






BENCHMARKINGBenchmarking can be thought of as a scientific way of setting objectives that will act as targets before and during the operating period, and comparators during and after the periodBenchmarking can be defined as: 'The establishment, by the collection of data, of comparators that allow relative levels of performance to be identified.’Benchmarking can be thought of as a scientific way of setting objectives that will act as targets before and during the operating period, and comparators during and after the period. The phrase ‘by the collection of data’ is crucial: anyone can establish objectives without the collection of data, but these will be of little use because they are likely to be arbitrary and without any validity. Benchmark data validates objectives.The sources of data that can be used include internal data (for example, comparing the results of different branches), data about other companies (for example, those in the same industry) and government data (for example, data about employee sick days). We will examine the sources of data in more detail later.BENCHMARKING AND THE STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESSBenchmarking can be used in all three steps of the classical, rational model of strategic planning:Assess the strategic position (internal and external factors)Frequently, strategic planning starts by defining the mission or mission statement. For example, BMW states that its mission is: ‘The BMW Group is the world’s leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.’So, without comparison through benchmarking, how does BMW know that it is delivering premium products and services?Assessment of an organisation’s current strategic position can be summarised in a SWOT analysis. However, the use of comparators is inherent in a SWOT analysis: if you can say that something is a ‘weakness’ or a ‘strength’ you must be carrying out some sort of comparison when making that value judgement. Similarly with opportunities and threats. A factor is a threat to us only because it is better or stronger than we are in that area – whether it is an organisation that is better financed, or one that produces products more cheaply, or a technological development that promises a better product in terms of cost-benefit, or an organisation that has a stronger brand name.Note that a benchmarking exercise can also highlight where a competitor’s performance is weaker and so point out the areas where that competitor is vulnerable and might be fruitfully attacked. For example, if it is found that the quality andr eliability of a competitor’s products are inferior to one’s own products, then an advertising campaign emphasising quality of our products could be effective.In all cases, the SWOT analysis should be based as far as possible on facts; data that has been collected and transformed into benchmark standards.Consider strategies and make choicesChosen strategies are those that should lead to competitive advantage.According to Michael Porter, competitive advantage can be obtained through either cost leadership or differentiation (each with or without focus). If cost leadership is to be attained, then an organisation must know what costs it needs to beat. What are competitors’ costs? What are the benchmarks for cost leadership? If the organisation has little hope of equalling or bettering those costs, then cost leadership is not a sensible strategy to attempt.Similarly with differentiation. This strategy is always more complex than cost leadership, where the main criterion is simply to lower unit costs while maintaining average quality. Differentiation, however, can be attained in a multitude of ways: quality, brand, style, innovation. Whatever the secret of differentiation is, it must be something that beats the competition – better quality, stronger brand attributes, better style or more radical innovation. Once again, measuring how competitors perform in these metrics is essential.Strategic implementation (strategy into action)Setting objectives is a major tool for implementing a strategy. Strategic plans are often communicated by issuing budgets to divisions, departments and individuals and, of course, budgets consist of objectives or targets. However, budgets have to be both challenging (to stay competitive and generate motivation) and attainable (to be taken seriously). Once again, an assessment of potential attainability should be based on the results that other organisations achieve, and so budget targets need to be benchmarked against these.Therefore, benchmarking can be used to:∙push people in the directions where improvement is required∙provide measures as to whether that required performance has been attained or to indicate what improvement is still needed.TYPES OF BENCHMARKThere are a number of different ways in which benchmarks can be established. A common categorisation of the approaches is as follows:Internal benchmarking. This does not mean simply inventing an objective internally out of thin air because benchmarking implies comparison. Internal benchmarks are likely to be set by looking at historical performance or performances achieved by different branches or divisions. If last period’s actual results showed that it took 12 minutes to produce each unit, then it might be valid to set a benchmark of 11.5 minutes for the next period. Similarly, if the best branch achieved a net profit percentage of 15%, then that might be a valid target to set all branches.The potential danger with these approaches is that they are both inward-looking. Therefore:∙No attention has been paid to what other organisations, such as competitors, are achieving. Note that Porter talks of the need to achieve competitive advantage. It’s all very well saying that our best branch achieves 15% net profit, but what ifcompetitors routinely achieve 18%? S imilarly, last year’s production time of 12 minutes might be way in excess of more efficient producers.∙Additionally, the opportunities for learning are small. If an organisation does not realise that competitors are better, not only is that dangerous in itself, but theorganisation will never be inspired to try to find out how competitors do better. However, internal benchmarking can have advantages, such as:∙access to the required data should be quick, easy and cheap∙it might be the only method if there are no external suitable companies for comparison∙it might be the only approach possible where other companies’ data is confidential and difficult to obtain.Industry benchmarking. In this approach, benchmarks are set by looking at what other organisations in the same industry achieve. Industry benchmarking can be divided into:∙non-competitor benchmarking∙competitor benchmarking.Examples of non-competitor benchmarking can be seen in comparing treatment results for hospitals in different towns, the efficiency of rubbish collection by different local authorities and the exam success of children in different schools. Because the different organisations are not in competition, the exchange of data should be relatively open, though an organisation that thinks it is performing poorly might be reluctant to release its data. Therefore, governments often insist that state enterprises, such as schools or hospitals, publish statistics as it is recognised that this is important information for managers, staff, users of the facilities and government. The hope is that by publishing the data, poorer performers will be motivated to improve their game and to learn from good performers.Examples of competitor benchmarking can be seen in aircraft turnaround times (how long the aircraft is on the ground between flights) and the load factor (what percentage of seats are occupied) for different airlines. Both of these are relatively easy to measure because they are very visible and you can be sure that airlines keep a close watch on their competitors’ statistics. However, you will appreciate that many of the most interesting pieces of data about a competitor will not be easily accessible and that competitors will often try to keep this information confidential to try to maintain their own competitive advantage. Manufacturing companies sometimes use reverse engineering to attempt to calculate competitors’ costs. It is common, forexample, for car companies to buy a competitor’s new model and to dismantle it carefully as the basis for estimating production costs and time.Although industry benchmarking might seem to be almost foolproof, there is a danger that benchmarks are inappropriate because comparisons are made with the wrong organisation or because no allowance has been made for important differences. Therefore, when comparing the performance of children in schools, it would probably be valid to make allowance for schools in different parts of town. A school in a relatively rich area where many parents are well-educated and supportive of their children might be expected to outperform a school in a poorer area. In addition, an organisation might not be perceived as a competitor (and therefore not used for benchmarking) when in fact it is in competition. For example, there is no point in being a really efficient producer of inexpensive stand-alone digital cameras when that market is being supplanted by the increasing quality of cameras in mobile phones. Similarly, the exercise would be of limited use in comparing the costs of customer interactions in a traditional bank with those of a purely online bank.Sometimes, organisations in a particular sector set up collaborative benchmarking. Data can be shared either openly (where there is no competition) or anonymously (where there is competition) so that the whole industry can make use of the data to improve. Thus, in the UK each year the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (a government department) publishes key performance indicator data (around 700 datasets) for the construction industry. Each company will be able to recognise its own data and therefore judge how it is performing relatively.Best-in-class benchmarking. In this approach, rather than comparing entire organisations, the individual activities of an organisation are compared to those activities in other organisations where the activities are carried out really well. So, it would be valid for a telephone-based bank to compare its call answering times to those in an organisation in a different sector that had a very good reputation in dealing promptly with phone calls. From a pricing perspective, a hotel business might learn a lot from studying how airlines change their fares in response to demand. Both hotel room vacancies and unoccupied aircraft seats are perishable commodities and maximising profits in both industries depends on enticing in the last guest or traveller at the maximum marginal revenue.One of the most famous examples of best-in-class benchmarking is that of airlines improving their turnaround times by benchmarking themselves against Formula One racing car pit-stop operations. In both cases, there will be both routine operations to be carried out efficiently and occasional emergency or unexpected repairs and replacements of components. Well-trained teams, spares inventories, technician availability will be essential to the success of both operations.The great strength of best-in-class benchmarking is the high degree of learning that is encouraged. The observation of very successful processes and activities, wherever found, will often generate radical innovation and improvement in an organisation’s competitive strength. Furthermore, very good performance in one aspect of a certain industry, perhaps a very slick website in a travel site, is likely to raise customers’expectations in many different industries, so that slick websites are expected everywhere.WHAT SHOULD BE BENCHMARKED?Priority should be given to benchmarking performance areas that result in an organisation’s success. As mentioned above, an organisation’s success should be defined by its mission, and ambitions stated there should be benchmarked. So, BMW needs to devise measurements that address its mission to make premium products and to deliver premium services, and then must compare its performance to that of companies like Mercedes (same industry) and perhaps to a company such as Amazon for customer service and delivery of spares and accessories.In profit-seeking organisations competitive advantage can be achieved either by cost leadership or differentiation. If cost leadership is the generic strategy adopted by a supermarket, then the following might be worth benchmarking against competitors:∙Turnover/employment costs∙Shop rent/m2∙Inventory turnover∙Inventory costs∙Wastage∙Number of inventory lines stocked (keep low to minimise costs)∙Gross profit percentageIf, however, the supermarket attempted to compete through differentiation and presented itself as an upmarket brand, then the following might be particularly worth benchmarking:∙Number of inventory lines stocked (keep high to offer choice)∙Number of new products brought to market∙Number of unique products∙Gross profit percentage∙Check-out queuing times∙Customers’ impressions of quality.Of course, this is not to say that the upmarket supermarket would not care about wastage and so on, but a cost leader lives or dies by keeping costs very low while a differentiator depends on high levels of service, innovation, uniqueness, style and quality.Another approach that can indicate where benchmarking would be particularly useful is to examine an organisation’s value chain. Porter set this out as follows:The rationale behind the value chain is that, as a result of an organisation spending time, money and effort carrying out the various activities, the organisation manages to make a profit. In other words, customers are willing to spend more on what the organisation produces than all the activities leading to production actually cost. So the organisation must be doing more than is explicitly depicted on the value chain: this is the value added. For example, because of its size the organisation might have access to economies of scale that are not available to customers. Or the organisation might be using know-how that customers do not possess. Whatever gives rise to the value added is the source of profit and should therefore be benchmarked: poor performance there compared to competitors will eventually lead to declining profits. Therefore, if a supermarket believes that its customers are loyal because it stocks a very wide range of food, then the supermarket should be comparing its range to those in competing supermarkets.Examination of generic strategies and the value chain shows that benchmarking can be applied to:∙functions (for example, benchmark the cost of running the corporate internet)∙processes (for example, benchmark how long it takes to deal with a customer complaint)∙branches/facilities (for example, benchmark the efficiency of an entire factory)∙strategies (for example, benchmark how our strategy of organic growth for market entry compared to growth by takeover or merger)∙projects (for example, use benchmarking to establish the duration of project activities).BENCHMARKING METRICSOnce an organisation has decided which aspects of its performance should be benchmarked, it must then establish metrics for those: how can performance be measured?Some items will be easy to measure. For example, the amount of material used, time taken for producing a unit, turnaround time for aircraft, dispatch time for orders.However, some aspects of performance will be more challenging. For example, flexibility to customer requirements, customer service, and capability of staff. However, difficulty in measurement is no excuse for not attempting to measure and set benchmarks if an element of performance is thought to be important.After deciding what to measure and how to measure it, data has to be collected that will form the basis of the benchmark. It is important that the data is as accurate and as representative as possible, otherwise the benchmark will be misleading. For example, there might be little point in setting benchmarks during a period of either very low or very high activity as there are likely to be distortions at these extremes. Similarly, although best-in-class benchmarking looks at best performances from different industries, it remains vital to ensure comparability. For example, it is probably unrealistic to benchmark how often a visit to a travel website results in a sale against the sales rates obtained by a website that sells low-value consumer goods. Consumers are likely to make several visits to a website when they are buyinghigh-value goods before they make up their minds; cheap purchases are likely to be bought more on impulse.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS WITH BENCHMARKINGAs explained above, there is always a danger that a benchmark might not be appropriate. Even if set correctly initially, there is a risk that it is not updated so that organisations become complacent and aim at the wrong things.Benchmarking does not itself explain why an organisation might not be performing properly. The whole exercise is rather pointless if efforts are not made to understand the causes of an organisation’s shortcomings. Instead of using benchmarking as a push towards improvement, and finding out how good companies achieve high performance, managers can sometimes become defensive and begin to defend their performance by attacking the credibility of the target.Whatever is measured is changed. Employees know that whenever performance targets or objectives are set, then almost certainly appraisal will follow. Therefore, full attention is paid to whatever is measured, often to the detriment of overall desirable performance. For example, in the UK National Health Service, governments are very sensitive to accusations that patient waiting lists are too long. Benchmarks for hospitals are then issued. Even where these have been properly established, they can distort the healthcare provided by hospitals. For example, a way to quickly and cheaply reduce waiting lists in orthopaedic departments could be to carry out lots of relatively quick simple operations and to relegate seriously ill patients who need more time-consuming surgery.Ken Garrett is a freelance lecturer and writer。



