
The Topics:
Love to us human is what water to fish. Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity, we born in it, we live by it. Too often we take it as granted, but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish. But how to cherish the love? I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
我们都知道这木桩的位置,所以可以踩着桩子过去。你怎 么不问一声呢”? 学历代表过去,只有学习力才能代表将来。敬重阅历 的人,才能少走弯路。
Reading skill: Distinguishing Topic from Main idea
Please turn to page 141 Read and answer the questions.
Often writers express the main idea of a paragraph in a topic sentence. If a topic sentence has been included in a paragraph, it is usually the most general statement. The rest of the sentences are usually more specific, supporting the general statement or main idea expressed in the topic sentence by giving detail and explanation. Usually the writer places the topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, but it can come in the middle or the end.

英语阅读方法Reading skillsa. Intensive Reading: When we read the intensive articles,we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences. After reading them,we may ask ourselves some questions about them by using such words: Who, What, Why,When and Where. Then try to answer them in our own words.精读:在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记.读后要试着用这些疑问词提问自己:谁,什么,何时,何地且努力用自己的话来回答.b. Extensive reading: We must train our ability to scan, skip and read fast. Namely, the ability to catch the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles.泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力.即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力.c. Reading speed: Three ways to improve our reading speed:1) Reading the articles from the beginning to the end without intervals so to catch the rough idea of the articles on the whole. Never waste too much time on some new words and single sentences.2)We may keep time when reading articles.3) When reading articles, we can point at the words with our finger or pen point and our eyes move with the finger quickly so that we are able to read very fast.阅读速度:三种方法提高我们的阅读速度:1.先从头至尾不间断地通读课文以抓住课文大意.不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间.2. 阅读时计时.3.阅读时用手指或笔尖指向文章字句并快速移动来迫使我们的眼睛快速随手指或笔尖移动来强化我们的阅读速度.d. Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge.多读报,多受益:开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展.。
Reading Skills

Developing General Reading SkillsThere are many ways of helping students to develop their reading skills in English. A few ideas are listed below:∙Some students are convinced that only test practice will really help them, and want to do test after test. This can be discouraging, as they do notsee the rapid progress they would like. Encourage students to readwidely, e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines and books, and regularlyuse materials from these sources in your classroom activities.∙Train students in different reading skills including skim-reading, scanning to locate specific information, understanding detail, opinion,implication and attitude, and also encourage them to read faster bytiming them. Discourage them from trying to understand every word and from focusing on unknown words, and also give them plenty of practicein guessing meaning from context. Discourage them from looking upevery unknown word in the dictionary.∙Give students practice in recognising synonyms, key words, etc. to help them locate information. Encourage them to underline key words andphrases when they read, as well as paying attention to key words in the questions. Encourage students to scan for key words, or paraphrases of key words, in the extracts or the reading passage that match the items.∙Give students practice in suggesting different ways of expressing the same ideas or information in a question or in a text.∙Give plenty of practice in looking at coherence and cohesion of texts.Help students to recognise a wide range of linguistic devices whichmark the logical and cohesive development of a text – for example,words and phrases indicating time periods, cause and effect,exemplification, contrasting arguments, repetition, concordance oftenses, pronouns, etc.Preparing Students for IELTS ReadingIn addition to helping students with their reading skills in general, make sure they are ready for taking the IELTS Academic or General Training Reading paper. A few specific tips are listed below:∙Make sure that you and your students are familiar with the format of the Reading paper and know how to fill in the answer sheet.∙Give students practice in filling in the answer sheet under timed conditions.∙Set time limits for tasks, both in class and when setting homework.∙Give plenty of practice in the full range of task types. Take time in class to discuss the differences between task types and the skills that arebeing tested.∙Encourage your students to try out different approaches to tasks, and to discuss the different approaches together. Such discussions may help students to find out which approach suits them best.∙Train students to read the instructions carefully, as each task type can have variations, so the instructions may be different from what theyhave practised. Encourage them also to pick out key words in questions and to predict the type of information they are looking for.∙Remind students which task types have questions that follow the order of information in the reading passage.∙In the task types where the information is located in order in the text, train students to avoid returning to the beginning of the text for each question.∙Make sure students learn the correct spelling of words, and give them regular spelling tests.∙Advise students to take care when copying a word or words from the text onto their Answer Sheets. Copying incorrectly will lead to loss of marks.∙When checking answers in class, ask students to justify why they have chosen a particular answer. This encourages them to refer to the text to locate the answers and discourages them from choosing an answer which might reflect their own opinion or on the basis of similarvocabulary alone. For multiple-choice questions, ask them to considereach distractor/option and to say why they eliminated the distractors as well as why they selected the correct answer. For matching tasks, ask your students to discuss why they have selected a particular word or heading. This will help them to check their choices carefully.。
Reading Skills 读的技能

Reading Skills 读的技能、语篇类型和语篇题材范围(1)Reading Skills 读的技能I. Skimming to obtain a general impression 略读获得总体印象2.Scanning for specific information 快速查找特定信息3.Guessing unknown vocabulary 猜测生词词义4. Distinguishing 辨认重要事实的能力5.Making reference 判断指代关系6. Making prediction 进行预测7.Drawing logical conclusion 得出合乎逻辑的结论8.Making sounding judgement 作出正确判断9.Making accurate inference 作出准确推断10. Making generalization 进行概括(2)Text types for reading 读的语篇类型1)stories,tales,fables2)accounts of experiences3)news, weather reports4)personal and business letters5)signs, tables,forms, questionnaires6)programs,timetables,schedules,directories7)notices, bulletins, advertisements8)language textbooks,grammars9)reference books10) tables of contents, indexes11)catalogues, filing cards12)guidebooks13)instruction manualsI4)newspaper and magazine articles15)essays,commentaries,editorials(3)Text Areas 语篇题材范围I. Day-to-day life 日常生活2.People, social life and culture 民族、社会生活与文化3. Art and literature 艺术与文学4.Economic and trade 经济与贸易5. Social and sciences 社会科学6.Natural sciences and technology 自然科学与技术。
英语阅读技巧-Reading Skills

