
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
雅思口语part3(一)答题 思路
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯
雅思口语Part 3备考技巧详解

雅思口语Part 3备考技巧详解一、雅思口语P3常见问题类型1. 观点类问题这类问题通常会要求考生对某个现象或观点进行评价和分析。
例如:“Do you think technology has made people more isolated?”(你认为技术是否使人们变得更加孤立?)。
2. 原因类问题雅思口语p3几个问题?这类问题会要求考生解释某个现象或观点的原因。
例如:“Why do some people prefer to live in big cities rather than small towns?”(为什么有些人更喜欢住在大城市而不是小镇?)。
3. 结果类问题这类问题会要求考生预测某个现象或观点的结果。
例如:“What will be the impact of climate change on future generations?”(气候变化对未来世代的影响是什么?)。
4. 比较类问题这类问题会要求考生比较两个或多个事物或现象的差异和相似之处。
例如:“How is social media different from traditional media?”(社交媒体和传统媒体有什么不同?)。
二、备考技巧分享1. 拓宽知识面为了在雅思口语P3环节中更好地应对各种问题,考生需要拓宽自己的知识面,关注时事热点、社会现象、科技发展等方面的信息。
2. 培养逻辑思维能力逻辑思维能力是雅思口语P3环节的重要考察点。

古今对比 Are free time nowadays longer than that 20 years ago in your country?
Well obviously, there are a variety of differences in purchasing behaviors between people living in city and in countryside. The most first key distinction is that people in city would like to consider the quality firstly when they buy something, however, people in countryside prefer to think about the price.
性别对比 What’s the differences of consuming habits between men and women?
Well, there are lots of differences. However, I think that the most significant difference would be that time spent on shopping between men and women. To be more precise, women are inborn shopaholics. They would spend most of their time on shopping. On the contrary, men are prone to go shopping when they think that they have to.

How to answer part3a preparation technique1.give longer answers (25-30 seconds at least).2.Ideas are not important as long as you are not far from the point.3.Give example or alternative all the time if you are lack of idea.4.Speak the language you r familiar with even if the question is hard, never say.5. Combine some contents, the content you use to answer the question could be quoted.6. Good start, sometimes you get stuck in the beginning, you need have good sentence in the beginning particularly if the question is hard to answer.7. Practice the parts focusing on the skill not the idea.Classify the part3A-comparing past and present questions (compare between children and adult, young people and old people, today and past, manand woman, city and country city...)talk about one 2 ideas for one side then 2 ideas about the other side then give example,you need learn how to compare using comparison structure, for example for one hand...but on the other hand, compared with ...In part 3 of IELTS speaking, you might be asked to compare the past with the present.The examiner will be listening to your use tenses. For example: Are there any differences between the types of people who were seen as celebrities in the past and those who are celebrities nowadays?Yes, I think there have been some big changes in the types of people who become famous. In the past, before the invention of television, I suppose there were very few national or international celebrities; maybe kings and queens, military, political and religious leaders were the only household names. With the advent of TV and radio, performers such as actors and musicians became more well-known. However, we now seem to have a completely new breed of celebrity as a result of 'reality' television programmes; these are people who don't really have any special skills as performers, but who are famous for just being themselves.Another example: comparing the cost of living in city and countryside Firstly, the cost of living in cities is much higher. Housing is much more expensive in cities compared to rural areas; everything costs more. I think life in cities is more difficult. There are more people, so there's more competition for jobs. Life is a lot slower in rural areas, everyone knows each other and there's a sense of community. I don't think rural areas experience the social problemsthat you find in cities, like crime and homelessness.B-yes and no question(do you think we should study English, do you like this or that, ⋯ .etc. You can say yes and explain why then say why not and explain why with example Or you can say it depends then explain both why sometimes yes and why sometimes not then give example,C-benefitsThis questions can be like why do you or people like to do this? What benefits can we getfrom ⋯ ? do you think balabla is important? What are the advantages of⋯ ?Some general common sentences and expressions can be often used1-it