1.管理与组织导论管理者:(manager)基层管理者:(first-line managers)中层管理者:(middle managers)高层管理者:(top managers)管理:(management)效率:(efficiency)效果:(effectiveness)计划:(planning)组织:(organizing)领导:(leading)控制:(controlling)管理角色:(management roles)人际关系角色:(interpersonal roles)信息传递角色:(informational roles)决策制定角色:(descisional roles)技术技能:(technical skills)人际技能:(human skills)概念技能:(conceptual skills)管理的普遍性:(universality of management)2.管理的历史劳动分工:(division of labor)工作专业化:(job specialization)工业革命:(industrific revolution)科学管理:(scientific management)一般行政管理理论:(general administrative theory) 管理原则:(principles of management)官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy)定量方法:(quantitative approach)组织行为:(organizational behavior)霍桑研究系统:(Hawthorne studies systems)封闭系统:(closed systems)开放系统:(open systems)权变理论:(contingency approach)劳动力多元化:(workforce diversity)电子企业:(e-business)电子商务:(e-commerce)内部网:(intranet)学习型组织:(learning organization)知识管理:(knowledge management)质量管理:(quality management)3.组织文化与环境管理万能论:(omnipotent view of management) 管理象征论:(symbolil view of management) 组织文化:(organization culture)强文化:(strong cultures)社会化:(socialization)工作场所精神境界:(workplace spirituality)外部环境:(external environment)具体环境:(specific environment)一般环境:(general environment)环境的不确定性:(environment uncertainty)环境的复杂性:(environment complexity)利益相关群体:(stakholders)4.全球环境中的管理狭隘主义:(parochialism)民族中心论:(ethnocentric attitude)多国中心论:(polycentric attitude)全球中心论:(geocentric attitude)跨国公司:(multinational corporation)多国公司:(multidomestic corporation)全球公司:(global company)跨国或无边界组织:(transnational or boredrless organization) 初始全球化组织:(born globals)全球外购:(global sourcing)出口:(exporting)进口:(importing)许可证经营:(licensing)许可经营:(franchising)战略同盟:(strategic alliance)合资企业:(joint venture)外国子公司:(foreign subsidiary)市场经济:(market economy)计划经济:(command economy)民族文化:(national culture)5.社会责任与管理道德古典观点:(classical view)社会经济学观点:(socioeconomic view)社会义务:(social obligation)社会响应:(social responsiveness)社会责任:(social responsinility)社会屏障筛选:(social screening)管理的绿色化:(gerrning of management)以价值观为基础的管理:(values-based management) 道德:(ethics)自我强度控制点:(ego strength locus of control)道德准则:(code of ethics)社会企业家:(social entrepreneur)社会影响管理:(social impact management)6.制定决策决策:(decisions)决策制定过程:(decision-making process)决策标准问题:(decision criteria problem)理性的:(rational)有限理性:(bounded rationality)满意的承诺升级:(satisfied escalation of commitment) 直觉决策:(intuitive decision making)结构良好问题:(structured problems)程序化决策:(programmed decision)程序:(procedure)规则:(rule)政策:(policy)结构不良问题:(unstructured problems)非程序化决策:(nonprogrammed decisions) 确定性:(certainty)风险性:(risk)命令型风格:(directive style)分析型风格:(analytic style)概念型风格:(conceptual style)行为型风格:(behavioral style)启发法:(heuristics)7.计划的基础陈述目标:(stated goals)真实目标:(real goals)战略计划:(strategic plans)运营计划:(operational plans)长期计划:(long-term plans)短期计划:(short-term plans)具体计划:(specific plans)方向性计划:(directional plans)一次性计划:(single-used plans)持续性计划:(standing plans)传统目标:(traditional goal setting)手段-目标链:(means-ends chain)目标管理:(management by objectives)使命:(mission)承诺概念:(commitment concept)正式计划部门:(formal planning department) 8.战略管理战略管理:(strategic management)组织战略商业模式:(strategies business model ) 战略管理过程:(strategic management process) 机会:(opportunities)威胁:(threats)资源:(resources)能力:(capabilities)核心竞争力:(core competencies)SWOT分析法:(SWOT analysis)公司层战略:(corporate strategy)增长战略:(growth strategy)相关多元化:(related diversification)非相关多元化:(unrelated diversification)稳定性战略:(stability strategy)更新战略:(renewal strategies)紧缩战略:(retrenchment strategy)扭转战略:(turnaround strategy)BCG矩阵:(BCG matrix)业务层战略:(business strategy)战略业务单元:(strategic business units) 竞争优势:(competitive advantage)成本领先战略:(cost leadership strategy) 遵循差异化战略:(differentiation strategy) 聚焦战略:(focus strategy)徘徊其间:(stuck in the middle)战略灵活性:(strategic flexibility)市场先入者:(first mover)9.计划的工具技术环境扫描:(environment scanning)竞争对手情报:(competitor intelligence) 预测:(forecasts)定量预测:(quantitative forecasting)定性预测:(qualitative forecasting)标杆比较:(benchmarking)资源:(resources)预算:(budget)甘特图:(Gantt chart)负荷图:(load chart)事件:(events)计划评审技术:(the program evaluation and review technique) 活动:(activities)松弛时间:(slack time)关键路径:(critical path)盈亏平衡分析:(breakeven analysis)线性规划:(linear programming)项目管理:(project management)脚本:(scenario)10.组织结构与设计组织结构设计:(organazational structure design)工作专门化:(work specialization)职能部门化:(functional departmentalization)产品部门化:(product departmentalization)地区部门化:(geographical departmentalization)过程部门化:(process departmentalization)顾客部门化:(customer departmentalization)跨职能团队:(cross-functional teams)指挥链:(chain of command)职权:(authority)职责:(responsibility)统一指挥:(unity of command)管理跨度:(span of control)集权化:(centralization)分权化:(decentralization)员工授权:(employee empowerment)正规化:(formalization)机械式组织:(mechanistic organization) 有机式组织:(organic organization)单件生产:(unit production)大批量生产:(mass production)连续生产:(process production)简单结构:(simple structure)职能型结构:(flanctional structure)事业部型结构:(divisional structure)团队结构:(team structure)矩阵型结构:(matrix structure)项目型结构:(project structure)无边界组织:(boundaryless organization) 虚拟组织:(virtual organization)学习型组织:(learning organization)组织结构图:(organizational charts)11.沟通与信息技术沟通:(communication)人际沟通:(interpersonal communication) 组织沟通:(organizational communication) 信息:(message)编码:(encoding)解码:(decoding)沟通过程:(communication process)噪声:(noise)非语言沟通:(nonverbal communication) 体态语言:(body language)语调:(verbal intonation)过滤:(filtering)信息超载:(information overload)积极倾听:(active listening)正式沟通:(formal communication)非正式沟通:(informal communication) 下行沟通:(upward communication)横向沟通:(lateral communication)斜向沟通:(diagonal communication)沟通网络:( communication networks)小道消息:(grape-vine)电子邮件:()即时消息:(instant messaging)音频邮件:(voic)电子数据交换:(electrinic data interchange)电话会议:(teleconferencing)可视会议:(videoconferencing)网络会议:(webconferencing)内部互联网:(intranet)外部互联网:(Extranet)实践社区:(communities practive)12.人力资源管理高绩效工作实务:(high-performance work practices)人力资源管理过程:(human resource management process) 工会(labor union)反优先雇佣行动计划:(affirmative action)人力资源规划:(human resource planning)职务分析:(job analysis)职务说明书:(job description)职务规范:(job specification)招聘:(recruitment)解聘:(decriuitment)甄选:(selection)效度:(validity)信度:(reliability)工作抽样:(work samping)评估中心:(assessment centers)真实工作预览:(relistic job preview)上岗培训:(orientation)绩效管理系统:(performance management system)书面描述法:(written essay)关键事件法:(critical incidents)评分表法:(graphic rating scales)行为定位评分法:(behaviorally anchored rating scales) 多人比较法:(multiperson comparisons)360度反馈法:(360-degree feedback)基于技能薪酬:(skill-based pay)浮动工资:(variable pay)精简机构:(downsizing)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)基于家庭的福利:(family-friendly benefits)13.变革与创新管理组织变革:(organizational change)变革推动者:(change agent)组织发展:(organizational development)压力:(stress)14.行为的基础行为:(behavior)组织行为学:(organizational behavior)员工生产率:(employee productivity)离职率:(turnover)组织公民行为:(organizational citizen behavior)工作满意度:(job satisfaction)工作场所不当行为态度:(workplace misbehavior attitudes) 认知行为:(cognitive component)情感成分:(affective component)行为成分:(behavior component)组织承诺:(organizational commitment)组织支持感:(perceived organizational support)认知失调:(cognitive dissonance)态度调查:(attitude surveys)人格:(personality)马基雅维里主义:(machiavellianism)自尊:(self-esteem)自我控制:(self-monitoring)印象管理:(impression management)情绪:(emotion)情绪智力:(emotional Intelligence)知觉:(perception)归因理论:(attribution theory)基本归因错误:(fundamental attribution error) 自我服务偏见:(self-serving bias)假设相似性:(assumed similarity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)晕轮效应:(halo effect)操作性条件反射:(operant conditioning)社会学习理论:(social learning theory)行为塑造:(shaping behavior)15.理解群体与团队群体:(group)形成阶段:(forming)震荡阶段:(storming)规范阶段:(norming)执行阶段:(performing)解体阶段:(adjourning)群体思维:(groupthink)地位:(status)社会惰化:(social loafing)群体内聚力:(group cohesiveness)冲突:(conflict)冲突的传统观点:(traditional view of conflict)冲突的人际关系观点:(human relations view of conflict) 冲突的交互作用观点:(interactionist view of conflict) 积极冲突:(functional conflict)消极冲突:(disfunctional conflict)任务冲突:(task conflict)关系冲突:(relationship conflict)过程冲突:(process conflict)工作团队:(workteams)自我管理团队:(self-managed work teams)跨职能团队:(cross-functional team)虚拟团队:(virtual team)社会网络构造:(social network structure)16.激励员工动机:(motivation)需要层次理论:(hierarchy of needs theory) 双因素理论:(two-factor theory)保健因素:(hygiene factors)激励因素:(motivators)三种需要理论:(three-needs theory)成就需要:(need for achievement)权力需要:(need for power)归属需要:(need for affiliation)目标设置理论:(goal-setting theory)自我效能感:(self-efficacy)强化理论:(reinforcement theory)强化物:(reinforcer)工作设计:(job design)工作扩大化:(job enlargement)工作丰富化:(job enrichment)工作深度:(job depth)工作特征模型:(job characteristics model) 公平理论:(equity theory)参照对象:(referents)分配公平:(distributive justice)程序公平:(procedural justice)期望理论:(expectancy theory)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)弹性工作制:(flexible work hours)弹性时间制:(flextime)工作分担:(job sharing)远程办公:(telecommuting)账目公开管理:(open-book management)员工认可方案:(employee recognition programs) 绩效工资方案:(pay-for-performance program) 股票期权:(stock options)17.领导领导者:(leader)领导:(leadership)行为理论:(behavioral theories)独裁型风格:(authoeratic style)民主型风格:(democratic style)放任型风格:(laissez-faire style)定规维度:(initiating strueture)关怀维度:(consideration)高-高型领导者:(high-high leader)管理方格:(managerial grid)权变模型:(contingency model)最难共事着问卷:(least-preferred co-worker questionnaire) 情境领导理论:(situational leadership theory)成熟度:(readiness)领导者参与模型:(leader participation model)路径-目标理论:(path-goal theory)交易型领导者:(transactional leaders)变革型领导者:(transformational leaders)领袖魅力型领导者:(charismatic leader)愿景规划型领导:(visionary leadership)法定权利:(legitimate power)强制权利:(coercive power)奖赏权力:(reward power)专家权利:(expert power)参照权利:(referent power)信誉:(credibility)信任:(trust)授权:(empowerment)18.控制的基础控制:(controlling)市场控制:(market control)官僚控制:(bureaucratic control)小集团控制:(clan control)控制过程:(control process)偏差范围:(range of variation)直接纠正行动:(immediate corrective)彻底纠正行动:(basic correvtive action)绩效:(performance)组织绩效:(organizational performance)生产率:(productivity)组织有效性:(organizational effectiveness)前馈控制:(feedforward control)同期控制:(concurrent control)走动管理:(management by walking around)反馈控制:(feedback control)经济附加值:(economic value added)市场附加值:(market valueadded)平衡计分卡:(balanced scorecard)管理信息系统:(management information system)- - -标杆比较:(benchmarking)员工偷窃:(employee theft)服务利润链:(service profit chain)公司治理:(corporate governance)19.运营与价值链管理运营管理:(operations management)制造型组织:(manufacturing organizations)服务型组织:(service organizations)价值链:(value chain)价值链管理:(value chain management)组织过程:(organizational processes)知识产权:(intellectual processes)质量:(quality)批量定制:(mass customization)- - 总结资料。

Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation英文版)

Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation英文版)

• Location: Metropolitan
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Textbooks, Sundries, Clothing, Software, Computers
• Online Textbook Vendors
• Other Booksellers: B&N, Wal-mart, etc.
Section 2 – Case Analysis
Benchmarking Principles Benchmarking Analysis
Case Analysis
Case Overview – Benchmarking Principles
Benchmarking as a Tool
Sundries 6.3%
Clothing 11.7%
Total Books 67.8%
New Texts 46.7%
Notes 4.7%
General 3.0%
Used 13.4%
2. Financial Performance
Increasing Trend
Case Overview – Current Situation
Top 3 Last 1
Benchmarking - Grand Strategy Level
2 . NACS Benchmarks
Ratio= Northlake / NACS Median
% of Sales:
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performance evaluation的文章

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Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation(英文版)(ppt 54页)

Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation(英文版)(ppt 54页)

Product Lines
Computers 7.8%
Software 6.5%
Sundries 6.3%
Clothing 11.7%
Total Books 67.8%
New Texts 46.7%
Notes 4.7%
General 3.0%
Used 13.4%
2. Financial Performance
Increasing Trend
Case Analysis
Action Plan
▪ Background ▪ Current Situation
▪Tactics for Gaps ▪Performance Measurement - BSC
Case Overview - Background
A University Bookstore
• Online Textbook Vendors
• Other Booksellers: B&N, Wal-mart, etc.
Case Overview – Current Situation
1. Product Structure
Five Products
-Textbooks - Clothing - Computers - Software - Sundries
Case Overview – Current Situation
3.Textbook Sales



Benchmark写作指导一、引言Benchmarking is a powerful tool for improving performance and achieving competitive advantage. It involves comparing a company's products, processes, or practices to industry standards or best-in-class performers. By analyzing the best practices of leading organizations and adapting them to their own operations, companies can identify areas for improvement and optimize their performance.二、确定基准对象The first step in benchmarking is to identify the appropriate benchmarking targets. This should be done by analyzing the company's current performance and identifying areas where improvement is needed. The benchmarking targets should be chosen based on their relevance to the company's strategic goals and the potential for improvement.三、收集数据Once the benchmarking targets have been identified, the next step is to collect data on the chosen organizations. This should include gathering information on best practices, processes, products, and performance metrics. Data should be collected from a variety of sources, including published reports, industry studies, and direct contact with the organizations being benchmarked.四、分析dataAfter collecting the necessary data, the next step is to analyze it and identify the best practices that can be adopted by the company. This should be done by comparing the data and identifying patterns and commonalities among the leading performers. The analysis should also identify potential root causes of performance gaps and recommend actions for closing them.五、实施改进The final step in benchmarking is to implement the recommended changes. This should be done in a phased approach, with milestones and metrics established to track progress. It's important to provide training and support to employees as they adapt to the new processes or practices. Regular monitoring and evaluation should also be conducted to ensure that the improvements are sustainable and have a positive impact on the company's performance.六、结论In conclusion, benchmarking is a valuable tool for driving continuous improvement and enhancing organizational performance. By following these guidelines, companies can identify best practices, make informed decisions about where to focus their efforts, and implement successful change initiatives that drive long-term success.。



BENCHMARKINGDefinitionBenchmarking is a process for measuring and comparing a company's performance against that of outstanding companies or best-in-class companies. A company determines how excellent companies achieve their performance levels, then uses the information to improve its own performance. Benchmarking can be conducted on the following:. Products and Services.•Business Processes., Performance Measures.Why Benchmark?Benchmarking is widely practiced for two reasons., It is a more efficient way to make improvements. The process of trial and error learning can be reduced because a potential solution had already proved effective., It helps organizations make improvements faster.In practice benchmarking is about giving the organization a competitive advantage and outperforming the competition.Benchmarking can:•Promote improvement by showing a gap in performance or a better way to carry out a function.•Be used to set "stretch" goals.•Reveal a company's competitive advantages and disadvantages., Motivate the company to improve by showing that others are achieving a higher level of performance.•Help prioritize goals and objectives.An Eight Step Benchmarking ProcessA simple benchmarking methodology that can be applied to nearly all business situations is shown in Figure Bench-1 The methodology is as follows.Figure Bench-1 - Benchmarking MethodologyPlanning Executing Implementing •Determine which value activities are the activities where improvement will allow the business to gain the most throughbenchmarking.•Determine the key factors, or drivers, of these value activities.•Identify the companies with foremost practices in these value activities. These foremost practices may be found at competitors or companies from unrelated industries - any companies that perform the value activities extremely well.Foremost practice companies are those companies that perform value activities at the lowest cost or the highest levelof value to customers, whichever is appropriate to the circumstances.•Measure the foremost practices in terms that will allow you not only to quantify performance, but also to understand why and how they achieve the results they do.•Measure your own performance and compare it to the best. You may already have a measurement of your own performance, but it may have to be changed if the foremost practice is measured differently.•Develop plans to meet and exceed the foremost practices, or further your lead as the case may be., Obtain commitment from all levels of the organization that are involved in the plan, which is made easier by the evidence provided by a sound benchmarking study., Implement the plan and monitor the solutions.Types of BenchmarkingThere are three common types of benchmarking; competitive, cooperative, and collaborative., Competitive benchmarking is measuring your functions, processes, activities, products, or services against those of your competitors, and improving yours so that they are the ideally, best in class, and at a minimum better than thecompetition. This is the most difficult form of benchmarking because target companies are not usually interested inhelping a benchmarking team.•Cooperative benchmarking an organization contacts a best in class firm and asks if they will be willing to share knowledge with the benchmarking team. The target companies are usually not direct competitors of the benchmarkingcompany, which is a key factor in securing cooperation. The knowledge usually flows from the target company to thebenchmarking team.■ Collaborative benchmarking is a group of firms that share knowledge about a particular activity, all hoping to improve based upon what they learn. Sometimes a third part often serves as coordinator, collector, and distributor of data.Internal benchmarking is a form of collaborative benchmarking that many large organizations use to identify best inhouse practices and disseminate the knowledge about those practices to other groups in the organization.Common Criticisms of Benchmarking■ Spying - Some managers are reluctant to participate in what they term corporate spying., Copycatting - Some believe benchmarking results in copycatting which reduces creativity and may be detrimental in the long run., Not Invented Here - Some believe all circumstances are unique, thus require their solution to a problem. There may be fear of exposing a fault by comparing it to world class standards. Also, "It ain't broke don't fix it" attitude prohibitscontinuous improvement sought by benchmarking.Planning a Benchmarking StudyThe first three steps of benchmarking (determining activities to benchmark, determining key factors to measure, and identifying foremost companies) are planning steps. The three most common mistakes of the planning stage are:•Planning to benchmark the wrong activities.•Measuring something other than the key factors.•Underestimating timing issues.When planning a benchmarking study these seven items should be accomplished.. Determine which activities to benchmark - identifying areas for improvement are not difficult, prioritizing may be. Focus on the customer to help do this. Also activities that increase an organization's value, or an activity where the climatefor change is right could also be ideal.•Identify the benchmarking team - inclusion of the appropriate people will increase the chance of success. The team should have a benchmarking guru, a line person, and a change leader.•Schedule the study - a well thought out and documented plan of action will ensure all steps are covered and responsibilities assigned.•Determine key factors to measure - cost, quality and timeliness.■ Identify target organizations - consider current direct industry competitors, latent competitors, best-in-class groups within the organization, best-in-class companies from other industries. To identify these organizations ask your customers,look at quality award winners, companies with comparable products, services or processes, and industry publications., Frame the report - write a detailed outline of the targets before external data collection and analysis.•Identify prisoners - identify something of value to share with those you hope will cooperate and collaborate in a study you are performing. Identify areas in which your organization excels, determine which you are willing to share withothers and at what level of detail, and determine with whom you are willing to share them.Executing the Benchmarking StudyThis step entails measuring your own performance and the best in class organization. This requires data collection and data analysis.Data Collection•Internal data collection is required and often may occur more than once after reviewing data from an external source and realizing that things are measured differently.•External data collection can occur through published and electronic sources, current company employees, customers, industry analysts, distributors, suppliers, and site visits of others.Data Analysis, Answering "how?" is much more important than answering "how much?"Implementing ImprovementsThis includes the steps of developing a plan to meet, exceed or improve, obtaining commitment and implementing the plan.•Developing the Plan -Determining what to Change. If the study was planned well and the data analysis was intellectually honest, determining what to change is easy. One thing to consider is the reality of how much change canoccur at once. Include financial, time and human considerations.•Obtaining Commitment for Change - during the planning and execution stage, consensus should be created for making changes. Also, reminding everyone of competitive pressures can help obtain commitment for change.Implementing the Plan and Monitoring Results. The plan must include detailed actions, scheduled progress reviews,rewards for successful implementation, plans for contingencies, and plans for periodic recalibration.SummaryUsing the continuous improvement diagram of plan, do, check and act, benchmarking is a continuous process just like improvement. (see Figure Bench-2)Figure Bench-2 - Benchmarking and PDCA。