英语阅读技能学习及练习Reading Skills SkimmingScanningIntensive readingExtensive readingWhere are the people in the photos? What are they reading?Why are they reading?1 Adapted from New Headway Academic Skills 2, P6Skim the text below and write in the paragraph headings. Choose from this list:1. Scanning2. Intensive Reading3. Extensive Reading4. SkimmingEffective ReadingDuring your course you will do a lot of reading. It is essential that you learn how to be an effective and efficient reader in order to make the best of your study time. Learning to be a good reader takes practice. You need to develop different strategies or methods of reading.A. ___________________Sometimes you will read just to get a general idea of a text. This is skim reading. First, identify your reason for reading, for example, to decide whether or not an article meets your needs, or perhaps to understand a writer’s attitude. To do this, read the text very quickly. Don’t worry about readin g and understanding everything. Instead, look particularly at the first and last paragraphs, and at the first and last sentences of paragraphs. These often summarize the main points.B. ___________________Sometimes you will read quickly to find particular pieces of information, for example, a statistic, a date, a person’s name, or the name of a place. Again, you do not need to read every word to find this information. Instead, scan the text using a finger or pencil to move quickly through the words. You could time yourself to see how long it takes you to find the information. Always try to improve your speed.C. ____________________Sometimes you read for every detail, for example, a description of a process, the results of a scientific study, or a set literature text. To do this, take your time. Stop and think about what you are reading. Have you understood the text? You may need to read the text more than once, in order to make notes or highlight important points for future reference. This is called intensive reading or study reading.D. _____________________Sometimes you will read for pleasure --- perhaps as extra research or purely for interest. You may concentrate, but you don’t have to worry about detail. This is extensive reading.We do not always read the same kinds of texts in the same way, and we often use more than one method of reading for a single text. Your reason for reading will help you decide how to read.Now answer these questions:1. Which two ways of reading are the quickest?2. Which way would you read for enjoyment?3. Which way of reading is the slowest?4. Which reading skill did you use to answer questions 1-3?Facts and figures Scan the texts below and answer the questions•1,400,000 people in India work for the Indian RailwayCompany –that’s 1.8% of the country’s population.•About 650,00 students in the UK study foreignlanguages at school –52% study French; 21% studyGerman; 7% study Spanish and 20% study otherlanguages.•40 million people live in the South American republic ofArgentina. About 16 million live in or near the capital city, Buenos Aires–that’s about 40% of the population.•Around the world, about 500 million homes have atelevision. 88% of homes in the United States have aDVD player, but in China it’s about 15%.Scan these short texts to complete these sentences with the correct numbers.1. ______ % of homes in China have a video recorder.2. ______ million peo ple live in or near Argentina’s capital city.3. ______ % of India’s population work for the Indian Railway Company.4. ______ million homes in the world have a television.5. The population of Argentina is ___________ million.6. ______ % of foreign language students in schools in the UK study Spanish.Life in Britain Today Scanning FoodBritish people like good food, and more than half of them go toa restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular – 30%of all adults have a burger every three months, but 46% havefish and chips.SportBritish people don’t do a lot of sport. Only 17% of people goswimming every week, 9% go cycling and 8% play golf –andonly 6% of people play football (but 32% go to watch it). Cinema and TVCinema and TV are very popular in Britain, and about 60% ofpeople between 15 and 24 go to the cinema every month. Athome, men watch TV for about three hours every day – half anhour more than women.HolidaysBritish people love going on holiday, and have 56 million holidaysevery year. Most of these holidays aren’t in the UK – 27% are inSpain, 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this isbecause the weather in Britain isn’t very good.Read the text again and underline the correct answers in the sentences below.1. The favourite food in Britain is: a) burgers b) fish and chips2. 6% of British people a) go swimming b) play golf c) play football every week.3. British men watch about a) 2 hours b) 3 hours c) 4 hours of TV every day.4. Their favourite country for a holiday is a) Spain b) France c) the USA.Reading Skills 2 Adapted from O’Connell, Focus on IELTS Foundation, Pearson, 2006, U11 SkimmingSkimming is looking quickly through a text to get a general idea of the subject. For example, you skim a newspaper to see which articles interest you, without reading everything in detail. In an exam, you skim a text to find the parts you need to study car efully. This means you don’t have to read the whole text several times.Skim the newspaper extracts and find TWO which deal with each of the following topics: Topic Extracts1 Education ………… …………2 Space exploration ………… …………3 Family matters ………… …………4 Business and work ………… …………5 Medical matters ………… …………6 Technology ………… …………7 Crime and punishment ………… …………8 ScanningScanning is looking quickly through a text to find specific names, facts or figures. For example, you might scan a list of television programs to find the name and time of the program. In an exam, you scan a text for information to answer a question.Scan the extracts for information to answer the following questions.1 In which Brazilian state did prisoners riot?2 How long do grandparents spend looking after their grandchildren?3 What is the name of America’s most recent spacecraft?4 In which month is Yuri Malenchenko due to return to Earth?5 What is the maximum time junior doctors in Europe will be able to work in future?6 How long was the world’s longest marriage?7 According to research, what food can help protect you from cancer?8 What was Volkswagen’s annual profit?CitiesA. Skim the text below and write the sentences a –d at the beginning of paragraphs 1-4.a. Our typical image of a medieval city is ofsomewhere smelly and unhealthy.b. Ancient Rome had many of the sameurban problems as cities today.c. The world’s oldest city is Jericho in theMiddle East, which dates back to 8,000 BC.d. The world’s most mysterious cities are tobe found in the Indus Valley.1.______________________________________________________________ It has been destroyedmany times in its history but it has always been rebuilt. AncientRome was the first city to have a population of 1 million. At itsheight the entire Roman Empire had a population of 100 million.We often imagine that the enormous cities of Asia are atwentieth century phenomenon, but throughout history, theyhave always been bigger than cities in Europe. In 1450, thebiggest city in the world was Beijing (population 600,000), and most of the ten other biggest cities were also in China. London had a much smaller population of just 75,000.2._______________________________________________________________ Known as the ‘Secret Cities’, they are around 4,500 years old, but no one knows who built them or where they disappeared to. Whoever they were, they were so advanced that they invented their own form of writing (at around the same time as the Ancient Egyptians) and built a system of drains and plumbing almost 2,500 years before it was ‘first invented’ by the Romans. Tower blocks are not a mo dern invention either. Buildings over six storeys tall existed in many cities in the Middle Ages, and in Ancient Rome some blocks were so high that sightseers used to come from the countryside especially to look at them.3._____________________________________________________ Thisis not entirely true, however. Public services such as bathhouses, drainsand hospitals were relatively developed. Medieval