could develop people ' ssocial and communication skills2-it could broaden people s' horizon3-raising people ' aswareness4-create a harmonious atmosphere5-unique and stimulating experience6-it could help confidently have high spirit7-it is much entertaining to actively interest people. C-qualities question (what are the qualities of good teacher, good friend, good movie star...etc for this kind of question, you need select several qualities from the following qualitiesalmost 9-10 and during the answer u need choose one quality from among 2 or 3 qualitiesto explain in details and in the end of the answer you may choose an example to detailmore if the examiner doesn ' sttop you.Qualities ................ : he or she should speak more than one language, wise, bodylanguage, voice, eye contacts, good appearance, experience, well- qualified or educated,knowledgeable, wise, interesting, humorous, good manners, honest, sincere, kind,responsible, reliable, helpful, good communication skills, sociable, conservative, Able,Accepting, Accurate, Achieving, Adaptable, Adorable, Adventurous, Affectionate, Alert,Alive, Altruistic, Amazing, Ambitious, Analytical, Appreciative, Appealing, Artistic,Assertive, Astonishing, Attentive, Attractive, Aware, Awesome, Balanced, Beautiful,Blissful, Blooming, Bountiful, Brave, Breath-Taking, Bright, Calm, Capable, Careful,Carefree, Caring, Cautious, Centered, Certain, Charitable, Charming, Cheeky, Cheerful,Chirpy, Civic-Minded, Clean, Colorful, Competitive, Clear-Thinking, Communicative,Compassionate, Compatible, Competitive, Complete, Confident, Conscientious,Considerate, Consistent, Content, Co-operative, Courageous, Conscientious, Courteous,Creative, Cuddly, Curios, Cute, Decisive, Delicate, Delicious, Delightful, Dependable,Desirable, Determined, Devoted, Disciplined, Discrete, Discriminating, Dynamic, EasyGoing, Eager, Efficient, Elegant, Empathetic, Enduring, Energetic, Enlightened,Enthusiastic, Excellent, Exciting, Experienced, Fair-Minded, Faithful, Farsighted,Feeling, Flexible, Flourishing, Focused, Forgiving, Fortuitous, Free, Fresh, Friendly,Frugal, Funny, Generous, Gentle, Good, Glorious, Graceful, Gratuitous, Great, Groovy,Handsome, Happy, Harmonious, Healthy, Heavenly, Helpful, Hopeful, Humble,Humorous, Honest, Humble, Idealistic, Imaginative, Having Integrity, Independent,Industrious, Innovative, Insightful, Inspirational, Interesting, Intelligent, Intense,Intuitive, Inventive, Invigorating, Joyful, Juicy, Just, Kind, Leading or Leader, Learned,Loving, Loyal, Lucky, Luscious, Luxurious, Macho, Magical, Manly, Magnificent,Masculine, Mature, Moral, Motivating, Natural, Neat, Needed, Noticeable, Nurturing,Obedient, Objective, Open, Optimistic, Original, Organized, Outgoing, Outstanding,Passionate, Patient, Peaceful, Perceptive, Persevering, Persistent, Persuasive, Playful,Poetic, Polite, Popular, Powerful, Practical, Precious, Precise, Profound, Progressive,Proud, Professional, Punctual, Pure, Purposeful, Questioning, Quickwitted, Ravishing,Realistic, Refreshing, Reliable, Resilient, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, Rich,Romantic, Rosy, Seductive, Selfless, Self-Aware, Self-Confident, Self-Disciplined,Sensitive, Serene, Sexy, Sharp, Simple, Sincere, Sizzling, Skilled, Smart, Smooth, Soft,Special, Spectacular, Spiritual, Splendid, Spontaneous, Stable, Steadfast, Strategic,Stunning, Strong, Strong willed, Stylish, Successful, Supportive, Supreme, Sympathetic,Tactful, Talented, Tasty, Tenacious, Tender, Terrific, Thinking, Thorough, Thoughtful,Thrifty, Thriving, Tolerant, Tough, Trusting, Trustworthy, Unassuming, Understanding,Unwavering, Uplifting, Useful, Valuable, Verbal, Vibrant, Vital, Warm, Wholesome,Willing, Wise, Worthy, Youthful, PromptHere are other qualitiesHard working, Ethical, Always listening, Asking the right questions, Sincere, Creative,Full of empathy, Positive, Organized, Attentive to detail, Thoroughly prepared, Goodhumored, Focused, Resourceful, Informed about his products, Informed about hisindustry, Informed about his competitors, Thick skinned, resilient, Aggressive, Flexible,Quick thinking, Tough minded, Skilled in writing, Skilled in marketing, Skilled in math,Skilled in reading, Well rounded, Emotionally balanced, Self confident, Passionate abouther work, Willing to take risks, Competitive, Patient, Practical, Persistent, A strategist, Atactician, Curious, GenerousD-examples questions( what are some examples of environmental problems, examples of