ERP 中英文对照字典1ABM Activity-based Management 基于作业活动管理2AO Application Outsourcing 应用程序外包3APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国生产与库存管理协会4APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 实用制造管理系列培训教材5APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先进计划及优化技术6APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高级计划与排程技术7ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用服务/ 软件供应商8ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9ATP Available To Promise 可供销售量(可签约量)10B2B Bus in ess to Busi ness企业对企业(电子商务)11B2C Business to Consumer企业对消费者(电子商务)12B2G Business to Government 企业对政府(电子商务)13B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14BIS Business Intelligence System 商业智能系统15BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16BOR Bill Of Resource 资源清单17BPR Busi ness Process Ree ngin eeri n业务/ 企业流程重组18BPM Busi ness Process Ma nageme n业务/ 企业流程管理19BPS Busi ness Process Sta ndar业务/ 企业流程标准20C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S)客户机/服务器浏览器/服务器21CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计22CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 计算机辅助工艺设计23CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造24CAPP Computer-Aided Process Pla nning 计算机辅助工艺设计25CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 计算机辅助软件工程26CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机集成制造系统28CMM Capability Maturity Model 能力成熟度模型29COMMS Customer Orie nted Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt System 面向客户制造管理系统30CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构31CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 生产与库存管理认证资格33CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理35CRP capacity requireme nts pla nning 能力需求计戈U36CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)37CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的能力38DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39DCS Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式 MRPDRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资源计划DSS Decisi on Support System 决策支持系统DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时间EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资产管理ECM En terprise Commerce Man ageme nt 企业商务管理ECO Engineering Cha nge Order 工程变更订单EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换EDP Electro nic Data Process ing 电子数据处理EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩展企业应用系统EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户EIS Executive Information System 高层领导信息系统EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量 (经济批量法 )EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企业绩效分析ERP En terprise Resource Pla nning 企业资源计划ERM En terprise Resource Man ageme nt 企业资源管理ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计404142 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 565758596061FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配计划FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限能力计划62FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统63FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64GL General Ledger 总账65GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66HRM Human Resource Ma nageme nt 人力资源管理67HRP Huma n Resource Pla nning 人力资源计划68IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/浏览器69ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网服务提供商71ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际生产力促进会72IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技术73JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制生产74KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75KPI Key Performance Indicators 关键业绩指标76LP Lean Production 精益生产77MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造执行系统78MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统79MPS Master Production Schedule 主生产计划80MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划81MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划82MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)生产83MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)生产84OA Office Automation 办公自动化85OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90PERT Program Evaluation Research Tech nology计划评审技术91PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92PM Project Management 项目管理93POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94PRM Part ner Relatio nship Man ageme nt 合作伙伴关系管理95PTF Pla nned Time Fence 计划时界96PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100RRP Resource Requireme nts Pla nning资源需求计划101SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102SCP Supply Cha in Partn ership 供应链合作伙伴关系86OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90PERT Program Evaluation Research Tech nology计划评审技术91PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92PM Project Management 项目管理93POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94PRM Part ner Relatio nship Man ageme nt 合作伙伴关系管理95PTF Pla nned Time Fence 计划时界96PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100RRP Resource Requireme nts Pla nning资源需求计划101SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102SCP Supply Cha in Partn ership 供应链合作伙伴关系103SFA Sales Force Automation 销售自动化104SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105SOP Sales And Operati on Pla nning 销售与运作规划106SQL Structure Query Language 结构化查询语言107TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108TEI Total Enterprise Integration 全面企业集成109TOC Theory Of Con strai nts/Co nstrai nts ma nagema n约束理论/ 约束管理110TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产力维护111TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量控制112TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理113WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分解系统114XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言115ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC 分类法116ABC costing 作业成本法117ABC inventory control ABC 库存控制118abnormal demand 反常需求119acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120action message行为/活动(措施)信息121action report flag 活动报告标志122activity cost pool 作业成本集123activity-based costing(ABC) 作业基准成本法/业务成本法124actual capacity 实际能力125adjust on hand 调整现有库存量126adva need manu facturi ng tech nology 先进制造技术127advanced pricing 高级定价系统128AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造129alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报131anticipation inventory 预期储备132apportionment code 分摊码133assembly parts list 装配零件表134automated storage/retrieval system自动仓储/检索系统135Automatic Rescheduling 计划自动重排136available inventory 可达到库存137available material 可用物料138available stock 达到库存139available work 可利用工时140average inventory 平均库存141back order 欠交(脱期)订单142back scheduling 倒排(序)计划/倒序排产?143base currency 本位币144batch number 批号145batch process 批流程146batch production 批量生产147benchmarking 标杆瞄准(管理)148bill of labor 工时清单149bill of lading 提货单150branch warehouse 分库151bucketless system 无时段系统152business framework 业务框架153business plan 经营规划154capacity level 能力利用水平155capacity load 能力负荷156capacity man ageme nt 能力管理157carrying cost 保管费158carrying cost rate 保管费率159cellular manufacturing 单元式制造160change route 修改工序161change structure 修改产品结构162check point 检查点163closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164Common Route Code(ID)通用工序标识165compo nen t-based developme n组件(构件)开发技术166concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167conference room pilot 会议室模拟168configuration code 配置代码169continuous improvement 进取不懈170con ti nu ous process 连续流程171cost driver 作业成本发生因素172cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用173cost of stockout 短缺损失174cost roll-up 成本滚动计算法175crew size 班组规模176critical part 急需零件177critical ratio 紧迫系数178critical work center 关键工作中心179CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期180current run hour 现有运转工时181current run quantity 现有运转数量182customer care 客户关怀183customer deliver lead time 客户交货提前期184customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185customer order number 客户订单号186customer satisfaction 客户满意度187customer status 客户状况188cycle counting 周期盘点189DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190Data Warehouse 数据仓库191days offset 偏置天数192dead load 空负荷193demand cycle 需求周期194demand forecasting 需求预测195dema nd man ageme n需求管理196Deming circle 戴明环197dem on strated capacity 实际能力198discrete manufacturing 离散型生产199dispatch to 调度200DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求计划201drop shipment 直运202dunning letter 催款信203ECO workbe nch ECO 工作台204employee enrolled 在册员工205employee tax id 员工税号206end item 最终产品207engin eeri ng cha nge mode flag 工程变更方式标志208engin eeri ng cha nge no tice 工程变更通知209equipment distribution 设备分配210equipme nt man ageme nt 设备管理211exception control 例外控制212excess material a nalysis呆滞物料分析213expedite code 急送代码214external integration 外部集成215fabrication order 加工订单216factory order 工厂订单217fast path method 快速路径法218fill backorder 补足欠交219final assembly lead time 总装提前期220final goods 成品221finite forward scheduling 有限顺排计划222finite loading 有限排负荷223firm planned order 确认的计划订单224firm planned time fence 确认计划需求时界225FPR Fixed Period Requireme nts 定期用量法226fixed quantity 固定数量法227fixed time 固定时间法228floor stock 作业现场库存229flow shop 流水车间230focus forecasting 调焦预测231forward scheduling 顺排计划232freeze code 冻结码233freeze space 冷冻区234frozen order 冻结订单235gross requireme nts 毛需求236hedge inventory 囤积库存237in process inventory 在制品库存238in stock 在库239incrementing 增值240indirect cost 间接成本241indirect labor 间接人工infinite loading 无限排负荷 input/output control 投入 /产出控制 inspection ID 检验标识 integrity 完整性 inter companies 公司内部间 interplant demands 厂际需求量 inventory carry rate 库存周转率 inventory cycle time 库存周期 inventory issue 库存发放 inventory locationtype 仓库库位类型 inventory scrap 库存报废量 inventory transfers 库存转移 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金 )周转次数 invoice address 发票地址 invoice amount gross 发票金额 invoice schedule 发票清单 issue cycle 发放周期 issue order 发送订单 issue parts 发放零件 issue policy 发放策略 item availability 项目可供量 item description 项目说明242243244245 246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262264item number 项目编号265item record 项目记录266item remark 项目备注267item status 项目状态268job shop 加工车间269job step 作业步骤270kit item 配套件项目271labor hour 人工工时272late days 延迟天数273lead time 提前期274lead time level 提前期水平275lead time offset days 提前期偏置(补偿)天数276least slack per operatio n最小单个工序平均时差277line item 单项产品278live pilot 应用模拟279load leveling 负荷量280load report 负荷报告281location code 仓位代码282location remarks 仓位备注283location status 仓位状况284lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识number 批量编号 lot lot number traceability 批号跟踪 lot size 批量lot size inventory 批量库存lot sizing 批量规划low level code 低层 (位)码 machine capacity 机器能力 machine hours 机时 machine loading 机器加载 maintenance ,repair,a nd operat ing supplied 维护修理操作物料 make or buy decision 外购或自制决策 man ageme nt by excepti on 例外管理法 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时间 manufacturing lead time 制造提前期 manu facturi ng sta ndards 制造标准 master scheduler 主生产计戈U 员 material 物料 material available 物料可用量 material cost 物料成本material issues and receipts 物 料发放和接收material man ageme nt 物料管理material manager 物料经理286287288 289290291292293294295296 297 298 299300301302303304305306material master,item master 物料主文件 material review board 物料核定机构 measure of velocity 生产速率水平memory-based process ing speed!于存储的处理速度 minimum balance 最小库存余量Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运month to date 月累计 move time , transit time 传递时间 MSP book flag MPS 登录标志 multi-currency 多币制 multi-facility 多场所 multi-level 多级 multi-plant management 多工厂管理multiple location 多重仓位net change 净改变法net change MRP 净改变式 MRPnet requirements 净需求new location 新仓位new parent 新组件new warehouse 新仓库 next code 后续编码 next number 后续编号308309310 311312313314315316317318319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326327328330No action report 不活动报告331non-nettable 不可动用量332on demand 急需的333on-hand balance 现有库存量334on hold 挂起335on time 准时336open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338order activity rules 订单活动规则339order address 订单地址340order entry 订单输入341order point 定货点342order point system 定货点法343order policy 定货策略344order promising 定货承诺345order remarks 定货备注346ordered by 定货者347overflow location 超量库位348overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分配349overhead rate,burde n factor,absorpti on rate间接费率350owner's equity 所有者权益351parent item 母件bills 零件清单 part part lot 零件批次 part number 零件编号people involvement 全员参治peformance measureme n 业绩评价physical inventory 实际库存 picking 领料 /提货 planned capacity 计划能力 planned order 计划订单 planned order receipts 计划产出量 planned order releases 计划投入量 planning horizon 计划期 /计划展望期 point of use 使用点Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程 price adjustments 价格调整 price invoice 发票价格price level 物价水平price purchase order 采购订单价格 priority planning 优先计划 processing manufacturing 流程制造 product control 产品控制product family 产品系列352353354 355356357358359360361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369370371372373374product mix 产品搭配组合375production activity control 生产作业控制376production cycle 生产周期377production line 产品线378production rate 产品率379production tree 产品结构树380PAB Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存(量)381purchase order tracki ng 采购订单跟踪382quantity allocation 已分配量383quantity at location 仓位数量384quantity backorder 欠交数量385quantity completion 完成数量386quantity demand 需求量387quantity gross 毛需求量388quantity in 进货数量389quantity on hand 现有数量390quantity scrapped 废品数量391quantity shipped 发货数量392queue time 排队时间393rated capacity 额定能力394receipt document 收款单据395reference number 参考号396regenerated MRP 重生成式MRP397released order 下达订单398reorder point 再订购点399repetitive manufacturing 重复式生产(制造)400replaceme nt parts 替换零件401required capacity 需求能力402requisition orders 请购单403rescheduli ng assumpti on 重排假设404resupply order 补库单405rework bill 返工单406roll up 上滚407rough cut resource planning 粗资源计划408rounding amount 舍入金额409run time 加工(运行)时间410safety lead time 安全提前期411safety stock 安全库存412safety time 保险期413sales order 销售订单414scheduled receipts计划接收量(预计入库量/预期到货量)415seaso nal stock 季节储备416send part 发送零件417service and support 服务和支持418service parts 维修件419set up time 准备时间420ship address 发运地址421ship contact 发运单联系人422ship order 发货单423shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424shop floor control 车间作业管理(控制)425shop order , work order 车间订单426shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427single level where used 单层物料反查表428sta ndard cost system 标准成本体系429standard hours 标准工时430sta ndard product cost 标准产品成本431sta ndard set up hour标准机器设置工时432standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433sta ndard wage rate标准工资率434status code 状态代码435stores control 库存控制436suggested work order 建议工作单437supply chain 供应链438synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期生产439time bucket 时段(时间段)440time fence 时界441time zone 时区442top management commitment 领导承诺443total lead time 总提前期444transportation inventory 在途库存445unfav orable varia nee, adverse不禾U差异446unit cost 单位成本447unit of measure 计量单位448value ehain 价值链449value-added ehain 增值链450varianee in quantity 量差451ven dor scheduler,supplier scheduler采购计划员/ 供方计划员452vendor seheduling 采购计划法453Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454volume variance 产量差异455wait time 等待时间456where-used list 反查用物料单457work center capacity 工作中心能力458workflow 工作流459work order 工作令460work order tracking 工作令跟踪461work scheduling 工作进度安排462world class manufacturing excellence 国际优秀制造业463zero inventories 零库存464465Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心466Co/By-product 联/副产品467E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner电子销售/电子采购/电子伙伴469in depe nden t/depe ndent dema n(独立需求/ 相关需求件470informal/formal system 非/规范化管理系统471Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中间/硬/软/共享/固/群件473pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求计算474picking/dispatch/disbursement list 领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475preflush/backflush/super backflush 预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate)成品率/废品率/缩减率477scrap/shrinkage factor 残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478478costed BOM 成本物料清单479engineering BOM 设计物料清单480indented BOM 缩排式物料清单481manufacturing BOM 制造物料清单483 modular BOM 模块化物料清单484planning BOM 计划物料清单485single level BOM 单层物料清单486summarized BOM 汇总物料清单487488accou nt bala nee 账户余额489account code 账户代码490account ledger 分类账491account period 会计期间492accou nts payable 应付账款493accou nts receivable 应收账款494actual cost 实际成本495aging 账龄496balance due 到期余额497balance in hand 现有余额498bala nee sheet资产负债表499beginning balance 期初余额500cash basis现金收付制501cash on bank 银行存款502cash on hand 现金503cash out to 支付给504catalog 目录505category code 分类码506check out 结帐507collection 催款508cost simulation 成本模拟509costing 成本核算510curre nt assets 流动资产511current liabilities 流动负债512curre nt sta ndard cost 现行标准成本513detail 明细514draft remittance 汇票汇出515end of year 年末516ending availables 期末可供量517ending balance 期末余额518excha nge rate 汇率519expense 费用520financial accounting 财务会计521financial entity 财务实体522financial reports 财务报告523financial statements 财务报表524fiscal period 财务期间525fiscal year 财政年度526fixed assets 固定资产527foreign amount 外币金额528gains and loss 损益529in balance 平衡530income statement 损益表531intangible assets 无形资产532journal entry 分录533man ageme nt acco un ti ng 管理会计534manual reconciliation 手工调账535notes payable 应付票据536notes receivable 应收票据537other receivables 其他应收款538pay aging 付款账龄539pay check 工资支票540pay in 缴款541pay item 付款项目542pay point 支付点543pay status 支付状态544payment instrument 付款方式545payment reminder 催款单546payment status 付款状态547payment terms 付款期限548period 期间549post 过账550proposed cost 建议成本551simulated cost 模拟成本552spe nding varia nce,expe nditure varia nee开支差异553subsidiary 明细账554summary 汇总555tax code 税码556tax rate 税率557value added tax 增值税558558as of date , stop date截止日期559change lot date 修改批量日期560clear date 结清日期561date adjust 调整日期562date available 有效日期563date chan ged 修改日期564date closed 结束日期565date due 截止日期566date in produced 生产日期567date inventory adjust 库存调整日期568date obsolete 作废日期569date received 收到日期570date released 交付日期571date required 需求日期572date to pull 发货日期573earliest due date最早订单完成日期574effective date 生效日期575engin eeri ng cha nge effect date X 程变更生效日期576engin eeri ng stop date 工程停止日期577expired date 失效日期,报废日期578from date 起始日期579last shipment date 最后运输日期580need date 需求日期581new date 新日期582pay through date 付款截止日期583receipt date 收到日期584ship date 发运日期586585allocation 已分配量586alphanumeric 字母数字587approver 批准者588assembly 装配(件)589backlog 未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing 开单593 bill-to 发票寄往地594bottleneck 瓶颈资源595bulk 散装596buyer 采购员597component 子件/组件598customer 客户599delivery 交货600demand 需求601description 说明602discrete 离散603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学)604 facility 设备、功能605 feature 基本组件/特征件606forecast 预测607freight 运费608holidays 例假日609implement 实施610ingredient 配料、成分611inquire 查询612inventory 库存613 item 物料项目614job 作业615Kanban 看板616level 层次(级)617load 负荷618locate 定位619 logistics 后勤保障体系;物流管理620lot 批次621option 可选件622outstanding 逾期未付623overhead 制造费用624override 覆盖625overtime 加班626parent 双亲(文件)627part 零件628phantom 虚拟件629 plant 工厂,场所630preference 优先权631priority 优先权(级)632procurement 采购633prototyping 原形测试634queue 队列635 quota 任务额,报价636 receipt 收款、收据637regeneration 全重排法638remittance 汇款639requisition 请购单640returned 退货641roll 滚动642routing 工艺线路643schedule 计划表644shipment 发运量645ship-to 交货地646shortage 短缺647shrink 损耗648spread 分摊649statement 报表650subassembly 子装配件651supplier 供应商652transaction 事务处理653 what-if 如果怎样-将会怎样654655post-deduct inventory tran sacti on processi ng后减库存处理法656pre-deduct inventory transaction processi ng前减库存处理法657gen erally accepted manu facturi ng practices通用生产管理原贝U 658direct-deduct inventory transaction processi ng 直接增减库存处理法659Pareto Principle 帕拉图原理660Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳子661663Ope n Database Co nn ectivity 开放数据库互连664Production Planning 生产规划编制665Work in Process 在制品666accelerated cost recovery system快速成本回收制度667accounting information system 会计信息系统668acceptable quality kevel 可接受质量水平669con sta nt purchas ing power acco un ti ng不买够买力会计670break-eve n an alysis 保本分析671book value 帐面价值672cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析673chief financial office 财务总监674degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数675degree of operati ng leverage 经济杠杆系数676first-in , first-out 先进先出法677economic lot size 经济批量678first-in ,still-here 后进先出法679full pegging 完全跟踪680linear programming 线性规划681management by objective 目标管理682value engineering 价值工程683zero based budgeti ng 零基预算684CAQ computer aided quality assura nee 计算机辅助质量保证685DBMS database man ageme nt system数据库管理系统686IP Internet Protocol 网际协议687TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议689690API Advanced Process Industry 高级流程工业691A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成)692article 物品693article reserves 物品存储694assembly order 装配订单695balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额696bar code 条形码697boned warehouse 保税仓库698CPA Cap aeity Requireme nts Pla nning 能力需求计划699eha nge man ageme nt变革管理700ehill spaee 冷藏区701eombined transport 联合运输702eommodity inspeetion 进出口商品检验703competitive edge 竞争优势704container 集装箱705container transport 集装箱运输706CRP Co ntin uous Reple ni shme nt Program连续补充系数707core compete nee 核心才能708cross docking 直接换装709CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值710CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销711CSS Customer Service and Support s 户服务和支持712Customer Service Represe ntative客户服务代表713customized logistics 定制物流714customs declaration 报关715cycle stock 经常库存716data cleansing 数据整理717Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持718data level integration 数据层集成719data transformation 数据转换720desktop conferencing 桌面会议721distribution 配送722distribution and logistics 分销和后勤723distribution center 配送中心724distribution logistics 销售物流725distribution processing 流通加工726distribution requirements 分销量727DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资源计划728door-to-door 门到门729drop and pull transport 甩挂运输730DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技术731ECR Efficie nt Co nsumer Respo nse 有效顾客反应732e-Government Affairs 电子政务733EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务734Electronic Display Boards 电子公告板735EOS Electronic order system 电子订货系统736ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发737embedding 插入738employee category 员工分类739empowerment 授权740engin eeri ng cha nge effect work order 工程变更生效单741environmental logistics 绿色物流742experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)743export supervised warehouse出口监管仓库744ERP Exte nded Resource Pla nning扩展资源计划745field sales/cross sale/cross sei现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售746franchising 加盟连销权747FCL Full Container Load 整箱货748Global Logistics Management 全球运筹管理749goods collection 集货750goods shed 料棚751goods shelf 货架752goods stack 货垛753goods yard 货场754handing/carrying 搬运755high performance organization 高绩效组织756inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站757inside sales 内部销售758inspection 检验759intangible loss 无形消耗760internal logistics 企业物流761international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理762international logistics 国际物流763invasive integration 侵入性集成764joint distribution 共同配送765just-in-time logistics 准时制物流766KM Knowledge Management 知识管理767lead (customer) man ageme n潜在客户管理768learning organization 学习型组织769 L CL -ess fhan container-oad蚩>济770 -oadba-ancingms^s771 -oadingand unoading BB 772 -ogisHCSacfMiyssnfis773 -ogisiicsa=iance莓弐«®774 -ogisHCScenfeir ®s甘e>775 -ogisficscosf^sa M776 -ogisHCScosfcoHro-s saM 哺J!777 -ogisficsdocuments s^780 -ogisficsmanagemenfss<sl7s-ogisHCSmodu-ussss達782 -ogisficsnetwork ss国谡783 -ogisficsoperafion s s^ik784 L RPLogisfics ResourcePlanning SSM ^斗s785 -ogisficssfrafegy善»坯晶786 -ogisfics sfrafegy m an ag e m e n fs ss^<s l787 -ogisficsfechnoogys s i i>當4r洲791neutral packing 中性包装792OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析系统793OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成794order picking 拣选795outsourcing 外包796package/packag ing 包装797packing of nominated brand 定牌包装798palletizing 托盘包装799PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数据助理800personalization 个性化801PTF Planning time fence 计划时界802POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803priority queuing 优先排队804PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805production logistics 生产物流806publish/subscribe 发布/订阅807quality of working life 工作生活品质808Quick Response 快速反映809receiving space 收货区810REPs Represe ntatives代表或业务员811return logistics 回收物流812ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813RM Risk Management 风险管理814sales package 销售包装815scalability 可扩充性816shipping space 发货区817situational leadership 情境领导818six sigma 六个标准差819sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820stereoscopic warehouse立体仓库821storage 保管822stored procedure 存储过程823storehouse 库房824storing 储存825SRM Supplier Relationship Management 供应商关系管理826tangible loss 有形消耗827team building 团队建立828TEM Technology-enabled Marketing 技术辅助式营销829TES Technology-enabled Selling 技术辅助式销售830TSR TeleSales Service Represe ntativ占肖售服务代表831TPL Third-Part Logistics 第三方物流832through transport 直达运输833unit loading and unloading 单元装卸834Value Management 价值管理835value-added logistics service 增值物流服务836Value-chain integration 价值链集成837VMI Vender Managed Inventory 卖方主导型库存管理/供应商管理仓库838virtual logistics 虚拟物流839virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库840vision 远景管理841volume pricing model 批量定价模型842warehouse 仓库843waste material logistics 废弃物物流844workflow management 工作流管理845zero latency 零等待846ZLE Zero Latency Enterprise 零等待企业847ZLP Zero Latency Process 零等待过程848zero-inventory technology 零库存技术。