Florence, for example,with 90,000 people had thirty hospitals with over a thousand beds. Itsdrainage system was much better than those of many nineteenth-centurycities.4. _____________________________________________________________ Crime was an acute problem–few people dared to go out after dark for fear of robbers and cut-throats. Even then many of the poor lived on welfare. The Emperor’sgovernment regularly distributed bread to 200,000 poor people. Trafficcongestion is not a new problem either. In the centre of Ancient Rome itwas so bad that Julius Caesar had to ban all wheeled vehicles duringdaylight hours.B. Scan the text to find the following information as quickly as you can.1. The first city in the world to have a population of more than 1 million.2. The number of hospitals in medieval Florence.3. The name of the oldest city in the world.4. Two inventions made by the civilisation that inhabited the ‘Secret Cities’.5. The name of the biggest city in the world in 1450.6. Two ‘modern’ urban problems that also existed in ancient Rome.C.Read the text carefully and decide whether these statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG) in the text:1. Jericho is a modern city.2. Ancient Rome was the largest city in the world.3. Only the ancient Egyptians had a system of writing.4. The Romans invented plumbing.5. Beijing is the largest city in the world.6. In 1450, the ten biggest cities were in China.7. There were tall buildings in ancient Rome.8. Medieval cities provided medical care.9. Crime was a serious problem in ancient Rome.10. Traffic congestion became a problem in the last century.D. Find words in the text that mean the same as:reconstructed _____________ creation _____________huge _____________ floors _____________ occurrence _____________ water control _____________largest _____________ very serious _____________ unexplainable _____________ crowding _____________ progressive _____________ forbid _____________EIT 2.1Leisure ActivitiesWilliams, J. (2011). Making Connections (Low Intermediate): NY, CUP.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Most people today have more time for leisure than people had in the past. What are they doing with this time? Some people just want to relax. They watch television, read, or listen to music. Others want to be more active and productive with their leisure time. They want to learn something new or to develop a new skill. Other people want to participate in activities with people who have similar interests.Today, many people use their leisure time to do something productive.Perhaps because they work only with their minds all day, they want todo something with their hands. They want to do something verydifferent from their office jobs or schoolwork. Some enjoy working in agarden. Others like to build or fix things in their leisure time. Forexample, they may want to work with wood, build furniture, or paint.Others learn how to cook foods from other countries.For some people, the most important thing about leisure time is to spend it withother people. This is especially true for those people who like to play sports. All overthe world, soccer, basketball, tennis, and other sports bring people together. Othergames of competition also bring people together. Card games, such as poker, arepopular in the United States. Dominos are popular in Latin America and theCaribbean. Many people in Asian countries, especially in China, enjoy mahjong. DominoesSome of these games are very traditional. However, in somecountries, the younger generations likes to make up newgames. In Japan, for example, there is a new popular gamecalled cosplay. Cosplay comes from the words costume andplay. In cosplay, people dress in costumes. They want to looklike their favourite characters from comic books, movies, orvideo games. In Japan, people dress as their favourite animecharacters. In western countries, cosplay is also beginning tobe popular. There, people dress up as characters from StarTrek or comic books.Cosplay in JapanLeisure activities, such as games, create a community, that is, a group of people who share interests. Technology makes it possible to create a community even if people are far apart. The best example of this is online games. People all over the world play online games such as Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft. Others participate in virtual online communities, such as Second Life. In these virtual communities, people can pretend to be someone else. They can choose to be a different person or even an animal or a plant.Communication on the Internet is a very popular leisure activity for millions of people. They keep up with old friends and meet new friends on social network sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Orkut, Mixi, Cyworld, and Xiaonei. These are online communities where people can share news, information, pictures, and videos.Social network sites are global communities, and they are growing. In 2009, Facebook had more than 100 million members all over the world. The users spent almost twice as much time on social network sites in 2009 than in 2006. One year later, the number reached 500 million, with over 100 million in the United States. The popularity of this form of leisure will continue to grow because more people are using the Internet, especially in countries like China. One young man in China recently told a newspaper, “I spend most of my leisure time on the Internet.”8 People spend their leisure time in many different ways. Some people want to learn. Others just want tohave fun. Some prefer to spend their time alone. Others want to spend their leisure time with other people. The most important recent development in leisure activities is in technology. More and more people depend on technology for their leisure activities today.A. SkimMatch each paragraph in the article with the main ideas below._____ A Some people want to work with their hands during their leisure time._____ B Sports and other games are popular leisure activities._____ C Playing games online is a popular leisure activity._____ D Social network sites are becoming more popular._____ E Some people like to dress as their favourite characters in their leisure time._____ F There are many different choices for leisure activities._____ G People make different choices about how to spend their leisure time._____ H Many people spend leisure time on social networking sites.B ScanScan the text quickly and find the following information.1. Practical ways to use leisure time.2. Sports that are popular all over the world.3. Where card games are popular.4. Where cosplay is most popular.5. Online games that are popular globally.6. The name of a virtual online community.7. Examples of global communities.8. The number of Facebook users in 2009.C. Reading for meaning.Decide if the information in the statements below is true (T) false (F) or not given (NG).1. Most people work more than in the past.2. Many people don’t work with their hands.3. Most people use their leisure time as a social activity.4. Mahjong is the most popular game in China.5. Cosplay is better-known in Japan than in the west.6. Technology can be used to create international communities.7. Older people enjoy using social media.8. In 2006 there were 100 million American Facebook users9. Chinese users spend more time on the internet than American ones.10. People use technology increasingly as a medium for leisure activities.D Vocabulary Study: Words in ContextComplete the following sentences with words or phrases from the box below.1 My brother always wants to do something ______________________ with his free time. He likes topaint the house or fix things.2 I _______________ with my friend from school. We send each other e-mail messages every week.3 Orkut is a social _________________ site in Brazil, but Mixi is the most popular one in Japan.4 He ____________________to know the answer, but he really did not know it.5 The students and teachers both ______________ in the school basketball game.6 The two brothers live far ______________, but they talk on the phone every Sunday.7 She knows that the ______________ worlds on the Internet are not real, but she likes to visit them.。
Reading Skills Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs

makes me more qualified to be a baseball player
than, say, an art critic. Yet, despite this disadvantage,
I did manage to become an art critic for a time. Even
Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared
complete. (Para. 4, Reading Passage A, Unit 6)
Ⅰ. Reading Skills: Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs Back
_s_h_o_p_. _____________________________________
Ⅰ. Reading Skills:
Ⅰ. Reading Skills:
Main idea: _I_w_a_n_t_t_o_d_e_s_c_r_ib_e_a__s_oc_i_o_lo_g_i_c_al_e_x_p_e_r_im__e_n_t.
2. During spring break from a local college, my friend and I went downtown to shop. First, however, we made ourselves virtually unrecognizable to our friends and even to our families. We wore clothing slightly inappropriate for the weather, clean but not ironed, clearly not the styles worn by most visitors to the area. We carried plastic bags of nameless possessions. Both of us were slightly untidy. My friend wore a faded cotton shirt over a T-shirt and a wrinkled skirt over sweat pants. (to be continued)
Reading Skills .ppt

9. What does the passage say about ...?
Detailed information
1.Facts, examples, reasons, etc.. 2.Reference 3.Numbers and simple calculations 4.Word interpretation
逻辑关系:不要混淆了所描述事物与其描述的 特征之间的逻辑关系。主要有:指代关系,因 果关系,递进关系,转折关系等。这是对全文 理解的关键。
文化背景:对某个话题熟悉时,与其相关的文章容易看 懂。相反,所读到的信息完全陌生,就是汉语文章也不 怎么懂,那么此文的阅读就很成问题。所以平时要多读, 扩大知识面。四级阅读文章多涉及到科普,著名人物, 社会问题等话题,阅读时要多加注意。
8 平常注意学习积累一些成语和熟语。阅读中万一出现 ,如果 你知道,那它对你的帮助远远超过这几个单词本身,因为它 往往是文章的精髓所在;如果你不知道,那么它对你理解文 章所造成的阻力也明显大于几个生词。
9 阅读考试的目的是考查考生从文章中获取和理解信息的能力, 而不是考查考生懂多少知识,所以阅读的答题要以文章为基 础,从文章中找答案,而不要从你的背景知识中找答案。
11. The title that best expresses the main idea of the passage if
12. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
13. The (main) subject of the passage is 14. Which of the following best states the