tv programsexample of traditional events, ) here you need introduce some several example andexplain each example in one or two sentences and in the end give a general example ,E-solving problems questions( how to solve, tackle, handle, protect, improve, develop, protect, preserve...) -Gov, 2-mass media 3-education 4-individualsgov: Gov should legislate some new laws and rule to punish people andorganization2-mass media: should raise the awareness of the public let them know how to protect...3-education : we should educate our students how to .4-individuals: every individual is responsible for himself to cooperate with Gov. to protect ...F- Children question,**how to teach children ....* how can children learn ⋯Such kind of questions could be easily answered by talking about both parts 1-parentsrole at home 2-school and give example about yourself when you were a child* do u think children should learn something,*Do you think Children should do something ( watch tv, watch ads, do sports, learn foreign languages ⋯ etc?Such questions could be answered by saying it depends sometimes yes and sometimesnot then you will explain when or why yes and when or why not and give example aboutyourself when you were a child :::::::::::G-Give an opinion. questionIn my opinion cities need to be well-planned. Good public transport can definitely makelife easier because there are so many people and it can be really stressful just to movearound. Public areas like parks are also important because people need space to relax,and I think cities should be made into healthier places to live and work.H-Imagining question:I imagine cities will be less polluted because we'll have electriccars and better public transport. More people might work from home so maybe citieswon't be so busy. But I think there will probably still be problems because more andmore people are migrating to cities. So I'm not so optimistic about issues like crime,homelessness and unemployment.questions about the futureMany students worry too much about grammar. For speaking parts 2 and 3, it's moreimportant to worry about the quality of your answers. The best way to improve thequality of your answers is by adding detail.Example:Describe your best friend. Say when you met him/her.Short answer about when we met:I met my best friend at school when I was 11 years old.Detailed answer about when we met:I met my best friend at school when I was 11 years old, so we've known each other for ...years. I remember we sat next to each other in my first science lesson at secondaryschool, and we had to work together to do an experiment. We got on straight away, andwe've been friends ever since.Notice that by adding more information I've also used more/better vocabulary andgrammar.When the examiner asks a question like the one below, you know that you are beingtested on your ability to express ideas in the future tense.How do you think the design of homes will change in the future? Example answer:I don't think there will be much change in terms of what houses look like from theoutside. In this country, people still like traditional brick or stone houses. Having saidthat, the design of apartment blocks will probably continue to develop, with more andmore experimental or futuristic buildings made of glass and metal. I imagine that it willbe the insides of homes that change the most; houses will no doubt be full oftechnological devices to make our lives easier. Maybe we'll have things like voicecontrolleddoors, lights and appliances.IELTS Speaking Part 3: explain, alternative, exampleIn part 3 of the speaking test, you need to give longer, detailed answers. A good way todo this is by organizing your answers according to the following steps:1.Idea: answer the question directly.2.Explain: give a reason or explain your answer in more detail.3.Alternative: explain an alternative (e.g. the opposite) to your answer.4.Example: give an example to support your answer.5.Another idea: sometimes you think of another idea while you are speaking. Justadd it on the end of your answer.You can give a really good answer without including all five steps, but you might find ituseful to practise including all five, as I've done here:Why do you think some people prefer to buy products from their own countries rather than imported items?