中英文erp对照1 ABM Activity-based Management 基于功课活动治理2 AO Application Outsourcing 应用法度榜样外包3 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国临盆与库存治理协会4 APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 有用制造治理系列培训教材5 APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先辈筹划及优化技巧6 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高等筹划与排程技巧7 ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用办事/软件供给商8 ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9 ATP Available To Promise 可供发卖量(可签约量)10 B2B Business to Business 企业对企业(电子商务)11 B2C Business to Consumer 企业对花费者(电子商务)12 B2G Business to Government 企业对当局(电子商务)13 B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14 BIS Business Intelligence System 贸易智能体系15 BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16 BOR Bill Of Resource 资本清单17 BPR Business Process Reengineering 营业/企业流程重组18 BPM Business Process Management 营业/企业流程治理19 BPS Business Process Standard 营业/企业流程标准20 C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S) 客户机/办事器\扫瞄器/办事器21 CAD Computer-Aided Design 运算机关心设计22 CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 运算机关心工艺设计23 CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 运算机关心制造24 CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 运算机关心工艺设计25 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 运算机关心软件工程26 CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27 CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 运算机集成制造体系28 CMM Capability Maturity Model 才能成熟度模型29 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System 面向客户制造治理体系30 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象要求代理构造31 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32 CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 临盆与库存治理认证资格33 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34 CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系治理35 CRP capacity requirements planning 才能需求筹划36 CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑德律风集成(呼叫中间)37 CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的才能38 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39 DCS Distributed Control System 分布式操纵体系40 DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式MRP41 DRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资本筹划42 DSS Decision Support System 决定打算支撑体系43 DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界44 DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时刻45 EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成46 EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资产治理47 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management 企业商务治理48 ECO Engineering Change Order 工程变革订单49 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换50 EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理51 EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩大企业应用体系52 EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户53 EIS Executive Information System 高层引导信息体系54 EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期55 EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量(经济批量法)56 EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企事迹效分析57 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资本筹划58 ERM Enterprise Resource Management 企业资本治理59 ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计60 FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配筹划61 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限才能筹划62 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造体系63 FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64 GL General Ledger 总账65 GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66 HRM Human Resource Management 人力资本治理67 HRP Human Resource Planning 人力资本筹划68 IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/扫瞄器69 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70 ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网办事供给商71 ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际临盆力促进会72 IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技巧73 JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制临盆74 KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75 KPI Key Performance Indicators 症毕事迹指标76 LP Lean Production 精益临盆77 MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造履行体系78 MIS Management Information System 治理信息体系79 MPS Master Production Schedule 主临盆筹划80 MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求筹划81 MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资本筹划82 MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)临盆83 MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)临盆84 OA Office Automation 办公主动化85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优临盆技巧87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优临盆时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 临盆和决定打算治理信息体系89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据治理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 筹划评审技巧91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期治理92 PM Project Management 项目治理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系治理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 筹划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗才能筹划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库治理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速本相制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资本需求筹划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供给链治理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供给链合作伙伴关系86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优临盆技巧87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优临盆时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 临盆和决定打算治理信息体系89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据治理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 筹划评审技巧91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期治理92 PM Project Management 项目治理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系治理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 筹划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗才能筹划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库治理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速本相制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资本需求筹划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供给链治理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供给链合作伙伴关系103 SFA Sales Force Automation 发卖主动化104 SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105 SOP Sales And Operation Planning 发卖与运作筹划106 SQL Structure Query Language 构造化查询说话107 TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108 TEI Total Enterprise Integration 周全企业集成109 TOC Theory Of Constraints/Constraints managemant 束缚理论/束缚治理110 TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员临盆力爱护111 TQC Total Quality Control 周全质量操纵112 TQM Total Quality Management 周全质量治理113 WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分化体系114 XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩大标记说话115 ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC分类法116 ABC costing 功课成本法117 ABC inventory control ABC 库存操纵118 abnormal demand 反常需求119 acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120 action message 行动/活动(方法)信息121 action report flag 活动申报标记122 activity cost pool 功课成本集123 activity-based costing(ABC) 功课基准成本法/营业成本法124 actual capacity 实际才能125 adjust on hand 调剂现有库存量126 advanced manufacturing technology 先辈制造技巧127 advanced pricing 高等订价体系128 AM Agile Manufacturing 灵敏制造129 alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130 Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预告131 anticipation inventory 预期贮备132 apportionment code 分摊码133 assembly parts list 装配零件表134 automated storage/retrieval system 主动仓储/检索体系135 Automatic Rescheduling 筹划主动重排136 available inventory 可达到库存137 available material 可用物料138 available stock 达到库存139 available work 可应用工时140 average inventory 平均库存141 back order 欠交(宽限)订单142 back scheduling 倒排(序)筹划/倒序排产? 143 base currency 本位币144 batch number 批号145 batch process 批流程146 batch production 批量临盆147 benchmarking 标杆对准(治理)148 bill of labor 工时清单149 bill of lading 提货单150 branch warehouse 分库151 bucketless system 无时段体系152 business framework 营业框架153 business plan 经营筹划154 capacity level 才能应用程度155 capacity load 才能负荷156 capacity management 才能治理157 carrying cost 保管费158 carrying cost rate 保管费率159 cellular manufacturing 单位式制造160 change route 修改工序161 change structure 修改产品构造162 check point 检查点163 closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164 Common Route Code(ID) 通用工序标识165 component-based development 组件(构件)开创技巧166 concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167 conference room pilot 会议室仿照168 configuration code 设备代码169 continuous improvement 朝长进步不懈170 continuous process 连续流程171 cost driver 功课成本产生身分172 cost driver rate 功课成本产生身分单位费用173 cost of stockout 缺乏损掉174 cost roll-up 成本滚动运算法175 crew size 班组范畴176 critical part 急需零件177 critical ratio 紧急系数178 critical work center 关键工作中间179 CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提早期180 current run hour 现有运转工时181 current run quantity 现有运转数量182 customer care 客户关怀183 customer deliver lead time 客户交货提早期184 customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185 customer order number 客户订单号186 customer satisfaction 客户知足度187 customer status 客户状况188 cycle counting 周期盘点189 DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190 Data Warehouse 数据仓库191 days offset 偏置天数192 dead load 空负荷193 demand cycle 需求周期194 demand forecasting 需求推测195 demand management 需求治理196 Deming circle 戴明环197 demonstrated capacity 实际才能198 discrete manufacturing 离散型临盆199 dispatch to 调剂200 DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求筹划201 drop shipment 直运202 dunning letter 催款信203 ECO workbench ECO工作台204 employee enrolled 在册职员205 employee tax id 职员税号206 end item 最终产品207 engineering change mode flag 工程变革方法标记208 engineering change notice 工程变革通知209 equipment distribution 设备分派210 equipment management 设备治理211 exception control 例外操纵212 excess material analysis 呆滞物料分析213 expedite code 急送代码214 external integration 外部集成215 fabrication order 加工订单216 factory order 工厂订单217 fast path method 快速路径法218 fill backorder 补足欠交219 final assembly lead time 总装提早期220 final goods 成品221 finite forward scheduling 有限顺排筹划222 finite loading 有限排负荷223 firm planned order 确认的筹划订单224 firm planned time fence 确认筹划需求时界225 FPR Fixed Period Requirements 按期用量法226 fixed quantity 固定命量法227 fixed time 固准时刻法228 floor stock 功课现场库存229 flow shop 流水车间230 focus forecasting 调焦推测231 forward scheduling 顺排筹划232 freeze code 冻结码233 freeze space 冷冻区234 frozen order 冻结订单235 gross requirements 毛需求236 hedge inventory 囤积库存237 in process inventory 在成品库存238 in stock 在库239 incrementing 增值240 indirect cost 间接成本241 indirect labor 间接人工242 infinite loading 无穷排负荷243 input/output control 投入/产出操纵244 inspection ID 考查标识245 integrity 完全性246 inter companies 公司内部间247 interplant demands 厂际需求量248 inventory carry rate 库存周转率249 inventory cycle time 库存周期250 inventory issue 库存发放251 inventory location type 仓库库位类型252 inventory scrap 库存报废量253 inventory transfers 库存转移254 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金)周转次数255 invoice address 发票地址256 invoice amount gross 发票金额257 invoice schedule 发票清单258 issue cycle 发放周期259 issue order 发送订单260 issue parts 发放零件261 issue policy 发放策略262 item availability 项目可供量263 item description 项目说明264 item number 项目编号265 item record 项目记录266 item remark 项目备注267 item status 项目状况268 job shop 加工车间269 job step 功课步调270 kit item 配套件项目271 labor hour 人工工时272 late days 延迟天数273 lead time 提早期274 lead time level 提早期程度275 lead time offset days 提早期偏置(补偿)天数276 least slack per operation 最小单个工序平均时差277 line item 单项产品278 live pilot 应用仿照279 load leveling 负荷量280 load report 负荷申报281 location code 仓位代码282 location remarks 仓位备注283 location status 仓位状况284 lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识286 lot number 批量编号287 lot number traceability 批号跟踪288 lot size 批量289 lot size inventory 批量库存290 lot sizing 批量筹划291 low level code 低层(位)码292 machine capacity 机械才能293 machine hours 机时294 machine loading 机械加载295 maintenance ,repair,and operating supplies 爱护补缀操作物料296 make or buy decision 外购或克己决定打算297 management by exception 例外治理法298 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时刻299 manufacturing lead time 制造提早期300 manufacturing standards 制造标准301 master scheduler 主临盆筹划员302 material 物料303 material available 物料可用量304 material cost 物料成本305 material issues and receipts 物料发放和接收306 material management 物料治理307 material manager 物料经理308 material master,item master 物料主文件309 material review board 物料核定机构310 measure of velocity 临盆速度程度311 memory-based processing speed 基于储备的处理速度312 minimum balance 最小库存余量313 Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运314 month to date 月累计315 move time , transit time 传递时刻316 MSP book flag MPS登录标记317 multi-currency 多币制318 multi-facility 多场合319 multi-level 多级320 multi-plant management 多工厂治理321 multiple location 多重仓位322 net change 净改变法323 net change MRP 净改变式MRP324 net requirements 净需求325 new location 新仓位326 new parent 新组件327 new warehouse 新仓库328 next code 后续编码329 next number 后续编号330 No action report 不活动申报331 non-nettable 弗成动用量332 on demand 急需的333 on-hand balance 现有库存量334 on hold 挂起335 on time 准时336 open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338 order activity rules 订单活动规矩339 order address 订单地址340 order entry 订单输入341 order point 定货点342 order point system 定货点法343 order policy 定货策略344 order promising 定货承诺345 order remarks 定货备注346 ordered by 定货者347 overflow location 超量库位348 overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分派349 overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate 间接费率350 owner's equity 所有者权益351 parent item 母件352 part bills 零件清单353 part lot 零件批次354 part number 零件编号355 people involvement 全员参治356 performance measurement 事迹评判357 physical inventory 实际库存358 picking 领料/提货359 planned capacity 筹划才能360 planned order 筹划订单361 planned order receipts 筹划产出量362 planned