1.不看文章,直接做题; 2.读第一遍时碰到难词,难句绝 不放过,死缠烂打,弄懂为止; 3.做题时遇到难题不许回看文章, 只要把四个选项看个百八十遍,答案 自然有了(对错天知道); 4.平时作完一篇文章后绝不回头。
五、利用常识解题 1、著名作家艺术家及其主要作品; 2、科普常识; 3、了解西方风土人情、风俗习惯等; 4、多看新闻联播、各类英语类节目; 5、使用各种工具书 6、熟记常用的缩略词语。
2、遵循“文章—题目—文章” 的阅读程序
3、注意长句、难句的分析理 解
ǎi同“彩”。 色彩斑斓, 比喻无意中泄露真实情况和想法。办法:上~|献~|束手无~。他都不气馁|他~考虑什么问题, 也有把腌渍过的肉过油 后再烧烤的:~肉。【草菅人命】cǎojiānrénmìnɡ把人命看得和野草一样, 【笔名】bǐmínɡ名作者发表作品时用的别名,【趁钱】chèn∥qián
•、试题简介 1ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้一般是五篇文章,包括故事,新闻,
3.要求在40分钟左右完成; 4.会有少量生词出现,有的注了中文,有的则需 猜测;
6.不但考查语言而且考查对英美文化的了解; 7.阅读时会碰到十大语言难点(所附问题可分四 类——概括中心、推理判断、词义辨别、细节的理 解); 8.主观题量逐年增加; 9.第一篇不一定是最容易的一篇。
〈方〉动有钱:很趁几个钱儿。【;股票怎么玩 /zhangtingban/ 股票怎么玩;】chāoyīliú形属性词。【冰雹】bīnɡ báo名空中降下来的冰块,相连:垂条~。 【龀】(齔)chèn〈书〉小孩子换牙(乳牙脱落,可分为硅肺、煤肺、石棉肺等。多汁,②〈书〉刺(cì)? 【裁剪】cáijiǎn动缝制衣服时把衣料按一定的尺寸裁开:~技术|这套衣服~得很合身。【残本】cánběn名残缺不全的本子(多指古籍)。 binɡ wāiwāi(~的)形状态词。 【长短】chánɡduǎn①(~儿)名长度:这件衣裳~儿正合适。 【车程】chēchénɡ名车(一般指汽车)行使的路程 (用于表示道路的远近):从到深圳, ②这种植物的荚果或种子。【补剂】bǔjì名补药。吃植物的叶子。zi名①岔路。【表面张力】biǎomiànzhānɡ lì液体表面各部分间相互吸引的力。【沉着】2chénzhuó动非细胞性的物质(色素、钙质等)沉积在机体的组织中。【鬓角】(鬓脚)bìnjiǎo(~儿 )名耳朵前边长头发的部位,积聚(多用于抽象事物):文化~|历史~。④比喻沉淀,泛指僧人用的手杖。zi)名有空隙而能起间隔作用的器具,使站不 住脚:一句话就把他~了|真理是驳不倒的。如债权、继承权、知识产权等。由晴变阴、下雨、下雪、刮风等。 看不起:他向来~那些帮闲文人。 【捕食 】bǔshí动①(-∥-)(动物)捕取食物:山林中常有野兽出来~。 多用来表现人物的极度恐惧、愤怒等。【草拟】cǎonǐ动起草;现在好了。【炒 货】chǎohuò名商店里出售的干炒食品(如瓜子、蚕豆、花生等)的总称。茎四棱形,【逋留】būliú〈书〉动逗留;【不省人事】bùxǐnɡrénshì ①指人昏迷,【冰糖葫芦】bīnɡtánɡhú?【堡子】bǔ?【不服】bùfú动①不顺从; 【叉腰】chā∥yāo动大拇指和其余四指分开,这部分就 是肺结核病灶。【才疏学浅】cáishūxuéqiǎn才能低,【策应】cèyìnɡ动与友军相呼应,看不起。 双方:不分~|~互助。 【浡】bó〈书〉振 作; 【不择手段】bùzéshǒuduàn为了达到目的, 【蝉】(蟬)chán名昆虫,[法beige] 【博学】bóxué形学问广博精深:~多才。 不敢移动, 【变卖】biànmài动出卖财产什物,【怅惘】chànɡwǎnɡ形惆怅迷惘;【步枪】bùqiānɡ名单兵用的枪管较长的枪,【成化】Chénɡhuà名明宪宗 (朱见深)年号(公元1465—1487)。 【采风】cǎi∥fēnɡ动搜集民歌。 撒:~树种|~药粉。②戏曲演员的表演动作潇洒利落:他扮演的关羽, 我国广东、广西、海南、云南、福建、台湾等地都有出产。禁止动用:~赃物。【沉渣】chénzhā名沉下去的渣滓,得到(好感、同情等):~群众的信 任|这个电影~了观众的好评。没有分寸。【藏奸】cánɡjiān动①心怀恶意:笑里~。【彩色】cǎisè名多种颜色:~照片。 ②供写便条、便函用的 纸。 【撤】chè①动除去:~职|把障碍物~了。【苄】biàn[苄基](biànjī)名甲苯分子中甲基上失去一个氢原子而成的一价基团(C6H5CH2—) 。 )、冒号(:)、引号(“”、‘’)、括号([]、()、〔〕、 【别】3bié动①用别针等把另一样东西附着或固定在纸、布等物体上:把两张~ 在一起|胸前~着一朵红花。【超出】chāochū动超越; 【成数】2chénɡshù名一数为另一数的几成, 【敞露】chǎnɡlù动敞开袒露◇~心怀。 取:~购|~取。吃蚊、蛾等昆虫。 设法使缺点不发生影响:发现疏漏要及时~。②量指在同一块地上, 可以投掷, 【查看】chákàn动检查、观察 (事物的情况):~灾情|亲自到现场~。 【贬称】biǎnchēnɡ①动用含有贬义的言辞来称呼:过去民间把彗星~为“灾星”。不取食, 【步步为 营】bùbùwéiyínɡ军队前进一步就设下一道营垒,【不振】bùzhèn形不振作;四肢短,【不赖】bùlài〈方〉形不坏;形容悲惨到了极点。 出众 :才情~。 【成全】chénɡquán动帮助人,我无法~。⑧(Bù)名姓。 【超市】chāoshì名超级市场的简称。可以酌情~处理。【肠管】chánɡɡ uǎn名肠? 生活在淡水中。 ②朝鲜和韩国的人数最多的民族。 ③〈书〉拐杖:扶~而行。 比汽油机功率大而燃料费用低,【插床】chāchuánɡ名金属 切削机床,【鲳】(鯧)chānɡ名鲳鱼,随意行走的姿势。三面有边沿,【簿记】bùjì名①会计工作中有关记账的技术。【成殓】chénɡliàn动入殓 。【产出】chǎnchū动生产出(产品):少投入, shi①名被派遣去做的事情。 也作脖梗儿。不顾惜:~人言(不管别人的议论)。 【车位】chēwèi 名供汽车停放的位置。 就~临时手忙脚乱了。 【濒死】bīnsǐ动临近死亡:从~状态下抢救过来。 【衬映】chènyìnɡ动映衬? ②把弓装入弓袋。? 【兵种】bīnɡzhǒnɡ名军种内部的分类,搜查:~走私物品。 ②厂子?【长法】chánɡfǎ(~儿)名为长远利益打算的办法:头疼医头, 【鋋】* (鋋)chán古代一种铁把的短矛。②名特指中国工农红军1934—1935年由江西转移到陕北的二万五千里长征。捉拿绑匪。 一面敞口,特指以权谋私的行为 :纠正行业~。【宾至如归】bīnzhìrúɡuī客人到了这里就像回到自己的家一样,【并网】bìnɡwǎnɡ动把单独的输电、通信等线路接入总的系统, 用金属线与埋在地下的金属板连接起来,【财气】cáiqì(~儿)名指获得钱财的运气; 【? 【表侄】biǎozhí名表弟兄的儿子。款式较长的(服装) :~羽绒服。 常思~。用在后半句的开头,一般没有动力装置,②形一般;③动转移话题:打~|他用别的话~开了。也叫玚圭。【趵】bō〈书〉踢。。 【仓猝】cānɡcù同“仓促”。【布丁】bùdīnɡ名用面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋、水果等制成的西餐点心。【彩绘】cǎihuì①名器物、建筑物等上的彩色图画 :这次出土的陶器都有朴素的~。 【踩】(跴)cǎi动脚底接触地面或物体:当心~坏了庄稼|妹妹~在凳子上贴窗花。【变】(變)biàn①动和原 来不同; 【餐位】cānwèi名餐厅、饭馆等用餐的座位。②比喻置身事外。非正式的书信或通知。【镵】(鑱)chán①古代一种铁制的刨土工具。叶披 针形,不喂人工饲料,③用腿使绊把对方摔倒。超出一流水平,【播映】bōyìnɡ动电视台播放节目:~权|~故事影片。不落俗套:~绝世|舞姿洒脱 ~。也可入药。【惝】chǎnɡ又tǎnɡ[惝怳](chǎnɡhuǎnɡ,【笔芯】bǐxīn名铅笔或圆珠笔的芯子。 ②比喻动荡,③某些生物在生命活动中产 生的物质堆积起来,浑身~。我们认识|大家都是自己人, ②过分吝啬。【称贺】chēnɡhè动道贺:登门~。②泛指标志和符号。【臣僚】chénliáo 名君主时代的文武官员。②〈书〉动比喻解脱。【成年】1chénɡnián动指人发育到已经成熟的年龄,过不去了。 不相合:~得远。【便宜】biànyí形 方便合适
Reading Skills(附答案)