(idea) I suppose it ' bsecause those people want to support the economy of the countrythey live in. (explain) If they buy something that was made in their own country, theyknow that they are contributing to the salaries of workers within the same country,(alternative) whereas if they buy imported items, a foreign company and its employeeswill benefit. (example) For example, if I buy some meat that originates from a local farmrather than a farm in another country, I ' mhelping one of my fellow citizens to carry on inbusiness. (another idea) Also, I think that trust is an issue; people might feel that theycan trust domestically produced items more than imported ones.if you don't know the answerHow do you answer a question when you don't know anything about the topic?There are 2 things you can do:1. Be honest and explain why you don't know2. Guess, and tell the examiner that you are guessingExample question:How has technology affected the kinds of music that young people listen to?My answer, using both tips above:(1) To be honest I don't really know the answer to that because I'm completely out oftouch with what young people are listening to, and I'm not a fan of pop music.(2) However, I suppose that technology must have affected music. Maybe young peopleare listening to music that has been made using computer software instead of real musical instruments like the piano or guitar.IELTS Speaking Part 3: longer answersHere are 3 techniques to help you give longer, more detailed answers: Keep asking yourself "why?"IELTS Advice: 'deep' answersThe technique I used above is really useful because it helps you to give a'deep' answer.It's a deep answer when you take one idea and develop it, and you're likely to get a higherscore if you can do this. Unfortunately, many candidates give 'shallow' answers; theymention a few different ideas, but fail to develop any of them in detail. Practise explaining just one idea in as much detail as you can. The ability to do this could really benefit your speaking and writing scores.Question:Do you think that school children should be encouraged to have their own ideas, or is itmore important for them to learn what their teachers give them? Answer:I think that we should definitely allow children to be creative and have theirown ideas.(why?) Children need to develop the ability to think for themselves and solve problems(why?) because as adults they will not always have somebody to guide them or tell themwhat to do. (alternatives?) If we don't allow children to have their own ideas, they willbe less successful in the adult world; they will be too reliant on others. (example?) Adoctor, for example, might encounter a situation that he or she hasn't been trained for, butwill still be expected to make a decision that could save someone's life. Examples for more long answersHere are two more answers using the techniquesWhat do you think are the most important qualities for friends to have? Maybe the most important things are that friends need to share common interests and behonest with each other. (why?) Friends are people we spend a lot of time with, so itdefinitely helps if they enjoy doing the same activities or talking about the same topics aswe do, and of course we need to be able to trust our friends, so honesty is vital for a goodfriendship. (alternatives / example?) I think I would struggle to become friends withsomeone who didn ' htave anything in common with me, or who wasn't reliable ortrustworthy.How important do you think it is for a person to spend some time alone?I ' sday that it ' esssential to spend a bit of time alone, even if it ' jusst a few minutes a day.(why?) When you have a few minutes to yourself, it ' as chance to take stock and reflecton things. (why?) Most of us live such busy lives that our brains need time to catch upevery now and then. (example / alternatives?) Personally, I try to have a bit of “metime ” every day; I ' gllo for a coffee or find a quiet place to sit and read the newspaper. IfI never had any time alone, I think I ' dgo mad!Additional advice: presented by an examiner colleague ) Improving theEnglish language skills that are needed for Part 3 As for language skills, the examiner is looking at your more advanced vocabulary; yourmore advanced grammar, your knowledge of the more advanced languagefunctions andyour more advanced coherence skills.Questions that the examiner asks for information are used both as a way totest yourmore advanced vocabulary and your ability to develop that question bycontinuing to talkafter you have answered the basic question. This, "continuing to talk" issomething like,"adding your comments", even though the question did not