order releases 筹划投入量363 planning horizon 筹划期/筹划瞻望期364 point of use 应用点365 Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程366 price adjustments 价格调剂367 price invoice 发票价格368 price level 物价程度369 price purchase order 采购订单价格370 priority planning 优先筹划371 processing manufacturing 流程制造372 product control 产品操纵373 product family 产品系列374 product mix 产品搭配组合375 production activity control 临盆功课操纵376 production cycle 临盆周期377 production line 产品线378 production rate 产品率379 production tree 产品构造树380 PAB Projected Available Balance 估量可用库存(量) 381 purchase order tracking 采购订单跟踪382 quantity allocation 已分派量383 quantity at location 仓位数量384 quantity backorder 欠交数量385 quantity completion 完成数量386 quantity demand 需求量387 quantity gross 毛需求量388 quantity in 进货数量389 quantity on hand 现稀有量390 quantity scrapped 废品数量391 quantity shipped 发货数量392 queue time 列队时刻393 rated capacity 额定才能394 receipt document 收款单据395 reference number 参考号396 regenerated MRP 更生成式MRP397 released order 下达订单398 reorder point 再订购点399 repetitive manufacturing 反复式临盆(制造)400 replacement parts 调换零件401 required capacity 需求才能402 requisition orders 请购单403 rescheduling assumption 重排假设404 resupply order 补库单405 rework bill 返工单406 roll up 上滚407 rough cut resource planning 粗资本筹划408 rounding amount 舍入金额409 run time 加工(运行)时刻410 safety lead time 安稳提早期411 safety stock 安稳库存412 safety time 保险期413 sales order 发卖订单414 scheduled receipts 筹划接收量(估量入库量/预期到货量) 415 seasonal stock 季候贮备416 send part 发送零件417 service and support 办事和支撑418 service parts 修理件419 set up time 预备时刻420 ship address 发运地址421 ship contact 发运单接洽人422 ship order 发货单423 shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424 shop floor control 车间功课治理(操纵)425 shop order , work order 车间订单426 shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427 single level where used 单层物料反查表428 standard cost system 标准成本体系429 standard hours 标准工时430 standard product cost 标准产品成本431 standard set up hour 标准机械设置工时432 standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433 standard wage rate 标准工资率434 status code 状况代码435 stores control 库存操纵436 suggested work order 建议工作单437 supply chain 供给链438 synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期临盆439 time bucket 时段(时刻段)440 time fence 时界441 time zone 时区442 top management commitment 引导承诺443 total lead time 总提早期444 transportation inventory 在途库存445 unfavorable variance, adverse 晦气差别446 unit cost 单位成本447 unit of measure 计量单位448 value chain 价值链449 value-added chain 增值链450 variance in quantity 量差451 vendor scheduler,supplier scheduler 采购筹划员/供方筹划员452 vendor scheduling 采购筹划法453 Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454 volume variance 产量差别455 wait time 等待时刻456 where-used list 反查用物料单457 work center capacity 工作中间才能458 workflow 工作流459 work order 工作令460 work order tracking 工作令跟踪461 work scheduling 工作进度安排462 world class manufacturing excellence 国际优良制造业463 zero inventories 零库存464465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中间466 Co/By-product 联/副产品467 E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468 E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner 电子发卖/电子采购/电子伙伴469 independent/dependent demand 自力需求/相干需求件470 informal/formal system 非/规范化治理体系471 Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472 middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中心/硬/软/共享/固/群件473 pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求运算474 picking/dispatch/disbursement list 领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475 preflush/backflush/super backflush 预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476 yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate) 成品率/废品率/缩减率477 scrap/shrinkage factor 残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478479 costed BOM 成本物料清单480 engineering BOM 设计物料清单481 indented BOM 缩排式物料清单482 manufacturing BOM 制造物料清单483 modular BOM 模块化物料清单484 planning BOM 筹划物料清单485 single level BOM 单层物料清单486 summarized BOM 汇总物料清单487488 account balance 账户余额489 account code 账户代码490 account ledger 分类账491 account period 管帐时代492 accounts payable 敷衍账款493 accounts receivable 应收账款494 actual cost 实际成本495 aging 账龄496 balance due 到期余额497 balance in hand 现有余额498 balance sheet 资产负债表499 beginning balance 期初余额500 cash basis 现金收付制501 cash on bank 银行存款502 cash on hand 现金503 cash out to 付出给504 catalog 目次505 category code 分类码506 check out 结帐507 collection 催款508 cost simulation 成本仿照509 costing 成本核算510 current assets 流淌资产511 current liabilities 流淌负债512 current standard cost 现行标准成本513 detail 明细514 draft remittance 汇票汇出515 end of year 岁终516 ending availables 期末可供量517 ending balance 期末余额518 exchange rate 汇率519 expense 费用520 financial accounting 财务管帐521 financial entity 财务实体522 financial reports 财务申报523 financial statements 财务报表524 fiscal period 财务时代525 fiscal year 财务年度526 fixed assets 固定资产527 foreign amount 外币金额528 gains and loss 损益529 in balance 均衡530 income statement 损益表531 intangible assets 无形资产532 journal entry 分录533 management accounting 治理管帐534 manual reconciliation 手工调账535 notes payable 敷衍单子536 notes receivable 应收单子537 other receivables 其他应收款538 pay aging 付款账龄539 pay check 工资支票540 pay in 缴款541 pay item 付款项目542 pay point 付出点543 pay status 付出状况544 payment instrument 付款方法545 payment reminder 催款单546 payment status 付款状况547 payment terms 付款刻日548 period 时代549 post 过账550 proposed cost 建议成本551 simulated cost 仿照成本552 spending variance,expenditure variance 开支差别553 subsidiary 明细账554 summary 汇总555 tax code 税码556 tax rate 税率557 value added tax 增值税558559 as of date , stop date 截止日期560 change lot date 修改批量日期561 clear date 结清日期562 date adjust 调剂日期563 date available 有效日期564 date changed 修改日期565 date closed 停止日期566 date due 截止日期567 date in produced 临盆日期568 date inventory adjust 库存调剂日期569 date obsolete 作废日期570 date received 收到日期571 date released 交付日期572 date required 需求日期573 date to pull 发货日期574 earliest due date 最早订单完成日期575 effective date 生效日期576 engineering change effect date 工程变革生效日期577 engineering stop date 工程停止日期578 expired date 掉效日期,报废日期579 from date 肇端日期580 last shipment date 最后运输日期581 need date 需求日期582 new date 新日期583 pay through date 付款截止日期584 receipt date 收到日期585 ship date 发运日期586587 allocation 已分派量588 alphanumeric 字母数字589 approver 赞成者590 assembly 装配(件)591 backlog 未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing 开单593 bill-to 发票寄往地594 bottleneck 瓶颈资本595 bulk 散装596 buyer 采购员597 component 子件/组件598 customer 客户599 delivery 交货600 demand 需求601 description 说明602 discrete 离散603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学) 604 facility 设备、功能605 feature 全然组件/特点件606 forecast 推测607 freight 运费608 holidays 例假日609 implement 实施610 ingredient 配料、成分611 inquire 查询612 inventory 库存613 item 物料项目614 job 功课615 Kanban 看板616 level 层次(级)617 load 负荷618 locate 定位619 logistics 后勤保证体系;物流治理620 lot 批次621 option 可选件622 outstanding 过期未付623 overhead 制造费用624 override 覆盖625 overtime 加班626 parent 双亲(文件) 627 part 零件628 phantom 虚拟件629 plant 工厂,场合630 preference 优先权631 priority 优先权(级) 632 procurement 采购633 prototyping 本相测试634 queue 队列635 quota 义务额,报价636 receipt 收款、收据637 regeneration 全重排法638 remittance 汇款639 requisition 请购单640 returned 退货641 roll 滚动642 routing 工艺线路643 schedule 筹划表644 shipment 发运量645 ship-to 交货地646 shortage 缺乏647 shrink 损耗648 spread 分摊649 statement 报表650 subassembly 子装配件651 supplier 供给商652 transaction 事务处理653 what-if 假如如何-将会如何654655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing 后减库存处理法656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing 前减库存处理法657 generally accepted manufacturing practices 通用临盆治理原则658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing 直截了当增减库存处理法659 Pareto Principle 帕拉图道理660 Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳索661663 Open Database Connectivity 开放数据库互连664 Production Planning 临盆筹划编制665 Work in Process 在成品666 accelerated cost recovery system 快速成本收受接收轨制667 accounting information system 管帐信息体系668 acceptable quality kevel 可接收质量程度669 constant purchasing power accounting 不买够买力管帐670 break-even analysis 保本分析671 book value 帐面价值672 cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析673 chief financial office 财务总监674 degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数675 degree of operating leverage 经济杠杆系数676 first-in , first-out 先辈先出法677 economic lot size 经济批量678 first-in ,still-here 落后先出法679 full pegging 完全跟踪680 linear programming 线性筹划681 management by objective 目标治理682 value engineering 价值工程683 zero based budgeting 零基预算684 CAQ computer aided quality assurance 运算机关心质量包管685 DBMS database management system 数据库治理体系686 IP Internet Protocol 网际协定687 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输操纵协定689690 API Advanced Process Industry 高等流程工业691 A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成) 692 article 物品693 article reserves 物品储备694 assembly order 装配订单695 balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额696 bar code 条形码697 boned warehouse 保税仓库698 CPA Capacity Requirements Planning 才能需求筹划699 change management 变革治理700 chill space 冷藏区701 combined transport 结合运输702 commodity inspection 进出口商品考查703 competitive edge 竞争优势704 container 集装箱705 container transport 集装箱运输706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补偿系数707 core competence 核心才能708 cross docking 直截了当换装709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销711 CSS Customer Service and Support 客户办事和支撑712 Customer Service Representative 客户办事代表713 customized logistics 定制物流714 customs declaration 报关715 cycle stock 经常库存716 data cleansing 数据整顿717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据常识和决定打算支撑718 data level integration 数据层集成719 data transformation 数据转换720 desktop conferencing 桌面会议721 distribution 配送722 distribution and logistics 分销和后勤723 distribution center 配送中间724 distribution logistics 发卖物流725 distribution processing 流畅加工726 distribution requirements 分销量727 DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资本筹划728 door-to-door 门到门729 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技巧731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response 有效顾客反响732 e-Government Affairs 电子政务733 EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务734 Electronic Display Boards 电子通知布告板735 EOS Electronic order system 电子订货体系736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发737 embedding 插入738 employee category 职员分类739 empowerment 授权740 engineering change effect work order 工程变革生效单741 environmental logistics 绿色物流742 experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)743 export supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库744 ERP Extended Resource Planning 扩大资本筹划745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell 现场发卖/交叉发卖/连带发卖746 franchising 加盟连销权747 FCL Full Container Load 整箱货748 Global Logistics Management 全球运筹治理749 goods collection 集货750 goods shed 料棚751 goods shelf 货架752 goods stack 货垛753 goods yard 货场754 handing/carrying 搬运755 high performance organization 高绩效组织756 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站757 inside sales 内部发卖758 inspection 考查759 intangible loss 无形消费760 internal logistics 企业物流761 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理762 international logistics 国际物流763 invasive integration 侵入性集成764 joint distribution 合营配送765 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流766 KM Knowledge Management 常识治理767 lead (customer) management 潜在客户治理768 learning organization 进修型组织769 LCL less than container load 拼装货770 load balancing 负载均衡771 loading and unloading 装载772 logistics activity 物流活动773 logistics alliance 物流联盟774 logistics center 物流中间775 logistics cost 物流成本776 logistics cost control 物流成本治理777 logistics documents 物流单证778 logistics enterprise 物流企业779 logistics information 物流信息780 logistics management 物流治理781 logistics modulus 物流模数782 logistics network 物流收集783 logistics operation 物流功课784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning 物流资本筹划785 logistics strategy 物流计策786 logistics strategy management 物流计策治理787 logistics technology 物流技巧788 MES Manufacture Execute System 制造履行体系789 mass customization 大年夜范畴定制790 NPV Net Present Value 净现值791 neutral packing 中性包装792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析体系793 OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成794 order picking 拣选795 outsourcing 外包796 package/packaging 包装797 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装798 palletizing 托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 小我数据助理800 personalization 个性化801 PTF Planning time fence 筹划时界802 POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803 priority queuing 优先列队804 PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805 production logistics 临盆品流806 publish/subscribe 宣布/订阅807 quality of working life 工作生活品德808 Quick Response 快速反应809 receiving space 收货区810 REPs Representatives 代表或营业员811 return logistics 收受接收物流812 ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813 RM Risk Management 风险治理814 sales package 发卖包装815 scalability 可扩充性816 shipping space 发货区817 situational leadership 情境引导818 six sigma 六个标准差819 sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820 stereoscopic warehouse 立体仓库821 storage 保管822 stored procedure 储备过程823 storehouse 库房824 storing 储存825 SRM Supplier Relationship Management 供给商关系治理826 tangible loss 有形消费827 team building 团队建立828 TEM Technology-enabled Marketing 技巧关心式营销829 TES Technology-enabled Selling 技巧关心式发卖830 TSR TeleSales Service Representative 发卖办事代表831 TPL Third-Part Logistics 第三方物流832 through transport 直达运输833 unit loading and unloading 单位装卸834 Value Management 价值治理835 value-added logistics service 增值物流办事836 Value-chain integration 价值链集成837 VMI Vender Managed Inventory 卖方主导型库存治理/供给商治理仓库838 virtual logistics 虚拟物流839 virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库840 vision 前景治理841 volume pricing model 批量订价模型842 warehouse 仓库843 waste material logistics 舍弃物物流844 workflow management 工作流治理845 zero latency 零等待846 ZLE Zero Latency Enterprise 零等待企业847 ZLP Zero Latency Process 零等待过程848 zero-inventory technology 零库存技巧。