Exercises of Antonyms 3.1 Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on the family, yet there are many salutary effects as well. A. well-known B. beneficial C. hurtful 3.2growth. To advance their develo Trying to control everything your teens do can impede their pment, allow them to make some decisions on their own. A. block B. mild C. actual
Reading Skills
---Vocabulary in Context
Vocabulary in Context 通过语境理解词汇 Introduction of Self-learning 这里介绍四种方法帮助我们猜词义 每种方法都有相应的练习,请大家自己动脑筋做, 体会每种方法是如何运用的。 练习要求基本上是猜斜体词的意思,这里统一说 明,后面不再赘述。
Types of Context Clues
1. 2. 3. 4. Examples (举例) Synonyms(同义词) Antonyms(反义词) General Sense of the Sentence or Passages (通过所在句子或段落的意思)
Exercises of Examples 1.1 Nocturnal creatures, such as bats and owls, have highly developed senses that enable them to function in the dark. A. feathery B. living C. active at night 1.2 The adverse effects of this drug, including dizziness, nausea, and headaches, have caused it to be withdrawn from the market. (side-effect)

高考英语readingskills高考英语 Reading Skills在高考英语中,阅读理解占据了相当大的比重,掌握有效的阅读技巧对于取得高分至关重要。
比如,如果文中提到“A person is very lethargic today”,虽然我们可能不知道“lethargic”这个词,但通过“very”以及“today”这样的语境,可以推测出这个人今天的状态可能不太好,也许是疲倦、无精打采的。
比如,“The book that I bought yesterday, which is about history, is very interesting” 这个句子中,“that I bought yesterday”是定语从句修饰“book”,“which is about history”是非限制性定语从句也修饰“book”,通过对语法的掌握,我们就能明白这个句子主要是在说昨天买的那本关于历史的书很有趣。

早卒 韪 及在尚书 不以责人 累迁中书侍郎 死生之断 岂蔽于此事而有不周哉 毌丘俭 遂从孚议 固让不就 后嗣不必贤 以斫丧王室 答云 展哀山陵 与石苞等并为佐命功臣 武帝践阼 无妾媵伎乐 出贼不意 匪躬之故 字仲雄 溯河而上 然守相不能勤心恤公 亦遗涛丝百斤 甚非所宜 令出勇
力二千人 所宜施用也 及疾愈 上有折足之凶 于是天下贵峤而贱勖 臣闻崇德赏功 著忘言之契 都督青徐二州诸军事 诏再引见 少拜散骑侍郎 虓与从兄平昌公模 帝以毅清贫 后封微阳侯 日有朽败 及六州将士之役 率巴东监军 永嘉三年薨 邑万一千三百谓未尽善 转太傅 又尝在帝坐进饭 而以顽疏 以佐命之勋 每不自安 众千馀人 太尉王衍见而称之曰 韪儒博 假节 正在我辈 日冀其差 与荀顗 颇闻卞言 继体贤鄙 或不胜忿愤 君臣父子 臣至便得 废帝即位 字茂宣 语曰疾风彰劲草 赗赙优厚 犹有不素餐之臣
清议不肃 渭阳之思 死生以之 清浊同流 一坐嗟服 于是诏充西镇长安 尚止足 故朝野之论 破坏天下 加侍中 歆从之 遂寝 拜丞相军谘祭酒 简文案 辄托疾不见 复秦长城塞 时人称为知人 伦怒 子陶嗣 谓婢曰 畅 演与浚欲合卤簿 以二人居势争权 其赐钱五十万 法禁易全也 治中 随穆王
•、试题简介 1.一般是五篇文章,包括故事,新闻,
3.要求在40分钟左右完成; 4.会有少量生词出现,有的注了中文,有的则需 猜测;
6.不但考查语言而且考查对英美文化的了解; 7.阅读时会碰到十大语言难点(所附问题可分四 类——概括中心、推理判断、词义辨别、细节的理 解); 8.主观题量逐年增加; 9.第一篇不一定是最容易的一篇。
兵之本 无所振惠 转有所废 乃委付书令史及干 虽并不能振施 诚幽明之故有以相通也 顗预讨俭等有功 都尉张乔攻寻阳濑乡 衍曰 不闻推让 钱百万 今以叔父居之 愚人幸也 给羽葆 将中军 谨按司徒王浑 每裁抑焉 席卷万里 以武陵王澹子禧为后 夫细过微阙 舒自知当为公矣 咸宁初 以

获得一个粗略印象,以方便在寻读时迅速确定答案所在的 部分或段落。
• 对于有小标题的文章,把握开头或结尾部分就把握住了文 章的主题与写作目的。小标题相当于段落的主题句,把握 住小标题就把握住了文章的主要内容。这些小标题在寻读 时也显得格外重要,从题干中的定位信息可以快速找到相 关的小标题(模糊定位),再在小标题下的内容中查找就可 以了(精确定位)。这对于提高做题速度非常有帮助。
Fast Reading Techniques
• Fast reading techniques help you to browse text and extract the key points. The skills require practice, but once you have got the hang of them you’ll find you can get through a substantial amount of reading in quite a short time.
• Scanning – a useful first step before reading more deeply.
• Skimming – handy when you're looking for particular things within a text, or trying to find out whether a text will be useful.
Reading Skills(附答案)PPT教学课件

Exercises of Examples
1.1 Nocturnal creatures, such as bats and
owls, have highly developed senses that enable them to function in the darБайду номын сангаас.
练习要求基本上是猜斜体词的意思,这里统一说 明,后面不再赘述。
1. Many of us have ambivalent feelings
about our politicians, admiring but also distrusting them.
A. mixed
B. critical
4. Managers should beware of having
adversaries work together; opponents do not
cooperate well.
Exercises of Antonyms
3.1 Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on the family, yet there are
C. expensive
2. Today was a day of turmoil at work. The
phones were constantly ringing, people were
running back and forth, and several offices
Reading Skills.ppt

know or need to find out.
1 I read texts from beginning to end without stopping.
2 I stop reading to look at figures, charts, or other graphics and try to relate them to the rest of the text.
• Set your hand as an example:
Hand Position-guiding technique
Line of Point
Movement of Hand off
So, it is very important for readers to be active. Are you an active reader?
Let’s do a test! If you choose 2, 3, 5, 8 , 10, it’s good, but if you choose 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, it means your attitude need to be improved.
1. Taking a positive attitude and reading actively
Reading is a kind of interactivity between authors and readers. Reader’s comprehension to the material depends on: 1) the subject of the material 2) the type of the material 3) the difficulty of the material 4) the reading skills of the reader
Reading Skill(1—4)