ask for commentsbut justseemed to asked for information only. An example is: "What are someexamples ofmodern technology used in classrooms today?" If your answer includesvocabulary suchas, "an overhead projector", you are showing higher-level vocabulary than thevocabulary needed for most Part 1 questions. If you add your own opinionsabout howuseful these items are, or extra information about how different the situation is todaycompared to when your parents were young, then you are speaking in "discussion mode".In other words, first answer the basic question but always look for opportunities or waysto add more, such as your opinions, to your answer.The two web pages mentioned above cover the topic of what language skills are needed.Some people study the English that is needed for Part 3 but they still have problemsactually using it in Part 3, especially for the more difficult questions. This is wherelanguage partners are most useful. It's not easy to practice discussionstyle speaking whenyou just talk to your bedroom wall. You really should practice discussions with anotherperson. When you do that, point out any weaknesses in the logic of your partner or ask afurther question such as why they said that, or mention how your opinion might bedifferent to your partner's and explain why. This is "discussion".However, this is not so easy, even if you have an ideal language partner. I suggest youkeep in mind the idea of, "step by step" progress. Obviously, answering a question ordiscussing a topic in your own language is a step that comes before doing those things inEnglish. Now, if you are trying to prepare for the IELTS test in a short period of time,e.g., two months or less, you probably don't have much time to discuss and answer thePart 3 questions in Chinese. But if you do your preparation the ideal way, i.e., over manymonths, then I suggest you print out some Part 3 questions given in my class and elsewhere (or use the Part 3 example questions from an IELTS Speaking textbook), then youand your partner first ask each other these questions in Chinese, and answer inChinese! After that, you will be in a much better position to do the same in English, with the same questions.But this leads to a further problem: Many people say, "I've never thought about thatquestion (or that topic) before" or, "I don't know anything about that topic"or, "I can'teven answer that question in Chinese". From here, we now go to the second side topreparing yourself for Part 3; improving your knowledge base. Improving yourknowledge base is, of course, a companion activity to improving your vocabulary.b) Improving your knowledge baseEven if your English language skills are quite good, if you have no ideas or opinions orvery little knowledge about a topic, it will be difficult for you to talk about that topic. TheIELTS Speaking test is not a knowledge test or an I.Q. test but if you have good generalknowledge about the topics and questions that are frequently used in all the four IELTStests, you are rewarded for this by finding it easier to say something and if you knowvery little, you are disadvantaged. This is because the makers of the IELTS tests expectprospective university students to have a certain "basic level" of general knowledge.One way to improve your general knowledge is to use the "search engines"of theinternet, such as Baidu and Google, to find articles on the internet that increase yourknowledge base. And, if you really know little or nothing about a topic, you should startby doing that in your own language, Chinese, before moving on to articles on the internetwritten in English. As you read, pay attention to any specific statistics or numbers. If youcan answer a question in Part 3 by including a statistic or number, that usually leaves agood impression with examiners – when you're discussing a topic, facts like that are verysuitable. Not only that, examiners love to learn something new.How should you search the internet? Well, if you can't summarize the topic into a fewwords, quite often just copying the exact Part 3 question into the search engine willyield useful results. Try it! It will usually at least take you to reading materials on thattopic, even if it doesn't exactly answer the question. If the English is too advanced, justuse the Google translation function. That will give you knowledge and ideasin Chinese, which is a beginning.Below are some topics that are frequently used in Part 3. Often, several of these topics arecombined. For