奔驶供应商评审中英文文件公司内部编号:(GOOD-TM\IT-\l\Il T-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-潜潜在供应商评估指南评估范围A - Management管理B - Technology and Development技术与开发C - Quality质量D - Production生产E - Engineering (Product and Process)工程(产品和过程)F - Logistics / Supply物流与供应G - Sub-supplier Management分供商管理H 一Cost Management成本管理Scoring Guide打分指南Team evaluation must be recorded into Excel file. Input comments on COMMENTS page.团队评价必须用Excel文件记录,在注释页上输入注释。

Points Color Definition Effect on DC processes在DC流程颜色表示的定义:0 red Supplier demonstrates neither a documented process/procedure nor an applied practice.0分红色供应商示范既无文件化流程/程序,又无应用的实例Process will certainly cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 过程肯定会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。

1red Documented process/procedure exists but is incomplete or notfully implemented.1分红色有文件化流程/程序,但不完善或没有完全的贯彻。

Process will probably cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer过程大概会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。



Section 1: Supply Chain Management and Logistics Supply-chain management is one of the hottest topics of discussion today amongst CEO's and other senior officers of businesses worldwide. Articles permeate the business press and many publications have designated it as the last frontier for creating strategic competitive advantage. Why all the interest? The answer is that companies worldwide are now cognizant of the great potential for cost reduction and increased customer service from successful supply-chain management. The payoff potential can result from reduction or elimination of inventories, being able to respond quickly to customized orders, reduction or elimination of steps in moving goods to market, enhanced customer service, upstream vendor relationships, and transportation improvements including carrier programs. In this regard, logistics can help improve a company's sales by adding value in a variety of ways. Specifically, by providing a means for ensuring that goods are prepared for sale properly and delivered quickly. This could involve specialized packaging, labeling, kitting, constructing floor ready pallets, shipment consolidations, pooling, and merge-in-transit programs, anything that gets products downstream faster. Excellent customer service can differentiate a company in the marketplace and help that company win contracts. Error free delivery accomplished on a consistent basis is a key differentiator. In dealings with our clients and 3PLs,TranSolutions Consulting finds that most of the time the ability to have almost real-time visibility to information is an operating advantage or a marketing advantage depending on whether you are the client or the 3PL. This is important because supply chains are being shortened and companies are depending on more frequent shipments from their partner-suppliers so that visibility to component whereabouts is extremely critical. All of the new logistics strategies should be removing significant cost from supply chains but as many companies have found, it is all in the execution. For 1999, according to The Controller's Report , total logistics costs rose 2.21% over the previous year when measured as percentage of sales and 3.6% when measured by cost per hundredweight. The cost elements measured were transportation, warehousing, order entry/customer service, administrative, and inventory carrying. The average company logistics costs were 7.34% of sales and/or $74.29 cost per hundredweight. Most professionals believe there is ample room for improvement by optimizing the supply chain and including the use of new inventory management tools like VMI, e-commerce, and by improved planning between partners and internal functional groups. Execution is key. This first section of The Language of Logistics defines terms frequently used by logistics professionals, writers, and consultants and represents an umbrella approach to organizing these terms recognizing that the ultimate goal of logistics professionals is to integrate logistics processes to the overall supply-chain of a company. The sections following flow in an order related to what is usually given emphasis first but is not intended to rank areas of opportunity, as this will vary by company. ABC: Activity Based Costing is a valuable tool for cost management, total quality management and business process reengineering. Originally, a method for product costing, it is now used for generating accurate cost information that relates to a variety of decisions. ABC isolates direct costs and overheads to specific products, customers, and services attributing activity costs only if the activities are performed on the products or services. Baldrige Award: Refers to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award instituted by the U.S. Congress and presented annually to up to six U.S. companies for their excellence in improving quality. Benchmarking: An approach to improving performance through comparison of current operations against another operation or mode. Benchmarking can be applied to any part of the supply chain to evaluate current operations and set performance goals through the implementation of “best practices”。


Benchmarking for performance evaluerview
❖Northlake Bookstore is located in the Northlake University in Dallas, a metropolitan in the Midwest.
Northlake Bookstore:
2004 Expense and income
All other
as % of sale
Main issues
Benchmarking analysis report:
Performance indicators benchmarking
and Problem Identification
SWOT analysis
Solutions and Action Plan
❖In addition, we presume current organization culture and structure is appropriate and does not impede business development.
❖ A culture does not pose pressures for a for-profit business with aggressive sales and earning target
❖Wendy, the manager, reported the decreased textbook sales to the boss Chuck, and was asked to conduct a benchmarking analysis to identify performance gap with competitors.



ERP专业词汇集合ERP专业词汇1 ABM Activity-based Management 基于作业活动管理2 AO Application Outsourcing 应用程序外包3 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国生产与库存管理协会4 APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 实用制造管理系列培训教材5 APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先进计划及优化技术6 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高级计划与排程技术7 ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用服务/软件供应商8 ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9 ATP Available To Promise 可供销售量(可签约量)10 B2B Business to Business 企业对企业(电子商务)11 B2C Business to Consumer 企业对消费者(电子商务)12 B2G Business to Government 企业对政府(电子商务)13 B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14 BIS Business Intelligence System 商业智能系统15 BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16 BOR Bill Of Resource 资源清单17 BPR Business Process Reengineering 业务/企业流程重组18 BPM Business Process Management 业务/企业流程管理19 BPS Business Process Standard 业务/企业流程标准20 C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S) 客户机/服务器\浏览器/服务器21 CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计22 CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 计算机辅助工艺设计23 CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造24 CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助工艺设计25 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 计算机辅助软件工程26 CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27 CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机集成制造系统28 CMM Capability Maturity Model 能力成熟度模型29 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System 面向客户制造管理系统30 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构31 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32 CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 生产与库存管理认证资格33 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34 CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理35 CRP capacity requirements planning 能力需求计划36 CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)37 CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的能力38 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39 DCS Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统40 DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式MRP41 DRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资源计划42 DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统43 DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界44 DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时间45 EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成46 EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资源管理47 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management 企业商务管理48 ECO Engineering Change Order 工程变更订单49 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换50 EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理51 EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩展企业应用系统52 EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户53 EIS Executive Information System 高层领导信息系统54 EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期55 EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量(经济批量法)56 EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企业绩效分析57 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划58 ERM Enterprise Resource Management 企业资源管理59 ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计60 FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配计划61 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限能力计划62 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统63 FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64 GL General Ledger 总账65 GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66 HRM Human Resource Management 人力资源管理67 HRP Human Resource Planning 人力资源计划68 IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/浏览器69 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70 ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网服务提供商71 ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际生产力促进会72 IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技术73 JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制生产74 KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75 KPI Key Performance Indicators 关键业绩指标76 LP Lean Production 精益生产77 MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造执行系统78 MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统79 MPS Master Production Schedule 主生产计划80 MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划81 MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划82 MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)生产83 MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)生产84 OA Office Automation 办公自动化85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 计划评审技术91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92 PM Project Management 项目管理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系管理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 计划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资源需求计划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供应链合作伙伴关系103 SFA Sales Force Automation 销售自动化104 SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105 SOP Sales And Operation Planning 销售与运作规划106 SQL Structure Query Language 结构化查询语言107 TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108 TEI Total Enterprise Integration 全面企业集成109 TOC Theory Of Constraints/Constraints managemant 约束理论/约束管理110 TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产力维护111 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量控制112 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理113 WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分解系统114 XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言115 ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC分类法116 ABC costing 作业成本法117 ABC inventory control ABC 库存控制118 abnormal demand 反常需求119 acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120 action message 行为/活动(措施)信息121 action report flag 活动报告标志122 activity cost pool 作业成本集123 activity-based costing(ABC) 作业基准成本法/业务成本法124 actual capacity 实际能力125 adjust on hand 调整现有库存量126 advanced manufacturing technology 先进制造技术127 advanced pricing 高级定价系统128 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造129 alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130 Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报131 anticipation inventory 预期储备132 apportionment code 分摊码133 assembly parts list 装配零件表134 automated storage/retrieval system 自动仓储/检索系统135 Automatic Rescheduling 计划自动重排136 available inventory 可达到库存137 available material 可用物料138 available stock 达到库存139 available work 可利用工时140 average inventory 平均库存141 back order 欠交(脱期)订单142 back scheduling 倒排(序)计划/倒序排产? 143 base currency 本位币144 batch number 批号145 batch process 批流程146 batch production 批量生产147 benchmarking 标杆瞄准(管理)148 bill of labor 工时清单149 bill of lading 提货单150 branch warehouse 分库151 bucketless system 无时段系统152 business framework 业务框架153 business plan 经营规划154 capacity level 能力利用水平155 capacity load 能力负荷156 capacity management 能力管理157 carrying cost 保管费158 carrying cost rate 保管费率159 cellular manufacturing 单元式制造160 change route 修改工序161 change structure 修改产品结构162 check point 检查点163 closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164 Common Route Code(ID) 通用工序标识165 component-based development 组件(构件)开发技术166 concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167 conference room pilot 会议室模拟168 configuration code 配置代码169 continuous improvement 进取不懈170 continuous process 连续流程171 cost driver 作业成本发生因素172 cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用173 cost of stockout 短缺损失174 cost roll-up 成本滚动计算法175 crew size 班组规模176 critical part 急需零件177 critical ratio 紧迫系数178 critical work center 关键工作中心179 CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期180 current run hour 现有运转工时181 current run quantity 现有运转数量182 customer care 客户关怀183 customer deliver lead time 客户交货提前期184 customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185 customer order number 客户订单号186 customer satisfaction 客户满意度187 customer status 客户状况188 cycle counting 周期盘点189 DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190 Data Warehouse 数据仓库191 days offset 偏置天数192 dead load 空负荷193 demand cycle 需求周期194 demand forecasting 需求预测195 demand management 需求管理196 Deming circle 戴明环197 demonstrated capacity 实际能力198 discrete manufacturing 离散型生产199 dispatch to 调度200 DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求计划201 drop shipment 直运202 dunning letter 催款信203 ECO workbench ECO工作台204 employee enrolled 在册员工205 employee tax id 员工税号206 end item 最终产品207 engineering change mode flag 工程变更方式标志208 engineering change notice 工程变更通知209 equipment distribution 设备分配210 equipment management 设备管理211 exception control 例外控制212 excess material analysis 呆滞物料分析213 expedite code 急送代码214 external integration 外部集成215 fabrication order 加工订单216 factory order 工厂订单217 fast path method 快速路径法218 fill backorder 补足欠交219 final assembly lead time 总装提前期220 final goods 成品221 finite forward scheduling 有限顺排计划222 finite loading 有限排负荷223 firm planned order 确认的计划订单224 firm planned time fence 确认计划需求时界225 FPR Fixed Period Requirements 定期用量法226 fixed quantity 固定数量法227 fixed time 固定时间法228 floor stock 作业现场库存229 flow shop 流水车间230 focus forecasting 调焦预测231 forward scheduling 顺排计划232 freeze code 冻结码233 freeze space 冷冻区234 frozen order 冻结订单235 gross requirements 毛需求236 hedge inventory 囤积库存237 in process inventory 在制品库存238 in stock 在库239 incrementing 增值240 indirect cost 间接成本241 indirect labor 间接人工242 infinite loading 无限排负荷243 input/output control 投入/产出控制244 inspection ID 检验标识245 integrity 完整性246 inter companies 公司内部间247 interplant demands 厂际需求量248 inventory carry rate 库存周转率249 inventory cycle time 库存周期250 inventory issue 库存发放251 inventory location type 仓库库位类型252 inventory scrap 库存报废量253 inventory transfers 库存转移254 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金)周转次数255 invoice address 发票地址256 invoice amount gross 发票金额257 invoice schedule 发票清单258 issue cycle 发放周期259 issue order 发送订单260 issue parts 发放零件261 issue policy 发放策略262 item availability 项目可供量263 item description 项目说明264 item number 项目编号265 item record 项目记录266 item remark 项目备注267 item status 项目状态268 job shop 加工车间269 job step 作业步骤270 kit item 配套件项目271 labor hour 人工工时272 late days 延迟天数273 lead time 提前期274 lead