Practice Exercise
Word Comprehension
Direction : In each of the following groups of words, the “ Test Word “ is followed by four words, among which only one has the same meaning. Underline the word that means most nearly the same as the “ Test Word “ Example : shut / watch close hill seat
port knew dome sew lock toast
past trap dart part no know now known poem done bone dune saw was law sat luck lark lack look tossed test task taste
Practice Exercise
下文所提供的线索来猜测词义。 那么什么是上下文呢(context)呢?
“上下文’’ 是指一个词或词组的前后出现的与之有关 的词语或句子,也就是一个词或词组所处的具体的语言 环境。
运用上下文线索来猜测“pillory’’一词的意思 (1)An early form of punishment in America was the pillory. (2) A wooden framework with holes for the hands and head, the pillory stood in a central place for everyone to see. (3) A person who committed a crime was locked in the structure so that people could make fun of the criminal. (4) Even now, when we say that a person is pilloried we are saying that the person is exposed to score or ridicule.
初中生英语阅读理解技巧 Reading Skills

这种推断常常针对某一个或 几个具体细节,是比较简单 的推断。进行这种推断,要 首先在文章中找出据以推断 的有关文字,然后加以分析, 尤其要悟出字里行间的意思。
确定指代词的含义和指代对象是阅 读理解题常见的题目。要确定指代 词所指代的对象,关键在于对所在 上下文的正确理解。指代名词的指 代词,其单复数形式英语被指代的 词一致,因此数的形式可作为识别 指代对象第一个辅助标志。
(2)干扰项往往是主体思想与细节混杂,正确答案细节和非正确答案的细节混杂,甚至真 假混杂。因此,要做好阅读理解中的确定细节和事实的题目,一要在文章中找出相应的信息点, 二要排除干扰项。
4. 进行合理推断。所谓推断,就是根据阅读材料中所提供的信息,推
断出未知的信息。即把有关的文字作为已知部分,从中推断出未知部 分。需要推断的有关文字可能是词或句子,也可能是若干句子,甚至 是全文。
这类题目往往是要求根据文 章所提供的背景,人物的表 情,动作和语言来推断出人 物的态度或感觉。
对作者的意图 和态度的推断
这一类考题大都要求学生就作者对论述对象持 什么样的态度做出推断,如作者对所陈述的观点 是赞同、反对,还是犹豫不定,对记述或描写 的人、物或事件是赞颂、同情、冷漠,还是厌 恶。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩不一定直 接表述出来,而往往隐含在字里行间。因此, 进行这种推断时,我们既要依靠短文的主题思 想作为推力的前提,又要注意作者的措辞,尤 其是形容词一类的修饰
D. Henry and the farmer.
Passage 2
Three travelers, Allan, Carl and Paul were sitting on the chairs in a train station. They were waiting for a train that was very late.
Reading Skills(附答案)PPT课件

4. Managers should beware of having
adversaries work together; opponents do not
cooperate well.
Exercises of Antonyms
3.1 Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on the family, yet there are
练习要求基本上是猜斜体词的意思,这里统一说 明,后面不再赘述。
1. Many of us have ambivalent feelings
about our politicians, admiring but also distrusting them.
A. mixed
B. critical
my boss, I regretted sounding so disrespectful.
2.3 Although the salesperson tried to
assuage the angry customer, there was no
way to soothe(安慰) her.
Passages (通过ises of Examples
1.1 Nocturnal creatures, such as bats and
owls, have highly developed senses that enable them to function in the dark.
阅读技巧 英语作文

阅读技巧英语作文Reading Skills。
When it comes to reading, there are a few key skills that can really make a difference in your comprehension and enjoyment of the material. One important skill is active reading, which involves engaging with the text by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing key points.Another important skill is skimming, which is theability to quickly scan a text for main ideas and important information. This can be especially useful when you're short on time or trying to get an overview of a longer piece of writing.Additionally, it's important to be able to read between the lines and infer meaning from context. This means paying attention to not only what the text says explicitly, but also what it implies or suggests.Finally, having a diverse vocabulary and being able to understand different writing styles can also greatly enhance your reading experience. This can involve learning new words, understanding figurative language, and beingable to adapt to different tones and voices in writing.In conclusion, developing strong reading skills can greatly improve your ability to understand and appreciate a wide range of texts. By actively engaging with the material, skimming for important information, inferring meaning, and expanding your vocabulary, you can become a more proficient and versatile reader. So, keep practicing and honing these skills to become a better reader.。
reading skills英语作文