example, differences between the attitudes of young people and old people towards the news.changesocietychild development / how to raise a childeducationinformation and communication / types of information / the media (both theentertainment media and the news media) / newshuman relationshuman psychology / people's motives and feelings / personality types values, attitudes and beliefs / the formation of or sources of values, attitudes andbeliefs / the influences that can cause changes in attitudes, values and beliefs male-female differencesdifferences between young people and old peoplethe problems of old peoplethe environmentpersonal qualities needed for different vocations (different careers or differentkinds of work)skills / the formation of skills / skills needed for different kinds of work culture (including your national culture)arthistoryscience and technologyworkleisureFor all of these topics, you should include the following:different 'types of' or categories within this topic. (For example, for "society"there is the sub-category of "social class".)the importance of this topic / importance to society / importance for you,personallyyour personal feelings and opinions about this topicsocial problems or controversial questions connected to this topic / the causes andresults of these problems / possible solutions to these problems changes in this topic in the past few decades / the sources of or causes of these changeslikely future changes in this topic in the next few decades / thesources of orcauses of these changesmale-female differences connected to this topicold-young people differences connected to this topicrural-urban differences connected to this topicthe role of government in this topic / the responsibilities of government towardsthis topicFor the topic of "government", I suggest that you sit down and try to put intowords (inChinese, at first), what you think the general purpose of government is,i.e., why weneed to have government and, from that, what you think the general responsibilities ofgovernment are or should be. Once you are able to express a philosophy about thegeneral responsibilities of government, you will then be able to quite easily express whatyou think the specific responsibilities of government are to any particular social question.c) Preparing answers for the known or probable Part 3 questions that are in use now. For many of you, this will be your main way to study for Part 3 and for some of you, thiswill be your only way to study for Part 3. If it is your only way, I think you are making amistake because you will actually be better prepared for more Part 3 questions if youspend some time studying the information about the different given above and Learningsome different "models" to use for certain types of questions will allow you to beflexible, i.e., to make your own answers to many different questions in the speaking test, in a natural way.Even though preparing for the Part 3 questions from this file should not be your only wayto prepare for Part 3, it is common sense that it will be part of your preparation, andperhaps the major part. You still need practice all questions given to you in my classfollowing my tips ,,,, here are some helpful tipsFirstly, You need step by step move forward to practice every class questionsgiven to you, ! then I suggest you handle this large volume of information by firstreading through all the questions in that Part 3, just to understand the questionsand to get a feel for the different points of discussion that seem to exist within thatPart 3. Don't think about answers to the questions yet. Of course, make sure youlook up the meaning and usage of any new words that you see in the questions,including the pronunciation of these words.Some of you will go to "model answers" in certain IELTS Speaking textbooksand memorize those answers as answers for the Part 3 questions given to you inthe class,. memorizing 100% is a dangerous practice because examiners are veryskillful at recognizing memorized answers. And they don't like answers that areobviously 100% or almost 100% memorized. As well as that, they want you to speak your answers, not someone else's answers. And they don't want to see thatyou obviously knew that the question was in the test before you did the test.Justuse parts of those model answers, not the complete model answers.The best idea is to think of some ideas or points to say, prepare some vocabularyand memorize just a few short parts of your