time level 提前期水平275 lead time offset days 提前期偏置(补偿)天数276 least slack per operation 最小单个工序平均时差277 line item 单项产品278 live pilot 应用模拟279 load leveling 负荷量280 load report 负荷报告281 location code 仓位代码282 location remarks 仓位备注283 location status 仓位状况284 lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识286 lot number 批量编号287 lot number traceability 批号跟踪288 lot size 批量289 lot size inventory 批量库存290 lot sizing 批量规划291 low level code 低层(位)码292 machine capacity 机器能力293 machine hours 机时294 machine loading 机器加载295 maintenance ,repair,and operating supplies 维护修理操作物料296 make or buy decision 外购或自制决策297 management by exception 例外管理法298 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时间299 manufacturing lead time 制造提前期300 manufacturing standards 制造标准301 master scheduler 主生产计划员302 material 物料303 material available 物料可用量304 material cost 物料成本305 material issues and receipts 物料发放和接收306 material management 物料管理307 material manager 物料经理308 material master,item master 物料主文件309 material review board 物料核定机构310 measure of velocity 生产速率水平311 memory-based processing speed 基于存储的处理速度312 minimum balance 最小库存余量313 Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运314 month to date 月累计315 move time , transit time 传递时间316 MSP book flag MPS登录标志317 multi-currency 多币制318 multi-facility 多场所319 multi-level 多级320 multi-plant management 多工厂管理321 multiple location 多重仓位322 net change 净改变法323 net change MRP 净改变式MRP324 net requirements 净需求325 new location 新仓位326 new parent 新组件327 new warehouse 新仓库328 next code 后续编码329 next number 后续编号330 No action report 不活动报告331 non-nettable 不可动用量332 on demand 急需的333 on-hand balance 现有库存量334 on hold 挂起335 on time 准时336 open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338 order activity rules 订单活动规则339 order address 订单地址340 order entry 订单输入341 order point 定货点342 order point system 定货点法343 order policy 定货策略344 order promising 定货承诺345 order remarks 定货备注346 ordered by 定货者347 overflow location 超量库位348 overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分配349 overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate 间接费率350 owner's equity 所有者权益351 parent item 母件352 part bills 零件清单353 part lot 零件批次354 part number 零件编号355 people involvement 全员参治356 performance measurement 业绩评价357 physical inventory 实际库存358 picking 领料/提货359 planned capacity 计划能力360 planned order 计划订单361 planned order receipts 计划产出量362 planned order releases 计划投入量363 planning horizon 计划期/计划展望期364 point of use 使用点365 Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程366 price adjustments 价格调整367 price invoice 发票价格368 price level 物价水平369 price purchase order 采购订单价格370 priority planning 优先计划371 processing manufacturing 流程制造372 product control 产品控制373 product family 产品系列374 product mix 产品搭配组合375 production activity control 生产作业控制376 production cycle 生产周期377 production line 产品线378 production rate 产品率379 production tree 产品结构树380 PAB Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存(量) 381 purchase order tracking 采购订单跟踪382 quantity allocation 已分配量383 quantity at location 仓位数量384 quantity backorder 欠交数量385 quantity completion 完成数量386 quantity demand 需求量387 quantity gross 毛需求量388 quantity in 进货数量389 quantity on hand 现有数量390 quantity scrapped 废品数量391 quantity shipped 发货数量392 queue time 排队时间393 rated capacity 额定能力394 receipt document 收款单据395 reference number 参考号396 regenerated MRP 重生成式MRP397 released order 下达订单398 reorder point 再订购点399 repetitive manufacturing 重复式生产(制造)400 replacement parts 替换零件401 required capacity 需求能力402 requisition orders 请购单403 rescheduling assumption 重排假设404 resupply order 补库单405 rework bill 返工单406 roll up 上滚407 rough cut resource planning 粗资源计划408 rounding amount 舍入金额409 run time 加工(运行)时间410 safety lead time 安全提前期411 safety stock 安全库存412 safety time 保险期413 sales order 销售订单414 scheduled receipts 计划接收量(预计入库量/预期到货量) 415 seasonal stock 季节储备416 send part 发送零件417 service and support 服务和支持418 service parts 维修件419 set up time 准备时间420 ship address 发运地址421 ship contact 发运单联系人422 ship order 发货单423 shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424 shop floor control 车间作业管理(控制)425 shop order , work order 车间订单426 shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427 single level where used 单层物料反查表428 standard cost system 标准成本体系429 standard hours 标准工时430 standard product cost 标准产品成本431 standard set up hour 标准机器设置工时432 standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433 standard wage rate 标准工资率434 status code 状态代码435 stores control 库存控制436 suggested work order 建议工作单437 supply chain 供应链438 synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期生产439 time bucket 时段(时间段)440 time fence 时界441 time zone 时区442 top management commitment 领导承诺443 total lead time 总提前期444 transportation inventory 在途库存445 unfavorable variance, adverse 不利差异446 unit cost 单位成本447 unit of measure 计量单位448 value chain 价值链449 value-added chain 增值链450 variance in quantity 量差451 vendor scheduler,supplier scheduler 采购计划员/供方计划员452 vendor scheduling 采购计划法453 Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454 volume variance 产量差异455 wait time 等待时间456 where-used list 反查用物料单457 work center capacity 工作中心能力458 workflow 工作流459 work order 工作令460 work order tracking 工作令跟踪461 work scheduling 工作进度安排462 world class manufacturing excellence 国际优秀制造业463 zero inventories 零库存464465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心466 Co/By-product 联/副产品467 E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468 E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner 电子销售/电子采购/电子伙伴469 independent/dependent demand 独立需求/相关需求件470 informal/formal system 非/规范化管理系统471 Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472 middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中间/硬/软/共享/固/群件473 pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求计算474 picking/dispatch/disbursement list 领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475 preflush/backflush/super backflush 预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476 yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate) 成品率/废品率/缩减率477 scrap/shrinkage factor 残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478479 costed BOM 成本物料清单480 engineering BOM 设计物料清单481 indented BOM 缩排式物料清单482 manufacturing BOM 制造物料清单483 modular BOM 模块化物料清单484 planning BOM 计划物料清单485 single level BOM 单层物料清单486 summarized BOM 汇总物料清单487488 account balance 账户余额489 account code 账户代码490 account ledger 分类账491 account period 会计期间492 accounts payable 应付账款493 accounts receivable 应收账款494 actual cost 实际成本495 aging 账龄496 balance due 到期余额497 balance in hand 现有余额498 balance sheet 资产负债表499 beginning balance 期初余额500 cash basis 现金收付制501 cash on bank 银行存款502 cash on hand 现金503 cash out to 支付给504 catalog 目录505 category code 分类码506 check out 结帐507 collection 催款508 cost simulation 成本模拟509 costing 成本核算510 current assets 流动资产511 current liabilities 流动负债512 current standard cost 现行标准成本513 detail 明细514 draft remittance 汇票汇出515 end of year 年末516 ending availables 期末可供量517 ending balance 期末余额518 exchange rate 汇率519 expense 费用520 financial accounting 财务会计521 financial entity 财务实体522 financial reports 财务报告523 financial statements 财务报表524 fiscal period 财务期间525 fiscal year 财政年度526 fixed assets 固定资产527 foreign amount 外币金额528 gains and loss 损益529 in balance 平衡530 income statement 损益表531 intangible assets 无形资产532 journal entry 分录533 management accounting 管理会计534 manual reconciliation 手工调账535 notes payable 应付票据536 notes receivable 应收票据537 other receivables 其他应收款538 pay aging 付款账龄539 pay check 工资支票540 pay in 缴款541 pay item 付款项目542 pay point 支付点543 pay status 支付状态544 payment instrument 付款方式545 payment reminder 催款单546 payment status 付款状态547 payment terms 付款期限548 period 期间549 post 过账550 proposed cost 建议成本551 simulated cost 模拟成本552 spending variance,expenditure variance 开支差异553 subsidiary 明细账554 summary 汇总555 tax code 税码556 tax rate 税率557 value added tax 增值税558559 as of date , stop date 截止日期560 change lot date 修改批量日期561 clear date 结清日期562 date adjust 调整日期563 date available 有效日期564 date changed 修改日期565 date closed 结束日期566 date due 截止日期567 date in produced 生产日期568 date inventory adjust 库存调整日期569 date obsolete 作废日期570 date received 收到日期571 date released 交付日期572 date required 需求日期573 date to pull 发货日期574 earliest due date 最早订单完成日期575 effective date 生效日期576 engineering change effect date 工程变更生效日期577 engineering stop date 工程停止日期578 expired date 失效日期,报废日期579 from date 起始日期580 last shipment date 最后运输日期581 need date 需求日期582 new date 新日期583 pay through date 付款截止日期584 receipt date 收到日期585 ship date 发运日期586587 allocation 已分配量588 alphanumeric 字母数字589 approver 批准者590 assembly 装配(件)591 backlog 未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing 开单593 bill-to 发票寄往地594 bottleneck 瓶颈资源595 bulk 散装596 buyer 采购员597 component 子件/组件598 customer 客户599 delivery 交货600 demand 需求601 description 说明602 discrete 离散603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学) 604 facility 设备、功能605 feature 基本组件/特征件606 forecast 预测607 freight 运费608 holidays 例假日609 implement 实施610 ingredient 配料、成分611 inquire 查询612 inventory 库存613 item 物料项目614 job 作业615 Kanban 看板616 level 层次(级)617 load 负荷618 locate 定位619 logistics 后勤保障体系;物流管理620 lot 批次621 option 可选件622 outstanding 逾期未付623 overhead 制造费用624 override 覆盖625 overtime 加班626 parent 双亲(文件)627 part 零件628 phantom 虚拟件629 plant 工厂,场所630 preference 优先权631 priority 优先权(级)632 procurement 采购633 prototyping 原形测试634 queue 队列635 quota 任务额,报价636 receipt 收款、收据637 regeneration 全重排法638 remittance 汇款639 requisition 请购单640 returned 退货641 roll 滚动642 routing 工艺线路643 schedule 计划表644 shipment 发运量645 ship-to 交货地646 shortage 短缺647 shrink 损耗648 spread 分摊649 statement 报表650 subassembly 子装配件651 supplier 供应商652 transaction 事务处理653 what-if 如果怎样-将会怎样654655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing 后减库存处理法656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing 前减库存处理法657 generally accepted manufacturing practices 通用生产管理原则658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing 直接增减库存处理法659 Pareto Principle 帕拉图原理660 Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳子661663 Open Database Connectivity 开放数据库互连664 Production Planning 生产规划编制665 Work in Process 在制品666 accelerated cost recovery system 快速成本回收制度667 accounting information system 会计信息系统668 acceptable quality kevel 可接受质量水平669 constant purchasing power accounting 不买够买力会计670 break-even analysis 保本分析671 book value 帐面价值672 cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析673 chief financial office 财务总监674 degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数675 degree of operating leverage 经济杠杆系数676 first-in , first-out 先进先出法677 economic lot size 经济批量678 first-in ,still-here 后进先出法679 full pegging 完全跟踪680 linear programming 线性规划681 management by objective 目标管理682 value engineering 价值工程683 zero based budgeting 零基预算684 CAQ computer aided quality assurance 计算机辅助质量保证685 DBMS database management system 数据库管理系统686 IP Internet Protocol 网际协议687 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议689690 API Advanced Process Industry 高级流程工业691 A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成)692 article 物品693 article reserves 物品存储694 assembly order 装配订单695 balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额696 bar code 条形码697 boned warehouse 保税仓库698 CPA Capacity Requirements Planning 能力需求计划699 change management 变革管理700 chill space 冷藏区701 combined transport 联合运输702 commodity inspection 进出口商品检验703 competitive edge 竞争优势704 container 集装箱705 container transport 集装箱运输706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补充系数707 core competence 核心才能708 cross docking 直接换装709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销711 CSS Customer Service and Support 客户服务和支持712 Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表713 customized logistics 定制物流714 customs declaration 报关715 cycle stock 经常库存716 data cleansing 数据整理717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持718 data level integration 数据层集成719 data transformation 数据转换720 desktop conferencing 桌面会议721 distribution 配送722 distribution and logistics 分销和后勤723 distribution center 配送中心724 distribution logistics 销售物流725 distribution processing 流通加工726 distribution requirements 分销量727 DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资源计划728 door-to-door 门到门729 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技术731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response 有效顾客反应732 e-Government Affairs 电子政务733 EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务734 Electronic Display Boards 电子公告板735 EOS Electronic order system 电子订货系统736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发737 embedding 插入738 employee category 员工分类739 empowerment 授权740 engineering change effect work order 工程变更生效单741 environmental logistics 绿色物流742 experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)743 export supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库744 ERP Extended Resource Planning 扩展资源计划745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell 现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售746 franchising 加盟连销权747 FCL Full Container Load 整箱货748 Global Logistics Management 全球运筹管理749 goods collection 集货750 goods shed 料棚751 goods shelf 货架752 goods stack 货垛753 goods yard 货场754 handing/carrying 搬运755 high performance organization 高绩效组织756 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站757 inside sales 内部销售758 inspection 检验759 intangible loss 无形消耗760 internal logistics 企业物流761 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理762 international logistics 国际物流763 invasive integration 侵入性集成764 joint distribution 共同配送765 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流766 KM Knowledge Management 知识管理767 lead (customer) management 潜在客户管理768 learning organization 学习型组织769 LCL less than container load 拼装货770 load balancing 负载平衡771 loading and unloading 装载772 logistics activity 物流活动773 logistics alliance 物流联盟774 logistics center 物流中心775 logistics cost 物流成本776 logistics cost control 物流成本管理777 logistics documents 物流单证778 logistics enterprise 物流企业779 logistics information 物流信息780 logistics management 物流管理781 logistics modulus 物流模数782 logistics network 物流网络783 logistics operation 物流作业784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning 物流资源计划785 logistics strategy 物流战略786 logistics strategy management 物流战略管理787 logistics technology 物流技术788 MES Manufacture Execute System 制造执行系统789 mass customization 大规模定制790 NPV Net Present Value 净现值791 neutral packing 中性包装792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析系统793 OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成794 order picking 拣选795 outsourcing 外包796 package/packaging 包装797 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装798 palletizing 托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数据助理800 personalization 个性化801 PTF Planning time fence 计划时界802 POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803 priority queuing 优先排队804 PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805 production logistics 生产物流806 publish/subscribe 发布/订阅807 quality of working life 工作生活品质808 Quick Response 快速反映809 receiving space 收货区810 REPs Representatives 代表或业务员811 return logistics 回收物流812 ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813 RM Risk Management 风险管理814 sales package 销售包装815 scalability 可扩充性816 shipping space 发货区817 situational leadership 情境领导818 six sigma 六个标准差819 sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820 stereoscopic warehouse 立体仓库821 storage 保管822 stored procedure 存储过程823 storehouse 库房824 storing 储存825 SRM Supplier Relationship Management 供应商关系管理826 tangible loss 有形消耗827 team building 团队建立828 TEM Technology-enabled Marketing 技术辅助式营销829 TES Technology-enabled Selling 技术辅助式销售830 TSR TeleSales Service Representative 销售服务代表831 TPL Third-Part Logistics 第三方物流832 through transport 直达运输833 unit loading and unloading 单元装卸834 Value Management 价值管理835 value-added logistics service 增值物流服务836 Value-chain integration 价值链集成837 VMI Vender Managed Inventory 卖方主导型库存管理/供应商管理仓库838 virtual logistics 虚拟物流839 virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库840 vision 远景管理841 volume pricing model 批量定价模型842 warehouse 仓库843 waste material logistics 废弃物物流844 workflow management 工作流管理845 zero latency 零等待846 ZLE Zero Latency Enterprise 零等待企业847 ZLP Zero Latency Process 零等待过程848 zero-inventory technology 零库存技术。