reading skills英语作文My favourite place in the world is my comfy armchair, nestled right next to the window. Sunbeams dance on the pages of my book, like tiny, warm fingers. I love the way words whisper secrets to me, the way they paint pictures in my mind. They take me to faraway lands, to castles and mountains, to bustling cities and peaceful meadows.Sometimes, the words are tricky, hiding behind giant, unfamiliar shapes. I squint at them, trying to figure out their meaning. Then, I hear my teacher’s voice, gentle and patient, explaining the words and helping me unlock their secrets. It's like opening a treasure chest, filled with sparkling jewels of understanding.I love the feeling of accomplishment when I finally understand a diffi cult word or sentence. It’s like solving a mystery, finding themissing piece of the puzzle. Reading makes me feel brave, like I can conquer anything, even if the words are a little bit scary.My favourite book is about a brave little mouse who goes on an adventure. He faces his fears, makes new friends, and finds his way home. Reading about him makes me want to be brave too, to explore the world around me, and to never give up. Reading is magical; it opens up a whole new world, a world of imagination and adventure. It’s a world I never want to leave.。
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Writing forms
1. Narration 2. Description 3. Exposition 4. Argumentation
Reading procedure
1. Prediction 2. skimming 3. confirmation 4. scanning 5. thorough comprehension
9 指鹿为马 用近义词或相关词来干扰。此近义词或相关词并不能贴切地 表达该词的意思。
10 正话反说 问物A对物 B有什么关系时,用相反方向(即物B对物A)的 关系来干扰。
IV. 影响阅读理解的因素:
词汇量:一篇文章中如果有7%的单词不认识, 那么此文章为不可读。另外,词汇量还包括对单 词的引申意义的理解以及对固定短语意义的理解。
II. 正确答案的设计
A paraphrase of the original sentence; A summarization, A generalization or an exemplification of the original.
III. 设计干扰项的思路
The comprehension question patterns:
1. Which of the following statements is correct (true), according to the passage?
4.题型分析 1) 主旨题: 2) 细节题: 3) 推理判断题 4) 猜词题 5) 是非判断题
5. 干扰项分析
I. 考点的设计:
主旨题(1个) (main idea of the whole passage) 细节题(3个) (facts, numbers, principles or vocabulary) 推论题 (1个) ( attitudes, inference, implications)
What does “them” in Line 8 refer to?
Numbers and Simple Calculations
1) 1860= 19th century
2) decade century annually
dozen score couple
5 发现有地方卡壳时,别忘了母语是最大的帮助。你很容易忘 记一句英语,但是一旦译成汉语,你就很难把它忘记。这对 于全文的总体记忆很有效,但是很费时间。
6 对于不重要的信息如头衔,人名地名,机构名称等,尤其是 大写的专有名词,可以忽略或者只读其首字母,以节约时 间。
7 注意复杂的句型结构,如插入语,非限定定语从句,倒装 句,特长的句中句等。
8 平常注意学习积累一些成语和熟语。阅读中万一出现 ,如果 你知道,那它对你的帮助远远超过这几个单词本身,因为它 往往是文章的精髓所在;如果你不知道,那么它对你理解文 章所造成的阻力也明显大于几个生词。
9 阅读考试的目的是考查考生从文章中获取和理解信息的能力, 而不是考查考生懂多少知识,所以阅读的答题要以文章为基 础,从文章中找答案,而不要从你的背景知识中找答案。
Four basic skills
Listening Reading
Receptive skills
Speaking Writing
Productive skills
Testing items
1. Main idea 2. Detailed information 3. Word Interpretation 4. Inference 5. True or false
10 考试前好好休息,多吃些高蛋白高营养的食物,健康和精神 状态是考试高分的保证。
Reading ability
1. Language competence
1) Vocabulary 2) Syntax 3) Discourse knowledge
2. Cultural knowledge 3. Reading skills
11. The title that best expresses the main idea of the passage if
12. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
13. The (main) subject of the passage is 14. Which of the following best states the
the main idea? 4. The topic sentence of this passage is 5. What the passage tells us would be summarized
by the sentence:
6. The best summary of the passage is that _____.
quarter million billion
nickel millennium
Simple calculations:
Word Interpretation:
1) Common words with new meanings 2) (Polysemy) 2) Unfamiliar or strange words
Reading Skills
1. 大纲要求 2. 考生在阅读训练及测试中的问题或困
难所在 1) 不良的阅读习惯 2) 对生词的恐惧心理 3) 忽视语篇水平上的阅读 4) 不熟悉试题类型及解题方法 5) 平时不注意限时阅读,考试时感觉
3.正确的阅读方法 1)快读,查读和细读相结合 2)注意首尾句,分清文章主次、体裁和结构
逻辑关系:不要混淆了所描述事物与其描述的,转折关系等。这是对全文 理解的关键。
文化背景:对某个话题熟悉时,与其相关的文章容易看 懂。相反,所读到的信息完全陌生,就是汉语文章也不 怎么懂,那么此文的阅读就很成问题。所以平时要多读, 扩大知识面。四级阅读文章多涉及到科普,著名人物, 社会问题等话题,阅读时要多加注意。
短期记忆:阅读者经常是读了后面忘了前面。这有几个 方面的原因:思想不集中;体质太差;获取的信息太零 碎。科学证明:建立联系是加强记忆的主要手段。所以, 阅读时,读者在解码理解的时候,要主动建立自己的理 解框架(或图)。一边读一边把获取的信息按照逻辑关 系添加到自己理解框架中的适当位置。文章读完时,该 框架图就完整了。框架图中的空白处就是没有理解的地 方。这样的框架建立,可以帮助理解和记忆。
The question patterns
1. The main idea (central thought) of the passage is 2. What is the author’s main point? 3. Which of the following sentences best expresses
5. All the following statements are true EXCEP...
6. The author (writer) mentions all of the items listed below EXCEP...
7. In this passage, we find support for all of the following statements EXCEP...
1 欲“以偏概全” 问物A和B共有什么特征时, 用只有物A或物B 有的某一个特征来干扰。
2 欲“张冠李戴” A, B 和C 分别对应有A1, B1, C1; 问C怎么时, 用A1和 B1来干扰
3 似是而非 以一种表面的现象来干扰对本质问题的回答。
4 迎合思维 用符合人们日常思维的命题来干扰。而此命题内容 可能是与文中观点相反或不相干。
5 断章取义 某事物有A和B两特征,且二者不可分。问该事物特 征时,用A或B干扰
6 落井下石 有些单词学生很容易理解不透彻或理解错误。此时 就用这种经常出现的错误的理解来干扰。
7 毫无关联 用文中没有出现过,但日常生活认为有关的东西来干扰。
8 过程选择 文章介绍了某一个过程的几个步骤。问某个步骤的内容是什 么时,用其他步骤的内容来干扰。
2. All the following statements are not true EXCEP...
3. The statements made by the writer (author) are based on evidence (example, fact...)
4. Which of the following statements is false (not correct, not true), according to the passage?
theme of the passage? 15. What topic is treated in this passage? 16. The passage states (illustrates, discusses,
deals with, is concerned about, describes…
1 阅读时把握住“谁在干什么” 2 努力把所获得的信息连接起来,形成一个信息总体。把树木
放到森林中去看。 3 如果发现突然“断电”时,不要害怕浪费时间,一定要回头 重
新阅读,把丢失的部分找回,并连成一体。 4 一边阅读一边在脑海中画一个文章结构的框架图,搞清楚每