answer. When you practice your answer, speak it a little differently (hopefully, better) each time you practice it andspeak it naturally, as if you were in a real conversation with someone. Don't practice speaking it in a "flat", monotonic way, like a robot who is reproducing programmed language.Some people actually speak better in Part 3, and get a better score, when theyhave no idea what questions are in the test. This is because they speak naturally.So try to avoid "over-preparing" ( 过度准备)your answers.Conclusions:2.You need to experience the activity of "discussion" with another person.3.By first doing further reading on topics, first in Chinese and then in English, you。
雅思part3 答题思路

1. 理解问题:在开始答题之前,确保你完全理解了考官的问题。
2. 思考观点:在回答问题之前,给自己一些时间思考你的观点。
3. 组织语言:在确定了自己的观点后,开始组织语言,准备回答问题。
4. 表达观点:在回答问题时,尽量用简洁、准确的语言表达自己的观点。
5. 听取反馈:在回答问题后,如果考官给了反馈或建议,一定要听取并思考。
6. 反思和改进:在考试结束后,花一些时间反思你的表现。

雅思口语p a r t3问题套路全讲解(总3页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--不少同学在准备雅思口语的时候喜欢把重点都放在Part2上面,而Part3的问题往往是看一眼就过去了。
但实际上Part3的问题往往很抽象又难回答,更不可能像雅思口语Part 2一样有一份具体的题库,如果是毫无准备的情况下被问到,经常是卡壳而没有条理地胡说一通,前面的精心准备也大打了折扣。
Young vs. Old / Children vs. Adult很眼熟对不对没错,这就是套到任何一个话题都能用的神百搭问题。
并且可以幻化出无数个类似但不相同的问题来,比如:Do young people and oldpeople have different attitudes towards X What do you think young/oldpeople should do X Do you do X the same way when you were a child等等等等,总而言之就是想问随着年龄的增长,对某一个事物或者行为的看法或者做法有什么样的改变。
Chinese people大概是因为外国人自然就对中国感兴趣,很多话题里会出现What do Chinesepeople think of How do most Chinese people do X等等冠冕堂皇的问题,这种问题宏观又抽象,情急之下非常难回答的圆满,其实不论问题是什么,都可以这么回答——There is no way for me to know each Chinese’sopinion, but personally speaking, ..., 后接自己对这个话题的观点,很巧妙地就能避开宏观,从自己的观点出发,也不怕他后续接着提问了。

雅思口语part3思路摘要:1.雅思口语Part 3概述2.雅思口语Part 3题型分类及解题策略3.雅思口语Part 3话题思路指导4.雅思口语Part 3备考建议正文:雅思口语Part 3是许多考生在考试中面临的一大挑战,因为它的问题相较于Part 1的生活类问答更为复杂。
为了帮助大家应对这一部分,本文将为大家解析雅思口语Part 3的题型分类、解题策略、话题思路指导和备考建议。
一、雅思口语Part 3概述雅思口语Part 3主要考察考生的逻辑思维、分析能力和表达能力。
二、雅思口语Part 3题型分类及解题策略1.对比题:这类题型考察考生对两类不同的人物或事物作出多角度、全方位的分析。
经典问法为“What do you think about…?”。
如“Do you think…?”。
如“How do you think…?”。
三、雅思口语Part 3话题思路指导在回答雅思口语Part 3问题时,可以提前准备一些通用的小故事,如人、事、物的故事。
四、雅思口语Part 3备考建议1.熟悉题库:了解雅思口语Part 3的题型,进行有针对性的练习。
总之,雅思口语Part 3的解答需要考生具备良好的逻辑思维、分析能力和表达能力。

雅思口语Part 3问题解析和答题策略

1) 第三部分概况
话题 Part Two
Describe a famous person
Part Three
1) W h a t ’ s t h e advantage and disadvantage of being famous?
2) How can people get famous these days?
Well, there are a number of factors accounted for this. The main reason is probable because their success comes from the support of their fans and their fans come from all walks of life, so in order to reward their fans, they should do something to give back to the society.
性别对比 What’s the differences of consuming habits between men and women?
Well, there are lots of differences. However, I think that the most significant difference would be that time spent on shopping between men and women. To be more precise, women are inborn shopaholics. They would spend most of their time on shopping. On the contrary, men are prone to go shopping when they think that they have to.

雅思口语Part3观点比较题的答题技巧分享雅思口语Part3观点比较题的答题技巧分享在雅思口语Part3部分,有时候考官问的`问题比较富有争议性,常见的有要求考生比较两个不同的观点(Evaluating two different opinions)。
往往考官会这么问:Why do some people think.while others disagree.?在考场上考生们有时候会过于紧张,导致不知道如何进行论述。
2、常用表达分类While/yet/however/although/conversely表述原因:Some people think.Becauseits..(convenient/important/interesting/beneficial/healthy/reward ing/challengening/unnecessary/a waste of time)3、例子Why do some people choose not to eat meat?In my country, nearly everyone enjoys meat. However, some people, mainly Buddhists and young people who are members of animal rights movement, make a concerted effort not to eat meat. They believe animals have the same rights as us humans. Although some scientists say its important to eat meat for health reasons, others claims that if you eat the right vegetables and fruits, eating meat is not necessary to maintain a good standard of health.接下来的几道题目烤鸭们可以自己进行练习:1. Why do more and more people in China want to own their own car?2. Why do some people do dangerous jobs?3. Why do you think people in your country like to spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?。

2. 答题要求更高雅思口语Part3不仅问题更有深度,对于回答的要求更高了,此时决不能一句话回应考官的问题,建议举出实例说明观点。
最为实用的方式就是重复问题,但是不能原句重复,要学着用Paraphrasing 的技巧去重复问题,这样就能为自己争取到一些思考时间。

下面,我们来看一下红色答题法在Part1和Part3中分别怎样运用:part1Examiner : Do you like giving gift to people(例题选自雅思Easy姐APP中的口语分类练习)这时,如果我们只回答“Yes , I do . ”或者“No , I don't . ”都是不妥的。