词汇篇1.1 公司战略与风险管理高频词汇Strategy Customer CommunicationManage Structure ObjectiveCost Analysis leadershipOperation Market PerformanceRisk Growth DevelopInvest Business DiversifyControl Product CompeteBudget Corporate OrganizationInternational Industry Integrate● Strategy n 战略、策略√词性:strategic adj 战略上的、战略的√词组:Abandon Strategy 放弃战略Analytical Strategy 分析型战略Blue Ocean strategy蓝海战略Business (Competitive)strategy业务单位战略(竞争战略)Focus strategy 集中化战略Focused strategy紧缩与集中战略contraction strategy 收缩战略Change management in strategy 战略变革Corporate strategy总体战略Cost leadership strategy成本领先战略Defensive strategy防御型战略Differentiation strategy 差异化战略Development of risk management strategy制定风险管理策略Development strategy发展战略Diversified strategy多种经营战略Strategic alliances 企业战略联盟Strategic analysis 战略分析Strategic control system 战略控制系统/体系√例句:Trade discounts may be used as a competitive strategy to secure customer loyalty. 商业折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争策略。



A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Quirky Quality DictionaryAAcademic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP): A forum for institutions to review each other's action projects. Acceptable quality level (AQL): In a continuing series of lots, a quality level that, for the purpose of sampling inspection, is the limit of satisfactory process average. Acceptance number: The maximum number of defects or defectives allowable in a sampling lot for the lot to be acceptable.Acceptance sampling: Inspection of a sample from a lot to decide whether to accept that lot. There are two types: attributes sampling and variables sampling. In attributes sampling, the presence or absence of a characteristic is noted in each of the units inspected. In variables sampling, the numerical magnitude of a characteristic is measured and recorded for each inspected unit; this involves reference to a continuous scale of some kind. Acceptance sampling plan: A specific plan that indicates the sampling sizes and associated acceptance or nonacceptance criteria to be used. In attributes sampling, for example, there are single, double, multiple, sequential, chain and skip-lot sampling plans. In variables sampling,there are single, double and sequential sampling plans. (For detailed descriptions of these plans, see the standard ANSI/ISO/ASQ A3534-2, Statistics—Vocabulary and Symbols—Statistical Quality Control.)Accreditation: Certification by a duly recognized body of the facilities, capability, objectivity, competence and integrity of an agency, service, or operational group or individual to provide the specific service or operation needed.Accuracy: The characteristic of a measurement that tells how close an observed value is to a true value.Action plan: A specific method or process to achieve the results called for by one or more objectives. May be a simpler version of a project plan.Activity network diagram: An arrow diagram used in planning and managing processes and projects. Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP): Segment of QS-9000 process that uses tools to offer the opportunity to get ahead of problems and solve them before the problems affect the customer.Affinity diagram: A management tool used to organize information (usually gathered during a brainstorming activity).Alignment: The actions taken to ensure a process or activity supports the organization's strategy, goals and objectives.American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA): An organization that formally recognizes another organization's competency to perform specific tests, types of tests or calibrations.American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI): Released for the first time in October 1994, an economic indicator and cross industry measure of the satisfaction of U.S. household customers with the quality of the goods and services available to them—both those goods and services produced within the United States and those provided as imports from foreign firms that have substantial market shares or dollar sales. The ACSI is co-sponsored by the University of Michigan Business School, ASQ and the CFI Group.American National Standards Institute (ANSI): ANSI is a private, nonprofit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. It is the United States' member body in the International Organization for Standardization, known as ISO.American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT): The world's largest technical society for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals.American Society for Quality (ASQ): A professional, not-for-profit association that develops, promotes and applies quality related information and technology for the private sector, government and academia. The Society serves more than 108,000 individuals and 1,100 corporate members in the United States and 108 other countries. American Society for Quality Control (ASQC): Name of the Society from 1946 through the middle of 1997; then changed to ASQ.American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Not-for-profit organization that provides a forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services. American Society for Training and Development (ASTD): A membership organization providing materials, education and support related to workplace learning and performance.American standard code for information interchange (ASCII): Basic computer characters accepted by all American machines and many foreign ones.Analysis of means (ANOM): A statistical procedure for troubleshooting industrial processes and analyzing the results of experimental designs with factors at fixed levels. It provides a graphical display of data. Ellis R. Ott developed the procedure in 1967 because he observed that nonstatisticians had difficulty understanding analysis of variance. Analysis of means is easier for quality practitioners to use because it is an extension of the control chart. In 1973, Edward G. Schilling further extended the concept, enabling analysis of means to be used withnon-normal distributions and attributes data where the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply. This is referred to as analysis of means for treatment effects.Analysis of variance (ANOVA): A basic statistical technique for analyzing experimental data. It subdivides the total variation of a data set into meaningful component parts associated with specific sources of variation in order to test a hypothesis on the parameters of the model or to estimate variance components. There are three models: fixed, random and mixed.Appraisal cost: The cost involved in ensuring an organization is continually striving to conform to customers' quality requirements.Arrow diagram: A planning tool to diagram a sequence of events or activities (nodes) and the interconnectivity of such nodes. It is used for scheduling and especially for determining the critical path through nodes.AS9100: An international quality management standard for the aerospace industry published by the Society of Automotive Engineers; also published by other organizations worldwide, as EN9100 in Europe and JIS Q 9100 in Japan. The standard is controlled by the International Aerospace Quality Group (see listing). Assessment: A systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the current, historical or projected status of an organization.Assignable cause: A name for the source of variation in a process that is not due to chance and therefore can be identified and eliminated. Also called "special cause." Association for Quality and Participation (AQP): Affiliate organization of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) dedicated to improving workplaces through quality and participation practices.Attribute data: Go/no-go information. The control charts based on attribute data include percent chart, number of affected units chart, count chart, count per unit chart, quality score chart and demerit chart.Attributes, method of: Measurement of quality by the method of attributes consists of noting the presence (or absence) of some characteristic (attribute) in each of the units under consideration and counting how many units do (or do not) possess it. Example: go/no-go gauging of a dimension.Audit: The inspection and examination of a process or quality system to ensure compliance to requirements. An audit can apply to an entire organization or may be specific to a function, process or production step.Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG): The originator and sole source of the QS-9000 series of standards. ASQ's Automotive Division maintains a liaison to this group.Availability: The ability of a product to be in a state to perform its designated function under stated conditions at a given time.Average chart: A control chart in which the subgroup average, X-bar, is used to evaluate the stability of the process level.Average outgoing quality (AOQ): The expected average quality level of outgoing product for a given value of incoming product quality.Average outgoing quality limit (AOQL): The maximum average outgoing quality over all possible levels of incoming quality for a given acceptance sampling plan and disposal specification.Average run lengths (ARL): On a control chart, the number of subgroups expected to be inspected before a shift in magnitude takes place.Average sample number (ASN): The average number of sample units inspected per lot in reaching decisions to accept or reject.Average total inspection (ATI): The average number of units inspected per lot, including all units in rejected lots (applicable when the procedure calls for 100% inspection of rejected lots).Return to topBBaldrige Award: See "Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award."Baseline measurement: The beginning point, based on an evaluation of the output over a period of time, used to determine the process parameters prior to any improvement effort; the basis against which change is measured.Benchmarking: An improvement process in which a company measures its performance against that of best in class companies, determines how those companies achieved their performance levels and uses the information to improve its own performance. The subjects that can be benchmarked include strategies, operations, processes and procedures.Benefit-cost analysis: An examination of the relationship between the monetary cost of implementing an improvement and the monetary value of the benefits achieved by the improvement, both within the same time period.Best practice: A superior method or innovative practice that contributes to the improved performance of an organization, usually recognized as "best" by other peer organizations.Big Q, Little Q: A term used to contrast the difference between managing for quality in all business processes and products (big Q) and managing for quality in a limited capacity—traditionally only in factory products and processes (little q).Black Belt (BB): Full-time team leader responsible for implementing process improvement projects—define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) or define,measure, analyze, design and verify (DMADV)—within the business to drive up customer satisfaction levels and business productivity.Blemish: An imperfection severe enough to be noticed but that should not cause any real impairment with respect to intended normal or reasonably foreseeable use (see also "defect," "imperfection" and "nonconformity").Block diagram: A diagram that shows the operation, interrelationships and interdependencies of components in a system. Boxes, or blocks (hence the name), represent the components; connecting lines between the blocks represent interfaces. There are two types of block diagrams: a functional block diagram, which shows a system's subsystems and lower level products and their interrelationships and which interfaces with other systems; and a reliability block diagram, which is similar to the functional block diagram except that it is modified to emphasize those aspects influencing reliability.Board of Standards Review (BSR): An American National Standards Institute board responsible for the approval and withdrawal of American National Standards. Body of knowledge (BOK): The prescribed aggregation of knowledge in a particular area an individual is expectedto have mastered to be considered or certified as a practitioner.Bottom line: The essential or salient point; the primary or most important consideration. Also, the line at the bottom of a financial report that shows the net profit or loss. Box, George E.P.: A native of England, Box began his career during World War II with the British Army Engineers, where he learned statistics. He studied at University College, became head of the statistical techniques research section at Imperial Chemical Industrials and obtained a doctorate. He moved to the United States and was a founder of Technometrics, published by ASQ and the American Statistical Association. A professor at the University of Wisconsin, Box is an Honorary Member of ASQ.Brainstorming: A technique teams use to generate ideas on a particular subject. Each person in the team is asked to think creatively and write down as many ideas as possible. The ideas are not discussed or reviewed until after the brainstorming session.Breakthrough improvement: A dynamic, decisive movement to a new, higher level of performance. Brumbaugh, Martin A. (deceased): The founder and first editor of Industrial Quality Control magazine. A formerprofessor of statistics at the University of Buffalo, Brumbaugh published regularly on applied statistics. Brumbaugh was instrumental in getting two separate quality organizations—the Federated Societies and the Society for Quality Control—merged into one national organization: ASQ (then ASQC). Brumbaugh was an ASQ Honorary Member.BS 7799: British commerce, government and industry stakeholders wrote BS 7799 to address information security management issues, including fraud, industrial espionage and physical disaster. May become ISO standard.Business process reengineering (BPR): The concentration on the improvement of business processes that will deliver outputs that will achieve results meeting the firm's objectives, priorities and mission.Return to topCC chart: See "count chart."Calibration: The comparison of a measurement instrument or system of unverified accuracy to a measurement instrument or system of known accuracy to detect any variation from the required performance specification.Capability maturity model: A framework that describes the key elements of an effective software process. It's an evolutionary improvement path from an immature process to a mature, disciplined process. The CMM covers practices for planning, engineering and managing software development and maintenance. When followed, these key practices improve the ability of organizations to meet goals for cost, schedule, functionality and product quality. Cascading: The continuing flow of the quality message down to, not through, the next level of supervision until it reaches all workers. Same concept as "deploying." Cause: An identified reason for the presence of a defect or problem.Cause and effect diagram: A tool for analyzing process dispersion. It is also referred to as the "Ishikawa diagram," because Kaoru Ishikawa developed it, and the "fishbone diagram," because the complete diagram resembles a fish skeleton. The diagram illustrates the main causes and subcauses leading to an effect (symptom). The cause and effect diagram is one of the "seven tools of quality." (See listing).Centerline: A line on a graph that represents the overall average (mean) operating level of the process.Central tendency: The tendency of data gathered from a process to cluster toward a middle value somewhere between the high and low values of measurement. Certification: The result of meeting the established criteria set by an accrediting or certificate granting organization.Certified mechanical inspector (CMI): An ASQ certification.Certified quality auditor (CQA): An ASQ certification. Certified quality auditor (CQA)-biomedical: An ASQ certification.Certified quality auditor (CQA)-hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP): An ASQ certification. Certified quality engineer (CQE): An ASQ certification. Certified quality improvement associate (CQIA): An ASQ certification.Certified quality manager: An ASQ certification. Certified quality technician (CQT): An ASQ certification. Certified reliability engineer (CRE): An ASQ certification.Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB): An ASQ certification.Certified software quality engineer (CSQE): An ASQ certification.Chain reaction: A chain of events described by W. Edwards Deming: improve quality, decrease costs, improve productivity, increase market with better quality and lower price, stay in business, provide jobs and provide more jobs. Chain sampling plan: In acceptance sampling, a plan in which the criteria for acceptance and rejection apply to the cumulative sampling results for the current lot and one or more immediately preceding lots.Champion: A business leader or senior manager who ensures that resources are available for training and projects, and who is involved in project tollgate reviews; also an executive who supports and addresses Six Sigma organizational issues.Change agent: An individual from within or outside an organization who facilitates change within the organization. May or may not be the initiator of the change effort. Characteristic: The factors, elements or measures that define and differentiate a process, function, product, service or other entity.Chart: A tool for organizing, summarizing and depicting data in graphic form.Charter: A written commitment approved by management stating the scope of authority for an improvement project or team.Checklist: A tool used to ensure all important steps or actions in an operation have been taken. Checklists contain items important or relevant to an issue or situation. Checklists are often confused with check sheets (see individual entry).Check sheet: A simple data recording device. The check sheet is custom designed by the user, which allows him or her to readily interpret the results. The check sheet is one of the "seven tools of quality." (See listing). Check sheets are often confused with checklists (see individual entry). Classification of defects: The listing of possible defects of a unit, classified according to their seriousness. Note: Commonly used classifications: class A, class B, class C, class D; or critical, major, minor and incidental; or critical, major and minor. Definitions of these classifications require careful preparation and tailoring to the product(s) being sampled to enable accurate assignment of a defect to the proper classification. A separate acceptance sampling plan is generally applied to each class of defects.Closed-loop corrective action (CLCA): A sophisticated engineering system designed to document, verify and diagnose failures, recommend and initiate corrective action, provide follow-up and maintain comprehensive statistical records.Code of conduct: Expectations of behavior mutually agreed on by a team.Collier, Simon (deceased): An ASQ president who led the Society during a critical growth period in 1952-53. His term was marked by numerous milestone events, including a membership increase of 22% and the formation of 11 new sections and the first divisions. Collier, an ASQ Honorary Member, was a chemist who began his career at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology). Later he worked atJohns-Manville Corp., where he produced a quality training film used by more than 300 companies.Common causes: Causes of variation that are inherent in a process over time. They affect every outcome of the process and everyone working in the process (see also "special causes").Company culture: A system of values, beliefs and behaviors inherent in a company. To optimize business performance, top management must define and create the necessary culture.Complaint tracking: Collecting data, disseminating data to appropriate persons for resolution, monitoring complaint resolution progress and communicating results.Compliance: The state of an organization that meets prescribed specifications, contract terms, regulations or standards.Computer aided design (CAD): Software used by architects, engineers, drafters and artists to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. CAD software can be used to create two-dimensional (2-D) drawings or three-dimensional (3-D) models.Computer aided engineering (CAE): A broad term used by the electronic design automation industry for the use of computers to design, analyze and manufacture products and processes. CAE includes CAD (see listing) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM), which is the use of computers for managing manufacturing processes. Concurrent engineering (CE): A way to reduce cost, improve quality and shrink cycle time by simplifying a product's system of life cycle tasks during the early concept stages.Conflict resolution: The management of a conflict situation to arrive at a resolution satisfactory to all parties. Conformance: An affirmative indication or judgment that a product or service has met the requirements of a relevant specification, contract or regulation.Conformitè Europeënne Mark (CE Mark): Conformity European Union mark. The European Union created the CE Mark to regulate the goods sold within its borders. The mark represents a manufacturer's declaration products comply with the EU's New Approach Directives. These directives apply to any country that sells products within the EU.Consensus: A state in which all the members of a group support an action or decision, even if some of them don't fully agree with it.Consultant: An individual who has experience and expertise in applying tools and techniques to resolve process problems and who can advise and facilitate an organization's improvement efforts.Consumer: The external customer to whom a product or service is ultimately delivered; Also called end user. Consumer's risk: Pertains to sampling and the potential risk that bad product will be accepted and shipped to the consumer.Continuous flow production: Means that items are produced and moved from one processing step to the next one piece at a time. Each process makes only the one piece that the next process needs, and the transfer batch size is one.Continuous improvement (CI): Sometimes called continual improvement. The ongoing improvement of products, services or processes through incremental and breakthrough improvements.Continuous quality improvement (CQI): A philosophy and attitude for analyzing capabilities and processes and improving them repeatedly to achieve the objective of customer satisfaction.Continuous sampling plan: In acceptance sampling, a plan, intended for application to a continuous flow of individual units of product, that involves acceptance and rejection on a unit by unit basis and employs alternate periods of 100% inspection and sampling, the relative amount of 100% inspection depending on the quality of submitted product. Continuous sampling plans usually require that each t period of 100% inspection be continued until a specified number, i, of consecutively inspected units are found clear of defects. Note: For single level continuous sampling plans, a single d sampling rate (for example, inspect 1 unit in 5 or 1 unit in 10) is used during sampling. For multilevel continuous sampling plans, two or more sampling rates may be used: The rate at any time depends on the quality of submitted product.Control chart: A chart with upper and lower control limits on which values of some statistical measure for a series of samples or subgroups are plotted. The chart frequently shows a central line to help detect a trend of plotted values toward either control limit.Control limits: The natural boundaries of a process within specified confidence levels, expressed as the upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL).Control plan (CP): A document that describes the required characteristics for the quality of a product or service, including measures and control methods. Coordinate measuring machine (CMM): A device that dimensionally measures 3-D products, tools and components with an accuracy approaching 0.0001 in. Corrective action: The implementation of solutions resulting in the reduction or elimination of an identified problem.Corrective action recommendation (CAR): The full cycle corrective action tool that offers ease and simplicity for employee involvement in the corrective action/process improvement cycle.Correlation (statistical): A measure of the relationship between two data sets of variables.Cost of poor quality (COPQ): The costs associated with providing poor quality products or services. There are four categories of costs: internal failure costs (costs associated with defects found before the customer receives the product or service), external failure costs (costs associated with defects found after the customer receives the product or service), appraisal costs (costs incurred to determine the degree of conformance to quality requirements) and prevention costs (costs incurred to keep failure and appraisal costs to a minimum).Cost of quality (COQ): A term coined by Philip Crosby referring to the cost of poor quality.Count chart: A control chart for evaluating the stability of a process in terms of the count of events of a given classification occurring in a sample.Count per unit chart: A control chart for evaluating the stability of a process in terms of the average count of events of a given classification per unit occurring in a sample.C p: The ratio of tolerance to six sigma, or the USL (upper specification limit) minus the LSL (lower specification limit) divided by six sigma. It is sometimes referred to as the engineering tolerance divided by the natural tolerance and is only a measure of dispersion.C pk index: Equals the lesser of the USL minus the mean divided by three sigma (or the mean) minus the LSL divided by three sigma. The greater the C pk value, the better. Critical processes: Processes that present serious potential dangers to human life, health and the environment or that risk the loss of very large sums of money or customers.Crosby, Philip (deceased): The founder and chairman of the board of Career IV, an executive management consulting firm. Crosby also founded Philip Crosby Associates Inc. and the Quality College. He wrote many books including Quality Is Free, Quality Without Tears, Let's Talk Quality, and Leading: The Art of Becoming an Executive. Crosby, who originated the zero defects concept, was an ASQ Honorary Member and past president.Cross functional: A term used to describe a process or an activity that crosses the boundary between functions. A cross functional team consists of individuals from more than one organizational unit or function.Cross pilot: See "scatter diagram."Cultural resistance: A form of resistance based on opposition to the possible social and organizational consequences associated with change.Culture change: A major shift in the attitudes, norms, sentiments, beliefs, values, operating principles and behavior of an organization.Culture, organizational: A common set of values, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and accepted behaviors shared by individuals within an organization.Cumulative sum control chart (CUSUM): A control chart on which the plotted value is the cumulative sum of deviations of successive samples from a target value. The ordinate of each plotted point represents the algebraic sum of the previous ordinate and the most recent deviations from the target.Current good manufacturing practices (CGMP): Regulations enforced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for food and chemical manufacturers and packagers.Customer: See "external customer" and "internal customer."Customer delight: The result of delivering a product or service that exceeds customer expectations.Customer relationship management (CRM): A strategy used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors to develop stronger relationships with them. It brings together information about customers, sales, marketing。

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Case Overview – Current Situation
1. Product Structure
Five Products
-Textbooks - Clothing - Computers - Software - Sundries
Computers 7.8%
Software 6.5%
Case Analysis
Action Plan
▪ Background ▪ Current Situation
▪Tactics for Gaps ▪Performance Measurement - BSC
Section 1 – Case Overview
Case Overview ▪ Background ▪ Current Situation
Competitive Strategy Level
Focus Strategy
Function Level
Supportive Departments
Human Resource
Top 3 Last 1
Benchmarking - Grand Strategy Level
2 . NACS Benchmarks
Ratio= Northlake / NACS Median
% of Sales:
Above Median •New Texts •Clothing •Computers
Northlake Bookstore:
Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation
▪Benchmarking Principles ▪Benchmarking Analysis
▪Learning ▪Operation ▪Customer
Case Overview
Benchmarking - Grand Strategy Level
1. Product Structure & Profitability Anales GM Rate Sales Growth
New Texts Used Texts
Below Median •Used Texts
GM Rate:
Above Median •New Texts •Used Texts •Clothing
Below Median •Computers
Case Overview – Benchmarking
Case Overview - Background
A University Bookstore
Mission • Academic Resource • Service Excellence
Students Faculty
Staff Alumni Guests
Case Overview – Benchmarking
Grand Strategy
Product Lines
Competitive Strategy Level
Focus Strategy
Function Level
Supportive Departments
Human Resource
Case Overview – Benchmarking
Grand Strategy
Product Lines
4477%% 1133%%
Class Notes General Books Sundries
8% 7%
338% 447% 55%
411%% --116%
Sundries 6.3%
Clothing 11.7%
Total Books 67.8%
New Texts 46.7%
Notes 4.7%
General 3.0%
Used 13.4%
2. Financial Performance
Increasing Trend
Case Overview – Current Situation
3.Textbook Sales
For the first time in past seven years, textbook sales decrease. In Fall 2004, the sales decrease was $180,000, 3% of annual textbook sales.
Section 2 – Case Analysis
▪Benchmarking Principles ▪Benchmarking Analysis
Case Analysis
Case Overview – Benchmarking Principles
❖ Benchmarking as a Tool
• Location: Metropolitan
• Product Lines:
Textbooks, Sundries, Clothing, Software, Computers
• Online Textbook Vendors
• Other Booksellers: B&N, Wal-mart, etc.
▪ Compare with Superior Performance ▪ Identify Gaps ▪ Improve Necessary Areas
❖ Building Principles
▪ Align with Organizational Strategy
Service Excellence